Error vast 2 act

Pop 'Em If You Got 'Em.
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Pop ‘Em If You Got ‘Em.

Ellsee Desperation.gif
It is here that the most important character in our story makes herself known.


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671 Pages


Intermission 1


Intermission 2 Side 1

The second act of Vast Error is entitled Pop ‘Em If You Got ‘Em. from the Vast Error adventure map. It primarily follows the secrets and slowly unraveling mystery of who Ellsee Raines is along with following Arcjec’s plight as he is introduced to the concepts of The Game within the Land of Mirage and Monochrome. It also introduces the second half of the twelve main trolls with a major side focus on the casts entry into The Medium.


Click the «DCRC icon.png» to open the page from Vast Error.
  • DCRC icon.png EO is introduced as Ellsee Raines, though the scenes with her are set ‘in the past.’ .
  • DCRC icon.png Ellsee apparently committing arson is revealed.
  • DCRC icon.png Ellsee suddenly gets a message from ME.
  • DCRC icon.png Ellsee answers ME’s messages. He apologizes for not responding sooner and then discusses about the possible breakthrough in his work.
  • DCRC icon.png Feeling lonely and needing some reassurance, Ellsee reaches out to Arcjec, who’s still in his hive, asking whether she’s likable or not.
  • DCRC icon.png Ellsee decides to visit Arcjec’s hive once more in hopes of meeting him and finally introducing herself properly.
  • DCRC icon.png In the present, Ellsee arrives at Arcjec’s hive way too late, as his hive is in shambles but bizarrely mostly intact, with Arcjec nowhere to be found.
  • DCRC icon.png Ellsee quickly searches for any living creature/troll inside the hive. She sees Arcjec’s lusus, frantically screaming and searching for Arcjec.
  • DCRC icon.png Ellsee checks out the computer and sees the memo Murrit created and had intended to exclude her from.
  • DCRC icon.png Ellsee messages Murrit for answers, but he coldly tells her that he knows that she cannot be trusted, and for everyone else’s sake, that she should get lost.
  • DCRC icon.png Arcjec awakes on a gray platform inscribed with the Breath symbol, floating in a blank, stark white void. He recalls the previous happenings and the recent events.
  • DCRC icon.png The powerful winds seen during Arcjec’s entry appears once again and in a powerful convergence of wind, it transforms before Arcjec into an unknown creature, in a form of a flash animation.
  • DCRC icon.png Arcjec—terrified and bewildered after the mayhem that led up to his entrance into the game—laughs hysterically at the sight of his denizen, which the denizen imitates awkwardly.
  • DCRC icon.png The unknown creature introduces as Zehanpuryu, the Denizen of Breath, the game and its purpose, pledging himself as Arcjec’s guide. He also states that he’s the Bard of Breath and beckons to find him again when he is stronger.
  • DCRC icon.png Zehanpuryu transforms into a gust of wind and inserts himself within the Breath platform and changes the blank planet around them into the newly formed Land of Mirage and Monochrome, the first planet of the 12 trolls to be seen.
  • DCRC icon.png The perspective switches to a scene wherein someone performs a revitalization experiment on a deceased troll, with partial success.
  • DCRC icon.png The experiment revitalizes but the troll remains unintelligent and aggressive, forcing solemnly to eliminate the troll and mark the current experiment as a failure.
  • DCRC icon.png ME is introduced as Occeus Coliad.
  • DCRC icon.png Occeus checks out his computer, seeing Ellsee had send a message and responds to her.
  • DCRC icon.png Ellsee informs him about her failing in meeting Arcjec personally, the memo in which she’s excluded and the game they’re about to play. She also informs that he’s going to work with Calder within the Game.
  • DCRC icon.png Outraged at the necessity of leaving the planet, Occeus messages GS and demands an explanation.
  • DCRC icon.png White Noise explains the Repitonian Romance. It also shows the current type of romance the casts are in.
  • DCRC icon.png The perspective changes back to Arcjec, now surveying his new surroundings as he was suddenly approached by one of his consorts.
  • DCRC icon.png Arcjec checks on the fodder and is being messaged by Ellsee and Taz. Wanting to avoid Taz, he instead answers Ellsee and she tells him that she knows more about the game.
  • DCRC icon.png He begrudgingly answers Taz’s messages next, who harshly urges him to tell her if he’s still alive.
  • DCRC icon.png He talks to one of his consorts, accidentally naming him «Guy». Guy tells him to prepare a weapon as he’s bound to encounter to face some enemies on his journey.
  • DCRC icon.png Taz and Laivan team up to work on her own codes.
  • DCRC icon.png Ellsee creates a memo and it ends up in a disaster as Murrit, Taz and GS left and the whole memo goes off topic.
  • DCRC icon.png Taz and Laivan bicker as to why she acted horribly in the memo as the meteor continues to come closer.
  • DCRC icon.png Taz’s lusus, overwhelmed by its desire to return to its natural aquatic habitat, jumps into The Black Depths as Taz overdrives her chucklevoodooschucklevoodoos.
  • DCRC icon.png Taz realizes that her lusus’ blood reveals the location of the codes, which had been in the rocks beneath the cliffs by her hive. She and Laivan started inputting their own codes.
  • DCRC icon.png Taz tries to unleashed her denizen, with the help of her Ferocity Weaver.
  • DCRC icon.png The denizen quickly enters the portal as Taz follows suit.
  • DCRC icon.png The denizen of Rage, Azbogah, quickly berates Taz for a lot of reasons and quickly ends the conversation after it is made clear that she doesn’t like her.
  • DCRC icon.png Laivan begins preparing his own entry with Murrit as his server player. He asks why he left Ellsee’s memo.
  • DCRC icon.png GS is introduced as Calder Kerian.
  • DCRC icon.png Calder traverse in the corridor as he makes his way to the Grand Fairway, in a form of flash animation. Portraits of his former friends and quadrants are shown.
  • DCRC icon.png Calder arrives at the Grand Fairway as he admires the obstacles.
  • DCRC icon.png Calder gets a messages from Occeus and engages in a conversation, which was previously shown. He then ends it and plays a game of golf while a meteor heads straight to an unknown location
  • DCRC icon.png Laivan and his lusus, Mutt, race against the clock.
  • DCRC icon.png Albion confronts the silhouette in front of her as she introduces herself as The Exemplar, Albion’s ancestor. She then gives her visions of the past and future and warns not to trust White Noise and to keep Ellsee out of the game.
  • DCRC icon.png As Albion’s emotions quickly turns violent, The Exemplar was killed by her ex-followers.
  • DCRC icon.png Albion’s lusus, the Star Guardian, instructs her to return to her world as they will become one with the all-mother and be truly free.
  • DCRC icon.png Albion and her lusus bid farewell to each other as they go on to their own paths.
  • DCRC icon.png Albion decides to message SA and apologizes for not replying to her messages sooner and no longer wants the position.
  • DCRC icon.png Dismas Mersiv wakes up at the bottom of the canyon, alive and heavily injured.
  • DCRC icon.png Boobdrone, now controlled by Murrit, hovers overs at the now injured Dismas.
  • DCRC icon.png Murrit places Dismas on the other side of the canyon as Dismas states that he officially out of commission as he was heavily injured.
  • DCRC icon.png Attempting to make Dismas feel better, he calls FF, as she frantically demands where Dismas is.
  • DCRC icon.png Dismas comforts FF as Murrit tells him that he’s ready to enter the Game. Dismas flips out.
  • DCRC icon.png Murrit lifts up Dismas onto the cart as he sets the carrier to the max speed and proceeds to MELT TRACK as the perspective changes to an unknown character.
  • DCRC icon.png PD is introduced as Serpaz Helilo.
  • DCRC icon.png Serpaz is suddenly messaged by an unknown troll after playing the cursed accordion as her mood quickly turns sour.
  • DCRC icon.png As Lefty sucks out the negative emotions out of Serpaz, the perspective switches to Edolon, eyeing the conversation with ease.
  • DCRC icon.png Derse is shown for the first time, as the new character is introduced as Jack Noir, formerly known as Scathing Sharper and is a part of a group of gritters known as the «Dead Shufflers». He currently picks up garbage as a punishment for his list of crimes.
  • DCRC icon.png A paper cup was thrown at him as he turns around to confront the culprit and get electrocuted as he tried to help someone.
  • DCRC icon.png Jack requested an assistance, only to get punched by Exonerated Executor, who’s basically the one in charge of keeping eye on Jack.
  • DCRC icon.png Jack is being dragged by EE and trying to escape remains to be futile. As he gets dragged, he stares at the trolls’ planets.
  • DCRC icon.png Arcjec reaches the checkpoint as Guy follows him. They see a fire up at a distance and quickly rans to the location and was horrified to see the town being attacked by a powerful shape-shifting monster known as a Shifter.
  • DCRC icon.png Two more colorful snakes, named Lady and Person, asks him for help as he freezes on his spot, not knowing what to do.
  • DCRC icon.png Arcjec is suddenly brought into a vision of a featureless white void and sees a younger version of himself, telling him that he can always leave. Arcjec questioned as he tells him that he’s been running away and not acting up for 2 sweeps.Kidjec tells him that it was never his problem to begin with and will only cause more suffering to the others.
  • DCRC icon.png Kidjec suddenly stops being his happy self and tells Arcjec what they wanted out of life was impossible and why they gave up their dreams. He also tells him of his past actions that led him and his friends as of what it is currently.
  • DCRC icon.png Kidjec screams at Arcjec again and again, telling him to leave as his nose started to bleed profusely as a reminder of his encounter with Taz on his 6th wriggling day as he doubles over.
  • DCRC icon.png Guy calls out to Arcjec as he snaps back to reality and promises to protect the consorts, preparing for the battle.
  • DCRC icon.png Arcjec engages in a battle with the Shifter, in a form of flash animation.
    • Arcjec throws a rock on the monster to get its attention and succeed but fuels its anger as the consorts hide behind a rock.
    • The surroundings changes, as Arcjec charges off to battle with little success in killing him. He then hides behind a large rock as he frantically thinks of a plan.
    • Dismas, still on the cart, jumps off when he realizes there’s a dead end and almost falls down on his death with FF screaming until Murrit catches him.
    • Murrit then hurls him inside as he saw his things messily sprawled on the floor until Murrit pushes him onto the ladder.
    • FF keep screaming at Murrit as he decides to end the call, leaving Dismas to prepping for Murrit’s entry.
    • Murrit sees his personal entry codes «through the static» as the flash switches to Taz exploring her planet.
    • The flash then switches to Laivan, finally meeting his denizen.
    • Ellsee receives a message from Calder and reacts in disgust.
    • Arcjec, sprawled on the grass with his strife specibus, gets up and once again fights off with the monster as he almost killed off the consorts.
    • Arcjec finally defeats the monster as the perspective changes to the new character.
  • DCRC icon.png SA is introduced as Sovara Amalie.
  • DCRC icon.png Sovara gets a message from Serpaz and discusses about the Game and her well-being.
  • DCRC icon.png After being called a «total angel» by Serpaz, Sovara had a flashback to her previous «caretaker», Dexous.
  • DCRC icon.png Sovara reads the latest translated scroll, which is all about (unbeknownst to her) the tales of four trolls sitting at a bonfire.
  • DCRC icon.png As the other trolls continued to drink, The Forgiven stares at the sky.
  • DCRC icon.png The Annalist asks The Vivifier for an another tale. The Vivifier gives in to her request.
  • DCRC icon.png The Vivifier tells a tale about a young king who goes to the village to learn about each of his every subject. He would always see the old woman tending to her persimmon tree and decided to ask her about it. The old woman gives him a fruit and eats it, liking the taste of the fruit. The woman tells him that she hasn’t eaten the fruit since she was a hatchling as the king questions her why. The old woman tells him that the tree she tends to belong to her former lover, who loved eating the fruit and is happy whenever she sees her smile. The king was touched by her answer and decided to protect it at all costs.
  • DCRC icon.png Her reading is suddenly interrupted by a rumbling sounds and investigates.
  • DCRC icon.png Murrit tries to enter the Game as he finds out that his lusus has died.
  • DCRC icon.png Two silhouettes, named Edolon and Weird Al, appeared on Murrit’s hive.
  • DCRC icon.png The Corporate is shown for the first time, as well as Hamifi and Sestro.
  • DCRC icon.png Albion contacts Dismas as they get ready to set up their codes and enter the Game.
  • DCRC icon.png Albion suddenly gets a message from Serpaz and Occeus. Albion responds to Occeus first.
  • DCRC icon.png Albion messaged Dismas again.
  • DCRC icon.png Serpaz checks up on Albion by messaging her.
  • DCRC icon.png Serpaz investigates the commotion and sees Edolon on her doorsteps.
  • DCRC icon.png Edolon managed to get inside and he and Serpaz proceed to engage in a heated discussion.
  • DCRC icon.png Serpaz’s hive is shown as the creatures destroy a chunk of it.
  • DCRC icon.png Dismas panics as he receives the favor he asked for. Weird Al suddenly appears on Dismas’ respiteblock.
  • DCRC icon.png As Dismas tries to figure out what just happened, Albion struggles fighting off the creatures as she gets a message again from Edolon, who is using Serpaz’s laptop.
  • DCRC icon.png Albion and Edolon engage in a discussion in which Edolon tells her that he wants to help them in enter the Game.
  • DCRC icon.png The Creatures help Albion and Dismas enter the Game by setting up their entry portals.
  • DCRC icon.png Weird Al kicks Dismas into his entry portal as Albion runs into her entry portal.
  • DCRC icon.png Dream!Albion wakes up on Prospit and decides to explore.
  • DCRC icon.png Dream!Albion sees Dream!Laivan and Dream!Arcjec and greets them as they catch up on Prospit.
  • DCRC icon.png Dream!Laivan explains the concept of the Dream Selves as he gives them a tour. Meanwhile, a Vigilant Protector sees a ship landing and is greeted by EE carrying Jack.
  • DCRC icon.png Ellsee had been chastised by her lusus as she tells her to go outside and tries not to scream when she had tons of broken Boobdrones carrying various weapon laying outside of her hive.
  • DCRC icon.png Ellsee answers Calder and starts bickering with him, in regards to him leaving the memo and each other’s past.
  • DCRC icon.png Ellsee and Calder reaches into an agreement as Calder detects a movement.
  • DCRC icon.png Laivan speaks to his denizen and recalls his story, the Green Sun and its essence.
  • DCRC icon.png Laivan’s planet, Land of Construct and Deluge, is revealed as Haniel guides him to The Cauldron and explains its purpose.
  • DCRC icon.png A voice coming behind from The Static asked White Noise about whether or not he likes his work.
  • DCRC icon.png The voice happens to be Lilith, the denizen of Life, questions him as to when he’s going to tell the trolls about his true identity. She also tells him his past mistakes.
  • DCRC icon.png FF is introduced as Jentha Briati and the last of the 12 main trolls to be introduced.
  • DCRC icon.png As Jentha is trying to watch Turnin’s video, Occeus’ message suddenly pops up.
  • DCRC icon.png Occeus seeks advice from Jentha, as Albion’s busy with her entry and Sovara busy hiding from the creatures as Jentha replies aggressively.
  • DCRC icon.png Occeus receives a transmission from Hamifi and tells him to submit or they will give him his payroll. Occeus then messages Jentha, saying that he may have finally «hit the ground».
  • DCRC icon.png The consorts celebrates Arcjec’s victory of taking down the monster as Arcjec tells them to stop cheering but quickly retracted his statements after seeing their sad faces.
  • DCRC icon.png Arcjec then receives his lists of accomplishments and a variety of Resources and asks the consorts as to where the actual checkpoint is. They lead him to the checkpoint, but not before he receives another prize, a Spider-Man 2 movie, from Bucko.
  • DCRC icon.png Arcjec arrives at the town square, when the fountain suddenly sprouts out a handful of confetti and a new character appears, introducing itself as Metatron. Metatron explains the additional mechanics of the Game as hands him a communicator.
  • DCRC icon.png Arcjec creates a new memo. It almost went smoothly until Murrit responds to the memo. A little banter between Murrit and Ellsee ensures until Murrit tells them that they don’t know they just brought with them.
  • DCRC icon.png Sova hides in the Sanitization Block as she reads Ellsee’s memo and gets a message from Occeus.
  • DCRC icon.png Serpaz frees herself from the Creatures’ grasp. Edolon shows Serpaz her personal entry codes and she attempts to fight him off.
  • DCRC icon.png Sovara and Jentha try to fight off the creatures. Jentha asks Occeus for help as her denizen, Af, suddenly appears.
  • DCRC icon.png Occeus is being dragged by the Game’s cursor, controlled by Calder, on the way out of his hive.
  • DCRC icon.png Ellsee questioned Calder’s actions in Arcjec’s memo as the Creatures slowly crawls towards him, carrying his personal entry codes.
  • DCRC icon.png Calder faces his own reflection as he sees the reflection of his former quadrants and friends. He then enters the portal.
  • DCRC icon.png Arcjec helps Ellsee have a conversation as he helps her set up the portal.
  • DCRC icon.png The Tutorial updates as Arcjec describes the situation. Ellsee tells him about the power she has.
  • DCRC icon.png Ellsee arrives at the Stronghold 21 as chaos ensues.
  • DCRC icon.png Rodere and Sestro discusses the current condition of Sestro’s ancestor, The Executive. The chaos continues as Ellsee tries to distract the crowd as Arcjec sets up the pillars.
  • DCRC icon.png Ellsee returns to her hive, and wallows.
  • DCRC icon.png Ellsee and Arcjec dances to a song, in a form of flash animation.
    • Tazsia stares at Arcjec on her communicator in disbelief.
    • White Noise stares at Ellsee at the television as he taps his finger to the beat.
  • DCRC icon.png Arcjec controls the Game’s cursor as he make his way to his hive and gives Ellsee his Replica Replica Modus. He and Ellsee keeps working on Ellsee’s entry.
  • DCRC icon.png Murrit argues with Metatron about Ellsee’s entry as Murrit’s planet/land, The Land of Wave and Record, is shown. He also explains to Metatron what Ellsee did to make him dislike her.
  • DCRC icon.png A series of colorful yet painful graphics of the 12 main trolls, as well as a few other characters, are shown in a flash titled [S] WHAT DID YOU DO TO THEM.
  • DCRC icon.png Ellsee, along with the remaining main cast entering through the Game, is encompassed in a flash animation titled [S] Ellsee: Enter. .
    • The animation starts off with Murrit and Metatron, who flies near Murrit before proceeding to flash an image of Ellsee in his eye.
    • Ellsee goes through a series of portals as Arcjec helps set down the pillars in their respective locations.
    • Taz kills a monster and afterwards one of her consorts, a scorpion, hands her a winding key.
    • Laivan wanders around as his lusus, Mutt, guides him to an unknown building.
    • Ellsee arrives in the Northern Wastes, where a group of lusii proceed to circle around her. Arcjec saves her by dropping a pillar which she activates. She then leaves through another portal.
    • Ellsee arrives at the Kenede Spaceport, where an abandoned spacecraft is seen.
    • The scene changes to a blank platform inscribed with the Mind symbol, floating in a blank, stark white void as a portal suddenly appears and Dismas flies out and lands harshly on the platform. His denizen appears and the two started bickering.
    • The denizen shows him the previous happenings such as: (1) the Green Sun, (2) the Cauldron and the Magnum Opus, (3) the Medium and (4) Edolon along with Weird Al, as Dismas is transported in an unknown location.
    • Albion is shown next, staring at her denizen as she gazes on the structure of her planet. The blank platform is inscribed with the Hope symbol. It suddenly fills up with color, presumably because of her denizen.
    • Serpaz fights off Edolon but gets distracted by seeing that Lefty is captured by the creatures, and Edolon proceeds to use this opportunity to push her through her entry portal, leaving Lefty behind.
    • Ellsee arrives at the Bizkantine Ruins and she climbs up to an unknown building and stares at the place with glee, with Arcjec placing the pillar on its position.
    • Sovara, now outside of her hive with her lusus and one of the scrolls sprawled on the grass, is searching for something. A heart-shape with wings flies straight to her, opened up like a cabinet. It holds many different heart-shaped pendants inside, and Sova stares at them for a bit before pointing to one.
    • The Game’s cursor (presumably controlled by Jentha) proceeds to hand her the pendant that was pointed to. It’s filled with pink essence that, after a moment, gushes out and shows Jentha with her denizen.
    • Jentha, now being guided by her denizen, walks around the abandoned town as Af sets up Jentha’s entry portal and prompts to follow her. Jentha then enters the portal and ends up in an unknown location that is presumably her land.
    • The scene now switches to Occeus as his lusus devours the dead creatures, as the Game’s cursor (controlled by Calder) sets down a pillar. Occeus deals with the buzzing in the back of his mind again and sees his personal entry codes.
    • Occeus grabs his strife specibus and slices up the cross. The broken structure lands down on his hive and destroys it. He is then grabbed by the Game’s cursor as he, along with his assistant Rogi, walk towards his entry portal.
    • Ellsee enters portal-upon-portal as she activates another pillar and opens another portal.
    • Calder, in a very dark area, is approached by four swans.
    • The gateways/another set of portals line up one by one, connecting each and every planet and into the Incipisphere, except for Arcjec’s.
    • As Ellsee is about to enter the portal, her staff sprouts out a green essence and transforms into the denizen of Life, Lilith, as the pillars glow up.
    • In Stronghold 21, Sestro and Hamifi stare up at the pillar as the symbol engraved on Sestro’s hand starts to light up.
    • Turnin, who’s jumping using a pogo stick, stares at the sky.
    • Racren Innali is shown, presumably in space, and stares at the scenario as the meteor approaches Repiton.
    • Lilith prompts Ellsee to enter the portal. After a moment, she runs right into it.
    • The meteor enters a portal and heads straight to the Incipisphere instead, causing an explosion to occur behind the trolls’ planet, Repiton, and presumably brings it into an unknown location, ending the [S] Ellsee: Enter flash animation.
  • DCRC icon.png The perspective switches to The Static as the television shows the complete entry of the twelve (12) trolls, ending the Act 2.
v·d·e Vast Error Acts
Act 1: «Slow, Yet Infinite.»
Intermission 1: «Hello Again.»
Act 2: «Pop ‘Em If You Got ‘Em.»
Intermission 2 Side 1: «Guess My Name.» Intermission 2 Side 2

Act 3 Act 1


  1. Laivan ferro vast error
  2. Vast Error: Act 1
  3. Laivan Ferroo
  4. Contents
  5. Biography
  6. Six Sweeps
  7. Pre-Game
  8. During the game
  9. Personality and traits
  10. Relationships
  11. Serpaz Helilo
  12. Arcjec Voorat
  13. Murrit Turkin
  14. Sovara Amalie
  15. Albion Shukra
  16. Ellsee Raines
  17. Occeus Coliad
  18. Calder Kerian
  19. White Noise

Laivan ferro vast error

Your name is LAIVAN FERROO.

You were born with a RARE AND QUITE SEVERE LUNG CONDITION, due to a mishap in your REDUPLICATION PROCESS — your lungs are a few sizes TOO SMALL, which makes it hard for you to string long sentences together or partake in any sort of intense physical activity.

ACUTE LACK OF BREATH is a very serious issue to you.

Not that this stops you from giving those ventures a shot regardless. In fact, you spend a majority of your time hunting BIG GAME with your trusty custodian, MUTT. You like to think of yourself as quite the SHARPSHOOTER, when it comes down to it — if not in terms of raw gun-toting skills, then at least in the total positive net-worth of your firing attempts.

Which is to say, you’ve had a number of HORRIBLE ACCIDENTS involving your RIFLE and stray BULLETS, but one of those incidents ended up changing your life for the better — significantly so, considering it led to you meeting a very SPECIAL SOMEONE, and you’re both far happier for it. Or so her preferred method of framing the situation goes.

You also enjoy performing TAXIDERMY on the animals you take home, turning them into STATUES, TROPHIES and ASSORTED KNICK KNACKS which you then SELL ONLINE FOR A LIVING. You’re not sure why anyone is interested in buying the stuff you make — it’s all just for fun — but hey, you’re not going to say no to financial compensation. Especially when you’re always running out of glue.

Oh, and you’re pretty avidly into KNOT TYING, you guess. Just as a fun pastime. You’re TERRIBLY BAD AT IT and just end up leaving a majority of the tangles you make lying in the corner over there.

Other than that, you enjoy GAMING with your friends. You’re personally more into the classic titles than any of the fancy new releases that have been consistently pumped out in recent sweeps — call you old school, but the notion of a virtual simulation WARPING REALITY AROUND YOU kind of freaks you out a little. As such, even though you DID rank at the top of the leaderboards in a game of this nature with an OLD FRIEND, the aging ANTHROPORMUNICIPALITY remains a big guilty pleasure of yours to this day.

The message it tries to hammer into everyone’s skulls doesn’t really stick the landing when it’s coupled with a polygonal mess of multicolored, vaguely lusii-like player avatars glitching all over the place.

And that’s exactly why you love it so much. The hamfisted, poor presentation has a certain lo-fi charm to it, you think.

Your trolltag is windlessArtificer and you Speak in a measured way that lets you breathe- when it’s needed-


Vast Error: Act 1

Please, bear with the gaps until it is time for them to be appropriately filled.
This page has missing content or no content at all! Beef it up with some information before it is lost to the void.

This young troll stands in his respiteblock. It just so happens that today, the 22nd bi-lunar perigee of the 3rd dark season’s equinox, is the day of this indicated troll’s larval awakening, also known as his wriggling day. A night that stands out in infamy among the rest of the litter, mainly just because of the fact that it really doesn’t need to exist.

The first act of Vast Error is titled Slow, Yet Infinite. The act is an introduction to half of the main twelve trolls with a primary focus on Arcjec Voorat. It begins the world building of the planet Repiton, while setting up the idea of what major actions are needed to enter The Game and what importance the cast will hold in the future.

Click the » » to open the page from Vast Error.

  • The first troll is introduced as Arcjec Voorat and goes with the troll tag animatedHumorist.
  • Someone threw a rock on Arcjec’s respiteblock, presumably trying to get his attention.
  • Arcjec investigates the sound and panics after he didn’t see anything or anyone suspicious on the outside of his respiteblock.
  • Arcjec tries to hide under his desk when he suddenly gets a message from WA.
  • Skorpe, a major means of communication Vast Error, is introduced. Arcjec’s friends are seen in his contact list as it follows: sanguineAllegory, gigantisDebilitation, furbishFacilitated, existereOracle, demiugreQuantified, pliableDecadence, windlessArtificer, macabreExude, perniciousOverkill, unclapsedKahuna and grandioseSaturation.
  • WA messages Arcjecs and asked him for two things: if he wanted to join Anthromunicipality with him and UK and if he has any spare glue. Arcjec declines the offer and tells him that he doesn’t have any glue.
  • Arcjec investigates the surroundings when he suddenly fell out of the window and wallows in a pool of mud. The perspective tries to change to WA, but is busy as of the moment.
  • The perspective changes to PO, introduced as Taz. Just Taz.
  • Taz is suddenly messaged by UK and explains to her about the Game and wanting all of his friends including her ,to play with. UK also explains that to play the game, she has to contact Arcjec, which she refuses and then ceases messaging UK.
  • Taz investigates the sound coming from the outside of her hive and sees that her lusus had killed a troll and is impaled on stalactite peaking out of the ocean neighboring the hive.
  • Arcjec wakes up from his dream with another drawing in his hand
  • The perspective switches to DQ, introduced as Albion Shukra.
  • Albion suddenly gets a message from her moirail, which happens to be Taz. She opens her Spirograph Modus, retrieved her Astral Projector and activates it using her spirit powers. It can also electronically access The Cell.
  • She activates the Skorpe and answers Taz, who was explaining about her previous conversations with UK. Albion tells her she doesn’t have an idea about it and instead mentions that she has big plans today.
  • Albion tells her that she’ll be the one to save her and her friends and that the world is ending, which Taz accepts. She then ends the conversation and calls out to her lusus, ready to merge with it.
  • The Star Guardian, Albion’s lusus, tells her that their planet was meant for destruction and not for salvation.
  • The perspective changes to GD, who is introduced as Dismas Mersiv.
  • Dismas receives a message from his «partner-in-crime», which happens to be UK, who tells him to need to go outside and tonight was important as UK tries to save his friends from an impending doom and bring the Game into light.
  • Dismas encounters one of UK’s remote surveillance robots, Boobdrone, and is underwhelmed by it.
  • Dismas still doesn’t believe in UK until he points out to the sky, a falling meteor heading to the planet.
  • The perspective switches back to Albion for a moment before switching back to Dismas, who looks up to his lusus who had recently escaped as he prepares to attack.
  • UK is introduced as Murrit Turkin.
  • Murrit fondly regards of his past self.
  • The narrator vaguely mentions the concept of Quadrants, which depicts four types of romance with their own symbol as it follows:
    • Matespritships/Flushed Quadrant ( )
    • Moirallegiances/Pale Quadrant ( <> )
    • Kismesissitudes/Caliginous Quadrant ( )
    • Auspisticisms/Ashen Quadrant ( c3 )

The shiloutte of The Vivifier and The Unknown/The Forgiven appears.

  • Murrit checks back on Dismas, who was apparently still attacking his lusus and briefly checks on ME.
  • Murrit receives a message from WA and GS. He answers WA first, conversing about the coming events of the night.
  • Murrit answers GS next, which is about the night’s event but with a terse and unpleasant tone on it.
  • The narrative switches to the Dream Self of WA (referred as «The Blue Dog», who’s doing a round of delivering news in Prospit, one of the two kingdoms in the Incipisphere. It also vaguely explains the history of the two kingdoms: Prospit and Derse.
  • WA decides to visit the Dream Self of Arcjec.
  • Before WA exits the premises, the perspective changes to an unknown location and a new character appears.
  • WA and the new character discusses about the purpose of the Game and its existence. The new character hands him the medallion with the Green Sun on it.
  • WA finds himself unable to breath and the new character uses his abilities to send him away. The television switches to the sleeping figure of WA.
  • WA is introduced as Laivan Ferroo and retrieves the Green Sun on his desk.
  • Laivan receives a message from PD and discusses Murrit’s plan for the night, which also happened to be their anniversary.
  • Albion reaches out to Laivan, who’s unfortunately away from his computer.
  • Albion receives a message from SA.
  • Albion is then thrust back into her vision with her lusus and demands an explanation.
  • An unknown person possessed Albion’s body and messages Dismas, who apparently retreated in a nearby hideaway by the waterfall and wasn’t aware of Albion being possessed.
  • The unknown person warns Dismas to not «follow credence of the man who spins words like yarn» and to stop «the limeblooded vessel to his heart», leaving Dismas deeply confused and concerned for his friend.
  • The perspective switches back to Murrit, who ventures to the Frog Temple and appears to be bloodied as a result of the traps he set beforehand.
  • Murrit approaches the temple’s time capsule flower and waits for it to open
  • Murrit receives a message from Laivan, who’s concerned for Albion after receiving a panicked messages from her.
  • The flower opens and in a burst of light, twelve rays shoot off in a variety of directions and towards everyone’s computers, forcefully installing the game in the process.
  • Taz angrily messages Murrit, saying that he tampered with her computer, which he quickly denies.
  • Taz tries to figure out the game mechanics when she sees Arcjec who’s passed out on the floor covered in crumpled up parchment. She decides to message him.
  • Arcjec wakes up and sees the game’s cursor, which drags him to his computer.
  • Arcjec inspects the game mechanics and opens Skorpe
  • Arcjec opens Taz’s messages and begins bickering with her, whilst opening Murrit’s memo.
  • He dismisses the memo and Taz forces him to look out his window and look at the meteor hurtling towards his hive.
  • Arcjec begrudgingly agrees to work with Taz and the two of them begin working to unravel the secrets of The Game.
  • Arcjec realizes the symbols he has been writing in his sleep since he was young are connected to the game and begins inputting them.
  • The television, still on Arcjec’s perspective, suddenly glitches as the unknown narrator speaks up.
  • The glitching stops, as Arcjec and Taz inputs their own set of codes in the game window.
  • Arcjec prints out the numeric codes.
  • Arcjec grabs his scythe and allocates it as his strife specibus. He too then takes the book on top of his thermal hull and captchalogues it in his Replica Modus.
  • Arcjec and Taz bickers once again and this time, it’s about their past.
  • The narrator vaguely states the fate of the twelve main trolls.
  • The end of Act 1 encompasses a flash animation.


Laivan Ferroo

Knight of Space

Does not use periods, suffixes every message with «-«.

Laivan Ferroo, also known by his Skorpe handle, windlessArtificer , is one of the trolls in Vast Error. His associated alchemic sigil is Zinc and his horns resemble dog ears. He is a deconstruction of the «furry» and «unoriginal» fantroll archetypes.

He was the sixth troll introduced and the final troll properly introduced in Act 1. As a Space player, he is one of the two players meant to usher The Game to its players along with the session’s Time player.

He was the third troll to enter the game.



Six Sweeps

Laivan used to play SBVRPRPG tournament games with Calder and Arcjec, and they all used to be good friends. This stopped after Arcjec started to become more depressed and distant.

At some point, Laivan met and accidentally shot Serpaz in the leg during a hunting trip. This encounter would leave Serpaz permanently disabled and reliant on a leg brace, but would also lead the two to form a strong matespritship.

It was around this time that Laivan met and made a deal with White Noise with the condition that he will return at a later date and fulfill an obligation for him. Upon making this deal, Laivan awoke on the moon of Prospit and became a well-recognized figure on the moon. Eventually spending his nights getting newspapers to give to Arcjec upon his awakening so he isn’t left in the dark about the dream planet.


On the night of the game, Laivan spends much of his time goofing around and playing Anthropormuncipality with Murrit. He messages Arcjec, asking him if he wants to join in as well, which Arcjec declines. During their game, Murrit wanders off to mess with Dismas and prepare him for the coming night, before going off to the Frog Temple next to his hive to observe the Nightshade within it. Before he leaves, Murrit makes a memo regarding the game and includes everyone (except Ellsee) in it.

Meanwhile, Laivan takes a nap, waking up on Prospit, as he’s done ever since he made a contract with White Noise. He visits Arcjec, who has yet to wake up. He delivers another Prospitian newspaper to Arcjec’s dreamself, in hopes that once he wakes up, he can easily be caught up on being a Prospit dreamer. Laivan quietly wishes that Arcjec had woken up sooner, wondering if he might have been a happier person if he did. As he gives a reassuring pap to Arcjec’s dreamself, the dreamself glitches out briefly, momentarily turning into his younger, less-depressed self. Laivan is freaked out by this.

He is then intercepted by White Noise and taken into The Static. The two speak for a time and reflect on the purpose of the game and its existence, and how the trolls are destined to play it but are ultimately destined to fail to meet its purpose. Noise notes that their destined failure does not necessarily mean they will be faced with inevitable defeat. They also reflect on why Laivan took Noise’s deal, with Laivan simply stating that the deal would give him a purpose. White Noise then gives Laivan the essence of his soul: a medallion with the Green Sun contained within, telling him that he must return it to its source for the sake of the perpetuation of reality. As Laivan puts on the Green Sun medallion, he finds himself unable to breathe, and White Noise uses his abilities to send Laivan away.

Laivan is then awoken by his dog lusus: Mutt. After making sure he still has the medallion, he answers a message from his matesprit: Serpaz Helilo. The two lovers discuss Murrit’s plans for the night and the fact that it happened to be their anniversary. Serpaz light-heartedly brings up how she and Laivan first met when he accidentally shot her in the leg and left her with a permanent handicap, which makes Laivan visibly uncomfortable, despite Serpaz not being mad about the accident anymore. When the conversation ends, Laivan goes to find some glue to fix his dog’s toy. As he is away from his desk, he receives a set of panicked messages from Albion, who had recently learned a distressing truth from her lusus.

When Laivan returns, he is unable to get a hold of Albion, and messages Murrit instead, voicing his concern for Albion’s well-being and letting Murrit know he met with White Noise. After the Nightshade opens, which leads to the installation of The Game on everyone’s computers. Laivan and Murrit play more Anthropomunicipality in celebration and do a fake high five.

After Arcjec enters the game, Laivan is seen helping Taz with her entry. The two struggled to find Taz’s code set of codes while Laivan continues to play more Anthropomunicipality with Murrit, which infuriates Taz. The two are abruptly pulled into a memo made by Ellsee, who wishes to share her own knowledge of the game in response to being excluded from Murrit’s. Laivan is grateful for the prospect of help, but Taz behaves incredulously when she sees that Laivan wasting time with banter. When Taz leaves the memo in a huff, he chides her for burning bridges when they could have used the help. Suddenly, when Taz’s back is turned, Taz’s lusus succumbs to her natural instincts and jumps into the black ocean depths that neighbor Taz’s hive. The large mink monster is very swiftly eaten alive by the deadly fauna below, and its blood reveals the location of Taz’s code: in the rocks at the edge of the cliff, hidden by the murky black water. As Taz goes into a grief-driven rage, Laivan asks if Taz is okay, and Taz makes it clear that she does not want to talk about it and that they should move on.

Taz and Laivan make quick work of the entry process, and when it comes time for Taz to unleash her denizen, she has Laivan to put the rusted and locked cage, her Paragon Repository, in her Torture Fort so that she can go against it on her own terms. Despite trying everything in her power to destroy the cage, as it has a lock with no key, she is forced to ask Laivan for help to fetch her Ferocity Weaver which she left outside in the rush. Laivan obliges and gives it to her, and Taz uses it to channel the full power of her rage and chucklevoodoo to destroy the cage and unleash her denizen. The release of her frustrations on the cage calms Taz back down in the process. The denizen quickly enters the portal and Taz follows suit.

After Taz’s entry, Laivan begins preparing for his own, with Murrit as his server player. Laivan questions why Murrit left Ellsee’s memo, clearly upset about how poorly she is treated. Murrit doesn’t provide an answer, only telling Laivan that he has his reasons and he should trust him. Murrit then begins the entry process.

During the game

After Laivan entered The Game, he spoke to the denizen of Space, Haniel, about his life and asked Haniel about whether or not they know about White Noise. After the conversation, the Land of Construct and Deluge was formed as Haniel prompts Laivan to follow them. As they explore the planet, they came across a temple wherein The Cauldron was located and Haniel vaguely explained its true purpose to the Game.

Personality and traits

Laivan is a passive but sociable troll who seems to get along with just about anyone. He is generally very laid back and is somewhat easily distracted. Among Laivan’s interests are sharpshooting, taxidermy, playing video games and dogs. If trolls had a concept of furries, Laivan would be one, due to his love and frequent association with dog-like creatures. This further established by his love of drawing original characters based on dogs, he has two as far as we know; one named Figment and one named Abel.

Having a severe lung condition after a malfunction in his artificial birthing process, Laivan’s capabilities and choices with what he does in life are inherently limited. However, this doesn’t appear to bother him much and makes due with the help of his friends and his beloved dog-lusus, Mutt.

At some point in his youth, Laivan made a deal with White Noise to fulfill some sort of obligation related to the perpetuation of reality. In matters related to these obligations, Laivan tends to take things much more seriously but also gets somewhat impatient. In his conversation with White Noise, Laivan admits that he doesn’t really know what he wants out of life and that he largely took White Noise’s deal out of a desire for purpose. In the same conversation, Noise characterizes Laivan as pragmatic, caring and constantly listless.


Serpaz Helilo

Laivan and Serpaz are matesprits and appear to be as close as two can be. The two met two sweeps prior to the night of The Game when Laivan accidentally shot Serpaz in the leg during a hunting excursion, which left Serpaz permanently unable to use that leg without a cane or brace. Apparently, they fell in love within the night due to this accident, the absurdity of which is something that does not elude them. Serpaz is evidentially more comfortable with making light of the accident than Laivan is, for obvious reasons.

Arcjec Voorat

Laivan isn’t bothered by Arcjec’s cantankerous personality and sardonic demeanor but considers him to be a generally sad person. The two appear to be good friends and their relationship appears to be one of Arcjec’s least tumultuous ones. They potentially share some sort of deeper connection, as Laivan frequently visits Arcjec’s sleeping dreamself on Prospit and Arcjec’s pants match Laivan’s blood color.

Murrit Turkin

Murrit is one of Laivan’s closest friends, with the two sharing a passion for Anthropormuncipality and a destiny in leading everyone to play the game they recovered from the Frog Temple. Laivan is one of the few trolls who aren’t put off by Murrit’s bizarre quirks and even jokingly calls him out on it. Murrit is often more honest around Laivan in turn and does not seem to harass him as harshly as some others, even though he isn’t free from it either.

Sovara Amalie

Sova is an old friend of Laivan and Serpaz, but they seem to have fallen out of touch with her prior to the events of the Game. The couple appears to be quite fond of and protective of Sova, apparently having saved her from something in the past and possibly made her a place to stay.

Albion Shukra

Although their relationship has not been elaborated on, Albion and Laivan appear to be on good terms and do message one another enough to where Albion feels comfortable in asking Laivan for help. He is visibly worried when she messages him in a panic and he is unable to get a response afterward.

Ellsee Raines

Laivan and Ellsee are longtime friends, and the two are on amicable terms. Laivan is very upset when people mistreat her and belittle her, and is willing to come to her defense when others put her down or ignore her.

Occeus Coliad

Laivan and Occeus are work colleagues; Laivan stitches up corpses that Occeus finds for the sake of his revitalization experiments.

Taz does not enjoy speaking to Laivan very much due to their naturally opposite personalities. She is put off by his simple demeanor and nonchalance, finding it frustrating especially when his attention is away from the subject at hand. She compares talking to him to talking to a brick wall.

Laivan seems to be more or less neutral towards Taz despite not having the words to describe her, but isn’t above getting frustrated with her when she is being unreasonable, as most people are.

Calder Kerian

Calder and Laivan were once friends in their youth, but that doesn’t appear to be the case anymore.

White Noise

White Noise appears to have a fatherly affinity for Laivan. White Noise tries to provide guidance and support to the young troll and has stated that Laivan and his friends are capable of much more than he might believe. Laivan appears to be comfortable with him and clearly respects his guidance, although he does think he rambles on too much.

The two have made a deal, the conditions of which leave White Noise beholden to serve and assist Laivan, while Laivan promises to help bring about The Game and care for the propagation of reality. This deal is what allowed Laivan to awaken on Prospit.


So this is a long one, so long that I don’t really feel that I can talk about every single aspect within these three posts without either repeating something that either I or somebody else has already said. So I’m going to kind of half-cherrypick the bits that I feel provide new information that I can comment or expand on further. Please take my responses to others thus far in consideration with this one.

Admittedly, a lot of these questions felt a bit rhetorical, like there wasn’t really much to be stated with it. This isn’t taking the piss out of you, but it does make reading these posts kind of hard to navigate in terms of where the actual point lies. Let it be known that I’m trying my best, here.

burnt2ashleys wrote: ↑

Tue Nov 19, 2019 12:44 pm

So, why, then, is the story subscribing to Homestuck’s style when there is no reason for such limitation, and the story would so greatly benefit from changing it (and here I remind you that this would also solve the dissonant lusii/denizen designs, killing a multitude of birds with a pebble)?

You sort of said it yourself, and while I have explained the intricacies of why VE’s art is the way it is in some manners earlier in the thread. The question still reamins of why we confine ourselves to this general style when there is really no need for us to do so and we have since proven that we can do much more? There’s a long answer and a short answer for this but I’m pretty sure that I’m going to be doing a lot of typing here so I’m going to opt for the shorter answer.

From the very update you took that picture from, it’s disjointed styllistically to an off-putting degree. All at the service of an eternal guardian’s power and the view of a television set. Why do you suppose this is? Even Homestuck itself has a fluid art form, taking to Andrew’s whims. Granted them being ANDREW’S whims is an important distinction, but within Homestuck itself these styles have been noted as being «symbolic renderings». It may very well be the case, that the use of this style falls under similar circumstances. That what we currently view the comic as is not how things ACTUALLY ARE, but how we are «meant to be seeing» them. But that choice wasn’t made by you. It’s something to consider moving forward.

burnt2ashleys wrote: ↑

Tue Nov 19, 2019 6:54 pm

Why trolls? A simple question, for sure, but let’s elaborate. As far as I’ve ascertained, there has been no unique characteristic of the Homestuck trolls that has been needed for Vast Error. The design could have been swapped out, the race’s name changed, and I’m almost sure that this wouldn’t have impacted the story and its themes or message. Alternian trolls’ most discerning characteristics are the designs (which are easily recognizable thanks to Andrew’s artistic skills), and its society, which yields unique dynamics between characters, the former which isn’t needed here (hence the question), and the latter is null given the setting is built from the ground up (more on that in a bit). Other characteristics, like quadrants, dynamics between castes and psionics are also reworked, so why still take from Homestuck when there is more benefit to be found in originality (both in the story as well as its art)?

Trolls were chosen because it gives an accessible idea for those who associate themselves with Homestuck to jump onto, while also allowing us a frame of reference to change and work into our own work and the isolated universe they are the only current inhabitants of. VE is a commentary on Homestuck and the ideas and works of itself and Homestuck’s fanbase. So taking what was at the time one of the most malleable aspects of the comic, as well as undoubtedly the most popular, and utilizing them for our own benefit was a no-brainer. Not doing this at least to some extent would pretty much undermine the entire operation. We could have used fankids or cherubs, but trolls are objectively the reason people came to this comic in droves.

We could have also gone for a completely original species, or we could have stuck to the Alternian framework, but frankly these are characters made from the basis of fantroll tropes. Changing them into something besides trolls kind of defeats the purpose of even doing an MSPA at all with this idea in play. And if we wanted to stick to the Alternian frame, there’s more than enough of that floating around in a sea of canonical and dubiously canonical official work. Not to mention there is a lot of ideas with trolls that frankly don’t come to pass, especially when you consider how many ideas that fans (including us) have had about them over the years that were simply never right to begin with, or were never expanded upon or integrated in a meaningful way. Repiton, while fundamentally different, allows another way to look at the species and what it could have been. We even run with the joke that trolls are «nothing but gray humans» that people have claimed pretty much since forever.

Also, Beforus DID exist, so it’s not like the concept is ENTIRELY new either. We just crank it up a notch or twelve.

The second point I’d like to address is the setting: 50000 people? Really? That’s less than most population centers on Earth! That’s not enough inhabitants to do anything! Really, I don’t think advanced civilization is possible with only 50000 citizens. Human civilization has never dipped that low, for crying out loud! How many of these trolls are working class? Or is everything automatized?

We know through context and also through Snowbound Blood (the canonical prequel visual novel) that it’s essentially a mix of the fully automized processes and sci-fi/alien bullshit and the remaining trolls who create and ensure they function, hired and spread by Corporate to keep everything in check. 50,000 is dreadfully low for an entire planet, but we also know through these sources that it was a slow decline through the ages and that Repitonians have evolved and found methods of handling things feasibly to compensate for the drastic population loss.

In Homestuck, you’re not told how the relationship between the kids start, but you’re shown the dynamics between them, and they function well enough that you care for them, even though you don’t really know much about them. This is not the case for Vast Error. The relationship between the first 2 characters introduced, Arcjec and Tazsia, is only hinted at in the (arguably unnecessary) repitonian quadrant section of the story, and we still have relationships which have simply not been shown thus far, but that we are told exist. Because of this, we enter «Eight Deadly Words» territory («I don’t care what happens to these people»), the dynamics between the characters aren’t interesting enough to make a lasting impression (not only on me, but on others I’ve talked to about VE).

Firstly, I wouldn’t call the expansion on Repitonian romance to be at all unnecessary. It’s the next logical step of the original Homestuck joke that quadrants played with (I.E that character shipping always falls into these specific catagories), an exploration at the fandom tinged concept of «OTP’s» and «Soulmate AU’s», as well as generally being a deeper look at how these trolls concept love and sexuality (specifically the enforced old hussian rhetoric that all trolls are bi/pansexual without exception) in a manner that can be allegorical and doesn’t have to cough up the usual terminology to make a point. It’s probably one of the most important facets of Repitonian worldbuilding as it currently stands, and I don’t think the comic would be the same without it.

As far as cast relationships on the whole are concerned? Functionally, VE is not about the constant organic build when it comes to how its characters are presented and how beats of their stories play out, and if that isn’t your cup of tea, that’s more than fine. But the way you phrase it here makes it sound as though it’s lesser to Homestuck in this capacity. A major component of the comic is comparing the relationships of the cast as they are now at 17-19, to how they were when they were younger, the ripe age of 13. The most formative years of your life, according to the source material. Obviously, their relationships have long since been established and changed in real ways, and a part of the reason it should be engaging is to find out the extent of how deep that rabbit hole goes. How the cast feels about these changes before, during and after the fact throughout the comics run. Finding other questions and ideas that can be gleaned from the information you get as the comic goes on and you learn more, then retroactively looking at old pieces of information with new context.

Questions in VE are designed to be questions, it’s purposefully told in a manner that doesn’t allow you to see things that happen in any consistent pace. It’s all about seeing something, and then a question about it gets answered. Which leads to more questions, and then eventually it gets answered too. Which then, in of itself, spurs even more questions. It’s a proliferation of intrigue, as a friend of mine once said. I like the term.

Speaking of answering questions…

burnt2ashleys wrote: ↑

Wed Nov 20, 2019 6:09 pm

You (you) might be wondering where it is that I got the information regarding this particular webcomic setting’s population? That’s an interesting question, and whose answer I got, not from the comic, but from extraneous sources (other people who I’ve discussed VE with, and a video from the «optimistic Duelist» YouTube channel). Why am I calling this forth? Amongst the problems that I’ve personally seen that the narrative is afflicted by, this «tell the readers of something, but don’t show them» problem is only exacerbated by the spoilers and extra information that are only accessible if you’re either in the Vast Error Discord server or some other similar place where a member of the staff is present.

This was brought into question earlier in the thread by this nice guy who I definitely want to invite to my next birthday party. I’m sure he’s great with kids too.

Darth_Energon wrote: ↑

Mon Nov 18, 2019 6:01 pm

I’m amazed how loose they are with spoilers, honestly. It’s kinda sad.

This is true, I do give a lot of extra details on other platforms such as the VE Discord, Tumblr, Twitter, the VE Team/VEMT, and to the people I peer review the comic with. I already did a big answer about why I think «show don’t tell» is kind of a dumb rule on the whole, so lets just focus on the fact that I say things that technically aren’t in the comic yet.

A lot of what I say on these various other avenues are more extrapolation than any legitimate spoilers. Many things in this comic don’t have a reason to come up naturally because they either will only be mentioned much later or they simply just don’t matter. Why did I give away the dream sways and classpects of the main cast? Well, you all know dreamselves and all the various classpects exist and there isn’t anything new stirring that specific pot. How they’re handled is much more important than the fact that they exist here. Why did I tell people the names of the ancestors? Well, they’re just titles and they don’t really say too much about who they are or what important shit that they did. Why did I talk about Repiton’s population and how reduplication works? Because I don’t think we’re going to get a major debriefing on it in canon, therefore, paratext is the answer. (Also it WAS mentioned and explained in Snowbound Blood, a lot of things are mentioned in Snowbound Blood.)

As for things that don’t fall under this specific purview of the situation, it also stands to reason that a majority of what I say, even as word of god, isn’t always the truth! There have been multiple times where I simply play up things for jokes, omit key details, smother everything in indulgent crypticism or just flat out fucking lie. The reader hostility of VE is another major component of itself, from the questions of how close it is to Homestuck proper to the quirks of the cast, to the interpretation of how and why the events happened. I may have authority and the means to sway reader opinion, to influence the people at large, but the question is really if you should even believe me.

I will say however, that despite the subtext always being there; the information that Arcjec and Ellsee are as close to siblings as trolls can feasibly be was tactical on our end. The less incest porn I know exists? The better. If that costs us a twist (which VE isn’t focused on anyways), so be it.

I’m honestly no better a source of information THAN the comic proper, or any other fan. Because my thoughts and opinions change all the time, and I have my own biases that others may not agree with. It’s up to the reader what they want to look up and what they want to take from this story, regardless of where or what it is. There is only so much responsibility placed on the VE team in that regard. You may call this unprofessional, but until I sign some proper documents and start making a salary? I have absolutely no obligation to keep quiet. Plus, you try sitting on a comic for almost a decade and keeping your lips shut the whole time. There is no reason for us to be as uptight and secretive about VE as Andrew was with HS. Honestly, if anything, I think it’s been very good for us to talk this much while we have the chance.

VE is a comic that is focused more on it’s archival ends than its serialized means. But in doing this, there has to be things that keep serialized readers invested. The comic alone is enough for thousands of readers out there, but I don’t think it’s a crime or a blemish on the record of the comic to expand upon what exists and what’s to come.

I think that about wraps everything up. I’ve actually really enjoyed being on the Forums again thus far, it feels like the first time I’ve been able to actually respond to critique in a manner that isn’t either on the spot or taken out of context. Which I’m sure some of these posts will surely be in the future regardless. I think I just like listening to myself talk, lmao.

Twelve trolls play a game.note 

Vast Error is a fan adventure (a fan comic based off of Homestuck) written and created by Austinado and drawn/co-created/co-written by Sparaze.

It follows twelve trolls who play a game, each with their own varying personalities based off of common fanon character tropes created by the ‘Homestuck’ fanbase. The comic started with a short beta on the old MSPA Forums on 3/22/11, before restarting and staying on MSPFA on 3/25/13, though still keeping its 322 arc number. The story hardly updated from 2013 to the end of 2016, which the creators have expressed happened due to personal reasons before having a regular update schedule starting on 12/18/16. By 10/16/2020, Vast Error moved to its own website, Deconreconstruction.

The comic is currently one of the most popular on its hosting site, and has official albums as well as a full music team, a game programmer, an art team and a creator ran discord which can be found here.

The story quickly became known for its heavy use of trope subversion, deconstruction and reconstruction of a normal sburb-related fan adventure. Though the story centers around a completely different game entirely with only a few sburb-like constructs within it.

Fans of the comic also tend to have an unexplained fixation on Bart Simpson which has become a rather infectious meme within the MSPFA community as a whole called «bort».

Contains Examples of:

  • Accidental Innuendo: Murrit’s trolltag: unclaspedKahuna. (Though this was more than likely intentional on his part.)
  • Added Alliterative Appeal: All ‘Skorpe’ themes follow this pattern.
  • Alien Blood: The cast is made of up of trolls, what did you expect?
  • Aliens Speaking English: Subverted, supposedly trolls used to speak in an alien language before an event called ‘The Renaissance’ but after that ended they began to speak English instead due to linguistic evolution.
  • All Trolls Are Different: Literally, in this case. As these trolls aren’t from Alternia or Beforus, but a separate troll planet called Repiton that follow neither of the canonical one’s rules with a few exceptions. They don’t even breed or get named in the same way.
  • Anti-Climax:
    • Arcjec’s run in with The Plinkster.
    • After a tense standoff, Snowman is neck snapped by Charmed Defalcator’s ass.
  • Archetype: According to Word of God, the main characters are all based off of common Homestuck fantroll archetypes:
    • Arcjec: Author Avatar/The Protagonist
    • Tazsia: Monster Clown
    • Albion: Mary Sue
    • Dismas: Emo Teen
    • Murrit: Cloudcuckoolander
    • Laivan: Furry Fandom/Expy
    • Ellsee: Chekhov’s Gunman
    • Occeus: Mad Scientist
    • Calder: Dude, Where’s My Respect?
    • Serpaz: Plucky Comic Relief
    • Sovara: Dark and Troubled Past/Designated Victim
    • Jentha: The Load
  • Arc Words: Possibility, which deals with choices and alternate universes created by those choices.
  • Ass Kicks You: Charmed Defalcator kills Snowman this way by accident.
  • Belligerent Sexual Tension: Murrit and Dismas as a kismesissitude.
  • Bizarre Alien Reproduction:
    • Matespritship and kismesissitude are taken much more seriously as relationships on this planet, this breed of troll is overly sentimental to a territorial degree. The choice can’t be random or meaningless and finding sexual intimacy for the first time between a red or black couple essentially means an eternal emotional bond with your partner to have and to hold for life that you can’t back out of easily. Prolonged separation from one’s matesprit or kismesis results in withdrawal symptoms since the coupling process has physiological ramifications, and it’s forbidden to attempt recoupling with another partner after the end of a relationship. That being said, this doesn’t actually tie in to the reproduction process.
    • A few times per sweep trolls are rounded up to go to a reproduction stable to leave behind some sort of DNA for a friendly service droid who makes your stay as comfortable as possible while you decide what to give it. Anything genetic is viable, to a strand of hair to a bucket of blood or seed. Though the more you give the more dominant it becomes in the artificial grub making system.
    • Eventually that trolls strand will be rooted out and a grub will be made using their DNA and sharing their sign. The donating troll will then become that troll’s ancestor and normally this will happen well after that troll is dead.
  • Boom, Headshot!: Scathing Sharper is shot in the head by a gun thanks to Mimesis.
  • The Chosen Ones: Prospit sees the trolls, their blank planets revolving around a shielded Skaia and their creative potential as such.
  • The Constant: According to Mimesis, Jack Noir and his group are one across every timeline and world.
  • Crossing the Burnt Bridge: Subverted. Taz’s talk with Arcjec for the first time in an assuming two or so sweeps was anything but pleasant, she didn’t leave any time to cross the bridge before she shoved Arcjec into a chair and held him down forcing them to talk.
  • Deconstruction: Some aspects of Homestuck are deconstructed, for example, the Death World that Trolls live on, Repition, is not habitable in the least, with so many ecological disasters, there are about 50,000 trolls left on it. Also, Repiton is literally the only planet in existence to harbor life. This mean that there is no other galaxy or alternate dimension to flee to should it all end, and the planet has been caught in an endless cycle of repeats just to bear the conditions necessary to play The Game.
  • Dem Bones: White Noise.
  • Double Entendre: Most of Murrit’s nicknames and insults can fall under this category.
  • Dysfunction Junction: Most of the cast doesn’t have their shit together to one degree or another.
  • Flashback: After Arcjec is left unconscious in the mud after falling out of his window, we are given all of the information and character introductions needed before we return to him.
  • Foreshadowing: Too much to list, even in Act 1.
  • Formula-Breaking Episode: Intermission 2 Side 1 deals with alternate versions of the Midnight Crew, known here as the Dead Shufflers, and a transdimensional hotel filled with both alternate versions of themselves as well as the Felt from Homestuck, they’re sent to devalue. It ends with everyone dead, but Scathing Sharper gets killed by Mimesis.
  • Genocide from the Inside: The fate of most of the planet’s sea dweller population. Calder’s ancestor, apparently out of jealousy, started a campaign which ended with the slaughter of 99.9% of all sea dwellers on the planet, the numbers of which included all of the fuchsia bloods.
  • Geometric Magic: Members of the Weird Al cult appear to have circle patterns tattooed or otherwise etched into their palms. Weird Al himself is the only one seen using them thus far, and the patterns on his palms change each time depending on the type of magic he’s using. So far these powers have ranged from killing Dismas’s lusus to TEARING A HOLE IN REALITY to get at Dismas’s entry codes.
  • Hentai: Murrit indulges in this quite a lot, going as far as having a «Hentai Dungeon». Though even he admittedly has come to a point where he’s not entirely certain how much of it is an ironic or spiteful interest over sarcastic enjoyment.
  • Info Dump: Describing troll reproduction in the middle of a character introduction, because it’s very important.
  • Leaning on the Fourth Wall: «But I think you already knew that much. Didn’t you?»
  • Magic or Psychic?:
    • Albion’s spirit powers.
    • Subverted. Most lowblood powers have evolved into becoming survival mechanisms, like Arcjec’s supposed ability to play dead and Dismas’s pseudo-healing factor.
  • Mundane Utility: The ‘Ferocity Weaver’. Which is just a novelty hand clapping toy.
  • Non-Mammal Mammaries: Constantly brought up.
  • Oh, Crap!: Spade Slick and Crowbar share a silent one when they realize that Charmed Defalcator killed Snowman.
  • Online Alias: All troll have trolltags and use the new hit messenger client ‘Skorpe’.
  • Pseudo-Crisis:
    • Albion’s merger with her lusus to become THE TRUE ONESELF.

    DQ: *because*soon*enough*

    • Albion then learning that her training to become THE TRUE ONESELF and save all of her friends and the salvage the planet was a lie in order to allow her ancestor to possess her.
    • The fact that none of the trolls with the exception of Murrit and Laivan know anything about this game, and supposedly don’t want to learn.
  • Purple Is Powerful: Expressed by GS to Murrit.
  • Rule 34: Murrit having accurate body pillow depictions of all of his friends.
  • Seinfeldian Conversation: Most all Skorpelogs thus far, to a played up degree.
  • Sickly Green Glow: Literal in the case of The Green Sun, which is White Noise’s dying heart and soul.
  • Signature Laugh: «UK: >([a#a#a#e#tee#ee#ee#oo#oolmaololrofl]»
  • Sins of Our Fathers: Because of the actions of his genocidal ancestor, pretty much everyone on the Planet has a reason to dislike Calder just for existing.
  • Sleep Cute: Here.
  • Sophisticated as Hell: The writing style. Not as bad as Homestuck, but Austinado and Sparaze sure can make a hell of a sentence.
    • Special mention goes to Doc Scratch, who writes a note for Scathing Sharper to «Fuck them up.»
  • Spirit Advisor: Albion’s lusus, even in name.
  • Star Power: Literal through the Spirit Powers of Star Children.
  • Stop Being Stereotypical: Used by Arcjec when first speaking to Laivan.

AH: XDXD Who knows, with you there are infinite possibilities! XDXD

AH: XDXD Which is to say there are sparingly few and you’re as one-dimensional as they come. XDXD

AH: XDXD Take a lesson in character before you decide to say something that’s supposedly important to the big things you’re playing up. XDXD

  • Technicolor Eyes: Taz’s pupils and Albion when inside The Cell.
  • Title Drop: Almost.
  • Unsound Effect: Too many to name. There are normal ones like KICK and SLAM and there’s BIPPITY BAPPITY.
  • Wham Episode: Act 2’s last [S], «Ellsee: Enter» ends with most of the trolls now having entered the Medium, with only one planet left. The trolls’ planet, Repiton, has now been added to the Medium as well, replacing Skaia.
  • A World Half Full: The troll’s planet, supposedly.

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