Error while open source file

Уже полдня бьюсь с переносом товаров с локального сервера на хостинг, но воз и ныне там. Проблема заключается в следующем, что под конец процесса импорта товаров из CSV файла, этот самый процесс зависает. Т.е. полоса индикации выполнения процесса застывает примерно на 95-98%. Пробовал уже разбить файл на два, что бы уменьшить его объем, но результат тот же.

Уже полдня бьюсь с переносом товаров с локального сервера на хостинг, но воз и ныне там. Проблема заключается в следующем, что под конец процесса импорта товаров из CSV файла, этот самый процесс зависает. Т.е. полоса индикации выполнения процесса застывает примерно на 95-98%. Пробовал уже разбить файл на два, что бы уменьшить его объем, но результат тот же.

Сам файл получен путем экспорта товаров из магазина на локальном сервере, кодировка файла UTF-8.

Что делать, как решить данную проблему?

10 ответов

  • популярные
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  • 1

    Для начала включить логирование всех ошибок PHP и посмотреть, что именно логируется. И/или посмотреть логи веб-сервера.

    • +1

      Через приложение «Логи» это можно сделать?

  • 1

    Включите отображение ошибок PHP (display_errors, error_reporting) и узнайте, что ломается. Или в логах ищите. Без подробностей чёрт его знает, что там могло случиться… :(

    Но вообще сама идея делать экспорт-импорт через CSV, честно говоря, мне кажется сомнительной. Импорт CSV нужен, чтобы прайс от поставщика импортировать. Просто потому что там выбора другого нет. А в вашем случае проще и надёжнее сделать экспорт нужных таблиц через phpMyAdmin и, соответственно, импорт на хостинге. Рассмотрите такой вариант.

    • +1

      попробовал сделать перенос таблиц через phpMyAdmin, все бы хорошо, но пути к файлам изображений остаются такими же как и на локальном сервере и следовательно не отображаются после переноса, а в CSV это проблема очень быстро решается путем замены части пути через эксель.

      • +1

        Если скопировать wa-data/public/shop/products, то картинки должны нормально подцепиться вроде.

  • 1

    вот, что есть в записях приложения Логи:


    [31-Mar-2015 16:17:53 Europe/Moscow] PHP Strict Standards: Declaration of shopOnestepPlugin::routing() should be compatible with waPlugin::routing($route = Array) in /var/www/stendmodel/data/www/ on line 3

    [31-Mar-2015 16:18:23 Europe/Moscow] PHP Strict Standards: Declaration of shopOnestepPlugin::routing() should be compatible with waPlugin::routing($route = Array) in /var/www/stendmodel/data/www/ on line 3

    [31-Mar-2015 16:18:25 Europe/Moscow] PHP Strict Standards: Declaration of shopOnestepPlugin::routing() should be compatible with waPlugin::routing($route = Array) in /var/www/stendmodel/data/www/ on line 94


    2015-03-31 16:17:14:
    Error while open source file
    2015-03-31 16:17:14:
    Error while open source file
    2015-03-31 16:17:15:
    Error while open source file

    • +1

      PHP Strict Standards можно смело проигнорировать.

      Error while open source file — не смогли скачать файлик. Урлы действительно не открываются, 404. Но я не вижу, как это могло бы привести к зависанию скрипта. Просто не добавится картинка и всё.

  • 1

    Сегодня столкнулся с проблемой, фото доступны не даёт 404 ошибку, но в логе пишет ошибку, в чем проблема, на днях не было проблем.


  • 1

    Проблема так и есть. Достижение загрузки до 99,345% и зависает. Первый файл был 750 000 строк, до 99,118% , второй файл делил 250 000 строк и так же 98, 425% загрузки , и ещё раз поделил 163 700 строк и опять до 99% доходит и зависает.

  • 1



    19 апреля 2022 12:59


    Error while open source file

    Файл доступен по урл, а не цепляет.
    Аналогичная проблема, картинки не заливаются через CSV(URL верные)

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  1. Проблема с импортом товаров из CSV файла
  2. 10 ответов
  3. Не загружаются изображения при импорте из csv
  4. 4 ответа
  5. c++ cannot open source file [SOLVED]
  6. cannot open source file visual studio C++
  7. c++ cannot open source file iostream
  8. cannot open source file “string”
  9. Conclusion for cannot open source file c++
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  18. C++ Map [Learn by Example]
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  20. return 0 c++
  21. c++ expected a declaration [ SOLVED]

Проблема с импортом товаров из CSV файла

Уже полдня бьюсь с переносом товаров с локального сервера на хостинг, но воз и ныне там. Проблема заключается в следующем, что под конец процесса импорта товаров из CSV файла, этот самый процесс зависает. Т.е. полоса индикации выполнения процесса застывает примерно на 95-98%. Пробовал уже разбить файл на два, что бы уменьшить его объем, но результат тот же.

Сам файл получен путем экспорта товаров из магазина на локальном сервере, кодировка файла UTF-8.

Что делать, как решить данную проблему?

10 ответов

Для начала включить логирование всех ошибок PHP и посмотреть, что именно логируется. И/или посмотреть логи веб-сервера.

Через приложение «Логи» это можно сделать?

Включите отображение ошибок PHP (display_errors, error_reporting) и узнайте, что ломается. Или в логах ищите. Без подробностей чёрт его знает, что там могло случиться. 🙁

Но вообще сама идея делать экспорт-импорт через CSV, честно говоря, мне кажется сомнительной. Импорт CSV нужен, чтобы прайс от поставщика импортировать. Просто потому что там выбора другого нет. А в вашем случае проще и надёжнее сделать экспорт нужных таблиц через phpMyAdmin и, соответственно, импорт на хостинге. Рассмотрите такой вариант.

попробовал сделать перенос таблиц через phpMyAdmin, все бы хорошо, но пути к файлам изображений остаются такими же как и на локальном сервере и следовательно не отображаются после переноса, а в CSV это проблема очень быстро решается путем замены части пути через эксель.

Если скопировать wa-data/public/shop/products, то картинки должны нормально подцепиться вроде.

вот, что есть в записях приложения Логи:

[31-Mar-2015 16:17:53 Europe/Moscow] PHP Strict Standards: Declaration of shopOnestepPlugin::routing() should be compatible with waPlugin::routing($route = Array) in /var/www/stendmodel/data/www/ on line 3

[31-Mar-2015 16:18:23 Europe/Moscow] PHP Strict Standards: Declaration of shopOnestepPlugin::routing() should be compatible with waPlugin::routing($route = Array) in /var/www/stendmodel/data/www/ on line 3

[31-Mar-2015 16:18:25 Europe/Moscow] PHP Strict Standards: Declaration of shopOnestepPlugin::routing() should be compatible with waPlugin::routing($route = Array) in /var/www/stendmodel/data/www/ on line 94

PHP Strict Standards можно смело проигнорировать.

Error while open source file — не смогли скачать файлик. Урлы действительно не открываются, 404. Но я не вижу, как это могло бы привести к зависанию скрипта. Просто не добавится картинка и всё.

Сегодня столкнулся с проблемой, фото доступны не даёт 404 ошибку, но в логе пишет ошибку, в чем проблема, на днях не было проблем.

Проблема так и есть. Достижение загрузки до 99,345% и зависает. Первый файл был 750 000 строк, до 99,118% , второй файл делил 250 000 строк и так же 98, 425% загрузки , и ещё раз поделил 163 700 строк и опять до 99% доходит и зависает.

Файл доступен по урл, а не цепляет.
Аналогичная проблема, картинки не заливаются через CSV(URL верные)


Не загружаются изображения при импорте из csv

Товарищи, нужна помощь!

Есть товары, у которых разные поставщики. Переносим их каталоги в наш Shop-script.

При импорте товаров создаются товары, описания, заголовки, подгружаются характеристики. У одного поставщика картинки товаров не загружаются вообще, у другого — через одну. Пробовали менять https на http и даже на ftp. Бесполезно. При этом при импорте в другие сервисы (мойсклад, WB, ОЗОН, 1C) проблем вообще не было и ссылки мы не меняли. Как они были в экселе написаны, так они и загрузились. При скачивании лога выдает следующее:

Вот скрин настроек изображений

p.s. пока писал цитату при нажатии enter изображение по ссылке тут (в редакторе обращений) вставилось. По итогу оно вставлялось независимо от того хочу ли я этого или нет, поэтому вписал ошибку не цитатой, а строкой кода.

4 ответа

Надо пробовать получить файлы по ссылкам (в идеале с консоли) именно с того сервера, на котором находится ваш проект. Может присутствовать проблема связи между вашим сервером и сервером, с которого нужно забирать фото. Также не исключено, что есть ещё какие-то хостинговые ограничения либо ограничения по передаче файлов, с которыми вы сталкиваетесь, но про которые не знаете.

Этот вопрос задайте службе поддержки вашего хостинга, вашему админу и т.п. Пусть проверят. К самому механизму импорта от Вебасиста вопросов нет. Он работает.

Мы, к сожалению, не имеем к нему доступа.

Опять же возникает вопрос почему все сервисы видят, кроме ВА?


c++ cannot open source file [SOLVED]

In c++ project when you have included header file, but inside project we are not able to access that header file then generally we get error for cannot open source file. For fixing this error check that included file is available in project include path or not.

cannot open source file visual studio C++

Solution-1 : Check your Visual Studio Project settings under C++, Check Include directories and make sure Your_filename.h is pointing to correct path. After adding proper include directories it will resolve cannot open source file visual studio error.

You can right click to header file and open from visual studio. If file is pointing properly it will open.

If your include file is not properly pointing or you have not added inside your included directory then you will not able to open from visual studio.

Solution-2 : Another solution, If your header file is at different folder/location then you can include file path directly in header file. Here you can use relative path or you can provide full path of header file.

Include based on your project folder structure and requirement.

c++ cannot open source file iostream

Solution-1: iostream file opening error normally comes when we are missing $(IncludePath) inside Properties->VC++ Directories->Include Directories. And you have by mistake removed Include path.

Solution-2: Other possible reason is that during installing Visual studio you did not selected c++ packages.

Solution-3: You can check by including stdafx.h in starting (only for Visual studio projects)

Solution-4: Sometimes these type of error comes when multiple Visual Studio versions are install in single PC. You can check Projects and Solutions –> VC++ Directories, are properly added for your project and pointing to correct version location.

For Visual Studio Code:

c++ cannot open source file iostream in visual studio code can also occurs when proper paths are not added inside visual studio code c_cpp_properties.json file.

cannot open source file “string”

Try below steps to resolve error.

1) Open VC++ Directories option inside Configuration Properties of visual studio
2) Her all directories value (e.g. Executable directories) will be available, just you need to select drop-down and click edit
3) Remove selection of Inherit from parent
4) Now just click OK and you will see no changes inside Edit box.
5) You need to repeat this thing for all directories, At the end executable directories will be set to $(ExecutablePath) and Include directories will be set to $(IncludePath), similar way to all directories
6)Now click apply and then OK

Conclusion for cannot open source file c++

We have provided solutions for multiple errors for can not open source file c++, If you try given solution hopefully you will able to resolve error. But if still you are getting error you can add your comment and code. We will try to resolve and find solution for you. Happy coding 🙂

Reader Interactions

Mark Edwards says

Hi there from ‘down under’. I’ve just installed VS2022.
However, I am getting error E1696: ‘cannot open source file “string.h” , ‘stdlib.h’ etc
FYI I have been using Vs2019 and C# without probs.
I also have visual studio code installed.
Do I have to uninstall it/them?

In my Wondows10 Environment Variables I have ‘VISUAL_STUDIO_REPOS’ defined where my projects are stored. Is there something else needing adding/deleting?

Hello Mark,
Ok so what i understood, it is working proper with VS2019 but giving issue with VS2022. So then you need to make sure that You have installed Visual studio proper and Also check Windows SDK update require or not for new Version. Check this article points it might be helpful in your case:
Please check if latest Windows 10 SDK is required for same or not.
No ideally not require to uninstall visual studio code. As you are running code in Visual Studio 2022.
Also make sure you install Visual C++ during installation.
Also once check given MSDN URL:

madhvan tyagi says

i have just downloaded the open cv and trying to use it’s header files ,it showing me error in the top 2 header files , i tried the way you mentioned above but it sill not working , please sir help me if you can . i included the header file folder in additional include directories but i also have project include directories folder there


using namespace cv;
using namespace std;

int main()
string path = “Resources/test.png”;
Mat img = imread(path);
imshow(“Image”, img);
return 0;

Can you give more details for error ? Try everything and try to find that file is available in which location. Might be it will be in OpenCV folder. Generally by setting Include directory path it should be resolved. Did you check anything is missing for OpenCV configuration setup ?

#include “GenerateArray.h”-
#include “ArrayOutput.h”- this 3 is doesnt work
#include “SortArray.h”-
int main()
int size = 40;
int* arr = new int[size];
int s = 0;
printf(“1) Generate an arrayn”);
printf(“2) Display the array on the screenn”);
printf(“3) Sort arrayn”);
printf(“4) Display the sorted arrayn”);
printf(“5) Press zero to exitnn”);
scanf_s(“%d”, &s);
switch (s)
case 1:
GenerateArray(size, arr);
case 2:
ArrayOutput(size, arr);
case 3:
SortArray(size, arr);
case 4:
ArrayOutput(size, arr);
> while (s > 0);

Hello Stepan,
Can you check:
1) ArrayOutput.h file is available in current directory? check path of file
2) Try to right click and open file, If it does not found you will get popup in visual studio that fine not found
3) Try to give full path of file like D:/Data/…etc/ArrayOutput.h

#include // this line is error, cannot open source file studio.h

void draw() <
glOrtho(0, 4, 0, 4, -1, 1);
glVertex2i(1, 1);
glVertex2i(3, 1);
glVertex2i(3, 3);
glVertex2i(1, 3);

int main(int argc, char** argv) <
glutInit(&argc, argv);
glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_SINGLE | GLUT_RGBA);

studio.h is external library ? If yes then you need to add in your Project property for additional dependency library.

using namespace std;
int main()
int rows = 0;
int Maxdigit = 9;
cout <> rows;
while (rows % 2 == 0 || rows rows;
if (rows != 7)
for (int i = 1; i

Can you tell me if you are getting any issue ? did not understood your comment. You just posted code.

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<?php /* * This file is part of Webasyst framework. * * Licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL). * * * @link * @author Webasyst LLC * @copyright 2011 Webasyst LLC * @package wa-system * @subpackage files */ /** * Collection of helper functions to work with files. */ class waFiles { private static $fp; private static $size; private function __construct() { throw new waException(‘waFiles::__construct disabled’); } /** * Creates specified directory, or parent directory for specified file. * * @param string $path Path to a file or a directory. * @param bool $is_dir Flag explicitly denoting that path to a directory is specified. * With false (default choice), method attempts to «guess» whether $path contains a path to a file or a directory. * @return string|bool Specified $path value on success, or false on failure. */ public static function create($path, $is_dir = false) { if (file_exists($path)) { return $path; } $result = $path; if (!$is_dir && substr($path, —1) !== ‘/’ && strpos(basename($path), «.«) !== false) { $path = dirname($path); } if ($path && !file_exists($path)) { $status = @mkdir($path, 0775, true); if (!file_exists($path) && file_exists(self::create(dirname($path)))) { $status = @mkdir($path, 0775, true); } if (!$status) { $result = false; } } return $result; } /** * Copies a file or directory contents. * * @param string $source_path Path to the original file or directory. If path to a directory is specified, then the * contents of that directory are copied to the specified location. Subdirectories are copied recursively. * @param string $target_path Path for saving a copy. * @param string|array $skip_pattern Regular expression string describing the format of file and subdirectory names * which must not be copied if a path to a subdirectory is specified in $source_path parameter (otherwise this * regular expression is ignored). * @throws Exception */ public static function copy($source_path, $target_path, $skip_pattern = null) { if (is_dir($source_path)) { try { if ($dir = opendir($source_path)) { self::create($target_path); while (false !== ($path = readdir($dir))) { if (($path != ‘.’) && ($path != ‘..’)) { $destination = $target_path.‘/’.$path; $source = $source_path.‘/’.$path; if ($skip_pattern) { foreach ((array)$skip_pattern as $pattern) { if (preg_match($pattern, $source)) { continue 2; } } } if (file_exists($source)) { if (!is_dir($source) && file_exists($destination)) { //skip file move on resume self::delete($destination); } self::copy($source, $destination, $skip_pattern); } else { throw new waException(«Not found {$source_path}/{$path}»); } } } closedir($dir); } } catch (Exception $e) { if (!empty($dir) && is_resource($dir)) { closedir($dir); } throw $e; } } else { self::create(dirname($target_path).‘/’); if (@copy($source_path, $target_path)) { /*@todo copy file permissions*/ } else { if (file_exists($source_path) && file_exists($target_path) && (filesize($source_path) === 0)) { /*It’s ok — it’s windows*/ } else { throw new waException(sprintf(_ws(«Error copying file from %s to %s«), $source_path, $target_path)); } } } } /** * Moves a file or a directory to specified parent directory. * Can be used for renaming. * * @param string $source_path Path to original file or directory * @param string $target_path Path to which the specified file or directory must be copied * @return bool Whether moved (renamed) successfully */ public static function move($source_path, $target_path) { self::create(dirname($target_path)); return rename($source_path, $target_path); } /** * Writes data to specified file. If file does not exist, it will be created. * * @param string $path Path for saving a file. An existing file will be overwritten. * @param string $content Data to be written to the file. * @return int|false */ public static function write($path, $content) { self::create(dirname($path)); $h = @fopen($path, «w+«); if ($h) { $length = fwrite($h, $content); fclose($h); } else { $length = false; } return $length; } /** * Returns array of files and subdirectories in specified directory. * * @param string $dir Path to directory * @param bool $recursive Flag requiring to return the contents of subdirectories. By default (false) * subdirectories’ contents are not returned. When true, only the list of files contained in specified parent * directory is returned, without the names of subdirectories. * @return array */ public static function listdir($dir, $recursive = false) { if (!file_exists($dir) || !is_dir($dir)) { return array(); } if (!($dh = opendir($dir))) { return array(); } $result = array(); while (false !== ($file = readdir($dh))) { if ($file == ‘.’ || $file == ‘..’) { continue; } if ($recursive && is_dir($dir.‘/’.$file)) { $files = self::listdir($dir.‘/’.$file, $recursive); foreach ($files as $sub_file) { $result[] = $file.‘/’.$sub_file; } } else { $result[] = $file; } } closedir($dh); return $result; } /** * Deletes a file or a directory. A directory containing subdirectories is deleted recursively. * * @param string $path Path to a file or directory. * @param boolean $ignore_dir_errors Flag requiring to ignore any errors which may occur during the deletion of * directories. By default (false), errors are not ignored — an exception is thrown. * @throws waException * @throws Exception * @return bool True, if deleted successfully */ public static function delete($path, $ignore_dir_errors = false) { if (!$path || !file_exists($path)) { return true; } // if it’s a file then simply delete it if (!is_dir($path)) { if (!@unlink($path)) { // && (sleep(1) || !@unlink($path)) throw new waException(‘Unable to delete file: ‘.$path); } return true; } // recursively delete a directory try { if (($dir = opendir($path))) { while (false !== ($current_path = readdir($dir))) { if ($current_path === null) { break; // being paranoid } if (($current_path != ‘.’) && ($current_path != ‘..’)) { self::delete($path.‘/’.$current_path, $ignore_dir_errors); } } closedir($dir); } if (!@rmdir($path) && !$ignore_dir_errors) { throw new waException(‘Unable to delete directory: ‘.$path); } return true; } catch (Exception $ex) { if (!empty($dir) && is_resource($dir)) { closedir($dir); } throw $ex; } } /** * Returns file name extension. * * @param string $file Path to file or directory * @return string */ public static function extension($file) { if (($i = strrpos($file, ‘.’)) !== false) { return strtolower(substr($file, $i + 1)); } return »; } /** * Determines the MIME type of a file by its name extension. * * @param string $filename File name * @return string */ public static function getMimeType($filename) { $type = self::extension($filename); switch ($type) { case ‘jpg’: case ‘jpeg’: case ‘jpe’: return ‘image/jpeg’; case ‘png’: case ‘gif’: case ‘bmp’: case ‘tiff’: case ‘webp’: return ‘image/’.strtolower($type); case ‘ico’: return ‘image/x-icon’; case ‘doc’: case ‘docx’: return ‘application/msword’; case ‘xls’: case ‘xlt’: case ‘xlm’: case ‘xld’: case ‘xla’: case ‘xlc’: case ‘xlw’: case ‘xll’: return ‘application/’; case ‘ppt’: case ‘pps’: return ‘application/’; case ‘rtf’: return ‘application/rtf’; case ‘txt’: return ‘text/plain’; case ‘csv’: return ‘text/csv; charset=utf-8’; case ‘pdf’: return ‘application/pdf’; case ‘html’: case ‘htm’: case ‘php’: return ‘text/html’; case ‘js’: return ‘application/x-javascript’; case ‘json’: return ‘application/json’; case ‘css’: return ‘text/css’; case ‘dtd’: return ‘application/xml-dtd’; case ‘xml’: return ‘application/xml’; case ‘mpeg’: case ‘mpg’: case ‘mpe’: return ‘video/mpeg’; case ‘mp3’: return ‘audio/mpeg3’; case ‘wav’: return ‘audio/wav’; case ‘aiff’: case ‘aif’: return ‘audio/aiff’; case ‘avi’: return ‘video/msvideo’; case ‘wmv’: return ‘video/x-ms-wmv’; case ‘mov’: return ‘video/quicktime’; case ‘zip’: return ‘application/zip’; case ‘tar’: return ‘application/x-tar’; case ‘swf’: return ‘application/x-shockwave-flash’; case ’eml’: return ‘message/rfc822’; default: return ‘application/octet-stream’; } } /** * * Changes text file character encoding. * * @param string $file Path to file * @param string $from Original encoding * @param string $to Target encoding * @param string $target Optional path to save encoded file to * @throws waException * @return string Path to file containing converted text */ public static function convert($file, $from, $to = ‘UTF-8’, $target = null) { // Open source $src = @fopen($file, ‘rb’); if (!$src) { return false; } // Set up stream filter for source $filter = sprintf(‘convert.iconv.%s/%s//IGNORE’, $from, $to); if (!@stream_filter_prepend($src, $filter)) { fclose($src); throw new waException(«error while register file filter«); } // default destination filename if ($target === null) { $extension = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); if ($extension) { $extension = ‘.’.$extension; } $target = preg_replace(‘@.[^.]+$@’, », $file).‘_’.$to.$extension; } // Make sure destination exists for realpath() to work if (!file_exists($target)) { if (!@touch($target)) { fclose($src); return false; } } // Make sure we don’t overwrite $file if it’s the same as $target $file = realpath($file); $target = realpath($target); if (!$target) { fclose($src); return false; } $tmp_target = $target; if ($target === $file) { $tmp_target = tempnam(dirname($target), basename($target)); $perms = @octdec(substr(decoct(fileperms($file)), 3)); if ($perms) { @chmod($tmp_target, $perms); } } // Open destination $dst = @fopen($tmp_target, ‘wb’); if (!$dst) { fclose($src); return false; } // Copy from source to destination stream_copy_to_stream($src, $dst); fclose($src); fclose($dst); // Move to real destination if $file was the same as $target if ($target !== $tmp_target) { if (!waFiles::move($tmp_target, $target)) { return false; } } return $target; } private static function curlInit($url, $options) { $ch = null; if (extension_loaded(‘curl’) && function_exists(‘curl_init’)) { if (!($ch = curl_init())) { throw new waException((«Error init curl«)); } if (curl_errno($ch) != 0) { throw new waException(sprintf(«Error init curl %d: %s«, curl_errno($ch), curl_error($ch))); } $curl_options = array( CURLOPT_HEADER => 0, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => 1, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 10, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT => 10, CURLOPT_DNS_CACHE_TIMEOUT => 3600, CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION => array(__CLASS__, ‘curlWriteHandler’), ); if ((version_compare(PHP_VERSION, ‘5.4’, ‘>=’) || !ini_get(‘safe_mode’)) && !ini_get(‘open_basedir’)) { $curl_options[CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION] = true; } $curl_options[CURLOPT_URL] = $url; $options += self::getDefaultOptions(); if ($options[‘verify’]) { $curl_options[CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST] = 2; $curl_options[CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER] = true; if (is_string($options[‘verify’])) { if (!file_exists($options[‘verify’])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( «SSL CA bundle not found: {$options[‘verify’]}» ); } $curl_options[CURLOPT_CAINFO] = $options[‘verify’]; } } else { $curl_options[CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST] = 0; $curl_options[CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER] = false; } if (!empty($options[‘proxy_host’])) { $curl_options[CURLOPT_HTTPPROXYTUNNEL] = true; $curl_options[CURLOPT_PROXY] = sprintf( «%s%s«, $options[‘proxy_host’], !empty($options[‘proxy_port’]) ? ‘:’.$options[‘proxy_port’] : » ); if (!empty($options[‘proxy_user’])) { $curl_options[CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD] = sprintf(«%s:%s«, $options[‘proxy_user’], $options[‘proxy_password’]); } } foreach ($curl_options as $param => $option) { curl_setopt($ch, $param, $option); } } return $ch; } /** * @usedby self::curlInit() * * @param $ch * @param $chunk * * @return int * @throws Exception */ private static function curlWriteHandler($ch, $chunk) { if (self::$fp && is_resource(self::$fp)) { $size = fwrite(self::$fp, $chunk); self::$size += $size; } else { throw new waException(‘Invalid write stream’); } return $size; } private static function getDefaultOptions() { static $options; if (empty($options)) { $config = wa()->getConfigPath().‘/net.php’; $options = array(); if (file_exists($config)) { $options = include($config); } if (!is_array($options)) { $options = array(); } $options += array( ‘timeout’ => 15, ‘user_agent’ => sprintf(‘Webasyst-Framework/%s’, wa()->getVersion(‘webasyst’)), ); } return $options; } private static function getStreamContext($options) { static $context; if (empty($context)) { $options += self::getDefaultOptions(); $context_params = array( ‘ignore_errors’ => true,//PHP >= 5.2.10 ‘timeout’ => $options[‘timeout’], ‘user_agent’ => $options[‘user_agent’], ); $headers = array(); if (isset($options[‘proxy_host’]) && strlen($options[‘proxy_host’])) { $proxy = $options[‘proxy_host’]; if (isset($options[‘proxy_port’]) && intval($options[‘proxy_port’])) { $proxy .= ‘:’.intval($options[‘proxy_port’]); } $context_params[‘proxy’] = $proxy; if (!empty($options[‘proxy_user’])) { $auth = base64_encode(sprintf(‘%s:%s’, $options[‘proxy_user’], $options[‘proxy_password’])); $headers[] = «Proxy-Authorization: Basic $auth«; } } if ($headers) { $context_params[‘header’] = implode(«rn», $headers); //5.2.10 array support } $context_params += array( ‘follow_location’ => true,//PHP >= 5.3.4 ‘max_redirects’ => 5, ); //SSL if (!empty($options[‘verify’])) { $ssl_context_params[‘verify_peer’] = true; $ssl_context_params[‘verify_peer_name’] = true; $ssl_context_params[‘allow_self_signed’] = false; if (is_string($options[‘verify’])) { if (!file_exists($options[‘verify’])) { throw new RuntimeExceptionSSL CA bundle not found: {$options[‘verify’]}»); } $ssl_context_params[‘cafile’] = $options[‘verify’]; } else { // PHP 5.6 or greater will find the system cert by default. When // < 5.6, try load it if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 50600) { //TODO try default system path with ca files //$context_params[‘ssl’][‘cafile’] = »; } } } else { $ssl_context_params[‘verify_peer’] = false; $ssl_context_params[‘verify_peer_name’] = false; } $context = stream_context_create(array(‘http’ => $context_params, ‘ssl’ => $ssl_context_params)); } return $context; } /** * Uploads a file from specified URL to a server directory. * * @param string $url URL from which a file must be retrieved * @param string $path Path for saving the downloaded file * @param array $options * @return int * @throws waException */ public static function upload($url, $path, $options = array()) { $s = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_SCHEME); $host = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST); $encoded_host = waIdna::enc($host); if ($encoded_host != $host) { $url = preg_replace(‘@^(w+://)[^/]+/@’, ‘$1’.$encoded_host.‘/’, $url); } if (!is_array($options)) { $options = array(); } $w = stream_get_wrappers(); if (in_array($s, $w) && ini_get(‘allow_url_fopen’)) { $context = self::getStreamContext($options); if ($fp = @fopen($url, ‘rb’, null, $context)) { try { if (self::$fp = @fopen($path, ‘wb’)) { self::$size = stream_copy_to_stream($fp, self::$fp); fclose(self::$fp); $stream_meta_data = stream_get_meta_data($fp); $headers = array(); if (isset($stream_meta_datawrapper_data«][«headers«])) { $headers = $stream_meta_datawrapper_data«][«headers«]; } elseif (isset($stream_meta_datawrapper_data«])) { $headers = $stream_meta_datawrapper_data«]; } $header_matches = null; //check server response codes (500/404/403/etc) foreach ($headers as $header) { if (strtolower(substr($header, 0, 10)) == ‘location: ‘) { self::$size = self::upload(substr($header, 10), $path, $options); } if (preg_match(‘@http/d+.d+s+(d+)s+(.+)$@i’, $header, $header_matches)) { $response_code = intval($header_matches[1]); $status_description = trim($header_matches[2]); if ($response_code == 301 || $response_code == 302 ) { continue; } if ($response_code != 200) { throw new waException(«Invalid server response with code {$response_code} ($status_description) while request {$url}»); } break; } } } else { throw new waException(‘Error while open target file’); } } catch (waException $ex) { fclose($fp); waFiles::delete($path); throw $ex; } fclose($fp); } else { throw new waException(«Error while open source file {$url}»); } } elseif ($ch = self::curlInit($url, $options)) { if (self::$fp = @fopen($path, ‘wb’)) { self::$size = 0; wa()->getStorage()->close(); curl_exec($ch); fclose(self::$fp); if ($errno = curl_errno($ch)) { $message = «Curl error: {$errno}# «.curl_error($ch).» at [{$path}]«; curl_close($ch); throw new waException($message); } $response_code = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); if ($response_code != 200) { curl_close($ch); waFiles::delete($path); throw new waException(«Invalid server response with code {$response_code} while request {$url}»); } } curl_close($ch); } else { throw new waException(‘There no available wrappers’); } return self::$size; } /** * Reads file contents and outputs it to browser with appropriate headers. * * @param string $file File to path * @param string|null $attach Name, which will be suggested to user when he requests to download the file. * If not specified, browser’s auto-suggestion will be used. * @param bool $exit Flag requiring to send file transfer headers to user’s browser. By default (true) headers are sent. * @param bool $md5 Flag requiring to send the Content-MD5 header. By default (false) this header is not sent. * @throws waException If file does not exist */ public static function readFile($file, $attach = null, $exit = true, $md5 = false) { if (file_exists($file)) { $response = wa()->getResponse(); $file_type = self::getMimeType($attach ? $attach : $file); if ($md5) { $md5 = base64_encode(pack(‘H*’, md5_file($file))); } @ini_set(‘async_send’, 1); wa()->getStorage()->close(); $file_size = filesize($file); if ($attach !== null) { $send_as = str_replace(‘»‘, ‘»‘, is_string($attach) ? $attach : basename($file)); $send_as = preg_replace(‘~[nr]+~’, ‘ ‘, $send_as); /** * @see * @todo fix encoding workaround */ $x_accel_redirect = waSystemConfig::systemOption(‘x_accel_redirect’); if (!empty($x_accel_redirect)) { $base_path = wa()->getConfig()->getRootPath(); if (strpos($file, $base_path) !== 0) { $x_accel_redirect = false; } } else { $base_path = null; } $response->setStatus(200); if (empty($x_accel_redirect)) { $from = $to = false; $http_range = waRequest::server(‘HTTP_RANGE’); if (!empty($http_range)) { // multi range support incomplete list($dimension, $range) = explode(«=«, $http_range, 2); $ranges = explode(‘,’, $range); $intervals = array(); foreach ($ranges as $range) { $range = trim($range); if (preg_match(‘/^(d+)-(d+)$/’, $range, $matches)) { $intervals[] = array(‘from’ => intval($matches[1]), ‘to’ => intval($matches[2])); } elseif (preg_match(‘/^(d+)-$/’, $range, $matches)) { $intervals[] = array(‘from’ => intval($matches[1]), ‘to’ => $file_size1); } elseif (preg_match(‘/^-(d+)$/’, $range, $matches)) { $intervals[] = array( ‘from’ => $file_size — intval($matches[1]), ‘to’ => $file_size1 ); } else { throw new waException(‘Requested range not satisfiable’, 416); } } foreach ($intervals as $interval) { if ($from === false) { $from = $interval[‘from’]; } if ($to === false) { $to = $interval[‘to’]; } else { if (($to + 1) == $interval[‘from’]) { $to = $interval[‘to’]; } else { //hole at interval throw new waException(‘Requested range not satisfiable’, 416); } } } if ($from < 0 || ($to + 1) > $file_size) { throw new waException(‘Requested range not satisfiable’, 416); } $range_length = $to$from + 1; $response->setStatus(206); $response->addHeaderContent-Length«, $range_length); $response->addHeaderContent-Range«, «bytes {$from}{$to}/{$file_size}»); } else { $response->addHeaderContent-Length«, $file_size); if ($md5) { $response->addHeaderContent-MD5«, $md5); } } if (!$response->getHeaderCache-Control«)) { $response->addHeaderCache-Control«, «no-cache, must-revalidate«); } $response->addHeaderContent-type«, «{$file_type}»); $response->addHeaderContent-Disposition«, «attachment; filename=«{$send_as}»»); // wanna has possibility set own value of this header from outside (for example by update_datetime in DB record) if (!$response->getHeaderLast-Modified«)) { $response->addHeaderLast-Modified«, filemtime($file)); } wa()->getResponse()->handleIfModifiedSince(); $response->addHeaderAccept-Ranges«, «bytes«); $response->addHeaderConnection«, «close«); $fp = fopen($file, ‘rb’); if ($from) { fseek($fp, $from); } $response->sendHeaders(); $response = null; $chunk = 131072; //128KB while (!feof($fp) && $chunk && (connection_status() == 0)) { if ($to) { $chunk = min(1 + $to — @ftell($fp), $chunk); } if ($chunk) { print @fread($fp, $chunk); @flush(); } } @fclose($fp); } else { $path = wa()->getRootUrl().substr($file, strlen($base_path)); $path = preg_replace(‘@([/\\]+)@’, ‘/’, $path); $response->addHeaderContent-type«, $file_type); //RFC 6266 $response->addHeaderContent-Disposition«, «attachment; filename=«{$send_as}»»); $response->addHeaderAccept-Ranges«, «bytes«); $response->addHeaderContent-Length«, $file_size); $response->addHeaderExpires«, «0«); if (!$response->getHeaderCache-Control«)) { $response->addHeaderCache-Control«, «no-cache, must-revalidate«); } $response->addHeaderPragma«, «public«); $response->addHeaderConnection«, «close«); if ($md5) { $response->addHeaderContent-MD5«, $md5); } $response->addHeaderX-Accel-Redirect«, $path); $response->sendHeaders(); $response = null; //@future //$response->addHeader(«X-Accel-Limit-Rate», $rate_limit); } } else { $response->addHeaderContent-type«, $file_type); $response->addHeaderContent-Length«, $file_size); $response->addHeaderLast-Modified«, filemtime($file)); wa()->getResponse()->handleIfModifiedSince(); if ($md5) { $response->addHeaderContent-MD5«, $md5); } $response->sendHeaders(); $response = null; @readfile($file); } if ($exit) { if (!empty($response)) { /** * @var waResponse $response */ $response->sendHeaders(); } exit(); } } else { throw new waException(«File not found«, 404); } } /** * Protect a directory by creating .htaccess with ‘Deny from all’, if it does not exist. * * @param string $path Path to directory */ public static function protect($path) { if ($path && is_dir($path) && is_writable($path)) { $htaccess_path = $path.‘/.htaccess’; if (!file_exists($htaccess_path)) { self::write($htaccess_path, «Deny from alln»); } } } /** * Returns formatted file size value. * * @param int $file_size Numerical file size value. * @param string $format Format string for displaying file size value, which must be acceptable for PHP function sprintf(). * @param string|mixed $dimensions String of comma-separated file size measure units. * @return string */ public static function formatSize($file_size, $format = ‘%0.2f’, $dimensions = ‘Bytes,KBytes,MBytes,GBytes’) { if (!is_array($dimensions)) { $dimensions = explode(‘,’, $dimensions); } $dimensions = array_map(‘trim’, $dimensions); $dimension = array_shift($dimensions); $_format = ‘%d’; while (($file_size > 768) && ($dimension = array_shift($dimensions))) { $file_size = $file_size / 1024; $_format = $format; } return sprintf($_format, $file_size).‘ ‘._ws($dimension); } }

In c++ project when you have included header file, but inside project we are not able to access that header file then generally we get error for cannot open source file. For fixing this error check that included file is available in project include path or not.

cannot open source file visual studio C++

Solution-1 : Check your Visual Studio Project settings under C++, Check Include directories and make sure Your_filename.h is pointing to correct path. After adding proper include directories it will resolve cannot open source file visual studio error.

visual studio additional include directory
include directories to your header file

You can right click to header file and open from visual studio. If file is pointing properly it will open.

open c++ header file
Right click and try to open header file

If your include file is not properly pointing or you have not added inside your included directory then you will not able to open from visual studio.

error while opening header file
if file is not included in project then give this error

Solution-2 : Another solution, If your header file is at different folder/location then you can include file path directly in header file. Here you can use relative path or you can provide full path of header file.

Include based on your project folder structure and requirement.

#include "../FolderName/filename.h"
#include "./FolderName/filename.h"
#include "FullPath/filename.h"

Solution-1: iostream file opening error normally comes when we are missing $(IncludePath) inside Properties->VC++ Directories->Include Directories. And you have by mistake removed Include path.

Solution-2: Other possible reason is that during installing Visual studio you did not selected c++ packages.

Solution-3: You can check by including stdafx.h in starting (only for Visual studio projects)

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

Solution-4: Sometimes these type of error comes when multiple Visual Studio versions are install in single PC. You can check Projects and Solutions –> VC++ Directories, are properly added for your project and pointing to correct version location.

For Visual Studio Code:

c++ cannot open source file iostream in visual studio code can also occurs when proper paths are not added inside visual studio code c_cpp_properties.json file.

Mode details:

cannot open source file “string”

Try below steps to resolve error.

1) Open VC++ Directories option inside Configuration Properties of visual studio
2) Her all directories value (e.g. Executable directories) will be available, just you need to select drop-down and click edit
3) Remove selection of Inherit from parent
4) Now just click OK and you will see no changes inside Edit box.
5) You need to repeat this thing for all directories, At the end executable directories will be set to $(ExecutablePath) and Include directories will be set to $(IncludePath), similar way to all directories
6)Now click apply and then OK

Conclusion for cannot open source file c++

We have provided solutions for multiple errors for can not open source file c++, If you try given solution hopefully you will able to resolve error. But if still you are getting error you can add your comment and code. We will try to resolve and find solution for you. Happy coding 🙂

Reader Interactions

Why do I get error «Fatal error: Could not open source file» while using the Target Support Package TC6 3.6 (R2009a) ?

MathWorks Support Team

I would like to generate source file (with compile) using the demo titled ‘c6713dskwdnoisf’ and run it with the DSK6713 board.

However, when I try to auto-generate source code., I get error messages like as below:

The Simulink error message is shown as:

ERROR: Error building Real-Time Workshop target for block diagram ‘c6713dskwdnoisf’. MATLAB error message: The call to ccslink_ert_make_rtw_hook, during the exit hook generated the following error: Error while building the project. Caused by: Build complete: 6 errors, 0 warnings. The build process will terminate as a result.

whereas the Code Composer Studio 3.3 error message is shown as:

ERROR: ———————— c6713dskwdnoisf.pjt — CustomMW ————————

Build error: cannot run C:CCStudio_v3.3bios_5_31_02xdctoolstconf.


«C:CCStudio_v3.3C6000cgtoolsbincl6x» -o2 -fr«C:/Documents and Settings/jinryoul/My Documents/MATLAB/c6713dskwdnoisf_ccslink/CustomMW» -i«C:/Program Files/MATLAB/R2009a/toolbox/rtw/targets/ccslink/ccslink/inc» -i«C:/Program Files/MATLAB/R2009a/toolbox/rtw/dspblks/c» -i«C:/Documents and Settings/jinryoul/My Documents/MATLAB/c6713dskwdnoisf_ccslink»

INTEGER_CODE=0» -d»MT=0» -d»TID01EQ=0» -mv6710 —mem_model:data=far -@»CustomMW.lkf» «c6713dskwdnoisf.c«

«c6713dskwdnoisf.h», line 26: fatal error: could not open source file «c6713dskwdnoisfcfg.h»

1 fatal error detected in the compilation of «c6713dskwdnoisf.c».

Compilation terminated.

Accepted Answer

MathWorks Support Team

More Answers (0)

See Also


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Alexander Pepin

2010-03-18 16:28:58 UTC

If user tries to open C or C++ source file from the project created with a newer version of NB then error window appears with the message:
Error while reading XML from
Can not open project version 65 with this IDE. Only versions ....

Comment 1

Thomas Preisler

2010-03-18 18:50:43 UTC

You don't get the error message when opening the (newer) project?

Comment 2

Thomas Preisler

2010-03-24 00:02:18 UTC

Not exactly sure what you mean. I tried a couple of different things and couldn't get it to fail. Here is what I did:

1: open NB 6.9
2: create Welcome project
3: close NB 6.9
4: open NB 6.7
5: create Welcome project
6: open from project created in 2) using File->Open File command.

Everything works as expected. IT doesn't try and open the newer project.

I also tried similar scenario and using Add Existing Item and still no problems.

Will close as WorksForMe. Please reopen with exact steps to reproduce.

Comment 3

Thomas Preisler

2010-03-24 00:04:00 UTC

Not exactly sure what you mean. I tried a couple of different things and couldn't get it to fail. Here is what I did:

1: open NB 6.9
2: create Welcome project
3: close NB 6.9
4: open NB 6.7
5: create Welcome project
6: open from project created in 2) using File->Open File command.

Everything works as expected. IT doesn't try and open the newer project.

I also tried similar scenario and using Add Existing Item and still no problems.

Will close as WorksForMe. Please reopen with exact steps to reproduce.

Comment 4

Alexander Pepin

2010-03-24 15:08:10 UTC

I'm reopening the issue as it's clearly reproducible in nb6.8 patch2.
The steps are the following:
1: open NB 6.9 (trunk)
2: create Welcome project then close the project
3: close NB 6.9
4: open NB 6.8 !!!!
5: open from project created in 2) using File->Open File command.

Result: IDE is not replying for ~10 sec then Error window appears.
I think that it happens because some NB 'infrastructure' is trying to parse the project  containing the file to provide some additional 'facilities' (like source code navigation or something).

Comment 5

Thomas Preisler

2010-03-24 18:30:29 UTC

OK. now I can reproduce. Here is what is going on:

Opening a file from another project using File->Open File triggers a activeProjectChanged event (from NetBeans's project system) and CND is (corretly) trying to add the a property listener to the new project and therefor reading the configuration file. Question is why NetBeans is changing active project just because you open a file in another project. Need to find out. The problem is also in NB 6.9.

Comment 6

Thomas Preisler

2010-03-25 00:36:01 UTC

I investigated this further:

Opening a file with File->Open File triggers the holding project to be created by NetBean's project system. It also changes active configuration. There is really not much we can do here because it is happening deep inside NB's project system. This is usually not a problem but if the project cannot be read (version is too new), then you will see the error message. This is also not really a bug. All you have to do is to dismiss the error message. The editor, code model, and everything else should now behave correctly and thats where I have made a change so it doesn't attach a configuration listener to a broken project. I still see some errors from code model but unsure if it is related to the 'broken' project or something else. 

Here is what I will do:

I will downgrade to P3 since the whole scenario is rather unusual and not very common, and it does seem to work OK.

Have Alexander S. evaluate the problem and see if he can suggest a fix.

Please note that getting the error message about cannot read the project is not a bug. But it is a bug if the IDE doesn't behave correctly after the file has been opened.

Comment 7

Thomas Preisler

2010-03-25 00:45:32 UTC

Here is how you can see the problem in 6.9:

1) create welcome project
2) close project (important)
2) close IDE
3) manually edit and change version number in configuration.xml and private/configuration.xml to something high, for instance 80
4) start IDE again
5) Use File->Open File to open in the project you created in 1). You should now see the error dialog, but file should open just fine. Try different things and you should not see any exception or misbehavior due to the broken project.

Comment 9

Alexander Pepin

2010-04-03 19:53:25 UTC

needs verification

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