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- Ошибка I/O error for file «C:WINDOWSTEMPfb_sort_xxxx
- Ошибка I/O error for file «C:WINDOWSTEMPfb_sort_xxxx
- Re: Ошибка I/O error for file «C:WINDOWSTEMPfb_sort_
- Re: Ошибка I/O error for file «C:WINDOWSTEMPfb_sort_
- Re: Ошибка I/O error for file «C:WINDOWSTEMPfb_sort_
- Error while trying to open file firebird
- Error while trying to open file firebird
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Ошибка I/O error for file «C:WINDOWSTEMPfb_sort_xxxx
Модераторы: kdv, CyberMax
Ошибка I/O error for file «C:WINDOWSTEMPfb_sort_xxxx
Сообщение kmi » 30 авг 2007, 12:42
Сообщение WildSery » 30 авг 2007, 12:52
Сообщение kmi » 30 авг 2007, 12:56
Сообщение WildSery » 30 авг 2007, 13:15
Сообщение kmi » 30 авг 2007, 14:08
Сообщение kmi » 30 авг 2007, 14:30
Сообщение WildSery » 30 авг 2007, 15:10
Сообщение kmi » 30 авг 2007, 15:13
Сообщение Dimitry Sibiryakov » 30 авг 2007, 15:37
Тебя не это спрашивают. Тебя спрашивают под каким аккаунтом запущен сервер FB.
Собственно, при кривой БД и запросе сожрать 30ГБ под сортировку — нет ничего невозможного.
Re: Ошибка I/O error for file «C:WINDOWSTEMPfb_sort_
Сообщение hvlad » 30 авг 2007, 15:52
Re: Ошибка I/O error for file «C:WINDOWSTEMPfb_sort_
Сообщение kmi » 30 авг 2007, 16:25
Сообщение kmi » 30 авг 2007, 16:28
Сообщение stix-s » 30 авг 2007, 18:26
Сообщение kmi » 30 авг 2007, 18:31
Re: Ошибка I/O error for file «C:WINDOWSTEMPfb_sort_
Сообщение WildSery » 30 авг 2007, 18:52
Сообщение kmi » 31 авг 2007, 19:35
В лог-файле ошибка отсутствует. Фиксируются только данные о разрывах и восстановлении подключения.
Установка параметра TempDirectories = e:temp; f:temp в файле конфигурации привела к тому, что ошибка с файлом сортировки исчезла, но возникла другая проблема. Некоторое количество клиентов подключается замечательно. Но затем подключения начинают отвергаться. Даже попытка подключения к расшаренной папке на сервере приводит к ошибке «Превышено максимальное количество подключений». В результате из 40 клиентов работает только 15. Впрочем, эти 15 работают корректно.
Если я комментирую параметр TempDirectories в файле конфигурации — все клиенты подключаются, но вновь возникают проблемы с сортировкой.
Error while trying to open file firebird
Учусь работать на python 2.7 с базами данных. Использую firebird. Пытаюсь работать по вот такому мануалу
http://firebirdsql.org/file/document. g-started.html
Создал базу данных, но при выполнении такого кода:
Точно есть и именно с таким путем?
Точно есть и именно с таким путем?
Ну без английского сложно программировать.
Вот тут, есть больше примеров,
Вот тут, есть больше примеров,
И такой варианта подключения тоже сработал
con = fdb.connect(dsn=’localhost:/home/korolev/Downloads/mkpdlpdb.gdb’, user=’sysdba’, password=’respect’, charset=’UTF8′)
Хотя раньше я его использовал уже и не получилось. Но был потом обнаружен косяк с оквычками. Ресурс с которого я копировал команду использовал одинарные ковычки, но другие и они вызывали ощшибку. Наложилось еще несколько других ошибок и я заплутал.
Теперь можно хоть дальше посмотреть как это работает.
Error while trying to open file firebird
Junior Member Редактировать | Профиль | Сообщение | Цитировать | Сообщить модератору Проинсталлировал FireBird 2.5 Beta.
Я себе пишу вроде мануала, чтобы была в будущем подсказка под рукой:
Прокоментируйте мои действия:
С isql.exe не разобрался,
для создания базы данных и таблицы в ней, использовал IB/FB Development Studio.
Запустить IB/FB Development Studio
Войти в Редактор Баз Данных.
Создать новую базу данных
Указать сервер, указать путь к файлу
Открыть Базу Данных
Правая кнопка мыши — создать объект (новую таблицу)
Правая кнопка мыши — создать поле, если нужно добавить первичный ключ и автоинкремент (создать генератор)
Запустить Delphi2007
Создать новый проект
Из вкладки InterBase добавить на форму компонент TIBDatabase
Из вкладки InterBase добавить на форму компонент TIBTransaction
Из вкладки InterBase добавить на форму компонент TIBDataSet
Из вкладки Data Access добавить на форму компонент TDataSource
Из вкладки Data Controls добавить на форму компонент TDBGrid
Настройка компонента TIBDatabase:
В свойстве компонента DefaultTransaction: имя компонента TIBTransaction
Двойной клик по компоненту (или правая клавиша мыши) — вызвать Database Editor
ввести путь к файлу базы данных
PASSWORD: masterkey
Свойство компонента Connected =TRUE
Настройка компонента TIBTransaction:
В свойстве компонента DefaultDatabase: имя компонента TIBDatabase
Двойной клик по компоненту (или правая клавиша мыши) — вызвать Transaction Editor
Выбрать опцию Read Committed (для чтения и записи по подтвержением)
Свойство компонента Active =TRUE
Настройка компонента TIBDataSet:
В свойстве компонента Database: имя компонента TIBDatabase
В свойстве компонента Transaction: имя компонента TIBTransaction
Двойной клик по компоненту (или правая клавиша мыши) — вызвать DataSet Editor
Select Table Name: (доступны только при активных предыдущих компонентах)
Select Primary Keys (либо выбрать вручную автоинкрементное поле)
Update Fields: (рекомендуется снять выбор с автоинкрементного поля)
Нажать кнопку «Generate SQL»
Свойства компонента DeleteSQL,InsertSQL,ModifySQL,RefreshSQL автоматически заполнятся.
Выбрать свойство компонента SelectSQL в Object Inspector, вызвать CommandText Editor
Выбрать таблицу, ввести SQL: Select * from (имя выбранной таблицы)
В свойстве компонента GeneratorField: выбрать имя генератора, выбрать поле, применить: On New Record
Свойство компонента Active =TRUE
Настройка компонента TDataSource:
В свойстве компонента DataSet: имя компонента TIBDataSet:
Свойство компонента Enable =TRUE
Настройка компонента TDBGrid:
В свойстве компонента DataSource: имя компонента TDataSource
Двойной клик по компоненту (или правая клавиша мыши) — вызвать Columns Editor
Если предыдущие компоненты активны (база данных подключена), то доступна кнопка «Добавить все поля» (Add All Fields)
В Дельфи, на вкладке Structure — компонент TDBGrid/Columns — выбрать столбец, задать его ширину в пикселях. Тем столбцам, которые не надо показывать — сделать Visible=FALSE (либо удалить из списка в столбцов в Columns Editor)
К сожалению, для информации у меня только книга Архангельского «Программирование в Delphi7» и интернет, поэтому будет много вопросов:
Вообщем, база данных подключилась. В базе данных Character Set = UNICODE_FSS (хочу и на русском и на европейских языках писать)
Если ввожу в текстовые поля английские символы — всё нормально, если ввожу русские — выдает ошибку «malformed string».
Далее, хочу создать программку, в которой можно самому программно создавать таблицы с полями.
Программный код создания таблицы отсюда: http://ibase.ru/devinfo/ibx.htm
create table X
(id int not null,
name varchar(30),
constraint PK_X primary key (id));
Мои вопросы — куда этот код вставлять? И как добавлять новые поля? Что это за ошибка «malformed string» (как от этого избавиться)? Всего записей: 137 | Зарегистр. 12-07-2004 | Отправлено: 19:32 22-06-2009 | Исправлено: Kursist, 19:42 22-06-2009
Advanced Member |
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По поводу ошибки «malformed string» почитайте здесь IBase |
Всего записей: 713 | Зарегистр. 31-03-2006 | Отправлено: 19:46 22-06-2009 |
Silver Member |
Редактировать | Профиль | Сообщение | Цитировать | Сообщить модератору Цитата: С isql.exe не разобрался, Цитата: скачай лучше ———- |
Всего записей: 3253 | Зарегистр. 24-11-2005 | Отправлено: 20:31 22-06-2009 |
Junior Member |
Редактировать | Профиль | Сообщение | Цитировать | Сообщить модератору volser FireBird 2.5 Beta Delphi2007 В компоненте IBDatabase обнаружил UTF8, а вот в Как же быть? |
Всего записей: 137 | Зарегистр. 12-07-2004 | Отправлено: 20:37 22-06-2009 |
Silver Member |
Редактировать | Профиль | Сообщение | Цитировать | Сообщить модератору Цитата: Настройка компонента TIBDatabase: Не увидел, с какой кодировкой ты базу создавал и с какой кодировкой подключаешься. ———- |
Всего записей: 3253 | Зарегистр. 24-11-2005 | Отправлено: 20:39 22-06-2009 |
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Цитата: скачай лучше IBExpert он на русском и для жителей бывшего СНГ бесплатен ОПА: (http://www.ibase.ru/unicode_faq.html) 15th June 2009 Добавлено: Unsuccessful execution caused by a system error that precludes successful execution of subsequent statements. Server: Remote, ServerName: localhost, Protocol: TCP/IP, ServerVersion: FireBird 2.5 Test: Connecting. Failed! Attempting to connect to services manager. Passed! Disconnecting from database. Passed! Я так понимаю, что файла этого нет, а разве он его сам не создает? —————————————————————- Добавлено: Не могу создать таблицу в базе данных (эти опции не активны в меню), предположительно это из-за ошибки доступа — не может подсоединиться, только почему я не пойму! Чисто административные проблемы, наверное, не люблю я такие проблемы — совсем это не программирование! |
Всего записей: 137 | Зарегистр. 12-07-2004 | Отправлено: 20:43 22-06-2009 | Исправлено: Kursist, 21:48 22-06-2009 |
Advanced Member |
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Цитата: Для полной поддержки unicode нужно использовать Delphi2009. |
Всего записей: 713 | Зарегистр. 31-03-2006 | Отправлено: 22:35 22-06-2009 |
Silver Member |
Редактировать | Профиль | Сообщение | Цитировать | Сообщить модератору Цитата: IBExpert не является unicode-приложением Если быть внимательным, то ты не прав. Цитата: Для полной поддержки unicode нужно использовать Delphi2009. Или компоненты типа TNT или DevExpress, или TMS Цитата: Тест не работает — ругается! Сочувствую. Жди телепатов. Цитата: Я так понимаю, что файла этого нет, а разве он его сам не создает? В эксперте выбери меню Создать новую базу. А ты что, подключаешься к несуществующей? Добавлено: ———- |
Всего записей: 3253 | Зарегистр. 24-11-2005 | Отправлено: 22:50 22-06-2009 |
Advanced Member |
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Цитата: Начиная с Delphi2009. Цитата: Пакет для работы с unicode есть, но сами визуальные компоненты компоненты не являются unicode, поскольку построены на vcl. |
Всего записей: 713 | Зарегистр. 31-03-2006 | Отправлено: 23:05 22-06-2009 |
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Всё заработало. Перезагрузка ноутбука помогла. При подключении базы данных в Дельфи, пришлось использовать новый IBDataSet, так как в предыдущем были настройки на предыдущую базу данных, и генератов автоинкремента ключевого поля. Цитата: Dinamic SQL error У меня в таблице нет столько полей/столбцов! Добавлено: А когда пытаешься подключиться к базе данных, то выдает ошибку: (перевод: Добавлено: |
Всего записей: 137 | Зарегистр. 12-07-2004 | Отправлено: 23:52 22-06-2009 | Исправлено: Kursist, 01:33 23-06-2009 |
Silver Member |
Редактировать | Профиль | Сообщение | Цитировать | Сообщить модератору Цитата: Читай про Windows авторизацию в Firebird ———- |
Всего записей: 3253 | Зарегистр. 24-11-2005 | Отправлено: 09:23 23-06-2009 |
Junior Member |
Редактировать | Профиль | Сообщение | Цитировать | Сообщить модератору Можете подсказать, как в IBExpert в уже созданной таблице удалить поле? |
Всего записей: 137 | Зарегистр. 12-07-2004 | Отправлено: 14:46 24-06-2009 |
Advanced Member |
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Открыть таблицу. Перейти на закладку поля. Правой клавишей нажать на нужное поле. Выбрать пункт меню «Удалить поле. « |
Всего записей: 713 | Зарегистр. 31-03-2006 | Отправлено: 15:03 24-06-2009 |
Junior Member |
Редактировать | Профиль | Сообщение | Цитировать | Сообщить модератору Правый клик мышкой по полю. В popup-меню: New Filed Edit Field Drop Field Create Foreign Key.. Reorder Fields Copy Fields list to clipboard Нет у меня «Delete Field»! Если бы это было так очевидно, я бы не спрашивал. Во вкладке DDL хотел удалить строку создания поля, в команде создание таблицы, но не разрешает.. |
Всего записей: 137 | Зарегистр. 12-07-2004 | Отправлено: 15:39 24-06-2009 | Исправлено: Kursist, 15:47 24-06-2009 |
data man
Advanced Member |
Редактировать | Профиль | Сообщение | Цитировать | Сообщить модератору Kursist 1. Если не открыт Эксплорер БД — нажать F11. 2. В нем (обычно он слева), в списке таблиц, найти нужную. 3. В списке полей, правый клик, в меню «Удалить поле» или нажать Ctrl-Del. Если поле только одно, то удалить его таким образом нельзя. P.S. |
Всего записей: 1696 | Зарегистр. 13-10-2005 | Отправлено: 15:53 24-06-2009 |
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IB Expert — The Most Expert for InterBase, Firebird and Yaffil Полей несколько. Цитата: В popup-меню: + не реагирует. |
Всего записей: 137 | Зарегистр. 12-07-2004 | Отправлено: 16:06 24-06-2009 |
Advanced Member |
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Цитата: Команды «удалить поле» — НЕТ! А это что? |
Всего записей: 713 | Зарегистр. 31-03-2006 | Отправлено: 16:07 24-06-2009 | Исправлено: volser, 16:07 24-06-2009 |
Junior Member |
Редактировать | Профиль | Сообщение | Цитировать | Сообщить модератору Цитата: А! Это и есть УДАЛИТЬ! Бл. (Извиняюсь!) |
Всего записей: 137 | Зарегистр. 12-07-2004 | Отправлено: 16:08 24-06-2009 |
data man
Advanced Member |
Редактировать | Профиль | Сообщение | Цитировать | Сообщить модератору Kursist Может стоит переключить интерфейс IBExperta’а на русский ? P.S. Здесь cсылка лежит более новый перевод, чем в инсталле. |
Всего записей: 1696 | Зарегистр. 13-10-2005 | Отправлено: 16:25 24-06-2009 | Исправлено: data man, 16:38 24-06-2009 |
Junior Member |
Редактировать | Профиль | Сообщение | Цитировать | Сообщить модератору data man в настройках язык интерфейса только English (Default) Ещё вопрос: Добавлено: Вот такой скрипт получается: alter table ORDERS This operation is not defined for system tables. Источник Adblock |
Submitted by: Derryck welas (welas)
Jira_subtask_outward CORE6009
The server has been online for ~ 2 weeks then,
hangs while nobody is using the system (4 AM) ( i had to kill all fb_inet_server instances, then connection was possible again)
this is written in the firebird.log (every second)
eusdlsdbb024.logistics.corp Mon Mar 8 04:05:04 2010
Error in isc_attach_database() API call when working with security database
I/O error during «open» operation for file «/tmp/firebird/fb_trace_ksVDoc»
Error while trying to open file
No such file or directory
/tmp seems to have enough space .
Client application jdbc stack error (no connection possible):
Caused by: org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBSQLException: GDS Exception. 335544344. I/O error for file open «/tmp/firebird/fb_trace_ksVDoc»
Error while trying to open file
null, error code: HY000
Reason: I/O error for file open «/tmp/firebird/fb_trace_ksVDoc»
Error while trying to open file
i have ODS Version 11.2 and 11.1 databases running on this instance.
Commits: 0979b7c e8d1eea 6ea33a5 f7f1def
Commented by: Derryck welas (welas)
b.t.w. trace is not enabled on this server. (default fbtrace.conf )
Component: Engine [ 10000 ]
Commented by: @hvlad
It is not clear, you wrote :
a) nobody is using the system
b) i had to kill all fb_inet_server instances
so how it can be at the same time ?
And a question : if there was file /tmp/firebird/fb_trace at that time ?
Commented by: Derryck welas (welas)
See your point, but what i mean is there were no people actually testing on the server which means no «load». (It is a test server)
What was running are ~ 10 jboss instances connected to this server (10 databases) and there is some activity gooing on when these
things are running. (dooing occasional select statements etc..just basic dsql )
what was interesting is that all connections from multiple databases were affected.
based on the firebird.log this error appeared on Mar 8 ~ 04:05:04 (2 days ago, you can imagine firebird.log was very big)
the time i saw the error is today and that is the time i killed «fb_inet_server» instances.
When the server was unreachable (today) i did not see any » /tmp/firebird/fb_trace*** file
Commented by: Derryck welas (welas)
other strange thing:
i have «TempDirectories =/local/apps/tmp» in my firebird.conf so dont know how the system comes up with «/tmp/firebird/»
Commented by: @hvlad
Files, which backed shared memory (lock table, events table, monitoring snapshots, trace files, etc) are placed at /tmp/firebird folder independently of TempDirectories setting value
Commented by: @hvlad
Are you sure you have RC2, not RC1 ? Any chance you have had embedded connection (for ex. gbak) using RC1 ?
I ask because there was similar (?) issue CORE2807 resolved in RC2
Commented by: Derryck welas (welas)
-its FirebirdCS-
-connections are only over remote interface.
— gbak like this : gbak -B -V /local/apps/firebird/database.gdb -user sysdba -pass ****** /local/apps/dbbackup/database.bck
currently i dont use the trace api but i will start testing it from here on.
Commented by: Derryck welas (welas)
How to recreate the error:
go to /tmp/firebird and delete the file fb_trace_****** file . (the one where the trace config is copied to)
i know it should not happen but when that file is not there your server is locked down ! (no new connections possible )
the moment you kill all instances of fb_inet_server , than you can make new connections to the server.
i think it would be better to just recreate an empty fb_trace_****** file in such situation ( it is empty in most situations anyway).
Commented by: @AlexPeshkoff
Manually removing file is not a way to reproduce a bug.
The problem is not ‘what to do when file is deleted’.
The problem is ‘why was a file deleted when it must exist’.
Removing file from /tmp is a known way to prevent normal OS operation.
I suppose you did not remove it manually when the bug happened first time?
Commented by: Derryck welas (welas)
Hey will keep an close eye on this error (if happening on normal DSQL processing over jdbc),
but for now not able to reproduce bug.
the only things i encounter during load testing (something i already mentioned in CORE2891)
eusdlsdbb024.logistics.corp Wed Mar 17 15:02:46 2010
Fatal lock manager error: semop failed (release_shmem), errno: 0
eusdlsdbb024.logistics.corp Wed Mar 17 15:02:46 2010
Shutting down the server with 1 active connection(s) to 1 database(s), 0 active service(s)
eusdlsdbb024.logistics.corp Wed Mar 17 15:02:51 2010
Firebird shutdown is still in progress after the specified timeout
eusdlsdbb024.logistics.corp Wed Mar 17 15:02:51 2010
Operating system call pthread_mutex_destroy failed. Error code 16
Commented by: Yakushev.Y (yyy)
Linux version 2.6.18-128.el5 (mailto:mockbuild@builder10.centos.org) (gcc version 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-44)) #1 SMP Wed Jan 21 10:41:14 EST 2009
Firebird/linux Intel (access method), version «LI-V2.5.0.25920 Firebird 2.5 Release Candidate 2»
on disk structure version 11.2
http://IS2.md.net Sat Mar 20 04:02:44 2010
Error in isc_attach_database() API call when working with security database I/O error during «open» operation for file «/tmp/firebird/fb_trace_XhBjYa»
Error while trying to open file
No Such file or directory
TempDirectories = /inf/fbtemp
The same situation.
Server is up for 11 days. Everything is fine till Mar 20. Server load is low at this time.
/tmp seems to have enough space.
I’m unable to reproduce the bug.
Commented by: @hvlad
are you sure nobody deleted files in /tmp/firebird ?
Commented by: Yakushev.Y (yyy)
Yes. 20 MArch is saturday. All IT specialists had a day off. This problem was detected on Monday.
Server is in the local network. No access from outside.
Commented by: @hvlad
No cron tasks with disk cleanup ?
Commented by: Yakushev.Y (yyy)
This database is used with a special application in one of the Moscow companies. This company consists of central office (CO) and has about 30 units over Moscow. Each unit has it’s own database. By now, most of the units have Firebird 2.0 installed. But the central database(CDB) was recently upgraded to FB 2.5.
They are connected via corporate network with no access from outside (internet), as a radical security solution.
All information from units transfers to central database with a replication program (AI, AU, AD triggers «chagelog» table) for statistic purposes.
3 units work at night time. Most of the users application activity events are logged in the database. Sometimes, application in the unit get’s information directly from the central database.
No one works in central office on Saturdays and Sundays. Server for the CDB is dedicated, there are no other services running on it, except Firebird and «standart».
Most of the users at CO don’t shutdown their client applications when they go home.
This company has it’s own IT department. I’m working on the application developer side.
• None of companies IT department specialists worked on 20 March;
• Problem was detected at Monday morning, IT department had a talk off;
• It is a good rule, IT department never makes changes on the CDB server without asking me, I believe;
• There are no cron jobs running on the CDB server;
• There is one backup job on Windows 2003 server (backup and replication) with Firebird 2.5, running at 22.00. Backup time is not more then 1,5 hour;
• On 18 of March a reserve server (RS) was connected to the network (in case the main crashes).
A new backup CDB to RS- restore on RS job was installed on this server, backup — restore at 1.00;
• There was no user activity since 1.00 in units, according to the application log;
• No data was inserted(u,d) in CDB according to replication log since 3.00, only selecting from the «changelog» table.
There were no problems on the CDB server, exept 1. The RS DNS name was the same with the main server http://IS2.md.net. So since 18 March I I saw in the messages, and one of them was near the bug time:
Mar 20 04:03:06 IS2 nmbd[3299]: [2010/03/20 04:03:06, 0] nmbd/nmbd_packets.c:process_browse_packet(1067)
Mar 20 04:03:06 IS2 nmbd[3299]: process_browse_packet: Discarding datagram from IP Source name IS2<00> is one of our names !
We have our application installed in several other companies with FB 2.5. There were no such problems detected. But Windows is used there.
This is the first bug in this company since FB 1.5 which is not solved before we saw it. Thanks to the Firebird team and all the bug reporters.
We have ibase support, so if the problem happens again, we will get them involved.
We’ll try to get more information for you.
May be this is not FB problem. But this situation happened at least twice.
Commented by: Derryck welas (welas)
Hey it happened again !
believe me nobody has the nerve to delete anything on this server
I think the «fb_trace_*****» file is not deleted
but firebird is somehow losing the (active) name of the trace file .
firebird.log reports:
eusdlsdbb024.logistics.corp Fri Apr 2 04:03:01 2010
Error in isc_attach_database() API call when working with security database
I/O error during «open» operation for file «/tmp/firebird/fb_trace_VaqTGg»
While in the /tmp/firebird/ directory there is «fb_trace_kDlCCp» with date 03/17/2010
after i kill the fb_inet_server instances a new trace file is created «fb_trace_GamqsW» with date 04/02/2010
also see attached picture: «error_sequence_of_events.PNG»
Attachment: error_sequence_of_events.PNG [ 11608 ]
Commented by: @AlexPeshkoff
Guys, I have collected here all known to me (not only from this ticket, fb-devel was also used) times when you had problems.
eusdlsdbb024.logistics.corp Mon Mar 8 04:05:04 2010
http://IS2.md.net Sat Mar 20 04:02:44 2010
eusdlsdbb024.logistics.corp Fri Apr 2 04:03:01 2010
http://DB2.gtk-sa.pl Sun Mar 28 04:19:16 2010
Pay attention — this is always soon after 4 o’clock in the night time. Be sure firebird DOES NOT have any scheduling to do something special a specific moment of time. But there is one program in unix, which does perform this activity — cron. And one of typical tasks — clear tmp. And the time when this activity is performed — night.
When you say ‘we have no cron tasks’ may be it means ‘we did not add cron tasks’? Many linux distro already have /tmp cleanup task when installed. Please check files and dirs /tmp/cron* — I suppose you may find something interesting.
Commented by: Derryck welas (welas)
The 1e incident there was no crontab task on the server.
but now i have crontab calling a «java» program every minute for 9 different databases: ( one database even every 30 sec)
executed by the program is :
there are no /tmp/cron* directories/files
/tmp has 520M disk available ( 992M 421M 520M 45% /tmp)
also there are older files in /tmp/firebird/* wich are not removed.
here is from «/etc/cron.daily/tmpwatch» ..
/usr/sbin/tmpwatch «$flags» -x /tmp/.X11-unix -x /tmp/.XIM-unix
-x /tmp/.font-unix -x /tmp/.ICE-unix -x /tmp/.Test-unix 240 /tmp
/usr/sbin/tmpwatch «$flags» 720 /var/tmp
for d in /var/{cache/man,catman}/{cat?,X11R6/cat?,local/cat?}; do
if [ -d «$d» ]; then
/usr/sbin/tmpwatch «$flags» -f 720 «$d»
the current «stat on fb_trace_GamqsW»
File: `fb_trace_GamqsW’
Size: 0 Blocks: 0 IO Block: 4096 regular empty file
Device: fd03h/64771d Inode: 131085 Links: 1
Access: (0660/-rw-rw—-) Uid: ( 84/firebird) Gid: ( 84/firebird)
Access: 2010-04-02 16:22:30.000000000 +0200
Modify: 2010-04-02 16:22:30.000000000 +0200
Change: 2010-04-02 16:22:30.000000000 +0200
based on this it looks like «tempwatch» will remove the file (after 240 hours of no access)
also i dont see the access time or modify time changing. (means if i dont do some tracing the file will be deleted in 10 days……?
Commented by: @hvlad
looks like you’ve found a correct reason for a problem.
I think this will help much with fixing it — in RC3.
So far, you can try as a workaround to
— add cron task to touch files in /tmp/firebird/*, or
— tune tempwatch to not delete (opened) files in /tmp/firebird/*, if it is possible
It seems —fuser option could help : http://linux.about.com/library/cmd/blcmdl8_tmpwatch.htm
I guess you can change
flags=-umc by
Commented by: Derryck welas (welas)
Looking forward to RC3 !
Commented by: @AlexPeshkoff
Made any running instance of firebird perodically touch mentioned file.
status: Open [ 1 ] => Resolved [ 5 ]
resolution: Fixed [ 1 ]
Fix Version: 2.5 RC3 [ 10381 ]
status: Resolved [ 5 ] => Closed [ 6 ]
status: Closed [ 6 ] => Closed [ 6 ]
QA Status: Cannot be tested
Commented by: John Franck (bozzy)
Almost 9 years later, I’m experiencing this same behaviour.
Firebird 3.0.4 SS 64bit on CentOS 7.
As reported here (in russian): http://www.sql.ru/forum/1292505/sever-hangs-on-i-o-error-during-open-operation-for-file-tmp-firebird-fb-trace-ksvdoc
it seems that «something» (I don’t know what and I don’t know how to find it out — I’m not a linux guru) is cleaning the /tmp directory every now and then (again, I don’k know how often, maybe it’s a week like in the above russian report), then the absence of the file /tmp/firebird/fb_trace_* prevents local connections to work raising the error:
I/O error during «open» operation for file «/tmp/firebird/fb_trace_1tdYvH» <<— (my example)
-Error while trying to open file
-No such file or directory
Luckily enough, remote connections continue to work. As this happens on our production server, it would be disastrous if it would block remote connections.
On this server, tracking is disabled, so these fb_trace files seems to be just spurious. As others mentioned, it’s quite strange that the server stops responding to local connections if a seemingly useless file is not where it pretends to be, and if this is really needed to exist, it could be recreated by the engine if it doesn’t find it.
Side note: I know that on SuperServer it’s not a good idea to connect to databases locally, but for some batch operations that we run overnight when our service is already offline, this doesn’t represent a problem, as there are no other connections to the DBs.
Commented by: @AlexPeshkoff
If there are files /tmp/firebird/fb_trace* that means that there are connections to the server. And if some file is deleted that connection(s) remain active for a very long time (about a week). But may be not to database you are going to access locally.
On the other hand if there are connections and if it’s not super (but classic) missing such file may become a problem. I.e. I see need to fix an issue. Please create new ticket in the tracker.
Commented by: @AlexPeshkoff
BTW — this is not actually a bug in FB but a bug in linux — it may delete opened file dduring regular /tmp cleanup. That actions are performed by script in /tmp/cron.* directory, unfotunately I can’t say for sure what script to delete to quickly fix your issue (I use gentoo which by default miss that broken feature) but useally looking at scripts and appluing some common sense to them helps to find that script easily.
assignee: Alexander Peshkov [ alexpeshkoff ]
Commented by: @dyemanov
Alex, I’ve just discovered that your commit for this issue (touchThreadFunc for trace) was never frontported into v3/v4. This may be the reason why the bug strikes back for v3 users. Or am I missing something?
Commented by: @hvlad
IIRC, there was intention to move touch function to the new timer thread
changed the title
Sever Hangs on I/O error during «open» operation for file «/tmp/firebird/fb_trace_ksVDoc» [CORE2917]
Server Hangs on I/O error during «open» operation for file «/tmp/firebird/fb_trace_ksVDoc» [CORE2917]
Aug 30, 2021
Fix from 2.5 got broken in 3.0 due to bug (integer overflow) in ITimer code.
2 participants
Модераторы: kdv, CyberMax
- Сообщения: 30
- Зарегистрирован: 29 июн 2007, 13:23
Ошибка I/O error for file «C:WINDOWSTEMPfb_sort_xxxx
Друзья, очень нужна помощь!
Использую в программе связь с базой Firebird 1.5 через ODBC-драйвер от Phoenix.
Программа работает некоторое достаточно продолжительное время, но затем возникает ошибка типа
«I/O error for file «C:WINDOWSTEMPfb_sort_xxxxxx». Error while trying to open file. Недопустимые данные.»
И после этого программа перестает получать данные из базы.
Такая же программа (одна и та же сборка) на другом компьютере, работающая параллельно, никаких ошибок не выдает, хотя работает с теми же данными.
Отчего может быть такая напасть и как с ней бороться?
- Заслуженный разработчик
- Сообщения: 1738
- Зарегистрирован: 05 июн 2006, 16:19
WildSery » 30 авг 2007, 12:52
Место на диске кончилось.
Или старая файловая система не позволяет раздуть размер.
- Сообщения: 30
- Зарегистрирован: 29 июн 2007, 13:23
kmi » 30 авг 2007, 12:56
WildSery писал(а):Место на диске кончилось.
Или старая файловая система не позволяет раздуть размер.
А с правами пользователя это может быть связано?
- Заслуженный разработчик
- Сообщения: 1738
- Зарегистрирован: 05 июн 2006, 16:19
WildSery » 30 авг 2007, 13:15
В каталог C:WINDOWSTEMP ? Наверное. Я с виндусом редко.
FB у тебя как сервис или как приложение запускается? И от какого юзера, само собой.
- Сообщения: 30
- Зарегистрирован: 29 июн 2007, 13:23
kmi » 30 авг 2007, 14:08
Вход идет с правами администратора. Свободное место на диске — 30 Гб. NTFS. FB работает на выделенном сервере как сервис. Подключение к нему идет по локалке посредством TCP/IP.
- Сообщения: 30
- Зарегистрирован: 29 июн 2007, 13:23
kmi » 30 авг 2007, 14:30
А может помочь параметр TempDirectories на сервере?
- Заслуженный разработчик
- Сообщения: 1738
- Зарегистрирован: 05 июн 2006, 16:19
WildSery » 30 авг 2007, 15:10
kmi писал(а):А может помочь параметр TempDirectories на сервере?
Вряд ли.
Программа эта самая, чего за запрос такой отправляет на сервер, что сортировочный файл создаётся, не смотрел?
Отправляет ли такой запрос тот, другой комп, и создаётся ли файл сортировки в этом случае? С теми же параметрами запрос?
- Сообщения: 30
- Зарегистрирован: 29 июн 2007, 13:23
kmi » 30 авг 2007, 15:13
Запросы Select. Все машины отправляют запросы одинаковые. Соответственно, файлы сортировки создаются в любом случае.
Dimitry Sibiryakov
- Заслуженный разработчик
- Сообщения: 1436
- Зарегистрирован: 15 сен 2005, 09:05
Dimitry Sibiryakov » 30 авг 2007, 15:37
kmi писал(а):Вход идет с правами администратора.
Тебя не это спрашивают. Тебя спрашивают под каким аккаунтом запущен сервер FB.
Собственно, при кривой БД и запросе сожрать 30ГБ под сортировку — нет ничего невозможного.
- Разработчик Firebird
- Сообщения: 1244
- Зарегистрирован: 21 мар 2005, 10:48
Re: Ошибка I/O error for file «C:WINDOWSTEMPfb_sort_
hvlad » 30 авг 2007, 15:52
kmi писал(а):Программа работает некоторое достаточно продолжительное время, но затем возникает ошибка типа
«I/O error for file «C:WINDOWSTEMPfb_sort_xxxxxx». Error while trying to open file. Недопустимые данные.»
Не знаю такой ошибки. Нужен точный текст
- Сообщения: 30
- Зарегистрирован: 29 июн 2007, 13:23
Re: Ошибка I/O error for file «C:WINDOWSTEMPfb_sort_
kmi » 30 авг 2007, 16:25
hvlad писал(а):Не знаю такой ошибки. Нужен точный текст
Это точный текст. Вместо xxxxxx указывается некоторая последовательность символов, делающая имя файла уникальной.
- Сообщения: 30
- Зарегистрирован: 29 июн 2007, 13:23
kmi » 30 авг 2007, 16:28
Доступ к базе под SYSDBA
- Заслуженный разработчик
- Сообщения: 557
- Зарегистрирован: 13 дек 2005, 11:52
stix-s » 30 авг 2007, 18:26
kmi писал(а):Доступ к базе под SYSDBA
диск на проблемной машине живой? или это только кажется?
что ты в конфиге в параметре TempDirectories указал?
- Сообщения: 30
- Зарегистрирован: 29 июн 2007, 13:23
kmi » 30 авг 2007, 18:31
Диск живой. Иначе бы вообще все умерло.
Конфигу пока не менял. Т.е. используется значение по умолчанию. Отсюда и WindowsTemp
- Заслуженный разработчик
- Сообщения: 1738
- Зарегистрирован: 05 июн 2006, 16:19
Re: Ошибка I/O error for file «C:WINDOWSTEMPfb_sort_
WildSery » 30 авг 2007, 18:52
kmi писал(а):Это точный текст. Вместо xxxxxx указывается некоторая последовательность символов, делающая имя файла уникальной.
Скопируй строку из файла firebird.log, где эта ошибка написана.
- Сообщения: 30
- Зарегистрирован: 29 июн 2007, 13:23
kmi » 31 авг 2007, 19:35
В лог-файле ошибка отсутствует. Фиксируются только данные о разрывах и восстановлении подключения.
Установка параметра TempDirectories = e:temp; f:temp в файле конфигурации привела к тому, что ошибка с файлом сортировки исчезла, но возникла другая проблема. Некоторое количество клиентов подключается замечательно. Но затем подключения начинают отвергаться. Даже попытка подключения к расшаренной папке на сервере приводит к ошибке «Превышено максимальное количество подключений». В результате из 40 клиентов работает только 15. Впрочем, эти 15 работают корректно.
Если я комментирую параметр TempDirectories в файле конфигурации — все клиенты подключаются, но вновь возникают проблемы с сортировкой.
- Заслуженный разработчик
- Сообщения: 557
- Зарегистрирован: 13 дек 2005, 11:52
stix-s » 02 сен 2007, 09:52
kmi писал(а):
……….Но затем подключения начинают отвергаться. Даже попытка подключения к расшаренной папке на сервере приводит…….
А шара здесь каким боком и вообще нафиг?
- Сообщения: 30
- Зарегистрирован: 29 июн 2007, 13:23
kmi » 03 сен 2007, 23:02
Шара тут привалилась хитро. Инженеры, ставившие систему, создали и расшарили папку, в которую слили дистрибутив, затем установили сервер Firebird, поместили базу и в конечном итоге загнали туда новую temp-папку…
- Сообщения: 30
- Зарегистрирован: 29 июн 2007, 13:23
kmi » 18 сен 2007, 13:33
Проблема решилась. Дело в правах пользователей в локалке. Сеть была организована так, что большинство машин были в одной подсети в домене, а остальные, включая сервер, — в другой подсети и в домен не входили.
При входе со второй подсети проблем не наблюдалось. А вот при входе из домена на сервер, не включенный в домен, начинались траблы. Установка Firebird в C:Program files приводила к появлению на сервере фантастического сообщения об отсутствии файла aliases.conf, хотя он явно присутствовал. Сообщение появлялось при любой попытке подключения к серверу из домена.
Решений может быть два. Первое — ввод сервера в домен. А второе — конфигурирование Firebird таким образом, чтобы все файлы, с которыми он работает, находились вне системных папок. В частности, сам Firebird следует ставить в отдельный каталог и прописывать в firebird.conf путь к отдельному каталогу временных файлов.
- Forum Admin
- Сообщения: 6595
- Зарегистрирован: 25 окт 2004, 18:07
kdv » 18 сен 2007, 17:43
коннектиться надо по tcp, а не по netbeui.
строку коннекта приведи?
The table provides the SQLCODE groupings, the numeric and symbolic values for the GDSCODE errors and the message texts.
has been used for many years and should be considered as deprecated now.
Support for SQLCODE
is likely to be dropped in a future version.
Table B.2.1 SQLCODE and GDSCODE Error Codes and Message Texts (1)
SQLCODE | GDSCODE | Symbol | Message Text |
101 |
335544366 |
Segment |
Segment buffer length shorter than expected |
100 |
335544338 |
from_no_match |
No match for first value expression |
100 |
335544354 |
no_record |
Invalid database key |
100 |
335544367 |
segstr_eof |
Attempted retrieval of more segments than exist |
100 |
335544374 |
stream_eof |
Attempt to fetch past the last record in a record stream |
0 |
335741039 |
gfix_opt_SQL_dialect |
-sql_dialect | set database dialect n |
0 |
335544875 |
bad_debug_format |
Bad debug info format |
-84 |
335544554 |
nonsql_security_rel |
Table/procedure has non-SQL security class defined |
-84 |
335544555 |
nonsql_security_fld |
Column has non-SQL security class defined |
-84 |
335544668 |
dsql_procedure_use_err |
Procedure @1 does not return any values |
-85 |
335544747 |
usrname_too_long |
The username entered is too long. Maximum length is 31 bytes |
-85 |
335544748 |
password_too_long |
The password specified is too long. Maximum length is @1 bytes |
-85 |
335544749 |
usrname_required |
A username is required for this operation |
-85 |
335544750 |
password_required |
A password is required for this operation |
-85 |
335544751 |
bad_protocol |
The network protocol specified is invalid |
-85 |
335544752 |
dup_usrname_found |
A duplicate user name was found in the security database |
-85 |
335544753 |
usrname_not_found |
The user name specified was not found in the security database |
-85 |
335544754 |
error_adding_sec_record |
An error occurred while attempting to add the user |
-85 |
335544755 |
error_modifying_sec_record |
An error occurred while attempting to modify the user record |
-85 |
335544756 |
error_deleting_sec_record |
An error occurred while attempting to delete the user record |
-85 |
335544757 |
error_updating_sec_db |
An error occurred while updating the security database |
-103 |
335544571 |
dsql_constant_err |
Data type for constant unknown |
-104 |
336003075 |
dsql_transitional_numeric |
Precision 10 to 18 changed from DOUBLE PRECISION in SQL dialect 1 to 64-bit scaled integer in SQL dialect 3 |
-104 |
336003077 |
sql_db_dialect_dtype_unsupport |
Database SQL dialect @1 does not support reference to @2 datatype |
-104 |
336003087 |
dsql_invalid_label |
Label @1 @2 in the current scope |
-104 |
336003088 |
dsql_datatypes_not_comparable |
Datatypes @1are not comparable in expression @2 |
-104 |
335544343 |
invalid_blr |
Invalid request BLR at offset @1 |
-104 |
335544390 |
syntaxerr |
BLR syntax error: expected @1 at offset @2, encountered @3 |
-104 |
335544425 |
ctxinuse |
Context already in use (BLR error) |
-104 |
335544426 |
ctxnotdef |
Context not defined (BLR error) |
-104 |
335544429 |
badparnum |
Bad parameter number |
-104 |
335544440 |
bad_msg_vec |
— |
-104 |
335544456 |
invalid_sdl |
Invalid slice description language at offset @1 |
-104 |
335544570 |
dsql_command_err |
Invalid command |
-104 |
335544579 |
dsql_internal_err |
Internal error |
-104 |
335544590 |
dsql_dup_option |
Option specified more than once |
-104 |
335544591 |
dsql_tran_err |
Unknown transaction option |
-104 |
335544592 |
dsql_invalid_array |
Invalid array reference |
-104 |
335544608 |
command_end_err |
Unexpected end of command |
-104 |
335544612 |
token_err |
Token unknown |
-104 |
335544634 |
dsql_token_unk_err |
Token unknown — line @1, column @2 |
-104 |
335544709 |
dsql_agg_ref_err |
Invalid aggregate reference |
-104 |
335544714 |
invalid_array_id |
Invalid blob id |
-104 |
335544730 |
cse_not_supported |
Client/Server Express not supported in this release |
-104 |
335544743 |
token_too_long |
Token size exceeds limit |
-104 |
335544763 |
invalid_string_constant |
A string constant is delimited by double quotes |
-104 |
335544764 |
transitional_date |
DATE must be changed to TIMESTAMP |
-104 |
335544796 |
sql_dialect_datatype_unsupport |
Client SQL dialect @1 does not support reference to @2 datatype |
-104 |
335544798 |
depend_on_uncommitted_rel |
You created an indirect dependency on uncommitted metadata. |
-104 |
335544821 |
dsql_column_pos_err |
Invalid column position used in the @1 clause |
-104 |
335544822 |
dsql_agg_where_err |
Cannot use an aggregate function in a WHERE clause, use HAVING instead |
-104 |
335544823 |
dsql_agg_group_err |
Cannot use an aggregate function in a GROUP BY clause |
-104 |
335544824 |
dsql_agg_column_err |
Invalid expression in the @1 (not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause) |
-104 |
335544825 |
dsql_agg_having_err |
Invalid expression in the @1 (neither an aggregate function nor a part of the GROUP BY clause) |
-104 |
335544826 |
dsql_agg_nested_err |
Nested aggregate functions are not allowed |
-104 |
335544849 |
malformed_string |
Malformed string |
-104 |
335544851 |
command_end_err2 |
Unexpected end of command- line @1, column @2 |
-104 |
336397215 |
dsql_max_sort_items |
Cannot sort on more than 255 items |
-104 |
336397216 |
dsql_max_group_items |
Cannot group on more than 255 items |
-104 |
336397217 |
dsql_conflicting_sort_field |
Cannot include the same field (@[email protected]) twice in the ORDER BY clause with conflicting sorting options |
-104 |
336397218 |
dsql_derived_table_more_columns |
Column list from derived table @1 has more columns than the number of items in its SELECT statement |
-104 |
336397219 |
dsql_derived_table_less_columns |
Column list from derived table @1 has less columns than the number of items in its SELECT statement |
-104 |
336397220 |
dsql_derived_field_unnamed |
No column name specified for column number @1 in derived table @2 |
-104 |
336397221 |
dsql_derived_field_dup_name |
Column @1 was specified multiple times for derived table @2 |
-104 |
336397222 |
dsql_derived_alias_select |
Internal dsql error: alias type expected by pass1_expand_select_node |
-104 |
336397223 |
dsql_derived_alias_field |
Internal dsql error: alias type expected by pass1_field |
-104 |
336397224 |
dsql_auto_field_bad_pos |
Internal dsql error: column position out of range in pass1_union_auto_cast |
-104 |
336397225 |
dsql_cte_wrong_reference |
Recursive CTE member (@1) can refer itself only in FROM clause |
-104 |
336397226 |
dsql_cte_cycle |
CTE ‘@1’ has cyclic dependencies |
-104 |
336397227 |
dsql_cte_outer_join |
Recursive member of CTE can’t be member of an outer join |
-104 |
336397228 |
dsql_cte_mult_references |
Recursive member of CTE can’t reference itself more than once |
-104 |
336397229 |
dsql_cte_not_a_union |
Recursive CTE (@1) must be an UNION |
-104 |
336397230 |
dsql_cte_nonrecurs_after_recurs |
CTE ‘@1’ defined non-recursive member after recursive |
-104 |
336397231 |
dsql_cte_wrong_clause |
Recursive member of CTE ‘@1’ has @2 clause |
-104 |
336397232 |
dsql_cte_union_all |
Recursive members of CTE (@1) must be linked with another members via UNION ALL |
-104 |
336397233 |
dsql_cte_miss_nonrecursive |
Non-recursive member is missing in CTE ‘@1’ |
-104 |
336397234 |
dsql_cte_nested_with |
WITH clause can’t be nested |
-104 |
336397235 |
dsql_col_more_than_once_using |
Column @1 appears more than once in USING clause |
-104 |
336397237 |
dsql_cte_not_used |
CTE «@1» is not used in query |
-105 |
335544702 |
like_escape_invalid |
Invalid ESCAPE sequence |
-105 |
335544789 |
extract_input_mismatch |
Specified EXTRACT part does not exist in input datatype |
-150 |
335544360 |
read_only_rel |
Attempted update of read-only table |
-150 |
335544362 |
read_only_view |
Cannot update read-only view @1 |
-150 |
335544446 |
non_updatable |
Not updatable |
-150 |
335544546 |
constaint_on_view |
Cannot define constraints on views |
-151 |
335544359 |
read_only_field |
Attempted update of read — only column |
-155 |
335544658 |
dsql_base_table |
@1 is not a valid base table of the specified view |
-157 |
335544598 |
specify_field_err |
Must specify column name for view select expression |
-158 |
335544599 |
num_field_err |
Number of columns does not match select list |
-162 |
335544685 |
no_dbkey |
Dbkey not available for multi — table views |
-170 |
335544512 |
prcmismat |
Input parameter mismatch for procedure @1 |
-170 |
335544619 |
extern_func_err |
External functions cannot have more than 10 parameters |
-170 |
335544850 |
prc_out_param_mismatch |
Output parameter mismatch for procedure @1 |
-171 |
335544439 |
funmismat |
Function @1 could not be matched |
-171 |
335544458 |
invalid_dimension |
Column not array or invalid dimensions (expected @1, encountered @2) |
-171 |
335544618 |
return_mode_err |
Return mode by value not allowed for this data type |
-171 |
335544873 |
array_max_dimensions |
Array data type can use up to @1 dimensions |
-172 |
335544438 |
funnotdef |
Function @1 is not defined |
-203 |
335544708 |
dyn_fld_ambiguous |
Ambiguous column reference |
-204 |
336003085 |
dsql_ambiguous_field_name |
Ambiguous field name between @1 and @2 |
-204 |
335544463 |
gennotdef |
Generator @1 is not defined |
-204 |
335544502 |
stream_not_defined |
Reference to invalid stream number |
-204 |
335544509 |
charset_not_found |
CHARACTER SET @1 is not defined |
-204 |
335544511 |
prcnotdef |
Procedure @1 is not defined |
-204 |
335544515 |
codnotdef |
Status code @1 unknown |
-204 |
335544516 |
xcpnotdef |
Exception @1 not defined |
-204 |
335544532 |
ref_cnstrnt_notfound |
Name of Referential Constraint not defined in constraints table |
-204 |
335544551 |
grant_obj_notfound |
Could not find table/procedure for GRANT |
-204 |
335544568 |
text_subtype |
Implementation of text subtype @1 not located |
-204 |
335544573 |
dsql_datatype_err |
Data type unknown |
-204 |
335544580 |
dsql_relation_err |
Table unknown |
-204 |
335544581 |
dsql_procedure_err |
Procedure unknown |
-204 |
335544588 |
collation_not_found |
COLLATION @1 for CHARACTER SET @2 is not defined |
-204 |
335544589 |
collation_not_for_charset |
COLLATION @1 is not valid for specified CHARACTER SET |
-204 |
335544595 |
dsql_trigger_err |
Trigger unknown |
-204 |
335544620 |
alias_conflict_err |
Alias @1 conflicts with an alias in the same statement |
-204 |
335544621 |
procedure_conflict_error |
Alias @1 conflicts with a procedure in the same statement |
-204 |
335544622 |
relation_conflict_err |
Alias @1 conflicts with a table in the same statement |
-204 |
335544635 |
dsql_no_relation_alias |
There is no alias or table named @1 at this scope level |
-204 |
335544636 |
indexname |
There is no index @1 for table @2 |
-204 |
335544640 |
collation_requires_text |
Invalid use of CHARACTER SET or COLLATE |
-204 |
335544662 |
dsql_blob_type_unknown |
BLOB SUB_TYPE @1 is not defined |
-204 |
335544759 |
bad_default_value |
Can not define a not null column with NULL as default value |
-204 |
335544760 |
invalid_clause |
Invalid clause — ‘@1’ |
-204 |
335544800 |
too_many_contexts |
Too many Contexts of Relation/Procedure/Views. Maximum allowed is 255 |
-204 |
335544817 |
bad_limit_param |
Invalid parameter to FIRST.Only integers >= 0 are allowed |
-204 |
335544818 |
bad_skip_param |
Invalid parameter to SKIP. Only integers >= 0 are allowed |
-204 |
335544837 |
bad_substring_offset |
Invalid offset parameter @1 to SUBSTRING. Only positive integers are allowed |
-204 |
335544853 |
bad_substring_length |
Invalid length parameter @1 to SUBSTRING. Negative integers are not allowed |
-204 |
335544854 |
charset_not_installed |
CHARACTER SET @1 is not installed |
-204 |
335544855 |
collation_not_installed |
COLLATION @1 for CHARACTER SET @2 is not installed |
-204 |
335544867 |
subtype_for_internal_use |
Blob sub_types bigger than 1 (text) are for internal use only |
-205 |
335544396 |
fldnotdef |
Column @1 is not defined in table @2 |
-205 |
335544552 |
grant_fld_notfound |
Could not find column for GRANT |
-205 |
335544883 |
fldnotdef2 |
Column @1 is not defined in procedure @2 |
-206 |
335544578 |
dsql_field_err |
Column unknown |
-206 |
335544587 |
dsql_blob_err |
Column is not a BLOB |
-206 |
335544596 |
dsql_subselect_err |
Subselect illegal in this context |
-206 |
336397208 |
dsql_line_col_error |
At line @1, column @2 |
-206 |
336397209 |
dsql_unknown_pos |
At unknown line and column |
-206 |
336397210 |
dsql_no_dup_name |
Column @1 cannot be repeated in @2 statement |
-208 |
335544617 |
order_by_err |
Invalid ORDER BY clause |
-219 |
335544395 |
relnotdef |
Table @1 is not defined |
-219 |
335544872 |
domnotdef |
Domain @1 is not defined |
-230 |
335544487 |
walw_err |
WAL Writer error |
-231 |
335544488 |
logh_small |
Log file header of @1 too small |
-232 |
335544489 |
logh_inv_version |
Invalid version of log file @1 |
-233 |
335544490 |
logh_open_flag |
Log file @1 not latest in the chain but open flag still set |
-234 |
335544491 |
logh_open_flag2 |
Log file @1 not closed properly; database recovery may be required |
-235 |
335544492 |
logh_diff_dbname |
Database name in the log file @1 is different |
-236 |
335544493 |
logf_unexpected_eof |
Unexpected end of log file @1 at offset @2 |
-237 |
335544494 |
logr_incomplete |
Incomplete log record at offset @1 in log file @2 |
-238 |
335544495 |
logr_header_small2 |
Log record header too small at offset @1 in log file @ |
-239 |
335544496 |
logb_small |
Log block too small at offset @1 in log file @2 |
-239 |
335544691 |
cache_too_small |
Insufficient memory to allocate page buffer cache |
-239 |
335544693 |
log_too_small |
Log size too small |
-239 |
335544694 |
partition_too_small |
Log partition size too small |
-243 |
335544500 |
no_wal |
Database does not use Write-ahead Log |
-257 |
335544566 |
start_cm_for_wal |
WAL defined; Cache Manager must be started first |
-260 |
335544690 |
cache_redef |
Cache redefined |
-260 |
335544692 |
log_redef |
Log redefined |
-261 |
335544695 |
partition_not_supp |
Partitions not supported in series of log file specification |
-261 |
335544696 |
log_length_spec |
Total length of a partitioned log must be specified |
-281 |
335544637 |
no_stream_plan |
Table @1 is not referenced in plan |
-282 |
335544638 |
stream_twice |
Table @1 is referenced more than once in plan; use aliases to distinguish |
-282 |
335544643 |
dsql_self_join |
The table @1 is referenced twice; use aliases to differentiate |
-282 |
335544659 |
duplicate_base_table |
Table @1 is referenced twice in view; use an alias to distinguish |
-282 |
335544660 |
view_alias |
View @1 has more than one base table; use aliases to distinguish |
-282 |
335544710 |
complex_view |
Navigational stream @1 references a view with more than one base table |
-283 |
335544639 |
stream_not_found |
Table @1 is referenced in the plan but not the from list |
-284 |
335544642 |
index_unused |
Index @1 cannot be used in the specified plan |
-291 |
335544531 |
primary_key_notnull |
Column used in a PRIMARY constraint must be NOT NULL |
-292 |
335544534 |
ref_cnstrnt_update |
Cannot update constraints (RDB$REF_CONSTRAINTS) |
-293 |
335544535 |
check_cnstrnt_update |
Cannot update constraints (RDB$CHECK_CONSTRAINTS) |
-294 |
335544536 |
check_cnstrnt_del |
Cannot delete CHECK constraint entry (RDB$CHECK_CONSTRAINTS) |
-295 |
335544545 |
rel_cnstrnt_update |
Cannot update constraints (RDB$RELATION_CONSTRAINTS) |
-296 |
335544547 |
invld_cnstrnt_type |
Internal gds software consistency check (invalid RDB$CONSTRAINT_TYPE) |
-297 |
335544558 |
check_constraint |
Operation violates check constraint @1 on view or table @2 |
-313 |
336003099 |
upd_ins_doesnt_match_pk |
UPDATE OR INSERT field list does not match primary key of table @1 |
-313 |
336003100 |
upd_ins_doesnt_ match _matching |
UPDATE OR INSERT field list does not match MATCHING clause |
-313 |
335544669 |
dsql_count_mismatch |
Count of column list and variable list do not match |
-314 |
335544565 |
transliteration_failed |
Cannot transliterate character between character sets |
-315 |
336068815 |
dyn_dtype_invalid |
Cannot change datatype for column @1.Changing datatype is not supported for BLOB or ARRAY columns |
-383 |
336068814 |
dyn_dependency_exists |
Column @1 from table @2 is referenced in @3 |
-401 |
335544647 |
invalid_operator |
Invalid comparison operator for find operation |
-402 |
335544368 |
segstr_no_op |
Attempted invalid operation on a BLOB |
-402 |
335544414 |
blobnotsup |
BLOB and array data types are not supported for @1 operation |
-402 |
335544427 |
datnotsup |
Data operation not supported |
-406 |
335544457 |
out_of_bounds |
Subscript out of bounds |
-407 |
335544435 |
nullsegkey |
Null segment of UNIQUE KEY |
-413 |
335544334 |
convert_error |
Conversion error from string «@1» |
Table B.2.2 SQLCODE and GDSCODE Error Codes and Message Texts (2)
SQLCODE | GDSCODE | Symbol | Message Text |
-413 |
335544454 |
nofilter |
Filter not found to convert type @1 to type @2 |
-413 |
335544860 |
blob_convert_error |
Unsupported conversion to target type BLOB (subtype @1) |
-413 |
335544861 |
array_convert_error |
Unsupported conversion to target type ARRAY |
-501 |
335544577 |
dsql_cursor_close_err |
Attempt to reclose a closed cursor |
-502 |
336003090 |
dsql_cursor_redefined |
Statement already has a cursor @1 assigned |
-502 |
336003091 |
dsql_cursor_not_found |
Cursor @1 is not found in the current context |
-502 |
336003092 |
dsql_cursor_exists |
Cursor @1 already exists in the current context |
-502 |
336003093 |
dsql_cursor_rel_ambiguous |
Relation @1 is ambiguous in cursor @2 |
-502 |
336003094 |
dsql_cursor_rel_not_found |
Relation @1 is not found in cursor @2 |
-502 |
336003095 |
dsql_cursor_not_open |
Cursor is not open |
-502 |
335544574 |
dsql_decl_err |
Invalid cursor declaration |
-502 |
335544576 |
dsql_cursor_open_err |
Attempt to reopen an open cursor |
-504 |
336003089 |
dsql_cursor_invalid |
Empty cursor name is not allowed |
-504 |
335544572 |
dsql_cursor_err |
Invalid cursor reference |
-508 |
335544348 |
no_cur_rec |
No current record for fetch operation |
-510 |
335544575 |
dsql_cursor_update_err |
Cursor @1 is not updatable |
-518 |
335544582 |
dsql_request_err |
Request unknown |
-519 |
335544688 |
dsql_open_cursor_request |
The prepare statement identifies a prepare statement with an open cursor |
-530 |
335544466 |
foreign_key |
Violation of FOREIGN KEY constraint «@1» on table «@2» |
-530 |
335544838 |
foreign_key_target_doesnt_exist |
Foreign key reference target does not exist |
-530 |
335544839 |
foreign_key_references_present |
Foreign key references are present for the record |
-531 |
335544597 |
dsql_crdb_prepare_err |
Cannot prepare a CREATE DATABASE/SCHEMA statement |
-532 |
335544469 |
trans_invalid |
Transaction marked invalid by I/O error |
-551 |
335544352 |
no_priv |
No permission for @1 access to @2 @3 |
-551 |
335544790 |
insufficient_svc_privileges |
Service @1 requires SYSDBA permissions. Reattach to the Service Manager using the SYSDBA account |
-552 |
335544550 |
not_rel_owner |
Only the owner of a table may reassign ownership |
-552 |
335544553 |
grant_nopriv |
User does not have GRANT privileges for operation |
-552 |
335544707 |
grant_nopriv_on_base |
User does not have GRANT privileges on base table/view for operation |
-553 |
335544529 |
existing_priv_mod |
Cannot modify an existing user privilege |
-595 |
335544645 |
stream_crack |
The current position is on a crack |
-596 |
335544644 |
stream_bof |
Illegal operation when at beginning of stream |
-597 |
335544632 |
dsql_file_length_err |
Preceding file did not specify length, so @1 must include starting page number |
-598 |
335544633 |
dsql_shadow_number_err |
Shadow number must be a positive integer |
-599 |
335544607 |
node_err |
Gen.c: node not supported |
-599 |
335544625 |
node_name_err |
A node name is not permitted in a secondary, shadow, cache or log file name |
-600 |
335544680 |
crrp_data_err |
Sort error: corruption in data structure |
-601 |
335544646 |
db_or_file_exists |
Database or file exists |
-604 |
335544593 |
dsql_max_arr_dim_exceeded |
Array declared with too many dimensions |
-604 |
335544594 |
dsql_arr_range_error |
Illegal array dimension range |
-605 |
335544682 |
dsql_field_ref |
Inappropriate self-reference of column |
-607 |
336003074 |
dsql_dbkey_from_non_table |
Cannot SELECT RDB$DB_KEY from a stored procedure |
-607 |
336003086 |
dsql_udf_return_pos_err |
External function should have return position between 1 and @1 |
-607 |
336003096 |
dsql_type_not_supp_ext_tab |
Data type @1 is not supported for EXTERNAL TABLES. Relation ‘@2’, field ‘@3’ |
-607 |
335544351 |
no_meta_update |
Unsuccessful metadata update |
-607 |
335544549 |
systrig_update |
Cannot modify or erase a system trigger |
-607 |
335544657 |
dsql_no_blob_array |
Array/BLOB/DATE data types not allowed in arithmetic |
-607 |
335544746 |
reftable_requires_pk |
«REFERENCES table» without «(column)» requires PRIMARY KEY on referenced table |
-607 |
335544815 |
generator_name |
-607 |
335544816 |
udf_name |
UDF @1 |
-607 |
335544858 |
must_have_phys_field |
Can’t have relation with only computed fields or constraints |
-607 |
336397206 |
dsql_table_not_found |
Table @1 does not exist |
-607 |
336397207 |
dsql_view_not_found |
View @1 does not exist |
-607 |
336397212 |
dsql_no_array_computed |
Array and BLOB data types not allowed in computed field |
-607 |
336397214 |
dsql_only_can_subscript_array |
Scalar operator used on field @1 which is not an array |
-612 |
336068812 |
dyn_domain_name_exists |
Cannot rename domain @1 to @2. A domain with that name already exists |
-612 |
336068813 |
dyn_field_name_exists |
Cannot rename column @1 to @2.A column with that name already exists in table @3 |
-615 |
335544475 |
relation_lock |
Lock on table @1 conflicts with existing lock |
-615 |
335544476 |
record_lock |
Requested record lock conflicts with existing lock |
-615 |
335544507 |
range_in_use |
Refresh range number @1 already in use |
-616 |
335544530 |
primary_key_ref |
Cannot delete PRIMARY KEY being used in FOREIGN KEY definition |
-616 |
335544539 |
integ_index_del |
Cannot delete index used by an Integrity Constraint |
-616 |
335544540 |
integ_index_mod |
Cannot modify index used by an Integrity Constraint |
-616 |
335544541 |
check_trig_del |
Cannot delete trigger used by a CHECK Constraint |
-616 |
335544543 |
cnstrnt_fld_del |
Cannot delete column being used in an Integrity Constraint |
-616 |
335544630 |
dependency |
There are @1 dependencies |
-616 |
335544674 |
del_last_field |
Last column in a table cannot be deleted |
-616 |
335544728 |
integ_index_deactivate |
Cannot deactivate index used by an integrity constraint |
-616 |
335544729 |
integ_deactivate_primary |
Cannot deactivate index used by a PRIMARY/UNIQUE constraint |
-617 |
335544542 |
check_trig_update |
Cannot update trigger used by a CHECK Constraint |
-617 |
335544544 |
cnstrnt_fld_rename |
Cannot rename column being used in an Integrity Constraint |
-618 |
335544537 |
integ_index_seg_del |
Cannot delete index segment used by an Integrity Constraint |
-618 |
335544538 |
integ_index_seg_mod |
Cannot update index segment used by an Integrity Constraint |
-625 |
335544347 |
not_valid |
Validation error for column @1, value «@2» |
-625 |
335544879 |
not_valid_for_var |
Validation error for variable @1, value «@2» |
-625 |
335544880 |
not_valid_for |
Validation error for @1, value «@2» |
-637 |
335544664 |
dsql_duplicate_spec |
Duplicate specification of @1- not supported |
-637 |
336397213 |
dsql_implicit_domain_name |
Implicit domain name @1 not allowed in user created domain |
-660 |
336003098 |
primary_key_required |
Primary key required on table @1 |
-660 |
335544533 |
foreign_key_notfound |
Non-existent PRIMARY or UNIQUE KEY specified for FOREIGN KEY |
-660 |
335544628 |
idx_create_err |
Cannot create index @1 |
-663 |
335544624 |
idx_seg_err |
Segment count of 0 defined for index @1 |
-663 |
335544631 |
idx_key_err |
Too many keys defined for index @1 |
-663 |
335544672 |
key_field_err |
Too few key columns found for index @1 (incorrect column name?) |
-664 |
335544434 |
keytoobig |
Key size exceeds implementation restriction for index «@1» |
-677 |
335544445 |
ext_err |
@1 extension error |
-685 |
335544465 |
bad_segstr_type |
Invalid BLOB type for operation |
-685 |
335544670 |
blob_idx_err |
Attempt to index BLOB column in index @1 |
-685 |
335544671 |
array_idx_err |
Attempt to index array column in index @1 |
-689 |
335544403 |
badpagtyp |
Page @1 is of wrong type (expected @2, found @3) |
-689 |
335544650 |
page_type_err |
Wrong page type |
-690 |
335544679 |
no_segments_err |
Segments not allowed in expression index @1 |
-691 |
335544681 |
rec_size_err |
New record size of @1 bytes is too big |
-692 |
335544477 |
max_idx |
Maximum indexes per table (@1) exceeded |
-693 |
335544663 |
req_max_clones_exceeded |
Too many concurrent executions of the same request |
-694 |
335544684 |
no_field_access |
Cannot access column @1 in view @2 |
-802 |
335544321 |
arith_except |
Arithmetic exception, numeric overflow, or string truncation |
-802 |
335544836 |
concat_overflow |
Concatenation overflow. Resulting string cannot exceed 32K in length |
-803 |
335544349 |
no_dup |
Attempt to store duplicate value ( visible to active transactions ) in unique index «@1» |
-803 |
335544665 |
unique_key_violation |
Violation of PRIMARY or UNIQUE KEY constraint «@1» on table «@2» |
-804 |
336003097 |
dsql_feature_not_supported_ods |
Feature not supported on ODS version older than @[email protected] |
-804 |
335544380 |
wronumarg |
Wrong number of arguments on call |
-804 |
335544583 |
dsql_sqlda_err |
SQLDA missing or incorrect version, or incorrect number/type of variables |
-804 |
335544584 |
dsql_var_count_err |
Count of read — write columns does not equal count of values |
-804 |
335544586 |
dsql_function_err |
Function unknown |
-804 |
335544713 |
dsql_sqlda_value_err |
Incorrect values within SQLDA structure |
-804 |
336397205 |
dsql_too_old_ods |
ODS versions before [email protected] are not supported |
-806 |
335544600 |
col_name_err |
Only simple column names permitted for VIEW WITH CHECK OPTION |
-807 |
335544601 |
where_err |
-808 |
335544602 |
table_view_err |
Only one table allowed for VIEW WITH CHECK OPTION |
-809 |
335544603 |
distinct_err |
-810 |
335544605 |
subquery_err |
No subqueries permitted for VIEW WITH CHECK OPTION |
-811 |
335544652 |
sing_select_err |
Multiple rows in singleton select |
-816 |
335544651 |
ext_readonly_err |
Cannot insert because the file is readonly or is on a read only medium |
-816 |
335544715 |
extfile_uns_op |
Operation not supported for EXTERNAL FILE table @1 |
-817 |
336003079 |
isc_sql_dialect_conflict_num |
DB dialect @1 and client dialect @2 conflict with respect to numeric precision @3 |
-817 |
336003101 |
upd_ins_with_complex_view |
UPDATE OR INSERT without MATCHING could not be used with views based on more than one table |
-817 |
336003102 |
dsql_incompatible_trigger_type |
Incompatible trigger type |
-817 |
336003103 |
dsql_db_trigger_type_cant_change |
Database trigger type can’t be changed |
-817 |
335544361 |
read_only_trans |
Attempted update during read — only transaction |
-817 |
335544371 |
segstr_no_write |
Attempted write to read-only BLOB |
-817 |
335544444 |
read_only |
Operation not supported |
-817 |
335544765 |
read_only_database |
Attempted update on read — only database |
-817 |
335544766 |
must_be_dialect_2_and_up |
SQL dialect @1 is not supported in this database |
-817 |
335544793 |
ddl_not_allowed_by_db_sql_dial |
Metadata update statement is not allowed by the current database SQL dialect @1 |
-820 |
335544356 |
obsolete_metadata |
Metadata is obsolete |
-820 |
335544379 |
wrong_ods |
Unsupported on — disk structure for file @1; found @[email protected], support @[email protected] |
-820 |
335544437 |
wrodynver |
Wrong DYN version |
-820 |
335544467 |
high_minor |
Minor version too high found @1 expected @2 |
-820 |
335544881 |
need_difference |
Difference file name should be set explicitly for database on raw device |
-823 |
335544473 |
invalid_bookmark |
Invalid bookmark handle |
-824 |
335544474 |
bad_lock_level |
Invalid lock level @1 |
-825 |
335544519 |
bad_lock_handle |
Invalid lock handle |
-826 |
335544585 |
dsql_stmt_handle |
Invalid statement handle |
-827 |
335544655 |
invalid_direction |
Invalid direction for find operation |
-827 |
335544718 |
invalid_key |
Invalid key for find operation |
-828 |
335544678 |
inval_key_posn |
Invalid key position |
-829 |
336068816 |
dyn_char_fld_too_small |
New size specified for column @1 must be at least @2 characters |
-829 |
336068817 |
dyn_invalid_dtype_conversion |
Cannot change datatype for @1.Conversion from base type @2 to @3 is not supported |
-829 |
336068818 |
dyn_dtype_conv_invalid |
Cannot change datatype for column @1 from a character type to a non-character type |
-829 |
336068829 |
max_coll_per_charset |
Maximum number of collations per character set exceeded |
-829 |
336068830 |
invalid_coll_attr |
Invalid collation attributes |
-829 |
336068852 |
dyn_scale_too_big |
New scale specified for column @1 must be at most @2 |
-829 |
336068853 |
dyn_precision_too_small |
New precision specified for column @1 must be at least @2 |
-829 |
335544616 |
field_ref_err |
Invalid column reference |
-830 |
335544615 |
field_aggregate_err |
Column used with aggregate |
-831 |
335544548 |
primary_key_exists |
Attempt to define a second PRIMARY KEY for the same table |
-832 |
335544604 |
key_field_count_err |
FOREIGN KEY column count does not match PRIMARY KEY |
-833 |
335544606 |
expression_eval_err |
Expression evaluation not supported |
-833 |
335544810 |
date_range_exceeded |
Value exceeds the range for valid dates |
-834 |
335544508 |
range_not_found |
Refresh range number @1 not found |
-835 |
335544649 |
bad_checksum |
Bad checksum |
-836 |
335544517 |
except |
Exception @1 |
-836 |
335544848 |
except2 |
Exception @1 |
-837 |
335544518 |
cache_restart |
Restart shared cache manager |
-838 |
335544560 |
shutwarn |
Database @1 shutdown in @2 seconds |
-841 |
335544677 |
version_err |
Too many versions |
-842 |
335544697 |
precision_err |
Precision must be from 1 to 18 |
-842 |
335544698 |
scale_nogt |
Scale must be between zero and precision |
-842 |
335544699 |
expec_short |
Short integer expected |
-842 |
335544700 |
expec_long |
Long integer expected |
-842 |
335544701 |
expec_ushort |
Unsigned short integer expected |
-842 |
335544712 |
expec_positive |
Positive value expected |
-901 |
335740929 |
gfix_db_name |
Database file name (@1) already given |
-901 |
336330753 |
gbak_unknown_switch |
Found unknown switch |
-901 |
336920577 |
gstat_unknown_switch |
Found unknown switch |
-901 |
336986113 |
fbsvcmgr_bad_am |
Wrong value for access mode |
-901 |
335740930 |
gfix_invalid_sw |
Invalid switch @1 |
-901 |
335544322 |
bad_dbkey |
Invalid database key |
-901 |
336986114 |
fbsvcmgr_bad_wm |
Wrong value for write mode |
-901 |
336330754 |
gbak_page_size_missing |
Page size parameter missing |
-901 |
336920578 |
gstat_retry |
Please retry, giving a database name |
-901 |
336986115 |
fbsvcmgr_bad_rs |
Wrong value for reserve space |
-901 |
336920579 |
gstat_wrong_ods |
Wrong ODS version, expected @1, encountered @2 |
-901 |
336330755 |
gbak_page_size_toobig |
Page size specified (@1) greater than limit (16384 bytes) |
-901 |
335740932 |
gfix_incmp_sw |
Incompatible switch combination |
-901 |
336920580 |
gstat_unexpected_eof |
Unexpected end of database file |
-901 |
336330756 |
gbak_redir_ouput_missing |
Redirect location for output is not specified |
-901 |
336986116 |
fbsvcmgr_info_err |
Unknown tag (@1) in info_svr_db_info block after isc_svc_query() |
-901 |
335740933 |
gfix_replay_req |
Replay log pathname required |
-901 |
336330757 |
gbak_switches_conflict |
Conflicting switches for backup/restore |
-901 |
336986117 |
fbsvcmgr_query_err |
Unknown tag (@1) in isc_svc_query() results |
-901 |
335544326 |
bad_dpb_form |
Unrecognized database parameter block |
-901 |
335740934 |
gfix_pgbuf_req |
Number of page buffers for cache required |
-901 |
336986118 |
fbsvcmgr_switch_unknown |
Unknown switch «@1» |
-901 |
336330758 |
gbak_unknown_device |
Device type @1 not known |
-901 |
335544327 |
bad_req_handle |
Invalid request handle |
-901 |
335740935 |
gfix_val_req |
Numeric value required |
-901 |
336330759 |
gbak_no_protection |
Protection is not there yet |
-901 |
335544328 |
bad_segstr_handle |
Invalid BLOB handle |
-901 |
335740936 |
gfix_pval_req |
Positive numeric value required |
-901 |
336330760 |
gbak_page_size_not_allowed |
Page size is allowed only on restore or create |
Table B.2.3 SQLCODE and GDSCODE Error Codes and Message Texts (3)
SQLCODE | GDSCODE | Symbol | Message Text |
-901 |
335544329 |
bad_segstr_id |
Invalid BLOB ID |
-901 |
335740937 |
gfix_trn_req |
Number of transactions per sweep required |
-901 |
336330761 |
gbak_multi_source_dest |
Multiple sources or destinations specified |
-901 |
335544330 |
bad_tpb_content |
Invalid parameter in transaction parameter block |
-901 |
336330762 |
gbak_filename_missing |
Requires both input and output filenames |
-901 |
335544331 |
bad_tpb_form |
Invalid format for transaction parameter block |
-901 |
336330763 |
gbak_dup_inout_names |
Input and output have the same name. Disallowed |
-901 |
335740940 |
gfix_full_req |
«full» or «reserve» required |
-901 |
335544332 |
bad_trans_handle |
Invalid transaction handle (expecting explicit transaction start) |
-901 |
336330764 |
gbak_inv_page_size |
Expected page size, encountered «@1» |
-901 |
335740941 |
gfix_usrname_req |
User name required |
-901 |
336330765 |
gbak_db_specified |
REPLACE specified, but the first file @1 is a database |
-901 |
335740942 |
gfix_pass_req |
Password required |
-901 |
336330766 |
gbak_db_exists |
Database @1 already exists.To replace it, use the -REP switch |
-901 |
335740943 |
gfix_subs_name |
Subsystem name |
-901 |
336723983 |
gsec_cant_open_db |
Unable to open database |
-901 |
336330767 |
gbak_unk_device |
Device type not specified |
-901 |
336723984 |
gsec_switches_error |
Error in switch specifications |
-901 |
335740945 |
gfix_sec_req |
Number of seconds required |
-901 |
335544337 |
excess_trans |
Attempt to start more than @1 transactions |
-901 |
336723985 |
gsec_no_op_spec |
No operation specified |
-901 |
335740946 |
gfix_nval_req |
Numeric value between 0 and 32767 inclusive required |
-901 |
336723986 |
gsec_no_usr_name |
No user name specified |
-901 |
335740947 |
gfix_type_shut |
Must specify type of shutdown |
-901 |
335544339 |
infinap |
Information type inappropriate for object specified |
-901 |
335544340 |
infona |
No information of this type available for object specified |
-901 |
336723987 |
gsec_err_add |
Add record error |
-901 |
336723988 |
gsec_err_modify |
Modify record error |
-901 |
336330772 |
gbak_blob_info_failed |
Gds_$blob_info failed |
-901 |
335740948 |
gfix_retry |
Please retry, specifying an option |
-901 |
335544341 |
infunk |
Unknown information item |
-901 |
336723989 |
gsec_err_find_mod |
Find / modify record error |
-901 |
336330773 |
gbak_unk_blob_item |
Do not understand BLOB INFO item @1 |
-901 |
335544342 |
integ_fail |
Action cancelled by trigger (@1) to preserve data integrity |
-901 |
336330774 |
gbak_get_seg_failed |
Gds_$get_segment failed |
-901 |
336723990 |
gsec_err_rec_not_found |
Record not found for user: @1 |
-901 |
336723991 |
gsec_err_delete |
Delete record error |
-901 |
336330775 |
gbak_close_blob_failed |
Gds_$close_blob failed |
-901 |
335740951 |
gfix_retry_db |
Please retry, giving a database name |
-901 |
336330776 |
gbak_open_blob_failed |
Gds_$open_blob failed |
-901 |
336723992 |
gsec_err_find_del |
Find / delete record error |
-901 |
335544345 |
lock_conflict |
Lock conflict on no wait transaction |
-901 |
336330777 |
gbak_put_blr_gen_id_failed |
Failed in put_blr_gen_id |
-901 |
336330778 |
gbak_unk_type |
Data type @1 not understood |
-901 |
336330779 |
gbak_comp_req_failed |
Gds_$compile_request failed |
-901 |
336330780 |
gbak_start_req_failed |
Gds_$start_request failed |
-901 |
336723996 |
gsec_err_find_disp |
Find / display record error |
-901 |
336330781 |
gbak_rec_failed |
gds_$receive failed |
-901 |
336920605 |
gstat_open_err |
Can’t open database file @1 |
-901 |
336723997 |
gsec_inv_param |
Invalid parameter, no switch defined |
-901 |
335544350 |
no_finish |
Program attempted to exit without finishing database |
-901 |
336920606 |
gstat_read_err |
Can’t read a database page |
-901 |
336330782 |
gbak_rel_req_failed |
Gds_$release_request failed |
-901 |
336723998 |
gsec_op_specified |
Operation already specified |
-901 |
336920607 |
gstat_sysmemex |
System memory exhausted |
-901 |
336330783 |
gbak_db_info_failed |
gds_$database_info failed |
-901 |
336723999 |
gsec_pw_specified |
Password already specified |
-901 |
336724000 |
gsec_uid_specified |
Uid already specified |
-901 |
336330784 |
gbak_no_db_desc |
Expected database description record |
-901 |
335544353 |
no_recon |
Transaction is not in limbo |
-901 |
336724001 |
gsec_gid_specified |
Gid already specified |
-901 |
336330785 |
gbak_db_create_failed |
Failed to create database @1 |
-901 |
336724002 |
gsec_proj_specified |
Project already specified |
-901 |
336330786 |
gbak_decomp_len_error |
RESTORE: decompression length error |
-901 |
335544355 |
no_segstr_close |
BLOB was not closed |
-901 |
336330787 |
gbak_tbl_missing |
Cannot find table @1 |
-901 |
336724003 |
gsec_org_specified |
Organization already specified |
-901 |
336330788 |
gbak_blob_col_missing |
Cannot find column for BLOB |
-901 |
336724004 |
gsec_fname_specified |
First name already specified |
-901 |
335544357 |
open_trans |
Cannot disconnect database with open transactions (@1 active) |
-901 |
336330789 |
gbak_create_blob_failed |
Gds_$create_blob failed |
-901 |
336724005 |
gsec_mname_specified |
Middle name already specified |
-901 |
335544358 |
port_len |
Message length error ( encountered @1, expected @2) |
-901 |
336330790 |
gbak_put_seg_failed |
Gds_$put_segment failed |
-901 |
336724006 |
gsec_lname_specified |
Last name already specified |
-901 |
336330791 |
gbak_rec_len_exp |
Expected record length |
-901 |
336724008 |
gsec_inv_switch |
Invalid switch specified |
-901 |
336330792 |
gbak_inv_rec_len |
Wrong length record, expected @1 encountered @2 |
-901 |
336330793 |
gbak_exp_data_type |
Expected data attribute |
-901 |
336724009 |
gsec_amb_switch |
Ambiguous switch specified |
-901 |
336330794 |
gbak_gen_id_failed |
Failed in store_blr_gen_id |
-901 |
336724010 |
gsec_no_op_specified |
No operation specified for parameters |
-901 |
335544363 |
req_no_trans |
No transaction for request |
-901 |
336330795 |
gbak_unk_rec_type |
Do not recognize record type @1 |
-901 |
336724011 |
gsec_params_not_allowed |
No parameters allowed for this operation |
-901 |
335544364 |
req_sync |
Request synchronization error |
-901 |
336724012 |
gsec_incompat_switch |
Incompatible switches specified |
-901 |
336330796 |
gbak_inv_bkup_ver |
Expected backup version 1..8. Found @1 |
-901 |
335544365 |
req_wrong_db |
Request referenced an unavailable database |
-901 |
336330797 |
gbak_missing_bkup_desc |
Expected backup description record |
-901 |
336330798 |
gbak_string_trunc |
String truncated |
-901 |
336330799 |
gbak_cant_rest_record |
warning — record could not be restored |
-901 |
336330800 |
gbak_send_failed |
Gds_$send failed |
-901 |
335544369 |
segstr_no_read |
Attempted read of a new, open BLOB |
-901 |
336330801 |
gbak_no_tbl_name |
No table name for data |
-901 |
335544370 |
segstr_no_trans |
Attempted action on blob outside transaction |
-901 |
336330802 |
gbak_unexp_eof |
Unexpected end of file on backup file |
-901 |
336330803 |
gbak_db_format_too_old |
Database format @1 is too old to restore to |
-901 |
335544372 |
segstr_wrong_db |
Attempted reference to BLOB in unavailable database |
-901 |
336330804 |
gbak_inv_array_dim |
Array dimension for column @1 is invalid |
-901 |
336330807 |
gbak_xdr_len_expected |
Expected XDR record length |
-901 |
335544376 |
unres_rel |
Table @1 was omitted from the transaction reserving list |
-901 |
335544377 |
uns_ext |
Request includes a DSRI extension not supported in this implementation |
-901 |
335544378 |
wish_list |
Feature is not supported |
-901 |
335544382 |
random |
@1 |
-901 |
335544383 |
fatal_conflict |
Unrecoverable conflict with limbo transaction @1 |
-901 |
335740991 |
gfix_exceed_max |
Internal block exceeds maximum size |
-901 |
335740992 |
gfix_corrupt_pool |
Corrupt pool |
-901 |
335740993 |
gfix_mem_exhausted |
Virtual memory exhausted |
-901 |
336330817 |
gbak_open_bkup_error |
Cannot open backup file @1 |
-901 |
335740994 |
gfix_bad_pool |
Bad pool id. |
-901 |
336330818 |
gbak_open_error |
Cannot open status and error output file @1 |
-901 |
335740995 |
gfix_trn_not_valid |
Transaction state @1 not in valid range |
-901 |
335544392 |
bdbincon |
Internal error |
-901 |
336724044 |
gsec_inv_username |
Invalid user name (maximum 31 bytes allowed) |
-901 |
336724045 |
gsec_inv_pw_length |
Warning — maximum 8 significant bytes of password used |
-901 |
336724046 |
gsec_db_specified |
Database already specified |
-901 |
336724047 |
gsec_db_admin_specified |
Database administrator name already specified |
-901 |
336724048 |
gsec_db_admin_pw_specified |
Database administrator password already specified |
-901 |
336724049 |
gsec_sql_role_specified |
SQL role name already specified |
-901 |
335741012 |
gfix_unexp_eoi |
Unexpected end of input |
-901 |
335544407 |
dbbnotzer |
Database handle not zero |
-901 |
335544408 |
tranotzer |
Transaction handle not zero |
-901 |
335741018 |
gfix_recon_fail |
Failed to reconnect to a transaction in database @1 |
-901 |
335544418 |
trainlim |
Transaction in limbo |
-901 |
335544419 |
notinlim |
Transaction not in limbo |
-901 |
335544420 |
traoutsta |
Transaction outstanding |
-901 |
335544428 |
badmsgnum |
Undefined message number |
-901 |
335741036 |
gfix_trn_unknown |
Transaction description item unknown |
-901 |
335741038 |
gfix_mode_req |
«read_only» or «read_write» required |
-901 |
335544431 |
blocking_signal |
Blocking signal has been received |
-901 |
335741042 |
gfix_pzval_req |
Positive or zero numeric value required |
-901 |
335544442 |
noargacc_read |
Database system cannot read argument @1 |
-901 |
335544443 |
noargacc_write |
Database system cannot write argument @1 |
-901 |
335544450 |
misc_interpreted |
@1 |
-901 |
335544468 |
tra_state |
Transaction @1 is @2 |
-901 |
335544485 |
bad_stmt_handle |
Invalid statement handle |
-901 |
336330934 |
gbak_missing_block_fac |
Blocking factor parameter missing |
-901 |
336330935 |
gbak_inv_block_fac |
Expected blocking factor, encountered «@1» |
-901 |
336330936 |
gbak_block_fac_specified |
A blocking factor may not be used in conjunction with device CT |
-901 |
336068796 |
dyn_role_does_not_exist |
SQL role @1 does not exist |
-901 |
336330940 |
gbak_missing_username |
User name parameter missing |
-901 |
336330941 |
gbak_missing_password |
Password parameter missing |
-901 |
336068797 |
dyn_no_grant_admin_opt |
User @1 has no grant admin option on SQL role @2 |
-901 |
335544510 |
lock_timeout |
Lock time-out on wait transaction |
-901 |
336068798 |
dyn_user_not_role_member |
User @1 is not a member of SQL role @2 |
-901 |
336068799 |
dyn_delete_role_failed |
@1 is not the owner of SQL role @2 |
-901 |
336068800 |
dyn_grant_role_to_user |
@1 is a SQL role and not a user |
-901 |
336068801 |
dyn_inv_sql_role_name |
User name @1 could not be used for SQL role |
-901 |
336068802 |
dyn_dup_sql_role |
SQL role @1 already exists |
-901 |
336068803 |
dyn_kywd_spec_for_role |
Keyword @1 can not be used as a SQL role name |
-901 |
336068804 |
dyn_roles_not_supported |
SQL roles are not supported in on older versions of the database. A backup and restore of the database is required |
-901 |
336330952 |
gbak_missing_skipped_bytes |
missing parameter for the number of bytes to be skipped |
-901 |
336330953 |
gbak_inv_skipped_bytes |
Expected number of bytes to be skipped, encountered «@1» |
-901 |
336068820 |
dyn_zero_len_id |
Zero length identifiers are not allowed |
-901 |
336330965 |
gbak_err_restore_charset |
Character set |
-901 |
336330967 |
gbak_err_restore_collation |
Collation |
-901 |
336330972 |
gbak_read_error |
Unexpected I/O error while reading from backup file |
-901 |
336330973 |
gbak_write_error |
Unexpected I/O error while writing to backup file |
-901 |
336068840 |
dyn_wrong_gtt_scope |
@1 cannot reference @2 |
-901 |
336330985 |
gbak_db_in_use |
Could not drop database @1 (database might be in use) |
-901 |
336330990 |
gbak_sysmemex |
System memory exhausted |
-901 |
335544559 |
bad_svc_handle |
Invalid service handle |
-901 |
335544561 |
wrospbver |
Wrong version of service parameter block |
-901 |
335544562 |
bad_spb_form |
Unrecognized service parameter block |
-901 |
335544563 |
svcnotdef |
Service @1 is not defined |
-901 |
336068856 |
dyn_ods_not_supp_feature |
Feature ‘@1’ is not supported in ODS @[email protected] |
-901 |
336331002 |
gbak_restore_role_failed |
SQL role |
-901 |
336331005 |
gbak_role_op_missing |
SQL role parameter missing |
-901 |
336331010 |
gbak_page_buffers_missing |
Page buffers parameter missing |
-901 |
336331011 |
gbak_page_buffers_wrong_param |
Expected page buffers, encountered «@1» |
-901 |
336331012 |
gbak_page_buffers_restore |
Page buffers is allowed only on restore or create |
-901 |
336331014 |
gbak_inv_size |
Size specification either missing or incorrect for file @1 |
-901 |
336331015 |
gbak_file_outof_sequence |
File @1 out of sequence |
-901 |
336331016 |
gbak_join_file_missing |
Can’t join — one of the files missing |
-901 |
336331017 |
gbak_stdin_not_supptd |
standard input is not supported when using join operation |
-901 |
336331018 |
gbak_stdout_not_supptd |
Standard output is not supported when using split operation |
-901 |
336331019 |
gbak_bkup_corrupt |
Backup file @1 might be corrupt |
-901 |
336331020 |
gbak_unk_db_file_spec |
Database file specification missing |
-901 |
336331021 |
gbak_hdr_write_failed |
Can’t write a header record to file @1 |
-901 |
336331022 |
gbak_disk_space_ex |
Free disk space exhausted |
-901 |
336331023 |
gbak_size_lt_min |
File size given (@1) is less than minimum allowed (@2) |
-901 |
336331025 |
gbak_svc_name_missing |
Service name parameter missing |
-901 |
336331026 |
gbak_not_ownr |
Cannot restore over current database, must be SYSDBA or owner of the existing database |
-901 |
336331031 |
gbak_mode_req |
«read_only» or «read_write» required |
-901 |
336331033 |
gbak_just_data |
Just data ignore all constraints etc. |
-901 |
336331034 |
gbak_data_only |
Restoring data only ignoring foreign key, unique, not null & other constraints |
-901 |
335544609 |
index_name |
INDEX @1 |
-901 |
335544610 |
exception_name |
-901 |
335544611 |
field_name |
-901 |
335544613 |
union_err |
Union not supported |
Table B.2.4 SQLCODE and GDSCODE Error Codes and Message Texts (4)
SQLCODE | GDSCODE | Symbol | Message Text |
-901 |
335544614 |
dsql_construct_err |
Unsupported DSQL construct |
-901 |
335544623 |
dsql_domain_err |
Illegal use of keyword VALUE |
-901 |
335544626 |
table_name |
TABLE @1 |
-901 |
335544627 |
proc_name |
-901 |
335544641 |
dsql_domain_not_found |
Specified domain or source column @1 does not exist |
-901 |
335544656 |
dsql_var_conflict |
Variable @1 conflicts with parameter in same procedure |
-901 |
335544666 |
srvr_version_too_old |
Server version too old to support all CREATE DATABASE options |
-901 |
335544673 |
no_delete |
Cannot delete |
-901 |
335544675 |
sort_err |
Sort error |
-901 |
335544703 |
svcnoexe |
Service @1 does not have an associated executable |
-901 |
335544704 |
net_lookup_err |
Failed to locate host machine |
-901 |
335544705 |
service_unknown |
Undefined service @1/@2 |
-901 |
335544706 |
host_unknown |
The specified name was not found in the hosts file or Domain Name Services |
-901 |
335544711 |
unprepared_stmt |
Attempt to execute an unprepared dynamic SQL statement |
-901 |
335544716 |
svc_in_use |
Service is currently busy: @1 |
-901 |
335544731 |
tra_must_sweep |
[no associated message] |
-901 |
335544740 |
udf_exception |
A fatal exception occurred during the execution of a user defined function |
-901 |
335544741 |
lost_db_connection |
Connection lost to database |
-901 |
335544742 |
no_write_user_priv |
User cannot write to RDB$USER_PRIVILEGES |
-901 |
335544767 |
blob_filter_exception |
A fatal exception occurred during the execution of a blob filter |
-901 |
335544768 |
exception_access_violation |
Access violation.The code attempted to access a virtual address without privilege to do so |
-901 |
335544769 |
exception_datatype_missalignment |
Datatype misalignment. The attempted to read or write a value that was not stored on a memory boundary |
-901 |
335544770 |
exception_array_bounds_exceeded |
Array bounds exceeded. The code attempted to access an array element that is out of bounds. |
-901 |
335544771 |
exception_float_denormal_ operand |
Float denormal operand. One of the floating-point operands is too small to represent a standard float value. |
-901 |
335544772 |
exception_float_divide_by_zero |
Floating-point divide by zero. The code attempted to divide a floating-point value by zero. |
-901 |
335544773 |
exception_float_inexact_result |
Floating-point inexact result. The result of a floating-point operation cannot be represented as a decimal fraction |
-901 |
335544774 |
exception _float_invalid_operand |
Floating-point invalid operand. An indeterminant error occurred during a floating-point operation |
-901 |
335544775 |
exception_float_overflow |
Floating-point overflow. The exponent of a floating-point operation is greater than the magnitude allowed |
-901 |
335544776 |
exception_float_stack_check |
Floating-point stack check. The stack overflowed or underflowed as the result of a floating-point operation |
-901 |
335544777 |
exception_float_underflow |
Floating-point underflow. The exponent of a floating-point operation is less than the magnitude allowed |
-901 |
335544778 |
exception_integer_divide_by_zero |
Integer divide by zero. The code attempted to divide an integer value by an integer divisor of zero |
-901 |
335544779 |
exception_integer_overflow |
Integer overflow. The result of an integer operation caused the most significant bit of the result to carry |
-901 |
335544780 |
exception_unknown |
An exception occurred that does not have a description.Exception number @1 |
-901 |
335544781 |
exception_stack_overflow |
Stack overflow. The resource requirements of the runtime stack have exceeded the memory available to it |
-901 |
335544782 |
exception_sigsegv |
Segmentation Fault. The code attempted to access memory without privileges |
-901 |
335544783 |
exception_sigill |
Illegal Instruction. The Code attempted to perfrom an illegal operation |
-901 |
335544784 |
exception_sigbus |
Bus Error. The Code caused a system bus error |
-901 |
335544785 |
exception_sigfpe |
Floating Point Error. The Code caused an Arithmetic Exception or a floating point exception |
-901 |
335544786 |
ext_file_delete |
Cannot delete rows from external files |
-901 |
335544787 |
ext_file_modify |
Cannot update rows in external files |
-901 |
335544788 |
adm_task_denied |
Unable to perform operation. You must be either SYSDBA or owner of the database |
-901 |
335544794 |
cancelled |
Operation was cancelled |
-901 |
335544797 |
svcnouser |
User name and password are required while attaching to the services manager |
-901 |
335544801 |
datype_notsup |
Data type not supported for arithmetic |
-901 |
335544803 |
dialect_not_changed |
Database dialect not changed |
-901 |
335544804 |
database_create_failed |
Unable to create database @1 |
-901 |
335544805 |
inv_dialect_specified |
Database dialect @1 is not a valid dialect |
-901 |
335544806 |
valid_db_dialects |
Valid database dialects are @1 |
-901 |
335544811 |
inv_client_dialect_specified |
Passed client dialect @1 is not a valid dialect |
-901 |
335544812 |
valid_client_dialects |
Valid client dialects are @1 |
-901 |
335544814 |
service_not_supported |
Services functionality will be supported in a later version of the product |
-901 |
335544820 |
invalid_savepoint |
Unable to find savepoint with name @1 in transaction context |
-901 |
335544835 |
bad_shutdown_mode |
Target shutdown mode is invalid for database «@1» |
-901 |
335544840 |
no_update |
Cannot update |
-901 |
335544842 |
stack_trace |
@1 |
-901 |
335544843 |
ctx_var_not_found |
Context variable @1 is not found in namespace @2 |
-901 |
335544844 |
ctx_namespace_invalid |
Invalid namespace name @1 passed to @2 |
-901 |
335544845 |
ctx_too_big |
Too many context variables |
-901 |
335544846 |
ctx_bad_argument |
Invalid argument passed to @1 |
-901 |
335544847 |
identifier_too_long |
BLR syntax error. Identifier @1… is too long |
-901 |
335544859 |
invalid_time_precision |
Time precision exceeds allowed range ([email protected]) |
-901 |
335544866 |
met_wrong_gtt_scope |
@1 cannot depend on @2 |
-901 |
335544868 |
illegal_prc_type |
Procedure @1 is not selectable (it does not contain a SUSPEND statement) |
-901 |
335544869 |
invalid_sort_datatype |
Datatype @1 is not supported for sorting operation |
-901 |
335544870 |
collation_name |
-901 |
335544871 |
domain_name |
-901 |
335544874 |
max_db_per_trans_allowed |
A multi database transaction cannot span more than @1 databases |
-901 |
335544876 |
bad_proc_BLR |
Error while parsing procedure @1′ s BLR |
-901 |
335544877 |
key_too_big |
Index key too big |
-901 |
336397211 |
dsql_too_many_values |
Too many values (more than @1) in member list to match against |
-901 |
336397236 |
dsql_unsupp_feature_dialect |
Feature is not supported in dialect @1 |
-902 |
335544333 |
bug_check |
Internal gds software consistency check (@1) |
-902 |
335544335 |
db_corrupt |
Database file appears corrupt (@1) |
-902 |
335544344 |
io_error |
I/O error for file «@2» |
-902 |
335544346 |
metadata_corrupt |
Corrupt system table |
-902 |
335544373 |
sys_request |
Operating system directive @1 failed |
-902 |
335544384 |
badblk |
Internal error |
-902 |
335544385 |
invpoolcl |
Internal error |
-902 |
335544387 |
relbadblk |
Internal error |
-902 |
335544388 |
blktoobig |
Block size exceeds implementation restriction |
-902 |
335544394 |
badodsver |
Incompatible version of on-disk structure |
-902 |
335544397 |
dirtypage |
Internal error |
-902 |
335544398 |
waifortra |
Internal error |
-902 |
335544399 |
doubleloc |
Internal error |
-902 |
335544400 |
nodnotfnd |
Internal error |
-902 |
335544401 |
dupnodfnd |
Internal error |
-902 |
335544402 |
locnotmar |
Internal error |
-902 |
335544404 |
corrupt |
Database corrupted |
-902 |
335544405 |
badpage |
Checksum error on database page @1 |
-902 |
335544406 |
badindex |
Index is broken |
-902 |
335544409 |
trareqmis |
Transaction — request mismatch ( synchronization error ) |
-902 |
335544410 |
badhndcnt |
Bad handle count |
-902 |
335544411 |
wrotpbver |
Wrong version of transaction parameter block |
-902 |
335544412 |
wroblrver |
Unsupported BLR version (expected @1, encountered @2) |
-902 |
335544413 |
wrodpbver |
Wrong version of database parameter block |
-902 |
335544415 |
badrelation |
Database corrupted |
-902 |
335544416 |
nodetach |
Internal error |
-902 |
335544417 |
notremote |
Internal error |
-902 |
335544422 |
dbfile |
Internal error |
-902 |
335544423 |
orphan |
Internal error |
-902 |
335544432 |
lockmanerr |
Lock manager error |
-902 |
335544436 |
sqlerr |
SQL error code = @1 |
-902 |
335544448 |
bad_sec_info |
[no associated message] |
-902 |
335544449 |
invalid_sec_info |
[no associated message] |
-902 |
335544470 |
buf_invalid |
Cache buffer for page @1 invalid |
-902 |
335544471 |
indexnotdefined |
There is no index in table @1 with id @2 |
-902 |
335544472 |
login |
Your user name and password are not defined. Ask your database administrator to set up a Firebird login |
-902 |
335544506 |
shutinprog |
Database @1 shutdown in progress |
-902 |
335544528 |
shutdown |
Database @1 shutdown |
-902 |
335544557 |
shutfail |
Database shutdown unsuccessful |
-902 |
335544569 |
dsql_error |
Dynamic SQL Error |
-902 |
335544653 |
psw_attach |
Cannot attach to password database |
-902 |
335544654 |
psw_start_trans |
Cannot start transaction for password database |
-902 |
335544717 |
err_stack_limit |
Stack size insufficent to execute current request |
-902 |
335544721 |
network_error |
Unable to complete network request to host «@1» |
-902 |
335544722 |
net_connect_err |
Failed to establish a connection |
-902 |
335544723 |
net_connect_listen_err |
Error while listening for an incoming connection |
-902 |
335544724 |
net_event_connect_err |
Failed to establish a secondary connection for event processing |
-902 |
335544725 |
net_event_listen_err |
Error while listening for an incoming event connection request |
-902 |
335544726 |
net_read_err |
Error reading data from the connection |
-902 |
335544727 |
net_write_err |
Error writing data to the connection |
-902 |
335544732 |
unsupported_network_drive |
Access to databases on file servers is not supported |
-902 |
335544733 |
io_create_err |
Error while trying to create file |
-902 |
335544734 |
io_open_err |
Error while trying to open file |
-902 |
335544735 |
io_close_err |
Error while trying to close file |
-902 |
335544736 |
io_read_err |
Error while trying to read from file |
-902 |
335544737 |
io_write_err |
Error while trying to write to file |
-902 |
335544738 |
io_delete_err |
Error while trying to delete file |
-902 |
335544739 |
io_access_err |
Error while trying to access file |
-902 |
335544745 |
login_same_as_role_name |
Your login @1 is same as one of the SQL role name. Ask your database administrator to set up a valid Firebird login. |
-902 |
335544791 |
file_in_use |
The file @1 is currently in use by another process.Try again later |
-902 |
335544795 |
unexp_spb_form |
Unexpected item in service parameter block, expected @1 |
-902 |
335544809 |
extern_func_dir_error |
Function @1 is in @2, which is not in a permitted directory for external functions |
-902 |
335544819 |
io_32bit_exceeded_err |
File exceeded maximum size of 2GB. Add another database file or use a 64 bit I/O version of Firebird |
-902 |
335544831 |
conf_access_denied |
Access to @1 «@2» is denied by server administrator |
-902 |
335544834 |
cursor_not_open |
Cursor is not open |
-902 |
335544841 |
cursor_already_open |
Cursor is already open |
-902 |
335544856 |
att_shutdown |
Connection shutdown |
-902 |
335544882 |
long_login |
Login name too long (@1 characters, maximum allowed @2) |
-904 |
335544324 |
bad_db_handle |
Invalid database handle (no active connection) |
-904 |
335544375 |
unavailable |
Unavailable database |
-904 |
335544381 |
imp_exc |
Implementation limit exceeded |
-904 |
335544386 |
nopoolids |
Too many requests |
-904 |
335544389 |
bufexh |
Buffer exhausted |
-904 |
335544391 |
bufinuse |
Buffer in use |
-904 |
335544393 |
reqinuse |
Request in use |
-904 |
335544424 |
no_lock_mgr |
No lock manager available |
-904 |
335544430 |
virmemexh |
Unable to allocate memory from operating system |
-904 |
335544451 |
update_conflict |
Update conflicts with concurrent update |
-904 |
335544453 |
obj_in_use |
Object @1 is in use |
-904 |
335544455 |
shadow_accessed |
Cannot attach active shadow file |
-904 |
335544460 |
shadow_missing |
A file in manual shadow @1 is unavailable |
-904 |
335544661 |
index_root_page_full |
Cannot add index, index root page is full |
-904 |
335544676 |
sort_mem_err |
Sort error: not enough memory |
-904 |
335544683 |
req_depth_exceeded |
Request depth exceeded. (Recursive definition?) |
-904 |
335544758 |
sort_rec_size_err |
Sort record size of @1 bytes is too big ???? |
-904 |
335544761 |
too_many_handles |
Too many open handles to database |
-904 |
335544792 |
service_att_err |
Cannot attach to services manager |
-904 |
335544799 |
svc_name_missing |
The service name was not specified |
-904 |
335544813 |
optimizer_between_err |
Unsupported field type specified in BETWEEN predicate |
-904 |
335544827 |
exec_sql_invalid_arg |
Invalid argument in EXECUTE STATEMENT-cannot convert to string |
-904 |
335544828 |
exec_sql_invalid_req |
Wrong request type in EXECUTE STATEMENT ‘@1’ |
-904 |
335544829 |
exec_sql_invalid_var |
Variable type (position @1) in EXECUTE STATEMENT ‘@2’ INTO does not match returned column type |
-904 |
335544830 |
exec_sql_max_call_exceeded |
Too many recursion levels of EXECUTE STATEMENT |
-904 |
335544832 |
wrong_backup_state |
Cannot change difference file name while database is in backup mode |
-904 |
335544852 |
partner_idx_incompat_type |
Partner index segment no @1 has incompatible data type |
-904 |
335544857 |
blobtoobig |
Maximum BLOB size exceeded |
-904 |
335544862 |
record_lock_not_supp |
Stream does not support record locking |
-904 |
335544863 |
partner_idx_not_found |
Cannot create foreign key constraint @1. Partner index does not exist or is inactive |
-904 |
335544864 |
tra_num_exc |
Transactions count exceeded. Perform backup and restore to make database operable again |
-904 |
335544865 |
field_disappeared |
Column has been unexpectedly deleted |
-904 |
335544878 |
concurrent_transaction |
Concurrent transaction number is @1 |
-906 |
335544744 |
max_att_exceeded |
Maximum user count exceeded.Contact your database administrator |
-909 |
335544667 |
drdb_completed_with_errs |
Drop database completed with errors |
-911 |
335544459 |
rec_in_limbo |
Record from transaction @1 is stuck in limbo |
-913 |
335544336 |
deadlock |
Deadlock |
-922 |
335544323 |
bad_db_format |
File @1 is not a valid database |
-923 |
335544421 |
connect_reject |
Connection rejected by remote interface |
-923 |
335544461 |
cant_validate |
Secondary server attachments cannot validate databases |
-923 |
335544464 |
cant_start_logging |
Secondary server attachments cannot start logging |
-924 |
335544325 |
bad_dpb_content |
Bad parameters on attach or create database |
-924 |
335544441 |
bad_detach |
Database detach completed with errors |
-924 |
335544648 |
conn_lost |
Connection lost to pipe server |
-926 |
335544447 |
no_rollback |
No rollback performed |
-999 |
335544689 |
ib_error |
Firebird error |