Error wis 30270

To provide guidelines on how to analyze the causes and use the proper tools to troubleshoot this error


To provide guidelines on how to analyze the causes and use the proper tools to troubleshoot this error


The Error message WIS30270 in Web Intelligence represents a wide series of causes that require different approaches for a fast and effective resolution. This page is intended to provide all the possible scenarios and the information useful to self-troubleshoot or to collect the right information for Global Support to resolve the problem. 


The error normally appears with the dialog window
“An internal error occurred while calling the <api_name> API. (WIS 30270)”
Where the <api_name>  defines the sub-type of the error.

Possible causes 

The Error Messages Explained guide states that “Information about the document or the data source is invalid or not available.”   which means that the document processing has been interrupted at some point because one of the APIs has experienced an error.  
The generic indication that can be refined only by analyzing the sub-type, which is characterized by the API specified in the error message.
The most frequent involved APIs are listed in the apposite section of this page

Process Flow

The error normally occurs within the Web Intelligence Processing Server, in one of the following phases:

A]  Web Intelligence Processing Serever sends or receives  the query or prepares the document 


B]  Web Intelligence Processing Serever receives user input from the Web Application Server


C]  Web Intelligence Processing Serever sends the document to the Web Application Server


Invoked APIs

 If you are getting a failure on one particular API, click on the name to get a list of possible resolutions:


  • Analyze the document
  • Verify the connection to the database is working
  • Activate tracing
  • Check for Core Dumps (Unix OS only)   

Information needed by support

In case you need to open a CSS message, gathering and providing the following information will sensibly speed up the investigation

  • Full system information:
    — BI version and patch level
    — Operating System
    — Reporting database version and type
    — Workflow that leads to the error
  • Trace logs – possibly with:
    —  Time of the error
    —  Timezone of the BI Server
    —  User who was viewing/scheduling the document
    —  Document name
  • Additional information:
    — does the problem affect one or more documents?
    — are the documents migrated between same version level or upgraded from a previous version?
    — does this affect all users?

Related Content

Error Messages Explained

Process Flows  

SAP Knowledge Base Article  1335757 – How to activate traces for XI3.1 servers

SAP Knowledge Base Article  1526641 —  How to enable tracing in SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise BI4.0

SAP Knowledge Base Article  1861180 —  How to enable end to end tracing in SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise BI4.0

  • WEBI working in Rich Client but giving error opendocument’ api. (error err_wis_30270) in launch pad

    I transported webi documents + universe from a development server (BI 4.1. SP2) to a test server (same release). I can open the documents with the WEBI rich client, but I am unable to open them with the launch pad (error …opendocument’ api. (error err_wis_30270)).
    Does anyone have a clue where there could be a difference in the settings that cause this behaviour?

    Can you check this KB?
      — An internal error occurred while calling ‘openDocument’ API. (Error:
    ERR_WIS_302070) while opening WebIntelligence reports in SAP BO BI 4.0.

  • An internal error occured while calling ‘processDPCommandsEx’ API. (Error: ERR_WIS_30270)

    Hi ALL,
    I am facing a wierd issue while opening/refreshing/broadcasting a webi report.
    The error message scrnshot:
    This error is not throughout the reports, but for specific reports only, when checked the Bex query definition it works fine, but gives error for Webi reports.
    Recently we had upgrade of BO 4.0 SP7 patch 9.
    The reports are directly built on Bex queries, Bex queries contains simple Structures and few CKF’s.
    Would be thankful for any help recieved in resolving the above issue.
    Jaywant Kulkarni.

    Hi jaywant,
    Please check the note: 1760827 it may be helpful
    ( An internal error occurred while calling the ‘processDPCommands’ API. (ERR_WIS_30270) due to some scenarios.
    Scenario 1:
    Error occurs when try to refresh a migrated Web Intelligence report in InfoView, after entering a date or dates for prompts.
    Suggested Solution:
    Modify problematic report in Webi. 
    Change the prompt definition to be a constant, run the report in Webi, and save it. 
    Change the prompt definition back to prompt with required date definition. Make sure you are using the correct date format! (The report prompt should tell you what the format is supposed to be.) Re-run the report in Webi, and save it. 
    Re-open the report in InfoView and refresh.
    Scenario 2:  Error occurs when trying to edit the properties of a Webi report containing merged dimensions.
    Suggested Solution:
    Remove the merged dimensions and then re-establish them.
    Scenario 3:  Error occurs when the InfoView report has been open and idle for a long time.
    Suggested Solution:
    This error can be an indication of a time-out, based on the server’s settings.  Make sure you save your work often.  You will need to close and re-open the report when you get this error, and you may have lost any unsaved changes.

  • Internal Error occurred while calling the ProcessDPCommands API

    We have installed Business Objects XI  with MySQL. We are getting following error when we click on view query on the WEBI Reports
    » Internal Error occurred while calling the ProcessDPCommands API  Error WIS 30270″.
    When we change the CMS database to ORACLE everything works fine it looks like some issues when CMS database is MYSQL
    Please hep to fix this problem
    Installation is on Solaris 10
    Edited by: AshishDatar on Nov 6, 2009 3:00 PM
    Installation is on Solaris 10

    did you check whether universe connection is pointing to the correct db?The following url might be helpful:

  • An internal error occured while calling ‘getBlob’ API. (error: ERR_WIS_3027

    Hi Team,
    Please help me in resolving the below error message.
    One of my user is experiencing this when trying to run a report.
    «An internal error occured while calling u2018getBlobu2019 API. (error: ERR_WIS_30270)». I have checked the previous discussion on the same, But I could not get it. Could some one help me as what I can do to resolve this.
    Thanks in Advance

    Hi George Pertea,
    Appreciate your prompt response.
    I found a simple solution for this.
    This error message occurs when the TOMCAT server memory exceeds more than 1.3 gb. Hence, restart the TOMCAT server would resolve this issue.
    Here are the steps in detail.
    1. Log into each server through either citrix, remote desktop or mstsc from run command.
    2. Click on task Manager.
    3. Click on process, if you find TOMCAT memory is more than 1.3 gb, come back to CCM and stop tomcat server.
    4. Wait for 20 seconds and then start tomcat server. Check all the remaining servers and do the same
    This resolved the issue.
    Thanks & Regards

  • An internal error occured while calling ‘getBlob’ API.(Error: ERR_WIS_30270

    I am using BOXI R3.1, when i open a Webi Report & getting one Error:
    An internal error occured while calling ‘getBlob’ API. (Error: ERR_WIS_30270).
    Do anyone know how to fix error?

    this is an old thread..
    There are a great many potential reasons for this problem.
    I would recommend you use  our Knowledge Base search on SMP — link here:
    .. and search for terms :  webi ‘getBlob’ API
    Also, some information about your Product version and Patch level is requiered.
    Also, any explanation of workflow —  
    does it only happen when opening report? 
    are you using OpenDoc  hyperlink  navigation? 
    Moving between report tabs?   
    Are many Schedules running concurrently at that time ?

  • Error message « «

    Hi Team,
    Created a simple file2file scenarion successfully. Unable to pick the file from Sender directory to Receiver Directory.
    Checked from monitoring the Communication Channel.
    Error message shown for sender communication channel as below:
      Communication Channel  Status   Short Log                                Control Data   Party  Service           Adapter Type  Direction 
      sen_cc                 Red ball Processing Errors In the Last 30 Seconds  Manually             kanchuf2f_sen_bs   File         Sender                                                                               
    Line 1 / 1
    By selecting the sender communication channel «sen_cc», below is the node details given.
    Processing Details for Cluster Node Server 0 1_54295
    Time Stamp         Message ID                           Explanation 
    12/3/08 8:20:01 AM 45f841be-a421-43bd-235a-c7ad19b0aec8 Retry interval started. Length: 60.0 seconds
    12/3/08 8:20:01 AM 45f841be-a421-43bd-235a-c7ad19b0aec8 Error: XIServer:JCO_COMMUNICATION_FAILURE:
    By clicking on the first Message ID, The message says successful upto some point  and give error says JCO COMMUNICATION FAILURE and RFC issue.
    Below is the information provided in detail.
      Audit Log for Message: 45f841be-a421-43bd-235a-c7ad19b0aec8
    Time Stamp          Status  Description
    03.12.2008 08:20:00 Success Channel sen_cc: Send binary file  «f:xi_filesenderf2fmap.xml». Size 210 with QoS BE
    03.12.2008 08:20:00 Success Application attempting to send an XI message synchronously using connection AFW.
    03.12.2008 08:20:00 Success Trying to put the message into the call queue.
    03.12.2008 08:20:00 Success Message successfully put into the queue.
    03.12.2008 08:20:00 Success The message was successfully retrieved from the call queue.
    03.12.2008 08:20:00 Success The message status set to DLNG.
    03.12.2008 08:20:01 Error Returning synchronous error notification to calling application: XIServer:JCO_COMMUNICATION_FAILURE:.
    03.12.2008 08:20:01 Error Transmitting the message using connection http://sitaserv33:8001/sap/xi/engine?type=entry failed, due to: XIServer:JCO_COMMUNICATION_FAILURE:.
    03.12.2008 08:20:01 Error The message status set to FAIL.
    03.12.2008 08:20:01 Error Returning to application. Exception: XIServer:JCO_COMMUNICATION_FAILURE:                                                                               
    Page 1 / 2
    I think this could be the problem with some basis related settings, I am not sure what exactly the issue with.
    Any idea what exactly the error is talking about please do help me in finding the solution to thresolve this error message.
    Venkat Ramana K

    Hi Carlos,
    Thank you for the quick information.
    Followed all the steps and also basis person from onsite restarted the XI server.
    Now, I am able to log onto XI with the login Id but, when I give Tr Code: SXMB_IFR, unable to open the browser that shows Integration Builder.
    Getting the error message.
    *500   Internal Server Error*
                                                                                    *SAP J2EE Engine/7.00*
    *An internal error occurred. Contact you XI administrator*
    *Unable to read configuration data (ExchangeProfile/*
    Error Details, Error History, Build Info, Generic Application Info
    Venkat Ramana K

  • ERROR:  «»

    I am working on Idoc-xi-File scanerio.
    I am facing an Error in TCode: <b>SXMB_MONI</b>
    Error is
      <SAP:Code area=»MESSAGE»>GENERAL</SAP:Code>
      <SAP:P1 />
      <SAP:P2 />
      <SAP:AdditionalText> ConfigException in XI protocol handler. Failed to determine a receiver agreement for the given message. Root cause: Couldn’t retrieve outbound binding for the given P/S/A values: </b>
    Please tell me,
    How can solve this problem???
    Please Reply soon……
    Umesh Laxkar

    Hi Pooja,
    Now  my scanerio is working.
    Problem was <b>CACHE Refresh</b>.
    This document really helpful.
    Thanks again.
    Umesh Laxkar

  • Error in Component monitering

    Hi Experts,
    In XI(Exchange Infrastructure) i am trying to test the scenario , that is from XI to R/3 via IDOC
    using XI Runtime workbench Component Monetoring Adapter Engine and setting up all the parameters which are required but it is throwing the following error
    Error while sending message: Error while sending message: ConfigException in XI protocol handler. Failed to determine a receiver agreement for the given message. Root cause: Couldn’t retrieve outbound binding for the given P/S/A values: FP=;TP=;FS=SAP_XAPP_POC_GPD;TS=SAPR3_DE1_130;AN=ID1020_PurchaseOrderAccept_OB;ANS=; 
    I cleared the ACH cache and also activated all the objects i checked the receiver agreement twice to confirm the parameters but then it is throwing the error pls help me in this .
    Thanks a lot in Advance .

    Resolved in thread: ConfigException in XI protocol ha

  • Error message error while proce

    hello experts
    I am sending a message WS2RFC and recieve an error message that return from the RFC.
    <?xml version=»1.0″ encoding=»UTF-8″ standalone=»yes» ?>
    — <!—  Call Adapter
    — <SAP:Error xmlns:SAP=»″ xmlns:SOAP=»» SOAP:mustUnderstand=»1″>
      <SAP:Code area=»MESSAGE»>GENERAL</SAP:Code>
      <SAP:P1 />
      <SAP:P2 />
      <SAP:P3 />
      <SAP:P4 />
      <SAP:AdditionalText> error while processing the request to rfc-client: error while processing message to remote could not convert request from XML to$ConversionException: (122) JCO_ERROR_CONVERSION: Date ‘03042008’ has a wrong format at field DATUM: Unparseable date: «03042008»</SAP:AdditionalText>
      <SAP:ApplicationFaultMessage namespace=»» />
      <SAP:Stack />
    any ideas what it is and how to solve it?

    Looks like you have passed data in wrong format to RFC input parameter.
    Your format: DDMMYYYY (03042008)
    Expected: YYYYMMDD
    I would use a graphical mapping function «DataTrans» to convert date format from DDMMYYYY to YYYYMMDD.

  • Error Received HTTP res 404

    Hi Friends,
    In file to file scenario i am getting this error.
    Transmitting the message to endpoint http://spcc-sappidev:50000/sap/xi/engine?type=entry using connection File_ failed, due to: Received HTTP response code 404 : Not Found
    When i see the msg in Message Detail Tool(Detail Display) I am able to see the right payload,but the file is not moving,and in audit log i can see the above mantioned error.
    Want to confirm tht the endpoint in the above error should have java port or http port?
    Also let me knw,what other things should i check.

    hi brijesh
    From SLD go the XI business system,check the check the role (IS) and the URL (the port should be HTTP PORT OF ABAP WAS)
    finally restart j2ee engine from SMICM


    Hi all,
    I am currently doing a File —> RFC —> File synchronous interface ( I am not using RFC lookup functionality here ).
    I am doing this scenario according to the following Wiki link,
    When testing the interface, i am getting an error «Error: XIServer:NO_MAPPINGPROGRAM_FOUND:» in the sender communication channel. I don’t have any idea about this error, could anyone help me in this issue.
    Sherin Jose P

    Hi Sherin Jose P,
                                Please recheck your Integration Directory configuration for the scenario. Specially please check inbound interface determination settings. Here the communication channel is unable to find the interface mapping after receiving XML message. Did you use java mapping ? then please check the code again since it might not be producing exact target xml structure. Finally please ensure all mapping programs are existing and activated. If all mapping are activated then refresh the cache.
        Please check  in st22 transaction all errors in PI, whenever you get this message. There may be other reasons of error as well. There can be occasional short dumps due to data lengths or validations in ABAP programs. These short dumps in ERP may cause failures raised in PI.
    Finally if there are some exception in mapping then this error you can expect.
    Hope this helps.

  • Avoid the error:

    I still facing with the authorization error in the message (section: call of adapter).
    The error is:
    <Trace level=»3″ type=»System_Error»>Error exception return from pipeline processing!</Trace>
      <Trace level=»1″ type=»B» name=»CL_XMS_MAIN-WRITE_MESSAGE_TO_PERSIST» />
    <SAP:AdditionalText> Unauthorized: J2EE AE rejected user. Reason: Principal propagation is not active, but technical IS service user was not used (J2EE_ADMIN).</SAP:AdditionalText>
    When I looked into configuration I found that the j2ee_admin user will be used here (see. bellow).
    <Trace level=»3″ type=»T»>Channel for adapter engine: File</Trace>
    <Trace level=»1″ type=»B» name=»CL_XMS_PLSRV_CALL_XMB-CALL_XMS_HTTP»>
      <Trace level=»2″ type=»T»>return fresh values from cache</Trace>
      <Trace level=»2″ type=»T»>Get logon data for adapter engine (SAI_AE_DETAILS_GET):</Trace>
      <Trace level=»3″ type=»T»>URL = http://bera9010:50400/MessagingSystem/receive/AFW/XI</Trace>
      <Trace level=»3″ type=»T»>User = j2ee_admin</Trace>  
      <Trace level=»3″ type=»T»>Cached = X</Trace>
      <Trace level=»3″ type=»T»>Creating HTTP-client</Trace>
      <Trace level=»3″ type=»T»>HTTP-client: creation finished</Trace>
      <Trace level=»3″ type=»T»>Security: Basic authentication</Trace>
      <Trace level=»3″ type=»T»>Serializing message object…</Trace>
      <Trace level=»1″ type=»T»>HTTP Multipart document length: 3705</Trace>
      <Trace level=»3″ type=»T»>HTTP-client: sending http-request…</Trace>
      <Trace level=»3″ type=»T»>HTTP-client: request sent</Trace>
      <Trace level=»3″ type=»T»>HTTP-client: Receiving http-response…</Trace>
      <Trace level=»3″ type=»T»>HTTP-client: response received</Trace>
      <Trace level=»3″ type=»T»>HTTP-client: checking status code…</Trace>
      <Trace level=»3″ type=»T»>HTTP-client: status code = 200</Trace>
      <Trace level=»3″ type=»T»>Deserializing message object…</Trace>
      <Trace level=»3″ type=»T»>HTTP-client: closing…</Trace>
    What is the name of technical IS service user searching here? (PIISUSER)?
    How can I change this settings?
    Any helpful information will be very appreciated!

    What is the name of technical IS service user searching here? (PIISUSER)?
    Check the configuration guide with SAP note 974873 to find if any setting is missing.

  • — Msg Successful

    Hi all,
    We have a scenario where JDBC sender adapter polls — DB2 data base.
    Picks up the records. Updates the records.Messages are sent out.
    Everything is fine. The message is sent to IE and then to the receiver.
    But I see a in the audit log.
    2008-11-21 00:00:26 Error Putting message into send queue failed, due to:
    Message ID 56149940-20b1-472f-0905-893a906a65cf(OUTBOUND) already exists in database: DB2 SQL error: SQLCODE: -803, SQLSTATE: 23505, SQLERRMC: #XIR1N5J;000000030F.
    2008-11-21 00:00:26 Error Returning to application. Exception:
    Message ID 56149940-20b1-472f-0905-893a906a65cf(OUTBOUND) already exists in database: DB2 SQL error: SQLCODE: -803, SQLSTATE: 23505, SQLERRMC: #XIR1N5J;000000030F

    I think there is some issue with your query. Its either updating the same field or database got some error.
    Check notes 962578 & 831162

  • Call to messaging system failed:

    I am running an interface RFC2WS sync and recieve this message in the RFC. the message does not get out of the XI and rich the target (WS).
    the XI been upgraded lately, and I think this might be the cuase to the problem, becuase the interface been worked before, and still working in PROD environment as is.
    what could be the problem and how can I start investigate it to find the problem?
    this is what the SAP recieves
    call to messaging system failed:

    Hi Kfir,
    just check in RWB, in component monitoring, the status of integration server and adapter engine…….if it is red, then ask your basis guys to remove that error…………….just check your comm channels, i think your comm channels are in error, if they are just edit them, save and activate them again……….i think then your this issue will be resolved.’
    Rajeev Gupta


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    Error: WIS 30270

    Error: WIS 30270


    27 Dec 05 13:31

     When I run a certain query with conditions-
    (previousMonth OR Some_Month=10-31-2005) AND (Other conditions), it works fine.
     But when I change the query to-
    (Some_Month=11-30-2005 OR Some_Month=10-31-2005) AND (Other conditions), then it throws an error-
    An internal error occurred while calling the ‘processDPCommands’ API. (Error: WIS 30270)

    Here, previousMonth is a predefined query which in this case would be the same as <Some_Month=11-30-2005>.

    I have tried to use the IN operator instead of OR, but in vain. I am using BO webi XI r1 with Oracle9i.

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