Error writing file 5 access is denied

Reading my post which was a response to a post, I can see it is hard to understand standalone as here. The OP had established some context.

Reading my post which was a response to a post, I can see it is hard to understand standalone as here. The OP had established some context.

So here is a bit:

I needed to burn Stretch onto a SD.
I don’t have a USB SD reader-writer so I was using the one in the side of my W10 display
I don’t have any headfull Pis . I use W10, Putty & WinSCP to talk to my Pis. They get hung on a nail somewhere.
And I like my Desktop, fast, 12-core, Tb of storage, 4K display, reliable Internet and on a desk with a comfortable chair.
Your guide here … uickstart/ appears to be using PC dialogs too as I see F:.
So I don’t think my setup is that far out.

I was using Win32DiskImager to burn. On first burn it was uneventful.
When I tried to overwrite and burn a fresh copy, Win32DiskImager appeared to write a small amount and then popped a dialog ‘5 Access is denied’.
Yes, I used the Internet to help. I googled ‘Raspberry 5 Access is denied’ and got some suggestions on how to proceed.
None of the suggestions helped, but one came very close. He said reboot W10. But that did not help either.
Eventually, I power cycled by W10 machine which is a more thorough boot than soft boot. After Win32DiskImager successfully burned Stretch.

Yes and I was sloppy saying Pi’s are too slow. As I recall, the ref said to use a machine with a SSD or fast large hard disk. None of my Pi’s have such hardware. Effectively headless, they just have the minimal resources for the job and get loaded with some executable developed and tested on W10. I don’t think there would be room for 2 x Stretch on a 8Gb SD. I note your example uses a PC.

I did not try Etcher, I thought it was Linux-only. I thought wrong. But Win32DiskImager is about as simple as you get too, a dialog with two fields, source file and destination device & click go. Yes, I had to unzip too. The slower part for me was checking the SHA256. I had dig to find that W10 has it built in. Perhaps Etcher does that too.

I suspect that exactly the same error is possible with Etcher as with Win32DiskImager as the error was not really coming from Win32DiskImager but from the PC POST and where reboot did not fix it. PC’s have a lot of device stuff in the POST.

I think that is worth remembering.


  • Устраняем ошибку 5 при доступе к данным
    • Способ 1: Запуск с привилегиями администратора
    • Способ 2: Открытие доступа к каталогам
    • Способ 3: «Командная строка»
    • Способ 4: Устранение проблем с Виндовс
    • Заключение
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ошибка 5 отказано в доступе на windows 10
В некоторых ситуациях пользователи операционной системы Виндовс 10 могут столкнуться с проблемой, когда попытка открыть файл, папку или программу приводит к появлению ошибки с кодом 5 и текстом «Отказано в доступе». Также она нередко возникает при попытке запуска или перезапуска служб. Далее мы расскажем о причинах появления этого сбоя и предложим методы его устранения.

Устраняем ошибку 5 при доступе к данным

В большинстве случаев источником ошибки являются проблемы с правами на чтение и запись данных в текущей пользовательской «учётке». Также подобное сообщение появляется при сбоях в ОС, повреждении её компонентов или записей реестра.

Способ 1: Запуск с привилегиями администратора

Если открытие исполняемого файла программы, игры либо инсталлятора приложения приводит к появлению рассматриваемой ошибки, следует попробовать запустить его от имени администратора.

  1. Убедитесь, что у текущей учётной записи нужные права есть. Если это не так, предоставьте или получите их.
    Получение прав администратора для решения ошибки код 5 на Windows 10

    Урок: Получение прав администратора на Windows 10

  2. Перейдите к проблемному файлу. Выделите его, нажмите правую кнопку мыши и выберите в меню пункт «Запуск от имени администратора».
  3. Запустить программу от имени администратора для решения ошибки код 5

  4. Появится всплывающее окно с запросом на разрешение, щёлкните в нём «Да».
  5. Подтвердить запуск от имени администратора для решения ошибки код 5 на Windows 10

    Далее приложение или инсталлятор должны запуститься нормально.

Способ 2: Открытие доступа к каталогам

Вторая причина проблемы, которую мы сегодня рассматриваем – неполадки с правами доступа к отдельному каталогу или диску. Предоставление нужных прав покажем на примере системного диска.

Внимание! Процедура может нарушить работу компьютера, поэтому рекомендуем создать точку восстановления!

Урок: Точка восстановления в Windows 10

  1. Откройте «Этот компьютер», найдите в нём системный накопитель и кликните по нему ПКМ, затем выберите в меню пункт «Свойства».
  2. Открыть свойства системного диска для решения ошибки код 5 на Windows 10

  3. Откройте вкладку «Безопасность». Нажмите на кнопку «Изменить» под блоком «Группы и пользователи».
    Изменить пользователей системного диска для решения ошибки код 5 на Windows 10

    Далее кликните «Добавить».

  4. Добавить пользователей системного диска для решения ошибки код 5 на Windows 10

  5. В следующем окне обратитесь к блоку «Введите имена…». Наберите на клавиатуре слово Все, после чего щёлкните «Проверить имена».
    Проверить имя добавляемого пользователя системного диска для решения ошибки код 5 на Windows 10

    Если появилось окошко «Имя не найдено», попробуйте в графе «Введите имя объекта» вписать слово All либо имя текущей учётной записи, после чего воспользуйтесь кнопкой «ОК».

  6. Заменить имя добавляемого пользователя системного диска для решения ошибки код 5 на Windows 10

  7. Вернувшись к утилите разрешений, убедитесь, что выделена добавленная на предыдущем шаге группа. Далее в разделе «Разрешения для группы…» отметьте все пункты в столбце «Разрешить».
  8. Разрешения доступа системного диска для решения ошибки код 5 на Windows 10

  9. Далее последовательно щёлкните «Применить» и «ОК», после чего перезагрузите компьютер.
  10. Сохранить изменения доступа системного диска для решения ошибки код 5 на Windows 10

    Предоставление прав на чтение и запись системного носителя одновременно устраняет ошибку 5 как для исполняемых файлов, так и для служб, однако данная процедура небезопасна для работоспособности системы.

Способ 3: «Командная строка»

Рассматриваемая проблема может касаться только той или иной службы Виндовс. В этом случае можно воспользоваться средством «Командная строка».

  1. Откройте «Поиск», в котором начните вводить запрос командная строка. Выделите найденное приложение и нажмите на ссылку «Запуск от имени администратора» в правой части окна.
  2. Открыть командную строку для решения ошибки код 5 со службами на Windows 10

  3. Последовательно введите в интерфейсе следующие команды:

    net localgroup Администраторы /add networkservice

    net localgroup Администраторы /add localservice

    Операторы команд для решения ошибки код 5 со службами на Windows 10

    Обратите внимание! Пользователям Windows 10 с английской локализацией системы необходимо вводить Administrators вместо Администраторы!

  4. Закрывайте окно программы и перезагружайте ПК или ноутбук.
  5. Данный метод безопаснее предыдущего, но и применим только при отказе в доступе для служб.

Способ 4: Устранение проблем с Виндовс

Если применение всех вышеприведённых методов не принесло результата, скорее всего источником проблемы являются неполадки в самой ОС.

  1. Первым делом проверьте обновления – возможно, в одном из недавно установленных присутствуют баги. Если же, напротив, вы давно не обновляли систему, попробуйте загрузить актуальные апдейты.

    Урок: Как установить и как удалить обновления Windows 10

  2. Проверьте параметры антивируса – возможно, в нём активен строгий режим контроля, который не разрешает манипуляции с данными. Также стоит попробовать временно отключить защитное ПО.
    Отключить антивирус для решения ошибки код 5 на Windows 10

    Урок: Как отключить антивирус

    Если же вы по каким-то причинам вообще не пользуетесь защитой от вирусов, рекомендуем ознакомиться со статьей по борьбе с ними — возможно, ваш компьютер стал жертвой заражения.

    Проверить компьютер на вирусы для решения ошибки код 5 на Windows 10

    Подробнее: Борьба с компьютерными вирусами

  3. Дополнительно следует проверить работоспособность системных составляющих в целом и реестра в частности.

    Проверка и восстановление системных файлов в Windows 10
    Восстановление реестра в Windows 10

  4. Описанные выше рекомендации должны помочь в устранении проблемы.


Мы рассмотрели варианты решения проблемы, при которой в Виндовс 10 появляется ошибка с кодом 5 и текстом «Отказано в доступе». Как видим, возникает она по разным причинам, из-за чего нет универсального метода устранения.

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  • We are having the following errors frequently written to errorlog..

    2009-05-02 03:41:34.60 spid1     I/O error 5(Access is denied.) detected during write at offset 0x000002b3c70000 in file ‘E:MSSQLDATAMYDB_Data.MDF’..0

    This is SQL Server 2000 version 8.00.2282
    Please suggest any specific permissions to be given to the service account?
    The data read and writes fine, there is sufficient space on the disk.



Все ответы

  • Suman,

    We usually see this error when backing up to a location where SQL Server account may not have access. But if you are seeing the error message, its complaining about writing to the primary data file, which seems pretty serious.

    >>The data read and writes fine

    How did you determined this? Are you able to write data to a table in the primary data file?

    | Sankar Reddy | |

  • Is the file quoted a primary data file?
    Sure it has the MDF extension…but?
    If it is a separate filegroup that holds a particular NC index, that might explain why he is able to read and write data otherwise.
    But hey, I am way way way out on a limb here with the guesswork!
    Looking forward to Suman’s reply.


  • I dont see any other errors with data read and write.  this is the primary data file and I get this error often written to the error log. I dont know if something is happening from the disk side(read failures/ write failure), but apparently there are none. This is the only error I am worried about. The system is SQL Server 2000 Ent Edn SP4.



Error 5 Access is denied

Access Denied problem can creep in several conditions though the good news is we can tackle them all, and get each of them fixed, and in the toughest condition. There is an issue among these on which we will be focusing in this article, and it is error 5 access is denied windows 10.

This error is frequently been encountered while working on Windows 10. When you try to install any new application or any of the computer games, you are not allowed to access some specific location or while you try to alter the files.

And sometimes you want to start certain software or service though you fail to do that. A various error message that you might receive are”:

Windows was unable to start ____________service on your local computer. Error 5: Access is denied.

Setup could not create the directory “___________.” Error 5: Access is denied.

Cannot execute the file as it is in the Temp folder. Setup failed. Error 5” Access is denied.


Remember there are numerous access denied issues. However, currently, we are dealing with Error 5, as explained until now. The main issue that leads to this error is the permission issue. In case you lack Administrative rights or the account you are using is not an administrator account, you are likely to get the above error. 

Cleaning of Possible Viruses

error 5 access is deniedThere is a possibility that you are blocked from the operating system even if you are the administrator, due to a virus or unwanted malicious programs (Adware, Spyware, Malware, Ransomware, browser hackers) that are created to alter the entire system of your computer, Walking around your PC unnoticed.

In this case, the error ” Error 5: Access Denied ” can be fixed by an antivirus program to explore your computer and find the problem deeply.  You can download a free antivirus or make use of malwares bytes, which is the anti-adware that we recommend from

Step 1: Double click on the Computer icon for opening the Windows Explorer. Now type %temp% …local in the address bar and click on ENTER.

Step 2: Select the Temp folder and right-click, and finally tap on Properties. Inside the security, tab click on the Advanced button. 

Step 3: Ensure that” Replace all child………from the object” is ticked.

Step 4: Now remove all non-inherited entries from “C:/Users/ [NameofUser]” folder by selecting them and clicking on Apply and Ok.

Solution B: Make your profile Administrative

Step 1: You need to press the Windows + R for opening the Run dialogue, and type there netplwiz, and click ENTER.

Step 2: Now pick the user account that you need to convert into an administrative account, and click on properties. 

Step 3: Now select the “Group Membership” tab and pick Administrator, and then finally click on Apply, and finally Ok. 

Now consider some applications where we encounter Error 5 Access is denied. Like the first can be the SD Card. 

Error 5 Access Is Denied Windows 10 Sd Card

Remember we are not concerned about the SD card is corrupt here. For that, you can download SD card recovery software and recover all the data, as well as finally format it and change permissions if required, and use it.  We are dealing with error 5, and this deals with permission issues only. The corrupt file is not a reason for this as we are concerned of error 5 access is denied windows 10 SD card, and hence, let’s assume the SD Card is not corrupt. 

And hence we need to modify the permission. And we have already discussed this. The same procedure needs to be followed for an SD card as well to solve error 5 access is denied windows 10

Solution 1: Administrative Approach  

Note: Sometimes you need to check Local Group Policy Editor. Move inside Administrative Templates, System, Removable storage access, and then unconfigure from here Removable disk: Deny Execute Access, Deny Read Access, and Deny Write access. And you already know now, how to change the privileges to Admin. 

For Corrupt SD cards please download and run iCare Data Recovery Pro. It will do everything for you automatically. 

For changing the permissions and ownership, right-click on SD card on PC, and follow the procedure as explained below. 

Step 1: Right-click Properties which you will get after right-clicking on inaccessible SD on PC.

Step 2: Now select the “Security” tab and click Edit for changing permissions or click on Advanced for special privileges or advance options.

Solution 2: You can as well make the SD card sharable, and set the permissions to Everyone, and select Full control, finally ending by clicking on Apply Button. 

Solution 3: you can run the CHKDSK as well for fixing this problem, by typing chkdsk: f/g ( You can replace the f with the SD card drive letter.

You can format using disk management as well. Change the drive name and the path. You can also run the antivirus to remove Trojan, virus, and spyware that can be a reason for the access denied as well. 

Error 5 Access Is Denied Windows 10 In Win32 Disk Imager

Win32 Disk Imager is an application that can help you write the raw disk images to USB devices, SD cards, etc. for backup of the removable device to the raw image file. Its latest version supports Windows 10. You need to backup the removable drives, as they can stop working anytime. For preventing the data loss, you should backup. You can keep up with an image file of the drive with the help of Win32 Disk Imager.  Just suppose you need to backup an SD card with the help of the Win32 Disk Imager.

Let’s suppose you know the process of the backup. However, while storing an image file, you might get an error like error 5 access is denied windows 10 in win32 disk imager. You need to not worry however; you might not have the permission. And you now know how to change the permission. However, sometimes you might also encounter other issues. This error may occur in many different locations, and hence you might find it hard to find with little technical reason. 

How To Fix It?

However, you can download the Win32 disk Imager repair tool, install it, and scan your computer. The problem will be automatically solved.  It can be, however, due to the malfunction of the system due to failed uninstallation or installation of software which can leave behind invalid entries, and these are left in the registry.

It can also be because of malicious attacks and viruses. Improper system shutdown due to the power failure can also be one reason. However, you need to run the above tool., and your problem will be solved. 

Error 5 Access Is Denied Windows 10 Diagnostic Policy Services

Through the diagnostic Policy Service or the DPS the computer does the problem detection, resolution of windows services, components, and troubleshooting. In case the service does not kick-off, you will receive an error 5 access is denied windows 10 diagnostic policy services, when you opt for starting the service on your own. It is required for diagnosing the Windows Problems with the help of the troubleshooting tools which we get through Windows 10 PC. However, these are available in 7 and 8 as well. In case, however, it stops then you will not be able to diagnose or solve various system issues that hinder Windows functioning like Internet access issues and Networking. 

The Solution 

Step1: You need to scan for viruses and malware. Make sure you perform the Malware Scan at first. Such things should be checked always first and in all conditions.

Step 2: You need to Modify the DPS Registry Permissions. 

Press Windows + R and write Regedit and finally Enter.

  1. At the left pane, navigate to this key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE>SYSTEM>CurrentControlSet>Services>DPS>Parameters
  2. You need to select Parameters, right-click, and hit on Permissions. 
  3. Now select Add, and write down your Account Name/Username inside the search box and finally click Ok.
  4. Tick full control box for this username, for granting full permission.
  5. Now move to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE>SYSTEM>CurrentControlSet>Control>WDI>Config
  6. Now select config and right-click, click next on Permissions.
  7. Now hit Add, and write NT ServiceDPS within the search box and tap on OK.
  8. Now select the ‘DPS’ and tick mark full control, and why you already know.
  9.  Tap on OK and shut down the registry. Finally, Restart the Computer. 
  10. Once you restart your problem will be solved. 

Software Protection Service in Error 5 Access Is Denied Windows 10

At the time when Windows Service SPS or Software Protection Service was first included, many of us found difficulty in installing various new Software. It verifies the authenticity of the software while you are installing the software. And it checks for the activation status of the Windows version installed on your computer.

If in case you find the software that you are installing is not legitimate, the SPS will automatically deny installing the software.  However, sometimes SPS might not run and throw the error software protection service in error 5 access is denied windows 10. And this is the case even when Software Protection Service is not in running mode.


You can check whether SPS is running or not through Windows + R, and inside the Services.msc. Finally press Enter. Now find the SPS on the list. If in case you try to start on your own, you receive the error 5 Access is denied. You need to check whether the windows version is active or inactive.

If it’s activated, and you are still stuck, it can be due to certain permission issues. And for that, you need to follow the below steps.

Solution 1: You need to Press Windows +E and move to the navigation window. Now you are required to navigate to the C>Windows>System32 and here you need to find the file sppsvc. exe.

Now you are required to take ownership of it. You can do this by typing takeown /f “Complete path of the file” in the Command Prompt in admin mode.

Once you take ownership, you need to try again starting the Software Protection service through the Services. If you are still stuck, follow the below steps.

Solution 2:

Press Windows and R keys (+). Run Dialog Box will be opened. Now you need to type in Regedit and finally press the OK.

You will now see the registry editor. Now navigate to below by following HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Microsoft > Windows NT > CurrentVersion > SoftwareProtectionPlatform

Once you are here, you need to right-click on the Software Protection Platform and then on Permissions. Now tap on the sppsvc, and allow the full control to this file by ticking the checkbox. Now click on Apply and press OK.

Now just close the registry editor and restart the computer. As you will be logged in, you will see that the problem error 5 access is denied windows 10 exists no more. 

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