Error writing to file 3ds max

3ds Max displays the message  "Error writing to file" when saving files to a drive on a network location, either using a mapped drive path or a Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path. See: How to assign a file path using the Universal Naming Convention (UNC). Includes, but is not limited to: Saving +500MB files over a network. Operating System does not meet the system requirements for 3ds Max. Corrupted file contents (may be caused by 3rd-party elements)




Includes, but is not limited to:

  • Saving +500MB files over a network.
  • Operating System does not meet the system requirements for 3ds Max.
  • Corrupted file contents (may be caused by 3rd-party elements).
  • Video Card/graphics hardware conflicting with elements in the scene.


3ds Max is


a server application. It was designed to work locally. While it may work to a certain degree over networks and servers, it was not designed to work that way, so support is not guaranteed to help resolve all issues regarding network issues.

Below is a collection of the most up-to-date solutions / workarounds available. The list is not complete, and the final solution may require one, or a combination of the following:

  1. Verify all computers with 3ds Max, and all machines being saved to, meet the Operating System Requirements for 3ds Max. 
  2. Incrementally merge pieces of the scene from the file affected by the error into a fresh 3ds Max scene, and save with a new filename on the network drive. 
    • The preceding process can help detect any corrupted object pieces within the file displaying the error by process of elimination.
    • If an object(s) is encountered that is causing the error saving, try to export it as an .FBX file and then re-import it into the new Max scene. This can help rid the file of any extra data that may be causing the corruption.
  3. In addition, try following the preceding «fix corruption» process, but then save the scene to the local hard drive, and afterwards copy it via Windows Explorer to the desired network folder location.
  4. Make sure to download and install the 3ds Max Security Tools, as explained here: Third-party MAXScript (ALC) causes scene file crashes, corrupts scene data, gives Script Controller error or no longer uses the Undo function in 3ds Max

See Also:

  • Handling File Corruptions
  • Working with multiple copies of 3ds Max across a network environment
  • Troubleshooting 3ds Max problems when running under Windows 10
  • Can 3ds Max and Backburner be installed and run on a Windows Server machine?

Ошибка при сохранении



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Репутация: 520

На сайте c 30.11.2011
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20.04.2016 12:25

Дд собственно при любом сохранении файла, любого, выпадает такая надпись (error writing to file 3ds max) и макс падает.

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Репутация: 453

На сайте c 19.03.2009
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20.04.2016 12:44

а место на диске есть?

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На сайте c 15.03.2015
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Account is banned

Пожизненный бан

20.04.2016 12:46

памяти не хватает на диске для сохранения,если вдруг у меня такое то save as-имя файла и выбираю другой диск)

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Репутация: 520

На сайте c 30.11.2011
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20.04.2016 12:51

Место есть куча

Цитата mongrel:

памяти не хватает на диске для сохранения,если вдруг у меня такое то save as-имя файла и выбираю другой диск)

На любой диск сохроняю все равно 

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На сайте c 05.07.2011
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15.08.2017 15:22

Присоединяюсь к теме… не регуляро но но возникает такой трабл. Как то решается?

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На сайте c 17.04.2016
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13.01.2019 22:16

Сначала попробовал сохранить отдельный элемент(FileSafe Selected), а потом сохранил сцену под другим названием. Вроде помогло.

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На сайте c 04.11.2017
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09.05.2019 15:47

столкнулась с этой проблемой, решила перемещением на другой диск.

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На сайте c 08.11.2016
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22.09.2019 11:15

У меня тоже появилась такая проблема, всё вышеперечисленное не помогло, и сцена, вроде, не сильно тяжелая. В итоге подумала, может там как-то оперативка забилась, хотя в диспетчере задач всё спокойно вроде было, но я закрыла пару приложений — и чудо свершилось :) В общем надо не сдаваться и пробовать разные варианты в такой критичной ситуации

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На сайте c 23.01.2010
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20.04.2021 14:34

Мне помогло освободить место на диске, на котором установлен Max и расположен рабочий файл.

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Error writing to file 3d max что делать

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А у меня другая ошибка (извините за флуд) — не могу создавать новые темы. Почему? прошу разобраться.

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што-то с сервером аданазначна. при открытии на твоей машине хендлер файла один, сервер от тебя отключился кратковременна и фс:Е потерялось. Рой сетку — эт точна

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3ds Max frequent «Error writing to file» errors

3ds Max frequent «Error writing to file» errors

In the past few weeks I started getting «Error writing to file» errors whenever I try to save my scene on the network drive. What’s that all about? I never had this problem until a month ago and I haven’t made any software or hardware changes that I know of. It seems to happen mainly when I have more than one instance of Max open but I’ve also seen it happen with only one instance open at a time. Thankfully it allows me to save the scene on my desktop and from there I copy it to the project folder on the network drive.

Any ideas how to fix this? I’m using Max 2016.

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I too seem to be getting this strange behavior with no real clue as to why. I thought it was just the particularly large scene that I’ve been having problems with but maybe not (it’s not that large of a scene compared to others I usually work on). I haven’t update gpu drivers in quite a while (probably a few months) and this problem seems to have cropped up in the last week or so. Maybe a windows update? I know I’m not on the latest major windows 10 update (Windows Spring Update or whatever it’s called) but I imagine I do have the latest «fixes» installed so maybe something in one of those broke something. Both my workstation and file «server» are running Windows 10 so it’s difficult to narrow a solution.


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I had this problem and posted about it here. In my case it was due to backup/syncing using a NAS and also using idrive remote cloud backup. Any backup stuff you may have running will,generate file save errors from max.

Hope this may help.

Max 2022.3 | Vray 5 update 2.2 | Win 10

Core i7 6950 | GeForce RTX 2060 | 64 G RAM


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Max 2022.3 | Vray 5 update 2.2 | Win 10

Core i7 6950 | GeForce RTX 2060 | 64 G RAM


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I don’t know when it started. Maybe with 2017. It really messed me upfo a while. It does eem crazy that only 3ds max has a prblem saving files if you have a backup/sync runnining at the same time.

agree about autobak. I have always used it and been saved after crashes. Now it seems to take way longer to have the autobak save as compared to doing file>save. Autobak takes so long i have had to quit using it.

Max 2022.3 | Vray 5 update 2.2 | Win 10

Core i7 6950 | GeForce RTX 2060 | 64 G RAM


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What I do, and it seems to work for me:
Each time you start max > open Max Listener
paste in this: autoSave.BailoutEnabled = off and hit enter
It returns the word/value «true» in blue
type in «false» and hit enter

close the listener. now you won’t have the long autobak save problem. this has to be doen each time you start max.

Maybe this is not addressing your issue. Just put it out there in case it may help

Max 2022.3 | Vray 5 update 2.2 | Win 10

Core i7 6950 | GeForce RTX 2060 | 64 G RAM


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I think if you have those disabled in preferences then what I wrote above will not help. It has been a while so I thankfully have purged most of this from my memory but. see my post #4 and included link in this topic above. I used to have the problem you describe and it drove me mad. I believe it was caused first by a cloud backup service I was using (idrive) and then I started using a western digital mycloud which caused the same issue. I have to disable syncing on the my cloud or Imget those near can’t save file errors.

saving to any network related drives or similar seems to cause this. Suggest Disable/ suspend any backup/ syncing you may have running and Try saving the scene directly to the drive Max is installed on.

I hope this may help, I know first hand how frustrating and distracting this problem is

[SOLVED]Install :»Extract: error writing to file…


 Oct. 20, 2015 4:05 p.m.

Keep getting this error message with different files each time I try to install.

Any ideas?


Edited by — Oct. 23, 2015 23:41:06

 Oct. 21, 2015 9:32 a.m.

Which OS are you on? Which directory are you installing Houdini to?

Two things come to mind:
1. Is your hard disk full?
2. Are you running the installer with admin permission?

Andrew / アンドリュー

 Oct. 21, 2015 4:17 p.m.

I am on Windows 7 64.

I am not installing to my system drive and the drive I am installing to is not full.

I had a thought that maybe it is assuming C and looking to put these files in a common directory using a relative path rather than an absolute path.

I am able to install other software onto separate drives but maybe this is not possible with Houdini?

Thanks for the reply.

 Oct. 21, 2015 6:26 p.m.

Installing to non-system drive is supported.

Is your system drive full? Or is your temp directory on the system drive? During installation, I think the installer still needs to extract temporary files into the temp directory, which is probably on the system drive.

Andrew / アンドリュー

 Oct. 21, 2015 6:33 p.m.

My system drive only has about 1.3 gigs left. It is on my list to upgrade the drive to give me more room.

But if it is using the temp folder that may be the issue as the installer is looking for 1.9gigs.

I’ll look into it further and maybe just try and upgrade my C drive first.

Thanks for the info.

EDIT: I just figured out a way to make more space on C and installed there.
No issues to report. Thanks.

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