Error writing to file python

Teaching: 30 min Exercises: 0 min


Teaching: 30 min

Exercises: 0 min


  • How does Python report errors?

  • How can I handle errors in Python programs?


  • To be able to read a traceback, and determine where the error took place and what type it is.

  • To be able to describe the types of situations in which syntax errors, indentation errors, name errors, index errors, and missing file errors occur.

Every programmer encounters errors,
both those who are just beginning,
and those who have been programming for years.
Encountering errors and exceptions can be very frustrating at times,
and can make coding feel like a hopeless endeavour.
understanding what the different types of errors are
and when you are likely to encounter them can help a lot.
Once you know why you get certain types of errors,
they become much easier to fix.

Errors in Python have a very specific form,
called a traceback.
Let’s examine one:

# This code has an intentional error. You can type it directly or
# use it for reference to understand the error message below.
def favorite_ice_cream():
    ice_creams = [

IndexError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-1-70bd89baa4df> in <module>()
      9     print(ice_creams[3])
----> 11 favorite_ice_cream()

<ipython-input-1-70bd89baa4df> in favorite_ice_cream()
      7         'strawberry'
      8     ]
----> 9     print(ice_creams[3])
      11 favorite_ice_cream()

IndexError: list index out of range

This particular traceback has two levels.
You can determine the number of levels by looking for the number of arrows on the left hand side.
In this case:

  1. The first shows code from the cell above,
    with an arrow pointing to Line 11 (which is favorite_ice_cream()).

  2. The second shows some code in the function favorite_ice_cream,
    with an arrow pointing to Line 9 (which is print(ice_creams[3])).

The last level is the actual place where the error occurred.
The other level(s) show what function the program executed to get to the next level down.
So, in this case, the program first performed a
function call to the function favorite_ice_cream.
Inside this function,
the program encountered an error on Line 6, when it tried to run the code print(ice_creams[3]).

Long Tracebacks

Sometimes, you might see a traceback that is very long
– sometimes they might even be 20 levels deep!
This can make it seem like something horrible happened,
but the length of the error message does not reflect severity, rather,
it indicates that your program called many functions before it encountered the error.
Most of the time, the actual place where the error occurred is at the bottom-most level,
so you can skip down the traceback to the bottom.

So what error did the program actually encounter?
In the last line of the traceback,
Python helpfully tells us the category or type of error (in this case, it is an IndexError)
and a more detailed error message (in this case, it says “list index out of range”).

If you encounter an error and don’t know what it means,
it is still important to read the traceback closely.
That way,
if you fix the error,
but encounter a new one,
you can tell that the error changed.
sometimes knowing where the error occurred is enough to fix it,
even if you don’t entirely understand the message.

If you do encounter an error you don’t recognize,
try looking at the
official documentation on errors.
note that you may not always be able to find the error there,
as it is possible to create custom errors.
In that case,
hopefully the custom error message is informative enough to help you figure out what went wrong.

Syntax Errors

When you forget a colon at the end of a line,
accidentally add one space too many when indenting under an if statement,
or forget a parenthesis,
you will encounter a syntax error.
This means that Python couldn’t figure out how to read your program.
This is similar to forgetting punctuation in English:
for example,
this text is difficult to read there is no punctuation there is also no capitalization
why is this hard because you have to figure out where each sentence ends
you also have to figure out where each sentence begins
to some extent it might be ambiguous if there should be a sentence break or not

People can typically figure out what is meant by text with no punctuation,
but people are much smarter than computers.
If Python doesn’t know how to read the program,
it will give up and inform you with an error.
For example:

def some_function()
    msg = 'hello, world!'
     return msg
  File "<ipython-input-3-6bb841ea1423>", line 1
    def some_function()
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Here, Python tells us that there is a SyntaxError on line 1,
and even puts a little arrow in the place where there is an issue.
In this case the problem is that the function definition is missing a colon at the end.

Actually, the function above has two issues with syntax.
If we fix the problem with the colon,
we see that there is also an IndentationError,
which means that the lines in the function definition do not all have the same indentation:

def some_function():
    msg = 'hello, world!'
     return msg
  File "<ipython-input-4-ae290e7659cb>", line 4
    return msg
IndentationError: unexpected indent

Both SyntaxError and IndentationError indicate a problem with the syntax of your program,
but an IndentationError is more specific:
it always means that there is a problem with how your code is indented.

Tabs and Spaces

Some indentation errors are harder to spot than others.
In particular, mixing spaces and tabs can be difficult to spot
because they are both whitespace.
In the example below, the first two lines in the body of the function
some_function are indented with tabs, while the third line — with spaces.
If you’re working in a Jupyter notebook, be sure to copy and paste this example
rather than trying to type it in manually because Jupyter automatically replaces
tabs with spaces.

def some_function():
	msg = 'hello, world!'
        return msg

Visually it is impossible to spot the error.
Fortunately, Python does not allow you to mix tabs and spaces.

  File "<ipython-input-5-653b36fbcd41>", line 4
    return msg
TabError: inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation

Variable Name Errors

Another very common type of error is called a NameError,
and occurs when you try to use a variable that does not exist.
For example:

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-7-9d7b17ad5387> in <module>()
----> 1 print(a)

NameError: name 'a' is not defined

Variable name errors come with some of the most informative error messages,
which are usually of the form “name ‘the_variable_name’ is not defined”.

Why does this error message occur?
That’s a harder question to answer,
because it depends on what your code is supposed to do.
there are a few very common reasons why you might have an undefined variable.
The first is that you meant to use a
string, but forgot to put quotes around it:

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-8-9553ee03b645> in <module>()
----> 1 print(hello)

NameError: name 'hello' is not defined

The second reason is that you might be trying to use a variable that does not yet exist.
In the following example,
count should have been defined (e.g., with count = 0) before the for loop:

for number in range(10):
    count = count + number
print('The count is:', count)
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-9-dd6a12d7ca5c> in <module>()
      1 for number in range(10):
----> 2     count = count + number
      3 print('The count is:', count)

NameError: name 'count' is not defined

Finally, the third possibility is that you made a typo when you were writing your code.
Let’s say we fixed the error above by adding the line Count = 0 before the for loop.
Frustratingly, this actually does not fix the error.
Remember that variables are case-sensitive,
so the variable count is different from Count. We still get the same error,
because we still have not defined count:

Count = 0
for number in range(10):
    count = count + number
print('The count is:', count)
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-10-d77d40059aea> in <module>()
      1 Count = 0
      2 for number in range(10):
----> 3     count = count + number
      4 print('The count is:', count)

NameError: name 'count' is not defined

Index Errors

Next up are errors having to do with containers (like lists and strings) and the items within them.
If you try to access an item in a list or a string that does not exist,
then you will get an error.
This makes sense:
if you asked someone what day they would like to get coffee,
and they answered “caturday”,
you might be a bit annoyed.
Python gets similarly annoyed if you try to ask it for an item that doesn’t exist:

letters = ['a', 'b', 'c']
print('Letter #1 is', letters[0])
print('Letter #2 is', letters[1])
print('Letter #3 is', letters[2])
print('Letter #4 is', letters[3])
Letter #1 is a
Letter #2 is b
Letter #3 is c
IndexError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-11-d817f55b7d6c> in <module>()
      3 print('Letter #2 is', letters[1])
      4 print('Letter #3 is', letters[2])
----> 5 print('Letter #4 is', letters[3])

IndexError: list index out of range

Python is telling us that there is an IndexError in our code,
meaning we tried to access a list index that did not exist.

File Errors

The last type of error we’ll cover today
are those associated with reading and writing files: FileNotFoundError.
If you try to read a file that does not exist,
you will receive a FileNotFoundError telling you so.
If you attempt to write to a file that was opened read-only, Python 3
returns an UnsupportedOperationError.
More generally, problems with input and output manifest as
IOErrors or OSErrors, depending on the version of Python you use.

file_handle = open('myfile.txt', 'r')
FileNotFoundError                         Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-14-f6e1ac4aee96> in <module>()
----> 1 file_handle = open('myfile.txt', 'r')

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'myfile.txt'

One reason for receiving this error is that you specified an incorrect path to the file.
For example,
if I am currently in a folder called myproject,
and I have a file in myproject/writing/myfile.txt,
but I try to open myfile.txt,
this will fail.
The correct path would be writing/myfile.txt.
It is also possible that the file name or its path contains a typo.

A related issue can occur if you use the “read” flag instead of the “write” flag.
Python will not give you an error if you try to open a file for writing
when the file does not exist.
if you meant to open a file for reading,
but accidentally opened it for writing,
and then try to read from it,
you will get an UnsupportedOperation error
telling you that the file was not opened for reading:

file_handle = open('myfile.txt', 'w')
UnsupportedOperation                      Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-15-b846479bc61f> in <module>()
      1 file_handle = open('myfile.txt', 'w')
----> 2

UnsupportedOperation: not readable

These are the most common errors with files,
though many others exist.
If you get an error that you’ve never seen before,
searching the Internet for that error type
often reveals common reasons why you might get that error.

Reading Error Messages

Read the Python code and the resulting traceback below, and answer the following questions:

  1. How many levels does the traceback have?
  2. What is the function name where the error occurred?
  3. On which line number in this function did the error occur?
  4. What is the type of error?
  5. What is the error message?
# This code has an intentional error. Do not type it directly;
# use it for reference to understand the error message below.
def print_message(day):
    messages = {
        'monday': 'Hello, world!',
        'tuesday': 'Today is Tuesday!',
        'wednesday': 'It is the middle of the week.',
        'thursday': 'Today is Donnerstag in German!',
        'friday': 'Last day of the week!',
        'saturday': 'Hooray for the weekend!',
        'sunday': 'Aw, the weekend is almost over.'

def print_friday_message():

KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-1-4be1945adbe2> in <module>()
     14     print_message('Friday')
---> 16 print_friday_message()

<ipython-input-1-4be1945adbe2> in print_friday_message()
     13 def print_friday_message():
---> 14     print_message('Friday')
     16 print_friday_message()

<ipython-input-1-4be1945adbe2> in print_message(day)
      9         'sunday': 'Aw, the weekend is almost over.'
     10     }
---> 11     print(messages[day])
     13 def print_friday_message():

KeyError: 'Friday'


  1. 3 levels
  2. print_message
  3. 11
  4. KeyError
  5. There isn’t really a message; you’re supposed
    to infer that Friday is not a key in messages.

Identifying Syntax Errors

  1. Read the code below, and (without running it) try to identify what the errors are.
  2. Run the code, and read the error message. Is it a SyntaxError or an IndentationError?
  3. Fix the error.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3, until you have fixed all the errors.
def another_function
  print('Syntax errors are annoying.')
   print('But at least Python tells us about them!')
  print('So they are usually not too hard to fix.')


SyntaxError for missing (): at end of first line,
IndentationError for mismatch between second and third lines.
A fixed version is:

def another_function():
    print('Syntax errors are annoying.')
    print('But at least Python tells us about them!')
    print('So they are usually not too hard to fix.')

Identifying Variable Name Errors

  1. Read the code below, and (without running it) try to identify what the errors are.
  2. Run the code, and read the error message.
    What type of NameError do you think this is?
    In other words, is it a string with no quotes,
    a misspelled variable,
    or a variable that should have been defined but was not?
  3. Fix the error.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3, until you have fixed all the errors.
for number in range(10):
    # use a if the number is a multiple of 3, otherwise use b
    if (Number % 3) == 0:
        message = message + a
        message = message + 'b'


3 NameErrors for number being misspelled, for message not defined,
and for a not being in quotes.

Fixed version:

message = ''
for number in range(10):
    # use a if the number is a multiple of 3, otherwise use b
    if (number % 3) == 0:
        message = message + 'a'
        message = message + 'b'

Identifying Index Errors

  1. Read the code below, and (without running it) try to identify what the errors are.
  2. Run the code, and read the error message. What type of error is it?
  3. Fix the error.
seasons = ['Spring', 'Summer', 'Fall', 'Winter']
print('My favorite season is ', seasons[4])


IndexError; the last entry is seasons[3], so seasons[4] doesn’t make sense.
A fixed version is:

seasons = ['Spring', 'Summer', 'Fall', 'Winter']
print('My favorite season is ', seasons[-1])

Key Points

  • Tracebacks can look intimidating, but they give us a lot of useful information about what went wrong in our program, including where the error occurred and what type of error it was.

  • An error having to do with the ‘grammar’ or syntax of the program is called a SyntaxError. If the issue has to do with how the code is indented, then it will be called an IndentationError.

  • A NameError will occur when trying to use a variable that does not exist. Possible causes are that a variable definition is missing, a variable reference differs from its definition in spelling or capitalization, or the code contains a string that is missing quotes around it.

  • Containers like lists and strings will generate errors if you try to access items in them that do not exist. This type of error is called an IndexError.

  • Trying to read a file that does not exist will give you an FileNotFoundError. Trying to read a file that is open for writing, or writing to a file that is open for reading, will give you an IOError.

  1. Fix the io.UnsupportedOperation: not writable Error in Python
  2. Conclusion

IO.UnsupportedOperation: Not Writable Error in Python

Python is very efficient in reading and writing data from files. It has a variety of functions to help in file handling.

The basics of file handling involve opening a file using the open() function and reading or writing data based on the file mode.

The open() opens a given file and creates a file object that can be used to perform reading and writing operations on a file.

The file can be opened in different types of modes. By default, it opens the file in read mode.

This tutorial will discuss the io.UnsupportedOperation: not writable error in Python and ways to fix it.

Fix the io.UnsupportedOperation: not writable Error in Python

This error is caused when we try to perform the write operation on a file opened in reading mode. A file opened in read mode can only read the contents.

For example:

with open('sample.txt', 'r') as f:


io.UnsupportedOperation: not writable

Note that in the above example, we open the file in r mode (read) and try to write some data to this file using the write() function, which causes the error.

Remember to open the file in modes that support this operation to solve this. The write (w) or append (a) modes are used to write some data to a file.

The previous contents are truncated if we open the file in w mode. The a mode adds content to the end of the file and preserves the previous data.

For example:

with open('sample.txt', 'w') as f:

In the above example, we successfully avoid errors and can write data to the file.

If we want to simultaneously read and write data from a file, we can use the r+b mode. We can perform reading and writing operations in binary mode when the file is opened in this mode.

For example:

with open('sample.txt', 'r+b') as f:
    f.write(bytes('Text', 'utf-8'))

Note that we write data as bytes since the file is opened in binary mode. The text is encoded as bytes in the utf-8 encoding in the above example.

Alternatively, we can also use the writable() function to check whether we can perform writing operations using the file handle or not. It returns True or False.

See the code below.

with open('sample.txt', 'r') as f:

with open('sample.txt', 'a') as f:


The above example shows that the writable function returns False when the file is opened in r mode and returns True when the file is opened in a mode.


To conclude, we discussed the cause behind the io.UnsupportedOperation: not writable error and how to fix it. We discussed how opening the file in the wrong mode can cause this and what file modes support writing operations.

We also demonstrated the use of the writable function that can be used to check whether a file object can perform writing operations or not.

Table of Contents
  1. What is permission denied error?

    1. How these permissions are defined?
  2. Reasons of permissionerror ERRNO 13 in Python

    1. Using folder path instead of file path while opening a file
    2. Trying to write to a file which is a folder
    3. Trying to write to a file which is already opened in an application
    4. File permission not allowing python to access it
    5. File is hidden with hidden attribute
  3. Conclusion

    1. Related Posts

Permission denied means you are not allowed to access a file. But why this happens? This is because a file has 3 access properties – read, write, and execute. And 3 sets of users – owner, group, and others. In this article we will look at different solutions to resolve PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied.

What is permission denied error?

Suppose you have a file in your computer but you can’t open it. Strangely another user can open the same file. This is because you don’t have permission to read the content of that file.

Permission denied on files to protect them. For example, you have stored username & password for your database in a file so you never want it to be accessible to anyone except the database application and you. That’s why you will restrict it from other applications, software, processes, users, APIs etc.

In a system, root user can access everything. So, we seldom use the root account otherwise there is no meaning of security. A software running with root privilege can access your password file which you wanted to be secure. That’s why sudo should be used with caution.

How these permissions are defined?

There are 3 types of permissions – read, write and execute. With read permission a software, process, application, user etc. can read a file. Similarly, with write permission they can write to the file. Execute is used to run it.

Now the question is, how to apply these permissions to different software, users etc.? Well there are 3 types of users – owner, group, and others. So, you can assign 3 sets of permissions, like this –

User Description Permissions
Owner An account of system who we want to separately assign permissions r – read
w – write
x – execute
Group A set of multiple accounts, software, processes who can share the same permissions r – read
w – write
x – execute
Others All the other entities of system r – read
w – write
x – execute

Let’s get back to our password file example. Now you are into others user category because you are not the owner of the file and probably not the part of group. People use to give least permissions to the others because these are the access levels for everyone.

The password file won’t have any permission in others category. And trying to access that will result in permission error: permission denied.

Reasons of permissionerror ERRNO 13 in Python

Primarily these are the reasons of permissionerror: errno13 permission denied in Python –

  1. Using folder path instead of file path while opening a file.
  2. Trying to write to a file which is a folder.
  3. Trying to write to a file which is already opened in an application.
  4. File permission not allowing python to access it.
  5. File is hidden with hidden attribute.

Let’s understand each of these reasons one by one and check their solutions.

Using folder path instead of file path while opening a file

To open a file for reading or writing, you need to provide the absolute or relative path to the file in open function. Sometimes we create path of parent folder instead of file and that will lead to the permission error 13. Check out this code –

file = open("C:\users\akash\Python\Documents", "r")

The output will be –

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 2, in <module>
    file = open("C:\users\akash\Python\Documents", "r")
PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'C:\users\akash\Python\Documents'

The reason for the error in above code is that we have used C:usersakashPythonDocuments as path which is a directory. Instead we needed to use C:usersakashPythonDocuments\myFile.csv.

Trying to write to a file which is a folder

This is a common case. Suppose you want to write to a file using Python but a folder with same name exists at that location then Python will get confused and try to write to a folder. This is not a right behavior because folders are not files and you can’t write anything on them. They are used for holding files only.

Trying to write to a file which is a folder will lead to permission error errno 13. Check this code –

# Directory Structure
# 📂/
# |_ 📂Users
#    |_ 📁myFile

file = open("/Users/myFile", "w")

The output will be –

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 2, in <module>
    file = open("/Users/myFile", "r")
PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/Users/myFile'

In the above example we showed the directory structure and tried to write to myFile. But myFile is already a name of directory in the path. Generally, if a file doesn’t exist and we try to write to it then Python creates the file for us. But in this case there is already a directory with the provided name and Python will pick it. This will lead to permission error.

The solution to this problem is to either delete the conflicting directory or use a different file name.

Trying to write to a file which is already opened in an application

If a file is already opened in an application then a lock is added to it so that no other application an make changes to it. It depends on the applications whether they want to lock those files or not.

If you try to write to those files or more, replace, delete them then you will get permission denied error.

This is very common in PyInstaller if you open a command prompt or file explorer inside the dist folder, then try to rebuild your program. PyInstaller wants to replace the contents of dist but it’s already open in your prompt/explorer.

The solution to this problem is to close all the instances of applications where the file is opened.

File permission not allowing python to access it

In the above section we talked about file permissions. Python will be in others category if it is not set as user or in a group. If the file has restrictive permissions for others then Python won’t be able to access it.

Suppose the permission to the file is –

Owner – read, write, execute
Group – read, write
Others – none

Then only owner and group will be able to read and write to the file. Others will not be able to access it. Check out this image –

file permissions and setting group and owner

In this image the file owner is www, group is www, owner permissions are read+write, group permission is read only, while others have no permissions.

The solution to this problem is to either provide appropriate permission to the file for others, or add Python as owner or to the group.

Another solution is to run Python with root privilege.

File is hidden with hidden attribute

If your file is hidden then python will raise permission error. You can use subprocess.check_call() function to hide/unhide files. Check this code –

import subprocess

myPath = "/Users/myFile.txt"
subprocess.check_call(["attrib", "-H", myPath])

file_ = open(myPath, "w")

In the above code -H attribute is used to unhide the file. You an use +H to hide it again.


In this article we saw a number of reasons for Python to throw PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied and discussed about their solutions with code examples. Follow the steps provided in article and you will be able to resolve this issue.


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  32. Метод 6: Очиститель реестра


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Как исправить ошибку Python38.dll?

Прежде всего, стоит понять, почему python38.dll файл отсутствует и почему возникают python38.dll ошибки. Широко распространены ситуации, когда программное обеспечение не работает из-за недостатков в .dll-файлах.

What is a DLL file, and why you receive DLL errors?

DLL (Dynamic-Link Libraries) — это общие библиотеки в Microsoft Windows, реализованные корпорацией Microsoft. Файлы DLL не менее важны, чем файлы с расширением EXE, а реализовать DLL-архивы без утилит с расширением .exe просто невозможно.:

Когда появляется отсутствующая ошибка Python38.dll?

Если вы видите эти сообщения, то у вас проблемы с Python38.dll:

  • Программа не запускается, потому что Python38.dll отсутствует на вашем компьютере.
  • Python38.dll пропала.
  • Python38.dll не найдена.
  • Python38.dll пропала с вашего компьютера. Попробуйте переустановить программу, чтобы исправить эту проблему.
  • «Это приложение не запустилось из-за того, что Python38.dll не была найдена. Переустановка приложения может исправить эту проблему.»

Но что делать, когда возникают проблемы при запуске программы? В данном случае проблема с Python38.dll. Вот несколько способов быстро и навсегда устранить эту ошибку.:

метод 1: Скачать Python38.dll и установить вручную

Прежде всего, вам нужно скачать Python38.dll на ПК с нашего сайта.

  • Скопируйте файл в директорию установки программы после того, как он пропустит DLL-файл.
  • Или переместить файл DLL в директорию вашей системы (C:WindowsSystem32, и на 64 бита в C:WindowsSysWOW64).
  • Теперь нужно перезагрузить компьютер.

Если этот метод не помогает и вы видите такие сообщения — «python38.dll Missing» или «python38.dll Not Found,» перейдите к следующему шагу.

Python38.dll Версии

Размер файла: 1.65 MB



Python Software Foundation

Размер файла: 1.79 MB



Python Software Foundation

Размер файла: 1.59 MB



Python Software Foundation

Размер файла: 1.59 MB


Python Software Foundation

Размер файла: 1.59 MB



Python Software Foundation

метод 2: Исправление Python38.dll автоматически с помощью инструмента для исправления ошибок

Как показывает практика, ошибка вызвана непреднамеренным удалением файла Python38.dll, что приводит к аварийному завершению работы приложений. Вредоносные программы и заражения ими приводят к тому, что Python38.dll вместе с остальными системными файлами становится поврежденной.

Вы можете исправить Python38.dll автоматически с помощью инструмента для исправления ошибок! Такое устройство предназначено для восстановления поврежденных/удаленных файлов в папках Windows. Установите его, запустите, и программа автоматически исправит ваши Python38.dll проблемы.

Если этот метод не помогает, переходите к следующему шагу.

метод 3: Установка или переустановка пакета Microsoft Visual C ++ Redistributable Package

Ошибка Python38.dll также может появиться из-за пакета Microsoft Visual C++ Redistribtable Package. Необходимо проверить наличие обновлений и переустановить программное обеспечение. Для этого воспользуйтесь поиском Windows Updates. Найдя пакет Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package, вы можете обновить его или удалить устаревшую версию и переустановить программу.

  • Нажмите клавишу с логотипом Windows на клавиатуре — выберите Панель управления — просмотрите категории — нажмите на кнопку Uninstall.
  • Проверить версию Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable — удалить старую версию.
  • Повторить деинсталляцию с остальной частью Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable.
  • Вы можете установить с официального сайта Microsoft третью версию редистрибутива 2015 года Visual C++ Redistribtable.
  • После загрузки установочного файла запустите его и установите на свой ПК.
  • Перезагрузите компьютер после успешной установки.

Если этот метод не помогает, перейдите к следующему шагу.

метод 4: Переустановить программу

Как только конкретная программа начинает давать сбой из-за отсутствия .DLL файла, переустановите программу так, чтобы проблема была безопасно решена.

Если этот метод не помогает, перейдите к следующему шагу.

метод 5: Сканируйте систему на наличие вредоносного ПО и вирусов

System File Checker (SFC) — утилита в Windows, позволяющая пользователям сканировать системные файлы Windows на наличие повреждений и восстанавливать их. Данное руководство описывает, как запустить утилиту System File Checker (SFC.exe) для сканирования системных файлов и восстановления отсутствующих или поврежденных системных файлов (включая файлы .DLL). Если файл Windows Resource Protection (WRP) отсутствует или поврежден, Windows может вести себя не так, как ожидалось. Например, некоторые функции Windows могут не работать или Windows может выйти из строя. Опция «sfc scannow» является одним из нескольких специальных переключателей, доступных с помощью команды sfc, команды командной строки, используемой для запуска System File Checker. Чтобы запустить её, сначала откройте командную строку, введя «командную строку» в поле «Поиск», щелкните правой кнопкой мыши на «Командная строка», а затем выберите «Запустить от имени администратора» из выпадающего меню, чтобы запустить командную строку с правами администратора. Вы должны запустить повышенную командную строку, чтобы иметь возможность выполнить сканирование SFC.

  • Запустите полное сканирование системы за счет антивирусной программы. Не полагайтесь только на Windows Defender. Лучше выбирать дополнительные антивирусные программы параллельно.
  • После обнаружения угрозы необходимо переустановить программу, отображающую данное уведомление. В большинстве случаев, необходимо переустановить программу так, чтобы проблема сразу же исчезла.
  • Попробуйте выполнить восстановление при запуске системы, если все вышеперечисленные шаги не помогают.
  • В крайнем случае переустановите операционную систему Windows.

В окне командной строки введите «sfc /scannow» и нажмите Enter на клавиатуре для выполнения этой команды. Программа System File Checker запустится и должна занять некоторое время (около 15 минут). Подождите, пока процесс сканирования завершится, и перезагрузите компьютер, чтобы убедиться, что вы все еще получаете ошибку «Программа не может запуститься из-за ошибки Python38.dll отсутствует на вашем компьютере.

метод 6: Использовать очиститель реестра

Registry Cleaner — мощная утилита, которая может очищать ненужные файлы, исправлять проблемы реестра, выяснять причины медленной работы ПК и устранять их. Программа идеально подходит для работы на ПК. Люди с правами администратора могут быстро сканировать и затем очищать реестр.

  • Загрузите приложение в операционную систему Windows.
  • Теперь установите программу и запустите ее. Утилита автоматически очистит и исправит проблемные места на вашем компьютере.

Если этот метод не помогает, переходите к следующему шагу.


3 простых шага по исправлению ошибок PYTHON38.DLL

Подробности файле с именем python38.dll

Очистите мусорные файлы, чтобы исправить python38.dll, которое перестало работать из-за ошибки.

  • Запустите приложение Asmwsoft Pc Optimizer.
  • Потом из главного окна выберите пункт «Clean Junk Files».
  • Когда появится новое окно, нажмите на кнопку «start» и дождитесь окончания поиска.
  • потом нажмите на кнопку «Select All».
  • нажмите на кнопку «start cleaning».

Очистите реестр, чтобы исправить python38.dll, которое перестало работать из-за ошибки

Как удалить заблокированный файл

  • В главном окне Asmwsoft Pc Optimizer выберите инструмент «Force deleter»
  • Потом в «force deleter» нажмите «Выбрать файл», перейдите к файлу python38.dll и потом нажмите на «открыть».
  • Теперь нажмите на кнопку «unlock and delete», и когда появится подтверждающее сообщение, нажмите «да». Вот и все.

Настройка Windows для исправления критических ошибок python38.dll:

  • Нажмите правой кнопкой мыши на «Мой компьютер» на рабочем столе и выберите пункт «Свойства».
  • В меню слева выберите » Advanced system settings».
  • В разделе «Быстродействие» нажмите на кнопку «Параметры».
  • Нажмите на вкладку «data Execution prevention».
  • Выберите опцию » Turn on DEP for all programs and services . » .
  • Нажмите на кнопку «add» и выберите файл python38.dll, а затем нажмите на кнопку «open».
  • Нажмите на кнопку «ok» и перезагрузите свой компьютер.

Как другие пользователи поступают с этим файлом?

Всего голосов ( 202 ), 133 говорят, что не будут удалять, а 69 говорят, что удалят его с компьютера.

Как вы поступите с файлом python38.dll?

Некоторые сообщения об ошибках, которые вы можете получить в связи с python38.dll файлом

  • (python38.dll) столкнулся с проблемой и должен быть закрыт. Просим прощения за неудобство.
  • python38.dll. Эта программа не отвечает.
  • (python38.dll) — Ошибка приложения: the instruction at 0xXXXXXX referenced memory error, the memory could not be read. Нажмитие OK, чтобы завершить программу.
  • (python38.dll) не является ошибкой действительного windows-приложения.
  • (python38.dll) отсутствует или не обнаружен.


Проверьте процессы, запущенные на вашем ПК, используя базу данных онлайн-безопасности. Можно использовать любой тип сканирования для проверки вашего ПК на вирусы, трояны, шпионские и другие вредоносные программы.



Информация о системе:

На вашем ПК работает: .

Ошибка Python38.dll: как исправить?

В начале нужно понять, почему python38.dll файл отсутствует и какова причина возникновения python38.dll ошибки. Часто программное обеспечение попросту не может функционировать из-за недостатков в .dll-файлах.

Что означает DLL-файл? Почему возникают DLL-ошибки?

DLL (Dynamic-Link Libraries) являются общими библиотеками в Microsoft Windows, которые реализовала корпорация Microsoft. Известно, что файлы DLL так же важны, как и файлы с расширением EXE. Реализовать DLL-архивы, не используя утилиты с расширением .exe, нельзя.

Файлы DLL помогают разработчикам применять стандартный код с информаций, чтобы обновить функциональность программного обеспечения, не используя перекомпиляцию. Получается, файлы MSVCP100.dll содержат код с данными на разные программы. Одному DLL-файлу предоставили возможность быть использованным иным ПО, даже если отсутствует необходимость в этом. Как итог – нет нужно создавать копии одинаковой информации.

Когда стоит ожидать появление отсутствующей ошибки Python38.dll?

Когда перед пользователем возникает данное сообщения, появляются неисправности с Python38.dll

  • Программа не может запуститься, так как Python38.dll отсутствует на ПК.
  • Python38.dll пропал.
  • Python38.dll не найден.
  • Python38.dll пропал с ПК. Переустановите программу для исправления проблемы.
  • «Это приложение невозможно запустить, так как Python38.dll не найден. Переустановите приложения для исправления проблемы.»

Что делать, когда проблемы начинают появляться во время запуска программы? Это вызвано из-за неисправностей с Python38.dll. Есть проверенные способы, как быстро избавиться от этой ошибки навсегда.

Метод 1: Скачать Python38.dll для установки вручную

В первую очередь, необходимо скачать Python38.dll на компьютер только с нашего сайта, на котором нет вирусов и хранятся тысячи бесплатных Dll-файлов.

  • Копируем файл в директорию установки программы только тогда, когда программа пропустит DLL-файл.
  • Также можно переместить файл DLL в директорию системы ПК (для 32-битной системы — C:WindowsSystem32, для 64-битной системы — C:WindowsSysWOW64).
  • Теперь следует перезагрузить свой ПК.

Метод не помог и появляются сообщения — «python38.dll Missing» или «python38.dll Not Found»? Тогда воспользуйтесь следующим методом.

Python38.dll Версии

Дата выхода: February 28, 2021

Версия Язык Размер MD5 / SHA-1
3.8.5150.1013 32bit 3.86 MB MD5 c512c6ea9f12847d991ceed6d94bc871″>MD5 SHA1 52e1ef51674f382263b4d822b8ffa5737755f7e7″>SHA1

Дата выхода: February 28, 2021

Версия Язык Размер MD5 / SHA-1
3.8.3150.1013 64bit 4.01 MB MD5 c0ed63bf515d04803906e1b703e9cb86″>MD5 SHA1 61f9a465d7a782aedfd5e2b1a9dc8bff6c103b5a»>SHA1

Дата выхода: February 28, 2021

Версия Язык Размер MD5 / SHA-1
3.8.2150.1013 32bit 3.75 MB MD5 d375b654850fa100d4a8d98401c1407f»>MD5 SHA1 ed10c825535e8605b67bacd48f3fcecf978a3fee»>SHA1

Дата выхода: February 28, 2021

Версия Язык Размер MD5 / SHA-1 32bit 3.74 MB MD5 5eb4227ca3526a3c287a3fecc9a91b92″>MD5 SHA1 35e1cb934a88d1fea2a595b1b48033804d9beeb0″>SHA1

Дата выхода: February 28, 2021

Версия Язык Размер MD5 / SHA-1
3.8.1150.1013 32bit 3.74 MB MD5 97d893cd2879f8e9a6bc8a35d203b2f4″>MD5 SHA1 68ddf1e3a98e080c4ef2c9d241a31dee6aec240b»>SHA1

Метод 2: Исправить Python38.dll автоматически благодаря инструменту для исправления ошибок

Очень часто ошибка появляется из-за случайного удаления файла Python38.dll, а это моментально вызывает аварийное завершение работы приложения. Программы с вирусами делают так, что Python38.dll и остальные системные файлы повреждаются.

Исправить Python38.dll автоматически можно благодаря инструмента, который исправляет все ошибки! Подобное устройство необходимо для процедуры восстановления всех поврежденных или удаленных файлов, которые находятся в папках Windows. Следует только установить инструмент, запустить его, а программа сама начнет исправлять найденные Python38.dll проблемы.

Данный метод не смог помочь? Тогда переходите к следующему.

Метод 3: Устанавливаем/переустанавливаем пакет Microsoft Visual C ++ Redistributable Package

Ошибку Python38.dll часто можно обнаружить, когда неправильно работает Microsoft Visual C++ Redistribtable Package. Следует проверить все обновления или переустановить ПО. Сперва воспользуйтесь поиском Windows Updates для поиска Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package, чтобы обновить/удалить более раннюю версию на новую.

  • Нажимаем клавишу с лого Windows для выбора Панель управления. Здесь смотрим на категории и нажимаем Uninstall.
  • Проверяем версию Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable и удаляем самую раннюю из них.
  • Повторяем процедуру удаления с остальными частями Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable.
  • Также можно установить 3-ю версию редистрибутива 2015 года Visual C++ Redistribtable, воспользовавшись загрузочной ссылкой на официальном сайте Microsoft.
  • Как только загрузка установочного файла завершится, запускаем и устанавливаем его на ПК.
  • Перезагружаем ПК.

Данный метод не смог помочь? Тогда переходите к следующему.

Метод 4: Переустановка программы

Необходимая программа показывает сбои по причине отсутствия .DLL файла? Тогда переустанавливаем программу, чтобы безопасно решить неисправность.

Метод не сумел помочь? Перейдите к следующему.

Метод 5: Сканируйте систему на вредоносные ПО и вирусы

System File Checker (SFC) является утилитой в операционной системе Windows, которая позволяет проводить сканирование системных файлов Windows и выявлять повреждения, а также с целью восстановить файлы системы. Данное руководство предоставляет информацию о том, как верно запускать System File Checker (SFC.exe) для сканирования системных файлов и восстановления недостающих/поврежденных системных файлов, к примеру, .DLL. Когда файл Windows Resource Protection (WRP) имеет повреждения или попросту отсутствует, система Windows начинает вести себя неправильно и с проблемами. Часто определенные функции Windows перестают функционировать и компьютер выходит из строя. Опцию «sfc scannow» используют как один из специальных переключателей, которая доступна благодаря команды sfc, команды командной строки, которая используется на запуск System File Checker. Для ее запуска сперва необходимо открыть командную строку, после чего ввести «командную строку» в поле «Поиск». Теперь нажимаем правой кнопкой мыши на «Командная строка» и выбираем «Запуск от имени администратора». Необходимо обязательно запускать командную строку, чтобы сделать сканирование SFC.

  • Запуск полного сканирования системы благодаря антивирусной программы. Не следует надеяться лишь на Windows Defender, а выбираем дополнительно проверенную антивирусную программу.
  • Как только обнаружится угроза, нужно переустановить программу, которая показывает уведомление о заражении. Лучше сразу переустановить программу.
  • Пробуем провести восстановление при запуске системы, но только тогда, когда вышеперечисленные методы не сработали.
  • Если ничего не помогает, тогда переустанавливаем ОС Windows.

В окне командной строки нужно ввести команду «sfc /scannow» и нажать Enter. System File Checker начнет свою работу, которая продлится не более 15 минут. Ждем, пока сканирование завершится, после чего перезагружаем ПК. Теперь ошибка «Программа не может запуститься из-за ошибки Python38.dll отсутствует на вашем компьютере не должна появляться.

Метод 6: Очиститель реестра

Registry Cleaner считается мощной утилитой для очищения ненужных файлов, исправления проблем реестра, выяснения причин замедленной работы ПК и устранения неисправностей. Утилита идеальна для всех компьютеров. Пользователь с правами администратора сможет быстрее проводить сканирование и последующее очищение реестра.

  • Загрузка приложения в ОС Windows.
  • Устанавливаем программу и запускаем ее – все процессы очистки и исправления проблем на ПК пройдут автоматически.

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Working with files makes your programs more relevant and usable, also it makes your programs quickly analyze lots of data.

Learning to work with files and save data will make your programs easier for people to use. Users will be able to choose what data to enter and when to enter it. People can run your program, do some work, and then close the program and pick up where they left off later. Learning to handle exceptions will help you deal with situations in which files don’t exist and deal with other problems that can cause your programs to crash. This will make your programs more robust when they encounter bad data, whether it comes from innocent mistakes or from malicious attempts to break your programs. With these skills, you’ll make your programs more applicable, usable, and stable.

Reading from a File

An incredible amount of data is available in text files. Text files can contain weather data, traffic data, socioeconomic data, literary works, and more. Reading from a file is particularly useful in data analysis applications, but it’s also applicable to any situation in which you want to analyze or modify information stored in a file. For example, you can write a program that reads in the contents of a text file and rewrites the file with formatting that allows a browser to display it.

When you want to work with the information in a text file, the first step is to read the file into memory. You can read the entire contents of a file, or you can work through the file one line at a time.

Reading an Entire File

To begin, we need a file with a few lines of text in it. Let’s start with a file that contains pi to 30 decimal places, with 10 decimal places per line, consider we have a text file (pi_digits. txt) in the same directory of your program:


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Here’s a program that opens this file, reads it, and prints the contents of the file to the screen:

with open('pi_digits.txt') as file_object:
    contents =


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The first line of this program with open('pi_digits.txt') as file_object: has a lot going on. Let’s start by looking at the open() function. To do any work with a file, even just printing its contents, you first need to open the file to access it. The open() function needs one argument: the name of the file you want to open. Python looks for this file in the directory where the program that’s currently being executed is stored.

Here, open('pi_digits.txt') returns an object representing pi_digits.txt. Python assigns this object to file_object, which we’ll work with later in the program.

The keyword with closes the file once access to it is no longer needed. Notice how we call open() in this program but not close(). You could open and close the file by calling open() and close(), but if a bug in your program prevents the close() method from being executed, the file may never close. This may seem trivial, but improperly closed files can cause data to be lost or corrupted. And if you call close() too early in your program, you’ll find yourself trying to work with a closed file (a file you can’t access), which leads to more errors. It’s not always easy to know exactly when you should close a file, but with the structure shown here, Python will figure that out for you. All you have to do is open the file and work with it as desired, trusting that Python will close it automatically when the with block finishes execution.

Once we have a file object representing pi_digits.txt, we use the read() method in the second line of our program contents = to read the entire contents of the file and store it as one long string in contents. When we print the value of contents, we get the entire text file back.

If you find a blank line appears at the end of your output that’s because read() returns an empty string when it reaches the end of the file; this empty string shows up as a blank line. If you want to remove the extra blank line, you can use rstrip() in the call to print().


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File Paths

When you pass a simple filename like pi_digits.txt to the open() function, Python looks in the directory where the file that’s currently being executed (that is, your . py program file) is stored.

Sometimes, depending on how you organize your work, the file you want to open won’t be in the same directory as your program file. For example, you might store your program files in a folder called python_work; inside python_work, you might have another folder called text_files to distinguish your program files from the text files they’re manipulating. Even though text_files is in python_work, just passing open()*the name of a file in *text_files won’t work, because Python will only look in python_work and stop there; it won’t go on and look in text_files.

To get Python to open files from a directory other than the one where your program file is stored, you need to provide a file path, which tells Python to look in a specific location on your system.

Because text_files is inside python_work, you could use a relative file path to open a file from text_files. A relative file path tells Python to look for a given location relative to the directory where the currently running program file is stored. For example, you’d write:

with open('text_files/filename.txt') as file_object:

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This line tells Python to look for the desired . txt file in the folder text_files and assumes that text_files is located inside python_work.

Please note that, Windows systems use a backslash ( ) instead of a forward slash ( / ) when displaying file paths, but you can still use forward slashes in your code.

You can also tell Python exactly where the file is on your computer regardless of where the program that’s being executed is stored. This is called an absolute file path. You use an absolute path if a relative path doesn’t work. For instance, if you’ve put text_files in some folder other than python_work—say, a folder called other_files—then just passing open() the path ‘text_files/filename.txt’ won’t work because Python will only look for that location inside python_work. You’ll need to write out a full path to clarify where you want Python to look.

Absolute paths are usually longer than relative paths, so it’s helpful to assign them to a variable and then pass that variable to open():

file_path = '/home/ahmed/other_files/text_files/filename.txt'
with open(file_path) as file_object:

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Using absolute paths, you can read files from any location on your system. For now it’s easiest to store files in the same directory as your program files or in a folder such as text_files within the directory that stores your program files.

Please note that, if you try to use backslashes in a file path, you’ll get an error because the backslash is used to escape characters in strings. For example, in the path C:pathtofile.txt, the sequence t is interpreted as a tab. If you need to use backslashes, you can escape each one in the path, like this: C:\path\to\file.txt.

Reading Line by Line

When you’re reading a file, you’ll often want to examine each line of the file. You might be looking for certain information in the file, or you might want to modify the text in the file in some way. For example, you might want to read through a file of weather data and work with any line that includes the word sunny in the description of that day’s weather. In a news report, you might look for any line with the tag <headline> and rewrite that line with a specific kind of formatting.

You can use a for loop on the file object to examine each line from a file one at a time:

file_name = 'pi_digits.txt'

with open(file_name) as file_object:
    for line in file_object:

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At file_name = 'pi_digits.txt' we assign the name of the file we’re reading from to the variable filename. This is a common convention when working with files. Because the variable filename doesn’t represent the actual file—it’s just a string telling Python where to find the file—you can easily swap out ‘pi_digits. txt’ for the name of another file you want to work with.

After we call open(), an object representing the file and its contents is assigned to the variable
file_object. We again use the with syntax to let Python open and close the file properly. To examine the file’s contents, we work through each line in the file by looping over the file object.

When we print each line, we find even more blank lines. These blank lines appear because an invisible newline character is at the end of each line in the text file. The print function adds its own newline each time we call it, so we end up with two newline characters at the end of each line: one from the file and one from print(). Using rstrip() on each line in the print() call eliminates these extra blank lines.

file_name = 'pi_digits.txt'

with open(file_name) as file_object:
    for line in file_object:

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Making a List of Lines from a File

When you use with, the file object returned by open() is only available inside the with block that contains it. If you want to retain access to a file’s contents outside the with block, you can store the file’s lines in a list inside the block and then work with that list. You can process parts of the file immediately and postpone some processing for later in the program.

The following example stores the lines of pi_digits. txt in a list inside the with block and then prints the lines outside the with block:

file_name = 'pi_digits.txt'

with open(file_name) as object_file:
    lines = object_file.readlines()

for line in lines:

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At lines = object_file.readlines() the readlines() method takes each line from the file and stores it in a list. This list is then assigned to lines, which we can continue to work with after the with block ends.

At for line in lines: we use a simple for loop to print each line from lines. Because each item in lines corresponds to each line in the file, the output matches the contents of the file exactly.

Working with a File’s Contents

After you’ve read a file into memory, you can do whatever you want with that data, so let’s briefly explore the digits of pi. First, we’ll attempt to build a single string containing all the digits in the file with no whitespace in it:

file_name = 'pi_digits.txt'

with open(file_name) as object_file:
    lines = object_file.readlines()

pi_string = ''
for line in lines:
    pi_string += line.rstrip()


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3.1415926535  8979323846  2643383279

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We start by opening the file and storing each line of digits in a list, just as we did in the previous example. At pi_string = '' we create a variable, pi_string, to hold the digits of pi. We then create a loop that adds each line of digits to pi_string and removes the newline character from each line pi_string += line.rstrip().

The variable pi_string contains the whitespace that was on the left side of the digits in each line, but we can get rid of that by using strip() instead of rstrip():


for line in lines:
    pi_string += line.strip()


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Now we have a string containing pi to 30 decimal places. The string is 32 characters long because it also includes the leading 3 and a decimal point.

Please note that, When Python reads from a text file, it interprets all text in the file as a string. If you read in a number and want to work with that value in a numerical context, you’ll have to convert it to an integer using the int() function or convert it to a float using the float() function.

Large Files: One Million Digits

So far we’ve focused on analyzing a text file that contains only three lines, but the code in these examples would work just as well on much larger files. If we start with a text file that contains pi to 1,000,000 decimal places instead of just 30, we can create a single string containing all these digits. We don’t need to change our program at all except to pass it a different file. We’ll also print just the first 50 decimal places, so we don’t have to watch a million digits scroll by in the terminal:

filename = 'pi_million_digits.txt'

with open(filename) as file_object:
    lines = file_object.readlines()

pi_string = ''
for line in lines:
    pi_string += line.strip()


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The output shows that we do indeed have a string containing pi to 1,000,000 decimal places.

Python has no inherent limit to how much data you can work with; you can work with as much data as your system’s memory can handle.

Is Your Birthday Contained in Pi?

Let’s use the program we just wrote to find out if someone’s birthday appears anywhere in the first million digits of pi. We can do this by expressing each birthday as a string of digits and seeing if that string appears anywhere in pi_string:

filename = 'pi_digits.txt'

with open(filename) as object_file:
    lines = object_file.readlines()

pi_string = ''
for line in lines:
    pi_string += line.strip()

birthday = input("Enter your birthday, in the form mmddyy: ")
if birthday in pi_string:
    print("Your birthday appears in the first million digits of pi!")
    print("Your birthday does not appear in the first million digits of pi.")

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Once you’ve read from a file, you can analyze its contents in just about any way you can imagine.

Writing to a File

One of the simplest ways to save data is to write it to a file. When you write text to a file, the output will still be available after you close the terminal containing your program’s output. You can examine output after a program finishes running, and you can share the output files with others as well. You can also write programs that read the text back into memory and work with it again later.

Writing to an Empty File

To write text to a file, you need to call open() with a second argument telling Python that you want to write to the file. To see how this works, let’s write a simple message and store it in a file instead of printing it to the screen:

filename = 'programming.txt'

with open(filename, 'w') as file_object:
    file_object.write("I Love Programming.")

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The call to open() in this example has two arguments. The first argument is still the name of the file we want to open. The second argument, ‘w’, tells Python that we want to open the file in write mode.

You can open a file in:

  • read mode (‘r’)
  • write mode (‘w’)
  • append mode (‘a’)
  • a mode that allows you to read and write to the file (‘r+’)

If you omit the mode argument, Python opens the file in read-only mode by default.

The open() function automatically creates the file you’re writing to if it doesn’t already exist. However, be careful opening a file in write mode (‘w’) because if the file does exist, Python will erase the contents of the file before returning the file object.

At file_object.write("I Love Programming.") we use the write() method on the file object to write a string to the file. This program has no terminal output, but if you open the file (programming. txt), you’ll see one line.

I love programming.

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This file behaves like any other file on your computer. You can open it, write new text in it, copy from it, paste to it, and so forth.

Python can only write strings to a text file. If you want to store numerical data in a text file, you’ll have to convert the data to string format first using the str() function.

Writing Multiple Lines

The write() function doesn’t add any newlines to the text you write. So if you write more than one line without including newline characters, your file may not look the way you want it to:

filename = 'programming.txt'

with open(filename, 'w') as file_object:
    file_object.write("I love programming.")
    file_object.write("I love creating new games.")

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If you open (programming. txt), you’ll see the two lines squished together:

I love programming.I love creating new games.

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Including newlines in your calls to write() makes each string appear on its own line:

filename = 'programming.txt'

with open(filename, 'w') as file_object:
    file_object.write("I Love Programming.n")
    file_object.write("I love creating new games.n")

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I love programming.
I love creating new games.

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You can also use spaces, tab characters, and blank lines to format your output, just as you’ve been doing with terminal-based output.

Appending to a File

If you want to add content to a file instead of writing over existing content, you can open the file in append mode. When you open a file in append mode, Python doesn’t erase the contents of the file before returning the file object. Any lines you write to the file will be added at the end of the file. If the file doesn’t exist yet, Python will create an empty file for you.

Let’s modify last program by adding some new reasons we love programming to the existing file (programming. txt):

filename = 'programming.txt'

with open(filename, 'a') as file_object:
    file_object.write("I also love finding meaning in large datasets.n")
    file_object.write("I love creating apps that can run in a browser.n")

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At with open(filename, 'a') as file_object: we use the ‘a’ argument to open the file for appending rather
than writing over the existing file. Then we write two new lines, which are added to (programming. txt).

I love programming.
I love creating new games.
I also love finding meaning in large datasets.
I love creating apps that can run in a browser.

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We end up with the original contents of the file, followed by the new content we just added.


Python uses special objects called exceptions to manage errors that arise during a program’s execution. Whenever an error occurs that makes Python unsure what to do next, it creates an exception object. If you write code that handles the exception, the program will continue running. If you don’t handle the exception, the program will halt and show a traceback, which includes a report of the exception that was raised.

Exceptions are handled with try-except blocks. A try-except block asks Python to do something, but it also tells Python what to do if an exception is raised. When you use try-except blocks, your programs will continue running even if things start to go wrong. Instead of tracebacks, which can be confusing for users to read, users will see friendly error messages that you write.

Handling the ZeroDivisionError Exception

Let’s look at a simple error that causes Python to raise an exception. You probably know that it’s impossible to divide a number by zero, but let’s ask Python to do it anyway:


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ZeroDivisionError: division by zero

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Of course Python can’t do this, so we get a traceback. The error reported in the traceback ZeroDivisionError, is an exception object. Python creates this kind of object in response to a situation where it can’t do what we ask it to. When this happens, Python stops the program and tells us the kind of exception that was raised. We can use this information to modify our program. We’ll tell Python what to do when this kind of exception occurs; that way, if it happens again, we’re prepared.

Using try-except Blocks

When you think an error may occur, you can write a try-except block to handle the exception that might be raised. You tell Python to try running some code, and you tell it what to do if the code results in a particular kind of exception.

Here’s what a try-except block for handling the ZeroDivisionError exception looks like:

except ZeroDivisionError:
    print("You can't divide by zero!")

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We put print(5/0), the line that caused the error, inside a try block. If the code in a try block works, Python skips over the except block. If the code in the try block causes an error, Python looks for an except block whose error matches the one that was raised and runs the code in that block.

In this example, the code in the try block produces a ZeroDivisionError, so Python looks for an except block telling it how to respond. Python then runs the code in that block, and the user sees a friendly error message instead of a traceback:

You can't divide by zero!

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If more code followed the try-except block, the program would continue running because we told Python how to handle the error. Let’s look at an example where catching an error can allow a program to continue running.

Using Exceptions to Prevent Crashes

Handling errors correctly is especially important when the program has more work to do after the error occurs. This happens often in programs that prompt users for input. If the program responds to invalid input appropriately, it can prompt for more valid input instead of crashing.

Let’s create a simple calculator that does only division:

while True:
    first_number = input("nFirst Number: ")
    if first_number == 'q':

    second_number = input("Second Number: ")
    if second_number == 'q':

    answer = int(first_number) / int(second_number)

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This program prompts the user to input a first_number and, if the user does not enter ‘q’ to quit, a second_number. We then divide these two numbers to get an answer w. This program does nothing to handle errors, so asking it to divide by zero causes it to crash:

Give me two numbers, and I'll divide them.
Enter 'q' to quit.

First Number: 10
Second Number: 5

First Number: 5
Second Number: 0
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 13, in <module>
    answer = int(first_number) / int(second_number)
ZeroDivisionError: division by zero

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It’s bad that the program crashed, but it’s also not a good idea to let users see tracebacks. Nontechnical users will be confused by them, and in a malicious setting, attackers will learn more than you want them to know from a traceback. For example, they’ll know the name of your program file, and they’ll see a part of your code that isn’t working properly. A skilled attacker can sometimes use this information to determine which kind of attacks to use against your code.

The else Block

We can make this program more error resistant by wrapping the line that might produce errors in a try-except block. The error occurs on the line that performs the division, so that’s where we’ll put the try-except block. This example also includes an else block. Any code that depends on the try block executing successfully goes in the else block:

print("Give me two numbers, and I'll divide them.")
print("Enter 'q' to quit.")

while True:
    first_number = input("nFirst Number: ")
    if first_number == 'q':

    second_number = input("Second Number: ")
    if second_number == 'q':

        answer = int(first_number) / int(second_number)
    except ZeroDivisionError:
        print("You can't divide by 0!")

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Give me two numbers, and I'll divide them.
Enter 'q' to quit.

First Number: 10
Second Number: 5

First Number: 5
Second Number: 0
You can't divide by 0!

First Number: q

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We ask Python to try to complete the division operation in a try block, which includes only the code that might cause an error. Any code that depends on the try block succeeding is added to the else block. In this case if the division operation is successful, we use the else block to print the result.

The except block tells Python how to respond when a ZeroDivisionError arises. If the try block doesn’t succeed because of a division by zero error, we print a friendly message telling the user how to avoid this kind of error. The program continues to run, and the user never sees a traceback.

The try-except-else block works like this: Python attempts to run the code in the try block. The only code that should go in a try block is code that might cause an exception to be raised. Sometimes you’ll have additional code that should run only if the try block was successful; this code goes in the else block. The except block tells Python what to do in case a certain exception arises when it tries to run the code in the try block.

By anticipating likely sources of errors, you can write robust programs that continue to run even when they encounter invalid data and missing resources. Your code will be resistant to innocent user mistakes and malicious attacks.

Handling the FileNotFoundError Exception

One common issue when working with files is handling missing files. The file you’re looking for might be in a different location, the filename may be misspelled, or the file may not exist at all. You can handle all of these situations in a straightforward way with a try-except block.

Let’s try to read a file that doesn’t exist. The following program tries to read in the contents of A*lice in Wonderland*, but we haven’t saved the file (alice. txt) in the same directory as (alice. py):

filename = 'alice.txt'

with open(filename, encoding='utf-8') as f:
    contents =

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There are two changes here. One is the use of the variable f to represent the file object, which is a common convention. The second is the use of the encoding argument. This argument is needed when your system’s default encoding doesn’t match the encoding of the file that’s being read.

Python can’t read from a missing file, so it raises an exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 3, in <module>
with open(filename, encoding='utf-8') as f:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'alice.txt'

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The last line of the traceback reports a FileNotFoundError: this is the exception Python creates when it can’t find the file it’s trying to open.

In this example, the open() function produces the error, so to handle it, the try block will begin with the line that contains open():

filename = 'alice.txt'

    with open(filename, encoding='utf-8') as f:
        contents =
except FileNotFoundError:
    print(f"Sorry, the file {filename} does not exist.")

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In this example, the code in the try block produces a FileNotFoundError, so Python looks for an except block that matches that error. Python then runs the code in that block, and the result is a friendly error message instead of a traceback:

Sorry, the file alice.txt does not exist.

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The program has nothing more to do if the file doesn’t exist, so the error-handling code doesn’t add much to this program. Let’s build on this example and see how exception handling can help when you’re working with more than one file.

Analyzing Text

You can analyze text files containing entire books. Many classic works of literature are available as simple text files because they are in the public domain. The texts used in this section come from Project Gutenberg ( Project Gutenberg maintains a collection of literary works that are available in the public domain, and it’s a great resource if you’re interested in working with literary texts in your programming projects.

Let’s pull in the text of Alice in Wonderland and try to count the number of words in the text. We’ll use the string method split(), which can build a list of words from a string. Here’s what split() does with a string containing just the title «Alice in Wonderland»:

>>> title = "Alice in Wonderland"
>>> title.split()
['Alice', 'in', 'Wonderland']

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The split() method separates a string into parts wherever it finds a space and stores all the parts of the string in a list. The result is a list of words from the string, although some punctuation may also appear with some of the words. To count the number of words in Alice in Wonderland, we’ll use split() on the entire text. Then we’ll count the items in the list to get a rough idea of the number of words in the text:

filename = 'alice.txt'

    with open(filename, encoding='utf-8') as f:
        contents =
except FileNotFoundError:
    print(f"Sorry, the file {filename} does not exist.")
    # Count the approximate number of words in the file.
    words = contents.split()
    num_words = len(words)
    print(f"The file {filename} has about {num_words} words.")

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Move the file (alice. txt) to the correct directory, so the try block will work this time. At words = contents.split() we take the string contents, which now contains the entire text of Alice in Wonderland as one long string, and use the split() method to produce a list of all the words in the book. When we use len() on this list to examine its length, we get a good approximation of the number of words in the original string num_words = len(words).

Then we print a statement that reports how many words were found in the file. This code is placed in the else block because it will work only if the code in the try block was executed successfully. The output tells us how many words are in (alice. txt):

The file alice.txt has about 29465 words.

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The count is a little high because extra information is provided by the publisher in the text file used here, but it’s a good approximation of the length of Alice in Wonderland.

Working with Multiple Files

Let’s add more books to analyze. But before we do, let’s move the bulk of this program to a function called count_words(). By doing so, it will be easier to run the analysis for multiple books:

def count_words(filename):
    """Count the approximate number of words in a file."""
        with open(filename, encoding='utf-8') as f:
            contents =
    except FileNotFoundError:
        print(f"Sorry, the file {filename} does not exist.")
        words = contents.split()
        num_words = len(words)
        print(f"The file {filename} has about {num_words} words.")

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Most of this code is unchanged. We simply indented it and moved it into the body of count_words(). It’s a good habit to keep comments up to date when you’re modifying a program, so we changed the comment to a docstring and reworded it slightly.

Now we can write a simple loop to count the words in any text we want to analyze. We do this by storing the names of the files we want to analyze in a list, and then we call count_words() for each file in the list.

def count_words(filename):

filenames = ['alice.txt', 'siddhartha.txt', 'moby_dick.txt', 'little_women.txt']
for filename in filenames:

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The file alice.txt has about 29465 words.
Sorry, the file siddhartha.txt does not exist.
The file moby_dick.txt has about 215830 words.
The file little_women.txt has about 189079 words.

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The siddhartha. txt file is missed from the directory but it has no effect on the rest of the program’s execution.

Using the try-except block in this example provides two significant advantages:

  • We prevent our users from seeing a traceback.
  • we let the program continue analyzing the texts it’s able to find.

If we don’t catch the FileNotFoundError that ‘siddhartha. txt’ raised, the user would see a full traceback, and the program would stop running after trying to analyze Siddhartha. It would never analyze Moby Dick or Little Women.

Failing Silently

In the previous example, we informed our users that one of the files was unavailable. But you don’t need to report every exception you catch. Sometimes you’ll want the program to fail silently when an exception occurs and continue on as if nothing happened. To make a program fail silently, you write a try block as usual, but you explicitly tell Python to do nothing in the except block. Python has a pass statement that tells it to do nothing in a block:

def count_words(filename):
"""Count the approximate number of words in a file."""
except FileNotFoundError:

filenames = ['alice.txt', 'siddhartha.txt', 'moby_dick.txt', 'little_women.txt']
for filename in filenames:

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The only difference between this listing and the previous one is the pass statement. Now when a FileNotFoundError is raised, the code in the except block runs, but nothing happens. No traceback is produced, and there’s no output in response to the error that was raised. Users see the word counts for each file that exists, but they don’t see any indication that a file wasn’t found.

The file alice.txt has about 29465 words.
The file moby_dick.txt has about 215830 words.
The file little_women.txt has about 189079 words.

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The pass statement also acts as a placeholder. It’s a reminder that you’re choosing to do nothing at a specific point in your program’s execution and that you might want to do something there later. For example, in this program we might decide to write any missing filenames to a file called (missing_files. txt). Our users wouldn’t see this file, but we’d be able to read the file and deal with any missing texts.

Deciding Which Errors to Report

How do you know when to report an error to your users and when to fail silently? If users know which texts are supposed to be analyzed, they might appreciate a message informing them why some texts were not analyzed. If users expect to see some results but don’t know which books are supposed to be analyzed, they might not need to know that some texts were unavailable. Giving users information they aren’t looking for can decrease the usability of your program. Python’s error-handling structures give you fine-grained control over how much to share with users when things go wrong; it’s up to you to decide how much information to share.

Well-written, properly tested code is not very prone to internal errors, such as syntax or logical errors. But every time your program depends on something external, such as user input, the existence of a file, or the availability of a network connection, there is a possibility of an exception being raised. A little experience will help you know where to include exception handling blocks in your program and how much to report to users about errors that arise.

Storing Data

Many of your programs will ask users to input certain kinds of information. You might allow users to store preferences in a game or provide data for a visualization. Whatever the focus of your program is, you’ll store the information users provide in data structures such as lists and dictionaries. When users close a program, you’ll almost always want to save the information they entered. A simple way to do this involves storing your data using the json module.

The json module allows you to dump simple Python data structures into a file and load the data from that file the next time the program runs. You can also use json to share data between different Python programs. Even better, the JSON data format is not specific to Python, so you can share data you store in the JSON format with people who work in many other programming languages. It’s a useful and portable format, and it’s easy to learn.

The **JSON* (JavaScript Object Notation) format was originally developed for JavaScript. However, it has since become a common format used by many languages, including Python.*

Using json.dump() and json.load()

Let’s write a short program that stores a set of numbers and another program that reads these numbers back into memory. The first program will use json.dump() to store the set of numbers, and the second program will use json.load().

The json.dump() function takes two arguments: a piece of data to store and a file object it can use to store the data. Here’s how you can use json.dump() to store a list of numbers:

import json

numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 15]

filename = 'numbers.json'
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
    json.dump(numbers, f)

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We first import the json module and then create a list of numbers to work with. At filename = 'numbers.json' we choose a filename in which to store the list of numbers. It’s customary to use the file extension .json to indicate that the data in the file is stored in the JSON format. Then we open the file in write mode, which allows json to write the data to the file. At json.dump(numbers, f) we use the json.dump() function to store the list numbers in the file (numbers. json).

This program has no output, but let’s open the file (numbers. json) and look at it. The data is stored in a format that looks just like Python:

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 15]

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Now we’ll write a program that uses json.load() to read the list back into memory:

import json

filename = 'numbers.json'
with open(filename) as f:
    numbers = json.load(f)


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[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 15]

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At filename = 'numbers.json' we make sure to read from the same file we wrote to. This time when we open the file, we open it in read mode because Python only needs to read from the file. At numbers = json.load(f) we use the json.load() function to load the information stored in (numbers. json), and we assign it to the variable numbers. Finally we print the recovered list of numbers and see that it’s the same list created before.

This is a simple way to share data between two programs.

Saving and Reading User-Generated Data

Saving data with json is useful when you’re working with user-generated data, because if you don’t store your user’s information somehow, you’ll lose it when the program stops running. Let’s look at an example where we prompt the user for their name the first time they run a program and then remember their name when they run the program again.

Let’s start by storing the user’s name:

import json

username = input("What is you name? ")

filename = 'username.json'
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
    json.dump(username, f)
    print(f"We'll remember you when you come back, {username}!")

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What is you name? Ahmed
We'll remember you when you come back, Ahmed!

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Now let’s write a new program that greets a user whose name has already been stored:

import json

filename = 'username.json'
with open(filename) as f:
    username = json.load(f)
    print(f"Welcome back, {username}!")

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Welcome back, Ahmed!

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We need to combine these two programs into one file. When someone runs remember_me. py, we want to retrieve their username from memory if possible; therefore, we’ll start with a try block that attempts to recover the username. If the file (username. json) doesn’t exist, we’ll have the except block prompt for a username and store it in (username. json) for next time:

import json

# Load the username, if it has been stored previously.
# Otherwise, prompt for the username and store it.
filename = 'username.json'
    with open(filename) as f:
        username = json.load(f)
except FileNotFoundError:
    username = input("What is your name? ")
    with open(filename, 'w') as f:
        json.dump(username, f)
        print(f"We'll remember you when you come back, {username}!")
    print(f"Welcome back, {username}!")

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There’s no new code here; blocks of code from the last two examples are just combined into one file. Whichever block executes, the result is a username and an appropriate greeting. If this is the first time the program runs, this is the output:

What is you name? Ahmed
We'll remember you when you come back, Ahmed!

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Welcome back, Ahmed!

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This is the output you see if the program was already run at least once.


Often, you’ll come to a point where your code will work, but you’ll recognize that you could improve the code by breaking it up into a series of functions that have specific jobs. This process is called refactoring. Refactoring makes your code cleaner, easier to understand, and easier to extend.

We can refactor remember_me. py by moving the bulk of its logic into one or more functions. The focus of remember_me. py is on greeting the user, so let’s move all of our existing code into a function called greet_user():

import json

def greet_user():
    """Greet the user by name."""
    filename = 'username.json'
        with open(filename) as f:
            username = json.load(f)
    except FileNotFoundError:
        username = input("What is your name? ")
        with open(filename, 'w') as f:
            json.dump(username, f)
            print(f"We'll remember you when you come back, {username}!")
        print(f"Welcome back, {username}!")


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Because we’re using a function now, we update the comments with a docstring that reflects how the program currently works. This file is a little cleaner, but the function greet_user() is doing more than just greeting the user—it’s also retrieving a stored username if one exists and prompting for a new username if one doesn’t exist.

Let’s refactor greet_user() so it’s not doing so many different tasks. We’ll start by moving the code for retrieving a stored username to a separate function:

import json

def get_stored_username():
    """Get stored username if available."""
    filename = 'username.json'
        with open(filename) as f:
            username = json.load(f)
        return None
        return username

def greet_user():
    """Greet the user by name."""
    username = get_stored_username()
    if username:
        print(f"Welcome back, {username}!")
        username = input("What is your name? ")
        filename = 'username.json'
        with open(filename, 'w') as f:
            json.dump(username, f)
            print(f"We'll remember you when you come back, {username}!")


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The new function get_stored_username() has a clear purpose, as stated in the docstring. This function retrieves a stored username and returns the username if it finds one. If the file (username. json) doesn’t exist, the function returns None. This is good practice: a function should either return the value you’re expecting, or it should return None. This allows us to perform a simple test with the return value of the function.

At if username: we print a welcome back message to the user if the attempt to retrieve a username was successful, and if it doesn’t, we prompt for a new username.

We should refactor one more block of code out of greet_user(). If the username doesn’t exist, we should move the code that prompts for a new username to a function dedicated to that purpose:

import json

def get_stored_username():
    """Get stored username if available."""
    filename = 'username.json'
        with open(filename) as f:
            username = json.load(f)
        return None
        return username

def get_new_username():
    """Prompt for a new username."""
    username = input("What is your name? ")
    filename = 'username.json'
    with open(filename, 'w') as f:
        json.dump(username, f)
    return username

def greet_user():
    """Greet the user by name."""
    username = get_stored_username()
    if username:
        print(f"Welcome back, {username}!")
        username = get_new_username()
        print(f"We'll remember you when you come back, {username}!")


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Each function in this final version has a single, clear purpose. Each function in this final version of has a single, clear purpose. We call greet_user(), and that function prints an appropriate message: it either welcomes back an existing user or greets a new user. It does this by calling get_stored_username(), which is responsible only for retrieving a stored username if one exists. Finally, greet_user() calls get_new_username() if necessary, which is responsible only for getting a new username and storing it. This compartmentalization of work is an essential part of writing clear code that will be easy to maintain and extend.

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