Error x reader x ink

Read Ink and Error X Baby Reader from the story Au Sans X Reader oneshots by Yusuka-chan with 4,935 reads. ausans, romance. It was midday and the shone warmly...

It was midday and the shone warmly. It was like and other day for you. Trying to get by on your own to survive. You wandered through a thicket of trees and climbed yourself over a log, or at least tried but you were to short all you could do was stare at it height compared to yours and you sat there. It had been two days since you were abandoned. As a young child there was nothing you could and nothing you knew to do. The only option you had was to sit there and wait hoping they would come for you like they usually did. Wait like the good little girl you were and hope they would come for you.

Your tummy growled. You were hungry and you couldn't cry about it because you wasted all of your tears. You sniffled and looked at the sky with puffy eyes. It was gonna be another silent and scary night for you. At least that's what you thought but voices seemed to disturb the silence that filled the woods. Your ears picked up on what sounded like two Male voices and you got up and followed them as fast as your little feet could take you.

"Y-you i-idiot!"

"Relax Error, if you keep making that face you'll glitch out again"

"R-relax?!, How can I-I Relax when y-you h-have taken me to another o-one of your cruddy AUs!"

"It's not so bad, although I'm not really sure where this is"

Error suddenly grabbed Ink by his shirt.


Ink smack Errors hand away and they both seemed to stand there glaring at each other. Error summoned his blue strings and Ink held his paint brush ready for another fight.

You were just a few feet away from them. Close but not close enough for them to notice you. You watched these creatures with curious eyes as they spoke and began doing things that amazed you. You saw blue strings dance around the other creature as if playing tag, while the other one that had brighter colors evaded it effortlessly. With the movement if its giant brush it made a wall of ink and did so many other amazing things.

Your were in awe as your eyes sparkled at the sight of them and the cool things you could do. However in the middle of their fight they kept getting closer to where you were hiding and Error which was destroying trees in pursuit of capturing Ink who was also making a dangerous battle field of where they fought did not care to think of what a mess they were causing around them.


"That's if you get me" Ink teased with a smirk.

The two faced off once more starting at each other and before they could make another move they felt something tug on their clothes and that something was you. They turned to see what it could be to see your doe eyes looking up at them with amazement.

"WHAT I-IS THAT THING? W-WHERE DID I-IT COME FROM?!" Error glitched and moved away from your sudden contact.

Ink gave Error and unamused look and crossed his arms.

"Rude Error that's a child not a thing, and she's so young, how did you get all the way out here kiddo?" Ink lifted you into his arms and you only looked at him with dazzling eyes.

"Is this another one of your tricks,  don't think that'll stop me!" Error got ready to send another attack.

"Really Error, a kid?, if a thought an adorable little girl could stop you would brought a bunch of them a long time ago" Ink chuckled.

"I mean just look at her isn't she cute?" Ink smiled as he came closer to Error and brought you near him.

You reached your tiny hands towards him and he flinched away glaring darkly at both you and him.


  1. error sans X reader
  2. Получать уведомления при обновлении ваших любимых историй
  3. Ink! Sans x Reader
  4. Получать уведомления при обновлении ваших любимых историй
  5. Archive of Our Own beta
  6. Site Navigation
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  8. Work Header
  9. Some weird slice of life (error sans x reader)
  10. InkyOverlord
  11. Summary:
  12. Chapter 1: The Bug
  13. Chapter Text
  14. Sketches V.S Glitches (Ink Sans x Reader x Error Sans)
  15. Forbidden Love : Umi & Khwezi
  16. The Water Psychic (Saiki Kusuo x Reader)
  17. More than Friends [K.T.H]
  18. Lavender’s Kisses
  19. Zara’s FEAR
  20. Full Power (Book 3 of The Fire within)

error sans X reader

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У Вас уже есть аккаунт, Войти.

Нажав ниже, вы соглашаетесь с Условиями пользования и Политикой приватности Ваттпада.

Tainted Love ((An Error!Sans X Reader))

«Now then.» Dark blue strings wrapped around your [F/C] soul. «What do you think you’re trying to do, [Y/N]? Escape?» He let out a burst of glitchy laughter. It sent chills down your spine. «Oh, [Y/N], if only you knew. » This is my first X reader so I apologize if it’s bad >

Never let you go (error sans x reader

This story takes place in underswap your brothers are sans and papryus. You and sans went to see the echo flowers than error took you and sans. After a few years you start to grow feelings to error. Will he feel the same way?

Error!Sans AU X Reader (LEMON)

So, like I promised. Here you all go. I honestly don’t see how Error can have a dick though. Hmm.

Error!Sans X Reader

My own cover! 😀 An ordinary girl that just loves art and music. Well, maybe not ordinary. But then officially is in a, MULTIVERSE. Maybe some skeletons aren’t that bad.

Glitch (Error Sans X Reader)

You Meet Error About To Destroy a World What Do You Do? Read To Find Out More!

Error Sans x Reader One Shot

Hey guys! AHH SO EXCITED TO WRITE THIS! Anyways, I was writing this because. well. Idk. I read a really good one-shot by XxErrorFirexX on Tamburr (Tamburr is a deleted website. such a shame! they got taken down because people were posting links to porn sites in comments constantly, and the admins did nothing abo.

An Error (Error Sans X Reader)

I dunno y u guys tell meh to right dis. ;-; wat is lyfe? Well sinners. Here’s your lemon. Enjoy.

A glitch (error sans x reader)

This is my first story about u and error sans it’s ok if u don’t like the story

Error Sans X Reader

This is for my readers I hope ya enjoy this. See ya on the other side Buddy.

Error sans x reader ( female )

You are a glitch with amazing powers to . But you were put in a sleeping state as all of the AUs feed off of you One day error was looking around the void when he came across a weird glitched portal and when he looked inside he did not expect to find was you . No art is mine in this unless I say it is and.

Error!Sans AU X Reader

I’m thinking LEMONZ but, I dunno yet. Enjoy this new book and I hope you all love it!

Sketches V.S Glitches (Ink Sans x Reader x Error Sans)

Decided to make this little story x3 This story will have a 2 path ending. 1. Ink Sans path 2. Error Sans Path You get to decide who you want :3 Enjoy

-Old Friends- Ink Sans X Reader X Error Sans

You’ve fell into a dark hole and met Flowey, you and Flowey acted like enemies and you wanted to be friends. You met Toriel and had to leave, but you hated your life in the surface. You ended up in the snowed woods and heard kids playing, but you were cold as HELL. You rubbed your hand for warmth but it created a (F/C.

Error!Sans x Reader

A special human is going to need all the help they can, when a certain child is trying to destroy an underground community of monsters, a secret group of glitches, and the one who can harness the power of every self they are.


Ink! Sans x Reader

Получать уведомления при обновлении ваших любимых историй

У Вас уже есть аккаунт, Войти.

Нажав ниже, вы соглашаетесь с Условиями пользования и Политикой приватности Ваттпада.

Drawn to you Ink Sans x reader

I’m writing this for my friend because she’s awesome and I ship her with Ink. Hope you like this story

Creative Love (Ink Sans x Reader)

You have know Ink since well, since forever! You were dropped off with Ink when you were young. He became your only friend. You had found out that you were supposed to help Ink protect the AU’s and so you did, little did you know that you soon fell in love with him. Will you tell him? Or keep it to yourself? Read this.

Creative Beauty (Ink Sans X Reader FanFic)

Hey its me and I noticed how little Ink Sans x Readers there are so here we go. Your a girl. Your bullies dragged you to the hole to the underground and threw you in.When you got to Snowdin you did a favor for Sans and somthing Unexpected happened.You turn to be cunfused and scared. This contains no lemons and the art.

cross sans x reader x Ink sans

you were with sans and ink till you noticed a skeleton with a giant knife. Ink and tried to protect you but cross ended up kidnapping you. He wanted you to be a part of his world. Ink didn’t want and tried to get you back. who will have your heart ? find out in the drama , kidnapping , fighting for your love.

Ink!Sans X Reader

You are a normal 18 year old girl. (sorry to any guys reading) You were about to go out on your own when suddenly you fell through an inter dimensional rift. You woke up to a rainbow flower staring at you.

DISCONTINUED | Different Can Be Good | Ink!Sans X Reader

[REQUESTED BOOK] Cover by: @DarkSapphire_02 «Of all people or monsters. Why do you love me? I’m. different. » «Different can be good.» Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot. Characters and Art are not mine.

A Problem?

«W- Who are you?» «YOU DON’T HAVE TO DO THIS!!» «Just be safe.» «Here, let me help you.» «I don’t want to hurt you!» «Calm down.» «Please Stop.» «Listen, it’s okay.» «Don’t worry.» «Be careful!» «Everything’s alright.» «I won’t ever let you get hurt.» «I Promise.» «I Promise.»

Destruction vs. Creation (Reader x Ink!Sans x Error!Sans)

You and Ink have finally admitted your love for each other. High school just seems to be going by so quickly, along with your closeness. Everything seemed perfect! That is, it was until a blast from your past has come back to haunt you. And this time, he’s not leaving without taking his love back. Even if it means he.

Digital or Abstract? (Ink!Sans x Wolf!reader x Error!Sans)

Y/n, a lone wolf shifter that takes the form of a wolf, survives on the streets of a dismal city. Being found and captured, she is mistaken for a dog and is thrown into a dog shelter. During the night, she’s mysteriously freed and leaves the shelter as quick as she can. Deciding that the city isn’t the safest place to.

Creators’ Love (Ink!Sans X Inktale!Reader) Wattys2017!

You were battling your ‘glitching’ rival when a portal takes you somewhere. You met someone that will stay in your colorful heart. Note: My Horrortale story has been discontinued for a long time and I had to make another story,motivated by the Ink X Reader stories, I’ve decided to make one. So enjoy my story! Updatin.

Hollow (Ink!Sans x Depressed!Reader)



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Some weird slice of life (error sans x reader)



you find a strange skeleton at night and decide to let him stay with you.

(i just want more error x readers okey)

Chapter 1: The Bug

Chapter Text

This had to be the worst day of your life.

Someone had to call in sick at work,making you take their place ended up working overtime and now trying to get back home in the pouring rain at night in the most sketchiest area of the city,it also doesn’t help that your phone had died during work because you forgot to charge it overnight.

Then again it could be worse.

You heavily panted as the rain continue to pour making your clothes got soggier and heavier to run in.

As you made your way to a street light,you took a quick glance noticing you were only a block away from your apartment,you sigh in relief as you were about to leave the light.

Until you heard a sharp screech.

At first,you thought it was a car speeding through the rain but a look at the road only showed it was empty.the screech also overlapped with beeping almost sounding computer-like.

you tried to listen to where is was coming from but it was a harsh screech that probably wouldn’t bled your ears out if it was a frequency higher.

The sounds followed into a sketchy looking alley,definitely one where you could get robbed or worse,at the end of the alley had a soft blue glow.

The rain only gotten worse as the screeching gotten louder,you felt torn about this situation.

You could leave this area and return to your small warm apartment or find out what that strong bright blue thing is.

fuck it as Curiosity gotten the best of you that you hadn’t realized you’ve been moving toward the alleyway closer and closer eventually, it got darker and darker as you moved farther away from the street light.

The alleyway led to to a end full of empty and broken wooden crates.As you got closer you heard a voice,it sounded distressed over the sound of static,it sounded like the person was hurt.

As you made your way to it,sparks violently flew making you jump back before it sizzled out again.

Whoever was there is most likely in danger.

The rain had slowed down as you search around trying to find the person,the glitching noise made it quite hard to focus even when following where the glow is coming from.

It seemed to ended by under a pile of crates,the boxes moved and shuttered showing a type of struggle.

Without hesitation you jumped onto a crate and began pulling them out one by one.

You pulled the last crate to revealed a skeleton head.

And at first you panicked slipping on the crate u were standing on and landing backwards,thinking it was a dead body but once you got up from the muddy ground and took a closer look at it,it looked like it was. glitching?

It must be a monster you thought as the introduction of monster were slowly increasing here in your city.

There wasn’t any hospital around nor could you call for help.

The skeleton seems conscious,mostly mumbling random things you couldn’t understand,regardless they weren’t safe here.

You managed to pull them out from the pile but the minute you came into contact with them your hands became incredibly numb,moreso a pins and needle feeling.

Lifting him up and carrying him bridal style made your upper body numb, you decided its best he stays in your apartment and see how things go from there.

You let the skeleton stay in the spare room leaving a note explaining where he was and what’s happened,hopefully he would understand.

Surprisingly the skeleton didn’t sustain any physicals injuries they’re just mostly asleep.

Which honestly you wanted to sleep so bad but you didn’t know anything about this monster,you hope this skeleton wasn’t planning to steal anything from you.

So there you sat in the living room watching tv already in your pjs and mostly dried off,occasionally checking up on the monster who was still asleep.

It could be worse you kept thinking,you could’ve got robbed or murdered perhaps,abducted by aliens? hey if monster can exist so can aliens.

Speaking of the monster,you had no idea what this skeleton was,well he was a skeleton but he glitches somewhat like a robot it had never occured to you that cross breeding of monster was a thing.

You weren’t really focusing on the tv now,at this point you were deciding if you should have your fifth cup of coffee as you eyes drooped slightly and the amount of yawning your doing shows how tired u are.

You don’t remember what happen next as you had fallen asleep in a strange position.

You had woken up to the sound of a loud thud coming from the other room.


Sketches V.S Glitches (Ink Sans x Reader x Error Sans)

Decided to make this little story x3 This story will have a 2 path ending.
1. Ink Sans path
2. Error Sans Path

You get to decide who you want :3

Forbidden Love : Umi & Khwezi

This is a short story of Uminathi and Khwezi.…

The Water Psychic (Saiki Kusuo x Reader)

Y/n L/n the quietest, calmest, toughest, kindest girl at her school actually has secret psychic powers such as water control, blood control, and air control. She can control people’s bodies, control the water currents, and the air currents. She is also a psychic, but no one knows that. Even the two main psychics of PK Academy. Does she somehow get the worlds most powerful psychic to fall in love with her? Read to find out! Enjoy too! (I also don’t own any of the characters in this book!) Warning! May have some foul words! I also don’t do smut! I do fluff more!…

More than Friends [K.T.H]

Kim Taehyung and Lee y/n were best friends since childhood ,they grew up together ,y/n had a secret crush on her best friend since middle school .Kim Taehyung have 6 brothers ,while y/n is the eldest daughter and have a younger brother .But Y/n and taehyung grew apart from each other and the destiny plays its role .Few changes comes in y/n ‘s life ,which makes her become a strong person. After 4 years ,They meet again .Y/n and taehyung found themselves again in each other ‘s life ,But this time with a lot of twists .The main theme is — ‘She fell first ,but he fell harder ‘…

Lavender’s Kisses

Coreen always admired the singer Avy. She was always present at his gigs, made sure to never miss one. Always wishing for him to notice her. Little did she know, Avy was always looking for her in the crowd of people watching him. They didn’t know what was coming their way.…

Zara’s FEAR

Zara Ali is a 22 years old girl. She had a very dark past.she have 2 friends who always stood with her through thick and thin. She works at Mir Enterprises as an assistant where she met Mir Khaadi who changed her life.Mir Khaadi the CEO of Mir Enterprises. He is very kind and hard working. He is handling his father’s business. He is a cousin of Haris and Huria. He have a very sweet spot for Zara. He was determined to know about her but she was not ready to share her past.What happens when Khaadi fell in love with Zara and ready to accept her with all her flaws. Read more and find out the journey of both Khaadi and Zara.English is not authors native language. So I’m for any grammar or spelling mistakes.Warning. This story consist of extreme violence. So if you are sensitive to these topics you can skip. Thank you.…

Full Power (Book 3 of The Fire within)

Book 3 of The Fire within. (Five hargreaves x reader)After stopping their 2nd apocalypse The Umbrella Academy are finally back home. but are they? They come back to find a new group of 8 called the Sparrow academy and they find that 2 of them look very Familiar. They begin to make a home in a world that never knew them as the Umbrella Academy but some cope better than others. How will the 2 families merge and what will happen when they find that the world is in danger. again.…


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Forced God of Creation [Completed]


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Sanscest One-Shots

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Sanscest Oneshots

Sanscest Oneshots


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Sanscest OneShots{REQUESTS OPEN!}


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Nekos (An Undertale Sanscest story)

Nekos (An Undertale Sanscest story)


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Dear, Nightmare, Cross, Error, Dust, Horror, Killer, Lust, Reaper, Geno, Ink, Dream, BlueHey guys, It’s me…Sci,So uh, I’ve just discovered something really cool. And I mean like, really cool. I was wandering if ALL of you could come down to my lab this afternoon so I can show you this thing.I promise you’ll love it!-Sci-Nightmare frowned and looked at Error, who had been reading over his shoulder. He simply shrugged in response. «Eh, might as well, I’m bored and we’ve got nothing to do. What could possibly go wrong?»What could possibly go wrong…?Ehehehehe I wonder.…

I Want To Help You (A Bill x Error 404 Story)

I Want To Help You (A Bill x Error 404 Story)


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Error 404 and Bill were two of Nightmare’s most trusted allies. Bill was very energetic and loves teasing people. Error 404, on the other hand, was very quiet and secretive. Bill started to notice Error 404 acting strange. He was always staring off into space and never showed any emotion. Bill decided he was going to get to the bottom of this. He was going to help Error 404 not matter what. Even if it means setting aside his feelings and helping Error 404 with his own. Art made by using IbisPaintX By: Twinkle (Me) Time: 2 hours 18 minutesRanks:#1 Bill404 — July 12, 2021, 9:47 a.m.…

sancest one shots!

sancest one shots!


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these will just be a whole bunch of one shots of sancest! hope you enjoy~ boi!…




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Ink x Error - Two opposites

Ink x Error — Two opposites


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Ink and Error had discovered things about eachother, and slowly began to adore eachother, causing them to fall In love.This is my first story so I apologise for lack of good grammar and sentences that don’t make sense, enjoy.{WARNING} MIGHT CONTAIN SMUT AND INAPPROPRIATE LANGUAGE SO IF YOU DON’T LIKE, IGNORE DON’T HATE PLEASE ;w; {WARNING}…

Sanscest Oneshots {Ended}

Sanscest Oneshots {Ended}


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An old Sanscest oneshot book. Closed, moved accounts to @anomalousmultiverse…

Forever Forbidden ( Ink X Error Vampire AU Original)

Forever Forbidden ( Ink X Error Vampire AU Original)


68,849 2,182 17

Im not putting anything here cause i want you guys to read my book, not my summary of this book. Enjoy.Encre= InkFallacy= ErrorSuave= FreshJasper= PaperjamEterna= UndyneDr. Lofty= AlphysAzure= Swap Sans Rofous= Fell Sans…

Undertale ships pictures and comics...>:3

Undertale ships pictures and comics…>:3


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Just pictures of the following ships… Included:-Errorink…(I must put it!!! >~<)CreamDustberryChasrielAfterdeathPothPaperfreshKillermareScifellIf you don’t like it then please go away, don’t throw harsh comments, I’m not that active on Wattpad but I won’t delete this book cuz meh I’m lazy-Some of it ARE my ships and some WERE…(:’D)Credits to the artists,, not my drawings owo…

Back to you (errormare)

Back to you (errormare)


11,289 482 13

I assume you know the story of Error. If not then allow me to tell you.Error was the god of destruction. He was forced into that role by FATE, a entity that was corrupted by power and was blinded to the balance. Her favorite child, ink, was a hypocrite with the memory of a goldfish, don’t know what else to say. Error couldn’t take it. So, he jumped into the void. But he left someone behind. She will find her love.Notes: Nightmares a girl, Raider is older, and ink isn’t the bad guy…

ErrorInk (Sin free)

ErrorInk (Sin free)


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Error was sitting in Waterfall, feeling at peace for once, when ………… (( you’ll have to find out. I’m not good with introductions, but I promise the story is good.((For the love of god stop reading this its literal word vomit from elementary school))…

ink x error or other sans AUS ;)

ink x error or other sans AUS ;)


33 0 4

this is a short like they’re going to be big stories they’re going to be like short and mostly ink x error but if you request someone else I can do that too I’m a multi-shipper so :-)…

voices (ink x error)

voices (ink x error)


60,202 2,439 34

There will be self harm and other thing like that as well as other side ships. This is my first story I hope you enjoy it. Also I have bad spelling sorry about that.…

Candy~ Ink x Error

Candy~ Ink x Error


164,738 4,452 50

They Begin with being neighbors, but will they end with Love?Also none of the art in this book is mine. Credit goes to the person who made it.I hate this book so muchhhhh. It’s so cringey :P…

Female Ink X Error (Neko!)

Female Ink X Error (Neko!)


3,687 67 7

Ink liked Error, but he didn’t. As much as Ink tried, he ignored her. But how did she turn neko???? How did Error??…

Glitches get stitches (Error X Ink and Pj X Fresh)

Glitches get stitches (Error X Ink and Pj X Fresh)


14,779 243 9

After Ink and Error tell Pj how they meet in high school, Pj goes to school to find a rad,hot skeleton that goes by the name of Fresh. Once Paperjam lays eye sockets on him, Pj is determined to make her high school love life just like her mom and dad’s…

Chapter Text

This had to be the worst day of your life.

Someone had to call in sick at work,making you take their place ended up working overtime and now trying to get back home in the pouring rain at night in the most sketchiest area of the city,it also doesn’t help that your phone had died during work because you forgot to charge it overnight.

Then again it could be worse.

You heavily panted as the rain continue to pour making your clothes got soggier and heavier to run in.

Could be worse.

As you made your way to a street light,you took a quick glance noticing you were only a block away from your apartment,you sigh in relief as you were about to leave the light.

Until you heard a sharp screech.

At first,you thought it was a car speeding through the rain but a look at the road only showed it was empty.the screech also overlapped with beeping almost sounding computer-like.

you tried to listen to where is was coming from but it was a harsh screech that probably wouldn’t bled your ears out if it was a frequency higher.

The sounds followed into a sketchy looking alley,definitely one where you could get robbed or worse,at the end of the alley had a soft blue glow.

The rain only gotten worse as the screeching gotten louder,you felt torn about this situation.

You could leave this area and return to your small warm apartment or find out what that strong bright blue thing is.

fuck it as Curiosity gotten the best of you that you hadn’t realized you’ve been moving toward the alleyway closer and closer eventually, it got darker and darker as you moved farther away from the street light.

The alleyway led to to a end full of empty and broken wooden crates.As you got closer you heard a voice,it sounded distressed over the sound of static,it sounded like the person was hurt.

As you made your way to it,sparks violently flew making you jump back before it sizzled out again.

Whoever was there is most likely in danger.

The rain had slowed down as you search around trying to find the person,the glitching noise made it quite hard to focus even when following where the glow is coming from.

It seemed to ended by under a pile of crates,the boxes moved and shuttered showing a type of struggle.

Without hesitation you jumped onto a crate and began pulling them out one by one.

You pulled the last crate to revealed a skeleton head.

And at first you panicked slipping on the crate u were standing on and landing backwards,thinking it was a dead body but once you got up from the muddy ground and took a closer look at it,it looked like it was…glitching?

It must be a monster you thought as the introduction of monster were slowly increasing here in your city.

There wasn’t any hospital around nor could you call for help.

The skeleton seems conscious,mostly mumbling random things you couldn’t understand,regardless they weren’t safe here.

You managed to pull them out from the pile but the minute you came into contact with them your hands became incredibly numb,moreso a pins and needle feeling.

Lifting him up and carrying him bridal style made your upper body numb, you decided its best he stays in your apartment and see how things go from there.

You let the skeleton stay in the spare room leaving a note explaining where he was and what’s happened,hopefully he would understand.

Surprisingly the skeleton didn’t sustain any physicals injuries they’re just mostly asleep.

Which honestly you wanted to sleep so bad but you didn’t know anything about this monster,you hope this skeleton wasn’t planning to steal anything from you.

So there you sat in the living room watching tv already in your pjs and mostly dried off,occasionally checking up on the monster who was still asleep.

It could be worse you kept thinking,you could’ve got robbed or murdered perhaps,abducted by aliens? hey if monster can exist so can aliens.

Speaking of the monster,you had no idea what this skeleton was,well he was a skeleton but he glitches somewhat like a robot it had never occured to you that cross breeding of monster was a thing.

You weren’t really focusing on the tv now,at this point you were deciding if you should have your fifth cup of coffee as you eyes drooped slightly and the amount of yawning your doing shows how tired u are.

You don’t remember what happen next as you had fallen asleep in a strange position.

You had woken up to the sound of a loud thud coming from the other room.

 :x: Error x Reader :x: -[IMG=MCE]
[BIC] :warning: BG aint mine! :warning: 

[ICS]I love these type of font & text XDDD

[BIC]First of all, I thank you a

Art by Me

:warning: BG aint mine! :warning:

I love these type of font & text XDDD

First of all, I thank you all for the love you gave in my Ink x Reader

One-shot. I love you buckos so much. This is dedicated to my Best Online Friendshie

(/ / V / w / V / /) You know who you are♡

Sorry for the reused idea of the art, I am currently not allowed to draw due to personal reasons. And I apologize for my flaws in writing. Speaking of, this is rushed. I am still trying my best to fill out plot holes and good transitions in timing and sequences. You can also add my mistakes in constructing proper sentences plus misspelled words, and plus myself… I still hope you enjoy this tho

P.S: I have some issues in redundancy. If you know what that means then you’ll notice my struggles

~Error Sans x Friendly Reader~


«Your the sunshine of my


Without you, I’m living

in a world

Full of darkness



*I dunno why I like saying those… I’m a cheesy and corny person

*Same info like (Y/N)-Your Name

Error’s POV

«AHAHAHAHAHA!!!» How I loved destroying AU’s. Everyone screaming, their universe slowly dying and all those painful deaths in it. Such a pleasing thing to hear and see. «WhErE aRe YoU inK BaStaRd!» I yelled. «Right here Error!» I turned to the direction and got a paint attack. «AGH!» I was blinded.  I couldn’t wipe off the paint. It’s his tricky games again. «Peek-A-Boo Glitchy!» He said from behind pushing me. «G— DAMMIT! YOUR PLAYING THIS UNFAIRLY AGAIN!» I furiously yelled. Every single time I’m around this squid, I can’t speak without yelling. Now my non-existent throat hurts like hell. «Why? Do any of what you do to others lives fair?» I growled facing his voice. «I don’t give a damn about your shit Ink» I shoot back. I clawed my hands getting ready to take my turn. As soon he took another step, I shot out strings. But I missed.

(Oh my gawd. That video)

«Woops! Try again!» He teased. «This is boring. Fine I’ll play fair» he snapped his fingers and now the paint was gone. As soon as I got better sight, Ink stood few meters away from me. I glared at him as he smirked. «Game on»

*insert battle parts here cuz I’m lazy af*

As usual. I’m unsuccessful. Again. The squid brat always escapes. I don’t know why I couldn’t get rid of the glitch.

*A part of world breaks down from a distance

«ThIs pLaCe Is GonNa bE gArbAge» I said opening a portal. *siiiiiiiigggghhhh* a long lazy sigh came out from me. «I’m so tired…» I plopped my face on the white floor. *soft snores*

~Time Skip~

I felt some weight on my back. I tried moving but it pinned my shoulders down «WhOevEr yoU ArE, bEttEr f*Ck Off» I warned. *giggles* «You sound funny Mister» a small feminine voice said. «YoU goT 3 sEcoNds… 1….

3!!!» I summoned strings at the glitch. *squeak!* The hell? Did she just squeaked? «H-hey!» She said frightened. «Hehehehe» I chuckled a distorted laughter.

(Does that make any sense?)

I glared daggers at the glitch while giving off an evil smile. She was in the air scared. Whimpering slightly. ‘Cute’  Wait am I thinking?! «I ToLd yOu to f*cK oFf» I said. «I-I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to? Please don’t kill me» She pleaded making teary puppy eyes. «StOp whAt yOur DOing thIs iNstant» I warned putting my hand forward. «Okay…» wow…. an obedient glitch ey? Hehe.. that’s new. «How pity of you» I teased in my normal voice. She lowered her head ashamed or scared. «Look at me» I  demanded. She hesitates a bit looking at me. «Good girl~» I smiled my shitty grin. «Please… I don’t want to be like the others» she said weakly. «So you came from my recently destroyed AU’s? Oh how sad~» I said playfully. A tear streamed down her cheek. «Crying already? I haven’t even started YET?» I formed my hand into a fist and the strings tightened her (S/C) soul. She yelped in agony. «P-PLEASE!» She begged. «Nuh-uh-uh~» I tightened the strings even more. She cried harder. It took me a few minutes of torture, playing the pain from light to heavy. She was absolutely hurt. I let her fall onto the floor. She whimpered and sobbed there… a part of me then felt worried…. I held to my chest, with furrowed

bone-brows as my eyes were locked at her weak figure. But I shook it off. «See ya later… glitch» I left the void to clear my mind out. «What’s going on with me?» I put my hands in my pocket, Looking down on the ground. I was at the OUTERTALE AU. I sat down observing the stars. This somehow relaxed me…. no wonder why people loved this place. It’s always so… calming. I lay my back down to make the rest of the my stay enjoyable.

~Temmie Skip~

Ahh… that felt good. Time to go back! I jumped back to the Anti-Void. I saw the glitch again, all lively and energetically running around with arms wide open. «WEEE!» She happily shouted. «Heh. How childish» I chuckled to myself. «Hey glitch! I’m back!» I yelled loud enough to hear. She frozed and looked at me. I was confused when she suddenly smiled. «Whatcha smilin’ for?» I asked. «Nothing! I don’t seem to be in a bad mood to frown right? And thats because I forgive you!» She said happily. What’s wrong with this glitch? Did the destruction affected her mental health? Is she put of her mind…? «Tch. Just don’t bother me. And I won’t give you torture for today» I looked away. «Okay!»  «LoWer YouR vOicE!» I growled. «Alright… sorry» she said much more quiet. «Now stay away» I ordered. «Where?»   «Far from me duh???» I scoffed. «Okie dokie!» She skipped away like some kid. Is she going to be like this everyday? Why can’t I just kill her? No… maybe not now… yeah.. not the right time..

«Ack!» *glitching noises

I turned my skull to the glitch and saw her glitching. She was on her knees. «Now what?» I walked to her. «What’s your problem now glitch» I kicked her not too hard. But at the moment the tip of my toe hit her—



Error flew across the void. He was blasted a few miles away. He hit the floor with a loud thud rolling afterwards. «Ugh» his vision was blurring. His head pounding. He tried standing up with his arms but he fell back down to floor. «Mister!» He heard the girl running to him. He was disabled at this point. He managed to lay on his back, looking above at the white non-existent ceiling. Before shutting completely his eyes, he saw the girl above him. «A…re…..y..ou…ok..?» Her voice fades as darkness took over his eyes.

~Time Skip~


The mister got hurt because of me. I don’t know what happened to myself, I just knew I was glitching like crazy. After that I saw the mister… he fainted when I got to him. I was examining him for any injuries. «I’m sooo sorryyy!» I carefully pet his skull. I took another glance at his body… his leg was hurt. I touched it and he groaned. «Oh sorry, sorry» I carried his head on my lap so at least he wouldn’t be uncomfortable. I continued petting his skull. He was snoring softly… how cute :heart: !


«The glitching must’ve drained a lot of energy from me… a nap won’t do anything bad right?»


«G’night, mister..»

~Time Skip again~

Error’s POV

Ouch. My leg hurts… what’s this soft cushion? Huh? I sat up and saw the girl. I was lying down on her lap. «W-what?» I felt my cheek bones heat up. Why would she-? Huh? My leg was patched up. I look back at the girl and saw her (F/C) shirt ripped below.

( Btw. You wear a (F/C) T-shirt, black leggings and (S/F/C) rubber shoes)

«Wake up» I slap her leg lightly. She quickly rise and got wide eyed. «Am I late for work?» She asked to no one. «Hehe..» what am I laughing about? «Your already awake mis-»  «It’s Error»   she made an ‘oh’ face as I told her my name. «Nice to meet you then Sir Error! I’m (Y/N) (L/S)!» She reached out her hand and I cringed. «Don’t touch me!» I growled. She back her hand. «Why?»  «I have haphephobia» I answered. «What’s that?»  «Fear of getting touched… and just call me Error! There’s no need to add up in that» I replied annoyed. «Okay… but I already touched you? I aided your leg and pet your skull..?» She said honestly. But knowing that made me crash.

Error.exe has crashed

After a few minutes I got back. The glitch was in front of me worried. «Back off» I reacted. She smiled in relief. Is she worried about me? «Im glad that your fine. But what happened?  Why did you crash?» She asked. «Shut up. Stop asking questions» I commanded. She sit up straight and silenced herself. «A very obedient glitch you are. Your different from the others» I said. She tilts her head. «What do you mean?»   «Everyone fears me. Glitches like you will either be a coward and try running away or brave enough fighting back» I explained. «But you aren’t scary. You just look like the skeleton designs every Halloween but, your just black»   «Was that a compliment or an insult» my eye socket halfway close. «Well, I say your cute!» She said in a closed eye smile. My cheek bones flared up again and so I bow down looking away. «Woops. Sorry s- I mean Error» she said ashamed.


«What was that glitch about?» I asked breaking the silence. «I don’t know…» she answered. «Hmm…» I stood up. Her (E/C) eyes followed after my movement. «I’ll be back…»  «Wait a sec! No torture?»   «No need. Your already suffering yourself» I said not looking at her. Because I’m hiding my f*cking blush. I teleported away…….

*okay. He did this code search thing. And he was searching about yours*

I came back and knew her code was in a bad condition. And it’s because of me. Destroying her whole AU but her, was the reason. «Where did you go?» She asked. «None of your business» okay. Now I feel guilty. Seeing her right now is making me feel bad for myself. «What the heck am I thinking?!» I said out loud. «Hm?» I glared at her and lifted her high with my strings. «YoU- yUo aNnOyiNg GLITCH!» I took out her soul and wrapped it with my strings. I was slowly tearing it.

«Aaaaaahhh!!!» She screamed in a high pitch crying painfully. My whole body covered in ‘errors’ and so do my eyes. «S-STOP! P-PLEASE!» She cried out. When she said that, I felt so much regret. I didn’t realize what was happening. I was torturing her. And I remembered what I just said that she’s already suffering from her own condition. I free her and let her fall on the floor. She whimpered like before. I walked away and sat on my knees. I was growling glitchy noises. «E…Error..» she called weakly. «StAy aWay fRoM m-Me!» I shouted. «Its okay… I understand if your mad at m-»  «I’m NoT maD At YOU!» I yelled angrily «im MAD aT mySeLf!!» My eye sockets brimmed in tears. I tried not to let it fall. «Sshh..» she hugged me from behind. I was frozen in my position. «Hush now…» she whispered. I was still frozen. «…»

I wasn’t sure if I like to get out nor even sure if I want to stay. I was so confused. While spacing out, I felt the hug loose and heard a thud. At first I was disappointed and knew that I liked the hug, but then I saw (Y/N) on the floor. I panicked. I don’t know what’s going on. I’ve never encountered this situations before. «(Y/N)?» I finally called her by her name. I moved away some off her (H/C) hair. She had tear stains. She looked pale… «I’m…. sorry» I carried her bridal style and went to OUTERTALE. I let her rest on me. In between my legs as she slept on my chest. Feeling her on me was slightly uncomfortable… but it went away… I liked the warmth. I hugged her and pressed my non-existent lips on her head. I closed my eyes feeling so relaxed. I never felt like this way before…


I woke up… the pain in my soul had worsen. I don’t blame Error for it. He’s just got upset. Everyone does. I won’t stop making him happy even if he keeps on hurting me. —It’s what I can do left considering my entire home was destroyed— I was about move when I felt something wrapped around me. I opened my eyes and knew I was in Error’s embrace. I tried moving again but his hug tighten. «Dont… go..» he mumbled. I blushed because of this. I just relaxed on his… chest? For a skeleton, he’s warm. «Okay then» I answered. I saw a wonderful view of stars. It was like a galaxy! «Woah» I whispered. «Shush. I’m sleeping» he scolds. «Hihi» I giggled. «I said shut up» he hugged me tight. «Too tight!» I said. His arms loosens. «!! Did I hurt you?!» He freaked out. «I’m fine…?» He was worried. That’s new and very unexpected. «Are you…. mad?» He asked with a hint of blue/yellow blush. «Nope! Not a single bit!» I said cheerfully. He smiles shyly not looking me in the eyes. «I’m sorry if you had to make me sleep on you» I said a little embarrassed. «N-no! I-ts fine!» He stuttered blushing more. I giggled at his action. «Do I have to move?» I shifted slightly but he grabbed my arm, signing me to not go. He had pleading in his eyes. «That’s cute» I stumbled my words, just to get the feeling out. «You think so?»   «You heard me?» I said shocked. He smirked. «I don’t like you but your making me close to ya y’know~» he said. I furrowed my eye brows knowing he’s messing with me. I’m used to these kind of people. I always meet someone like him. «Sorry, your flirty tricks won’t work on me» I said confidently. «Oh yeah?» He learned in. «We just met. I’m not that type of girl.. I guess» he frowned and pushed me away playfully. «Your a KJ» he pouted. Is that possible? «I’ll do it if I need to» I said about to stand up. But he pulled me back down. «I said. DON’T. LEAVE» Error glared. It gave me cold shivers down my spine. I obey him and sat back down. I looked down, away from his glare as usual. He wrapped his arms around me again and so as his skeletal legs. «Your leg! You’ll be hurt!» I said. «I took a nap twice now. It helps me heal quickly» he rested his chin above my head. «… are we Friends now?»   «Are we a ‘thing’ now?» He asked. Okay now that was fast. «Shouldn’t you keep on flirting?» I shot back. «Why? Can’t we be in a relationship?» He asks curiously. «Friendship First alright?» I said. «But I want you mine»   «I am yours? Your Friend??»   «That’s unfair!»   «Look who’s talkin’ » we answered back each at other like children. «Pleeeaaasssee»   «Wait a second why are you so eager anyway? You don’t like me right?» I questioned. «I want you here…» he said quietly. «I’m not going to leave you. I promise» I put out a pinky. «What’s that?»   «To make sure I keep my promise»   «okay»  he intertwine his to mine.

«I Promise…»

~Few months Later…~

Error’s POV

Me and my (Y/N) enjoyed being together. We eventually became an official couple. From someone I hated, to someone I Loved… I was never been this happy to have her. But now the times that I had felt happiness it was suddenly being taken away… «Babe» I said. «Yeah B?» She smiles. «Are you sure your alright?» I asked. She was lying down with me, watching stars at the same place, OUTERTALE. «Of course! Why wouldn’t I?» This made me frown. She’s still smiling even though she’s not doing fine. «You’ve been having a lot more glitch downs lately. I’m worried…» I side hugged her. She hugged back. «So worried, that I would destroy more AU’s just to save you» I said, tears forming in the corner of my eye sockets. I nuzzled into her neck. Sniffing and sobbing lightly. «I don’t want you to leave me. You Promised me that» I said whining. «Aww.. Come here» she turned to me and hugged me to her chest. «Don’t cry B. A Promise is a Promise» she comfort me. «I Love You~»  «I Love you too…» I cried to her….

Her glitch downs continued to occur more often. «(Y/N)!» I tried to touch her. But the same thing would happen if I would do it again. I don’t wanna take flying lessons right now. «What’s taking you so long??!» She was taking too long. Mostly, it would only take 10-15 seconds but she was pass than 20! «(Y/n) PLeAse! StOp!» I pleaded. It felt like forever before she stopped. «Error» she was still having few glitches. I caught her before falling. «Baby?» I cupped her cheek. «I’m tired…» she was about to close her eyes. «NO, NO, NOOO!» I carried her bridal style. «Hold on» I opened up a portal and jumped in. «INK!» I yelled. He instantly jumped to our land. «What do you nee-  Who’s that!?» He pointed at     (Y/N) «Shut up and do something!» I shouted. «And what would do in exchange for it?» He crossed his arms. «ArE YoU f*cKing KidDIng me?!» I yelled angrier. «Fine! But we have to make a deal after this» he was about to take (Y/N) away from me when I backed off. «What are you doing? I have to take her!»   «NoT wiThoUt Me» I said. «Do you want her to live or what?» Ink stomped. He’s pretty mad right now. His eyes were making angry expressions. «FiNe» I gave my (Y/N) to her cautiously. «Be CarEfUl or I wiLl DeStrOy evEry siNgle Au yoU kNoW» I warned. «I know» he made his ink portal. «Please be alright (Y/N)…» I whispered.

~1 Month Later~

I haven’t seen (Y/N) yet for a month now. I’m completely anxious of her absence now. The old me that was used in loneliness had become a clingy boyfriend to his girlfriend. «What happened?» I asked. I was hugging my knees. «Uh Error? Are you okay?» Blue asked. But I kept on mumbling words that I can only understand. «Error?» He called again but I snob him. «Why did you kidnapped me for no good reason?» Blue said sternly. «I thought you would make my anxiety away» I answered. «Anxiety?»   «My girlfriend’s gone for a month now and Ink is still not giving me news» I stated. «You have a girlfriend? WOWIE! You didn’t tell me? I thought you’d never have one tbh» I glared at him. «Mweh heh heh, apologies then» he grinned. «Anyways, maybe I could talk to him?» He suggests. He was right. Why haven’t I thought about that? I’m so stupid! «Good! Do it now!» I ordered and opened up a portal. I pushed him not even caring. «Hey! Calm down Error! There’s no need for the rush!» He said. But I was too impatient. «Just do it already!» I pushed him in and closed up the portal. I dusted my hands…

~Temmie Flakes~

Now he’s making me wait. What’s going on? I opened up a portal to the doodle sphere. «INK!» I yelled. «Error..» I heard Blue. «I was about to go back… but now that you’re here…. I’m sorry to tell you this but…» Ink bridged. «Ms. (Y/N) is… dead» my whole world stopped. «DeAd?» I said. My head swirled, my feelings mixed up. «WhAt dO yoU meAn DEAD?» I asked. «Error she’s gone. She glitched unto her last breath-»   «sHut Up! YoUr LyiNg! YoUr eVen bAd aT it Blue!!!» I growled. «Error! We’re telling the truth!» Ink barriers in between me and Blue. «And YoU. YOU tOld hIm to Lie sO I WoUld BeLIeVe! You LIAR!!!» I poked his chest harshly. «Lying or not, she’s gone!» The both of us are now agitated. «Please, everybody calm down!» Blue tried separating us. But we made a face to face. «I might be lying at times but it’s for a good reason» Ink solidly said. «OR fOr yoUr owN GoOd» I spat back. I grabbed his jumper’s strap and pulled him into the anti-void. «Oh so it’s now or never huh? Then DEAL!» Ink pulled out his paint brush. «LeT’s gEt tHis oVer WitH» we started our battle….

*battle scenarios later…*

«Hahahaha! I finally WON!» I stepped on Ink’s chest. «Be GlAd thAt I’ll sHoW MeRcY» I grinned in a evil way. «Yeah, be glad cause I LET you win» my grin turned upside down. «See ya later Glitchy» he saluted and sank down in his ink puddle he swiped from battle. He disappeared. I breathed and calm down my non-existent nerves. «Next time I’ll make sure your dead» I snapped my fingers and all our battle filth is gone. «I’m coming for you Baby»

Au every Au…

I searched for (Y/N)

…but she was

Nowhere to be found

I started to feel

Ink and Blue

Are telling the Truth

..No! She can’t be dead!

I know Ink’s

Just telling LIES

He always had


Where are you


Why are you hiding?


I miss you…

I love you

   Come back


«Babe? (Y/N)?»

«Where are you?»

«I don’t know… The Ink

Guy your talking about

Took me somewhere»

«Are okay now?»



«Baby are you there?»

«Yup..! I’m doing Good!

Why wouldn’t I?

«Error… I’m lonely…

I miss You

So much…

Please, find me.

I’m somewhere like a

Place like the Anti-Void

But with more Sanses

Like you around

And so as more

Skeletons but taller…

They’re nice but..

I really just

Miss you.


I love You


I woke up. Was that all a dream? «Somewhere like the Anti-Void? What does she mean by that? should start looking for her…but what if it’s not real?» I pondered deeply, walking back and forth. «…real or not I’m going to find you…but where» she can’t be in the… Omega Timeline? For goodness sake Ink really? There at that place? Whatever. I’m taking (Y/N) back with me! I’m coming Baby!

*Error goes to the Omega Timeline…

«(Y/N)? Where are you?» I called.

«Who’s  (Y/N)?» A random Sans asked.

«NoN oF yOuR BusInEsS» I answered in my glitch voice. Pretty good to scare off people.

«… okay? I think she’s the new gal here… well goodbye there bud!» he answered walking away.

«Wait, does she have (H/L)      (H/C), (E/C) eyes, (S/C) skin, and this tall?» I explained and pointed out her height. He turned around. «Welp. She’s over there» he points. I looked over a place and saw a green couch. There was a Sans there. And looks familiar. I ran over them and couldn’t believe either my girl’s back or the sight of GENO.

«Error!!!» (Y/N) jumped to me. «Hey there baby!» I spin her around. «Oh your here…» Geno stared at us blankly. «Yeah so what?» I said. «Error-!» (Y/N) tug my jacket whispering. «Your Welcome»   «Shut up Geno»   «You know him?»    «Yeh. He’s my what-so-called Brother» I said annoyed. «Come on» (Y/N) hugged my arm. «Your lucky you had a nice girlfriend like her Error. You better keep her well» Geno said. «Cause if you leave her, I can k-»   «Woah! Hold it right there sir! You are not going to by my 2nd Guy! Hmm! We’re just friends okay?» (Y/N) protested. «I’m just joking…» He was blushing a little red. F*ck. «Come on B» (Y/N) continued to pull me away. «Don’t tell anyone about this please Geno?» She asked. «Sure thing Sweets» I growled lowly at him giving glares. «Oh You! Come on B~ Mm!» (Y/N) kissed my cheek bone. I got distracted and just focused that my girl is back. «Bye!» She waved. «BYE!» Woah. Looks like she really is a Friendly person. Everyone around bid a goodbye. Not fully surprised, she’s been here for a month…

*after those, you guys went on dates and Error was overprotective on you.


‘What if she refuse?’ Error thought tapping his finger on the table, sweat pricked down from his forehead. «Error? Are you okay hun?» You asked. «Y-yeah» He smiled. Nervously. «Okaayy?» You continue eating. «Love..» he calls. You were surprised for him to call you that way. It means it’s something important as you observed it whenever he calls you that way… You hummed in response. «Can you order us a glass of water?» He said. «Sure. Uh, waiter!» You raised your hand»

‘This is it!’ The waiter looked at you. He snapped his fingers. The band started to play

«Beautiful in White»

You suddenly felt confused. The waiter walked up to you. «Ma’am, may he have your attention?» He spread his arm over to, Error. On  his one knee. You gasped. «E-Error?» You slightly feel your eyes form tears.


After all this Time

I had been

With You,

I was never been this


Ever since you came,

My whole life

Was brightened

With your

Pure Sunshine.

So (Y/N) (L/N),

Are you willing to be

The Forever of

My Life?

My only Wife?»

He pulls out a box, opening it


A Ring

(Engagement ring of your choice)

[2 endings, Yes and No. I’ll go on for the Yes ending and if you say no, skip Yes.]

*Yes Ending*

«ERROR YES! MILLION TIMES YES!» The two of you stood up and he puts the ring in your ring finger. You both kissed passionately as everyone inside the restaurant cheers. You guys broke the kiss «I love you so much Error~ you mean the entire universe to me~» you say sweetly. He kissed you again «And I Love you that I couldn’t tell how much I do inside. My love for you is Forever yours Truly~»

*No Ending*

*le cri*

«Error… I’m sorry…»   «What?» He began to glitch. His tears were ready to stream down. «B-babe? W-w-what are y-you talking about?» He says stuttering. «Error… you should know that my answer will obviously will be a BIG-


of course! Why would I say no? After all these time we’re

Together? Why not?

Error I am so glad that you

Finally Proposed!

I thought I’d be the one

Doing it if I couldn’t

Wait any longer!»

*Error cri*

«Aww! Come here!»

*You kissed him*

«I gotcha ya Good there Hun,

Am I right?»

«DoNt yOu daRe dO ThAt aGain!»

«Hehe. I love you»

«I love you too»

[No one likes a bad ending right? And you and Error got married and you reader get to think more on your own to build up your future!]

And sorry if I had flaws in writing. I tried my best to make this lovey dovey but It might sound dumb ;v; And also this took me a lot of editing and rereading plus correction

I reached 4520+ words

P.S:Not including this message






:arrow_down: !UPNEXT! :arrow_down:




Updates are slow I know, it takes time to think up an idea for the storyline but it’s fun and challenging. And it will even go more even slower if my hand does really go through y’know… Better vote up for the next One-Shot!

I love the idea of bad boys. I intend to make them become sweet and soft when their «THE ONE» has arrived. Which is YOU reader!

Read Stories Error's little 'pet' (Yandere Error x Ink)  - Novel2U.Net

(Cover is not my art)
Ink had a choice.
He chose what he did.
He’s owned by a yandere now.
Will he be save?
Or trapped?

Every Action. Has a consequence. Ink.

Chose wisely.

Or the consequences will not be so.


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POKER FACE (#3 SUITS series)


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*THIS NOVEL IS A SEQUEL TO WILD CARD/PAINTED LADY & CANNOT BE READ AS A STANDALONE*Legend says the territories on the other side of Efura are filled with primitive, wild, human-like creatures who tell stories in front of fires and live in huts made of straw and twigs.***Jack, former Knave of Acewood and current captive of Queen Gwenore, knows better than to listen to hearsay or believe in legends. He’s a mercenary, a warrior—and he wants nothing more than to tear Acewood to shreds to rebuild anew under Otho and Luned’s rule. But he comes to find out that he doesn’t want to work for Otho—he merely wants to take his promised as his own and watch over Acewood with her. Yet the obstacles in his way—two turncoat mages, a frail but frightful Ossenna, a suspicious Sym, a scorned queen, and her goons—make him hesitate to take a side, to make a decision. In a world of magic and deceit, is it best to be strong and evil? Or to fight with the power of good? Or can Jack scale the line somewhere in between, to have his cake, and eat it, too?…

My Love Kim

good news & bad news

good news & bad news


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bad news is first of course and then good news.…

Artbook! ~w toku

Artbook! ~w toku


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PRZECZYTAJ!!!Oto regulamin:1. Można wzorować się na moich rysunkach, ale jeśli planujesz je opublikować, to mnie oznacz! 2. Nie przedstawiaj moich rysunków jako swoje.3. Nie hejtuj, bo niektóre to kreskówka i miały wyglądać nierealistycznie! 4. Bądź miły!5. Najlepiej, jakbyś zostawił coś po sobie, ale nie zmuszam ;)6. Baw się dobrze!7. Miłego czytania!…

The Demon Of Jump City

The Demon Of Jump City


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I re-wrote this bio completely on a whim still don’t know what to write here 💀…

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