Error x3000 unrecognized identifier

ENB Error X3086 and X3000 #1 Premium Member 39 posts I am trying to use the Tetra ENB for SSE but every time I move the files into my skyrim directory and start the game it gives me these errors and then when I re open the game the second time I get even […]


  1. ENB Error X3086 and X3000
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  11. HRK ENB
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  22. Получение нормальной информации об ошибке при компиляции шейдеров в DirectX

ENB Error X3086 and X3000


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  • I am trying to use the Tetra ENB for SSE but every time I move the files into my skyrim directory and start the game it gives me these errors and then when I re open the game the second time I get even more errors, I did exactly as the installation said except when installing the ENB series I followed a differant guide because the instructions for Tetra ENB where telling me to move D3D9.dll into the skyrim folder but I had D3D11.dll in my ENB series archive folder. It also told me to move another file that ENB series didn’t even have so I guessed it was for an outdated version of ENB series. I’f anyone has installed Tetra ENB could you please tell me what I did wrong.


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  • What you’re trying to do won’t work. «Tetrachromatic» was designed for classical Skyrim. ENB binaries for «Oldrim» and SE are very different. So a preset made for «oldrim» ENB like Tetrachromatic won’t work in SE, neither will ENB files for «Oldrim». Put simply: You can only use ENB binaries and ENB presets vor SE, if you’re playing SE.

    I’m missing Tetrachromatic or something similar, too. But there isn’t much we can do about that — besides hoping that someone comes up with a preset in that style for SE. BTW, there IS a Reshade Preset for SE named «Tetrachromatic». But it’s from a different author and IMHO nowhere close to the original.


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  • What you’re trying to do won’t work. «Tetrachromatic» was designed for classical Skyrim. ENB binaries for «Oldrim» and SE are very different. So a preset made for «oldrim» ENB like Tetrachromatic won’t work in SE, neither will ENB files for «Oldrim». Put simply: You can only use ENB binaries and ENB presets vor SE, if you’re playing SE.

    I’m missing Tetrachromatic or something similar, too. But there isn’t much we can do about that — besides hoping that someone comes up with a preset in that style for SE. BTW, there IS a Reshade Preset for SE named «Tetrachromatic». But it’s from a different author and IMHO nowhere close to the original.

    I used the download for SSE Tetrachromatic ENB not for skyrim. this one. https://www.nexusmod. &user=1&gid=110 I assume this is the re shade version you are talking about?

    Edited by NattyC, 14 April 2018 — 08:27 pm.


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  • Weird. The link youâve provided takes me to a Skyrim special edition page of an Oldrim ENB.
    Tetrachromatic ENB has not been released as a special edition mod. Tetrachromatic reshade has been released for special edition
    I do not know whatâs happened there. I suspect you are using an Oldrim ENB for special edition which is why it is not working

    Can you suggest any gay AF ENB’s for SE?


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  • You could use STEPs guide. I hear they have quite a large following in the gay community

    Lol, I meant gay looking ENB. As is high saturation and contrast.


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  • I found a bug in all versions of this ENB setting. effect.txt don’t work at all.
    When I use ENB v0.251, the shader compilation error like below is displayed on screen.

    C:Program Files (x86)Steamsteamappscommonskyrimeffect.txt(1,1): error X3000: unrecognized identifier ‘THIS’

    This means that an error occurred in effect.txt.
    I checked effect.txt and found the cause and the way of fix.

    This error by lack of «/*» at the first line of effect.txt.

    1. Open effect.txt with text editor.
    2. Insert «/*» at the first line of effect.txt.
    3. Save effect.txt.

    Finally, lines 1-4 of effect.txt will be below.


    After fixing, effect.txt works (error is not occured).

    Edited by scripthoge, 15 February 2014 — 08:20 pm.


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  • Thank you very much.

    Works perfectly out of the box and everything looks beautiful.


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  • In response to post #11938860. #11957025, #11959330 are all replies on the same post.


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  • In response to post #11961105. #11978520 is also a reply to the same post.

    Edited by scripthoge, 16 February 2014 — 04:59 am.


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  • Quick note on Procedural Sun courtesy of WolfGrimDark:

    » If EnableProceduralSun is enabled it will override any custom sun textures you might have installed.»


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  • Nice enb! but i have a problem with HRK ENB v3_0.
    It seems that fires dont emit any light(or very low lighting).
    Its just very dark so im just curious. What settings in enbseries controll lighting from Light sources?

    Edit: Never mind. the new version ENB0.251 Fixed the issue with lighting. thanks for the update

    Edited by shadow866, 27 February 2014 — 11:59 pm.


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    Получение нормальной информации об ошибке при компиляции шейдеров в DirectX

    Собственно проблема в том, что функция D3DCompile упорно возвращает в сообщении об ошибке некорректное имя файла. Точнее само имя то корректное, но вот когда в файле есть инклюды наступает ад.

    Приведу пример:
    Пусть мы компилируем файл D:SPPCompilerTonemapAvg.hlsl
    Если ошибка в нём то мы получаем нормальное сообщение об ошибке вида D:SPPCompilerTonemapAvg.hlsl(9,1): error X3000: unrecognized identifier ‘dsa’
    Тут всё ясно, какой файл, какая строка.
    Но давайте представим что этот файл содержит инклюд файла tmptmp.hlsl, а тот в свою очередь 1Tmp1.hlsl, ну а этот включает ….TonemapBilateralGaussFilter.hlsl.
    Получаем сообщение об ошибке вида ….TonemapBilateralGaussFilter.hlsl(61,1): error X3000: unrecognized identifier ‘dsad’
    Теперь сижу и думаю, где же распологается наш файл то? Можно как-то заставить систему выдовать нормальные ошибки вида D:SPPCompilerTonemapBilateralGaussFilter.hlsl(61,1): error X3000: unrecognized identifier ‘dsad’ ?

    Позволю себе апнуть тему 🙁

    Проблема в относительном пути? Или что?

    Ну да, ошибка содержит вместо полного пути относительный путь. Мало того, относительный не относительно основного файла, а относительно предыдущего инклуда. Т.е. если уж возвращать относительный путь то это не ….TonemapBilateralGaussFilter.hlsl(61,1): error X3000: unrecognized identifier ‘dsad’, а .TonemapBilateralGaussFilter.hlsl(61,1): error X3000: unrecognized identifier ‘dsad’. Т.е. хотябы относительно первичного файла.

    Если не понятно могу расшифровать более детально.

    В DX есть возможность задать собственный «парсер» инклюдов. Ты можешь задать его и в нём для каждого подключаемого инклюда заменять относительные пути на абсолютные. Делов там на часик-два, если не мудрить особо.

    > В DX есть возможность задать собственный «парсер» инклюдов. Ты можешь задать
    > его и в нём для каждого подключаемого инклюда заменять относительные пути на
    > абсолютные. Делов там на часик-два, если не мудрить особо.
    А как именно? Если речь идёт о передаче в D3DCompile интерфейса ID3DInclude то я так и делаю. Мало того в его функции Open я даже знаю полное имя инклуда (т.к. по нему у меня кеш работает). Но куда его передавать чтобы подменить соотв. имя в сообщении об ошибке? Либо же есть другой способ.

    > Но куда его передавать чтобы подменить соотв. имя в сообщении об ошибке? Либо же есть другой способ.
    Bishop, насколько я помнб (давно делал), делается так:
    1. грузишь сам шейдер
    2. в нём все относительные пути заменяешь на абсолютные
    3. в каждом инклуде, который загружаешь — делаешь так же
    4. отдашь код с внесёнными тобой изменениями в ДХ
    5. и после этого всё работает как тебе надо

    Спасибо огромное. У меня как раз так сделанно, вот только я почему-то не допёр полный путь обратно в шейдер забрасывать до компиляции 🙁

    Не за что )
    Бывает, заработался наверное 🙂



    Posted 15 February 2014 — 09:42 am



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    I found a bug in all versions of this ENB setting. effect.txt don’t work at all.
    When I use ENB v0.251, the shader compilation error like below is displayed on screen.

    C:Program Files (x86)Steamsteamappscommonskyrimeffect.txt(1,1): error X3000: unrecognized identifier ‘THIS’

    This means that an error occurred in effect.txt.
    I checked effect.txt and found the cause and the way of fix.

    This error by lack of «/*» at the first line of effect.txt.

    1. Open effect.txt with text editor.
    2. Insert «/*» at the first line of effect.txt.
    3. Save effect.txt.

    Finally, lines 1-4 of effect.txt will be below.


    After fixing, effect.txt works (error is not occured).


    Edited by scripthoge, 15 February 2014 — 08:20 pm.

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    Posted 15 February 2014 — 08:31 pm

    In response to post #11961105.

    Thanks! Was this just a harmless syntax error or did it abort the whole settings file?

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    Posted 16 February 2014 — 03:45 am



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    Thank you very much.

    Works perfectly out of the box and everything looks beautiful!!!

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    Posted 16 February 2014 — 04:12 am



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    In response to post #11938860. #11957025, #11959330 are all replies on the same post.

    You can download «Extensive Sunsprite Shader» from RealVision ENB download page.

    «optional sunsprite shader for ENB 0_246 or newer» is the file.

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    Posted 16 February 2014 — 04:55 am



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    In response to post #11961105. #11978520 is also a reply to the same post.

    This error only affects effect.txt. It results in that effect.txt doesn’t work.

    Ohter ENB setting files work correctly without fixing.

    Edited by scripthoge, 16 February 2014 — 04:59 am.

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    Posted 19 February 2014 — 01:08 pm

    i run 720p lot suttring i need r9 280x so run great on my video card right now stutter lot

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    Posted 22 February 2014 — 02:29 am

    Quick note on Procedural Sun courtesy of WolfGrimDark:

    » If EnableProceduralSun is enabled it will override any custom sun textures you might have installed.»

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    Posted 26 February 2014 — 05:04 pm

    Nice enb! but i have a problem with HRK ENB v3_0.
    It seems that fires dont emit any light(or very low lighting).

    Its just very dark so im just curious. What settings in enbseries controll lighting from Light sources?

    Edit: Never mind. the new version ENB0.251 Fixed the issue with lighting. thanks for the update

    Edited by shadow866, 27 February 2014 — 11:59 pm.

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    Posted 27 February 2014 — 05:58 pm

    In response to post #11938860. #11957025, #11959330, #11989195 are all replies on the same post.

    How do you turn off the sun rings?

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    Posted 28 February 2014 — 11:16 am



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    Amazing ENB. Everything is so clear and crisp. Vivid, but not overwhelmingly saturated.

    Thanks for the great work. :)

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    • Pobrien88

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    Hi all. Using both the last stable build (1.4) and the most recent (1.5.0-20160728222500) with SweetFX 1.4, 1.51 and 2.0, I can’t get it to run. The game itself launches fine, but won’t run the shader. It will run with the included one fine.

    I have Graphics set to DX11 (hardware), I’ve enabled external shaders and pointed to the correct dxgi.fx shader (the one the readme specifies for dx10/11) and the correct config file. I’ve also tried using dxgi.dll just in case.

    Whenever I launch the game (FFXII), the shader doesn’t take effect, even using the toggle (scroll lock). Checking the log file each time I get this error:

    «error X3501: ‘ps_main’: entrypoint not found

    GSdx: failed to compile external post-processing shader.»

    It then shuts everything down and runs the game without any shaders.

    Trying to run it pointing to the .dll gives me:
    «D:GamesPCSX2dxgi.dll(267,1-2): error X3000: unrecognized identifier ‘MZ’
    D:GamesPCSX2dxgi.dll(269,323): error X1005: string continues past end of line
    D:GamesPCSX2dxgi.dll(270,65): error X1005: string continues past end of line»

    And the then same thing happens. Appreciate any help. I’ve been trying to sort through this forever now.

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    • crosire

    You do realize this forum is about ReShade and you aren’t using ReShade but InjectSMAA there … =)

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    • Pobrien88

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    Sorry, but I could have sworn that the 2.0 version of SweetFX uses your ReShade? The file description for dxgi.dll states «crosire’s ReShade post-processing injector for 32-bit». When running this version specifically, the errors in the log are slightly different:

    «Sweet.fx(42,10-16): warning X3568: ‘reshade’ : unknown pragma ignored
    Sweet.fx(46,10-16): warning X3568: ‘reshade’ : unknown pragma ignored
    D:GamesPCSX2dxgi.dll(3,1-2): error X3000: unrecognized identifier ‘MZ’

    GSdx: failed to compile external post-processing shader.»

    If I’m still way off base here then I apologize.

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    • crosire

    It does. But the errors you posted do not come from SweetFX running on ReShade. Those are from SweetFX 1.4/5 which runs on InjectSMAA. Make sure you fully delete those before installing SweetFX 2.0 (
    ). There is no dxgi.fx in SweetFX 2.0 for instance. Also, you can’t replace the fx files with a DLL, those are different types of files …

    Last edit: 6 years 6 months ago by crosire.

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    • Pobrien88

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    Following your advice, I completely removed everything in the PCSX2 folder including the PCSX2 files. Reinstalled that program, reinstalled SweetFX 2.0 from the link you posted, and configured the program to use external shaders, pointing at Sweet.fx as the shader, and SweetFX_settings.txt as the external shader config.

    I receive essentially the same error:
    «D:GamesPCSX2Sweet.fx(448,10-16): warning X3568: ‘reshade’ : unknown pragma ignored
    D:GamesPCSX2Sweet.fx(452,10-16): warning X3568: ‘reshade’ : unknown pragma ignored
    error X3501: ‘ps_main’: entrypoint not found

    GSdx: failed to compile external post-processing shader.»

    Edit: Also, the reason I tried using the DLL was I thought maybe I had the program pointing at the wrong file to read from as the shader. Figured it was worth a shot since nothing else was working…

    Last edit: 6 years 6 months ago by Pobrien88.

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    • crosire

    I’m sorry, but these errors still come from InjectSMAA. ReShade creates a .log file with the same name as the DLL (e.g. dxgi.log if ReShade was installed as dxgi.dll). It also shows a text overlay in-game so you know it is starting up.

    You may want to read the README.txt accompanying the download for installation instructions again.

    Last edit: 6 years 6 months ago by crosire.

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    • Pobrien88

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    I’m not sure how that would be possible given how I wiped the entire program folder, including separate directories PCSX2 created in outside folders before reinstalling everything from scratch and using the download link you provided.

    The log file I am using is the one generated from PCSX2. ReShade has yet to create it’s own .log file which I can look at. I’m assuming because it never gets the chance to initialize due to the errors posted. I also haven’t seen the in-game text overlay as PCSX2 decides not to run external shaders due to the error before it starts emulating the chosen game.

    I’ve looked through the readme several times, and installed using both the automatic and manual methods with the same results.

    The only time I have seen ReShade create it’s log file is when I placed it in the Plugins folder of PCSX2 (I was trying any configuration I could) and had PCSX2 try to read it as a graphics plugin just like GSdx (it detected it obviously wasn’t, so I couldn’t choose it as a graphics plugin option). This is the log it generated:

    29/07/2016 22:02:56:228 [06856] | INFO | Initializing crosire’s ReShade version ‘’ built on ‘2016-04-03 19:20:33’ loaded from «D:GamesPCSX2pluginsdxgi.dll» to «D:GamesPCSX2pcsx2.exe» …
    29/07/2016 22:02:56:264 [06856] | INFO | Registering hooks for «C:Windowssystem32d3d8.dll» …
    29/07/2016 22:02:56:264 [06856] | INFO | > Delayed.
    29/07/2016 22:02:56:264 [06856] | INFO | Registering hooks for «C:Windowssystem32d3d9.dll» …
    29/07/2016 22:02:56:264 [06856] | INFO | > Libraries loaded.
    29/07/2016 22:02:56:264 [06856] | INFO | > Found 9 match(es). Installing …
    29/07/2016 22:02:56:340 [06856] | INFO | > Installed 9 hook(s).
    29/07/2016 22:02:56:340 [06856] | INFO | Registering hooks for «C:Windowssystem32d3d10.dll» …
    29/07/2016 22:02:56:402 [06856] | INFO | > Delayed.
    29/07/2016 22:02:56:402 [06856] | INFO | Registering hooks for «C:Windowssystem32d3d10_1.dll» …
    29/07/2016 22:02:56:403 [06856] | INFO | > Delayed.
    29/07/2016 22:02:56:403 [06856] | INFO | Registering hooks for «C:Windowssystem32d3d11.dll» …
    29/07/2016 22:02:56:403 [06856] | INFO | > Libraries loaded.
    29/07/2016 22:02:56:403 [06856] | INFO | > Found 2 match(es). Installing …
    29/07/2016 22:02:56:420 [06856] | INFO | > Installed 2 hook(s).
    29/07/2016 22:02:56:420 [06856] | INFO | Registering hooks for «C:Windowssystem32d3d12.dll» …
    29/07/2016 22:02:56:420 [06856] | INFO | > Delayed.
    29/07/2016 22:02:56:420 [06856] | INFO | Registering hooks for «C:Windowssystem32dxgi.dll» …
    29/07/2016 22:02:56:420 [06856] | INFO | > Delayed.
    29/07/2016 22:02:56:420 [06856] | INFO | Registering hooks for «C:Windowssystem32opengl32.dll» …
    29/07/2016 22:02:56:421 [06856] | INFO | > Delayed.
    29/07/2016 22:02:56:421 [06856] | INFO | Registering hooks for «C:Windowssystem32user32.dll» …
    29/07/2016 22:02:56:421 [06856] | INFO | > Libraries loaded.
    29/07/2016 22:02:56:421 [06856] | INFO | > Found 5 match(es). Installing …
    29/07/2016 22:02:56:464 [06856] | INFO | > Installed 5 hook(s).
    29/07/2016 22:02:56:464 [06856] | INFO | Registering hooks for «C:Windowssystem32ws2_32.dll» …
    29/07/2016 22:02:56:464 [06856] | INFO | > Libraries loaded.
    29/07/2016 22:02:56:465 [06856] | INFO | > Found 8 match(es). Installing …
    29/07/2016 22:02:56:532 [06856] | INFO | > Installed 8 hook(s).
    29/07/2016 22:02:56:532 [06856] | INFO | Initialized.
    29/07/2016 22:02:56:532 [06856] | INFO | Exiting …
    29/07/2016 22:02:56:532 [06856] | INFO | Uninstalling 28 hook(s) …
    29/07/2016 22:02:56:758 [06856] | INFO | Exited.

    I’ve never had it generate a log while trying to actually run the emulator, even running with SweetFX and ReShader installed using the Plugin folder as the base directory. The plugins folder is also the only one that has other DLLs in it.

    Also, is the ReShade.fx file only supposed to say «#include «Sweet.fx»»? Because that’s all mine says. Granted, I know nothing about programming, but after looking through what the two .fx files say, neither seem to be pointing towards the ReShader DLL, which is why it’s not opening and/or generating a log file?

    Last edit: 6 years 6 months ago by Pobrien88.

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    • paxton676

    Use enbinjector and Reshade works fine with PCSX2. Also, I would set the PCSX2 setting back to default to undo all the changes you made trying to get it to work.

    enbinjector.ini change to look like this:



    Lastly, PCSX2 has shader injector preloaded into the latest builds. More than likely this is what you see in the PCSX2 log files and why Crosire is saying that ain’t Reshade. I don’t recommend using both the PCSX2 injector and Reshade at same time. You can use both no problem but I wouldn’t.

    This is the shader injector that comes preloaded into the latest builds of PCSX2. You can and I would disable it in GSDX plugin settings.…pid=288516#pid288516

    Last edit: 6 years 6 months ago by paxton676.

    The following user(s) said Thank You: Pobrien88

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    • Pobrien88

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    Thank you so much! I figured PCSX2 wasn’t running the DLL, but had no idea how to get it to do so besides pointing to it with the GSDX external shader option. I also assumed I had to get PCSX2 to point to the SweetFX/ReShade files to run, which I now know is incorrect. I turned everything off that had to do with external shaders.

    I finally got the «start script» to show once the program was running and initially had 3 errors which caused it to fail:
    D:GamesPCSX2SweetFX/Shaders/Main.h(62, 11): preprocessor error: redefinition of ‘USE_SHARED’
    D:GamesPCSX2SweetFX/Shaders/Main.h(67, 11): preprocessor error: redefinition of ‘USE_SHARED’
    D:GamesPCSX2SweetFX/Shaders/Main.h(72, 11): preprocessor error: redefinition of ‘USE_SHARED’

    Doing some searching, I saw previous posts on how basically some specific shaders do something incorrectly with the new ReShade version. It ended up being Tonemap, Vibrance, and Curves. I turned those back to 0 and booted up and finally…success! I really look forward to being able to utilize SweetFX and ReShade now with PCSX2.

    Edit: Followed crosire’s instructions on how to fix those errors and have it run properly from the other thread. You do this to the SweetFX>Shaders>Main.h file.
    «SweetFX is missing a «#undef USE_SHARED» before the «#define USE_SHARED …» line there. It unfortunately worked with the older binaries due to a bug that has now been fixed.»

    I’d like to ask: why is this an issue with only a few of the shaders and not all of them since they’re all written without the «#undef USE_SHARED»?

    Last edit: 6 years 6 months ago by Pobrien88.

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    • crosire

    It’s only an issue if the effect is enabled. I fixed this in the download. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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    • Pobrien88

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    No worries, that part was easy enough to figure out with your previous posts. What I meant was, I have other effects enabled that run with no issues without those lines inserted. HDR, Bloom, etc.

    Also I’m really enjoying this so far, and it’s definitely keeping my GPU busy while emulating now!

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    • crosire

    Should have clarified that. Not all effects run in a shared pass and it only affected those. Some effects run independently from each other, one at a time, but some are put into a single calculation step to improve performance.

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