- How to close X Server, to avoid errors while updating nVidia driver?
- 9 Answers 9
- Как установить NVIDIA.run?
- 15 ответов
- Thread: nVidia drivers — «You appear to be running an X server»
- nVidia drivers — «You appear to be running an X server»
- Re: nVidia drivers — «You appear to be running an X server»
- Re: nVidia drivers — «You appear to be running an X server»
- X server (Linux Mint Rosa)
- X server (Linux Mint Rosa)
How to close X Server, to avoid errors while updating nVidia driver?
I tried to update my nVidia driver but I got an error when I ran the driver installation.
Note: I tried following a guide by typing init 3 but still nothing changed.. How to close the X server?
So I can update the driver
9 Answers 9
I don’t think I’ve ever gotten that installing/updating nvidia, but here:
Though I’m not 100% sure that’ll work on Ubuntu, IIRC they moved away from init. On Ubuntu, try this (replace gdm with kdm/slim/whatever display manager you use):
I’m pretty sure that stops the whole X session
Less cleanly, you could just kill them:
But they might respawn.
Depending on your version the way of stopping the X server varies. You have to exit the graphic mode (by typing alt+ctrl+F1 , for example), login, and then type one of the following commands to stop the X server:
Now you can install the drivers and then type
When you write sudo service press tab to see the options you have (gdm, kdm. )
As the error states, you are still running an X server. This error occurs when you try to install the Nvidia .run files while logged in.
Make sure you are logged out.
- Hit CTRL+ALT+F1 and login using your credentials.
- kill your current X server session by typing sudo service lightdm stop or sudo stop lightdm
- Enter runlevel 3 (or 5) by typing sudo init 3 (or sudo init 5 ) and install your .run file.
- You might be required to reboot when the installation finishes. If not, run sudo service lightdm start or sudo start lightdm to start your X server again.
From my experience I would try this:
- Alt+F1 then login, sudo telinit 3 (if that isn’t work try /sbin/telinit 3 ), and check that it is changed to level 3 with runlevel that should output something like 5 3 which means that the current run level is 3 and before it was 5 .
In case that doesn’t work, do:
- ps ax | grep X , and in the output you would see the PID number of the process X , so you should kill it with sudo kill -9 number where number is the PID number of the process.
Booting to a different runlevel
Runlevels in Linux dictate which services are started and stopped automatically when the system boots or shuts down. The runlevels typically range from 0 to 6, with runlevel 5 typically starting the X window system as part of the services (runlevel 0 is actually a system halt, and 6 is a system reboot). It is good practice to install the NVIDIA Linux Driver while X is not running, and it is a good idea to prevent X from starting on reboot in case there are problems with the installation (otherwise you may find yourself with a broken system that automatically tries to start X, but then hangs during the startup, preventing you from doing the repairs necessary to fix X). Depending on your network setup, runlevels 1, 2 or 3 should be sufficient for installing the Driver. Level 3 typically includes networking services, so if utilities used by the system during installation depend on a remote filesystem, Levels 1 and 2 will be insufficient. If your system typically boots to a console with a command prompt, you should not need to change anything. If your system typically boots to the X window system with a graphical login and desktop, you must both exit X and change your default runlevel.
On most distributions, the default runlevel is stored in the file /etc/inittab, although you may have to consult the guide for your own distribution. The line that indicates the default runlevel appears as
or similar, where n indicates the number of the runlevel. /etc/inittab must be edited as root. Please read the sections on editing files and root user if you are unfamiliar with this concept. Also, it is recommended that you create a copy of the file prior to editing it, particularly if you are new to Linux text editors, in case you accidentally corrupt the file:
The line should be edited such that an appropriate runlevel is the default (1, 2, or 3 on most systems):
After saving the changes, exit X. After the Driver installation is complete, you may revert the default runlevel to its original state, either by editing the /etc/inittab again or by moving your backup copy back to its original name.
Different distributions provide different ways to exit X. On many systems, the init utility will change the current runlevel. This can be used to change to a runlevel in which X is not running.
There are other methods by which to exit X. Please consult your distribution.
Как установить NVIDIA.run?
У меня есть видеокарта Nvidia Ge force Ge6150 SE. Я использую Ubuntu 12.04. Когда я пытаюсь установить файл.run, он терпит неудачу. Это показывает сообщение как это:
Я попытался установить его после удаления старого драйвера. Вот файл журнала:
но в диспетчере процессов такой файл не отображается.
15 ответов
Как говорится в сообщении об ошибке, вы все еще используете X-сервер. Эта ошибка возникает при попытке установить Nvidia .run файлы во время входа в систему.
Убедитесь, что вы вышли из системы.
- Нажмите Ctrl + Alt + F1 и войдите, используя свои учетные данные.
- завершите текущий сеанс X-сервера, набрав sudo service lightdm stop или же sudo lightdm stop
- Введите уровень запуска 3, набрав sudo init 3
- Установите свой *.run файл.
- вы переходите в каталог, в который вы скачали файл, набрав, например, cd Downloads , Если он находится в другом каталоге, перейдите туда. Проверьте, видите ли вы файл при вводе ls NVIDIA*
- Сделайте файл исполняемым с chmod +x ./your-nvidia-file.run
- Выполнить файл с sudo ./your-nvidia-file.run
- Вам может потребоваться перезагрузить компьютер после завершения установки. Если нет, запустите sudo service lightdm start или же sudo start lightdm чтобы снова запустить свой X-сервер.
- Стоит отметить, что при такой установке вам придется повторять шаги после каждого обновления ядра.
Я установил последние версии драйверов nvidia следующим способом:
Работает нормально с Unity 3D. Спасибо всем.
Добавить —no-x-check флаг, когда вы запускаете это в терминале:
У меня была такая же проблема при установке драйвера для старой GeForce 9800 GT в Ubuntu 14.04-2. Это был NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-340.76.run
Я переключился на tty1 с помощью Ctrl+Alt+F1, а также остановил службу lightdm и при запуске исполняемого файла получил ту же ошибку.
Чтобы решить эту проблему, я перешел в папку /tmp и удалил файл.X0-lock.
Вы увидите его в списке только в том случае, если вы используете ls -la, так как по умолчанию это скрытая папка (поэтому перед именем стоит точка)
После удаления этой папки и запуска NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-340.76.run она установилась просто отлично.
Эта инструкция прекрасно работает под Ubuntu Server 12.04 с рабочим столом Ubuntu для nvidia 8400GS. PCI 512MB тоже нужно просто удалить все предыдущие версии версий по умолчанию в Ubuntu, такие как 173 и т. Д., Или любые другие перед установкой, иначе произойдет конфликт или сбой. Следуйте этой инструкции и прочитайте информацию об установке из примера модели вашей карты, в моем случае последняя версия драйвера 319.23, см. Ссылку ниже:
Что сработало для меня:
и мне пришлось запускать это несколько раз, пока я не получил сообщение о
Тогда я уверен, что X-сервер остановлен.
Ubuntu 16.04 с Quadro 4000 подтвердил, что этот метод работает:
Обратите внимание, что я не использую nvidia-current, так как я скачал файл запуска с NVIDIA, и его версия 375.66
Нажмите Alt + F1 , затем войдите в систему.
Бежать sudo telinit 3 (если это не сработает, попробуйте /sbin/telinit 3 ). Убедитесь, что он изменен на уровень 3 с уровнем запуска, который должен вывести что-то вроде 5 3, что означает, что текущий уровень запуска равен 3, а до этого был 5.
Если это не сработает, попробуйте:
В выводе вы увидите PID-номер процесса X, поэтому вы должны убить его с помощью sudo kill -9 number где number номер PID процесса.
Время создания файла журнала установки nvidia ‘/var/log/nvidia-installer.log’: понедельник, июнь 11, 05:46:17 Версия установщика 2012: 295.53
Использование: nvidia-installer Пользовательский интерфейс ncurses -> Файл ‘/tmp/.X0-lock’ существует и, по-видимому, содержит идентификатор процесса ‘1062’> запущенного X-сервера. ОШИБКА: вы, кажется, используете X-сервер; пожалуйста, выйдите из X перед установкой. Для получения более подробной информации см. Раздел «УСТАНОВКА ДРАЙВЕРА NVIDIA» в README >, доступный на странице загрузки драйверов Linux по адресу www.nvidia.com. ОШИБКА: установка не удалась. Пожалуйста, смотрите файл ‘/var/log/nvidia-installer.log’ > для подробностей. Вы можете найти предложения по устранению проблем с установкой в README >, доступном на странице загрузки драйверов Linux на www.nvidia.com.
Как упомянуто в журнале, идентификатор процесса 1062 является причиной запуска X-сервера.
убьет процесс и после этого установка драйвера NVIDIA будет проходить гладко.
У меня было зависание при установке драйвера 3.19 сегодня, потому что я не удалил существующий драйвер 3.13. Я использовал:
чтобы избавиться от всех существующих файлов, то
Успех. У меня уже была установлена DKMS, и программа драйвера спросила, должна ли она использовать DKMS, поэтому не стоит беспокоиться об обновлениях ядра.
Thread: nVidia drivers — «You appear to be running an X server»
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nVidia drivers — «You appear to be running an X server»
So I’m new to Ubuntu/Linux in general, and I’m trying to install my graphics drivers so I don’t have to open grub and boot in nomodeset every time. I’ve gotten a .run file from nvidia.com for the latest x86 linux drivers for my 550 ti. After logging in as root (sudo -i, enter password), changing to the directory of the .run file, and doing «sh NVIDIA.run» (I renamed the file to NVIDIA.run so it’s shorter to type), it starts to install the drivers but throws an error saying «You appear to be running an X server». How do I fix this?
E: Heres the installer log
made me exit to the log in screen and i had to log back in.
edit 3:
Ok wow solved this my self. Here’s how I did it:
1. open gnome (CTRL + ALT + F3)
2. log in as your user
3. run «sudo init 3»
4. switch to root («sudo -i» or «sudo su root»)
5. cd to the directory containing the .run file
6. sh NVIDIA.run (where NVIDIA.run is the name of the .run file)
7. after completing the prompts, enter «reboot»
Last edited by tommyk1995; January 29th, 2012 at 09:52 AM .
Re: nVidia drivers — «You appear to be running an X server»
At the GRUB boot menu screen select your Ubuntu and then hit the e key to edit the kernel line boot options so that it will only boot to run level 3 text mode hopefully without the Xserver running. At the end of this kernel line after the long UUID is; «ro quiet splash», and so on, replace all that with; «rw nosplash —verbose text» which will allow you to view any boot up error messages and to boot into a text console to run your commands. The rw is for to mount in read write mode, not read only which I needed to do for this same type issue on my PC. And use your keyboard arrow keys to move the cursor while in grub.
Re: nVidia drivers — «You appear to be running an X server»
If that is too difficult for you just boot normally to a gui, Ctrl+Alt+F1 to get to a tty command line, then login and use commands
and then navigate to the folder where your NVIDIA.run is sitting and use the command you did before to execute it.
Now you should be able to start the new xsession with
X server (Linux Mint Rosa)
#1 — 11 марта 2016 в 14:30
Итак, собсветнно сабж:
ERROR: You appear to be running an X server; please exit X before installing. For further details, please see the section INSTALLING THE NVIDIA DRIVER in the README available on the Linux driver download page at www.nvidia.com.
пробовал так:
и так
# To stop:
sudo init 3
# To resume:
sudo init 5
Though I’m not 100% sure that’ll work on Ubuntu, IIRC they moved away from init. On Ubuntu, try this (replace gdm with kdm/slim/whatever display manager you use):
# To stop:
sudo service gdm stop
# To start:
sudo service gdm start
I’m pretty sure that stops the whole X session
Less cleanly, you could just kill them:
sudo killall /usr/bin/X
и даже так:
sudo kill 1195
made me exit to the log in screen and i had to log back in.
edit 3:
Ok wow solved this my self. Here’s how I did it:
1. open gnome (CTRL + ALT + F3)
2. log in as your user
3. run «sudo init 3»
4. switch to root («sudo -i» or «sudo su root»)
5. cd to the directory containing the .run file
6. sh NVIDIA.run (where NVIDIA.run is the name of the .run file)
7. after completing the prompts, enter «reboot»
Вообщем при вводе этой —sudo service lightdm stop и этой —sudo service gdm stop команды — lightdm не определен?
может в Rose подругому? как отключить этот X server/ таки помогите
X server (Linux Mint Rosa)
#1 — 11 марта 2016 в 14:30
Итак, собсветнно сабж:
ERROR: You appear to be running an X server; please exit X before installing. For further details, please see the section INSTALLING THE NVIDIA DRIVER in the README available on the Linux driver download page at www.nvidia.com.
пробовал так:
и так
# To stop:
sudo init 3
# To resume:
sudo init 5
Though I’m not 100% sure that’ll work on Ubuntu, IIRC they moved away from init. On Ubuntu, try this (replace gdm with kdm/slim/whatever display manager you use):
# To stop:
sudo service gdm stop
# To start:
sudo service gdm start
I’m pretty sure that stops the whole X session
Less cleanly, you could just kill them:
sudo killall /usr/bin/X
и даже так:
sudo kill 1195
made me exit to the log in screen and i had to log back in.
edit 3:
Ok wow solved this my self. Here’s how I did it:
1. open gnome (CTRL + ALT + F3)
2. log in as your user
3. run «sudo init 3»
4. switch to root («sudo -i» or «sudo su root»)
5. cd to the directory containing the .run file
6. sh NVIDIA.run (where NVIDIA.run is the name of the .run file)
7. after completing the prompts, enter «reboot»
Вообщем при вводе этой —sudo service lightdm stop и этой —sudo service gdm stop команды — lightdm не определен?
может в Rose подругому? как отключить этот X server/ таки помогите
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- [ubuntu] nVidia drivers — «You appear to be running an X server»
nVidia drivers — «You appear to be running an X server»
So I’m new to Ubuntu/Linux in general, and I’m trying to install my graphics drivers so I don’t have to open grub and boot in nomodeset every time… I’ve gotten a .run file from nvidia.com for the latest x86 linux drivers for my 550 ti. After logging in as root (sudo -i, enter password), changing to the directory of the .run file, and doing «sh NVIDIA.run» (I renamed the file to NVIDIA.run so it’s shorter to type), it starts to install the drivers but throws an error saying «You appear to be running an X server». How do I fix this?
E: Heres the installer log
nvidia-installer log file '/var/log/nvidia-installer.log' creation time: Sun Jan 29 00:28:10 2012 installer version: 290.10 PATH: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games nvidia-installer command line: ./nvidia-installer Using: nvidia-installer ncurses user interface -> The file '/tmp/.X0-lock' exists and appears to contain the process ID '1195' of a runnning X server. ERROR: You appear to be running an X server; please exit X before installing. For further details, please see the section INSTALLING THE NVIDIA DRIVER in the README available on the Linux driver download page at www.nvidia.com.
Edit 2:
made me exit to the log in screen and i had to log back in.edit 3:
Ok wow solved this my self. Here’s how I did it:1. open gnome (CTRL + ALT + F3)
2. log in as your user
3. run «sudo init 3»
4. switch to root («sudo -i» or «sudo su root»)
5. cd to the directory containing the .run file
6. sh NVIDIA.run (where NVIDIA.run is the name of the .run file)
7. after completing the prompts, enter «reboot»Thanks.
Last edited by tommyk1995; January 29th, 2012 at 09:52 AM.
Re: nVidia drivers — «You appear to be running an X server»
At the GRUB boot menu screen select your Ubuntu and then hit the e key to edit the kernel line boot options so that it will only boot to run level 3 text mode hopefully without the Xserver running. At the end of this kernel line after the long UUID is; «ro quiet splash», and so on, replace all that with; «rw nosplash —verbose text» which will allow you to view any boot up error messages and to boot into a text console to run your commands. The rw is for to mount in read write mode, not read only which I needed to do for this same type issue on my PC. And use your keyboard arrow keys to move the cursor while in grub.
Re: nVidia drivers — «You appear to be running an X server»
If that is too difficult for you just boot normally to a gui, Ctrl+Alt+F1 to get to a tty command line, then login and use commands
sudo service lightdm stop
and then navigate to the folder where your NVIDIA.run is sitting and use the command you did before to execute it.
Now you should be able to start the new xsession with
sudo service lightdm start
or maybe just
Re: nVidia drivers — «You appear to be running an X server»
When I enter Ctrl+Alt+F1, I get a black screen with some horizontal garbage at the top of the screen and NO prompt. When I try to return to the desktop by pressing Ctrl+Alt+F7, it only makes the screen garbage move a bit, no desktop and no prompt. I have been trying to load the driver for my GeForce 210 card. I am stuck using the Ubuntu generic drivers. I’d appreciate any help.
Originally Posted by ajgreeny
If that is too difficult for you just boot normally to a gui, Ctrl+Alt+F1 to get to a tty command line, then login and use commands
sudo service lightdm stop
and then navigate to the folder where your NVIDIA.run is sitting and use the command you did before to execute it.
Now you should be able to start the new xsession with
sudo service lightdm start
or maybe just
ASRock 970 Extreme4�, 8GB RAM
AMD FX�- 4100 Quad-Core
nVidia GeForce 8400 GS�
2 500GB SATA HDs
Re: nVidia drivers — «You appear to be running an X server»
Originally Posted by ajgreeny
If that is too difficult for you just boot normally to a gui, Ctrl+Alt+F1 to get to a tty command line, then login and use commands
sudo service lightdm stop
and then navigate to the folder where your NVIDIA.run is sitting and use the command you did before to execute it.
Now you should be able to start the new xsession with
sudo service lightdm start
or maybe just
This finally helped! Thank you a lot
Re: nVidia drivers — «You appear to be running an X server»
Small addition.
I had the same problem with the X server (it was still runnning). However, tommyk1995’s solution didn’t work because X was still running, and CTRL+ALT+F1 didn’t work either because whenever I entered something there, nothing happened.
As CTRL+ALT+F3 did work for me I made a combination of some solutions to create a new one:
> Enter CTRL+ALT+F3
> Enter your username + password
sudo service lightdm stop
sudo sh NVIDIA-Linux-*
(where * is your version)
I got a warning but just ignored it and continued. Go through the installation and when finished enter:
sudo service lightdm start
While struggling with the installation (before I finally found the solution) I got an additional problem with logging-in. The screen turned black and I returned to the log-in screen.I found this solution:
CTR+ALT+F3 in log-in screen
Enter username+passwordEnter:
sudo chmod 777 /home/[username]/.Xauthority
I did a reboot, but maybe there is an easier way:
sudo su root reboot
(Ubuntu 12.04)
Last edited by Elentir; September 8th, 2012 at 12:16 PM.
Re: nVidia drivers — «You appear to be running an X server»
Originally Posted by ajgreeny
If that is too difficult for you just boot normally to a gui, Ctrl+Alt+F1 to get to a tty command line, then login and use commands
sudo service lightdm stop
and then navigate to the folder where your NVIDIA.run is sitting and use the command you did before to execute it.
Now you should be able to start the new xsession with
sudo service lightdm start
or maybe just
This let me install NVIDIA GPU driver downloaded from NVIDIA homepage.
Re: nVidia drivers — «You appear to be running an X server»
It’s not a good idea to install the nvidia driver directly. You should use a package…

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- Exiting X server
- Re: Exiting X server
- Exiting X server
- Re: Exiting X server
- Thread: nVidia drivers — «You appear to be running an X server»
- nVidia drivers — «You appear to be running an X server»
- Re: nVidia drivers — «You appear to be running an X server»
- Re: nVidia drivers — «You appear to be running an X server»
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- Exiting X server
- Re: Exiting X server
- Exiting X server
- Re: Exiting X server
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- Установка драйвера для NVIDIA
- Установка драйвера для NVIDIA
- Re: Установка драйвера для NVIDIA
- Re: Установка драйвера для NVIDIA
- Re: Установка драйвера для NVIDIA
- Re: Установка драйвера для NVIDIA
- Re: Установка драйвера для NVIDIA
- Re: Установка драйвера для NVIDIA
- Re: Установка драйвера для NVIDIA
- Re: Установка драйвера для NVIDIA
- Re: Установка драйвера для NVIDIA
- Re: Установка драйвера для NVIDIA
- Re: Установка драйвера для NVIDIA
- Re: Установка драйвера для NVIDIA
- Re: Установка драйвера для NVIDIA
- Re: Установка драйвера для NVIDIA
- Re: Установка драйвера для NVIDIA
- Re: Установка драйвера для NVIDIA
- Re: Установка драйвера для NVIDIA
- Re: Установка драйвера для NVIDIA
X server (Linux Mint Rosa)
#1 — 11 марта 2016 в 14:30
Итак, собсветнно сабж:
ERROR: You appear to be running an X server; please exit X before installing. For further details, please see the section INSTALLING THE NVIDIA DRIVER in the README available on the Linux driver download page at www.nvidia.com.
пробовал так:
и так
# To stop:
sudo init 3
# To resume:
sudo init 5
Though I’m not 100% sure that’ll work on Ubuntu, IIRC they moved away from init. On Ubuntu, try this (replace gdm with kdm/slim/whatever display manager you use):
# To stop:
sudo service gdm stop
# To start:
sudo service gdm start
I’m pretty sure that stops the whole X session
Less cleanly, you could just kill them:
sudo killall /usr/bin/X
и даже так:
sudo kill 1195
made me exit to the log in screen and i had to log back in.
edit 3:
Ok wow solved this my self. Here’s how I did it:
1. open gnome (CTRL + ALT + F3)
2. log in as your user
3. run «sudo init 3»
4. switch to root («sudo -i» or «sudo su root»)
5. cd to the directory containing the .run file
6. sh NVIDIA.run (where NVIDIA.run is the name of the .run file)
7. after completing the prompts, enter «reboot»
Вообщем при вводе этой —sudo service lightdm stop и этой —sudo service gdm stop команды — lightdm не определен?
может в Rose подругому? как отключить этот X server/ таки помогите
The Community ENTerprise Operating System
Exiting X server
Exiting X server
Post by newport_j » 2012/06/12 19:07:42
I am installing an NVIDIA driver on my system that I recently changed from Ubuntu 11.10 to Centos 6.2 64-bit.
I downloaded the NVIDIA software for the driver of my NVIDIA and I was trying t install it when I got the essage:
You appear to be running an X-server; please exit before installing.
In Ubuntu I handled this with the commands:
sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop
which stopped X-Windows. I then installed the software and when that was complete, I ran:
sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start
and started up X windows again. No problem!
when I entered the command
sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop
The response was
sudo: /etc/init.d/gdm command not found. I am guessing that there must be a different way to do this in CentoS 6.2. What is it?
Thanks in advance.
Re: Exiting X server
Post by pschaff » 2012/06/12 19:19:25
Please note that your approach, even if you get it to work, will not survive the next kernel update. The recommend method is to use the ELRepo [url=http://elrepo.org/tiki/FAQ]kABI-tracking[/url] kmod driver package [url=http://elrepo.org/tiki/kmod-nvidia]kmod-nvidia[/url] — built from the same Nvidia sources. An added advantage is that ELRepo will track and package updates for you.
Edit: I see I beat Gerald by a few seconds. If «Configure your X» is interpreted as «Install kmod-nvidia» then the two sets of advice are entirely complementary. 🙂
Exiting X server
Post by gerald_clark » 2012/06/12 19:19:30
init 3
This will stop X and X logins
Configure your X
Test your x. Then exit the session.
init 5
This restarts X logins.
Re: Exiting X server
Post by newport_j » 2012/06/13 14:33:01
Okay, I am using init 3 to do stuff and then init 5 to get the NVIDIA driver installed. I am not ignoring the other message, I will come back to it. I just need to keep moving forward now. The second message sounds like an evening project, not something to do at work.
Anyway, I gave the following commands:
and got the following message:
«ERROR: The Nouveau kernel driver is currently in use by your system. This
driver is incompatible with the NVIDIA driver, and must be disabled
before proceeding. Please consult the NVIDIA driver README and your
Linux distribution’s documentation for details on how to correctly
disable the Nouveau kernel driver.»
Thus I must disable this Nouvea driver before continuing the install. i think thta this is the way to do it. Am i correct?
$ mv /boot/initramfs-$(uname -r).img /boot/initramfs-$(uname -r).img.bak
$ dracut -v /boot/initramfs-$(uname -r).img $(uname -r)
I am not even sure what I am doing her; I am just copying a command. What is it that I am doing?
Googling this message also suggests an easier method about blacklisting the Nouveau driver and rebooting the computer. I do not think that we can do that because I could not find a blacklist.conf file in my CentOS 6,2.
Does this method (blacklisting) work in CentOS 6.2 64 bit? system?
Thread: nVidia drivers — «You appear to be running an X server»
Thread Tools
nVidia drivers — «You appear to be running an X server»
So I’m new to Ubuntu/Linux in general, and I’m trying to install my graphics drivers so I don’t have to open grub and boot in nomodeset every time. I’ve gotten a .run file from nvidia.com for the latest x86 linux drivers for my 550 ti. After logging in as root (sudo -i, enter password), changing to the directory of the .run file, and doing «sh NVIDIA.run» (I renamed the file to NVIDIA.run so it’s shorter to type), it starts to install the drivers but throws an error saying «You appear to be running an X server». How do I fix this?
E: Heres the installer log
made me exit to the log in screen and i had to log back in.
edit 3:
Ok wow solved this my self. Here’s how I did it:
1. open gnome (CTRL + ALT + F3)
2. log in as your user
3. run «sudo init 3»
4. switch to root («sudo -i» or «sudo su root»)
5. cd to the directory containing the .run file
6. sh NVIDIA.run (where NVIDIA.run is the name of the .run file)
7. after completing the prompts, enter «reboot»
Last edited by tommyk1995; January 29th, 2012 at 09:52 AM .
Re: nVidia drivers — «You appear to be running an X server»
At the GRUB boot menu screen select your Ubuntu and then hit the e key to edit the kernel line boot options so that it will only boot to run level 3 text mode hopefully without the Xserver running. At the end of this kernel line after the long UUID is; «ro quiet splash», and so on, replace all that with; «rw nosplash —verbose text» which will allow you to view any boot up error messages and to boot into a text console to run your commands. The rw is for to mount in read write mode, not read only which I needed to do for this same type issue on my PC. And use your keyboard arrow keys to move the cursor while in grub.
Re: nVidia drivers — «You appear to be running an X server»
If that is too difficult for you just boot normally to a gui, Ctrl+Alt+F1 to get to a tty command line, then login and use commands
and then navigate to the folder where your NVIDIA.run is sitting and use the command you did before to execute it.
Now you should be able to start the new xsession with
The Community ENTerprise Operating System
Exiting X server
Exiting X server
Post by newport_j » 2012/06/12 19:07:42
I am installing an NVIDIA driver on my system that I recently changed from Ubuntu 11.10 to Centos 6.2 64-bit.
I downloaded the NVIDIA software for the driver of my NVIDIA and I was trying t install it when I got the essage:
You appear to be running an X-server; please exit before installing.
In Ubuntu I handled this with the commands:
sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop
which stopped X-Windows. I then installed the software and when that was complete, I ran:
sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start
and started up X windows again. No problem!
when I entered the command
sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop
The response was
sudo: /etc/init.d/gdm command not found. I am guessing that there must be a different way to do this in CentoS 6.2. What is it?
Thanks in advance.
Re: Exiting X server
Post by pschaff » 2012/06/12 19:19:25
Please note that your approach, even if you get it to work, will not survive the next kernel update. The recommend method is to use the ELRepo [url=http://elrepo.org/tiki/FAQ]kABI-tracking[/url] kmod driver package [url=http://elrepo.org/tiki/kmod-nvidia]kmod-nvidia[/url] — built from the same Nvidia sources. An added advantage is that ELRepo will track and package updates for you.
Edit: I see I beat Gerald by a few seconds. If «Configure your X» is interpreted as «Install kmod-nvidia» then the two sets of advice are entirely complementary. 🙂
Exiting X server
Post by gerald_clark » 2012/06/12 19:19:30
init 3
This will stop X and X logins
Configure your X
Test your x. Then exit the session.
init 5
This restarts X logins.
Re: Exiting X server
Post by newport_j » 2012/06/13 14:33:01
Okay, I am using init 3 to do stuff and then init 5 to get the NVIDIA driver installed. I am not ignoring the other message, I will come back to it. I just need to keep moving forward now. The second message sounds like an evening project, not something to do at work.
Anyway, I gave the following commands:
and got the following message:
«ERROR: The Nouveau kernel driver is currently in use by your system. This
driver is incompatible with the NVIDIA driver, and must be disabled
before proceeding. Please consult the NVIDIA driver README and your
Linux distribution’s documentation for details on how to correctly
disable the Nouveau kernel driver.»
Thus I must disable this Nouvea driver before continuing the install. i think thta this is the way to do it. Am i correct?
$ mv /boot/initramfs-$(uname -r).img /boot/initramfs-$(uname -r).img.bak
$ dracut -v /boot/initramfs-$(uname -r).img $(uname -r)
I am not even sure what I am doing her; I am just copying a command. What is it that I am doing?
Googling this message also suggests an easier method about blacklisting the Nouveau driver and rebooting the computer. I do not think that we can do that because I could not find a blacklist.conf file in my CentOS 6,2.
Does this method (blacklisting) work in CentOS 6.2 64 bit? system?
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Установка драйвера для NVIDIA
Модератор: Bizdelnick
Установка драйвера для NVIDIA
Сообщение Malax » 10.08.2009 21:48
Re: Установка драйвера для NVIDIA
Сообщение akdengi » 10.08.2009 22:34
Re: Установка драйвера для NVIDIA
Сообщение Malax » 10.08.2009 22:40
Теперь выдает:
ERROR: You appear to be running an X server; please exit X before
installing. For further details, please see the section INSTALLING
THE NVIDIA DRIVER in the README available on the Linux driver
download page at www.nvidia.com.Installation has failed. Please see the file
‘/var/log/nvidia-installer.log’ for details. You may find
suggestions on fixing installation problems in the README available
on the Linux driver download page at www.nvidia.com.
uname -r
скачал вот это
При установке пишет что: Нет пакета с именем kernel-desktop586-devel-latest
Что я не так делаю?
Re: Установка драйвера для NVIDIA
Сообщение Dak » 10.08.2009 22:41
Re: Установка драйвера для NVIDIA
Сообщение allez » 10.08.2009 22:43
Переведите и сделайте то, что просит установщик.
Re: Установка драйвера для NVIDIA
Сообщение Malax » 10.08.2009 22:55
Re: Установка драйвера для NVIDIA
Сообщение Dak » 10.08.2009 23:06
Re: Установка драйвера для NVIDIA
Сообщение Rootlexx » 10.08.2009 23:06
Re: Установка драйвера для NVIDIA
Сообщение Malax » 10.08.2009 23:17
Re: Установка драйвера для NVIDIA
Сообщение akdengi » 10.08.2009 23:34
Какая у вас видеокарта ?
Re: Установка драйвера для NVIDIA
Сообщение Malax » 10.08.2009 23:39
Re: Установка драйвера для NVIDIA
Сообщение Malax » 10.08.2009 23:55
Re: Установка драйвера для NVIDIA
Сообщение watcher » 11.08.2009 10:53
Уже какой день не могу решить вопрос с ядром 2.6.30.X (ванильным) и драйверами NVIDIA 96.43.13 для MX440 64 мБ. Всё делаю как обычно по фен-шую. Собираю своё ядро, затем как обычно собираю драйвер для видеокарты. Драйвер цепляется нормально, но через некоторое время может час, может 10 минут может 10 часов, каждый раз по разному система фризится. В логах ничего умного нет, кроме большого числа (II) NVIDIA(0): Initialized GART и NVRM: Xid (0001:00): 8, Channel 00000001. Параметры монитора в xorg.conf выставлены верно.
Это только у меня так или у всех на 2.6.30 и 96.43.13 ?
«Я просто пытаюсь растить свой сад и не портить прекрасный вид.
И начальник заставы поймёт меня и беспечный рыбак простит» Б.Г.
Re: Установка драйвера для NVIDIA
Сообщение eddy » 11.08.2009 11:04
Re: Установка драйвера для NVIDIA
Сообщение SinClaus » 11.08.2009 19:58
Re: Установка драйвера для NVIDIA
Сообщение watcher » 11.08.2009 20:37
«Я просто пытаюсь растить свой сад и не портить прекрасный вид.
И начальник заставы поймёт меня и беспечный рыбак простит» Б.Г.
Re: Установка драйвера для NVIDIA
Сообщение 40000 » 12.08.2009 01:24
Поддерживаю вас. Делал именно таким способом и всё без проблем поставилось, правда дровишки не самые свежие, почему-то 180..-е поставил, ну да это не так уж и важно, главное что работают. А для новичков такой способ самое оно!
Вот только интересно, а как удалить драйвер поставленный в ручную?Подскажите, кто знает.
Re: Установка драйвера для NVIDIA
Сообщение Alex V. T. » 21.09.2009 09:41
Re: Установка драйвера для NVIDIA
Сообщение dhampire » 21.09.2009 13:39
если драйвер _есть_
1 вариант
#init <1,3>— то есть либо init 1, либо init 3
#rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf
2 вариант
#init <1,3>— то есть либо init 1, либо init 3
#rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf
3 вариант
#init <1,3>— то есть либо init 1, либо init 3
#rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf
#Xorg -configure — обычно в текущей папке создаётся рабочий xorg.conf с именем xorg.conf.new
если нет
#init <1,3>— то есть либо init 1, либо init 3
#rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf
3 вариант
#init <1,3>— то есть либо init 1, либо init 3
#drakX11 -выбираем нашу карту Geforce 6XXX and later сохраняем выбор, проверяем рабочесть драйвера, выходим
#nvidia-xconfig — не обязательный пункт
PS _пользуйтесь_ поиском перед задачей вопроса. И не нарушайте правила форума один вопрос — одна тема.
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Тема: Установка драйвера для видухи (Прочитано 5442 раз)
0 Пользователей и 1 Гость просматривают эту тему.

Гуру Линукс, пожалуйста обясните ламеру как установить драйвер от видеокарты, а то вот мучаюсь и все время одно и тоже: ERROR: You appear to be running an X server; please exit X before installing.
Смысл я понял, но как ето сделать, до меня не доходит.
P.S. Если можно, обясните детально, а то я толька привыкаю к Линукс.

вобще-то оно намекает на то что перед установкой дров надо бы выйти из Х
You appear to be running an X server; please exit X before installing.
чтобы выйти в консоль Ctrl+Alt+F2
ввести имя а затем свой пароль, после логина
sudo /etc/unit.d/gdm stop X window остановился
ну а дальше sudo sh nvidia….run и должно все поставиться
как-то так…..
HP Pavilion All-in-One 27-a255ur
Intel Core i5-7400T CPU @ 2.4GHz | 16GB RAM

sudo /etc/unit.d/gdm stop X window остановился
ну а дальше sudo sh nvidia….run и должно все поставитьсяпишет што такой директории нету
sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop
HP Pavilion All-in-One 27-a255ur
Intel Core i5-7400T CPU @ 2.4GHz | 16GB RAM

X.Org X Server 1.5.2
Release Date: 10 October 2008
X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0
Build Operating System: Linux 2.6.24-19-server i686 Ubuntu
Current Operating System: Linux kolea-laptop 2.6.27-7-generic #1 SMP Fri Oct 24 06:42:44 UTC 2008 i686
Build Date: 24 October 2008 08:00:16AM
xorg-server 2:1.5.2-2ubuntu3 (buildd@rothera.buildd)
Before reporting problems, check http://wiki.x.org
to make sure that you have the latest version.
Module Loader present
Markers: (—) probed, (**) from config file, (==) default setting,
(++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II) informational,
(WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.
(==) Log file: «/var/log/Xorg.0.log», Time: Tue Nov 11 16:52:16 2008
(==) Using config file: «/etc/X11/xorg.conf»
Parse error on line 12 of section Files in file /etc/X11/xorg.conf
«RgbPath» is not a valid keyword in this section.
(EE) Problem parsing the config file
(EE) Error parsing the config fileFatal server error:
no screens found
(WW) xf86CloseConsole: KDSETMODE failed: Bad file descriptor
(WW) xf86CloseConsole: VT_GETMODE failed: Bad file descriptor
(WW) xf86OpenConsole: VT_GETSTATE failed: Bad file descriptor
а с этим щто делать, теперь и разришение больше чем 800х600 не идет!

Ауууууу!!! Ответьте хоть кто нибуть?
Систему я вроде откатал, может есть другой способ установки дров, или дрова может не те, у меня Нвидиа 8600M gt на ноте Samsung R70-A007 если не лень дайте ссылку на дрова для него, плиз!

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