Error you must have libtool installed anjuta

Русские Блоги Примечания к изучению Linux (5) — Linux + Anjuta build C ++ среда разработки 1. Введение в Анюту Что такое АнютаAnjuta — это интегрированная среда разработки, созданная под GNU / Linux для обеспечения компиляции для C и C ++. Первоначально он был разработан для GTK / GNOME и имеет хорошие свойства программирования. […]


  1. Русские Блоги
  2. Примечания к изучению Linux (5) — Linux + Anjuta build C ++ среда разработки
  3. 1. Введение в Анюту
  4. 2. Тестовая платформа
  5. 3. Установить Анюта
  6. Anjuta
  7. Contents
  8. Anjuta-1.2.4
  9. Anjuta-2.0.x
  10. HOWTO compile a wxWidgets project on anjuta-1.2.4 and wxWidgets-2.6.2:
  11. Packages needed in (Ubuntu GNU/Linux)
  12. How to work with libtool?
  13. 2 Answers 2
  14. Anjuta Building
  15. JHBuild
  16. Without JHBuild
  17. pkg-config
  18. GSettings schema
  19. Libtool .la file
  20. How to work with libtool?
  21. 2 Answers 2

Русские Блоги

Примечания к изучению Linux (5) — Linux + Anjuta build C ++ среда разработки

1. Введение в Анюту

  • Что такое Анюта
    Anjuta — это интегрированная среда разработки, созданная под GNU / Linux для обеспечения компиляции для C и C ++. Первоначально он был разработан для GTK / GNOME и имеет хорошие свойства программирования. Это включает в себя характер управления проектами, разработку приложений, интерактивную отладку, мощное редактирование кода и подсветку синтаксиса.

2. Тестовая платформа

  • платформа тестирования
    Версия для Linux: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

3. Установить Анюта

  • 3.1 Авторизуйтесь в корневом аккаунте
    Чтобы обеспечить бесперебойную установку, сначала переключите учетную запись на корневую. Смотрите метод переключения:
  • 3.2 Установить Anjuta
    Введите команду:

После ввода команды для запуска установки вам необходимо ввести Y для подтверждения во время процесса установки. Скриншот после установки выглядит следующим образом:

3.3 Интерфейс программы

3.4 Возможные ошибки
При компиляции программы на C ++, если libtool не установлен, появится следующая ошибка:
Error: You must have `libtool’ installed
выполните команду:





Anjuta officially supports wxWidgets (with some modifications, see below).


Currently in Alpha stage & not yet ready for regular use.

I installed Anjuta 2.0.2 on my Gentoo box, and tried to buld different projecs for wx. The executable worked out of the box. Steps to perform:

1. Create a new Anjuta project. Besides the «New» button, there is an arrow button. When you click on it, the list will appear. Choose «Project». 2. On the first Wizard page select the «C/C++» tab for the property page, and choose «wxWidgets». Click «Forward». 3. Fill out the form about the author and project name and version. Click «Forward». 4. If you want, change the location of the project and if the project should support internationalization. Leave everything else intact. Click «Forward». 5. Click «Apply». Anjuta will generate Makefiles. 6. Press «Shift+F11» to compile the project. (If you try to do a «Run» or «F3», you will get a message «Nothing to run!») 7. If the compilation successful, you can run and test you program.

However, if you want to build a DLL — either .so or .a — you will run into the problems. They were reported to the Anjuta team already, and hopefully will be fixed. As soon as I will have more info or the patch, I will update this page with the more info.

This is added by the oneeyeman on 08 September 2006 at 2:30 PM PDT.

if you try to compile the standard project template: First you need to add wxT() around «Hello World» on line 19 on the original template( change «Hello World» to wxT(«Hello World»)

Disable overwriting of file: goto menu Project->Configure Project->Build Files and check «Project». Click ok.

Open (located at the root of your project dir) in your favourite text editor. Find the line «AM_PATH_WXCONFIG(2.3.2, wxWin=1)» and change the version to 2.6.2 (or whatever version you have). Now it should look somewhat like «AM_PATH_WXCONFIG(2.6.2, wxWin=1)»

Then you need to remove the else block of the if right below the line you just edited. That would be line 42 to 55 for me:

dnl Quick hack until wx-config does it
AC_TRY_LINK([#include ],
[wxString test=»»],


Now your should contain something like this:

AM_PATH_WXCONFIG(2.6.2, wxWin=1)
if test «$wxWin» != 1; then
wxWindows must be installed on your system.

Please check that wx-config is in path, the directory
where wxWindows libraries are installed (returned by
‘wx-config —libs’ or ‘wx-config —static —libs’ command)
is in LD_LIBRARY_PATH or equivalent variable and
wxWindows version is 2.3.2 or above.

This small howto added by faern 09:35, 10 August 2006 (PDT). I wrote this just minutes after I found the solution, so it’s not well tested

Packages needed in (Ubuntu GNU/Linux)

If you install only the «Anjuta IDE» and try to create a wxWidgets application with the wizard, it can complain for missing some components. You can solve this by running the following command in a system console:

(done with a Ubuntu GNU/Linux 7.04 -64bit)


I try to install MapServer and have a problem with last command in tutorial:

Terminal says that cannot find command libtool / I went and installed libtool. But still command not work. I try:

And get an error:

What am I doing wrong?

OS:Mint. PS: First time see a Linux system.

2 Answers 2

Generally speaking, you as a normal user of the system do not work directly with libtool at all. Libtool is a convenience utility for software developers. You can see its effects, but if you ever have to «work with libtool » to get some software to build, it means something is broken. And then, you don’t so much work with libtool to fix it as attempt to fix the package’s build system. This may include replacing the copy of libtool you got with that package.

That’s the key thing you have to understand about Libtool: when you install it on your system, as you have done, you don’t get a libtool program to run. The main command you get is libtoolize , and its primary purpose is to generate the libtool script shipped with a source tarball.

So, this software you’re trying to build isn’t using the libtool command on the system, it’s using the one that came with the source tarball. About all you as a normal user can hope to try is replacing it by re-running libtoolize , but I wouldn’t recommend that as a general troubleshooting step. It has a pretty decent chance of breaking things rather than fixing them.


Anjuta Building

Building the latest version of Anjuta is quite difficult at the moment mainly if your distro hasn’t switched to Gtk 3.0 yet. Here is some, I hope, useful advices. First, check if your are able to install it using pre-build GNOME 3 dependencies as described at anjuta site. If not, you can use JHBuild as described below.


One of the easiest solutions is to use JHBuild. JHBuild is a powerful tool to build the GNOME stack. As all major distributions currently don’t ship the new GNOME 3.x libraries it is very difficult to build anjuta manually and jhbuild can be a great help.

JHBuild is included in the major distributions so please install with

Afterwards create a .jhbuildrc file in your home directory. You should use the file anjuta.jhbuildrc in anjuta project directory as template but be sure to adjust the paths. Details can be found in the JHbuild documentation.

  • Build anjuta (whole stack, will rebuild everything)
  • Build only anjuta module (should only be necessary if you need to run, otherwise you can just build anjuta as you did before)
  • Build some parts of the stack
  • Starting a shell in JHBuild environment

Without JHBuild

JHBuild is doing everything automatically: checking dependencies, downloading them and building all this with additional flags if needed. The drawback is that it rebuilds almost everything even if it is not necessary. You can compile yourself only the needed packages.


pkg-config is used by almost all configure script to find the right libraries. It is looking for a file named library_name.pc in /usr/lib/pkgconfig. This is a text file giving the version of the installed library and the needed dependencies. By default all programs and libraries are installed in /usr/local, so .pc files are installed in /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig but this directory is not checked. You need to define the environment variable PKG_CONFIG_PATH to add new directory by example:

GSettings schema

The new GSettings system used, in Gtk+3, need to find schemas files which are installed by default in /usr/local/share/glib-2.0/schemas when you install a program from sources. This directory is not checked by default. , so you need to define the environment variable GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR, by example:

Libtool .la file

Most packages use libtool to find the dependencies needed by each library. These dependencies are stored in a file named in the same directory than the library.

The issue is that these files contains the absolute name of each dependency. If your program needs a new version of a library which is itself used by another system library, the linker will try to link with both versions of the library and will probably give an error.

One solution is to erase all .la files, they are not strictly necessary on Linux.

Another solution is to update all the .la files to make sure that all system libraries use the new version of the libraries if available. I have written a perl script here for doing this. You call it with the name of the directory where you have installed all local libraries typically /usr/local/lib, the script will find all libraries, get all dependencies and for all system dependencies it will copy the .la file from /usr/lib to /usr/local/lib and update the file to use the new libraries.

Apps/Anjuta/Building (last edited 2018-02-20 08:01:14 by SvitozarCherepii )


I try to install MapServer and have a problem with last command in tutorial:

Terminal says that cannot find command libtool / I went and installed libtool. But still command not work. I try:

And get an error:

What am I doing wrong?

OS:Mint. PS: First time see a Linux system.

2 Answers 2

Generally speaking, you as a normal user of the system do not work directly with libtool at all. Libtool is a convenience utility for software developers. You can see its effects, but if you ever have to «work with libtool » to get some software to build, it means something is broken. And then, you don’t so much work with libtool to fix it as attempt to fix the package’s build system. This may include replacing the copy of libtool you got with that package.

That’s the key thing you have to understand about Libtool: when you install it on your system, as you have done, you don’t get a libtool program to run. The main command you get is libtoolize , and its primary purpose is to generate the libtool script shipped with a source tarball.

So, this software you’re trying to build isn’t using the libtool command on the system, it’s using the one that came with the source tarball. About all you as a normal user can hope to try is replacing it by re-running libtoolize , but I wouldn’t recommend that as a general troubleshooting step. It has a pretty decent chance of breaking things rather than fixing them.


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Тема: Anjuta ругается на libtool  (Прочитано 1402 раз)

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Всем доброе время суток ,

поставил я с репозитория Анжуту, и припервой же компиляции helo word проекта она обругалась что нет libtool
конечно не долго думая я пошел по ссылке и скачал, вроде как по инструкции все сделал вроде как поставила..
но все равно не пашет …

Логи есть может кто глянет ?

P.S.Я заскарузлый виндовозный кодераст, в убунте только начал разбираться, так что куда лукаться и что делать не совсем понятно … пробовал компилить с коммандной строки но в общем пришёл к выводу того что серьезный проект так делать не очень комфортно и решил сразу перейти к поиску среды , погуглив многие хорошо отзываются об анжуте… но чтото из коробки оно не заработало

Не кидайте в меня тапками сразу…



Спасибо, я сделал ошибку что пошел по ссылке,надо было с репы пакет качать… встал без вопросов всё заработало..

Вопрос а анжута вообще всегда постоянно вылетает ??? чет при попытке открыть файл юзер интерфейса сразу валится


Спасибо, я сделал ошибку что пошел по ссылке,надо было с репы пакет качать… встал без вопросов всё заработало..

Вопрос а анжута вообще всегда постоянно вылетает ??? чет при попытке открыть файл юзер интерфейса сразу валится

Запусти Anjuta IDE через терминал и попробуй открыть тот файл, посмотри какие сообщения выводятся в терминал.


Да терминал пишет много а вот понимания мало  :-

faster@FasterBook:~$ anjuta
GladeUI-Message: 1 missing displayable value for GtkWidget::events
GladeUI-Message: 20 missing displayable value for GtkWidget::AtkObject::accessible-role
GladeUI-Message: 1 missing displayable value for GtkEntry::input-hints
GladeUI-Message: 1 missing displayable value for GtkButtonBox::layout-style
GladeUI-Message: 1 missing displayable value for GtkScrolledWindow::hscrollbar-policy
GladeUI-Message: 1 missing displayable value for GtkCellRendererAccel::accel-mode
GladeUI-Message: Glade needs artwork; a default icon will be used for the following classes:
GtkApplicationWindow needs an icon named 'widget-gtk-applicationwindow'

(anjuta:2914): Gdk-WARNING **: /build/gtk+3.0-lL7YRg/gtk+3.0-3.18.9/./gdk/x11/gdkwindow-x11.c:5540 drawable is not a native X11 window

(anjuta:2914): Gdk-ERROR **: The program 'anjuta' received an X Window System error.
This probably reflects a bug in the program.
The error was 'BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)'.
  (Details: serial 8944 error_code 3 request_code 20 (core protocol) minor_code 0)
  (Note to programmers: normally, X errors are reported asynchronously;
   that is, you will receive the error a while after causing it.
   To debug your program, run it with the GDK_SYNCHRONIZE environment
   variable to change this behavior. You can then get a meaningful
   backtrace from your debugger if you break on the gdk_x_error() function.)
Ловушка трассировки/останова (сделан дамп памяти)


Да терминал пишет много а вот понимания мало  :-faster@FasterBook:~$ anjuta
GladeUI-Message: 1 missing displayable value for GtkWidget::events
GladeUI-Message: 20 missing displayable value for GtkWidget::AtkObject::accessible-role
GladeUI-Message: 1 missing displayable value for GtkEntry::input-hints
GladeUI-Message: 1 missing displayable value for GtkButtonBox::layout-style
GladeUI-Message: 1 missing displayable value for GtkScrolledWindow::hscrollbar-policy
GladeUI-Message: 1 missing displayable value for GtkCellRendererAccel::accel-mode
GladeUI-Message: Glade needs artwork; a default icon will be used for the following classes:
GtkApplicationWindow needs an icon named 'widget-gtk-applicationwindow'

(anjuta:2914): Gdk-WARNING **: /build/gtk+3.0-lL7YRg/gtk+3.0-3.18.9/./gdk/x11/gdkwindow-x11.c:5540 drawable is not a native X11 window

(anjuta:2914): Gdk-ERROR **: The program 'anjuta' received an X Window System error.
This probably reflects a bug in the program.
The error was 'BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)'.
  (Details: serial 8944 error_code 3 request_code 20 (core protocol) minor_code 0)
  (Note to programmers: normally, X errors are reported asynchronously;
   that is, you will receive the error a while after causing it.
   To debug your program, run it with the GDK_SYNCHRONIZE environment
   variable to change this behavior. You can then get a meaningful
   backtrace from your debugger if you break on the gdk_x_error() function.)
Ловушка трассировки/останова (сделан дамп памяти)

Судя по всему какой-то баг. Если у тебя установлена не последняя стабильная версия системы, то я рекомендую скачать ее dvd-образ с официального сайта разработчика и установить ее на чистый жесткий диск или на чистый раздел жесткого диска, потом обновить систему до актуального состояния. Далее поставить Anjuta из официального репозитория Ubuntu и попробовать поработать в ней.

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Report forwarded
to, Debian GNOME Maintainers <>:
Bug#771481; Package anjuta.
(Sun, 30 Nov 2014 02:24:06 GMT) (full text, mbox, link).

Acknowledgement sent
to Sascha Reißner <>:
New Bug report received and forwarded. Copy sent to Debian GNOME Maintainers <>.
(Sun, 30 Nov 2014 02:24:07 GMT) (full text, mbox, link).

Message #5 received at (full text, mbox, reply):

Package: anjuta
Version: 2:3.14.0-1
Severity: important

Dear Maintainer,

I installed anjuta and if i want compile a C program it say:

Building in directory: /home/woodstokk/bin/file-convert2/Debug
/home/woodstokk/bin/file-convert2/ --enable-maintainer-mode CFLAGS=-g

**Error**: You must have `libtool' installed.
You can get it from:
Completed unsuccessfully
Total time taken: 1 secs

After a short look in aptitude i see that anjuta suggests libtool, so i
installed it.
But the problem is still there.
Finally, i installed libtool-bin (the suffix '-bin' suggests me this are the
and now anjuta works as expected.

Please update the package to depended to libtool-bin.

best regards
Sascha Reißner

-- System Information:
Debian Release: jessie/sid
  APT prefers testing
  APT policy: (700, 'testing')
Architecture: amd64 (x86_64)
Foreign Architectures: i386

Kernel: Linux 3.16.0-4-amd64 (SMP w/4 CPU cores)
Locale: LANG=de_AT.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=de_AT.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8)
Shell: /bin/sh linked to /bin/dash

Versions of packages anjuta depends on:
ii  anjuta-common           2:3.14.0-1
ii  libanjuta-3-0           2:3.14.0-1
ii  libapr1                 1.5.1-3
ii  libc6                   2.19-13
ii  libdevhelp-3-2          3.14.0-1
ii  libgcc1                 1:4.9.1-19
ii  libgda-5.0-4            5.2.2-2
ii  libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0      2.31.1-2+b1
ii  libgdl-3-5              3.14.0-2
ii  libgladeui-2-6          3.18.3-1
ii  libglib2.0-0            2.42.0-2
ii  libgtk-3-0              3.14.4-2
ii  libgtksourceview-3.0-1  3.14.1-1
ii  libpango-1.0-0          1.36.8-2
ii  libpython2.7            2.7.8-11
ii  libstdc++6              4.9.1-19
ii  libsvn1                 1.8.10-4
ii  libvala-0.26-0          0.26.1-1
ii  libvte-2.91-0           0.38.1-1
ii  libwebkit2gtk-3.0-25    2.4.7-2
ii  libxml2                 2.9.1+dfsg1-4

Versions of packages anjuta recommends:
ii  autoconf                2.69-8
ii  autogen                 1:5.18.4-3
ii  automake                1:1.14.1-4
ii  g++                     4:4.9.1-5
ii  gcc                     4:4.9.1-5
ii  gdb                     7.7.1+dfsg-5
ii  intltool                0.50.2-2
ii  liblocale-gettext-perl  1.05-8+b1
ii  libtool                 2.4.2-1.11
ii  make                    4.0-8
pn  valac                   <none>
ii  yelp                    3.14.1-1

Versions of packages anjuta suggests:
ii  gjs                     1.42.0-1
ii  glade                   3.18.3-1
ii  libgtk-3-dev            3.14.4-2
pn  libgtkmm-3.0-dev        <none>
pn  python-distutils-extra  <none>
pn  python-rope             <none>

-- no debconf information

Information forwarded
to, Debian GNOME Maintainers <>:
Bug#771481; Package anjuta.
(Tue, 13 Dec 2016 12:45:06 GMT) (full text, mbox, link).

Acknowledgement sent
to "Farkas, Joe" <>:
Extra info received and forwarded to list. Copy sent to Debian GNOME Maintainers <>.
(Tue, 13 Dec 2016 12:45:06 GMT) (full text, mbox, link).

Message #10 received at (full text, mbox, reply):

[Message part 1 (text/plain, inline)]
                I am getting the same exact results, running Ubuntu 16.10 X64 release on an Intel Quad core X64 machine. I get this result just starting a new WX C++ project in Anjuta.

Joe Farkas

[Message part 2 (text/html, inline)]

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  • Error you must be logged in as an administrator when installing this program
  • Error you have missing monobehaviours on your gameobjects
  • Error you cannot perform this operation unless you are root
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