Error you need to load the kernel first ubuntu

Пытался установить elementary os, а потом и ubuntu 18.04. Но возникла одна и та же ошибка при установке.
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Тема: you need to load the kernel first  (Прочитано 3768 раз)

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Пытался установить elementary os, а потом и ubuntu 18.04. Но возникла одна и та же ошибка при установке. Ноутбук выводит error: you need to load the kernel first.
Ноутбук: Asus x556uq
Intel Core i3 6100 2.30GHz
geforce 940mx
Windows 10

На компьютере стоит Linux Mint 19.1 и тут тоже какие проблемы с установкой  :idiot2:.
Если кто-нибудь сталкивался с такой проблемой, прошу вашей помощи.


you need to load the kernel first

Собственно все сказано, сначала загрузите ядро, потом что-то требуйте.
Похоже, что загрузчик не может найти ядро.

ошибка при установке.

При установке? Или при попытке загрузки установленной системы?


you need to load the kernel first

Собственно все сказано, сначала загрузите ядро, потом что-то требуйте.
Похоже, что загрузчик не может найти ядро.

ошибка при установке.

При установке? Или при попытке загрузки установленной системы?

Я бы это назвал при попытке установки.
Хорошо, натыкался уже на сообщения что связано с ядром. Но теперь вполне логичный вопрос: «Как решить эту проблемы?»


Я бы это назвал при попытке установки

Т.е. при загрузке с установочного образа в меню выбираете «Try Ubuntu…». После этого появляется названная ошибка.


Я бы это назвал при попытке установки

Т.е. при загрузке с установочного образа в меню выбираете «Try Ubuntu…». После этого появляется названная ошибка.

Неважно что выбираю: «Try ubuntu without installing»  или «instal ubuntu». Вообщем все действия приводят к этой ошибке.


Устанавливаете с флешки?  Или имеющимя грубом запускаете установку из исо-образа.


Устанавливаете с флешки?  Или имеющимя грубом запускаете установку из исо-образа.

С флешки.


С флешки.

Тогда выходит, что неправильно сделана флешка.
У тебя есть установленная, запускающаяся *бунту. Если есть, то настроить загрузку из исо-образа и попробовать загрузить.


С флешки.

Тогда выходит, что неправильно сделана флешка.
У тебя есть установленная, запускающаяся *бунту. Если есть, то настроить загрузку из исо-образа и попробовать загрузить.

Я делал образ и с Rufus’а, UltraIso. Несколько раз, по-разному. Все одинаково.


Никогда не пользовался руфусами-унетботинами. Давным-давно, когда этих программ еще в помине не было, один раз делал флешку  программой, встроенной в Ubuntu.
С тех пор… Загрузочная флешка — это флешка, на которой установлен загрузчик. Все остальное только мешает.
В принципе, можно установить Ubuntu, имея одно устройство.


На компьютере стоит Linux Mint 19.1

вот это упустили из виду.  граб требует именно для него ядро точней даже версию его пишет какое нужно поставить для работаспособности.
сталкивался уже с этим

выход один поставить это ядро)

Собственно все сказано, сначала загрузите ядро, потом что-то требуйте.

вот вам тоже верно написали если оно есть его нужно запустить,прописать на запуск

« Последнее редактирование: 22 Мая 2019, 22:51:41 от johnyx »

Kubuntu 18.04.2. kdeNeon 5.15.2. Ubuntu 18.04.2 server webmin vps. 3xWindows 10. (android 7.1.2 miui10 global 9.2.28)  (android 4.2.2) (samsung p3100 Lineage os)

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If you are trying to install Ubuntu[]

1. Ensuring your CD/DVD or USB flash drive burned/written correctly and not damaged:[]

  • How to MD5 test Ubuntu ISOs. See also: Where to find the checksums of Ubuntu ISO images?
  • Check out these steps to see how to check your CD once you boot into it to make sure it’s ready to go.
  • Verify the integrity of the burned CD/DVD or written USB flash drive (this also checks that it’s accessible by the computer on which you wish to install).

2. Black/purple screen when you try to boot the LiveCD[]

The Ubuntu installer’s startup portion is sometimes incompatible with
certain graphics cards. Fixing it and getting to the Ubuntu Desktop to
try or install it can often be surprisingly easy fix: the nomodeset parameter. To see if it works for you:

  • Boot from the Desktop Live CD and press the key when you see the below:
  • Press Enter and select English:
  • Press F6, use the keys to go down to nomodeset, and press Enter. An x will appear to its left. Then press Esc, and press Enter to «Try Ubuntu without installing.»

You can also try acpi = off and nolapic if nomodset also shows up as a black screen.


«you need to load kernel first» and «can not read file/cd0» errors[]

when installing to an UEFI capable machine:[]

Ubuntu’s installer ‘when attempting to run in UEFI mode) will hang
and stop due to different manufacturer’s implementations of the UEFI
specification and will hang in different ways.
To identify if your machine is booting in installer UEFI mode you will

REF: UEFI Community Ubuntu Documentation Section 2.4

=== If your machine is CSM capable (which is a full UEFI implementation
with an emulated BIOS layer) after selecting any option from the grub
list the system will hang at a black screen. ===

The picture above actually only confirms your DVD/USB booted using
UEFI and there will be some means in firmware settings to ensure drives
are booted in order to make the UEFI installer run (a solution may
possibly be as simple as ensuring SATA is set to AHCI) — check your
vendors manual! Also check the UEFI Community Documentation Section 2.3 for more details.

What you need to do first is to disable SECURE BOOT in the firmware settings.
If that does not get the Ubuntu installer running, try disabling anything mentioning UEFI in the firmware settings.
If you cannot find UEFI settings then enable CSM — this will disable the
UEFI booting of the installer and then allow a legacy/BIOS install of
Installing grub-efi afterwards will allow UEFI to be re-enabled. Again refer to UEFI Community Ubuntu Documentation at Section 4

=== Some machines use a full BIOS with an emulated UEFI layer which may
throw errors as described ie «you need to load the kernel first» and
«can not read file/cd0» ===

Not all of these machines implement Secure Boot. Simply selecting
UEFI in the BIOS settings will configure UEFI mode on hard drives. There
is no solution for these errors and the workaround is to disable UEFI
to enable the Ubuntu installer to run in legacy mode; after which
boot-repair can be used to install grub-efi which then
allows/needs UEFI switched back on before Ubuntu will boot using UEFI.
Once again refer to the UEFI Community Ubuntu Documentation at Section 4

Black/purple screen after you boot Ubuntu for the first time[]

This usually happens because you have an Nvidia or AMD graphics card, or a laptop with Optimus or switchable/hybrid graphics, and Ubuntu does not have the proprietary drivers installed to allow it to work with these.

The solution is to boot Ubuntu once in nomodeset mode (your screen may look weird) to bypass the black screen, download and install the drivers, and then reboot to fix it for ever.

  • Start your computer, and press the Right Shift when booting up, to get the Grub menu. Use the keys to navigate/highlight the entry you want (usually the first one).
  • Press e to edit that entry, which will show you the details:
  • Find the linux entry as shown above, use the keys to get to it, and then press the End key to get to that line’s end (which may be on the next line!).
    • Enter nomodeset as shown, and press Ctrl+X to boot to where you can successfully install your graphics drivers.

If you are running Ubuntu 12.04 or 12.10, and have a ATI/AMD graphics card, you have to follow the instructions here, otherwise you will run into this problem every time you restart your computer.

LUKS encryption[]

In case you’ve installed Ubuntu with LUKS encryption / LVM option, it
could be that Ubuntu just asks you for your password — and you cannot
see it.
If you have a black screen, try pressing Alt+ and then Alt+ to switch your tty, this may bring back the password query and turn backlight back on.

If you have a purple screen (maybe you need to set the nomodeset-option
also?) and you have encrypted your complete Ubuntu installation, try to
just type your encryption/LUKS-password after waiting some seconds (or
minutes, just to be sure) and continue with a press on Enter. If this is successfull, you should see your Login-screen just a few seconds later.

  1. Try the Alternate Installer — this is a text based installer that might work better than the liveCD depending on your hardware.

If you do this, you may get a black screen before you even hit grub. A simple Ctrl+Alt+Del gets some users to a usable grub screen

  1. If you have an Nvidia Optimus card you should NOT install nvidia drivers, just use the built in driver, see here:
    • Is a NVIDIA GeForce with Optimus Technology supported by Ubuntu?
  1. After selecting boot options you have the opportunity to edit the boot flags manually using your keyboard. Replace quiet splash with no splash
to get an idea of what step your system is failing at. Using that 

information search the forums or the internet for answers from the

  1. If you still can’t install Ubuntu then unfortunately you’ve probably run into a hardware specific bug, please see here: How do I report a bug?

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  • [ubuntu] GRUB2: Error: You need to load the kernel first. No Solutions.

  1. Re: GRUB2: Error: You need to load the kernel first. No Solutions.

    This might be a bit late as I imagine many have just moved on to 10.04 but for those of you that haven’t and any others who just want to fix 9.10 please read on…

    I too encountered this error on 9.10 after a kernel upgrade (to -19) and I foolishly removed the old kernels without testing. Mine is NOT a Wubi install either (its dual boot XP with 9.10 installed to a ext4 partition).

    Not sure if it’ll work for others but I found that for some reason Grub2 gets it wrong. In the .cfg it counts the first partition as 0 rather than 1 so its one out.

    In mine:

    but Linux is on sda7 so I changed it to
    and it booted fine!

    I edited my /boot/grub/grub.cfg from a live cd but you should only need to edit the boot entry in grub itself (while booting). Once your desktop loads, update the kernel (I used Synaptic but obviously CLI or Update Manager are fine) and you should be good to go. Installing a new kernel will trigger grub to update (and fix) grub.cfg.
    Worked for me anyway.

  2. Re: GRUB2: Error: You need to load the kernel first. No Solutions.

    Sorry I never replied back to this, but the hard drive that Karmic is still on is dying (270 bad sectors!!!), so I just disconnected it completely. I don’t think that really had anything to do with it loading though. I could get it to boot, but I think it might have mounted the ext4 as ext3 cause there were some serioussss problems. I have a server on another computer now and it runs lucid with grub2 and ext4, so far I have had no problems. Although today I just an update-grub…

  3. Re: GRUB2: Error: You need to load the kernel first. No Solutions.

    Quote Originally Posted by JedMeister
    View Post

    This might be a bit late as I imagine many have just moved on to 10.04 but for those of you that haven’t and any others who just want to fix 9.10 please read on…

    I too encountered this error on 9.10 after a kernel upgrade (to -19) and I foolishly removed the old kernels without testing. Mine is NOT a Wubi install either (its dual boot XP with 9.10 installed to a ext4 partition).

    Not sure if it’ll work for others but I found that for some reason Grub2 gets it wrong. In the .cfg it counts the first partition as 0 rather than 1 so its one out.

    In mine:

    but Linux is on sda7 so I changed it to

    and it booted fine!

    hi guys,

    same problem over here….i still do get the «you need to load kernel first» message when booting my mac over usb (with linux 10.04 iso file and grub2 on it) via rEFIt. when it comes to grub2 bootloader screen, i choose option «a» an it says this stupid thing…

    can you tell me where your posted code within the grub.cfg file is located? i can’t find anything similar to this within my .cfg file….

    thanks 4 help x)

  4. Re: GRUB2: Error: You need to load the kernel first. No Solutions.

    Quote Originally Posted by radicalx
    View Post

    i still do get the «you need to load kernel first» message when booting my mac over usb (with linux 10.04 iso file and grub2 on it) via rEFIt.

    ISO file? You don’t have it installed yet?
    The discussion here is about a hdd installation of ubuntu, not booting in live mode from cd/usb.
    I’m not sure why it would give that error if you are really only trying to boot in live mode.

    Ubuntu 18.04 LTS 64bit

  5. Re: GRUB2: Error: You need to load the kernel first. No Solutions.

    I have the same problem, however it’s with build 2.6.31-22.
    my previous kernel 2.6.31-14 is working fine which i didn’t deleted after updating to the present. But I want to know a solution to load the updated kernel , Can any one please help me as I am new to Linux

  6. Re: GRUB2: Error: You need to load the kernel first. No Solutions.

    Quote Originally Posted by rajbptl
    View Post

    I have the same problem, however it’s with build 2.6.31-22.
    my previous kernel 2.6.31-14 is working fine which i didn’t deleted after updating to the present. But I want to know a solution to load the updated kernel , Can any one please help me as I am new to Linux

    Have you tried the solution I posted above?

  7. Re: GRUB2: Error: You need to load the kernel first. No Solutions.

    Quote Originally Posted by JedMeister
    View Post

    Have you tried the solution I posted above?

    I tried set root=(hd0,6) set root=(hd0,7)and got bash: syntax error near unexpected token `(‘. I tried set root=hd06 I tried set root=hd0,6 and nothing happened.

  8. Re: GRUB2: Error: You need to load the kernel first. No Solutions.

    Quote Originally Posted by Camilia
    View Post

    I tried set root=(hd0,6) set root=(hd0,7)and got bash: syntax error near unexpected token `(‘. I tried set root=hd06 I tried set root=hd0,6 and nothing happened.


    Is your Ubuntu install on sda6 or sda7? That is not a common partition to install it on although it could be there. If you don’t know which partition it is on, you can type «ls» at the grub prompt and it will show you which drives (hdX) and partitions (hdX,Y) it sees.

  9. Re: GRUB2: Error: You need to load the kernel first. No Solutions.

    Quote Originally Posted by Camilia
    View Post

    I tried set root=(hd0,6) set root=(hd0,7)and got bash: syntax error near unexpected token `(‘. I tried set root=hd06 I tried set root=hd0,6 and nothing happened.

    Although I said that it should work from Grub on boot up, perhaps not? As I stated above, my Linux install was sda7 and manually editing the line in the grub config file to set root=(hd0,7) did the trick for me (all I did was change the ‘6’ that was there to a ‘7’ — everything else was left exactly the same). The file to edit is /boot/grub/grub.cfg To edit it I booted from a LiveCD and mounted the filesystem. I think I’ve updated the kernel since my original post on this thread but I definitely haven’t had the same problem again. I put it down to a specific issue that has since been resolved.

    I’d definitely consider drs305’s suggestion to check which partition your Linux install lives on (perhaps you don’t even have an sda6 or sda7?

    Beyond that I’m not sure what suggestions to offer you sorry.

    Last edited by JedMeister; September 22nd, 2010 at 06:26 AM.

  10. Re: GRUB2: Error: You need to load the kernel first. No Solutions.

    Quote Originally Posted by Camilia
    View Post

    I tried set root=(hd0,6) set root=(hd0,7)and got bash: syntax error near unexpected token `(‘. I tried set root=hd06 I tried set root=hd0,6 and nothing happened.

    bash: syntax error near unexpected token `(‘

    got the same error on my end, replacing () by [] did the trick

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Bob M

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Error: you need to load the kernel first.

Ok, a mates computer died so he purchased a new Acer Aspire C-24.

However, it came with Windows10 and he didn’t want Windows10 so asked me to wipe Windows10 and install Mint 19.3.

This I did, but on first boot I get a message Error: you need to load the kernel first.

The installation of Mint 19.3 seemed quite normal.

Above my head I’m afraid, what now? :oops:

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Re: Error: you need to load the kernel first.


by Reddog1 » Tue Nov 30, 2021 7:46 pm

I suspect this machine has an Insyde bios. In order to load uefi the Mint (labeled ‘ubuntu’) must be registered by the bios. This requires that a bios password be set, and when it is some grayed out options will be activated. I believe what you want is in the ‘Security’ section where you can ‘Select A UEFI File as Trusted’ option to search for a valid uefi to boot. Once that is done you will have the ubuntu option that will allow you to boot Mint. If you are getting the GRUB screen before the load kernel error, there is a System Setup option in the menu which allows you to boot to the bios password screen and then you can choose to search for a valid uefi in the bios Security section, after you type your bios password.

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