Esxi fatal error 11 volume corrupted

vmware ESXi 5.5 server boot issue I have three vmware ESXi physical servers, two are on version 5.1 and one is on version 5.5. i had to power off all of the esxi hosts the other night to move some power points and the two v5.1 rebooted fine and i restarted all the VM […]


  1. vmware ESXi 5.5 server boot issue
  2. Fatal error: 11 (volume corrupted)
  3. Ensure AV Gear Plays Nice on the Corporate Network
  4. 6 Replies
  5. Read these next.
  6. Snap! — LifeLock Breach, Secret AI, Reversible Aging, Brain Fog?
  7. File Permissions
  8. Spark! Pro series – 16th January 2023
  9. How do you like to learn?
  10. poor wifi, school’s third floor
  11. esxi volume corrupted
  12. Popular Topics in VMware
  13. 8 Replies
  14. Read these next.
  15. Snap! — LifeLock Breach, Secret AI, Reversible Aging, Brain Fog?
  16. File Permissions
  17. Spark! Pro series – 16th January 2023
  18. How do you like to learn?
  19. poor wifi, school’s third floor
  20. Esxi fatal error 11 volume corrupted
  21. Fatal error:11
  22. state.tgz

vmware ESXi 5.5 server boot issue

I have three vmware ESXi physical servers, two are on version 5.1 and one is on version 5.5.

i had to power off all of the esxi hosts the other night to move some power points and the two v5.1 rebooted fine and i restarted all the VM servers (5 w2008 on each).

however the esxi v5.5 errored on this boot message (in red)

error loading /xorg.v00
fatal error 11 volume corrupt

All three servers are HP DL360 G5 with dual 3Ghz CPUs, 32GB RAM and multiple RAID configurations.

my questions are:

1. does anyone know what this error relates to?
2. can i re-install the ESXi 5.5 O/S «over the top» WITHOUT losing the two virtual servers on that host?
3. I have see some reference to this error being related to USB / hardware issues?
I don’t recall if I installed the ESXi O/S via a DVD or USB now, but it would have been rebooted a few times since its install, normally remotely.

any help would be appreciated.

According to this reference it could be related to hardware and indeed could be USB as well .

If your VM’s are located on a local datastore you can re-install VMware and preserve the local datastore

Hi, thanks. Yes local datastores on each host, I have today looked on HP’s site as well and they suggest using their images for correct driver comparability, they also only mention the HP DL360G»8″ as compatible with esxi v5.5 and mine is a G5, but I think I will try reinstalling the original esxi v5.5 media over the top, just to get the two servers on it backed up and then maybe install the esxi from HPs media from scratch, its just i need the data from one of the servers before i try anything else.

So I assume from your post its possible to install the esxi over the top and preseve the datstore, if so thats ideal.


this turned out to be a faulty hard drive, let me explain the drive configuration first before I say what’s the new issue.

ESXi Host: «vmware3»
Drive 1: SAS 2.5″ 36GB — ESXi v5.5 (Faulty)
Drives x 5 : SAS 2.5″ 146GB in RAID5 (called Datastore3)

1. replaced 36GB drive and run setup from DVD of version ESXi 5.5
2. installed ESXi with same name and IP (no prompt for datastore)
3. vSphere client: logged in and can see the server had created itself as a datastore but the «Datastore3» can be seen and browsed, but no virtual PCs are listed so I can power on.
4. create a new virtual server just to see I can write to datastore 3 — ok
5. decide to browse and move (migrate) the original virtual server to one of the other VMs, this works but still can not see the server listed to power on? the files are there but no server listed.

am I missing a step here? I did re-apply the license to the server after install and vcenter sees it all fine.


Fatal error: 11 (volume corrupted)

I have inherited a VMware server that is giving me the following error.

It is a Linux server I believe it says VMware ESXi when loading. I do not see any specific version numbers.

Error Loading /misc-dri.v00

Fatal error: 11 (Volume corrupted)

There are 4 virtual Windows 2008 servers on it. They were all sluggish so i rebooted the whole system and then started getting the error.

Am i dead in the water? is there any safe mode or recovery mode I can boot into?

Thanks in advance.

Ensure AV Gear Plays Nice on the Corporate Network

I am confused here.

Why would you reboot the servers without a backup plan?

Sorry for being so harsh, but we need more information.

I don’t have much information

its a Dell Power Edge t410

Perc h700 adapter raid 5 with 2 virtual 1800 GB and 433.5 gb drives

The error i believe means it’s a corrupted file or faulty media if ESXi is installed on a USB or SD card.

Since it’s a Dell, are you still in your support contract for the server? I’d find your Dell rep, or the last email from Dell, and reach out to them. They will be able to walk you through a recovery since you seem to need some drastic help right now.

If you’re out of support coverage, there seems to be a few tutorials for getting this going again when I hit up Google. Scroll down past all the links .

Thank you I will check out those options

Thank you -Corbin- I was able to get it back up and running by reinstalling VMWare and choosing not to overwrite the data stores.

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Snap! — LifeLock Breach, Secret AI, Reversible Aging, Brain Fog?

Your daily dose of tech news, in brief. Welcome to the Snap! Flashback: January 16, 1956: SAGE Is Disclosed to the Public (Read more HERE.) Bonus Flashback: January 16, 1969: Soyuz 4 & 5 Make History (Read more HERE.) You need to hear .

File Permissions

Hi All,Last week my work asked me to remove all Security groups and set access levels per user. They also have decided that the no longer want these at Folder level but would rather it was File level across the whole server.The reason for this , They say .

Spark! Pro series – 16th January 2023

It is a new week, full of endless opportunities and possibilities. Let’s make the most of it! Just a reminder, if you are reading the Spark!, Spice it up. We like it spicy here! Today in History: NASA’s.

How do you like to learn?

There is a lot of buzz and actually also controversy about learning styles and multiple intelligences in the way that we think about learning, so not taking a side here and saying that it is a magical code that will unlock our ability to do all things. T.

poor wifi, school’s third floor

I work as a help desk technician at a high school for a school district. Teachers/students on the building’s third floor have been reporting poor wifi, with their Chromebooks/laptops etc experiencing slow connectivity and random disconnections. We hav.


esxi volume corrupted

My ESXi host doesn’t boot. It stops after a few seconds with the error in the photo. I need to copy a VM from local storage to a NAS. What are my options?

Popular Topics in VMware

Is ESXi installed on the same volume where your VMs are stored? Or a different one?

If different, I’d recommend that you re-install ESXi (preferably on a different disk; I’d try install to a USB drive), at which point you should be able to access your VM files and copy them to different storage.

If your VMs are stored on the corrupt volume, you may be completely out of luck. It would be worth putting a ticket in to VMware and seeing if they an assist with recovering data off the corrupt volume.

Another vote for installing to USB.

Also, here’s a recent thread from another Spicehead who had a corrupt volume. You may find further ideas here: http:/ / topic/ 413555-vm-host-datastore-corruption

If this is the volume where your ESXi is installed — re-install.

If this is the volume where your VMs are stored — call VMware.

If you are unsure — call VMware.

Another vote for installing to USB.

Agree’d Makes this troubleshooting a lot easier. You might go ahead and do this, and then use VMFStools to see what you can see on the corrupted volume.

If this is the volume where your ESXi is installed — re-install.

If this is the volume where your VMs are stored — call VMware.

If you are unsure — call VMware.

This is one of the best reasons to choose vmware over Hyper-V. Support. You’ll at least know today if your looking at dataloss or not.

I installed ESXi in a USB drive. However it didn’t finished the boot. I pressed F12 to access the log and it seems that it was in a loop trying to mount the corrupted volume. The server had two disks. I knew the VM was on the second one and I suspected the ESXi was on the first. So I disconnected the first disk and voilà, ESXi booted. Now I’m copying the VM to the NAS. Thank you very much.

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Snap! — LifeLock Breach, Secret AI, Reversible Aging, Brain Fog?

Your daily dose of tech news, in brief. Welcome to the Snap! Flashback: January 16, 1956: SAGE Is Disclosed to the Public (Read more HERE.) Bonus Flashback: January 16, 1969: Soyuz 4 & 5 Make History (Read more HERE.) You need to hear .

File Permissions

Hi All,Last week my work asked me to remove all Security groups and set access levels per user. They also have decided that the no longer want these at Folder level but would rather it was File level across the whole server.The reason for this , They say .

Spark! Pro series – 16th January 2023

It is a new week, full of endless opportunities and possibilities. Let’s make the most of it! Just a reminder, if you are reading the Spark!, Spice it up. We like it spicy here! Today in History: NASA’s.

How do you like to learn?

There is a lot of buzz and actually also controversy about learning styles and multiple intelligences in the way that we think about learning, so not taking a side here and saying that it is a magical code that will unlock our ability to do all things. T.

poor wifi, school’s third floor

I work as a help desk technician at a high school for a school district. Teachers/students on the building’s third floor have been reporting poor wifi, with their Chromebooks/laptops etc experiencing slow connectivity and random disconnections. We hav.


Esxi fatal error 11 volume corrupted

The server had a drive go bad. I replaced it but it wouldn’t join. So I had to power down all the hosts and put the server into maintenance mode.

I powered it off then set the drive to global guest and it started to rebuild the drive. When the server powered back up I was showing this error I have attached. I rebooted again and hit the option for recovery and selected the last set point. The server then booted up and I was shown the yellow screen all looked well. I tried to login to then power up the hosts on the server and the password that was setup before all this no longer works. I tried all the passwords that I could think of and blank and still nothing I don’t have anything monitoring that has been disabled. the server and the username I am using is root.

Fatal error:11


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You can give more details
the ESXI host disks are internal (inside the server).
ESXI host disks are external in some Storage, which brand.
Do you have RAID configured? and what type (RAID 5, RAID 6 or RAID 1)
Do you have vSAN configured?
Do you have a vCenter to manage the ESXi Host?

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You can give more details
the ESXI host disks are internal (inside the server). — Yes they are internal
ESXI host disks are external in some Storage, which brand. — No
Do you have RAID configured? and what type (RAID 5, RAID 6 or RAID 1) Raid 5
Do you have vSAN configured? — No
Do you have a vCenter to manage the ESXi Host? Yes- But I had it setup so I could also login local as well. I cant login local, ssh or web.

Some of the hosts had been installed on the same storage as esxi not sure if thats a issue also. This is the part that had the drive go bad.

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For all visitors that use the normal vmware-slang your post does not make a lot of sense.
> Some of the hosts had been installed on the same storage as esxi not sure if thats a issue also.
In normal vmware-slang hosts are ESXi-servers — you use «hosts» to talk about VMs instead.
If you want answers I recommend to avoid problems and just adapt to the slang we all use here.

Your screenshot looks like the Fat-filesystem of the bootbank partition is corrupt.
The corruption may affect only the state.tgz (which stores your current config, passwords and so on)
but that is quite unlikely.
Raid 5 rebuilds tend to corrupt VMFS-volumes and so you may have a more serious problem than a harmless «cant login» issue.
Suggestion: Install a fresh ESXi to a USB-boot-stick — make sure not to overwrite any existing datastores.
Then check if the new ESXi still can use the original datastore and if the VMs (or what you call hosts) are still readable.
Be careful when you try this — it is super easy to misconfigure the new install and do a lot of harm.

I would suggest to boot into your favorite Linux LiveCD first and check the VMFS-datastore before you try any more dangerous options.

Do you need support with a VMFS recovery problem ? — send a message via skype «sanbarrow»
I do not support Workstation 16 at this time .


Posted by Mike6835 2017-10-27T14:51:18Z

Hello All,

I have inherited a VMware server that is giving me the following error.

It is a Linux server I believe it says VMware ESXi when loading. I do not see any specific version numbers.

Error Loading /misc-dri.v00

Fatal error: 11 (Volume corrupted)

There are 4 virtual Windows 2008 servers on it.  They were all sluggish so i rebooted the whole system and then started getting the error.

Am i dead in the water?  is there any safe mode or recovery mode I can boot into?

Thanks in advance.


6 Replies

  • Author Cameron Frost


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    thai pepper

    I am confused here….

    Why would you reboot the servers without a backup plan?

    Sorry for being so harsh, but we need more information.

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  • Author Mike Piccini

    I don’t have much information

    its a Dell Power Edge t410

    16GB of ram

    Perc h700 adapter raid 5 with 2 virtual 1800 GB and 433.5 gb drives

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  • Author Corbin M.


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    thai pepper

    The error i believe means it’s a corrupted file or faulty media if ESXi is installed on a USB or SD card. 

    Since it’s a Dell, are you still in your support contract for the server? I’d find your Dell rep, or the last email from Dell, and reach out to them. They will be able to walk you through a recovery since you seem to need some drastic help right now.

    Was this post helpful?

  • Author Corbin M.


    This person is a Verified Professional

    This person is a verified professional.

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    to enable IT peers to see that you are a professional.

    thai pepper

    If you’re out of support coverage, there seems to be a few tutorials for getting this going again when I hit up Google.  Scroll down past all the links .… Opens a new window

    Was this post helpful?

  • Author Mike Piccini

    Thank you I will check out those options

    Was this post helpful?

  • Author Mike Piccini

    Thank you -Corbin- I was able to get it back up and running by reinstalling VMWare and choosing not to overwrite the data stores.

    Was this post helpful?

Fatal error: 11 (volume corrupted)

I have inherited a VMware server that is giving me the following error.

It is a Linux server I believe it says VMware ESXi when loading. I do not see any specific version numbers.

Error Loading /misc-dri.v00

Fatal error: 11 (Volume corrupted)

There are 4 virtual Windows 2008 servers on it. They were all sluggish so i rebooted the whole system and then started getting the error.

Am i dead in the water? is there any safe mode or recovery mode I can boot into?

Thanks in advance.

Popular Topics in VMware

6 Replies

I am confused here.

Why would you reboot the servers without a backup plan?

Sorry for being so harsh, but we need more information.

I don’t have much information

its a Dell Power Edge t410

Perc h700 adapter raid 5 with 2 virtual 1800 GB and 433.5 gb drives

The error i believe means it’s a corrupted file or faulty media if ESXi is installed on a USB or SD card.

Since it’s a Dell, are you still in your support contract for the server? I’d find your Dell rep, or the last email from Dell, and reach out to them. They will be able to walk you through a recovery since you seem to need some drastic help right now.

If you’re out of support coverage, there seems to be a few tutorials for getting this going again when I hit up Google. Scroll down past all the links .

Thank you I will check out those options

Thank you -Corbin- I was able to get it back up and running by reinstalling VMWare and choosing not to overwrite the data stores.

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System-Root Full — 5230 Appliance

Before I begin, I know this appliance is EOL, but I need to keep it around for historical reasons. I have already reached out to support, they can’t help. I also have posted this on the VOX Community I have an issue with my 5230 appliance (I know it’s .

Snap! — Eyeless Telescope, John Deere Caves, AI-Simulated Voices, Flipper Zero

Your daily dose of tech news, in brief. Welcome to the Snap! Flashback: Back on January 10, 1938: Donald Ervin Knuth, best known for The Art of Computer Programming, is born (Read more HERE.) Bonus Flashback: Back on January 10, 1946: Rad.

Spark! Pro Series — 10 January 2023

Not a lot of tech history today. A few interesting space tidbits, and some great birthdays!Today in History: 10 January 1878 – US Senate proposes female suffrage 1901 – Oil discovered at Spindletop, Beaumont, ma.

dual boot windows and ubuntu

hi all,i have installed ubuntu alongside windows on a laptop, (i used the ubuntu installation when it came into partitioning the disk)trouble is now instead of booting up and asking what OS to use, it automatically boots up into windows every time, the on.

Nerd Journey # 201 — Generate Depth On-Demand with Yvette Edwards (1/2)

Sometimes we don’t learn about a career path or role until someone tells us about it. Yvette Edwards was a young developer who was encouraged to attend a career fair by a colleague. At that career fair she took the time to learn about the role of a sale.


vmware ESXi 5.5 server boot issue

I have three vmware ESXi physical servers, two are on version 5.1 and one is on version 5.5.

i had to power off all of the esxi hosts the other night to move some power points and the two v5.1 rebooted fine and i restarted all the VM servers (5 w2008 on each).

however the esxi v5.5 errored on this boot message (in red)

error loading /xorg.v00
fatal error 11 volume corrupt

All three servers are HP DL360 G5 with dual 3Ghz CPUs, 32GB RAM and multiple RAID configurations.

my questions are:

1. does anyone know what this error relates to?
2. can i re-install the ESXi 5.5 O/S «over the top» WITHOUT losing the two virtual servers on that host?
3. I have see some reference to this error being related to USB / hardware issues?
I don’t recall if I installed the ESXi O/S via a DVD or USB now, but it would have been rebooted a few times since its install, normally remotely.

any help would be appreciated.

According to this reference it could be related to hardware and indeed could be USB as well .

If your VM’s are located on a local datastore you can re-install VMware and preserve the local datastore

Hi, thanks. Yes local datastores on each host, I have today looked on HP’s site as well and they suggest using their images for correct driver comparability, they also only mention the HP DL360G»8″ as compatible with esxi v5.5 and mine is a G5, but I think I will try reinstalling the original esxi v5.5 media over the top, just to get the two servers on it backed up and then maybe install the esxi from HPs media from scratch, its just i need the data from one of the servers before i try anything else.

So I assume from your post its possible to install the esxi over the top and preseve the datstore, if so thats ideal.


this turned out to be a faulty hard drive, let me explain the drive configuration first before I say what’s the new issue.

ESXi Host: «vmware3»
Drive 1: SAS 2.5″ 36GB — ESXi v5.5 (Faulty)
Drives x 5 : SAS 2.5″ 146GB in RAID5 (called Datastore3)

1. replaced 36GB drive and run setup from DVD of version ESXi 5.5
2. installed ESXi with same name and IP (no prompt for datastore)
3. vSphere client: logged in and can see the server had created itself as a datastore but the «Datastore3» can be seen and browsed, but no virtual PCs are listed so I can power on.
4. create a new virtual server just to see I can write to datastore 3 — ok
5. decide to browse and move (migrate) the original virtual server to one of the other VMs, this works but still can not see the server listed to power on? the files are there but no server listed.

am I missing a step here? I did re-apply the license to the server after install and vcenter sees it all fine.


esxi volume corrupted

My ESXi host doesn’t boot. It stops after a few seconds with the error in the photo. I need to copy a VM from local storage to a NAS. What are my options?

Popular Topics in VMware

8 Replies

Is ESXi installed on the same volume where your VMs are stored? Or a different one?

If different, I’d recommend that you re-install ESXi (preferably on a different disk; I’d try install to a USB drive), at which point you should be able to access your VM files and copy them to different storage.

If your VMs are stored on the corrupt volume, you may be completely out of luck. It would be worth putting a ticket in to VMware and seeing if they an assist with recovering data off the corrupt volume.

Another vote for installing to USB.

Also, here’s a recent thread from another Spicehead who had a corrupt volume. You may find further ideas here: http:/ / topic/ 413555-vm-host-datastore-corruption

If this is the volume where your ESXi is installed — re-install.

If this is the volume where your VMs are stored — call VMware.

If you are unsure — call VMware.

Another vote for installing to USB.

Agree’d Makes this troubleshooting a lot easier. You might go ahead and do this, and then use VMFStools to see what you can see on the corrupted volume.

If this is the volume where your ESXi is installed — re-install.

If this is the volume where your VMs are stored — call VMware.

If you are unsure — call VMware.

This is one of the best reasons to choose vmware over Hyper-V. Support. You’ll at least know today if your looking at dataloss or not.

I installed ESXi in a USB drive. However it didn’t finished the boot. I pressed F12 to access the log and it seems that it was in a loop trying to mount the corrupted volume. The server had two disks. I knew the VM was on the second one and I suspected the ESXi was on the first. So I disconnected the first disk and voilà, ESXi booted. Now I’m copying the VM to the NAS. Thank you very much.

This topic has been locked by an administrator and is no longer open for commenting.

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Read these next.

System-Root Full — 5230 Appliance

Before I begin, I know this appliance is EOL, but I need to keep it around for historical reasons. I have already reached out to support, they can’t help. I also have posted this on the VOX Community I have an issue with my 5230 appliance (I know it’s .

Snap! — Eyeless Telescope, John Deere Caves, AI-Simulated Voices, Flipper Zero

Your daily dose of tech news, in brief. Welcome to the Snap! Flashback: Back on January 10, 1938: Donald Ervin Knuth, best known for The Art of Computer Programming, is born (Read more HERE.) Bonus Flashback: Back on January 10, 1946: Rad.

Spark! Pro Series — 10 January 2023

Not a lot of tech history today. A few interesting space tidbits, and some great birthdays!Today in History: 10 January 1878 – US Senate proposes female suffrage 1901 – Oil discovered at Spindletop, Beaumont, ma.

dual boot windows and ubuntu

hi all,i have installed ubuntu alongside windows on a laptop, (i used the ubuntu installation when it came into partitioning the disk)trouble is now instead of booting up and asking what OS to use, it automatically boots up into windows every time, the on.

Nerd Journey # 201 — Generate Depth On-Demand with Yvette Edwards (1/2)

Sometimes we don’t learn about a career path or role until someone tells us about it. Yvette Edwards was a young developer who was encouraged to attend a career fair by a colleague. At that career fair she took the time to learn about the role of a sale.


Esxi fatal error 11 volume corrupted

The server had a drive go bad. I replaced it but it wouldn’t join. So I had to power down all the hosts and put the server into maintenance mode.

I powered it off then set the drive to global guest and it started to rebuild the drive. When the server powered back up I was showing this error I have attached. I rebooted again and hit the option for recovery and selected the last set point. The server then booted up and I was shown the yellow screen all looked well. I tried to login to then power up the hosts on the server and the password that was setup before all this no longer works. I tried all the passwords that I could think of and blank and still nothing I don’t have anything monitoring that has been disabled. the server and the username I am using is root.

Fatal error:11


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You can give more details
the ESXI host disks are internal (inside the server).
ESXI host disks are external in some Storage, which brand.
Do you have RAID configured? and what type (RAID 5, RAID 6 or RAID 1)
Do you have vSAN configured?
Do you have a vCenter to manage the ESXi Host?

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You can give more details
the ESXI host disks are internal (inside the server). — Yes they are internal
ESXI host disks are external in some Storage, which brand. — No
Do you have RAID configured? and what type (RAID 5, RAID 6 or RAID 1) Raid 5
Do you have vSAN configured? — No
Do you have a vCenter to manage the ESXi Host? Yes- But I had it setup so I could also login local as well. I cant login local, ssh or web.

Some of the hosts had been installed on the same storage as esxi not sure if thats a issue also. This is the part that had the drive go bad.

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For all visitors that use the normal vmware-slang your post does not make a lot of sense.
> Some of the hosts had been installed on the same storage as esxi not sure if thats a issue also.
In normal vmware-slang hosts are ESXi-servers — you use «hosts» to talk about VMs instead.
If you want answers I recommend to avoid problems and just adapt to the slang we all use here.

Your screenshot looks like the Fat-filesystem of the bootbank partition is corrupt.
The corruption may affect only the state.tgz (which stores your current config, passwords and so on)
but that is quite unlikely.
Raid 5 rebuilds tend to corrupt VMFS-volumes and so you may have a more serious problem than a harmless «cant login» issue.
Suggestion: Install a fresh ESXi to a USB-boot-stick — make sure not to overwrite any existing datastores.
Then check if the new ESXi still can use the original datastore and if the VMs (or what you call hosts) are still readable.
Be careful when you try this — it is super easy to misconfigure the new install and do a lot of harm.

I would suggest to boot into your favorite Linux LiveCD first and check the VMFS-datastore before you try any more dangerous options.

Do you need support with a VMFS recovery problem ? — send a message via skype «sanbarrow»
I do not support Workstation 16 at this time .


While working on one of the ESXi Host I for the Below Boot Error after I have booted rebooted the ESXi Host: Fatal error: 8 (Device error).

ESXi Boot Error : Fatal error: 8 (Device error)

I got the Error Post Loading /S.v00. You might get a similar error while loading any other file like below:

Error loading /xorg.v00
Compressed MD5: d04cc03dd29bbe3fe547e9566f79674c
Decompressed MD5: 00000000000000000000000000000000
Fatal error: 8 (Device error).

So there are few reasons why you are getting this error. Generally, this issue happens when the ESXi Server is not able to load certain files into the Memory from the Hard Disk and this is caused by either the issues at the Device Level or there is some corruption at the Filesystem Level.

So Let’s take the scenarios in which you might see this error:

Scenario 1: Upgrading ESXi Host to another Version:

If you are facing this issue while doing the upgrade, it means that there could be some issues with the installation media which has corrupted the files on the Host Layer or there might be some corruption at the disk level.

In this scenario I will recommend you to rollback the Upgrade process using the steps below:

Steps to Rollback:
  • In the console screen of the ESXi host, press Ctrl+Alt+F2 to see the Direct Console User Interface (DCUI) screen.
  • Press F12 to view the shutdown options for the ESXi host.
  • Press F11 to reboot.
  • When the Hypervisor progress bar starts loading, press Shift+R. You will see the warning:
The current hypervisor will permanently be replaced with build: X.X.X-XXXXXX. Are you sure? [y/n]
  • Press Y to roll back the build.
  • Press Enter to boot.

While doing the Upgrade always think of the below issues as it can be the reason for your new installation not booting up as well as the upgraded system:

  • Hardware that is not listed in the VMware Hardware Compatibility Guide
  • A corrupt ESXi 5.x installation file supplied by a vendor.
  • A vendor-provided USB drive or CD/DVD media that is faulty
  • The boot device, such as a USB Flash Drive or SD Flash Card, that is being installed on is corrupt or faulty

Scenario 2: ESXi Reboot:

Let’s say that You have just rebooted the ESXi Host and now it’s not able to boot up. The first thing is don’t think that the server was running just fine and how suddenly it has gone corrupt as the ESXi Host runs from the Memory and Once you reboot you will need the Hard drive to copy the modules back to Memory. So if you have Not booted you Server from Last 200 Days, there are chances that it might not come up.

So in this scenario, you will have to understand, how the ESXi is Booting Up.

SD Card: 

If ESXi is booting up from the SD Card you can try to Turn-Off the ESXi Host and Take out the SD Card. Give it some time and try to Plug it Back up.

If it is still not booting up then it could be an issue with the SD card or there is come corruption at the File System Level and you will have to rebuild your ESXi Host.

Local Hard Disk:

Unfortunately, there are not a lot of options left for these people as it could be either some issues with the Hard Disk, Raid or Local Volume Issue from the Server or it could be an issue with the File System Level Corruption.

In this scenario, you will have to rebuild the Operating system from scratch.

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