Exception in thread main java lang error unresolved compilation problem invalid character constant

Read our article that sheds light on Exception in Thread “main” java.lang.error: unresolved compilation problem: error and helps you resolve it.

How to fix unresolved compilation problemsThe exception in thread “main” java.lang.error: unresolved compilation problem: usually occurs due to syntax or typographical errors. Also, you might get the same exception due to using unknown or undefined classes and modules. Surprisingly, this article will let you know about all the possible causes in detail.

Read on to find out the most relevant cause and solve it at the earliest.


  • Why Does Exception in Thread “main” java.lang.error: Unresolved Compilation Problem: Occur?
    • – The Class or Module Is Not Imported
    • – Using Non-existent Classes
    • – A Syntax Error Resulting in Exception in Thread “main” java.lang.error: Unresolved Compilation Problem:
    • – A Typographical Error
  • How To Fix the Compilation Exception?
    • – Import the Necessary Classes and Modules
    • – Remove or Replace the Undefined Classes
    • – How To Resolve Java Lang Error in Eclipse?
    • – Use an Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
  • FAQ
    • – What Is Unresolved Compilation Problem Java?
    • – What Is Exception in Thread Main Java Lang Error?
  • Wrapping Up

The unresolved compilation problems occur because of syntax mistakes and typos. Moreover, using unknown or undefined classes and modules throw the same error. Please go through the causes described below to better understand the issues:

– The Class or Module Is Not Imported

If you use a class or module without importing the same in your program, then you’ll get the said java lang error. It indicates that you are instantiating a class or using a module that is unknown to the stated program.

– Using Non-existent Classes

If you use a class that isn’t already defined, then the same exception will pop up on your screen.

– A Syntax Error Resulting in Exception in Thread “main” java.lang.error: Unresolved Compilation Problem:

Even a common syntax error such as a missing or an extra curly bracket “{“ or a semicolon “;” can output the said exception. It includes sending the wrong arguments while calling the functions.

The below example code highlights the above-stated syntax errors:

public class myClass{
public static void main(String[] args){
anotherClass obj2 = new anotherClass();
public class anotherClass{
public String myFunc(int num){
System.out.println(“You have entered:” + num);

– A Typographical Error

Another common cause behind the java lang error can be a typographical error. It usually happens when you code in hurry without realizing that you’ve typed the variable or function name incorrectly.

For example, you will get the above error if you have accidentally called the println() function as pirntln().

How To Fix the Compilation Exception?

Here are the easy-to-implement working solutions to lower your frustration level and resolve the said exception.

– Import the Necessary Classes and Modules

Look for the classes and modules used in your program. Next, import the given classes and modules. The stated simple step will kick away the exception if it is related to the classes and modules.

– Remove or Replace the Undefined Classes

You must remove the code that instantiates the undefined classes. Also, if you intended to call another class, then replacing the class name with a valid class name will work too.

– How To Resolve Java Lang Error in Eclipse?

You can notice the warnings shown in the Eclipse to identify the mistakes and correct them. Consequently, you will resolve the resulting java lang error.

– Use an Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

Using an IDE is the best possible solution to make the java lang error go away. It is because you’ll be notified regarding the typos and syntax errors. Moreover, you’ll be informed about the unknown modules and classes. You can then easily make the corrections and import the required classes or modules.

The above solution will let you skip the double-checking step before executing the code.


The following questions might be disturbing you. So, here are the simplest answers to clear your confusion.

– What Is Unresolved Compilation Problem Java?

The above problem tells that there is a compilation error in the code. Although it is a generic error, you can learn more about it through the error description.

– What Is Exception in Thread Main Java Lang Error?

The stated exception tells that an error has occurred in the thread that is running the Java application. You can say that the given exception points towards the location of the error.

Wrapping Up

Now, it’s clear to you that the compilation error pops up due to common coding mistakes. Also, you get the said exception when the compiler isn’t aware of the classes and modules that are being used in your program. Plus, here is the list of fixing procedures obtained from the above article to make the long talk short:

  • You should import all the necessary classes and modules in your program
  • You should use only valid classes and modules
  • Using the IDE can help you in determining and correcting most of the coding mistakes that help in fixing the java lang error

Unresolved compilation problemsIndeed, the given exception seems to be complicated but it doesn’t demand anything else except for the careful investigation of the code.

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  1. Creating Empty Char in Java
  2. Creating Empty Char by Passing Null Char in Java
  3. Creating Empty Char by Using a Unicode Value in Java
  4. Creating Empty Char by Using MIN_VALUE Constant in Java

Represent Empty Char in Java

This tutorial introduces how to represent empty char in Java.

In Java, we can have an empty char[] array, but we cannot have an empty char because if we say char, then char represents a character at least, and an empty char does not make sense. An empty char value does not belong to any char, so Java gives a compile-time error.

To create an empty char, we either can assign it a null value or default Unicode value u0000. The u0000 is a default value for char used by the Java compiler at the time of object creation.

In Java, like other primitives, a char has to have a value. Let’s understand with some examples.

Creating Empty Char in Java

Let’s create an empty char in Java and try to compile the code. See in the below example, we created a single char variable ch and printed its value to check whether it has anything to print, and see it throws a compile-time error.

public class SimpleTesting{
	public static void main(String[] args){
		char ch = '';


Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problem: 
	Invalid character constant

The above code example fails to compile because of an invalid character constant. It means Java does not recognize the empty char, but if we assign a char having a space, the code compiles successfully and prints an empty space to the console.

We must not confuse space char with empty char as both are different, and Java treats them differently. See the example below.

public class SimpleTesting{
	public static void main(String[] args){
		char ch = ' ';

Creating Empty Char by Passing Null Char in Java

This is another solution that can be used to create empty char and can avoid code compilation failure. Here, we used to create empty char and it works fine. See the example below.

public class SimpleTesting{
	public static void main(String[] args){
		char ch = '';

Creating Empty Char by Using a Unicode Value in Java

We can use u0000 value to create an empty char in Java. The Java compiler uses this value to set as char initial default value. It represents null that shows empty char. See the example below.

public class SimpleTesting{
	public static void main(String[] args){
		char ch1 = 'u0000';

Creating Empty Char by Using MIN_VALUE Constant in Java

Java Character class provides a MIN_VALUE constant that represents the minimum value for a character instance. In Java, the minimum value is a u0000 that can be obtained using the MIN_VALUE constant of the Character class and can be assigned to any char variable to create an empty char. See the example below.

public class SimpleTesting{
	public static void main(String[] args){
		char ch = Character.MIN_VALUE;

If you are working with the Character class, you can directly use null literal to create an empty char instance in Java. As the Character class is derived from the Object class, we can assign null as an instance. See the example below.

public class SimpleTesting{
	public static void main(String[] args){
		Character ch = null;


  1. Unresolved Compilation Problem
  2. Top 8 Common Java Errors for Beginners — and How to Solve Them
  3. Tue Jun 8 2021 by Matthew Wallace
  4. Syntax Errors
  5. Working with semicolons (;)
  6. Braces or parentheses [(), <>]
  7. Double Quotes or Quotation Marks (“ ”)
  8. Other Miscellaneous Errors
  9. Accessing the “Un-Initialized” Variables
  10. Accessing the “Out of Scope” Variables
  11. Modifying the “CONSTANT” Values
  12. Misinterpretted Use of Operators ( == vs .equals())
  13. Accessing a non-static resource from a static method
  14. Conclusion
  15. Exception in thread main java lang error unresolved compilation problem invalid character constant
  16. Lesson: Common Problems (and Their Solutions)
  17. Compiler Problems
  18. Runtime Problems

Unresolved Compilation Problem

  • Hi!
    My network flow problem doesn’t seem to work because of an unresolved compilation problem.

    this is the code:

  • Hello Neyla, welcome to the Ranch!

    You forgot to tell us what the compilation error you’re seeing is?

    Tim Driven Development | Test until the fear goes away

  • I copied your code right in to Intellij and it compiles fine and even runs (waits for input).

    What error are you getting?

  • Exception in thread «main» java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problem:

    that’s the error i get in eclipse..

  • Swastik Dey wrote: Does the class belong to any package named aww? If so it should be under the package called aww, and we don’t see any package statement in your code.

    That’s really strange. I copied and pasted the code right into Intelli and it had no issues and even ran.

    Try the community (free) edition of Intellij as a test.

    I don’t think it’s your code.

    And, I did zero configuration chores.

  • Just took one of my other code (managed by eclipse), and removed the package statement, but still kept it in the package. Eclipse will complain about something like «declared package AAA does not match BBB blah blah blah».

    Additionally, ran that broken code (even though it has an error). eclipse will complain, and popup to confirm.. and forced eclipse to run anyway. The resultant error message at console was «unresolved compilation problem: at xxx.yyy.main(zzz.java)». just like as mentioned by the OP.

    So, it is two problems. One, eclipse is configured to expect the class in the package, but with the code, the class is not in the package. And two, the error message is ignored; the application is forced to run, forcing eclipse to print out a nonsensical message, because that information is lost at run time.

    Now, is the missing package the underlying cause? or did the OP simply didn’t cut and paste it? . This is not clear. There is no visibility into that. The OP need to tell us what the compilation errors are, and not just tell us the errors when forcing the application to run.


    Top 8 Common Java Errors for Beginners — and How to Solve Them

    Tue Jun 8 2021 by Matthew Wallace

    Did you know that in Java’s standard library, there are a total of more than 500 different exceptions! There lots of ways for programmers to make mistakes — each of them unique and complex. Luckily we’ve taken the time to unwrap the meaning behind many of these errors, so you can spend less time debugging and more time coding. To begin with, let’s have a look at the syntax errors!

    Syntax Errors

    If you just started programming in Java, then syntax errors are the first problems you’ll meet! You can think of syntax as grammer in English. No joke, syntax errors might look minimal or simple to bust, but you need a lot of practice and consistency to learn to write error-free code. It doesn’t require a lot of math to fix these, syntax just defines the language rules. For further pertinent information, you may refer to java syntax articles.

    Working with semicolons (;)

    Think of semi-colons (;) in Java as you think of a full-stop (.) in English. A full stop tells readers the message a sentence is trying to convey is over. A semi-colon in code indicates the instruction for that line is over. Forgetting to add semi-colons (;) at the end of code is a common mistake beginners make. Let’s look at a basic example.

    This snippet will produce the following error:

    You can resolve this error by adding a ; at the end of line 3.

    Braces or parentheses [(), <>]

    Initially, it can be hard keeping a track of the starting / closing parenthesis or braces. Luckily IDEs are here to help. IDE stands for integrated development environment, and it’s a place you can write and run code. Replit for example, is an IDE. Most IDEs have IntelliSense, which is auto-complete for programmers, and will add closing brackets and parentheses for you. Despite the assistance, mistakes happen. Here’s a quick example of how you can put an extra closing bracket or miss the ending brace to mess up your code.

    If you try to execute this, you’ll get the following error.

    You can resolve this exception by removing the extra ) on line 9.

    Double Quotes or Quotation Marks (“ ”)

    Another pit fall is forgetting quotation marks not escaping them propperly. The IntelliSense can rescue you if you forget the remaining double quotes. If you try including quotation marks inside strings, Java will get confused. Strings are indicated using quotation marks, so having quotation marks in a string will make Java think the string ended early. To fix this, add a backslash () before quotation marks in strings. The backslash tells Java that this string should not be included in the syntax.

    In order for you avoid such exceptions, you can add backslahes to the quotes in the string on line 4.

    Here’s your required output, nicely put with double quotes! 🙂

    Other Miscellaneous Errors

    Accessing the “Un-Initialized” Variables

    If you’re learning Java and have experience with other programming languages (like C++) then you might have a habit of using un-initialized variables (esp integers). Un-initialized variables are declared variables without a value. Java regulates this and doesn’t allow using a variable that has not been initialized yet.

    If you attempt to access an uninitialized variable then you’ll get the following exception.

    You can initialize the variable “contactNumber” to resolve this exception.

    Accessing the “Out of Scope” Variables

    If you define a variable in a certain method you’re only allowed to access that in the defined scope of it. Like each state has their legitimate currency, and that cannot be used in another state. You cannot use GBP in place of USD in America. Similarly, a variable defined in one method has restricted scope to it. You cannot access a local variable defined in some function in the main method. For further detailed illustration let’s look at an example.

    As soon as you run this snippet, you’ll get the exception

    You can not access the variable “country” outside the method getPersonalDetails since its scope is local.

    Modifying the “CONSTANT” Values

    Java and other programming languages don’t allow you to update or modify constant variables. You can use the keyword “final” before a variable to make it constant in Java. Apart from that, it’s a convention to write a constant in ALL CAPS for distinction purposes, As a constant resource is often used cross methods across a program.

    Remove line 4 for the perfectly functional code.

    Misinterpretted Use of Operators ( == vs .equals())

    A lot of beginners start working with integers while learning the basics of a programming language. So it can be a challenge to remember that for string comparisons we use the “.equals()” method provided by Java and not == operator like in integers.

    The output is contradictory because “today” and “thirdWeekDay” are referred to 2 different objects in the memory. However, the method “.equals()” compares the content stored in both arrays and returns true if it’s equal, false otherwise.

    Accessing a non-static resource from a static method

    If you want to access a non-static variable from a static method [let’s say the main method] then you need to create an instance of that object first. But if you fail to do that, java will get angry.

    You can fix it, just by replacing line 9.


    Programming errors are a part of the learning curve. Frequent errors might slow you down. But as a new programmer, it’s okay to learn things slowly. Now you’re familiar with some of the most common issues. Make sure you practise enough to get ahead of them. Happy coding and keep practising! 🙂


    Exception in thread main java lang error unresolved compilation problem invalid character constant

    if (args.length == 0) <
    for(int i = 0;i

    Re: Exception in thread «main» java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problem: [message #1835638 is a reply to message #1835626] Wed, 09 December 2020 09:45
    Thomas Wolf
    Messages: 521
    Registered: August 2016
    The error is shown because the source is lacking a final «>», as the error message says.

    You then tried to run the code anyway, and then you correctly got the exception.

    You should have seen error markers in Eclipse, and you should have gotten a warning dialog when trying to run this via Eclipse that told you that there were still compilation problems.


    Lesson: Common Problems (and Their Solutions)

    Compiler Problems

    Common Error Messages on Microsoft Windows Systems

    ‘javac’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

    If you receive this error, Windows cannot find the compiler ( javac ).

    Here’s one way to tell Windows where to find javac . Suppose you installed the JDK in C:jdk1.8.0 . At the prompt you would type the following command and press Enter:

    If you choose this option, you’ll have to precede your javac and java commands with C:jdk1.8.0bin each time you compile or run a program. To avoid this extra typing, consult the section Updating the PATH variable in the JDK 8 installation instructions.

    Class names, ‘HelloWorldApp’, are only accepted if annotation processing is explicitly requested

    If you receive this error, you forgot to include the .java suffix when compiling the program. Remember, the command is javac HelloWorldApp.java not javac HelloWorldApp .

    Common Error Messages on UNIX Systems

    javac: Command not found

    If you receive this error, UNIX cannot find the compiler, javac .

    Here’s one way to tell UNIX where to find javac . Suppose you installed the JDK in /usr/local/jdk1.8.0 . At the prompt you would type the following command and press Return:

    Note: If you choose this option, each time you compile or run a program, you’ll have to precede your javac and java commands with /usr/local/jdk1.8.0/ . To avoid this extra typing, you could add this information to your PATH variable. The steps for doing so will vary depending on which shell you are currently running.

    Class names, ‘HelloWorldApp’, are only accepted if annotation processing is explicitly requested

    If you receive this error, you forgot to include the .java suffix when compiling the program. Remember, the command is javac HelloWorldApp.java not javac HelloWorldApp .

    Syntax Errors (All Platforms)

    If you mistype part of a program, the compiler may issue a syntax error. The message usually displays the type of the error, the line number where the error was detected, the code on that line, and the position of the error within the code. Here’s an error caused by omitting a semicolon ( ; ) at the end of a statement:

    If you see any compiler errors, then your program did not successfully compile, and the compiler did not create a .class file. Carefully verify the program, fix any errors that you detect, and try again.

    Semantic Errors

    In addition to verifying that your program is syntactically correct, the compiler checks for other basic correctness. For example, the compiler warns you each time you use a variable that has not been initialized:

    Again, your program did not successfully compile, and the compiler did not create a .class file. Fix the error and try again.

    Runtime Problems

    Error Messages on Microsoft Windows Systems

    Exception in thread «main» java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: HelloWorldApp

    If you receive this error, java cannot find your bytecode file, HelloWorldApp.class .

    One of the places java tries to find your .class file is your current directory. So if your .class file is in C:java , you should change your current directory to that. To change your directory, type the following command at the prompt and press Enter:

    The prompt should change to C:java> . If you enter dir at the prompt, you should see your .java and .class files. Now enter java HelloWorldApp again.

    If you still have problems, you might have to change your CLASSPATH variable. To see if this is necessary, try clobbering the classpath with the following command.

    Now enter java HelloWorldApp again. If the program works now, you’ll have to change your CLASSPATH variable. To set this variable, consult the Updating the PATH variable section in the JDK 8 installation instructions. The CLASSPATH variable is set in the same manner.

    Could not find or load main class HelloWorldApp.class

    A common mistake made by beginner programmers is to try and run the java launcher on the .class file that was created by the compiler. For example, you’ll get this error if you try to run your program with java HelloWorldApp.class instead of java HelloWorldApp . Remember, the argument is the name of the class that you want to use, not the filename.

    Exception in thread «main» java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: main

    The Java VM requires that the class you execute with it have a main method at which to begin execution of your application. A Closer Look at the «Hello World!» Application discusses the main method in detail.

    Error Messages on UNIX Systems

    Exception in thread «main» java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: HelloWorldApp

    If you receive this error, java cannot find your bytecode file, HelloWorldApp.class .

    One of the places java tries to find your bytecode file is your current directory. So, for example, if your bytecode file is in /home/jdoe/java , you should change your current directory to that. To change your directory, type the following command at the prompt and press Return:

    If you enter pwd at the prompt, you should see /home/jdoe/java . If you enter ls at the prompt, you should see your .java and .class files. Now enter java HelloWorldApp again.

    If you still have problems, you might have to change your CLASSPATH environment variable. To see if this is necessary, try clobbering the classpath with the following command.

    Now enter java HelloWorldApp again. If the program works now, you’ll have to change your CLASSPATH variable in the same manner as the PATH variable above.

    Exception in thread «main» java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: HelloWorldApp/class

    A common mistake made by beginner programmers is to try and run the java launcher on the .class file that was created by the compiler. For example, you’ll get this error if you try to run your program with java HelloWorldApp.class instead of java HelloWorldApp . Remember, the argument is the name of the class that you want to use, not the filename.

    Exception in thread «main» java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: main

    The Java VM requires that the class you execute with it have a main method at which to begin execution of your application. A Closer Look at the «Hello World!» Application discusses the main method in detail.

    Applet or Java Web Start Application Is Blocked

    If you are running an application through a browser and get security warnings that say the application is blocked, check the following items:

    Verify that the attributes in the JAR file manifest are set correctly for the environment in which the application is running. The Permissions attribute is required. In a NetBeans project, you can open the manifest file from the Files tab of the NetBeans IDE by expanding the project folder and double-clicking manifest.mf.

    Verify that the application is signed by a valid certificate and that the certificate is located in the Signer CA keystore.

    If you are running a local applet, set up a web server to use for testing. You can also add your application to the exception site list, which is managed in the Security tab of the Java Control Panel.



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