Exec format error for command

The error !! sudo -u telegraf /opt/telegraf/telegraf -config /etc/opt/telegraf/telegraf.d/test.conf -test 2015/12/07 09:42:44 exec: fork/exec /opt/snara/slog/slog-netstat-test2.sh: exec format erro...


The error !!

sudo -u telegraf /opt/telegraf/telegraf -config /etc/opt/telegraf/telegraf.d/test.conf -test
2015/12/07 09:42:44 exec: fork/exec /opt/snara/slog/slog-netstat-test2.sh: exec format error for command '/opt/snara/slog/slog-netstat-test2.sh'

But the json seems to be ok

sudo -u telegraf /opt/snara/slog/slog-netstat-test2.sh 
{ "sf_queue": 0 }

FROM: /etc/opt/telegraf/telegraf.d/test.conf

command = "/opt/snara/slog/slog-netstat-test2.sh"
name = "netstatX"
interval = 10


/opt/telegraf/telegraf -version
Telegraf - Version 0.2.3

Any thoughts?




unexpected problem or unintended behavior


Dec 7, 2015


certainly looks like a bug, I’ll look into it, thanks for the detailed report @marinonjalsson


@marinonjalsson I haven’t been able to reproduce, here is my script:

$ cat /tmp/422.sh
#! /bin/bash
printf '{ "sf_queue": 0 }n'
$ ls -l /tmp/422.sh
-rwxr-xr-x 1 csparr wheel 43 Dec  7 11:08 /tmp/422.sh*
$ whoami

And collection works fine for me:

$ ./telegraf -config ~/ws/telegraf.conf -filter exec -test
* Plugin: exec, Collection 1
> exec__sf_queue value=0 1449511964082654340

What OS are you running on? Can you send me output of the commands that I executed above?



Thank you for your reply.

$ uname -a
Linux thor 3.16.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.7-ckt11-1+deb8u6 (2015-11-09) x86_64 GNU/Linux
$ uname -m

I’m running the telegraf_0.2.3_amd64.deb package.
all 64:

/opt/telegraf/versions/0.2.3$ file telegraf 
telegraf: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, not stripped
/opt/telegraf/versions/0.2.3$ ldd telegraf 
    linux-vdso.so.1 (0x00007ffea2542000)
    libpthread.so.0 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0 (0x00007f62533f2000)
    libc.so.6 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 (0x00007f6253049000)
    /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 (0x00007f625360f000)

I will test your script next.


@marinonjalsson Can you include the full text of your test script? And show the file permissions on it? (ls -l /opt/snara/slog/slog-netstat-test2.sh)


I forgot the shebang in all my test-scripts.

… and its working. @sparrc thanks for the help



mentioned this issue

Sep 27, 2016

The exec format error is a class of errors in the Unix-based operating systems that occurs when a user tries to run a binary file on its system originally intended to run on a different architecture. For example, when the user tries to execute a binary file originally compiled for the ARM (Advanced RISC Machine) on the x86 platform, an ‘exec format error’ is encountered. It is not in this particular case of arm and x86, but it could happen in any permutation of mismatched system architecture. In this article, we will look at this error in some detail and discuss some points that would help resolve this error.


  • 1 What is Exec Format Error?
  • 2 Exec Format Error Linux
  • 3 Exec format error macOS
  • 4 Exec format error java
  • 5 Exec format error python
  • 6 Exec format error docker
  • 7 Exec format error raspberry pi
  • 8 How to execute arm binary files on Linux
  • 9 FAQs on Exec Format Error
    • 9.1 What is the full form of RISC?
    • 9.2 Why are arm processors used on mobile devices?
    • 9.3 What is the difference between OpenJDK and OracleJDK?
  • 10 Conclusion
  • 11 Trending Now

What is Exec Format Error?

Exec format error while running bash and python scripts.
Exec format error while running bash and python scripts.

Different types of computer systems have different kinds of underlying architectures. Here, the term architecture means the circuitry and design of the CPU on how it handles and processes instructions and other computational tasks. System software and applications are compiled differently for a different architecture. Even the operating systems are designed specifically with a particular architecture in mind. There are two mainstream system architectures, The x86_64 and ARM. The x86_64 is mainly used in desktop computers and workstations, and ARM is used in mobile devices such as phones or tablets.

The x86_64 architecture can also be subdivided into 32bit and 64bits types. It represents the CPU’s memory handling capacity. Programs designed for ARM architecture can’t work on x86_64 systems and vice versa. But, the applications built for a 32bit machine can run on a 64bit. All combinations such as CPU architecture, Operating System build, and application design must come in to make everything work properly. And, If anything mismatches, an exec format error can show up.

If you are trying to run incompatible programs or scripts in the Linux environment that doesn’t support the intended architecture, you are more likely to receive an exec format error. Linux itself comes in various forms and flavors in different distros. It is available on both x86_64 and ARM architecture. The most common cause of users receiving exec format errors is when 64bit programs are made to run on 32bit systems. If you are facing this error for a particular program due to an architectural issue, here are a few things that you could do.

  • Open the terminal emulator, enter the command uname -m, the m stands for machine. This command would output your system architecture. x86 -> 32 bit x86, x86_64 -> 64bit, arm64 -> ARM.
running uname utility to avoid exec format error
Uname utility.
  • After knowing the correct architecture of your system, try to find the your program for that type of compatibility. The 32bit versions of the 64bit programs are ususally available on the internet.
  • If you are on a ARM system, then try to download the program through your default package manager as they usually have arm version of most of the programs availbale to install through official repositories.

Exec format error macOS

macOS also throws an exec format error when you execute a program or script intended for a different architecture. This is usually the case with older binary programs that do not work well on modern operating systems. There are ways to execute older OS programs using the zsh shell, but you will have to build the executable yourself.

Download the program’s source code (if available ) you wish to run. Compile the program for your system using macOS’s make compiler. You would have to download make first, part of apple developer tools. It can be downloaded from http://developer.apple.com/.

Exec format error java

Java is a multipurpose, multiplatform object-oriented programming language that is a part of the whole JDK (java development kit). If you are trying to compile a java file on your system but receiving an exec format error instead, then chances are you have installed an incompatible version of the Java JDK on your system. Follow the given step to install the compatible version of JDK on your Linux machine as per the system architecture.

  • First check your system architecture using the uname -m command.
  • Now Open your Web browser.
  • Head to https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/downloads/#jdk17-linux.
  • Now download the compatible version from the download options available.
Choose the correct file to download depending on your architecture and distribution.
Choose the correct file to download depending on your architecture and distribution.

You could also install the compatible version of JDK on your Linux installation using the default package manager of your distribution. Use the dpkg package manager on Debian-based and Pacman package manager on Arch-based Linux to install the correct implementation of java on your system.

Exec format error python

Python throws an exception in the form of exec format error. The python subprocess library provides the ability to run shell commands through the python interpreter. If any incompatible command or program is encountered during the python script, the python interpreter throws an OS exception. If you are running bash shell scripts through the subprocess library, keep the following points in mind to avoid exec format errors in python.

  • Add !/bin/sh in the top first line of your shell script file.
  • Use os library’s path method to open your .sh file, instead of opening it directly.
  • Make sure the script file has executable permission.

Exec format error docker

Docker is a software platform that provides operating system-level isolation environments called containers. The containers provide different separate development environments for specific projects or purposes. Users are reported to have been facing exec format errors while running the docker test command on their environment. This happens due to a missing statement in the script file. Run the following command to run the docker test without format error.

docker run -entrypoint="/bin/bash" -i test

Exec format error raspberry pi

Raspberry pi is a small form-factor mini computer. It is a small computer that runs on low voltage power and has an ARM processor installed on it. The exec format error is frequently encountered in the raspberry pi as people often try to execute x86_64 on raspberry pi’s arm processor.

To avoid this error on the raspberry pi you have two potential options. You could either download the pi-compatible arm binary executables from their official repositories or download the program’s source code and compile it yourself for your intended system architecture. Luckily, Rasberry pi comes with its package manager apt (advance packaging tool) that can be used to install arm binaries on your raspberry pi.

How to execute arm binary files on Linux

Arm binary files are not directly executable on x86_64 Linux. The file command is used in Linux to check the file type in Linux. You can check the type and architecture of your file using it. If you want to run the arm files natively on Linux, you could download a package such as qemu, which could run the native arm files on the x86_64 machine. Follow the given steps to download and install the qemu to execute arm binaries on Arch.

  • Open the terminal. (ctrl + alt + t )
  • type sudo pacman -S qemu.
  • Enter the root password.
  • Enter Y when prompted and let the download finish.
  • After installation use the syntex qemu <filename> to execute the binary.
I am installing the qemu to run arm binaries.
I am installing the qemu to run arm binaries.

5 Strategies to Fix Adobe Short Media Token Validation Error Invalid Signature

FAQs on Exec Format Error

What is the full form of RISC?

RISC is short for Reduced Instruction Set Cycle.

Why are arm processors used on mobile devices?

Because they are more power-efficient than their x86_64 counterparts.

What is the difference between OpenJDK and OracleJDK?

The OracleJDK is completely developed by the Oracle Corporation, and the OpenJDK is a community-driven and open-source version in which everyone contributes.


Different computer architectures have different executables binary files, and one type is not compatible with another. An exec format error occurs if the user tries to execute another file type in a different environment. In this article, we discussed why the error occurs. We gave instructions to install the compatible JDK to eradicate java-specific exec format errors and provided instructions on how to execute arm binaries on x86_64 Linux.

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When I was trying to run all scripts in a directory using run-parts command, I encountered with an error — «run-parts: failed to exec script.sh: Exec format error». The scripts worked just fine when I directly execute them like «./script.sh» and «sh script.sh». But they didn’t work when I ran them with run-parts command. For those wondering, the run-parts command will run all scripts in a directory. If you got an error like this while running a script, this quick tip will help you to fix «Exec format error» when running scripts with run-parts command in Linux.

Fix «Exec format error» When Running Scripts With run-parts Command

To run all scripts in the Documents folder, I ran:

$ run-parts --regex '^s.*.sh$' Documents/

I got the following error message:

run-parts: failed to exec Documents/script1.sh: Exec format error
run-parts: Documents/script1.sh exited with return code 1
run-parts: failed to exec Documents/script2.sh: Exec format error
run-parts: Documents/script2.sh exited with return code 1
run-parts: failed to exec Documents/script3.sh: Exec format error
run-parts: Documents/script3.sh exited with return code 1
run-parts: failed to exec Documents/script4.sh: Exec format error
run-parts: Documents/script4.sh exited with return code 1

run-parts: failed to exec script.sh: Exec format error

run-parts: failed to exec script.sh: Exec format error

To fix «Exec format error», you need to add a shebang at the start of your scripts so the kernel will know how to run them. For those wondering, a shebang is the character sequence consisting of the characters number sign and exclamation mark (#!) at the beginning of a script. When you add the shebang at the start of a text file, it is interpreted as an executable file.

Most scripts starts with a shebang. Here are some typical shebang examples.

Bourne shell, or a compatible shell:




Python 2.x:

Python 3.x:

This is what we call a shebang.

Now, let us get back to the topic. Edit your scripts using your favorite editor:

$ nano Documents/ostechnix.sh

Add the following shebang at the beginning of the script:


Fix "Exec format error" When Running Scripts With run-parts

Fix «Exec format error» When Running Scripts With run-parts

Now you can be able to run the scripts with run-parts command without any issues using run-parts command.


As one of our reader Mr.Danesh mentioned in the comment section below, Instead of hard-coding the path of the interpreter, e.g.


We can use:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

This is more portable in case the interpreter is installed in some other (non-default) directory. env is a shell command for Linux and Unix-like operating systems. It is often used by shell scripts to launch the correct interpreter.

You can also use ShellCheck utility to find problems in your shell scripts.

  • ShellCheck – A Free Utility To Find Bugs In Your Shell Scripts

Hope this helps.

Why is oserror errno exec format error happeningThe oserror: [errno 8] exec format error often can be encountered in different instances on LINUX systems. This article explains its origination and the reasons behind it. Furthermore, it also decodes interesting tricks that can be easily done to solve those reasons. This short guide is the best resource to aid your scripting skills in the right direction.


  • Why Is Oserror: [Errno 8] Exec Format Error Happening?
    • – Absence of a Shebang Line
    • – Invalid Format of Script
    • – Incorrect Path to Ffmpeg
    • – Werkzeug Version Not Supported
  • How Can the Error Be Solved?
    • – Adding a Shebang Line
    • – Parsing the Command Line
    • – Functioning Executables and Execution Permissions
    • Disabling the Debug Mode
  • Conclusion

Why Is Oserror: [Errno 8] Exec Format Error Happening?

Oserror: [errno 8] exec format error originates due to a combination of errors while executing a script in a UNIX server. Some common reasons are the absence of a shebang line, an invalid format of the script, an incorrect path to ffmpeg, and not supported Werkzeug version.

– Absence of a Shebang Line

The location of a shebang line is at the top of a shell script. Its absence can cause the oserror: (errno 8) exec format error subprocess call as attempts are made to directly execute the script. The following is a code example that results in the error by reproducing this issue:

>>> with open (‘a’,’w’) as f: f.write (‘exit 0’) # creation of the script

>>> import os
>>> os.chmod (‘a’, 0b111101101) # rwxr-xr-x make it executable
>>> os.execl (‘./a’, ‘./a’) # execute it

The placement of a shebang line is linked with the occurrence of the oserror: (errno 8) exec format error python script. Even though its inclusion followed by the executable of the relevant shell holds no mandatory purpose for the implementation of a script. It means that writing a simple script with the involvement of the execute permission and running it using the “.” operator is possible.

The implementation can be executed by the relevant login shell. The following is a code example that runs successfully:

cat sample
echo “Hello World”
chmod u+x sample

The output of this implementation is:

Importance of a Shebang Line for the Error

Considering its optional inclusion above, a shebang line is still important in determining the occurrence of the oserror: (errno 8) exec format error mac. The “#!/bin/bash line is included in the shell scripts right at the start of any script. Nowadays, there are different shells available for both UNIX and LINUX systems.

Even though the general syntax may be common among them, different shells have different ways of handling the specific aspects of a script.

This is why the absence of a shebang line causes the oserror errno 8 exec format error robot framework. The lack of specification for a correct shell interpreter corresponds to the failed implementation of a script. In this way, there can be a variation of results with scripts that run in different shells.

– Invalid Format of Script

The display of the oserror: (errno 8) exec format error flask can also be an indication of the possible invalid format of the relevant script. The following snippet can be run to find out the aspects of the format. After this, they can be used to conduct a comparison between the architecture and the output of $ uname –m:

$ file /usr/local/bin/script

– Incorrect Path to Ffmpeg

The oserror: (errno 8) exec format error ffmpeg can occur if the path taken to either ffprobe or ffmpeg is inaccurate. In another case, the files that are being pointed out are not the relevant valid binaries. As a result, the precompiled ffmpeg binaries may not run on the OSX box, although they may run on Synology.

In addition, a ffmpeg executable may already be installed within the Video Station package of Synology Diskstation. The following is a snippet that shows what it may look like:

DiskStation> find / -type d -name ffmpeg

– Werkzeug Version Not Supported

Since version 0.14 of Werkzeug is not supported, this may lead to the occurrence of the oserror: (errno 8) exec format error docker. The involvement of the docker is a new behavior in its version 0.15, where going down to Werkzeug 0.14.1 might work. Therefore, the issue with the relevant file must be corrected.

How Can the Error Be Solved?

Oserror [errno 8] can be fixed by adding a shebang line that acts as a great counter to the error. Parsing the command line is another measure that can be taken to fix the error. Moving on, disabling the debug mode and functioning executables and execution permissions are also some options that can counter the error.

– Adding a Shebang Line

A shebang line can be added with #!/bin/sh prepended at the top of the relevant script if it is a shell script. Here is an example that shows how it can be done with the execution of exit 0 and no occurrence of errors:

>>> with open(‘a’,’w’) as f: f.write(‘#!/bin/shnexit 0’)
>>> os.execl(‘./a’, ‘./a’)

Syntax of a Shebang: A Quick Glance

As a combination of the exclamation mark and pound key, a shebang acts as a character combination that possesses a specific meaning in scripting. It is used as the first member of the first line in every script. Its usage corresponds to the specification of the interpreter that enables the relevant script to run by default.

For example, “#!/bin/bash” can be the first line of any script and signify that the interpreter of the implementation is a bash shell. The first line can also be “#!/bin/zsh” which corresponds to the Z shell as the interpreter. The syntax of a shebang (#!) enables the users to differentiate between itself and comments in shell scripts as both of them have different meanings.

– Parsing the Command Line

The invalid format of the script can be fixed by parsing the command line. Parsing is conducted by the shell on POSIX systems in which the aspects of a valid format are iterated. For example, there are no spaces around the equals “=” sign. This can be seen in the following script:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys

This is the implementation when this script runs in the shell:

$ /usr/local/bin/script hostname = ‘<hostname>’ -p LONGLIST

The following is the output of this implementation in which there are no spaces around ‘=’. Moreover, there is an addition of quotes around <hostname> so that the redirection meta characters ‘<>’ can be escaped:

[‘/usr/local/bin/script’, ‘hostname’, ‘=’, ‘<hostname>’, ‘-p’, ‘LONGLIST’]

– Functioning Executables and Execution Permissions

The error caused by an incorrect path to ffmpeg can be solved by ensuring that the executables are functioning correctly. Furthermore, they must have execution permissions with certain precompiled ffmpeg binaries taken up as well. These binaries can be swapped in to keep a check on the persistence of the error. As for the snippet above, the autoProcess.ini path can be updated so that it corresponds to the new location:

ffmpeg = /volume1/@appstore/VideoStation/lib/ffmpeg

Disabling the Debug Mode

The file issue can be corrected by disabling the debug mode so that the reloader cannot be used. Keep in mind that neither debug=True nor set FLASK _DEBUG=0 should be debugged. With this, the issue can never occur with the downside of not being able to use the reloader.

In addition, it can be fixed if there is an interpreter line for those files that are marked as executable like #!/usr/bin/env python3. The following is a snippet that shows how to do that:

if __name__ == “__main__”:
connexion_app.run(host=”″, port=constants.API_PORT, debug=True)


This article put forward a layout of the occurrence of the error in many instances. Let’s look at the main points:

  • The error can occur if the shebang line is absent at the top of the script.
  • An incorrect path taken to either ffmpeg or ffprobe can also result in the occurrence of the error.
  • Although the docker is involved in version 0.15 of Werkzeug, its version 0.14 is not supported; therefore, the error can originate.
  • A shebang line is a combination of the exclamation mark and pound key and can be added to the top of the script.
  • The executables should function properly and contain their execution permissions accompanied by precompiled ffmpeg binaries.

Solve oserror errno exec format errorThis article can help you whenever you are on the lookout for any information about this error.

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На чтение 2 мин Опубликовано 06.04.2020

крипты работали очень хорошо, когда я выполнял их напрямую,  например «./script.sh» и «sh script.sh».

Но они не работали, когда я запускал их командой run-parts.

Для тех, кто интересуется, команда run-parts запускает все скрипты в каталоге.

Если вы получили такую ошибку при запуске скрипта, этот быстрый совет поможет вам исправить ошибку «Exec format error» при запуске скриптов с командой run-parts на Linux.

Решение ошибки «Exec format» при запуске скриптов командой run-parts

Чтобы запустить все скрипты в папке «Documents», я запустил:

$ run-parts --regex '^s.*.sh$' Documents

Я получил следующее сообщение об ошибке:

run-parts: failed to exec Documents/script1.sh: Exec format error
run-parts: Documents/script1.sh exited with return code 1
run-parts: failed to exec Documents/script2.sh: Exec format error
run-parts: Documents/script2.sh exited with return code 1
run-parts: failed to exec Documents/script3.sh: Exec format error
run-parts: Documents/script3.sh exited with return code 1
run-parts: failed to exec Documents/script4.sh: Exec format error
run-parts: Documents/script4.sh exited with return code 1

Чтобы исправить «ошибку формата Exec», вам нужно добавить шебанг в начале ваших скриптов, чтобы ядро знало, как их запускать.

Для тех, кому интересно, шебанг – это последовательность символов, состоящая из знака числа символов и восклицательного знака (#!) в начале скрипта.

Когда вы добавляете shebang в начале текстового файла, он интерпретируется как исполняемый файл.

Большинство скриптов начинается с шебанга.

Вот несколько типичных примеров Шебанга:

Bourne shell, или совместимый шеллl:




Python 2.x:

Python 3.x:


Это то, что мы называем шебанг.

Теперь вернемся к теме.

Отредактируйте ваши скрипты, используя ваш любимый редактор:

$ nano Documents/itsecforu.sh

Добавьте шебанг в начале скрипта:


Теперь вы можете без проблем запускать скрипты с помощью команды run-parts, используя команду run-parts.

Вы также можете использовать утилиту ShellCheck для поиска проблем в своих скриптах оболочки.

Пожалуйста, не спамьте и никого не оскорбляйте.

Это поле для комментариев, а не спамбокс.

Рекламные ссылки не индексируются!

Receiving a Docker exec format error when you run the Docker? We can help you fix it. 

The Docker exec format error is a common error, and we fix the error by adding shebang in the entrypoint of the script.

At Bobcares, we get requests to fix docker exec format error, as a part of our Server Management Services.

Today, let’s have a look at how our Support Engineers fix this error.

Explore more about Docker

The docker container which allows OS level virtualization and is also known as containerization. The main benefits of the docker is to package applications in container and the container is portable to Linux or Windows operating system.

Docker container is a software stores up code and all its dependencies. So that the application runs fast and consistently good in quality and performance.

But, many times Docker container will end up with exec format error. Let’s see how our Support Engineers fix it.

Why does Docker show exec format error?

We see the below docker error when we launch the docker container.

Docker exec format error

Whenever our customers have such an error, our Support Engineers check the entrypoint in the Docker file.

A Docker file is the text document that use all the commands that a user could call on the command line to assemble an image.Also in Docker file we can write the instructions to build a Docker image.

The sign of this error is that the docker entrypoint script was missing a shebang. So to fix the error we add the shebang in the script.

How we fix the exec format error?

We fix this docker error by adding the shebang on the entrypoint of the script. The shebang is a special character sequence in a script file that specifies which program should be called to run the script.

The shebang is always on the first line of the script, and is composed of #! Characters. So the Shebang (#!/bin/bash) should be put on the first line of the script because the first bytes were checked by kernel. So we add the shebang in the script.


The other method to fix the docker error is that we have to run the below command.

$ docker run -entrypoint="/bin/bash" -i test

This fixes the docker error.

[Need help in fixing Docker format error? – We’ll help you.]


In short, The Docker error occurs due to missing of the shebang in the script. The default entrypoint does not know how to run the script. Today, we saw how our Support Engineers fix this error for our customers by adding the shebang at the entrypoint of the script.

Are you using Docker based apps?

There are proven ways to get even more out of your Docker containers! Let us help you.

Spend your time in growing business and we will take care of Docker Infrastructure for you.


var google_conversion_label = «owonCMyG5nEQ0aD71QM»;

I’m trying to run a program, but it gives an error:

bash: ./program: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error

The result of file program was:

program: ELF-32-bit LSB executable, ARM, EABI4 version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses share libs), for GNU/LINUX 2.6.16, not stripped

How can I fix this?

I’m using Ubuntu 14.04.2 (amd64) with VMware. I also tried using Ubuntu i386, but the result was the same.

Bas van Paassen's user avatar

asked Jul 15, 2015 at 5:30

Soongeun Hwang's user avatar

Soongeun HwangSoongeun Hwang

1,5012 gold badges9 silver badges4 bronze badges


You’re trying to run an executable compiled for an ARM architecture on an x86-64 architecture, which is much like asking your processor who only speaks English to take directions in Chinese.

If you need to run that executable you have two choices:

  1. Get an x86-64 version of the executable (by any mean; if you’re unable to get an x86-64 version of the executable but you’re able to get its source code, you can try to recompile it on the virtual machine);

  2. Install Ubuntu Server for ARM in place of Ubuntu 14.04.2 (amd64). This requires either a physical machine running on an ARM architecture or a virtualization software that can emulate it.

answered Jul 15, 2015 at 5:39

kos's user avatar


This can also occur if you attempt to run an x86-64 executable on a 32-bit platform.

In one specific instance, I downloaded Visual Studio Code and tried to run it on my Ubuntu installation, but I hadn’t realized that I had installed 32-bit Ubuntu in this VM. I got this error, but after downloading the 32-bit version, it ran without issue.

answered Sep 10, 2015 at 23:44

Hughie Coles's user avatar

It is often possible to run an ARM executable image on an amd64 system if you install the binfmt-support, qemu, and qemu-user-static packages:

sudo apt install binfmt-support qemu qemu-user-static

qemu will then perform syscall emulation when you run the executable. This works for most ARM binaries but there are a few that may not run correctly.

ArrayBolt3's user avatar

answered Oct 27, 2016 at 6:41

Nathan Osman's user avatar

Nathan OsmanNathan Osman

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Such error may occur if all of the following are true:

  • Executable is not a file but a link
  • You run run it inside VM
  • File is located in shared folder
  • Your host is Windows.

If you got that file, let’s say, in archive — try to unpack it inside VM, in some directory inside virtual drive, not folder mapped to your host machine hard drive, for example /myNewDir/

wjandrea's user avatar


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answered Nov 13, 2015 at 22:22

Pavel's user avatar


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If more than one java is installed on the system this might happen and not set as default. On Ubuntu14.04 LTS I could get it resolved by executing following and choosing the java I needed.

sudo update-alternatives --config java
[sudo] password for user: 
update-alternatives: warning: /etc/alternatives/java has been changed (manually or by a script); switching to manual updates only
There are 2 choices for the alternative java (providing /usr/bin/java).

  Selection    Path                                            Priority   Status
  0            /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java   1071      auto mode
  1            /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java   1071      manual mode
  2            /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java   1069      manual mode

Press enter to keep the current choice[*], or type selection number: 2
update-alternatives: using /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java to provide /usr/bin/java (java) in manual mode

I choose 2 and set openjdk-8 as a default. Which did not show the Exec format error.

Videonauth's user avatar


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answered Jun 6, 2016 at 13:43

lambzee's user avatar

You must compile your file using an appropriate CPU architecture (x86 for example) and copy the .exe file on your linux machine. Then you can install mono on your linux machine and issue the following command:

mono myprogram.exe

muru's user avatar


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answered Feb 28, 2016 at 19:49

user3578181's user avatar


This can also happen if the binary uses a libc implementation which is not libc, such as musl. These days this specific problem is most likely encountered when trying to run a binary with libc in a Docker container with an image based on alpine. There is nothing that can be done to the binary itself to support both environments, because the libc implementation must always be linked statically, i.e. built directly into the binary, for reasons.

answered Jul 16, 2019 at 16:44

Zyl's user avatar

I got this error trying to run a zip file containing an executable rather than extracting it and running the executable itself xD

In addition to the other answers offered here, I suppose there would be a lot of file types that aren’t intended to be executable which could cause this error.

answered May 19, 2020 at 6:05

Alexander Taylor's user avatar


This is another special case: WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) by default(!) only supports 64bit executables. I think this is a rather unusual behaviour, as normally there is a backwards compatibility.

(Even more special is that selecting 64bit in a formerly 32bit project of Windev won’t fix your issue. You need to start a new project, selecting 64bit right in the beginning. Tested on Windev 26. This IDE sucks, forced to use it because of working legacy code.)

answered Jul 21, 2022 at 23:23

PythoNic's user avatar


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