Extended error reporting

Read more about Extended Error Reporting at Mod on Skymods.


This mod replaces generic error messages in the game and helps you find broken assets

Still in beta!


– Error messages are now more elaborate. They always provide error stack trace and, if possible, asset name, mod name and other details.
– Mod errors that have been previously ignored and caused a variety of subtle invisible bugs are now always reported, so that you can fix them.
– You can now suppress selected exception dialogs, which in general is not recommended. If this is not working for you, you can suppress all exceptions in general by going to mod options.
– The errors are now more isolated. All errors that provide more details than the stack trace (eg. mod name, asset name) are now isolated, so that the simulation keeps running. Keep in mind that suppressing them is still only a temporary solution, as the error will probably spread further. Repeated errors that provide only stack trace still render your game unplayable almost instantly.

Do not forget to enable this mod in content manager!

Follow this topic to learn how to fix broken assets/broken games in general.
If you are reporting an error to a source mod, please always include the log file (output_log.txt) besides the error message! You can find the log folder by going to options of this mod and clicking «Open log folder».

This mod is still in beta, so please report any bugs regarding this mod. You can still encounter many errors that don’t provide details such as asset name although in principle they could. In the future I might gradually extend this mod to other areas of game code. Currently the patched areas are: SimulationStep methods of BuildingAI, VehicleAI, CitizenAI, TranportlineAI, NetAI; ThreadingWrapper for mods.

Please, do not paste your errors in the comment section. Report them to the source mod/asset. You can use a dedicated topic in discussion section too, but it is not in my capabilities to provide much support.

This mod uses Harmony[github.com] for patching. The icon in the proveiw image was made by Freepik[www.flaticon.com].
Source code[github.com]
You are using this mod on your own risk.



Old revisions of this mod are available below. Click the link to download.

12 Apr, 2020 11:28

Extended Error Reporting

This mod replaces generic error messages in the game and helps you find broken assets
Still in beta!

– Error messages are now more elaborate. They always provide error stack trace and, if possible, asset name, mod name and other details.
– Mod errors that have been previously ignored and caused a variety of subtle invisible bugs are now always reported, so that you can fix them.
– You can now suppress selected exception dialogs, which in general is not recommended. If this is not working for you, you can suppress all exceptions in general by going to mod options.
– The errors are now more isolated. All errors that provide more details than the stack trace (eg. mod name, asset name) are now isolated, so that the simulation keeps running. Keep in mind that suppressing them is still only a temporary solution, as the error will probably spread further. Repeated errors that provide only stack trace still render your game unplayable almost instantly.

Do not forget to enable this mod in content manager!

Follow this topic to learn how to fix broken assets/broken games in general.
If you are reporting an error to a source mod, please always include the log file (output_log.txt) besides the error message! You can find the log folder by going to options of this mod and clicking “Open log folder”.

This mod is still in beta, so please report any bugs regarding this mod. You can still encounter many errors that don’t provide details such as asset name although in principle they could. In the future I might gradually extend this mod to other areas of game code. Currently the patched areas are: SimulationStep methods of BuildingAI, VehicleAI, CitizenAI, TranportlineAI, NetAI; ThreadingWrapper for mods.

Please, do not paste your errors in the comment section. Report them to the source mod/asset. You can use a dedicated topic in discussion section too, but it is not in my capabilities to provide much support.



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Linux contains a number of system calls which do complex things; they take
large structures as input, operate on significant internal state, and,
perhaps, return some sort of complicated output data. The normal status
returned from these system calls, however, is compressed down into a single
integer called


. Application programmers dealing with certain
subsystems (Video4Linux2 being your editor’s favorite in this regard) will
all be well familiar with the process of trying to figure out what the
problem is when the kernel says only «it failed.»

Andi Kleen describes the problem this way:

I always describe that as a the «ed approach to error
handling». Instead of giving a error message you just give ?. Just
? happens to be EINVAL in Linux.

My favourite example of this is the configuration of the
networking queueing disciplines, which configure complicated data
structures and algorithms and in many cases have tens of different
error conditions based on the input parameters — and they all
just report EINVAL.

It would be nice to provide application developers with better information
than this. A brief discussion covered some of the options:

  • Use printk() to put information into the system logfile.
    This approach is widely used, but it bloats the kernel with string
    data, risks flooding the logs, and the resulting information may not
    be easily accessible to an unprivileged programmer.
  • Extend specific system calls to enable them to provide richer status
    information. Just adding a new version of ioctl() would
    address many of the worst problems.
  • Create an errno-like mechanism by which any system call could
    return extended information. That information could be an error
    string, some sort of special code, or, as Alan Cox suggested, a pointer to the structure
    field which caused the problem.

One could certainly argue that the narrow errno mechanism is
showing its age and could use an upgrade. Any enhancements, though, would
be Linux-specific and non-POSIX, which always tends to limit their uptake.
They would also have to be lived with forever, and, thus, would require
careful design. So we’re unlikely to see a solution in the mainline
anytime soon, even if somebody does take up the challenge.

Index entries for this article
Kernel Development model/User-space ABI
Kernel User-space API

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(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)

Задает, какие ошибки PHP попадут в отчет


int error_reporting
([ int $level
] )

Список параметров


Новое значение уровня
error_reporting. Это может
быть битовая маска или именованные константы. При использовании
именованных констант нужно будет следить за совместимостью с новыми
версиями PHP. В новых версиях могут добавиться новые уровни ошибок,
увеличиться диапазон целочисленных типов. Все это может привести к
нестабильной работе при использовании старых целочисленных обозначений
уровней ошибок.

Доступные константы уровней ошибок и их описания приведены в разделе
Предопределенные константы.

Возвращаемые значения

Возвращает старое значение уровня
error_reporting либо текущее
значение, если аргумент level не задан.

Список изменений

Версия Описание
5.4.0 E_STRICT стал частью
5.3.0 Добавлены E_DEPRECATED и
5.2.0 Добавлена E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR.
5.0.0 Добавлена E_STRICT (не входит в состав


Пример #1 Примеры использования error_reporting()

<?php// Выключение протоколирования ошибок
error_reporting(0);// Включать в отчет простые описания ошибок
error_reporting(E_ERROR E_WARNING E_PARSE);// Включать в отчет E_NOTICE сообщения (добавятся сообщения о 
//непроинициализированных переменных или ошибках в именах переменных)
error_reporting(E_ERROR E_WARNING E_PARSE E_NOTICE);// Добавлять сообщения обо всех ошибках, кроме E_NOTICE
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);// Добавлять в отчет все PHP ошибки (см. список изменений)
error_reporting(E_ALL);// Добавлять в отчет все PHP ошибки
error_reporting(-1);// То же, что и error_reporting(E_ALL);



Большинство E_STRICT ошибок отлавливаются на этапе
компиляции, поэтому такие ошибки не включаются в отчет в файлах, где
error_reporting расширен для
включения E_STRICT ошибок (и наоборот).


Если передать -1, будут отображаться все возможные
ошибки, даже если в новых версиях PHP добавятся уровни или константы. В
версии PHP 5.4. передача константы E_ALL дает
тот же результат.

Вернуться к: Функции обработки ошибок


  • Frameworks

  • Dependencies

  • Used By

  • Versions

  • Release Notes

Product Versions
.NET net6.0-windows7.0
.NET Framework net462
  • .NETFramework 4.6.2

    • DotNetZip
      (>= 1.16.0)
    • Handlebars.Net
      (>= 2.1.2)
    • Krypton.Navigator.Nightly
    • Krypton.Toolkit.Nightly
    • Simple-MAPI.NET
      (>= 1.2.1)
    • System.Management
      (>= 7.0.0)
  • .NETFramework 4.7

    • DotNetZip
      (>= 1.16.0)
    • Handlebars.Net
      (>= 2.1.2)
    • Krypton.Navigator.Nightly
    • Krypton.Toolkit.Nightly
    • Simple-MAPI.NET
      (>= 1.2.1)
    • System.Management
      (>= 7.0.0)
  • .NETFramework 4.7.1

    • DotNetZip
      (>= 1.16.0)
    • Handlebars.Net
      (>= 2.1.2)
    • Krypton.Navigator.Nightly
    • Krypton.Toolkit.Nightly
    • Simple-MAPI.NET
      (>= 1.2.1)
    • System.Management
      (>= 7.0.0)
  • .NETFramework 4.7.2

    • DotNetZip
      (>= 1.16.0)
    • Handlebars.Net
      (>= 2.1.2)
    • Krypton.Navigator.Nightly
    • Krypton.Toolkit.Nightly
    • Simple-MAPI.NET
      (>= 1.2.1)
    • System.Management
      (>= 7.0.0)
  • .NETFramework 4.8

    • DotNetZip
      (>= 1.16.0)
    • Handlebars.Net
      (>= 2.1.2)
    • Krypton.Navigator.Nightly
    • Krypton.Toolkit.Nightly
    • Simple-MAPI.NET
      (>= 1.2.1)
    • System.Management
      (>= 7.0.0)
  • .NETFramework 4.8.1

    • DotNetZip
      (>= 1.16.0)
    • Handlebars.Net
      (>= 2.1.2)
    • Krypton.Navigator.Nightly
    • Krypton.Toolkit.Nightly
    • Simple-MAPI.NET
      (>= 1.2.1)
    • System.Management
      (>= 7.0.0)
  • net6.0-windows7.0

    • DotNetZip
      (>= 1.16.0)
    • Handlebars.Net
      (>= 2.1.2)
    • Krypton.Navigator.Nightly
    • Krypton.Toolkit.Nightly
    • Simple-MAPI.NET
      (>= 1.2.1)
    • System.Management
      (>= 7.0.0)
  • net7.0-windows7.0

    • DotNetZip
      (>= 1.16.0)
    • Handlebars.Net
      (>= 2.1.2)
    • Krypton.Navigator.Nightly
    • Krypton.Toolkit.Nightly
    • Simple-MAPI.NET
      (>= 1.2.1)
    • System.Management
      (>= 7.0.0)

NuGet packages

This package is not used by any NuGet packages.

GitHub repositories

This package is not used by any popular GitHub repositories.

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