Extra alignment tab has been changed to cr ошибка латех

Frequently Asked Question List for TeX


Frequently Asked Question List for TeX


This is an error you may encounter in LaTeX when a tabular
environment is being processed. “Alignment tabs” are the
& signs that separate the columns of a tabular
(or array or matrix) environment; so the error message

! Extra alignment tab has been changed to cr

could arise from a simple typo, such as:

  hello   & there & jim \
  goodbye & now

where the second & in the first line of the table is more than the
two-column ll column specification can cope with. In this
case, an extra l in that solves the problem. (If you
continue from the error in this case, jim will be moved
to a row of his own.) Another simple typo that can provoke the error

  hello   & there
  goodbye & now

where the \ has been missed from the first line of the table.
In this case, if you continue from the error, you will find that
LaTeX has made a table equivalent to:

  hello   & there goodbye\

(with the second line of the table having only one cell).

Rather more difficult to spot is the occurrence of the error when
you’re using alignment instructions in a p column:

here & we are again \
happy & as can be

the problem here (as explained in
tabular cell alignment) is that the
raggedright command in the column specification has overwritten
tabulars definition of \, so that
happy appears in a new line of the second column, and the
following & appears to LaTeX just like the second
& in the first example above.

Get rid of the error in the way described in
tabular cell alignment — either use
tabularnewline explicitly, or use the RBS trick described

The amsmath package adds a further twist; when typesetting
a matrix (the package provides many matrix environments), it has a
fixed maximum number of columns in a matrix — exceed that maximum,
and the error will appear. By default, the maximum is set to 10, but
the value is stored in counter MaxMatrixCols and may be
changed (in the same way as any counter):


FAQ ID: Q-altabcr


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! Extra alignment tab has been changed to cr.

what is problem with that

$$ D=(left[ begin{array} {ccc |ccc}
a_1,_1 & ldots & a_1,_n & & & \
vdots & ddots & vdots & & Theta &\
a_n,_1 & ldots & a_n,_n & & & \
& & & & b_1,_1 & ldots & b_1,_n \
& &Theta & & vdots & ddots & vdots \
& & & & b_n,_1 & ldots & b_n,_n & & &

Last edited by Stefan Kottwitz on Tue Dec 24, 2013 2:04 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Stefan Kottwitz

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! Extra alignment tab has been changed to cr.  Topic is solved

Postby Stefan Kottwitz » Tue Dec 24, 2013 2:13 am

Hi mlodyotak,

welcome to the forum!

You defined 6 columns by begin{array} {ccc |ccc}, but you used more. Just count the column separator symbols (ampersand &), there are more than 6 in the last array line. Reduce those unneeded symbols. Btw. don’t use $$...$$, this is TeX syntax and not recommendable for LaTeX documents, resulting in wrong vertical spacing. Use [ ... ] instead. Here’s a compilable version of it, also the right corrected:

 D=left[ begin{array} {ccc |cccc}
a_1,_1 & ldots & a_1,_n & & & \
vdots & ddots & vdots & & Theta &\
a_n,_1 & ldots & a_n,_n & & & \
& & & & b_1,_1 & ldots & b_1,_n \
& &Theta & & vdots & ddots & vdots \
& & & & b_n,_1 & ldots & b_n,_n
matrix.png (2.83 KiB) Viewed 23142 times


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! Extra alignment tab has been changed to cr.

Postby mlodyotak » Tue Dec 24, 2013 10:51 am

I’m very thankfull for that but i have another question how to get Theata on middle of this table maybe u have any idea?? Ok nevermind i solve the problem but i need to do something like that:

output.jpg (21.54 KiB) Viewed 23106 times

Last edited by Stefan Kottwitz on Tue Dec 24, 2013 3:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Stefan Kottwitz

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! Extra alignment tab has been changed to cr.

Postby Stefan Kottwitz » Tue Dec 24, 2013 3:06 pm

So I guess it’s solved? I would move the Theta to the column with the ddot.


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! Extra alignment tab has been changed to cr.

Postby mlodyotak » Tue Dec 24, 2013 3:24 pm

i need to do this ex and i have no idea how to posit this two big matrix’s how can i sole it this is my latex code. Sorry of my bbcode but i’m rly bad in such a thinks, and my english is not very good as you can see.

$$ f(x) =
left {
begin{array} {rl}
sin (frac {1}{x}) & mbox  {dla}  x neq 0\
0 & mbox{dla }  x in mathbb{R} backslash {0}.
right. $$

a_1,_1 & 0 & 0 & ldots & 0 \
a_2,_1 & a_2,_2 & 0 & ldots & 0\
a_3._1 & a_3,_2 & a_3,_3 & ldots & 0\
vdots & vdots & vdots & ddots & vdots & \
a_n-_1,_1 & ldots & a_n-_1,_n-_1 & ldots & a_n,_m
end{pmatrix}= prod _{i=1}^n a_{i,i} $$  
     D=left[ begin{array} {ccc |cccc}
    a_1,_1 & ldots & a_1,_n & & & \
    vdots & ddots & vdots &  &  & Theta\
    a_n,_1 & ldots & a_n,_n & & & \
    & & & & b_1,_1 & ldots & b_1,_n \
    & Theta & & vdots & ddots & vdots \
    & & & & b_n,_1 & ldots & b_n,_n

Last edited by cgnieder on Thu Dec 26, 2013 3:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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! Extra alignment tab has been changed to cr.

Postby Johannes_B » Tue Dec 24, 2013 6:22 pm

I am not quite sure what you want to know, maybe have a look at the following. There are some improvements (cases, commands defined by amsmath for operators ,e.g. sin,det).



[ f(x) =
left {
begin{array} {rl}
sin (frac {1}{x}) & mbox {dla}  x neq 0\
0 & mbox{dla }  x in mathbb{R} backslash {0}.
right. ]

[ f(x) = begin{cases}
sin (frac {1}{x}) & text {dla}  x neq 0\
0 & text{dla }  x in mathbb{R} backslash {0}.

 prod _{i=1}^n a_{i,i}&=
 det begin{pmatrix}
a_1,_1 & 0 & 0 & ldots & 0 \
a_2,_1 & a_2,_2 & 0 & ldots & 0\
a_3._1 & a_3,_2 & a_3,_3 & ldots & 0\
vdots & vdots & vdots & ddots & vdots & \
a_n-_1,_1 & ldots & a_n-_1,_n-_1 & ldots & a_n,_m
end{pmatrix}  \
D &=hphantom{det}left[ begin{array} {ccc |cccc}
a_1,_1 & ldots & a_1,_n & & & \
vdots & ddots & vdots & & & Theta\
a_n,_1 & ldots & a_n,_n & & & \
& & & & b_1,_1 & ldots & b_1,_n \
& Theta & & vdots & ddots & vdots \
& & & & b_n,_1 & ldots & b_n,_n


Maybe you can find some help at GUST or CSTUG. TeX user groups around the world.

The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.


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Re: ! Extra alignment tab has been changed to cr.

Postby mlodyotak » Tue Dec 24, 2013 10:10 pm

it’s a ex. what i need to do exactly how this is written in pdf and i don’t know how to do in this same lane this two big matrixes

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! Extra alignment tab has been changed to cr.

Postby Johannes_B » Tue Dec 24, 2013 10:58 pm

Those matrices, as you say yourself, are very big and simply too big for one line. You could change the font size in the math environment, but this would be an inconsistency.

Another possibility would be to change the printable area (this is shown by showframe) using geometry. Click on »Open in Writelatex« just above the following code and uncomment the geometry line.


%geometry{margin=1cm}%Just for showing, these are bad margins!

[ f(x) =
left {
begin{array} {rl}
sin (frac {1}{x}) & mbox {dla}  x neq 0\
0 & mbox{dla }  x in mathbb{R} backslash {0}.
right. ]

[ f(x) = begin{cases}
sin (frac {1}{x}) & text {dla}  x neq 0\
0 & text{dla }  x in mathbb{R} backslash {0}.

  det begin{pmatrix}
a_1,_1 & 0 & 0 & ldots & 0 \
a_2,_1 & a_2,_2 & 0 & ldots & 0\
a_3._1 & a_3,_2 & a_3,_3 & ldots & 0\
vdots & vdots & vdots & ddots & vdots & \
a_n-_1,_1 & ldots & a_n-_1,_n-_1 & ldots & a_n,_m
end{pmatrix} = prod _{i=1}^n a_{i,i}
D =left[ begin{array} {ccc |cccc}
a_1,_1 & ldots & a_1,_n & & & \
vdots & ddots & vdots & & & Theta\
a_n,_1 & ldots & a_n,_n & & & \
& & & & b_1,_1 & ldots & b_1,_n \
& Theta & & vdots & ddots & vdots \
& & & & b_n,_1 & ldots & b_n,_n

  det begin{pmatrix}
a_1,_1 & 0 & 0 & ldots & 0 \
a_2,_1 & a_2,_2 & 0 & ldots & 0\
a_3._1 & a_3,_2 & a_3,_3 & ldots & 0\
vdots & vdots & vdots & ddots & vdots & \
a_n-_1,_1 & ldots & a_n-_1,_n-_1 & ldots & a_n,_m
end{pmatrix} = prod _{i=1}^n a_{i,i}
D =left[ begin{array} {ccc |cccc}
a_1,_1 & ldots & a_1,_n & & & \
vdots & ddots & vdots & & & Theta\
a_n,_1 & ldots & a_n,_n & & & \
& & & & b_1,_1 & ldots & b_1,_n \
& Theta & & vdots & ddots & vdots \
& & & & b_n,_1 & ldots & b_n,_n


The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.


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! Extra alignment tab has been changed to cr.

Postby symolon » Wed Oct 18, 2017 10:09 pm

Hey all, I’m getting a similar error while trying to split an equation between 2 lines. I know the error usually means there’s an extra column somewhere but I’m not creating a table and I can’t see the problem. I’ve tried two versions of the code below, the first gives me an error that there’s an extra } or missing right. The second version gives the extra alignment tab changed to cr. It may have to do with the semicolon, but I’m not sure. I’d appreciate any help you can provide.



headsep = .25in
oddsidemargin = +.25in 
textwidth = 460pt


J^3 (2) &leftarrow max_{a in A} left[overline{r} (2,1) + lambda left( p(2, 1, 1) * J^2 (2) + p(2,1,2) * J^2 (2) right);\
& overline{r} (2,2) + lambda left( p(2, 2, 1) * J^2 (2) + p(2,2,2) * J^2 (2) right) right] \

J^3 (2) leftarrow max_{a in A} left[overline{r} (2,1) + lambda left( p(2, 1, 1) * J^2 (2) + p(2,1,2) * J^2 (2) right); overline{r} (2,2) + lambda left( p(2, 2, 1) * J^2 (2) + p(2,2,2) * J^2 (2) right) right] \


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Stefan Kottwitz

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! Extra alignment tab has been changed to cr.

Postby Stefan Kottwitz » Wed Oct 18, 2017 10:25 pm

Hi symolon,

welcome to the forum!

You cannot use a dynamic left and right delimiter pair over several lines, standard amsmath formula environments cannot handle it. You can «close» then temporarily and open again by right. and left. that are invisible delimiters.

J^3 (2) &leftarrow max_{a in A} left[overline{r} (2,1) + lambda left( p(2, 1, 1) * J^2 (2) + p(2,1,2) * J^2 (2) right)right.;\
& left.overline{r} (2,2) + lambda left( p(2, 2, 1) * J^2 (2) + p(2,2,2) * J^2 (2) right) right] \

Luckily your formula parts are of the same size, otherwise one would need to tweak the delimiter heights when the line height is different.


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This article will answer common LaTeX questions and provide solutions to common LaTeX problems. For more active help, please consult the AoPS message board.

Frequently Asked Questions——

Here are commonly asked LaTeX questions and possible answers.


  • 1 Installation
    • 1.1 I’m using a Macintosh. What do I do?
    • 1.2 How can I install LaTeX on my website like you have on the TeXer and your message board?
    • 1.3 I’ve upgraded MiKTeX and now TeXnicCenter won’t work
  • 2 Coding Questions
    • 2.1 My pages start too low!
  • 3 LaTeX Errors with Error Messages
    • 3.1 Extra alignment tab has been changed to cr
    • 3.2 LaTeX Error: begin{something} on input line line number ended by end{document}
    • 3.3 LaTeX Warning: Reference … undefined on ….
    • 3.4 LaTeX Warning: There were undefined references.
    • 3.5 Missing $ inserted
    • 3.6 Paragraph ended before end was complete.
    • 3.7 Runaway argument?
    • 3.8 Undefined control sequence.
  • 4 Other LaTeX Errors
    • 4.1 Forget the error messages, when I try to compile, it starts, but then just hangs. Nothing happens, and I can’t do anything. Then when I try to save the file, it won’t let me save it with the same name.
    • 4.2 I’m trying to use fancyhdr to make headers and footers, but they don’t align with the rest of my page. The rest of the page extends beyond the header line to the right or left.
    • 4.3 I’m using referencing, but the page numbers or equation numbers aren’t coming out right.
  • 5 Helpful Links
  • 6 See Also


I’m using a Macintosh. What do I do?

Some Mac users use TeXShop, OzTeX or Textures (we wrote the Art of Problem Solving textbooks in 1993 using Textures). The TeXShop is free. (Special thanks to Community member nr1337 for letting us know about TeXShop.)

How can I install LaTeX on my website like you have on the TeXer and your message board?

We used LatexRender, which can be found here. You will need to be able to install LaTeX and imagemagick on your server to use this. That site also has a TeX Converter that doesn’t require LaTeX and Imagemagick.

I’ve upgraded MiKTeX and now TeXnicCenter won’t work

You need to tell TeXnicCenter where MiKTeX has moved to. If you are using MiKTeX 2.7 it will probably be C:Program FilesMiKTeX 2.7miktexbin (this folder contains lots of exe files including latex.exe). You do this by clicking on Build, Define Output Profiles and clicking on the Wizard button in the bottom left corner. This video will show you what to do.

Coding Questions

My pages start too low!

Use topmargin in the preamble as described here to set the top margin smaller.

LaTeX Errors with Error Messages

When you use TeXnicCenter, a separate window contains output from LaTeX concerning various compiling information, including errors. Much of this text can be ignored. However, if you see a symbol that looks like this:


Then you have a serious problem.

If you have a whole string of these error messages, scroll back until you hit the first one. Often one error will cause many others, so you should fix them starting with your first problem. Also, the output from the compiler will give you a line number to help you find the error in your code. In TeXnicCenter, the line number you are on is given at the bottom of the TeXnicCenter window on the right.

Here are some common error messages, as well as other possible problems, and a little information about what the problem usually is. Most of these error messages will appear right after the red symbol. Occasionally, they will appear 1-2 lines before it. A few of these are just warnings — they generate yellow triangles in TeXnicCenter when compiling.

You have too many &s in a row of a table or array or eqnarray.

LaTeX Error: begin{something} on input line line number ended by end{document}

You’ve left out the end{whatever}. Perhaps you’re building a table or an eqnarray that has a bunch of lines and you’ve forgotten the end statement.

LaTeX Warning: Reference … undefined on ….

You have references in your document. You need to compile again so LaTeX will be able to get the references right.

LaTeX Warning: There were undefined references.

You have references in your document. You need to compile again so LaTeX will be able to get the references right.

Missing $ inserted

You left out a $ or [ or ] or $$ somewhere when you were writing text that needs to be in math mode.

Paragraph ended before end was complete.

You are probably missing an } at the end of an end{something} statement.

Runaway argument?

A runaway argument occurs when you leave off a }.

Undefined control sequence.

You’ve tried to call a command that doesn’t exist. Usually this is the result of a typo. Go to the line number mentioned in the error and look at all your commands. You’ll probably find something like rfac where you wanted frac.

Other LaTeX Errors

Here are some problems that might occur that don’t have error messages in the compiler. If your problem isn’t solved by this page, consider posting on the AoPS message board for help.

Forget the error messages, when I try to compile, it starts, but then just hangs. Nothing happens, and I can’t do anything. Then when I try to save the file, it won’t let me save it with the same name.

You probably have tried to use a package that you haven’t installed. For example, if you try usepackage{fancyhdr} but haven’t installed the package, then you’ll hang TeXnicCenter so badly that you should just restart your computer (or, if you know how, kill the latex process you’ve started).

I’m trying to use fancyhdr to make headers and footers, but they don’t align with the rest of my page. The rest of the page extends beyond the header line to the right or left.

You probably have called textwidth (or some other command dealing with page dimensions) after the pagestyle command in your preamble. The pagestyle and header and footer commands should come after all the page dimensions are set in the header.

I’m using referencing, but the page numbers or equation numbers aren’t coming out right.

You have references in your document. You need to compile again so LaTeX will be able to get the references right.

Helpful Links

  • <url>index.php?f=123 Art of Problem Solving LaTeX forum</url> — ask your question to our knowledgable LaTeX community.
  • <url>../LaTeX/AoPS_L_TeXer.php AoPS TeXeR</url> — the AoPS TeXer, which allows you to practice LaTeX typesetting and/or create pictures for your own website.
  • TeX Users Group home page — a source for all matters TeX.
  • TeX Catalogue Online — a comprehensive database of LaTeX packages.
  • MiKTeX home page — a popular TeX engine for Windows-based computers.
  • TeXnicCenter home page — a popular TeX editor for Windows-based computers.
  • MetaPost home page — MetaPost is a programming language for creating graphic images for inclusion into LaTeX documents. It is not easy to install or use but the quality of the images produced by MetaPost is outstanding. (All of the Art of Problem Solving’s new Introductory textbooks used MetaPost to generate the diagrams.)

See Also

  • Previous: Packages

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