Ezdrummer 2 midi database error как исправить

Midi database error как исправить ezdrummer 2 Today I installed EZD2 on a Mac with 10.11.5 and the following error appears: These products are required to read and respons to the thread. Please log in to reply to this topic. Please log in to reply to this topic. Viewing 15 replies — 1 through […]


  1. Midi database error как исправить ezdrummer 2
  2. Midi database error как исправить ezdrummer 2
  3. 3 простых шага по исправлению ошибок EZDRUMMER.DLL
  4. Подробности файле с именем ezdrummer.dll
  5. Очистите мусорные файлы, чтобы исправить ezdrummer.dll, которое перестало работать из-за ошибки.
  6. Очистите реестр, чтобы исправить ezdrummer.dll, которое перестало работать из-за ошибки
  7. Как удалить заблокированный файл
  8. Настройка Windows для исправления критических ошибок ezdrummer.dll:
  9. Как другие пользователи поступают с этим файлом?
  10. Как вы поступите с файлом ezdrummer.dll?
  11. Некоторые сообщения об ошибках, которые вы можете получить в связи с ezdrummer.dll файлом
  13. EZdrummer 2 скачать торрент v2.1.8 для FL Studio 20 крякнутый Toontrack
  14. Обзор EZdrummer 2
  15. EZdrummer 2 делает это

Midi database error как исправить ezdrummer 2

Today I installed EZD2 on a Mac with 10.11.5 and the following error appears:

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did you install via the Product Manager or previously downloaded image?
Please close EZdrummer 2 and try running the Toontrack Product Manager to see if it will update and rectify this problem.

John Rammelt — Toontrack
Technical Advisor

hi there
same here, installed ezd2 last night and got the same error. installed with the program manager and it says they are all upto date,
any assistance would be much appreciated

i have the same problem, installed everything with the new product manager and it says mismatch of versions between database and plugin… i dont get it, everything is up to date…

i have the same problem, reinstall via PManager did not help

Im getting the same thing. just installed it, and getting the Midi Database Error. Any known fixes for it yet?

what happens if you go to the Menu > Advanced > Restore Factory Database?

John Rammelt — Toontrack
Technical Advisor

what happens if you go to the Menu > Advanced > Restore Factory Database?

The “Restore Factory Database” isnt even lit up for me to press.
Im having the same issue and I just bought it and installed it just now.

Can you please post a screen shot of the entire GUI when you go to the Advanced Menu?

John Rammelt — Toontrack
Technical Advisor

What should I do?

Hey guys, could you please check a file from the installation to see if that has been updated properly?

For windows users this file is located in

For MAC users it is located in
Macintosh HD/Library/Application Support/EZDrummer/Database/02_@EZDRUMMER_2_MODERN#VINTAGE/midiDB

If you check properties of this file it should have a size of 485,376 bytes.

If this is not the case you could try renaming the subfolder “Database” to something else, for example “Database2” and then run the updater again.

Let me know how it works!

Bass player in swedish thrash metal band Defiatory

Coder at Toontrack

Thanked by: Jacob

Today I installed EZD2 on a Mac with 10.11.5 and the following error appears:

I installed EZD@ on iMac 11,3 Mac OS X Version 10.6.8 and am experiencing exactly the same quandary.

any help genuinely appreciated… drums sound great – if I could just get past this technical hump! would be awesome.

Has anybody read and followed Patrik’s advice in his post above?

Scott Sibley — Toontrack
Technical Advisor

Hi Scott,, I did read and followed his above post,,

My situation was a little different, possibly..

I had the same midi alert, which we really can’t pass… I re-ran after renaming that file, then as well, again with renaming the “Database Folder”.

Neither fixed it for me, so I reverted to original names, and removed the additional created folder, file.

The reason I think mine is different is I went from EZD1 upgrade to EZD2. I lost my library drive and the backup, lol,,
Not being able to get pass the EZD2 missing Library folder, since the location folder existed, but no data to recognize, it wouldn’t accept the location.
I downloaded the EZD2 install and extracted, created the location on the new drive and copied the EZDHOME Folder to it.
Then I ran the same already installed EZD2 application, which gave me the same can’t find library. But this time, there was data to accept.
This allowed me to reinstall my EZX’s to desired location…

Now, That is where I got the midi alert. when running the application again.

Searched, found this forum, left this page up.
Looked elsewhere and still found nothing solid…

So, I thought, I will reinstall the EZD2 software, and still got this midi alert… and noticed I did not have the Pads, shaker, tambourine, and claps on the upper right of the main Tab…

So I downloaded the EZD1 and fresh download of EZD2. uninstalled, EZD1 and 2 along with the updater app,, (and the Solo app)a
Installed in sequence the EZD1, it’s updates by date, oldest first.
Then through to EZD2 the same procedure…

No Midi alert this time and I had the Pads Shaker, Tambourine, and Claps back on the upper right as well.
So I ran the “Check for Updates from the menu, and oddly enough it showed that Rock/Pop file 152 (1.5.2) was the only thing not installed.
I reran that installer, and all is well.

I have not used the Product Manager which some may find very useful. I’m old school and like to do installs myself…

Hope somehow this helps,
if not and you guys find it not relevant, let me know and I’ll remove it to stay on task of the OP.


Midi database error как исправить ezdrummer 2

Any EZD2 users kicking around?

I’ve managed the conversion with LinVST, it loads, plays sounds fine, works well.

However, it asked me for the library path on first run, I pointed it to what I thought was the correct folder, and now it’s just stuck telling me there’s a MIDI Database Error. I can’t find where it might be keeping its config files — ideally I could clear them to trigger the first-run behavior again.

Note: After some more poking around and a clue from 4duhwinnn I’ve got it 90% there. See below for details.

Any EZD2 users kicking around?

I’ve managed the conversion with LinVST, it loads, plays sounds fine, works well.

However, it asked me for the library path on first run, I pointed it to what I thought was the correct folder, and now it’s just stuck telling me there’s a MIDI Database Error. I can’t find where it might be keeping its config files — ideally I could clear them to trigger the first-run behavior again.

Somewhere in the .wine folder maybe?

maybe users AppData or wherever.

Worst case might be deleting the .wine folder and running winecfg again and then reinstalling EZDrummer.

I hadn’t realized that Wine creates its own registry — the setting I needed was under:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > Software > Wow6432Node > Toontrack > Superior > EZDrummer > HomePath

The Browse tab works; all the loops are there, I can look through them, play them, and export them, but the Search tab is still stuck on «MIDI Database Error». I’ve posted on the Toontrack forum, but their support doesn’t seem to be very active these days.

Hi, I just installed the ezd2 demo in Mint 18, with wine-staging
3.13, no over-rides, and registered the demo in my TT account.

It seems 100% functional in 10 minutes of clicking,
mixer, browser, controls all OK etc and no errors presented,
and I can ‘send’ sequences to the kit for recording.

The issue you have came up sometimes when V2 and the Product Manager
were first introduced. Perhaps some collisions from earlier versions,
and undetected bugs etc Some ToonTrack help was offered at:

Their support helped me quickly to recover my V1 account,
just a few days ago, but they might ignore linux support requests,
if it is worded as such.

A new V1 install handled by the Product Manager was successful
in linux Mint 18 and win 7. V2 sounds fine.

A fresh wine-staging install is likely good luck.

edit: I read this solution to someones midi file issue:

«The problem was that the midi files were not downloaded in Program Files(x86) /Toontrack/EZDrummer but in Program Files/Common files/Toontrack/EZDrummer so EZDrummer couldn’t find the sounds & midi files.»

But I just checked my demo path to sounds, and it is

/home/me/.wine/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/Common Files/Toontrack/EZDrummer

so mileage may vary? Links may be in order etc


3 простых шага по исправлению ошибок EZDRUMMER.DLL

Подробности файле с именем ezdrummer.dll

Очистите мусорные файлы, чтобы исправить ezdrummer.dll, которое перестало работать из-за ошибки.

  • Запустите приложение Asmwsoft Pc Optimizer.
  • Потом из главного окна выберите пункт «Clean Junk Files».
  • Когда появится новое окно, нажмите на кнопку «start» и дождитесь окончания поиска.
  • потом нажмите на кнопку «Select All».
  • нажмите на кнопку «start cleaning».

Очистите реестр, чтобы исправить ezdrummer.dll, которое перестало работать из-за ошибки

Как удалить заблокированный файл

  • В главном окне Asmwsoft Pc Optimizer выберите инструмент «Force deleter»
  • Потом в «force deleter» нажмите «Выбрать файл», перейдите к файлу ezdrummer.dll и потом нажмите на «открыть».
  • Теперь нажмите на кнопку «unlock and delete», и когда появится подтверждающее сообщение, нажмите «да». Вот и все.

Настройка Windows для исправления критических ошибок ezdrummer.dll:

  • Нажмите правой кнопкой мыши на «Мой компьютер» на рабочем столе и выберите пункт «Свойства».
  • В меню слева выберите » Advanced system settings».
  • В разделе «Быстродействие» нажмите на кнопку «Параметры».
  • Нажмите на вкладку «data Execution prevention».
  • Выберите опцию » Turn on DEP for all programs and services . » .
  • Нажмите на кнопку «add» и выберите файл ezdrummer.dll, а затем нажмите на кнопку «open».
  • Нажмите на кнопку «ok» и перезагрузите свой компьютер.

Как другие пользователи поступают с этим файлом?

Всего голосов ( 202 ), 133 говорят, что не будут удалять, а 69 говорят, что удалят его с компьютера.

Как вы поступите с файлом ezdrummer.dll?

Некоторые сообщения об ошибках, которые вы можете получить в связи с ezdrummer.dll файлом

  • (ezdrummer.dll) столкнулся с проблемой и должен быть закрыт. Просим прощения за неудобство.
  • ezdrummer.dll. Эта программа не отвечает.
  • (ezdrummer.dll) — Ошибка приложения: the instruction at 0xXXXXXX referenced memory error, the memory could not be read. Нажмитие OK, чтобы завершить программу.
  • (ezdrummer.dll) не является ошибкой действительного windows-приложения.
  • (ezdrummer.dll) отсутствует или не обнаружен.


Проверьте процессы, запущенные на вашем ПК, используя базу данных онлайн-безопасности. Можно использовать любой тип сканирования для проверки вашего ПК на вирусы, трояны, шпионские и другие вредоносные программы.


EZdrummer 2 скачать торрент v2.1.8 для FL Studio 20 крякнутый Toontrack

Важно! Перед началом скачивания и установки необходимо ОТКЛЮЧИТЬ АНТИВИРУС, иначе кейген может быть удалён.

Важно! Версия EZdrummer v2.1.8 ставится поверх версии EZdrummer 2.0.2 + All Expansion, скачать и посмотреть видео-инструкцию по установке можно по ссылке ниже.

Обзор EZdrummer 2

За последние пять лет «виртуальный барабанщик» превратился из инструмента, который (в лучшем случае) звучал как настоящая установка, в инструмент, который составляет основу вашей ритм-секции. Таким образом, мы ожидаем большего от нашего программного обеспечения для виртуальной игры на ударных — не только набора MIDI-лупов, но и интегрированного программного обеспечения для микширования, настройки набора и многого другого.

Даже стандартная DAW была задействована, а функция Drummer в Logic Pro X стала одним из лучших интегрированных решений, которые мы когда-либо видели, поэтому любое программное обеспечение для виртуальных ударных, предлагающее что-то новое, требует много работы!

EZdrummer 2 делает это

Являясь одним из наиболее экономичных решений на рынке, EZdrummer 2 компании Toontrack собрал как большую базу пользователей, так и сопутствующую звуковую библиотеку. Заимствуя многие функции из Superior Drummer 3.0, EZdrummer предлагал великолепно звучащие результаты с минимумом суеты. Тем не менее, когда мир виртуальной игры на барабанах двигался так быстро, пришло время обновить его — предоставить инструмент, который по-прежнему имел ту же непосредственность, что и EZdrummer, но с множеством функций, которые сделали конечный результат еще более близким к реальному барабанщику!

Таким образом, EZdrummer 2 имеет множество новых функций, не говоря уже о полностью новом наборе «основных» звуков ударных. Важно отметить, что для тех, кто собрал большую библиотеку пакетов расширения для EZ Drummer, стоит отметить, что существующие библиотеки загрузятся в новый движок вместе с обновленной графикой, настройками микшера и, конечно же, всеми важными MIDI-грувами.

Основная библиотека EZdrummer 2 разделена на современные и винтажные, при этом современная установка записывается с помощью консолей Neve 88R и TG12345, в то время как старинные барабаны воспроизводятся с помощью редкой консоли REDD.

Все наборы, включающие в себя отрывки из DW, Gretsch, Yamaha, Ludwig, Sonor, Tama и Brady, были записаны Чаком Эйнли в студии Марка Нопфлера British Grove Studios. Наряду со звуками основной ударной установки есть также несколько звуков ударных, в том числе шейкеров, бубнов и хлопков, которые добавляют изюминку основной ударной установке.

Пишите — отвечу всем! Регистрация не требуется!

А библиотек я так понимаю тут нет и надо самому докачивать?

Чтобы скачать библиотеки переходите по ссылке «EZdrummer 2 скачать торрент v2.0.2», далее жмите «Скачать EZDrummer 2.1.1» и скачивайте «EZdrummer 2.0.2 + All Expansion».

MIdi database error пишет во вкладке search, что делать?



10-26-2017, 10:40 PM


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Midi files error—ez drummer 2

So I was trying to add vst plugins in reapers preferences, but accidentally deleted the file before it, and now EZDRUMMER2 will not work for anything. I tried deleting, reinstalling, change the files/folders that I put them in, and scan for new plugins a miliion times, opened and closed Reaper, and every time I get the same «midi files error» the folder containing ezdrummer 2 midi cannot be found, which is very odd, considering MIDI folder is right there in toontrack in vst plugins, as well as ezdrummer two and all else. What should I do?

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10-26-2017, 11:57 PM


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1. Thoroughly delete EZD.
2. Open Toontrack Product Manager & it`ll show EZD as not installed.
3.Download and install/authorise it.
4. Clear/rescan plugin paths in reaper.
You should be good to go. But only if you do it exactly as outlined.

Ici on parles Franglais

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10-27-2017, 12:09 AM


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Originally Posted by ivansc
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1. Thoroughly delete EZD.
2. Open Toontrack Product Manager & it`ll show EZD as not installed.
3.Download and install/authorise it.
4. Clear/rescan plugin paths in reaper.
You should be good to go. But only if you do it exactly as outlined.

Thanks, Ivan. I did that, what you said, but it still didn’t work. THEN it said I should install the 32 bit version ??? I’m on a 64 computer, so I tried 32 anyway. Problems gone! I thought 32 and 64 were incompatible, but it seems to work—a lot better now than when I kept downloading and installing 64. Go figure.

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10-27-2017, 05:09 AM


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Originally Posted by metallicaguy1
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What should I do?

buy and install EZDrummer 3

«significantly better than bad…» — Dell XPS i7, 16G Ram, Win 10 64Bit, REAPER 64Bit, MOTU Audio Express, PG Music — BIAB 2020, Kontakt 5, more VSTs than I know what to do with. Will trade all to play the guitar and keys better!

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10-27-2017, 06:04 AM


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Originally Posted by jazzmandan
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buy and install EZDrummer 3

Let us know when that’s a shipping product.

Intel i7 @ 3.4 GHz, 16 GB RAM, 2 TB HD; Win10 Home x64; PreSonus AudioBox 44VSL
Studio One 5 Pro; Notion 6; Melodyne 5 Studio; SpectraLayers Pro 7; Guitar Pro 7
PreSonus FaderPort Classic; Nektar P6; M-Audio BX8 D2; Beyerdynamic DT 880 Pro

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10-27-2017, 10:48 AM


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OK. Your problem is with the order in which you put your Reaper VST plugin paths in Options/Pref.
I can never remember which has to go first, but Reaper scans in a particular order and if you have the wrong EZD .dll location scanned it will ignore the other one!

Cant for the life of me remember which way round it should be, either 32bit locations first or 64 bit locations first, so just change yours to the opposite and it will find the 64bit version and probably ignore the 32bit you just installed.
If I recall correctly, this IS detailed in the Reaper User Guide, too.

Ici on parles Franglais

Last edited by ivansc; 10-28-2017 at 09:44 AM.

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10-28-2017, 09:43 AM


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Put the most important path last. If any duplicate plug-ins are found then the earlier one is dropped.

DarkStar … interesting, if true. . . . Inspired by …

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  1. Cribs


    Jul 29, 2016
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    I have the DreamPop and BigRock expansions for EZDrummer 2 but I gather they need version 2.1.4 of EZDrummer as it keeps telling me I need the latest version (I currently have 2.1.3 on PC). Is 2.1.4 available for PC Windows yet?

    Also, Kontakt 5 is giving me lots of problems! When I load the standalone Kontakt all of my libraries are activated and work. However, when I load them in my DAW (Sonar Artist) there is a lot which are NOT activated?! Please help me as it’s all driving me mad!
    Thanks in advance and Happy New Year to all!

  2. Cribs


    Jul 29, 2016
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    Thanks Kloud! Sorted the Kontakt problem. I actually bought Kontakt but with some libraries it doesn’t seem to agree with so I have to use the unlocked version. It was the .dll file — all sorted now! As far as Ezdrummer only found 2.1.4 on demonoid and it has a corrupt library so I replaced the library with 2.1.3 and DreamPop etc all installed successfully! However at this moment I am assessing what software I’ve paid for and the software I need and it’s looking good — I should have all paid software only on my system in the next week. Thanks for your help mate! Cribs

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  3. Wretchard


    Jan 21, 2017
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    I was trying to install Big Rock Drums but it said I needed to update to 2.1.4. I got it installed but there are errors or something and when I open ezdrummer I get a «midi database error.»


    Cribs, you said that you replaced the library with the 2.1.3 version. How would I go about this, and would it help?

  4. Basically u need to make sure the plugin itself is capable of running the library, i.e if Big Rock Drums needs 2.1.4 u need 2.1.4 .dll etc installed. Your case you could have EZDrummer 2.1.3 installed and u need 2.1.4 to run the library.
    Therefore first check make sure you actually got 2.1.4 installed and your DAW etc reading correct .dll
    If in doubt on PC etc right click .dll -> Properties -> Details -> Check product version.
    If needed update.
    Is most probably that u need 2.1.4 to run that midi library and you only got 2.1.3 installed.
    Outside that check your Midi Database and included folders. After installing updates normally automatically rebuilds midi database.However, is an option to try straight away i.e rebuild database or could try restoring to factory.
    If you do that though user midi locations will have to be re-added as new database file created. However most likely is that u simply need to update.
    You can always check sound library version through menu also if needed

  5. Syntey


    Oct 30, 2014
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    I have similar problem, when I run Installer in Dream Pop installation folder, then it says that I need the latest update, but I have latest version. Anyone had problems like this?

    EZdrummer plug-in version 2.1.4 (build 13108) [64-bit VST]
    Standalone host version 2.1.4 (build 13108)

    Maybe it has to do something with manual install. I had to do it manually because instalator was corrupted or something.

  6. Wretchard


    Jan 21, 2017
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    Thanks for the suggestions. But I have 2.1.4 installed, and it is during the update installation where the problem begins. A window pops up during the installation saying please make sure some files are present. It’s the midi database files for different ezx packs. I have the option to abort, retry, or ignore. Ignore is the only thing that let’s the installation continue… But I have to ignore 25 plus files.

    Also, factor reset button appears but nothing happens when clicked.

  7. Wretchard


    Jan 21, 2017
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    I’ve uninstalled everything, and tried a reinstall but same issue. I didn’t clean out the registry though.

    I know hitting ignore isn’t the best idea but I’ve done that before with other installs and all went ok.

    When I just uninstall the 2.1.4 update, the program stays at 2.1.4 anyway. Going to uninstall everything, all ez packs, etc etc and try again from the beginning. Only thing I am not that sure about is cleaning out the registry but will look into that.

    Thanks for the input. Will let you know how this goes.

  8. Wretchard


    Jan 21, 2017
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    I cleaned up and reinstalled. Now I get this message:

    EZdrummer plug-in version 2.0.0 (build 9149) [32-bit VST]
    Standalone host version 2.1.4 (build 13108)

    EZdrummer 2 Modern version 1.0.0
    EZdrummer 2 Vintage version 1.0.0

    EZdrummer 2 Modern/Vintage version 1.0.0
    EZdrummer 2 Percussion version 1.0.0

    Have to get rid of Standalone host version 2.1.4 (build 13108) maybe.

    Any ideas where to delete or remove this so I can try again?

    Did the regedit thing and this is what is there:


    And this stuff in the ezdrummer folder:


    What I try to update from 2.0 to 2.1.4, this is what I see:


    I don’t know much about registry fixing. I feel like just deleting it all haha!

  9. That’s x32 u updating right? or is it just installer that x32 lol or are u installing from mounted ISO etc?
    U wanting to install x64?
    Also registry say plug in installed on E drive?
    You don’t have to install X32 less u want to or need to least with my installation etc. That your commonAppData folder and it asking for Avatar Midi database.
    Personally I would delete, everything, clean all install locations and ALL relevant registry data so installer not looking for previous install Data and start at the beginning.
    Also can install X64 only rather than both but you can do either.
    When u using apps like Toontrack solo also etc you always got to double check that you reading correct .dll etc or could load x32 etc and that library read is correct which you can set path.
    Could be something else completely tho or I’m possibly seein it wrong etc :dunno:

    As I said reckon easiest way would be to start over but also delete reg data but be carefull what you delete.

    Also other users that installed like that installation can possibly chime in like as I mentioned I do it all through library manager so a little different. :)

  10. Wretchard


    Jan 21, 2017
    Likes Received:

    Copied and pasted each folder from the original install folder where the sounds, midi, etc is installed to the folder where the installation takes place. Still not right. Getting the mismatch error again


  11. Wretchard


    Jan 21, 2017
    Likes Received:

    I only want to install the 32 bit one for now. Old Cubase.

    Installing from .msi installer.

    Clean up and try again……….

    And thanks for the advice and input.

  12. Wretchard


    Jan 21, 2017
    Likes Received:

    Now I get this message…


    Just can’t get rid of this update.

  13. TinTin

    Platinum Record

    Nov 16, 2011
    Likes Received:

    you should start buying it , than you could ask for Toontrack Support .

    btw: tts written in your error message what is wrong .

    good luck

  14. Rhodes


    Feb 4, 2015
    Likes Received:

    since you have a mess there, uninstall ez drummer and clean the system.
    Than reinstall it following the directions in the .nfo or .txt.

    As I remember, You have to install EZ 2.0 and than update to the last version.
    The same goes for the libraryes… they should be updated too

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Superior drummer 3 cannot find any midi что делать Superior drummer 3 cannot find any midi что делать

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It’s a separate download/install. There is a Core MIDI installer under S3 Library Part 1 – Basic Sound Library in Product Manager.

I have a related question, in that my midi database keeps disappearing most days. I’ll open a project and go to song creator, and tap to find etc and get no results, then I realise my midi database has vanished so I have to go to settings and restore it, then each third party file set (Groove Monkey etc). I have even got an ‘error midi database lost’ or suchlike, and have to rescan again. This is happening most days, sometimes a few times a day. Am guessing a bug that needs fixing? I know how to fix it as in rescan database, but I don’t want to be doing that most sessions! Any thoughts Toontrack Dudes? (Sorry to hijack thread but couldn’t find solution)

@flashaha007 said:
I have a related question, in that my midi database keeps disappearing most days. I’ll open a project and go to song creator, and tap to find etc and get no results, then I realise my midi database has vanished so I have to go to settings and restore it, then each third party file set (Groove Monkey etc). I have even got an ‘error midi database lost’ or suchlike, and have to rescan again. This is happening most days, sometimes a few times a day. Am guessing a bug that needs fixing? I know how to fix it as in rescan database, but I don’t want to be doing that most sessions! Any thoughts Toontrack Dudes? (Sorry to hijack thread but couldn’t find solution)

That sounds very strange indeed and not at all how it should work.
I need some information to try and understand what could go wrong for you.


Superior drummer 3 cannot find any midi что делать

Дата Выпуска: 2021
Версия: 3.2.7
Разработчик: toontrack.com/product/superior-drummer-3/
Сайт: Toontrack
Разрядность: 64bit
Таблэтка: вылечено (Team V.R)
Системные требования: 64-bit Windows 7 or newer, 4 GB RAM (8 GB RAM or more recommended).
macOS 10.10 or higher, Intel or Apple silicon processor, 4 GB RAM (8 GB RAM or more recommended).
64-bit host (with support for VST, AU or AAX). Standalone is included.
Размер: 570.9 MB

Как установить заводскую библиотеку?

1. Из списка раздач библиотек SDX, который здесь представлен, скачиваем только папку с названием SL-(название библиотеки)

Superior drummer 3 cannot find any midi что делать

Как добавить миди-грувы в Superior Drummer 3?

Для пользователей Windows:

2a. По пути С:ProgramDataToontrackEZdrummer полностью заменить папку MIDI папкой из скачанного образа
* (если папки EZdrummer нет, то нужно её создать)

Superior drummer 3 cannot find any midi что делать

Для пользователей MacOSX

2b. По пути /Library/Application Support/EZDrummer/ полностью заменить папку MIDI папкой из скачанного образа
* (если папки EZDrummer нет, то нужно её создать)

Superior drummer 3 cannot find any midi что делать

3. После этого открываем Superior Drummer 3, нажимаем: Settings > Advanced > Restore MIDI Database.
4. Во вкладке Grooves, в списке библиотек миди-грувов от Platinum Samples и Groove Monkee, где имеются оранжевые папки с восклицательным знаком, нажимаем Add Database.

Superior drummer 3 cannot find any midi что делать

— Если Вы хотите, чтобы папка MIDI находилась в другом месте, переместите эту папку и после открытия SD3, во вкладке Grooves Вы обнаружите ошибку No MIDI library found

Superior drummer 3 cannot find any midi что делать

кликаем на Libraries Settings и во вкладке Additional Libraries выбираем новое местонахождение папки MIDI (и перезагружаем Superior)

Для пользователей Windows:

Superior drummer 3 cannot find any midi что делать

Для пользователей MacOSX:

Superior drummer 3 cannot find any midi что делать

1. Из списка раздач библиотек EZX, который здесь представлен, скачиваем только папку с названием EZX_ или EZX2_(название библиотеки)

Для пользователей Windows:

2a. Перемещаем скачанную папку в С:ProgramDataToontrackEZdrummer (по умолчанию эта папка для хранения EZX библиотек, а также папки с миди-грувами MIDI)

Имена папок EZX библиотек:

Superior drummer 3 cannot find any midi что делать

— Если Вы хотите, чтобы папка для библиотек EZX и миди находилась в другом месте: Создаём папку (для примера) EZX Library, в неё перемещаем все библиотеки EZX, а также папку MIDI, переименовываем папку EZDrummer по пути (С:ProgramDataToontrackEZdrummer). После открытия SD3, во вкладке Grooves Вы обнаружите ошибку No MIDI library found

Superior drummer 3 cannot find any midi что делать

кликаем на Libraries Settings и во вкладке Additional Libraries выбираем папку с библиотеками EZX Library, перезагружаем Superior.

Superior drummer 3 cannot find any midi что делать

Для пользователей MacOSX:
2b. Перемещаем скачанную папку в /Library/Application Support/EZDrummer/ (по умолчанию эта папка для хранения EZX библиотек, а также папки с миди-грувами MIDI)

Имена папок EZX библиотек:

Superior drummer 3 cannot find any midi что делать

— Если Вы хотите, чтобы папка для библиотек EZX и миди находилась в другом месте: Создаём папку (для примера) EZX Library, в неё перемещаем все библиотеки EZX, а также папку MIDI, переименовываем папку EZDrummer по пути (/Library/Application Support/EZDrummer/). После открытия SD3, во вкладке Grooves Вы обнаружите ошибку No MIDI library found

Superior drummer 3 cannot find any midi что делать

кликаем на Libraries Settings и во вкладке Additional Libraries выбираем папку с библиотеками EZX Library, перезагружаем Superior.

Superior drummer 3 cannot find any midi что делать

Не могу найти папку SL-SuperiorDrummer3/Sounds/

Для этого нужно установить заводскую библиотеку см. пункт 1 FAQ

Не запускается SD3. Пишет ‘The Susperior Drummer 3 plug-in could not be found.’

Запускаем в терминале следующие комманды:

Список раздач библиотек SDX

Список раздач библиотек EZX

Action! EZX v1.0.1
Alt-Rock EZX v1.0.0
Americana EZX v1.5.2
Big Band EZX v1.0.0
Big Rock Drums EZX v1.0.0
Classic Rock EZX v1.0.0
Claustrophobic EZX v1.5.3
Custom Shop EZX v1.0.0
Dark Matter EZX v1.0.0
Death Metal EZX v1.0.1
Dream Pop EZX v1.0.0
Drumkit From Hell EZX v1.5.3
Drums of Destruction EZX v1.0.0
Electronic EZX v1.5.2
Electronic Edge EZX v1.0.0
Funkmasters EZX v1.5.4
Hard Rock EZX v1.0.1
Hip-Hop! EZX v1.0.0
In The Pocket EZX v1.0.0
Indie Folk EZX v1.5.0
Jazz EZX v1.5.1
Kicks & Snares EZX v1.0.0
Latin Cuban Drums EZX v1.0.0 (обновление до v1.0.1)
Latin Cuban Percussion EZX v1.0.0 (обновление до v1.0.1)
Latin Percussion EZX v1.5.5
Made of Metal EZX v1.0.0
Metal Machine EZX v1.5.2
Metal! EZX v1.5.4
Metalheads EZX v1.5.1
Modern Metal EZX v1.0.0
Nashville EZX v1.5.3
Number 1 Hits EZX v1.5.3
Pop Punk EZX v1.0.0
Pop! EZX v1.0.0
Pop/Rock EZX v1.5.4 (обновление до v1.5.5)
Post-Rock EZX v1.0.0
Progressive EZX v1.0.0
Reggae EZX v1.0.2
Rock Solid EZX v1.5.3
Rock! EZX v1.5.3
Seventies Rock EZX v1.0.0
Southern Soul EZX v1.0.0
The Blues EZX v1.5.0
The Classic EZX v1.5.1
Traditional Country EZX v1.0.1
Twisted Kit EZX v1.5.1
UK Pop EZX v1.0.0
Vintage Rock EZX v1.5.3


Superior drummer 3 cannot find any midi что делать

I’m new to Reaper (loving it so far), and working with VSTs. I have an issue getting any sound out of a MIDI track when the FX is Superior Drummer 3.
Here is the process I follow.
Open Reaper. Audio is set to the computer sound card, (though I have tried it with the ASIO from the audio interface also).
I insert a track with virtual instrument and select SD3. I insert the MIDI media file and hit play. The line moves across the notes, but no sound comes out. I then change the FX to be SD2 and the drums start to play using the SD2 kit selected. I then change the instrument to be a piano VST and the MIDI track plays the piano to the drum track (very interesting, but not what I want).
If I change it back to SD3, and open the SD3 editor and insert the same MIDI media file, it will produce the sound. It is the only way to get the sound from SD3. While, it allows me to get around the issue, it is not the way things should work.
I have tried this just about every way possible. I insert track, then add the FX to be SD3. I add the MIDI file, then the FX. No matter what I do, the sound does not come out.
I checked the audio from SD3 and it appears to be correct. The sound wouldn’t come out when I add the MIDI file to the SD3 editor, if it wasn’t.

Does anyone have any suggestions on what this could be?

It is possible that I inadvertently changed a setting I wasn’t supposed to change. If so, I can’t figure out what that would be.

Any help would be appreciated. It is driving me nuts!

Just a random long-shot:

In the SD3 settings, is the «MIDI In Channel» set to «Any»?


Superior drummer 3 cannot find any midi что делать

Дата Выпуска: 2021
Версия: 3.2.5
Разработчик: Toontrack
Сайт: toontrack.com/product/superior-drummer-3/
Разрядность: 64bit
Таблэтка: вылечено (Team V.R)
Системные требования: 64-bit Windows 7 or newer, 4 GB RAM (8 GB RAM or more recommended).
Размер: 258.5 MB

Как установить заводскую библиотеку?

1. Скачиваем «Basic Sound Library»
— если Вам нужны дополнительные микрофоны, то скачиваем из остальных частей* заводской библиотеки только файлы с расширением *.obw, которые находятся в папках Sounds. Эти файлы перемещаем в SL-SuperiorDrummer3/Sounds/ (перемещайте только файлы *.obw, а не папку Sounds)
* рекомендую скачать вторую и пятую части (3 и 4 части содержат файлы для объемного звучания).

2. Скачиваем обновление Superior Drummer 3 Library Update v1.2.0 и запускаем Sound Updater.app

1. Из списка раздач библиотек SDX, который здесь представлен, скачиваем только папку с названием SL-(название библиотеки)

2. По пути /Library/Application Support/EZDrummer/ полностью заменить папку MIDI папкой из скачанного образа
* (если папки EZDrummer нет, то нужно её создать)

3. После этого открываем Superior Drummer 3, нажимаем: Settings > Advanced > Restore MIDI Database.

4. Во вкладке Grooves, в списке библиотек миди-грувов от Platinum Samples и Groove Monkee, где имеются оранжевые папки с восклицательным знаком, нажимаем Add Database.

— Если Вы хотите, чтобы папка MIDI находилась в другом месте, переместите эту папку и после открытия SD3, во вкладке Grooves Вы обнаружите ошибку No MIDI library found

кликаем на Libraries Settings и во вкладке Additional Libraries выбираем новое местонахождение папки MIDI (и перезагружаем Superior)

1. Из списка раздач библиотек EZX, который здесь представлен, скачиваем только папку с названием EZX_ или EZX2_(название библиотеки)

2. Перемещаем скачанную папку в /Library/Application Support/EZDrummer/ (по умолчанию эта папка для хранения EZX библиотек, а также папки с миди-грувами MIDI)

Имена папок EZX библиотек:

— Если Вы хотите, чтобы папка для библиотек EZX и миди находилась в другом месте: Создаём папку (для примера) EZX Library, в неё перемещаем все библиотеки EZX, а также папку MIDI, переименовываем папку EZDrummer по пути (/Library/Application Support/EZDrummer/). После открытия SD3, во вкладке Grooves Вы обнаружите ошибку No MIDI library found

кликаем на Libraries Settings и во вкладке Additional Libraries выбираем папку с библиотеками EZX Library, перезагружаем Superior.

Не могу найти папку SL-SuperiorDrummer3/Sounds/

Для этого нужно установить заводскую библиотеку см. пункт 1 FAQ

Не запускается SD3. Пишет ‘The Susperior Drummer 3 plug-in could not be found.’

Запускаем в терминале следующие комманды:

Какие библиотеки EZX являются урезанными версиями SDX библиотек?

Big Band EZX = Decades SDX
Classic Rock EZX = Legacy Of Rock SDX
Dark Matter EZX = Death & Darkness SDX
Death Metal EZX = Death & Darkness SDX
Drumkit From Hell EZX = The Metal Foundry SDX
Hard Rock EZX = Rock Foundry SDX
Metal Machine EZX = Metal Machinery SDX
Nasville EZX = Music City SDX
Pop/Rock EZX = New York Studios Vol.1 SDX
Progressive EZX = Progressive Foundry SDX
Rock Solid EZX = The Rock Warehouse SDX


Superior drummer 3 cannot find any midi что делать

Hi! Reaper recognizes SD3 after installation and linking it into Reaper, and I can invoke it on a track. But when opening the plugin window, it shows «Audio engine inactive, check your audio device» in its bottom right corner, and obviously is not able to play any sound. This is while my standalone SD3 on same machine runs and plays without a problem.

Any suggestions as to where I should look to fix this?

Reaper: v5.965/x64 on Windows 7
SD3: Superior Drummer 3 plug-in version 3.1.2 (build 20164) [64-bit VST]
Standalone host version 3.1.2 (build 20164)

Plugin path: C:Program FilesCommon FilesVST2Toontrack

Audio output: Focusrite Scarlett 18i8

Thank you!
Nic (new Reaper user)

OK, so you open Reaper, load the SD3 plug-in onto a track and get the error message. Can you post a screenshot?

Or, perhaps you could compress a simple problem project file (no audio samples needed) into a ZIP file and post it here as an attachment so that we can have a look at it and see what’s (not) happening?

Thanks very much in advance for your help!

I’ve attached a zipped project file, with a screenshot included. I can provide more screenshots if it helps.

OK, so that error message is issued by SD3 itself. What does the SD3 User Manual have to say about that?

I do not have SD3 but I just loaded Kontakt onto that track and a MIDI clip and it played OK.

Well, upon a first vigorous search in their manual, absolutely nothing came up. I think this might be headed for Toontrack support 🙂

Thanks again for your time and help!
Kind regards,

The clue seems to be in «check your audio device».

I would be looking at WHERE SD3 is pointed in terms of library location and audio device. Seems likely to me that you have accuidentally pointed SD3 (and by inference Reaper) at the wrong audio device.

FWIW I loaded 2 instances of SD3, one in each track of your project, and they both run fine simultaneously.

Have a look at ALL your settings in SD3.

Indeed I believe that’s where the disconnect must be. What befuddles me a bit is that the «Settings > Audio/MIDI Setup» menu item is available in SD3 stand-alone, but not available (depopulated from the pull-down menu) in the plug-in instance.

In SD3 stand-alone, I can confirm from that menu that it’s pointed at the correct audio interface (Focusrite ASIO). But plug-in continues to show this error (statically) and no way as yet to compel it otherwise.

I will keep digging in this area. It seems it must be an SD3 setting so I plan to dwell their forums for a while.

Thanks for the help!

The «Audio/MIDI Setup» menu is not needed in the plug-in. It is used in a standalone program to connect the program to the hardware. You’ll see the equivalent in Reaper’s Preferences.

The MIDI into a plug-in and the audio out from the plug-in are connected to the host program (Reaper) in accordance with the plug-in specification.

@ivansc, can you attach a small SD3 project for nroozebo to try?

@DarkStar: Suggestion on audio device is purely to confirm that SD3 in general is able to talk to his Audio MIDI interface independently of Reaper, which I dont think we had established? The paths to all aspects of SD3 are also contained in the same menus (Settings/general) in both the standalone and the VSt, so a logical thing to check.

Quicker than I thought but no relief. Used Revo Uninstaller do to an uninstall & «scrub». Re-installed and configured Audio to ASIO / Focusrite. Works on the stand-alone. Doesn’t work on the plug-in.


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