Доброго времени суток!
Помогите с настройкой автоматической двери FAAC A100, все подключили, а запустить не можем… Сначала ошибка 08, причем створки пальчиком двигаются, а сразу следом 15.
Перерыли все, ничего не поймем…
A100 просты в настройке и не нуждаются в особом программировании. Они настолько просты и надежны , как калаш. Имели дело со множеством фирм-производителей, и установка и обслуживание, так вот А100 — это хит дверей автоматических, статистики у меня достаточно..
Это из инструкции, стр 22:
Следующие параметры проверяются и настраиваются во
время цикла настройки:
• Измерение массы и трения, установка скоростей, плюс
оптимальное ускорение и замедление;
• открытое и закрытое положение дверей;
• самонастройка системы от обрушения при открытии/
закрытии в соответствии с выбранными скоростями.
Во время настройки на дисплее мигает статус 08 до тех пор,
пока не будет правильно выполнена вся операция
Далее , через пару строк именно эта ситуация:
Далее приводятся ситуации, когда цикл настройки не выполняется и двери остаются в аварийном состоянии, производя сигнал тревоги (ТРЕВОГА 15 на дисплее и на SD-Keeper):
• ворота работают от батареи;
• выбирается функция НОЧНОЙ режим;
• выбирается функция РУЧНОЙ режим;
• аварийный ввод активен;
• задействованы фотоэлементы;
• энергия не подается на мотор.
Когда причина устранена, настройка начинается автоматически.
так вот А100 — это хит дверей автоматических, статистики у меня достаточно..
Не гони волну.
Besam. Включить и выставить желаемую скорость открытия. Всё.
Besam. Включить и выставить желаемую скорость открытия. Всё.
Не установлены такой марки в городе у нас. Ничего не могу сказать…
kibermatik, вот умник… Я тож читать умею!!! Да и делал это не раз… Ток в этот раз чуть изменились допы- фотики кнопочные и радары — СВЧ xm100…
Далее , через пару строк именно эта ситуация:
Далее приводятся ситуации, когда цикл настройки не выполняется и двери остаются в аварийном состоянии, производя сигнал тревоги (ТРЕВОГА 15 на дисплее и на SD-Keeper):
• ворота работают от батареи;
• выбирается функция НОЧНОЙ режим;
• выбирается функция РУЧНОЙ режим;
• аварийный ввод активен;
• задействованы фотоэлементы;
• энергия не подается на мотор.
Когда причина устранена, настройка начинается автоматически.
— батарея не подключена (хотя есть)
— функция НОЧНОЙ режим выключена
— функция РУЧНОЙ режим выключена
А вот далее расскажите мне, глупому —
Аварийный ввод активен — это что? Раньше не вникал…
— задействованы фотоэлементы — это про что??
— а вот самое интересное — энергия не подается на мотор…
Besam. Включить и выставить желаемую скорость открытия. Всё.
Как с эксплуатацией. нарекания есть?..
Кто сталкивался с FAAC, есть мысли, где мы могли накосячить?!
— батарея не подключена (хотя есть)
— функция НОЧНОЙ режим выключена
— функция РУЧНОЙ режим выключена
А вот далее расскажите мне, глупому —
Аварийный ввод активен — это что? Раньше не вникал…
— задействованы фотоэлементы — это про что??
— а вот самое интересное — энергия не подается на мотор…
Если рассматривать систему управления дверей, как коробочку, в которой есть входные сигналы воздействия и выходная реакция, то аварийный ввод, может означать например неправильный входной сигнал(аварийный) от аварийных же устройств безопасности…Например аварийный выключатель, аварийная пожарная разблокировка, нахождение препятствия в створе дверей, неправильная работа радара, когда он долгое время в сработке. Так примерно понимаю. Задействованы фотоэлементы — это то же самое . что и аварийный ввод примерно…то есть постоянно в сработке…
Вопрос: фотоэлементы не подключены (колодка не смонтирована), если вообще отключить радары, что произойдет? Меня смущает, что створки даже не шелохнулись…
Когда-то, очень давно, поэтому не припомню, какая была индикация, после монтажа тоже не поехали двери FAAC (930 оператор). Причина оказалась в расколотом диске энкодера.
Как с эксплуатацией. нарекания есть?..
Нет. Есть нарекания по стоимости изделия и ЗиП.
Когда-то, очень давно, поэтому не припомню, какая была индикация, после монтажа тоже не поехали двери FAAC (930 оператор). Причина оказалась в расколотом диске энкодера.
Спасибо, НО у нас 3 дверки одинаковой комплектации, пробовали и плату и движку перекидывать…
Да, нашел в инструкции словосочетание» аварийный ввод», стр 21…и стр 39 — таблица…
Ничего не понял про аварийный выход, НО контакты- подключений нет…
На стр. 40 ошибка 15 Это наш случай (мигают 3,4,7,8)
Причем ручной режим выключен, ночной выключен, батарея даже не подключена, фотики вообще отключили…
На стр 24 есть таблица- У нас функций оказалось больше — В теплице их нет!
Перемычка 6,7, 12 поставили…
Теперь ступор полный…
Пробовал вручную запускать перемычкой 12-1 или 12-2…?
Насчет фотоэллементов попробуй перемычки 6-7-8, а не 6-7-12..
Пробовал вручную запускать перемычкой 12-1 или 12-2…?
Насчет фотоэллементов попробуй перемычки 6-7-8, а не 6-7-12..
Спасибо! Подсказка верная, созвонился сегодня с тех директором FAAC — в борьбе за безопасность, поменяли прошивку — теперь по умолчанию 6-7-8, а не 6-7-12…
И на их сервере нашел новую инструкцию- в старой инструкции половины программируемых функций нет… Например- усилие открывания и закрывания.
Все работает, можно закрывать!)
Page 1
A1000 EN 16005:2012 E1SL fw.3.0 SDK EVO fw.3.0 LK EVO fw.1.2… -
Page 2
© Copyright FAAC SpA since 2017. All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced, archived, distributed to third parties nor copied in any other way, in any format and with any means, be it electronic, mechanical or by photocopying, without prior written authorisation by FAAC SpA FAAC S.p.A. -
Page 3: Ec Declaration Of Conformity Of A Machine
Description: Automation for linear sliding door with 1 or 2 leaves Model: A1000 KIT; A1000 PA;A1000 CS comply with the following applicable EU legislations: EMC Directive 2014/30/EU Directive ROHS 2 2011/65/EU Furthermore, the following harmonised standards have been applied:…
Page 4: Declaration Of Incorporation Of Partly Completed Machinery
(2006/42/EC ANNEX II P.1, B) Manufacturer and person authorised to prepare the relevant technical documentation Company name: FAAC S.p.A. Soc. Unipersonale Address: Via Calari, 10 — 40069 Zola Predosa BOLOGNA — ITALY hereby declares that for the partly completed machinery:…
Page 5: Table Of Contents
Closed door monitor sensor …………..24 J17 — USB Port ………………..47 Emergency battery kit …………….24 J18 — INTERCOM ………………..47 7. ASSEMBLING THE A1000 CS FRAME……….25 J21 — Inputs i1-i2-i3-i4 …………….47 7.1 Entry with TK50 profiles …………….25 J22 — Configurable outputs …………..47 Preliminary operations …………….25…
Page 6
23. ANNEXES TO A1000 …………….101 When is Restore necessary …………..71 23.1 Installation diagrams …………….102 How to perform restore …………….71 A1000 with 2 TK20 SLIDING LEAVES AND 2 FIXED SIDE LEAVES ………………….102 16.4 Updating (UPLOAD) ………………72 16.5 Download …………………..72 A1000 WITH ONE TK20 SLIDING LEAF AND ONE FIXED SIDE LEAF ……………………103… -
Page 7: Introduction To The Manual
Only the installer and/or maintenance technician is authorised to open the automation casing. FAAC disclaims any liability regarding the safety and proper operation of the automation if non-original FAAC components are used. FAAC supplies a system register form with the A1000 CS. A1000…
Page 8: Meaning Of The Symbols Used
It indicates that a tool with torque adjustment is required where necessary for safety reasons. TIGHTENING TORQUE VALUE The torque wrench and the tightening torque in Nm is specified in the figures. E.g.: HEX WRENCH 6 set at 2.5 Nm A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 9: Symbols: Safety Signs And Symbols (En Iso 7010)
It indicates a risk of collision/impact with forklift trucks. Use pallet trucks. Use forklift trucks. 4 Symbols: markings on product 20 kg is the MAX weight that 1 person can lift. Obligation to read the instructions Kg ____ WEIGHT of the load. A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 10: Automation A1000
— use other systems and/or commercial equipment for uses not FAAC declines all liability deriving from misuse or uses other than that authorised by the respective manufacturers; for which the automation s intended. — use commercial devices for purposes other than those set out by LIMITATIONS FOR USE the respective manufacturers.
Page 11: Identification Plate
The identification plate 2- is located on the support profile. If the A1000 KIT is supplied, it is the responsibility of the installer to attach the identification plate in a visible position 2- Sale code Product name IDENTIFICATION NUMBER…
Page 12: Technical Specifications A1000
2.4 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS A1000 7 Technical specifications MODEL A1000 single leaf A1000 double leaf Length * [mm] from 1500 to 6100 from 1700 to 6100 Depth * [mm] Height * [mm] Weight** [kg] MIN. 21 — MAX 47 MIN. 24- MAX. 49 No.
Page 13: Types Of System Supplied
The FAAC A1000 series automations may be supplied as follows: — Inspection and preparation (§ 3) — Automation kit: A1000 KIT — Installation of the door wall frame (§
with FAAC — TK50 or TK20 — Assembled automation: A1000 PA profiles.
Page 14: A1000 Automation Components
It lets you adequately fasten the automation along a load-bearing metal or masonry wall. FRONT CASING CLOSING PROFILE Transmission belt It is compulsory to use the FAAC belt for the A1000 Aluminium profile for front head section closure. H100 version available. Control electronics module…
Page 15: Accessories
Programming and function selector device without display. Completes the floor guide system. KS EVO — OPTIONAL Device with function selector key without display. Glass leaf lower shoes — OPTIONAL For glass leaf sliding. Glass leaf gripper — OPTIONAL A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 16: Inspection And Preparation
Place control accessories within the automation’s visual range. These devices must always be accessible, even with the door open. Comply with the following heights from the ground: — control accessories = minimum 150 cm — emergency buttons = max 120 cm A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 17: Transport And Receipt Of The Goods
The packaging materials (plastic, polystyrene, etc.) must not be left within reach of children as they are potential sources of danger. SINGLE PACKAGE RISKS PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT REQUIRED TOOLS For manual lifting, there should be 1 person for every 20 kg to be lifted. A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 18: Cutting The Profiles
5. CUTTING THE PROFILES If the A1000 KIT has been supplied, the profiles must be cut to the size indicated. This operation is performed in the shop. After cutting, assemble the components to the support profile. Handling instructions: 17.
Page 19: Assembling The Head Section
6. ASSEMBLING THE HEAD SECTION If the A1000 KIT has been supplied, the components must be installed on the support profile. This operation is performed in the shop. The assembled head section is then moved to the installation site.
Page 20: Assembling The Components
2. Make sure that they are resting in the correct position on the pro- file — 6- and temporarily fasten each mechanical stop 6- . After assembling the leaves, the stops’ positions must be adjusted. 6 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 21: Electronics Module
Insert the screws and plate into the 2 slots indicated by A1000 7 7- — . . 1. 1. Insert the screws and plate into the 2 slots indicated by A1000 Insert the electronics module into the profile from the side using the 2 plates 7 7- — .
Page 22: Safety Cables And Spacers
1. Insert the motor in the side of the support profile. 2. Fasten using the 3 plates with screws 9- RETURN PULLEY 1. Insert the return pulley from the side 10- . 2. Fasten using the 2 plates with screws 10- 8 9 10 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 23: Motor Release Monitor
— Pull the knob to make sure that the door opening micro switch is activated 14- ). If installation of the external release is required, use suitable key buttons. 13 Insert the release cable in the suitable housing in the motor block. 14 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 24: Cover Drilling
Check the date on the label on the emergency battery through the window on the battery support plate. 17- 97 16 IDENTIFICATION NUMBER example: 75501500 75501500 2015 2015 Sale code year of manufacture (yyyy) 17 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 25: Assembling The A1000 Cs Frame
When ordering the door frame, remember to take into account that the opening safety clearances must be as indicated in standard EN 16005:2012 since no opening protection detectors can be installed on the A1000 door. For manual lifting, arrange for an adequate number of people for the weight of the leaf: 1 person for every 20 kg to be lifted.
Page 26: Fastening The Fixed Leaves
Ensure there are no hydraulic coils or electrical conduits under the floor at the planned drill points. 3. Measure the door frame and compare them with the opening measurements. 4. Check floor levelness with a spirit level. 22 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 27: Assembling The Frame
After mounting the head section, perform all procedures to secure the leaf to the carriages as set out in the chapters concerning kit assembly. For all the adjustment procedures, also refer to chapter § 8 28. 23 fixed leaf mobile leaf 24 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 28: Installing The Head Section
80 mm 25. ceiling must be 80 mm Check the horizontal with a spirit level. 3. Proceed according to the intended type of installation. Screws and dowels not supplied. ceiling 37,5 37,5 37,5 25 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 29: Installing The Leaves
Check leaf verticality. When the leaf is open or closed, the shoe must be fully inside the lower leaf profile. The distance between the shoe and the lower profile must be 4mm (ref. 4 26-27-28). 26 28 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 30: Mount Profiles On The Leaves
— 96 for DOUBLE leaf automations 4. Fasten the plates of the carriages using the 2 screws 31- . For manual lifting, there should be 1 person for every 20 kg to be lifted. Adjust the counter wheel 34. 31 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 31: Adjusting The Leaves And Carriages
Manually move the leaves to ensure the counter wheel runs freely along the entire stroke. Ensure there are no friction points with the surface of 32 the support profile. When installation has been completed, apply the FAAC stickers that were supplied with automatic door to the glass leaves. 33 34 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 32: Installing The Glass Leaves
8 mm Ø 8.5 mm bush Ø internal 6 mm Ø external 8 mm Ø 6.5 mm with 45° flaring Ø 5.0 mm with M6 tapping Ø 7.0 mm 2 x M8 2 x M6 35 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 33
When the leaf is open or closed, the shoe must be fully inside the lower leaf profile. The distance between glass and lower shoe must be 4mm 36- . When installation has been completed, apply the FAAC stickers supplied with the automatic door to the glass leaves. 36 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A… -
Page 34: Mounting The Brushes
10.1 MOUNTING THE BRUSHES For double leaf automations: 37. For single leaf automations: 37. Double leaf Passage opening brushes brushes Right opening single leaf Left opening single leaf Passage opening Passage opening brushes brushes 37 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 35: Assemble The Belt, Casing And Accessories
PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT It is mandatory to use a FAAC belt for the A1000 1. Place one end of the belt over the pulley of the motor. Fasten the two ends using the fittings 38(1) and screws 38(2).
Page 36
Single leaf — LH opening with rM = 1 Single leaf — RH opening with rM = 1 (Default) (Default) Single leaf — RH opening with rM = -1 Single leaf — LH opening with rM = -1 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A… -
Page 37: Adjusting The Belt
2. Apply a 1 kg weight in the centre of the belts lower section. 3. Adjust the tension of the belt until the measurement of arrow f corresponds to the indications in 9. Single leaf — RH opening 1 kg Passage opening A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 38: Belt Tensioning
In case of deviation, check the position and correct connection of the belt fittings. When the belt is new tensioning adjustment must be repeated after the first 100 cycles. 39 9 A1000 belt tensioning (measurements in mm) LH single leaf RH single leaf Double leaf Pulleys centre…
Page 39: Adjusting The Mechanical Stops
2. For each leaf, ensure the carriage is in full contact with the closing stop pad. Should adjustment be required: 3. Bring the pad of the mechanical stop and the carriage into contact 42- . 4. Tighten the screw to lock the mechanical stop 40- . 41 42 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 40: Mounting The Side Profiles
1. Place 2 plates 45- on the support profile (for profiles longer than 3 m, a third plate should be added). 2. Mount the brackets and fasten them using the screws provided 46- . 46 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 41: Fitting The Cover
The markings on the casing allow it to be adapted to varying leaf thick- ness. The breaking points 50- make it possible to remove the profile section in excess. 47 Installation with side profiles and central bracket. » » 48 49 ² ² 50 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 42: Installing The Xb Lock Motor Block
52- . If it is incor- rect, adjust it as described below. 53- . 5. Fasten the motor block using the two M5 screws 51- 51 52 53 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 43: Mounting The Cable Gland Guides
11.9 MOUNTING THE CABLE GLAND GUIDES The guides prevent interference between cables and moving parts. Install the electric cable guides inside the support profile 54- ³ ³ · · 54 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 44: Electronics Installation E1Sl
(NOT SUPPLIED) SETUP RESET DL11 RESET/SETUP MAIN BAT1 BAT2 SIC _ OP SIC _ CL EMERG OPEN Buttons SETUP / RESET — ” (scrolls programming values) “+” (scrolls programming values) “F” (programming: scrolls functions/confirms values) 56 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 45: Leds On The Board
(Open impulse) * input not active OPEN: DL11 (BLUE) accessories power (+ 24V * present absent VACC: LED statuses: flashing * = standby condition in sleep mode: off with blinking every 5 s A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 46: Terminal Boards And Connectors
EN 16005:2012 1st pair receiver connection 2nd pair transmitter connection GND Transmitter negative 1st pair transmitter connection J10 — MAIN POWER SUPPLY 36V — 4A +36V Switching power supply unit connection A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 47: J11 — Motor
Configurable input I4 Configurable input I3 GND Accessories power supply negative and Common contacts Configurable input I2 Configurable input I1 GND Accessories power supply negative and Common contacts +24V accessories power supply A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 48: Motor And Encoder
If the motor block malfunctions, the system signals ERROR 26 on the 5 brown display and on SDK EVO. If there is a power failure, the position of the motor block remains un- changed. The motor block is always open in manual mode. DL11 60 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 49: Xv1-Xdt1 Exit And Entry Detectors
S2 Function = Closing Safety 2F 2F S2 Test = Enabled S2NO/NC = NC INPUTS I1-I2 C1=1 C1=1 I1 = External sensor contact I2= Internal sensor contact I1 NO/NC = NO C2=4 C2=4 I2 NO/NC = NO A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 50: Xdt1 Exit Detectors And 2 Xdt1 Entry Detectors
S1 NO/NC = NC C2=4 C2=4 I2= Internal sensor contact P2 P2 S2 Function = Closing Safety I1 NO/NC = NO 2F 2F S2 Test = Enabled I2 NO/NC = NO S2 NO/NC = NC A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 51: Xbfa Detectors For Safety In Opening
I3 NO/NC = NC I3 TEST =Enabled C4=21 C4=21 I4 = Safety on opening 4F=Y 4F=Y I4 NO/NC = NC blue I4 TEST =Enabled brown green XBFA n.1 XBFA n.2 outside of door inside of door 65 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 52: J9 — Xfa Button Photocells
— O1 Open Collector output with Max load 100mA to be connected between 01 — O2 relay contact with Max load 2A to be connected between O2 and O2. and V. — O2 relay contact with Max load 2A to be connected between O2 and O2. 69 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 53: Startup
Setup CANNOT be carried out in NIGHT-TIME and MANUAL mode and with emergency inputs active. 4. Access the programming mode and make any modifications that may be necessary ( 11 and 12). A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 54: Basic / Advanced Programming
Power failure during programming If power supply fails while programming is ongoing, UNSAVED modifications must be performed again. Immediately exit programming During programming, press F and — simultaneously until the exit from programming function is activated. RESET/SETUP A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 55: Basic Programming Fw Version 3.0 Or Later
11 BASIC programming fw version 3.0 or later BASIC Function Door type no no no no no no no — — =no selection = A1000 = A1400 = RKE 1400 = SF1400 =Rototranslating (not available) The default values are reloaded if the parameter is modified.
Page 56
— — SAFETY INPUT TEST I1 parameter displayed only if = test enabled = test not enabled C2 C2 INPUT I2 CONFIGURATION Allows parameter to be set. See options as in A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A… -
Page 57
System TEST in progress STOPPED safety devices TEST in progress Door ERROR (Press + and — simultaneously to display the active ERROR) LO-L2 LO-L2 PHASES LO, L1, L2 SETUP IN PROGRESS in SLEEP mode (point flashing) A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A… -
Page 58: Advanced Programming Fw Version 3.0 Or Later
Operation of the battery NOT in NIGHT-TIME mode with a mains power outage. = not enabled = immediately perform OPENING motion = immediately perform CLOSING movement = with discharged battery last OPENING movement = with discharged battery last CLOSING movement A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 59
The internal detector is disabled immediately after opening and in any case upon expiry of the set delay. Adjustable from s.Step = 1 s from m to m Step = 0,1 m A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A… -
Page 60
= At least one Safety In Closing Active 12 12 = At least one Safety In Closing Active or one Safety in Opening On (*) Output activated Only from SDK EVO with KEEP CLOSED function . A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A… -
Page 61
SDK EVO offers a wider number of options compared to the board. The board does not display the values that are not available and indicates all of them with EP (External Program). Programming with the board allows you to overwrite EP values by choosing an available value with the +/ — buttons. A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A… -
Page 62: System Functionality/Configurations
CLOSED no effect no effect after night pause time PARTIAL NIGHT-TIME partial opening and closure again CLOSED no effect no effect after night pause time PARTIAL OPENING PARTIAL no effect no effect no effect OPENING A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 63: Inputs Configuration
NIGHT-TIME function the leaves must open and remain open as 2. with memory, once the input is deactivated the leaves remain in long as the input is active. Stop status until the RESET command is given. A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 64
Input4 configurable (programming) Input3 configurable (programming) GND Accessories power supply negative and Common contacts Input2 configurable (programming) Input1 configurable (programming) GND Accessories power supply negative and Common contacts +24V accessories power supply 70 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A… -
Page 65: Configuration Of J22 Outputs
Error 24 is generated when the programmed number of obstacles in CLOSING is reached. The number of consecutive obstacles during closing can be reset: — with RESET command — upon reaching the CLOSED position — by changing the operating mode A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 66: Low Energy Function During Closing And Opening
Door ERROR (Press + and — simultaneously to display the ERROR) from 160 to 240 L0-L2 L0-L2 PHASES L0, L1, L2 of SETUP in progress (flashing) also has to be set to in SLEEP mode (point flashing ) A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 67: Errors
Data deletion in progress (not displayed) Wait for the data deletion procedure to finish. If an error is triggered after 30 sec. it causes the board to AUTORESET the errors marked with an (*). 5 attempts are made. A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 68: Warnings
Wait for the procedure to finish Intermode Node Alarm Master : At least one node does not respond / Slave : The Master does not communicate. INTERLOCK INTERLOCK operating mode active. Non-Standard Non Standard configuration in use. A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 69: Aux Errors
Check for any obstacles Incorrect ID Replace the board VMain Carry out board reset; if the error persists replace the board Timeout Carry out board reset; if the error persists replace the board Test VMain Replace the board A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 70: Troubleshooting
— door set in NIGHT-TIME function The door does not perform SETUP — door set in MANUAL function — active internal or external release — the emergencies are active — motor or encoder not connected, not powered or faulty A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 71: Operations On The Board
Reset is an initialising procedure of board operation. 6. the display shows automation status. WHEN IS RESET NECESSARY After restoring factory status perform SETUP. After automation lock due to: — a board error with a RESET request A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 72: Updating (Upload)
If the board remains in the condition, an UPLOAD should be E1SL_xx.hex board firmware performed. E1SL.prg board programming E1SL.tmr Timer programming SDK_xx.hex SDK EVO firmware SDKL_xx.bin SDK EVO language update LK_xx.hex LK EVO firmware KS_xx.hex KS EVO firmware A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 73: Bootloader Errors
Password file different to the one on the board Board failure Replace board Microcontroller fault Replace board USB Error USB memory key not recognised. USB key faulty or not formatted with the FAT or FAT 32 file system. A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 74: Intercom (Canbus)
The units in the network are connected via 3 cascade connected-wires between the J18 connectors of the E1SL boards 71 The sequence in which the units are wired is unimportant, but it is es- sential that a CASCADE connection is used. 71 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 75: Intermode
A2 mov. A1 mov. —- —- —- —- —- —- A2 mov. ReqA1=1 means that a request has been made to open A1 ReqA2=1 means that a request has been made to open A2 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 76: Interlock With Memory
Req (A2=1) Req A1=1 A1 mov. —- —- —- —- A2 mov ReqA1=1 means that a request has been made to open A1 ReqA2=1 means that a request has been made to open A2 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 77: Fw Version 1.2 Or Later
NIGHT 4. To switch to another function press the key corresponding to the new function. 5. If the LK EVO is connected to an A1000 board in which an unin- ² ² MANUAL tended function has been programmed, it is overridden with a…
Page 78: Special Functions
6. Other 2-key combinations may be used for the other and holding keys special functions. To display the FIRMWARE version 25 18.3 SPECIAL FUNCTIONS RESET: LOCK / UNLOCK 5 sec. RESET WARNINGS continuous FIRMWARE VERSION continuous A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 79: Ks Evo
3. The LED switches on to identify the active function. Turn the key to move from one function to another. E1SL V RX V RX TX G U/UTP CAT.5 4x2xAWG24 V RX TX G KS EVO 77 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 80: Errors
Corrupted data Number of consecutive 24-31 24-31 obstacles reached Motor block failure Motor rotation error AUX board fault Serious error Motor time out Configuration error Set-up data missing or corrupted Total deletion of board data A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 81: Warnings
128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 0 1 1 0 1 The final sequence starting from the bottom is: 01101 . This should be interpreted as follows: 0 + 8 + 4 + 0 +1 = 13 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 82: Fw Version 3.0 Or Later
78- ). 2. Break the cable knockout 78- . 3. Mark the points on the wall 78- and fasten the support using A1000 THUR 20/03/14 suitable screws. AUTO TWODIR TOTAL BEFORE CONNECTING THE DEVICE, disconnect the power supply and the emergency battery of the automation.
Page 83: Home Page
2 buttons indicated simultaneously for 5 s: — time timer active 5” 5” SDK EVO locked current indications RESET A1000 5” 5” THUR 20/03/14 AUTO BIDIR TOTAL 20.5 PASSWORD The 4 digit PASSWORD has to be entered in order to use some of the functions.
Page 84: Selection Menu
20.6 SELECTION MENU HOME PAGE 1. To access the operating mode selection menu, press the corre- sponding button on the HOME PAGE 81. A1000 2. Using the selection buttons 82 you can set: THUR 20/03/14 — the Automatic or Door open operation…
Page 85: Function Menu
HOME PAGE 1. To access the functions menu, press the corresponding button on the HOME PAGE 83. A1000 2. You are prompted to enter the USER or INSTALLER PASSWORD. THUR 20/03/14 3. The display shows the functions (4 at a time) 84.
Page 86: Functions Menu
Page 87
Page 88: Menu 1 Language
DOOR TYPE DOOR TYPE ■ PROGRAMMING Select the type of door: If the input has not been disabled, select the type of contact: A1000 — Normally open (NO) A1400 — Normally closed (NC) RKE1400 Default CF1 CF2 CF2 CF4 CF5…
Page 89
8. Repeat the procedure for the other inputs. — 4 FORCE TIME from 0.1 to 3.0s — 5 ACCELERATION from 1 to 10 — 6 DECELERATION from 1 to 10 — 7 REVERSE(*) 5 from 1 to 5 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A… -
Page 90
— STANDARD: the mode of operation selected is kept even with battery operation. ■ 5 BATTERY KIT — NIGHT: motor block active only in NIGHT-TIME mode. — ALWAYS OPEN: motor block active in OPEN mode BATTERY KIT PROGRAMMING A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A… -
Page 91
— I_MOT (current absorbed by the motor in Amperes) 1 Default Configuration — POS (leaf position in cm) — ACTIVE (default configuration active) — NO (the configuration has been modified) To reset all parameters to default settings press the OK button and confirm. A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A… -
Page 92: Menu 3 Errors
11 ELASTIC KIT — 32 Motor time out — ENABLED — 33 Battery failure — DISABLED — 38 Configuration error — 39 Data in Setup memory missing or corrupted — 99 Data deletion in progress A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 93: Menu 4 Indications
— 58 Searching for closing stop European daylight saving time is enabled by default. — 59 Motor block fault (only with monitoring KIT) Available options are: — 60 Maintenance request — 61 SDK EVO / LK EVO / KSEVO fault A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 94: Menu 7 Timer
MONDAY — > BAND1 — BAND2 — BAND3 — BAND4 ↑ ↓ 3. Assign an operating mode to the time band: — 0 No function — 1 Auto Twodir Total — 2 Auto Out Total A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 95: Menu 8 Password
SDK EVO or LK EVO configured inputs. SDK EVO APP TIMER active and with no time band corresponds to function 0. VER.xx Exiting a time band overrides function 1 that can be modified by devices having a lower priority. A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 96
The display shows the firmware versions of the control board and installed devices. (*) DM is only displayed if the DM KIT is used. If it is not present, the field is empty. A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A… -
Page 97: Maintenance
1 000 000 Recommended Lower guide shoe 2 000 000 Mandatory Carriages 2 000 000 Mandatory Belt 1 000 000 Mandatory Pad mechanical stop 2 000 000 Mandatory Safety fall arrest cables Mandatory Emergency battery Recommended A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 98: Maintenance Technician Safety
The warranty shall be forfeited in the event of tampering with compo- nents. Only use original FAAC spare parts. The batteries and electronic components must not be disposed of with household waste but delivered to authorised disposal and recycling centres.
Page 99
2. Assemble the new fuse. Only use the fuses indicated 90. 89 DL11 RESET/SETUP MAIN BAT1 BAT2 SIC_OP SIC_CL EMERG OPEN F1 8 A T (delayed) F2 2 A F (quick) F3 2.5 A T (delayed) 90 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A… -
Page 100: Cleaning
(safety condition) — efficiency of safety detectors (the radar field must be free and adequately sized with respect to passage flow) — operation of EMERGENCY button (if present) and any other ac- cessories installed. A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 101: Annexes To A1000
23. ANNEXES TO A1000 28 A1000 automation weights 29 Positions of components on the head section Single leaf Support profile weight TOTAL weight [mm] [mm] [kg — approximate values] [kg] 1500 1700 1900 Seats to fasten the components on the…
Page 102: Installation Diagrams
Page 103: A1000 With One Tk20 Sliding Leaf And One Fixed Side Leaf
Page 104: A1000 With One Tk20 Sliding Leaf
A1000 WITH ONE TK20 SLIDING LEAF 93 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 105: Position Of Components On The A1000 Support Profile
Page 106: A1000 With Left Opening Single Leaf
A1000 WITH LEFT OPENING SINGLE LEAF 95 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 107: A1000 With Double Leaf
A1000 WITH DOUBLE LEAF 96 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 108
A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A… -
Page 109
FAAC declines all liability deriving from misuse or use other than that authorised and instructed for which the automation is intended. -
Page 110
A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A… -
Page 111
1. To access the operating mode selection menu, press the cor- responding button on the HOME PAGE. A1000 THUR 20/03/14 2. With the selection buttons you can set: AUTO TWODIR TOTAL — the Automatic or Door open operation… -
Page 112
HOME PAGE A1000 — In case of unrecognised password: THUR 20/03/14 AUTO BIDIR TOTAL — the command is not executed — the display shows “incorrect password”… -
Page 113
RESET WARNINGS continuous FIRMWARE VERSION continuous 6. The ALARMS are displayed with a code of flashing LEDs alternating with the current operating mode. For the type of ALARM see 23 in the A1400 AIR manual. A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A… -
Page 114
A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A… -
Page 116
FAAC S.p.A. Soc. Unipersonale Via Calari, 10 — 40069 Zola Predosa BOLOGNA — ITALY Tel. +39 051 61724 — Fax +39 051 758518 www.faac.it — www.faacgroup.com…
Page 1
A1000 EN 16005:2012 E1SL fw.3.0 SDK EVO fw.3.0 LK EVO fw.1.2… -
Page 2
© Copyright FAAC SpA since 2017. All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced, archived, distributed to third parties nor copied in any other way, in any format and with any means, be it electronic, mechanical or by photocopying, without prior written authorisation by FAAC SpA FAAC S.p.A. -
Page 3: Ec Declaration Of Conformity Of A Machine
Description: Automation for linear sliding door with 1 or 2 leaves Model: A1000 KIT; A1000 PA;A1000 CS comply with the following applicable EU legislations: EMC Directive 2014/30/EU Directive ROHS 2 2011/65/EU Furthermore, the following harmonised standards have been applied:…
Page 4: Declaration Of Incorporation Of Partly Completed Machinery
(2006/42/EC ANNEX II P.1, B) Manufacturer and person authorised to prepare the relevant technical documentation Company name: FAAC S.p.A. Soc. Unipersonale Address: Via Calari, 10 — 40069 Zola Predosa BOLOGNA — ITALY hereby declares that for the partly completed machinery:…
Page 5: Table Of Contents
Closed door monitor sensor …………..24 J17 — USB Port ………………..47 Emergency battery kit …………….24 J18 — INTERCOM ………………..47 7. ASSEMBLING THE A1000 CS FRAME……….25 J21 — Inputs i1-i2-i3-i4 …………….47 7.1 Entry with TK50 profiles …………….25 J22 — Configurable outputs …………..47 Preliminary operations …………….25…
Page 6
23. ANNEXES TO A1000 …………….101 When is Restore necessary …………..71 23.1 Installation diagrams …………….102 How to perform restore …………….71 A1000 with 2 TK20 SLIDING LEAVES AND 2 FIXED SIDE LEAVES ………………….102 16.4 Updating (UPLOAD) ………………72 16.5 Download …………………..72 A1000 WITH ONE TK20 SLIDING LEAF AND ONE FIXED SIDE LEAF ……………………103… -
Page 7: Introduction To The Manual
Only the installer and/or maintenance technician is authorised to open the automation casing. FAAC disclaims any liability regarding the safety and proper operation of the automation if non-original FAAC components are used. FAAC supplies a system register form with the A1000 CS. A1000…
Page 8: Meaning Of The Symbols Used
It indicates that a tool with torque adjustment is required where necessary for safety reasons. TIGHTENING TORQUE VALUE The torque wrench and the tightening torque in Nm is specified in the figures. E.g.: HEX WRENCH 6 set at 2.5 Nm A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 9: Symbols: Safety Signs And Symbols (En Iso 7010)
It indicates a risk of collision/impact with forklift trucks. Use pallet trucks. Use forklift trucks. 4 Symbols: markings on product 20 kg is the MAX weight that 1 person can lift. Obligation to read the instructions Kg ____ WEIGHT of the load. A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 10: Automation A1000
— use other systems and/or commercial equipment for uses not FAAC declines all liability deriving from misuse or uses other than that authorised by the respective manufacturers; for which the automation s intended. — use commercial devices for purposes other than those set out by LIMITATIONS FOR USE the respective manufacturers.
Page 11: Identification Plate
The identification plate 2- is located on the support profile. If the A1000 KIT is supplied, it is the responsibility of the installer to attach the identification plate in a visible position 2- Sale code Product name IDENTIFICATION NUMBER…
Page 12: Technical Specifications A1000
2.4 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS A1000 7 Technical specifications MODEL A1000 single leaf A1000 double leaf Length * [mm] from 1500 to 6100 from 1700 to 6100 Depth * [mm] Height * [mm] Weight** [kg] MIN. 21 — MAX 47 MIN. 24- MAX. 49 No.
Page 13: Types Of System Supplied
The FAAC A1000 series automations may be supplied as follows: — Inspection and preparation (§ 3) — Automation kit: A1000 KIT — Installation of the door wall frame (§
with FAAC — TK50 or TK20 — Assembled automation: A1000 PA profiles.
Page 14: A1000 Automation Components
It lets you adequately fasten the automation along a load-bearing metal or masonry wall. FRONT CASING CLOSING PROFILE Transmission belt It is compulsory to use the FAAC belt for the A1000 Aluminium profile for front head section closure. H100 version available. Control electronics module…
Page 15: Accessories
Programming and function selector device without display. Completes the floor guide system. KS EVO — OPTIONAL Device with function selector key without display. Glass leaf lower shoes — OPTIONAL For glass leaf sliding. Glass leaf gripper — OPTIONAL A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 16: Inspection And Preparation
Place control accessories within the automation’s visual range. These devices must always be accessible, even with the door open. Comply with the following heights from the ground: — control accessories = minimum 150 cm — emergency buttons = max 120 cm A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 17: Transport And Receipt Of The Goods
The packaging materials (plastic, polystyrene, etc.) must not be left within reach of children as they are potential sources of danger. SINGLE PACKAGE RISKS PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT REQUIRED TOOLS For manual lifting, there should be 1 person for every 20 kg to be lifted. A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 18: Cutting The Profiles
5. CUTTING THE PROFILES If the A1000 KIT has been supplied, the profiles must be cut to the size indicated. This operation is performed in the shop. After cutting, assemble the components to the support profile. Handling instructions: 17.
Page 19: Assembling The Head Section
6. ASSEMBLING THE HEAD SECTION If the A1000 KIT has been supplied, the components must be installed on the support profile. This operation is performed in the shop. The assembled head section is then moved to the installation site.
Page 20: Assembling The Components
2. Make sure that they are resting in the correct position on the pro- file — 6- and temporarily fasten each mechanical stop 6- . After assembling the leaves, the stops’ positions must be adjusted. 6 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 21: Electronics Module
Insert the screws and plate into the 2 slots indicated by A1000 7 7- — . . 1. 1. Insert the screws and plate into the 2 slots indicated by A1000 Insert the electronics module into the profile from the side using the 2 plates 7 7- — .
Page 22: Safety Cables And Spacers
1. Insert the motor in the side of the support profile. 2. Fasten using the 3 plates with screws 9- RETURN PULLEY 1. Insert the return pulley from the side 10- . 2. Fasten using the 2 plates with screws 10- 8 9 10 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 23: Motor Release Monitor
— Pull the knob to make sure that the door opening micro switch is activated 14- ). If installation of the external release is required, use suitable key buttons. 13 Insert the release cable in the suitable housing in the motor block. 14 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 24: Cover Drilling
Check the date on the label on the emergency battery through the window on the battery support plate. 17- 97 16 IDENTIFICATION NUMBER example: 75501500 75501500 2015 2015 Sale code year of manufacture (yyyy) 17 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 25: Assembling The A1000 Cs Frame
When ordering the door frame, remember to take into account that the opening safety clearances must be as indicated in standard EN 16005:2012 since no opening protection detectors can be installed on the A1000 door. For manual lifting, arrange for an adequate number of people for the weight of the leaf: 1 person for every 20 kg to be lifted.
Page 26: Fastening The Fixed Leaves
Ensure there are no hydraulic coils or electrical conduits under the floor at the planned drill points. 3. Measure the door frame and compare them with the opening measurements. 4. Check floor levelness with a spirit level. 22 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 27: Assembling The Frame
After mounting the head section, perform all procedures to secure the leaf to the carriages as set out in the chapters concerning kit assembly. For all the adjustment procedures, also refer to chapter § 8 28. 23 fixed leaf mobile leaf 24 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 28: Installing The Head Section
80 mm 25. ceiling must be 80 mm Check the horizontal with a spirit level. 3. Proceed according to the intended type of installation. Screws and dowels not supplied. ceiling 37,5 37,5 37,5 25 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 29: Installing The Leaves
Check leaf verticality. When the leaf is open or closed, the shoe must be fully inside the lower leaf profile. The distance between the shoe and the lower profile must be 4mm (ref. 4 26-27-28). 26 28 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 30: Mount Profiles On The Leaves
— 96 for DOUBLE leaf automations 4. Fasten the plates of the carriages using the 2 screws 31- . For manual lifting, there should be 1 person for every 20 kg to be lifted. Adjust the counter wheel 34. 31 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 31: Adjusting The Leaves And Carriages
Manually move the leaves to ensure the counter wheel runs freely along the entire stroke. Ensure there are no friction points with the surface of 32 the support profile. When installation has been completed, apply the FAAC stickers that were supplied with automatic door to the glass leaves. 33 34 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 32: Installing The Glass Leaves
8 mm Ø 8.5 mm bush Ø internal 6 mm Ø external 8 mm Ø 6.5 mm with 45° flaring Ø 5.0 mm with M6 tapping Ø 7.0 mm 2 x M8 2 x M6 35 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 33
When the leaf is open or closed, the shoe must be fully inside the lower leaf profile. The distance between glass and lower shoe must be 4mm 36- . When installation has been completed, apply the FAAC stickers supplied with the automatic door to the glass leaves. 36 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A… -
Page 34: Mounting The Brushes
10.1 MOUNTING THE BRUSHES For double leaf automations: 37. For single leaf automations: 37. Double leaf Passage opening brushes brushes Right opening single leaf Left opening single leaf Passage opening Passage opening brushes brushes 37 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 35: Assemble The Belt, Casing And Accessories
PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT It is mandatory to use a FAAC belt for the A1000 1. Place one end of the belt over the pulley of the motor. Fasten the two ends using the fittings 38(1) and screws 38(2).
Page 36
Single leaf — LH opening with rM = 1 Single leaf — RH opening with rM = 1 (Default) (Default) Single leaf — RH opening with rM = -1 Single leaf — LH opening with rM = -1 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A… -
Page 37: Adjusting The Belt
2. Apply a 1 kg weight in the centre of the belts lower section. 3. Adjust the tension of the belt until the measurement of arrow f corresponds to the indications in 9. Single leaf — RH opening 1 kg Passage opening A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 38: Belt Tensioning
In case of deviation, check the position and correct connection of the belt fittings. When the belt is new tensioning adjustment must be repeated after the first 100 cycles. 39 9 A1000 belt tensioning (measurements in mm) LH single leaf RH single leaf Double leaf Pulleys centre…
Page 39: Adjusting The Mechanical Stops
2. For each leaf, ensure the carriage is in full contact with the closing stop pad. Should adjustment be required: 3. Bring the pad of the mechanical stop and the carriage into contact 42- . 4. Tighten the screw to lock the mechanical stop 40- . 41 42 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 40: Mounting The Side Profiles
1. Place 2 plates 45- on the support profile (for profiles longer than 3 m, a third plate should be added). 2. Mount the brackets and fasten them using the screws provided 46- . 46 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 41: Fitting The Cover
The markings on the casing allow it to be adapted to varying leaf thick- ness. The breaking points 50- make it possible to remove the profile section in excess. 47 Installation with side profiles and central bracket. » » 48 49 ² ² 50 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 42: Installing The Xb Lock Motor Block
52- . If it is incor- rect, adjust it as described below. 53- . 5. Fasten the motor block using the two M5 screws 51- 51 52 53 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 43: Mounting The Cable Gland Guides
11.9 MOUNTING THE CABLE GLAND GUIDES The guides prevent interference between cables and moving parts. Install the electric cable guides inside the support profile 54- ³ ³ · · 54 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 44: Electronics Installation E1Sl
(NOT SUPPLIED) SETUP RESET DL11 RESET/SETUP MAIN BAT1 BAT2 SIC _ OP SIC _ CL EMERG OPEN Buttons SETUP / RESET — ” (scrolls programming values) “+” (scrolls programming values) “F” (programming: scrolls functions/confirms values) 56 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 45: Leds On The Board
(Open impulse) * input not active OPEN: DL11 (BLUE) accessories power (+ 24V * present absent VACC: LED statuses: flashing * = standby condition in sleep mode: off with blinking every 5 s A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 46: Terminal Boards And Connectors
EN 16005:2012 1st pair receiver connection 2nd pair transmitter connection GND Transmitter negative 1st pair transmitter connection J10 — MAIN POWER SUPPLY 36V — 4A +36V Switching power supply unit connection A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 47: J11 — Motor
Configurable input I4 Configurable input I3 GND Accessories power supply negative and Common contacts Configurable input I2 Configurable input I1 GND Accessories power supply negative and Common contacts +24V accessories power supply A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 48: Motor And Encoder
If the motor block malfunctions, the system signals ERROR 26 on the 5 brown display and on SDK EVO. If there is a power failure, the position of the motor block remains un- changed. The motor block is always open in manual mode. DL11 60 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 49: Xv1-Xdt1 Exit And Entry Detectors
S2 Function = Closing Safety 2F 2F S2 Test = Enabled S2NO/NC = NC INPUTS I1-I2 C1=1 C1=1 I1 = External sensor contact I2= Internal sensor contact I1 NO/NC = NO C2=4 C2=4 I2 NO/NC = NO A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 50: Xdt1 Exit Detectors And 2 Xdt1 Entry Detectors
S1 NO/NC = NC C2=4 C2=4 I2= Internal sensor contact P2 P2 S2 Function = Closing Safety I1 NO/NC = NO 2F 2F S2 Test = Enabled I2 NO/NC = NO S2 NO/NC = NC A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 51: Xbfa Detectors For Safety In Opening
I3 NO/NC = NC I3 TEST =Enabled C4=21 C4=21 I4 = Safety on opening 4F=Y 4F=Y I4 NO/NC = NC blue I4 TEST =Enabled brown green XBFA n.1 XBFA n.2 outside of door inside of door 65 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 52: J9 — Xfa Button Photocells
— O1 Open Collector output with Max load 100mA to be connected between 01 — O2 relay contact with Max load 2A to be connected between O2 and O2. and V. — O2 relay contact with Max load 2A to be connected between O2 and O2. 69 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 53: Startup
Setup CANNOT be carried out in NIGHT-TIME and MANUAL mode and with emergency inputs active. 4. Access the programming mode and make any modifications that may be necessary ( 11 and 12). A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 54: Basic / Advanced Programming
Power failure during programming If power supply fails while programming is ongoing, UNSAVED modifications must be performed again. Immediately exit programming During programming, press F and — simultaneously until the exit from programming function is activated. RESET/SETUP A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 55: Basic Programming Fw Version 3.0 Or Later
11 BASIC programming fw version 3.0 or later BASIC Function Door type no no no no no no no — — =no selection = A1000 = A1400 = RKE 1400 = SF1400 =Rototranslating (not available) The default values are reloaded if the parameter is modified.
Page 56
— — SAFETY INPUT TEST I1 parameter displayed only if = test enabled = test not enabled C2 C2 INPUT I2 CONFIGURATION Allows parameter to be set. See options as in A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A… -
Page 57
System TEST in progress STOPPED safety devices TEST in progress Door ERROR (Press + and — simultaneously to display the active ERROR) LO-L2 LO-L2 PHASES LO, L1, L2 SETUP IN PROGRESS in SLEEP mode (point flashing) A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A… -
Page 58: Advanced Programming Fw Version 3.0 Or Later
Operation of the battery NOT in NIGHT-TIME mode with a mains power outage. = not enabled = immediately perform OPENING motion = immediately perform CLOSING movement = with discharged battery last OPENING movement = with discharged battery last CLOSING movement A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 59
The internal detector is disabled immediately after opening and in any case upon expiry of the set delay. Adjustable from s.Step = 1 s from m to m Step = 0,1 m A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A… -
Page 60
= At least one Safety In Closing Active 12 12 = At least one Safety In Closing Active or one Safety in Opening On (*) Output activated Only from SDK EVO with KEEP CLOSED function . A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A… -
Page 61
SDK EVO offers a wider number of options compared to the board. The board does not display the values that are not available and indicates all of them with EP (External Program). Programming with the board allows you to overwrite EP values by choosing an available value with the +/ — buttons. A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A… -
Page 62: System Functionality/Configurations
CLOSED no effect no effect after night pause time PARTIAL NIGHT-TIME partial opening and closure again CLOSED no effect no effect after night pause time PARTIAL OPENING PARTIAL no effect no effect no effect OPENING A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 63: Inputs Configuration
NIGHT-TIME function the leaves must open and remain open as 2. with memory, once the input is deactivated the leaves remain in long as the input is active. Stop status until the RESET command is given. A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 64
Input4 configurable (programming) Input3 configurable (programming) GND Accessories power supply negative and Common contacts Input2 configurable (programming) Input1 configurable (programming) GND Accessories power supply negative and Common contacts +24V accessories power supply 70 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A… -
Page 65: Configuration Of J22 Outputs
Error 24 is generated when the programmed number of obstacles in CLOSING is reached. The number of consecutive obstacles during closing can be reset: — with RESET command — upon reaching the CLOSED position — by changing the operating mode A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 66: Low Energy Function During Closing And Opening
Door ERROR (Press + and — simultaneously to display the ERROR) from 160 to 240 L0-L2 L0-L2 PHASES L0, L1, L2 of SETUP in progress (flashing) also has to be set to in SLEEP mode (point flashing ) A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 67: Errors
Data deletion in progress (not displayed) Wait for the data deletion procedure to finish. If an error is triggered after 30 sec. it causes the board to AUTORESET the errors marked with an (*). 5 attempts are made. A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 68: Warnings
Wait for the procedure to finish Intermode Node Alarm Master : At least one node does not respond / Slave : The Master does not communicate. INTERLOCK INTERLOCK operating mode active. Non-Standard Non Standard configuration in use. A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 69: Aux Errors
Check for any obstacles Incorrect ID Replace the board VMain Carry out board reset; if the error persists replace the board Timeout Carry out board reset; if the error persists replace the board Test VMain Replace the board A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 70: Troubleshooting
— door set in NIGHT-TIME function The door does not perform SETUP — door set in MANUAL function — active internal or external release — the emergencies are active — motor or encoder not connected, not powered or faulty A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 71: Operations On The Board
Reset is an initialising procedure of board operation. 6. the display shows automation status. WHEN IS RESET NECESSARY After restoring factory status perform SETUP. After automation lock due to: — a board error with a RESET request A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 72: Updating (Upload)
If the board remains in the condition, an UPLOAD should be E1SL_xx.hex board firmware performed. E1SL.prg board programming E1SL.tmr Timer programming SDK_xx.hex SDK EVO firmware SDKL_xx.bin SDK EVO language update LK_xx.hex LK EVO firmware KS_xx.hex KS EVO firmware A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 73: Bootloader Errors
Password file different to the one on the board Board failure Replace board Microcontroller fault Replace board USB Error USB memory key not recognised. USB key faulty or not formatted with the FAT or FAT 32 file system. A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 74: Intercom (Canbus)
The units in the network are connected via 3 cascade connected-wires between the J18 connectors of the E1SL boards 71 The sequence in which the units are wired is unimportant, but it is es- sential that a CASCADE connection is used. 71 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 75: Intermode
A2 mov. A1 mov. —- —- —- —- —- —- A2 mov. ReqA1=1 means that a request has been made to open A1 ReqA2=1 means that a request has been made to open A2 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 76: Interlock With Memory
Req (A2=1) Req A1=1 A1 mov. —- —- —- —- A2 mov ReqA1=1 means that a request has been made to open A1 ReqA2=1 means that a request has been made to open A2 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 77: Fw Version 1.2 Or Later
NIGHT 4. To switch to another function press the key corresponding to the new function. 5. If the LK EVO is connected to an A1000 board in which an unin- ² ² MANUAL tended function has been programmed, it is overridden with a…
Page 78: Special Functions
6. Other 2-key combinations may be used for the other and holding keys special functions. To display the FIRMWARE version 25 18.3 SPECIAL FUNCTIONS RESET: LOCK / UNLOCK 5 sec. RESET WARNINGS continuous FIRMWARE VERSION continuous A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 79: Ks Evo
3. The LED switches on to identify the active function. Turn the key to move from one function to another. E1SL V RX V RX TX G U/UTP CAT.5 4x2xAWG24 V RX TX G KS EVO 77 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 80: Errors
Corrupted data Number of consecutive 24-31 24-31 obstacles reached Motor block failure Motor rotation error AUX board fault Serious error Motor time out Configuration error Set-up data missing or corrupted Total deletion of board data A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 81: Warnings
128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 0 1 1 0 1 The final sequence starting from the bottom is: 01101 . This should be interpreted as follows: 0 + 8 + 4 + 0 +1 = 13 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 82: Fw Version 3.0 Or Later
78- ). 2. Break the cable knockout 78- . 3. Mark the points on the wall 78- and fasten the support using A1000 THUR 20/03/14 suitable screws. AUTO TWODIR TOTAL BEFORE CONNECTING THE DEVICE, disconnect the power supply and the emergency battery of the automation.
Page 83: Home Page
2 buttons indicated simultaneously for 5 s: — time timer active 5” 5” SDK EVO locked current indications RESET A1000 5” 5” THUR 20/03/14 AUTO BIDIR TOTAL 20.5 PASSWORD The 4 digit PASSWORD has to be entered in order to use some of the functions.
Page 84: Selection Menu
20.6 SELECTION MENU HOME PAGE 1. To access the operating mode selection menu, press the corre- sponding button on the HOME PAGE 81. A1000 2. Using the selection buttons 82 you can set: THUR 20/03/14 — the Automatic or Door open operation…
Page 85: Function Menu
HOME PAGE 1. To access the functions menu, press the corresponding button on the HOME PAGE 83. A1000 2. You are prompted to enter the USER or INSTALLER PASSWORD. THUR 20/03/14 3. The display shows the functions (4 at a time) 84.
Page 86: Functions Menu
Page 87
Page 88: Menu 1 Language
DOOR TYPE DOOR TYPE ■ PROGRAMMING Select the type of door: If the input has not been disabled, select the type of contact: A1000 — Normally open (NO) A1400 — Normally closed (NC) RKE1400 Default CF1 CF2 CF2 CF4 CF5…
Page 89
8. Repeat the procedure for the other inputs. — 4 FORCE TIME from 0.1 to 3.0s — 5 ACCELERATION from 1 to 10 — 6 DECELERATION from 1 to 10 — 7 REVERSE(*) 5 from 1 to 5 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A… -
Page 90
— STANDARD: the mode of operation selected is kept even with battery operation. ■ 5 BATTERY KIT — NIGHT: motor block active only in NIGHT-TIME mode. — ALWAYS OPEN: motor block active in OPEN mode BATTERY KIT PROGRAMMING A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A… -
Page 91
— I_MOT (current absorbed by the motor in Amperes) 1 Default Configuration — POS (leaf position in cm) — ACTIVE (default configuration active) — NO (the configuration has been modified) To reset all parameters to default settings press the OK button and confirm. A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A… -
Page 92: Menu 3 Errors
11 ELASTIC KIT — 32 Motor time out — ENABLED — 33 Battery failure — DISABLED — 38 Configuration error — 39 Data in Setup memory missing or corrupted — 99 Data deletion in progress A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 93: Menu 4 Indications
— 58 Searching for closing stop European daylight saving time is enabled by default. — 59 Motor block fault (only with monitoring KIT) Available options are: — 60 Maintenance request — 61 SDK EVO / LK EVO / KSEVO fault A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 94: Menu 7 Timer
MONDAY — > BAND1 — BAND2 — BAND3 — BAND4 ↑ ↓ 3. Assign an operating mode to the time band: — 0 No function — 1 Auto Twodir Total — 2 Auto Out Total A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 95: Menu 8 Password
SDK EVO or LK EVO configured inputs. SDK EVO APP TIMER active and with no time band corresponds to function 0. VER.xx Exiting a time band overrides function 1 that can be modified by devices having a lower priority. A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 96
The display shows the firmware versions of the control board and installed devices. (*) DM is only displayed if the DM KIT is used. If it is not present, the field is empty. A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A… -
Page 97: Maintenance
1 000 000 Recommended Lower guide shoe 2 000 000 Mandatory Carriages 2 000 000 Mandatory Belt 1 000 000 Mandatory Pad mechanical stop 2 000 000 Mandatory Safety fall arrest cables Mandatory Emergency battery Recommended A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 98: Maintenance Technician Safety
The warranty shall be forfeited in the event of tampering with compo- nents. Only use original FAAC spare parts. The batteries and electronic components must not be disposed of with household waste but delivered to authorised disposal and recycling centres.
Page 99
2. Assemble the new fuse. Only use the fuses indicated 90. 89 DL11 RESET/SETUP MAIN BAT1 BAT2 SIC_OP SIC_CL EMERG OPEN F1 8 A T (delayed) F2 2 A F (quick) F3 2.5 A T (delayed) 90 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A… -
Page 100: Cleaning
(safety condition) — efficiency of safety detectors (the radar field must be free and adequately sized with respect to passage flow) — operation of EMERGENCY button (if present) and any other ac- cessories installed. A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 101: Annexes To A1000
23. ANNEXES TO A1000 28 A1000 automation weights 29 Positions of components on the head section Single leaf Support profile weight TOTAL weight [mm] [mm] [kg — approximate values] [kg] 1500 1700 1900 Seats to fasten the components on the…
Page 102: Installation Diagrams
Page 103: A1000 With One Tk20 Sliding Leaf And One Fixed Side Leaf
Page 104: A1000 With One Tk20 Sliding Leaf
A1000 WITH ONE TK20 SLIDING LEAF 93 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 105: Position Of Components On The A1000 Support Profile
Page 106: A1000 With Left Opening Single Leaf
A1000 WITH LEFT OPENING SINGLE LEAF 95 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 107: A1000 With Double Leaf
A1000 WITH DOUBLE LEAF 96 A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A…
Page 108
A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A… -
Page 109
FAAC declines all liability deriving from misuse or use other than that authorised and instructed for which the automation is intended. -
Page 110
A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A… -
Page 111
1. To access the operating mode selection menu, press the cor- responding button on the HOME PAGE. A1000 THUR 20/03/14 2. With the selection buttons you can set: AUTO TWODIR TOTAL — the Automatic or Door open operation… -
Page 112
HOME PAGE A1000 — In case of unrecognised password: THUR 20/03/14 AUTO BIDIR TOTAL — the command is not executed — the display shows “incorrect password”… -
Page 113
RESET WARNINGS continuous FIRMWARE VERSION continuous 6. The ALARMS are displayed with a code of flashing LEDs alternating with the current operating mode. For the type of ALARM see 23 in the A1400 AIR manual. A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A… -
Page 114
A1000 532210 04 — Rev.A… -
Page 116
FAAC S.p.A. Soc. Unipersonale Via Calari, 10 — 40069 Zola Predosa BOLOGNA — ITALY Tel. +39 051 61724 — Fax +39 051 758518 www.faac.it — www.faacgroup.com…
The following will help you identify and solve some particular
All leds off
24V= led ON
LED off
LED off
door CLOSES instead of OPENING
and vice versa
door moving for short distances
door movements very slow
the door accelerates and
the door accelerates and
suddenly during
suddenly during
an acceleration phase in opening
an acceleration phase in opening
and / or closing.
and / or closing.
•no mains power supplied and the control board is battery-powered in NIGHT operating function, and in
•connection to the control board is interrupted: check the connection cables and wiring between SD-
•control board not operating correctly; replace the control board
•is the 5×20 T2,5A fuse inside the power supply unit interrupted?
•Is connector J1 fitted correctly on the control board?
•check connection to the power supply unit
• control board not operating correctly; replace the control board
•mains power not supplied and the control board is battery-powered
•if mains power is being supplied, see point B
•make sure that the selected operating function is not DOOR OPEN (if no SD-Keeper is installed, make
sure that input 8 of the J6 terminal board is not jumper connected to the negative)
•make sure that the selected operating function is not MANUAL
•check if power is being supplied to the motor (VMOT LED ON)
•make sure that the selected operating function is not MANUAL
•make sure that the selected operating function is not NIGHT (if no SD-Keeper is installed, make sure that
input 7 of the J6 terminal board is not jumper connected to the negative)
•make sure that the motor lock is not locked
•check if power is being supplied to the motor (VMOT LED ON)
•reverse the position of dip-switch 4 on the control board and execute a
•check if encoder connector J17 is correctly inserted
•check the condition of the encoder connection flat cable
•using the SD-Keeper+Display, check if the selected speed levels are as required
•using the SD-Keeper+Display, check if the selected deceleration distances are as required
• change to display the values OF, CF and tF .
energy saving statues.
Keeper and the control board
•photocell/s engaged
•check motor connection
•check motor connection
•check condition of the encoder
• Reduce the value Ar to 0