Failure delete failed internal error

I am writing some sample apps. After I debug these apps, I don't see an uninstall button in my device's application management. When I do adb uninstall, it always says Failure without any reason. I...

I am writing some sample apps.
After I debug these apps, I don’t see an uninstall button in my device’s application management.
When I do adb uninstall, it always says Failure without any reason.
In DDMS I saw that my apk is stored in /data/app/com.k2g.leaveDemo-1.apk.
I am not sure what am I missing.
I always have to reset my device to get rid of these apps :(

Do I need to do sign something?
Do I need to do something in debug mode?
Or does it depend on the version?

I am using Samsung S2.

asked Nov 23, 2012 at 19:43

user1848385's user avatar


I assume that you enable developer mode on your android device and you are connected to your device and you have shell access (adb shell).

Once this is done you can uninstall application with this command pm uninstall --user 0 <>. Where 0 is ID of main user in Android system. This way you don’t need to root your device.

Here is an example how I did on my Huawei p10 lite device.

# gain shell access
$ adb shell

# check who you are
$ whoami

# obtain user id
$ id
uid=2000(shell) gid=2000(shell)

# list packages
$ pm list packages | grep google                                                                                                                                                

# uninstall google play services (warning: take backup first!)
pm uninstall --user 0

Ganesh Mohan's user avatar

answered Jan 3, 2018 at 19:22

Lukasz Dynowski's user avatar

Lukasz DynowskiLukasz Dynowski

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Yes, mobile device management would bring its own problems, but i bet ‘Failure’ is a dos2unix problem. On my Linux machines, adb is appending a DOS newline which causes ‘Failure’ because uninstall thinks the CR character is part of the package name. Also remove ‘-1.apk’ from the end of the package-1.apk filename.

adb root
adb shell
pm list packages
pm uninstall

In my case, i have a phone that is in permanent ‘Safe mode’ so only apps under /system/app/ have a chance of running. So i install them to get the .apk files copied off, then uninstall in bulk and copy to /system/app/, wipe the /cache and reboot. Now i have more apps running even though in safe mdoe.

# adb root
# pm list packages -3 > /root/bulkuninstall.txt
# vi /root/bulkuninstall.txt  and check ^M characters at end of each line.   
   If ^M, then must run dos2unix /root/bulkuninstall.txt.  
   Remove '-1.apk' using vi search and replace:  
   Or sed...

# cp /data/app/* /storage/sdcard1/APKs/
# for f in `cat /root/bulkuninstall.txt`; do echo $f; pm uninstall $f; done;
# echo Now remount system and copy the APK files to /system/app/
# mount | grep system
# mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/(use block device from previous step)  /system 
# cp /storage/sdcard1/APKs/* /system/app/
# reboot

wipe cache
power on.

Alex Lockwood's user avatar

Alex Lockwood

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answered Mar 11, 2013 at 4:53

rjt's user avatar


1,02210 silver badges16 bronze badges


This is not an exact answer, but if you’re looking to uninstall the app because you have an updated .apk to install, you can try this:

adb install -r yourapp.apk

The -r option tells adb to reinstall the app

António Almeida's user avatar

answered Feb 7, 2014 at 17:37

edg's user avatar


6496 silver badges13 bronze badges


If it is an Android internal app you may need to:

  • adb shell
  • mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
  • rm /system/app/your_app
  • rm /data/data/your_app
  • remove any entries in /data/system/packages.xml
  • remove any entries in /data/system/packages.list
  • edit AndroidManifest.xml and get rid of android:sharedUserId="android.uid.shared"

This is at your own risk;-|, try in emulator first…

Maarten's user avatar

answered Jun 21, 2013 at 16:56

powder366's user avatar


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Just run ADB and use the following command:

adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 <package name>

And you should get this return:


Robert's user avatar


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answered Aug 11, 2019 at 22:33

Matthew Farmer's user avatar


okey I was in same situation I tried all of this without result.. and the last answer was close.. I got it doing the follow:

in order to get the right name of your package do the follow:

adb shell pm list packages | grep "name of your app here"

you should see the right name of your app.. so now this one just works:

adb uninstall com.your-real-app-name

finally the command run works again:

ionic run android

answered Jul 14, 2016 at 15:45

bySamo's user avatar


4755 silver badges12 bronze badges


I find that adb shell pm uninstall <package> works consistently, where adb uninstall <package> does not.

answered Feb 26, 2015 at 19:30

Christopher Pickslay's user avatar


Try disable «Instant run» from settings window

answered Aug 19, 2017 at 13:22

no_cola's user avatar


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Open your application Manifest and check the application’s package first.

After that, be sure that your device is set into debugger mode.

Check if ADB can interact with your device:

adb devices

If your device is listed, then run:


answered Nov 23, 2012 at 19:52

noni's user avatar


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Maybe you’re trying to uninstall an app that is a phone administrator.

To be able to uninstall it, go to Seetings > Security > Phone Administrators.
If the app is listed, uncheck it and confirm the operation.

After that, you should be able to uninstall it using the App settings area or adb.

answered May 5, 2016 at 13:14

fferracioli's user avatar

You should have to manually delete apps. got to Setting-> Application Management -> Running application, tap on it and you can remove, stop apps from there.

answered Nov 23, 2012 at 19:46

Anam Akram's user avatar


This worked for me:

This is the directory where all the APKs are stored:

cd /system/app

List them:


Choose one to remove.

pm install -r <app_to_remove>.apk


$ pm install -r Google-Play-services.apk
        pkg: Google-Play-services.apk

I noticed that I get failure if the application I’m trying to remove is running, so kill it first.

Also, I noticed you might have to run (on a rooted device):

$ su
# mount -o remount +rw /

answered Mar 11, 2017 at 14:25

Geremia's user avatar


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In my case I often get this issue when I first complise a app in debug mode and later try to install the google signed app.

That is because both apps have the same package name but diffent signatures.
Since I upgraded to Android lollypop I sometimes even get this error if I uninstall the app via the settingsApps.
If you have this problem check if the app is installed in a other User profile and uninstall it in all user accounts.

answered Oct 2, 2015 at 20:45

Radon8472's user avatar


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If you have problems uninstalling through adb, I can recommend the following tool:

you can use wildcards and supports multiple devices, also has some better error handling than the vanilla ADB (but uses it in background of course). Will work on your platform.

console showcase

Full disclaimer: I am the developer

answered Sep 22, 2016 at 7:34

Patrick's user avatar


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Make sure you enter the full package name with application name:

answered Jun 6, 2015 at 13:43

powder366's user avatar


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I had a instance of an emulator running and a device connected.

When I ran command `adb -d uninstall PACKAGE_NAME’, I got an error ‘DELETE_FAILED_INTERNAL_ERROR’ but when I killed the Emulator instance, I got a ‘success’ in un-installation process.

answered Sep 29, 2015 at 22:30

Codelearner's user avatar


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It can be something as simple as typing the package name in the wrong case…

I had the same problem — turned out I was entering the package name in all lower case when the actual package name included upper case characters.

adb uninstall -k <packageName - eg.>

( If you’re explicitly uninstalling you probably don’t want the -k which keeps the app data and cache directories around. )

answered Jul 23, 2016 at 8:43

Bob's user avatar


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You can follow below steps to uninstall the app from the device via command prompt.

  1. execute the command : adb -s [devicename] uninstall -k [packagename].
    this command will retain the data and cache in the device but will remove the app from the device.
  2. To remove the data and cache also from the device along with the application execute the command below.
    adb shell pm uninstall -k [packagename].

if it shows sucess your app is uninstalled successfully’

answered Apr 21, 2017 at 5:35

divaPrajapati09's user avatar

If You use Xiomi Device then You need to Login in MI Account.

After Successful Registration you can install and Uninstall via ADB.

answered Aug 8, 2018 at 11:18

Pinak Gauswami's user avatar

You have the name of the apk and not the package name:
You should first know the package name. Fot this tape:

adb shell pm list packages

Once you have the package name (be carefull, package name is like…. and not…), tape:

adb shell pm uninstall -k «package_name»

and Bingo!

matdev's user avatar


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answered Jul 8, 2016 at 15:24

AymenSiala's user avatar

In my case this was happening because I was trying to uninstall the wrong APK. I didn’t realize that my bundleId had appended .demo to the ID.

answered Apr 5, 2022 at 22:07

BlackHatSamurai's user avatar


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I had a failure when using adb shell uninstall

removed / (so adb shell uninstall and it works

answered Jul 2, 2015 at 21:52

Nemanja Velickovic's user avatar

Try disable «Instant run» from Preference!
It’s working for me.

enter image description here

answered Jan 2, 2019 at 15:15

Jamil Hasnine Tamim's user avatar



  1. Different Ways to fix “DELETE_FAILED_INTERNAL_ERROR” Error while Installing APK in Android Studio
  2. Method 1: Uninstalling the APK which is present in your device or Emulator
  3. Method 2: Updating the version code and version name of the apk in build.gradle file
  4. Method 3: Disabling Instant run in Android Studio
  5. Method 4: Disabling Instant run option in Android Studio using Shortcut keys
  6. How to Uninstall System Apps on Android without Root (ADB)
  7. Get Android Bloatware List via ADB
  8. Uninstall System Apps without Root
  9. Reinstall Uninstalled Android Apps via ADB
  10. Remove Bloatware on Android (Root)
  11. Freeze Background Apps on Android
  12. Disable System Apps on Android via ADB
  13. Delete Failed Internal Error in ADB

Different Ways to fix “DELETE_FAILED_INTERNAL_ERROR” Error while Installing APK in Android Studio

In Android Studio when building a new APK or while installing an application from Android Studio. You will get to see errors as shown in the title such as “DELETE FAILED INTERNAL ERROR“. This error is generally due to conflicts in the APK version while installing a new Android app. This is how the error dialog pops up on the screen

Failure: Install failed invalid apk

Error: While installing apk,

So in this article, we will take a look at solving this issue in 4 different ways.

  • Method 1: Uninstalling the APK which is present in your device or Emulator
  • Method 2: Updating the version code and version name of the apk in build.gradle file
  • Method 3: Disabling Instant run in Android Studio
  • Method 4: Disabling Instant run option in Android Studio using Shortcut keys

Note: Method 3 and Method 4 work only in lower versions of the android studio below 3.0.

Method 1: Uninstalling the APK which is present in your device or Emulator

To solve this issue the most common solution is to uninstall the apk which is already present in your device or emulator and then again install the APK in your device. This issue is generally caused when the version code of the installed apk conflicts with the apk version which we are trying to install in our android or emulator. So in this case we have to uninstall the apk and install the new apk.

Method 2: Updating the version code and version name of the apk in build.gradle file

First of all, we have to uninstall the apk which is already installed in our device or emulator. After that, we will update the apk version name and version code of our application and then again install this application. For updating the version name and code of the apk we have to navigate to the build.gradle of our Android Studio project. Navigate to the app > Gradle Scripts > build.gradle(:app) and then update the version code and name in your Gradle file. You can get to see the code below. Comments are added in the code to get to know in more detail. Navigate to the android section in build.gradle file.

After updating your version code now sync your project and again build your apk and run your application. This method will solve the issue.

Method 3: Disabling Instant run in Android Studio

In this method, we will be disabling the instant run in our android studio so when installing a new apk in our emulator or android device the app will be installed in our device without any error. Below is the step-by-step implementation for disabling Instant run in your android studio.

Note: This method works only in lower versions of the android studio below 3.0.

Step by step guide for disabling the instant run feature:

Navigate to the Files option in the top bar of android studio. In that option click on the File > Settings. You will get to see this option on the below screen.

After clicking on the settings option you will get to see the below screen. Inside this screen navigate to the Build, Execution, Deployment option and then click on the Instant run option.

Inside this screen, we have to uncheck the options which are shown on the above screen.

After unchecking all the options we have to click on Apply option and then click on the OK option to save these changes and proceed further.

Method 4: Disabling Instant run option in Android Studio using Shortcut keys

In this method, we will be disabling the instant run in our android studio using shortcut keys so when installing a new apk in our emulator or android device the app will be installed in our device without any error. Below is the step-by-step implementation for disabling Instant run in your android studio.

Note: This method works only in lower versions of the android studio below 3.0.

Step by step guide for disabling the instant run feature:

Press the shortcut key Ctrl + Shift + A and you will get to see a search bar after that search for an instant run option and then click on the Instant run option you will get to see the below screen.

And rest of the work is same as method 3.


How to Uninstall System Apps on Android without Root (ADB)

Android phones come with lots of pre-installed apps that may not be of any use. Since we can’t freeze or uninstall system apps on Android normally, we either need root privilege or take advantage of ADB shell pm uninstall command. If you have a rooted Android phone, you can use a system app remover to delete bloatware. The absence of a universal bloatware remover or system app uninstaller leaves the ADB way for unrooted Android devices.

Update: In case you find the ADB way to uninstall system apps without a bit complicated, you must try Universal Android Debloater GUI or ADBAppControl tool. These tools don’t require root privilege and let you get rid of unwanted apps safely through a graphical user interface.

I recently prepared a list of Samsung system apps and described the easiest way to uninstall preinstalled apps. In this tutorial, we’ll discuss how we can disable or freeze background apps and delete system apps on unrooted Android devices. Besides, we’ll also see how to re-install uninstalled apps using ADB commands. In case your phone has root access, I’ll also lay out the steps to debloat Android devices using the Debloater Magisk module.

The tips given in this tutorial can help you get rid of bloatware on all Android devices including Samsung, OnePlus, Google Pixel, Xiaomi, Redmi, Huawei, Honor, Nokia, Oppo, Realme, Vivo, Motorola, Lenovo, etc. running Android 5.0 or above.

Get Android Bloatware List via ADB

We all recognize apps by their names shown on the device app drawer. However, to be able to uninstall system apps, you must know the package name of the apps you want to remove. There are 3 ways to find the package name of an Android app.

  1. Visit a Google Play Store app’s page in a desktop browser. The package name is located right after ‘id=‘ in the URL. An app package name looks like ‘‘. You may not find the package names of the system apps though.
  2. Try apps like Package Browser, App Inspector, Package Name Viewer, etc.
  3. You can also get the full list of packages installed on your Android phone or tablet using adb shell pm list packages command.

Anyway, let’s check out how we can have the complete list of system apps present on any Android device. Please note that in order to execute ADB commands you need to set up ADB and Fastboot on your Windows, Mac, or Linux computer and install the appropriate Android USB driver.

  1. Download the latest Android SDK Platform-tools and extract the zip.
  2. Open your device Settings and turn on USB debugging from Developer options.
  3. Go to Display under the phone Settings and increase the Screen Timeout duration.
  4. Now connect your Android device to the computer via USB.
  5. Navigate to the “platform-tools” folder and launch a Command Prompt or PowerShell window. You can get this option in the Windows Context menu by pressing the Shift key + Right-click button on the mouse.
  6. Alternatively, you can quickly open a command window from within a folder window by typing “cmd” in the File Explorer’s address bar and pressing the Enter key.

Type ‘cmd’ to launch a command prompt

Authorize ADB on Android

Samsung bloatware list adb

Due to the difference between the names of apps and their packages, it might be very difficult to recognize an app by its package. Moreover, it’s also difficult to decide which apps are safe to remove. You can google to find the list of safe to uninstall bloatware for your Android device. Another way to get the real name of an app by its package is to paste the package name into the Google search box. That way, you can shortlist the system apps you can delete without encountering any problems.

I have prepared the list of bloatware present on devices from different Android OEMs.

Uninstall System Apps without Root

Once you have the list of Android bloatware ready, you can easily remove them using ADB uninstall system app command.

  1. Launch the Command Prompt as described above. The easiest way to open a command window is to type “cmd” in the File Explorer’s address bar and press the Enter key. You can also launch a command window by clicking on File> Open Windows PowerShell option in the folder window.
  2. Connect your Android device to the computer with USB debugging enabled and unlocked screen and execute the following command.
  3. Doing so will return your phone’s code name followed by a dollar ($) sign in the Command Prompt. You just need to issue one of these 2 commands to uninstall a system app on your Android.
    #1 To uninstall an app with its data
    pm uninstall —user 0

#2 To uninstall an app but keep its data
pm uninstall -k —user 0

  • Now, type the command you prefer and hit the Enter key. With the removal of each system app, you’ll get a “Success” message.
  • You can thus uninstall as many system apps as you want.
  • Reinstall Uninstalled Android Apps via ADB

    The pm uninstall command removes a system app only for ‘user 0‘, that is the current user. It means that the deleted app still remains available for other users of the Android device. It’s a good thing because you can easily restore an app if you uninstall it by mistake or need it later.

    Don’t forget to execute adb shell before you use the above command as shown below.

    app re-installation adb command

    Remove Bloatware on Android (Root)

    In case you have a rooted device, you can remove system apps easily using apps like System App Remover and Bloatware Remover. Moreover, you can also delete bloatware on Android devices rooted with Magisk with a module called Debloater.

    1. Install the latest Magisk Manager on your device and launch it.
    2. Tap the hamburger (≡) icon and tap on Downloads in the side menu.
    3. Now tap the search icon and type “busybox” and tap the download icon to install Busybox for Android NDK. When Busybox is installed return to Downloads.

    Install Busybox in Magisk Manager

    Magisk Debloater module

    Grant root access to Debloater

    Debloat Android using Debloater app

    Freeze Background Apps on Android

    Android has always lagged behind iOS in the management of the app background processes. However, with Android 8.0 and higher, Google has done a lot to put a check on apps that keep running in the background draining the battery, data, and other resources. In case you want to freeze the background apps, you can do that without root using the following ADB command. This method to freeze apps should work on all devices running Android 7.0+.

    1. Launch the Command Prompt.
    2. Connect your device via a USB cable.
    3. Issue the following command.
    4. Then execute the following command. Don’t forget to replace

    in the command below with an app.

    Freeze background apps using ADB

    Disable System Apps on Android via ADB

    ADB is really a great command-line tool and it can be used several ways to perform tasks on Android that would otherwise have not been possible. Besides uninstalling bloatware and freezing system apps, ADB can also help you disable system apps easily. The following command lets you disable a system app on an Android device.

    If you want to enable a disabled app later, you can use the following command.

    Delete Failed Internal Error in ADB

    Sometimes Android OEMs restrict the uninstallation of certain system apps using ADB commands. In such a case, you might get the following error.

    Failure[Delete failed Internal Error]

    To uninstall such apps, you’ll need to have root privilege. If you have a rooted device, you can execute the following command one after another as shown below.

    Whether you want to disable, freeze, or uninstall system apps on Android, you can do everything using ADB shell commands mentioned above. System App Remover and Bloatware Remover may be the easiest tools for root users but if you haven’t rooted your device, using the ADB on your PC is the best way to remove bloatware on any Android device.


    Have to mention this to avoid possible confusion, this question is not duplicate. This question is specific to using adb to uninstall a package. There are several similar questions but are all different from this one, as they’re focused on removing an application by any means.

    Please do not provide answers using «rm» command to delete the package files. Also, answers related to malformed package names, or trailing carriage returns. I think they’re pretty much all covered in all the other questions.

    I had pm uninstall functionality but after ROM upgrade. Some things won’t uninstall anymore. For example the following two system apps (which I removed under previous ROM, significantly improving overall performance):


    Now I get an error trying to pm uninstall them: Failure [DELETE_FAILED_INTERNAL_ERROR]

    But other system apps (which won’t uninstall through regular android interface) do uninstall via pm uninstall command. Example:

    So both are system apps, what could be the difference between them?

    For reference, I upgraded from MIUI to, and re-installed TWRP and SuperSU. This question is not specific to my ROM, as I see other people are in the same situation. But I seem to have an advantage being able to be able to uninstall some system apps. And am willing to contribute, to find a solution for everyone, to uninstall any app.

    I tried: mount -o rw,remount /system
    but that didn’t solve it.

    Please help out with any ideas along the way. Thanks!

    Update 1 — Confirming steps to avoid intermittent issues

    * Wiped all partitions in TWRP

    * Installed Latest ROM (MIUI

    * Went back to TWRP, wiped only /Data

    * Restored /Data from backed up version of the ROM that came with device (MIUI

    * Now after I boot into OS, ROM shows as latest (MIUI in settings

    Now I am able to pm uninstall every app I’ve tried. Even the most resilient: Google APP, Updater, Security.

    This Frankenstein.. err I mean hybrid ROM works fine so far, and I’ve already removed many system packages, making the phone (Redmi 3S+) visibly faster. But I would still like to pinpoint what was causing this to make it into Generic Solution. So, if it ain’t broke I’m willing break it, so next time it breaks we will know what’s causing it and how to fix it.

    Update 2

    * Wiped all partitions and restored all partitions from Original ROM.
    * Restored to factory settings (using TWRP)

    * and after booting into ROM, went back to TWRP and made another backup

    * Using same scenario as in Update 1 above, with only exception of using /Data from here. pm uninstall does not work.

    Any thoughts on the differences between the two /Data partitions I should be focusing on?

    Normally it is not possible to delete some system apps that came pre-installed on your Android phone. Some can be turned off so that they won’t start and show on the list of apps on your phone.

    1. Open your phone’s Settings app.

    2. Select Apps & notifications.

    3. Select the app you want to disable.

    4. Select Disable.

    Unfortunately, some preinstalled applications (for example Facebook on some phones, and mostly branding application of your phone or sim provider) cannot even be turned off even if they are non-essential for the phone to work.

    Some examples of applications:

    • Google search, Gmail, youtube, gmaps

    • Bixby

    • Microsoft Office

    • Facebook

    Even if you are not starting them explicitly, they are annoying. You should update them to avoid potential security issues (and because it’s easier to configure the phone to update everything), thus stealing bandwidth, and they might get started automatically in the background or on some event, thus consuming resources like battery power, personal data and further bandwidth.

    One of the main advantages of a rooted phone is being able to remove or replace all preinstalled applications, but it’s not always a viable approach.

    A more viable and foolproof approach is to uninstall the application for the current user, and not from the system.

    There is AFAIK no GUI for this operation, and one has to resort to ADB, which makes the process less user-friendly.

    To use ADB it is necessary to enable USB debugging:

    1. Open the Settings app.

    2. Select “About Phone”.

    3. Select the “Build Number” item seven times. You should get a message saying you are now a developer.

    4. From the main Settings page, there should be a new option near the bottom called “Developer Options”, select it.

    5. Select «Enable USB Debugging».

    when you connect your phone to your computer, you’ll see a popup entitled “Allow USB Debugging?” on your phone. Eventually, check the «Always allow from this computer» box and select OK.

    On Debian-like system (and other GNU/Linux distributions) it is possible to install adb through the package manager:

    sudo aptitude install adb

    On Windows, it might be necessary to install the whole sdk.

    For listing all installed applications from the shell:

    adb shell pm list packages

    For installing and uninstalling packages the recommended approach is to use the package manager (pm).

    adb shell pm uninstall

    The error Failure [DELETE_FAILED_INTERNAL_ERROR] indicates that you probably do not have the necessary permissions for such operation.

    In this case the parameter --user can be used for disabling the application only for the given user:

    adb shell pm uninstall --user 0

    The error Failure [not installed for 0] hints that the package was not installed on the phone, probably a typo.

    Note 📝

    I noticed that some application can be uninstalled both from system and user, thus I always try to remove packages from both locations: PACKAGE=<package name>; adb shell pm uninstall "$PACKAGE"; adb shell pm uninstall --user 0 "$PACKAGE"

    As packages are not removed from the system, it is still possible to query them:

    adb shell pm list packages -u

    And it is also possible to reinstall them:

    adb shell pm install-existing

    The advantage of pm, even if more convoluted is that it is possible to remove virtually any package, even «critical» packages like the launcher or keyboard.

    I did not encounter packages I was not able to remove with --user, but it does not means that does do not exists. Some phone might have further limitations, in this case, it should still be possible to disable the package:

    adb shell pm disable package_name

    A more «violent» approach (normally only available only for rooted phones), is deleting the .apk file from it install location. It will effectively uninstall the application but will leave data like cache, settings and other files scattered through the system. So it’s not the recommended approach.

    Side note

    Even if it is possible to execute pm from the phone directly, for example from Termux, I’ve got the following error android.os.DeadObjectException: Transaction failed on small parcel; remote process probably died.

    It seems to be a system restriction (implemented with SELinux), and I have found no way to disable it (even temporarily).

    Thus, unfortunately, it does not seem possible to uninstall application directly from the phone without a computer, or root permissions.

    21 ответ

    Да, управление мобильными устройствами приведет к возникновению собственных проблем, но я уверен, что «Failure» — проблема dos2unix. На моих машинах Linux adb добавляет новую строку DOS, которая вызывает «Failure», потому что удаление считает, что символ CR является частью имени пакета. Также удалите ‘-1.apk’ с конца имени файла package-1.apk.

    adb root
    adb shell
    pm list packages
    pm uninstall

    В моем случае у меня есть телефон, который находится в постоянном безопасном режиме, поэтому есть только приложения под /system/app/. Поэтому я устанавливаю их, чтобы файлы .apk копировались, затем удалялись массово и копировали в /system/app/, вычищали/кеш и перезагружались. Теперь у меня больше приложений, хотя в безопасном mdoe.

    # adb root
    # pm list packages -3 > /root/bulkuninstall.txt
    # vi /root/bulkuninstall.txt  and check ^M characters at end of each line.   
       If ^M, then must run dos2unix /root/bulkuninstall.txt.  
       Remove '-1.apk' using vi search and replace:  
       Or sed...
    # cp /data/app/* /storage/sdcard1/APKs/
    # for f in `cat /root/bulkuninstall.txt`; do echo $f; pm uninstall $f; done;
    # echo Now remount system and copy the APK files to /system/app/
    # mount | grep system
    # mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/(use block device from previous step)  /system 
    # cp /storage/sdcard1/APKs/* /system/app/
    # reboot

    стереть кеш включите питание.

    11 март 2013, в 06:14


    Это не точный ответ, но если вы хотите удалить приложение, потому что у вас есть обновленный .apk для установки, вы можете попробовать следующее:

    adb install -r yourapp.apk

    Опция -r сообщает adb переустановить приложение

    07 фев. 2014, в 18:51


    Если это внутреннее приложение Android, вам может потребоваться:

    • оболочка adb
    • mount -o rw, remount -t yaffs2/dev/block/mtdblock3/system
    • rm/system/app/your_app
    • rm/data/data/your_app
    • удалить любые записи в /data/system/packages.xml
    • удалить любые записи в /data/system/packages.list
    • изменить AndroidManifest.xml и избавиться от android: sharedUserId = «android.uid.shared»

    Это на свой страх и риск; — |, сначала попробуйте эмулятор…

    21 июнь 2013, в 17:14


    Я нахожу, что adb shell pm uninstall <package> работает последовательно, где adb uninstall <package> нет.

    Christopher Pickslay
    26 фев. 2015, в 20:10


    okey Я был в такой же ситуации, я все это пробовал без результата.. и последний ответ был близок.. Я получил это, делая следующее:

    чтобы получить правильное имя вашего пакета, выполните следующие действия:

    adb shell pm list packages | grep "name of your app here"

    вы должны увидеть правильное имя своего приложения.. так что теперь это только работает:

    adb uninstall com.your-real-app-name

    наконец снова запустится команда:

    ionic run android

    14 июль 2016, в 16:25


    Откройте приложение «Заявить» и сначала проверьте пакет приложений.

    После этого убедитесь, что ваше устройство установлено в режим отладчика.

    Проверьте, может ли АБР взаимодействовать с вашим устройством:


    Если ваше устройство указано, запустите:


    23 нояб. 2012, в 20:38


    Возможно, вы пытаетесь удалить приложение, являющееся администратором телефона.

    Чтобы удалить его, откройте «Seetings» > «Безопасность» > «Администраторы телефона».
    Если приложение указано, снимите флажок и подтвердите операцию.

    После этого вы сможете удалить его с помощью области настроек приложения или adb.

    05 май 2016, в 14:37


    Вам придется вручную удалять приложения. подключитесь к настройке → Управление приложениями → Запуск приложения, нажмите на него, и вы можете удалить, остановить приложения оттуда.

    Anam Akram
    23 нояб. 2012, в 21:01


    Попробуйте отключить «Instant run» из окна настроек

    19 авг. 2017, в 14:43


    Если у вас есть проблемы с удалением через adb, я могу порекомендовать следующий инструмент:

    вы можете использовать подстановочные знаки и поддерживает несколько устройств, а также имеет некоторую лучшую обработку ошибок, чем ванильный ADB (но использует его в фоновом режиме, конечно). Будет работать на вашей платформе.

    Изображение 127969

    Полная оговорка: я разработчик

    22 сен. 2016, в 09:32


    Это может быть что-то простое, как ввести имя пакета в неправильный регистр…

    У меня была та же проблема — оказалось, что я вводил имя пакета во всех нижних регистрах, когда фактическое имя пакета включало символы верхнего регистра.

    adb uninstall -k <packageName - eg.>

    (Если вы явно деинсталлируете, вы, вероятно, не хотите, чтобы -k хранит файлы приложений и кеш файлы.)

    23 июль 2016, в 09:54


    У вас есть имя apk, а не имя пакета:
    Сначала вы должны знать имя пакета. Для этой ленты:

    рекламные пакеты adb shel pm

    Как только у вас есть имя пакета (будьте осторожны, имя пакета похоже на…. а не пакет:…), лента:

    adb shell pm uninstall -k «имя_пакета»

    и Bingo!

    08 июль 2016, в 16:43


    Я предполагаю, что вы включили developer mode на своем устройстве Android, и вы подключены к своему устройству, и у вас есть доступ к оболочке (adb shell).

    Как только это будет сделано, вы можете удалить приложение с помощью этой команды pm uninstall --user 0 <>. 0 — это корневой идентификатор — таким образом вам не нужно слишком корни свое устройство.

    Вот пример, который я сделал на своем устройстве huawei p110 lite.

    # gain shell access
    $ adb shell
    # check who you are
    $ whoami
    # obtain user id
    $ id
    uid=2000(shell) gid=2000(shell)
    # list packages
    $ pm list packages | grep google                                                                                                                                                    
    # uninstall gmail app
    pm uninstall --user 0

    Lukasz Dynowski
    03 янв. 2018, в 21:19


    Вы можете выполнить следующие шаги, чтобы удалить приложение из устройства с помощью командной строки.

    • выполните команду: adb -s [devicename] удалить -k [packagename].
      эта команда сохранит данные и кеш в устройстве, но удалит приложение с устройства.
    • Для удаления данных и кеширования с устройства вместе с приложением выполните приведенную ниже команду.
      adb shell pm uninstall -k [packagename].

    если он показывает, что ваше приложение успешно удалено ‘

    21 апр. 2017, в 06:01


    Это сработало для меня:

    Это каталог, в котором хранятся все APK:

    cd /system/app

    Перечислите их:


    Выберите один для удаления.

    pm install -r <app_to_remove>.apk


    $ pm install -r Google-Play-services.apk
            pkg: Google-Play-services.apk

    Я заметил, что я получаю сбой, если приложение, которое я пытаюсь удалить, запускается, поэтому сначала уничтожьте его.

    Кроме того, я заметил, что вам придется запускать (на корневом устройстве):

    $ su
    # mount -o remount +rw /

    11 март 2017, в 14:46


    У меня была та же проблема. После ввода удаления объявления я получил «отказ [DELETE_FAILED_INTERNAL_ERROR]».
    Проведя некоторое время, чтобы понять, что случилось, я вдруг понял, что у меня есть опечатка в имени моей упаковки…
    Ну, это может быть не тот ответ, который вам нужен. На всякий случай у вас есть такая же проблема со мной.

    11 сен. 2016, в 23:29


    В моем случае я часто получаю эту проблему, когда я впервые утверждаю приложение в режиме отладки и позже пытаюсь установить приложение, подписанное google.

    Это связано с тем, что оба приложения имеют одинаковое имя пакета, но разные подписи.
    Поскольку я обновился до Android lollypop, я иногда даже получаю эту ошибку, если я удалю приложение с помощью настроек Apps.
    Если у вас есть эта проблема, проверьте, установлено ли приложение в другом профиле пользователя и удалите его во всех учетных записях пользователей.

    02 окт. 2015, в 22:15


    У меня был экземпляр запуска эмулятора и подключенное устройство.

    Когда я запускал команду `adb -d uninstall PACKAGE_NAME ‘, я получил сообщение об ошибке «DELETE_FAILED_INTERNAL_ERROR», но когда я убил экземпляр Emulator, я получил «успех» в процессе установки.

    30 сен. 2015, в 00:22


    У меня был сбой при использовании удаления adb оболочки

    удален/(поэтому adb shell uninstall, и он работает

    Nemanja Velickovic
    02 июль 2015, в 22:14


    Убедитесь, что вы ввели полное имя пакета с именем приложения:

    06 июнь 2015, в 14:32


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    In this guide, we will show you the steps to remove or uninstall Bloatware Apps from Android devices via ADB Commands. Near about every OEM packs in a few pre-installed apps on their devices. While they would tag them under productivity or utility domain, but more often than not it has nothing to do with aiding out the users. Rather, it’s mostly due to sponsorship or some contracts. So can’t we just uninstall these apps?

    Well, this is where lies the major issue. The smartphone manufacturer treats this bloatware as system apps. So as opposed to user apps, you cannot simply uninstall them. However, there do exist some handy workaround through which you could easily remove or uninstall Bloatware Apps from your Android device via ADB Commands. And this guide shall make you aware of just that. So without further ado, let’s get started.

    • How to Execute Android ADB Fastboot Commands Wirelessly
    • How to Use ADB and Fastboot Commands on Android Without PC
    • Run ADB Fastboot Commands directly on Android without Root
    • Wireless Debugging Feature of Android 11: How to Use

    uninstall remove bloatware android adb commands

    The aforementioned task will be carried out via ADB commands. For that, you need to install Android SDK and enable Debugging, all of which are explained in depth below. Apart from that, we will also let you know how the command to find all the system apps installed on your device. Likewise, we will be sharing two different commands- the first one will uninstall the bloatware and remove all its data from your device.

    The second command will only uninstall the app but their data would still remain on your device. Furthermore, we will also let you know how to disable a bloatware app. Rounding off this guide, we will show you the steps to reinstall the uninstalled bloatware apps as well. So without further ado, let’s get started with the guide to remove or uninstall Bloatware Apps from Android devices via ADB Commands.

    STEP 1: Install Android SDK


    First and foremost, you will have to install the Android SDK Platform Tools on your PC. This is the official ADB and Fastboot binary provided by Google and is the only recommended one. So download it and then extract it to any convenient location on your PC. Doing so will give you the platform-tools folder, which will be used throughout this guide.

    STEP 2: Enable USB Debugging


    Next up, you will have to enable USB Debugging on your device. This will make your device recognizable by the PC in ADB mode, which will then allow you to boot your device to Fastboot Mode. So head over to Settings > About Phone > Tap on Build Number 7 times > Go back to Settings > System > Advanced > Developer Options > Enable USB Debugging.

    STEP 3: Get App Package Name

    To uninstall a bloatware app, you will need to have its package name. There are quite a few ways through which you could get hold of the same, such as via Play Store. Do check out our guide on How to Get App Package Name on Android [3 Methods].

    STEP 4: Verify ADB Connection

    1. Connect your device to the PC via USB cable. Make sure USB Debugging is enabled.
    2. Then head over to the platform-tools folder, type in CMD in the address bar, and hit Enter. This will launch the Command Prompt.
    3. Type in the following command in the CMD window to check the ADB Connection:
      adb devices

      adb devices uninstall bloatware android

    4. You should now get the Device ID, signifying that the connection stands successful. [If there’s an issue, then please refer to our guide How to Fix All ADB and Fastboot Errors].

    STEP 5: Enable ADB Shell

    1. Type in the below command in the CMD window and hit Enter:
      adb shell


    2. You shall now get your device codename, signifying that the shell connection has been established.

    ADB Command to Get a List of All System Apps

    Execute the below command in the CMD window to get a list of all the system installed apps:

    pm list packages -s

    uninstall bloatware android

    ADB Command to Disable Bloatware Apps on Android

    The below command will disable the bloatware app on your device. They will still remain on your device but wouldn’t be able to carry out any function- either in the foreground or background:

    pm disable-user --user 0 <package name>

    For example, if you wish to disable Pixel Launcher [the default system launcher on Pixel devices], whose app package name is, then the above command will transform to

    pm disable-user --user 0

    uninstall bloatware android

    ADB Command to Re-Enable Bloatware Apps on Android

    You could use the below command to re-enable the bloatware app on your Android device:

    pm enable -–user 0 <package name>

    For example, if you wish to re-enable Pixel Launcher, whose app package name is, then the above command will transform to

    pm enable -–user 0

    uninstall bloatware android

    ADB Command to Uninstall Bloatware But Keep Data

    The below command will remove the bloatware app from your device, but the data of that app will still remain on your device

    pm uninstall -k --user 0 <package name>

    For example, if you wish to uninstall Pixel Launcher but preserve data, with the app package name, then the above command will transform to

    pm uninstall -k --user 0

    uninstall bloatware android

    ADB Command to Uninstall Bloatware and Remove its Data

    The following command will uninstall the bloatware from your device and remove all the data of that app as well.

    pm uninstall --user 0 <package name>

    Say, if you wish to uninstall Pixel Launcher and remove its data as well, with the app package name, then the above command will transform to

    ADB Command to Reinstall Removed Bloatware Apps

    In some instances, removing a bloatware app might make your device behave unexpectedly or the app might itself send Frequent Crash pop-ups. So the best bet in those cases is to reinstall that app. This could be done via the following command:

    cmd package install-existing <package name>

    For example, if you wish to reinstall Pixel Launcher, whose app package name is, then the above command will transform to

    pm uninstall -k --user 0

    uninstall bloatware android

    All Android Devices Bloatware List

    In this section, we will be listing out all the bloatware apps belonging to major OEMs. Do keep in mind that sometimes an app may misbehave, so it’s better to re-install it. Furthermore, it is up to the user to verify the credibility and usage of each before uninstalling them. Droidwin and its members wouldn’t be held responsible in case of a thermonuclear war, your alarm doesn’t wake you up, or if anything happens to your device and data by executing the below commands.

    Debloat/Remove Bloatware from Samsung

    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.sec.spp.push
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.sec.kidsplat.installer
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.vlingo.midas
    pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.sec.readershub
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.sec.everglades.update
    pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.sec.everglades
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.tripadvisor.tripadvisor
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.dsi.ant.sample.acquirechannels
    pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.dsi.ant.service.socket
    pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.dsi.ant.server
    pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.dsi.ant.plugins.antplus
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.enhance.gameservice
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0

    Debloat/Remove Bloatware from Xiaomi | Chrome Browser (you may loose webview) | Stock Clock app
    Google Bloatware on Xiaomi Phones | Google Docs | Google Maps | Google Photos | Google Duo | Google One | Google Play Music | Google Play Movies & TV | Feedback app | Youtube | App Vault| Mi File Manager
    com.mi.globalbrowser | Mi Browser | Mi Wallet (India) | MIUI Analytics (spyware)
    com.miui.backup | Backup app
    com.miui.bugreport | Bug reporting app
    com.miui.calculator | Mi Calculator
    com.miui.cleanmaster | System Cleaner
    com.miui.cloudbackup | Cloud Backup service
    com.miui.cloudservice | Cloud service
    com.miui.micloudsync | Cloud Sync
    com.miui.cloudservice.sysbase | Cloud service
    com.miui.compass | MIUI Compass | MIUI FM
    com.miui.freeform | MIUI Picture in Picture service
    com.miui.hybrid | Quick Apps (data mining app)
    com.miui.hybrid.accessory | Quick Apps (data mining app)
    com.miui.miservice | Services & feedback
    com.miui.mishare.connectivity | Mi Share
    com.miui.miwallpaper | Wallpaper app (may not change lockscreen wallpaper after) | MSA or MIUI Ad Services
    com.miui.notes | Notes
    com.miui.phrase | Frequent phrases
    com.miui.player | Music Player | Sound Recorder
    com.miui.screenrecorder | Screen Recorder
    com.miui.touchassistant | Quick Ball feature
    com.miui.videoplayer | MIUI Video player
    com.miui.weather2 | Weather app
    com.miui.yellowpage | Yellow Page app
    com.xiaomi.account | Mi Account
    com.xiaomi.calendar | Mi Calendar | Xiaomi System apps updater
    com.xiaomi.glgm | Games
    com.xiaomi.joyose | Junk and safe to remove
    com.xiaomi.midrop | Mi Drop
    com.xiaomi.mipicks | GetApps(Xiaomi app store)
    com.xiaomi.mircs | MIUI to MIUI Message
    com.xiaomi.mirecycle | Mi Recycle (MIUI Security Cleaning)
    com.xiaomi.misettings | Mi Settings
    com.xiaomi.payment | Mi Pay
    com.xiaomi.scanner | Scanner app
    com.xiaomi.xmsf | Xiaomi Service Framework
    com.xiaomi.xmsfkeeper | Xiaomi Service Framework | Netflix | Netflix
    com.tencent.soter.soterserver | Chinese Payment service
    com.facebook.appmanager | Facebook | Facebook
    com.facebook.system | Facebook
    com.facebook.katana | Facebook
    com.miui.daemon | Miui Daemon | Gmail | Gmail service

    Test Before Removing: | Web Browser | Downloads app | Partner Bookmarks | Default Printing Service | Bookmark Provider | Calendar app | Screensaver app | Screensaver app z| Android Easter Egg | SOS Calling | MMS app | MMS | Printing service | Checks APK files | SIM Tool-kit | Live wallpaper | Wallpaper backup feature | Wallpaper cropping feature | OK Google | AR Lens | Digital Wellbeing | Gmail | Gmail service | Gmail location service | Google Quick Search | Gboard | Talkback feature | Mobile Printing | Calendar Sync | Text-to-speech | Mi Health
    com.mi.webkit.core | Mi Webkit | Mi Wallet
    com.miui.aod | MIUI Always-on Display | Wallpaper Carousel (CAREFULL can't remove with Fastboot Tools)
    com.miui.userguide | User Guide app | MIUI Gallery
    com.xiaomi.micloud.sdk | Cloud App
    com.miui.face | MIUI Biometric
    com.miui.fmservice| MIUI FM (needs testing might loose FM on device)
    com.miui.wmsvc WMService
    com.miui.vsimcore VsimCore
    com.xiaomi.finddevice | Find my device service

    Debloat/Remove Bloatware from Huawei/Honor

    Debloat/Remove Bloatware from Motorola

    Given here are all the bloatware apps that are safe to remove for your Motorola device. To know more on the same, do check out our standalone guide on this topic: How to Debloat/Remove Bloatware from Motorola Devices via ADB Commands.

    Motorola Apps (FM Radio)
    com.motorola.fmplayer (FM Radio)
    com.motorola.genie (Moto Help) (Moto)

    Facebook Apps

    Google Apps (Google Playstore) (Chrome Browser) (Google Assistant Listening Device) (Google Assistant Componenet) (Gmail) (Calculator) (Calendar) (Calendar Sync) (Google Contacts) (Google Contacts Sync) (Google Play Movies and TV) (Google Search Bar On Home Pg) (Youtube) (Google Play Music) (Google Play Services) (Google Play Tracking Location) (Print Service) (Google One) (Google Photos) (Google Drive) (Google Maps) (Youtube Music) (Google Duo) (Google Pay) (Google Digital Well Being App) (Google Assistant)

    Debloat/Remove Bloatware from Realme

    If you have any doubts then you could also refer to the App Packages names and their functions that we have shared for each of the below commands just after this section. Also, don’t forget to check out the HeyTaps App Removal Bloatware List that is present in Realme and Oppo devices.

    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.coloros.pictorial
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.coloros.oppomultiapp
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.coloros.activation
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.coloros.activation.overlay.common
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.coloros.assistantscreen
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.coloros.athena
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.coloros.backuprestore
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.coloros.backuprestore.remoteservice
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.coloros.bootreg
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.coloros.childrenspace
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.coloros.compass2
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.coloros.encryption
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.coloros.floatassistant
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.coloros.gamespace
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.coloros.gallery3d
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.coloros.healthcheck
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.coloros.lockassistant
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.coloros.ocrscanner
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.coloros.ocrservice
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.coloros.phonemanager
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.coloros.phonenoareainquire
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.coloros.resmonitor
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.coloros.sceneservice
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.coloros.securepay
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.coloros.securitykeyboard
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.coloros.smartdrive
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.coloros.soundrecorder
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.coloros.speechassist
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.coloros.translate.engine
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.coloros.wallet
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.coloros.weather2
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.coloros.widget.smallweather
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.coloros.wifibackuprestore
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.dropboxchmod
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.dsi.ant.server
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.facebook.appmanager
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.facebook.system
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.oppo.usercenter
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.ted.number
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.oppo.quicksearchbox
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.heytap.habit.analysis
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.heytap.openid
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.heytap.browser
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.mediatek.omacp
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.mobiletools.systemhelper
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.nearme.atlas
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.nearme.instant.platform
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.nearme.statistics.rom
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.nearme.browser
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.nearme.themestore
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.oppo.ScoreAppMonitor
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.oppo.aod
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.oppo.atlas
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.oppo.bttestmode
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.oppo.criticallog
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.oppo.decrypt
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.oppo.engineermode
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.oppo.fingerprints.finterprintsensortest
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.oppo.logkit
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.oppo.logkitservice
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.oppo.mimosiso
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.oppo.nw
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.oppo.operationManual
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.oppo.oppopowermonitor
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.oppo.ovoicemanager
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.oppo.partnerbrowsercustomizations
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.oppo.qualityprotect
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.oppo.quicksearchbox
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.oppo.rftoolkit
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.oppo.sos
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.oppo.startlogkit
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.oppo.usageDump
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.oppo.webview
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.oppo.wifirf
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.oppo.wifisniffer
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.oppoex.afterservice
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.qualcomm.qti.modemtestmode
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.qualcomm.qti.remoteSimlockAuth
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.qualcomm.uimremoteclient
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.qualcomm.uimremoteserver
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.realme.logtool
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.realme.securitycheck
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.tencent.soter.soterserver
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.opera.browser
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.coloros.onekeylockscreen
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.coloros.gamespaceui
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 org.kman.AquaMail
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.opera.preinstall
    adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.facebook.katana

    Realme App Package Names and their Functions

    We have listed all the third-party, bloatware and system apps installed on the Realme devices UI 2.0 (Android 11) and 3.0 (Android 12). The ultimate decision as to which of the apps you need to uninstall lies in your hands. So go through each of the app’s functionality listed below and then decide accordingly. [Credits: XDA Senior Member RMX3370].

    Accessory Framework #Unnecessary app for realme bluetooth headphones users
    After Sales Service #Restore it when going to Service Center
    Android Accessibility Suite #Provides accessibility and talkback to users
    Android Auto #For connecting to Cars with Andrid Infotainment
    Android Setup #Not needed after setup is done
    App Cloner #Remove if you dont use App cloner provided in system
    App Enhancement Services #GameSpace Tools
    ARCore # Stub to provide AR support
    Assistant #Google Assistant
    Assistive Ball #Remove if you dont use
    atlasService #Removebloatware , accesses location in background
    Bookmark Provider #Bloat No Important Function
    BTtestmode #Not needed , no effect on Bluetooth on its removal
    Calculator #Better Calculators avaialble on Play Store
    Calendar #Google Calendar
    Carrier Location Services #Required if you use VOWIFI
    Carrier Services #Provides RCS messaging
    Chrome #Better Alternatives like Kiwi Browser or Brave exist
    com..coloros.safecenter #Privacy Hazard
    com.redteamobile.roaming #Chinese SPy tool Not needed on NON-China user phones
    Combine Captions #Provides Captions in Realme Video Player Apps
    Compass #Privacy Hazard
    ConfigUpdater #Logging Tool by Google
    Contacts #Google Contacts Not needed when using TruePHone
    Crash Box
    Deep Thinker #Telemetry powered by oppo
    Default Print Service #Remove if you dont have printer
    Device Configuration #Logging Tool by Oppo
    Diagnostics #Gimmick of coloros
    Digital Wellbeing #Google Wellbeing App always run in background
    DMApp #Data Migration App , not needed after first setup
    Downloads #Not needed , bloatware , maybe monitors what you are downloading for oppo
    Eid-Service #Unique Identifier Service remove it no functionality loss
    EmailPartnerProvider #Bloatware Service remove it no functionality loss
    Emergency SOS #Keep it , if want SOS facility
    Engineer Mode #Required to access engineer mode
    EngineerNetwork #Required if use Engineer Mode
    E-Warranty Card #Restore it when taking to Service Center
    Facebook App Installer #Facebook spying tracking
    Facebook App Manager #Facebook spying tracking
    Facebook Services #Facebook spying tracking
    Feedback #Remove logging tool ported from 1+ to realme
    File Manager #Default Realme FIles Manager better use Mixplorer
    Files by Google #Bloatware No unique functionality
    Finshell Pay #Chinese Payment App - Scam
    Focus Mode #Keep it if you use Focus Mode
    Gboard #Install any other keyboard before removing this
    Glance for Realme #Provides Ads on LockScreen
    Gmail #Remove if you dont use Gmail , better use from browser
    Google #Biggest battery sucking app
    Google Assistant #Needed to enable OK Google
    Google Contacts Sync #Needed to backup restore contacts from cloud
    Google Location History #Backups where you went to Google Server
    Google One Time Init #Not required after first boot
    Google Partner Setup #Not required after first boot
    Google Pay #Google Pay app remove if you dont use
    Google Play Services #Remove if you want to degooglify your phone
    Google Play Store #PlayStore , remove only if you dont use it
    Google Services Framework #Dependecy of Play Services , remove if you don't use Google stuff
    healthservice #Gimmick serves no purpose
    HeySynergy #Realme Bloatware
    HeyTap Cloud #REalme Tracking Hazard
    Hot Apps #Provides ads on 32000 device
    In Ear Monitoring #Useless Gimmick
    Internet #Oppo Internet Browser somehow even worse than Chrome
    Keep Notes #App to keep notes synced on Google Account
    Kid Space #Remove if you don't have to give phone to kids
    Lens #Google Lens , remove if you dont use it
    Lock Screen Magazine #Provides ads on 32000 device
    Market Feedback Agent #Google Logging tool not needed
    MBN Test #Runs in background , not needed for a user
    Messages #Google Messages , better alternative is signal as SMS app
    Music #Realme Music Player better alternative is Musicolet
    My Realme #Realme Bloatware
    Netflix #Netflix Stub
    Network Health Services #Runs in background , not needed for a user
    Obrain #Telemetry
    OIDT Service #Pacakge name is Postman I dont know what it sends or receives , no functionality loss on removal
    Omacp #Mediatek app on Snapdragon SOC , realme devs talent
    OneTrace #Traces Users Activity
    OpenCapabilityService #Chinese unique identifier privacy hazard
    OpenID #Chinese unique identifier privacy hazard
    OplusLocationService #Provides Beidou Satellites assisted navigation
    Payment Protection #Gimmick and Privacy Hazard
    Phone #Google Phone remove it and use TruePhone to record phonecalls without announcement
    Photos #GOogle Photos app remove if you dont use it
    Private Safe #Privacy hazard , removing will disable privacy safe feature
    QCDM-FF #Qualcomm Tool, runs in background no functionality loss on removal
    realme Share #Google nEarby share alternative created by Chines OEMs , removing will cause share from RealmeGAllery to be empty
    Screencast #Required if you cast screen to TV or use 3rd part Screen Recording Apps
    sdk #Not required unless you are using Heytap cloud
    Search #Provides search function on realme launcher , better use NOVA7 launcher
    Secure Keyboard #Privacy hazard ,who knows what it is storing
    Secure Payment #Privacy hazard
    SecurutyAnalysis #another realme gimmick
    Setup Wizard #not needed after first boot
    Shelper #Malware remove immediately
    SIM Tool Kit #Removing this will remove popups of sim
    Sleep Capsule #remove if you dont use it
    Smart Sidebar #remove if you dont use sidebar feature
    Software Update #remove if you dont want new software updates to come
    Sound Amplifier #Does not works
    System Cloner #Provides dual space option , remove if you dont use
    System Messages #MMS Support for your SIM , remove if you dont mms
    System Tracing #AOSP process tracing for debug
    System Upgrade Services #remove if you dont want new software updates to come
    Tags #Google NFC app
    Theme Store #RAM Hogger , remove if you dont use theme
    Update Service #remove if you dont want new software updates to come
    User Experience Program #realme tracking telemetry , privacy hazard
    User Guide #guide on how to use phone
    Video (system) #Video Player by realme better use MX Player or VLC
    Wallpapers #Not needed better wallpapers app in PlaySTore
    Weather #Remove if you dont use it
    Weather Services #remove if you removed weather
    Wireless Emergency Alerts #Provides earthquake or other disasters alerts
    WifiBackupRestore #Oppo Restore app , not required after first setup
    YouTube #Remove it and use Youtube vanced

    Debloat Remove Oppo Bloatware Apps from Realme

    Well, Oppo wasn’t satisfied in bloating its own set of devices and hence decided to jump over to Realme. So let’s remove them from our device and give Realme back its reclaim glory! On that note, here is the list of Oppo bloatware apps that you would find on your Realme device:

    com.oppo.logkit | Realme App Market
    com.oppo.mimosiso | Oppo Music
    com.oppo.sos | Emergency call app

    All Android Apps Bloatware List

    Here’s the list of all the Android apps that come preinstalled onto your device. Do keep in mind that they are independent of the device, so the below commands are applicable for Android smartphones.

    Google Bloatware

    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0

    Amazon Bloatware

    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0

    Microsoft Bloatware

    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0
    pm uninstall -k --user 0

    Facebook Bloatware

    pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.facebook.katana
    pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.facebook.system
    pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.facebook.appmanager
    pm uninstall -k --user 0

    HeyTap Apps in Color OS/Realme UI

    On Oppo and Realme devices, you will find some apps belonging to HeyTap. Since most of these apps are system bloatware apps, we would advise you to first disable them and use your device for a couple of minutes. If there are no negative consequences, then you may proceed ahead and remove those bloatware apps from your Oppo/Realme device. [On the other hand, if you do face any issues, then just re-enable that app].

    com.heytap.browser | Stock Browser | HeyTap Cloud
    com.heytap.habit.analysis | App Market
    com.heytap.mcs | System Messages

    Remove Qualcomm Bloatware

    These Qualcomm apps are used for testing and debugging purposes. On a personal note, I wouldn’t recommend uninstalling these apps as they might come in handy under certain circumstances. Still, the choice is all yours.


    How to Fix Failure[Delete failed Internal Error]

    Some users (especially with Realme device owners) are reportedly facing the Failure[Delete failed Internal Error]. So I did an investigation and found out that the OEM has restricted the removal of some system apps. To bypass this, you will need to have a rooted device.

    If you are already rooted, then you may proceed with the below set of commands to fix this issue and remove bloatware from your Android device. Make sure to replace AppName and AppID accordingly. Furthermore, when you enter the below ‘su’ command, you shall get a SuperUser prompt from Magisk onto your device, don’t forget to tap on Grant.

    su adb shell Fix Failure[Delete failed Internal Error]

    adb shell 
    mount -o rw,remount /system
    rm -rf /system/app/AppName.apk
    rm -rf /data/data/AppID
    mount -o ro,remount /system

    So this was all from this guide on how to uninstall or remove bloatware from Android devices via ADB Commands. We will be constantly updating this guide with more commands, so don’t forget to bookmark it. Likewise, if you come across any bloatware that is missing from this list, then please let us know in the comments section below, along with your device name.

    About Chief Editor

    Sadique Hassan


    A technical geek by birth, he always has a keen interest in the Android platform right since the birth of the HTC Dream. The open-source environment always seems to intrigue him with the plethora of options available at his fingertips. “MBA by profession, blogger by choice!”

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