Failure loading the trainer reason data error

Failure loading the trainer reason data error how to fix it or how to restore it?? _________________ Back to top Dark Byte Site Admin Joined: 09 May

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Failure loading the trainer reason data error

how to fix it or how to restore it??

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Dark Byte
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Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2018 1:48 am Post subject:
do a harddisk/filescan

perhaps it will find some unlinked file data and saves that to a file. Perhaps you can find the table information in there

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Failure loading the trainer reason data error

780)?780:this.scrollWidth); max-width:780px; height: expression((parseInt(this.scrollHeight)>300)?300:this.scrollHeight); overflow: hidden; max-height:300px;»> Do not ask me about online cheats. I don’t know any and wont help finding them.

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Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2017 12:25 am Post subject:
Strange. Did you refresh the folder to make sure that the size is correct? What is the size of the file? Have you tried copying the file to the desktop and opening it from there? Did you try running notepad++ as administrator?

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Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2017 12:44 am Post subject:
++METHOS wrote:
Strange. Did you refresh the folder to make sure that the size is correct? What is the size of the file? Have you tried copying the file to the desktop and opening it from there? Did you try running notepad++ as administrator?

Yes I’ve refreshed and restarted a few times since then, all other .cts open fine. The file is 285kb just as it was, and yes also tried making copies. It is quite strange, have never seen it before.

@DB if you don’t mind I sent you a pm on discord with the .ct, not sure if its possible or not to restore it but maybe there’s a way to at least get the lua script back

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Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2017 12:54 am Post subject:
If you’ve done all of that and the file size is still that large, then I would consider DB’s comment and assume that a 3rd-party app may be interfering.

Upload the file somewhere and maybe someone can send it back to you in text format.

You can PM me the link for the file if DB is busy.

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Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2017 1:01 am Post subject:
PM’d you as well

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Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2017 1:06 am Post subject:
The file is worthless. Data is there, but it has all been zeroed out. Sorry.

You might consider setting up an auto-save feature within CE to avoid these issues in the future. Here is an old option:

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Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2017 1:10 am Post subject:
++METHOS wrote:
The file is worthless. Data is there, but it has all been zeroed out. Sorry.

You might consider setting up an auto-save feature within CE to avoid these issues in the future. Here is an old option:

Thank you for confirming, it’s a shame but stuff happens I suppose. I will look into that, and also need to make copies more often from now on haha.


Failure loading the trainer reason data error

780)?780:this.scrollWidth); max-width:780px; height: expression((parseInt(this.scrollHeight)>300)?300:this.scrollHeight); overflow: hidden; max-height:300px;»> Do not ask me about online cheats. I don’t know any and wont help finding them.

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Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2017 12:25 am Post subject:
Strange. Did you refresh the folder to make sure that the size is correct? What is the size of the file? Have you tried copying the file to the desktop and opening it from there? Did you try running notepad++ as administrator?
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Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2017 12:44 am Post subject:
++METHOS wrote:
Strange. Did you refresh the folder to make sure that the size is correct? What is the size of the file? Have you tried copying the file to the desktop and opening it from there? Did you try running notepad++ as administrator?

Yes I’ve refreshed and restarted a few times since then, all other .cts open fine. The file is 285kb just as it was, and yes also tried making copies. It is quite strange, have never seen it before.

@DB if you don’t mind I sent you a pm on discord with the .ct, not sure if its possible or not to restore it but maybe there’s a way to at least get the lua script back

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Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2017 12:54 am Post subject:
If you’ve done all of that and the file size is still that large, then I would consider DB’s comment and assume that a 3rd-party app may be interfering.

Upload the file somewhere and maybe someone can send it back to you in text format.

You can PM me the link for the file if DB is busy.

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Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2017 1:01 am Post subject:
PM’d you as well
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Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2017 1:06 am Post subject:
The file is worthless. Data is there, but it has all been zeroed out. Sorry.

You might consider setting up an auto-save feature within CE to avoid these issues in the future. Here is an old option:

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Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2017 1:10 am Post subject:
++METHOS wrote:
The file is worthless. Data is there, but it has all been zeroed out. Sorry.

You might consider setting up an auto-save feature within CE to avoid these issues in the future. Here is an old option:

Thank you for confirming, it’s a shame but stuff happens I suppose. I will look into that, and also need to make copies more often from now on haha.



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    18th August 2020, 01:01 PM




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    How did you do the 100 gold bars? And why would selling unlimited legendary pelts be suspicious?

    u can spam the treasure maps as much as u want in my case i get 100gb using one map. and 245 legendary pelt sold simultaneously is highly suspicious bc u cant carry that much even with the hunting wagon

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    18th August 2020, 06:42 PM




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    Originally Posted by i4mTh3Fr34kPr0
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    Everything works from the Old Table except, StaminaHorseBase,spycam, healthbasehorse,money,bounty.

    This should work for now.. there might be some references to the old shits that doesn’t work but tbh it doesn’t matter.


    aobscanmodule(_Player,RDR2.exe,48 8B 03 4D 03 F6)
    aobscanmodule(_VitaliySystem,RDR2.exe,0F 28 CE FF 50 40 0F 2F)
    aobscanmodule(_InfiniteDeadEye,RDR2.exe,0F 28 C8 48 8B CB E8 ** ** ** ** 48 8B CB)
    aobscanmodule(_StaminaBase,RDR2.exe,F3 0F 59 44 24 70 45 33)
    aobscanmodule(_DeadEyeBase,RDR2.exe,0F 2F 70 20 72 11)
    aobscanmodule(_GetPlayerHealthBase,RDR2.exe,48 8B 41 10 0F 2F 78 20 72 07)
    aobscanmodule(_GodMode,RDR2.exe,48 8D 68 98 48 81 EC 30 01 00 00 41 F6)
    aobscanmodule(_NoReload,RDR2.exe,0F 57 DB 0F 57 D2 8B)
    aobscanmodule(_InfiniteAmmo,RDR2.exe,44 38 B1 B0 00 00 00)
    aobscanmodule(_GetpHorse,RDR2.exe,F2 48 8B 02 FF 90 B8 00 00 00 48)
    aobscanmodule(_NoSpread,RDR2.exe,F3 0F 11 4B 10 F3 0F 10 05)
    aobscanmodule(_GetpAnyModel,RDR2.exe,48 8B 01 FF 90 F0 00 00 00 4C 8B F0)
    mov [_pPlayer],rbx
      mov rax,[rbx]
      add r14,r14
      jmp returnPlayer
      movaps xmm1,xmm6
      cmp rdi,[_pStaminaBase]
      je Stamina
      call qword ptr [rax+40]
      jmp return
    cmp [_enableInfiniteStamina],1
    jne Next
    jmp return
    mov [_pDeadEye],rax
      comiss xmm6,[rax+20]
      jb _DeadEyeBase+17
      jmp returnDeadEyeBase
    cmp [_enableInfiniteDeadEye],1
    jne codeInfiniteDeadEye
      mov rcx,rbx
      jmp returnInfiniteDeadEye
      movaps xmm1,xmm0
      mov rcx,rbx
      jmp returnInfiniteDeadEye
    mov [_pStaminaBase],rax
      movss xmm0,[rax+20]
      jmp returnStaminaBase
      mov rax,[rcx+10]
      mov [_pPlayerHealthBase],rax
      comiss xmm7,[rax+20]
      jmp returnHealthBase
    cmp rdx,[_pPlayer]
    je PlayerHealth
    cmp rdx,[_pAnyModelBase]
    je PlayerHealthAnyModel
      mov rax,rsp
      mov [rax+08],rbx
      jmp returnGodMode
    cmp [_enableInfiniteHealth],1
    jne codeGodMode
    cmp [_enableInfiniteHealthCostumModel],1
    jne codeGodMode
    CMP rbx,[_pPlayer]
    jne codeNoReload
    cmp [_enableNoReload],1
    jne codeNoReload
      mov [rsp+08],rbx
      jmp returnNoReload
    cmp [_enableInfiniteAmmo],1
    jne codeInfiniteAmmo
      mov rax,rsp
      mov [rax+08],rbx
      jmp returnInfiniteAmmo
       mov [_pHorse],rdx
      mov rax,[rdx]
      call qword ptr [rax+000000B8]
      jmp returnGetpHorse
    cmp [_enableNoSpread],1
    jne codeNoSpread
    mov [rbx+10],0
    jmp returnNoSpread
    movss [rbx+10],xmm1
    jmp returnNoSpread
    cmp [_enableNoSpread],1
    jne codeNoSpread
    mov [rbx+10],0
      movss xmm1,[rbx+10]
      jmp returnNoSpread2
    mov [_pAnyModelBase],rcx
      mov rax,[rcx]
      call qword ptr [rax+000000F0]
      jmp pAnyModelreturn
      jmp newmemPlayer
      jmp newmem
      jmp newmemDeadEyeBase
      jmp newmemInfiniteDeadEye
      jmp newmemStaminaBase
      jmp newmemHealthBase
      jmp newmemGodMode
      jmp newmemNoReload
      jmp newmemInfiniteAmmo
      jmp newmemGetpHorse
      jmp newmemNoSpread
      jmp newmemNoSpread2
      jmp pAnyModelmem
    dq 0
    dd 0
    dd 0
    dd 0
    dd 0
    dd 0
    dd 0
    dd 0
    dd 0
    dd 0
    dd 0
    dd 0
    dd 0
    dq (float)1
    dd 0
    dd 0
    dd 0
    dd 0
    dq 0
      db 48 8B 03 4D 03 F6
      db 0F 28 CE FF 50 40
      db 0F 2F 70 20 72 11
      db 0F 28 C8 48 8B CB
      db F3 0F 10 40 20
      db 48 8B 41 10 0F 2F 78 20
      db 48 8B C4 48 89 58 08
      db 48 89 5C 24 08
      db 48 8B C4 48 89 58 08
      db 48 8B 02 FF 90 B8 00 00 00
      db F3 0F 11 4B 10
      db F3 0F 10 4B 10
      db 48 8B 01 FF 90 F0 00 00 00

    Do we just overwrite every bit of text in the old Red Dead table with this set of lines? Because, «Failure loading the trainer. Reason :data error.» isn’t something that should be appearing when I do that.

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    18th August 2020, 06:44 PM




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    Originally Posted by omega749
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    Do we just overwrite every bit of text in the old Red Dead table with this set of lines? Because, «Failure loading the trainer. Reason :data error.» isn’t something that should be appearing when I do that.

    Yes, but you need the Old Table.


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    18th August 2020, 06:48 PM




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    Originally Posted by i4mTh3Fr34kPr0
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    Yes, but you need the Old Table.

    Whereabouts in the old table do I add the new lines? And, if replace something instead, then exactly what? All I want is for it to work…

    EDIT: Nevermind, I *think* I found where the text is supposed to go, and exactly what it’s supposed to replace. Probably, not all the text in the file; I replaced everything from the first «[ENABLE]» to the last «unregistersymbol» entry in the existing table, every subsequent entry remains. The lines after what I replaced are: «{

    Should that do it?

    Last edited by omega749; 18th August 2020 at 07:21 PM.

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    18th August 2020, 07:40 PM




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    Originally Posted by omega749
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    Whereabouts in the old table do I add the new lines? And, if replace something instead, then exactly what? All I want is for it to work…

    EDIT: Nevermind, I *think* I found where the text is supposed to go, and exactly what it’s supposed to replace. Probably, not all the text in the file; I replaced everything from the first «[ENABLE]» to the last «unregistersymbol» entry in the existing table, every subsequent entry remains. The lines after what I replaced are: «{

    Should that do it?

    Use this Table ->…=file&id=28969

    And replace everything in «RDR2 — [Main]Table Version 1.6»


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    18th August 2020, 07:46 PM




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    Originally Posted by i4mTh3Fr34kPr0
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    Use this Table ->…=file&id=28969

    And replace everything in «RDR2 — [Main]Table Version 1.6»

    Could you be more specific, please? Trust me, you are *not* talking to an expert on this.

    Last edited by omega749; 18th August 2020 at 07:49 PM.

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    18th August 2020, 08:15 PM




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    Originally Posted by omega749
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    Could you be more specific, please? Trust me, you are *not* talking to an expert on this.

    Open CE, tap CTL-O and open the .ct file that was linked. When the table is open, right click on «RDR2 — [Main]Table Version 1.6» and select «Change Script» then copy and paste over the old code with the new, tap «Ok» Ignore any warning if you aren’t in RDR2, then save your new table in File > Save.

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    18th August 2020, 08:19 PM




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    Originally Posted by omega749
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    Could you be more specific, please? Trust me, you are *not* talking to an expert on this.

    Oh sorry.

    Double Click on Script and replace everything inside.

    or just replace everything in your .ct with this:


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    18th August 2020, 09:16 PM




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    Originally Posted by Phatbowl
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    Open CE, tap CTL-O and open the .ct file that was linked. When the table is open, right click on «RDR2 — [Main]Table Version 1.6» and select «Change Script» then copy and paste over the old code with the new, tap «Ok» Ignore any warning if you aren’t in RDR2, then save your new table in File > Save.



    Originally Posted by i4mTh3Fr34kPr0
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    Oh sorry.

    Double Click on Script and replace everything inside.

    View post on

    or just replace everything in your .ct with this:

    It’s alright, just something good to remember.

    Thanks for that, I’m going to test it now.

    EDIT: Well, I tested it a little, I’m not really ready to test it to any great extent yet. But, no bloom and infinite ammo still seem to work. I plan to check more options at a later date, and I hope we get some more of the other options back, like horse stamina and health, and hopefully, if we do, horse health works more consistently this time.

    Edit 2: Everything else I usually use that’s available also works, thank you. Infinite stamina doesn’t seem to be, although I wonder if Iron Lung and Peak Condition are somehow interfering with that.

    Last edited by omega749; 19th August 2020 at 03:31 AM.

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    19th August 2020, 01:12 AM




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    Originally Posted by omega749
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    It’s alright, just something good to remember.

    Thanks for that, I’m going to test it now.

    EDIT: Well, I tested it a little, I’m not really ready to test it to any great extent yet. But, infinite stamina, no bloom, and infinite ammo still seem to work. I plan to check more options at a later date, and I hope we get some more of the other options back, like horse stamina and health, and hopefully, if we do, horse health works more consistently this time.

    Hello, I’m actually new at this, how do I even use the cheats after following all the steps above? Thanks.

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    19th August 2020, 04:51 AM



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    Originally Posted by i4mTh3Fr34kPr0
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    Everything works from the Old Table except, StaminaHorseBase,spycam, healthbasehorse,money,bounty.

    This should work for now.. there might be some references to the old shits that doesn’t work but tbh it doesn’t matter.


    Bro ! Thank you so much. Fixed , uploaded and added to o.p. +Rep this guy !


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    19th August 2020, 10:10 AM




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    please some guide me how to use it? also please tell me that if i use it will i get banned? i mean if i use it for some less amount of money and xp, will i get banned? i just registered today to know, because its a long grind to get money and gold in this game also so many connection lost issues

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    19th August 2020, 03:11 PM



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    19th August 2020, 03:17 PM



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    The best!!! Thanks a lot!!

    with the ce it is possible to get explosiv ammo ? when i activate infinite ammo i just have infinite ammo on the ammo i using.

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    19th August 2020, 06:38 PM




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    Originally Posted by omega749
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    Ok thanks for letting me know.
    I’ll take a look at it later cuz it worked for me yesterday.


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    19th August 2020, 10:53 PM




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    still safe to use 25 gold 1 treasure maps ?

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    20th August 2020, 12:11 AM




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    Just be careful new ban posted today, guy seemed to be using this table but I haven’t had any problems. This is not for you to use around others, that will get you a sentence trust me.

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    20th August 2020, 02:32 PM




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    what if I play on my own without any god mode just only infinite ammo will I get ban ?

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    20th August 2020, 06:21 PM




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    Originally Posted by hairyfurryweeb
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    Just be careful new ban posted today, guy seemed to be using this table but I haven’t had any problems. This is not for you to use around others, that will get you a sentence trust me.

    He spawned treasure chests, that is a no no. Also, infinite items, while not guaranteed to get you banned, is definitely suspect.

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    20th August 2020, 07:17 PM



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    if someone could implement a teleport function into cheat engine then it would be absolutely epic, don’t even need mod menus if it worked

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    Failure Loading The Trainer.

    • Sithtiger posted on Apr 29, 2016 1:02:43 AM — Report post

      So I get this error on ANY trainer I try to load. «Trainer Failure» «Failure loading the trainer. Your tempfolder must allow execution. (Check your anti virus)» In this example it’s the trainer for Company of Heroes 2 + British Forces. I don’t have any viruses. I’ve tried Kaspersky, BitDefender, Avira, AVG….etc…you name it. I’ve also tried all Adaware, Spyware and Malware blockers. I’ve also disabled them all too.

      The thing is the last time I tried a trainer was back when I was using Windows 8 and they all worked great, so I’m wondering if this is a Windows 10 thing. I’m using a legally activated Windows 10 Home as well. I just don’t get it. Does Windows 10 have a built in feature to block all trainers? Some sort of hardcoded antivirus built into it that can’t be disabled? I’ve even added exceptions to the trainers and that makes no difference. I’ve tried different trainers too of course. I’ve tried all compatibility boxes too to no avail like running as admin. Any ideas?? Thanks in advance!

    • Mooboy2000 posted on Apr 29, 2016 2:41:29 AM — Report post

      Not sure why you are having this issue, I have Win10 and have no problem running them. Windows defender does have the ability to disable it completely… can’t remember offhand how to do it right now, but I know it took just a tiny bit of tinkering when I had an issue with one trainer in particular (still can’t use/download it unless defender is shut off).

      Where are you downloading and extracting your zips to? I’ve heard some have an issue depending on whether they are on an external drive, (never had that issue either). Some computers just like to frustrate us I guess.

    • Sithtiger posted on Apr 29, 2016 5:03:12 AM — Report post

      Thanks for replying Mooboy, I couldn’t remember if I had disabled it or not but turns out I did. I don’t know what’s causing it, but I did remove some anti-malware apps that…well at least one that was apparently a trial but when it ended it only detected stuff but didn’t remove it and one of things it saw was a trainer, so a false positive. I get past that error and it said I need to update my CoSMOS, but now that same old message is back. It must have something to do with an antivirus or anti-spyware or something or else I don’t think it would give that message. Like I said before I don’t have any viruses so it’s something else.


      I’ve got it working now. I tried this as I was typing the reply. I swear I did this before, in fact it’s the first thing I do when something isn’t working. Anyway I clicked run as admin and it worked. I must have done that 100 times. I would select it in compatibility mode so it was checked and I would constantly check and uncheck other items in compat mode. Maybe it was a combo of things. Anyway, it’s working now. Sigh…I feel stupid, but then I’ve added and deleted the file many times trying to get it work and maybe I forgot to click that again after another issue was affected it as well. Well, whatever it works now. Thanks for the suggestion because it let to it working!

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    • #1


    I have win 7 64 bits and game version 1.0.0 (0.01.2191). Retail copy.
    The trainer doesn’t work. I tried with compability and administrator.
    Do you know why?




    • #2

    How about some info ? , What the error you getting? When do you get the error or whatever the problem is?.

    • #3


    Thats the problem, nothing happens. The options doesn’t work.
    I get game running and the activation sound in game and nothing changes.
    I hit F1 and get sound and them F2, F3 and nothing changes, I keep receiving damage till death!



    • #4


    Thats the problem, nothing happens. The options doesn’t work.
    I get game running and the activation sound in game and nothing changes.
    I hit F1 and get sound and them F2, F3 and nothing changes, I keep receiving damage till death!


    Does the cheat activate or just a bing sound? , Also try running the game first then the trainer .
    P.S , Which game release are you using ?.

    • #5


    It’s working now…I did the game running first and now the trainer is working!

    Many thanks.

    • #6

    hi there i have some problem with these trainer when i want to tun the program i have thise alert :
    Faliure loading the trainer. Reason: Unable to open file
    This error is showing every time with meny trainer
    I run Windows 8 64bit . A lot of thanks for help .


    • #7

    hi there i have some problem with these trainer when i want to tun the program i have thise alert :
    Faliure loading the trainer. Reason: Unable to open file
    This error is showing every time with meny trainer
    I run Windows 8 64bit . A lot of thanks for help .

    right click on the trainer, and select troubleshoot compatibility, then select it to run as Windows 7 or Windows XP SP3


    • #9

    anti virus make sure its on exception, start the game then the trainer

    • #10

    nothing help



    • #12

    nothing help


    place the trainer on your desktop and try again =)

    • #13

    disabled anti-virus and add exeption to firewall .
    trainer on desktop and still thise same error :( mayby i dont hav some program needed to run trainer or something


    • #14

    disabled anti-virus and add exeption to firewall .
    trainer on desktop and still thise same error :( mayby i dont hav some program needed to run trainer or something

    restart your computer, redownload the trainer, make sure its placed on the desktop, and then run troubleshoot compatibility to windows 7/ Windows XP SP3 and run as admin. Start the game First then start the trainer..fingers crossed hope this help HAHA

    • #15

    nothing help :( I will tray to downlowad another trainer thah is difrent from these and tray :(

    • #16

    i downloaded a 7 day to day trainer and there is this same error thah makes me think thah the problem lays on my side mayby this error is coused bay windows 8 it self
    hmm . if enyone have some idea for this error please help


    • #17

    i downloaded a 7 day to day trainer and there is this same error thah makes me think thah the problem lays on my side mayby this error is coused bay windows 8 it self
    hmm . if enyone have some idea for this error please help

    like i said did you try troubleshoot compatibility? usually it works for those who uses windows 8 or 8.1

    • #18

    i trying these . but i find on internet that explanation:
    ‘Failure loading trainer. Reason :Unable to open file «C:Users????AppDat…CET_TRAINER.CETRAINER » I think it has something to do with the fact that I’m using a non-english based Windows 7. I came to this conclusion because when I tried it on another computer with English Windows it did work.

    some ideas ???

    • #19

    1. Hotkeys F5 + F8 dont work (F5 = quicksave, F8 = quickload reserved by game). Nobody noticed this? Wuts up guys?


    • #20

    1. Hotkeys F5 + F8 dont work (F5 = quicksave, F8 = quickload reserved by game). Nobody noticed this? Wuts up guys?

    alt tab to press F5 and F8 so that you’re not in the game pressing f5 and f8

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