Фасмофобия ошибка game does not exist

Фазмофобия — это захватывающая и ужасающая игра ужасов, которая может напугать вас до смерти. И хотя играть в игру в плоском режиме на вашем мониторе уже достаточно страшно, вы можете выйти на совершенно новый уровень, играя в виртуальную реальность. Игра имела большой успех, так что далеко, и хотя до сих пор он получал положительные отзывы, […]

Как исправить ошибку «Фазмофобия игры не существует»

На чтение мин Просмотров 2.4к. Опубликовано 16 декабря, 2022

Фазмофобия — это захватывающая и ужасающая игра ужасов, которая может напугать вас до смерти. И хотя играть в игру в плоском режиме на вашем мониторе уже достаточно страшно, вы можете выйти на совершенно новый уровень, играя в виртуальную реальность.

Игра имела большой успех, так что далеко, и хотя до сих пор он получал положительные отзывы, есть распространенное явление, которое мешает игрокам играть в игру, и это сообщение об ошибке «Игра не существует». Есть несколько шагов, которые вы можете попытаться исправить, и в этой статье мы расскажем, как исправить ошибку «Игра фазмофобии не существует».


  1. Как исправить ошибку «Фазмофобия: игра не существует»
  2. Присоединение к случайным лобби
  3. Проверка кеша игр
  4. Обновление игры

Как исправить ошибку «Фазмофобия: игра не существует»

Исправления, которые были описаны в этом руководстве, не гарантируют исправление ошибки, и если они в конечном итоге не исправят ее, то это должна быть проблема с игровыми серверами, и вам придется ждать обновления или обратиться к Разработчики. С учетом сказанного ниже приведены некоторые способы исправления ошибки «Игра не существует при фазмофобии».

Присоединение к случайным лобби

Пользователь Reddit сообщил, что присоединение к случайному общедоступному лобби исправило для него ошибку «Игра не существует», и все, что они сделали, — это присоединились к случайному публичному лобби, покинули случайное публичное лобби или присоединились к приватному лобби. Другие игроки также отметили, что это сработало для них, так что это может сработать и для вас.

Проверка кеша игр

Всегда стоит проверить кеш игр через Steam, а для фазмофобии вы можете сделать это, открыв библиотеку Steam, щелкнув правой кнопкой мыши фазмофобию, а затем щелкнув свойства и вход в локальные файлы. Теперь нажмите «Проверить целостность файлов игры». Это займет несколько минут в зависимости от того, насколько большие и неровные файлы игры.

Обновление игры

Один из лучших способов исправить эту ошибку — просто обновить игру, потому что, если многие игроки сталкиваются с ошибкой, скорее всего, разработчики знают об этом. это, и они уже выпустили обновление, чтобы исправить это, о котором вы еще не знаете. Поэтому обязательно проверьте, есть ли обновление для фазмофобии, и обновите свою игру.

Наконец, убедитесь, что вы используете правильный регион для игры, потому что, если вы этого не сделаете, это также может вызвать ошибку «Игра не существует» в фазмофобии.

The Phasmophobia «game does not exist» error is caused by server issues. If you haven’t been able to get around it, we have a fix or two that might work.

The burgeoning success of indie game developer Kinetic Games’ breakout title Phasmophobia has not come without its problems. Following the game’s ever-rising popularity, some players have begun to experience major server issues. Now, however, a solution to the Phasmophobia «game does not exist» server version mismatch error has been discovered.

While attempting to play with others in private lobbies, players have been unable to launch co-op multiplayer games with friends because of the «game does not exist,» or «server version mismatch,» error. 

As the game is still only in Early Access, bugs and glitches come with the territory. That being said, the increasing prevalence of this particular error has caused many to search for answers.

Though Kinetic Games is aware of the error, there are a few things you can do to fix the issue until there’s a permanent fix.  

1. Identify your server region

First, you will need to ensure that you and your friends are all on the same server.

Every player’s server is chosen based on their region. Consequently, you will likely end up on the «EU» server if you live in Europe or «US» server if you live within the United States. That being said, you can switch your server if need be.

This is important because you will receive the «game does not exist,» or «server version mismatch,» error if your entire co-op team is not on the same server.

To change your server, simply visit the server region tab in the top right of the «Server Lobby» screen as shown above. From there, you can adjust your server region as necessary.

If you and your friends still receive an error message after adjusting your server regions, then it is time to move on to the next step.

2. Check if you are using the beta version of Phasmophobia

Now that you have ensured your server region is correct, the next step is to double-check if you are still opted in for the game’s beta.

If only some of your team is out of the beta server, then you will also receive the «game does not exist» server version mismatch error.

As seen above, the steps are: 

  • Open up your Steam page
  • Right-click on Phasmophobia 
  • Select «Properties»
  • Go to the «Betas» tab
  • The «Beta Build» will either be selected or deselected
  • Deselect the beta build listed within if it is currently active

You’ll be able to quickly determine if you are opted into the game’s beta version. The beta version of the game can be quite buggy, so it is suggested that your entire team choose to deselect the beta build at this point.

3. Update your game

If you are still having issues playing with your friends, there is one final fix. This time around, you will need to update Phasmophobia.

Without the most-recently updated version of the game, you will not be able to play in private servers. As a result, you may have to manually jumpstart the updating process from time to time.

The steps here are similar to checking it you’re in the beta branch, with one important difference:

  • Open up your Steam page
  • Right-click on the Phasmophobia game
  • Select «Properties»
  • Go to the «Local Files» tab

From here, select «Verify Integrity of Game Files.» This will re-download any missing or corrupted game files that may be causing the error issue.

After following all of these steps, you should now be able to get around the «game does not exist» error and play Phasmophobia on private servers with your friends. That being said, as an Early Access release, Phasmophobia is still susceptible to new bugs and glitches. So check back in to make sure you are up to date on the latest glitch fixes for Phasmophobia.

Published Oct. 28th 2020

How to fix Phasmophobia 'game does not exist' error

Phasmophobia is a horror game that allows players to group up in teams of four and hunt down ghosts. The game has managed to amass a lot of popularity in a short period, which has led to some frequent errors in the game, most likely due to the server load.

One of the errors players have been experiencing is the ‘game does not exist’ or ‘server version mismatch’ error. This error not only appears for new players who have recently installed the game but for some old players as well. If you are facing the issue, here are some of the solutions you can try to fix it.

Check if you are on the Beta version and update your game

One of the main reasons for the ‘game does not exist,’ or ‘server version mismatch’ error is that players in the lobby use different game versions. The easiest fix for that is to make sure that your game is updated to the latest version.

Additionally, if either you or your friend are on the Beta version, you will not be able to play together. Opting out of the Beta version is quite simple, and you can do so by following the given steps.

  • Open Steam
  • Right-click on Phasmophobia and select Properties
  • Under the Betas tab, select the active Beta version.
  • Click on ‘NONE – opt-out of all beta programs’

Your game will most likely download again, partially, if you opt-out of the beta branch.

Check your server region

The server in the game depends on the region you are located in. Playing with a friend from a different region can cause several issues, including the ones mentioned above. For instance, if your friend is from the UK and you live in the US, the two of you will connect to your respective servers, causing an issue in the lobby. You can change your server region in the top right of the Server Lobby in the game.

Verify Integrity of Game Files

Sometimes corrupt game files can cause several issues, including the ‘game does not exist’ or ‘server version mismatch’ error. Instead of downloading the game repeatedly, you can just check if the game files are all in place. It can be done by following the given steps.

  • Open Steam
  • Right-click on Phasmophobia and select Properties
  • Under the Local files tab, click on Verify Integrity of game files.

This should take a bit of time, but once done, you should try starting the game again and check whether the issue has been resolved or not.

If none of the above solutions work, we recommend reinstalling the game completely to fix the issue.

Обновлено: 12.02.2023

Phasmophobia is a horror game that allows players to group up in teams of four and hunt down ghosts. The game has managed to amass a lot of popularity in a short span of time and that has led to some frequent errors in the game, most likely due to the server load.

One of the errors players have been facing is the ‘game does not exist’ or ‘server version mismatch’ error. This error not only appears for new players who have recently installed the game but for some old players as well. If you are facing the issue, here are some of the solutions you can try to fix it.

What is the Crucifix in Phasmophobia?

In essence, Phasmophobia is a deadly game of cat and mouse. As you seek out paranormal activity, ghosts will hunt you. To defeat your ghoulish foes, you are going to have to beat the clock.

For every moment you spend playing, your character’s sanity will begin to drop. Reaching zero sanity can quickly spell out defeat for your ghost hunter. Consequently, you want to ward off nearby apparitions to keep your increasingly insane character from being slaughtered. This is where the crucifix comes in.

As a sort of shield against the dark creatures, the crucifix prevents ghosts from entering their hunting phase and killing your ghost hunter.

Phasmophobia не устанавливается. Ошибка при установке

Стандартные установщки которые поставляются вместе с игрой совместимы со всеми типами оборудования. При скачивании с лаунчера, могут возникнуть проблемы только с перебоями работы серверов раздачи. Следующие советы помогут вам установить игру с первого раза:

  1. Временно отключите антивирус на время скачивания и установки игры. Возможно из архива были удалены (или временно заблокированы) файлы. Инсталлер не может найти их и выдает ошибку.
  2. Проверьте нагрузку на HDD (SSD) до установки. Если в данный момент что-то его нагружает, стоит закрыть процесс или дождаться его завершения.
  3. Устанавливайте только по пути, который не содержит кириллицу и пробелы.
  4. Освободите больше места на жестком диске. Во время установки, инсталлер создает временные файлы которые забивают его (особенно небольшой SSD).
  5. Проверьте HDD на наличие битых секторов. Сделать это можно через программу или при помощи специальных команд.

Phasmophobia черный экран при запуске

Check your server region

The server in the game depends on the region you are located in. Playing with a friend from a different region can cause a number of issues, including the ones mentioned above. For instance, if your friend is from the UK and you live in the US, the two of you will connect to your respective servers which can cause an issue in the lobby. You can change your server region in the top right of the Server Lobby in the game.

Phasmophobia Game Does Not Exist Error Fix: Server Version Mismatch

The burgeoning success of indie game developer Kinetic Games’ breakout title Phasmophobia has not come without its problems. Following the game’s ever-rising popularity, some players have begun to experience major server issues. Now, however, a solution to the Phasmophobia «game does not exist» server version mismatch error has been discovered.

While attempting to play with others in private lobbies, players have been unable to launch co-op multiplayer games with friends because of the «game does not exist,» or «server version mismatch,» error.

As the game is still only in Early Access, bugs and glitches come with the territory. That being said, the increasing prevalence of this particular error has caused many to search for answers.

Though Kinetic Games is aware of the error, there are a few things you can do to fix the issue until there’s a permanent fix.

Phasmophobia не запускается. Ошибка запуска

В большинстве случаев это связано с версией игры которая у вас установлена. Если вы купили и скачали ее с официальных источников, то никаких проблем не должно быть. В ином случае следует проверить источник скачивания на надежность.

Даже при запуске полноценного релиза, не всегда удается запустить игру. Давайте следовать базовой инструкции и попробуем решить ошибку с запуском

Phasmophobia вылетает с ошибкой

Phasmophobia вылетает с ошибкой или без

Обычно проблема с вылетом случается с Бета-версиями игр, но иногда всему виной может стать конфликт оборудования или отсутствие нужного драйвера. Разработчики рекомендуют выполнить следующие действия:

  1. При вылете в самом начале, попробуйте обновить драйвера видеокарт по ссылками выше.
  2. Если вылетает с конкретной ошибкой, то обычно это отсутствие DLL-файла.
  3. Проверьте пусть установки игры. Разработчики из Kinetic Games рекомендуют устанавливать в папки, которые не содержать кириллицы или пробелов.
  4. Переустановка игры с отключенным антивирусом также может помочь, если один или несколько файлов были перемещены в карантин.

Phasmophobia не устанавливается

Phasmophobia Crucifix Guide: How to Use the Crucifix Like a Pro

Kinetic Games, the new indie horror game developer on the proverbial block, has kicked off its career with a bang. But there is one portion of the developer’s first release that has people scratching their heads. Players are struggling to determine precisely how to use the crucifix in Phasmophobia. That being said, getting the most out of the crucifix is easy.

Because learning how to fend off violent apparitions is an absolute must, it is imperative that players quickly learn how to use the crucifix to keep the game’s monsters at bay.

2. Check if you are using the beta version of Phasmophobia

Now that you have ensured your server region is correct, the next step is to double-check if you are still opted in for the game’s beta.

If only some of your team is out of the beta server, then you will also receive the «game does not exist» server version mismatch error.

  • Open up your Steam page
  • Right-click on Phasmophobia
  • Select «Properties»
  • Go to the «Betas» tab
  • The «Beta Build» will either be selected or deselected
  • Deselect the beta build listed within if it is currently active

You’ll be able to quickly determine if you are opted into the game’s beta version. The beta version of the game can be quite buggy, so it is suggested that your entire team choose to deselect the beta build at this point.

1. Identify your server region

First, you will need to ensure that you and your friends are all on the same server.

Every player’s server is chosen based on their region. Consequently, you will likely end up on the «EU» server if you live in Europe or «US» server if you live within the United States. That being said, you can switch your server if need be.

This is important because you will receive the «game does not exist,» or «server version mismatch,» error if your entire co-op team is not on the same server.

To change your server, simply visit the server region tab in the top right of the «Server Lobby» screen as shown above. From there, you can adjust your server region as necessary.

If you and your friends still receive an error message after adjusting your server regions, then it is time to move on to the next step.

Verify Integrity of Game Files

Sometimes corrupt game files can cause a number of issues, including the ‘game does not exist’ or ‘server version mismatch’ error. Instead of downloading the game all over again, you can just check if the game files are all in place. It can be done by following the given steps.

  • Open Steam
  • Right-click on Phasmophobia and select Properties
  • Under the Local files tab, click on Verify Integrity of game files.

This should take a bit of time, but once that’s done, you should try starting the game again and check whether the issue has been resolved or not.

If none of the above solutions work, we recommend reinstalling the game completely to fix the issue.

Check if you are on the Beta version and update your game

One of the main reasons for the ‘game does not exist’ or ‘server version mismatch’ error is because players in the lobby are using different versions of the game. The easiest fix for that is to make sure that your game is updated to the latest version.

Additionally, if either you or your friend are on the Beta version, you will not be able to play together. Opting out of the Beta version is quite simple and you can do so by following the given steps.

  • Open Steam
  • Right-click on Phasmophobia and select Properties
  • Under the Betas tab, select the active Beta version.
  • Click on ‘NONE – opt-out of all beta programs’

Your game will most likely download again, partially, if you opt out of the beta branch.

Ошибки Phasmophobia и способы решения

Компания Kinetic Games выпустила долгожданную игру Phasmophobia, которую ждали поклонники серии. После релиза игры, многие игроки стали жаловаться на недороботки со стороны разработчиков.
У одних игра начала вылетать, а другие просто не смогли ее запустить. В этой статье мы постараемся разобраться в причинах этих недоработок и самостоятельно решить большинство из них.

Как повысить FPS в Phasmophobia

Если производительности вашего ПК недостаточно для комфортной игры, то у нас есть несколько хороших советов которые помогут повысить FPS в игре. Хотя иногда случается, что оптимизация приложения оставляет желать лучшего и лаги появляются даже на очень мощных компьютерах.

Черный экран при запуске Phasmophobia

Обычно это свидетельствует о том, что не отработал стандартный исполняемый файл. Обычно происходит загрузка в оперативную память различных данных. Если это не произошло и появилась ошибка, то процесс остановится. В случае черного экрана делаем следующее:

  1. Обновляем драйвера видеоадаптера по ссылкам выше.
  2. Скачиваем все обновления для Windows
  3. Убедитесь, что ПК соответствует системными требованиями Phasmophobia.
  4. Проверьте актуальность установки и файлы карантина вашего антивируса. Возможно исполняемый файл был занесен в черный список.
  5. Устанавливали библиотеки вместе с игрой? Возможно это стоит сделать.

3. Update your game

If you are still having issues playing with your friends, there is one final fix. This time around, you will need to update Phasmophobia.

Without the most-recently updated version of the game, you will not be able to play in private servers. As a result, you may have to manually jumpstart the updating process from time to time.

The steps here are similar to checking it you’re in the beta branch, with one important difference:

  • Open up your Steam page
  • Right-click on the Phasmophobia game
  • Select «Properties»
  • Go to the «Local Files» tab

From here, select «Verify Integrity of Game Files.» This will re-download any missing or corrupted game files that may be causing the error issue.

After following all of these steps, you should now be able to get around the «game does not exist» error and play Phasmophobia on private servers with your friends. That being said, as an Early Access release, Phasmophobia is still susceptible to new bugs and glitches. So check back in to make sure you are up to date on the latest glitch fixes for Phasmophobia.

Tips for Using the Crucifix in Phasmophobia

Most players will instinctively wield the crucifix in an attempt to ward off ghosts. Conceptually, it makes sense. Most horror films have taught players that wielding crosses can have damaging effects against vampires and the like. That being said, the crucifix item in Phasmophobia works a little differently.

Follow these tips to ensure you are always making the most out of your crucifix item.

1. Always place the crucifix in the ghost’s favorite room

Knowing where to best utilize the crucifix is nearly half of the battle. Picking up patterns proves to be a life-saving skill.

Once the ghost decides to hunt, it will become corporeal. Then, it will seek you out and kill you. However, the ghost will not enter a corporeal state if it is within range of a crucifix when it decides to hunt.

As a result, the crucifix is most useful within the room the ghost is most often entering the hunt. During the setup phase of the game, make note of where the ghost is most often appearing. This will help you narrow down the ghoul’s favorite room. Place the crucifix there.

2. Don’t wield the crucifix — throw it

Wielding the crucifix in your hand is not typically effective. Some players claim that wielding the crucifix has worked for them. However, the better strategy is to throw your crucifix on the ground. From there, the item will ward off ghosts effectively.

3. The crucifix has a limited area of effect

While you have placed your crucifix strategically, you are not quite out of danger yet. With an area effect of three meters (the range extends to five meters against banshees), the item’s range sometimes leaves much to be desired.

If you have determined that the ghost haunting you has irritatingly chosen a larger room as its favorite hunting ground, then consider scattering out multiple crucifixes to stack the deck in your favor.

4. The crucifix has a limited number of charges

While littering the map with crucifixes can be a great way to calm the nerves, it is important to remember that the protective item does not have limitless durability.

After preventing a ghost from entering the hunt twice, the crucifix will de-spawn. As there is no way to tell if your crucifix has successfully warded off a ghost until the item disappears, it is tough to tell precisely when your crucifix has one or both charges.

As a result, always be ready to move. Your crucifix might be close to extinguishing at any moment.

5. If the ghost is already on the hunt, your crucifix cannot save you

As the crucifix is designed to keep a ghost from entering its hunting phase while within its effective range, a ghost can still enter its corporeal form from more than three meters away from the item. This is what makes item placement so incredibly important when it comes to the crucifix.

No plan is perfect. If the ghost does corporealize and begin hunting you, don’t flee to your nearest crucifix. Instead, hide and evade capture until the hunting phase ends.

And that’s it for everything you need to know about using the crucifix in Phasmophobia. Now you have one more tool to use against hunting ghosts. Stay tuned for more tips and tricks for this Early Access horror game.

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How does the game not exist?

Phasmophobia Tarot Cards Effects

The “Game Does Not Exist” error is unfortunately a common occurrence for Phasmophobia players. After doing some digging, it is apparent that this error message appears due to server outages or internet issues. Luckily, there are a few steps Phasmophobia players can take to try and fix this annoying issue. Continue reading to learn how to fix the “Game Does Not Exist” error in Phasmophobia

How to Fix “Game Does Not Exist” Error in Phasmophobia

As stated above, players have reported a few fixes to the “Game Does Not Exist” error. However, let it be clear that these fixes are not guaranteed to fix the issue. If none of these fixes work, one can assume that this is an error with Phasmophobia servers, and you may have to wait it out. Let’s get into it!

Related: Is Phasmophobia on Xbox? – Answered

Fix #1: Update Phasmophobia

This is quite the easy fix, and many players have reported this working for them. If you have run into the “Game Does Not Exist” error, try restarting Phasmophobia. If this does not work, try restarting Steam as a whole. This may trigger and update for Phasmophobia, and an outdated client is almost sure to bring this issue.

Fix #2: Join Random Lobbies

One crafty Redditor has found a potential fix for the “Game Does Not Exist” error in Phasmophobia. All they did was as follows:

  • Join random Public Lobby
  • Leave random Public Lobby
  • Join Private Lobby

Some people have stated that this technique worked for them, so definitely give it a shot!

Fix #3: Set the Correct Region

Often times Phasmophobia players will accidentally click the wrong Region in the server list. Simply set your region to the correct area, and test to see if it works.

Fix #4: Verify Game Cache

While verifying Phasmophobia’s game cache is more of a last-resort fix, many players have fixed their errors by performing this. Here’s how to verify your game cache for Phasmophobia:

  • Open Steam Library
  • Right Click Phasmophobia
  • Click Properties
  • Click Local Files
  • Click “Verify Integrity of Game Files”

If your game files are the reason you are getting the “Game Does Not Exist” error in Phasmophobia, this fix should clear it right up. Keep in mind it may take a few minutes to perform this process.

Related: What is Custom Difficulty in Phasmophobia? – Answered

Now that you know how to fix the “Game Does Not Exist” error in Phasmophobia, try these techniques out and see if they work.

Joe Greene

Joe Greene is currently the SEO Manager for the prestigious Prima Games. With a background in writing, music and coding, Joe can really do it all!

Developed and published by Kinetic Games’ Phasmophobia is receiving a lot of traction. This has caused a huge influx of players and a burden on the servers of the game. The increased pressure on the server has further led to players facing Game Does Not Exist or Server Version Mismatch error. If you too are facing the error and out looking for a solution, you are in the right place. In this Phasmophobia server fix guide, we will enlist a few solutions that can help you fix Game Does Not Exist or Server Version Mismatch error in Phasmophobia.

How to Fix Game Does Not Exist or Server Version Mismatch Error in Phasmophobia

Find below a list of solutions to easily fix Server Version Mismatch error in Phasmophobia.

Play in Common Servers

Phasmophobia features multiple servers, and these servers can be one of the biggest reasons that are causing the error. The server is auto-selected based on the location of a player. Hence, if you are residing in the States, your server region will be the US, and on the other hand, if your friend is from London, then the server will be the UK. This can cause an error while joining a private lobby.

To join a multiplayer co-op mode, you need to make sure that you and all your friends are using the same server, regardless of region. If the servers are different, you can opt to switch them. Head to the server screen and use the server region drop down from the top right to change servers as required.

Check for the Latest Updates

Check whether you and all your friends are using the latest update of the game or not. To do this, head to Steam’s Phasmophobia page and right-click on the game. Now, select the “Properties” tab and then choose to see the “Local Files” tab. Now, simply press on “Verify Integrity of Game Files” to look for any missing or corrupted file.

how to fix game does not exist error in Phasmophobia

Other than missing files, also look for any available updates for the game. After installing the latest update and all the missing files, reboot the game and this will fix the Server Version Mismatch error for you.

Play on the Beta Servers

If some of your friends are playing on the Beta server, while others are playing on some other server, you will certainly see a “Game Does Not Exist” server error. To ensure that you are all using the Beta servers, head to Steam’s Phasmophobia page and right-click on the game to see options. Next, select the “Properties” tab and then head to the “Betas” tab. Look for the “Beta Build” option. If the option is selected, deselect it to make it inactive.

After changing to Beta servers, it is also advised to close and restart the game. Doing this will fix the “Game Does Not Exist” error.

Check Phasmophobia’s Official Accounts

Checking Phasmophobia’s official social media handles will let you know about any current technical issues or bugs about the game that can cause server errors. For instance, Kinetic Game’s Twitter handle has tweeted about the Server Version Mismatch error. Since the developers are aware of the issue, it is highly possible that we will get a permanent fix for the server problems.

Those are the few solutions that can help you fix Game Does Not Exist or Server Version Mismatch error in Phasmophobia. While here you can read our guides on how to witness a ghost event. It is an optional objective that completing which can get you useful rewards. You can also read how to get all photo rewards in Phasmophobia to get some extra in-game cash.

Phasmophobia: How to Fix Game Does Not Exist Error

Do you want to know how to fix the “Phasmophobia Game Does Not Exist” error? The Phasmophobia game is a first-person horror game developed by Kinetic Games. Unfortunately, some players have reported various Errors with the game, including the “Phasmophobia Game Does Not Exist” error. It has become a standard error for many players and real trouble. This guide will tell you how to fix the “Phasmophobia Game Does Not Exist” error.

What is The Game Not Exist Mean?

If you’re a big fan of horror games, chances are you’ve tried the ever-popular Phasmophobia. But if you’ve been met with the dreaded “game does not exist” error, fear not! This error typically indicates an issue either with your internet connection or due to outages with the game itself. Thankfully, these outages and disruptions are usually fixed quite quickly, so you should be able to get back to solving mysteries and scaring yourself silly in no time.

How to Fix The Phasmophobia Game Does Not Exist Error?

Game Does Not Exist Error in Phasmophobia

You can fix the “Phasmophobia Game Does Not Exist” error by updating the game, joining Random lobbies, setting the correct region, or verifying the game cache.

  1. Updating the game:  You can restart the game or restart Steam. Restart Steam will update the game to the latest version and fix the issue.
  2. Joining Random Lobbies: One Redditor has claimed that he has solved the “Phasmophobia Game Does Not Exist” by entering a random public Lobby, leaving it, and entering again into a private lobby.
  3. Setting the Correct Region:   You can select the correct region by visiting the Steam settings. Go to “Steam > Settings > Downloads” and then click on “Download Region.” Set the right part for your country and restart the game to see if it fixes the issue.
  4. Verifying the Game Cache:  Finally, you can try verifying the game cache. To do this, open your Steam client and navigate to the “Phasmophobia” game. Once you’ve selected the game, click on the Verify Integrity of Game Files button in the bottom right corner. This will check for missing or corrupted files and automatically download them if necessary.

We hope this guide has helped you fix the “Phasmophobia Game Does Not Exist” error. If you have any other questions or need more help, feel free to ask us in the comments section below. Good luck, and happy hunting!

Phasmophobia is available on PC.

Source: Prime Games


При прыжке в игру фазмофобия с товарищами-охотниками за привидениями самое страшное, с чем вы можете столкнуться, — это код ошибки, и, к сожалению, ошибка «Игра не существует» — одна из наиболее распространенных и может быть невероятно неприятной, поскольку фазмофобией лучше всего наслаждаться с некоторыми компаньонами. Но из-за того, как часто игроки сталкивались с этой ошибкой, были обнаружены несколько простых решений, которые гарантируют, что вы вернетесь к охоте в кратчайшие сроки. Итак, если вы окажетесь лицом к лицу с этой навязчивой ситуацией, читайте дальше, чтобы узнать, как можно быстро вернуться к делу, особенно вовремя для определенных событий.

Как решить ошибку «Игра не существует» при фазмофобии

Первое, что нужно сделать, когда вы видите ошибку «Игра не существует», — это перезапустить игру и запустить Steam. Иногда старый трюк снова и снова творит чудеса при решении кодов ошибок, а иногда что-то настолько простое, как это, вызывает скрытое обновление, которое может помешать вам играть в следующем раунде; однако, если вы снова загрузите игру и все равно обнаружите ошибку, для решения этой проблемы было опробовано и протестировано присоединение к нескольким случайным лобби и выход из них. Это также стоит проверить, что вы указали правильный регион в списке серверов, так как игроки часто выбирают неправильный регион при настройке.

Наконец, если это не сработает, вы можете легко проверить кеш игры, который должен быть последней точкой вызова. Это можно сделать, открыв свою библиотеку Steam, найдя фазмофобию, щелчок правой кнопкой мыши и выбор свойствщелкнув Локальные файлы, а затем щелкнув Проверка целостности игровых файлов. Этот процесс не долгий и не сложный, если следовать этим простым инструкциям. И если именно поэтому вы не можете подключиться к игре, то выполнение этого простого исправления, которое занимает не более нескольких минут, должно мгновенно вернуть вас назад.

фазмофобия теперь доступен на ПК.

– Эта статья была обновлена ​​15 декабря 2022 г.

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