Favicon ico ошибка

Have you ever stumbled upon the famous "Favicon not found" error while checking your website's 404 error logs? Getting this error even though you have a favicon image is annoying, isn't it? This post will explain how to get rid of that error from your logs for good.

Have you ever stumbled upon the famous «Favicon not found» error while checking your website’s 404 error logs? Getting this error even though you have a favicon image is annoying, isn’t it? This post will explain how to get rid of that error from your logs for good.

I quit trying to make sense of why some modern web browsers request resources that are not mentioned on a web page long ago, such as Firefox seeking a favicon icon (favicon.ico) religiously in your website’s root folder, or iOS browsers looking for almost a dozen different apple touch icons (apple-touch-icon-…) with different sizes, as if the Internet will collapse if they are not found. Instead of wishing for web browsers to behave the way I desired as a webmaster, I decided to play the game by its rules and looked for ways to get rid of annoying errors of this kind, even though it meant unproductive additional work.

Briefly speaking, the 404 HTTP status code is triggered when a web browser (client) requests a resource (a page, file, image etc.) on a website (web server) but that resource does not exist or cannot be located correctly. For example, considering our case, if the web browser sends a request to a favicon image file located at,


but such a file does not exist, it will create a 404 error which will be sent back to the browser (it won’t be displayed to the user in browser window since it’s not the same as a page not found error or server not found error), as well as logged in the access logs of the website like the following:

«GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1» 404

This error log will also be displayed in your traffic stats file (e.g. AWStats), where 404 errors are listed.

Why is «Favicon.ico Not Found» Error Triggered Even Though There is a Favicon Image on My Website?

To answer this question, we need to understand how some web browsers work.

A 404 error being generated for a supposed-to-exist but not-existing file is totally understandable, in fact it is what must happen (and what happens) in order to give a clue to the website administrator to fix such errors. For example, if you forget to upload an image that is linked to from one of your pages, loading that page will (and should) cause a 404 error for that image. Hence, when you see that error in the log, you can upload the image.

What I explained above is the natural and expected behavior of a web browser; however, some browsers do create resource requests (GET) even though they are not linked to or mentioned on your web page. To clarify this, let’s assume you created a favicon image for your website, named it as icon.png and uploaded it to the following location via a free FTP software or via File Manager of your hosting:


And you linked to it using the HTML <link> tag, as it is how it is instructed to add a favicon to your website in the HTML specification.

<link rel=»icon» href=»/images/icon.png»>

TIP: You can also refer to our more detailed tutorial about how to add a favicon icon to your website.

Now, while some browsers respect your choice of name and location for your favicon icon (you should be able to name it whatever you want and place it wherever you want, right?) and find it at your specified place with no issues, some other browsers such as Firefox, in an incomprehensible way, insists on seeking «a» favicon icon which is named as favicon.ico and located in the root directory of your site.


If it can’t find that file there, then it will cause a 404 error to be generated and logged. This may be a small, negligible thing for some webmasters but for me and I am sure for you too since you are reading this post, it is unacceptable because 1) the browser makes a request for a non-existent file that is not linked to from the page, 2) it causes a 404 error to be generated and logged which keeps you busy while checking your logs, 3) it consumes bandwidth by grabbing the 404 file since it can’t find the favicon.

For the above reasons, I decided to get rid of this error once and for all and came up with the following solution.

The Solution for 404 Favicon Not Found Error

The solution is not the most efficient but it is simple enough and it will help you never see a 404 error for a non-existent favicon.ico in your logs again.

Here are the steps:

STEP 1: Create a .ico file and name it as favicon.ico.

You can use one of the free online graphic design programs and image conversion tools to help you while creating favicons. The favicon file dimensions can be anything from 16×16 pixels and higher; bigger images will look better on mobile phones and tablets when your site is bookmarked like an app. Also don’t forget to optimize the file to save bandwidth. Not recommended tip: If you don’t care about having a favicon, simply create an empty text file -0 bytes- and save it as favicon.ico.

STEP 2: When the favicon icon is ready, upload it to your website’s root directory. The root directory is where the index file (index.html, index.php etc.) is located.


STEP 3: Open a web browser and make sure your favicon is accessible by typing its URL (simply replace the domain in the above URL) into the address bar and opening it.

If you can view your favicon, that means it is ready for visitors and browsers. From now on, you will not receive any 404 errors for the favicon image.

TIP: Here are some other solutions to common errors that you might be interested in:
White Question Mark in Black Diamonds Error
No Video with Supported Format and MIME Type Found Error

Поднял голый vps + lamp для опытов. Проверяю работу Хромом и тут же в логах появляются запросы favicon.ico и, соответственно, в логах об ошибках тоже потому что этого файла никто не создавал и не ссылался на него.

Посмотрел на одном из сайтов — весь лог ошибок засран запросами /favicon.ico 404, хотя он лежит в /images/favicon.ico и в коде страниц путь указан именно в поддиректории.

Хром по умолчанию ищет этот файл и будет долбиться вечно пока не найдёт его?

— Есть /favicon.ico?

— Нет.

— А если найду?

  • Вопрос задан

    более трёх лет назад

  • 14798 просмотров

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А как простите хром должен узнать, что файла нет, если он его не запросит?
Он не должен искать его во всех подряд каталогах, файл должен быть в корне, поэтому класть в images в subimages и прочие директории смысла нету.

Поиск в корневой директории favicon.ico осуществляется в случае если в явно не указано местоположение, через использование тега
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="/someimage.png" />
Проверьте, обрабатывается ли ваше указание, возможно вы допустили ошибку/опечатку в разметке. Посмотрите консоль в браузере, возможно там есть какие-то ошибки. и т.д.

Смотрите, недавно логировал запросы к сайту на ASP.MVC, страницу как раз открывал через хром:
Первое обращение как раз к /favicon.ico
Второе обращение к странице которая указана в адресной строке
т.е. по логике он даже не смотрит указан ли у вас link rel=«shortcut icon», т.к. сначала пытается загрузить иконку, а уже потом страницу, в которой указан данный атрибут.

читал об этом на стековерфлоу. Много букв, но если коротко, то просто смиритесь с этим. Не один, так другой браузер всегда будут ломиться именно на /favicon.ico. Рекомендуется отключить логирование таких запросов на уровне вебсервера и просто забыть.

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While creating a web project, a developer comes across many errors and bugs. One of such
error is
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a
status of 404 (Not Found) :8080/favicon.ico
, this is the most
common error that you will find while running your code in a web browser. If you are a
beginner, this might be terrifying to see such kind of
error in your developer consoleToday, we are going to see — How to Fix: Server Responded With a Status of 404 (Not Found) favicon.ico.

But wait, before we
solve the problem we need to understand that what does this error
actually mean? And how it will effect your code?

Fix: Server Responded With a Status of 404 (Not Found) favicon.ico

Firstly, this error
is saying you that, “Hey! You are missing a
favicon for your web
”. In case, you don’t know what is a favicon? It’s a little
icon that you see when you open a website(like, Google), on your tab
along with the title of the webpage.

Fix: Server Responded With a Status of 404 (Not Found) favicon.ico
Example of a favicon

Secondly, this will not effect your code at all! Yeah, but if you are going to take your web project to production level, then you will need to have a favicon, because such kind of errors in the console and a missing favicon on the webpage might look a bit unprofessional and can effect the user-experience on your website. But if you are not going to take it to the production level, then you can follow this solution:

Fix: Server Responded With a Status of 404 (Not Found) favicon.ico

This is how your website will looks without a favicon

How to Fix: 404 (Not Found) favicon.ico?

Solution(if your
project is not for production level):
To remove the error from the
console, you have to add some code in the <head></head>
tags of your
html code. The code is given below:

rel=“shortcut icon” href=“#”/>

will solve your problem and you will no longer see the error in the

How to Stop favicon.ico Error?

if you are taking your webpage to the production level then, you must
add a favicon to your webpage.
Here, you can use any image as
favicon, but we recommend you to create one for good appearance of
your website(You can create one from here!).

Then, add the
following code inside the <head></head> tags of your html

rel=“shortcut icon” href=“[location of your favicon]”

Fix: Server Responded With a Status of 404 (Not Found) favicon.ico

Note: Add the location of the favicon at the place of [location of
your favicon]
in the above given code.

By this, you will add the favicon to the webpage and your problem
will be
solved and you and your user will not get this error any more
in the console!

Fix: Server Responded With a Status of 404 (Not Found) favicon.ico

Before adding the favicon

Fix: Server Responded With a Status of 404 (Not Found) favicon.ico

After the add the favicon

How to Get Favicon?

You can create a good looking favicon for your webpage within a few seconds, follow these steps:

Using Text

  1. Open up this website: favicon.io.
  2. Scroll down, under ‘Favicon Generator’, click on Text.
  3. Change the text as per your choice (You can use the first letter of your website).
  4. You can also change background color, text color, font etc.
  5. After finishing, click on the ‘Download’ button.
  6. This will download a .zip file, extract it and use any file out of them as favicon (.ico file is the most preffered one).

By this way you can generate a favicon using text!

Using Image

  1. Open up this website: favicon.io.
  2. Scroll down, under ‘Favicon Generator’, click on Image.
  3. Drag or Drop the image, else you can also click on the area to upload one.
  4. After finishing, click on the ‘Download’ button.
  5. This will download a .zip fileextract it and use any file out of them as favicon (.ico file is the most preffered one).

By this way you can generate a favicon using image!

Using Emoji

  1. Open up this website: favicon.io.
  2. Scroll down, under ‘Favicon Generator’, click on Emoji.
  3. Choose any category from the drop down.
  4. Click on the emoji’s name, that you like.
  5. After loading, click on the ‘Download’ button.
  6. This will download a .zip fileextract it and use any file out of them as favicon (.ico file is the most preffered one).

By this way you can generate a favicon using emoji!


So, this was how you can Fix: Server Responded With a Status of 404 (Not Found) favicon.ico error. If you are facing any problem, then feel free to write it down in the
description! We will try our best to solve your problem! Have a nice
day! Happy Coding!

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