Ff14 launcher error unable to download patch files

If you are also facing this type of FFXIV Unable to Download Patch Files Error Code Problem Issue then don't worry as you just have to Check out & Read this

Final Fantasy 14 is a Massive, Multiplayer Online RPG game. The game is unique in its own way, with outstanding storylines and characters. The game has been ruling the MMO RPG genre for years. The game is continuously updated and fixed for any bugs. The game has one of the biggest active communities. Recently a lot of users have been facing problems while updating the game. Users have reported that every time they try to update, the screen freezes and gets black, and within a few seconds, an error appears saying ffxiv unable to download patch files. In this error-solving guide, we will be going through all the possible causes and methods to fix the error.

ffxiv unable to download patch files

Causes of FFXIV Unable to Download Patch Files

Talking of the causes behind ffxiv unable to download patch files error. This error disrupts the downloading process, and updates, including patch files, cannot install. As reported by multiple users, the error appears because of the country region and the routing issue. Further, due to active windows firewall and network issues like DNS cache and Ports are also possible causes of this error.

  • Country Region
  • Temporary Server Error
  • DNS issues
  • Network Issues

Similar Types of FFXIV Unable to Download Patch Files

  • 30437
  • (30413)(25008)(20495)(20495)
  • (30413)(25008)(20495)(20495)
  • (30413)(25008)(10009)
  • (11003)
  • (30413) (20496)
  • Telstra
  • FFXIV download
  • Unable to install ffxiv
  • FFXIV patch download

To fix FFXIV Unable to Download Patch Files error, we have gathered a few methods by which you can eliminate this error. Below are all the methods demonstrated using step by step.

1. Bad Internet Connectivity/No Internet

One very common cause of this issue is low internet connectivity. Make sure that your internet is working well. Since the game requires a fast and constant internet connection, you need to ensure you get enough speed. To find out your internet speed now, visit Speedcheck.

  • Try visiting some websites to check if the internet is fine
  • You need to have at least 5 Mbps of constant speed to run the game smoothly

2. Temporary Issue, Wait

Once you get the error, we suggest you wait for at least an hour; the FFXIV Unable to Download Patch Files 30413 error might be because of temporary issues with the server. Since the game is MMO RPG, many users are connected to the server. As a result, maybe it is down.

  • STEP 1. Head on to the Game’s Official Forums
  • STEP 2. Check if there are any announcements related to the server issue
  • STEP 3. Contact your fellow friend whether they are experiencing the issue
  • STEP 4. If they are not facing the issue, head to the next method

ffxiv unable to download patch files

3. Use Virtual Private Network (VPN)

As reported by the users, this is one of the most recommended methods to fix FFXIV Unable to Download Patch Files 30413 25008 10009 error. Multiple users have reported that the error can be fixed using VPN software.

The VPN program unblocks the network limitations that are implemented by your ISP. With the help of a VPN program, you can access blocked websites, servers, and data.

  • STEP 1. Download a VPN program from the Internet
  • STEP 2. Once downloaded, install it
  • STEP 3. After installation, run the Program and change your location
  • STEP 4. The program will automatically mask your IP
  • STEP 5. Now run the game and check if the error still persists

ffxiv unable to download patch files

4. Delete the Problematic Folder

Another way of fixing ffxiv unable to download patch files 30413 25008 20495 error is to delete a specific folder. Users have reported that removing the folder fixes the issue. The folder belongs to the game. Now follow the steps.

  • STEP 1. Open the Start Menu and open up My computer
  • STEP 2. Alternatively, Hold the Windows key and press E to open the file explorer
  • STEP 3. Once My computer is opened, on the left side, locate and Click Documents
  • STEP 4. Now there will be a folder named My Games. Open it
  • STEP 5. Inside the folder, there will be the Final Fantasy XIV – A Realm Reborn folder

4e9a232b folder

  • STEP 6. Now again, open up the Downloads folder > Patch Folder
  • STEP 7. Once you get inside the Patch folder, Locate the 4e9a232b folder
  • STEP 8. Now simply right-click and delete the 4e9a232b folder
  • STEP 9. Once done, run steam offline and check if the error still appears

5. Tweaking DNS Settings

If any of the above methods don’t work, there are chances that the issue is with your DNS configuration. Below we have demonstrated DNS settings. Follow them and check if the FFXIV Unable to Download Patch Files PC error appears.

  • STEP 1. Open up the Run Window and put ncpa.cpl in the search field, then hit Enter
  • STEP 2. In this new window, select your network
  • STEP 3. Now open up network connection Properties
  • STEP 4. Now select the Internet Protocol version (usually it is IPv4), then click on the Properties button

Network and Sharing Center

  • STEP 5. Under Use the following DNS server addresses section
  • STEP 6. Carefully enter in the  Preferred DNS server field
  • STEP 7. And Enter in the  Alternate DNS server field
  • STEP 8. Finally, save all the changes and restart your system to make changes effective
  • STEP 9. If the error persists, come back to STEP 5.
  • STEP 10. Now change the Preferred and Alternate DNS server field to


In the above troubleshooting guide, we have tried to cover all the possible ways to fix FFXIV Unable to Download Patch Files error. Tell us through the comments if you have some other method to resolve the issue.

For more guides and tips on gaming, follow us. Thank you!

  1. 01-31-2018 12:51 AM



    Felbot's Avatar

    Felbot Lightbringer
    Main Class
    Gladiator Lv 70

    Unable to download patch files [30413][25008][10009]

    I have been trying to just download the patch all day and it refuses to let me. It starts downloading pretty quickly but then it slows down after a 100mb and then just stops and give the me the error in the title.

    I tried changing my DNS and running as administrator but it didn’t work.

  2. 01-31-2018 04:50 AM



    Meistari's Avatar

    Ephire Barlan
    Main Class
    Paladin Lv 70

    I have the same problem, I try to change my DNS, running as administrator, switching of firewall and antivirus, installing Internet explorer and do the all things of the list who I see in another threads and nothing happens.

  3. 01-31-2018 07:29 AM



    Einmimiria's Avatar

    Good afternoon and thank you for posting on the Final Fantasy XIV Technical Support Forums.

    Can you elaborate on the kind of issue you are having?

    — Platform (PC, PS4, Mac)
    — Type of connection (wired or wireless)
    — Other programs running while the game is playing (if any)
    — Does this error occur immediately, or is it in the middle of the download?
    — Everything you have tried to resolve the issue

    We hope we can be of assistance in helping you enjoy the exciting world of Final Fantasy XIV!

  4. 01-31-2018 08:56 PM



    Felbot's Avatar

    Felbot Lightbringer
    Main Class
    Gladiator Lv 70

    -steam and firefox I guess
    -as I said in the op it usually downloads about 100mb worth and then stops and gives the error.
    -well I tried running as admin and changed my DNS.

  5. 02-01-2018 02:50 AM



    Ariellendera's Avatar

    Hello Felbot, Thank you for posting on the Final Fantasy XIV Technical Support Forums.

    The issue you are describing is most associated with interference with the game data. Most of the time, it results from certain security/privacy changes on Internet Explorer. Other times it occurs when an application that is running in the background is causing interference, such as Anti-virus software, firewalls, media players, web browsers, etc.

    Please make sure all background applications (including anti-virus programs such as Norton, Kaspersky, Windows Defender, etc.) have been disabled and/or closed to minimize game interference.

    Ensure that the latest version of Internet Explorer is installed on your PC (even if you don’t use Internet Explorer), please do not use Edge as that is a different internet platform. Once Internet Explorer is up-to-date, please open the IE browser, open the «Tools», go to «Internet Options» and adjust the following settings:
    Under the «General» tab, please delete ALL browser history.
    Under the «Security» tab, please move the slider to the lowest possible settings or no higher than «Medium»
    Under the «Privacy» tab, please move the slider to the lowest possible settings or to «Allow All Cookies»
    Under the «Advanced» tab, please make sure that «Allow software to run or install even if signature is invalid» is CHECKED.
    Make sure that all SSL and TLS (EXCEPT SSL 3.0) are CHECKED.
    [SSL 3.0 should be UNCHECKED]
    Hit «Apply» to save the settings, and then «OK, to close the Internet Options menu.
    Right-Click on the FFXIV launcher icon and select «Properties»
    Go to the «Compatibility» tab, and change the compatibility mode to «Windows 7»
    Hit «Apply», then «OK» to save the changes.
    Please RESTART your PC now.

    Once your PC has been restarted, Right-Click the FFXIV launcher icon once more and select «Run as Administrator»

    If the suggestions provided above do not resolve the issue, then there is a communication error.
    Check the following Port Ranges on your router/modem to ensure that the following Port Ranges have been opened/forwarded/triggered:
    54992 through 54994,
    55006 through 55007,
    55021 through 55040

    *You may learn how to do this by visiting http://www.portforward.com/
    Find your specific router’s brand and model number from the ‘List of Routers’ and you will be provided a step-by-step guide on how to access these port settings.
    Otherwise, your ISP may forward these ports for you.*

    If you have properly configured your router, and you are still experiencing these issues, our next suggestion is to bypass the router, and connect your computer directly to your modem. Please ensure that you power down both the modem and the computer for at least five minutes before attempting to connect to FINAL FANTASY XIV.

    If you continue to receive these same errors when you are connected directly to the modem, then the problem lies with your ISP. We would recommend contacting them and advising them that one or more of the ports previously provided to you are being blocked or filtered, and that you do need access on
    these ports.

    Thank you for playing Final Fantasy XIV! Hope to see you online.

  6. 02-01-2018 09:45 AM



    Felbot's Avatar

    Felbot Lightbringer
    Main Class
    Gladiator Lv 70

    Ariellendera's Avatar

    Quote Originally Posted by Ariellendera
    View Post

    Hello Felbot, Thank you for posting on the Final Fantasy XIV Technical Support Forums.

    The issue you are describing is most associated with interference with the game data. Most of the time, it results from certain security/privacy changes on Internet Explorer. Other times it occurs when an application that is running in the background is causing interference, such as Anti-virus software, firewalls, media players, web browsers, etc.

    Please make sure all background applications (including anti-virus programs such as Norton, Kaspersky, Windows Defender, etc.) have been disabled and/or closed to minimize game interference.

    Ensure that the latest version of Internet Explorer is installed on your PC (even if you don’t use Internet Explorer), please do not use Edge as that is a different internet platform. Once Internet Explorer is up-to-date, please open the IE browser, open the «Tools», go to «Internet Options» and adjust the following settings:
    Under the «General» tab, please delete ALL browser history.
    Under the «Security» tab, please move the slider to the lowest possible settings or no higher than «Medium»
    Under the «Privacy» tab, please move the slider to the lowest possible settings or to «Allow All Cookies»
    Under the «Advanced» tab, please make sure that «Allow software to run or install even if signature is invalid» is CHECKED.
    Make sure that all SSL and TLS (EXCEPT SSL 3.0) are CHECKED.
    [SSL 3.0 should be UNCHECKED]
    Hit «Apply» to save the settings, and then «OK, to close the Internet Options menu.
    Right-Click on the FFXIV launcher icon and select «Properties»
    Go to the «Compatibility» tab, and change the compatibility mode to «Windows 7»
    Hit «Apply», then «OK» to save the changes.
    Please RESTART your PC now.

    Once your PC has been restarted, Right-Click the FFXIV launcher icon once more and select «Run as Administrator»

    If the suggestions provided above do not resolve the issue, then there is a communication error.
    Check the following Port Ranges on your router/modem to ensure that the following Port Ranges have been opened/forwarded/triggered:
    54992 through 54994,
    55006 through 55007,
    55021 through 55040

    *You may learn how to do this by visiting http://www.portforward.com/
    Find your specific router’s brand and model number from the ‘List of Routers’ and you will be provided a step-by-step guide on how to access these port settings.
    Otherwise, your ISP may forward these ports for you.*

    If you have properly configured your router, and you are still experiencing these issues, our next suggestion is to bypass the router, and connect your computer directly to your modem. Please ensure that you power down both the modem and the computer for at least five minutes before attempting to connect to FINAL FANTASY XIV.

    If you continue to receive these same errors when you are connected directly to the modem, then the problem lies with your ISP. We would recommend contacting them and advising them that one or more of the ports previously provided to you are being blocked or filtered, and that you do need access on
    these ports.

    Thank you for playing Final Fantasy XIV! Hope to see you online.

    well I tried all of that aside from contacting my ISP and I also tried reinstalling the game twice but nothing worked. Is there anywhere I can just download the full game with patches and all instead of using this client?
    thanks for the help anyway.

  7. 02-03-2018 01:39 AM



    Felbot's Avatar

    Felbot Lightbringer
    Main Class
    Gladiator Lv 70

    Hey i found the solution, apparently my new router was the problem, probably should have figured that out. I ended up changing my router to the old one and it downloaded the game just fine.

  8. 02-03-2018 08:13 AM



    Ariellendera's Avatar

    Hello Felbot,

    I am so glad you found a solution!! If you have any other issues please do not hesitate to create a new thread. I will be moving this thread to «closed concerns»

    Thank you for playing Final Fantasy XIV! Hope to see you online.

Как исправить ошибку

Последнее обновление 05.01.2023 —

Одна из неприятных ошибок, с которой сталкиваются игроки Final Fantasy XIV, — это ужасная ошибка «unable to download patch files». Эта ошибка возникает в клиенте предварительной загрузки еще до того, как вы вошли в игру, и может помешать вам войти в игру.

Как же устранить ошибку «не удается загрузить файлы патчей»? Похоже, что проблема связана либо с проблемами с брандмауэром, либо с сетевыми проблемами, такими как ошибки кэша и перенаправления портов.

Поскольку это в первую очередь проблема с брандмауэрами, первым шагом будет проверка того, что вы сделали исключение для Final Fantasy XIV в своем брандмауэре. В Windows это можно сделать, набрав Windows Firewall после нажатия кнопки меню «Пуск» и выбрав пункт «Разрешить приложение или функцию через брандмауэр Windows Defender».

Если вы используете брандмауэр стороннего производителя, вам придется вручную создать исключение в нем. Даже если вы создали исключение, обновления как Final Fantasy XIV, так и вашего брандмауэра могут привести к тому, что исключение станет устаревшим. Перед тем как приступить к устранению неполадок, дважды проверьте, существует ли исключение в брандмауэре.

Очистка DNS

Одной из причин ошибки «Невозможно загрузить файлы патчей» может быть проблема в кэше системы доменных имен (DNS). Чтобы решить эту проблему, необходимо очистить кэш DNS. Для этого нажмите кнопку Пуск и введите CMD, чтобы открыть Командную строку. В окне командной строки введите ipconfig /flushdns.

После этого перезагрузите Final Fantasy XIV и попытайтесь заново загрузить патч.

Проверьте порты/перезагрузите маршрутизатор

Еще одна причина, по которой вы можете столкнуться с ошибкой «Не удается загрузить файлы патча», заключается в том, что ваши порты не переадресованы. Опять же, хотя у вас, возможно, порты были перенаправлены раньше, что-то вроде обновления вашего маршрутизатора или игры может изменить это.

Для переадресации портов, необходимо получить доступ к маршрутизатору. Это зависит от марки и модели маршрутизатора, а также от вашего интернет-провайдера, поэтому в каждом конкретном случае необходимо проверить, как получить доступ к маршрутизатору.

Получив доступ к маршрутизатору, убедитесь, что следующие порты переадресованы:

Windows (не Steam)

  • TCP: 54992-54994, 55006-55007, 55021-55040
  • UDP: 3478-3479, 3074


  • TCP: 27015-27030, 27036-27037, 54992-54994, 55006-55007, 55021-55040
  • UDP: 4380, 27000-27031, 27036

Если вы все еще испытываете трудности, проверьте, нет ли более широких сетевых проблем у вашего провайдера. Надеемся, вы решили проблему, но если нет, загляните на сайт Final Fantasy XIV Lodestone, чтобы узнать о текущих проблемах с самой FFXIV.

How to Fix Unable to Download Patch Files FFXIV

Final Fantasy XIV is a unique, massive, and outstanding online multiplayer game with colorful storylines and characters. This game has ruled the MMO RPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games) over the years with a magnificent environment. The game is known for frequent updates to fix its errors and bugs. Still, many users complain that they are unable to download patch files FFXIV when they begin to install any updates. As the error itself denotes the inability of the game to download patch files, this is one of the serious issues that must be sorted out as soon as possible. A single vast update of Final Fantasy XIV will add large additional content to the game if FFXIV cannot download patch files and your update screen turns black and freezes within a few seconds. Nevertheless, this guide will help you fix this problem and help you prevent the same. So, continue reading.

How to Fix Unable to Download Patch Files FFXIV

If you are unable to update patch files FFXIV, you cannot install updates in addition to the patch files, and the entire downloading process will be disrupted. As per user reports, you will face this problem due to geographic region issues and network problems. Yet, the final consolidated list of reasons that contribute to FFXIV cannot download patch files issue are as follows.

  • Temporary glitches from the server end
  • Bad network connection
  • Country region
  • Incompatible DNS settings
  • Windows Firewall settings
  • Antivirus suite blocking updates
  • Configuration problems with in-game settings

Whenever you face FFXIV cannot download patch files issue, you may face any one of these error messages:

  • 30437
  • (30413)(25008)(20495)(20495)
  • (30413)(25008)(20495)(20495)
  • (30413)(25008)(10009)
  • (11003)
  • (30413) (20496)
  • Telstra
  • FFXIV download
  • Unable to install ffxiv
  • FFXIV patch download

To eliminate the unable to download patch files FFXIV error in your Windows 10 PC, follow the below-mentioned methods in the same order as they appear.

Method 1: Basic Troubleshooting Steps

Step 1: Restart PC 

The general trick to resolve all the temporary glitches associated with Final Fantasy XIV is to restart your computer.

1. Navigate to the Windows Power User menu by pressing the Windows + X keys simultaneously.

2. Click Shut down or sign out > Restart option as illustrated below.

Select Shut down or sign out

Step 2: Check Game Server Status 

Sometimes, you may face unable to download patch files FFXIV due to a reason that is beyond your control. If you are exploring downloading strategies but cannot resolve the issues, the real possible reason that causes the error may be due to server maintenance.

1. Visit official FFXIV News Updates (EN) or

2. Check online platforms like Down Detector as depicted.

 Visit official FFXIV News Updates or online platforms like Down Detector | How to Fix Unable to Download Patch Files FFXIV

Step 3: Restart Router 

It is a simple troubleshooting way that will help you fix FFXIV cannot download patch files error within simple steps. Restart your router by following our guide to Restart Router or Modem. Once your router has restarted, check if you can fix the unable to update patch files FFXIV issue.

Turn Off the router power button and turn it on again.

Step 4: Reconnect Ethernet/Wi-Fi 

To fix FFXIV cannot download patch files issue in your Windows 10 computer, make sure your PC is connected either to Ethernet or to a Wi-Fi network, but not at the same time. If you see any interruptions between your wired and wireless connections, reconnect them as instructed below:

1. Disconnect your network connection, wait for a while and reconnect it again.

Disconnect your network connection, wait for a minute and reconnect it again

2. If the Ethernet cable is plugged in, remove it from your PC. Then, reconnect it.

Step 5: Check Network Speed 

If your Windows 10 PC is not connected to a strong network, you will face unable to update patch files FFXIV problem. You can run a speed test to know the optimum level of network speed required for the proper connection.

You can run a speed test to know the optimum level of network speed required for the proper connection | How to Fix Unable to Download Patch Files FFXIV

Running a speed test will help you to know whether your network is strong or not.

Case 1: If you have a strong network still unable to update patch files FFXIV, skip to the below-listed methods.

Case 2: If you have a weak network, consider connecting to other devices like mobile hotspots or some other wired/wireless network.

Also Read: Fix Diablo 3 Error Code 1016 on Windows 10

Method 2: Run FFXIV as Administrator

To avoid FFXIV cannot download patch files on your Windows 10 computer, run FFXIV as an administrator as instructed below.

1. Right-click on the FFXIV shortcut on the desktop.

Note: Alternately, navigate to the installation directory and right-click on the game.

2. Now, select the Properties option.

3. Then, switch to the Compatibility tab and check the box for Run this program as an administrator.

check the Run this program as an administrator option under the Settings section

4. Finally, click Apply > OK to save the changes.

Method 3: Close All Background Processes

If there are a bulk of background processes in your Windows 10 computer, you cannot access your network that easily as all those processes will take a share of the network. RAM consumption will also be slow, and the performance of the device will apparently slow down. Read and follow our guide on How to End Task in Windows 10 to close all other background processes on your Windows 10 PC. After closing all the background processes, check if FFXIV cannot download the patch files issue is fixed or not.

Click on End Task

Also Read: Fix Unable to Connect to EA Servers in Windows 11

Method 4: Check Drive Space & Remove Temporary Files

If your PC does not have any drive space to install any new updates from FFXIV, you will face unable to download patch files FFXIV error. Firstly check the drive space and clean the temporary files if necessary.

Step 4A: Check Drive Space

To check the drive space in your Windows 10 PC, follow the below-mentioned steps.

1. Press and hold Windows + E keys together to open File Explorer.

2. Now, click on This PC from the left panel.

3. Check the disk space under Devices and drivers as shown.

Check the disk space under Devices and drivers as shown. If they are in red colour, consider clearing the temporary files

Step 4B: Clear Temporary Files

If there is minimum available space and marked in red, contributing to being unable to update patch files FFXIV issue. Thus, follow our guide on 10 Ways to Free Up Hard Disk Space On Windows that will help you clear all unnecessary files in your computer.

Next, switch to the More Options tab and click on Clean up… button under System Restore and Shadow Copies

Method 5: Repair System Files

If your Windows 10 computer has any corrupt or damaged system configuration files, you will face unable to download patch files FFXIV issue. Malfunctioning of your computer also happens. Thereby, causing performance failure. You can repair these corrupt files by using the inbuilt utilities of your computer, namely System File Checker and Deployment Image Servicing and Management. Read and follow our guide on How to Repair System Files on Windows 10 and follow the steps as instructed to repair all your corrupt files.

Run SFC and DISM command lines to repair system files.

Also Read: Fix Frosty Mod Manager Not Launching Game in Windows 10

Method 6: Delete 4e9a232b Folder from File Explorer (If Applicable)

Another simple way to fix FFXIV that cannot download patch files is to delete a specific folder in File Explorer. It removes the corrupt components in your system associated with the game.

1. Press and hold the Windows + E keys together to open File Explorer.

2. Now, navigate to Documents. Then, double-click on My Games folder to open it.

Then, double-click on the My Games folder to open it | How to Fix Unable to Download Patch Files FFXIV

3. Open Final Fantasy XIV – A Realm Reborn folder.

Then, open Final Fantasy XIV – A Realm Reborn folder

4. Now, double-click on the Downloads folder and open the Patch folder.

Now, double-click on the Downloads folder and open the Patch folder

5. Here, find the 4e9a232b folder. Right-click on it and select Delete to remove the folder from your PC.

Finally, click on the Delete button to remove the folder from your PC | How to Fix Unable to Download Patch Files FFXIV

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Method 7: Use Virtual Private Network

Still, if you are unable to update patch files FFXIV, you can fix the issue by using Virtual Private Limited. It ensures to keep your connection is more private and encrypted. Additionally, you can change the geographic region with the help of VPN settings so you can fix FFXIV cannot download patch files issue easily. Although there are so many free VPNs available over the internet, you are advised to use a reliable VPN service to enjoy premium versions and features. Read our guide, What is a VPN and how it works? to learn more about it.

What is a VPN

If you are confused about how to set up a VPN on your Windows 10 computer, follow our guide on How to set up a VPN on Windows 10 and implement the same. Once you have set up a VPN connection, check if you have fixed FFXIV cannot download patch files issue.

Method 8: Update Windows OS

All the bugs and faulty updates in your computer can be fixed by Windows updates. Microsoft releases regular updates to fix all such problems. Be sure about the fact whether you are using the updated version of the Windows Operating System, and if any updates are pending in action, use our guide How to Download and Install Windows 10 Latest Update.

Select the icon Use the following DNS server addresses

After updating your Windows Operating System, check if you have fixed the unable to update patch files FFXIV issue.

Method 9: Use Google DNS

Domain Name System (DNS) is mandatory to establish an internet connection. Sometimes, DNS addresses supplied by your Internet Service Provider might be very slow, and so you may face unable to update patch files FFXIV in your Windows 10 PC. Here is our simple guide on How to change DNS settings in Windows 10 that will help you change your DNS addresses on your computer. Use Google DNS has and IP addresses to establish a secure DNS connection between the client and the server. 

Select the icon Use the following DNS server addresses

You can also switch to any Open DNS or Google DNS on your Windows 10 computer by following our guide on How to Switch to OpenDNS or Google DNS on Windows.

Type the IP addresses of your preferred DNS server and an alternate DNS server

Also Read: How to Change DNS Server Settings on Windows 11

Method 10: Update GPU Drivers

Graphical drivers are responsible for heavy graphical images and video processing games. If you face any conflicts in downloading an FFXIV update, make sure you use an updated version of device drivers, as they serve as a link between the hardware and Operating System of your PC. Many users have suggested that updating drivers fixed unable to update patch files FFXI issue. So, read and implement the steps instructed in our guide 4 Ways to Update Graphics Drivers in Windows 10 to do so.

Update Graphics Drivers in Windows 10 | How to Fix Unable to Download Patch Files FFXIV

Method 11: Reinstall GPU Driver

If you still face FFXIV cannot download patch files error after updating your GPU drivers, then reinstall device drivers to fix any incompatibility issues. You can easily reinstall Graphical drivers as instructed in our guide How to Uninstall and Reinstall Drivers on Windows 10.

Right-click on driver and click on Uninstall device option.

Also Read: Final Fantasy XIV Windows 11 Support

Method 12: Roll Back GPU Drivers

Sometimes, the current version of GPU drivers may cause any launching conflicts, and in this case, you have to restore previous versions of installed drivers. This process is called rollback of drivers. You can do so by following our guide on How to Rollback Drivers on Windows 10.

You can easily roll back your computer drivers to their previous state by following our guide How to Rollback Drivers on Windows 10

Method 13: Disable Antivirus Temporarily

Your antivirus program may mistakenly prevent any new latest updates from being installed on your PC. Many compatibility issues are identified by several Windows users that are difficult to rectify. Antivirus software like Norton & Avast may prevent any latest FFXIV updates. Thus, read our guide on How to Disable Antivirus Temporarily on Windows 10 to disable your Antivirus program temporarily on your PC.

Disable Antivirus Temporarily | How to Fix Unable to Download Patch Files FFXIV

Note: After installing the FFXIV updates on your Windows 10 PC, make sure to re-enable the antivirus program since a system without a security suite is always a threat.

Method 14: Disable Windows Firewall (Not recommended)

Sometimes, Windows Defender Firewall in your computer might prevent updating FFXIV files for some security reasons. In case, the game has been blocked by Windows Defender Firewall, you have to enable it or disable the Firewall security temporarily from your computer by implementing our guide on How to Disable Windows 10 Firewall. 

Now, check the boxes turn off Windows Defender Firewall not recommended

Note: After fixing the unable to update patch files FFXIV issue, make sure you enable the Firewall suite again since a computer without a security program is always a threat.

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Method 15: Reinstall FFXIV

If none of the methods has helped you, then as a last chance, uninstall the software, reboot your PC and then reinstall it later. Here’s how to reinstall FFXIV:

1. Press and hold Windows + I keys together to open Windows Settings.

2. Here, click on Apps.

select Apps in Windows Settings

3. Search and click on FINAL FANTASY FXIV and select Uninstall option.

Now, search and click on FINAL FANTASY FXIV and select Uninstall option

4. Now, confirm the prompt if any, and reboot your PC once you have uninstalled it.

5. Visit the FFXIV official site. Select your language and region and start downloading the game.

Visit the FFXIV official site | How to Fix Unable to Download Patch Files FFXIV

6. Now, navigate to My downloads and run the FINAL FANTASY FXIV setup file.

7. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation on your PC.

It would have fixed the issues associated with the app.

Also Read: How to Fix Final Fantasy XIV Fatal DirectX Error

Method 16: Create Another User Account

A corrupt user profile may contribute to the discussed error, and the best option is to create a new user profile. Read and follow our guide How to Create a Local User Account on Windows 10 to create a new user account.

Create New User Profile in Windows 10 PC


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We hope the guide was useful and you were able to fix unable to download patch files FFXIV issue. Let us know what you want to learn about next. Feel free to reach out to us with your queries and suggestions via the comments section below.

FF14 Launcher Update Error Fix Unable to Download Patch Files

Final Fantasy XIV’s highly anticipated Endwalker update is upon us, but for some, the launcher isn’t updating which can be pretty frustrating. This isn’t the first time the issue is coming up related to patch updates, but there are workarounds that can help you out. So, to ensure that you get the latest update and fix the unable to download patch files error, try these FF14 troubleshooting tips.

How to Fix FF14 Launcher Update Error – Unable to Download Patch Files in FFXIV

final fantasy 14 unable to update launcher patch

First, close the Final Fantasy 14 launcher and then do the following steps:

Disable your Firewall and Antivirus

The firewall could be blocking your launcher from updating. So, temporarily disable it as well as your antivirus and then try to download the Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker update.

How to Disable Firewall on Windows 10

  • Click the Start button
  • Select Settings > Update & Security > Windows Security
  • Now click on Firewall and Network Protection
  • Open Windows Security settings
  • Choose a Network profile
  • Find Microsoft Defender Firewall
  • Change the setting to Off.

Update the Launcher Manually

  • Go to DocumentsMy GamesFINAL FANTASY XIV – A Realm Reborn
  • Open FFXIV_BOOT.cfg in oa notepad file
  • Find BootVersionCheckMode 0
  • Change the 0 to 1
  • Save the file.
  • Start the launcher.
  • This download the patch files and get you the latest update in Final Fantasy 14.

Delete a Specific Folder

There’s a certain folder you will have to delete to let the update happen.

  • First, find the folder 4e9a232b which should be in DocumentsMy GamesFINAL FANTASY XIV – A Realm RebornDownloadsPatch. Delete this folder and download the update.

Fix FFXIV Unable to Download Patch Files Issue

If you are getting the “unable to download patch files” problem which is blocking your access to the newest update, you need to check the following:

  • Check your internet connection.
  • For some players, using a VPN has worked.
  • Wait until the issue resolves itself.

This should help you download the latest patch of the game and fix the issue related to FF14 launcher update error. If you’d like to find out if FF14 servers are down, check out our guide here.

Suppose you are trying to download any updates or any game on your system. You are encountered with ffxiv unable to download patch files error, and the patch files for your particular application can’t be downloaded. Such a situation irritates us. It is tiresome as we cannot run the specific demands on our system without these patch files.

ffxiv unable to download patch Ffles

FFXIV Unable to Download Patch Files

Some of the reasons for ffxiv unable to download patch files error can be your system’s firewall settings, i.e., the firewall settings are not allowing your system to download these patch files further, or another reason could be a port or routing-related reasons.

See also: Gaming Fixes and Repairs

So here we bring you some of the common methods that you can try to get rid of ffxiv unable to download patch files error. Let’s begin.

Method #0 Use Advanced System Repair Pro (Strongly Recommended)

Our tool will quickly repair common computer errors, protect you from file or data loss, malware, trojans, hardware failure and optimize your PC to boost for maximum performance. Fix PC issues now using 3 easy steps:

  • Download this PC Repair Tool rated as «Excellent» on TrustPilot.com.
  • Click on Start Scan button to find errors related to Windows.
  • Click Repair All to fix all issues with Patented Technologies.

Method 1: Check Your Firewall Settings

One of the reasons ff14 is unable to download patch files error is the firewall. The firewall might not be allowing the system to download the patch files for security reasons, and thus your system is showing an error. However not recommended, still to turn off the firewall, follow these steps:

1. First of all, open the Control Panel. Now, click on System and Security link. This link is only visible when you’ve got the option “View by:” set to Category.

System and Security

System and Security

2. Then choose Windows Firewall option.

Windows Firewall

Windows Firewall

3. On the left side corner, locate Turn Windows Firewall On or Off and click on it.

Turn Windows Firewall On or Off

Turn Windows Firewall On or Off

4. Under both the Privacy network settings and Public network settings, check the box which shows the option Turn off Windows Firewall (not recommended) to turn off the firewall.

Turn off Windows Firewall

Turn off Windows Firewall

4. Afterward, click OK.

The firewall will be turned off and will not interrupt again in the mid of downloading patch files on your system, and the ffxiv unable to download patch files won’t appear again. If still, you cannot download these files, then once Re-start your system to make the changes visible and then try to download to patch files now.

See also: 4 Ways to Fix Kmode Exception Not Handled in Windows Error

Method 2: Changing The DNS Server

To fix the ffxiv unable to download patch files error, we will change the DNS server to Google’s DNS server, which will resolve the issue for us. To do the same, follow these steps:

1. First of all, press Windows Key+X and then click on Network Connections.

Network Connections

Network Connections

2. Then scroll down & click on Network and Sharing Center. Now, choose Change Adapter Settings from the left panel.

Change Adapter Settings

Change Adapter Settings

3. Afterward, select the Wi-Fi network you are connected to and then right-click on it to select Properties.

Network Interface Properties

Network Interface Properties

4. Then under the various options available select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and then click on Properties button.

Internet Protocol Version 4

Internet Protocol Version 4

5. Afterward, check the radio button displaying Use the following DNS server addresses.

6. Now enter your preferred and alternate DNS server addresses. As you can use any DNS server you want. In our case, we’re using free ones such as Google Public DNS and OpenDNS. Choose any DNS out of these two mentioned below:

  • Google Public DNS addresses: and
  • OpenDNS addresses: and

Enter DNS Server

Enter DNS Server

7. Afterward, click OK and then Close to apply the new DNS setting.

8. Finally, run the Command Prompt (Admin) by pressing Windows Key+X together.

Select Command Prompt

Select Command Prompt

9. Once the command prompt opens, type ipconfig/flushdns and press Enter.

ipconfig flushdns

ipconfig flushdns

10. Next, type ipconfig/release and then press Enter.

ipconfig release

ipconfig release

11. Then type ipconfig/renew and press Enter.

ipconfig renew

ipconfig renew

12. Finally, Exit from the Command Prompt.

Don’t forget to Restart your system once to make the changes visible and then connect to the network and try downloading the patch files again. This time the files will be downloaded without interruption, and ffxiv unable to download patch files error won’t appear again.

See also: 7 Best VPN for Mac

Method 3: Using a VPN application

Often your network might restrict the downloading of the patch files, and hence your system shows the ffxiv unable to download patch files error. One solution to this problem can be to change the path through which you download these patch files, which can be easily achieved through a VPN.

VPN Explanation

VPN Explanation

A VPN application changes/hides the route of your download, and you can easily download the required patch files; with plenty of options available for VPN, this method won’t cost even a penny, and you will get your solution quickly.

Thus, downloading via a different Internet Service Provider (ISP) has resolved the issue for many users, and they reported easy downloading of the patch files through this method. It would easily solve the final fantasy 14 unable to download patch files issue.

It’s also advisable that you try with more than one VPN instead of relying on just one. If a particular VPN doesn’t work well with your system’s configuration, it’s better to look for an alternate VPN option. (Some of the available VPNs are Betternet, Hotspot Shield, etc.)

See Also: How to Fix Avast Blocking League of Legends (LOL) Launcher


The methods mentioned above are easy to implement and consequently bring out the solution for being unable to download patch files ffxiv PC error. The error won’t trouble you again. However, if the problem persists and you cannot get rid of it, do feel about writing us back, and we would love to assist you regarding the same.

See also: 4 Ways to Fix NVIDIA Driver Crashing in Windows 10

Gravit Sinha is the founder of ValidEdge. Ever since he was a kid, he has been a problem fixer and that passion is what inspired him to start and grow this website! 🙂

“Please Help!!! I was trying to install Final Fantasy XIV on my Windows PC but got stuck with the FFXIV Launcher Error message “FFXIV unable to download patch files”. After waiting for a while, I tried to reboot my system as a last resort. But it didn’t help. What should I do?”

Have you also encountered the FFXIV unable to download patch files error? Or have you ever been in such an awful situation?

If yes, then you must know how this kind of error message compels you to hit the barrier while downloading updates or installing your favorite game on your computer. It’s quite annoying when you can’t install a specific software along with the related patch files. So how to get rid of FFXIV launcher error in Windows 10 system?

ffxiv unable to download patch files

Well, you are just in the right place. We have rounded up all the effective troubleshooting steps and quick solutions here to help you out. So instead of worrying, have a look now on the fixes for FFXIV Unable to download patch files in Windows 10.

What Causes FFXIV Launcher Error “Unable to download patch files” in Windows 10?

First of all, you must understand the root and the vicious cycle of this error to resolve it completely. We have researched through many community forums and successfully end up marking the potential causes. So, why you see the Unable to download patch files FFXIV launcher error message?

Well, any issue with the port or the router can trigger this error and leave you in the lurch. But don’t worry, as you can solve it very easily by using a VPN service. How? We will show you in the below methods.

But before that, let’s know the other possible reasons gravitated to Final Fantasy XIV unable to download patch files error in Windows 10 operating system. These are some of the most potential reasons for FFXIV launcher error 30413:

  • The Firewall is blocking the server from sending the files
  • The DNS server itself is causing the inconvenience

So you got the causes, now have a look at the fixes and get rid of the FFXIV launcher error Unable to download patch files in Windows 10 computers.

If you are a big fan of Final Fantasy XIV and you love playing this multiplayer online role-playing game then you will feel like heartbroken when your downloading process gets disrupted due to the FFXIV Unable to download patch files error. Because you won’t be able to download all the patch files needed for the Final Fantasy 14 game, no matter how many times you reboot your system.

But nothing to be worried about now, because here we have mentioned all the possible solutions which you can execute in order to fix FF14 launcher error in Windows 10 system.

Follow these methods one by one and learn how to fix FFXIV Unable to download patch files error in Windows 10 PC:

Method 1: Disable Your Antivirus Software (Temporarily)

Often or not, your security software might be the reason behind the Unable to download patch files FFXIV launcher error on Windows 10 PC. There are plenty of internet security programs and antivirus software which have been identified as the responsible one for blocking the patch file downloading process.

So whenever you face the FFXIV launcher error 30413, before doing anything, try to disable antivirus software for the moment.

This is the reason, almost every security software provides a disable option for such occasions so that you don’t have to uninstall the antivirus programs completely. The most basic way to disable any antivirus software are:

  • At first, right-click on the Antivirus icon from the system tray and then select the Disable option.
  • And if there is no disable option there, simply open the Antivirus software by double-clicking on its icon and then locate the Disable option and click on it.

In case, if you are using Windows Defender Antivirus as your Windows 10 security software then follow this guide and learn How to Disable Windows Defender in Windows 10 PC.

unable to download patch files ffxiv

If disabling the antivirus software does not solve the Final Fantasy XIV patch files download issue, then try other solutions explained below one by one.

Method 2: Turn Off Windows Firewall (Temporarily)

Windows Firewall can also block the downloading process, and in the result, you will encounter the FFXIV launcher error unable to download patch files. In such a case, you should consider disabling Windows Firewall while downloading the patch file. And once the download process completes and you get away from the problem, turn on the Windows firewall again on your system.

Follow these steps and learn how to turn off Windows Firewall in Windows 10 computers:

Step (1): At first, go to the Start button and then click on the Settings icon.

Step (2): Next, click on the Update & Security > Windows Security > Firewall & network protection option.

Step (3): Under the Firewall & network protection section, you will see the firewall status for the following network profiles:

  • Domain network
  • Private network
  • Public network

Step (4): To disable the Firewall, click on these network profile one by one and then Turn Off the Windows Defender Firewall option.

windows 10 vpn error 807

Once you disable Windows Defender Firewall on your Windows 10 computer, the FFXIV unable to download patch files problem shouldn’t be a concern anymore. So now, go and try to download the patch files again.

Still having the same difficulties? Well, you might be facing the FF14 unable to download patch files error because of Geo-blocks. Try out next method.

Method 3: Use a VPN Service for Windows 10

If you are facing the FF14 unable to download patch files problem because of some network restrictions or geo-blocks, then using a VPN service is the best solution you can have.

Basically, a VPN app alters or hides the download path of the patch file by creating a virtual private network for your PC. Therefore, when you use a VPN software or service, the geolocation of your network connection gets changed virtually. Using this method, the Final Fantasy XIV launcher error can be resolved easily.

ffxiv launcher error

There are plenty of free and paid VPN service providers available on the internet, and you can opt for any VPN application. But we suggest you start using a reliable free VPN service on your system. Check out these top 13 best VPN services for Windows 10 and then decide which virtual private network service is more suitable for your purpose.

If possible, you can try to download the file even with a different network connection. If your network connection is taking a toll and making you face this problem, then changing the service provider temporarily can be the right choice.

But, what if using a VPN connection does not fix the FFXIV Unable to download patch files problem? No need to worry, we have got another solution for you. Check out the next method.

Method 4: Change DNS server in Windows 10

For many Windows 10 users changing the DNS server address has successfully resolved the FFXIV launcher error 30413. So, if any of the above-explained solutions didn’t work for you then you should also consider changing your DNS server addresses.

Follow these steps and learn how to change DNS server in Windows 10 computer:

Step (1): First of all, press Windows + R keys together and then type ncpa.cpl in the Run dialog box and then hit Enter key.

ffxiv launcher error 30413

Step (2): Now right-click on your network connection and then select the Properties option.

ffxiv unable to download patch files 30413

Step (3): On the Properties dialog box, double-click on the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) option.

ffxiv launcher unable to download patch files

Step (4): Now on the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) Properties dialog box, select “Use the following DNS server addresses” option and then type the following:

  • Preferred DNS server:
  • Alternate DNS Server:

final fantasy xiv unable to download patch files

Step (5): Finally, check the “Validate settings upon exit” box and then click on the OK button.

Thus, you can easily change DNS server in Windows 10 operating system.

Here, we have mentioned the Google DNS servers ( and If the FFXIV launcher error unable to download patch files problem still persists then you can try using another public DNS servers and fastest DNS server addresses too.

Once you have changed the DNS server on your Windows 10 PC, follow these steps as well:

Step (6): Right-click on the Start button and then select the Command Prompt (Admin) option from the power user menu.

command prompt Windows 10

Step (7): Once the command prompt with administrator privileges is opened, type these command-lines one by one and hit Enter key after each command:

Type ipconfig /flushdns and press Enter key

Type ipconfig /release and press Enter key

Type ipconfig /renew and press Enter key

final fantasy xiv launcher error

Step (8): After executing these commands successfully, close the Command Prompt window and then restart your computer.

Now check if changing DNS server has resolved the FFXIV unable to download patch files problem in Windows 10 PC. If yes then now you will be able to download patch files for Final Fantasy 14 and enjoy your favorite multiplayer online role-playing game again.

Wrapping up

Anyway, Folks! That’s all from our side regarding how to fix FFXIV Launcher Error in Windows 10 operating system. After trying all the fixes here, you must not face the FFXIV unable to download patch files 30413 error again.

If you find difficulties while proceeding with any of the steps of this guide “how to fix FFXIV unable to download patch files in Windows 10” then ping us through the comment below and keep following us for more solutions to your Windows 10 system related issues.

Also, feel free to let us know if you have other helpful methods to get rid of Final Fantasy XIV unable to download patch files error on Windows 10 computers.

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  • How to Fix FFXIV Unable to Download Patch Files

By Sherry | Follow |
Last Updated December 01, 2020

There are many users who encounter FFXIV unable to download patch files error while installing the Final Fantasy XIV or downloading the updates. If you are one of them, don’t worry. MiniTool Solution offers some fixes in this post and you can try them one by one to solve the problem.

FFXIV unable to download patch files error disrupts the downloading process and you cannot download all the patch files for the game. This error can be caused by various factors and you might not be aware of which one you are facing. In the following contents, some common reasons and fixes are listed. You should keep reading and have a try.

Fix 1: Disable Antivirus Temporarily

Sometimes, you may be able to fix “unable to download patch files FFXIV” successfully by restarting the computer. So, before you try this solution, you should reboot your device and then check if the error disappears.

If FFXIV unable to download patch files error still exists, you should try disabling your antivirus software, including Windows Defender and third-party software, as your antivirus program might block the download process.

Remember to enable the antivirus again after you fix the error. Otherwise, your computer might be attacked.

If this cannot help you fix the error, you can move on to the next fix.

Fix 2: Use a VPN

Most users have fixed FFXIV unable to download patch files error by using a VPN. It changes the route of the download.

There are plenty of VPNs out there and you can download the VPN application and install it. Most of them offer a free version or a free trail. So, you can just have a try. However, you need to notice that the download speed might slow down if you use a VPN.

Fix 3: Change DNS Server

Another reason for unable to download patch files FFXIV issue is the faulty DNS server. In this case, you should set the NDS server manually. The detailed steps are as follows.

Step 1: Press Win + R to invoke Run window. Then input ncpa.cpl in the box and click OK to open Network Connections settings.

Step 2: In the pop-up window, right-click the network you’re using currently and select Properties.

Step 3: Double-click Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) to open its properties.

Step 4: Select Use the following DNS server addresses and then input for the Preferred DNS server and for the Alternate DNS server to use Google DNS.

Step 5: Check Validate settings upon exit and then click OK to save the changes you have made.

change DNS server

Then you can check if the error is removed. If you still see the problem while trying to downloading Final Fantasy 14 updates, you can enter the values “” and “” in the Preferred DNS server and Alternative DNS server boxes instead.

Fix 4: Delete the 4e9a232b Subfolder

Another way to solve FFXIV unable to download patch files error is to delete the 4e9a232b subfolder.

Step 1: Press Win + E to open File Explorer.

Step 2: In File Explorer, click Documents. Then go to My Games > Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn > Downloads > Patch.

Step 3: Right-click the 4e9a232b subfolder and select Delete.

Once you delete the 4e9a232b subfolder successfully, check if the problem you’re facing disappears.

About The Author


Position: Columnist

Sherry has been a staff editor of MiniTool for a year. She has received rigorous training about computer and digital data in company. Her articles focus on solutions to various problems that many Windows users might encounter and she is excellent at disk partitioning.

She has a wide range of hobbies, including listening to music, playing video games, roller skating, reading, and so on. By the way, she is patient and serious.

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