Flow and error control

1. Flow Control It is an important function of the Data Link Layer. It refers to a set of procedures that tells the sender how much data it can transmit before waiting for acknowledgement from the receiver. Purpose of Flow Control Any receiving device has a limited speed at which it

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    1. Flow Control : 
    It is an important function of the Data Link Layer. It refers to a set of procedures that tells the sender how much data it can transmit before waiting for acknowledgement from the receiver. 

    Purpose of Flow Control : 
    Any receiving device has a limited speed at which it can process incoming data and also a limited amount of memory to store incoming data. If the source is sending the data at a faster rate than the capacity of the receiver, there is a possibility of the receiver being swamped. The receiver will keep losing some of the frames simply because they are arriving too quickly and the buffer is also getting filled up. 

    This will generate waste frames on the network. Therefore, the receiving device must have some mechanism to inform the sender to send fewer frames or stop transmission temporarily. In this way, flow control will control the rate of frame transmission to a value that can be handled by the receiver. 

    Example – Stop & Wait Protocol 

    2. Error Control : 
    The error control function of data link layer detects the errors in transmitted frames and re-transmit all the erroneous frames. 

    Purpose of Error Control : 
    The function of the error control function of the data link layer helps in dealing with data frames that are damaged in transit, data frames lost in transit, and the acknowledgement frames that are lost in transmission. The method used for error control is called Automatic Repeat Request which is used for the noisy channel. 

    Example – Stop & Wait ARQ and Sliding Window ARQ 

    Difference between Flow Control and Error Control : 

    S.NO. Flow control Error control
    1. Flow control is meant only for the transmission of data from sender to receiver. Error control is meant for the transmission of error free data from sender to receiver.
    2. For Flow control there are two approaches : Feedback-based Flow Control and Rate-based Flow Control. To detect error in data, the approaches are : Checksum, Cyclic Redundancy Check and Parity Checking. 
    To correct error in data, the approaches are : Hamming code, Binary Convolution codes, Reed-Solomon code, Low-Density Parity Check codes.
    3. It prevents the loss of data and avoid over running of receive buffers. It is used to detect and correct the error occurred in the code.
    4. Example of Flow Control techniques are : Stop&Wait Protocol and Sliding Window Protocol. Example of Error Control techniques are : Stop&Wait ARQ and Sliding Window ARQ.

    In this tutorial, we will be covering the concept of Flow and Error Control in the Data Link layer.

    Flow control and Error control are the two main responsibilities of the Data link layer. Let us understand what these two terms specify. For the node-to-node delivery of the data, the flow and error control are done at the data link layer.

    Flow Control mainly coordinates with the amount of data that can be sent before receiving an acknowledgment from the receiver and it is one of the major duties of the data link layer.

    • For most of the protocols, flow control is a set of procedures that mainly tells the sender how much data the sender can send before it must wait for an acknowledgment from the receiver.

    • The data flow must not be allowed to overwhelm the receiver; because any receiving device has a very limited speed at which the device can process the incoming data and the limited amount of memory to store the incoming data.

    • The processing rate is slower than the transmission rate; due to this reason each receiving device has a block of memory that is commonly known as buffer, that is used to store the incoming data until this data will be processed. In case the buffer begins to fillup then the receiver must be able to tell the sender to halt the transmission until once again the receiver become able to receive.

    Thus the flow control makes the sender; wait for the acknowledgment from the receiver before the continuation to send more data to the receiver.

    Some of the common flow control techniques are: Stop-and-Wait and sliding window technique.

    Error Control contains both error detection and error correction. It mainly allows the receiver to inform the sender about any damaged or lost frames during the transmission and then it coordinates with the retransmission of those frames by the sender.

    The term Error control in the data link layer mainly refers to the methods of error detection and retransmission. Error control is mainly implemented in a simple way and that is whenever there is an error detected during the exchange, then specified frames are retransmitted and this process is also referred to as Automatic Repeat request(ARQ).


    The implementation of protocols is mainly implemented in the software by using one of the common programming languages. The classification of the protocols can be mainly done on the basis of where they are being used.

    Protocols can be used for noiseless channels(that is error-free) and also used for noisy channels(that is error-creating). The protocols used for noiseless channels mainly cannot be used in real-life and are mainly used to serve as the basis for the protocols used for noisy channels.

    All the above-given protocols are unidirectional in the sense that the data frames travel from one node i.e Sender to the other node i.e receiver.

    The special frames called acknowledgment (ACK) and negative acknowledgment (NAK) both can flow in opposite direction for flow and error control purposes and the data can flow in only one direction.

    But in the real-life network, the protocols of the data link layer are implemented as bidirectional which means the flow of the data is in both directions. And in these protocols, the flow control and error control information such as ACKs and NAKs are included in the data frames in a technique that is commonly known as piggybacking.

    Also, bidirectional protocols are more complex than the unidirectional protocol.

    In our further tutorials we will be covering the above mentioned protocols in detail.

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    Introduction[edit | edit source]

    Data Link Layer is layer 2 in OSI model. It is responsible for communications between adjacent network nodes. It handles the data moving in and out across the physical layer. It also provides a well defined service to the network layer. Data link layer is divided into two sub layers. The Media Access Control (MAC) and Logical Link Control (LLC).

    Data-Link layer ensures that an initial connection has been set up, divides output data into data frames, and handles the acknowledgements from a receiver that the data arrived successfully. It also ensures that incoming data has been received successfully by analyzing bit patterns at special places in the frames.

    In the following sections data link layer’s functions- Error control and Flow control has been discussed. After that MAC layer is explained. Multiple access protocols are explained in the MAC layer section.

    Error Control[edit | edit source]

    Network is responsible for transmission of data from one device to another device. The end to end transfer of data from a transmitting application to a receiving application involves many steps, each subject to error. With the error control process, we can be confident that the transmitted and received data are identical. Data can be corrupted during transmission. For reliable communication, error must be detected and corrected.

    Error control is the process of detecting and correcting both the bit level and packet level errors.

    Types of Errors

    Single Bit Error

    The term single bit error means that only one bit of the data unit was changed from 1 to 0 and 0 to 1.

    Burst Error

    In term burst error means that two or more bits in the data unit were changed. Burst error is also called packet level error, where errors like packet loss, duplication, reordering.

    Error Detection

    Error detection is the process of detecting the error during the transmission between the sender and the receiver.

    Types of error detection

    • Parity checking
    • Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)
    • Checksum


    Redundancy allows a receiver to check whether received data was corrupted during transmission. So that he can request a retransmission.
    Redundancy is the concept of using extra bits for use in error detection. As shown in the figure sender adds redundant bits (R) to the data unit and sends to receiver, when receiver gets bits stream and passes through checking function. If no error then data portion of the data unit is accepted and redundant bits are discarded. otherwise asks for the retransmission.

    Parity checking

    Parity adds a single bit that indicates whether the number of 1 bits in the preceding data is even or odd. If a single bit is changed in transmission, the message will change parity and the error can be detected at this point.
    Parity checking is not very robust, since if the number of bits changed is even, the check bit will be invalid and the error will not be detected.

    1. Single bit parity
    2. Two dimension parity

    Moreover, parity does not indicate which bit contained the error, even when it can detect it. The data must be discarded entirely, and re-transmitted from scratch. On a noisy transmission medium a successful transmission could take a long time, or even never occur. Parity does have the advantage, however, that it’s about the best possible code that uses only a single bit of space.

    Cyclic Redundancy Check

    CRC is a very efficient redundancy checking technique. It is based on binary division of the data unit, the remainder of which (CRC) is added to the data unit and sent to the receiver. The Receiver divides data unit by the same divisor. If the remainder is zero then data unit is accepted and passed up the protocol stack, otherwise it is considered as having been corrupted in transit, and the packet is dropped.

    Sequential steps in CRC are as follows.

    Sender follows following steps.

    • Data unit is composite by number of 0s, which is one less than the divisor.
    • Then it is divided by the predefined divisor using binary division technique. The remainder is called CRC. CRC is appended to the data unit and is sent to the receiver.

    Receiver follows following steps.

    • When data unit arrives followed by the CRC it is divided by the same divisor which was used to find the CRC (remainder).
    • If the remainder result in this division process is zero then it is error free data, otherwise it is corrupted.

    Diagram shows how to CRC process works.

    [a] sender CRC generator [b] receiver CRC checker


    Check sum is the third method for error detection mechanism. Checksum is used in the upper layers, while Parity checking and CRC is used in the physical layer. Checksum is also on the concept of redundancy.

    In the checksum mechanism two operations to perform.

    Checksum generator

    Sender uses checksum generator mechanism. First data unit is divided into equal segments of n bits. Then all segments are added together using 1’s complement. Then it is complemented ones again. It becomes Checksum and sends along with data unit.


    If 16 bits 10001010 00100011 is to be sent to receiver.

    So the checksum is added to the data unit and sends to the receiver.
    Final data unit is 10001010 00100011 01010000.

    Checksum checker

    Receiver receives the data unit and divides into segments of equal size of segments. All segments are added using 1’s complement. The result is complemented once again. If the result is zero, data will be accepted, otherwise rejected.


    The final data is nonzero then it is rejected.

    Error Correction

    This type of error control allows a receiver to reconstruct the original information when it has been corrupted during transmission.

    Hamming Code

    It is a single bit error correction method using redundant bits.

    In this method redundant bits are included with the original data. Now, the bits are arranged such that different incorrect bits produce different error results and the corrupt bit can be identified. Once the bit is identified, the receiver can reverse its value and correct the error.
    Hamming code can be applied to any length of data unit and uses the relationships between the data and the redundancy bits.


    1. Parity bits are positions at the power of two (2 r).
    2. Rest of the positions is filled by original data.
    3. Each parity bit will take care of its bits in the code.
    4. Final code will sends to the receiver.

    In the above example we calculates the even parities for the various bit combinations. the value for the each combination is the value for the corresponding r(redundancy)bit.
    r1 will take care of bit 1,3,5,7,9,11. and it is set based on the sum of even parity bit. the same method for rest of the parity bits.

    If the error occurred at bit 7 which is changed from 1 to 0, then receiver recalculates the same sets of bits used by the sender. By this we can identify the perfect location of error occurrence. once the bit is identified the receiver can reverse its value and correct the error.

    Flow Control[edit | edit source]

    Flow Control is one important design issue for the Data Link Layer that controls the flow of data between sender and receiver.

    In Communication, there is communication medium between sender and receiver. When Sender sends data to receiver then there can be problem in below case :

    1) Sender sends data at higher rate and receive is too sluggish to support that data rate.

    To solve the above problem, FLOW CONTROL is introduced in Data Link Layer. It also works on several higher layers. The main concept of Flow Control is to introduce EFFICIENCY in Computer Networks.

    Approaches of Flow Control

    1. Feed back based Flow Control
    2. Rate based Flow Control
    Feed back based Flow Control is used in Data Link Layer and Rate based Flow Control is used in Network Layer.

    Feed back based Flow Control

    In Feed back based Flow Control, Until sender receives feedback from the receiver, it will not send next data.

    Types of Feedback based Flow Control

    A. Stop-and-Wait Protocol

    B. Sliding Window Protocol

    1. A One-Bit Sliding Window Protocol
    2. A Protocol Using Go Back N
    3. A Protocol Using Selective Repeat

    A. A Simplex Stop-and-Wait Protocol

    In this Protocol we have taken the following assumptions:

    1. It provides unidirectional flow of data from sender to receiver.
    2. The Communication channel is assumed to be error free.

    In this Protocol the Sender simply sends data and waits for the acknowledgment from Receiver. That’s why it is called Stop-and-Wait Protocol.

    This type is not so much efficient, but it is simplest way of Flow Control.

    In this scheme we take Communication Channel error free, but if the Channel has some errors then receiver is not able to get the correct data from sender so it will not possible for sender to send the next data (because it will not get acknowledge from receiver). So it will end the communication, to solve this problem there are two new concepts were introduced.

    1. TIMER, if sender was not able to get acknowledgment in the particular time than, it sends the buffered data once again to receiver. When sender starts to send the data, it starts timer.
    2. SEQUENCE NUMBER, from this the sender sends the data with the specific sequence number so after receiving the data, receiver sends the data with that sequence number, and here at sender side it also expect the acknowledgment of the same sequence number.

    This type of scheme is called Positive Acknowledgment with Retransmission (PAR).

    B. Sliding Window Protocol

    Problems Stop –wait protocol
    In the last protocols sender must wait for either positive acknowledgment from receiver or for time out to send the next frame to receiver. So if the sender is ready to send the new data, it can not send. Sender is dependent on the receiver.
    Previous protocols have only the flow of one sided, means only sender sends the data and receiver just acknowledge it, so the twice bandwidth is used.

    To solve the above problems the Sliding Window Protocol was introduce.

    In this, the sender and receiver both use buffer, it’s of same size, so there is no necessary to wait for the sender to send the second data, it can send one after one without wait of the receiver’s acknowledgment.

    And it also solve the problem of uses of more bandwidth, because in this scheme both sender and receiver uses the channel to send the data and receiver just send the acknowledge with the data which it want to send to sender, so there is no special bandwidth is used for acknowledgment, so the bandwidth is saved, and this whole process is called PIGGYBACKING.

    Types of Sliding Window Protocol

    i. A One-Bit Sliding Window Protocol

    ii. A Protocol Using Go Back N

    iii. A Protocol Using Selective Repeat

    i. A One-Bit Sliding Window Protocol

    This protocol has buffer size of one bit, so only possibility for sender and receiver to send and receive packet is only 0 and 1. This protocol includes Sequence, Acknowledge, and Packet number.It uses full duplex channel so there is two possibilities:

    1. Sender first start sending the data and receiver start sending data after it receive the data.
    2. Receiver and sender both start sending packets simultaneously,

    First case is simple and works perfectly, but there will be an error in the second one. That error can be like duplication of the packet, without any transmission error.

    ii. A Protocol Using Go Back N

    The problem with pipelining is if sender sending 10 packets, but the problem occurs in 8th one than it is needed to resend whole data. So the protocol called Go back N and Selective Repeat were introduced to solve this problem.In this protocol, there are two possibility at the receiver’s end, it may be with large window size or it may be with window size one.

    FIGURE: Go Back N

    The window size at the receiver end may be large or only of one. In the case of window size is one at the receiver, as we can see in the figure (a), if sender wants to send the packet from one to ten but suppose it has error in 2nd packet, so sender will start from zero, one, two, etc. here we assume that sender has the time out interval with 8. So the time out will occur after the 8 packets, up to that it will not wait for the acknowledgment. In this case at the receiver side the 2nd packet come with error, and other up to 8 were discarded by receiver. So in this case the loss of data is more.

    Whether in the other case with the large window size at receiver end as we can see in the figure (b) if the 2nd packet comes with error than the receiver will accept the 3rd packet but it sends NAK of 2 to the sender and buffer the 3rd packet. Receiver do the same thing in 4th and 5th packet. When the sender receiver the NAK of 2nd packet it immediately send the 2nd packet to the receiver. After receiving the 2nd packet, receiver send the ACK of 5th one as saying that it received up to 5 packet. So there is no need to resend 3rd , 4th and 5th packet again, they are buffered in the receiver side.

    iii. A Protocol Using Selective Repeat

    Protocol using Go back N is good when the errors are rare, but if the line is poor, it wastes a lot of bandwidth on retransmitted frames. So to provide reliability, Selective repeat protocol was introduced. In this protocol sender starts it’s window size with 0 and grows to some predefined maximum number. Receiver’s window size is fixed and equal to the maximum number of sender’s window size. The receiver has a buffer reserved for each sequence number within its fixed window.

    Whenever a frame arrives, its sequence number is checked by the function to see if it falls within the window, if so and if it has not already been received, it is accepted and stored. This action is taken whether it is not expected by the network layer.

    Here the buffer size of sender and receiver is 7 and as we can see in the figure (a), the sender sends 7 frames to the receiver and starts timer. When a receiver gets the frames, it sends the ACK back to the sender and it passes the frames to the Network Layer. After doing this, receiver empties its buffer and increased sequence number and expects sequence number 7,0,1,2,3,4,5. But if the ACK is lost, the sender will not receive the ACK. So when the timer expires, the sender retransmits the original frames, 0 to 6 to the receiver. In this case the receiver accepts the frames 0 to 5 (which are duplicated) and send it to the network layer. In this case protocol fails.

    To solve the problem of duplication, the buffer size of sender and receiver should be (MAX SEQ + 1)/2 that is half of the frames to be send. As we can see in fig(c ), the sender sends the frames from 0 to 3 as it’s window size is 4. Receiver accepts the frames and sends acknowledgment to the sender and passes the frames to the network layer and increases the expected sequence number from 4 to 7. If the ACK is lost than sender will send 0 to 3 to receiver again but receiver is expecting to 4 to 7, so it will not accept it. So this way the problem of duplication is solved.

    MAC[edit | edit source]

    The data link layer is divided into two sublayers: The Media Access Control (MAC) layer and the Logical Link Control (LLC) layer. The MAC sublayer controls how a computer on the network gains access to the data and permission to transmit it. The LLC layer controls frame synchronization, flow control and error checking.

    Mac Layer is one of the sublayers that makeup the datalink layer of the OSI reference Model.

    MAC layer is responsible for moving packets from one Network Interface card NIC to another across the shared channel

    The MAC sublayer uses MAC protocols to ensure that signals sent from different stations across the same channel don’t collide.

    Different protocols are used for different shared networks, such as Ethernets, Token Rings, Token Buses, and WANs.

    1. ALOHA

    ALOHA is a simple communication scheme in which each source in a network sends its data whenever there is a frame to send without checking to see if any other station is active. After sending the frame each station waits for implicit or explicit acknowledgment. If the frame successfully reaches the destination, next frame is sent. And if the frame fails to be received at the destination it is sent again.

    Pure ALOHA
    ALOHA is the simplest technique in multiple accesses. Basic idea of this mechanism is a user can transmit the data whenever they want. If data is successfully transmitted then there isn’t any problem. But if collision occurs than the station will transmit again. Sender can detect the collision if it doesn’t receive the acknowledgment from the receiver.

    Figure: Pure ALOHA, Frames are transmitted in a random manner (Shaded sltos show the collided packets

    Here packets sent at time t0 will collide with other packets sent in the time interval [t0-1, t0+1].

    In ALOHA Collision probability is quite high. ALOHA is suitable for the network where there is a less traffic. Theoretically it is proved that maximum throughput for ALOHA is 18%.

                         P (success by given node) = P(node transmits) . P(no other node transmits in [t0-1,t0] . P(no other node transmits in [t0,t0 +1] 
                                                   = p . (1-p)N-1 . (1-p)N-1
                     P (success by any of N nodes) = N . p . (1-p) N-1 . (1-p)N-1 
                                                   … Choosing optimum p as N -->  infinity...
                                                   = 1 / (2e) = .18 

    Slotted ALOHA

    In ALOHA a newly emitted packet can collide with a packet in progress. If all packets are of the same length and take L time units to transmit, then it is easy to see that a packet collides with any other packet transmitted in a time window of length 2L.
    If this time window is decreased somehow, than number of collisions decreases and the throughput increase. This mechanism is used in slotted ALOHA or S-ALOHA. Time is divided into equal slots of Length L. When a station wants to send a packet it will wait till the beginning of the next time slot.

    Advantages of slotted ALOHA:

    • single active node can continuously transmit at full rate of channel
    • highly decentralized: only slots in nodes need to be in sync
    • simple

    Disadvantages of slotted ALOHA:

    • collisions, wasting slots
    • idle slots
    • clock synchronization

    Efficiency of Slotted ALOHA:

    • Suppose there are N nodes with many frames to send. The probability of sending frames of each node into the slot is p.
    • Probability that node 1 has a success in getting the slot is p.(1-p)N-1
    • Probability that every node has a success is N.p.(1-p)N-1
    • For max efficiency with N nodes, find p* that maximizes Np(1-p)N-1
    • For many nodes, take limit of Np*(1-p*)N-1 as N goes to infinity, gives 1/e = .37

    The clear advantage of slotted ALOHA is higher throughput. But introduces complexity in the stations and bandwidth overhead because of the need for time synchronization.

    Slotted ALOHA.svg

    2. Carrier Sense Multiple Access protocols (CSMA)

    With slotted ALOHA, the best channel utilization that can be achieved is 1/e. Several protocols are developed for improving the performance.

    Protocols that listen for a carrier and act accordingly are called carrier sense protocols. Carrier sensing allows the station to detect whether the medium is currently being used. Schemes that use a carrier sense circuits are classed together as carrier sense multiple access or CSMA schemes. There are two variants of CSMA. CSMA/CD and

    The simplest CSMA scheme is for a station to sense the medium, sending packets immediately if the medium is idle. If the station waits for the medium to become idle it is called persistent otherwise it is called non persistent.

    a. Persistent

    When a station has the data to send, it first listens the channel to check if anyone else is transmitting data or not. If it senses the channel idle, station starts transmitting the data. If it senses the channel busy it waits until the channel is idle. When a station detects a channel idle, it transmits its frame with probability P. That’s why this protocol is called p-persistent CSMA. This protocol applies to slotted channels. When a station finds the channel idle, if it transmits the fame with probability 1, that this protocol is known as 1 -persistent. 1 -persistent protocol is the most aggressive protocol.

    b. Non-Persistent

    Non persistent CSMA is less aggressive compared to P persistent protocol. In this protocol, before sending the data, the station senses the channel and if the channel is idle it starts transmitting the data. But if the channel is busy, the station does not continuously sense it but instead of that it waits for random amount of time and repeats the algorithm. Here the algorithm leads to better channel utilization but also results in longer delay compared to 1 –persistent.


    Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detection a technique for multiple access protocols. If no transmission is taking place at the time, the particular station can transmit. If two stations attempt to transmit simultaneously, this causes a collision, which is detected by all participating stations. After a random time interval, the stations that collided attempt to transmit again. If another collision occurs, the time intervals from which the random waiting time is selected are increased step by step. This is known as exponential back off.

    Exponential back off Algorithm

    1. Adaptor gets datagram and creates frame
    2. If adapter senses channel idle (9.6 microsecond), it starts to transmit frame. If it senses channel busy, waits until channel idle and then transmits
    3. If adapter transmits entire frame without detecting another transmission, the adapter is done with frame!
    4. If adapter detects another transmission while transmitting, aborts and sends jam signal
    5. After aborting, adapter enters exponential backoff: after the mth collision, adapter chooses a K at random from {0,1,2,…,2m-1}. Adapter waits K*512 bit times (i.e. slot) and returns to Step 2
    6. After 10th retry, random number stops at 1023. After 16th retry, system stops retry.


    CSMA/CA is Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Avoidance. In this multiple access protocol, station senses the medium before transmitting the frame. This protocol has been developed to improve the performance of CSMA. CASMA/CA is used in 802.11 based wireless LANs. In wireless LANs it is not possible to listen to the medium while transmitting. So collision detection is not possible.

    In CSMA/CA, when the station detects collision, it waits for the random amount of time. Then before transmitting the packet, it listens to the medium. If station senses the medium idle, it starts transmitting the packet. If it detects the medium busy, it waits for the channel to become idle.


    When A wants to transmit a packet to B, first it sends RTS (Request to Send) packet of 30 bytes to B with length L. If B is idle, it sends its response to A with CTS packet (Clear to Send). Here whoever listens to the CTS packet remains silent for duration of L.
    When A receives CTS, it sends data of L length to B.

    There are several issues in this protocol

    1. Hidden Station Problem
    2. Exposed Station Problem

    1. Hidden Station Problem (Figure a)

    When a station sends the packet to another station/receiver, some other station which is not in sender’s range may start sending the packet to the same receiver. That will create collision of packets. This problem is explained more specifically below.


    Suppose A is sending a packet to B. Now at the same time D also wants to send the packet to B. Here D does not hear A.
    So D will also send its packets to B. SO collision will occur.

    2. Exposed Station Problem (Figure b)

    When A is sending the packet, C will also hear. So if station wants to send the packet D, still it won’t send. This will reduce the efficiency of the protocol.
    This problem is called Exposed Station problem.

    To deal with these problems 802.11 supports two kinds of operations.

    1. DCF (Distributed Coordination Function)
    2. PCF (Point Coordinated Function)


    DCF does not use and central control. It uses CSMA/CA protocol. It uses physical channel sensing and virtual channel sensing. Here when a station wants to send packets, first it senses the channel. If the channel is idle, immediately starts transmitting. While transmitting, it does not sense the channel, but it emits its entire frame. This frame can be destroyed at the receiver side if receiver has started transmitting. In this case, if collision occurs, the colliding stations wait for random amount of time using the binary exponential back off algorithm and tries again letter.

    Virtual sensing is explained in the figure given below.


    Here, A wants to send a packet to B. Station C is within A’s Range. Station D is within B’s range but not A’s range.
    When A wants to send a packet to B, first it sends the RTS (30 bytes) packet to B, asking for the permission to send the packet. In the response, if B wants to grant the permission, it will send the CTS packet to A giving permission to A for sending the packet. When A receives its frame it starts ACK timer. When the frame is successfully transmitted, B sends ACK frame. Here if A’s ACK time expires before receiving B’s ACK frame, the whole process will run again.
    Here for the stations C and D, when station A sends RTS to station B, RTS will also be received by C. By viewing the information provided in RTS, C will realize that some on is sending the packet and also how long the sequence will take, including the final ACK. So C will assert a kind of virtual channel busy by itself, (indicated by NAV (network Allocation Vector) in the figure above).remain silent for the particular amount of time. Station D will not receive RTS, but it will receive CTS from B. So B will also assert the NAV signal for itself.

    If the channel is too noisy, when A send the frame to B and a frame is too large then there are more possibilities of the frame getting damaged and so the frame will be retransmitted. C and D, both stations will also remain silent until the whole frame is transmitted successfully. To deal with this problem of noisy channels, 802.11 allows the frame to be fragmented into smaller fragments. Once the channel has been acquired using CTS and RTS, multiple segments can be sent in a row. Sequence of segments is called a fragmentation burst. Fragmentation increases the throughput by restricting retransmissions to the bad fragments rather than the entire frame.



    PCF mechanism uses base station to control all activity in its cell. Base station polls the other station asking them if they have any frame to send. In PCF, as it is centralized, no collision will occur.
    In polling mechanism, the base station broadcasts a beacon frame periodically (10 to 100 times per second). Beacon frame contains system parameters such as hopping sequences, dwell times, clock synchronization etc. It also invites new station to sign up.
    All signed up stations are guaranteed to get a certain fraction of the bandwidth. So in PCF quality of service is guaranteed.

    All implementations must support DCF but PCF is optional. PCF and DCF can coexist within one sell. Distributed control and Centralized control, both can operate at the same time using interframe time interval. There are four interval defined. This four intervals are shown in the figure given below.

    PCF - Point Coordinated Function.jpg

    • SIFS — Short InterFrame Spacing
    • PIFS – PCF InterFrame Spacing
    • DIFS – DCF InterFrame Spacing
    • EIFS – Extended Inter Frame Spacing
    More about this has been explained in section 3 of Data Link Layer.

    Taking Turns MAC protocols


    In Polling, master node invites slave nodes to transmit in nodes.
    Single point of failure (master node failure), polling overhead, latency are the concerns in polling.

    Bit map Reservation

    In Bit map reservation, stations reserves contention slots in advance.
    Polling overhead and latency are the concerns in this protocol.


    Token Passing

    In this protocol, token is passed from one node to next sequentially. Single point of failure (token), token overhead, latency are the concerns in token passing.


    Problems[edit | edit source]

    1. Explain hidden station and exposed station problem.
    2. Explain Binary Exponential Backoff Algorithm.
    3. Two CSMA/C stations are trying to transmit long files. After each frame is sent, they contend for the channel using binary exponential backoff algorithm. What is the probability that the connection ends on round k?
    4. In CRC , if th data unit is 101100 the divisor 1010 and the reminder is 110 what is the dividend at the receiver? (Ans: )

    Further reading[edit | edit source]

    • Serial Programming:Error Correction Methods

    Flow-Control-and-Error-ControlFlow control and Error control are the control mechanism at data link layer and transport layer. Whenever the sends the data to the receiver these two mechanisms helps in proper delivering of the reliable data to the receiver. The main difference between the flow control and error control is that the flow control observes the proper flow of the data from sender to receiver, on the other hand, the error control observes that the data delivered to the receiver is error free and reliable.

    Let’s study the difference between Flow control and Error control with a comparison chart.

    Content: Flow Control Vs Error Control

    1. Comparison Chart
    2. Definition
    3. Key Differences
    4. Conclusion

    Comparison Chart

    Basis for Comparison Flow Control Error Control
    Basic Flow control is meant for the proper transmission of the data from sender to the receiver. Error control is meant for delivering the error-free data to the receiver.
    Approach Feedback-based flow control and rate-based flow control are the approaches to achieve the proper flow control. Parity checking, Cyclic Redundancy Code (CRC) and checksum are the approaches to detect the error in data. Hamming code, Binary Convolution codes, Reed-Solomon code, Low-Density Parity Check codes are the approaches to correct the error in data.
    Impact avoid overrunning of receivers buffer and prevents the data loss. Detects and correct the error occurred in the data.

    Definition of Flow Control

    The flow control is a design issue at data link layer and transport layer. A sender sends the data frames faster then the receiver can accept. The reason can be that a sender is running on a powerful machine. In this case, even the data is received without any error; the receiver is unable to receive the frame at this speed and loose some frames.

    There are two control methods to prevent the loss of frames they are feedback-based flow control and rate-based flow control.

    Feedback-based control

    In feedback-based control whenever the sender sends the data to the receiver, the receiver then sends the information back to the sender and permits the sender to send more data or inform the sender about how the receiver is doing. The protocols of feedback-based control are sliding window protocol, stop-and-wait protocol.

    Rate-based flow control

    In rate-based flow control, when a sender transmits the data faster to the receiver and receiver is unable to receive the data at that speed, then the built-in mechanism in the protocol will limit the rate at which data is being transmitted by the sender without any feedback from the receiver.

    Definition of Error Control

    Error Control is the issue that occurs at data link layer and transport level as well. Error Control is a mechanism for detecting and correcting the error occurred in frames that are delivered from sender to the receiver. The error occurred in the frame may be a single bit error or burst error. Single bit error is the error that occurs only in the one-bit data unit of the frame, where 1 is changed to 0 or 0 is changed to 1.

    In burst error is the case when more than one bit in the frame is changed; it also refers to the packet level error. In burst error, the error like packet loss, duplication of the frame, loss of acknowledgment packet, etc. can also occur.The methods to detect the error in the frame are parity checking, cyclic redundancy code (CRC) and checksum.

    Parity Checking

    In parity checking, a single bit is added to the frame which indicates whether the number of ‘1’ bit contained in the frame are even or odd. During transmission, if a single bit gets changed the parity bit also get change which reflects the error in the frame. But the parity checking method is not reliable as if the even number of bits are changed then the parity bit will not reflect any error in the frame. However, it is best for single bit error.

    Cyclic Redundancy Code (CRC)

    In Cyclic Redundancy Code the data undergoes a binary division whatever the remainder is obtained is attached with the data and send to the receiver. The receiver then divides the obtained data with the same divisor as with which the sender divided the data. If the remainder obtained is zero then the data is accepted. Else the data is rejected, and the sender needs to retransmit the data again.


    In checksum method, the data to be send is divided into equal fragments each fragment containing n bits. All the fragments are added using 1’s complement. The result is complemented once again, and now the obtained series of bits is called checksum which is attached with the original data to be send and send to the receiver.

    When the receiver receives the data, it also divides the data in equal fragment then add all the fragment using 1’s complement; the result is again complemented. If the result comes out to be zero then the data is accepted else it is rejected, and the sender has to retransmit the data.

    The error obtained in the data can be corrected using methods they are Hamming code, Binary Convolution codes, Reed-Solomon code, Low-Density Parity Check codes.

    1. Flow control is to monitor the proper transmission of data from sender to receiver. On the other hand, Error Control monitors the error-free delivery of data from sender to receiver.
    2. Flow control can be achieved by the Feedback-based flow control and rate-based flow control approach whereas, to detect the error the approaches used are Parity checking, Cyclic Redundancy Code (CRC) and checksum and to correct the error the approaches used are Hamming code, Binary Convolution codes, Reed-Solomon code, Low-Density Parity Check codes.
    3. Flow control prevents the receivers buffer from overrunning and also prevents the loss of data. On the other hand, Error control detects and corrects error occurred in the data.


    Both the control mechanism i.e. Flow control and Error control are the unavoidable mechanism for delivering a complete and reliable data.

    Chapter 11: Data Link Control (DLC)

    DLC Services

    The data link control (DLC) deals with procedures for communication between two adjacent nodes-node-to-node communication (no matter whether the link is dedicated or broadcast). Data link control functions include framing and flow and error control.


    Framing in the data-link layer separates a message from one source to a destination by adding a sender address and a destination address. The destination address defines where the packet is to go; the sender address helps the recipient acknowledge the receipt.

    Frame Size

    • fixed-size framing is no need for defining the boundaries of the frames; the size itself can be used as a delimiter.
    • variable-size framing needs to define the end of one frame and the beginning of the next. There are two approaches:
      • character-oriented approach
      • bit-oriented approach

    Character-Oriented Framing: data to be carried are 8-bit characters from a coding system such as ASCII. The header, which normally carries the source and destination addresses and other control information, and the trailer, which carries error detection redundant bits, are also multiples of 8 bits. To separate one frame from the next, an 8-bit flag is added at the beginning and the end of a frame.


    Byte stuffing is the process of adding one extra byte whenever there is a flag or escape character in the text.


    Bit-Oriented Framing: the data section of a frame is a sequence of bits to be interpreted by the upper layer. Most protocols use a special 8-bit pattern flag, 01111110, as the delimiter to define the beginning and the end of the frame.


    Bit stuffing is the process of adding one extra 0 whenever five consecutive is follow a 0 in the data, so that the receiver does not mistake the pattern 0111110 for a flag.


    Flow and Error Control

    Flow Control

    Flow control is to prevent losing the data items at the consumer site.

    There are two buffers: one at the sending data-link layer and the other at the receiving data-link layer.


    Error Control

    Error control at the data-link layer is implemented using one of the following two methods. In both methods, a CRC is added to the frame header by the sender and checked by the receiver.

    • In the first method, if the frame is corrupted, it is silently discarded; if it is not corrupted, the packet is delivered to the network layer. This method is used mostly in wired LANs such as Ethernet.
    • In the second method, if the frame is corrupted, it is silently discarded; if it is not corrupted, an acknowledgment is sent to the sender.

    Combination of Flow and Error Control

    Flow and error control can be combined. A frame that carries an acknowledgment is normally called an ACK to distinguish it from the data frame.

    Connectionless and Connection-Oriented

    A DLC protocol can be either connectionless or connection-oriented.

    • Connectionless Protocol: frames are sent from one node to the next without any relationship between the frames; each frame is independent.
    • Connection-Oriented Protocol: the frames are numbered and sent in order.

    Data-Link Layer Protocols

    Traditionally four protocols have been defined for the data-link layer to deal with flow and error control: Simple, Stop-and-Wait, Go-Back-N, and Selective-Repeat.

    The behavior of a data-link-layer protocol can be better shown as a finite state machine (FSM). An FSM is thought of as a machine with a finite number of states. The machine is always in one of the states until an event occurs. Each event is associated with two reactions: defining the list of actions to be performed and determining the next state. One of the states must be defined as the initial state, the state in which the machine starts when it turns on.


    Simple Protocol

    Simple protocol has neither flow nor error control.




    Stop-and-Wait Protocol

    Stop-and-Wait protocol uses both flow and error control. The sender sends one frame at a time and waits for an acknowledgment before sending the next one. Note that only one frame and one acknowledgment can be in the channels at any time.




    Sender States: The sender is initially in the ready state, but it can move between the ready and blocking state.

    • Ready State: When the sender is in this state, it is only waiting for a packet from the network layer. If a packet comes from the network layer, the sender creates a frame, saves a copy of the frame, starts the only timer and sends the frame. The sender then moves to the blocking state.
    • Blocking State. When the sender is in this state, three events can occur:
      1. If a time-out occurs, the sender resends the saved copy of the frame and restarts the timer.
      2. If a corrupted ACK arrives, it is discarded.
      3. If an error-free ACK arrives, the sender stops the timer and discards the saved copy of the frame. It then moves to the ready state.

    Receiver: The receiver is always in the ready state. Two events may occur:

    1. If an error-free frame arrives, the message in the frame is delivered to the network layer and an ACK is sent.
    2. If a corrupted frame arrives, the frame is discarded.

    Sequence and Acknowledgment Numbers: We need to add sequence numbers to the data frames and acknowledgment numbers to the ACK frames.



    To make the communication more efficient, the data in one direction is piggybacked with the acknowledgment in the other direction.


    High-level Data Link Control (HDLC) is a bit-oriented protocol for communication over point-to-point and multipoint links. It implements the Stop-and-Wait protocol.

    Configuration and Transfer Modes

    HDLC provides two common transfer modes that can be used in different configurations: normal response mode (NRM) and asynchronous balanced mode (ABM).

    • In normal response mode (NRM), the station configuration is unbalanced. We have one primary station and multiple secondary stations. A primary station can send commands; a secondary station can only respond. The NRM is used for both point-to-point and multipoint links.


    • In ABM, the configuration is balanced. The link is point-to-point, and each station can function as a primary and a secondary (acting as peers),



    HDLC defines three types of frames:

    • information frames (I-frames): used to data-link user data and control information.
    • supervisory frames (S-frames): used only to transport control information.
    • unnumbered frames (U-frames): reserved for system management. Information carried by U-frames is intended for managing the link itself.

    Each frame in HDLC may contain up to six fields:

    • a beginning flag field
    • an address field
    • a control field
    • an information field
    • a frame check sequence (FCS) field
    • an ending flag field


    • Flag field: This field contains synchronization pattern 01111110, which identifies both the beginning and the end of a frame.
    • Address field: This field contains the address of the secondary station. If a primary station created the frame, it contains a to address. If a secondary station creates the frame, it contains a from address.
    • Control field: The control field is one or two bytes used for flow and error control.
    • Information field: The information field contains the user’s data from the network layer or management information.
    • FCS field: The frame check sequence (FCS) is the HDLC error detection field. It can contain either a 2- or 4-byte CRC.


    The control field determines the type of frame and defines its functionality.

    • Control Field for I-Frames: I-frames are designed to carry user data from the network layer. In addition, they can include flow- and error-control information (piggybacking). The subfields in the control field are used to define these functions. The first bit defines the type. If the first bit of the control field is 0, this means the frame is an I-frame. The next 3 bits, called N(S), define the sequence number of the frame. The last 3 bits, called N(R), correspond to the acknowledgment number when piggybacking is used. The single bit between N(S) and N(R) is called the P/F bit. The P/F field is a single bit with a dual purpose. It has meaning only when it is set (bit = 1) and can mean poll or final. It means poll when the frame is sent by a primary station to a secondary (when the address field contains the address of the receiver). It means final when the frame is sent by a secondary to a primary (when the address field contains the address of the sender).
    • Control Field for S-Frames: Supervisory frames are used for flow and error control whenever piggybacking is either impossible or inappropriate. S-frames do not have information fields. If the first 2 bits of the control field are 10, this means the frame is an S-frame. The last 3 bits, called N(R), correspond to the acknowledgment number (ACK) or negative acknowledgment number (NAK), depending on the type of S-frame. The 2 bits called code are used to define the type of S-frame itself:
      • Receive ready (RR). If the value of the code subfield is 00, it is an RR S-frame. This kind of frame acknowledges the receipt of a safe and sound frame or group of frames. In this case, the value of the N(R) field defines the acknowledgment number.
      • Receive not ready (RNR). If the value of the code subfield is 10, it is an RNR S-frame. This kind of frame is an RR frame with additional functions. It acknowledges the receipt of a frame or group of frames, and it announces that the receiver is busy and cannot receive more frames. It acts as a kind of congestion-control mechanism by asking the sender to slow down. The value of N(R) is the acknowledgment number.
      • Reject (REJ). If the value of the code subfield is 01, it is an REJ S-frame. This is a NAK frame, but not like the one used for Selective Repeat ARQ. It is a NAK that can be used in Go-Back-N ARQ to improve the efficiency of the process by informing the sender, before the sender timer expires, that the last frame is lost or damaged. The value of N(R) is the negative acknowledgment number.
      • Selective reject (SREJ). If the value of the code subfield is 11, it is an SREJ S-frame. This is a NAK frame used in Selective Repeat ARQ. Note that the HDLC Protocol uses the term selective reject instead of selective repeat. The value of N(R) is the negative acknowledgment number.
    • Control Fieldfor U-Frames: Unnumbered frames are used to exchange session management and control information between connected devices. Unlike S-frames, U-frames contain an information field, but one used for system management information, not user data. As with S-frames, however, much of the information carried by U-frames is contained in codes included in the control field. U-frame codes are divided into two sections: a 2-bit prefix before the P/F bit and a 3-bit suffix after the P/P bit. Together, these two segments (5 bits) can be used to create up to 32 different types of U-frames.



    Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)

    One of the most common protocols for point-to-point access is the Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP).


    Services Provided by PPP

    • PPP defines the format of the frame to be exchanged between devices.
    • It also defines how two devices can negotiate the establishment of the link and the exchange of data.
    • PPP is designed to accept payloads from several network layers (not only IP).
    • Authentication is also provided in the protocol, but it is optional.
    • The new version of PPP, called Multilink PPP, provides connections over multiple links.
    • One interesting feature of PPP is that it provides network address configuration.

    Services Not Provided by PPP

    • PPP does not provide flow control. A sender can send several frames one after another
      with no concern about overwhelming the receiver.
    • PPP has a very simple mechanism for error control. A CRC field is used to detect errors. Lack of error control and sequence numbering may cause a packet to be received out of order.
    • PPP does not provide a sophisticated addressing mechanism to handle frames in a multipoint configuration.


    PPP uses a character-oriented (or byte-oriented) frame.

    • Flag: A PPP frame starts and ends with a l-byte flag with the bit pattern 01111110.
    • Address: The address field is a constant value and set to 11111111 (broadcast address).
    • Control: This field is set to the constant value 00000011. PPP does not provide any flow control. Error control is also limited to error detection.
    • Protocol: The protocol field defines what is being carried in the data field: either user data or other information. This field is by default 2 bytes long, but the two parties can agree to use only 1 byte.
    • Payload field: This field carries either the user data or other information. The data field is a sequence of bytes with the default of a maximum of 1500 bytes; but this can be changed during negotiation. The data field is byte-stuffed if the flag byte pattern appears in this field. Because there is no field defining the size of the data field, padding is needed if the size is less than the maximum default value or the maximum negotiated value.
    • FCS: The frame check sequence (FCS) is simply a 2-byte or 4-byte standard CRC.

    Since PPP is a character-oriented protocol, the flag in PPP is a byte that need to be escaped whenever it appears in the data section of the frame. The escape byte is 01111101.

    Transition Phases



    Three sets of protocols are defined to make PPP powerful: the Link Control Protocol (LCP), two Authentication Protocols (APs), and several Network Control Protocols (NCPs).


    Link Control Protocol

    The Link Control Protocol (LCP) is responsible for establishing, maintaining, configuring, and terminating links. It also provides negotiation mechanisms to set options between the two endpoints. Both endpoints of the link must reach an agreement about the options before the link can be established.

    All LCP packets are carried in the payload field of the PPP frame with the protocol field set to C021 in hexadecimal.


    The code field defines the type of LCP packet. There are 11 types of packets:


    There are three categories of packets.

    • The first category, comprising the first four packet types, is used for link configuration during the establish phase.
    • The second category, comprising packet types 5 and 6, is used for link termination during the termination phase.
    • The last five packets are used for link monitoring and debugging.

    The ID field holds a value that matches a request with a reply. One endpoint inserts a value in this field, which will be copied into the reply packet.

    The length field defines the length of the entire LCP packet.

    The information field contains information, such as options, needed for some LCP packets. There are many options that can be negotiated between the two endpoints. Options are inserted in the information field of the configuration packets. In this case, the information field is divided into three fields: option type, option length, and option data.


    Authentication Protocols

    PPP has created two protocols for authentication: Password Authentication Protocol and Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol. Note that these protocols are used during the authentication phase.

    PAP: The Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) is a simple authentication procedure with a two-step process:

    1. The user who wants to access a system sends an authentication identification (usually the user name) and a password.
    2. The system checks the validity of the identification and password and either accepts or denies connection.


    Three types of packets used by PAP. When a PPP frame is carrying any PAP packets, the value of the protocol field is OxC023.

    • authenticate-request: The first is used by the user to send the user name and password.
    • authenticate-ack: The second is used by the system to allow access.
    • authenticate-nak: The third is used by the system to deny access.

    CHAP: The Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) is a three-way handshaking authentication protocol that provides greater security than PAP. In this method, the password is kept secret; it is never sent online.

    1. The system sends the user a challenge packet containing a challenge value, usually a few bytes.
    2. The user applies a predefined function that takes the challenge value and the user’s own password and creates a result. The user sends the result in the response packet to the system.
    3. The system does the same. It applies the same function to the password of the user (known to the system) and the challenge value to create a result. If the result created is the same as the result sent in the response packet, access is granted; otherwise, it is denied.


    CHAP packets are encapsulated in the PPP frame with the protocol value C223 in hexadecimal. There are four CHAP packets:

    • challenge: The first packet is used by the system to send the challenge value.
    • response: The second is used by the user to return the result of the calculation.
    • success: The third is used by the system to allow access to the system.
    • failure: The fourth is used by the system to deny access to the system.

    Network Control Protocols

    PPP is a multiple-network-layer protocol. It can carry a network-layer data packet from protocols defined by the Internet. To do this, PPP has defined a specific Network Control Protocol for each network protocol.

    IPCP: One NCP protocol is the Internet Protocol Control Protocol (IPCP). This protocol configures the link used to carry IP packets in the Internet. Note that the value of the protocol field in hexadecimal is 8021.


    IPCP defines seven packets, distinguished by their code values:

    Code IPCP Packet
    0x01 Configure-request
    0x02 Configure-ack
    0x03 Configure-nak
    0x04 Configure-reject
    0x05 Terminate-request
    0x06 Terminate-ack
    0x07 Code-reject

    Data from the Network Layer

    After the network-layer configuration is completed by one of the NCP protocols, the users can exchange data packets from the network layer.


    Multilink PPP

    A logical PPP frame is divided into several actual PPP frames. A segment of the logical frame is carried in the payload of an actual PPP frame.




    • Data link control deals with the design and procedures for communication between two adjacent nodes: node-to-node communication.
    • Framing in the data-link layer separates one packet from another.
    • In fixed-size framing, there is no need for defining the boundaries of frames; in variable-size framing, we need a delimiter (flag) to define the boundary of two frames.
    • Variable-size framing uses two categories of protocols: byte-oriented (or character-oriented) and bit-oriented. In a byte-oriented protocol, the data section of a frame is a sequence of bytes; in a bit-oriented protocol, the data section of a frame is a sequence of bits.
    • In byte-oriented protocols, we use byte stuffing; in bit-oriented protocols, we use bit stuffing.
    • Another duty of DLC is flow and error control. At the data-link layer, flow control means creating a balance between the frames sent by a node and the frames that can be handled by the next node. Error control at the data-link layer is normally implemented very simply. Corrupted frames are silently discarded; uncorrupted frames are accepted with or without sending acknowledgments to the sender.
    • A DLC protocol can be either connectionless or connection-oriented. In a connectionless protocol, frames are sent from one node to the next without any relationship between the frames; each frame is independent. In a connection-oriented protocol, a logical connection should first be established between the two nodes before sending the data frames. After all related frames are transmitted, the logical connection is terminated.
    • Data-link protocols have been designed to handle communication between two nodes. We discussed two protocols in this chapter. In the Simple Protocol, there is no flow and error control. In the Stop-and-Wait Protocol, there are both flow and error controls, but communication is a frame at a time.
    • High-level Data Link Control (HDLC) is a bit-oriented protocol for communication over point-to-point and multipoint links. It implements the Stop-and-Wait protocol. It is the basis of many protocols in practice today.
    • HDLC defines three types of frames: information frames, supervisory frames, and unnumbered frames. The informational frames are used to carry data frames. Supervisory frames are used only to transport control information for flow and error control. Unnumbered frames are reserved for system management and provide connection-oriented service.
    • One of the most common protocols for point-to-point access is the Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP). PPP uses only one type of frame, but allows multiplexing of different payloads to achieve a kind of connection-oriented service authentication. Encapsulating different packets in a frame allows PPP to move to different states to provide necessary services.

    Let us understand what error control in the computer networks is.

    Error Control

    Error control is concerned with ensuring that all frames are delivered to destination possibly in an order.

    To ensure the delivery it requires three items, which are explained below −


    Typically, reliable delivery is achieved using the “acknowledgement with retransmission” paradigm, whereas the receiver returns a special ACK frame to the sender indicating the correct receipt of a frame.

    In some systems the receiver also returns a negative ACK (NACK) for incorrectly received frames. So, it tells the sender to retransmit a frame without waiting for a timer to expire.


    One problem that simple ACK/NACK schemes fail to address is recovering from a frame that is lost, and as a result, fails to solicit an ACK or NACK.

    What happens if ACK or NACK becomes lost?

    Retransmission timers are used to resend frames that don’t produce an ACK. When we are sending a frame, schedule a timer so that it expires at some time after the ACK should have been returned. If the timer goes 0, then retransmit the frame.

    Sequence Number

    Retransmission introduces the possibility of duplicate frames. To reduce duplicates, we must add sequence numbers to each frame, so that a receiver can distinguish between new frames and old frames.

    Flow Control

    It deals with throttling speed of the sender to match to the speed of the receiver. There are two approaches for flow control −

    Feedback-based flow control

    The receiver sends back information to the sender giving permission to send more data or at least the sender has to tell how the receiver is doing.

    Feedback-based flow control

    The receiver sends back information to the sender giving permission to send more data or at least the sender has to tell how the receiver is doing.

    Rate-based flow control

    The protocol has a built-in mechanism that limits the rate at which sender may transmit data, without using feedback from the receiver.

    The various flow control schemes use a common protocol that contains well defined rules about when s sender may transmit the next frame. These types of rules often prohibit frames from being sent until the receiver has granted permission, either implicitly or explicitly.


    The major differences between Flow Control and Error Control are as follows −

    Flow Control Error Control
    It is a method used to maintain proper transmission of the data from sender to the receiver. It is used to ensure that error- free data is delivered from sender to receiver.
    Feedback-based flow control and rate-based flow control are the various approaches used to achieve Flow control. Many methods can be used here like Cyclic Reduction Check, Parity Checking, checksum.
    It avoids overrunning and prevents data loss. It detects and corrects errors that might have occurred in transmission.
    Examples are Stop and Wait and Sliding Window. Examples are Stop-and-Wait ARQ, Go-Back-N ARQ, Selective-Repeat ARQ.

    Key difference – Flow control vs error control

    Data communication is the process of sending data from source to destination via a transmission medium. For effective communication of data, it is necessary to use techniques. The transmitter and receiver have different speeds and storage capacities. When the data reaches the destination, it is temporarily stored in memory. This memory is called a buffer. Differences in speed and buffer limits can affect the reliability of data communication. Flow control and error control are two different mechanisms used for precise data transmission. If the speed of the transmitter is higher and the speed of the receiver is lower, there is a speed offset. Then, the data flow sent must be checked. This technique is called flow control. Errors may occur during transmission. If the recipient identifies an error, he must inform him of the presence of an error in the data. Thus, the sender can retransmit the data. This technique is known as error checking. Both occur in the data link layer of the OSI model. the Both occur in the data link layer of the OSI model. the Both occur in the data link layer of the OSI model. the key difference between flow control and error control is that flow control is about keeping the correct data flow from sender to recipient, while error control is about determining whether the data being passed to the receiver are reliable and error free.

    What is flow control ??

    When sending data from one device to another, the sender is called a source, sender, or sender. The recipient is called the recipient or recipient. The sender and the recipient can have different speeds. The recipient will not be able to process the data if the speed of sending the data is higher. Thus, flow control techniques can be used.

    A simple method of flow control is, Stop and Wait Flow Control . First, the transmitter sends the data frame. Upon receipt, the recipient sends an acknowledgment frame (ACK). The transmitter can send data only after receiving the acknowledgment frame from the receiver. This mechanism controls the transmission flow. The main disadvantage is that you can only transmit one frame of data at a time. If a message contains more than one frame, stopping and waiting will not be an effective flow control method.

    In Sliding Window Method , both the sender and the recipient hold a window. The window size can be equal to or less than the size of the buffer. The sender can transmit until the window is full. When the window is full, the transmitter must wait to receive an acknowledgment from the receiver. A sequence number is used to track each image. The receiver acknowledges a frame by sending an acknowledgment with the sequence number of the next expected frame. This acknowledgment announces to the sender that it is ready to accept the size of the number of images window, starting with the specified number.

    What is error checking?

    Data is sent as a sequence of frames. Some images may not reach the destination. The burst of noise may affect the frame and therefore may not be recognizable by the recipient. In this situation, this is called the frame is lost. Sometimes the frames reach the destination, but there are bit errors. Then the frame is called a damaged frame. In both cases, the recipient does not receive the correct data frame. In order to avoid these problems, the sender and the recipient have protocols for detecting transit errors. It is important to transform the unreliable data link into a reliable data link.

    Error checking techniques

    There are three error control techniques. They are Stop-and-Wait, Go-Back-N, Selective-Repeat. Together, these mechanisms are known as the Automatic Repeat Request (ARQ).

    In Stop and wait for ARQ, a frame is sent to the recipient. Then the recipient sends the acknowledgment. If the sender has not received an acknowledgment within a specified time, it will send this frame again. This period is determined using a special device called a timer. When the frame is sent, the sender starts the stopwatch. He has a fixed time. If there is no recognizable acknowledgment of receipt from the recipient, the sender will retransmit this frame again.

    In Go-Back-N ARQ, the sender transmits a series of images up to the size of the window. If there is no error, the recipient sends the acknowledgment as usual. If the destination detects an error, it sends a negative acknowledgment (NACK) for this frame. The receiver will discard the error frame and all future frames until the error frame is corrected. If the sender receives a negative acknowledgment, it should retransmit the error frame and all subsequent frames.

     In ARQ Selective Repeat , the receiver keeps track of the sequence numbers. It sends a negative acknowledgment from the only lost or damaged frame. The sender can only send the frame for which the NACK is received. It is more effective than Go-Back-N ARQ. These are the common error checking techniques.

    Similarity between flow control and error control?
    ….. Flow control and error control occur in the data link layer.

    What is the difference between flow control and error control?

    Flow control vs error control

    Flow control is the mechanism for maintaining correct transmission from sender to recipient in data communication. Error control is the mechanism for transmitting reliable and error-free data to the receiver during data communication.
     Main techniques
    Stop and Wait and Sliding Window are examples of flow control techniques. ARQ Stop-and-Wait, ARQ Go-Back-N, ARQ selective-repeat are examples of error control techniques.

    Summary – Flow  Control vs error control

    The data is transmitted from the sender to the recipient. For reliable and effective communication, it is essential to use techniques. Flow control and error control are two of them. This article discusses the difference between flow control and error control. The difference between flow control and error control is that flow control is to maintain the correct data flow from sender to recipient, while error control is to determine whether the data being transmitted to the receiver are reliable and error free.

    1. “Flow control (data)”. Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, January 27, 2018. Available here
    2.Point, tutorials. “DCN data link control and protocols.”, Tutorials Point , January 8, 2018.  Available here 
    3.nptelhrd. Lecture – 16 Flow and error control, Nptelhrd, Oct. 20, 2008.  Available here

    Data communication is the process of sending data from the source to the destination through a transmission medium. For effective data communication, it is necessary to use techniques. The sender and receiver have different speeds and different storage capacities. When the data reaches the destination, the data is stored temporarily in the memory. That memory is known as a buffer. The speed differences and buffer limitations can affect the reliable data communication. Flow control and Error control are two different mechanisms that are used for accurate data transmission. If the sender speed is higher and the receiver speed is lower, there is a speed mismatch. Then the flow of data sent should be controlled. This technique is known as flow control. During the transmission, errors can occur. If the receiver identifies an error, it should inform the sender that there is an error in the data. So, the sender can retransmit the data. This technique is known as Error Control. Both occur in the data link layer of the OSI model. The key difference between the Flow Control and Error Control is that Flow Control is to maintain the proper flow of data from the sender to the receiver while Error Control is to find out whether the data delivered to the receiver is error free and reliable.


    1. Overview and Key Difference
    2. What is Flow Control
    3. What is Error Control
    4. Similarities Between Flow Control and Error Control
    5. Side by Side Comparison – Flow Control vs Error Control in Tabular Form
    6. Summary

    What is Flow Control?

    When sending data from one device to another device, the sending end is known as the source, sender or the transmitter. The receiving end is known as the destination or the receiver. The sender and receiver might have different speeds. The receiver will not be able to process the data if the data sending speed higher. So, the flow control techniques can be used.

    One simple flow control method is, Stop and Wait flow control. First, the transmitter sends the data frame. When it is received, the receiver sends an acknowledgement frame (ACK). The transmitter can send data, only after receiving the acknowledgement frame from the receiver. This mechanism controls the flow of transmission. The main drawback is that only one data frame can be transmitted at a time. If one message contains multiple frames, the stop and wait will not be an effective flow control method.

    Difference Between Flow Control and Error Control

    Figure 01: Flow control and Error Control

    In Sliding Window method, both the sender and receiver maintain a window. The window size can be equal or less than the buffer size. The sender can transmit till the window is full. When the window is full, the transmitter has to wait till receiving an acknowledgement from the receiver.  A sequence number is used to track each frame. The receiver acknowledges a frame by sending an acknowledgement with the sequence number of the next expected frame. This acknowledgement announces the sender that the receiver is ready to accept windows size number of frames starting with the number specified.

    What is Error Control?

    Data is sent as a sequence of frames. Some frames might not reach the destination. The noise burst can affect the frame, so it may not be recognizable at the receiving end. In this situation, it is called the frame is lost.  Sometimes, the frames reach the destination, but there are some errors in bits. Then the frame is called a damaged frame. In both cases, the receiver does not get the correct data frame. In order to avoid these issues, the sender and receiver have protocols to detect the transit errors.  It is important to turn the unreliable data link into a reliable data link.

    Error Control Techniques

    There are three techniques for error control. They are Stop-and-Wait, Go-Back-N, Selective-Repeat. Collectively, these mechanisms are known as Automatic Repeat Request (ARQ).

    In Stop and Wait ARQ, a frame is sent to the receiver. Then the receiver sends the acknowledgement. If the sender did not receive an acknowledgement with in a specific time period, then the sender resends that frame again. This time period is found using a special device called the timer. When sending the frame, the sender starts the timer. It has a fixed time. If there is no recognizable acknowledgement from the receiver, the sender will retransmit that frame again.

    In Go-Back-N ARQ, the sender transmits a series of frames up to the window size. If there are no errors, the receiver sends the acknowledgement as usual. If the destination detects an error, it sends a negative acknowledgement (NACK) for that frame. The receiver will discard error frame and all future frames till the error frame is corrected. If the sender receives a negative acknowledgement, it should retransmit error frame and all succeeding frames.

    In Selective-Repeat ARQ, the receiver keeps track of the sequence numbers. It sends a negative acknowledgement from only the frame which is lost or damaged. The sender can only send the frame for which the NACK is received.  It is more efficient that Go-Back-N ARQ. Those are the common error control techniques.

    What is the Similarity Between Flow Control and Error Control?

    • Both Flow Control and Error Control occurs in Data Link Layer.

    What is the Difference Between Flow Control and Error Control?

    Flow Control vs Error Control

    Flow control is the mechanism for maintaining the proper transmission from the sender to the receiver in data communication. Error control is the mechanism of delivering error-free and reliable data to the receiver in data communication.
     Main Techniques
    Stop and Wait and Sliding Window are examples of flow control techniques. Stop-and-Wait ARQ, Go-Back-N ARQ, Selective-Repeat ARQ are examples of error control techniques.

    Summary – Flow Control vs Error Control

    Data is transmitted from the sender to receiver. For reliable and efficient communication, it is essential to use techniques. Flow Control and Error Control are two of them. This article discussed the difference between Flow Control and Error Control. The difference between the Flow Control and Error Control is that Flow Control is to maintain the proper flow of data from the sender to the receiver while Error Control is to find out whether the data delivered to the receiver is error free and reliable.

    Download the PDF of Flow Control vs Error Control

    You can download the PDF version of this article and use it for offline purposes as per citation note. Please download the PDF version here: Difference Between Flow Control and Error Control


    1.“Flow control (Data).” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 27 Jan. 2018. Available here 
    2.Point, Tutorials. “DCN Data-Link Control and Protocols.”, Tutorials Point, 8 Jan. 2018. Available here
    3.nptelhrd. Lecture – 16 Flow and Error Control, Nptelhrd, 20 Oct. 2008. Available here

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