Fmod error 74 the requested event bus or vca could not be found

I found all these errors after the last update

I found all these errors after the last update

Code: Select all

00:12:26.151 : <ERROR> [fmod] (74) The requested event, parameter, bus or vca could not be found.

00:12:26.151 : <ERROR> [sound] Unable to get event 'effects/air_brake' in the bank '/sound/truck/'!
00:12:26.151 : <ERROR> [sound] Failed to initialize sound '/sound/truck/default/effects_air_brake.soundref'.

00:12:26.152 : <ERROR> [fmod] (74) The requested event, parameter, bus or vca could not be found.

00:12:26.152 : <ERROR> [sound] Unable to get event 'effects/air_gear' in the bank '/sound/truck/'!
00:12:26.152 : <ERROR> [sound] Failed to initialize sound '/sound/truck/default/effects_air_gear.soundref'.

00:12:26.152 : <ERROR> [fmod] (74) The requested event, parameter, bus or vca could not be found.

00:12:26.152 : <ERROR> [sound] Unable to get event 'effects/air_cutoff' in the bank '/sound/truck/'!
00:12:26.152 : <ERROR> [sound] Failed to initialize sound '/sound/truck/default/effects_air_cutoff.soundref'.

00:12:26.152 : <ERROR> [fmod] (74) The requested event, parameter, bus or vca could not be found.

00:12:26.153 : <ERROR> [sound] Unable to get event 'effects/gear_wrong' in the bank '/sound/truck/'!
00:12:26.153 : <ERROR> [sound] Failed to initialize sound '/sound/truck/default/effects_gear_wrong.soundref'.

00:12:26.153 : <ERROR> [fmod] (74) The requested event, parameter, bus or vca could not be found.

00:12:26.153 : <ERROR> [sound] Unable to get event 'effects/gear_grind' in the bank '/sound/truck/'!
00:12:26.153 : <ERROR> [sound] Failed to initialize sound '/sound/truck/default/effects_gear_grind.soundref'.

00:12:26.153 : <ERROR> [fmod] (74) The requested event, parameter, bus or vca could not be found.

00:12:26.153 : <ERROR> [sound] Unable to get event 'effects/reverse' in the bank '/sound/truck/'!
00:12:26.153 : <ERROR> [sound] Failed to initialize sound '/sound/truck/default/effects_reverse.soundref'.

00:12:26.154 : <ERROR> [fmod] (74) The requested event, parameter, bus or vca could not be found.

00:12:26.154 : <ERROR> [sound] Unable to get event 'effects/lift_axle' in the bank '/sound/truck/'!
00:12:26.154 : <ERROR> [sound] Failed to initialize sound '/sound/truck/default/effects_lift_axle.soundref'.

00:12:26.154 : <ERROR> [fmod] (74) The requested event, parameter, bus or vca could not be found.

00:12:26.154 : <ERROR> [sound] Unable to get event 'effects/hook_attach' in the bank '/sound/truck/'!
00:12:26.154 : <ERROR> [sound] Failed to initialize sound '/sound/truck/default/effects_hook_attach.soundref'.

00:12:26.155 : <ERROR> [fmod] (74) The requested event, parameter, bus or vca could not be found.

00:12:26.155 : <ERROR> [sound] Unable to get event 'effects/hook_detach' in the bank '/sound/truck/'!
00:12:26.155 : <ERROR> [sound] Failed to initialize sound '/sound/truck/default/effects_hook_detach.soundref'.

00:12:26.155 : <ERROR> [fmod] (74) The requested event, parameter, bus or vca could not be found.

00:12:26.155 : <ERROR> [sound] Unable to get event 'effects/trailer_cables' in the bank '/sound/truck/'!
00:12:26.155 : <ERROR> [sound] Failed to initialize sound '/sound/truck/default/effects_trailer_cables.soundref'.

Could anyone be interested?
ATS, clean profile.

I write in very bad English … Sorry!


Describe the bug

After compiling on 3.2 stable Godot with this integration, I’m trying to export a MacOS .dmg of the example project included on the repository, and I get the following message on the terminal:

FMOD Sound System: Live update enabled!
FMOD Sound System: File not found.
FMOD Sound System: File not found.
FMOD Sound System: The requested event, parameter, bus or vca could not be found.
FMOD Sound System: The requested event, parameter, bus or vca could not be found.

The game graphics and logic runs well, but no sound is playing.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. I’m adding a screenshot of the export settings I’m using

Expected behavior
The sound files are likely not getting exported with the app? Hoping Godot exports the FMOD files into the app.

Screen Shot 2020-02-19 at 4 15 49 PM


  • OS: MacOS Mojave Version 10.14.2
  • FMOD API version 2.00.07
  • Godot Engine v3.2.stable.custom_build.4e7d75ccd

Additional context
Maybe I’m just missing to add a specific path somewhere? Or do an extra step for Godot to see the Banks files


I’ve checked the package that gets exported to make sure the *.bank files are included, and they are on the file structure, so I’m left thinking that it really is either an option I’m missing or something to do with the code of it?

Screen Shot 2020-02-20 at 9 00 39 AM

Screen Shot 2020-02-20 at 9 00 50 AM


Hey there! Thanks for submitting this issue.

It seems like it wasn’t able to find the bank files. Basically, the bank files should not be packed into the .PCK file that Godot generates when building. This is because they are not considered to be «resources». They should be placed in a folder relative to your runnable binary so that the FMOD runtime is able to read them.

Can you try experimenting with the path string that’s currently being passed to the load_banks call? (Check autoload script). Unfortunately, I can’t really test it out for myself because at the moment I don’t use macOS on a day to day basis.


Hi there Alex!

Thanks for your answer, that makes sense, I tested breaking the path on the singleton, and that did spit out the same error on the console inside the editor, so it seems to be definitely on the path of that file.

Unfortunately I’ve tried placing the Bank files with folders and without (changing the path on the singleton script every time to direct to it) but haven’t had any luck.

I’m attaching screenshots of how the folder structure of a Mac .app looks like if that might help you debug, I’d love to help solve this if you can give me more guidance or ideas of how to solve it 🤓

I experimented adding the folders/banks inside all the folders Contents, Contents/Frameworks, Contents/MacOs, Contents/Resources`, I even tried making an export template that includes the files on those paths, and also tried putting the application file next to the bank files on the desktop and non of them worked 😭

Do you have another idea of what it might be, or how we can solve it? I feel that you’re right on editing that path, but just can’t figure out where to place it😬

Also, the path string starts with a dot, what does that mean, is it like force looking for files that aren’t Godot files? «.»

Let me know if I can help on at all, and thank you for all your work on this so far 🙏
Screen Shot 2020-03-02 at 10 56 15 AM
Screen Shot 2020-03-02 at 10 56 20 AM
Screen Shot 2020-03-02 at 10 56 25 AM


The dot means it is a path relative to the current directory (i.e. project). Can you try using the absolute path to the bank files? You should be able to get the path by right clicking on them in Finder.

You can hard code them into the load_banks call to test if it works. You still need the relative path when shipping your game however. Use the Godot Directory API to get the full path instead.

var dir ="./")
var absolute_path = dir.get_current_dir()


Thanks a lot Alex!

Hard coding the paths into the load_banks call to test worked 💜!

Then, I tried your approach of using Godot’s Directory API, and when using it inside the editor it worked, it found my project (for this case is /Users/[username]/Desktop/demo), and loaded the banks 💜💜

However, when testing with an exported binary it didn’t work 💔💔💔😭. When I do a print(absolute_path) it spits out /Users/[username] on the terminal, instead of res:// or /Users/[username]/Desktop/demo Do you have an idea how should we approach this? 😮

I tried adding some referenced files to the /Users/[username] path, and it did read them from the binary, so your code is working, but it’s setting the relative path of./ to /Users/[username] instead of res:// or /Users/[username]/Desktop/demo.

I’m adding the code from the singleton if that helps at all:

func _ready():
	#Get full path from relative path directory using Godot's Directory API
	var dir_bank ="./")
	var absolute_path = dir_bank.get_current_dir()
	# set up FMOD 
	Fmod.system_set_software_format(0, Fmod.FMOD_SPEAKERMODE_STEREO, 0)
	# load banks
	Fmod.bank_load(absolute_path + "/Banks/Desktop/", Fmod.FMOD_STUDIO_LOAD_BANK_NORMAL)
	Fmod.bank_load(absolute_path + "/Banks/Desktop/", Fmod.FMOD_STUDIO_LOAD_BANK_NORMAL)


I found a solution for this issue while working on a project of mine.

It seems that MacOS doesn’t have a difference between a relative path or a global path (I have very little experience with MacOS, but from what I tested, this seems to be the case) so each time, FMOD was trying to load my banks from folder at my hard drive root /Sound/<bank names> instead of the /Sound/<bank> inside my game package. After some trial and error, I wrote this code:

if OS.get_name() == "OSX":
	var basePath = OS.get_executable_path().get_base_dir() + "/Sound/"
	Fmod.load_bank(basePath+"", Fmod.FMOD_STUDIO_LOAD_BANK_NORMAL)
	Fmod.load_bank(basePath+"", Fmod.FMOD_STUDIO_LOAD_BANK_NORMAL)

If the game is running on a MacOS, I can get the executable folder from OS.get_executable_path().get_base_dir(), this folder is: which means that I could place my banks anywhere on the and use paths relative from the executable folder. But I decided to make it easier for me and place my banks on<.bank>

This issue seems to be more related to how MacOS file system works rather than the actual FMOD plugin

I would suggest for the GDNative library to automatically add OS.get_executable_path().get_base_dir() to the path when trying to load banks in a MacOS system, this would (just like in windows) make so that the path the user tries to load is relative to the program executable on any OS

edit: Color on the code and better readability


Ooh thank you so much for this!! <3 I won’t have time to test this in months likely, but I’m very excited to test it out whenever I get the time and energy 💜


Posted 22 September 2021 — 08:52 am

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Posted 01 October 2021 — 02:31 pm



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Thx for this neat mod :D

How can i edit the INIT.LUA file to remove the acceleration part of the mod (just want the electric sound)?

Best regards.

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Posted 01 October 2021 — 02:36 pm



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In response to post #100002388.

You can just set all the values to 1 in config.json and that will revert the cars to the regular behavior!

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Posted 01 October 2021 — 03:18 pm



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Looks good. Seems to be working but I don’t appear to have any sounds.

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Posted 01 October 2021 — 03:21 pm



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This is really great — congrats!

I was wondering if you could do it for the�CHEVILLON THRAX 388 JEFFERSON? as well? It’s my favorite.

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Posted 01 October 2021 — 03:28 pm



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In response to post #100004263.

Do you have a file called «eveh-log.txt» in bin/x64 ? If so could you post the content here?

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Posted 01 October 2021 — 03:28 pm



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In response to post #100004398.

The mod does a check on the type of car, one way would be to add the «Sport» tag to the car you want to modify via a TweakDB edit.

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Posted 01 October 2021 — 03:33 pm



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In response to post #100004263. #100004608 is also a reply to the same post.

File is there but it is blank. Log file path is�C:Program Files (x86)GOG GalaxyGamesCyberpunk 2077binx64pluginscyber_engine_tweaksmodseveh — have I installed something in the wrong place?

Edited by filbert35, 01 October 2021 — 03:36 pm.

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Posted 01 October 2021 — 03:43 pm



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In response to post #100004263. #100004608, #100004788 are all replies on the same post.

It shouldn’t be there, do you have red4ext (CET compatible) installed? Is eveh.log present and is it empty as well?

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Posted 01 October 2021 — 03:50 pm



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In response to post #100004263. #100004608, #100004788, #100005128 are all replies on the same post.

Yes, I have red4ext installed and can find the eveh.log:

I suspect I’ve put something in the wrong place.?

Edited by filbert35, 01 October 2021 — 03:58 pm.

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FlayTampa Афины ругается. Я не могу понять из лога, что ему надо. Посмотрите, плиз, кто поумнее.

log.txt for X-Plane 11.50b11 (build 115023 64-bit)
 compiled on Jun 16 2020 09:25:22
X-Plane started on Mon Jun 29 15:41:18 2020

This log file is generated automatically by Laminar Research applications and contains diagnostics about your graphics hardware, installation, and any error conditions.
If you need to contact tech support or file a bug, please send us this file. NOTE: this file is rewritten every time you start ANY of your X-System applications.

Windows 10.0 (build 18363/2)
This is a 64-bit version of Windows.
CPU type: 8664
Physical Memory (total for computer): 34287951872
Maximum Virtual Memory (for X-Plane only): 140737488224256
CPU 0: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9700K CPU @ 3.60GHz  Speed (mhz): 3600
CPU 0: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9700K CPU @ 3.60GHz  Speed (mhz): 3600
CPU 0: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9700K CPU @ 3.60GHz  Speed (mhz): 3600
CPU 0: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9700K CPU @ 3.60GHz  Speed (mhz): 3600
CPU 0: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9700K CPU @ 3.60GHz  Speed (mhz): 3600
CPU 0: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9700K CPU @ 3.60GHz  Speed (mhz): 3600
CPU 0: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9700K CPU @ 3.60GHz  Speed (mhz): 3600
CPU 0: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9700K CPU @ 3.60GHz  Speed (mhz): 3600

X-System folder:’C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/’, case sensitive=0

Vulkan Layers       : VK_LAYER_NV_optimus (1), VK_LAYER_VALVE_steam_overlay (1), VK_LAYER_VALVE_steam_fossilize (1), VK_LAYER_reshade (1), VK_LAYER_LUNARG_standard_validation (1)
Disabled ReShade    : This layer is known to cause issues such as crashes with X-Plane. Use —allow_reshade to bypass, you have been warned!
Vulkan Device       : GeForce RTX 2080 Ti (9bb000000)
Vulkan Version      : 1.1.126
Vulkan Driver       : 446.14.0
Vulkan Extensions   : VK_KHR_8bit_storage VK_KHR_16bit_storage VK_KHR_bind_memory2 VK_KHR_create_renderpass2 VK_KHR_dedicated_allocation VK_KHR_depth_stencil_resolve VK_KHR_descriptor_update_template VK_KHR_device_group VK_KHR_draw_indirect_count VK_KHR_driver_properties VK_KHR_external_fence VK_KHR_external_fence_win32 VK_KHR_external_memory VK_KHR_external_memory_win32 VK_KHR_external_semaphore VK_KHR_external_semaphore_win32 VK_KHR_get_memory_requirements2 VK_KHR_image_format_list VK_KHR_imageless_framebuffer VK_KHR_maintenance1 VK_KHR_maintenance2 VK_KHR_maintenance3 VK_KHR_multiview VK_KHR_pipeline_executable_properties VK_KHR_push_descriptor VK_KHR_relaxed_block_layout VK_KHR_sampler_mirror_clamp_to_edge VK_KHR_sampler_ycbcr_conversion VK_KHR_shader_atomic_int64 VK_KHR_shader_clock VK_KHR_shader_draw_parameters VK_KHR_shader_float16_int8 VK_KHR_shader_float_controls VK_KHR_shader_subgroup_extended_types VK_KHR_spirv_1_4 VK_KHR_storage_buffer_storage_class VK_KHR_swapchain VK_KHR_swapchain_mutable_format VK_KHR_timeline_semaphore VK_KHR_uniform_buffer_standard_layout VK_KHR_variable_pointers VK_KHR_vulkan_memory_model VK_KHR_win32_keyed_mutex VK_EXT_blend_operation_advanced VK_EXT_buffer_device_address VK_EXT_calibrated_timestamps VK_EXT_conditional_rendering VK_EXT_conservative_rasterization VK_EXT_depth_clip_enable VK_EXT_depth_range_unrestricted VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing VK_EXT_discard_rectangles VK_EXT_external_memory_host VK_EXT_fragment_shader_interlock VK_EXT_full_screen_exclusive VK_EXT_hdr_metadata VK_EXT_host_query_reset VK_EXT_index_type_uint8 VK_EXT_inline_uniform_block VK_EXT_line_rasterization VK_EXT_memory_budget VK_EXT_memory_priority VK_EXT_pci_bus_info VK_EXT_pipeline_creation_feedback VK_EXT_post_depth_coverage VK_EXT_sample_locations VK_EXT_sampler_filter_minmax VK_EXT_scalar_block_layout VK_EXT_separate_stencil_usage VK_EXT_shader_demote_to_helper_invocation VK_EXT_shader_subgroup_ballot VK_EXT_shader_subgroup_vote VK_EXT_shader_viewport_index_layer VK_EXT_subgroup_size_control VK_EXT_texel_buffer_alignment VK_EXT_transform_feedback VK_EXT_vertex_attribute_divisor VK_EXT_ycbcr_image_arrays VK_NV_clip_space_w_scaling VK_NV_compute_shader_derivatives VK_NV_cooperative_matrix VK_NV_corner_sampled_image VK_NV_dedicated_allocation VK_NV_dedicated_allocation_image_aliasing VK_NV_device_diagnostic_checkpoints VK_NV_device_diagnostics_config VK_NV_external_memory VK_NV_external_memory_win32 VK_NV_fill_rectangle VK_NV_fragment_coverage_to_color VK_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric VK_NV_framebuffer_mixed_samples VK_NV_coverage_reduction_mode VK_NV_geometry_shader_passthrough VK_NV_mesh_shader VK_NV_sample_mask_override_coverage VK_NV_representative_fragment_test VK_NV_scissor_exclusive VK_NV_shader_image_footprint VK_NV_shader_sm_builtins VK_NV_shader_subgroup_partitioned VK_NV_shading_rate_image VK_NV_viewport_array2 VK_NV_viewport_swizzle VK_NV_win32_keyed_mutex VK_NVX_binary_import VK_NVX_device_generated_commands VK_NVX_image_view_handle VK_NVX_multiview_per_view_attributes VK_NV_ray_tracing 
Vulkan Instance Extensions: VK_KHR_device_group_creation VK_KHR_external_fence_capabilities VK_KHR_external_memory_capabilities VK_KHR_external_semaphore_capabilities VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2 VK_KHR_get_surface_capabilities2 VK_KHR_surface VK_KHR_surface_protected_capabilities VK_KHR_win32_surface VK_EXT_debug_report VK_EXT_debug_utils VK_EXT_swapchain_colorspace VK_NV_external_memory_capabilities 
checkpoints         : 1    aftermath           : 0    
anisotropic_avail   : 1    timer_avail         : 1    tess_avail          : 1    geom_avail          : 1    
viewport_arr        : 1    layer_arr           : 1    native_reverse_z    : 1    has_reverse_z       : 1    
max iso filtering   : 16
max samples         : 3
max texture size    : 32768 (hardware limit)
max tex units       : 1048576

This video card is: DX11+ VR Ready
0:00:00.000 I/GFX: Surface formats for surface:
0:00:00.000 I/GFX:     44
0:00:00.000 I/GFX:     50
0:00:00.000 I/GFX: Picked 50 as the common window surface format
0:00:00.000 I/VK: Surface 000001FAEF1827A0:
0:00:00.000 I/VK:     minImageCount 2:
0:00:00.000 I/VK:     maxImageCount 8:
0:00:00.000 I/VK:     supportedUsageFlags 9f:
0:00:00.000 I/GFX/VK: Created swapchain for 000001FAED406CA0 with size { 1280x720x3 }
Using queue 0 as generic queue
Using queue 1 as transfer queue
Using queue 0 as presentation queue
Heap info ( 2 heaps)
    Heap 0 — Flags: DEVICE_LOCAL_BIT (1), Size: 11584667648
    Heap 1 — Flags:  (0), Size: 17143975936
Memory type info (11 types)
    Heap: 1, Flags:  (0)
    Heap: 1, Flags:  (0)
    Heap: 1, Flags:  (0)
    Heap: 1, Flags:  (0)
    Heap: 1, Flags:  (0)
    Heap: 1, Flags:  (0)
    Heap: 1, Flags:  (0)
    Heap: 0, Flags: DEVICE_LOCAL_BIT (1)
    Heap: 0, Flags: DEVICE_LOCAL_BIT (1)
Diagnostics         : memory    
Device memory       : 9846967500
Host memory         : 15429578342

0:00:00.000 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/depth_resolve_mapping.xsv with hash: 7b3ec922838b0f3b76f31040ece936
0:00:00.000 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/depth_resolve.xsa with hash: d6a9eb513211aa22ac4d3da5903cceea
CPU count        : 8
0:00:00.000 I/wmgr: Re-building fbos for window 000001FAEF4D2320
0:00:00.000 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/legacy_flat_mapping.xsv with hash: ad193beae74d77c95cb17ad68739d430
0:00:00.000 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/legacy_flat.xsa with hash: a6af2b14f62ab566ecf8136614cbc24
0:00:00.000 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/legacy_depth_mapping.xsv with hash: 62707e4ac9145d5c57f570ce1dffcab
0:00:00.000 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/legacy_depth.xsa with hash: 429ebe836d8645b49567f3d1ba51eaf
0:00:00.000 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/blit_mapping.xsv with hash: 9526dbbe59dc70c77c12a9a86a1f20bf
0:00:00.000 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/blit.xsa with hash: 59b5ecd2fcf5aa75e0b3de1221e16c4
0:00:00.000 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/font_mapping.xsv with hash: 819dd9536fb6712e1295d6e9c33cbd
0:00:00.000 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/font.xsa with hash: 8cca9eccbe49e2aa42ee4dab4753b1e
0:00:00.000 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/resolve_mapping.xsv with hash: ca71956e8559f941b9531b378e2852b
0:00:00.000 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/resolve.xsa with hash: 356b1ab5acb4066deb448bd2f0477d
0:00:00.000 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/line3d_mapping.xsv with hash: fabca28739eeadbc7fe1bcd67d6cc21
0:00:00.000 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/line3d.xsa with hash: b016bb1f10212fdbd6a9f4e1bdc562f7
0:00:00.000 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/terrain_mapping.xsv with hash: e599bffb0f4e3f07c63e954263fe5b
0:00:00.000 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/terrain.xsa with hash: f7bbcc4e2884d67f025ea5c95558688
OpenAL loaded: Resources/dlls/64/openal32.dll
OpenAL devices: OpenAL Soft
Open AL default device:OpenAL Soft
OpenAL vendor    : OpenAL Community
OpenAL renderer  : OpenAL Soft
OpenAL version   : 1.1
OpenAL hardware  : OpenAL Soft
OpenAL extensions: ALC_ENUMERATE_ALL_EXT ALC_ENUMERATION_EXT ALC_EXT_CAPTURE ALC_EXT_DEDICATED ALC_EXT_disconnect ALC_EXT_EFX ALC_EXT_thread_local_context ALC_SOFTX_device_clock ALC_SOFTX_HRTF ALC_SOFT_loopback ALC_SOFTX_midi_interface ALC_SOFT_pause_device AL_EXT_ALAW AL_EXT_DOUBLE AL_EXT_EXPONENT_DISTANCE AL_EXT_FLOAT32 AL_EXT_IMA4 AL_EXT_LINEAR_DISTANCE AL_EXT_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_MULAW AL_EXT_MULAW_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_OFFSET AL_EXT_source_distance_model AL_LOKI_quadriphonic AL_SOFT_block_alignment AL_SOFT_buffer_samples AL_SOFT_buffer_sub_data AL_SOFT_deferred_updates AL_SOFT_direct_channels AL_SOFT_loop_points AL_SOFT_MSADPCM AL_SOFT_source_latency AL_SOFT_source_length

ERROR: language file line ‘Special Equipment====Специальное оборудование’ is a second translation of Special Equipment====Специальное оборудование
0:00:00.000 I/GFX/VK: Destroying old swapchain for 000001FAED406CA0
0:00:00.000 I/GFX/VK: Created swapchain for 000001FAED406CA0 with size { 1280x720x3 }
0:00:00.000 I/wmgr: Re-building fbos for window 000001FAEF4D2320
Fetching plugins for C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins

Loaded: C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/PluginAdmin/64/win.xpl (xpsdk.examples.pluginadmin).

Loaded: C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/NavigraphSimlink_64.xpl (Navigraph Simlink for X-Plane).

Loaded: C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/ASXPConnect/64/win.xpl (HiFi).

Loaded: C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/AutoGate/64/win.xpl (Marginal.AutoGate).

AviTab version 0.3.17
Loaded: C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/AviTab/win_x64/AviTab.xpl (org.solhost.folko.avitab).

2020-06-29 15:41:19 BetterPushback[xplane.c:539]: This is BetterPushback-v0.48 libacfutils-0e818a4
Loaded: C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/BetterPushback/64/win.xpl (skiselkov.BetterPushback).

DataRefTool: Loaded prefs from «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Output/preferencesdatareftool.json»
DataRefTool: prefs loaded from «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Output/preferencesdatareftool.json»
Loaded: C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/DataRefTool_2020_03_23/win.xpl (com.leecbaker.datareftool).

FlyWithLua: Your system path is C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/
FlyWithLua: System Dir: C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/
FlyWithLua: Plugin Dir: C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua
FlyWithLua: Plugin Scripts Dir: C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts
FlyWithLua: Plugin Internals Dir: C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Internals/
FlyWithLua: Plugin Modules Dir: C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Modules/
FlyWithLua: Plugin Scripts Quarantine Dir: C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts (Quarantine)/
FlyWithLua: Plugin Version: 2.7.24 build Jun  1 2020 11:23:19
Loaded: C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/64/win.xpl (CarstenLynker.FlyWithLua.NG).

0:00:00.000 G64: Gizmo64 Script Engine v20.05.22.0320 Windows
0:00:00.000 G64:      built: May 22 2020, 03:25:59
0:00:00.000 G64: Digital Signature Verified.
0:00:00.000 G64: Sim Langauge set to: ru
0:00:00.000 G64: GizmoImGUIManager::setupImGuiFonts()
Loaded: C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/Gizmo64.plugin/win_x64/Gizmo64.plugin.xpl (

Ground Handling Plugin by JARDesign v.v.4_010220 for X-Plane 11
Loaded: C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/GndHandling/win.xpl (jardesign.crew.ground.handling).

GroundTraffic: This plugin should be installed in a scenery package folder!
Failed: C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl. (The plugin refused to start by returning 0 from XPluginStart.)

C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/GroundTraffic/win.xpl : Error Code = 193 : %1 не является приложением Win32.
[AOS] [2020-06-29.15:41:19] :> Loading AOS
[AOS] [2020-06-29.15:41:19] :> Configuration Loaded
[AOS] [2020-06-29.15:41:19] :> Updated license
[AOS] [2020-06-29.15:41:19] :> License loaded
[AOS] [2020-06-29.15:41:19] :> Weather data loaded successfully
[AOS] [2020-06-29.15:41:19] :> Registered and loaded flightplan datarefs
[AOS] [2020-06-29.15:41:19] :> Aircraft data loaded
[AOS] [2020-06-29.15:41:19] :> Error loading Seasons extension : Installation failed
[AOS] [2020-06-29.15:41:19] :> Error loading StaticAircraft extension : Installation failed
[AOS] [2020-06-29.15:41:19] :> Error loading GlobalTrees extension : Installation failed
[AOS] [2020-06-29.15:41:19] :> Error loading AirportTraffic extension : Installation failed
Trying to build mipmaps for font C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/SAM//fonts/Poppins-Regular.ttf, tex width 1024, tex height 64, texture data 000001FA828BB570
[AOS] [2020-06-29.15:41:19] :> Loaded fonts
[AOS] [2020-06-29.15:41:19] :> Jetway status indicator initialized
Loaded: C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/SAM/win_x64/SAM.xpl (stairportsceneries.plugin.aos).

[0.0000] Terrain radar plugin: version
[0.0000] Terrain radar plugin: int ver  102000
Loaded: C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/TerrainRadar/64/win.xpl (drgluck.plugins.terrain_radar).

Loaded: C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/WorldTraffic/64/win.xpl (cjs.util.worldtraffic).

Loaded: C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/WorldTrafficRadar/64/win.xpl (classicjetsims.wt_radar).

Loaded: C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/X-Camera/win_x64/X-Camera.xpl (SRS.X-Camera).

XPR 15:41:20 plugin startLoaded: C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/XPRealistic/64/win.xpl (com.rkApps.xprealistic).

[AOS] [2020-06-29.15:41:42] :> Airport loaded successfully
0:00:00.000 G64: Boot Count: 1
0:00:00.000 G64: OpenAL: Shared OpenAL context..
0:00:00.000 G64: debug: Firmware v20.04.11.0334
0:00:00.000 G64: debug: patches loaded
0:00:00.000 G64: debug: * gxt.refresh()..
0:00:00.000 G64: debug: gxt: AutoLoading..
0:00:00.000 G64: debug:   gxt.load: Console
0:00:00.000 G64: imgui.NewWindow(Console)
0:00:00.000 G64: debug:   gxt.load: ToolTray
0:00:00.000 G64: debug:   gxt.load: Mute
0:00:00.000 G64: debug:   gxt.load: Preferences
0:00:00.000 G64: debug:   gxt.load: RebootButton
0:00:00.000 G64: debug:   gxt.load: GateKeeper
0:00:00.000 G64:  warn: X-Aviation Licensing: Load license from disk..
0:00:00.000 G64:  warn: X-Aviation Licensing: License is valid.
0:00:00.000 G64:  warn: X-Aviation Licensing: Post load: found valid table.
0:00:00.000 G64: debug: IPC v20.04.10
0:00:00.000 G64: debug: IPC Load complete.
0:00:00.000 G64: debug:   gxt.load: MAXX_RWC
0:00:00.000 G64: debug:   gxt.load: LuaGC
0:00:00.000 G64: debug:   gxt.load: Shell
0:00:00.000 G64: debug: gxt: Completed AutoLoad.
0:00:00.000 G64: debug: firmware_init.lua completed.
[AOS] [2020-06-29.15:41:48] :> Menu items loaded
[AOS] [2020-06-29.15:41:48] :> Loaded SAM
[AOS] [2020-06-29.15:41:48] :> Loading plugin windows
[AOS] [2020-06-29.15:41:48] :> AOS window loaded
[AOS] [2020-06-29.15:41:48] :> Colors and seasons window loaded
[AOS] [2020-06-29.15:41:48] :> Downloading version data from server
[AOS] [2020-06-29.15:41:48] :> License and version window loaded
[AOS] [2020-06-29.15:41:48] :> Finished loading AOS version 2.0.7
X-Camera: X-Camera license was verified, X-Camera will run in full feature mode
X-Camera: Initialization complete for version 2.4

XPR 15:41:48 plugin enabledFound stats plugin2: 7
I found the following scenery packages (prioritized in this order):
  0 C:UsersAdminstratorDesktopX-Plane 11ResourcespluginsSAMlibSAM_Library/
  1 Custom Scenery/SAM_Library/
  2 Custom Scenery/simHeaven_X-Europe-1-vfr+corr/
  3 Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Athens_0_airport/
  4 Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Athens_1_roads/
  5 Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Athens_2_overlays/
  6 Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Athens_3_mesh/
  7 Custom Scenery/Orbx_EGPB_A_Sumburgh/
  8 Custom Scenery/Orbx_EGPB_B_Sumburgh_Roads/
  9 Custom Scenery/New_Version_GT/
 10 Custom Scenery/Orbx_EGFF_A_Cardiff/
 11 Custom Scenery/Gaya_Sim_LOWW_Wien_Airport/
 12 Custom Scenery/Gaya_Sim_LOWW_Wien_Roads/
 13 Custom Scenery/Orbx_ENOV_A_Orsta_Volda/
 14 Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_EGNX_East_Midlands/
 15 Custom Scenery/1_UUWW_JustSim_v1.2/
 16 Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_EGPH_Edinburgh/
 17 Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_EGNM_LeedsBradford/
 18 Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_EGLC_LondonCity/
 19 Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_LOWI_Innsbruck/
 20 Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_LOWI_LOJT/
 21 Custom Scenery/Orbx_B_LOWI_Overlay/
 22 Custom Scenery/Orbx_C_LOWI_DrapedOrthos/
 23 Custom Scenery/Orbx_EGHI_A_Southampton/
 24 Custom Scenery/EGPH_Scenery_Pack/
 25 Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Thessaloniki_0_airport/
 26 Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Thessaloniki_0_city/
 27 Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Thessaloniki_0_forests/
 28 Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Thessaloniki_1_overlays/
 29 Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Thessaloniki_2_photoreal/
 30 Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Thessaloniki_3_mesh/
 31 Custom Scenery/green_laminat/
 32 Custom Scenery/DD_NY_Airports_v2_XP_KJFK-KLGA-KTEB/
 33 Custom Scenery/DD_NY_Airports_v2_XP_1KJFK-KLGA-KTEB_Roads/
 34 Custom Scenery/1 KACK Nantucket Island — 1.0 — iBlueYonder — a/
 35 Custom Scenery/1 KACK Nantucket Island — 1.0 — iBlueYonder — b roads/
 36 Custom Scenery/0_UUEE Moscow Sheremetyevo/
 37 Custom Scenery/Aerosoft — EDDF Frankfurt/
 38 Custom Scenery/Aerosoft — EDLP Paderborn-Lippstadt/
 39 Custom Scenery/Aerosoft — EGLL Heathrow/
 40 Custom Scenery/Aerosoft — LFMN Nice Cote d Azur X/
 41 Custom Scenery/Aerosoft — LFPO Paris Orly/
 42 Custom Scenery/Aerosoft — LPFR Faro/
 43 Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Corfu_Airport/
 44 Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Corfu_Objects/
 45 Custom Scenery/ULLI-Digital_Design/
 46 Custom Scenery/KSEA Demo Area/
 47 Custom Scenery/DD Washington XP Layer1/
 48 Custom Scenery/DD Washington XP Layer2/
 49 Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_GB_South_TrueEarth_Airports/
 50 Custom Scenery/Global Airports/
 51 Custom Scenery/central-fed-district-latest/
 52 Custom Scenery/northwestern-fed-district-latest/
 53 Custom Scenery/X-Plane Landmarks — Chicago/
 54 Custom Scenery/X-Plane Landmarks — Dubai/
 55 Custom Scenery/X-Plane Landmarks — Las Vegas/
 56 Custom Scenery/X-Plane Landmarks — London/
 57 Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_GB_South_TrueEarth_Custom/
 58 Custom Scenery/Orbx_B_GB_South_TrueEarth_Overlay/
 59 Custom Scenery/Orbx_C_GB_South_TrueEarth_Orthos/
 60 Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_GB_North_TrueEarth_Custom/
 61 Custom Scenery/Orbx_B_GB_North_TrueEarth_Overlay/
 62 Custom Scenery/Orbx_C_GB_North_TrueEarth_Overlay/
 63 Custom Scenery/Orbx_D_GB_North_TrueEarth_Orthos/
 64 Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_GB_Central_TrueEarth_Custom/
 65 Custom Scenery/Orbx_B_GB_Central_TrueEarth_Overlay/
 66 Custom Scenery/Orbx_C_GB_Central_TrueEarth_Orthos/
 67 Custom Scenery/X-Plane Landmarks — New York/
 68 Custom Scenery/X-Plane Landmarks — Sydney/
 69 Custom Scenery/X-Plane Landmarks — Washington DC/
 70 Custom Scenery/simHeaven_X-Europe-2-regions/
 71 Custom Scenery/simHeaven_X-Europe-3-extras/
 72 Custom Scenery/simHeaven_X-Europe-4-forests/
 73 Custom Scenery/simHeaven_X-Europe-5-scenery/
 74 Custom Scenery/simHeaven_X-Europe-6-autogen/
 75 Custom Scenery/simHeaven_X-Europe-7-network/
 76 Custom Scenery/ff_library/
 77 Custom Scenery/BeachMAXX/
 78 Custom Scenery/BS2001 Object Library/
 79 Custom Scenery/WorldTraffic_Library/
 80 Custom Scenery/CDB-Library/
 81 Custom Scenery/Europe Library HD v1.05.2015 (DAI Media)/
 82 Custom Scenery/Europe_Library/
 83 Custom Scenery/european_vehicles_library_uwespeed/
 84 Custom Scenery/cemetery/
 85 Custom Scenery/3D_people_library/
 86 Custom Scenery/ff_library_extended_LOD/
 87 Custom Scenery/FJS_Scenery_Library_v1.7/
 88 Custom Scenery/flags_of_the_world/
 89 Custom Scenery/Flyby_Planes/
 90 Custom Scenery/gt_library/
 91 Custom Scenery/iBlueYonder_libs/
 92 Custom Scenery/ISDGLibrary/
 93 Custom Scenery/JB_Library/
 94 Custom Scenery/MisterX_Library/
 95 Custom Scenery/NAPS_library/
 96 Custom Scenery/OpenSceneryX/
 97 Custom Scenery/People_LIB/
 98 Custom Scenery/XAirportScenery/
 99 Custom Scenery/XS_Library/
100 Custom Scenery/pm_library/
101 Custom Scenery/PPlibrary/
102 Custom Scenery/R2_Library/
103 Custom Scenery/RD_Library/
104 Custom Scenery/RE_Library/
105 Custom Scenery/RescueX_Lib/
106 Custom Scenery/RescueX_Terrain/
107 Custom Scenery/ruscenery/
108 Custom Scenery/Sea_Life/
109 Custom Scenery/Shoreline_Objects/
110 Custom Scenery/THE-FAIB Aircraft Library/
111 Custom Scenery/THE-FRUIT-STAND Aircraft Library v3.0/
112 Custom Scenery/The_Handy_Objects_Library/
113 Custom Scenery/Windsock Real flag sync/
114 Custom Scenery/world-models/
115 Custom Scenery/Vehicle Library Extension/
116 Custom Scenery/Waves_Library/
117 Custom Scenery/yOrtho4XP_Overlays/
118 Custom Scenery/yOrtho4XP_Overlays_XP11/
119 Custom Scenery/Moscow_Landmarks/
120 Custom Scenery/MOSCOW CITY/
121 Custom Scenery/MOSCOW CITY PHOTO/
122 Custom Scenery/Orbx_D_LOWI_Orthos/
123 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+45+010/
124 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+32-017/
125 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+32-018/
126 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+59+029/
127 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+59+030/
128 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+59+031/
129 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+60+029/
130 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+60+031/
131 Custom Scenery/ZZ_DF-Hard_Surface/
132 Custom Scenery/ZZZ DD UUEE Moscow Sheremetyevo XP Terrain/
133 Custom Scenery/ZZZ DD Washington XP Terrain/
134 Custom Scenery/1 KACK Nantucket Island — 1.0 — iBlueYonder — c mesh/
135 Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Corfu_zMesh/
136 Custom Scenery/ULLI_mesh/
137 Custom Scenery/Orbx_OrbxlibsXP/
138 Custom Scenery/TerraFloraXP/
139 Global Scenery/X-Plane 11 Demo Areas/
140 Global Scenery/X-Plane 11 Global Scenery/
141 Resources/default scenery/1000 autogen/
142 Resources/default scenery/1000 decals/
143 Resources/default scenery/1000 forests/
144 Resources/default scenery/1000 roads/
145 Resources/default scenery/1000 urban terrain/
146 Resources/default scenery/1000 world terrain/
147 Resources/default scenery/700 roads/
148 Resources/default scenery/900 beaches/
149 Resources/default scenery/900 europe objects/
150 Resources/default scenery/900 forests/
151 Resources/default scenery/900 roads/
152 Resources/default scenery/900 us objects/
153 Resources/default scenery/900 world object placeholders/
154 Resources/default scenery/airport decals/
155 Resources/default scenery/airport scenery/
156 Resources/default scenery/default apt dat/
157 Resources/default scenery/default atc dat/
158 Resources/default scenery/sim objects/
159 Resources/tutorials/tutorials_Alaska/
160 Resources/tutorials/tutorials_Hawaii/
161 Resources/tutorials/tutorials_Seattle/

0:00:00.000 D/HID: HID Bridge Running
0:00:29.313 I/NAVT: Airspaces are done loading async…
Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Athens_0_airport/plugins

Loaded: Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Athens_0_airport/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.FlyTampa_Athens_0_airport).

Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Athens_1_roads/plugins

Loaded: Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Athens_1_roads/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.FlyTampa_Athens_1_roads).

Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/Orbx_EGPB_A_Sumburgh/plugins

Loaded: Custom Scenery/Orbx_EGPB_A_Sumburgh/plugins/groundtraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.Orbx_EGPB_A_Sumburgh).

Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/Orbx_EGPB_B_Sumburgh_Roads/plugins

Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/Orbx_EGFF_A_Cardiff/plugins

Loaded: Custom Scenery/Orbx_EGFF_A_Cardiff/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.Orbx_EGFF_A_Cardiff).

Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/Gaya_Sim_LOWW_Wien_Airport/plugins

Loaded: Custom Scenery/Gaya_Sim_LOWW_Wien_Airport/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.Gaya_Sim_LOWW_Wien_Airport).

Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_EGNX_East_Midlands/plugins

Loaded: Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_EGNX_East_Midlands/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.Orbx_A_EGNX_East_Midlands).

Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_EGPH_Edinburgh/plugins

Loaded: Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_EGPH_Edinburgh/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.Orbx_A_EGPH_Edinburgh).

GroundTraffic: Note: Ignoring duplicate waypoint at line 3274
GroundTraffic: Note: Ignoring duplicate waypoint at line 3355
Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_EGNM_LeedsBradford/plugins

Loaded: Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_EGNM_LeedsBradford/plugins/groundtraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.Orbx_A_EGNM_LeedsBradford).

Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_EGLC_LondonCity/plugins

Loaded: Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_EGLC_LondonCity/plugins/groundtraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.Orbx_A_EGLC_LondonCity).

Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_LOWI_Innsbruck/plugins

Loaded: Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_LOWI_Innsbruck/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.Orbx_A_LOWI_Innsbruck).

Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/Orbx_EGHI_A_Southampton/plugins

Loaded: Custom Scenery/Orbx_EGHI_A_Southampton/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.Orbx_EGHI_A_Southampton).

Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Thessaloniki_0_airport/plugins

Loaded: Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Thessaloniki_0_airport/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.FlyTampa_Thessaloniki_0_airport).

Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Thessaloniki_1_overlays/plugins

Loaded: Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Thessaloniki_1_overlays/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.FlyTampa_Thessaloniki_1_overlays).

Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Corfu_Airport/plugins

Loaded: Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Corfu_Airport/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.FlyTampa_Corfu_Airport).

Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/ULLI-Digital_Design/plugins

Loaded: Custom Scenery/ULLI-Digital_Design/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.ULLI-Digital_Design).

GroundTraffic: Note: Ignoring duplicate waypoint at line 30
Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_GB_South_TrueEarth_Custom/plugins

Loaded: Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_GB_South_TrueEarth_Custom/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.Orbx_A_GB_South_TrueEarth_Custom).

GroundTraffic: Can’t find groundtraffic.txt in C:UsersAdminstratorDesktopX-Plane 11Custom SceneryOrbx_A_GB_South_TrueEarth_Custom
0:00:29.551 I/SCN: Updated Navdata from your provider has an outdated format. You should download navdata made for X-Plane 11.50 or later.
0:00:29.551 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/cube_filter_mapping.xsv with hash: ba74af618c718e075ea434d4a71f952
0:00:29.551 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/cube_filter.xsa with hash: 1595c4f165a45936acdfaa469a3cd6c
0:00:29.551 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/ground_lights_mapping.xsv with hash: e2a0323b17ffd7f9d96ce4d4f2b4a890
0:00:29.551 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/ground_lights.xsa with hash: bcedb6c82f5955b445d2637588c41f0
0:00:29.551 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/light_mapping.xsv with hash: d995d063f67222a8d0bfd9a9ccf7b879
0:00:29.551 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/light.xsa with hash: d9a21cdc3e8c958a8744231f26bef321
0:00:29.551 I/REN: Setting texture resolution read from prefs as 5
0:00:29.551 I/REN: Setting |draw view indicator read from prefs as 1.
0:00:29.551 I/REN: Setting |dim under high G-load or hypoxia read from prefs as 1.
0:00:29.551 I/REN: Setting |draw hi-res planet textures from orbit read from prefs as 1.
0:00:29.551 I/REN: Setting |draw forest fires and balloons read from prefs as 0.
0:00:29.551 I/REN: Setting |draw birds and deer in nice weather read from prefs as 1.
0:00:29.551 I/REN: Setting |draw aircraft carriers and frigates read from prefs as 1.
0:00:29.551 I/REN: Setting |draw Aurora Borealis read from prefs as 0.
0:00:29.551 I/REN: Setting |runways follow terrain contours read from prefs as 1.
0:00:29.551 I/REN: Setting |3-d drawing detail read from prefs as 3.
0:00:29.551 I/REN: Setting |water reflection detail read from prefs as 3.
0:00:29.551 I/REN: Setting |draw parked aircraft at airports read from prefs as 0.
0:00:29.551 I/REN: Setting compress textures to save VRAM read from prefs as 1.
0:00:29.551 I/REN: Setting |Effects read from prefs as 4.
0:00:29.551 I/REN: Setting |3-d shadows read from prefs as 1.
0:00:29.551 I/REN: Setting |HDR anti-aliasing read from prefs as 4.
0:00:29.551 I/REN: Setting |draw volumetric fog read from prefs as 1.
0:00:29.551 I/REN: Setting |draw per pixel lighting read from prefs as 1.
0:00:29.551 I/REN: Setting |atmospheric scattering read from prefs as 1.
0:00:33.147 I/NET: OS has RFC 4941 Privacy Extensions for IPv6 *disabled*, using PERMANENT IPv6 addresses
0:00:33.147 I/NET: Беспроводная сеть (Broadcom 802.11ac Network Adapter)
0:00:33.147 I/NET: Беспроводная сеть (Broadcom 802.11ac Network Adapter) fe80::f9c5:1888:20b7:4d73
0:00:33.147 I/NET: (RakNet) Init: Successful!
0:00:33.223 E/TEX: Target scale moved to 16.000000
0:00:33.246 D/HID: Hardware ADDED(046d, c215) — Logitech Extreme 3D at path \?hid#vid_046d&pid_c215#6&4cdfa3a&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}
0:00:33.246 I/JOY: REGISTER Joystick device: Logitech Extreme 3D — VID:1133PID:49685, this is a familiar device.
0:00:33.246 D/HID:     BUTTON Added Index: 0 (HID_Page_Button/01) for handle: 000001FACA13F380
0:00:33.246 D/HID:     BUTTON Added Index: 1 (HID_Page_Button/02) for handle: 000001FACA13F380
0:00:33.246 D/HID:     BUTTON Added Index: 2 (HID_Page_Button/03) for handle: 000001FACA13F380
0:00:33.246 D/HID:     BUTTON Added Index: 3 (HID_Page_Button/04) for handle: 000001FACA13F380
0:00:33.246 D/HID:     BUTTON Added Index: 4 (HID_Page_Button/05) for handle: 000001FACA13F380
0:00:33.246 D/HID:     BUTTON Added Index: 5 (HID_Page_Button/06) for handle: 000001FACA13F380
0:00:33.246 D/HID:     BUTTON Added Index: 6 (HID_Page_Button/07) for handle: 000001FACA13F380
0:00:33.246 D/HID:     BUTTON Added Index: 7 (HID_Page_Button/08) for handle: 000001FACA13F380
0:00:33.246 D/HID:     BUTTON Added Index: 8 (HID_Page_Button/09) for handle: 000001FACA13F380
0:00:33.246 D/HID:     BUTTON Added Index: 9 (HID_Page_Button/0a) for handle: 000001FACA13F380
0:00:33.246 D/HID:     BUTTON Added Index: 10 (HID_Page_Button/0b) for handle: 000001FACA13F380
0:00:33.246 D/HID:     BUTTON Added Index: 11 (HID_Page_Button/0c) for handle: 000001FACA13F380
0:00:33.246 D/HID:     AXIS Added Index: 0 (HID_Page_GenericDesktop/HID_Usage_GD_Y) for handle: 000001FACA13F380. Min/Max 0 — 1023
0:00:33.246 D/HID:     AXIS Added Index: 1 (HID_Page_GenericDesktop/HID_Usage_GD_X) for handle: 000001FACA13F380. Min/Max 0 — 1023
0:00:33.246 D/HID:     HATSWITCH Added Index: 0 (HID_Page_GenericDesktop/HID_Usage_GD_Hatswitch) for handle: 000001FACA13F380. It has 8 positions.
0:00:33.246 D/HID:     AXIS Added Index: 2 (HID_Page_GenericDesktop/HID_Usage_GD_Rz) for handle: 000001FACA13F380. Min/Max 0 — 255
0:00:33.246 D/HID:     AXIS Added Index: 3 (HID_Page_GenericDesktop/HID_Usage_GD_Slider) for handle: 000001FACA13F380. Min/Max 0 — 255
0:00:33.246 D/HID: END HARDWARE
0:00:33.246 D/STM: Transitioning from state state_InitialLoading to state_QuickFlightWizard
0:00:33.246 I/NAVT: NavData is done loading async…
0:00:33.246 I/WIN: Showing subscreen Main Menu
0:00:33.246 I/OVR: User is entering the holodeck.
0:00:33.246 I/WIN: Opened window Primary V11 UI
0:00:33.591 I/NAVT: Navaids are done loading async…
0:00:33.757 I/NAVT: Fixes are done loading async…
0:00:34.241 I/NAVT: Airways are done loading async…
0:00:34.241 I/NAVT: All navt data is done loading async…
X-Camera: Your local cache is up to date with the community server
0:08:19.162 I/WIN: Showing subscreen Freeflight
0:08:25.929 I/OVR: User is leaving the holodeck.
0:08:25.929 I/FCG: Applying changes from Flight Configuration screen
0:08:25.929 I/FCG: Starting new flight in Aircraft/Project Yak-18T/Yak-18.acf at A39
0:08:26.083 W/ATC: Found overlapping airports with overlapping controller freqs at EGPB and EGPB!
0:08:26.083 W/ATC: Found overlapping airports with overlapping controller freqs at EGHI and EGHI!
0:08:26.083 W/ATC: Found overlapping airports with overlapping controller freqs at EGHI and EGHI!
0:08:26.083 W/ATC: Found overlapping airports with overlapping controller freqs at UUEE and UUEE!
0:08:26.083 W/ATC: Found overlapping airports with overlapping controller freqs at UUEE and UUEE!
0:08:26.083 W/ATC: Found overlapping airports with overlapping controller freqs at UUEE and UUEE!
0:08:26.083 W/ATC: Found overlapping airports with overlapping controller freqs at UUEE and UUEE!
0:08:26.083 W/ATC: Found overlapping airports with overlapping controller freqs at UUEE and UUEE!
0:08:26.083 W/ATC: Found overlapping airports with overlapping controller freqs at UUEE and UUEE!
0:08:26.083 W/ATC: Found overlapping airports with overlapping controller freqs at UUEE and UUEE!
0:08:26.083 W/ATC: Found overlapping airports with overlapping controller freqs at UUEE and UUEE!
0:08:26.083 W/ATC: Found overlapping airports with overlapping controller freqs at UUEE and UUEE!
0:08:26.083 W/ATC: Found overlapping airports with overlapping controller freqs at UUEE and UUEE!
0:08:26.083 W/ATC: Found overlapping airports with overlapping controller freqs at UUEE and UUEE!
0:08:26.083 W/ATC: Found overlapping airports with overlapping controller freqs at ULLI and ULLI!
0:08:26.083 W/ATC: Found overlapping airports with overlapping controller freqs at ULLI and ULLI!
0:08:26.083 W/ATC: Found overlapping airports with overlapping controller freqs at KCEA and KIAB!
0:08:26.083 W/ATC: Found overlapping airports with overlapping controller freqs at WSAC and WSSS!
0:08:26.083 W/ATC: Found overlapping airports with overlapping controller freqs at RJCJ and RJCC!
0:08:26.083 W/ATC: Found overlapping airports with overlapping controller freqs at RJDU and RJFU!
0:08:26.083 W/ATC: Found overlapping airports with overlapping controller freqs at RJDU and RJFU!
0:08:26.083 W/ATC: Found overlapping airports with overlapping controller freqs at WIPT and WIEE!
0:08:26.083 W/ATC: Found overlapping airports with overlapping controller freqs at VEVZ and VOVZ!
0:08:26.083 W/ATC: Found overlapping airports with overlapping controller freqs at KNSE and KNDZ!
0:08:26.083 W/ATC: Rewrote EGPB atc_ControllerRole_Twr’s freq: 118250 to 118000 for being in conflict!
0:08:26.083 W/ATC: Rewrote EGHI atc_ControllerRole_Gnd’s freq: 121775 to 118000 for being in conflict!
0:08:26.083 W/ATC: Rewrote EGHI atc_ControllerRole_Twr’s freq: 118200 to 118025 for being in conflict!
0:08:26.083 W/ATC: Rewrote UUEE atc_ControllerRole_Gnd’s freq: 119000 to 118000 for being in conflict!
0:08:26.083 W/ATC: Rewrote UUEE atc_ControllerRole_Gnd’s freq: 121800 to 118025 for being in conflict!
0:08:26.083 W/ATC: Rewrote UUEE atc_ControllerRole_Gnd’s freq: 129000 to 118050 for being in conflict!
0:08:26.083 W/ATC: Rewrote UUEE atc_ControllerRole_Twr’s freq: 120700 to 118075 for being in conflict!
0:08:26.083 W/ATC: Rewrote UUEE atc_ControllerRole_Gnd’s freq: 129000 to 118100 for being in conflict!
0:08:26.083 W/ATC: Rewrote UUEE atc_ControllerRole_Twr’s freq: 129000 to 118125 for being in conflict!
0:08:26.083 W/ATC: Rewrote UUEE atc_ControllerRole_Twr’s freq: 131500 to 118150 for being in conflict!
0:08:26.083 W/ATC: Rewrote UUEE atc_ControllerRole_Gnd’s freq: 123950 to 118175 for being in conflict!
0:08:26.083 W/ATC: Rewrote ULLI atc_ControllerRole_Gnd’s freq: 128000 to 118000 for being in conflict!
0:08:26.083 W/ATC: Rewrote ULLI atc_ControllerRole_Gnd’s freq: 129000 to 118025 for being in conflict!
0:08:26.083 W/ATC: Rewrote KAHN atc_ControllerRole_Del’s freq: 133950 to 118000 for being in conflict!
0:08:26.083 W/ATC: Rewrote KCEA atc_ControllerRole_Twr’s freq: 127250 to 118025 for being in conflict!
0:08:26.083 W/ATC: Rewrote WSAC atc_ControllerRole_Twr’s freq: 118250 to 118000 for being in conflict!
0:08:26.083 W/ATC: Rewrote RJCJ atc_ControllerRole_Del’s freq: 121900 to 118000 for being in conflict!
0:08:26.083 W/ATC: Rewrote RJDU atc_ControllerRole_Gnd’s freq: 121600 to 118000 for being in conflict!
0:08:26.083 W/ATC: Rewrote RJDU atc_ControllerRole_Twr’s freq: 122700 to 118025 for being in conflict!
0:08:26.083 W/ATC: Rewrote RJDU atc_ControllerRole_Twr’s freq: 126200 to 118050 for being in conflict!
0:08:26.083 W/ATC: Rewrote RJDU atc_ControllerRole_Twr’s freq: 118500 to 118075 for being in conflict!
0:08:26.083 W/ATC: Rewrote WIPT atc_ControllerRole_Twr’s freq: 118300 to 118000 for being in conflict!
0:08:26.083 W/ATC: Rewrote VEVZ atc_ControllerRole_Twr’s freq: 119700 to 118000 for being in conflict!
0:08:26.083 W/ATC: Rewrote KNSE atc_ControllerRole_Twr’s freq: 121400 to 118000 for being in conflict!
0:08:26.315 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/lit_mapping.xsv with hash: 4c92769e94391cb2de4d8c5d33788ca
0:08:26.315 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/lit.xsa with hash: bdb6332fff5a0d26854a2b8ad76ef34
0:08:26.315 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/wxr_mask_mapping.xsv with hash: 326234f37db956845361b7a137e72e78
0:08:26.315 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/wxr_mask.xsa with hash: f0395e67c848b4c366f580517b6d82
0:08:26.315 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/rain_mapping.xsv with hash: 52b81ac0956e23d1b7d6cbc9aab5cfb7
0:08:26.315 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/rain.xsa with hash: 74aee39b3ee521fdef6ac1295a365b89
0:08:26.315 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/cloud_puffs_mapping.xsv with hash: 2d215aaba09bafe59d50fc9e7e68385
0:08:26.315 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/cloud_puffs.xsa with hash: 8362d92f85f170d4d2c6906460bf531b
0:08:26.315 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/shadow_rect_mapping.xsv with hash: 8be89f3bbf91e749742b04a32f16a47
0:08:26.315 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/shadow_rect.xsa with hash: be4c6463f4b318fceeba56ac8f75c92
0:08:26.315 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/debug_mapping.xsv with hash: 91ef691d4b6e19d0a3d61e1c9f3dafc6
0:08:26.315 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/debug.xsa with hash: 41c6482769f2e3cc67a9c3ef93ca01f
0:08:26.315 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/boat_wake_mapping.xsv with hash: 997bbe1ac9fdc3f0c22feee2e65ff4c
0:08:26.315 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/boat_wake.xsa with hash: 7ab7b4ea7bba4f12fb32bab6668ad3c
0:08:26.315 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/sectional2_mapping.xsv with hash: d528682498ee6a9a3deba0ad807c20be
0:08:26.315 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/sectional2.xsa with hash: 844fb1d927997fdae24faa7ce826f0e6
Initializing off screen memory.
0:08:26.315 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/deferred_ssao_mapping.xsv with hash: 68a1408064e29bd7d73aa19403d1036
0:08:26.315 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/deferred_ssao.xsa with hash: b85bbbf731bf594254d98d75fc6146
0:08:26.315 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/ssao_blur_mapping.xsv with hash: 952b3fc17bf443889b3021463f876f1a
0:08:26.315 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/ssao_blur.xsa with hash: cfc993e233635e68ee641e9539405d
0:08:26.315 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/deferred_mapping.xsv with hash: 3ffd443f42807fe8c76c333aa4ca46df
0:08:26.315 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/deferred.xsa with hash: 73649f67e05455c6ff240b29bcc2eef
0:08:26.315 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/hdr_mapping.xsv with hash: 31627ff0f08b77bd7794fc174125bd21
0:08:26.315 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/hdr.xsa with hash: 3515fd6d575a2e8704a16efee797ca
0:08:26.315 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/blur_mapping.xsv with hash: 012c75c2eb7cd90a8b944ba413d8045
0:08:26.315 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/blur.xsa with hash: f5dbd2a0a4481cec90b0563ca264ec8b
Initializing off screen memory complete.
0:08:26.315 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/prop_disc_mapping.xsv with hash: 94e1be99f9e6ea2bdccbf51a2d21306e
0:08:26.315 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/prop_disc.xsa with hash: b4f25d34245e064c54f6cd2181a
0:08:26.315 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/dome_mapping.xsv with hash: 24bd6726d96b8bb1ae1b8d4bb8fd1bb
0:08:26.315 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/dome.xsa with hash: 6ae715447ce6711d947670e62b6646c
0:08:26.315 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/particle_mapping.xsv with hash: 86551450902f2a316d72d983e7d4fce0
0:08:26.315 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/particle.xsa with hash: 388a554f921380c795936bc801a55
0:08:26.315 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/manip3d_mapping.xsv with hash: 3c8182f094c8c8e9a733d4ea647a07a
0:08:26.315 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/manip3d.xsa with hash: 9cc9abd9b7aacf9a24334dc31bcdd85d
0:08:26.315 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Resources/shaders/bin/puff_mapping.xsv with hash: 7c4e2213fc20eef6b7b468976f172049
0:08:26.315 I/GFX: Loaded archive Resources/shaders/bin/spv/puff.xsa with hash: 915b8756f420a0dd5cd233299d929bfd
0:08:28.698 D/STM: Transitioning from state state_QuickFlightWizard to state_NormalLoading
0:08:28.698 I/ACF: Loading airplane number 0 with Aircraft/Project Yak-18T/Yak-18.acf
DataRefTool: Plane loaded #: 0
0:08:29.512 G64:  Aircraft File: (Aircraft/Project Yak-18T/Yak-18.acf)
0:08:29.512 G64:       MD5 Hash: (278c167e6146593d04bac04285613754)
0:08:29.512 G64:    Description: (Yakovlev Yak18)
0:08:29.512 G64:         Author: (PWDT)
0:08:29.512 G64: Plugin Mode: Community Edition
0:08:29.512 G64: Run: [OnBeforeReboot]
0:08:29.512 G64: debug: — — — — — — — — — — Firmware Reboot — — — — — — — — — — — —
0:08:29.512 G64: Boot Count: 2
0:08:29.512 G64: OpenAL: Shared OpenAL context..
0:08:29.512 G64: debug: Firmware v20.04.11.0334
DataRefTool: Found 111 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18Tpluginslibrain.pluginlin_x64librain.plugin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 87 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18Tpluginslibrain.pluginmac_x64librain.plugin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 94 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18Tpluginslibrain.pluginwin_x64librain.plugin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 46 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18Tpluginssasl64lin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 48 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18Tpluginssasl64mac.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 46 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18Tpluginssasl64win.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 4 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18Tobjectswings.obj»
DataRefTool: Found 8 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18Tobjectstransponder.obj»
DataRefTool: Found 1 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18Tobjectsstickers.obj»
DataRefTool: Found 0 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18Tobjectsseats.obj»
DataRefTool: Found 2 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18Tobjectsprop3.obj»
DataRefTool: Found 2 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18Tobjectsprop.obj»
DataRefTool: Found 4 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18Tobjectspilot.obj»
DataRefTool: Found 0 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18Tobjectslibraintop.obj»
DataRefTool: Found 1 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18Tobjectslibrainright.obj»
DataRefTool: Found 1 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18Tobjectslibrainleft.obj»
DataRefTool: Found 0 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18Tobjectslibrainfront.obj»
DataRefTool: Found 8 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18Tobjectsinterior.obj»
DataRefTool: Found 58 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18Tobjectsinstruments_ft.obj»
DataRefTool: Found 58 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18Tobjectsinstruments.obj»
DataRefTool: Found 1 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18Tobjectsglass_out.obj»
DataRefTool: Found 1 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18Tobjectsglass_in.obj»
DataRefTool: Found 0 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18Tobjectsglass_gau.obj»
DataRefTool: Found 1 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18Tobjectsglass.obj»
DataRefTool: Found 9 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18Tobjectsfuselage.obj»
DataRefTool: Found 14 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18Tobjectsadf.obj»
DataRefTool: Found 79 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18TYak-18_cockpit.obj»
DataRefTool: Found 9222 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18TYak-18_3.acf»
DataRefTool: Found 9222 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18TYak-18.acf»
DataRefTool: Found 9515 unique possible datarefs for aircraft «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18T/Yak-18.acf»
0:08:29.512 G64: debug: patches loaded
0:08:29.512 G64: debug: * gxt.refresh()..
0:08:29.512 G64: debug: gxt: AutoLoading..
0:08:29.512 G64: debug:   gxt.load: Console
0:08:29.512 G64: imgui.NewWindow(Console)
0:08:29.512 G64: debug:   gxt.load: ToolTray
0:08:29.512 G64: debug:   gxt.load: Mute
0:08:29.512 G64: debug:   gxt.load: Preferences
0:08:29.512 G64: debug:   gxt.load: RebootButton
0:08:29.512 G64: debug:   gxt.load: GateKeeper
0:08:29.512 G64:  warn: X-Aviation Licensing: Load license from disk..
0:08:29.512 G64:  warn: X-Aviation Licensing: License is valid.
0:08:29.512 G64:  warn: X-Aviation Licensing: Post load: found valid table.
0:08:29.512 G64: debug: IPC v20.04.10
0:08:29.512 G64: debug: IPC Load complete.
0:08:29.512 G64: debug:   gxt.load: MAXX_RWC
0:08:29.512 G64: debug:   gxt.load: LuaGC
0:08:29.512 G64: debug:   gxt.load: Shell
0:08:29.512 G64: debug: gxt: Completed AutoLoad.
0:08:29.512 G64: debug: firmware_init.lua completed.
0:08:29.512 G64: Run: [OnKickStart]
0:08:29.512 G64:      Register Draw Call: OnDraw_Windows
0:08:29.512 G64:          Alias: toast_Windows_OnDraw
0:08:29.512 G64:          Alias: shard_OnDraw_Windows
0:08:29.512 G64:          Alias: ToolTray_OnDraw
0:08:29.512 G64:          Alias: OnDraw_Windows_MuteSymbol
0:08:29.512 G64: X-P Lua Memory Stats:
0:08:29.512 G64:         Max Used;   2124797 bytes
0:08:29.512 G64:           In Use;   2124777 bytes
0:08:29.512 G64:            Gizmo;   2098313 bytes
0:08:29.512 G64:            Delta;     26464 bytes
[AOS] [2020-06-29.15:49:50] :> Weather data loaded successfully
[509.5118] Terrain radar plugin: read settings
[509.5118] Terrain radar plugin: aircraft description is «Yakovlev Yak18»
[509.5118] Terrain radar plugin: found unsupported aircraft «Yakovlev Yak18», switched to window mode
X-Camera: Scenic Flyer not found
X-Camera: Attempting to initialize HeadShake
X-Camera: HeadShake not found
X-Camera: TrackIR was not detected
Fetching plugins for C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18T/plugins

2020-06-29 15:49:50 librain[plugin.c:590]: This is librain (v0.10) libacfutils-3babedf
Loaded: C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18T/plugins/librain.plugin/win_x64/librain.plugin.xpl (skiselkov.librain).

[SASL] Starting…
X-Plane scriptable avionics library plugin snapshot 2.6.1 20181026
Loaded: C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18T/plugins/sasl/64/win.xpl (1-sim.sasl).

[SASL] Path to panel: C:UsersAdminstratorDesktopX-Plane 11AircraftProject Yak-18Tavionics.lua
[SASL] Loading avionics…
[SASL INFO] loading    panel
[SASL INFO] Avionics loaded
0:08:29.512 I/SND: This aircraft is using FMOD in PARTIAL mode.
0:08:29.512 E/SOUN: snd error in file: Aircraft/Project Yak-18T/fmod/Yak-18.snd line 32
0:08:29.512 E/SOUN: Param name sim/operation/sound/inside_ratio[*] is missing a valid index in the sound file.
0:08:29.512 E/SOUN: snd error in file: Aircraft/Project Yak-18T/fmod/Yak-18.snd line 82
0:08:29.512 E/SOUN: Sound event:/flap_dn has a cue but no trigger condition.
0:08:29.512 E/SOUN: snd error in file: Aircraft/Project Yak-18T/fmod/Yak-18.snd line 92
0:08:29.512 E/SOUN: Sound event:/flap_up has a cue but no trigger condition.
0:08:29.512 E/SOUN: snd error in file: Aircraft/Project Yak-18T/fmod/Yak-18.snd line 106
0:08:29.512 E/SOUN: Sound event:/gear_dn has a cue but no trigger condition.
0:08:29.512 E/SOUN: snd error in file: Aircraft/Project Yak-18T/fmod/Yak-18.snd line 116
0:08:29.512 E/SOUN: Sound event:/gear_up has a cue but no trigger condition.
0:08:29.512 E/SOUN: snd error in file: Aircraft/Project Yak-18T/fmod/Yak-18.snd line 141
0:08:29.512 E/SOUN: Sound event:/fuelpump_pull has a cue but no trigger condition.
0:08:29.512 E/SOUN: snd error in file: Aircraft/Project Yak-18T/fmod/Yak-18.snd line 149
0:08:29.512 E/SOUN: Sound event:/fuelpump_push has a cue but no trigger condition.
0:08:29.512 E/SOUN: snd error in file: Aircraft/Project Yak-18T/fmod/Yak-18.snd line 161
0:08:29.512 E/SOUN: Sound event:/magneto has a cue but no trigger condition.
0:08:29.512 G64: Livery Changed:()  Folder:(Aircraft/Project Yak-18T/)
0:08:29.512 I/FLT: Init dat_p0 type:loc_ram apt:LGAV start at:A39
0:08:42.295 I/SCN: DSF load time: 86972 for file Custom Scenery/simHeaven_X-Europe-3-extras/Earth nav data/+30+020/+36+022.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:42.295 I/SCN: DSF load time: 2596 for file Custom Scenery/simHeaven_X-Europe-4-forests/Earth nav data/+30+020/+36+022.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:42.295 I/SCN: DSF load time: 90568 for file Custom Scenery/simHeaven_X-Europe-3-extras/Earth nav data/+30+020/+38+022.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:42.295 I/SCN: DSF load time: 6570 for file Custom Scenery/simHeaven_X-Europe-4-forests/Earth nav data/+30+020/+38+022.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:42.295 I/SCN: DSF load time: 172289 for file Custom Scenery/Global Airports/Earth nav data/+30+020/+36+024.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:42.295 I/SCN: DSF load time: 13833 for file Custom Scenery/simHeaven_X-Europe-3-extras/Earth nav data/+30+020/+36+024.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:42.295 I/SCN: DSF load time: 2389 for file Custom Scenery/simHeaven_X-Europe-4-forests/Earth nav data/+30+020/+36+024.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:42.295 I/SCN: DSF load time: 133773 for file Custom Scenery/simHeaven_X-Europe-5-scenery/Earth nav data/+30+020/+36+022.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:42.295 I/SCN: DSF load time: 36680 for file Custom Scenery/simHeaven_X-Europe-5-scenery/Earth nav data/+30+020/+36+024.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:42.295 I/SCN: DSF load time: 127039 for file Custom Scenery/simHeaven_X-Europe-5-scenery/Earth nav data/+30+020/+38+022.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:42.295 I/SCN: DSF load time: 2139 for file Custom Scenery/simHeaven_X-Europe-6-autogen/Earth nav data/+30+020/+36+024.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:42.295 I/SCN: DSF load time: 5914 for file Custom Scenery/simHeaven_X-Europe-6-autogen/Earth nav data/+30+020/+36+022.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:42.295 I/SCN: DSF load time: 31470 for file Custom Scenery/simHeaven_X-Europe-6-autogen/Earth nav data/+30+020/+38+022.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:42.295 I/SCN: DSF load time: 318254 for file Custom Scenery/simHeaven_X-Europe-7-network/Earth nav data/+30+020/+36+024.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:42.295 I/SCN: DSF load time: 337006 for file Custom Scenery/simHeaven_X-Europe-7-network/Earth nav data/+30+020/+36+022.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:42.295 I/SCN: DSF load time: 361087 for file Custom Scenery/simHeaven_X-Europe-7-network/Earth nav data/+30+020/+38+022.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:42.295 I/SCN: DSF load time: 772197 for file Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Athens_3_mesh/Earth nav data/+30+020/+38+024.dsf (75193 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:42.295 I/SCN: DSF load time: 229919 for file Global Scenery/X-Plane 11 Global Scenery/Earth nav data/+30+020/+36+024.dsf (50659 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:42.295 I/SCN: DSF load time: 463169 for file Global Scenery/X-Plane 11 Global Scenery/Earth nav data/+30+020/+36+022.dsf (91131 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:42.295 E/DSF: The DSF Custom Scenery/simHeaven_X-Europe-7-network/Earth nav data/+30+020/+36+022.dsf has a number of problems with its road network: 3 doubled nodes, 0 direction reverses, 0 short segments, 0 roads deleted.
0:08:42.295 I/SCN: DSF load time: 1035935 for file Global Scenery/X-Plane 11 Global Scenery/Earth nav data/+30+020/+38+022.dsf (193210 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:42.295 E/DSF: The DSF Custom Scenery/simHeaven_X-Europe-7-network/Earth nav data/+30+020/+38+022.dsf has a number of problems with its road network: 26 doubled nodes, 0 direction reverses, 0 short segments, 7 roads deleted.
0:08:42.295 I/SCN: DSF load time: 1898 for file Custom Scenery/simHeaven_X-Europe-3-extras/Earth nav data/+30+020/+38+025.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:42.295 I/SCN: DSF load time: 167 for file Custom Scenery/simHeaven_X-Europe-4-forests/Earth nav data/+30+020/+38+025.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:42.295 I/SCN: DSF load time: 77946 for file Custom Scenery/simHeaven_X-Europe-5-scenery/Earth nav data/+30+020/+38+025.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:42.295 I/SCN: DSF load time: 549 for file Custom Scenery/simHeaven_X-Europe-6-autogen/Earth nav data/+30+020/+38+025.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:42.295 I/SCN: DSF load time: 83028 for file Custom Scenery/Global Airports/Earth nav data/+30+020/+36+023.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:42.295 I/SCN: DSF load time: 729 for file Custom Scenery/simHeaven_X-Europe-3-extras/Earth nav data/+30+020/+36+023.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:42.295 I/SCN: DSF load time: 442 for file Custom Scenery/simHeaven_X-Europe-4-forests/Earth nav data/+30+020/+36+023.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:42.295 I/SCN: DSF load time: 3752 for file Custom Scenery/simHeaven_X-Europe-7-network/Earth nav data/+30+020/+38+025.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:42.295 I/SCN: DSF load time: 112242 for file Custom Scenery/Global Airports/Earth nav data/+30+020/+36+025.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:42.295 I/SCN: DSF load time: 8619 for file Custom Scenery/simHeaven_X-Europe-5-scenery/Earth nav data/+30+020/+36+023.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:42.295 I/SCN: DSF load time: 1744 for file Custom Scenery/simHeaven_X-Europe-6-autogen/Earth nav data/+30+020/+36+023.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:42.295 I/SCN: DSF load time: 2786 for file Custom Scenery/simHeaven_X-Europe-3-extras/Earth nav data/+30+020/+36+025.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:42.295 I/SCN: DSF load time: 375 for file Custom Scenery/simHeaven_X-Europe-4-forests/Earth nav data/+30+020/+36+025.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:42.295 I/SCN: DSF load time: 4581 for file Custom Scenery/simHeaven_X-Europe-7-network/Earth nav data/+30+020/+36+023.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:42.295 I/SCN: DSF load time: 6180 for file Custom Scenery/simHeaven_X-Europe-5-scenery/Earth nav data/+30+020/+36+025.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:42.295 I/SCN: DSF load time: 871 for file Custom Scenery/simHeaven_X-Europe-6-autogen/Earth nav data/+30+020/+36+025.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:42.295 I/SCN: DSF load time: 6985 for file Custom Scenery/simHeaven_X-Europe-7-network/Earth nav data/+30+020/+36+025.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:42.295 I/SCN: DSF load time: 227274 for file Global Scenery/X-Plane 11 Global Scenery/Earth nav data/+30+020/+36+023.dsf (46867 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:42.295 I/SCN: DSF load time: 261661 for file Global Scenery/X-Plane 11 Global Scenery/Earth nav data/+30+020/+38+025.dsf (44521 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:42.295 I/SCN: DSF load time: 237567 for file Global Scenery/X-Plane 11 Global Scenery/Earth nav data/+30+020/+36+025.dsf (64193 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:42.295 E/DSF: The DSF Custom Scenery/simHeaven_X-Europe-7-network/Earth nav data/+30+020/+36+025.dsf has a number of problems with its road network: 1 doubled nodes, 0 direction reverses, 0 short segments, 0 roads deleted.
0:08:42.295 I/SCN: DSF load time: 1193033 for file Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Athens_3_mesh/Earth nav data/+30+020/+38+023.dsf (184847 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:42.295 I/SCN: DSF load time: 269757 for file Custom Scenery/Global Airports/Earth nav data/+30+020/+37+022.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:42.295 I/SCN: DSF load time: 33035 for file Custom Scenery/simHeaven_X-Europe-3-extras/Earth nav data/+30+020/+37+022.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:42.295 I/SCN: DSF load time: 6503 for file Custom Scenery/simHeaven_X-Europe-4-forests/Earth nav data/+30+020/+37+022.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:42.295 I/SCN: DSF load time: 365704 for file Custom Scenery/simHeaven_X-Europe-5-scenery/Earth nav data/+30+020/+37+022.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:42.295 I/SCN: DSF load time: 698325 for file Custom Scenery/Global Airports/Earth nav data/+30+020/+37+025.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:42.295 I/SCN: DSF load time: 19442 for file Custom Scenery/simHeaven_X-Europe-6-autogen/Earth nav data/+30+020/+37+022.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:42.295 I/SCN: DSF load time: 1760 for file Custom Scenery/simHeaven_X-Europe-3-extras/Earth nav data/+30+020/+37+025.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:42.295 I/SCN: DSF load time: 423 for file Custom Scenery/simHeaven_X-Europe-4-forests/Earth nav data/+30+020/+37+025.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:42.295 I/SCN: DSF load time: 31968 for file Custom Scenery/simHeaven_X-Europe-5-scenery/Earth nav data/+30+020/+37+025.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:42.295 I/SCN: DSF load time: 1426 for file Custom Scenery/simHeaven_X-Europe-6-autogen/Earth nav data/+30+020/+37+025.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:42.295 I/SCN: DSF load time: 22600 for file Custom Scenery/simHeaven_X-Europe-7-network/Earth nav data/+30+020/+37+025.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:42.295 I/SCN: DSF load time: 129360 for file Custom Scenery/simHeaven_X-Europe-7-network/Earth nav data/+30+020/+37+022.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:42.295 I/SCN: DSF load time: 309078 for file Global Scenery/X-Plane 11 Global Scenery/Earth nav data/+30+020/+37+025.dsf (63282 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:42.295 E/DSF: The DSF Custom Scenery/simHeaven_X-Europe-7-network/Earth nav data/+30+020/+37+025.dsf has a number of problems with its road network: 1 doubled nodes, 0 direction reverses, 0 short segments, 0 roads deleted.
0:08:42.295 I/SCN: DSF load time: 1065719 for file Global Scenery/X-Plane 11 Global Scenery/Earth nav data/+30+020/+37+022.dsf (185423 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:42.295 E/DSF: The DSF Custom Scenery/simHeaven_X-Europe-7-network/Earth nav data/+30+020/+37+022.dsf has a number of problems with its road network: 36 doubled nodes, 0 direction reverses, 0 short segments, 11 roads deleted.
0:08:42.295 I/SCN: DSF load time: 82146 for file Custom Scenery/simHeaven_X-Europe-1-vfr+corr/Earth nav data/+30+020/+37+023.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:42.295 E/SCN: Failed to find resource ‘Jetway/jetway_ath.OBJ’, referenced from scenery package ‘Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Athens_0_airport/’.
0:08:42.295 E/SYS: MACIBM_alert: Возникла проблема при загрузке пакета ландшафтов:
0:08:42.295 E/SYS: MACIBM_alert: Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Athens_0_airport/
0:08:42.295 E/SYS: MACIBM_alert: Ландшафт может выглядеть некорректно.
0:08:42.295 E/SYS: MACIBM_alert: Подробная информация об ошибке доступна в файле Log.txt.
0:08:42.295 E/SYS: MACIBM_alert: C:/jenkins/design-triggered/source_code/app/X-Plane-f/../../engine/REN/io_dsf.cpp:808
0:08:42.295 E/SYS: +——————————————————————————-
0:08:42.295 E/SYS: | Возникла проблема при загрузке пакета ландшафтов:
0:08:42.295 E/SYS: | Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Athens_0_airport/
0:08:42.295 E/SYS: | Ландшафт может выглядеть некорректно.
0:08:42.295 E/SYS: | Подробная информация об ошибке доступна в файле Log.txt.
0:08:42.295 E/SYS: | (io_dsf.cpp:808)
0:08:42.295 E/SYS: +——————————————————————————-
0:08:42.295 E/SCN: Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Athens_0_airport/Earth nav data/+30+020/+37+023.dsf:
0:08:42.295 E/SCN: Unable to locate resource: Jetway/jetway_ath.OBJ
0:08:42.295 E/SCN: Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Athens_0_airport/Trench/Trench_03.obj:6795:
0:08:42.295 E/SCN: VT count is out of range — the OBJ file is bad.
0:08:42.295 E/OBJ: The object Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Athens_0_airport/Trench/Trench_03.obj has unbalanced anim begins.
0:08:42.295 I/SCN: DSF load time: 511238 for file Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Athens_0_airport/Earth nav data/+30+020/+37+023.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:42.295 I/SCN: DSF load time: 12392 for file Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Athens_1_roads/Earth nav data/+30+020/+37+023.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:42.295 I/SCN: DSF load time: 11505 for file Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Athens_2_overlays/Earth nav data/+30+020/+37+023.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:42.295 I/SCN: DSF load time: 1351515 for file Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Athens_3_mesh/Earth nav data/+30+020/+37+023.dsf (391290 tris, 70 skipped for -188841.7 m^2)
0:08:42.295 I/SCN: DSF load time: 9568 for file Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Athens_0_airport/Earth nav data/+30+020/+37+024.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:42.295 I/SCN: DSF load time: 260 for file Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Athens_2_overlays/Earth nav data/+30+020/+37+024.dsf (0 tris, 0 skipped for 0.0 m^2)
0:08:42.295 I/SCN: DSF load time: 372752 for file Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Athens_3_mesh/Earth nav data/+30+020/+37+024.dsf (79157 tris, 3 skipped for -0.4 m^2)
0:08:42.295 G64: Run: [OnSceneryLoaded]
0:09:21.771 I/SCN: Preload time: 6368038
0:09:31.254 I/SCN: Preload time: 9478156
0:09:31.254 I/ATC: Created aircraft 000001FB5A019DA0 as p=0 ()
0:10:02.913 I/SCN: Preload time: 31655952
FlyWithLua: User switched to a new airport (or changed the plane). Script files have to be reloaded.
FlyWithLua: Found fwl_prefs.ini in the FlyWithLua plugin path and it is
FlyWithLua Info: Lua engine (re)started. LUA_RUN =1, SDK_VERSION = 303, XPLANE_VERSION = 11502, XPLANE_LANGUAGE = Russian and XPLANE_HOSTID = 1
FlyWithLua Info: HID access initialized.
FlyWithLua Info: FlyWithLua.ini full path 
C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Internals/FlyWithLua.ini
FlyWithLua Info: Discovered 9 HID devices.
FlyWithLua Info: Initial assignments successfully saved.
FlyWithLua Info: Load ini file.
FlyWithLua Info: Searching for Lua script files
FlyWithLua Info: Sorting Lua script files
FlyWithLua Info: Start loading script file C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/3jCabin-sounds.lua
FlyWithLua Info: Finished loading script file C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/3jCabin-sounds.lua
FlyWithLua Info: Start loading script file C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/CloudArt.lua
FlyWithLua Info: Finished loading script file C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/CloudArt.lua
FlyWithLua Info: Start loading script file C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/X-Visibility.lua
FlyWithLua Info: Finished loading script file C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/X-Visibility.lua
FlyWithLua Info: Start loading script file C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/aceDeice.lua
AceDI: ** Starting AceDeIce version 1.11 **
FlyWithLua Info: Finished loading script file C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/aceDeice.lua
FlyWithLua Info: Start loading script file C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/init_fjs_727.lua
FlyWithLua Info: Finished loading script file C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/init_fjs_727.lua
FlyWithLua Info: All script files loaded successfully.
FlyWithLua Info: Loading time for all scripts is 0.637 sec.
0:10:02.913 G64: Run: [OnAirportChanged]
[AOS] [2020-06-29.15:51:23] :> Weather data loaded successfully

XPR 15:51:23 B
XPR 15:51:23 load user license
XPR 15:51:23 loading user license
XPR 15:51:23 update license status
XPR 15:51:23 activation started
XPR 15:51:23 activation get passed
XPR 15:51:23 update user license started
XPR 15:51:23 update user license finished
XPR 15:51:23 activation get res
XPR 15:51:23 update license status
XPR 15:51:23 activation finished
XPR 15:51:23 init started
XPR 15:51:23 profile load started
XPR 15:51:23 profile load finished C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/XPRealistic/Profiles/Yak-18.json
XPR 15:51:23 sync profile started
XPR 15:51:23 sync profile finished
XPR 15:51:23 load effects started
XPR 15:51:23 effect airframe_wind loaded successfully
XPR 15:51:23 effect airport_ambient loaded successfully
XPR 15:51:23 effect auto_speed_brake loaded successfully
XPR 15:51:23 effect blade_slapping loaded successfully
XPR 15:51:23 effect brakes loaded successfully
XPR 15:51:23 effect clear_air_turbulence loaded successfully
XPR 15:51:23 effect cockpit_ambient loaded successfully
XPR 15:51:23 effect engine_startup loaded successfully
XPR 15:51:23 effect engine_vibrations loaded successfully
XPR 15:51:23 effect flaps_drag loaded successfully
XPR 15:51:23 effect flaps_lever loaded successfully
XPR 15:51:23 effect flaps_stress loaded successfully
XPR 15:51:23 effect floats_splash loaded successfully
XPR 15:51:23 effect g_forces loaded successfully
XPR 15:51:23 effect gear_drag loaded successfully
XPR 15:51:23 effect grass_strip loaded successfully
XPR 15:51:23 effect ground_effect loaded successfully
XPR 15:51:23 effect ground_roll loaded successfully
XPR 15:51:23 effect ground_shakings loaded successfully
XPR 15:51:23 effect head_anticipation loaded successfully
XPR 15:51:23 effect natural_movements loaded successfully
XPR 15:51:23 effect over_g loaded successfully
XPR 15:51:23 effect overspeed loaded successfully
XPR 15:51:23 effect reverse_thrust loaded successfully
XPR 15:51:23 effect sneezing loaded successfully
XPR 15:51:23 effect speed_brake_drag loaded successfully
XPR 15:51:23 effect stall_buffet loaded successfully
XPR 15:51:23 effect stick_shaker loaded successfully
XPR 15:51:23 effect surface_turbulence loaded successfully
XPR 15:51:23 effect touchdown_front loaded successfully
XPR 15:51:23 effect touchdown_main loaded successfully
XPR 15:51:23 effect turbulence_shakings loaded successfully
XPR 15:51:23 effect vr loaded successfully
XPR 15:51:23 effect water_ambient loaded successfully
XPR 15:51:23 effect wheel_well loaded successfully
XPR 15:51:23 effect wind_ambient loaded successfully
XPR 15:51:23 effect windshield_rain loaded successfully
XPR 15:51:23 effect windshield_wind loaded successfully
XPR 15:51:23 load effects finished
XPR 15:51:23 init finishedGroundTraffic: Can’t find groundtraffic.txt in C:UsersAdminstratorDesktopX-Plane 11Custom SceneryOrbx_A_GB_South_TrueEarth_Custom
0:10:02.913 I/OVR: Reading VR conf file: Aircraft/Project Yak-18T/Yak-18_vrconfig.txt
0:10:02.913 W/VRCONFIG: Could not find vr config file: Aircraft/Project Yak-18T/Yak-18_vrconfig.txt
0:10:02.913 W/VRCONFIG: VR Config data file for Aircraft/Project Yak-18T/Yak-18_vrconfig.txt is not valid!
0:10:02.913 W/MANIPS: Could not find vr config file: Aircraft/Project Yak-18T/Yak-18_vrconfig.txt
0:10:02.913 W/MANIPS: VR Manips file for Aircraft/Project Yak-18T/Yak-18_vrconfig.txt is not valid!
0:10:02.913 D/STM: Transitioning from state state_NormalLoading to state_Normal
0:10:02.913 I/FCG: Loading AI aircraft Aircraft/Classic Jet Simulations/WorldTraffic/AIplane.acf
0:10:02.913 I/ACF: Loading airplane number 1 with Aircraft/Classic Jet Simulations/WorldTraffic/AIplane.acf
DataRefTool: Plane loaded #: 1
0:10:04.211 G64: Run: [OnAircraftLoad]
[AOS] [2020-06-29.15:51:24] :> Weather data loaded successfully
0:10:04.211 I/FLT: Init dat_p1 type:loc_general_area lat:37.506873 lon:24.443353 ele(ft):7838.421579 psi:101.351967 spd(kts):521.051927
0:10:04.211 I/FCG: Loading AI aircraft Aircraft/Classic Jet Simulations/WorldTraffic/AIplane.acf
0:10:04.211 I/ACF: Loading airplane number 2 with Aircraft/Classic Jet Simulations/WorldTraffic/AIplane.acf
DataRefTool: Plane loaded #: 2
0:10:14.364 G64: Run: [OnAircraftLoad]
[AOS] [2020-06-29.15:51:34] :> Weather data loaded successfully
0:10:14.364 I/FLT: Init dat_p2 type:loc_general_area lat:37.412085 lon:24.356998 ele(ft):6013.197256 psi:231.873535 spd(kts):613.625679
0:10:14.364 I/FCG: Loading AI aircraft Aircraft/Classic Jet Simulations/WorldTraffic/AIplane.acf
0:10:14.364 I/ACF: Loading airplane number 3 with Aircraft/Classic Jet Simulations/WorldTraffic/AIplane.acf
DataRefTool: Plane loaded #: 3
0:10:17.448 G64: Run: [OnAircraftLoad]
[AOS] [2020-06-29.15:51:37] :> Weather data loaded successfully
0:10:17.448 I/FLT: Init dat_p3 type:loc_general_area lat:38.410274 lon:23.279666 ele(ft):192.498436 psi:158.350769 spd(kts):600.406078
0:10:17.448 I/FCG: Loading AI aircraft Aircraft/Classic Jet Simulations/WorldTraffic/AIplane.acf
0:10:17.448 I/ACF: Loading airplane number 4 with Aircraft/Classic Jet Simulations/WorldTraffic/AIplane.acf
DataRefTool: Plane loaded #: 4
0:10:22.080 G64: Run: [OnAircraftLoad]
[AOS] [2020-06-29.15:51:41] :> Weather data loaded successfully
0:10:22.080 I/FLT: Init dat_p4 type:loc_general_area lat:37.305301 lon:23.136081 ele(ft):7552.928432 psi:353.616760 spd(kts):794.102452
0:10:22.080 I/FCG: Loading AI aircraft Aircraft/Classic Jet Simulations/WorldTraffic/AIplane.acf
0:10:22.080 I/ACF: Loading airplane number 5 with Aircraft/Classic Jet Simulations/WorldTraffic/AIplane.acf
DataRefTool: Plane loaded #: 5
0:10:24.614 G64: Run: [OnAircraftLoad]
[AOS] [2020-06-29.15:51:44] :> Weather data loaded successfully
0:10:24.614 I/FLT: Init dat_p5 type:loc_general_area lat:38.059110 lon:23.064572 ele(ft):5451.615343 psi:90.090637 spd(kts):770.029047
0:10:24.614 I/FCG: Loading AI aircraft Aircraft/Classic Jet Simulations/WorldTraffic/AIplane.acf
0:10:24.614 I/ACF: Loading airplane number 6 with Aircraft/Classic Jet Simulations/WorldTraffic/AIplane.acf
DataRefTool: Plane loaded #: 6
0:10:32.838 G64: Run: [OnAircraftLoad]
[AOS] [2020-06-29.15:51:52] :> Weather data loaded successfully
0:10:32.838 I/FLT: Init dat_p6 type:loc_general_area lat:38.378906 lon:24.714111 ele(ft):2477.067381 psi:206.021912 spd(kts):515.027599
0:10:32.838 I/FCG: Loading AI aircraft Aircraft/Classic Jet Simulations/WorldTraffic/AIplane.acf
0:10:32.838 I/ACF: Loading airplane number 7 with Aircraft/Classic Jet Simulations/WorldTraffic/AIplane.acf
DataRefTool: Plane loaded #: 7
0:10:34.874 G64: Run: [OnAircraftLoad]
[AOS] [2020-06-29.15:51:54] :> Weather data loaded successfully
0:10:34.874 I/FLT: Init dat_p7 type:loc_general_area lat:37.216386 lon:23.510988 ele(ft):3012.038727 psi:108.745995 spd(kts):558.844835
0:10:34.874 I/FCG: Loading AI aircraft Aircraft/Classic Jet Simulations/WorldTraffic/AIplane.acf
0:10:34.874 I/ACF: Loading airplane number 8 with Aircraft/Classic Jet Simulations/WorldTraffic/AIplane.acf
DataRefTool: Plane loaded #: 8
0:10:39.494 G64: Run: [OnAircraftLoad]
[AOS] [2020-06-29.15:51:59] :> Weather data loaded successfully
0:10:39.494 I/FLT: Init dat_p8 type:loc_general_area lat:37.662385 lon:25.005457 ele(ft):4011.848861 psi:35.937378 spd(kts):463.136984
0:10:39.494 D/FCG: MTBF set to 10000.0 hours
0:10:43.012 I/TEX: Pre-warming paging cache
0:10:43.013 E/TEX: Target scale moved to 16.000000
0:10:43.013 I/TEX: Pager pre-warm status: Stable evaluation: false. Stable collection: false. Execution queue: 0. Retirement queue: 3
0:10:43.013 I/TEX: Pager pre-warm status: Stable evaluation: false. Stable collection: false. Execution queue: 0. Retirement queue: 6
0:10:43.013 I/TEX: Pager pre-warm status: Stable evaluation: false. Stable collection: false. Execution queue: 0. Retirement queue: 5
0:10:43.013 I/TEX: Pager pre-warm status: Stable evaluation: true. Stable collection: true. Execution queue: 0. Retirement queue: 4
0:10:43.013 I/TEX: Pager pre-warm status: Stable evaluation: true. Stable collection: true. Execution queue: 0. Retirement queue: 4
0:10:43.013 I/TEX: Pager pre-warm status: Stable evaluation: true. Stable collection: true. Execution queue: 0. Retirement queue: 4
0:10:43.013 I/TEX: Finished pre-warming paging cache. Time taken: 13.263s
FlyWithLua Info: Searching for Lua quarantined script files
FlyWithLua Info: The folder /Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts (Quarantine)/ does not exist or it is empty.
0:10:43.013 G64: Setting Graphics-Ready flag true.
0:10:43.013 G64: Run: [OnBoot]
0:10:43.013 G64: debug: Calling for TTF load..
0:10:43.013 G64: debug: font_h:0
0:10:43.013 G64: imgui.NewWindow(Gizmo Preferences)
0:10:43.013 G64: imgui.NewWindow(X-Aviation Licensing)
0:10:43.013 G64:  warn: X-Aviation Licensing: Auto license update is on.
0:10:43.013 G64:  warn: X-Aviation Licensing: License days remaining: 12.93 — No update required.
0:10:43.013 G64:  warn: X-Aviation Licensing: Update required when <= 2.00 days.
0:10:43.013 G64: imgui.NewWindow(Gizmo64 Garbage Collector)
0:10:43.013 G64: Run: [OnFirstFrame]
0:10:43.013 G64: debug: Undefined function: Run(timer) main

XPR 15:52:15 init started
XPR 15:52:15 profile load started
XPR 15:52:15 profile load finished C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/XPRealistic/Profiles/Yak-18.json
XPR 15:52:15 sync profile started
XPR 15:52:15 sync profile finished
XPR 15:52:15 load effects started
XPR 15:52:15 effect airframe_wind loaded successfully
XPR 15:52:15 effect airport_ambient loaded successfully
XPR 15:52:15 effect auto_speed_brake loaded successfully
XPR 15:52:15 effect blade_slapping loaded successfully
XPR 15:52:15 effect brakes loaded successfully
XPR 15:52:15 effect clear_air_turbulence loaded successfully
XPR 15:52:15 effect cockpit_ambient loaded successfully
XPR 15:52:15 effect engine_startup loaded successfully
XPR 15:52:15 effect engine_vibrations loaded successfully
XPR 15:52:15 effect flaps_drag loaded successfully
XPR 15:52:15 effect flaps_lever loaded successfully
XPR 15:52:15 effect flaps_stress loaded successfully
XPR 15:52:15 effect floats_splash loaded successfully
XPR 15:52:15 effect g_forces loaded successfully
XPR 15:52:15 effect gear_drag loaded successfully
XPR 15:52:15 effect grass_strip loaded successfully
XPR 15:52:15 effect ground_effect loaded successfully
XPR 15:52:15 effect ground_roll loaded successfully
XPR 15:52:15 effect ground_shakings loaded successfully
XPR 15:52:15 effect head_anticipation loaded successfully
XPR 15:52:15 effect natural_movements loaded successfully
XPR 15:52:15 effect over_g loaded successfully
XPR 15:52:15 effect overspeed loaded successfully
XPR 15:52:15 effect reverse_thrust loaded successfully
XPR 15:52:15 effect sneezing loaded successfully
XPR 15:52:15 effect speed_brake_drag loaded successfully
XPR 15:52:15 effect stall_buffet loaded successfully
XPR 15:52:15 effect stick_shaker loaded successfully
XPR 15:52:15 effect surface_turbulence loaded successfully
XPR 15:52:15 effect touchdown_front loaded successfully
XPR 15:52:15 effect touchdown_main loaded successfully
XPR 15:52:15 effect turbulence_shakings loaded successfully
XPR 15:52:15 effect vr loaded successfully
XPR 15:52:15 effect water_ambient loaded successfully
XPR 15:52:15 effect wheel_well loaded successfully
XPR 15:52:16 effect wind_ambient loaded successfully
XPR 15:52:16 effect windshield_rain loaded successfully
XPR 15:52:16 effect windshield_wind loaded successfully
XPR 15:52:16 load effects finished
XPR 15:52:16 init finishedDataRefTool: Found plugin with name=»Loading datarefPs from path l»uginAdminC» d:esc=»AU splug-in that Administrates Plugins.» signature=»exprssd/kA.examples.pluginadmind»mFionusntdr aptolru/gDiens kwtiopt/hX -Pnlaamnee= 1″1N/aRveisgoruaprh cSeismplliugnikn»sdr t_bldaesc=»cNavigraph Simlink for X-Plane» ksiligsnature=»Navigraph Simlink for X-Plane»tF.otuxntd» 
DataRefTool: plugin with name=»Faisn_ixschoendn elcota»d idnegs c=0″ Apcottievnet isakly  dXa-tPlanea crefs from «oC:nnection module» signature=»HiFiU»sFerosu/nAdd mipnlstratuorg/in witDh name=»AutoGate v1.72″ desc=»eManages boarding bridges and DGSs»s kstiogpnature=»Marginal.AutoGate»/FXo-uPnlda npe l1u1gi/nR ewsiotuhr cneasmep=l»ugAivnisTdarbt»_ bdlaecskcl=i»sAt .ttaxbtl»e
DataRefTool: tL otaod ihnegl pd aitna rVefs Rfro.m»  signature=»org.solhostp.fath o»lCko.avitab:»UFsoeurns/Admdi plugnin with name=»sBettrterPushback-v0.48a» tdoers/Dce=sk»tGeneric automated pushback plugino» signature=»pski/sX-Plealnkov.BetterPushbacke» F1o1u/Resnod pluugin rwcietsh name=»DataRefTool» desc=»View and edit X-Plane Datarefs» signature=»copml.ulgieecbanker.datareftool»FsouDnadt apRleugin with name=f»s.Ftlxty»W
DataRefTool: ithLua NG 2.7.24 build Jun  1 2020 11:23:19″ desc=»Next Generation Version 2.7.24 build Jun  1 2020 11:23:19″ signature=»CarstenLynker.FlyWithLua.NG»Found plugin with name=»Gizmo64″ desc=»Script Engine v20.05.22.0320 Windows» signature=»»Found plugin with name=»Ground Handing» desc=»Ground Handling Plugin» signature=»jardesign.crew.ground.handling»Found plugin with name=»AOS» desc=»A successor plug-in to existing SAM plugin from Stairport-Sceneries.» signature=»stairportsceneries.plugin.aos»Found plugin with name=»Terrain radar″ desc=»Plugin shows terrain radar on Navigation Display» signature=»drgluck.plugins.terrain_radar»Found plugin with name=»World Traffic» desc=»World Traffic» signature=»cjs.util.worldtraffic»Found plugin with name=»WorldTrafficRadar» desc=»WorldTrafficRadar by Classic Jet Simulations» signature=»classicjetsims.wt_radar»Found plugin with name=»X-Camera» desc=»Advanced Camera Plugin version 2.4 Copyright 2017 Stick and Rudder Studios» signature=»SRS.X-Camera»Found plugin with name=»XPRealistic Pro» desc=»XPRealistic Pro v2.1.0″ signature=»com.rkApps.xprealistic»Found plugin with name=»GroundTraffic v1.52 FlyTampa_Athens_0_airport» desc=»Shows animated airport ground vehicle traffic. Licensed under LGPL v2.1.» signature=»Marginal.GroundTraffic.FlyTampa_Athens_0_airport»Found plugin with name=»GroundTraffic v1.52 FlyTampa_Athens_1_roads» desc=»Shows animated airport ground vehicle traffic. Licensed under LGPL v2.1.» signature=»Marginal.GroundTraffic.FlyTampa_Athens_1_roads»Found plugin with name=»GroundTraffic v1.52 Orbx_EGPB_A_Sumburgh» desc=»Shows animated airport ground vehicle traffic. Licensed under LGPL v2.1.» signature=»Marginal.GroundTraffic.Orbx_EGPB_A_Sumburgh»Found plugin with name=»GroundTraffic v1.52 Orbx_EGFF_A_Cardiff» desc=»Shows animated airport ground vehicle traffic. Licensed under LGPL v2.1.» signature=»Marginal.GroundTraffic.Orbx_EGFF_A_Cardiff»Found plugin with name=»GroundTraffic v1.52 Gaya_Sim_LOWW_Wien_Airport» desc=»Shows animated airport ground vehicle traffic. Licensed under LGPL v2.1.» signature=»Marginal.GroundTraffic.Gaya_Sim_LOWW_Wien_Airport»Found plugin with name=»GroundTraffic v1.52 Orbx_A_EGNX_East_Midlands» desc=»Shows animated airport grouFinished loading n4d vehicle traffic. Licensed under LGPL v2.1.» signature=»Marginal.GroundTraffic.Orbx_A_EGNX_East_Midlands6″8F7o upotentnial ddatarefs from  «pC:lugin wUith nsaemres=/»AGroundTraffic v1.52 Orbx_A_EGPH_Edinburghd» desc=»Shows animated airport ground vehicle traffic. Licensed under LGPL v2.1.»m inssignature=»tMraartor/gDienal.GrsoundkTraffic.Orbx_A_EGPH_Edinburght»opF/oXu-nPd plugin wiltahne 1 1n/ame=»RGroundTraffic v1.52 Orbx_A_EGNM_LeedsBradford» desc=»eShows asnoiurcesmpated airport ground vehicle traffic. Licensed under LGPL v2.1.» signature=»Marginal.GroundTraffic.Orbx_A_EGNM_LeedsBradfordl»uFgoiunnd plsugDiatna Rweiftsh»tGroundT»r
DataRefTool: affic v1.52 Orbx_A_EGLC_LondonCity» desc=»Shows animated airport ground vehicle traffic. Licensed under LGPL v2.1.» signature=»Marginal.GroundTraffic.Orbx_A_EGLC_LondonCity»Found plugin with namLoading datarefs from path e»=C»:GroundTraffic v1.52 Orbx_A_LOWI_InnsbruckU» sders/eAsdminsct=»rShowas animated airport ground vehiclet traffic. Licensed under LGPL v2.1.o» rsignature=»/MDarginal.GroundTraffic.Orbx_A_LOWI_Innsbruck»eFsokutnodp /pXl-uPgliann ew i1t1h/R ensaomuer=ce»sGrploundTruagfifnisc Cv1o.m5m2an dsO.rtbxxt_»E
DataRefTool: GHI_A_Southampton» desc=»Shows animated airport ground vehicle traffic. Licensed under LGPL v2.1.» signature=»Marginal.GroundTraffic.Orbx_EGHI_A_Southampton»Found plugin with name=»GroundTraffic v1.52 FlyTampa_Thessaloniki_0_airport» desc=»Shows animated airport ground vehicle traffic. Licensed under LGPL v2.1.» signature=»Marginal.GroundTraffic.FlyTampa_Thessaloniki_0_airport»Found plugin with name=»GroundTraffic v1.52 FlyTampa_Thessaloniki_1_overlays» desc=»Shows animated airport ground vehicle traffic. Licensed under LGPL v2.1.» signature=»Marginal.GroundTraffic.FlyTampa_Thessaloniki_1_overlays»Found plugin with name=»GroundTraffic v1.52 FlyTampa_Corfu_Airport» desc=»Shows animated airport ground vehicle traffic. Licensed under LGPL v2.1.» signature=»Marginal.GroundTraffic.FlyTampa_Corfu_Airport»Found plugin with name=»GroundTraffic v1.50 ULLI-Digital_Design» desc=»ShoFwisnished loading  2animate2d97 airp oprt ground vehicle traffic. Licensed under LGPL v2.1.o» stential datarefs from i»gnature=»CMa:rgUinals.Grouenrsd/TArdaffic.ULLI-Digital_Design»mFionusntdr aptloru/Deskgtion with name=»pGr/oXu-nPdTraffic v1.52 Orbx_A_GB_South_TrueEarth_Custom» desc=»Shows animated airport ground vehicle traffic. Licensed under LGPL v2.1.l» signature=»Marginal.GroundTraffic.Orbx_A_GB_South_TrueEarth_Custom»ane F1o1und plugin with name=»librain/» desc=»librain (DO NOT DISABLE)» signature=»skiselkov.librain»RFeosouurncde splpuluggiinns wCiotmhm annadmse.=tx»tS»A
DataRefTool: SL» desc=»X-Plane scriptable avionics library plugin snapshot 2.6.1 20181026″ signature=»1-sim.sasl»Found 39 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/ResourcespluginsFlyWithLuaScripts3jCabin-sounds.lua»
DataRefTool: Found 22 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/ResourcespluginsFlyWithLuaScriptsaceDeice.lua»
DataRefTool: Found 33 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/ResourcespluginsFlyWithLuaScriptsCloudArt.lua»
DataRefTool: Found 111 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/ResourcespluginsFlyWithLuaScriptsinit_fjs_727.lua»
DataRefTool: Found 14 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/ResourcespluginsFlyWithLuaScriptsX-Visibility.lua»
DataRefTool: Found 2 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/PluginAdmin64lin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 1 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/PluginAdmin64win.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 4 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/PluginAdminmac.xpl»
0:10:43.013 I/WIN: Opened window menu bar
0:10:43.013 I/ATC: Created aircraft 000001FB5A119BD0 as p=1 ()
0:10:43.013 I/ATC: Created aircraft 000001FB5A11A4D0 as p=2 ()
0:10:43.013 I/ATC: Created aircraft 000001FB5A119750 as p=3 ()
0:10:43.013 I/ATC: Created aircraft 000001FB5A11ADD0 as p=4 ()
0:10:43.013 I/ATC: Created aircraft 000001FB5A11A710 as p=5 ()
0:10:43.013 I/ATC: Created aircraft 000001FB5A11A950 as p=6 ()
0:10:43.013 I/ATC: Created aircraft 000001FB5A11B010 as p=7 ()
0:10:43.013 I/ATC: Created aircraft 000001FB5A1192D0 as p=8 ()
0:10:43.013 E/FMOD: C:/jenkins/design-triggered/source_code/app/X-Plane-f/../../engine/sound/soun_fmod.cpp(340): FMOD error 74 — The requested event, bus or vca could not be found.
DataRefTool: Found 192 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/pluginsASXPConnect64win.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 39 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/pluginsAutoGate32win.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 36 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/pluginsAutoGate64lin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 37 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/pluginsAutoGate64win.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 36 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/pluginsAutoGatelin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 37 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/pluginsAutoGatemac.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 37 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/pluginsAutoGatewin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 291 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/pluginsAviTablin_x64AviTab.xpl»
0:10:43.013 I/ATC: p=1 (AI) Popup FP filed to LGTT at 6000 via 3801N02355E , type=2
0:10:43.013 D/ATC: Routing is currently: 
0:10:43.013 D/ATC: 
  raw view: start=000001FB5EB36AA0 end = 000001FB5EB356A0, can_edit=false edit_count=0
0:10:43.013 D/ATC: 0: 000001FB5EB36AA0 (‘Popup Pos’) 
0:10:43.013 D/ATC: lon=24.477562,lat=37.717094 
0:10:43.013 D/ATC:  Nav type = NONE
0:10:43.013 D/ATC: 
0:10:43.013 D/ATC:     0: 000001FB57E10B70 (‘Pilot Nav Departure’) 
0:10:43.013 D/ATC: IFR/pilot nav
0:10:43.013 D/ATC:     Heading 304 59405.8 meters
0:10:43.013 D/ATC: 1: 000001FB5EB35DA0 (‘FAKE’) 
0:10:43.013 D/ATC: lon=23.916666,lat=38.016666 
0:10:43.013 D/ATC:  Nav type = NONE
0:10:43.013 D/ATC: 
0:10:43.013 D/ATC:     1: 000001FB57E0FB30 (‘Vector to airport’) 
0:10:43.013 D/ATC: veczone = -1 
0:10:43.013 D/ATC: Vector/normal
0:10:43.013 D/ATC:     Heading 311 15503.5 meters
0:10:43.013 D/ATC: 2: 000001FB5EB356A0 (‘LGTT’) 
0:10:43.013 D/ATC: lon=23.783551,lat=38.108761 
0:10:43.013 D/ATC:  Nav type = APT
0:10:43.013 D/ATC: 
0:10:43.013 D/ATC: Validating altitude for p=1 (AI): filed: 6000 usable_rte_dist: 32.358215 maxDescent: 8000 maxAlt: 9000 minAlt: 6000 chosen_alt: 6000
0:10:43.013 D/ATC: p=1 (AI): Cleared IFR @ 1829FT
0:10:43.013 I/FLT: Init dat_p1 type:loc_specify_lle lat:37.717094 lon:24.477562 ele(ft):6000.000206 psi:305.495697 spd(kts):749.249998
0:10:43.013 D/ATC: p=1 (AI): Fly Heading: 100
0:10:43.013 D/ATC: p=1 (AI): Maintain 5997ft
0:10:43.013 I/ATC: Aircraft p=1 (AI) started airborne as an overflight at 37.717094, 24.477562, 1828.800049
DataRefTool: Found 306 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/pluginsAviTabmac_x64AviTab.xpl»
0:11:16.539 I/ATC: p=2 (N475AX) Popup FP filed to LGTT at 6000 via 3803N02354E , type=2
0:11:16.539 D/ATC: Routing is currently: 
0:11:16.539 D/ATC: 
  raw view: start=000001FB5EB357A0 end = 000001FB5EB365A0, can_edit=false edit_count=0
0:11:16.539 D/ATC: 0: 000001FB5EB357A0 (‘Popup Pos’) 
0:11:16.539 D/ATC: lon=24.517576,lat=37.795906 
0:11:16.539 D/ATC:  Nav type = NONE
0:11:16.539 D/ATC: 
0:11:16.539 D/ATC:     0: 000001FB57E10210 (‘Pilot Nav Departure’) 
0:11:16.539 D/ATC: IFR/pilot nav
0:11:16.539 D/ATC:     Heading 298 61054.7 meters
0:11:16.539 D/ATC: 1: 000001FB5EB371A0 (‘FAKE’) 
0:11:16.539 D/ATC: lon=23.900000,lat=38.049999 
0:11:16.539 D/ATC:  Nav type = NONE
0:11:16.539 D/ATC: 
0:11:16.539 D/ATC:     1: 000001FB57E10A30 (‘Vector to airport’) 
0:11:16.539 D/ATC: veczone = -1 
0:11:16.539 D/ATC: Vector/normal
0:11:16.539 D/ATC:     Heading 303 12098.9 meters
0:11:16.539 D/ATC: 2: 000001FB5EB365A0 (‘LGTT’) 
0:11:16.539 D/ATC: lon=23.783551,lat=38.108761 
0:11:16.539 D/ATC:  Nav type = APT
0:11:16.539 D/ATC: 
0:11:16.539 D/ATC: Validating altitude for p=2 (N475AX): filed: 6000 usable_rte_dist: 31.599842 maxDescent: 7000 maxAlt: 8000 minAlt: 6000 chosen_alt: 6000
0:11:16.539 D/ATC: p=2 (N475AX): Cleared IFR @ 1829FT
0:11:16.539 I/FLT: Init dat_p2 type:loc_specify_lle lat:37.795906 lon:24.517576 ele(ft):6000.000206 psi:298.298279 spd(kts):749.249998
0:11:16.539 D/ATC: p=2 (N475AX): Fly Heading: 230
0:11:16.539 D/ATC: p=2 (N475AX): Maintain 5997ft
0:11:16.539 I/ATC: Aircraft p=2 (N475AX) started airborne as an overflight at 37.795906, 24.517576, 1828.800049
0:11:16.640 I/ATC: p=3 (N456ZK) Popup FP filed to LGTT at 6000 via 3755N02408E , type=2
0:11:16.640 D/ATC: Routing is currently: 
0:11:16.640 D/ATC: 
  raw view: start=000001FB5EB359A0 end = 000001FB5EB35920, can_edit=false edit_count=0
0:11:16.640 D/ATC: 0: 000001FB5EB359A0 (‘Popup Pos’) 
0:11:16.640 D/ATC: lon=24.495869,lat=37.748245 
0:11:16.640 D/ATC:  Nav type = NONE
0:11:16.640 D/ATC: 
0:11:16.640 D/ATC:     0: 000001FB57E0EE10 (‘Pilot Nav Departure’) 
0:11:16.640 D/ATC: IFR/pilot nav
0:11:16.640 D/ATC:     Heading 301 36913.4 meters
0:11:16.640 D/ATC: 1: 000001FB5EB35C20 (‘FAKE’) 
0:11:16.640 D/ATC: lon=24.133333,lat=37.916668 
0:11:16.640 D/ATC:  Nav type = NONE
0:11:16.640 D/ATC: 
0:11:16.640 D/ATC:     1: 000001FB57E103F0 (‘Vector to airport’) 
0:11:16.640 D/ATC: veczone = -1 
0:11:16.640 D/ATC: Vector/normal
0:11:16.640 D/ATC:     Heading 305 37328.1 meters
0:11:16.640 D/ATC: 2: 000001FB5EB35920 (‘LGTT’) 
0:11:16.640 D/ATC: lon=23.783551,lat=38.108761 
0:11:16.640 D/ATC:  Nav type = APT
0:11:16.640 D/ATC: 
0:11:16.640 D/ATC: Validating altitude for p=3 (N456ZK): filed: 6000 usable_rte_dist: 32.069752 maxDescent: 8000 maxAlt: 9000 minAlt: 6000 chosen_alt: 6000
0:11:16.640 D/ATC: p=3 (N456ZK): Cleared IFR @ 1829FT
0:11:16.640 I/FLT: Init dat_p3 type:loc_specify_lle lat:37.748245 lon:24.495869 ele(ft):6000.000206 psi:302.598938 spd(kts):749.249998
0:11:16.640 D/ATC: p=3 (N456ZK): Fly Heading: 158
0:11:16.640 D/ATC: p=3 (N456ZK): Maintain 5997ft
0:11:16.640 I/ATC: Aircraft p=3 (N456ZK) started airborne as an overflight at 37.748245, 24.495869, 1828.800049
0:11:16.661 I/ATC: p=4 (N446CX) Popup FP filed to LGTT at 5000 via 3756N02338E , type=2
0:11:16.661 D/ATC: Routing is currently: 
0:11:16.661 D/ATC: 
  raw view: start=000001FB5F74A690 end = 000001FB5F74A490, can_edit=false edit_count=0
0:11:16.661 D/ATC: 0: 000001FB5F74A690 (‘Popup Pos’) 
0:11:16.661 D/ATC: lon=23.437120,lat=37.674809 
0:11:16.661 D/ATC:  Nav type = NONE
0:11:16.661 D/ATC: 
0:11:16.661 D/ATC:     0: 000001FBA9D77F40 (‘Pilot Nav Departure’) 
0:11:16.661 D/ATC: IFR/pilot nav
0:11:16.661 D/ATC:     Heading 31 33496.7 meters
0:11:16.661 D/ATC: 1: 000001FB5F749B90 (‘FAKE’) 
0:11:16.661 D/ATC: lon=23.633333,lat=37.933334 
0:11:16.661 D/ATC:  Nav type = NONE
0:11:16.661 D/ATC: 
0:11:16.661 D/ATC:     1: 000001FBA9D788A0 (‘Vector to airport’) 
0:11:16.661 D/ATC: veczone = -1 
0:11:16.661 D/ATC: Vector/normal
0:11:16.661 D/ATC:     Heading 34 23514.0 meters
0:11:16.661 D/ATC: 2: 000001FB5F74A490 (‘LGTT’) 
0:11:16.661 D/ATC: lon=23.783551,lat=38.108761 
0:11:16.661 D/ATC:  Nav type = APT
0:11:16.661 D/ATC: 
0:11:16.661 D/ATC: Validating altitude for p=4 (N446CX): filed: 5000 usable_rte_dist: 24.626669 maxDescent: 6000 maxAlt: 7000 minAlt: 5000 chosen_alt: 5000
0:11:16.661 D/ATC: p=4 (N446CX): Cleared IFR @ 1524FT
0:11:16.661 I/FLT: Init dat_p4 type:loc_specify_lle lat:37.674809 lon:23.437120 ele(ft):5000.000038 psi:32.451855 spd(kts):749.249998
0:11:16.661 D/ATC: p=4 (N446CX): Fly Heading: 353
0:11:16.661 D/ATC: p=4 (N446CX): Maintain 5000ft
0:11:16.661 I/ATC: Aircraft p=4 (N446CX) started airborne as an overflight at 37.674809, 23.437120, 1524.000000
DataRefTool: Found 309 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/pluginsAviTabwin_x64AviTab.xpl»
0:11:16.685 I/ATC: p=5 (N126UZ) Popup FP filed to LGTT at 7000 via 3759N02344E , type=2
0:11:16.685 D/ATC: Routing is currently: 
0:11:16.685 D/ATC: 
  raw view: start=000001FB5F74C310 end = 000001FB5F74D390, can_edit=false edit_count=0
0:11:16.685 D/ATC: 0: 000001FB5F74C310 (‘Popup Pos’) 
0:11:16.685 D/ATC: lon=23.604809,lat=37.539063 
0:11:16.685 D/ATC:  Nav type = NONE
0:11:16.685 D/ATC: 
0:11:16.685 D/ATC:     0: 000001FBA9D79840 (‘Pilot Nav Departure’) 
0:11:16.685 D/ATC: IFR/pilot nav
0:11:16.685 D/ATC:     Heading 13 50642.1 meters
0:11:16.685 D/ATC: 1: 000001FB5F74C810 (‘FAKE’) 
0:11:16.685 D/ATC: lon=23.733334,lat=37.983334 
0:11:16.685 D/ATC:  Nav type = NONE
0:11:16.685 D/ATC: 
0:11:16.685 D/ATC:     1: 000001FBA9D786C0 (‘Vector to airport’) 
0:11:16.685 D/ATC: veczone = -1 
0:11:16.685 D/ATC: Vector/normal
0:11:16.685 D/ATC:     Heading 17 14613.9 meters
0:11:16.685 D/ATC: 2: 000001FB5F74D390 (‘LGTT’) 
0:11:16.685 D/ATC: lon=23.783551,lat=38.108761 
0:11:16.685 D/ATC:  Nav type = APT
0:11:16.685 D/ATC: 
0:11:16.685 D/ATC: Validating altitude for p=5 (N126UZ): filed: 7000 usable_rte_dist: 28.188297 maxDescent: 7000 maxAlt: 8000 minAlt: 7000 chosen_alt: 7000
0:11:16.685 D/ATC: p=5 (N126UZ): Cleared IFR @ 2134FT
0:11:16.685 I/FLT: Init dat_p5 type:loc_specify_lle lat:37.539063 lon:23.604809 ele(ft):7000.000374 psi:14.107119 spd(kts):749.249998
0:11:16.685 D/ATC: p=5 (N126UZ): Fly Heading: 90
0:11:16.685 D/ATC: p=5 (N126UZ): Maintain 6998ft
0:11:16.685 I/ATC: Aircraft p=5 (N126UZ) started airborne as an overflight at 37.539063, 23.604809, 2133.600098
0:11:16.705 I/ATC: p=6 (N698AH) Popup FP filed to LGTT at 6000 via 3742N02352E , type=2
DataRefTool: Found 353 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/pluginsBetterPushback64lin.xpl»
0:11:16.705 D/ATC: Routing is currently: 
0:11:16.705 D/ATC: 
  raw view: start=000001FB5F74CF10 end = 000001FB5F74CD10, can_edit=false edit_count=0
0:11:16.705 D/ATC: 0: 000001FB5F74CF10 (‘Popup Pos’) 
0:11:16.705 D/ATC: lon=23.937073,lat=37.457008 
0:11:16.705 D/ATC:  Nav type = NONE
0:11:16.705 D/ATC: 
0:11:16.705 D/ATC:     0: 000001FBA9D793E0 (‘Pilot Nav Departure’) 
0:11:16.705 D/ATC: IFR/pilot nav
0:11:16.705 D/ATC:     Heading 347 27704.1 meters
0:11:16.705 D/ATC: 1: 000001FB5F74C310 (‘FAKE’) 
0:11:16.705 D/ATC: lon=23.866667,lat=37.700001 
0:11:16.705 D/ATC:  Nav type = NONE
0:11:16.705 D/ATC: 
0:11:16.705 D/ATC:     1: 000001FBA9D79AC0 (‘Vector to airport’) 
0:11:16.705 D/ATC: veczone = -1 
0:11:16.705 D/ATC: Vector/normal
0:11:16.705 D/ATC:     Heading 351 46002.3 meters
0:11:16.705 D/ATC: 2: 000001FB5F74CD10 (‘LGTT’) 
0:11:16.705 D/ATC: lon=23.783551,lat=38.108761 
0:11:16.705 D/ATC:  Nav type = APT
0:11:16.705 D/ATC: 
0:11:16.705 D/ATC: Validating altitude for p=6 (N698AH): filed: 6000 usable_rte_dist: 31.838604 maxDescent: 7000 maxAlt: 8000 minAlt: 6000 chosen_alt: 6000
0:11:16.705 D/ATC: p=6 (N698AH): Cleared IFR @ 1829FT
0:11:16.705 I/FLT: Init dat_p6 type:loc_specify_lle lat:37.457008 lon:23.937073 ele(ft):6000.000206 psi:349.539734 spd(kts):749.249998
0:11:16.705 D/ATC: p=6 (N698AH): Fly Heading: 205
0:11:16.705 D/ATC: p=6 (N698AH): Maintain 5997ft
0:11:16.705 I/ATC: Aircraft p=6 (N698AH) started airborne as an overflight at 37.457008, 23.937073, 1828.800049
0:11:16.725 I/ATC: p=7 (N734UV) Popup FP filed to LGTT at 7000 via 3745N02343E , type=2
0:11:16.725 D/ATC: Routing is currently: 
0:11:16.725 D/ATC: 
  raw view: start=000001FB5F74D690 end = 000001FB5F74BC90, can_edit=false edit_count=0
0:11:16.725 D/ATC: 0: 000001FB5F74D690 (‘Popup Pos’) 
0:11:16.725 D/ATC: lon=23.688229,lat=37.501568 
0:11:16.725 D/ATC:  Nav type = NONE
0:11:16.725 D/ATC: 
0:11:16.725 D/ATC:     0: 000001FBA9D78E40 (‘Pilot Nav Departure’) 
0:11:16.725 D/ATC: IFR/pilot nav
0:11:16.725 D/ATC:     Heading 5 27719.0 meters
0:11:16.725 D/ATC: 1: 000001FB5F74C810 (‘FAKE’) 
0:11:16.725 D/ATC: lon=23.716667,lat=37.750000 
0:11:16.725 D/ATC:  Nav type = NONE
0:11:16.725 D/ATC: 
0:11:16.725 D/ATC:     1: 000001FBA9D78800 (‘Vector to airport’) 
0:11:16.725 D/ATC: veczone = -1 
0:11:16.725 D/ATC: Vector/normal
0:11:16.725 D/ATC:     Heading 8 40294.2 meters
0:11:16.725 D/ATC: 2: 000001FB5F74BC90 (‘LGTT’) 
0:11:16.725 D/ATC: lon=23.783551,lat=38.108761 
0:11:16.725 D/ATC:  Nav type = APT
0:11:16.725 D/ATC: 
0:11:16.725 D/ATC: Validating altitude for p=7 (N734UV): filed: 7000 usable_rte_dist: 29.379368 maxDescent: 7000 maxAlt: 8000 minAlt: 7000 chosen_alt: 7000
0:11:16.725 D/ATC: p=7 (N734UV): Cleared IFR @ 2134FT
0:11:16.725 I/FLT: Init dat_p7 type:loc_specify_lle lat:37.501568 lon:23.688229 ele(ft):7000.000374 psi:7.232697 spd(kts):749.249998
0:11:16.725 D/ATC: p=7 (N734UV): Fly Heading: 108
0:11:16.725 D/ATC: p=7 (N734UV): Maintain 6998ft
0:11:16.725 I/ATC: Aircraft p=7 (N734UV) started airborne as an overflight at 37.501568, 23.688229, 2133.600098
DataRefTool: Found 292 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/pluginsBetterPushback64mac.xpl»
0:11:16.744 I/ATC: p=8 (N937GB) Popup FP filed to LGTT at 6000 via 3752N02346E , type=2
0:11:16.744 D/ATC: Routing is currently: 
0:11:16.744 D/ATC: 
  raw view: start=000001FB5F74CF10 end = 000001FB5F74C810, can_edit=false edit_count=0
0:11:16.744 D/ATC: 0: 000001FB5F74CF10 (‘Popup Pos’) 
0:11:16.744 D/ATC: lon=23.748854,lat=37.482277 
0:11:16.744 D/ATC:  Nav type = NONE
0:11:16.744 D/ATC: 
0:11:16.744 D/ATC:     0: 000001FBA9D790C0 (‘Pilot Nav Departure’) 
0:11:16.744 D/ATC: IFR/pilot nav
0:11:16.744 D/ATC:     Heading 2 42741.9 meters
0:11:16.744 D/ATC: 1: 000001FB5F74D190 (‘FAKE’) 
0:11:16.744 D/ATC: lon=23.766666,lat=37.866665 
0:11:16.744 D/ATC:  Nav type = NONE
0:11:16.744 D/ATC: 
0:11:16.744 D/ATC:     1: 000001FBA9D79660 (‘Vector to airport’) 
0:11:16.744 D/ATC: veczone = -1 
0:11:16.744 D/ATC: Vector/normal
0:11:16.744 D/ATC:     Heading 3 26942.3 meters
0:11:16.744 D/ATC: 2: 000001FB5F74C810 (‘LGTT’) 
0:11:16.744 D/ATC: lon=23.783551,lat=38.108761 
0:11:16.744 D/ATC:  Nav type = APT
0:11:16.744 D/ATC: 
0:11:16.744 D/ATC: Validating altitude for p=8 (N937GB): filed: 6000 usable_rte_dist: 30.101185 maxDescent: 7000 maxAlt: 8000 minAlt: 6000 chosen_alt: 6000
0:11:16.744 D/ATC: p=8 (N937GB): Cleared IFR @ 1829FT
0:11:16.744 I/FLT: Init dat_p8 type:loc_specify_lle lat:37.482277 lon:23.748854 ele(ft):6000.000206 psi:2.649273 spd(kts):749.249998
0:11:16.744 D/ATC: p=8 (N937GB): Fly Heading: 34
0:11:16.744 D/ATC: p=8 (N937GB): Maintain 5997ft
0:11:16.744 I/ATC: Aircraft p=8 (N937GB) started airborne as an overflight at 37.482277, 23.748854, 1828.800049
DataRefTool: Found 286 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/pluginsBetterPushback64win.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 12 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/pluginsDataRefTool_2020_03_23lin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 48 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/pluginsDataRefTool_2020_03_23mac.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 15 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/pluginsDataRefTool_2020_03_23win.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 100 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/pluginsFlyWithLua64lin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 100 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/pluginsFlyWithLua64mac.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 99 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/pluginsFlyWithLua64win.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 1 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/pluginsGizmo64.pluginlin_x64Gizmo64.plugin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 179 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/pluginsGizmo64.pluginmac_x64Gizmo64.plugin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 151 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/pluginsGizmo64.pluginwin_x64Gizmo64.plugin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 102 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/pluginsGndHandlingmac.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 99 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/pluginsGndHandlingwin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 31 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/pluginsGroundTraffic64lin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 31 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/pluginsGroundTraffic64win.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 29 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/pluginsGroundTrafficlin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 31 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/pluginsGroundTrafficmac.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 32 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/pluginsGroundTrafficwin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 15 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/pluginsNavigraphSimlink_64.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 2 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/pluginsPluginAdmin64lin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 1 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/pluginsPluginAdmin64win.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 4 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/pluginsPluginAdminmac.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 167 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/pluginsSAMlin_x64SAM.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 214 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/pluginsSAMmac_x64SAM.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 187 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/pluginsSAMwin_x64SAM.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 217 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/pluginsTerrainRadar64lin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 227 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/pluginsTerrainRadar64mac.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 181 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/pluginsTerrainRadar64win.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 362 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/pluginsWorldTraffic64lin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 366 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/pluginsWorldTraffic64win.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 357 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/pluginsWorldTrafficmac.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 82 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/pluginsWorldTrafficRadar64lin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 87 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/pluginsWorldTrafficRadar64win.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 97 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/pluginsWorldTrafficRadarmac.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 281 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/pluginsX-Camera32lin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 268 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/pluginsX-Camera32mac.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 267 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/pluginsX-Camera32win.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 281 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/pluginsX-Camera64lin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 268 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/pluginsX-Camera64mac.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 260 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/pluginsX-Camera64win.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 281 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/pluginsX-Cameralin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 385 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/pluginsX-Cameralin_x64X-Camera.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 268 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/pluginsX-Cameramac.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 394 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/pluginsX-Cameramac_x64X-Camera.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 267 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/pluginsX-Camerawin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 316 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/pluginsX-Camerawin_x64X-Camera.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 213 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/pluginsXPRealistic64win.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 265 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/pluginsXPRealisticmac.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 192 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/ASXPConnect64win.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 39 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/AutoGate32win.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 36 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/AutoGate64lin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 37 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/AutoGate64win.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 36 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/AutoGatelin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 37 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/AutoGatemac.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 37 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/AutoGatewin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 291 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/AviTablin_x64AviTab.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 306 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/AviTabmac_x64AviTab.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 309 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/AviTabwin_x64AviTab.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 353 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/BetterPushback64lin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 292 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/BetterPushback64mac.xpl»
0:11:17.530 I/ATC: Deleting aircraft 000001FB5A119BD0 who was p=1 (AI)
0:11:17.530 I/ATC: Deleting aircraft 000001FB5A11A4D0 who was p=2 (N475AX)
0:11:17.530 I/ATC: Deleting aircraft 000001FB5A119750 who was p=3 (N456ZK)
0:11:17.530 I/ATC: Deleting aircraft 000001FB5A11ADD0 who was p=4 (N446CX)
0:11:17.530 I/ATC: Deleting aircraft 000001FB5A11A710 who was p=5 (N126UZ)
0:11:17.530 I/ATC: Deleting aircraft 000001FB5A11A950 who was p=6 (N698AH)
0:11:17.530 I/ATC: Deleting aircraft 000001FB5A11B010 who was p=7 (N734UV)
0:11:17.530 I/ATC: Deleting aircraft 000001FB5A1192D0 who was p=8 (N937GB)
DataRefTool: Found 286 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/BetterPushback64win.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 12 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/DataRefTool_2020_03_23lin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 48 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/DataRefTool_2020_03_23mac.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 15 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/DataRefTool_2020_03_23win.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 100 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua64lin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 100 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua64mac.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 99 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua64win.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 1 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/Gizmo64.pluginlin_x64Gizmo64.plugin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 179 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/Gizmo64.pluginmac_x64Gizmo64.plugin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 151 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/Gizmo64.pluginwin_x64Gizmo64.plugin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 102 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/GndHandlingmac.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 99 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/GndHandlingwin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 167 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/SAMlin_x64SAM.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 214 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/SAMmac_x64SAM.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 187 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/SAMwin_x64SAM.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 217 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/TerrainRadar64lin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 227 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/TerrainRadar64mac.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 181 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/TerrainRadar64win.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 362 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/WorldTraffic64lin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 366 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/WorldTraffic64win.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 357 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/WorldTrafficmac.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 82 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/WorldTrafficRadar64lin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 87 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/WorldTrafficRadar64win.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 97 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/WorldTrafficRadarmac.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 281 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/X-Camera32lin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 268 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/X-Camera32mac.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 267 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/X-Camera32win.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 281 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/X-Camera64lin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 268 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/X-Camera64mac.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 260 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/X-Camera64win.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 281 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/X-Cameralin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 385 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/X-Cameralin_x64X-Camera.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 268 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/X-Cameramac.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 394 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/X-Cameramac_x64X-Camera.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 267 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/X-Camerawin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 316 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/X-Camerawin_x64X-Camera.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 213 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/XPRealistic64win.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 265 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/XPRealisticmac.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 31 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Athens_0_airport/plugins/GroundTraffic64lin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 31 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Athens_0_airport/plugins/GroundTraffic64win.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 29 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Athens_0_airport/plugins/GroundTrafficlin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 31 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Athens_0_airport/plugins/GroundTrafficmac.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 32 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Athens_0_airport/plugins/GroundTrafficwin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 31 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Athens_1_roads/plugins/GroundTraffic64lin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 31 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Athens_1_roads/plugins/GroundTraffic64win.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 29 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Athens_1_roads/plugins/GroundTrafficlin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 31 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Athens_1_roads/plugins/GroundTrafficmac.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 32 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Athens_1_roads/plugins/GroundTrafficwin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 31 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/Orbx_EGPB_A_Sumburgh/plugins/groundtraffic64lin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 31 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/Orbx_EGPB_A_Sumburgh/plugins/groundtraffic64win.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 29 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/Orbx_EGPB_A_Sumburgh/plugins/groundtrafficlin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 31 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/Orbx_EGPB_A_Sumburgh/plugins/groundtrafficmac.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 32 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/Orbx_EGPB_A_Sumburgh/plugins/groundtrafficwin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 31 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/Orbx_EGFF_A_Cardiff/plugins/GroundTraffic64lin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 31 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/Orbx_EGFF_A_Cardiff/plugins/GroundTraffic64win.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 29 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/Orbx_EGFF_A_Cardiff/plugins/GroundTrafficlin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 31 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/Orbx_EGFF_A_Cardiff/plugins/GroundTrafficmac.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 32 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/Orbx_EGFF_A_Cardiff/plugins/GroundTrafficwin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 31 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/Gaya_Sim_LOWW_Wien_Airport/plugins/GroundTraffic64lin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 31 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/Gaya_Sim_LOWW_Wien_Airport/plugins/GroundTraffic64win.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 29 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/Gaya_Sim_LOWW_Wien_Airport/plugins/GroundTrafficlin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 31 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/Gaya_Sim_LOWW_Wien_Airport/plugins/GroundTrafficmac.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 32 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/Gaya_Sim_LOWW_Wien_Airport/plugins/GroundTrafficwin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 31 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_EGNX_East_Midlands/plugins/GroundTraffic64lin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 31 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_EGNX_East_Midlands/plugins/GroundTraffic64win.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 29 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_EGNX_East_Midlands/plugins/GroundTrafficlin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 31 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_EGNX_East_Midlands/plugins/GroundTrafficmac.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 32 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_EGNX_East_Midlands/plugins/GroundTrafficwin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 31 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_EGPH_Edinburgh/plugins/GroundTraffic64lin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 31 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_EGPH_Edinburgh/plugins/GroundTraffic64win.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 29 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_EGPH_Edinburgh/plugins/GroundTrafficlin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 31 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_EGPH_Edinburgh/plugins/GroundTrafficmac.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 32 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_EGPH_Edinburgh/plugins/GroundTrafficwin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 31 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_EGNM_LeedsBradford/plugins/groundtraffic64lin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 31 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_EGNM_LeedsBradford/plugins/groundtraffic64win.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 29 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_EGNM_LeedsBradford/plugins/groundtrafficlin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 31 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_EGNM_LeedsBradford/plugins/groundtrafficmac.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 32 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_EGNM_LeedsBradford/plugins/groundtrafficwin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 31 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_EGLC_LondonCity/plugins/groundtraffic64lin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 31 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_EGLC_LondonCity/plugins/groundtraffic64win.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 29 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_EGLC_LondonCity/plugins/groundtrafficlin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 31 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_EGLC_LondonCity/plugins/groundtrafficmac.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 32 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_EGLC_LondonCity/plugins/groundtrafficwin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 31 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_LOWI_Innsbruck/plugins/GroundTraffic64lin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 31 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_LOWI_Innsbruck/plugins/GroundTraffic64win.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 29 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_LOWI_Innsbruck/plugins/GroundTrafficlin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 31 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_LOWI_Innsbruck/plugins/GroundTrafficmac.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 32 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_LOWI_Innsbruck/plugins/GroundTrafficwin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 31 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/Orbx_EGHI_A_Southampton/plugins/GroundTraffic64lin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 31 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/Orbx_EGHI_A_Southampton/plugins/GroundTraffic64win.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 29 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/Orbx_EGHI_A_Southampton/plugins/GroundTrafficlin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 31 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/Orbx_EGHI_A_Southampton/plugins/GroundTrafficmac.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 32 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/Orbx_EGHI_A_Southampton/plugins/GroundTrafficwin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 31 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Thessaloniki_0_airport/plugins/GroundTraffic64lin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 31 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Thessaloniki_0_airport/plugins/GroundTraffic64win.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 29 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Thessaloniki_0_airport/plugins/GroundTrafficlin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 31 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Thessaloniki_0_airport/plugins/GroundTrafficmac.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 32 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Thessaloniki_0_airport/plugins/GroundTrafficwin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 31 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Thessaloniki_1_overlays/plugins/GroundTraffic64lin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 31 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Thessaloniki_1_overlays/plugins/GroundTraffic64win.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 29 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Thessaloniki_1_overlays/plugins/GroundTrafficlin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 31 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Thessaloniki_1_overlays/plugins/GroundTrafficmac.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 32 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Thessaloniki_1_overlays/plugins/GroundTrafficwin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 31 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Corfu_Airport/plugins/GroundTraffic64lin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 31 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Corfu_Airport/plugins/GroundTraffic64win.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 29 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Corfu_Airport/plugins/GroundTrafficlin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 31 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Corfu_Airport/plugins/GroundTrafficmac.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 32 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/FlyTampa_Corfu_Airport/plugins/GroundTrafficwin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 31 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/ULLI-Digital_Design/plugins/GroundTraffic64lin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 31 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/ULLI-Digital_Design/plugins/GroundTraffic64win.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 29 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/ULLI-Digital_Design/plugins/GroundTrafficlin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 31 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/ULLI-Digital_Design/plugins/GroundTrafficmac.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 33 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/ULLI-Digital_Design/plugins/GroundTrafficwin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 31 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_GB_South_TrueEarth_Custom/plugins/GroundTraffic64lin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 31 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_GB_South_TrueEarth_Custom/plugins/GroundTraffic64win.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 29 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_GB_South_TrueEarth_Custom/plugins/GroundTrafficlin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 31 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_GB_South_TrueEarth_Custom/plugins/GroundTrafficmac.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 32 unique possible datarefs in file «Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_GB_South_TrueEarth_Custom/plugins/GroundTrafficwin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 111 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18T/plugins/librain.pluginlin_x64librain.plugin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 87 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18T/plugins/librain.pluginmac_x64librain.plugin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 94 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18T/plugins/librain.pluginwin_x64librain.plugin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 46 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18T/plugins/sasl64lin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 48 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18T/plugins/sasl64mac.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 46 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18T/plugins/sasl64win.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 111 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18Tpluginslibrain.pluginlin_x64librain.plugin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 87 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18Tpluginslibrain.pluginmac_x64librain.plugin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 94 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18Tpluginslibrain.pluginwin_x64librain.plugin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 46 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18Tpluginssasl64lin.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 48 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18Tpluginssasl64mac.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 46 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18Tpluginssasl64win.xpl»
DataRefTool: Found 4 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18Tobjectswings.obj»
DataRefTool: Found 8 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18Tobjectstransponder.obj»
DataRefTool: Found 1 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18Tobjectsstickers.obj»
DataRefTool: Found 0 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18Tobjectsseats.obj»
DataRefTool: Found 2 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18Tobjectsprop3.obj»
DataRefTool: Found 2 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18Tobjectsprop.obj»
DataRefTool: Found 4 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18Tobjectspilot.obj»
DataRefTool: Found 0 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18Tobjectslibraintop.obj»
DataRefTool: Found 1 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18Tobjectslibrainright.obj»
DataRefTool: Found 1 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18Tobjectslibrainleft.obj»
DataRefTool: Found 0 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18Tobjectslibrainfront.obj»
DataRefTool: Found 8 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18Tobjectsinterior.obj»
DataRefTool: Found 58 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18Tobjectsinstruments_ft.obj»
DataRefTool: Found 58 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18Tobjectsinstruments.obj»
DataRefTool: Found 1 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18Tobjectsglass_out.obj»
DataRefTool: Found 1 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18Tobjectsglass_in.obj»
DataRefTool: Found 0 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18Tobjectsglass_gau.obj»
DataRefTool: Found 1 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18Tobjectsglass.obj»
DataRefTool: Found 9 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18Tobjectsfuselage.obj»
DataRefTool: Found 14 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18Tobjectsadf.obj»
DataRefTool: Found 79 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18TYak-18_cockpit.obj»
DataRefTool: Found 9222 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18TYak-18_3.acf»
DataRefTool: Found 9222 unique possible datarefs in file «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18TYak-18.acf»
DataRefTool: Found 9515 unique possible datarefs for aircraft «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Project Yak-18T/Yak-18.acf»
0:14:05.066 I/OVR: User is entering the holodeck.
0:14:06.382 I/OVR: User is leaving the holodeck.
0:14:06.382 I/SIM: User confirmed they want to quit
0:14:06.399 D/STM: Transitioning from state state_Normal to state_ShuttingDown
0:14:06.399 G64: Run: [OnBeforeXPSavePrefs]
0:14:06.399 G64: Run: [OnBeforeXPSavePrefs]
FlyWithLua Info: Load exit file.
FlyWithLua Info: Exit file loaded.
FlyWithLua Info: FlyWithLua plugin disabled.
0:14:06.399 G64: Plugin Disabled.
The plugin World Traffic is releasing control of AI aircraft.
0:14:06.399 I/PLG: The plugin World Traffic is setting global TCAS override to 0.

XPR 15:55:26 plugin disabledASXP stoppedDataRefTool: Prefs saved to «C:Users/Adminstrator/Desktop/X-Plane 11/Output/preferencesdatareftool.json»
JARDesign Ground Handling 3D Sound Engine Disable 
[AOS] [2020-06-29.15:55:30] :> Configuration Saved

XPR 15:55:30 plugin stop2020-06-29 15:55:30 librain[plugin.c:662]: librain unloaded
Clean exit from threads.
0:14:06.399 I/JOY: Control response for axis joy_use_ptch: 0.500000
0:14:06.399 I/JOY: Control response for axis joy_use_roll: 0.500000
0:14:06.399 I/JOY: Control response for axis joy_use_hdng: 0.519426
0:14:06.399 I/JOY: Control response for axis joy_use_thro: 0.000000
0:14:06.399 I/JOY: Stability augmentation for axis joy_use_ptch: 0.500000
0:14:06.399 I/JOY: Stability augmentation for axis joy_use_roll: 0.500000
0:14:06.399 I/JOY: Stability augmentation for axis joy_use_hdng: 0.495517
0:14:06.399 I/JOY: Stability augmentation for axis joy_use_thro: 0.000000
0:14:06.399 I/JOY: UNREGISTER Joystick device: Logitech Extreme 3D — VID:1133PID:49685
0:14:06.399 D/HID: HID Bridge Shutdown
—— X-Plane has shut down ——

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