NOTE: This Article was written July 2019. It describes a situation (Load CTD whith more than a certain number of animations added by FNIS. This is caused by a bug in Skyrim.
In the meantime there are several SKSE plugins available which circumvent this Skyrim bug. Which means that the problem can be easily circumvented by users of many acustom animations. But for explenatory reasons, and because new users will not know about the fix, FNIS will still warn when the original limit is passed. The SKSE plugins that increase the Skyrim animation limit are:
- Animation Limit Crash Fix SSE (Skyrim SE)
- SSE Engine Fixes (Skyrim SE)
- Animation Limit Crash Fix LE (Skyrim LE)
Skyrim has a hard limit for custom character animations. For both LE and SE we can install up to 26,162 additional animations. No more, no less. Period. Of course only the most simple we know: basic animations, as they are used in poser mods. Everything else has its penalties, and that can bring down the limit to 9,000 and less.
Starting with V7.5, FNIS will warn you when you have reached the critical animation limit. FNIS XXL will also calculate the contribution of each FNIS depending mod towards this limit.
In order compare the required space for the different animations and functionalities I will use «unit» in this article. Each most simple animation takes up 1 unit. And with more than 26162 units you will have Load CTD.
1. What we know
- the 26162 animations CTD limit is solely for simple 3rd person character. Creatures definitely don’t count. I had an installation starting without any problems with 26k character, and 28k twice for 2 creature races. 1st person doesn’t seem to be counting as well, although I have only tested with 2 custom 1st person behavior files (TK Dodge, AOG).
- this limit isn’t an animation limit, it is a «behavior» limit. It is dependent on certain types of functionality in the behavior files. If you use the new AGO patch in FNIS for example, the number of possible animations will automatically drop, although AGO doesn’t add custom animations (only animation replacers and a few behavioral changes). But since the whole purpose of the behaviors is to control animations, it looks like depending on the animation count. But it is not. And that’s why different users experience different numbers of animations when their game CTDs.
- this limit seems to be caused by the fixed size of a memory chunk. Its size is the same for LE and SE, and it is not influenced at all by the memory shortage at start time that is addressed by sheson’s fix.
- this limit isn’t a Havok based one. Since creatures seem to have «no» limit, it appears to be caused by one of those Bethesda work-around measures in order to have better access to behavior data. Like in charactermeshesanimation*datasinglefile.txt.
2. Which parameters influence Animation CTD Limit
Currently (FNIS 7.5 XXL Beta 6) FNIS counts or calculates 23 different numbers in order to determine the Load CTD limit. There are possibly a few more that might have influence. However, I don’t think they play a big role given the likelihood of certain FNIS parameters to be used.
Here are the most important ones, and their respective Load CTD contribution (in «unit», the space required for 1 simple animation):
- «b -md» animation (1 unit): these most simple animations are «motion driven», which means NPCs are not protected during the animation from being pulled away from their spot by AI packages.
- «s -md», «so -md» animations (2 units): header anim for sequenced animations.
- «fu», «fuo», «ch» animations (2 units): header anim for furniture animations. Furniture animations are automatically protected from motion by the engine.
- «+» animations (1 unit): continuation anim for «s», «so», «fu», «fuo», «ch» animations. These animations are automatically protected from motion when the header anim already is.
- NO «-md» parameter (2 units): per default «b» and «s» animations are defined as animation driven, which prevents NPCs from moving away from their position due to AI packages while an animation is played. This is extra functionality, and takes 2 units (when the «-md» parameter is NOT present). The reason for that is the Havok node «BSIsActiveModifier» which is used to set and control Animation Variables. A node type btw which was implemented by Havok on behalf of Bethesda (which you can see from the first two letters «BS», no rubbish)
- number of AA «clips» (1 unit): most vanilla animations appear (as «clipgenerator»s) more than once in the behavior files. FNIS counts these clipgens. See «Why are Alternate Animations so expensive?»
- «-AV» parameters (2 units): for the same reason that not adding the «-md» takes 2 units, setting AV parameter also requires this amount of resources: they are implemented with the same «BSIsActiveModifier». For example to suppress FootIK, some animation mods set «bHumanoidFootIKDisable». This is quite a lot, although the «BSIsActiveModifier» only counts once even if more than one AV is defined, or when -md is not defined on the same animation. Also when set in the «s» header, the -AV setting is active for the whole sequence.
- patch contribution (<n> units): as said before, it’s not the animations that cause CTD, but behavior functionality. Best example: the tktk1 patch. It only adds 5 new animations, but takes up 76 units.
- behavior file contribution (5/3 units): every custom behavior file created with the FNIS for modders tool contributes 5 units. Unless there are no «b» or «s» definition included (e.g. when only Alternate Animations are defined), then only 3 units are lost.
3. An example FNIS XXL generation (without optimization)
Note: This example was created with an earlier version of FNIS, and therefore looks slightly different from current results
- ChAnims: Character animation slots added (can be more than actual files)
- CTD: How many percent this mod / installation contributes reaching CTD
- pOpt: How many percent this mod / installation can be optimized
- max:How many animations you could approx. add (with similar animation types)
In this example there are 2 different «Notes» that indicate unnecessary waste of animation resources. Waste that can be easily fixed by users without any implication (although it should be the mod authors who should generally fix it in their downloads):
- <mod> has at least one identical -AV defined in both ‘s’ and ‘+’ line. See «6. Possible optimizations, part 2: «-AV» parameters in «s»-animations»
- <mod> has at least one AASet definition without any animation files provided. See «7. Possible optimizations, part 3: superfluous AAset definitions»
4. Why are Alternate Animations so expensive?
For Alternate Animations (AA) it doesn’t matter how many animations are added, but instead how often these animations are used in the behavior files. The animation that is used most is mt_idle.hkx. This animation is used 16 times in the behaviors (in so-called clipgenerators). Sometimes to be blended with other animations, sometimes as start or end animations of a furniture sequence. The 545 vanilla animations that FNIS supports with AA are used in 1370 clip generators, which means that every vanilla animation appears 2.5 times in the behavior files. And each appearance counts.
Another reason that can cost a lot of additional load is the animation grouping that is implemented by FNIS. In order to discretely control each of the supported 545 animations, it would also need 545 different animation variables. And hundreds of Papyrus calls for mods like PCEA2 in order to change them. Therefore FNIS has grouped the animations, and each group is controlled by one single animation variable. Group sizes range from 1 (mt_idle) to 44 (1hm_attack). Usually when an animator makes one animation, he will also create other animations for the same group. That is certainly true for directional movement. It doesn’t make sense to provide custom mt_walkright, but no mt_walkforwardleft.
However there is an animation replacer for example that adds only 1hm_attackRight. But since the 1hm_attack has 44 animations with a total of 47 clips, this one animation takes as much room as 47 units. And actually 94 units, if there is no other mod that provides 1hm_attack animations. Because the construct that distributes between the different clipgenerators also requires 1 unit. What a waste.
5. Possible optimizations, part 1: the «-md» parameter
This unpleasant inefficiency is owed to my own indulgence.
At a time when no one was really worried (and knew) about animation limits, I was asked to make «animation driven» (ad) animations the default for «b» and «s» animations. «ad» animations are animations that contain their own motion data, and don’t react on character motion. Neither the player can be moved with controls during the duration of the animations, nor NPCs with AI packages. Which has the advantage for animation mods that they don’t need to make NPCs immovable by other means to keep them in place during the animations if an AI package should fire.
But the animation limit penalty is tremendous. It takes 2 units unit to make this work.
«b» animations need 3 units instead of 1 (+200%), which reduces the number of animations from 26162 to 8720, if you had an installation with «b» animations only. «s» sequences with 4 («s+++») animations still need 7 units instead of 5 (+40%).
Attention if you want to make the following changes yourself: DO NOT FORGET to create the behavior file using GenerateFNIS_for_Modders
In order to avoid this penalty you can define «b» and «s» animations with the «-md» parameter. But that can result in player and NPCs moving away during an animation
UNLESS the mod has it’s own precaution to avoid it (like DisablePlayerControls() and DoNothing packages). We have to make mod authors aware and convince them to use «-md» parameters whenever possible. And I think that some mods already do these things in order to prevent NPCs moving away in between animations.[/color]
6. Possible optimizations, part 2: «-AV» parameters in «s»-animations onlyAttention if you want to make the following changes yourself: DO NOT FORGET to create the behavior file using GenerateFNIS_for_Modders
Some mods have set animation variables in an «s» or «so» definition, and then again in the «+» successor lines. (E.g. «bHumanoidFootIKDisable» which does what the name indicates: release the actor’s feet from the ground). These repeated definitions are unnecessary, because any AV setting defined for the header animation last during whe execution of the whole sequence. The require 2 units per «+» line. Simply remove the whole «-» parameter, if «AV» is its only component. Or remove it from the the comma-separated list (e.g «+ -o,AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable» simply becomes «+ -o»).
7. Possible optimizations, part 3: superfluous AAset definitions
An AA set you can define space for up to ten entities of one group. But when this number is too big (i.e. the mod doesn’t provide at least one animation from that group for that entity), then this is an apparent waste.
In order to find this unnecessary definition (for a specific <mod>) go to the FNIS log file and find lines like this:
AAgroup <mod> _mt: 0:2/2 1:2/2 2:2/1 3:2/0***
This example shows that <mod> has defined 4 entities for the animation group _mt (with «AAset _mt 4»). This group consists of 2 animations. <mod> now provides both animations for the first entity, one for the 3rd, and NONE for the 4th entity (indicated by «3:2/0***»). If this «0***» is shown for the very last entity of this group, the AAset definition can be reduced by 1 («AAset -mt 3» in this example).
If this «0***» is shown for any other entity but the last, then only the author can remove that waste. THe logic for activating the set would need to be changed.
8. The same example FNIS XXL generation AFTER optimization
This «optimized generation» has made room for almost 4,000 simple animations (15% less CTD contribution), although only 47 animations have been omitted.
Attention if you want to make the following changes yourself: DO NOT FORGET to create the behavior file using GenerateFNIS_for_Modders
- Removed unnecessary «AV» parameters in AnubsHuman, FlowerGirlsSE, and NibblesAnims. See «6. Possible optimizations, part 2: «-AV» parameters in «s»-animations»
- Reduced unnecessary «AAset» definitions in DD, and DD2. See «7. Possible optimizations, part 3: superfluous AAset definitions»
- Removed inefficiently used Alternate Animations in FNIS PCEA2: xp32_New_Anim_Pack(mt_jumpfast), Bergzore_ImmersiveAnim(2hm_runleft 2hm_runright), yukl_YY2H_Mystic(1hm_attackright 2hm_runstrafeleft 2hm_runstraferight 2hm_sprintforwardsword mt_sprintforwardsword magic_SprintForward), yukl_YY2Hander_male(2hm_runstrafeleft 2hm_runstraferight 2hm_sprintforwardsword), cyh0405_OrientalSwordsmanship(2hm_sprintforwardsword 2hm_runforward 2hm_runleft 2hm_runright). I’m not propagating to generally get rid of these animations. But if I were in desperate need for more animation space I would remove exactly those. See «4. Why are Alternate Animations so expensive?»
- Added «md» parameter to all «b» and «s» definitions in FlowerGirlsSE, and Sexlab. Note: DO NOT DO THIS YOURSELF. This should only be done by the owner of those mods. Because most likely they will also have to add functionality which prevents actors from moving. I only wanted to demonstrate all possibilities, and their results. See «5. Possible optimizations, part 1: the «-md» parameter»
9. What we don’t know (and where YOU could help)
Usually FNIS seems to be quite reliable in calculating the CTD limit. Usually it is within the 26162 +/-10 range. But for some Beta test users there was a difference between -160 and -220. Less than 1%, but still annoying. Because when I repeated their tests I got a proper result. And after they re-installed Skyrim they could not reproduce the old difference either. The conclusion is that there is something «outside» of the behavior files which causes. Maybe an SKSE plugin, maybe a modifed skeleton. Maybe even another form of «Load CTD» that will crash the game when the resources are reserved. Maybe YOU have an installation that can give us a clue?
How do you figure out your own «CTD limit»? The following tests should be done in 2 configurations:
- with your full animation load
- with without any animations files installed
You test it by «filling up» your installation with the Fillup Mods (in the FNIS files section). With these files it is no problem (although sometimes quite exhausting) to find the limit accurate to one unit. Just look at the LC result of a run without Fillup Mods, and then calculate how many animations are required to get LC to 26162. But keep in mind that each of the Fillup mods you use also takes up the additional space of 5 animations.
Just look at the LC result of a run without Fillup mods, and then calculate how many animations are required to get to 26162.
(But keep in mind that each of the Fillup mods you use also takes up the space of 5.3 animations).
Fillup mods:
- xCTDmd01, 1000 animations
- xCTDmd2_01 to xCTDmd2_13, 2000 animations each
- xCTDmdx_100 to xCTDmdx_900, n times 100 animations (as the name indicates)
- xCTDmdy_01 to xCTDmdy_99, n times 1 animation (as the name indicates)
(Sorry for the strange names. They have «historic» reasons)
If you have no animation mods at all (except FNIS) you can get to the LC:26162 point by filling up with all of xCTDmd2_01 to xCTDmd2_13 plus xCTDmdy_89:
13*2000 + 89 + 14*5 (for 14 Fillup mods) + 3 (for the empty FNIS Base) = 26000 + 89 + 70 + 3 = 26162.
To find the exact CTD limit it is best to use the halving method. Usually if the game doesn’t load at 26162, I’ll try at 26154 (26162-8). If this works out the next test will be at 26158 (26154+4), and so on. Although these numbers are not so interesting for me: too good. Should however 26154 not load as well, you might be a valuable candidate. Start with something that gets you to 25906 (26162-256) and start halving from there.
If you have an escapee, please put the file GenerateFNIS_for_Userstemporary_logsFNISListCollect.txt on a file server, and post the link and the limits at which you have tested (succeeded + failed).
The patch fixes the crash on game loading when you install too many animations with FNIS. May also give you increased fps and loading speed.
The patch fixes the crash on game loading when you install too many animations with FNIS. The one mentioned in the article by Fore. May also give you increased fps and loading speed by skipping a redundant part of code. More technical information you can find in the Developers section below.
Legendary Edition -> Animation Limit Crash Fix for Skyrim LE
Special Edition -> You are here.
Anniversary Edition -> Thanks to vagonumero12 the patch got updated to AE! All kudos are going to him.
VR -> Probably, won’t be released. If you’re a developer with VR you have my bless to make the version.
— Supported runtime versions*: Since version 0.3 Beta should work with any runtime version. However, startup time for 1.5.73, 1.5.80 and 1.5.97 will be a bit faster, compared to others.
— SKSE64
* Runtime version means a version of an official game patch by Bethesda. Version history can be checked here.
SSE Engine Fixes — the option AnimationloadSignedCrash must be disabled in the EngineFixes.toml (EngineFixes.ini in old versions) file to make it work together with the patch.
Just copy the dll to Data/SKSE/Plugins
— There’re several limits related to animations, this article will help you to understand them.
— If you want to know more about performance impact by the patch, you can find more info in the article.
Q: I’m getting «No valid segment found» error on game startup, what should I do?
A: It means to the place, that should be patched by the plugin, changes was already made, or you have an incompatible runtime version. Please, check the compatbility and requirements section.
Q: I’m getting CTD on loading / My game doesn’t load after installation, what should I do?
A: Highly likely it’s caused by incompatibility. Please, check the compatbility section and be sure you’re using the latest version of the patch.
Q: Will the patch really give me a performance boost?
A: The question was very detailed explained here:
Q: How to understand do I need the patch or not?
A: If you have installed several thousands of animations another bunch of new anims may break your game in a state where you’ll always get CTD on loading or starting a new game. In that case the patch will help you to cure the CTD. If you have no installed animations by FNIS you can try the patch just for performance purpose.
Q: What’s the difference between the patch and SSE Engine Fixes?
A: SSE Engine Fixes changes movsx -> movzx instruction, what doubles the existen limit of numStaticNodes. A crash or unpredicted behavior still may happen when you will have more than 65535 numStaticNodes (instead of 32767) using the Engine Fixes solution.
This patch always put 0 instead of incorrect value to the numStaticNodes register, what always helps to cure the CTD and frees CPU from additional work.
Q: I’m getting «does not appear to be an SKSE plugin» message in skse64.log, is it okay?
A: Yes, it’s okay, just ignore it. The message notifies that the plugin was loaded not through SKSE64 API, but classical way with dllmain. I didn’t find yet a proper solution to attach the plugin through the classical SKSE API for 64-bit version.
Q: Will the patch work with 1.5.XX runtime version?
A: I have personally tested its work on 1.5.73, 1.5.80 and 1.5.97 versions, everything works good. If you have a different runtime version you can just try it, it’s safe. In case of incompatibility you’ll get an appropriate message.
Q: But the limit still exists in FNIS?
A: Please, check the article for better understanding of animation limits:
Q: I’m getting «Multiple segments found» error on game startup, what should I do?
A: It means several equal places was found by pattern matching and there’s not enough info which one should be patched. Please, inform me about the error with your runtime version included.
For Developers
If you’re interesting in the technical part of the fix here you can find useful information on a different forum:
Reverse info for LE version
Render impact finding
Animation affection tests
SSE Reverse info
Original topic on LoversLab
LE version
— 0.4: Thanks to vagonumero12 the patch got updated to AE! Expected runtime version is 1.6.353, but may work with future versions by pattern matching. Source code is in sticky post.
— 0.3-Beta update: Pattern matching added. Now it should be compatible with any SKSE and runtime version, including future official patches (unless Bethesda will do their own changes to the patching segment).
— 0.2 Beta update: Added segment checking. Now it’s safe to use with any SKSE and runtime version. If something incompatible you’ll get an appropriate message.
— 0.1 Beta release
Вот что пишет FNIS:
>>Warning: Generator not run from a legal (Steam) Skyrim installation directory. If you use SKSE, this can be fixed by starting Skyrim once through Steam.<<
FNIS Behavior V7.6 XXL 23.05.2021 15:33:38
Skyrim 32bit: — C:SKYGS CollectionTES V — SkyrimSkeleton(hkx) female: XPMS2HDT (115 bones) male: XPMS2HDT (115 bones)
Patch: «GENDER Specific Animations»
Patch: «SKELETON Arm Fix»
Patch: * xp32’s «New Animation for Running with Bow»
Patch: * xp32’s «New Animation for 1H Weapon»
Patch: * xp32’s «Momo Acrobatic Jump»
Patch: * rongphale’s «Horsemen Mounted Combat Enh.»
Patch: * Moljka’s «Blocking Combat Behavior Improv. for Skyrim»
Patch: * DServant’s «Archery Gameplay Overhaul» (CTD:0,1%)Reading 0kal V?.? … ChAnims:102(52) CTD:3,4% pOpt:0,6%
NOTE: 0kal has at least one AASet definition without any animation files provided
Reading 3jiouStandard V1.0 … ChAnims:126 CTD:0,8% pOpt:0,2%
Reading Amputator V6.2 … ChAnims:101(101) CTD:4,4% pOpt:1,4%
NOTE: Amputator has at least one AASet definition without any animation files provided
Reading Anubs Creature V1.0 … ChAnims:546 CTD:3,2% pOpt:0,7%
Reading Anubs Human V1.0 … ChAnims:1060 CTD:6,2% pOpt:1,4%
Reading Babo Creature V1.0 … ChAnims:251 CTD:1,5% pOpt:0,4%
Reading Babo Human V1.0 … ChAnims:472 CTD:2,9% pOpt:0,7%
Reading Billyy_CreatureBeasts V1.0 … ChAnims:299 CTD:1,8% pOpt:0,4%
Reading Billyy_CreatureConstructs V1.0 … ChAnims:150 CTD:0,9% pOpt:0,2%
Reading Billyy_CreatureFurniture V1.0 … ChAnims:30 CTD:0,2% pOpt:0,0%
Reading Billyy_CreatureHumanoids V1.0 … ChAnims:416 CTD:2,6% pOpt:0,6%
Reading Billyy_CreatureInsects V1.0 … ChAnims:217 CTD:1,3% pOpt:0,3%
Reading Billyy_CreatureMisc V1.0 … ChAnims:105 CTD:0,7% pOpt:0,2%
Reading Billyy_Human V1.0 … ChAnims:666 CTD:4,1% pOpt:1,0%
Reading Billyy_HumanDD V1.0 … ChAnims:370 CTD:2,3% pOpt:0,6%
Reading Billyy_HumanFurniture V1.0 … ChAnims:182 CTD:1,1% pOpt:0,3%
Reading Billyy_HumanFurnitureInvis V1.0 … ChAnims:182 CTD:1,1% pOpt:0,3%
Reading Billyy_HumanLesbian V1.0 … ChAnims:230 CTD:1,4% pOpt:0,4%
Reading Cannabis V?.? … ChAnims:12 CTD:0,1% pOpt:0,0%
NOTE: Cannabis uses outdated behavior file (may invalidate CTD Load calculation)
Reading CobaltAnimations V1.0 … ChAnims:160 CTD:1,0% pOpt:0,2%
Reading dcc-display-model-2 V102 … ChAnims:76 CTD:0,9% pOpt:0,6%
Reading dcc-soulgem-oven-000 V300 … ChAnims:2 CTD:0,0% pOpt:0,0%
Reading DD V4.0.0 … ChAnims:725(576) CTD:13,1% pOpt:1,0%
Reading DD2 V4.0.0 … ChAnims:374(374) CTD:10,8% pOpt:0,0%
NOTE: DD2 has at least one AASet definition without any animation files provided
Reading DD3 V4.1.0 … ChAnims:119(119) CTD:2,9% pOpt:0,0%
Reading DDC V1.2 … ChAnims:58 CTD:0,4% pOpt:0,2%
Reading DDSL V4.0.0 … ChAnims:410 CTD:2,8% pOpt:0,9%
Reading Defeat V5 … ChAnims:42 CTD:0,6% pOpt:0,2%
Reading DeviousDaedra V1.1 … ChAnims:36 CTD:0,3% pOpt:0,2%
Reading DeviousFollowers V1.00 … ChAnims:34(34) CTD:1,3% pOpt:0,0%
Reading Deviously Cursed Loot V9.0 … ChAnims:23 CTD:0,2% pOpt:0,1%
Reading DF_Spank V1.0 … ChAnims:70 CTD:0,4% pOpt:0,1%
Reading DiaryOfMine V5 … ChAnims:41 CTD:0,5% pOpt:0,3%
Reading EstrusChaurus V4.35 … ChAnims:0 CTD:0,0% pOpt:0,0%
Reading FNISBase V7.6 … ChAnims:0 CTD:0,0% pOpt:0,0%
Reading FNISCreatureVersion V6.1 … ChAnims:0 CTD:0,0% pOpt:0,0%
Reading GomaPeroPero1 V?.? … ChAnims:1053 CTD:12,1% pOpt:8,0%
Reading GS_SLAL V1.0 … ChAnims:228 CTD:1,7% pOpt:0,5%
Reading GS_SLAL_Creatures V1.0 … ChAnims:126 CTD:0,8% pOpt:0,2%
Reading GSPoser V?.? … ChAnims:405 CTD:1,6% pOpt:0,0%
Reading HAnimations V1.4.0 … ChAnims:57 CTD:0,6% pOpt:0,3%
Reading InteractiveGallow V?.? … ChAnims:4 CTD:0,0% pOpt:0,0%
Reading itortureframework V1.00 … ChAnims:12 CTD:0,1% pOpt:0,1%
Reading joyfulfollowers V2.0 … ChAnims:34(34) CTD:1,3% pOpt:0,0%
Reading KnoxPoser V1.0 … ChAnims:162 CTD:0,6% pOpt:0,0%
Reading KziitdBondageSexPack V1.0 … ChAnims:96 CTD:0,6% pOpt:0,1%
Reading LeitoStandard V1.0 … ChAnims:141 CTD:0,9% pOpt:0,2%
Reading Lords_Creature V1.0 … ChAnims:21 CTD:0,1% pOpt:0,0%
Reading Lords_Human V1.0 … ChAnims:22 CTD:0,1% pOpt:0,0%
Reading MomoAJ V?.? … ChAnims:2 CTD:0,0% pOpt:0,0%
Reading MoreNastyCritters V1.0 … ChAnims:344 CTD:2,2% pOpt:0,6%
Reading nazonootoko V1.0 … ChAnims:43 CTD:0,3% pOpt:0,1%
Reading nazonootokoTI V1.0 … ChAnims:248 CTD:1,4% pOpt:0,3%
Reading NCK30 V1.0 … ChAnims:206 CTD:1,2% pOpt:0,3%
Reading NibblesAnims_Creature V1.0 … ChAnims:122 CTD:0,8% pOpt:0,2%
Reading NibblesAnims_Creature_Object V1.0 … ChAnims:16 CTD:0,1% pOpt:0,0%
Reading NibblesAnims_Human V1.0 … ChAnims:284 CTD:1,7% pOpt:0,4%
Reading NibblesAnims_Object V1.0 … ChAnims:153 CTD:0,9% pOpt:0,2%
Reading Nymra_HumanAggressiveForeplay V1.0 … ChAnims:38 CTD:0,3% pOpt:0,1%
Reading Nymra_HumanBukkake V1.0 … ChAnims:20 CTD:0,1% pOpt:0,0%
Reading Nymra_HumanCage V1.0 … ChAnims:80 CTD:0,5% pOpt:0,1%
Reading Nymra_HumanForcedForeplay V1.0 … ChAnims:152 CTD:1,2% pOpt:0,4%
Reading Nymra_HumanForcedMasturbation V1.0 … ChAnims:20 CTD:0,1% pOpt:0,0%
Reading Nymra_HumanFurniture V1.0 … ChAnims:100 CTD:0,6% pOpt:0,2%
Reading Nymra_HumanMagic V1.0 … ChAnims:30 CTD:0,2% pOpt:0,0%
Reading PAH_HomeSweetHome V1.00 … ChAnims:10 CTD:0,1% pOpt:0,0%
Reading pahe V5 … ChAnims:14 CTD:0,2% pOpt:0,1%
Reading PamaFurnitureScr V1.5 … ChAnims:24 CTD:0,1% pOpt:0,0%
Reading PamaInteractiveBeatup V?.? … ChAnims:7 CTD:0,1% pOpt:0,1%
Reading ProxyAnims V1.0 … ChAnims:48 CTD:0,3% pOpt:0,1%
Reading PsycheAnimation V1.0 … ChAnims:259 CTD:1,6% pOpt:0,4%
Reading PsycheCreature V1.0 … ChAnims:101 CTD:0,6% pOpt:0,2%
Reading publicplaything V?.? … ChAnims:16 CTD:0,2% pOpt:0,1%
Reading RealFlying V1.00 … ChAnims:4 CTD:0,1% pOpt:0,0%
Reading sanguinesDebauchery V?.? … ChAnims:107(21) CTD:1,9% pOpt:0,6%
Reading SexLab V?.? … ChAnims:0 CTD:0,0% pOpt:0,0%
Reading SexLabAroused V?.? … ChAnims:5 CTD:0,1% pOpt:0,0%
Reading SexLabCreature V?.? … ChAnims:0 CTD:0,0% pOpt:0,0%
Reading SexLabTDFAggressiveProstitution V?.? … ChAnims:25 CTD:0,2% pOpt:0,1%
Reading SH_animFurn V1.0 … ChAnims:24 CTD:0,2% pOpt:0,0%
Reading SL_Survival V4.0.0 … ChAnims:19 CTD:0,2% pOpt:0,1%
Reading SpankThatAss V4.0.0 … ChAnims:2 CTD:0,0% pOpt:0,0%
Reading TropicalIsland V1.2.2 … ChAnims:248 CTD:2,9% pOpt:1,9%
Reading TropicalIslandFurniture V1.1.1 … ChAnims:21 CTD:0,1% pOpt:0,0%
Reading TropicalIslandSolo V1.0.0 … ChAnims:35 CTD:0,4% pOpt:0,3%
Reading XPMSE V7.2 … ChAnims:164(164) CTD:2,2% pOpt:0,0%
Reading ZaZAnimationPack V8.00 … ChAnims:1667 CTD:7,9% pOpt:0,1%
Reading ZaZAnimationPack+ V8.00 … ChAnims:42 CTD:0,2% pOpt:0,0%
Reading ZynStandard V1.0 … ChAnims:90 CTD:0,6% pOpt:0,2%
Reading zzEstrus V2.50 … ChAnims:337(12) CTD:3,8% pOpt:0,2%All Anim Lists scanned. Generating Behavior Files….
17 GENDER modifications for Animationsmale
47 GENDER modifications for Animationsfemale
Alternate Animation mods: 10 sets: 71 total groups: 253 added file slots: 1961 alternate files: 1487Create Creature Behaviors …
Reading Billyy_CreatureConstructs V1.0 …
Reading MoreNastyCritters V1.0 …
Reading Babo Creature V1.0 …
Reading Anubs Creature V1.0 …
Reading Billyy_CreatureBeasts V1.0 …
Reading NibblesAnims_Creature V1.0 …
Reading SexLabCreature V?.? …
Reading Billyy_CreatureHumanoids V1.0 …
Reading Billyy_CreatureFurniture V1.0 …
Reading Billyy_CreatureInsects V1.0 …
Reading Billyy_CreatureMisc V1.0 …
Reading NibblesAnims_Creature_Object V1.0 …
Reading PsycheCreature V1.0 …
Reading SH_animFurn V1.0 …
Reading GS_SLAL_Creatures V1.0 …
Reading Lords_Creature V1.0 …15175 animations for 90 mods successfully included (character).
ChAnims: 15175 CTD:126,8% pOpt:30,4% max: 11964 LC: 33183 (max. 26162)>>Warning: Too many custom animations. Your Skyrim is likely to crash (CTD, crash to desktop)<<
You can increase your animation number DRASTICALLY with these tools:
Animation Limit Crash Fix (Skyrim SE and LE), SSE Engine Fixes (Skyrim SE only)
Since FNIS cannot know if such mod is installed, it will still warn you at the original limit.
But when such tool is used, load calculation can be switched off (FNIS.ini: «LoadCTDCalculation=0»)
4181 animations for 16 mods and 45 creatures successfully included..
2 Warning(s).А вот пропущенные анимации
Missing AnimFile TestHuman01_A3_S1.hkx for character, mod GS_SLAL
Missing AnimFile TestHuman01_A3_S2.hkx for character, mod GS_SLAL
Missing AnimFile knox30.hkx for character, mod KnoxPoser
Missing AnimFile knox31.hkx for character, mod KnoxPoser
Missing AnimFile knox32.hkx for character, mod KnoxPoser
Missing AnimFile knox33.hkx for character, mod KnoxPoser
Missing AnimFile knox34.hkx for character, mod KnoxPoser
Missing AnimFile knox35.hkx for character, mod KnoxPoser
Missing AnimFile knox36.hkx for character, mod KnoxPoser
Missing AnimFile knox61.hkx for character, mod KnoxPoser
Missing AnimFile knox62.hkx for character, mod KnoxPoser
Missing AnimFile knox63.hkx for character, mod KnoxPoser
Missing AnimFile knox64.hkx for character, mod KnoxPoser
Missing AnimFile knox65.hkx for character, mod KnoxPoser
Missing AnimFile knox66.hkx for character, mod KnoxPoser
Missing AnimFile knox67.hkx for character, mod KnoxPoser
Missing AnimFile knox68.hkx for character, mod KnoxPoser
Missing AnimFile knox69.hkx for character, mod KnoxPoser
Missing AnimFile knox70.hkx for character, mod KnoxPoser
Missing AnimFile knox71.hkx for character, mod KnoxPoser
Missing AnimFile knox72.hkx for character, mod KnoxPoser
Missing AnimFile knox76.hkx for character, mod KnoxPoser
Missing AnimFile knox77.hkx for character, mod KnoxPoser
Missing AnimFile knox78.hkx for character, mod KnoxPoser
Missing AnimFile knox79.hkx for character, mod KnoxPoser
Missing AnimFile knox80.hkx for character, mod KnoxPoser
Missing AnimFile knox81.hkx for character, mod KnoxPoser
Missing AnimFile kn2x37.hkx for character, mod KnoxPoser
Missing AnimFile kn2x38.hkx for character, mod KnoxPoser
Missing AnimFile kn2x39.hkx for character, mod KnoxPoser
Missing AnimFile kn2x40.hkx for character, mod KnoxPoser
Missing AnimFile kn2x41.hkx for character, mod KnoxPoser
Missing AnimFile kn2x42.hkx for character, mod KnoxPoser
Missing AnimFile kn2x43.hkx for character, mod KnoxPoser
Missing AnimFile kn2x44.hkx for character, mod KnoxPoser
Missing AnimFile kn2x45.hkx for character, mod KnoxPoser
Missing AnimFile kn2x46.hkx for character, mod KnoxPoser
Missing AnimFile kn2x47.hkx for character, mod KnoxPoser
Missing AnimFile kn2x48.hkx for character, mod KnoxPoser
Missing AnimFile kn2x49.hkx for character, mod KnoxPoser
Missing AnimFile kn2x50.hkx for character, mod KnoxPoser
Missing AnimFile kn2x51.hkx for character, mod KnoxPoser
Missing AnimFile kn2x52.hkx for character, mod KnoxPoser
Missing AnimFile kn2x53.hkx for character, mod KnoxPoser
Missing AnimFile kn2x54.hkx for character, mod KnoxPoser
Missing AnimFile kn2x59.hkx for character, mod KnoxPoser
Missing AnimFile kn2x60.hkx for character, mod KnoxPoser
Missing AnimFile kn2x61.hkx for character, mod KnoxPoser
Missing AnimFile kn2x62.hkx for character, mod KnoxPoser
Missing AnimFile kn2x63.hkx for character, mod KnoxPoser
Missing AnimFile kn2x64.hkx for character, mod KnoxPoser
Missing AnimFile kn2x65.hkx for character, mod KnoxPoser
Missing AnimFile kn2x66.hkx for character, mod KnoxPoser
Missing AnimFile kn2x67.hkx for character, mod KnoxPoser
Missing AnimFile kn2x68.hkx for character, mod KnoxPoser
Missing AnimFile kn2x69.hkx for character, mod KnoxPoser
Missing AnimFile kn2x70.hkx for character, mod KnoxPoser
Missing AnimFile kn2x71.hkx for character, mod KnoxPoser
Missing AnimFile kn2x72.hkx for character, mod KnoxPoser
Missing AnimFile mt_jumpfallback.hkx for character, mod MomoAJ
Missing AnimFile zzEstrusTrap01S51.hkx for character, mod zzEstrus
Missing AnimFile zzEstrusTrap01S52.hkx for character, mod zzEstrus
Missing AnimFile zzEstrusTrap01S53.hkx for character, mod zzEstrus
Missing AnimFile zzEstrusTrap01S61.hkx for character, mod zzEstrus
Missing AnimFile zzEstrusTrap01S62.hkx for character, mod zzEstrus
Missing AnimFile zzEstrusTrap01S63.hkx for character, mod zzEstrus
Missing AnimFile zzEstrusTrap01S64.hkx for character, mod zzEstrus
Missing AnimFile zzEstrusTrap01S65.hkx for character, mod zzEstrus
Missing AnimFile zzEstrusTrap01S66.hkx for character, mod zzEstrus
Missing AnimFile zzEstrusTrap01S67.hkx for character, mod zzEstrus
Missing AnimFile zzEstrusTrap01S68.hkx for character, mod zzEstrus
Missing AnimFile zzEstrusTrap01S69.hkx for character, mod zzEstrus
Missing AnimFile zzEstrusTrap01S6A.hkx for character, mod zzEstrus
Missing AnimFile zzEstrusTrap01S6B.hkx for character, mod zzEstrus
Missing AnimFile zzEstrusTrap01S6C.hkx for character, mod zzEstrus
Missing AnimFile zzEstrusTrap01S71.hkx for character, mod zzEstrus
Missing AnimFile zzEstrusTrap01S72.hkx for character, mod zzEstrus
Missing AnimFile zzEstrusTrap01S73.hkx for character, mod zzEstrus
Missing AnimFile zzEstrusTrap01S81.hkx for character, mod zzEstrus
Missing AnimFile zzEstrusTrap01S82.hkx for character, mod zzEstrus
Missing AnimFile zzEstrusTrap01S83.hkx for character, mod zzEstrus
Missing AnimFile zzEstrusTrap01S84.hkx for character, mod zzEstrus
Missing AnimFile zzEstrusTrap01S85.hkx for character, mod zzEstrus
Missing AnimFile zzEstrusTrap01S86.hkx for character, mod zzEstrus
Missing AnimFile zzEstrusTrap01S87.hkx for character, mod zzEstrus
Missing AnimFile zzEstrusTrap01S88.hkx for character, mod zzEstrus
Missing AnimFile zzEstrusTrap01S89.hkx for character, mod zzEstrus
Missing AnimFile zzEstrusTrap01S8A.hkx for character, mod zzEstrus
Missing AnimFile zzEstrusTrap01S8B.hkx for character, mod zzEstrus
Missing AnimFile zzEstrusTrap01S8C.hkx for character, mod zzEstrus
Missing AnimFile zzEstrusTrap01S91.hkx for character, mod zzEstrus
Missing AnimFile zzEstrusTrap01S911.hkx for character, mod zzEstrus
Missing AnimFile zzEstrusTrap01S912.hkx for character, mod zzEstrus
Missing AnimFile zzEstrusTrap01S913.hkx for character, mod zzEstrus
Missing AnimFile zzEstrusTrap01S91E.hkx for character, mod zzEstrus
Missing AnimFile zzEstrusTrap01S92.hkx for character, mod zzEstrus
Missing AnimFile zzEstrusTrap01S921.hkx for character, mod zzEstrus
Missing AnimFile zzEstrusTrap01S922.hkx for character, mod zzEstrus
Missing AnimFile zzEstrusTrap01S923.hkx for character, mod zzEstrus
Missing AnimFile zzEstrusTrap01S92E.hkx for character, mod zzEstrus
Missing AnimFile zzEstrusTrap01S93.hkx for character, mod zzEstrus
Missing AnimFile zzEstrusTrap01S931.hkx for character, mod zzEstrus
Missing AnimFile zzEstrusTrap01S932.hkx for character, mod zzEstrus
Missing AnimFile zzEstrusTrap01S933.hkx for character, mod zzEstrus
Missing AnimFile zzEstrusTrap01S93E.hkx for character, mod zzEstrus
Missing AnimFile zzEstrusTrap01S98.hkx for character, mod zzEstrus
Missing AnimFile zzEstrusTrap01S99.hkx for character, mod zzEstrus
Missing AnimFile zzEstrusTrap01E1.hkx for character, mod zzEstrus
Missing AnimFile zzEstrusTrap01E2.hkx for character, mod zzEstrus
Missing AnimFile zzEstrusTrap01E4.hkx for character, mod zzEstrus
Missing AnimFile zzEstrusTrap01E6.hkx for character, mod zzEstrus
Missing AnimFile zzEstrusTrap01E8.hkx for character, mod zzEstrus
112 possible consistence issues
И настройки
На чтение 3 мин. Просмотров 160 Опубликовано 28.04.2021
Fore’s New Idles in Skyrim (FNIS) позволяет другим типам модов добавлять анимацию в игру. Skyrim – одна из самых популярных игр, и она так долго оставалась актуальной благодаря огромному сообществу разработчиков модов. Однако в последнее время появилось много жалоб на «Индекс ошибки FNIS (9) вышел за пределы массива ».
В этой статье мы обсудим некоторые причины, из-за которых возникает эта ошибка, а также предоставим вам жизнеспособные решения для ее полного устранения. Обязательно следуйте инструкциям внимательно и точно, чтобы избежать дальнейших осложнений.
- Что вызывает ошибку «FNIS Error 9» на Skyrim?
- Решение 1. Очистка перезаписываемых файлов
- Решение 2. Переустановка модов /Game
Что вызывает ошибку «FNIS Error 9» на Skyrim?
Получив многочисленные сообщения от нескольких пользователей, мы решили исследовать проблему и разработали набор решений для ее полного устранения. Кроме того, мы изучили причины, из-за которых он срабатывает, и перечислили их следующим образом.
- Лишние файлы/анимации: Эта ошибка часто возникает из-за добавления большого количества анимаций и наличия большого количества файлов перезаписи. Если вы используете программу Mod Organizer, файлы помещаются в папку Overwrite, и их необходимо удалить из нее.
- Неправильная установка: в некоторых случаях это Проблема вызвана неправильной установкой модов или самой игры. Из-за этого многие файлы могут быть не в порядке или отсутствовать, что вызывает ошибку.
Теперь, когда у вас есть базовое представление о природе проблемы, мы будем двигаться к решениям. Обязательно реализуйте их в определенном порядке, в котором они представлены, чтобы избежать конфликта.
Решение 1. Очистка перезаписываемых файлов
Большинство пользователей, модифицирующих свою игру, используют либо Nexus Mod Manager, либо Mod Organizer, чтобы упростить реализацию модов и упростить управление ими. В Mod Organizer есть папка для перезаписи, содержащая лишние файлы, и Nexus Mod Manager также помещает эти файлы в каталог. Поэтому, если вы используете Mod Organizer, очистите папку «Перезапись» и проверьте, сохраняется ли проблема.
Примечание. Убедитесь, что вы используете версию FNIS XXL, а не другую, прежде чем переходить к другим шагам.
Решение 2. Переустановка модов /Game
Для большинства пользователей переустановка Игры после удаления всех установленных модов решает проблему. Когда вы устанавливаете моды и добавляете анимацию, кажется, что они накладываются друг на друга и начинают накапливаться. Некоторые анимации/моды могут быть несовместимы друг с другом и могут вызывать проблемы с приложением. Поэтому лучший способ продолжить после получения этой ошибки – выполнить полную переустановку игры и модов.. После переустановки устанавливайте только самые важные моды и анимации. Найдите моды и проверьте их совместимость перед их добавлением.
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Maxxxon1998, 25 марта, 2019 в Скайрим LE
- fnis
Рекомендуемые сообщения
Опубликовано 25 марта, 2019
При попытке обновить fnis behavior выдаёт ошибку: ERROR(9): Индекс находился вне границ массива. Ничего вразумительного по этому поводу я не нашел. Может кто с этим сталкивался?
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Опубликовано 25 марта, 2019
Может попробовать закинуть FNIS с нексуса?
Fores New Idles in Skyrim — FNIS
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Опубликовано 25 марта, 2019
@TrueState Спасибо! Я просто поставил последнюю XXL версию дело оказалось в ней, слишком много анимаций было.
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Опубликовано 22 мая, 2020
SBORKA отличная все сделал захожу в сумку именя сразу радуют что SKES не тот у меня(48) а надо (0) разумеется нет искры и меню нет помогите
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