Французская ошибка сверхъестественное

Ошибка по-французски (англ. The French Mistake) — пятнадцатый эпизод шестого сезона американского телесериала «Сверхъестественное». Джаред Падалеки — Сэм Винчестер Дженсен Эклс — Дин Винчестер Миша Коллинз — Кастиэль / Миша Коллинз Себастьян Роше — Бальтазар Ланетт Вэр — Рафаил Карлос Санс — Вирджил Брайан Дойл-Мюррей — Роберт Сингер Женевьев Падалеки — Женевьев Падалеки Майка Хауптман — Эрик Крипке Джейсон Брайден — Кевин Паркс Гарвин Санфорд — Джим Майклз Филип Морис Хэйз — Клиф Костерман Арт

Ошибка по-французски (англ. The French Mistake) — пятнадцатый эпизод шестого сезона американского телесериала «Сверхъестественное».

В ролях[]

Главные роли[]

  • Джаред Падалеки — Сэм Винчестер
  • Дженсен Эклс — Дин Винчестер
  • Миша Коллинз — Кастиэль / Миша Коллинз

Второстепенные роли[]

  • Себастьян Роше — Бальтазар
  • Ланетт Вэр — Рафаил
  • Карлос Санс — Вирджил
  • Брайан Дойл-Мюррей — Роберт Сингер
  • Женевьев Падалеки — Женевьев Падалеки
  • Майка Хауптман — Эрик Крипке
  • Джейсон Брайден — Кевин Паркс
  • Гарвин Санфорд — Джим Майклз
  • Филип Морис Хэйз — Клиф Костерман
  • Арт Китчинг — Серж Ладусер
  • Хилари Жардин — Сера Гэмбл
  • Лу Болло — камео
  • Лиза Мари Карук — Триш Эвион
  • Рик Добран — бездомный
  • Эмили Фонда — гримёр
  • Риз Александер — владелец оружейного магазина
  • Майк Карпентер — камео
  • Тодд Скотт — камео
  • Арианн Цукер — Николь Уокер

Краткое содержание[]

Благодаря Бальтазару, Сэм и Дин оказываются в параллельном мире, где они — актёры Джаред Падалеки и Дженсен Эклс, а их жизнь является сюжетом сериала «Сверхъестественное».


Сэм и Дин находятся в доме Бобби Сингера, когда там неожиданно появляется Бальтазар. Он рассказывает братьям, что Рафаил намерен убить Кастиэля и всех его сторонников при помощи оружия Небес. Бальтазар даёт Сэму на хранение ключ от комнаты, где спрятано это оружие, и, нарисовав на стекле кровавый символ, выбрасывает братьев в окно. Приземлившись, они слышат щелчок хлопушки и крик «снято!» и обнаруживают, что оказались на съёмочной площадке сериала под названием «Сверхъестественное», рассказывающего об их жизни. Все вокруг принимают их за актёров Джареда Падалеки и Дженсена Эклса. Братья находят Кастиэля и обращаются к нему за помощью, чтобы вернуться домой, однако вскоре понимают, что их собеседник — не настоящий Кас, а актёр Миша Коллинз, исполняющий его роль.

Решив использовать обратное заклинание, чтобы вернуться в свой мир, Винчестеры находят в доме Бобби необходимые ингредиенты, но они оказываются бутафорскими, как и сам дом. Обнаружив, что и их машина является всего лишь реквизитом, братья просят водителя отвезти их к дому Джареда и попутно выясняют, что находятся за пределами Штатов, в Ванкувере.

Сэм и Женевьев Падалеки.

Дом оказывается шикарным особняком, а внутри их встречает Руби — точнее, актриса по имени Женевьев Падалеки, которая уверена, что Сэм — её муж. Используя кредитные карты Джареда, братья покупают всё, что необходимо для заклинания, и наутро возвращаются на съёмочную площадку к тому окну, из которого выпали накануне. Дин воспроизводит символ, который рисовал на окне Бальтазар, но заклинание не действует, так как в мире, куда они попали, нет места сверхъестественному, в том числе и магии.

Спустя некоторое время в этот мир проникает ангел по имени Вирджил, которого отправил по следу Винчестеров архангел Рафаил. Напав на братьев, он пытается убить Дина с помощью ангельской силы, однако и его способности в этом мире не действуют. Прибежавшие на шум члены съёмочной группы разнимают дерущихся, но Вирджилу удаётся вытащить ключ из кармана Сэма и сбежать.

Обеспокоенный странным поведением актёров, которые ко всему прочему не могут нормально сыграть ни одной сцены, режиссёр Боб Сингер звонит продюсеру Сере Гэмбл, и вместе они решают позвать Эрика Крипке, создателя «Сверхъестественного», чтобы тот поговорил с Джаредом и Дженсеном.

Вирджил убивает Мишу Коллинза.

Тем временем Вирджил в тёмном переулке нападает на Мишу Коллинза и убивает его, чтобы с помощью его крови связаться с Рафаилом. Поругавшись с Бобом Сингером и заявив, что они увольняются, Сэм и Дин возвращаются в особняк Джареда, где узнают от Женевьев о смерти Миши. Братья приезжают на место преступления и расспрашивают свидетеля, бездомного мужчину, который рассказывает, что убийца вызывал кого-то по имени Рафаил. Он уверяет, что после услышал голос, который велел звонящему «прийти с ключом к тому же окну, чтобы вернуться в свой мир». Дин не уверен, что им стоит возвращаться туда, где на них охотятся силы и Ада, и Небес, но Сэм не хочет оставаться в мире, где они даже не являются братьями.

Посетив оружейный магазин, Вирджил возвращается на съёмочную площадку и устраивает там стрельбу, убивая несколько человек, включая Эрика Крипке и Боба Сингера, прежде чем Винчестеры успевают нейтрализовать его. Забрав ключ, братья приходят на место, назначенное Рафаилом, и через открывшийся портал попадают в свой мир.

Рафаил, теперь в женском сосуде, требует отдать ему ключ, но появившийся Бальтазар говорит, что и этот ключ, и путешествие Винчестеров в параллельный мир служили единственной цели: отвлечь Рафаила и выиграть время. Появляется Кастиэль, обладающий теперь всем оружием Небес, и Рафаил вынужден отступить.

Кас переносит Винчестеров в дом Бобби и обещает, когда придёт время, объяснить, почему он использовал их как приманку. Он опечален тем, что братья никак не могут понять, насколько важно победить в этой войне и как сильно он на самом деле занят, но прежде, чем Дин вновь начинает выяснять отношения, ангел исчезает. Сэм стучит по дверному косяку, убеждаясь, что он настоящий, и Винчестеры радуются возвращению домой.


Девушка-гримёр: «Сейчас снимем макияж с лица…»
Дин: «Что?! На мне нет маки… Вот дрянь! Я — размалёванная шлюха!»
— Дин на съёмочной площадке, «Ошибка по-французски»
Сэм: «Кажется, я знаю, что это.»
Дин: «Ладно, что?»
Сэм: «Это телешоу!»
Дин: «Да ты что!»
Сэм: «Да. В смысле, здесь… где бы это ни было… в этой сумеречной зоне, куда нас зашвырнул Бальтазар, уж не знаю почему, но наша жизнь — это телешоу!»
Дин: «Почему?!»
Сэм: «Не знаю.»
Дин: «Нет, серьёзно: почему?! Кому захочется смотреть на нашу жизнь?»
Сэм: «Ну, если верить журналистке — мало кому.»
— Дин и Сэм на съёмочной площадке, «Ошибка по-французски»
«Миша»? «Дженсен»? Да что за имена у них тут?!
— Дин, «Ошибка по-французски»
Дин: «Мы можем застрять здесь.»
Сэм: «Нет, мы придумаем, как вернуться.»
Дин: «Ага, хотя ты не сильно расстроишься, если не получится.»
Сэм: «Что? Не говори ерунды.»
Дин: «Я просто говорю: «Нет ада под ногами, над нами только небо…».»
— Дин цитирует Джона Леннона, «Ошибка по-французски»

Интересные факты[]

  • Название эпизода — отсылка к сцене фильма Мела Брукса «Сверкающие сёдла», в которой герои фильма во время драки ломают «четвёртую стену» (буквально), вваливаясь в соседний павильон, в котором идёт репетиция мюзикла и актёры исполняют песню под названием «Ошибка по-французски». В свою очередь, название песни — известная идиома, означающая гомосексуальную половую связь, о которой позже жалеют.
  • Это единственный эпизод сериала, в котором место действия и место съёмок совпадают (Ванкувер, Британская Колумбия, Канада) и первый, в котором действие происходит в Канаде. Вторым стал эпизод 12.06 «Праздник жизни Эйсы Фокса».
  • Чтобы решить проблему, возникшую при съёмке трюка, Кевин Паркс предлагает сделать стоп-кадр в момент прыжка и затем уйти в чёрный экран. Именно это сделано в конце самого эпизода, когда Рафаил затягивает Винчестеров обратно в их вселенную.
  • На реплику Сэма «я нечто под названием Джаред Падалеки» Дин отвечает: «Так ты ещё и поляк?». Джаред Падалеки действительно имеет польские корни.
  • Твиты, написанные Мишей Коллинзом в этом эпизоде, были опубликованы в реальной жизни. К слову, Миша действительно был в то время твиттерозависимым, что и отразили в этой серии. После рождения ребёнка писать он стал заметно меньше.
  • Студия, где снимается «Сверхъестественное», называется «KM Motion Picture Studios» в честь Кима Маннерса.
  • Дом Джареда в серии — настоящий. Дженсен некоторое время гостевал в нём на первом этаже.
  • Картина, на которой Джаред изображён в виде ковбоя верхом на лошади, теперь находится в доме реального Джареда. Любопытно, что его персонаж в сериале не проявляет интереса к этой теме, в то время как Дин является настоящим фанатом Дикого Запада.
  • В реальной жизни Джаред и Дженсен лучшие друзья, о чём они неоднократно говорили во всевозможных интервью.
  • Темой с «не разговаривают» они простебали фанатов, которые очень любят раздувать из мухи слона. Однажды, увидев на фотографиях со съёмок третьего сезона, что Джаред и Дженсен стоят, отвернувшись друг от друга, фанаты устроили в интернете вой на тему, что они поссорились и не разговаривают друг с другом. Естественно, ничего подобного не было, это были лишь домыслы фанатов.
  • Кроме Джареда, Дженсена, Женевьев и Миши, настоящим был постановщик трюков Лу Болло — мужчина в цветной майке в сцене, когда братья избивают Вирджила. Также за пару минут до этого на заднем плане видны двое парней, репетирующих драки. Это Майк Карпентер и Тодд Скотт, дублёры Джареда и Дженсена в реальной жизни.
  • Другое название эпизода — «Весь мир — театр».
  • Свидетель разговора Вирджила и Рафаила слышал голос, ответивший на вызов, однако ранее в сериале при таком же способе связи ответ слышал только «звонивший». Кроме того, голос архангела должен был оказаться губительным для обычного человека.
  • Кадр 00:32:19 — на стене за бомжом есть надпись кириллицей «Йоп твою».
  • Сцена, в которой Вирджил просит продавца оружейного магазина подать то или иное оружие, а затем убивает его, почти дословно цитирует аналогичную сцену из фильма «Терминатор».
  • Шутка про «Октокобру», вероятнее всего, является отсылкой к фильмам «Акулосьминог» (Sharktopus) и «Динокрок против динозавра» (Dinocroc vs Supergator). Оба фильма вышли в 2010 году, рассказывают о генетически созданных монстрах и имеют низкие рейтинги. В реальности Эрик Крипке в это время работал над сериалом «Революция», который вышел в 2012 году.
  • На одной из встреч с фанатами Дженсен Эклс рассказал о моментах, которые его бесят, когда он замечает их в кино или сериалах. Один из них — когда заметно, как актёр смотрит на метки на полу, к которым он должен подойти и встать по ходу сцены. Именно это делает Дин, притворяясь актёром Дженсеном Эклсом.
  • Этот эпизод является одним из самых любимых для всех троих главных актёров.
  • Лиза Мари Карук ранее исполнила роль Терезы Эллис в эпизоде 2.06 «Выхода нет», Гарвин Санфорд играл тюремного надзирателя Дикона в эпизоде 2.19 «Блюз Фолсомской тюрьмы», а Амитай Мэрморштейн играл Тима в эпизоде 5.09 «Настоящие охотники за привидениями».


  • Bruton Music — Ancient Celtic Lands
Сверхъестественное — Сезон 6
Изгнание на Мейн-Стрит • Два с половиной человека • Третий человек • Выходные у Бобби • Жизнь свободна или Сумеречна • Ты не вынесешь правды • Дела семейные • Все псы попадают в рай • Хлопни в ладоши, если веришь • Страсть за решёткой • Свидание в Самарре • Словно девственница • Непрощённый • Манекен 3: Расплата • Ошибка по-французски • …И никого не стало • Моё сердце будет биться дальше • Западная земля • Дорогая мамочка • Человек, который хотел стать королём • Пусть льётся кровь • Человек, который слишком много знал

The French Mistake is the 15th episode of Season 6. It aired on February 25th, 2011.


Dean Purgatory Blade.png.png There was something about being there… It felt pure.

This episode summary is an official CW press release. It may contain errors.

Raphael (guest star Lanette Ware) launches an attack on Castiel and his allies, sending a particularly frightening angelic hitman (guest star Carlos Sanz) after Balthazar (guest star Sebastian Roché), Sam and Dean. In an effort to protect the brothers, Balthazar sends them to an alternate universe where they are the stars of a TV show called «Supernatural» and they are actors named «Jensen Ackles» and «Jared Padalecki.» The brothers are confused when Castiel appears to be a tweet-happy actor named «Misha Collins» and Sam is married to Ruby (Genevieve Cortese).


Dean and Sam are doing research at Bobby’s House when Balthazar appears. He says that Raphael is aiming to kill all of Castiel’s allies and affiliates so he gives them a key and sends them to an alternate reality to keep them out of harm’s way. Supposedly, the key opens a door where he has stored the stolen Angelic Weapons of Heaven, which will help Castiel to retain control in Heaven.

When they appear in the alternate reality, Sam and Dean find themselves on the set of «Supernatural»- a show that appears to be about their lives and where everyone mistakes them for the actors Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki. They try to contact Castiel, but instead, encounter Misha Collins, who plays Castiel on the TV Show. Taking refuge in Jensen’s luxurious trailer, they do some research about Jensen and Jared, and Dean is horrified to learn that Jensen was a soap opera star. Dean suggests they try doing the same spell Balthazar did in order to get them back to their own reality.

Discouraged that there are no ‘real’ saints’ bones or other items they need on the set of Bobby’s house, Sam and Dean have the actors’ driver, Clif Kosterman, take them to Jared’s place, which turns out to be a large ostentatious mansion with a tanning bed in the living room and an alpaca in the backyard. Sam and Dean are shocked when Ruby — or rather the actress who plays her — appears and kisses Sam, who she believes to be her husband, Jared. After Genevieve Padalecki heads out to a charity function for the International Otter Adoption Fund, Sam and Dean go online and purchase some saints’ bones for rush delivery using Jared’s credit cards (they max out at least one). Dean then spends the night on Jared’s couch, while Sam alternates between surfing the internet for signs of the supernatural activity and sleeping with Genevieve.

The next morning, Clif drives them to the airport to pick up the rush delivery before taking them back to the set. They have to try and act in a scene which ends badly after many takes, but in between takes, they try and do the spell. When nothing happens, they come to the conclusion that in this reality there is no real supernatural, no magic.

Back on set, the angel hitman Virgil appears and tries to vanquish Dean with his angel powers. He, too, is devoid of powers in this reality, so Sam and Dean are able to take him in a fight and start pummeling him on the set of the Dragon’s hideout from ‘Like A Virgin’. The rest of the crew intervenes, however, and during the resulting scuffle Virgil pickpockets the key Balthazar gave Sam before running away.

The crew of the show is now suspicious because «Jared» and «Jensen» are behaving out of character. Normally they don’t speak to each other, they came in with a mysterious package (the saint’s bones) which the crew believes are either drugs or black market organs, and now they’ve beaten up Virgil, who everyone believes to be an extra. Director Bobby Singer calls showrunner Sera Gamble and suggests that they get Eric Kripke to come to Vancouver and talk to them. Sera reluctantly agrees, although Kripke is sequestered in a cabin writing the script for «Octocobra.» Meanwhile, Virgil takes Misha hostage and kills him so he can use his blood to contact Raphael.

Bob confronts Sam and Dean, and they drop the pretense of being Jared and Jensen and tell him that they quit, making Bob shocked. Dean says that at least in their world they make a difference. They then go back to Jared’s house and learn from Genevieve that Misha is dead, so they go to the scene. A witness states that the killer was speaking to «Raphael,» and they learn from the relayed conversation that Virgil is trying to get back to their reality. While they wait for him on the set, Dean suggests to Sam that maybe if they get stuck in this reality, Sam’s life would be better. But Sam disagrees because back in their world they do matter, and he doesn’t like that in this world they aren’t even brothers.

Virgil returns on set just as Kripke arrives to speak to them, and the angel goes on a killing spree, killing Eric Kripke, Bob Singer, Kevin Parks, and Lou Bollo before Sam and Dean manage to knock him out and get the key. Just as Sam has the key in hand, Raphael activates the nearby gate between the worlds, and they land back in their own reality.

Raphael — now in a female vessel -demands the key, but Balthazar arrives and reveals that the key and Sam and Dean’s journey was all a ruse to distract Raphael. He threatens them, but Castiel arrives and reveals that he now has all the Angelic Weapons. He threatens to kill Raphael, and Raphael leaves. Castiel then returns Sam and Dean to Bobby’s house, promising to reveal more of what is happening in Heaven soon. Back at home, Sam and Dean reflect that they are now back in their old, crummy house with no money, but at least they’re talking to each other.


Main Cast[]

  • Jared Padalecki as Sam Winchester
  • Jensen Ackles as Dean Winchester
  • Misha Collins as Castiel and Himself

Recurring Cast[]

Special Guest Stars[]

  • Brian Doyle-Murray as Robert Singer

Guest Stars[]

  • Genevieve Padalecki as Herself


  • Sebastian Roché as Balthazar
  • Lanette Ware as Raphael
  • Carlos Sanz as Virgil
  • Micah A. Hauptman as Eric Kripke
  • Jason Bryden as Kevin Parks
  • Art Kitching as Serge Ladouceur
  • Lou Bollo as Himself
  • Garwin Sanford as Jim Michaels
  • Phil Hayes as Clif Kosterman
  • Hilary Jardine as Sera Gamble (voice only)

Featured Supernatural Beings[]

  • Angels (Balthazar, Virgil)
  • Archangel (Raphael)
  • Demons (Ruby; mentioned only)
  • Primordial Entity (God, mentioned only)
  • Seraph (Castiel)


  • Sam mentions The Apocalypse, which was a focus of Season 5.
  • Ruby was mentioned, she previously appeared in Lucifer Rising.


  • Antagonists: Virgil and Raphael.
  • The title of the episode is a reference to the Mel Brooks comedy, Blazing Saddles, where characters attend the film’s premier and crash through a Hollywood set with actors performing a musical number seemingly entitled «The French Mistake» echoing Sam and Dean crashing through the window into the set in the parallel reality.
  • The premise of this episode was revealed during «Salute to Supernatural San Francisco» when Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki explained it during their panel.
  • The tweets Misha Collins made in this episode were actually tweeted in real life.[1][2]
    • The tweet that Misha typed out in his car was not tweeted in real life, presumably because he was attacked before he could send it.
  • This episode pokes fun of reality as Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki and Misha Collins play Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, and Castiel respectively. Furthermore, Genevieve Cortese, the actress that portrayed Ruby, is married to Jared Padalecki.
  • Featured a clip of Jensen Ackles from his stint on the soap opera Days of Our Lives.
  • There are numerous references to this being the sixth season.
  • It is said throughout the episode that Jensen and Jared do not get along. In real life, they are best friends.
  • This is the final episode this season to not feature Bobby Singer, though much of it takes place in his house.
  • Dean’s line, «If I hear one more conversation about hockey, I’m going to puke» is ad-libbed.
  • The episode features a real copy of The Official Supernatural Magazine (the copy in question is issue 11) that Dean picks up and refers to in Jensen’s trailer.
  • When Dean shows Sam the Supernatural Magazine he says «Nice blue steel Sam» a reference to the movie Zoolander.
  • Dean’s line, «No hell below us, above us only sky.» is a line from John Lennon’s song, Imagine.
  • Dean’s line (seeing Raphael as a lady) «Dude looks like a lady.» is in reference to an Aerosmith song of the same title.
  • When Dean and Sam leave the television studio, the sign above says «KM Motion Picture Studios», likely in tribute to Kim Manners.
  • Misha regards this episode as one of his favorites, alongside Baby.
  • This is the first episode in the series to be set in Canada. The second episode is Celebrating The Life Of Asa Fox.
    • This is the second time that Sam and Dean have traveled outside the continental United States on-screen. The first time was in Weekend at Bobby’s, when they traveled to Scotland in order to blackmail Crowley.
  • When Dean Winchester and Sam Winchester are pulled back through the portal on the window by Raphael near the end of the episode, the picture goes to freeze frame to enter commercial; when the show continues after the break, the two are outside, landing in broken glass. Sam and Dean are not seen actually passing through the glass. This is exactly how the set designer suggested dealing with Sam and Dean botching the window break scene at the beginning of the episode to avoid having to re-construct the set and is clearly a nod back to that conversation.
  • Balthazar repeatedly references the Godfather at the beginning of the episode.
  • This is the first time we see an alternate universe, although in this universe it was easy to get in than into Alternate Michael’s universe.


  • Immediately after pouring the blood of lamb, Balthazar places the jar to the left of the box of salt, but immediately after (and for the rest of the episode) the bloody jar is right of the bottle of alcohol.


  • Genevieve: «Oh My God, oh my god, oh my God!»
  • Sam: «What?»
  • Genevieve: «Misha! He’s been stabbed to death!»
  • Sam and Dean: «Where?»
  • Genevieve (incredulous) : «Where?!»

  • Dean: «You married fake Ruby?»

  • Dean: «What kind of douchebag names a character after himself?»

  • Dean: «Why would anyone want to watch our lives?»
  • Sam: «According to the interviewer, not very many people do.»

  • Dean: «Oh crap. I’m a painted whore.»

  • Dean: «They put freaking make up on us! Those bastards!»

  • Sam: «You’re Jensen Ackles and I’m something called a ‘Jared Padalecki’.»
  • Dean: «So what? Now you’re Polish?»

  • Dean: «I feel sick. I’m gonna be sick. I feel like this whole place is bad touching me.«
  • Dean: «Dear Castiel, who art maybe running his ass away from heaven, we pray that you have your ears on. So… Breaker, breaker.»
  • Dean: «The name’s Misha. Misha? Misha, Jensen? What’s up with the names around here?»
  • Misha: «You guys, you really punk’d me!»
  • Misha (tweeting): «Hola mishamigos. J squared got me good. Really starting to feel like one of the guys.»

  • Dean: «Look at these male modelin’ sons of bitches.»
  • Sam: «Hey, apparently it’s our job.»

  • Sam: «It says you’re from Texas.»
  • Dean: «Really?»
  • Sam: «And… uh you were on a soap opera.»

  • Sam: «Wow, I must be the star of this thing.»
  • Dean: «Yeah right.«

  • Sam: «What am I? Dracula?»
  • Dean: [revealing a tanning bed] «George Hamilton Dracula.»
  • Dean: «Dude, you have a camel in your backyard.»
  • Genevieve: «It’s an alpaca, dumbass.»

  • Bob Singer (the director): «What’s happening? What’s happening?! What’s happening!?«
  • The writer: «An atrocity is happening.»
  • Sam: «Who wrote this? Nobody says penultimate!»
  • Dean: (Gesturing) «Gun… mouth… now.»

  • Homeless guy: «The scary man killed the attractive crying man…»

  • Bob Singer: «You can’t come to work on poppers and smuggle kidneys in from Mexico and make up your own lines as you go. You cannot make up your own lines!

  • Sam: «At least we’re talking.»

  • Dean: I said ‘hey!’.
  • Balthazar: You did. Twice. Good for you. [pats Dean on shoulder]

  • Balthazar: So, good old Raphy put out a hit list on every last Samaritan who helped our dear Cass. Including both of you. And so much more importantly, me.

 International Titles[]

  • Brazil: O Outro Universo (The Other Universe)
  • German: Über uns nur der Himmel (Above us only sky)
  • French: Arrêt Sur Image (Freeze-Frame)
  • Hungarian: Volt egyszer egy sorozat (Once Upon a Time… Series — reference to a French animated television series)


  1. First Tweet
  2. Second Tweet

External Links[]

  • Supernatural: «The French Mistake» Review IGN.com


Season 1

Pilot • Wendigo • Dead In The Water • Phantom Traveler • Bloody Mary • Skin • Hook Man • Bugs • Home • Asylum • Scarecrow • Faith • Route 666 • Nightmare • The Benders • Shadow • Hell House • Something Wicked • Provenance • Dead Man’s Blood • Salvation • Devil’s Trap

Season 2

In My Time of Dying • Everybody Loves a Clown • Bloodlust • Children Shouldn’t Play With Dead Things • Simon Said • No Exit • The Usual Suspects • Crossroad Blues • Croatoan • Hunted • Playthings • Nightshifter • Houses of the Holy • Born Under A Bad Sign • Tall Tales • Roadkill • Heart • Hollywood Babylon • Folsom Prison Blues • What Is And What Should Never Be • All Hell Breaks Loose — Part 1 • All Hell Breaks Loose — Part 2

Season 3

The Magnificent Seven • The Kids Are Alright • Bad Day at Black Rock • Sin City • Bedtime Stories • Red Sky at Morning • Fresh Blood • A Very Supernatural Christmas • Malleus Maleficarum • Dream a Little Dream of Me • Mystery Spot • Jus In Bello • Ghostfacers • Long-Distance Call • Time Is On My Side • No Rest for the Wicked

Season 4

Lazarus Rising • Are You There, God? It’s Me, Dean Winchester • In The Beginning • Metamorphosis • Monster Movie • Yellow Fever • It’s the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester • Wishful Thinking • I Know What You Did Last Summer • Heaven and Hell • Family Remains • Criss Angel Is A Douchebag • After School Special • Sex & Violence • Death Takes A Holiday • On The Head Of A Pin • It’s A Terrible Life • The Monster at the End of This Book • Jump the Shark • The Rapture • When the Levee Breaks • Lucifer Rising

Season 5

Sympathy for the Devil • Good God, Y’all • Free To Be You and Me • The End • Fallen Idol • I Believe the Children Are Our Future • The Curious Case of Dean Winchester • Changing Channels • The Real Ghostbusters • Abandon All Hope • Sam, Interrupted • Swap Meat • The Song Remains the Same • My Bloody Valentine • Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid • Dark Side of the Moon • 99 Problems • Point of No Return • Hammer of the Gods • The Devil You Know • Two Minutes to Midnight • Swan Song

Season 6

Exile on Main Street • Two and a Half Men • The Third Man • Weekend at Bobby’s • Live Free or Twihard • You Can’t Handle The Truth • Family Matters • All Dogs Go To Heaven • Clap Your Hands If You Believe • Caged Heat • Appointment In Samarra • Like A Virgin • Unforgiven • Mannequin 3: The Reckoning • The French Mistake • …And Then There Were None • My Heart Will Go On • Frontierland • Mommy Dearest • The Man Who Would Be King • Let It Bleed • The Man Who Knew Too Much •

Season 7

Meet the New Boss • Hello, Cruel World • The Girl Next Door • Defending Your Life • Shut Up, Dr. Phil • Slash Fiction • The Mentalists • Season Seven, Time for a Wedding! • How To Win Friends And Influence Monsters • Death’s Door • Adventures in Babysitting • Time After Time • The Slice Girls • Plucky Pennywhistle’s Magical Menagerie • Repo Man • Out With The Old • The Born-Again Identity • Party On, Garth • Of Grave Importance • The Girl With The Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo • Reading Is Fundamental • There Will Be Blood • Survival of the Fittest

Season 8

We Need To Talk About Kevin • What’s Up, Tiger Mommy? • Heartache • Bitten • Blood Brother • Southern Comfort • A Little Slice of Kevin • Hunteri Heroici • Citizen Fang • Torn and Frayed • LARP and the Real Girl • As Time Goes By • Everybody Hates Hitler • Trial and Error • Man’s Best Friend With Benefits • Remember the Titans • Goodbye Stranger • Freaks and Geeks • Taxi Driver • Pac-Man Fever • The Great Escapist • Clip Show • Sacrifice

Season 9

I Think I’m Gonna Like It Here • Devil May Care • I’m No Angel • Slumber Party • Dog Dean Afternoon • Heaven Can’t Wait • Bad Boys • Rock and a Hard Place • Holy Terror • Road Trip • First Born • Sharp Teeth • The Purge • Captives • Thinman • Blade Runners • Mother’s Little Helper • Meta Fiction • Alex Annie Alexis Ann • Bloodlines • King of the Damned • Stairway to Heaven • Do You Believe In Miracles?

Season 10

Black • Reichenbach • Soul Survivor • Paper Moon • Fan Fiction • Ask Jeeves • Girls, Girls, Girls • Hibbing 911 • The Things We Left Behind • The Hunter Games • There’s No Place Like Home • About a Boy • Halt & Catch Fire • The Executioner’s Song • The Things They Carried • Paint it Black • Inside Man • Book of the Damned • The Werther Project • Angel Heart • Dark Dynasty • The Prisoner • Brother’s Keeper

Season 11

Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire • Form and Void • The Bad Seed • Baby • Thin Lizzie • Our Little World • Plush • Just My Imagination • O Brother, Where Art Thou? • The Devil in the Details • Into the Mystic • Don’t You Forget About Me • Love Hurts • The Vessel • Beyond the Mat • Safe House • Red Meat • Hell’s Angel • The Chitters • Don’t Call Me Shurley • All in the Family • We Happy Few • Alpha and Omega

Season 12

Keep Calm and Carry On • Mamma Mia • The Foundry • American Nightmare • The One You’ve Been Waiting For • Celebrating The Life Of Asa Fox • Rock Never Dies • LOTUS • First Blood • Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets • Regarding Dean • Stuck in the Middle (With You) • Family Feud • The Raid • Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell • Ladies Drink Free • The British Invasion • The Memory Remains • The Future • Twigs & Twine & Tasha Banes • There’s Something About Mary • Who We Are • All Along the Watchtower

Season 13

Lost & Found • The Rising Son • Patience • The Big Empty • Advanced Thanatology • Tombstone •
War of the Worlds • The Scorpion and The Frog • The Bad Place • Wayward Sisters • Breakdown • Various & Sundry Villains • Devil’s Bargain • Good Intentions • A Most Holy Man • Scoobynatural • The Thing • Bring ’em Back Alive • Funeralia • Unfinished Business • Beat the Devil • Exodus • Let the Good Times Roll

Season 14

Stranger in a Strange Land • Gods and Monsters • The Scar • Mint Condition • Nightmare Logic • Optimism • Unhuman Nature • Byzantium • The Spear • Nihilism • Damaged Goods • Prophet and Loss • Lebanon • Ouroboros • Peace of Mind • Don’t Go In The Woods • Game Night• Absence • Jack in the Box • Moriah

Season 15

Back and to the Future • Raising Hell • The Rupture • Atomic Monsters • Proverbs 17:3 • Golden Time • Last Call • Our Father, Who Aren’t in Heaven • The Trap • The Heroes’ Journey • The Gamblers • Galaxy Brain • Destiny’s Child • Last Holiday • Gimme Shelter • Drag Me Away (From You) • Unity • Despair • Inherit the Earth • Carry On


Meet The Facers • The Grand Showcase • The Big Break • CSI:Maggie • Dead Time • Finishing The Job • The Comeback • Cutting Room Floor • Shattered • Why We Fight • The Ghostfacers Meet Castiel


A Very Special Supernatural Special • Supernatural: The Long Road Home

The French Mistake is the 15th episode of Season 6. It aired on February 25th, 2011.


Dean Purgatory Blade.png.png There was something about being there… It felt pure.

This episode summary is an official CW press release. It may contain errors.

Raphael (guest star Lanette Ware) launches an attack on Castiel and his allies, sending a particularly frightening angelic hitman (guest star Carlos Sanz) after Balthazar (guest star Sebastian Roché), Sam and Dean. In an effort to protect the brothers, Balthazar sends them to an alternate universe where they are the stars of a TV show called «Supernatural» and they are actors named «Jensen Ackles» and «Jared Padalecki.» The brothers are confused when Castiel appears to be a tweet-happy actor named «Misha Collins» and Sam is married to Ruby (Genevieve Cortese).


Dean and Sam are doing research at Bobby’s House when Balthazar appears. He says that Raphael is aiming to kill all of Castiel’s allies and affiliates so he gives them a key and sends them to an alternate reality to keep them out of harm’s way. Supposedly, the key opens a door where he has stored the stolen Angelic Weapons of Heaven, which will help Castiel to retain control in Heaven.

When they appear in the alternate reality, Sam and Dean find themselves on the set of «Supernatural»- a show that appears to be about their lives and where everyone mistakes them for the actors Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki. They try to contact Castiel, but instead, encounter Misha Collins, who plays Castiel on the TV Show. Taking refuge in Jensen’s luxurious trailer, they do some research about Jensen and Jared, and Dean is horrified to learn that Jensen was a soap opera star. Dean suggests they try doing the same spell Balthazar did in order to get them back to their own reality.

Discouraged that there are no ‘real’ saints’ bones or other items they need on the set of Bobby’s house, Sam and Dean have the actors’ driver, Clif Kosterman, take them to Jared’s place, which turns out to be a large ostentatious mansion with a tanning bed in the living room and an alpaca in the backyard. Sam and Dean are shocked when Ruby — or rather the actress who plays her — appears and kisses Sam, who she believes to be her husband, Jared. After Genevieve Padalecki heads out to a charity function for the International Otter Adoption Fund, Sam and Dean go online and purchase some saints’ bones for rush delivery using Jared’s credit cards (they max out at least one). Dean then spends the night on Jared’s couch, while Sam alternates between surfing the internet for signs of the supernatural activity and sleeping with Genevieve.

The next morning, Clif drives them to the airport to pick up the rush delivery before taking them back to the set. They have to try and act in a scene which ends badly after many takes, but in between takes, they try and do the spell. When nothing happens, they come to the conclusion that in this reality there is no real supernatural, no magic.

Back on set, the angel hitman Virgil appears and tries to vanquish Dean with his angel powers. He, too, is devoid of powers in this reality, so Sam and Dean are able to take him in a fight and start pummeling him on the set of the Dragon’s hideout from ‘Like A Virgin’. The rest of the crew intervenes, however, and during the resulting scuffle Virgil pickpockets the key Balthazar gave Sam before running away.

The crew of the show is now suspicious because «Jared» and «Jensen» are behaving out of character. Normally they don’t speak to each other, they came in with a mysterious package (the saint’s bones) which the crew believes are either drugs or black market organs, and now they’ve beaten up Virgil, who everyone believes to be an extra. Director Bobby Singer calls showrunner Sera Gamble and suggests that they get Eric Kripke to come to Vancouver and talk to them. Sera reluctantly agrees, although Kripke is sequestered in a cabin writing the script for «Octocobra.» Meanwhile, Virgil takes Misha hostage and kills him so he can use his blood to contact Raphael.

Bob confronts Sam and Dean, and they drop the pretense of being Jared and Jensen and tell him that they quit, making Bob shocked. Dean says that at least in their world they make a difference. They then go back to Jared’s house and learn from Genevieve that Misha is dead, so they go to the scene. A witness states that the killer was speaking to «Raphael,» and they learn from the relayed conversation that Virgil is trying to get back to their reality. While they wait for him on the set, Dean suggests to Sam that maybe if they get stuck in this reality, Sam’s life would be better. But Sam disagrees because back in their world they do matter, and he doesn’t like that in this world they aren’t even brothers.

Virgil returns on set just as Kripke arrives to speak to them, and the angel goes on a killing spree, killing Eric Kripke, Bob Singer, Kevin Parks, and Lou Bollo before Sam and Dean manage to knock him out and get the key. Just as Sam has the key in hand, Raphael activates the nearby gate between the worlds, and they land back in their own reality.

Raphael — now in a female vessel -demands the key, but Balthazar arrives and reveals that the key and Sam and Dean’s journey was all a ruse to distract Raphael. He threatens them, but Castiel arrives and reveals that he now has all the Angelic Weapons. He threatens to kill Raphael, and Raphael leaves. Castiel then returns Sam and Dean to Bobby’s house, promising to reveal more of what is happening in Heaven soon. Back at home, Sam and Dean reflect that they are now back in their old, crummy house with no money, but at least they’re talking to each other.


Main Cast[]

  • Jared Padalecki as Sam Winchester
  • Jensen Ackles as Dean Winchester
  • Misha Collins as Castiel and Himself

Recurring Cast[]

Special Guest Stars[]

  • Brian Doyle-Murray as Robert Singer

Guest Stars[]

  • Genevieve Padalecki as Herself


  • Sebastian Roché as Balthazar
  • Lanette Ware as Raphael
  • Carlos Sanz as Virgil
  • Micah A. Hauptman as Eric Kripke
  • Jason Bryden as Kevin Parks
  • Art Kitching as Serge Ladouceur
  • Lou Bollo as Himself
  • Garwin Sanford as Jim Michaels
  • Phil Hayes as Clif Kosterman
  • Hilary Jardine as Sera Gamble (voice only)

Featured Supernatural Beings[]

  • Angels (Balthazar, Virgil)
  • Archangel (Raphael)
  • Demons (Ruby; mentioned only)
  • Primordial Entity (God, mentioned only)
  • Seraph (Castiel)


  • Sam mentions The Apocalypse, which was a focus of Season 5.
  • Ruby was mentioned, she previously appeared in Lucifer Rising.


  • Antagonists: Virgil and Raphael.
  • The title of the episode is a reference to the Mel Brooks comedy, Blazing Saddles, where characters attend the film’s premier and crash through a Hollywood set with actors performing a musical number seemingly entitled «The French Mistake» echoing Sam and Dean crashing through the window into the set in the parallel reality.
  • The premise of this episode was revealed during «Salute to Supernatural San Francisco» when Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki explained it during their panel.
  • The tweets Misha Collins made in this episode were actually tweeted in real life.[1][2]
    • The tweet that Misha typed out in his car was not tweeted in real life, presumably because he was attacked before he could send it.
  • This episode pokes fun of reality as Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki and Misha Collins play Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, and Castiel respectively. Furthermore, Genevieve Cortese, the actress that portrayed Ruby, is married to Jared Padalecki.
  • Featured a clip of Jensen Ackles from his stint on the soap opera Days of Our Lives.
  • There are numerous references to this being the sixth season.
  • It is said throughout the episode that Jensen and Jared do not get along. In real life, they are best friends.
  • This is the final episode this season to not feature Bobby Singer, though much of it takes place in his house.
  • Dean’s line, «If I hear one more conversation about hockey, I’m going to puke» is ad-libbed.
  • The episode features a real copy of The Official Supernatural Magazine (the copy in question is issue 11) that Dean picks up and refers to in Jensen’s trailer.
  • When Dean shows Sam the Supernatural Magazine he says «Nice blue steel Sam» a reference to the movie Zoolander.
  • Dean’s line, «No hell below us, above us only sky.» is a line from John Lennon’s song, Imagine.
  • Dean’s line (seeing Raphael as a lady) «Dude looks like a lady.» is in reference to an Aerosmith song of the same title.
  • When Dean and Sam leave the television studio, the sign above says «KM Motion Picture Studios», likely in tribute to Kim Manners.
  • Misha regards this episode as one of his favorites, alongside Baby.
  • This is the first episode in the series to be set in Canada. The second episode is Celebrating The Life Of Asa Fox.
    • This is the second time that Sam and Dean have traveled outside the continental United States on-screen. The first time was in Weekend at Bobby’s, when they traveled to Scotland in order to blackmail Crowley.
  • When Dean Winchester and Sam Winchester are pulled back through the portal on the window by Raphael near the end of the episode, the picture goes to freeze frame to enter commercial; when the show continues after the break, the two are outside, landing in broken glass. Sam and Dean are not seen actually passing through the glass. This is exactly how the set designer suggested dealing with Sam and Dean botching the window break scene at the beginning of the episode to avoid having to re-construct the set and is clearly a nod back to that conversation.
  • Balthazar repeatedly references the Godfather at the beginning of the episode.
  • This is the first time we see an alternate universe, although in this universe it was easy to get in than into Alternate Michael’s universe.


  • Immediately after pouring the blood of lamb, Balthazar places the jar to the left of the box of salt, but immediately after (and for the rest of the episode) the bloody jar is right of the bottle of alcohol.


  • Genevieve: «Oh My God, oh my god, oh my God!»
  • Sam: «What?»
  • Genevieve: «Misha! He’s been stabbed to death!»
  • Sam and Dean: «Where?»
  • Genevieve (incredulous) : «Where?!»

  • Dean: «You married fake Ruby?»

  • Dean: «What kind of douchebag names a character after himself?»

  • Dean: «Why would anyone want to watch our lives?»
  • Sam: «According to the interviewer, not very many people do.»

  • Dean: «Oh crap. I’m a painted whore.»

  • Dean: «They put freaking make up on us! Those bastards!»

  • Sam: «You’re Jensen Ackles and I’m something called a ‘Jared Padalecki’.»
  • Dean: «So what? Now you’re Polish?»

  • Dean: «I feel sick. I’m gonna be sick. I feel like this whole place is bad touching me.«
  • Dean: «Dear Castiel, who art maybe running his ass away from heaven, we pray that you have your ears on. So… Breaker, breaker.»
  • Dean: «The name’s Misha. Misha? Misha, Jensen? What’s up with the names around here?»
  • Misha: «You guys, you really punk’d me!»
  • Misha (tweeting): «Hola mishamigos. J squared got me good. Really starting to feel like one of the guys.»

  • Dean: «Look at these male modelin’ sons of bitches.»
  • Sam: «Hey, apparently it’s our job.»

  • Sam: «It says you’re from Texas.»
  • Dean: «Really?»
  • Sam: «And… uh you were on a soap opera.»

  • Sam: «Wow, I must be the star of this thing.»
  • Dean: «Yeah right.«

  • Sam: «What am I? Dracula?»
  • Dean: [revealing a tanning bed] «George Hamilton Dracula.»
  • Dean: «Dude, you have a camel in your backyard.»
  • Genevieve: «It’s an alpaca, dumbass.»

  • Bob Singer (the director): «What’s happening? What’s happening?! What’s happening!?«
  • The writer: «An atrocity is happening.»
  • Sam: «Who wrote this? Nobody says penultimate!»
  • Dean: (Gesturing) «Gun… mouth… now.»

  • Homeless guy: «The scary man killed the attractive crying man…»

  • Bob Singer: «You can’t come to work on poppers and smuggle kidneys in from Mexico and make up your own lines as you go. You cannot make up your own lines!

  • Sam: «At least we’re talking.»

  • Dean: I said ‘hey!’.
  • Balthazar: You did. Twice. Good for you. [pats Dean on shoulder]

  • Balthazar: So, good old Raphy put out a hit list on every last Samaritan who helped our dear Cass. Including both of you. And so much more importantly, me.

 International Titles[]

  • Brazil: O Outro Universo (The Other Universe)
  • German: Über uns nur der Himmel (Above us only sky)
  • French: Arrêt Sur Image (Freeze-Frame)
  • Hungarian: Volt egyszer egy sorozat (Once Upon a Time… Series — reference to a French animated television series)


  1. First Tweet
  2. Second Tweet

External Links[]

  • Supernatural: «The French Mistake» Review IGN.com


Season 1

Pilot • Wendigo • Dead In The Water • Phantom Traveler • Bloody Mary • Skin • Hook Man • Bugs • Home • Asylum • Scarecrow • Faith • Route 666 • Nightmare • The Benders • Shadow • Hell House • Something Wicked • Provenance • Dead Man’s Blood • Salvation • Devil’s Trap

Season 2

In My Time of Dying • Everybody Loves a Clown • Bloodlust • Children Shouldn’t Play With Dead Things • Simon Said • No Exit • The Usual Suspects • Crossroad Blues • Croatoan • Hunted • Playthings • Nightshifter • Houses of the Holy • Born Under A Bad Sign • Tall Tales • Roadkill • Heart • Hollywood Babylon • Folsom Prison Blues • What Is And What Should Never Be • All Hell Breaks Loose — Part 1 • All Hell Breaks Loose — Part 2

Season 3

The Magnificent Seven • The Kids Are Alright • Bad Day at Black Rock • Sin City • Bedtime Stories • Red Sky at Morning • Fresh Blood • A Very Supernatural Christmas • Malleus Maleficarum • Dream a Little Dream of Me • Mystery Spot • Jus In Bello • Ghostfacers • Long-Distance Call • Time Is On My Side • No Rest for the Wicked

Season 4

Lazarus Rising • Are You There, God? It’s Me, Dean Winchester • In The Beginning • Metamorphosis • Monster Movie • Yellow Fever • It’s the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester • Wishful Thinking • I Know What You Did Last Summer • Heaven and Hell • Family Remains • Criss Angel Is A Douchebag • After School Special • Sex & Violence • Death Takes A Holiday • On The Head Of A Pin • It’s A Terrible Life • The Monster at the End of This Book • Jump the Shark • The Rapture • When the Levee Breaks • Lucifer Rising

Season 5

Sympathy for the Devil • Good God, Y’all • Free To Be You and Me • The End • Fallen Idol • I Believe the Children Are Our Future • The Curious Case of Dean Winchester • Changing Channels • The Real Ghostbusters • Abandon All Hope • Sam, Interrupted • Swap Meat • The Song Remains the Same • My Bloody Valentine • Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid • Dark Side of the Moon • 99 Problems • Point of No Return • Hammer of the Gods • The Devil You Know • Two Minutes to Midnight • Swan Song

Season 6

Exile on Main Street • Two and a Half Men • The Third Man • Weekend at Bobby’s • Live Free or Twihard • You Can’t Handle The Truth • Family Matters • All Dogs Go To Heaven • Clap Your Hands If You Believe • Caged Heat • Appointment In Samarra • Like A Virgin • Unforgiven • Mannequin 3: The Reckoning • The French Mistake • …And Then There Were None • My Heart Will Go On • Frontierland • Mommy Dearest • The Man Who Would Be King • Let It Bleed • The Man Who Knew Too Much •

Season 7

Meet the New Boss • Hello, Cruel World • The Girl Next Door • Defending Your Life • Shut Up, Dr. Phil • Slash Fiction • The Mentalists • Season Seven, Time for a Wedding! • How To Win Friends And Influence Monsters • Death’s Door • Adventures in Babysitting • Time After Time • The Slice Girls • Plucky Pennywhistle’s Magical Menagerie • Repo Man • Out With The Old • The Born-Again Identity • Party On, Garth • Of Grave Importance • The Girl With The Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo • Reading Is Fundamental • There Will Be Blood • Survival of the Fittest

Season 8

We Need To Talk About Kevin • What’s Up, Tiger Mommy? • Heartache • Bitten • Blood Brother • Southern Comfort • A Little Slice of Kevin • Hunteri Heroici • Citizen Fang • Torn and Frayed • LARP and the Real Girl • As Time Goes By • Everybody Hates Hitler • Trial and Error • Man’s Best Friend With Benefits • Remember the Titans • Goodbye Stranger • Freaks and Geeks • Taxi Driver • Pac-Man Fever • The Great Escapist • Clip Show • Sacrifice

Season 9

I Think I’m Gonna Like It Here • Devil May Care • I’m No Angel • Slumber Party • Dog Dean Afternoon • Heaven Can’t Wait • Bad Boys • Rock and a Hard Place • Holy Terror • Road Trip • First Born • Sharp Teeth • The Purge • Captives • Thinman • Blade Runners • Mother’s Little Helper • Meta Fiction • Alex Annie Alexis Ann • Bloodlines • King of the Damned • Stairway to Heaven • Do You Believe In Miracles?

Season 10

Black • Reichenbach • Soul Survivor • Paper Moon • Fan Fiction • Ask Jeeves • Girls, Girls, Girls • Hibbing 911 • The Things We Left Behind • The Hunter Games • There’s No Place Like Home • About a Boy • Halt & Catch Fire • The Executioner’s Song • The Things They Carried • Paint it Black • Inside Man • Book of the Damned • The Werther Project • Angel Heart • Dark Dynasty • The Prisoner • Brother’s Keeper

Season 11

Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire • Form and Void • The Bad Seed • Baby • Thin Lizzie • Our Little World • Plush • Just My Imagination • O Brother, Where Art Thou? • The Devil in the Details • Into the Mystic • Don’t You Forget About Me • Love Hurts • The Vessel • Beyond the Mat • Safe House • Red Meat • Hell’s Angel • The Chitters • Don’t Call Me Shurley • All in the Family • We Happy Few • Alpha and Omega

Season 12

Keep Calm and Carry On • Mamma Mia • The Foundry • American Nightmare • The One You’ve Been Waiting For • Celebrating The Life Of Asa Fox • Rock Never Dies • LOTUS • First Blood • Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets • Regarding Dean • Stuck in the Middle (With You) • Family Feud • The Raid • Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell • Ladies Drink Free • The British Invasion • The Memory Remains • The Future • Twigs & Twine & Tasha Banes • There’s Something About Mary • Who We Are • All Along the Watchtower

Season 13

Lost & Found • The Rising Son • Patience • The Big Empty • Advanced Thanatology • Tombstone •
War of the Worlds • The Scorpion and The Frog • The Bad Place • Wayward Sisters • Breakdown • Various & Sundry Villains • Devil’s Bargain • Good Intentions • A Most Holy Man • Scoobynatural • The Thing • Bring ’em Back Alive • Funeralia • Unfinished Business • Beat the Devil • Exodus • Let the Good Times Roll

Season 14

Stranger in a Strange Land • Gods and Monsters • The Scar • Mint Condition • Nightmare Logic • Optimism • Unhuman Nature • Byzantium • The Spear • Nihilism • Damaged Goods • Prophet and Loss • Lebanon • Ouroboros • Peace of Mind • Don’t Go In The Woods • Game Night• Absence • Jack in the Box • Moriah

Season 15

Back and to the Future • Raising Hell • The Rupture • Atomic Monsters • Proverbs 17:3 • Golden Time • Last Call • Our Father, Who Aren’t in Heaven • The Trap • The Heroes’ Journey • The Gamblers • Galaxy Brain • Destiny’s Child • Last Holiday • Gimme Shelter • Drag Me Away (From You) • Unity • Despair • Inherit the Earth • Carry On


Meet The Facers • The Grand Showcase • The Big Break • CSI:Maggie • Dead Time • Finishing The Job • The Comeback • Cutting Room Floor • Shattered • Why We Fight • The Ghostfacers Meet Castiel


A Very Special Supernatural Special • Supernatural: The Long Road Home

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

«The French Mistake«
Supernatural episode
Episode no. Season 6
Episode 15
Directed by Charles Beeson
Written by Ben Edlund
Production code 3X6065
Original air date February 25, 2011
Guest appearances
  • Brian Doyle-Murray as Robert Singer
  • Genevieve Padalecki as herself
  • Sebastian Roché as Balthazar
  • Lanette Ware as Raphael
  • Carlos Sanz as Virgil
  • Micah A. Hauptman as Eric Kripke
  • Jason Bryden as Kevin Parks
  • Art Kitching as Serge Ladouceur
  • Lou Bollo as himself
  • Garwin Sanford as Jim Michaels
  • Phil Hayes as Clif Kosterman
  • Hilary Jardine as Sera Gamble (voice only)
Episode chronology
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«Mannequin 3: The Reckoning»
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«…And Then There Were None»
Supernatural (season 6)
List of episodes

«The French Mistake» is the fifteenth episode of the sixth season of paranormal drama television series Supernatural. It was first broadcast on The CW on February 25, 2011. In this episode, Sam and Dean are sent to an alternate reality by the angel Balthazar, where they are called actors named «Jared Padalecki» and «Jensen Ackles» who play Sam and Dean in a television show that follows their lives named Supernatural. Furthermore, in this reality, nothing supernatural exists. Sam and Dean attempt to return to their reality, but are hampered by their lives as actors as well as the crew of their TV show.


Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean Winchester (Jensen Ackles) are doing research at the house of Bobby Singer (Jim Beaver) when the rogue angel Balthazar (Sebastian Roché) appears. He says that the archangel Raphael is aiming to kill all the allies of the angel Castiel (Misha Collins), and so he gives them a key and sends them to an alternate reality to keep them out of harm’s way. According to Balthazar, the key opens a door where he has stored stolen angelic weapons, which will help Castiel gain control in Heaven.

When they appear in the alternate reality, Sam and Dean find themselves on the set of Supernatural—a fantasy horror television series that is being filmed in Vancouver, Canada. In this dimension, Sam and Dean are actors known as «Jared Padalecki» and «Jensen Ackles», and they star in the aforementioned show, which follows the adventures of the fictitious Winchester brothers. In order to figure out what is going on, they try to contact Castiel, but instead encounter «Misha Collins», an actor who simply plays Castiel on the show. Eventually, Dean suggests they try doing the same spell Balthazar did in order to get them back to their own reality.

Discouraged that the ingredients for Balthazar’s spell cannot be located on the set of Bobby’s house, Sam and Dean have the actors’ driver, Clif Kosterman (Phil Hayes), take them to Jared’s place, which turns out to be a large ostentatious mansion. Sam and Dean are shocked when Ruby—or rather, «Genevieve Padalecki» the actress who plays her—appears and kisses Sam; eventually, Sam and Dean realize that in this dimension, she is Jared’s wife. After Genevieve heads out to a charity function for the International Otter Adoption Fund, Sam and Dean go online and purchase bonafide saints’ bones for rush delivery using Jared’s credit cards. Dean then spends the night on Jared’s couch, while Sam alternates between surfing the internet for signs of supernatural activity and having sex with Genevieve.

The next morning, Clif drives them to the airport to pick up the rush delivery before taking them back to the set. Before they are able to work the spell, however, the show’s director Bob Singer (portrayed in the episode by Brian Doyle-Murray) forces them to act in a scene, which ends badly after many takes. Eventually, they are able to try the spell, but nothing happens. This causes them to the conclusion that in this reality there is no real magic and that the supernatural simply does not exist.

Back on set, Raphael’s angelic hitman Virgil (Carlos Sanz) appears from the Winchester’s reality and tries to vanquish Dean with his angel powers. However, he, too, is devoid of powers in this reality, so Sam and Dean are able to physically attack and subdue him. In time, the rest of the crew intervenes, however, and during the resulting scuffle Virgil pickpockets the key Balthazar gave Sam before running away. After this incident, the crew of Supernatural is suspicious because «Jared» and «Jensen» are behaving extremely out of character: Normally they do not speak to each other, they came in with a mysterious package (which, in reality, is holding the saint’s bones) which the crew believes are either drugs or black market organs, and now they have beaten up what everyone thinks is an extra. Bob Singer calls showrunner Sera Gamble and suggests that they get Eric Kripke (portrayed in the episode by Micah A. Hauptman) to come to Vancouver and talk to the actors, to which Sera reluctantly agrees. Meanwhile, Virgil takes Misha hostage and kills him so he can use his blood to contact Raphael.

Bob confronts Sam and Dean, and they drop the pretense of being Jared and Jensen and tell him that they quit the show. They then go back to Jared’s house and learn from Genevieve that Misha was killed. They go to the scene of the crime to investigate, and learn from a witness states that the killer was speaking to a «Raphael». They also learn from the relayed conversation that Virgil will return to the set of Supernatural, where he will be pulled back into the Winchester’s reality by Raphael himself. Eventually, Virgil returns on set just as Kripke arrives to speak to them, and the angel goes on a killing spree, murdering Eric Kripke, Bob Singer, and many other crew members before Sam and Dean manage to knock him out and retrieve the stolen key. Just as Sam has the key in hand, Raphael activates the nearby gate between the worlds, and they land back in their own reality.

Back in their original reality, Sam and Dean come face-to-face with Raphael (Lanette Ware). He demands that they turn over the key and begins to torture the brothers when they refuse. Just then, Balthazar arrives and reveals that the key which Sam and Dean had the entire time was a fake and that the sojourn through the alternate reality was a diversion to throw off Raphael and his minions. Angered that he has been tricked, Raphael threatens to kill them all, but Castiel arrives on the scene; he orders Raphael to let his friends go and also reveals to the archangel that he is now in possession of Heaven’s weapons. Raphael, out-maneuvered and out-gunned flees, and Castiel returns Sam and Dean back to Bobby’s house. Sam and Dean demand to know what exactly is going on, to which Castiel makes a vague promise that he will tell them in time what is happening in Heaven.


The title of «The French Mistake» is a reference to the climax of the 1974 American satirical western film Blazing Saddles:[1][2][3] At the end of said movie, a fight between the heroes and villains breaks out that literally breaks the fourth wall and spills over into an adjacent movie set wherein a musical entitled The French Mistake is being filmed.[4]


«The French Mistake» aired on The CW on February 25, 2011. The episode was watched by 2.18 million viewers with a 1.0/4 share among adults aged 18 to 49. This means that 1.0 percent of all households with televisions watched the episode, while 3 percent of all households watching television at that time watched it. Supernatural ranked as the second most-watched program on The CW in the day, behind Smallville.[5]

Zack Handlen of The A. V. Club gave «The French Mistake» an A, calling it «Supernatural at its most gloriously self-referential». While noting that the episode was not perfect, Handlen nevertheless found the entry to be humorous and «smart» in a way that prevented him from «really want[ing] to poke holes in it».[1]

Diana Steenbergen of IGN gave «The French Mistake» a 9.5 score out of 10 and applauded the show writers for taking «an insane idea and turn it into gold». In particular, Steenbergen cited the episode’s willingness to playfully lampoon the shows stars and producers as one of its strongest elements.[6]

The episode has become a large point of discussion among the show’s fans, as well as the cast and crew, due to its in-jokes and meta plot. In particular, creator Eric Kripke and actor Jared Padalecki have cited «The French Mistake» as one of their all time favorite episodes of the show.[7]


  1. ^ a b Handlen, Zach (February 25, 2011). «Supernatural: ‘The French Mistake’«. The A. V. Club. Retrieved December 5, 2022.
  2. ^ Giannini, Erin (2021). Supernatural: A History of Television’s Unearthly Road Trip. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield. p. 93. ISBN 978-1-5381-3449-8. OCLC 1244258009.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: date and year (link)
  3. ^ Macklem, Lisa; Grace, Dominick, eds. (2020). «A Cicatricial Romance». Supernatural Out of the Box: Essays on the Metatextuality of the Series. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company. p. 131. ISBN 9781476673424.
  4. ^ Knapp, Raymond (2016). «The Straight Bookends to Camp’s Gay Golden Age». In Christopher, Moore (ed.). Music & Camp. Christopher Moore, Philip Purvis. Middletown, Connecticut: Wesleyan University Press. p. 219. ISBN 978-0-8195-7783-2.
  5. ^ Gorman, Bill (February 28, 2011). «Friday Final Ratings: ‘CSI:NY’ Adjusted Up; No Adjustments For ‘Fringe,’ ‘Supernatural,’ ‘Smallville’«. TV by the Numbers. Retrieved February 28, 2011.
  6. ^ Steenbergen, Diana (February 25, 2011). «Supernatural: ‘The French Mistake’ Review». IGN. Retrieved December 5, 2022.
  7. ^ Clute, Emily (September 16, 2021). «Why Supernatural’s «The French Mistake» Is One Of The Show’s Most Beloved Episodes». Screen Rant. Retrieved December 2, 2022.


  • Knight, Nicholas (2011). Supernatural: The Official Companion Season 6. London, UK: Titan Books. ISBN 9780857682895.

External links[edit]

  • «The French Mistake» at IMDb

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

«The French Mistake«
Supernatural episode
Episode no. Season 6
Episode 15
Directed by Charles Beeson
Written by Ben Edlund
Production code 3X6065
Original air date February 25, 2011
Guest appearances
  • Brian Doyle-Murray as Robert Singer
  • Genevieve Padalecki as herself
  • Sebastian Roché as Balthazar
  • Lanette Ware as Raphael
  • Carlos Sanz as Virgil
  • Micah A. Hauptman as Eric Kripke
  • Jason Bryden as Kevin Parks
  • Art Kitching as Serge Ladouceur
  • Lou Bollo as himself
  • Garwin Sanford as Jim Michaels
  • Phil Hayes as Clif Kosterman
  • Hilary Jardine as Sera Gamble (voice only)
Episode chronology
← Previous
«Mannequin 3: The Reckoning»
Next →
«…And Then There Were None»
Supernatural (season 6)
List of episodes

«The French Mistake» is the fifteenth episode of the sixth season of paranormal drama television series Supernatural. It was first broadcast on The CW on February 25, 2011. In this episode, Sam and Dean are sent to an alternate reality by the angel Balthazar, where they are called actors named «Jared Padalecki» and «Jensen Ackles» who play Sam and Dean in a television show that follows their lives named Supernatural. Furthermore, in this reality, nothing supernatural exists. Sam and Dean attempt to return to their reality, but are hampered by their lives as actors as well as the crew of their TV show.


Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean Winchester (Jensen Ackles) are doing research at the house of Bobby Singer (Jim Beaver) when the rogue angel Balthazar (Sebastian Roché) appears. He says that the archangel Raphael is aiming to kill all the allies of the angel Castiel (Misha Collins), and so he gives them a key and sends them to an alternate reality to keep them out of harm’s way. According to Balthazar, the key opens a door where he has stored stolen angelic weapons, which will help Castiel gain control in Heaven.

When they appear in the alternate reality, Sam and Dean find themselves on the set of Supernatural—a fantasy horror television series that is being filmed in Vancouver, Canada. In this dimension, Sam and Dean are actors known as «Jared Padalecki» and «Jensen Ackles», and they star in the aforementioned show, which follows the adventures of the fictitious Winchester brothers. In order to figure out what is going on, they try to contact Castiel, but instead encounter «Misha Collins», an actor who simply plays Castiel on the show. Eventually, Dean suggests they try doing the same spell Balthazar did in order to get them back to their own reality.

Discouraged that the ingredients for Balthazar’s spell cannot be located on the set of Bobby’s house, Sam and Dean have the actors’ driver, Clif Kosterman (Phil Hayes), take them to Jared’s place, which turns out to be a large ostentatious mansion. Sam and Dean are shocked when Ruby—or rather, «Genevieve Padalecki» the actress who plays her—appears and kisses Sam; eventually, Sam and Dean realize that in this dimension, she is Jared’s wife. After Genevieve heads out to a charity function for the International Otter Adoption Fund, Sam and Dean go online and purchase bonafide saints’ bones for rush delivery using Jared’s credit cards. Dean then spends the night on Jared’s couch, while Sam alternates between surfing the internet for signs of supernatural activity and having sex with Genevieve.

The next morning, Clif drives them to the airport to pick up the rush delivery before taking them back to the set. Before they are able to work the spell, however, the show’s director Bob Singer (portrayed in the episode by Brian Doyle-Murray) forces them to act in a scene, which ends badly after many takes. Eventually, they are able to try the spell, but nothing happens. This causes them to the conclusion that in this reality there is no real magic and that the supernatural simply does not exist.

Back on set, Raphael’s angelic hitman Virgil (Carlos Sanz) appears from the Winchester’s reality and tries to vanquish Dean with his angel powers. However, he, too, is devoid of powers in this reality, so Sam and Dean are able to physically attack and subdue him. In time, the rest of the crew intervenes, however, and during the resulting scuffle Virgil pickpockets the key Balthazar gave Sam before running away. After this incident, the crew of Supernatural is suspicious because «Jared» and «Jensen» are behaving extremely out of character: Normally they do not speak to each other, they came in with a mysterious package (which, in reality, is holding the saint’s bones) which the crew believes are either drugs or black market organs, and now they have beaten up what everyone thinks is an extra. Bob Singer calls showrunner Sera Gamble and suggests that they get Eric Kripke (portrayed in the episode by Micah A. Hauptman) to come to Vancouver and talk to the actors, to which Sera reluctantly agrees. Meanwhile, Virgil takes Misha hostage and kills him so he can use his blood to contact Raphael.

Bob confronts Sam and Dean, and they drop the pretense of being Jared and Jensen and tell him that they quit the show. They then go back to Jared’s house and learn from Genevieve that Misha was killed. They go to the scene of the crime to investigate, and learn from a witness states that the killer was speaking to a «Raphael». They also learn from the relayed conversation that Virgil will return to the set of Supernatural, where he will be pulled back into the Winchester’s reality by Raphael himself. Eventually, Virgil returns on set just as Kripke arrives to speak to them, and the angel goes on a killing spree, murdering Eric Kripke, Bob Singer, and many other crew members before Sam and Dean manage to knock him out and retrieve the stolen key. Just as Sam has the key in hand, Raphael activates the nearby gate between the worlds, and they land back in their own reality.

Back in their original reality, Sam and Dean come face-to-face with Raphael (Lanette Ware). He demands that they turn over the key and begins to torture the brothers when they refuse. Just then, Balthazar arrives and reveals that the key which Sam and Dean had the entire time was a fake and that the sojourn through the alternate reality was a diversion to throw off Raphael and his minions. Angered that he has been tricked, Raphael threatens to kill them all, but Castiel arrives on the scene; he orders Raphael to let his friends go and also reveals to the archangel that he is now in possession of Heaven’s weapons. Raphael, out-maneuvered and out-gunned flees, and Castiel returns Sam and Dean back to Bobby’s house. Sam and Dean demand to know what exactly is going on, to which Castiel makes a vague promise that he will tell them in time what is happening in Heaven.


The title of «The French Mistake» is a reference to the climax of the 1974 American satirical western film Blazing Saddles:[1][2][3] At the end of said movie, a fight between the heroes and villains breaks out that literally breaks the fourth wall and spills over into an adjacent movie set wherein a musical entitled The French Mistake is being filmed.[4]


«The French Mistake» aired on The CW on February 25, 2011. The episode was watched by 2.18 million viewers with a 1.0/4 share among adults aged 18 to 49. This means that 1.0 percent of all households with televisions watched the episode, while 3 percent of all households watching television at that time watched it. Supernatural ranked as the second most-watched program on The CW in the day, behind Smallville.[5]

Zack Handlen of The A. V. Club gave «The French Mistake» an A, calling it «Supernatural at its most gloriously self-referential». While noting that the episode was not perfect, Handlen nevertheless found the entry to be humorous and «smart» in a way that prevented him from «really want[ing] to poke holes in it».[1]

Diana Steenbergen of IGN gave «The French Mistake» a 9.5 score out of 10 and applauded the show writers for taking «an insane idea and turn it into gold». In particular, Steenbergen cited the episode’s willingness to playfully lampoon the shows stars and producers as one of its strongest elements.[6]

The episode has become a large point of discussion among the show’s fans, as well as the cast and crew, due to its in-jokes and meta plot. In particular, creator Eric Kripke and actor Jared Padalecki have cited «The French Mistake» as one of their all time favorite episodes of the show.[7]


  1. ^ a b Handlen, Zach (February 25, 2011). «Supernatural: ‘The French Mistake’«. The A. V. Club. Retrieved December 5, 2022.
  2. ^ Giannini, Erin (2021). Supernatural: A History of Television’s Unearthly Road Trip. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield. p. 93. ISBN 978-1-5381-3449-8. OCLC 1244258009.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: date and year (link)
  3. ^ Macklem, Lisa; Grace, Dominick, eds. (2020). «A Cicatricial Romance». Supernatural Out of the Box: Essays on the Metatextuality of the Series. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company. p. 131. ISBN 9781476673424.
  4. ^ Knapp, Raymond (2016). «The Straight Bookends to Camp’s Gay Golden Age». In Christopher, Moore (ed.). Music & Camp. Christopher Moore, Philip Purvis. Middletown, Connecticut: Wesleyan University Press. p. 219. ISBN 978-0-8195-7783-2.
  5. ^ Gorman, Bill (February 28, 2011). «Friday Final Ratings: ‘CSI:NY’ Adjusted Up; No Adjustments For ‘Fringe,’ ‘Supernatural,’ ‘Smallville’«. TV by the Numbers. Retrieved February 28, 2011.
  6. ^ Steenbergen, Diana (February 25, 2011). «Supernatural: ‘The French Mistake’ Review». IGN. Retrieved December 5, 2022.
  7. ^ Clute, Emily (September 16, 2021). «Why Supernatural’s «The French Mistake» Is One Of The Show’s Most Beloved Episodes». Screen Rant. Retrieved December 2, 2022.


  • Knight, Nicholas (2011). Supernatural: The Official Companion Season 6. London, UK: Titan Books. ISBN 9780857682895.

External links[edit]

  • «The French Mistake» at IMDb

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