- Lexmark c510 код ошибки 922 Servise Fuser error
- Информация Неисправность Прошивки Схемы Справочники Маркировка Корпуса Сокращения и аббревиатуры Частые вопросы Полезные ссылки
- Справочная информация
- Неисправности
- О прошивках
- Схемы аппаратуры
- Справочники
- Marking (маркировка) — обозначение на электронных компонентах
- Package (корпус) — вид корпуса электронного компонента
- Краткие сокращения
- Частые вопросы
- Полезные ссылки
- Learn Some Simple Tips And Tricks To Fix Lexmark Fuser Error
- What Causes the Lexmark Service Fuser Error?
- Prominent Methods to Fix Lexmark Fuser Error:
- Methods # 1: Restart/Reset your Printer
- . Methods # 2: Check the Printer Spooler
- . Methods # 3: Basic Check-up
- . Methods # 4: Clean the Printer Nozzle
- Manual Process
- Automatic Process
- Methods # 5: Update the Printer Driver
- Wrapping Up
Lexmark c510 код ошибки 922 Servise Fuser error
Lexmark c510 код ошибки 922 Servise Fuser error
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Информация Неисправность Прошивки Схемы Справочники Маркировка Корпуса Сокращения и аббревиатуры Частые вопросы Полезные ссылки
Справочная информация
Этот блок для тех, кто впервые попал на страницы нашего сайта. В форуме рассмотрены различные вопросы возникающие при ремонте бытовой и промышленной аппаратуры. Всю предоставленную информацию можно разбить на несколько пунктов:
- Диагностика
- Определение неисправности
- Выбор метода ремонта
- Поиск запчастей
- Устранение дефекта
- Настройка
Учитывайте, что некоторые неисправности являются не причиной, а следствием другой неисправности, либо не правильной настройки. Подробную информацию Вы найдете в соответствующих разделах.
Все неисправности по их проявлению можно разделить на два вида — стабильные и периодические. Наиболее часто рассматриваются следующие:
- не включается
- не корректно работает какой-то узел (блок)
- периодически (иногда) что-то происходит
Если у Вас есть свой вопрос по определению дефекта, способу его устранения, либо поиску и замене запчастей, Вы должны создать свою, новую тему в соответствующем разделе.
О прошивках
Большинство современной аппаратуры представляет из себя подобие программно-аппаратного комплекса. То есть, основной процессор управляет другими устройствами по программе, которая может находиться как в самом чипе процессора, так и в отдельных микросхемах памяти.
На сайте существуют разделы с прошивками (дампами памяти) для микросхем, либо для обновления ПО через интерфейсы типа USB.
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- Запросы прошивок для ТВ
- Прошивки для мониторов
- Запросы разных прошивок
- . и другие разделы
По вопросам прошивки Вы должны выбрать раздел для вашего типа аппарата, иначе ответ и сам файл Вы не получите, а тема будет удалена.
Схемы аппаратуры
Начинающие ремонтники часто ищут принципиальные схемы, схемы соединений, пользовательские и сервисные инструкции. Это могут быть как отдельные платы (блоки питания, основные платы, панели), так и полные Service Manual-ы. На сайте они размещены в специально отведенных разделах и доступны к скачиванию гостям, либо после создания аккаунта:
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- Схемы телевизоров (хранилище)
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- Различные схемы (запросы)
Внимательно читайте описание. Перед запросом схемы или прошивки произведите поиск по форуму, возможно она уже есть в архивах. Поиск доступен после создания аккаунта.
На сайте Вы можете скачать справочную литературу по электронным компонентам (справочники, таблицу аналогов, SMD-кодировку элементов, и тд.).
Marking (маркировка) — обозначение на электронных компонентах
Современная элементная база стремится к миниатюрным размерам. Места на корпусе для нанесения маркировки не хватает. Поэтому, производители их маркируют СМД-кодами.
Package (корпус) — вид корпуса электронного компонента
При создании запросов в определении точного названия (партномера) компонента, необходимо указывать не только его маркировку, но и тип корпуса. Наиболее распостранены:
- DIP (Dual In Package) – корпус с двухрядным расположением контактов для монтажа в отверстия
- SOT-89 — пластковый корпус для поверхностного монтажа
- SOT-23 — миниатюрный пластиковый корпус для поверхностного монтажа
- TO-220 — тип корпуса для монтажа (пайки) в отверстия
- SOP (SOIC, SO) — миниатюрные корпуса для поверхностного монтажа (SMD)
- TSOP (Thin Small Outline Package) – тонкий корпус с уменьшенным расстоянием между выводами
- BGA (Ball Grid Array) — корпус для монтажа выводов на шарики из припоя
Краткие сокращения
При подаче информации, на форуме принято использование сокращений и аббревиатур, например:
Сокращение | Краткое описание |
LED | Light Emitting Diode — Светодиод (Светоизлучающий диод) |
MOSFET | Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor — Полевой транзистор с МОП структурой затвора |
EEPROM | Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory — Электрически стираемая память |
eMMC | embedded Multimedia Memory Card — Встроенная мультимедийная карта памяти |
LCD | Liquid Crystal Display — Жидкокристаллический дисплей (экран) |
SCL | Serial Clock — Шина интерфейса I2C для передачи тактового сигнала |
SDA | Serial Data — Шина интерфейса I2C для обмена данными |
ICSP | In-Circuit Serial Programming – Протокол для внутрисхемного последовательного программирования |
IIC, I2C | Inter-Integrated Circuit — Двухпроводный интерфейс обмена данными между микросхемами |
PCB | Printed Circuit Board — Печатная плата |
PWM | Pulse Width Modulation — Широтно-импульсная модуляция |
SPI | Serial Peripheral Interface Protocol — Протокол последовательного периферийного интерфейса |
USB | Universal Serial Bus — Универсальная последовательная шина |
DMA | Direct Memory Access — Модуль для считывания и записи RAM без задействования процессора |
AC | Alternating Current — Переменный ток |
DC | Direct Current — Постоянный ток |
FM | Frequency Modulation — Частотная модуляция (ЧМ) |
AFC | Automatic Frequency Control — Автоматическое управление частотой |
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По каким еще маркам можно спросить ?
По любым. Наиболее частые ответы по популярным брэндам — LG, Samsung, Philips, Toshiba, Sony, Panasonic, Xiaomi, Sharp, JVC, DEXP, TCL, Hisense, и многие другие в том числе китайские модели.
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Полезные ссылки
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Learn Some Simple Tips And Tricks To Fix Lexmark Fuser Error
Recently Lexmark printers are becoming a demanding product in the market due to its high-quality performance and durability. This American hardware manufacturing company manufactures a wide range of printers to choose from according to your needs. Even though manufacturers are trying their best to keep their product completely problem free but still the users often report about encountering various kinds of errors in their Lexmark printer, such as Lexmark fuser error . A fuser is a pair of roller-like structure which gets heated when you try to print something. It basically fuses the toner over the paper where you want to print. For some reasons, if a problem occurred in the fuser of your Lexmark printer, then you will not be able to run any print job in it.
So, if you are also facing the Lexmark Printer Won’t Print , lexmark x4650 wireless setup etc. and want a permanent solution to settle this error, then you have come to the right place. In this content, we will explore all the potential causes of the problem and provide permanent solutions to terminate this issue. So follow the rest of the article carefully
What Causes the Lexmark Service Fuser Error?
Lexmark fuser error can occur for multiple reasons on your printer. Some of them are:
- If the printer’s heater or the lamp element is broken or if there any paper jam into the fuser, then it might result in a fuser error on your printer.
- If the thermal fuse of your printer stops working, then it can also trigger this annoying problem.
- When you use the printer for a long time without a break, at that time the temperature of your printer can go too high due to excessive usage, it also results in a Fuser error on your Lexmark printer.
- Sometimes, the thermistor of your printer goes faulty and results in this error.
Prominent Methods to Fix Lexmark Fuser Error:
Lexmark fuser error is surely an irritating issue but not an incurable problem. There are a few methods available which can help you to resolve this issue and make your printer run like before. We have listed all the effective methods down below. So you can go through one of these methods or all the methods until you get all the problem fixed
Methods # 1: Restart/Reset your Printer
In 70% cases, the fuser of a printer stops working due to the overheating issue. That’s why to fix this Lexmark service fuser error, the first thing that you should do is to let your printer cool down a bit. The best way to do that is to turn off your printer. To perform this task, press the Power key and then detach all the power cables from the back of your printer. Now, wait for a couple of minutes and then reconnect the power cable back to its place.
After completing the task, turn on the printer by pressing the Power key and check if the fuser error is resolved or not. If the error still continues and you are unable to print, then try to reset the printer by going through the steps below:
- At first, press the Menu button on your Lexmark printer’s Control Panel. Navigate to the Utility menu from the list that appears on the screen.
- Now, from the list, try to locate the Factory Default option and then open it.
- Once you select the Factory Default, you will see a Restore option on the screen. Select the option and then press the Ok button from the confirmation window to Reset your Lexmark printer.
- After the reset completes, turn off the printer by pressing the Power key and detach all the power cables from the back of your printer.
- Now, wait for 1 or 2 hours so that your printer can cool down completely. Once the printer cool down completely, reconnect the power cable and turn on your printer to check the error status
. Methods # 2: Check the Printer Spooler
If your printer is running for a long time without a break, then there is a high possibility that some error might have occurred in the printer spooler or it stops working. That’s why you are getting the Lexmark fuser error issue. So, if you want to fix the print spooler, then follow the below steps carefully.
- At first, turn on your device and then press the Windows key + R key to open the Run dialog box.
- Once the Run command box appears, type services.msc in it and then press the Enter key to open the Service window.
- Now, locate the Print spooler from the list of services. Then double click on that option.
- After that, ensure that the Startup type is set as Automatic while the Service status is showing Running.
- Now, click on the OK button and restart your printer to see if the issue persists or not.
. Methods # 3: Basic Check-up
It can also be possible that you are not getting the error because of a software or hardware issue. Instead, the main issue can be some basic setup problem. So, you need to conduct a basic examination of your printer to fix the issue.
First of all, check the Power socket from where the main line gets connected. Then, you have to check the printer cables, whether they are in a usable condition or not. If you are not sure about the condition, then replace the cable. Next, make sure that the USB ports are also in working condition. At last, check if the paper tray is fitted properly or not.
. Methods # 4: Clean the Printer Nozzle
In some cases, Lexmark fuser error can also occur when some dust particles block the nozzle of the print head and stop any kind of ink flow. So, in this case, you need to clean the printer nozzle as soon as possible to get rid of the problem. There are two methods available to complete the cleaning process. These are:
Manual Process
At first, you need to take a soft cloth or a sponge and warm water to start the cleaning process. Now, slowly remove the side door of the Lexmark printer and make sure the paper tray is empty. During the cleaning process, check if any paper is jammed inside the printer or not. Because the paper jam issue is also another reason for the Fuser error. After that, you need to soak the cloth or sponge in the warm water. Now, wipe out the dust particles from the nozzle as well as the fuser. Then, close the printer door and attach the paper tray. Run the printer by giving a blank page at first and see if the Fuser is working or not.
Automatic Process
- At first, load plain white paper in the input tray.
- Then, click on the button next to the Setup icon in the lower-left corner of the Control Panel of the Lexmark printer.
- After that, use the Right Arrow key to select Tools, and then click on OK.
- Next, use the Right Arrow key to select Clean Printhead and once again press OK. Once you do that, the printer will start the automatic cleaning process.
Methods # 5: Update the Printer Driver
If none of the above methods solve the problem for you, then your last option will be updating the printer driver. An outdated driver always affects the printer to run improperly and it is possible that the Lexmark fuser error is also occurring due to this. That’s why you need to update the driver in order to fix the issue. Here is the guide to do this:
- At first, turn on your Windows device and then open the Start Menu.
- Now, open the Control Panel and change the View type as Category.
- After that, click on the ‘System and Security’ option and then open the ‘Devices and Printers’.
- Now, select your Lexmark printer and right-click on it to choose Update Driver from the drop-down. Here, you will get two options to update the driver. First one is, Search automatically for updated driver software and second on is Browse my computer for driver software. Choose whichever is preferable for you.
After successfully completing the process, restart both your computer and the Lexmark printer. Then try to print a page to check the status of the problem.
Wrapping Up
Hopefully, by using these hacks and tricks, you will be able to resolve the Lexmark fuser error on your own. By any chance, if we have overlooked any easy and effective method to fix the issue, then please let us know via the comment section below. If you are facing the same problem after following our methods, then we will highly recommend you to connect with a professional for better guidance.
Mainly, the Lexmark fuser error happens once the machine fails to withstand the standby temperature within the provided time. This is very common for the Lexmark printer. The main reasons behind the error are the wiring. Moreover, the Fuser may fail prior to its working durability depending on its printing conditions. In addition, a paper jam is also responsible for this error.
So, if you are using a Lexmark printer and going through this problem and looking for a hassle-free solution, then you are on the right page. In this post, we will expose all the superior clarification to resolve the issue at the earliest.
Procedures to Fix Lexmark Fuser Error
In this article, we will discuss some effective fixes that you can apply in order to solve Lexmark Fuser error. We understand that this is one of the most recurring problems that is faced by most of the Lexmark users. So, to resolve the issue, you can try the following solutions that are mentioned in the section below.
Method # 1: Restart the Lexmark Printer
You often find that the printer gets heated up and refuses to function properly and as a result, Lexmark service fuser error occurs. Under such cases, all you can do is reboot the Lexmark printer. Sometimes, the problem gets fixed just by turning Off the printer. Some obstacles may also generate heat, that is why it is also advised to inspect inside the printer. If you find any paper inside the printer or other things then, remove them and turn On the printer and check whether the problem gets fixed or not.
Method # 2: Check Power Source
Sometimes, the problem with the power source also causes Lexmark fuser error. The power cable should not be loose or broken from anywhere. You need to disconnect the power cable and examine the cables properly. Then, reconnect the power cable and turn On the printer and check the status of the error. Otherwise, follow the next method to fix the issue.
Method # 3: Change the Fuser
To fix the issue, you can change the fuser and replace with a new one. At first, inspect the internet connections on the fuser unit and then, remove the fusing assembly, as well as, reset it. Otherwise, change the fuser. But, it is recommended that you should buy it from the official website of Lexmark.
Method # 4: Update the Printer’s Driver
An outdated version of Lexmark always affect the printer to run properly and it is possible that the Lexmark fuser error also happens due to this. Therefore, you must be updated with the fresh version to fix the error. Following are some of the effective step to do so:
- At first, turn On the computer and go to the Control Panel option. After that, select the ‘Hardware and Sound’ option.
- Now, locate the Device Manager from the Windows menu to view all the hardware devices connected to the device.
- After that, move to the Printer option and right-click on it. Choose the ‘Check for Update’ option. It will automatically check whether an updated version is available for the Lexmark printer or not.
- If available, then download the software. After the download completes, double-click on that application and extract the file and then, click Run to continue the application.
After the installation process completes, restart the system and Lexmark printer will no longer be affected by this issue.
Method # 5: Remove the Paper Jam
Sometimes, the jammed paper can be also responsible for this annoying situation. So, you need to remove the jammed paper from the printer as early as possible. Therefore, in order to fix the issue, remove the paper from the paper tray. To do so, take out all the loose sheet from the paper tray and smoothly remove the jammed paper. After completing the process check whether the problem still persists or not.
These are the solutions that we have provided to resolve the Lexmark fuser error. We hope, after going through these steps and procedures you will be able to fix the problem without any trouble. In case, if you find any difficulties while doing the steps you can post your doubts in the comment section below.
Posted by That_IT_Guy 2013-09-03T19:45:15Z
I am getting the above error on a Lexmark C544dn with fewer than 1000 pages printed and since it is out of warranty I am thinking that replacing the fuser will fix the issue.
Has anyone encountered this before and has a new fuser fixed it or is there something else I can try.
All the information on the issue from lexmark states to contact them.
11 Replies
the total page count would tell you better if you are due for a fuser replacement. For that model, you should get about 60,000 pages before needing to replace the fuser.
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We are less than 1000 total pages for the printer. That is one of the reasons I am reluctant to replace the fuser. The second reason is we bought it back in July 2011. Seems a bit premature for it to go out already.
I may contact Lexmark and see if they will take pity and offer a fuser.
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Yes, go ahead and contact them. That’s a strange combination, out of warranty but under 1,000 pages. We have 4 of those and they have all gone significantly more than that:
45373, 72566, 20802, 52711
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Do you have the latest firmware on it? I’d give that a try first.
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Unplug the printer, leave it unplugged for several minutes, then plug it back in again. Also make sure the outlet it’s plugged into is providing 120v and that the circuit breaker isn’t weak.
If that doesn’t help, it’s probably a bad fuser. The fuser is sort of like a light bulb, it’s rated for x number of hours, but it can fail prematurely, especially if it’s banged around while it’s on.
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@Bill2718 Already tried the steps from Lexmark. Seems we will have to bite the bullet and buy a new fuser. Anyone recommend any quality sellers? My guy at CDW-G cant get one.
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@John951535 Have you ordered from them before?
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Do you have another 544 that you can swap the fuser from, upgrade the firmware swap back?
Actually, you’d be able to see if the fuser error followed the fuser or not. I’m sure you’d have thought of this if you had one available but just in case.
Was this post helpful?
Ended up ordering a new one. will install once it comes in. fingers crossed it will function properly.
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Input Paper Sensor was not triggered – Paper may
be jammed at the sensor.
toner cartridge for better access to jammed paper.
not being picked up check paper tray & pickup rollers
exit sensor was not made in time after the input sensor as made.
exit sensor was not unmade in time.
at the duplex unit. Paper is either not leaving the duplex entry
sensor in time or not making or unmaking the duplex exit sensor in
time. See “Duplex” on page 2-16
defined paper size is too short to print data as formatted.
Input sensor made at wrong time. May be due to the
paper feeding manually while motors running and previous page in
unit is installed but paper tray is not sensed.
loaded are wrong size.
sensor not made after pick attempt. Tray is empty or not installed,
paper jam in entry throat, or printer is requesting a manual feed.
output bin sensor has not been unmade. See “Output Bin Sensor” on
page 2-22.
Top Cover Open or Print Cartridge Missing Make sure the
spring-mounted pin on the printhead shroud is installed properly and
that it is detected by the ramp on the print cartridge as the cover
closes. The pin should enter the tower on the HVPS and depress the
cover switch.
32 Wrong Print Cartridge installed. The installed
print cartridge is not supported by the Optra printer.
37 Insufficient Collation Memory. Memory is too
full to collate the print job.
Memory Full Memory used to store pages is full. To verify that the
printer recognizes all the installed memory, go to the user menus and
print the “Print Menus” test page. Make sure the memory shown on
the printout matches the installed memory.
Page too complex to print. To verify that the
printer recognizes all the installed memory, go to the user menus and
print the “Print Menus” test page. Make sure the memory shown on
the printout matches the installed memory.
card format not supported by printer.
font card installed in font slot.
Font Card Removed While Printing Printer needs data on removed card.
Flash Full – Not enough flash memory for data
requested to be stored.
Unformatted or Defective Flash – Flash problem
at POR or while attempting to write.
Serial Error – Framing or parity error on
Not Attached Duplex is electrically connected but no longer
mechanically attached, and printer top cover is closed.
Cover Open Top cover of duplex unit is sensed open.
Full Not enough disk space for data that has been requested to be
written to disk.
or Defective Disk The printer will ignore a disk it senses as
defective. Run the Quick Disk Test. If the test fails, the disk is
defective or the data on track1 is bad. If the Quick Disk Test passes
but the disk does not work, run the Disk Test/Clean (2 hr. test).
Replace the disk if instructed by the operator panel.
Card Codes These user codes are documented in various network card
user manuals. See “Network Wrap Tests” on page 23.
Card Codes These user codes are documented in various network card
user manuals. See “Network Wrap Tests” on page 23.
Printer has reached 200,000 prints without
maintenance count reset. Install maintenance kit and reset
maintenance message
Low Toner sensor detects low toner.
Software Error Unrecoverable software error. If
one of these errors appeared during POST, or while the printer was
idle (not printing or receiving data), or while trying to print one
of the internal test pages, replace the system board. If the error
appeared while sending a job from the host to the printer, turn the
printer off, then turn it on and try again.
Transfer Roll Error Cannot start servo operation.
Verify correct cable connections from the Engine board to the HVPS.
Make sure there is continuity between the transfer roller and its
contact on the HVPS; replace the transfer roll if the continuity is
correct. If there is no continuity, make sure the HVPS contact
returns to its upward limit when depressed, and make sure the left
bearing of the transfer roll is making proper contact.
Fuser Error Fuser is below temperature while printing.
is below standby temperature when idle.
failed to reach standby temperature.
is too hot while printing or when idle.
924 Fuser Error – Open circuit detected in
thermistor circuit.
Fan Stalled Check fan for binding or defective
bearing – Replace Fan.
lamp assembly missing or disconnected
Printhead error – No first sync
Printhead Error – Lost Lock condition
Printhead Error – Mirror motor unable to reach
operation speed Check cables, look for chafing or damage to ribbon
cable at sharp bends around rear cover. Replace printhead or ribbon
о лазерных принтерах Hewlett-Packard.
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