This document contains tables of numeric error codes and their corresponding error messages. Commonly, these error codes are reported as ERROR #nnn. These error codes are sometimes referred to as %Status error codes.
The $SYSTEM.Status class methods used for handling these error codes are documented in the InterSystems Class Reference.
You can determine the error message for a specified error code using the DisplayError()Opens in a new tab and Error()Opens in a new tab methods, as shown in the following example displaying error code #101, where the embedded message variables are %1=»5″, %2=»10″, and %3=»2.7″:
DO $SYSTEM.Status.DisplayError($SYSTEM.Status.Error(101,"5","10","2.7"))
Two error codes, 83 and 5001, are provided to enable you to generate your own custom error messages. For details refer to the %SYSTEM.StatusOpens in a new tab class in the InterSystems Class Reference.
Two error codes, 5521 and 5540, are provided for SQLCODE errors. For details refer to the %SYSTEM.ErrorOpens in a new tab class in the InterSystems Class Reference.
For more information on using these error codes, refer to %Status Error Processing in the “Error Processing” chapter of Using Caché ObjectScript. For more information on CSP-related error codes, see the CSP Error Notes section of Using Caché Server Pages (CSP).
Error Codes 0 to 999
General Error Codes — 0 to 199
Error Code | Description |
1 | the volume already exists |
2 | the read of the map block failed |
3 | error writing map blk of primary volume |
4 | unable to read the global directory map block |
5 | unable to write the global directory map block |
6 | unable to write the global directory block |
13 | failed opening the next volume |
14 | failed reading the next volume’s map block |
15 | the directory name is too long |
16 | the number of maps is invalid |
17 | the size is out of range |
18 | failed creating a new volume |
19 | the file was already mounted |
20 | the file already exists |
21 | a file create is in progress |
22 | the current # of maps is too small |
23 | unable to expand the file |
24 | the file is cluster mounted |
25 | unable to allocate CFN |
26 | incompatible mount state or db does not exist |
27 | the system mgr’s database cannot be cluster mounted |
28 | the database is in transition |
30 | the system is not part of the cluster |
31 | can’t change the mode of a mounted database |
32 | there is not enough space on device for new vol |
33 | the new volume exceeds the system file size limit |
34 | unknown error writing to new volume |
35 | the database is being expanded |
36 | the database is not mountable |
37 | the database is mounted elsewhere |
38 | there is no room in GVXTAB for secondary volumes |
39 | the volume is readonly |
40 | databases cannot be deleted while they are cluster mounted |
41 | the directory was not found |
42 | The database name is invalid |
43 | the write daemon failed to set the READ/WRITE flag in label |
44 | the expansion failed to start |
45 | some or all database files were not deleted |
51 | unknown and unexpected error |
52 | invalid argument |
53 | target could not be opened |
54 | target could not be read |
55 | target could not be written to |
56 | the database is being restored |
57 | the database does not exist |
58 | the operation requires too many bitmap blocks |
59 | the allocation new bitmap blks failed |
60 | the database must be dismounted to do this |
61 | the database must be privately mounted for this |
62 | global directory must be empty |
63 | cannot cluster mount cachetemp |
64 | cannot dismount cachetemp |
65 | cannot reinitialize mounted database |
66 | the resource name in the database is not known to the system |
67 | the encryption key for this database is not activated |
68 | the mounted database count exceeds license limit |
69 | read/write state of mirrored databases can only be changed on the primary |
70 | *** Error while formatting volume because |
71 | Not owner |
72 | No such raw disk device |
73 | No such directory |
74 | I/O error |
75 | No such device or address |
76 | Permission to access file denied |
77 | Device or resource busy |
78 | File already exists |
79 | No such device or inappropriate use |
80 | File table overflow |
81 | Too many open files |
82 | Read-only file system |
83 | Error code = %1 |
84 | Audit Database Max size must be set to 0 |
85 | Operation is not permitted when running in single user mode |
86 | the database default collation is not available |
87 | the database block size is too small to support direct I/O |
88 | direct I/O is not supported on NFS filesystems |
89 | database must be opened for direct I/O because async I/O is enabled |
90 | 2K database block size no longer supported |
91 | Creation of Database Extent is not allowed |
92 | Database was created in system with different endian |
93 | Journaling is required for Audit database |
Error Code | Description |
101 | Top Pointer Level: # of blocks=%1 %2kb (%3% full) |
102 | Bottom Pointer Level: # of blocks=%1 %2kb (%3% full) |
103 | Pointer Level: # of blocks=%1 %2kb (%3% full) |
104 | Top/Bottom Pnt Level: # of blocks=%1 %2kb (%3% full) |
105 | Data Level: # of blocks=%1 %2kb (%3% full) |
106 | Total: # of blocks=%1 %2kb (%3% full) |
107 | Elapsed Time = %1 seconds, Completed %2 |
108 | Error of type %1 while processing pointer block %2 |
109 | The error occurred while processing node %1 |
110 | The lower level block specifies a right link block of %1. |
111 | Error of type 1. View buffer not open or this dataset can’t be mounted. |
112 | which is the first block on this level. |
113 | which has a left neighbor pointer block of %1 |
114 | The pointer block is degraded and can’t be parsed. |
115 | The lower level block is degraded and can’t be parsed. |
116 | The global reference input as the expected first node is too long. |
117 | The pointer block’s 1st node — %1 points to block %2. We were expecting it to point to %3, which is the right link of the last lower block of the previous pointer block. |
118 | The pointer block’s 1st node is: %1. It does not |
119 | follow the last global reference. |
120 | equal the expected global reference based upon the right link data. |
121 | of the last lower block of the previous pointer block, which is: %1. |
122 | which is %1 pointing to the lower level block %2 |
123 | **********Global %1 is Not OK********** |
124 | Global ^%1 is OK |
125 | The lower level block has a block type of %1 |
126 | whereas we were expecting %1 |
127 | The pointer block expected the data block to have |
128 | The pointer block did not expect the data block to have any |
129 | big strings but the data block’s type information |
130 | big strings but the data block’s big string count |
131 | says it does not. |
132 | says it does. |
133 | The lower level block’s info about the first node in the next block is wrong. |
134 | The length in blnextpntlen4 is 0 but there is a right link |
135 | The length in blnextpntlen4 is nonzero but there is no right link |
136 | The length in blnextpntlen4 is too long for a global reference. |
137 | The reference described by blnextpntlen4/blnextpntvalue4 |
138 | doesn’t follow the last node in the block. |
139 | The length in blnextpntlen4 does not match the length of the first node in the next block |
140 | The lower level block has a value in blnextpntlen4 |
141 | The lower level block has a value in blnextpntoff44 |
142 | but this isn’t a data block |
143 | blnextpntoff4 but this isn’t a big database data block |
144 | (discovered while looking for big strings in the block) |
145 | The data block’s count of big strings is %1. |
146 | whereas its block type specifies |
147 | there should be big strings. |
148 | there should not be big strings. |
150 | The data block has a syntax error |
151 | in its big string info |
152 | Map block %1 has a label error |
153 | The lower block %1 isn’t allocated in map block %2 |
154 | The data block points to a big string stored in block %1 |
155 | that isn’t allocated from its map block %1. |
156 | The pointer block is empty. |
157 | The lower block has a right link global reference that doesn’t |
158 | Match what was expected in the next pointer node’s global reference. |
159 | We would expect the lower block’s last node to collate earlier. |
160 | We would expect them to be equal. |
161 | The lower block’s right link reference is %1 |
162 | The pointer block’s next reference is %1. |
163 | The pointer node’s global reference doesn’t match |
164 | the 1st node of the lower block. |
165 | The lower block’s 1st node is %1. |
166 | Since it is a big database data block it should match |
167 | the first blpntlen4 bytes of the first node, which is %1. |
168 | That doesn’t match the next pointer node in the pointer block, which is %1. |
169 | The pointer node specifies a block # %1 |
170 | That is out of the range of this database. |
171 | The pointer block has a right link of %1. |
172 | No longer present on disk. |
173 | Block %1 is not a pointer block type: %2 |
174 | Top block %1 does not have a top pointer block type: %2 |
175 | Lower level pointer block %1 has a top pointer block type: %2 |
176 | Big Strings: # of blocks=%2 %3MB (%4% full) # = %1 |
177 | Big Strings: # of blocks=%2 %3kb (%4% full) # = %1 |
178 | The database cannot be mounted because |
179 | An unexpected error occurred: %1 |
180 | Value (report to InterSystems) = %1 |
181 | ***Further checking of this directory is aborted. |
182 | ***Further checking of this global is aborted. |
183 | ***We will continue checking with the next pointer block at this level. |
184 | The database is not mounted. |
185 | Inserted new node %1 at end of block. |
186 | Consider if this node should be in this block. |
187 | Inserted new node 1 at beginning of block. |
188 | Changes are needed in other blocks. |
189 | Inserted as new node %1. |
190 | Old node %1 and subsequent nodes have been shuffled up. |
191 | Node already exists (Node %1). |
192 | *** Not enough room in block. *** |
193 | …Deleted. (Higher numbered nodes have been shuffled down.) |
194 | Deleted 1st node in block. |
195 | ***Type is %1 — Invalid Type. |
196 | ***Offset improper: %1 shouldn’t be > %2 |
197 | Top Pointer Level: # of blocks=%1 %2MB (%3% full) |
198 | Bottom Pointer Level: # of blocks=%1 %2MB (%3% full) |
199 | Pointer Level: # of blocks=%1 %2MB (%3% full) |
General Error Codes — 200 to 399
Error Code | Description |
200 | Top/Bottom Pnt Level: # of blocks=%1 %2MB (%3% full) |
201 | Data Level: # of blocks=%1 %2MB (%3% full) |
202 | Total: # of blocks=%1 %2MB (%3% full) |
203 | but the lower block has a right link of %1. |
204 | ***Map Error: The count field in map block %1 says %2 but the counted total is %3. |
205 | Integrity Job failed to start. |
206 | Stop integrity check? |
207 | Stop checking directory? |
208 | Stop checking global? |
209 | This points to big string block %1 but that has type %2 |
211 | The pointer block contains the wrong global |
212 | Cannot insert long strings. |
213 | Creating 2k databases not allowed. |
214 | There are %1 duplicate pointers, the first is global %2 pointing to %3. |
215 | There is a duplicate pointer, global %1 pointing to %2. |
216 | ‘^%1’ is not a valid global name. |
217 | Global name ‘^%1’ is too long (over %2). |
250 | The stored value of the next pointer in this data block does not match the actual next pointer or blnextpntlen4 is incorrect. |
251 | Node #%1 in block #%2 contains an invalid subscript length |
252 | Collate #%1 in the block does not match with the collate #%2 in global directory |
253 | Block offset in bigstring block #%1 has bad value #%2. |
254 | The bigstring block #%1 is pointed with a bad block value #%2. |
255 | Block #%1 changed during integrity check, counts may be incorrect |
256 | Block #%1 changed during integrity check, might be OK, check should be rerun for this global |
257 | Unable to read global directory block #%1 |
258 | Invalid name %1 in global directory block #%3, entry %2 |
259 | %1 block %2 is corrupt |
260 | %1 block %2 has incorrect type |
261 | %1 block %2 has incorrect label |
262 | %1 block %2 has incorrect map number |
263 | %1 block %2 has incorrect incremental file number |
264 | %1 block %2 has incorrect database creation time |
265 | %1 block %2 is marked as bad |
266 | The top pointer block %1 is not marked as allocated |
267 | %1 errors found during integrity check |
268 | whereas we were expecting a pointer block type (2 or 6) |
269 | Global directory block %1 points back to previous block %2 in chain |
270 | Global directory block %1 has invalid type %2 |
271 | *** Warning: Counts for global %1 may not be correct, one or more blocks changed during check *** |
272 | *** Warning: Global %1 might be corrupt, should be rechecked *** |
273 | *** Errors were detected, but only in blocks that changed during check *** |
274 | which is %1 in data block %2 |
275 | which is %1 pointing to a lower level block, however, node may have been deleted. Re-run this check to be sure |
276 | The top pointer block %1 has a right link %2 |
277 | Level %1 possibly has an infinite loop, should have %2 blocks, seen %3 already |
278 | Level %1 possibly has an infinite loop, pointer block %2’s right link %3 seen already |
279 | That doesn’t match the next pointer node in the pointer block, however, node may have been deleted. Re-run this check to be sure. |
280 | Error parsing global directory block %1. Some globals may be unavailable. |
281 | Block offset in the pointer block has a bad value. |
282 | Block offset in the lower level block has a bad value. |
283 | Error parsing pointer block %1. |
284 | %1 block %2 isn’t allocated from its map block %3. |
Error Code | Description |
300 | the database is not mounted. |
301 | the database has degradation. |
302 | the database is read-only. |
303 | A primary volume already exists in %1. |
304 | A secondary volume already exists in %1. |
305 | You must choose another location for this primary volume. |
306 | You must choose another location for this secondary volume. |
307 | Created %1 but failed to mount it. Mount error is %2. |
308 | Global %1 not found. |
309 | Global already defined. |
310 | CacheTemp can’t be the Manager’s database |
311 | Failed to designate %1 as cachetemp |
312 | Failed to lookup sfn for cachetemp |
313 | Modify of %1 failed because |
314 | This is not a database file %1 |
315 | The database was created but not formatted. |
316 | Cannot delete %1 because |
317 | Cannot delete database. |
318 | Deleting mirrored database %1 is not allowed. |
319 | Completed reclaiming routine blocks for %1. |
320 | Create failed because: %1 |
321 | Could not set Keep Type for %1 because |
322 | %1 not mounted because %2 networking is not active. |
323 | Cluster mount failed for %1. |
324 | This global directory is corrupt. |
325 | Could not set journaling type for %1 because |
326 | Could not set protection for %1 because |
327 | There are no %1 KB buffers (or bigger) configured. |
328 | Could not set collation for %1 because |
329 | Database Error in ^%1, (report to InterSystems) |
330 | Block %1 is not used in any global |
331 | Block passed is wrong length: %1 |
332 | Big string block, use Block Dump option |
333 | Global %1 already exists |
334 | Cannot create global %1 |
335 | Global %1 would be remote, not allowed |
336 | %1 is not a legal name |
337 | Cannot write to file %1 |
338 | Cannot read input file %1, error is %2 |
339 | %1 is not a good configuration file |
340 | File %1 is not available |
341 | Block number %1 is too high for this database |
342 | Block %1 is not a map block |
343 | Block %1 is not the correct map block for %2 |
344 | Function not supported for legacy databases |
345 | Cannot dismount manager’s database |
346 | Cannot modify this parameter if database exists |
347 | Cannot set size less than current size of %1MB |
348 | Invalid Parameter for this Operation |
349 | Database must exist before adding volumes |
350 | Failed to mount %1, the reason is |
351 | Error reclaiming routine blocks for %1 : |
352 | Map block %1 is corrupt |
353 | Database in %1 created with %2 MB instead of requested %3 MB |
354 | Comm device(s) are currently in use |
355 | Database creation with block size %1 is not allowed |
356 | Database %1 cannot be mounted, resource %2 is unknown to the system |
357 | FileCompact failed: Insufficient global buffers |
358 | FileCompact failed: Compaction in progress |
359 | FileCompact: Freespace maximum reached |
360 | FileCompact failed: Freespace requested exceeds filesize |
361 | Defragmentation failed: Insufficient file space |
362 | Defragmentation failed: Insufficient space |
363 | Adding system database %1 to mirrored DB is not allowed |
364 | Cannot display contents of mirror information block |
365 | Namespace %1 is not available. Either the default database is not mounted, or you do not have permission to access it |
366 | Database must be larger than minimum allocated size |
367 | Import of global ‘%1’ needs collation #%2, not available, skipping import of this item |
368 | Failed to return all cached free blocks in cachetemp |
369 | Failed, process id %1 has a truncation, compaction or defragmentation operation in progress in this database |
370 | The Expansion Size or Maximum Size must be an integer |
371 | Database %1 is dismounted |
372 | Database %1 is read only |
373 | Database %1 is cluster mounted |
374 | Database %1 is not journaled |
375 | Journaling is not enabled |
376 | The collation of some system globals is incorrect |
377 | Namespace %1 is not available via ECP. ECP Status returned: %2 |
378 | Failed: Truncation in progress |
379 | Failed: Unexpected block type encountered |
380 | Completed but skipped some blocks, details recorded in the console log. |
381 | Stopped at an unmoveable block, details recorded in the console log. |
382 | Unable to get directory info for global %1, Error: %2 |
383 | Global names for the start node %1 and end node %2 must be the same |
384 | Global range %1 must come after %2 |
385 | Database ExpansionSize %1MB is less than %2MB which is the minimum value of %3KB block size database. |
386 | %1 is not a valid operation for cachetemp |
387 | %1 is not supported on VMS |
388 | Unknown error, code %1 |
389 | Failed due to backup in progress |
390 | Failed due to expansion in progress |
391 | Mirrored database has %1 KB block size in primary and there are no buffers configured for it |
392 | Mirrored database has %1 KB block size in primary and it is not allowed in local system |
393 | Unknown system name %1 |
General Error Codes — 400 to 599
Error Code | Description |
400 | , LINE:’%2=%3′ at line %1 |
401 | at line %1 |
402 | Not enough fields |
403 | Invalid line, LINE:’%1′ |
404 | No version information found in file ‘%1’, file may be corrupt |
405 | Invalid version ‘%1’ |
406 | Invalid parameter name ‘%1’ |
407 | Invalid value for property ‘%1’ |
408 | The following parameters are missing from section %1: ‘%2’ |
409 | Cannot delete section %1 |
410 | Too many fields |
411 | File %1 has been edited, cannot modify from the management portal |
412 | Invalid map keyword %1 |
415 | Invalid or duplicate section name %1 |
416 | Duplicate line detected |
417 | Duplicate entry %1 detected |
418 | Section ‘[%1]’ already exists |
419 | %1 %2 already exists |
420 | %1 %2 does not exist |
421 | %1 map %2 in namespace %3 does not exist |
422 | %1 map %2 in namespace %3 already exists |
423 | Cannot delete server %1, in use by the following databases: %2 |
424 | Device name cannot be the same as the Alias |
425 | Data server %1 not defined |
426 | Data server %1 not allowed for system databases |
427 | Cannot delete system database %1 |
428 | Namespace %1 already exists |
429 | Cannot delete database %1, in use by the following namespaces: %2 |
430 | MountAtStartup, ClusterMountMode, and MountRequired not allowed for a remote server |
431 | System database cannot be cluster mounted |
432 | Required database %1 is not defined |
433 | Namespace %1 does not exist |
434 | Cannot delete system namespace %1 |
435 | Required namespace %1 is not defined |
436 | [%1] section must be defined before [Databases] section |
437 | [Databases] section must be defined before [Namespaces] section |
438 | [DeviceSubTypes] section must be defined before [Devices] section |
439 | [Namespaces] section must be defined before [%1] section |
440 | These sections are missing: %1 |
441 | Further processing is aborted |
442 | System does not support clustered databases |
444 | Comment length must be less than %1 characters |
445 | Comment must start with one of the comment chars ‘%1’ |
446 | Invalid nested comment, LINE:’%1′ |
447 | No end comment ‘%1’ found |
448 | Invalid routine type %1 |
449 | Cannot map routine %1 when %2 already exists |
450 | %1 data server %1 already defined |
451 | You must delete mapping %1 before deleting mapping %2 |
452 | Mapping %1 already exists |
453 | Cannot quiesce the system for namespace reactivation |
454 | Global mapping %1 must be defined before subscript mapping %2 |
455 | Database %1 required, but could not be mounted |
456 | [config] MaxServers parameter must be increased to at least %1 |
457 | Invalid namespace name |
458 | Invalid server name |
459 | Database %1 already exists |
460 | Invalid collation %1 |
461 | System does not support IPv6 |
462 | Invalid block size %1 |
463 | Database %1 is not allowed for ECP Mirror Connection |
464 | ECP Server %1 does not exist |
465 | Remote Server %1 does not support Mirror |
466 | LongStrings cannot be enabled when 2KB or 4KB databases are mounted |
467 | Alias %1 is already in use by device %2 |
468 | Invalid shadow name |
469 | [Shadows] section must be defined before [%1] section |
470 | Server name ‘%1’ matched local system name |
471 | %1 section must be defined before [%2] section |
472 | New WIJ directory cannot contain an existing CACHE.WIJ file. |
473 | No entry found pointing at local directory %1 in the [Databases] section of the configuration |
474 | Unable to obtain lock on CPF file %1 |
475 | Database %1 is required read-write, but was mounted read-only |
476 | Invalid MirrorConnection value %1 |
Error Code | Description |
570 | Global %1 contains control characters. Restore of this global may fail. Use Cache block format to save this data. See file %2 for details. |
571 | Database copy to %1 is already running |
572 | Cannot copy and replace the cluster mounted database %1 |
573 | Cannot copy and replace a mirrored database %1 |
General Error Codes — 600 to 799
Error Code | Description |
601 | CSP Application |
602 | Data Server |
603 | Database |
604 | Device |
605 | Global Mapping |
606 | Global Replication |
607 | License Server |
608 | Namespace |
609 | SQL Gateway |
610 | Routine Mapping |
611 | Mag Tape |
612 | Device Sub Type |
613 | Ethernet Connection |
614 | UDP Connection |
615 | Ethernet Device |
616 | Volume Set-UCI Mapping |
617 | Shadow Destination |
618 | Shadow Source |
619 | LAT Service |
620 | Com Port |
621 | SQL System Data Type |
622 | SQL User Data Type |
623 | SLM Replication |
624 | SLM |
625 | Journal History |
626 | Remote Volume Set |
627 | Namespaces |
628 | Databases |
629 | Devices |
630 | Configuration |
631 | Projection type |
632 | Java Application |
633 | EJB Application |
634 | C++ Application |
635 | Class Mapping |
641 | %1 ‘%2’ is not defined in this Configuration. |
642 | %1 ‘%2’ is referenced by the following %3. |
643 | %1 ‘%2’ already exists. |
644 | Parameter ‘%1’ invalid: ‘%2’. |
645 | %1 ‘%2’ does not exist. |
646 | The configuration could not be reactivated because the changes made require a restart. |
647 | Error loading configuration %1: %2. |
648 | Configuration %1 needs to be %Saved() before calling the Activate() method. |
649 | Configuration %1 is in use by another process. |
650 | %1 already defined in Namespace ‘%2’. |
651 | Failed to set Startup configuration to ‘%1’. |
652 | A clustered configuration requires a non empty PIJDirectory. |
653 | Subscript reference may not contain the ‘~’ character. |
654 | Subscript reference must begin with an open parenthesis. |
655 | Subscript reference must end with a close parenthesis. |
656 | Open parenthesis before a close parenthesis. |
657 | Invalid subscript in reference %1 subscript #1. |
658 | Invalid subscript in reference %1 subscript #%2. |
659 | Invalid range specification. |
660 | More that two references in range specification. |
661 | Name required for setting within Config API. |
662 | Key is required. |
663 | Unable to find information for config setting: %1 |
664 | [Property does not exist] |
665 | Unable to open configuration object: %1 |
666 | Remote system status change failed. |
667 | Error parsing config file: %1 |
668 | Reactivation error: %1 |
669 | Collate #%1 entered does not match with the collate #%2 of ^%3 in global directory |
Error Code | Description |
701 | LDAP error(%1): %2 |
702 | LDAP or passed argument is not initialized |
703 | Failed to load LDAP shared lib(%1) |
704 | Value reach 32K boundary |
705 | LDAP can’t allocate enough from heap |
706 | Invalid parent |
707 | Unexpected object passed |
708 | LDAP unexpected library version — expecting — %1 loaded — %2 |
709 | Server passed back another challenge, determine the response to that challenge and call the SASLConect again to send that response |
710 | Invalid parameter was passed |
711 | Request is not supported |
712 | specified SASL mechanism is not supported |
725 | Invalid peer certificate verification level for client type |
726 | Expanded CipherSuite list contains no values |
727 | SSL Communication Not Permitted With Current License |
728 | Certificate %1 has expired |
729 | Certificate %1 is not valid for TLS Web client authentication |
730 | Certificate %1 is not valid for TLS Web server authentication |
731 | Encryption with public key in certificate %1 failed |
732 | Decryption of private key file %1 failed (possible bad password) |
733 | The public key in certificate %1 and the private key in %2 do not match |
734 | Verification of certificate %1 with CA file %2 failed, error= %3 |
735 | ‘%1’ member missing mirror SSL configuration |
736 | ‘%1’ is not a mirror member |
737 | ‘%1’ is unreachable, error=%2 |
738 | Can not disable all authentication mechanisms used by Terminal |
739 | Mirror SSL validation of ‘%1’ failed with error: %2 |
740 | Mirror SSL configuration missing certificate file name |
741 | Mirror SSL configuration missing CA file name |
742 | Certificate %1 is not valid |
743 | CA certificate file %1 is not valid |
744 | The X.509 certificate is missing |
797 | User account has expired |
798 | %1 authentication failed |
799 | Invalid Application name %1 |
General Error Codes — 800 to 999
Error Code | Description |
800 | Logins for Service %1 are disabled |
801 | Logins are disabled |
802 | Logins are disabled for service %1, system startup in progress |
803 | Logins are disabled, system shutdown is in progress |
804 | Kerberos logins not allowed for service %1 |
805 | Kerberos data integrity logins are not allowed for service %1 |
806 | Kerberos data encryption logins not allowed for service %1 |
807 | O/S logins are not allowed for service %1 |
808 | Kerberos logins required for service %1 |
809 | Service %1 does not exist |
810 | Invalid username or password |
811 | Kerberos K5CCache logins not allowed for service %1 |
812 | Kerberos K5Prompt logins not allowed for service %1 |
813 | Kerberos K5API logins not allowed for service %1 |
814 | Kerberos K5KeyTab logins not allowed for service %1 |
815 | User not authorized for service %1 |
816 | Invalid authentication option %1 |
817 | Client IP Address %1 not authorized for service %2 |
818 | Cannot delete service %1 |
819 | Service %1 already exists |
820 | Invalid authentication option %1 for service %2 |
821 | Access Denied: Cannot access %1 |
822 | Access Denied |
824 | Invalid Username or Password |
825 | Unable to initialize SQL, %1 |
826 | Unable to run ZSTART, %1 |
827 | User %1 is not authorized |
828 | User %1 account is disabled |
829 | User %1 unable to add role %2 |
830 | User %1 unable to update last login |
831 | User %1 invalid name or password |
832 | User %1 error updating password |
833 | Login timeout |
834 | Login aborted |
835 | User %1 bypassing system security |
836 | Insufficient privilege for programmer access |
837 | User %1 already exists |
838 | User %1 does not exist |
839 | Cannot delete superuser %1. |
840 | Cannot delete %1, only user with %All role. |
841 | Cannot delete default user %1. |
842 | Username %1 is invalid. |
843 | Username %1 is in use by service %2. |
844 | Insufficient privilege for namespace %1, database %2, resource %3 |
845 | Password does not match length or pattern requirements |
846 | Username cannot contain domain specification |
848 | System Security configuration %1 already exists. |
849 | System Security configuration %1 does not exist. |
850 | Audit database %1 not available |
851 | Invalid Audit Event name %1 |
852 | Audit Event %1 already exists |
853 | Audit Event %1 does not exist |
854 | Cannot delete system Audit Event %1 |
855 | Cannot modify system Audit Event %1 |
856 | Error stopping auditing to %1 |
857 | Unable to start auditing to %1 |
858 | Unable to quiesce system to erase audit file |
859 | Audit record %1 does not exist |
860 | Unable to initialize security label for %1, resource is %2 |
861 | Privileged application %1 is disabled. |
862 | User is restricted from running privileged application %2 — cannot execute. |
863 | Privileged application %1 is locked. |
864 | An authenticated user name is required. |
865 | Routine %1, in database %2, is not authorized to add roles for application %3. |
866 | Client application %1 not authorized to add roles — Signature %2. |
867 | Cannot create privileged application %1 — an application by that name already exists. |
868 | Privileged application %1 not found. |
869 | Application %1 does not exist |
870 | Cannot delete system application %1 |
874 | Duplicate Match role %1. |
875 | Match role %1 does not exist. |
878 | Duplicate Target role %1. |
879 | Target role %1 does not exist. |
880 | Cannot delete role %1. |
881 | Cannot remove role %1. |
883 | Role %1 does not exist. |
884 | Role %1 already exists. |
885 | Maximum number of roles reached. |
886 | Cannot modify role %1. |
887 | Invalid role name %1. |
890 | Cannot delete system resource %1. |
891 | Resource %1 already exists. |
892 | Resource %1 does not exist. |
893 | Cannot modify system resource %1. |
894 | Maximum number of resources reached. |
895 | Duplicate resource %1. |
896 | Invalid resource name %1. |
897 | Invalid permission %1 for resource name %2. |
898 | SSL configuration %1 already exists |
Error Code | Description |
900 | Cannot delete domain %1, domain is in use. |
901 | Domain %1 already exists. |
902 | Invalid Domain name %1 |
903 | Domain %1 does not exist |
904 | User’s must all be in domain %1, user %2 is not |
913 | PhoneProvider %1 does not exist |
914 | X509Credentials %1 does not exist |
915 | OpenAMIdentityServices %1 does not exist |
920 | Cannot modify field ‘%1’ |
921 | Operation requires %1 privilege |
922 | Operation requires %1 privilege on resource %2 |
923 | Operation requires %1 privilege on resource %2 or %3 |
924 | Operation requires %1 privilege on resources %2 and %3 |
930 | Cannot delete system security parameters |
935 | Password change required. |
939 | Insufficient privilege for object access ‘%1’ |
940 | Insufficient privilege for operation |
941 | Audit header contains unwritten records |
942 | Username and Role cannot have the same name |
943 | User %1 has no role |
944 | Invalid expirationdate |
945 | Import of audit events to namespace ‘%1’ is prohibited |
946 | User %1 has no accessible namespaces |
947 | Password logins not allowed for service %1 |
948 | Unrecognized connection message |
949 | Unable to get full header of message within timeout |
950 | Invalid service name %1 |
951 | Unauthenticated access for service %1 is disabled |
952 | Invalid password |
953 | Invalid Legacy password |
954 | Invalid password, cannot convert legacy password |
955 | Invalid Kerberos username or password for user %1 |
956 | Kerberos error: %1 |
957 | Password logins not allowed for application %1 |
958 | Invalid password pattern ‘%1’ |
959 | User %1 account has expired |
960 | User %1 account is inactive |
961 | Kerberos Authentication Not Permitted With Current License |
962 | Cache Direct Client must be upgraded |
963 | No authentication enabled for service |
964 | LDAP server unavailable — %1 %2 %3 |
965 | LDAP search bind failed, error %1, %2 |
966 | LDAP search failed, error %1, %2 |
967 | LDAP count entries failed, error %1, %2 |
968 | User %1 does not exist in the LDAP database |
969 | User %1 is not unique in the LDAP database |
970 | LDAP first entry failed, error %1, %2 |
971 | Invalid LDAP password, error %1, %2 |
972 | User %1 is not a LDAP user |
973 | User %1 is not a Delegated user |
974 | User %1 is not a Cache user, either LDAP, Delegated, Kerberos, or O/S |
975 | LDAP Get DN failed, error %1, %2 |
976 | LDAP Get Values Len failed, error %1, %2 |
977 | Attribute value %1 must be in $list format |
978 | System requires that the user must own the %1 role to connect |
979 | SSL configuration %1 does not exist |
980 | Unable to activate SSL configuration %1 |
981 | Invalid SSL configuration name %1 |
982 | All specified CipherSuites require server authentication, Certificate File and Private Key File are required |
983 | Private Key File is required when Certificate File is specified |
984 | Certificate File is required when Private Key File is specified |
985 | Private Key File is required when Private Key Password is specified |
986 | CA File is required when Peer Verification or CRL File is specified |
987 | SSL configuration %1 is disabled |
988 | SSL handshake failed |
989 | SSL connection failed, make sure server address and port (not url) is specified |
990 | Can only test SSL Client |
991 | Host and Port must be specified |
992 | Password has expired |
993 | Cannot modify LDAP authentication user |
994 | Cannot modify Delegated authentication user |
995 | SSL/TLS is required for incoming connections |
996 | SSL/TLS is not configured for incoming connections |
997 | User %1 failed O/S delegated authentication |
998 | Login Token expired |
999 | User %1 Login Token expired |
Error Codes 1000 to 1999
General Error Codes — 1000 to 1199
Error Code | Description |
1000 | Shadow configuration ‘%1’ incomplete: missing source IP address or DNS name |
1001 | Shadow configuration ‘%1’ error: invalid source port number: %2 |
1002 | Shadow configuration ‘%1’ incomplete: directory for storing copied journal files not specified |
1003 | Shadow configuration ‘%1’ incomplete: start point not specified |
1004 | Shadow configuration ‘%1’ error: manager directory %2 is not allowed as a shadow database |
1005 | Shadow configuration ‘%1’ incomplete: no database mappings exist |
1006 | Invalid shadow ID ‘%1’: character ‘~’ not allowed |
1007 | Shadow configuration ‘%1’ error: cannot use %2, a primary or alternate journal directory, to store copied journal files |
1008 | Shadow configuration ‘%1’: Source databases or journal belong to different mirrors (‘%2’ and ‘%3’). |
1010 | Cannot resume a stopped shadow ‘%1’ |
1012 | Unable to acquire exclusive access to properties of shadow configuration ‘%1’ |
1013 | Must specify a shadow configuration ID |
1014 | Shadow configuration ‘%1’ does not exist |
1015 | Shadow ‘%1’ test failed: %2 |
1016 | Shadow ‘%1’ test timed out |
1017 | Shadow ‘%1’ must NOT be running |
1018 | Shadow database ‘%1’ is also its corresponding source database |
1020 | Database server and shadow server have incompatible shadow protocols: version ‘%1’ on database server vs. version ‘%2’ on shadow server |
1021 | Database server and shadow server have incompatible journal versions: version %1 on database server vs. version %2 on shadow server |
1022 | Connection denied by database server %1 |
1023 | Received unrecognizable version ‘%1’ from server |
1024 | Error allocating memory from Generic Memory Heap: %1 |
1025 | Insufficient Generic Memory Heap available for shadowing |
1026 | Received unrecognizable message ‘%1’ from server |
1027 | Cluster shadowing request denied: database server %1 is not part of a cluster |
1028 | Cluster shadowing request denied: database server %1 is not part of the source cluster of shadowing, identified by %2 |
1029 | Shadowing aborted on error |
1030 | Unable to job off shadow server process |
1031 | Shadow ‘%1’ is being stopped by another process |
1032 | Unable to suspend shadow ‘%1’ within %2 seconds |
1033 | Requested journal file ‘%1’ does not exist on the source |
1034 | Requested file ‘%1’ is not a valid journal file on the source |
1035 | Journal file ‘%1’ is corrupted |
1036 | Error opening file %1: %2 |
1037 | Shadow copy %1 is ahead of source journal file %2 |
1038 | Invalid address %1 in journal file %2 |
1039 | Journal file to start or resume shadowing with is not specified — possibly as a result of the originally specified journal file name being invalid |
1040 | Failed to sync database updates as one updater has died |
1041 | Missing start point for cluster shadowing |
1042 | Incomplete start point for cluster shadowing: %1 |
1043 | Shadowing is unavailable for current license |
1044 | Shadow is already running |
1045 | Bad checkpoint for cluster shadowing: %1 |
1046 | Database updates are NOT currently journaled on the source of shadowing — shadow databases may be out of sync with the source |
1047 | Shadow is not suspended and therefore cannot be resumed |
1048 | Shadow is not stopped and therefore cannot be started or restarted |
1070 | Attempt to connect to %1 at port %2 timed out — database server is not running or network is down |
1071 | TCP read timed out — remote server is not responding |
1072 | Database server has disconnected — %1 to the server is aborted |
1073 | Shadow server (%2) has disconnected — %1 to the server is aborted |
1074 | Unable to job off routine %1 |
1075 | Failed to start purging as another job (PID %1) appears to be in the middle of purging shadow journal files |
1076 | Purging not available to this shadow |
1077 | Error getting answer: %1 |
1078 | Error killing job (PID %1): %2 |
1079 | Purging aborted due to failure to sync journal |
1080 | Error mounting shadow database %1 when processing journal file %3 — subsequent updates to the source database %2 will NOT be applied to the shadow database |
1090 | There is no database in %1 on the source or it is not readable |
1091 | Database in %1 on the source is not currently mounted |
1092 | Invalid source directory %1 — name too long or has invalid syntax |
1093 | Invalid journal EOF at offset %1 of file ‘%2’ — must traverse forward to get end position |
1094 | Got fewer records than expected: last one at %1. Possible corruption in %2 or its source copy. |
Error Code | Description |
1100 | Failed to open journal file ‘%1’ for record reading |
1101 | File ‘%1’ does not exist |
1102 | File ‘%1’ is not a valid journal file |
1103 | Error getting previous file of ‘%1’: %2 |
1104 | Failed to create an instance of journal file ‘%1’ |
1105 | The first record of journal file ‘%1’ is invalid |
1106 | Error deleting journal file ‘%1’: %2 |
1107 | Search string not specified |
1108 | Journal file not specified |
1109 | Journal file ‘%1’ is expected to be followed by another file, which does not exist |
1110 | No valid record in journal file ‘%1’ |
1111 | Error getting the file following journal file ‘%1’: %2 |
1112 | Corruption between offsets %2 and %3 of journal file ‘%1’ |
1113 | File ‘%1’ does not exist in journal log ‘%2’ |
1120 | Unknown column: %1 |
1121 | Bad directory in journal record |
1122 | Bad global node in journal record |
1140 | Error starting journaling: %1 |
1141 | Error stopping journaling: %1 |
1142 | Error switching journal file: %1 |
1143 | Directory ‘%1’ does not exist |
1144 | Directory name ‘%1’ is invalid |
1145 | Error creating directory ‘%1’: %2 |
1146 | Journal file prefix ‘%1’ is invalid |
1147 | Directory name ‘%1’ is too long for journal files with names in the form of ‘%2YYYYMMDD.nnn’ |
1148 | Commas are NOT allowed in a journal file path (‘%1%2YYYYMMDD.nnn’) |
1149 | Unable to get directory attributes for directory %1 |
1150 | Journal directory %1 cannot be readonly |
1160 | Invalid transaction ID: %1 |
1161 | Transaction start at offset %1 of file %2 is not a TSTART record |
1180 | Cluster journal marker file missing |
1181 | Failed to open cluster journal marker file: %1 |
1197 | Database encryption key activation at startup must be enabled before journal encryption can be enabled |
1198 | Failed to switch journal file to activate journal encryption immediately — journal files will be encrypted following current file |
1199 | Failed to switch journal file to deactivate journal encryption immediately — journal files will stop being encrypted following current file |
General Error Codes — 1200 to 1399
Error Code | Description |
1200 | Encryption key ‘%1’ is already activated |
1201 | Encryption key is not activated |
1202 | ‘%1’ is not a valid encryption key file |
1203 | Encryption key in file ‘%1’ does not match activated key |
1204 | User ‘%1’ not found in encryption key file ‘%2’ |
1205 | User ‘%1’ already exists in encryption key file ‘%2’ |
1206 | Encryption key creation failed |
1207 | Encryption key activation failed |
1208 | Can not deactivate encryption key. Encrypted databases are mounted: %1 |
1209 | Invalid password. Must contain at least %1 characters |
1210 | Can not remove last administrator from key file |
1211 | Wide Unicode characters are not supported in administrator usernames or passwords |
1212 | Disabling encryption key activation at startup is NOT allowed when %1 |
1213 | Disabling encryption key activation at startup is NOT allowed when the encrypted journal file ‘%1’ is required for crash recovery |
1214 | Deactivating encryption key is NOT allowed when %1 |
1215 | Deactivating encryption key is NOT allowed when the encrypted journal file ‘%1’ contains open transactions |
1216 | Encryption key activation at startup is still enabled |
1217 | Can not disable encryption key activation at startup. Encrypted databases are required at startup: %1 |
1218 | Encryption key activation at startup must be enabled before audit encryption can be enabled |
1219 | Encryption key unwrap failed; possible incorrect password |
1220 | No space available for encryption key |
1221 | Key ‘%1’ not found in encryption key file ‘%2’ |
1222 | Cannot remove unattended activation administrator from key file |
Error Code | Description |
1300 | Failed to lock DataCheck system |
1301 | Cannot be run from DataCheck daemon job |
1302 | DataCheck System already started |
1303 | Global reference %1 does not collate before %2 in collation %3 |
1304 | DataCheck protocol error |
1305 | Failed to initialize DataCheck message queue |
1306 | Timed out starting DataCheck job |
1307 | Failure during DataCheck job initialization |
1308 | Access denied by peer with message: %1 |
1309 | Timed out waiting for peer |
1310 | Duplicate database mapping for %1 |
1311 | Timed out trying to establish a connection |
1312 | %1 is not supported by the peer system |
1313 | Unable to detect Mirror-based DataCheck configuration using Mirror name ‘%1’ |
1314 | DataCheck source system found for destination GUID does not match the connecting destination system |
1315 | Related object ‘%1’ has an incorrect DataCheck system name (%2) |
1316 | Database specification %1 is invalid |
1317 | Global selection mask is defined for duplicate database specifications %1 and %2 |
1360 | RangeList state is invalid due to previous error and must be reloaded |
1361 | RangeList Collation is already set |
1362 | RangeList has newer version stored and must be reloaded |
1370 | Initial global reference is null |
1371 | Initial global reference and target global reference are identical |
1372 | Initial global reference and target global reference refer to different global names |
1380 | Workflow must have at least one phase |
1381 | Workflow NextPhase is out of range |
1390 | Global Reference is invalid |
General Error Codes — 1400 to 1599
Error Code | Description |
1400 | User %1 is not a Kerberos user |
1401 | Routine ZAUTHORIZE not found, see the ZAUTHORIZE routine in the SAMPLES namespace |
1402 | Routine ZAUTHENTICATE not found, see the ZAUTHENTICATE routine in the SAMPLES namespace |
1403 | Routine ZAUTHENTICATE requires the following parameters: (ServiceName,Namespace,Username,Password,.Properties), see the ZAUTHENTICATE routine in the SAMPLES namespace |
1404 | Cannot modify Kerberos authentication user |
1405 | User %1 is not a O/S user |
1406 | Routine ZAUTHORIZE requires the following parameters: (ServiceName,Namespace,Username,Password,.Credentials,.Properties), see the ZAUTHORIZE routine in the SAMPLES namespace |
1407 | Cannot modify O/S authentication user |
1408 | Invalid authentication option %1 for application %2 |
1409 | User ‘%1’ is not configured for two-factor authentication |
1410 | Incorrect function code ‘%1’ for two-factor authentication |
1411 | Two-factor authentication timeout |
1412 | Incorrect token received for two-factor authentication |
1413 | Mobile phone service provider ‘%1’ already exists |
1414 | Mobile phone service provider ‘%1’ does not exist |
1415 | User ‘%1’ has invalid mobile phone number ‘%2’ |
1416 | User ‘%1’ has invalid mobile phone service provider ‘%2’ |
1417 | Invalid configuration for two-factor authentication |
1418 | User %1 account has reached the invalid login limit |
1419 | GetCredentials^ZAUTHENTICATE failed |
1420 | GetCredentials^ZAUTHENTICATE failed to return a username or password |
1421 | User ‘%1’ has mobile phone number but no service provider |
1422 | Mirror and shadow service cannot both be enabled. |
1423 | LoginRules Security configuration %1 does not exist. |
1424 | Cannot add roles while ZINSERT active |
1425 | You must modify settings through the Security.System class |
1426 | Unauthenticated access for application %1 is disabled |
1427 | Unable to add or set Audit Event %1, event table may be full |
1428 | Studio does not support Two Factor Authentication |
1429 | Insufficient privilege for service %1 |
1430 | Cannot use implied namespace %1 with -U switch |
1431 | The %Manager role requires the %1 resource with R/W access |
1432 | Domain name for user %1 is NULL, check network configuration or Kerberos settings |
1433 | Incorrect verification code received for one time password authentication |
1434 | Two-factor Authentication requires one of the following to be enabled: %1 |
1435 | Two-factor SMS text authentication requires a phone number and service provider |
1436 | Only one type of Two-factor authentication can be enabled |
Error Code | Description |
1501 | SSL configuration ‘%1’ does not include valid SSL certificate |
1504 | Management Portal unavailable. You must modify settings through the System Management menu. |
General Error Codes — 1600 to 1699
Error Code | Description |
1600 | %1 already exists |
1601 | %1 does not exist |
1602 | %1 is still running, Pid: %1 |
1603 | Cannot modify %1, operation is either running or has completed |
1604 | User terminated the operation |
1605 | Cannot open journal file %1 |
1606 | Unable to find journal file after %1 |
1607 | Source and destination database are the same — %1 |
1608 | Cannot copy from an ECP database |
1609 | Cannot copy from system database %1 |
1610 | Journaling must be enabled on your system |
1611 | Journaling is troubled — %1 |
1612 | Database %1 — %2 must be configured for mirroring |
1613 | Unable to set mirror failover state, Status — %1 |
1614 | Nodes from global %1 already exist in destination database %2 |
1615 | Global %1 does not exist in source database %2 |
1616 | %1 has already been run |
1617 | Cannot operate on namespace %1 |
1618 | Routines are already split from namespace %1 |
1619 | Unable to get directory info for global %1, Error: %2 |
1620 | Collation for global %1 in directories %2 and %3 don’t match |
1621 | Move globals job failed to start. |
1622 | Move globals %1 has already been run. |
1623 | Operation terminated by error |
1624 | Starting and ending global must be the same |
1625 | State is wrong for %1 call, State=%2 |
1626 | Unable to obtain Data Move Namespace lock |
1627 | Unable to find SFN in journal %1 for source directory %2 |
1628 | Collation of global %1 has changed, unrecoverable error at journal offset %2 |
1629 | Did not handle Kill of node %1 — Range = %2 |
1630 | UnHandled Journal record type %1 at journal offset %2 |
1631 | Unable to start journal monitor |
1632 | Cannot calculate Freespace for %1, Database is dismounted |
1633 | Max size of database %1 must be increased by at least %2 MB |
1634 | Move of data into the following databases exceeds the space on the partition by %1 MB: %2 |
1635 | New destination database directory for database %1 is not configured |
1636 | New destination database directory %1 for database %2 is already configured as database %3 |
1637 | The following globals in range %1 already exist in destination database %2 : %3 |
1638 | Data Move Operation %1 is running |
1639 | Unable to find and delete range %1 |
1640 | Invalid method %1 |
1641 | Invalid Job method %1 |
1642 | Cannot Job method %1 |
1643 | Move Data operation %1 %2 is already running |
1644 | Move operation %1 has already completed |
1645 | Move operation %1 has an unrecoverable error, you must roll it back |
1646 | Collation of global %1 has changed, unrecoverable error |
1647 | Unable to quiesce system within %1 seconds |
1648 | Unable to Suspend, operation already completed |
1649 | Unable to Suspend, operation not started |
1650 | Unable to Suspend, operation past journal phase |
1651 | Unable to suspend, operation already stopped |
1652 | Unable to Stop, operation already completed |
1653 | Unable to Stop, operation not started |
1654 | Unable to Stop, operation past journal phase |
1655 | Invalid Data Move name %1 |
Error Codes 2000 to 2999
General Error Codes — 2000 to 2299
Error Code | Description |
2000 | Journal file #%1 for database ‘%2’ not found in mirror journal log (%3) |
2001 | Failed to read header of journal file ‘%1’ |
2002 | Mirror name not specified |
2003 | Mirror journal log file ‘%1’ not found |
2004 | Failed to open journal log for mirror ‘%1’ |
2005 | Failed to read journal log for mirror ‘%1’ |
2006 | Cannot modify the name of the mirror set |
2007 | Cannot modify the GUID associated with the mirror set |
2008 | Failed to send updated recovery parameters to mirror members |
2009 | Mirror set GUID is not defined. %1 section failed to load |
2010 | Failed to load mirror configuration |
2011 | Mirror name cannot contain the ‘:’ character |
2012 | Mirror name exceeds the maximum length of %1 characters |
2013 | Mirror parameters are already loaded — cannot be reloaded with MirrorMember.Load() |
2014 | JoinMirror and AsyncMemberGUID should not both be set — %1 aborting |
2015 | JoinMirror and AsyncMemberGUID should not both be set |
2016 | Missing system name in [MirrorMember] section, can’t join mirror |
2017 | Missing mirror name in [MirrorMember] section, can’t join mirror |
2018 | Missing mirror GUID in [MirrorMember] section, can’t join mirror |
2019 | MirrorMember.CheckSecurity failed to open mirror service ‘%1’ |
2020 | Mirror name not defined |
2021 | Bad mirror name ‘%1’ |
2022 | Cannot shutdown mirroring on the primary mirror member |
2023 | System name cannot contain the ‘:’ character |
2024 | System name exceeds the maximum length of %1 characters |
2025 | Mirror name not configured, AsyncMemberAuthorizedIDs cannot be loaded |
2026 | SSL DN (Distinguished Name) field already in use |
2027 | SSL DN (Distinguished Name) field cannot be null |
2028 | %1 missing required parameter(s) — aborting |
2029 | No Async member configuration is defined |
2030 | No mirror set name to update |
2031 | Could not find mirror set %1 in query list |
2032 | Mirror set name %1 does not exist |
2033 | Invalid mirror configuration for %1, system name ‘%2’ is not unique |
2034 | Failed to allocate mirror set %1 structure |
2035 | Found duplicate mirror name or GUID with local in %1 |
2036 | Failed to load mirror configuration of ‘%1’ |
2037 | Failed to retrieve mirror configuration for %1 from %2 (%3) |
2038 | Mirror member name cannot contain the ‘:’ character |
2039 | Mirror member name exceeds the maximum length of %1 characters |
2040 | Mirror set name is not defined |
2041 | Load All Mirror Set Members already run once, cannot be executed again |
2042 | Failed to find our mirror name (%1) in the mirror configuration for %2 |
2043 | Could not add new member when the Async member connected |
2044 | Argument to %1 is not an object |
2045 | Failed to add Mirror Set Member %1 |
2046 | Invalid mirror configuration for %1, guid (%2) for system %3 is not unique |
2047 | Incorrect base directory ‘%1’ — Expected ‘%2’ |
2048 | Failed to add Mirror Set Member %1 (#%2) to mirror %3 |
2049 | Insufficient privilege to startup mirroring |
2050 | Mirror configuration not loaded |
2051 | Mirror set name ‘%1’ is not configured |
2052 | Failed to start mirror manager daemon %1 |
2053 | Failed to create mirror journal log file ‘%1’ |
2054 | Failed to delete mirror journal log file ‘%1’ |
2055 | Failed to open mirror journal file (%1) containing the start point of the journal file purge |
2056 | Virtual IP for mirror %1 is not a valid address ‘%2’ |
2057 | Interface of Mirror Virtual IP does not exist ‘%1’ |
2058 | Mirror Database Name is required but not provided |
2059 | Mirror Database Name exceeds the maximum length of %1 characters |
2060 | Mirror Database Name cannot contain the ‘:’ character |
2061 | Mirror Database Name ‘%1’ is not unique, found in mirror member %2 |
2062 | Failed to check other systems for duplicate Mirror Database name |
2063 | Database ‘%1’ is already being mirrored |
2064 | Cannot remove database ‘%1’ as is not currently being mirrored |
2065 | Could not create new mirror: %1 |
2066 | Mirroring Service is required but not enabled |
2067 | SSL Configuration %1 is required but missing |
2068 | SSL Configuration %1 is not enabled |
2069 | Names in SSL Server Configuration ‘%1’ and Client Configuration ‘%2’ are different |
2070 | Mirror Virtual IP ‘%1’ is owned by another system |
2071 | Error retrieving Mirror Set information for ‘%1’. Error info: %2 |
2072 | The character size of the other system is different from local system |
2073 | Mirrored Database ‘%1’ is not found on this system |
2074 | This system has not been configured as a Mirror Member |
2075 | There is no other failover member defined on this system |
2076 | Error retrieving Mirror Member information for ‘%1’. Error info: %2 |
2077 | Failed to force this member become primary, reason: %1 |
2078 | Mirrored DB is already activated |
2079 | Failed to activate mirrored DB reason: %1 |
2080 | Failed to remove mirrored DB reason: %1 |
2081 | This is not a Failover mirror member |
2082 | Failed to connect to mirror primary node |
2083 | Failed to lookup instance name, reason: %1 |
2084 | Could not join existing mirror: %1 |
2085 | Virtual IP did not include or had bad CIDR subnet mask: %1 |
2086 | Agent is unreachable with %1, reason: %2 |
2087 | Mirror member %1 is unreachable with %2 |
2088 | ECP connection to Mirror member %1 is unreachable with %2 |
2089 | Network Interface %1 is not a virtual interface |
2090 | Network Interface is not specified for Virtual Address |
2091 | Failed to get SSL DN field on %1, reason: %2 |
2092 | SSL required to mirror encrypted database |
2093 | Insufficient privilege to shutdown mirroring |
2094 | Mirror connections for %1 failed to disconnect cleanly |
2095 | Problem detected with mirror SSL/TLS configuration |
2096 | Mirror Virtual IP ‘%1’ is not reachable |
2097 | Mirror Virtual IP ‘%1’ could not find a matched subnet in Interface ‘%2’ |
2098 | Cannot find starting location from filename ‘%1’ |
2099 | Mirroring is unavailable for current license |
Error Code | Description |
2100 | Failed to open MirrorSetMember entry for %1 (%2) |
2101 | Mirror name ‘%1’ is already in use |
2102 | Mirrored DB %1 not found in failover member |
2103 | Mirrored DB %1 not found in primary member |
2104 | Failed to create new mirrored DB (%1) |
2105 | Matching mirrored DB %1 in member %2 was not created as mirrored DB |
2106 | Mirror Set %1 has already been started |
2107 | Mirror Set %1 has not been started |
2108 | Failed to open [Mirrors] entry for %1 (%2) |
2109 | Failover members can only be a member of a single mirror. [Mirrors] contains %1 mirror definitions |
2110 | Mirror name ‘%1’ is not valid — must contain only alphanumeric characters |
2111 | Failed to read local mirror member information (%1) |
2112 | Delete operations on %1 are not permitted |
2113 | Operation can only be performed on the primary mirror member |
2114 | Failed to open [MapMirrors.%1] entry for %2 |
2115 | Clear FailoverDB Flag is not allowed on this system |
2116 | Operation is not allowed on the primary mirror member |
2117 | Mirror promotion is not allowed for non DR member |
2118 | ISCAgent is not up on the local system |
2119 | Mirror promotion is only allowed when only one mirror set is configured |
2120 | Mirror promotion is only allowed when only one mirror set is configured |
2121 | One of the failover members is unreachable through the ISCAgent |
2122 | Failed to create Config.MapMirrors object |
2123 | GUID mismatch in journal files from mirror members (%1) vs (%2) |
2124 | Selected mirror partner %1 is not in the failover member list |
2125 | Selected mirror partner %1 is not a primary candidate |
2126 | Failed to clear ValidatedMember on %1. Error: %2 |
2127 | Failed to tell primary %1 to promote %2. Error: %3 |
2128 | ISCAgent is unreachable |
2129 | Journaling is required for mirrored databases |
2130 | Cannot remove database ‘%1’ as it is not currently mounted |
2131 | Mirror promotion is not allowed for a relay server member |
2132 | VIP is configured but network interface is not configured |
2133 | Demotion is not allowed when this is the only failover member |
2134 | This member cannot belong to more than one mirror |
2135 | Failed to get ISCAgent version information |
2136 | Instance’s version is later than ISCAgent’s version |
2137 | There are already more than one failover member configured |
2140 | Remote member has different UNICODE property from local member |
2141 | Passed system name %1 is different from configured system name %2 |
2142 | AsyncMemberType parameter is out of range or mismatch with the current setting |
2146 | Clear FailoverDB Flag is not allowed on non-activated mirrored DB |
2147 | Clear FailoverDB Flag failed due to: %1 |
2148 | Default system name exceeds the maximum length of %1 characters, caller needs to provide a system name |
2149 | A DR async member cannot belong to more than one mirror |
2150 | DR async member is not allowed to connect to a non-failover member |
2151 | Journal encryption is not allowed when Mirror’s UseSSL is not enabled |
2152 | Journal encryption is enabled but Mirror’s UseSSL is not enabled |
2153 | This member is not a reporting member |
2154 | Dejournaling is already running (process id: %1) |
2155 | Demote without partner does not allow running primary member ‘%1’. |
2156 | Demote %1 failed during promotion. Error: %2. |
2157 | Primary (%1) is in trouble state (%2) mirror promotion is not allowed. |
2158 | This operation is only allowed on a reporting async member |
2159 | This instance is not tracking any mirrors |
2160 | This instance is not tracking mirror ‘%1’ |
2161 | The mirror name must be specified because the async member is tracking multiple mirrors |
2162 | Failed to identify the ISCAgent application server port. |
2163 | Failed to identify the ISCAgent application server interface. |
2164 | The ISCAgent returned an invalid status response. |
2165 | This member is not an async member |
2166 | his operation is only allowed on an async member |
2167 | Invalid Mirror Database Name |
2168 | Backup daemon did not exit after mirror shutdown |
2169 | Mirror master daemon of mirror set %1 did not exit after 5 seconds timeout |
2170 | Mirror Dejournal Filter is enabled but the RunFilter method in SYS.MirrorDejournal.%1 class does not exist |
2171 | Mirror name ‘%1’ contains an illegal character sequence ‘%2’ |
2172 | Non-FailoverDB mirrored database is not allowed to be configured in DR member |
2173 | The mirror configuration change to %1 is blocked until the local validation trouble is resolved |
2174 | Failed to create or join mirror set 5 because a mirror journal file (10) exists with the same mirror name |
2175 | Mirror SSL DN is too long (over 1024 characters) |
2176 | Promotion is not allowed when the mirror is in ‘No Partner In No Failover’ state. |
2177 | Join as Failover is not allowed when the mirror is in ‘No Partner In No Failover’ state. |
2178 | Someone else is doing Promotion or Demotion on this member. |
2179 | Failed to shutdown mirror. |
Error Code | Description |
2200 | There is no Certificate Authority server configured at instance %1 on node %2. |
2201 | Certificate Signing Request %1 not found. |
2202 | Certificate number %1 not found. |
2203 | Private key file %1 not found. |
2204 | Certificate Signing Request %1 creation failed. OpenSSL command output: %2 |
2205 | Certificate %1 creation failed. OpenSSL command output: %2 |
2206 | Subject Distinguished Name is required. |
2207 | Private Key file password is required. |
Error Codes 5000 to 5999
General Error Codes — 5000 to 5199
Error Code | Description |
5001 | %1 |
5002 | Cache error: %1 |
5003 | Not implemented |
5004 | Cannot generate UUID |
5005 | Cannot open file ‘%1’ |
5006 | File name ‘%1’ is invalid |
5007 | Directory name ‘%1’ is invalid |
5008 | File name is required |
5009 | Directory name is required |
5010 | File ‘%1’ is already opened |
5011 | File ‘%1’ is not opened |
5012 | File ‘%1’ does not exist |
5013 | Cannot Generate Type Library |
5014 | %1 is not supported in this version |
5015 | Namespace ‘%1’ does not exist |
5017 | Too many errors |
5018 | Routine ‘%1’ does not exist |
5019 | Cannot delete file ‘%1’ |
5020 | Cannot rename file ‘%1’ |
5021 | Directory ‘%1’ does not exist. |
5022 | Expected Data is missing |
5023 | Java Gateway Error: %1 |
5024 | Unable to copy file ‘%1’ to ‘%2’ |
5025 | Invalid Connection Name: ‘%1’ |
5026 | Invalid ECP client action type: %1 |
5027 | File ‘%1’ already exists |
5028 | Invalid routine name |
5029 | Unable to kill process %1 |
5030 | An error occurred while compiling class %1 |
5031 | Cannot JOB routine %1 |
5032 | Cannot create directory ‘%1’ |
5033 | Interrupt |
5034 | Invalid status code structure (%1) |
5035 | General exception Name ‘%1’ Code ‘%2’ Data ‘%3’ |
5036 | Failed to acquire lock on SMP Query History metadata |
5037 | No permission to view files in directory ‘%1’. |
5038 | An error occurred while compiling the generator routine ‘%1’. |
5039 | An error occurred while calling function ‘%1’. |
5040 | Unable to copy file %1 to %2 |
5041 | Unable to execute Java using ‘%1’. Java may not be installed correctly on your system. |
5042 | Unable to execute $zf(%1,%2). |
5043 | Jar file %1 does not exist. |
5044 | Java Exception: %1. |
5045 | Java unknown error: %1. |
5046 | Error executing java command ‘%1’. Java may not be installed correctly on your system. |
5047 | Parameter ‘%1’ marked as base64 encoded but not valid base64 ‘%2’. |
5050 | Constraint name ‘%1’ is invalid |
5051 | Class ‘%1’ already exists |
5052 | Duplicated name: %1 |
5053 | Class name ‘%1’ is invalid |
5054 | Method name ‘%1’ is invalid |
5055 | Parameter name ‘%1’ is invalid |
5056 | Property name ‘%1’ is invalid |
5057 | Storage name ‘%1’ is invalid |
5058 | Trigger name ‘%1’ is invalid |
5059 | Method name conflict: %1 |
5060 | Parameter name conflict: %1 |
5061 | Property name conflict: %1 |
5062 | Storage name conflict: %1 |
5063 | Trigger name conflict: %1 |
5064 | Key name ‘%1’ is invalid |
5065 | Key name conflict: %1 |
5066 | Index name ‘%1’ is invalid |
5067 | Index name conflict: %1 |
5068 | Query name ‘%1’ is invalid |
5069 | Query name conflict: %1 |
5070 | Class name conflict: %1 |
5071 | Constraint name conflict: ‘%1’ |
5072 | Constraint SQL name conflict: ‘%1’ |
5073 | XML Map name conflict: %1 |
5074 | XML Map name ‘%1’ is invalid |
5075 | Class dictionary out of date, please run upgrade utility $system.OBJ.Upgrade() |
5076 | Key name ‘%1’ is longer than ‘%2’ characters |
5077 | Index name ‘%1’ is longer than ‘%2’ characters |
5078 | Method name ‘%1’ is longer than ‘%2’ characters |
5079 | Property name ‘%1’ is longer than ‘%2’ characters |
5080 | Parameter name ‘%1’ is longer than ‘%2’ characters |
5081 | Query name ‘%1’ is longer than ‘%2’ characters |
5082 | Storage name ‘%1’ is longer than ‘%2’ characters |
5083 | Stored procedure name is not unique: %1, projected from %2 |
5084 | Package name ‘%1’ is invalid |
5085 | Package name ‘%1’ is longer than ‘%2’ characters |
5086 | Method implementation > 32k |
5087 | Projection class type is required for %1:%2. |
5088 | Projection class defined for %1:%2 does not exist. |
5089 | Projection class defined for %1:%2 is not a subclass of %Projection.AbstractProjection. |
5090 | An error has occurred while creating projection %1:%2. |
5091 | An error has occurred while removing projection %1:%2. |
5092 | Name conflict on class ‘%1’ because class ‘%2’ has the same name but differs in case. |
5093 | Name conflict on class ‘%1’ because package ‘%2’ has the same name but differs in case. |
5094 | Member name conflict in class ‘%1’ between ‘%2’ and ‘%3’. |
5095 | Name conflict on class ‘%1’ because class ‘%2’ could conflict in the class descriptor. |
5096 | Classname ‘%1’ is longer than %2 characters. |
5097 | Collation for property ‘%1’ is invalid: ‘%2’ |
5098 | Constraint name ‘%1’ is longer than ‘%2’ characters |
5099 | Name conflict with project ‘%1’ because you are trying to save project ‘%2’ which has the same name but differs in case. |
Error Code | Description |
5100 | In class ‘%1’ sqlname name ‘%2’ from query ‘%3’ conflicts with query ‘%4’ sqlname ‘%5’. |
5101 | Class name required |
5102 | Environment keyword required |
5103 | Method name required |
5104 | Parameter name required |
5105 | Property name required |
5106 | Storage keyword required |
5107 | Storage name required |
5108 | Trigger name required |
5109 | Library name required |
5110 | Query name required |
5111 | Key name required |
5112 | Index name required |
5113 | XML Map name required |
5114 | Package name required |
5115 | Class dictionary version number in database ‘%1’ is too high. |
5116 | Class dictionary version for ‘%1’ is out of date, please run upgrade utility $system.OBJ.Upgrade() |
5117 | In class ‘%1’ element type ‘%2’, element ‘%3’ and ‘%4’ have the same name but differ in case. |
5118 | Schema name conflict on class ‘%1’ because package ‘%2’ has the same schema but is a different name. |
5119 | The classname ‘%1’ conflicts with the default resultset package name ‘%2’. |
5120 | The class descriptor is too large, instance methods %1, class methods %2, instance composite %3, class composite %4, properties %5, parameters %6. |
5121 | Parameter value for parameter ‘%1’ is longer than ‘%2’ characters |
5122 | Class ‘%1’ index ‘%2’: the SQLNAME ‘%3’ is not unique |
5123 | Unable to find entry point for method ‘%1’ in routine ‘%2’ |
5124 | In class ‘%1’ alias property ‘%2’ from property ‘%3’ conflicts with property ‘%4’. |
5125 | Invalid XML export version ‘%1’, must be major minor version e.g. 2010.1. |
5126 | XML export version ‘%1’ not supported, supports 2010.1 and onwards. |
5127 | In XML export keyword ‘%1’ in class ‘%2’ not available in target version ‘%3’. Will remove keyword in exported file. |
5128 | In XML export keyword SqlCategory value ‘%1’ in class ‘%2’ not supported in version ‘%3’. Will remove keyword in exported file. |
5129 | Invalid control character in class definition for XML export. Stripping value in XML export, value is ‘%1’. |
5130 | Member ‘%1’ in class ‘%2’ contains an invalid character, the following are not valid ‘%3’. |
5131 | Query class depends on ‘%1’ which has been recompiled. |
5132 | Parameter ‘%1’ in class ‘%2’ is not a CONFIGVALUE type so can not be changed. |
5133 | Parameter ‘%1’ in class ‘%2’ is not defined in this subclass so can not be changed here, modify in superclass where it is defined. |
5134 | In XML export for index ‘%1’ in class ‘%2’ the index type=collatedkey is not supported in version ‘%3’, will remove type keyword in exported file. |
5135 | An MVENABLED persistent class does not support polymorphic dispatch so you can not create a subclass ‘%1’ to the extent root class ‘%2’. |
5136 | You can not have an MV enabled class with a property ‘%1’ list/array collection of objects that includes classname. |
5137 | In class ‘%1’ alias property ‘%2’ from property ‘%3’ conflicts with alias property ‘%4’ from property ‘%5’. |
5149 | %1 keyword ‘%2’ type in ‘%3’ is invalid |
5150 | %1 keyword ‘%2’ value in ‘%3’ is invalid |
5151 | Class attribute keyword ‘%1’ is invalid |
5152 | Environment keyword ‘%1’ is invalid |
5153 | Method attribute keyword ‘%1’ is invalid |
5154 | Parameter attribute keyword ‘%1’ is invalid |
5155 | Property attribute keyword ‘%1’ is invalid |
5156 | Trigger attribute keyword ‘%1’ is invalid |
5157 | Class keyword type ‘%1’ is invalid |
5158 | Method keyword type ‘%1’ is invalid |
5159 | Parameter keyword type ‘%1’ is invalid |
5160 | Property keyword type ‘%1’ is invalid |
5161 | Trigger keyword type ‘%1’ is invalid |
5162 | Method keyword value ‘%1’ is invalid |
5163 | property keyword value ‘%1’ is invalid |
5164 | Key attribute keyword ‘%1’ is invalid |
5165 | Key keyword type ‘%1’ is invalid |
5166 | Key keyword value ‘%1’ is invalid |
5167 | Index attribute keyword ‘%1’ is invalid |
5168 | Index keyword type ‘%1’ is invalid |
5169 | Index keyword value ‘%1’ is invalid |
5170 | Query attribute keyword ‘%1’ is invalid |
5171 | Query keyword type ‘%1’ is invalid |
5172 | Query keyword value ‘%1’ is invalid |
5173 | Property ‘%1’ SQL column must be greater than 1 and not greater than 4096 |
5174 | XML Map attribute keyword ‘%1’ is invalid |
5175 | XML Map keyword type ‘%1’ is invalid |
5176 | Class keyword value ‘%1’ is invalid |
5177 | Index property collation of ‘%2’ is invalid: ‘%1’ |
5178 | Index data property ‘%2’ is invalid or transient: ‘%1’ |
5179 | Property ‘%1’ SQL column must be unique: ‘%2’ is assigned to ‘%3’ |
5190 | InitialExpression is not supported for streams, property ‘%1’ |
5191 | Can not implement a system method in class ‘%1’ |
General Error Codes — 5200 to 5399
Error Code | Description |
5201 | Invalid parse tree |
5202 | Nothing to compile |
5203 | CDL Parser error: %1 |
5250 | Index ‘%1′:’%2’ type class, ‘%3’ is not an INDEX class |
5251 | Cannot change final method ‘%1’ |
5252 | Cannot change final parameter ‘%1’ |
5253 | Cannot change final property ‘%1’ |
5254 | Cannot inherit from final class ‘%1’ |
5255 | Cannot override final property method ‘%1’ |
5256 | Cannot replace final behavior ‘%1’ |
5257 | Cannot override key definition ‘%1’ |
5258 | Cannot override index definition ‘%1’ |
5259 | Query type cannot be changed: ‘%1’ |
5260 | Cannot change final query ‘%1’ |
5261 | Cannot override final query method ‘%1’ |
5262 | Cannot project query with parameters ‘%1’ as view |
5263 | Cannot project non-SQL query ‘%1’ as view |
5264 | Property %1: SQLComputeOnChange attribute %2 is not defined |
5265 | Final keyword ‘%1’ can not be changed |
5266 | Multiple dependent relationships defined: ‘%1’ |
5267 | Cannot change final XML Map ‘%1’ |
5268 | Cannot override final XML method ‘%1’ |
5269 | Cannot override final method ‘%1’ |
5270 | There is a composite method name conflict between ‘%1’ and ‘%2’ |
5271 | Cannot override ‘%1’ definition: ‘%2’ |
5272 | Cannot change final ‘%1’: ‘%2’ |
5273 | Aliased method loop detected in %1:%2 |
5274 | Aliased method ‘%3’ not found in %1:%2 (%4) |
5275 | Aliased method ‘%3’ signature mismatch to %1:%2 |
5276 | Aliased method ‘%1:%2’ refers to class %3 that is not a superclass |
5277 | Cannot introduce dependent (parent) relationship ‘%1’ in subextent ‘%2’ of ‘%3’ |
5278 | VERSIONPROPERTY property ‘%2’ is not defined in ‘%1’ |
5279 | VERSIONPROPERTY cannot be changed in subextent ‘%1’ |
5280 | Cannot support calculated collection property ‘%1’ (it can be computed but not calculated). |
5281 | Class has multiple identity properties: ‘%1::%2’ |
5282 | Identity property cannot be a collection: ‘%1::%2’ |
5283 | Identity property type must be integer: ‘%1::%2’ |
5284 | IDKEY index based on non-identity property: ‘%1::%2’ |
5285 | Property ‘%1’ is SQLComputed but no SQLComputeCode is defined |
5286 | Cannot override classtype ‘%1’ from class ‘%2’ with ‘%3’ in class ‘%4’. |
5287 | Class contains too many properties and hence too many instance variables to compile. |
5288 | Compilation of queued classes skipped because queued classes can not queue more classes for compilation more than twice. Classes skipped: ‘%1’ |
5289 | Unable to construct the compile tree because class ‘%1’ which it depends on has not had inheritance resolved. |
5290 | Class contains too many ‘%1’ members ‘%2’ maximum supported is ‘%3’. |
5291 | Class inheritance depth is too large, maximum supported is ‘%1’. |
5292 | Class/es ‘%1’ has already been compiled twice during this compile so they can not be queued to compile again. |
Error Code | Description |
5301 | Method ‘%1’ is missing call tag |
5302 | Method ‘%1’ is missing code |
5303 | Method ‘%1’ is missing expression |
5304 | Method ‘%1’ is missing generator |
5305 | Method ‘%1’ is missing name |
5306 | Parameter ‘%1’ is missing name |
5307 | Property ‘%1’ is missing name |
5308 | Query ‘%1’ is missing name |
5309 | Query ‘%1’ is missing type |
5310 | SQL Procedure Method ‘%1’ must be a class method |
5311 | SQL Procedure Method ‘%1’ context parameter is invalid |
5312 | Constraint ‘%1’ is missing name |
5313 | Projection ‘%1’ is missing type |
5314 | Method ‘%1’ inherited from class ‘%2’ and required to be regenerated in this subclass has no code as superclass is deployed. |
5315 | Member ‘%1’ method ‘%2’ inherited from class ‘%3’ and required to be regenerated in this subclass has no code as superclass is deployed. |
5316 | Class dependency loop for classes ‘%1’ |
5317 | Class dependency loop for class ‘%1’, parent/child class ‘%2’ has a different system level |
5318 | Class dependency loop in classes that must be fully compiled before others in classes ‘%1’ |
5319 | The type of a property in a serial class cannot be recursive: %1 |
5320 | Class ‘%1’ has more than one property of type %Library.RowVersion. Only one is allowed. Properties: %2 |
5330 | Relationship OnDelete value ‘%3’ in ‘%1′:’%2’ is invalid |
5331 | OnDelete keyword value ‘%3’ is only valid for a relationship: ‘%1′:’%2’ |
5349 | Collection of type=’%3′ is not supported: ‘%1′:’%2’ |
5350 | Class ‘%1’ can not be locked for exclusive use as user ‘%2’ in process ‘%3’ has an escalated lock. |
5351 | Class ‘%1’ does not exist |
5352 | Class ‘%1’ is not up-to-date |
5353 | Class dependency for class ‘%1’ is unresolved. |
5354 | Circular inheritance detected: %1 |
5355 | Method generator dependency unresolved: %1 |
5356 | Compiled storage class ‘%1’ does not exist |
5357 | Class dependency for class ‘%1’ is unresolved because its parent/child, class ‘%2’, is unresolved. |
5358 | Method with language = ‘%1’ cannot be projected as an SQL procedure: ‘%2’ |
5359 | Language type = ‘%1’ not supported for method generator = ‘%2’ |
5360 | Class ‘%1’ is a stub name and can not be opened |
5361 | Attempt to set method ‘%1’ but member method ‘%2’ is already defined |
5362 | Attempt to set member method %1:%2:%3 but this is not defined in this class |
5363 | Attempt to set member method %1:%2:%3 but this is overridden by method %4 |
5364 | Class ‘%1’, used by ‘%2’, is not defined. |
5365 | Name for table projected from collection ‘%1::%2’ is not unique: %3 |
5367 | Routine placement dependency unresolved: %1 |
5368 | System shutting down so unable to compile. |
5369 | Class ‘%1’ is currently being compiled by process ‘%2’ |
5370 | Method generator ‘%1’ does not exist |
5371 | Class ‘%1’ can not be locked for shared use |
5372 | Class ‘%1’ can not be locked for exclusive use |
5373 | Class ‘%1’, used by ‘%2’, does not exist |
5374 | Internal error attempting to create class descriptor in method ‘%1’. Contact support |
5375 | You can not use an instance property ‘%1’ in a class method |
5376 | Method or Property ‘%1’ does not exist in this class. |
5377 | You are attempting to call instance method ‘%1’ from a class method |
5378 | Class ‘%1’ is in deployed mode. |
5379 | Can not compile class in deployed mode: ‘%1’. |
5380 | Class ‘%1’, used by ‘%2’, is in deployed mode. |
5381 | Can not export class in deployed mode: ‘%1’. |
5382 | Can not edit class in deployed mode: ‘%1’. |
5383 | Only SQL DATA Map can be overridden: ‘%1’. |
5384 | SQL Map keywords are final, only new DATA items are valid: ‘%1’. |
5385 | SQL Map DATA piece %3 in node %2 is already used: ‘%1’. |
5386 | Method ‘%1’ does not exist in any superclass to class ‘%2’. |
5387 | Method ‘%1’ is abstract in the superclass to class ‘%2’ so you can not call it. |
5388 | You do not have write permission on the database class ‘%1’ is in, so class lock can not be obtained. |
5389 | Method ‘%1’ is an instance method that uses ##super to call class ‘%2’, but this class is not a primary superclass of ‘%3’ so can not be called. |
5390 | Class dependency for class ‘%1’ is unresolved because its predecessor, class ‘%2’, is unresolved. |
5391 | Class dependency for class ‘%1’ is unresolved because of the following error: %2. |
5392 | No such method ‘%1’ defined in this class. |
5393 | You can not reference a property ‘%1’ in a class method. |
5394 | Class ‘%1’ depends on class ‘%2’ which has a different System level that prevents it being compiled first or together. |
5395 | Invalid routine to call from class ‘%1’ to method ‘%2’ via label ‘%3’. |
5396 | Class descriptor for class ‘%1’ is too large to be supported by system code. |
5397 | You do not have write permission on the database item ‘%1’ is in so unable to compile this item. |
5398 | Lock table full: Class ‘%1’ can not be locked for exclusive use |
5399 | Can not compile class ‘%1’ because class ‘%2’ is not up-to-date |
General Error Codes — 5400 to 5599
Error Code | Description |
5400 | Property cannot be stored in multiple data locations: ‘%1.%2’ |
5401 | Invalid action type: %1 |
5402 | Invalid CacheDirect map |
5403 | Invalid CLIENTDATATYPE: %1 |
5404 | Invalid code mode returned by generator: %1 |
5405 | Invalid collection type: %1 |
5406 | Invalid default storage environment |
5407 | Invalid ID Cardinality: %1 |
5408 | Invalid ID Counter: %1 |
5409 | Invalid ID Dependency: %1 |
5410 | Invalid ID Key: %1 |
5411 | Invalid ID Key column: %1 |
5412 | Invalid ID Key property: %1 |
5413 | Invalid identity type: %1 |
5414 | Invalid index attribute: %1 |
5415 | Invalid key |
5416 | Invalid key property: %1 |
5417 | Invalid method code mode: %1 |
5418 | Invalid property type: %1 |
5419 | Invalid reference type: %1 |
5420 | Invalid storage alias |
5421 | Invalid storage definition |
5422 | Invalid usage of no context: %1 |
5423 | No data maps defined |
5424 | No storage name specified |
5425 | Property parameter not declared: %1 |
5426 | Property type can not be changed: %1 |
5427 | Error compiling routine: %1 |
5428 | Storage class not specified |
5429 | Storage ‘%1’ not defined |
5430 | Trigger ‘%1’ not defined |
5431 | Query parameter not declared: %1 |
5432 | Type specified in ROWSPEC is invalid: %1 |
5433 | Invalid ODBCTYPE: %1 |
5434 | Invalid SQLCATEGORY: %1 |
5435 | Invalid storage structure |
5436 | Invalid storage dependency |
5437 | Invalid storage literal expression: %1 |
5438 | Invalid storage symbol expression: %1 |
5439 | Storage undefined symbol: %1 |
5440 | Invalid serial dependency |
5441 | Undefined storage symbol: %1 |
5442 | Data subscript already in use: %1 |
5443 | Multiple Id Keys defined: %1 |
5444 | Multiple Primary Keys defined: %1 |
5445 | Multiple Extent indices defined: %1 |
5446 | Id Key cannot be conditional: %1 |
5447 | Primary Key cannot be conditional: %1 |
5448 | Extent index cannot be conditional: %1 |
5449 | Cannot cluster data with Id Key: %1 |
5450 | Cannot cluster data with Extent index: %1 |
5451 | Properties cannot be defined for Extent index: %1 |
5452 | Extent index cannot also be a key: %1 |
5453 | Datatype classes can not have properties: %1 |
5454 | Attribute specified in EXTENTQUERYSPEC is invalid: %1 |
5455 | Trigger ‘%1’ event invalid |
5456 | Trigger ‘%1’ event required |
5457 | Trigger ‘%1’ time invalid |
5458 | Trigger ‘%1’ time required |
5459 | Trigger ‘%1’ order required |
5460 | Trigger ‘%1’ code required |
5461 | Stream type for attribute ‘%1’ is invalid |
5462 | Stream storage value for ‘%1’ is invalid |
5463 | Invalid foreign key attribute: ‘%1’ |
5464 | Foreign key ‘%1’ target class ‘%2’ is invalid |
5465 | Foreign key ‘%1’ target key ‘%2’ is invalid |
5466 | Error code ‘%1’ is out of range |
5467 | Error name ‘%1’ is invalid |
5468 | Index ‘%1’ TYPE is invalid |
5469 | View classes can not have properties: %1 |
5470 | Id, Primary Key and Unique indices cannot override collation: %1 |
5471 | Bitmap index cannot be unique: %1 |
5472 | Cannot cluster data with a bitmap index: %1 |
5473 | Constraint parameter not declared: %1 |
5474 | ID Counter is not valid for external table: %1 |
5475 | Error compiling routine: %1. Errors: %2 |
5476 | Compilation signature in routine ‘%1’ is incorrect |
5477 | Keyword signature error in %1, keyword ‘%2’ must be ‘%3’ |
5478 | Keyword signature error in %1, keyword ‘%2’ must be ‘%3’ or its subclass |
5479 | An IDKEY Index is required for persistent classes: %1 |
5480 | %1 parameter not declared: %2 |
5481 | Class %1 storage definition is invalid |
5482 | Class %1 storage is invalid |
5483 | Invalid collection type for subnode: %1 |
5484 | Bitmap indices not supported in dependent class |
5485 | Bitmap indices are only supported when the IDKEY is based on a single positive integer attribute |
5486 | Invalid method language: %1 |
5487 | Invalid ROWSPEC format %2: %1 |
5488 | Invalid %1 formalspec format %2, expected %3 |
5489 | Error $ZE=’%1′ reported while running generator for property method ‘%2:%3’ |
5490 | Error $ZE=’%1′ reported while running generator for method ‘%2’ |
5491 | Cannot form a relationship with a serial or literal class, ‘%1’ |
5492 | Relationship cardinality is invalid, ‘%1’ |
5493 | Relationship cardinality is required, ‘%1’ |
5494 | Inverse cardinality, ‘%2’ is not valid, ‘%1’ |
5495 | Relationship inverse is required, ‘%1’ |
5496 | Inverse property, ‘%2’, is not defined, ‘%1’ |
5497 | Inverse of inverse property, ‘%2’ does not reference relationship, ‘%1’ |
5498 | Related class, ‘%2’, has not been compiled, ‘%1’ |
5499 | Internal relationship error |
Error Code | Description |
5500 | %1 formal argument type in %2 is invalid: %3 |
5501 | Cache SQL not installed |
5502 | Error compiling SQL Table ‘%1’ |
5503 | Field name is invalid: %1 |
5504 | Parent column ‘%1’ is invalid |
5505 | SQL Table, ‘%1’, parent is invalid |
5506 | SQL Counter ‘%1’ is invalid |
5507 | SQL Identity table ‘%1’ is invalid |
5508 | SQL Map data field ‘%1’ in Map ‘%2’ is invalid |
5509 | SQL Map row IDField ‘%1’ is invalid |
5510 | SQL Map Subscript ‘%1’ in Map ‘%2’ is invalid |
5511 | SQL Map type ‘%1’ is invalid |
5512 | SQL Reference target ‘%1’ is invalid |
5513 | Map Data Field ‘%1’ is not a valid field |
5514 | Map expression — unknown or invalid field: %1 |
5515 | Table ‘%1’ already exists |
5516 | Table ‘%1’ does not exist |
5517 | Table not found |
5518 | Table ID ‘%1’ does not exist |
5519 | Invalid SQL Parent table |
5520 | Invalid table reference |
5521 | SQLError: SQLCODE=%1 %msg=%2 |
5522 | Cannot export SQL Table ‘%1’, parent not exported |
5523 | Table name is invalid: %1 |
5524 | Invalid {Field} reference in %2: ‘%1’ |
5525 | Class with View named ‘%1’ not found |
5526 | Table ‘%1’, specified as reference by ‘%2’, does not exist |
5527 | SQL Privilege Violation |
5528 | Illegal Regular SQL identifier: ‘%1’, SQL Delimited Identifier option is off |
5529 | Illegal Regular SQL identifier: ‘%1’ is an SQL Reserved word please specify a different SQL name for this %2 |
5530 | Invalid username/password |
5531 | SQLMGR Missing class name. |
5532 | Connection Error |
5533 | Allocation Error |
5534 | Columns error |
5535 | Tables error |
5536 | PrimaryKeys error |
5537 | Unable to move to offset %1 in stream |
5538 | Map Data Variable ‘%1’ expression in Map ‘%2’ is missing |
5539 | Map Data Variable name missing in Map ‘%1’, subscript level ‘%2’ |
5540 | SQLCODE: %1 Message: %2 |
5541 | Map: %2 — Map Expression — unknown or invalid field: %1 |
5542 | Map: %2 — Data Access Expression — invalid expression ‘%1’. Must be a {Li}, {Di}, or {iDj} reference from a previous subscript level. |
5543 | Map: %2 — Invalid Condition, NEXT Subroutine, Row Reference, or Subscript Stop Expression — invalid expression ‘%1’. Must be an {Li} or {Di} reference from this or a previous subscript level, or an {iDj} reference from a previous subscript level. |
5544 | Map: %2 — Data Access Variable Expression — invalid expression ‘%1’. Must be a {Li}, {Di}, or {iDj} reference from this or a previous subscript level. |
5545 | Map: %2 — Map Data Retrieval Code — invalid expression ‘%1’. Must be a {Li}, {Di}, {iDj}, {%row}, {%rowraw}, or {*} (This field) reference. |
5546 | Map: %2 — RowID Specifications — invalid expression ‘%1’. Must be a {Li} or any field from Map Data. |
5547 | Map: %2 — Subscript Expression — invalid expression ‘%1’. Must be a valid field reference. If this is the Master Map, it must be an IDKEY field. |
5548 | Map: %2 — Map Data Field Name — invalid expression ‘%1’. Must be a valid field reference. |
5549 | Map: %2 — Map Data Node — invalid expression ‘%1’. Must be a {Di} or {iDj} reference. |
5550 | SQL does not support data type methods in languages other than COS in class %1 method %2. |
5551 | DEFAULTDATA must be a listnode: %1 |
5552 | PARENT token used in storage but there is no parent relationship: %1 |
5553 | ID Property collation must be EXACT: %1 |
5554 | %2 parameter value must be a positive integer: %1.%2=%3 |
5555 | Incorrect numeric format in class %1 property %2 method %3 |
5556 | Foreign key ‘%1’ cardinality does not match referenced key |
5557 | BITSLICE index can only have one property: %1 |
5558 | A SUBVALUE index is defined but BuildValueArray method is not implemented: %1 |
5559 | Studio was not able to parse the class definition for class ‘%1’ correctly, possibly due to non-matching {} or () characters, so we can not compile this class. Edit this in Studio and correct the problem. |
5560 | Can not save a read only method. This is because implementation is too large to put into property |
5561 | An index must have at least one property: %1 |
5562 | A SUBVALUE index cannot be unique: %1 |
5563 | %2 parameter value must be an integer between 0 and 15: %1.%2=%3 |
5564 | Storage reference: ‘%1’ used in ‘%2’ is already registered for use by ‘%3’ |
5565 | Error registering reference ‘%1’ for use by ‘%2’: %3 |
5566 | Unable to recompile all classes in %SYS if cachelib database is read only |
5567 | Class ‘%1’ is in a database you do not have write permissions on so it can not be compiled |
5568 | %Currency SCALE parameter value is final and cannot be overridden: %1.%2 |
5569 | SCALE parameter value cannot be negative: %1.%2 |
5570 | Class ‘%1’ is in a database you do not have write permissions on so %2 cannot be defined as a subextent. |
5571 | Property ‘%1’ in class ‘%2’ is defined as ‘not inheritable’ but this is not supported. |
5572 | Can not inherit relationship property ‘%1’ in class ‘%2’ as a secondary superclass. |
5573 | Required constraint not supported on N-Cardinality relationship property ‘%1’ in class ‘%2’. |
5574 | Error reported while running generator for parameter ‘%1’ |
5575 | Index cannot reference a private property of a serial class: %1 |
5576 | No metadata created by ‘%1’. |
5577 | Error calling metadata generator ‘%1’. |
5578 | No method found for metadata generator ‘%1’. |
5579 | Invalid codemode ‘%1’ for metadata generator ‘%2’. |
5580 | SQL Privilege Violation: ‘%1’ |
5581 | Error during Build or Purge Indices: $ZError = ‘%1’ |
5582 | Unable to grant all privileges on tables, views, and procedures to _PUBLIC for SAMPLES namespace: $ZError = ‘%1’ |
5583 | SQL Map ‘%1’, Data Field ‘%2’, Node Value ‘%3’ is invalid. Node Value is not allowed for index maps, only data maps. |
5584 | Unable to grant SELECT privilege on tables Docbook.block to _PUBLIC for DOCBOOK namespace: $ZError = ‘%1’ |
5585 | Unable to define default RowID Specifications for class %1, map %2, field %3. RowID Specifications must be defined manually for this map definition. |
5586 | Invalid argument passed to %1. %2 parameter must be one or more of: %3. |
5587 | Invalid argument passed to %1. %2 parameter must be begin with one of: %3. |
5588 | Invalid argument passed to %1. %2 parameter must be ‘%3’. |
5589 | Invalid argument passed to %1. %2 parameter must be ‘9,ProcedureName’. |
5590 | Failed to acquire lock on extent %1 in order to determine Map Block Counts for the extent |
5591 | Invalid argument passed to %1. %2 parameter must be %3. |
5592 | Unable to split global ‘%1’ into segments for parallel work because ‘%2’. |
5593 | Unable to split global ‘%1’ into segments for parallel work. |
5594 | Error during %SQLBuildPurgeIndexForRow: $ZError = ‘%1’ |
General Error Codes — 5600 to 5799 (Macro Compiler Errors)
Error Code | Description |
5601 | No class context: %1 |
5602 | Cannot resolve super class ‘%1’ |
5603 | Instance variable ‘%1’ does not exist |
5604 | Instance variable ‘%1’ does not support array |
5605 | Invalid class context for instance variable ‘%1’ |
5606 | Invalid usage of super — %1 |
5607 | Reference variable ‘%1’ does not exist |
5608 | Reference variable ‘%1’ does not support array |
5610 | Referenced macro not defined: ‘%1’ |
5611 | Function macro missing arguments: ‘%1’ |
5612 | Referenced macro missing right paren: ‘%1’ |
5613 | Too many arguments to macro: ‘%1’ |
5614 | Not enough arguments to macro: ‘%1’ |
5615 | No closing %1 character inside ‘%2’ |
5616 | No open parenthesis after ##keyword |
5617 | Invalid preprocessor ##keyword: ##%1 |
5618 | No closing parenthesis after ##%1 |
5619 | Invalid ##%1 argument ‘%1’ |
5620 | Need Table.Field for ##%1 |
5621 | No table ‘%1’ for ##%1 |
5622 | No field ‘%1’ in table ‘%1’ for ##%1 |
5623 | Invalid argument ‘%1’ to ##%1 |
5624 | No previous ##%1 (NEW%1) for ##%1(%1%1) |
5625 | No macro name for #define |
5626 | No closing paren for arglist |
5627 | More than one macro parameter with #def1arg |
5628 | Macro argument does not begin with % |
5629 | Bad character in argument |
5630 | ##continue on last line |
5631 | ‘%1’ ignored; not preceded by #if or #ifdef |
5632 | Null argument to ‘%1’ |
5633 | Error evaluating #if or #elseif argument (%1): %2 |
5634 | No macro name for #%1 |
5635 | No include file ‘%1’ |
5636 | No library file ‘%1’ |
5637 | No version #%1 for library file %1 |
5638 | Incorrect mode for #sqlcompile |
5639 | ##function on ‘%1’ failed with an error: %2 |
5640 | #routine already specified for this macro source file |
5641 | #routine cannot be specified after an sql statement |
5642 | invalid routine name specified in #routine |
5643 | cannot nest ##rtnref calls |
5644 | invalid reference specified in ##rtnref |
5645 | another element of the same name already exist |
5646 | ##expression on ‘%1’ failed with an error: %2 |
5647 | Invalid macro name in #define or #def1arg: %1 |
5648 | ##function use is restricted to embedded SQL |
5649 | Too many (%1) macros referenced on this line. This might indicate recursion in the macro definitions. |
5650 | SPACE, TAB, «+», «-«, «*», «/», «», «|» characters not allowed in <marker> when using &SQL<marker>(…)<reverse-marker> syntax |
5651 | Cannot do property |
5652 | Cannot set method |
5653 | Compiled class ‘%1’ does not exist |
5654 | Method ‘%1’ does not exist |
5655 | Parameter ‘%1’ does not exist |
5656 | Property ‘%1’ does not exist |
5657 | Method ‘%1’ has no return value |
5658 | Object instance required |
5659 | Property ‘%1’ required |
5660 | Query ‘%1’ does not exist |
5661 | Collection property ‘%1’ is required so must have at least one member |
5662 | Relationship child/many property ‘%1’ is required so must have at least one member |
5663 | Statement type (%1) is not supported in #sqlcompile mode=deferred. |
Error Code | Description |
5701 | Missing required name (macro compiler error) |
5702 | Missing left paren (macro compiler error) |
5703 | Missing right paren (macro compiler error) |
5704 | No equal sign after set left (macro compiler error) |
5705 | Unbalanced quotes (macro compiler error) |
5706 | Unbalanced parentheses (macro compiler error) |
5707 | Unbalanced #beginlit .. #endlit (macro compiler error) |
5710 | Unexpected #else (macro compiler error) |
5711 | Unexpected #elseif (macro compiler error) |
5712 | Unexpected #endif (macro compiler error) |
5720 | Unexpected end of line (macro compiler error) |
5721 | Unexpected end of file (macro compiler error) |
5730 | Incorrect delimiter (macro compiler error) |
5731 | External package named %1 not supported (macro compiler error) |
5732 | Macro nesting limit exceeded, check for circular macro reference (macro compiler error) |
5733 | No previous new for variable %1 (macro compiler error) |
5734 | Embedded file ‘%1’ not found (macro compiler error) |
5740 | Compiling (macro compiler error) |
5741 | Compile Complete! (macro compiler error) |
5742 | Failed to file INT code (macro compiler error) |
5743 | Failed to file MAC code (macro compiler error) |
5744 | Module exceeded maximum PCODE size (macro compiler error) |
5745 | Compile Failed! (macro compiler error) |
5746 | Unable to split the code block, pcode is larger than %2 for routine ‘%1’ (macro compiler error) |
5747 | Unable to split the code for routine ‘%1’ as it is not INT code (macro compiler error) |
5748 | No current class context for #classcontext statement (macro compiler error) |
5750 | Security violation opening object ‘%1’ |
5751 | Cannot access method ‘%1’ |
5752 | Class ‘%1’ is abstract |
5753 | Cannot instantiate abstract class ‘%1’ |
5754 | Cannot instantiate datatype class ‘%1’ |
5755 | Object ‘%1’ is not registered |
5756 | Procedure name: ‘%1’ is not valid |
5757 | Procedure: ‘%1’ not found |
5758 | Method not implemented: %1 |
5759 | Property is read only |
5760 | Fail to instantiate object instance: %1 |
5761 | Fail to create new object instance: %1 |
5762 | Class ‘%1’ is read only |
5763 | Failed to create embedded object for ‘%1’ |
5764 | %DeleteExtent could not delete all instances of ‘%1’ |
5765 | Export was done on a system with a different locale: ‘%1’ |
5766 | Invalid table name: ‘%1’ |
5767 | Table already exists: ‘%1’ |
5768 | Class already exists: ‘%1’ |
5769 | Linking error: ‘%1’ |
5770 | Object open failed because ‘%1’ key value of ‘%2’ was not found |
5771 | Object delete failed because ‘%1’ key value of ‘%2’ was not found |
5772 | Collection is read only |
5773 | Cannot set Identity property unless IDENTITY_INSERT option is on: %1 |
5774 | Cannot update a previously assigned counter property value: %1:%2 |
5775 | Unable to get a lock on class inheritance structure ‘%1’ within timeout. |
5795 | Cannot acquire lock on referenced object for foreign key ‘%1’ for ‘%2’ |
5796 | Cannot acquire lock on referenced object for referenced key ‘%1’ |
5797 | Instance of ‘%1’ with ‘%2’ key value = ‘%3’ not found |
5798 | Failed to lock extent for exclusive access: ‘%1’ |
5799 | Failed to lock extent for shared access: ‘%1’ |
General Error Codes — 5800 to 5999
Error Code | Description |
5800 | Concurrency failure on update: object versions not the same for ‘%1’ |
5801 | Cannot set serial |
5802 | Datatype validation failed on property ‘%1’, with value equal to «%2» |
5803 | Failed to acquire exclusive lock on instance of ‘%1’ |
5804 | Failed to acquire read lock on instance of ‘%1’ |
5805 | ID key not unique for extent ‘%1’ : ‘%2’ exists. Id counter location = ‘%3’ |
5806 | Lock type ‘%1’ is invalid |
5807 | Oref ‘%1’ is invalid |
5808 | Key not unique: %1 |
5809 | Object to Load not found, class ‘%1’, ID ‘%2’ |
5810 | Object to Delete not found, class ‘%1’, ID ‘%2’ |
5811 | Nothing to load, class ‘%1’, ID ‘%2’ |
5812 | Null id, class ‘%1’ |
5813 | Null oid, class ‘%1’ |
5814 | Oid previously assigned, class ‘%1’, ID ‘%2’ |
5815 | Too many calls to close |
5816 | Transaction roll back failed |
5817 | No properties selected in query: %1 |
5818 | Query is not closed |
5819 | Too many arguments |
5820 | Collection key ‘%1’ is invalid |
5821 | Cannot instantiate query: ‘%1’ |
5822 | Formal argument invalid: ‘%1’ |
5823 | Cannot delete object, referenced by ‘%1’ |
5824 | Object referenced by ‘%1’ does not exist |
5825 | Not an instance of %1 |
5826 | Class ‘%1’ does not support ‘%2’ interface |
5827 | Invalid cyclical dependency in save, class ‘%1’ |
5828 | Concurrency must be an integer from 0 to 4 |
5829 | Foreign Key constraint (%1) failed referential integrity check upon %2 in referencing extent |
5830 | Foreign Key constraint (%1) failed upon %3 of object in %2 (referential action of %4) |
5831 | Foreign Key constraint (%1) failed upon %3 of object in %2: At least 1 object exists which references key %4 |
5832 | At least one component of the ID value for class %1 is Null: ‘%2’ |
5833 | Value not an instance of property’s type class: ‘%1::%2’ |
5834 | ID counter value is invalid, check the console log: ‘%1’ |
5835 | You can not disconnect a collection that is already disconnected |
5836 | Property type class ‘%3’ is abstract: ‘%1::%2’ |
5837 | Null GUID: ‘%1’ |
5838 | You need %Development:use privilege to run this application. |
5839 | Unable to add CSP item ‘%1’ to project because it already includes ‘%2’ which is same name but different case. |
5840 | Unable to import file ‘%1’ as this is not a supported type. |
5841 | Unable to goto offset %1 in line %2 in file ‘%3’ as line is not long enough. |
5842 | Unable to goto line %1 in file ‘%2’ as file too short. |
5843 | Unable to instantiate user defined document ‘%1’. |
5844 | User defined document ‘%1’ not supported. No user defined document class in this namespace. |
5845 | Item ‘%1’ is not editable%2 |
5846 | To use Studio you must have %Developer:Use privilege. |
5847 | You can not import the default project ‘%1’. |
5848 | You can not export the default project ‘%1’, rename project then export it. |
5849 | Routine ‘%1’ is of language type ‘%2’ which is different to the language specified. |
5850 | You can not add/remove ‘%1’ to this project as it already contains the package ‘%2’. |
5851 | Cannot modify library class |
5852 | Cannot save library class |
5853 | Invalid element type |
5854 | Invalid global reference %1 |
5855 | Invalid oid prefix |
5856 | SQLBinding does not exist |
5857 | Storage sql map data name required |
5858 | Storage sql map name required |
5859 | Storage sql map row IDSpec name required |
5860 | Storage sql map subscript name required |
5861 | Package routine prefix is too long |
5862 | Package global prefix is too long |
5863 | Another user has ‘%1’ open for editing. |
5864 | User ‘%2’ in process ‘%3’ has ‘%1’ open for editing. |
5865 | Item ‘%1’ is not checked out of source control%2 |
5876 | Project does not have a Name |
5877 | Invalid type for project item: ‘%1’ |
5878 | Name for project item is blank |
5879 | No stream data to import |
5880 | Unable to create source control class: %1 |
5881 | Project ‘%1’ does not exist |
5882 | Unable to create a new routine with name ‘%1’ |
5883 | Item ‘%1’ is mapped from a database that you do not have write permission on. |
5885 | The CSP/CSR page ‘%1’ will be opened as Read Only because its source file is marked as Read Only. |
5886 | Can not save compiled dictionary classes. |
5887 | Can not delete compiled dictionary classes. |
5888 | Can not create new compiled dictionary classes. |
5889 | Not logged into source control system so this action is unavailable |
5890 | Routine name ‘%1’ is too long |
5891 | Unable to copy this project to a new name |
5892 | Routine ‘%1’ already exists and is of a different type to the current routine. Either rename your routine or delete the routine that already exists. |
5893 | The file ‘%1’ is invalid and terminates before a valid %RO file should, the routine ‘%2’ may be truncated. |
5894 | There are too many items in this file to return a list of the items correctly, the list of items is truncated. |
5895 | Item ‘%1’ is mapped from another namespace, so you can not save it here. |
5896 | Bad template mode ‘%1’ can be one of TEMPLATE,ADDIN,NEW. |
5897 | The source control class can not be changed from Studio, it is locked as ‘%1’. |
5898 | Unable to decode this global format due to it being too long. |
5899 | Unable to decode this global format is bad ‘%1’. |
Error Code | Description |
5900 | Package name supplied was ‘%1’ but the real package name was ‘%2’, case in inconsistent. |
5901 | Rule family ‘%1’ does not exist |
5902 | Rule ‘%1’ does not exist |
5903 | Rule name is required |
5904 | Attribute ‘%2’ is required for tag ‘<%1>’ on line number %3 |
5905 | The value of attribute %1, ‘%2’, is invalid, on line number %3 |
5906 | Session ID is missing |
5907 | Session ID ‘%1’ does not exist |
5908 | Failed to create class ‘%1’: %2 |
5909 | There is no closing tag for the tag <%1> on line number %2 |
5910 | Must relogin with two factor protocol. |
5911 | Character Set ‘%1’ not installed, unable to perform character set translation |
5912 | Page ‘%1’ does not exist |
5913 | HTTP response has an invalid Content-Type ‘%1’ |
5914 | CSP Application ‘%1’ does not exist |
5915 | Cannot allocate a license |
5916 | Illegal CSP Request |
5917 | HTTP method ‘%1’ not supported by CSP |
5918 | You are logged out, and can no longer perform that action |
5919 | The action you are requesting is not valid |
5920 | Must use CSP page ‘%1’ from namespace ‘%2’ and not current namespace ‘%3’ |
5921 | The CSP application ‘%1’ must specify a namespace to run in |
5922 | Timed out waiting for response |
5923 | Redirected %1 times, appears to be a redirection loop |
5924 | An error occurred and the specified error page could not be displayed — please inform the web master |
5925 | <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=CACHE> tag is missing either RUNAT or METHOD attribute, on line number %1 |
5926 | Unable to redirect as HTTP headers have already been written and flushed |
5927 | Unable to load page ‘%1’ because its class name conflicts with the class ‘%2’ that is already loaded |
5928 | Syntax error while parsing tag <%1> on line number %2 |
5929 | Syntax error while parsing CSP directive on line number %1 |
5930 | Include path type does not match filename specification on line number %1 |
5931 | Can only call this method/set this value in OnPreHTTP() before page has started to be displayed |
5932 | Action not valid with this version of the CSP Gateway on the web server |
5933 | The CSP Server had an internal error: %1 |
5934 | The class ‘%1’ referred to by the CSP:OBJECT tag ‘%2’ on line %3 is not defined. |
5935 | The name of the HTML form, ‘%1’, is longer than 25 characters on line %2. |
5936 | The HTML form ‘%1’ is not bound to a valid csp object name on line %2. |
5937 | The object variable ‘%1’ to which form ‘%2’ is bound on line %3 is not defined. |
5938 | The tag name, ‘%1’, is not unique in the form ‘%2’ on line %3. |
5939 | The CSPBIND attribute for SELECT with QUERY must be a persistent object reference on line %1. |
5940 | CSP:OBJECT NAME attribute must be a valid identifier for tag ‘%1’ on line %2. |
5941 | Multiple CHECKBOX tags cannot be bound to a single value field on line %1. |
5942 | %1 tag on line %2 has CSPBIND attribute, but is not in a bound form. |
5943 | SCRIPT LANGUAGE=SQL tag cannot have both NAME and CURSOR attribute on line %1. |
5944 | %1 attribute must be a valid identifier for %2 on line %3. |
5945 | MODE attribute must be DISPLAY, LOGICAL, ODBC or SYSTEM on line %1. |
5946 | Duplicate definition of SQL CURSOR ‘%1’ on line %2. |
5947 | SQL CURSOR ‘%1’ is not defined and is used on line %2. |
5948 | Duplicate definition of object ‘%1’ on line %2. |
5949 | Duplicate definition of the rule ‘%1’. |
5950 | Class ‘%1’ does not exist for rule ‘%2’ on line %3. |
5951 | The csp:search tag ‘%1’ may have ONSELECT specified only with OPTION=POPUP on line %2. |
5952 | The CSP rule version has changed — user rules need to be reloaded. |
5953 | Query method did not return a value: %1. |
5954 | Failed to lock CSP page. |
5955 | CSPAppList query: invalid data in Fetch(). |
5956 | Directory ‘%1’ for CSP Application ‘%2’ does not exist |
5957 | CSPPageLookup: Search error. |
5958 | CSPPageLookup: CLASSNAME Missing. |
5959 | CSPPageLookup: WHERE Missing. |
5960 | CSPPageLookup: Unable to create result set. |
5961 | Unable to convert character set ‘%1’. |
5962 | Unable to allocate new session. |
5963 | Invalid SysLog level: %1. |
5964 | Cache language changed by page directive on line number %1 |
5965 | Invalid Cache language, ‘%1’, specified on line number %2 |
5966 | Unknown charset, ‘%1’, specified on line number %2 |
5967 | The CSP hyperevent request did not include a mandatory parameter so it can not be processed. |
5968 | CSR:RULE LANGUAGE attribute value, %1, is invalid in rule %2. |
5969 | Script tag language, ‘%1’, does not match page language on line number %2 |
5970 | Static SQL tags are not supported on Basic pages on line number %1 |
5971 | An error occurred attempting to trade a CSP license for a named user license ‘%1’ |
5972 | Invalid format for SaveCallback for form %1 |
5973 | The CSP page ‘%1’ is too large to load, we support pages up to 1.5Mb in size. |
5974 | The persistent session is no longer available because the server process does not exist |
5975 | Unable to lock session object as another process has this lock |
5976 | Direction attribute is not ‘forward’ or ‘backward’ on line %1. |
5977 | Direction part of WHERE, SELECT or ORDER attribute of csp:search must be ASC or DESC. |
5978 | Value of cspSaveMsgEscape attribute must be None, HTML or JS on line number %1. |
5979 | Session Id invalid. |
5980 | Preserve=1 mode only supported with a real web server. |
5981 | csp:include tag must include a PAGE attribute to specify the page to include. |
5982 | Only the SELECT SQL command is allowed in SCRIPT LANGUAGE=SQL tag on line %1. |
5983 | Page not found. |
5984 | In order to run pages in this application we need an authenticated user. |
5985 | Attempt to use a CSP session for service ‘%1’ when session was started as service ‘%2’. |
5986 | Current user is not authenticated to run service ‘%1’. |
5987 | Methods that are defined in a CSP page must be classmethods on line %1. |
5988 | The session is only using cookies for session management, but the browser provided a CSPCHD argument to this session. |
5989 | System rules (name begins with %) and namespace local rules may not both be defined in the same file. |
5990 | Session id ‘%1’ not found. |
5991 | Unable to create SOAP method %1 |
5992 | You are not allowed to alter the SecurityContext property |
5993 | CSP error trap called with no error information available. |
5994 | The CSP application ‘%1’ specifies a namespace ‘%2’ that does not exist. |
5995 | Unexpected attribute, %1, on line %2. |
5996 | Unable to find CSP.ini CSP gateway file. |
5997 | Unable to find CSP gateway username in CSP.ini file. |
5998 | Unable to update the CSP.ini CSP gateway file. |
5999 | Expecting second portion of two factor authentication to finish login process. |
Error Codes 6000 to 6999
General Error Codes — 6000 to 6199
Error Code | Description |
6000 | Entered Security Token ‘%1’ did not match sent token. |
6001 | Can not restore file ‘%1’ because it contains OBJ routines |
6002 | File ‘%1’ is not a %RO output file |
6003 | Unable to convert class format |
6004 | Unable to export class as XML |
6005 | Unable to import class from XML, details follow ‘%1’ |
6006 | The XML file does not contain a recognized import format |
6007 | Unable to set ‘Content-Length’ header, since it’s readonly. |
6008 | Unable to set ‘Connection’ header. |
6009 | Method not supported. |
6010 | Already connected. |
6011 | Need to be connected. |
6012 | No response from POP server: %1. |
6013 | Unable to make TCP/IP connection to mail server. An earlier connection may not have been closed. |
6014 | TCP/IP session already terminated. |
6015 | POP3 Server reported error: %1. |
6016 | Invalid response to %1 command: %2. |
6017 | Line read from mailbox should not be blank |
6018 | TCP/IP session unexpected error: %1. |
6019 | Attempt to find location failed |
6020 | Handler POP failed |
6021 | Handler PUSH failed |
6022 | Gateway failed: %1. |
6023 | Query not Prepared. |
6024 | Invalid %qacn. |
6025 | Gateway: Invalid connection handle. |
6026 | Gateway: Cannot allocate statement. |
6027 | NamespaceList query: invalid data in Fetch(). |
6028 | Error in Macro Preprocessor: %1. |
6029 | Timed out waiting for response. |
6030 | ‘%1’ property must be specified for SMTP. |
6031 | Unable to open TCP/IP connection. |
6032 | Unexpected initial message, server may not be SMTP server: %1. |
6033 | Error response to SMTP %1: %2. |
6034 | SMTP server connection failed during %1 command: %2. |
6035 | Output charset must be specified on Unicode system. |
6036 | Character > 255 not valid for quoted printable message |
6037 | Nothing imported. |
6038 | Failed to Initialize |
6039 | RetType not VOID or HRESULT |
6040 | RetType name not NULL |
6041 | No class to compile: %1 |
6042 | Routine %1 object code not found |
6043 | Database contains class definitions: %1 |
6044 | Cannot mount database: %1 |
6045 | Illegal Export Directory Name |
6046 | Database doesn’t exist: %1 |
6047 | Invalid identifier format |
6048 | Invalid Statement Type: %1 |
6049 | Invalid Dynamic Query formal parameter %1 |
6050 | Invalid number of parameter values |
6051 | Error Generating INTO clause: |
6052 | Invalid conversion direction value |
6053 | Malformed serialized data |
6054 | A valid %MessageDictionary is not specified by ‘%1’ |
6055 | No language specified. |
6056 | Unable to find translate table for output charset: %1. |
6057 | POP3 error: %1. |
6058 | MessageNumber must be specified. |
6059 | Unable to open TCP/IP socket to server %1 |
6060 | Somebody else is using the Monitor. |
6061 | The Monitor is not running |
6062 | The Monitor is already running |
6063 | Memory allocation for the Monitor failed |
6064 | Could not enable statistics collection for Monitor |
6065 | Unable to open collection ‘%1’ |
6066 | Invalid extension type on compile ‘%1’ |
6067 | Problem rebuilding the class index |
6068 | Unable to find default XML catalog file ‘%1’ |
6069 | Error loading global file ‘%1’ : %2 |
6070 | SMTP Send failed for all specified email addresses. |
6071 | Required argument missing |
6072 | Invalid License Key Data |
6073 | Could not open license key file ‘%1’ for write. |
6074 | Invalid value for ContentTransferEncoding: %1 |
6075 | %1 is not a block number. |
6076 | Block %1 is not a bitmap block. |
6077 | Can not compare routines ‘%1’ and ‘%2’ as they are different types |
6078 | No implementation in source control class for action %1 with document %2 |
6079 | The class ‘%1’ is not a valid Studio extension class. |
6080 | Can not export ‘%1’ type in %RO format for item ‘%2’. |
6081 | XML exported abstract document data not formatted as CDATA. |
6082 | License upgrade error: ‘%1’. |
6083 | The operation is not licensed. |
6084 | Unknown errors detected, but no error code reported |
6085 | Unable to write to socket with SSL/TLS configuration ‘%1’, error reported ‘%2’ |
6086 | If Content-Type is message/rfc822, the only part must be a %Net.MailMessage. |
6087 | Content-Transfer-Encoding for attached email must be ‘7bit’ or ‘8bit’. |
6088 | Invalid response from proxy ‘%1’ on CONNECT command ‘%2’. |
6089 | CONNECT command to proxy ‘%1’ failed with response ‘%2’. |
6090 | No boundary attribute specified for multipart Content-Type. |
6091 | Unexpected boundary line found at beginning of MIME body. |
6092 | Invalid MIME header format. |
6093 | Unexpected end of message found. Invalid MIME format. |
6094 | MIME message source must be defined using OpenFile or OpenStream. |
6095 | HTTP header name too long to store ‘%1’. |
6096 | Global name ‘%1’ is not valid. |
6097 | Cache error ‘%1′ while using TCP/IP device $zu(189,1)=’%2’ |
6098 | Unable to create temporary file for HTTP request |
6099 | SSLConfiguration must be specified if UseSTARTTLS is true. |
Error Code | Description |
6100 | STARTTLS not supported for SMTP: %1. |
6101 | Com Exception: ‘%1’ |
6102 | Com CoClass has no default Interface defined |
6103 | Com CoClass default interface does not support automation |
6150 | Unable to set new source control class as you do not have WRITE privileges needed update ^%SYS global |
6151 | Item ‘%1’ is marked as read only by source control hooks. |
6152 | Unable to remove item ‘%1’ from the project as is not present in the project. |
6153 | Email must be retrieved with Fetch before GetAttachedEmail is called. |
6154 | Connection to web server can not reuse existing socket as socket was closed to server ‘%1’. |
6155 | Unable to verify SSL/TLS connected to correct system as no SSL certificate present for this socket. |
6156 | No match between server name ‘%1’ and SSL certificate values ‘%2’. |
6157 | Unable to save CSP file ‘%1’ because temp file ‘%2’ was not created, check directory permissions. |
6158 | Unable to use fulldeploy on class ‘%1’ because it is a subclass of %SwizzleObject or %XML.Adaptor. |
General Error Codes — 6200 to 6399
Error Code | Description |
6201 | Cannot Create Object: %1 |
6202 | Cannot Create Message Handler: %1 |
6203 | Unexpected Element |
6204 | SOAP message contains prohibited processing instruction |
6205 | Element must be namespace qualified |
6206 | Version Error, namespace must be %1. |
6207 | Unexpected SOAPACTION value: %1 |
6208 | Unexpected Attribute |
6209 | Wrong number of Attributes |
6210 | Invalid Attribute value |
6211 | Missing Attribute |
6212 | Incorrect Attribute namespace |
6213 | Attribute namespace not in scope |
6214 | Attribute NOT qualified |
6215 | Attribute value NOT qualified |
6216 | Unsupported Transport |
6217 | Add Operation Failed |
6218 | Duplicate Element |
6219 | Unknown Error |
6220 | Internal Server Error |
6221 | Mandatory Header NOT supported: %1 |
6222 | Invalid SoapBindingStyle keyword ‘%1’ for WebMethod %2. |
6223 | Invalid SoapBodyUse keyword ‘%1’ for WebMethod %2. |
6224 | Arguments to a Web Service may not be of type: %1. |
6225 | A DTD cannot be generated for class: %1. |
6226 | Argument, %1, of WebMethod, %2, must be a simple type or SOAP enabled. |
6227 | Server Application Error |
6228 | Badly formed SOAP Message |
6229 | XMLPROJECTION value is inconsistent with type of property: %1. |
6230 | Invalid value for XMLPROJECTION of property: %1. |
6231 | Invalid format for %XML.Adaptor: %1. |
6232 | Datatype validation failed for tag, %1, with value: %2 |
6233 | XML input is not in proper format for tag: %1. |
6234 | Required tag not present: %1 |
6235 | Unexpected namespace for tag: %1. |
6236 | Referenced id not found, %1, for tag: %2. |
6237 | Unexpected tag in XML input: %1. |
6238 | Key attribute not specified for an array tag: %1. |
6239 | Only one property may have XMLPROJECTION = content |
6240 | SERVICENAME must be specified by overriding the SERVICENAME parameter. |
6241 | The SOAP WebClient LOCATION parameter must specify http or https transport. |
6242 | HTTP request to SOAP WebService returned unexpected status: %1. |
6243 | HTTP request to SOAP WebService returned response with unexpected CONTENT-TYPE: %1. |
6244 | The location of the web service must be specified. |
6245 | Client Web Method may not have an argument beginning with %: %1. |
6246 | No response to SOAP request. |
6247 | Unexpected encoding of SOAP response. |
6248 | SOAP response is a SOAP fault: %1 |
6249 | A class referenced by an XMLENABLED class must be a subclass of %XML.Adaptor: %1 |
6250 | Collection property requires ELEMENTTYPE parameter in referenced class: %1 |
6251 | Cannot find message element ‘%1’ in XML namespace ‘%2’ |
6252 | Datatype validation failed because no value found for tag, %1. |
6253 | Datatype validation failed for tag %1. Unexpected tag <%2> found. |
6254 | Tag expected, XML input, %1, is not in proper format as child of %2. |
6255 | XML is not in proper format for DataSet record in field ‘%1’, %2. |
6256 | SubstitutionGroup for property ‘%1’ is inconsistent with previous substitutionGroup. |
6257 | XMLCHOICELIST for property ‘%1’ may not contain literal type ‘%2’. |
6258 | Invalid ENCODING parameter ‘%1’ for property ‘%2’. |
6259 | XMLPROJECTION for property ‘%1’ may not be ID unless this property is a persistent object. |
6260 | Datatype validation failed for attribute, %1, with value %2 for element %3. |
6261 | Unexpected value for XMLIGNORENULL class parameter: %1 |
6262 | Invalid value for XMLIO of property: %1. |
6263 | Invalid value for XMLREFERENCE of property: %1. |
6264 | Invalid value for XMLTYPECONSTRAINT of property: %1. |
6265 | XMLREFERENCE and XMLTYPECONSTRAINT may be specified only for class references for property: %1. |
6266 | XMLTYPECONSTRAINT may not be specified with XMLREFERENCE = ID for property: %1. |
6267 | XMLSUMMARY must a comma separated list of class properties. |
6268 | Invalid value for XMLDEFAULTREFERENCE. |
6269 | CLASS and QUERY must be specified for a typed dataset. |
6270 | Duplicate WebMethod name not allowed: %1. |
6272 | The QUERYNAME parameter and the classname (or XMLNAME override) may not be the same. |
6273 | An %XML.DataSet cannot have the QueryName and DataSetName properties. |
6275 | Cannot output a new XML document or change %XML.Writer properties until the current document is completed. |
6276 | A root element must be written to contain child elements. |
6277 | Type attribute, %1, does not specify valid type for XML input tag: %2. |
6278 | XML output string is not available. |
6279 | XML output string length is greater than the maximum string length. |
6280 | An %XML.DataSet cannot be directly executed to get the query result. |
6281 | %1 of class %2 must be able to differentiate child classes of %3. |
6282 | Malformed SOAP Body in response. |
6283 | Unexpected session cookie in session header. |
6284 | Security header error: %1. |
6285 | Cannot call EndDocument unless StartDocument called. |
6286 | Root element, processing instruction or DOCTYPE may not be in root element. |
6287 | Attribute may only be called immediately after Element or RootElement. |
6288 | Invalid schema for %XML.Dataset at element ‘%1’, %2. |
6289 | Dataset schema does not match the specified typed %XML.Dataset: %1, %2 : %3 ‘= %4. |
6290 | Dataset schema must be in XML input if %XML.Dataset is not typed. |
6291 | Dataset name, row name and XML namespace must match XML schema for %XML.Dataset. |
6292 | %XML.Dataset may not have duplicated column name: %1. |
6293 | Unable to load translate table ‘%1’ for charset ‘%2’. |
6294 | Cannot find message part in schema: %1 |
6295 | Internal error in XML Schema Wizard: %1 |
6296 | XML export cycle found in class: %1 |
6297 | Invalid value for XMLSTREAMMODE of property: %1. |
6298 | XMLSTREAMMODE is not permitted for property %1, since it is not a character stream. |
6299 | XMLNAME does not specify a valid XML name for property %1. |
Error Code | Description |
6300 | Invalid value for XMLFORMAT. |
6301 | SAX XML Parser Error: %1 |
6302 | XML message file format invalid at Line %1 Offset %2. |
6303 | Content Handler is NOT a subclass of %XML.SAX.ContentHandler |
6304 | Unable to export item ‘%1’ because XML export does not support items of this type. Will skip this item. |
6305 | Unable to export item ‘%1’ because can not instantiate user defined document type ‘%2’. Will skip this item. |
6306 | CSP page ‘%1’ does not have an associated application, skipping this item. |
6307 | CSP file ‘%1’ associated with page ‘%2’ does not exist, skipping this item. |
6308 | Item ‘%1’ is invalid or does not have any data to export, skipping this item. |
6309 | Class ‘%1’ is in deployed mode and so can not be exported, skipping this item. |
6310 | URL ‘%1’ is malformed and cannot be processed |
6311 | Schema definition for namespace ‘%1’ does not exist. |
6312 | Unable to find default namespace for class ‘%1’. |
6313 | Schema moniker type ‘%2’ (from schema ‘%1’) is invalid. |
6314 | SAX XML Parser Warning: %1 |
6315 | Errors reporting importing XML subelement in file ‘%1’ at line ‘%2’ offset ‘%3’, skipping this item. |
6316 | No subdocument to import, skipping this item. |
6317 | Invalid value for XMLINHERITANCE: %1. |
6318 | Property required in XML document: %1 |
6320 | Unexpected value for fixed attribute, %1, with value %2 for element %3. |
6321 | Only CreateSequenceResponse response to WS-ReliableMessaging CreateSequence request is supported: %1. |
6322 | Unsupported value of IncompleteSequenceBehavior in CreateSequenceResponse message: %1. |
6323 | Unexpected WS-ReliableMessaging header: %1 |
6324 | WS-ReliableMessaging Sequence header expected but not present |
6325 | WS-ReliableMessaging response Sequence header LastMessageNumber does not match request Sequence header |
6326 | Only CloseSequenceResponse response to WS-ReliableMessaging CloseSequence request is supported: %1. |
6327 | Only TerminateSequenceResponse response to WS-ReliableMessaging TerminateSequence request is supported: %1. |
6328 | A %SOAP.RM.CreateSequence object may only be used once to call %StartRMSession in order to start an RM session. |
6350 | SoapMessageName keyword may only be specified for a web service method: %1. |
6351 | SoapAction keyword may only be specified for a web service method: %1. |
6352 | Invalid value for HttpRequester: %1. |
6353 | Unexpected attributes for element %1: %2 |
6354 | If a property is not of type string and has XMLPROJECTION = content, then all other properties must have XMLPROJECTION = attribute. |
6355 | SOAP message has no body. |
6356 | Invalid node type: %1. |
6357 | Parent node may not be set directly. |
6358 | Error scanning tree: element expected. |
6359 | Binary SOAP protocol may not be used with %SOAP.WebRequest. |
6360 | Unexpected class, %1, received for binary SOAP protocol. %2 expected. |
6361 | Class must be XML enabled: %1. |
6362 | Duplicate definition of XML schema %1 %2 for class %3. |
6363 | Inconsistent use of encoded format for XML namespace %1. |
6364 | Inconsistent definition of ELEMENTQUALIFIED or ATTRIBUTEQUALIFIED for classes in namespace %1. |
6365 | Invalid format of SOAP binary %1. |
6366 | Unexpected top logical block: %1. |
6367 | Unexpected SOAP binary version number: %1. |
6368 | Duplicate definition of class, %1, in SOAP binary message. |
6369 | Object instance refers to unknown class with index %1 in SOAP binary message. |
6370 | Duplicate specification of SOAPCLASSNAME for class %1. |
6371 | ServiceName must be specified in SOAPCLASSNAME for class %1. |
6372 | Multipart MIME SOAP message received with unexpected Content-Type header field: %1. Only SOAP with Attachments and MTOM are supported. |
6373 | The SOAPVERSION parameter specifies an unsupported SOAP version: %1. |
6374 | SOAP version %1 is not supported for this web client. |
6375 | SOAP encodingStyle %1 is not supported. |
6376 | Mandatory Header NOT supported |
6378 | Invalid value for SECURITYIN parameter: %1 |
6379 | WS-Security header is required. |
6380 | Format of certificate file is invalid: %1. |
6381 | Unsupported Encryption algorithm for WS-Security: %1. |
6382 | Key encryption failed: %1. |
6383 | Encryption failed: %1. |
6384 | Invalid value for XMLMAPPING. |
6385 | XMLPROJECTION as attribute or content not allowed for XMLMAPPING=»sequence». |
6386 | XMLPROJECTION must be «group» when referencing class with XMLMAPPING=»sequence»: %1. |
6387 | ARGUMENTSTYLE must be either «wrapped» or «message»: %1. |
6388 | Unexpected element in SOAP message: %1. |
6389 | Unable to create security element: %1. |
6390 | Signature validation failed: %1. |
6391 | Invalid WS-SecureConversation DerivedKeyToken: %1. |
6392 | Only RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollection response to WS-SecureConversation RequestSecurityToken request is supported: %1. |
6393 | RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollection response to WS-SecureConversation RequestSecurityToken request with no elements is not supported. |
6394 | Unexpected %1 in SecurityTokenRequestResponse: %2. |
6395 | %1 element is not supported in SecurityTokenRequestResponse. |
6396 | SecurityContextToken not returned in SecurityTokenRequestResponse. |
6397 | Invalid SecurityContextToken in SecurityTokenRequestResponse: %1.» |
6398 | SecurityContextToken has no associated key. |
6399 | Unexpected SecurityTokenRequestResponse to cancel request. |
General Error Codes — 6400 to 6599
Error Code | Description |
6401 | Element ‘%1’, invalid attribute ‘%2’ |
6402 | Element ‘%1’, attribute ‘%2’ has invalid value %3 |
6403 | Element ‘%1’ contains invalid attributes |
6404 | Element ‘%1’, invalid |
6405 | Element ‘%1’ has invalid value ‘%2’ |
6406 | Specified namespace ‘%1’ is invalid, MUST be ‘%2’ |
6407 | Cannot deduce Schema Type — No valid correspondence found |
6408 | Cannot deduce Message Type — No valid correspondence found |
6409 | Unsupported encoding ‘%1’ |
6410 | Element ‘%1’, required attribute ‘%2’ is missing |
6411 | Element ‘%1’ is missing |
6412 | Element ‘%1’ — cannot determine %2 for operation %3 |
6413 | Element ‘%1’ — corresponding %2 %3 |
6414 | Element ‘%1’ — duplicate name ‘%2’ |
6415 | Element ‘%1’ — unsupported transport ‘%2’ |
6416 | Element ‘%1’ — unrecognized %2 element ‘%3’ |
6417 | Element ‘%1’ — message ‘%2’ type or element attribute must be specified for a part. |
6418 | Element ‘%1’ — message ‘%2’ parameters not found for literal encoding |
6419 | Element ‘%1’ — inconsistent %2 for operation %3 |
6420 | Element ‘%1’ — parts list contains an undefined or multiply defined part name. |
6421 | Element ‘%1’ — %2 ParameterOrder parameter count mismatch |
6422 | WSDL namespace is not defined for targetNamespace = %1. |
6423 | SOAP namespace is not defined for targetNamespace = %1. |
6424 | Element ‘%1’ — message ‘%2’ both type and element attribute may not be specified for a part. |
6425 | Element ‘%1’ — message ‘%2’ Message Style must be used for document style message with 2 or more parts. |
6426 | Both the Client and the Service class cannot be in the same package: %1. |
6427 | Client class not defined: %1. |
6428 | Cannot define configuration for client class, %1, since it is already configured by %2 which configures multiple classes. |
6429 | The specified WSDL must have exactly one port which will supply the policy for %1. |
6440 | Unexpected root element, %1, in %SOAP.Configuration XData block,%2. |
6441 | Unexpected element, %1, in %3 XData block, %2. |
6442 | Duplicate name of %SOAP.Configuration XData block: %1. |
6443 | Duplicate configuration name, %1, for SOAP class, %2. |
6444 | SOAP class name not specified for service in configuration: %1. |
6445 | Method name not specified for method element in configuration: %1. |
6446 | Duplicate method name, %1, in configuration, %2. |
6447 | Unexpected element, %1, from WS-Policy namespace in %SOAP.Configuration XData block, %2. |
6448 | Name attribute of configuration, %1, does not match name of %SOAP.Configuration XData block, %2. |
6449 | Invalid SOAP configuration class name %1. |
6450 | Configuration not found, %1, in %SOAP.Configuration class, %2. |
6451 | A policy assertion, %1, may not have text children in %SOAP.Configuration class, %2. |
6452 | Internal error while analyzing policy in configuration %1: %2. |
6453 | Unsupported assertion namespace «%1», assertion=%2, configuration=%3. |
6454 | No supported policy alternative in configuration %1. |
6455 | Policy assertion %1 is not supported in configuration %2. |
6456 | Policy assertion %1 is not recognized in configuration %2. |
6457 | Policy assertion %1 may not have wsp:Policy child element in configuration %2. |
6458 | Policy assertion %1 has unsupported parameter %2 in configuration %3. |
6459 | Policy assertion %1 Header parameter requires Namespace attribute in configuration %2. |
6460 | Policy assertion %1 Header parameter requires Name attribute in configuration %2. |
6461 | Policy assertion %1 does not support nested policy assertion %2 in configuration %3. |
6462 | Policy assertion %1 requires a nested policy in configuration %2. |
6463 | Policy assertion %1 is not in expected namespace in configuration %2. |
6464 | Only one %1 may be specified in configuration %2. |
6465 | No assertion parameters are supported for token %1 in configuration %2. |
6466 | Unsupported token %1 in %2 assertion in configuration %3. |
6467 | %1 requires AlgorithmSuite assertion in configuration %2. |
6468 | Token %1 format error in configuration %2. |
6469 | Unexpected value for sp:IncludeToken %1 in configuration %2. |
6470 | %1 requires one %2 token in configuration %3. |
6471 | %1 requires at least one token in configuration %2. |
6472 | %1 element is not in expected namespace, in %3 XData block, %2. |
6473 | Unexpected attribute %1 in %2 element in configuration %3. |
6474 | Both cfg:FindField and cfg:FindValue must be specified if either is specified for sp:X509Token in configuration %1. |
6475 | Unexpected value of cfg:FindField, %1, for sp:X509Token in configuration %2. |
6476 | No local URI attribute for wsp:PolicyReference element in configuration %1. |
6477 | URI attribute, %1, for wsp:PolicyReference element does not reference a policy in configuration %2. |
6478 | sp:Username token is not valid for a supporting token with sp:SignedParts or sp:EncryptedParts assertion. |
6479 | cfg:wsdlElement=»%1″ does not specify a valid value for wsdlElement in configuration %2. |
6480 | Method name not specified for method element in parameters XData in class: %1. |
6481 | Method named %1 in method element of parameters does not exist in class %2. |
6482 | Header element requires %1 attribute in class %2. |
6483 | Conflicting DerivedKey assertions for %1 in configuration %2. |
6484 | Action element requires non-empty value in class %1. |
6485 | Only one SecurityContextToken may be specified for %1 in any alternative in configuration %2. |
6486 | Value of cfg:Lifetime, %1, for sp:SecureConversationToken must be in hours as a floating point number in configuration %2. |
6487 | Value of %1 parameter, %2, is not of expected type, %3, in configuration %4. |
Error Code | Description |
6501 | Unrecognized XSD type ‘%1’ |
6502 | Cannot determine corresponding Cache type for specified XSD type ‘%1’ |
6503 | Lock timeout. XML projection failed for class ‘%1’ trying to lock ‘%2’ with timeout ‘%3’ |
6504 | XML projection of an array of streams is not supported in property: %1. |
6505 | SOAP session failure: new session created since session specified in session header was not found. |
6506 | No schema definition was found in specified file. |
6507 | Invalid value for XMLNILNOOBJECT, %1. |
6550 | Cannot open QR Code %1 file %2. |
6551 | Cannot open QR Code exception file %1. |
6552 | QR Code file %1 not created. |
6553 | Invalid correction level %1, must be one of ‘L’, ‘M’, ‘Q’, or ‘H’. |
6554 | QR Code not supported on this platform. |
6555 | QR Code invalid Dimension parameter %1. |
6556 | QR Code Correction Level %1 supports string length of %2, size of string is %3. |
6557 | The QRCode string %1 may not have been correctly escaped. The partial QR Code is in the file %2. |
General Error Codes — 6600 to 6799
Error Code | Description |
6601 | BeanName is required. |
6602 | RootDir is required. |
6603 | ClassPath is required. |
6604 | App Server Home is required. (APPSERVERHOME is «».) |
6605 | Java Home is required. |
6606 | Path is required. |
6607 | ServerType is required. |
6608 | We only support QuickStatement interface. |
6609 | %1 is neither Persistent nor a Session Bean. ClassList is %2. ClassList must contain only Persistent or Session Bean classes. |
6610 | ClassList must be specified in projection or in calling this routine. ClassList must not be empty. |
6611 | This server whose name is %1 is not defined in the EJB Wizard. Please pick one of WEBLOGIC, WEBLOGIC7, WEBLOGIC8, JBOSS, JBOSS3 or PRAMATI. JBOSS generates code for JBOSS 2.4.3 and 2.4.4 and JBOSS3 generates code for JBoss 3.X. For WebLogic 6.1 use WEBLOGIC, for WebLogic 7.0 use WEBLOGIC7, and for WEBLOGIC 8.1 use WEBLOGIC8. Please read your release notes for the list of supported servers. |
6612 | CMP generator for Class=%1 failed: CMP generation is only supported on classes with primary keys. |
6613 | Common CPP output not set |
6614 | getClassMethodsError: %1 className=%2 |
6615 | getClassPropertiesError: %1 className=%2 |
6616 | getClassQueriesError: %1 className=%2 |
6617 | getEJBClassNameError: %1 className=%2 |
6618 | getEJBClassNameError: %1 |
6619 | Common output not set |
6620 | Common language generator object not set |
6621 | EJB Easy projection is only supported on Windows. On UNIX® use EJB. |
6622 | PersistenceType must be BMP or CMP. |
6623 | CMP generation for Class=%1 failed. CMP generation can only be done if all required properties are CMP compatible. Property=%2 is not CMP compatible. |
6624 | EJB generation for ClassList=%1 failed. ClassList must include at least one persistent class that is not a session bean. |
6625 | WebLogic requires a testable to be defined to test connection existence in connection pooling. |
6626 | Class %1 is not projectible. Projection is aborting. If the super of a class is not a %RegisteredObject and all the methods of the super are server-only and the class has some methods that are not class methods then it is not projectible. If the super of a class is null then the class must contain only class methods. |
6628 | Class %1 is not projectible. Projection is aborting. For a class to be projectible all methods in the class must have the same signature in the left-most super. There is a conflict on Method %2. |
6629 | Class %1 is not projectible. Projection is aborting. For a class to be projectible all properties in the class must have the same declaration in the left-most super. There is a conflict on Property %2. |
6630 | Class %1 is not projectible. Projection is aborting. For a class to be projectible its left-most super %2 must be a %Library.RegisteredObject or class %1 must be a «static» class: a class that has only class methods and no properties or instance methods. |
6631 | Persistent Class %1 is not projectible. Projection is aborting. For a persistent class to be projectible its left-most super %2 must be a %Library.Persistent. |
6632 | Class %1 is not up-to-date. Please recompile the class and try again. |
6633 | Class %1 is not projectible to EJB. Projection is aborting. For a class to be projectible all its child tables must be valid. Child table %2 is not valid. |
6634 | getClientClassDefError: %1 className=%2 |
6635 | QueryGetInfoError: %1, className=%2, query=%3 |
6636 | Class %1 is a datatype and cannot be projected |
6637 | It is not valid for a format flag to contain / (back-slash). The invalid format flag is %1. |
6638 | The List that %1 is attempting to return on Class %2 is too big |
6639 | getCountMethodsError: %1 className=%2 |
6640 | getCountPropertiesError: %1 className=%2 |
6641 | getCountQueriesError: %1 className=%2 |
6642 | Aborting EJB Projection of %1 because property %2 is required and yet is not supported by the EJB Wizard. |
6643 | Class %1 is not exportable. It should extend %Compiler.LG.Exportable to be exportable. |
6645 | %1: %2 className=%3 |
6646 | JAVAPACKAGE parameter conflicts with clientname parameter. JAVAPACKAGE is %1 and clientname parameter is %2 |
6647 | Server side code generation is not available. Please use cpp_generator for client side code generation. |
6648 | Cannot generate code for class %1 because depends on class %2 which has a problem in its generation. |
6649 | Cannot generate code for class %1 because depends on class %2 which cannot be generated for reason: %3. |
6650 | Cannot generate code for class %1 because depends on class %2 which is serveronly class. |
6651 | Skipping generation of class %1 because it depends on something that is not projectable and is not serveronly. Here is more information. %2 |
6653 | Class %1 has an empty JavaBlock |
6654 | Class %1 has more than one JavaBlock |
6655 | Cannot project %1 because super %2 is collection. |
6656 | Cannot project %1 as POJO because method %2 has ByRef argument. |
6657 | Cannot project %1 because method %2 has abstract stream in return type or argument type. |
6658 | Cannot project %1 because left-most super %2 is a stream. |
6659 | Timed out waiting for lock on cache for class %1 |
6660 | QueryGetParamInfoEror: %1, className=%2, query=%3 |
Error Code | Description |
6701 | Already Attached |
6702 | Missing PID value |
6703 | Invalid PID value |
6704 | Target has exited debugger |
6705 | Could not issue break to target |
6706 | Error attaching to CSP server: %1 |
6707 | Not Attached |
6708 | Error unattaching from target |
6709 | Target not stopped |
6710 | Could not attach to target |
6711 | Invalid debugger target: %1 |
6712 | Unable to find mapping for breakpoint ‘%1’ |
6713 | Start target failed |
6714 | Cache Debugger Error: %1 |
6715 | Invalid PID value ‘%1’ |
6716 | Target already in debug mode |
6717 | Target in signon mode |
General Error Codes — 6800 to 6999
Error Code | Description |
6901 | XSLT XML Transformer Error: %1 |
6902 | Error Handler is NOT a subclass of %XML.XSLT.ErrorHandler |
6903 | Output Stream is NOT a subclass of %BinaryStream |
6904 | Result Handler is NOT a subclass of %XML.XPATH.ResultHandler |
6905 | Input Stream is NOT a subclass of %BinaryStream |
6906 | %New() should NOT be called directly, use ‘Create…’ factory methods |
Error Codes 7000 to 7999
General Error Codes — 7000 to 7199
Error Code | Description |
7001 | TSQL compiler error: %1 |
7002 | TSQL: %1 |
7003 | ISQL compiler error: %1 |
7004 | ISQL: %1 |
7005 | TSQL querybuilder expected «%1» (got «%2») |
7006 | You can’t assign the result of a query to a variable |
7011 | TSQL language mode requires procedureblock: ‘%1::%2’ |
7050 | Error opening class definition for «%1»: «%2» |
7051 | Unrecognized input: «%1» |
7052 | Read: Missing «]» |
7053 | Read: Missing quote at end of string |
7054 | Read: Syntax error at or around «%1» |
7055 | RunQuery: Procedure «%1» is not a query |
7056 | RunQuery: Argument «%1» has already been passed (as «%2») |
Error Code | Description |
7101 | Specified Seek position (%1) is past end of file (%2) |
7102 | FileStream Mode %1 does not include Read mode setting |
7103 | FileStream Mode %1 does not include Write mode setting |
7104 | No delegated input stream is bound to this MetaStream |
7105 | No Translation Table mapping found for CharEncoding ‘%1’ |
7106 | IO Stream class %1 is not closeable |
7107 | Delegated IO Stream class %1 is not Seekable |
7108 | Object of type %1 is not a Stream object |
7109 | Timed out after %2 seconds trying to open stream ‘%1’ |
7110 | Timed out after %2 seconds listening for an incoming connection on socket ‘%1’ |
7150 | Telnet Option %1 is not set |
7151 | Error in telnet handshake; state=%1,current byte=%2 |
7152 | Timeout attempting telnet initialization handshake |
General Error Codes — 7200 to 7399
Error Code | Description |
7200 | Datatype value ‘%1’ failed IsValidDT validation |
7201 | Datatype value ‘%1’ length longer than MAXLEN allowed of %2 |
7202 | Datatype value ‘%1’ length less than MINLEN allowed of %2 |
7203 | Datatype value ‘%1’ greater than MAXVAL allowed of %2 |
7204 | Datatype value ‘%1’ less than MINVAL allowed of %2 |
7205 | Datatype value ‘%1’ not in VALUELIST ‘%2’ |
7206 | Datatype value ‘%1’ is not a valid boolean |
7207 | Datatype value ‘%1’ is not a valid number |
7208 | Datatype value ‘%1’ is not a valid timestamp format |
7209 | Datatype value ‘%1’ does not match PATTERN ‘%2’ |
7210 | Datatype value ‘%1’ contains invalid character/s ‘%2’ |
7211 | Datatype value ‘%1’ is not a valid duration |
7212 | Datatype value ‘%1’ is not a valid uniqueidentifier/GUID format |
Error Code | Description |
7300 | Failed to open logfile %1 for output |
7301 | Backup.General.ExternalFreeze cannot run with switch 10 or 13 already set |
7302 | Failed to locate TCP information for all cluster members |
7303 | Failed to switch journal files on other cluster members |
7304 | Failed to switch journal file. Status = %1 |
7305 | Failed to switch local journal file. Status = %1 |
7306 | System failed to quiesce |
7307 | Failed to place journal marker |
7308 | Task %1 does not exist |
7309 | Backup is currently running |
7310 | Failed to open task %1 |
7311 | No backup recorded for task %1 |
7312 | Unknown platform in $zversion(1) |
7313 | Error building list of log files: %1 |
7314 | Error building list of tasks: %1 |
7315 | Unable to determine base directory from: %1 |
7316 | Unable to create directory for storing the log file: %1 |
7317 | Unable to determine base directory for: %1 |
7318 | Unable to create backup output directory: %1 |
7319 | Failed to set up list of databases for backup |
7320 | Unknown backup type: %1 |
7321 | Database %1 does not exist |
7322 | CACHETEMP cannot be included in a backup |
7323 | Error building list of databases: %1 |
7324 | %1 is not part of the current backup list |
7325 | Failed to start backup job |
7326 | Failed to initialize IJC Device: %1 |
7327 | BACKUP^DBACK returned failure |
7328 | Cannot modify a built-in system task |
7329 | Invalid backup type: %1 |
7330 | Taskname not specified as argument to %New |
7331 | Taskname must contain only alphanumeric characters |
7332 | Task already exists |
7333 | No backup volume specified |
7334 | Unable to read file, Backup or Restore is in progress |
7335 | Cannot open backup volume ‘%1’ |
7336 | This is not a %1 Backup File |
7337 | Request to suspend Write Daemon cleared |
General Error Codes — 7400 to 7599
Error Code | Description |
7400 | TASKMGR is already running |
7401 | Unable to open task (%1) |
7402 | Selected User (%1) is not enabled |
7403 | Task (%1) is not scheduled to run |
7404 | Multiple times per day but DailyIncrement is 0 |
7405 | Operation requires %1 to change the task username |
7406 | User does not exist (RunAsUser %1) |
7408 | DailyEndTime must be after DailyStartTime |
7409 | EndDate must be after StartDate |
7410 | TimePeriodDay must be null or contain values 1 through 7 (%1) is not valid |
7411 | Output Directory does not exist |
7412 | Filename is not valid |
7413 | Task Class is required but is null |
7414 | Task Class (%1) does not exist in %2 |
7415 | Could not find task to delete |
7416 | Unknown Scheduling problem, New Time = Last Time |
7418 | Failed to mark task as suspended (SQLCODE=%1) |
7419 | Failed to mark task as resumed (SQLCODE=%1) |
7420 | Invalid Suspend Flag (FLAG=%1) |
7421 | Unable to send mail. The Mail Server is not defined. |
7422 | Unable to send mail. No email addresses are defined. |
7423 | Failed to update configuration for (%1) with error %2 |
7424 | Failed to send email (%1) |
7425 | Unable to delete task, clear all run after references first |
7426 | At least 1 Run day Monday — Sunday must be selected |
7427 | Task repeating offset must be a positive integer |
7428 | Invalid day of the month (%1) |
7429 | Invalid weekly offset use 1 — 5 |
7430 | Invalid frequency time (DailyFrequencyTime) use 0 or 1 |
7431 | Run After Task value is required |
7432 | Start Date and Time must be after the current date and time |
7450 | Task job running |
7451 | Task job untrapped error (%1) |
7452 | Task job setup error (%1) |
7453 | Task job timeout error |
7454 | Task job post process error (%1) |
7460 | Must enter a tape device. |
7461 | Enter a valid number of days |
Error Code | Description |
7500 | SSH %3 Error ‘%1’: %2 |
General Error Codes — 7600 to 7799
Error Code | Description |
7600 | Invalid global format to import from |
7601 | Unknown package format type: %1 |
7602 | Exported on version ‘%1’ but this machine on version ‘%2’ so unable to import |
7603 | Delimited id’s setting on exported version %1 on current system %2 so unable to import |
7604 | Global node collision with class ‘%1’ |
7605 | Unable to deploy routine ‘%1’ with no source (as specified by removesource parameter) as there is no OBJ code |
7606 | Global node already in use ‘%1’ |
7607 | Original data value at %1=%2 new value %3 |
7608 | New data has %1=%2 but in original global this does not exist |
7609 | File ‘%1’ does not contain an exported deployment |
7610 | Signature on code ‘%1’ incorrect so this item is not original released version |
Error Code | Description |
7700 | Invalid manifest specification ‘%1’ |
7701 | Invalid expression ‘%1’: %2 |
7702 | Invalid special variable ‘%1’ |
7703 | Parser error parsing ‘%1’ at offset %2: ‘%3’ |
General Error Codes — 7800 to 7999
Error Code | Description |
7800 | Unable to start any worker jobs |
7801 | Another job is modifying worker numbers |
7802 | Worker job/s unexpectedly shut down |
7803 | Job complete queue unexpectedly closed |
7804 | Lock table full, aborting |
7805 | Unable to create workers when we already have work being processed |
7806 | Unable to signal all workers |
7807 | Not all worker jobs started, was attempting to start ‘%1’ |
7808 | Can not count worker jobs because unable to get a lock |
7809 | Unable to create workers in a worker process |
7810 | Work queue API being called using an invalid queue name ‘%1′ for $job=’%2’ |
7811 | Unable to find classname for ‘%1’ call |
7812 | Work queue unexpectedly removed, shutting down. |
7813 | Work queue received bad response from worker, shutting down. |
7814 | Worker jobs not processing any work, so process appears to be stalled, shutting down. |
7815 | Work queue not initialized, either due to a previous error causing a shutdown, or no call to Initialize before queuing work. |
7850 | Class ‘%1’ is classtype=system but this does not support any ‘%2’ members |
7851 | Classtype=system classes can only inherit from other classtype=system classes. Super class path ‘%1’. |
7852 | Classtype=’%1′ is not a valid classtype. Valid values are ‘%2’. |
7853 | Classtype=system classes do not support generator methods ‘%1’. |
7854 | C++ method ‘%1’ in class ‘%2’ can not support alias methods associated with property ‘%3’. |
7855 | C++ method ‘%1’ in class ‘%2’ returntype not supported ‘%3’. |
7856 | C++ method ‘%1’ in class ‘%2’ argument type not supported ‘%3’. |
Error Code | Description |
7900 | Service ‘%1’ not enabled for application ‘%2’ |
7901 | Second Factor Login Failed for application ‘%1’ |
7902 | OnApplication callback aborted the application change and the login process |
7903 | Second Factor cancelled by user |
7904 | Can not call on class that is not subclass of %ZEN.Mobile.basePage and not mobile enabled ‘%1’ |
7905 | Invalid method to call on mobile page ‘%1’ |
7906 | Session event callback prevented session from being created. |
7950 | The WebSocket Read operation has timed out |
7951 | The Client has closed the WebSocket |
Error Codes 8000 to 8999
General Error Codes — 8000 to 8199
Error Code | Description |
8000 | Domain %1 already exists |
8001 | Invalid SortField %1 |
8002 | Global name ‘%1’ is reserved |
8003 | Failed to process source |
8004 | Failed to acquire lock on domain %1 |
8005 | External Id not found for internal id %1 |
8006 | Configuration %1 does not exist |
8007 | Failed to initialize DirectInput |
8008 | Failed to initialize Indexer |
8009 | Failed to load KB %1 |
8010 | Failed to load LB %1 |
8011 | KB %1 Not Found |
8012 | %1: Caught Error %2 |
8013 | Lister alias ‘%1’ already in use by class %2 in this namespace |
8014 | Failed to reset %1 from location %2 |
8015 | Nothing to process |
8016 | Configuration with id %1 does not exist |
8017 | Domain name and id do not match |
8018 | Domain %1 does not exist |
8019 | Domain %1 is corrupt |
8020 | Domain %1 must be opened in namespace %2 |
8021 | Domain with id %1 does not exist |
8022 | Internal datasource error |
8023 | Failed to delete source %1 |
8024 | Invalid Type: %1 |
8025 | Missing Source Id |
8026 | Missing Source Field %1 in source %2 |
8027 | Missing Continuation Key in source %1 |
8028 | Missing Crc Field %1 in source %2 |
8029 | Missing Sentence Field %1 in source %2 |
8030 | Missing Relation Frequency in source %2 |
8031 | Missing %1 Attribute in source %2 |
8032 | Search string must be at least %1 characters long |
8033 | Source not specified |
8034 | Source does not exist (srcId: %1) |
8035 | Source does not exist (extId: %1) |
8036 | No metadata field specified |
8037 | Metadata field does not exist (field ID: %1) |
8038 | Metadata field does not exist (field name: %1) |
8039 | Supplied metadata value ‘%1’ not allowed for MD Domain %2 |
8040 | Metadata field ‘%1’ already exists in this domain |
8041 | Dictionary %1 does not exist |
8042 | Dictionary item %1 does not exist |
8043 | Dictionary term %1 does not exist |
8044 | Dictionary element %1 does not exist |
8045 | Dictionary item with URI ‘%1’ already exists |
8046 | Dictionary format class %1 does not exist |
8047 | Internal error indexing dictionary terms |
8048 | Metadata operator ‘%1’ not supported for field %2 |
8049 | Metadata LOV %1 does not exist |
8050 | Failed to convert buffer text to lower case |
8051 | Failed to create encoding object for %1 |
8052 | Failed to transcode string |
8053 | Invalid indexer id specified |
8054 | Unknown language id specified |
8055 | Invalid object id specified |
8056 | Failed to open file %1 |
8057 | Cannot index with no KB loaded |
8058 | Indexer returned a data item larger than the maximum supported |
8059 | Indexer failed while attempting to return output data |
8060 | An invalid data processing object was passed to the indexer |
8061 | Configuration %1 exists |
8062 | Languages must be in $list format |
8063 | Language %1 does not exist |
8064 | Failed to load library: %1 |
8065 | Unable to instantiate iKnow Engine |
8066 | Failed to lock iKnow Indexer |
8067 | Can’t open Lister id: %1 |
8068 | Ngram search is not enabled for this domain |
8069 | Cannot overwrite an existing MD value in batch mode |
8070 | Supplied metadata value count (%1) does not correspond to key count (%2) |
8071 | Unable to open Converter id: %1 |
8072 | Unable to open Processor id: %1 |
8073 | There are still lists scheduled for a Batch load. Process them first or call Loader.Reset() |
8074 | Indexer process failed |
8075 | Failed to create Loader instance |
8076 | Failed to split External ID: %1 |
8077 | Unknown Lister class or alias: %1 |
8078 | BuildExtIdFromName() should be called for an implementing Lister class, not the abstract one |
8079 | Match ID does not exist: %1 |
8080 | Configuration ID (%1) and name (%2) do not match |
8081 | Missing bitstring |
8082 | Bad $List in %1 |
8083 | Failed to build: %1 |
8084 | Failed to start any worker processes |
8085 | Only a single Virtual Source ID is supported for this query |
8086 | Virtual Source %1 not found in this domain |
8087 | Dictionary element value is too long: %1 |
8088 | Group with id %1 does not exist |
8089 | Source with external ID already exists: %1 |
8090 | String too long: %1 |
8091 | BlackList with name ‘%1’ already exists |
8092 | Dictionary with name ‘%1’ already exists |
8093 | BlackList with id %1 does not exist |
8094 | Failed to load the requested iKnow language data. This may be due to an insufficiently large gmheap setting. |
8095 | Cannot set domain parameter ‘%1’ (either unknown or not user-configurable) |
8096 | Domain must be empty (no sources or entities) before parameter ‘%1’ can be changed. |
8097 | iKnow is not available for this license |
8098 | Illegal result parameter value: %1 (should be either empty for output var or start with ^ for global output) |
8099 | STORE error while compiling query result. Either decrease page size or use global output. |
8100 | Gateway Request Failed: %1 |
8101 | Gateway Request Exception: %1 |
8102 | Gateway Request No Data: %1 |
8103 | Gateway Request Timedout: %1 |
General Error Codes — 8200 to 8299
Error Code | Description |
8200 | Maximum concept length must be positive. |
8201 | User has no permissions to write to the database |
8202 | Missing Lister Parameter at index %1 (%2) |
8203 | Invalid Lister Parameter at index %1 (%2): «%3» |
8204 | No Lister registered in this Loader instance. Use Loader.SetLister() first |
8205 | There is no User Dictionary with name «%1 |
8206 | There is no User Dictionary with id %1 |
8207 | User Dictionary with name «%1» already exists |
8208 | Invalid filter spec: «%1” |
8209 | Missing Relation Dominance in source %1 |
8210 | Missing Proximity Field %1 in source %2 |
8211 | %1 is not a valid Converter class |
8212 | %1 is not a valid Processor class |
8213 | Missing Concept Dominance in source %1 |
8214 | Missing %1 Field %2 in source %3 |
8215 | The supplied Matching Profile has not been saved since it was last modified |
8216 | A Matching Profile named «%1» does not exist in domain %2 |
8217 | No sources can be added to a DeepSee-managed domain other than through DeepSee |
8218 | A Matching Profile named «%1» already exists |
8219 | «%1» is not a valid Matching Profile name (no colons allowed) |
8220 | This feature is only supported for domains in versions %1 or above |
8221 | This parameter has already been set to ‘%1’ at the system level. Use UnsetSystemParameter() to clear it first |
8222 | Failed to acquire lock |
8223 | %1 object is modified, please save first. |
8224 | Domain parameter ‘%1’ can only be changed at the namespace level if no non-empty domains exist in this namespace. |
8225 | Cannot change domain parameter ‘%1’ to ‘%2’. Illegal value. |
8226 | Metric with ID %1 does not exist |
8227 | Metric ‘%1’ does not exist |
8228 | Metric target ‘%1’ with ID %2 does not exist |
8229 | Metric ‘%1’ does not support target ‘%2’ |
8230 | Domain %1 is managed by %2 and cannot be updated directly. |
8231 | %1 %2 is managed by %3 and cannot be updated directly. |
8232 | Internal error in iKnow Engine: %1 |
8233 | At least one of the data structures required to resolve this query is not build or up-to-date. Please review your domain’s build flags (%1). |
8234 | Failed to load iKnow language model. File: %1, Line: %2, ‘%3’ |
8235 | The «system» domain only supports Virtual Sources |
8236 | This operation is not supported in the «system» domain |
8237 | The iKnow engine could not allocate enough memory to process the current document. |
8238 | Stemming is not enabled for this domain. |
8239 | iFind search string syntax error: brackets mismatch |
General Error Codes — 8300 to 8499
Error Code | Description |
8300 | No Pattern Argument |
8301 | ICU Regular Expression Error Number %1 (0x%2) |
8310 | Internal error in ICU regular expression library |
8311 | Syntax error in regexp pattern |
8312 | RegexMatcher in invalid state for requested operation |
8313 | Unrecognized backslash escape sequence in pattern |
8314 | Incorrect Unicode property |
8315 | Use of regexp feature that is not yet implemented |
8316 | Incorrectly nested parentheses in regexp pattern |
8317 | Decimal number is too large for ICU library |
8318 | Error in {min,max} interval |
8319 | In {min,max}, max is less than min |
8320 | Back-reference to a non-existent capture group |
8321 | Invalid value for match mode flags |
8322 | Look-Behind pattern matches must have a bounded maximum length |
8323 | Regexps cannot have UnicodeSets containing strings |
8324 | Octal character constant cannot be greater than 0377 |
8325 | Missing closing bracket on a bracket expression |
8326 | In a character range [x-y], x is greater than y |
8327 | Regular expression backtrack stack overflow |
8328 | Maximum allowed match time exceeded |
8329 | Matching operation aborted by user callback fn |
8351 | Index, such as group number, is out of bounds |
8352 | Illegal argument, such as empty string for Pattern |
Error Code | Description |
8400 | No file with GUID ‘%1’ |
8401 | No file with name ‘%1’ |
8402 | No file with name ‘%1’ in ‘%2’ |
8403 | Multiple files with name ‘%1’ |
8404 | Multiple files with name ‘%1’ in ‘%2’ |
8405 | No file prior to ‘%1’ |
8406 | No file prior to ‘%1’ with prefix ‘%2’ |
General Error Codes — 8500 to 8599
Error Code | Description |
8500 | Error: ‘%1’ in Line %2 at offset %3 (%4) |
8501 | Error: ‘%1’ in Line %2 at offset %3 (%4) |
General Error Codes — 8600 to 8699
Error Code | Description |
8600 | Cannot return application license, session out of scope |
8601 | Invalid licensed application name |
8602 | Cannot open license key file ‘%1’. |
8603 | Not a valid license key file. |
8604 | License key has expired. |
8605 | License key is invalid. |
8606 | License key invalid for product version. |
8607 | This system (%1 Cores) exceeds permitted CPU core limit (%2) for Ensemble. |
8608 | This system (%1 Cores) exceeds permitted CPU core limit (%2) for Cache. |
8609 | License key platform (%1) invalid for this platform (%2). |
8610 | License keys are not accepted on a Single User (SU) platform. |
8611 | Licensed Application (%1), Keyword (%2) value (%3) is not a number. |
8612 | No license for Application (%1). |
8613 | Application connection count overflowed for user. |
General Error Codes — 8700 to 8799
Error Code | Description |
8700 | XData Missing — class: %1 name: %2 |
8701 | Dispatch Map Schema Validation Failed |
General Error Codes — 8800 to 8899
Error Code | Description |
8800 | The notification is invalid |
8801 | The notification protocol ‘%1’ is not supported |
8802 | The device token is invalid |
8803 | The APNS connection to %1 timed out after %2s |
8804 | The push notification attempt failed |
8805 | The push notification attempt failed: %1 |
8806 | Invalid response from the APNS: %1 |
8807 | Connection to %1:%2 failed |
8808 | The APNS terminated the connection |
8809 | Connection to %1 failed |
8810 | Unexpected HTTP status %1: ‘%2’ |
8812 | The push notification attempt failed |
8813 | The push notification attempt failed: %1 |
Error Codes 9000 to 9999
General Error Codes — 9000 to 9099
Error Code | Description |
9000 | Class (%1) is not up to date. |
9001 | Name: (%1) already exists. |
9002 | Class (%1) is generated. |
9003 | Class (%1) cannot be opened. |
9004 | Class (%1), method (%2) cannot be parsed. |
9005 | Class (%1) is deployed. |
General Error Codes — 9100 to 9199
Error Code | Description |
9100 | Extent size must be a positive number ‘%1’. |
General Error Codes — 9200 to 9299
Error Code | Description |
9200 | %1 |
9201 | «%1» is not a valid option. |
9202 | «%1» is not a valid value for ImportTableExists option. |
9203 | Datatype «%1» is not supported for import columns. |
9204 | Table %1 already exists. |
9205 | Cannot acquire lock on table name «%1» in namespace %2. |
9206 | Syntax error in import table column specification. |
9207 | Syntax error: do not use keyword «AS» with SQL datatype name «%1». |
9208 | Datatype parameter «%1» is not supported. |
9209 | Datatype parameter «%1» is not supported for datatype %2. |
9210 | Cardinality «%1» is not supported. |
9211 | Time format %1 is not supported. |
9212 | Specified inverse relationship name «%1» conflicts with an existing property of class %2. |
9213 | Must specify inverse relationship name for relationship property %1. |
9214 | Option «%1» cannot be set at the connection level. |
9215 | Must connect before creating MapReduceResult. |
9216 | Must connect before executing command. |
9217 | Must connect before executing command. |
9218 | Cannot acquire lock needed to synchronize class %1. |
9219 | Cannot acquire lock needed to rollback checkpoint for class %1. |
9220 | No information available about synchronization job with ID %1. |
Error Codes 15000 and Higher
General Error Codes — 15000 to 16000
Error Code | Description |
15414 | The type of the index key property, ‘%3’ in class ‘%1’, index ‘%2’, is not a serial type. |
15511 | SQL Map ‘%1’ is conditional but condition is null. |
15555 | Incorrect string format in class %1, ‘%2’ = %3. |
General Error Codes — 16000 to 17000
Error Code | Description |
16000 | Line: ‘%1’ Offset: ‘%2’. |
16001 | Couldn’t open document ‘%1’. |
16002 | Invalid JSON Content. |
16003 | HTTP POST has not content. |
16004 | Unknown request type ‘%1’. |
16005 | Document ‘%1’ does NOT exist. |
16006 | Document ‘%1’ name is invalid. |
16007 | Couldn’t parse debugger command ‘%1’. |
Non-Numeric Error Codes
Miscellaneous Error Codes
Error Code | Description |
DisplayStringLoaderError | DisplayStringLoader error ‘%1’ |
DisplayStringLoaderException | DisplayStringLoader exception ‘%1’ |
DomainOrFilesEmpty | The Domain or Files parameter(s) must not be empty |
ErrDisplayStringNotFound | DisplayString undefined for Id=’%1′, domain=’%2′, language=’%3′ |
ErrNoSaveMasterStrings | Failed to save XData MasterStrings for MasterLanguage ‘%1’ to file %2 |
MasterStringsNewer | %1 XData MasterStrings are newer than strings in %2 — first difference = %3 |
MasterStringsOlder | %1 Strings in %2 are newer than XData MasterStrings — first difference = %3 |
MessageDomainNotFound | The domain specified in the domain parameter was not found in any message file |
NoStatusCode | (no error description) |
OK | OK |
UnknownStatusCode | Unknown status code: |
XMLImportLocation | (ending at line %1 character %2) |
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General error message обычно вызвано неверно настроенными системными настройками или нерегулярными записями в реестре Windows. Эта ошибка может быть исправлена специальным программным обеспечением, которое восстанавливает реестр и настраивает системные настройки для восстановления стабильности
If you have General error message then we strongly recommend that you
Download (General error message) Repair Tool.
This article contains information that shows you how to fix
General error message
(manually) and (automatically) , In addition, this article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to General error message that you may receive.
Эта статья была обновлено на 2023-02-03 и ранее опубликованный под WIKI_Q210794
- 1. Meaning of General error message?
- 2. Causes of General error message?
- 3. More info on General error message
Meaning of General error message?
Ошибка или неточность, вызванная ошибкой, совершая просчеты о том, что вы делаете. Это состояние неправильного суждения или концепции в вашем поведении, которое позволяет совершать катастрофические события. В машинах ошибка — это способ измерения разницы между наблюдаемым значением или вычисленным значением события против его реального значения.
Это отклонение от правильности и точности. Когда возникают ошибки, машины терпят крах, компьютеры замораживаются и программное обеспечение перестает работать. Ошибки — это в основном непреднамеренные события. В большинстве случаев ошибки являются результатом плохого управления и подготовки.
Неожиданные условия могут случиться с компьютером, и один из способов информировать пользователей об этих условиях — это сообщение об ошибке. Эти сообщения появляются, когда есть важные предупреждения для ретрансляции или когда пользователю необходимо выполнить действие.
Однако в зависимости от программы и используемой операционной системы существуют различные формы сообщений об ошибках. Он может быть представлен в подробном сообщении, части графического интерфейса пользователя, выделенных огнях или кратком коде.
Некоторые из наиболее распространенных сообщений об ошибках:
- Устройство не готово
- Недостаточно памяти
- Файл не найден
- Доступ запрещен
- [имя программы] столкнулась с проблемой и ее необходимо закрыть. Приносим свои извинения за неудобства.
Недостаточно места на диске
Causes of General error message?
If you have received this error on your PC, it means that there was a malfunction in your system operation. Common reasons include incorrect or failed installation or uninstallation of software that may have left invalid entries in your Windows registry, consequences of a virus or malware attack, improper system shutdown due to a power failure or another factor, someone with little technical knowledge accidentally deleting a necessary system file or registry entry, as well as a number of other causes. The immediate cause of the «General error message» error is a failure to correctly run one of its normal operations by a system or application component.
More info on
General error message
РЕКОМЕНДУЕМЫЕ: Нажмите здесь, чтобы исправить ошибки Windows и оптимизировать производительность системы.
What is going error message «systemboothideplayer» in the Real Player program.
Everytime I boot up I get a general on?
Solved: General error message
other players when one night I received a General Error message. I love my General Error message and says to try reloading, which does not work. The games start to load after finding players and then poof, the games.
I was playing online games of Hearts and Texas Hold’em with Help!
AVG Update failed — general error message.
I try to update my AVG but gets most of way problem when I google. says file has been moved to :-. If I click back it goes to Most times a page comes up that the page I was expecting to go to.
I am having a through and comes up «Update failed, General error.»
Пожалуйста, помогите.
Ошибка общей защиты — сообщение об ошибке …
Может быть, там. Аналогичная проблема с Гарри
HI Splinter Cell Pandora Завтра. звуковая карта конфликт.
Я недавно купил игру Поттера, нажмите здесь
Сообщение об ошибке общей защиты
Я попытался переустановить мой компьютер снова. Если вы можете получить какие-либо конкретные коды ошибок, это очень поможет, домашняя версия xp. Пока я устанавливал программу, я все время запрашивал файл, который, как я знаю, занимает 4 часов. Я моя домашняя система windows xp.
Около недели работает компьютер.
Hello, to each any disc of any kind. Nothing the next screen appeared was the «General Protection Fault» message. Once, I skipped what seemed like millions generally they are in the form of 0x———, using numbers 0-9 and letters a-f
Так же, как и тот же список ошибок lingo внизу. Есть ли кто-нибудь, кто может помочь, у меня возникла проблема с помощью помощи. Система перешла на экран настройки Windows, а затем в крайнем случае.
to skip this or that file because the file was corrupt. The computer will not read kept restarting and shutting off by itself. Sometimes the screen may say «EXCEPTIONS» with and everyone .
Общее сообщение об ошибке, когда я пингу
Может кто-то угодить ip-адресу, который также терпит неудачу. У меня есть ноутбуки 2 с одним XP, который прекрасно подключается к маршрутизатору, но настройки брандмауэра. Я проверил помощь?
Эта проблема влияет как на мою машину LAN Vista, так и на меня ограничивает возможности подключения
Я попробовал winsock и сбросил ip-стек.
Я также пытался вручную ввести. Я получаю различные сообщения об ошибках.
Я использую Microsoft Vista и не работаю, и кажется, что мой IP-адрес назначается APIPA. Когда я PING получаю сообщение об ошибке общего отказа
Также DHCP — это Ethernet-соединения и мой беспроводной адаптер.
сообщение .. общий защита ошибка ..huh ??
Купил ноутбук Cheers guys / gals
Что такое жесткий диск на Ebay .. и справочные данные жесткого диска ?.
Youtube — блокировка общего сообщения
теперь кто-нибудь знает, почему и куда он ушел? На этой веб-странице не отображается эта блокировка
Раньше я мог перейти в Учетные записи / Входящие / общее сообщение, чтобы блокировать нежелательные сообщения, и ограничение только моих контактов может отправлять мне сообщения.
Решение: сообщение об общем сбое в командной строке при Ping IP или DNS
Статистика Ping для
Пакеты: отправлено = 4, получено = 0, потеряно 32 байтов данных:
Общий сбой. Генерал и я сидим, чтобы получить то же сообщение. Я попробовал в двух разных сетях = 4 (100% loss),
Pinging с байтами данных 32:
Общий сбой. Общий сбой.
Pinging [] с аналогичной проблемой с поддержкой сети, чтобы исключить конфликты.
Общий маршрутизатор Linksys, которому требуется обновление прошивки.
И попробуйте проверить проблему в режиме безопасного режима. Общий сбой. Общий сбой. отказ.
Общий сбой.
Решение: сообщение об общем сбое в Outlook при нажатии на ссылки в сообщениях электронной почты
The URL was «[whatever the link is]» set as my main browser.
Я. Система не может найти указанный файл. У меня есть Firefox 3.0.04, но это не исправило ошибку.
Я переустановил Outlook с дисков (используя функцию восстановления) с помощью Outlook 2007.
All aspects of the program are running normally except when I click on a link in an email I’ve received, I get the following message: General failure.
Ошибка Excel VBA 1004: общая ошибка ODBC
Если бы вы могли мне помочь, это было бы оценено.
Hi, I’m trying to run this code, which gets information text «WHERE IndMotor.KV =» a number, say 4. I thought I had gotten my variables one of the values from the DISTINCT (Blue) query.
Но мне действительно нужно, чтобы запрос правильно выбирался, но, похоже, он не работает. Это нормально работает, если я устанавливаю красный из базы данных доступа, а затем отображает его в excel.
General error msinm.exe
Общая ошибка извлечения
Tnx ….
there is this message «General extraction error» everytime I restart my computer. What does How can this error mean? Any comment will I fix it?
Привет, эксперт. У меня проблемы с моей системой, мы будем очень благодарны!
general imapi error
Are you the only user or is if it is Outlook Express, change it to Outlook. If it is Outlook, change it to Outlook Express or IMAPI errorWhen trying to use Sonic digital media panel no disc is recognized. When trying to backup photos from cannon zoom browser I get ageneral there an administrator?What email client is default?
Error during general challenge
Either that, or simply reinstall and use cheats to jump to the level I was last at.
sx100 General Error
Turning printer back holding down to be re-set. Does it need how.
Turning Printer off for a anyone help.
Sx100 only PC indicates «General Error».
All lights flashing and the Stop button has no impact. If yes — 15 months old. Can period of time does not help.
Error 1612 and General Help Please
Not sure which place kill which claims to fix all sorts of problems. Question: how can i over come this error 1612 message
question: how can i office which I also have -apparently the install path isnt there. Whilst on the search I came across error update office when install path not available
question: what are your views on error kill. On searching on net for info regarding the above I realise it isnt only me that has the problem.
I decided not to complete the scan and anticipation,
Download update and get unable to install, error code 1612 go to both office and messenger. A couple of people also have a problem with updating etc and download new version (that is where i got it). I have scanned my machine and it comes up with
hundreds of errors whether it be registry or otherwise, so… I wondered about uninstalling keep getting alert to update — fine. Thank you in this need to be placed. I run msn messenger 7.5 and have it fix errors until i have your advice.
Outlook 2010 «General Failure» message.
I know I’ve posted recently on this, and I’m for «Outlook 2010 email hyperlinks not working» will give you more possible solutions.
Just a thought could your antivirus program be even had a MS certified «expert» look at my computer yesterday, but to no avail. The problem persists — which means that my email facilities are useless. But — — I’m absolutely can gather seems not all that uncommon), and who can provide me with the fix.
Each time I click on a link in an email in grateful for all the help and advice I’ve been given. I’m at stumped — frustrated and baffled. You could look at CLICK HERE or CLICK HERE If you do a search blocking the hyperlinks or the browser you are using. The specified procedure could not be found.»
I’ve followed all the advice offered, and I Outlook 2010 the message appears: «General Failure: The URL was (details given).
Мое мольба заключается в том, что, надеюсь, кто-то столкнулся с этой проблемой (что, насколько я считаю, полная потеря!
Сообщение об ошибке Windows Update: Ошибка 0x80072EE2 Ошибка 0x80072EE7 Ошибка 0x80072EFD E
Попробуйте эту ссылку:
Ошибка общей защиты! (ГПФ)
когда я запускаю Borderlands из пара. Обновите последний драйвер ATi до последней версии (включая центр управления катализатором)
В игре попросили установить DirextX9c? Является ли это розничным DVD, способным его установить.
Вот что происходит:
If you I haven’t even been or a paid download from Steam? in a Virtual Drive?
I’m getting this GPF error have any ideas please reply.
Не пытаться запустить его
A General Script Error Occurred
problem out please
Is it something to do with my end or their end? Can anybody help me sort this I have tried the site on a friends computer, and as normal as they have been receiveing orders.
The site assure me that everything is working why this error is occuring? Can anybody tell me he was using blueyonder and got the same error message.
- Remove From My Forums
Dear Friends,
I use Visual Web Developer 2010. It seems that a recent update has changed the program’s behavior when an exception is thrown and not handled. Instead of a detailed message with the line of code that threw the exception, the exception type, and a stack trace,
all I get now is «Uh-oh, something went wrong! Error Code: 500.»For a production web site, this could be an improvement, but for development it is a huge step backwards.
If there is something I can do to restore the original behavior, at least for development, I would appreciate some detailed instructions.
Thank you for your trouble, and best regards.
Eric (orexin)
Edited by
Wednesday, June 4, 2014 10:00 PM
Moved by
Carl Cai
Friday, June 27, 2014 9:55 AM
(from debug)not related
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Proposed as answer by
Ed Price — MSFTMicrosoft employee
Wednesday, July 2, 2014 10:14 PM -
Marked as answer by
Dave PatrickMVP
Tuesday, July 8, 2014 12:39 AM
Proposed as answer by
- Remove From My Forums
Dear Friends,
I use Visual Web Developer 2010. It seems that a recent update has changed the program’s behavior when an exception is thrown and not handled. Instead of a detailed message with the line of code that threw the exception, the exception type, and a stack trace,
all I get now is «Uh-oh, something went wrong! Error Code: 500.»For a production web site, this could be an improvement, but for development it is a huge step backwards.
If there is something I can do to restore the original behavior, at least for development, I would appreciate some detailed instructions.
Thank you for your trouble, and best regards.
Eric (orexin)
Edited by
Wednesday, June 4, 2014 10:00 PM
Moved by
Carl Cai
Friday, June 27, 2014 9:55 AM
(from debug)not related
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Proposed as answer by
Ed Price — MSFTMicrosoft employee
Wednesday, July 2, 2014 10:14 PM -
Marked as answer by
Dave PatrickMVP
Tuesday, July 8, 2014 12:39 AM
Proposed as answer by
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
An error message when attempting to use the Wikipedia Visual editor.
An error message is information displayed when an unforeseen problem occurs, usually on a computer or other device. On modern operating systems with graphical user interfaces, error messages are often displayed using dialog boxes. Error messages are used when user intervention is required, to indicate that a desired operation has failed, or to relay important warnings (such as warning a computer user that they are almost out of hard disk space). Error messages are seen widely throughout computing, and are part of every operating system or computer hardware device. Proper design of error messages is an important topic in usability and other fields of human–computer interaction.[1]
Common error messages[edit]
The following error messages are commonly seen by modern computer users:[citation needed]
- Access denied
- This error occurs if the user doesn’t have privileges to a file, or if it has been locked by some program or user.
- Device not ready
- This error most often occurs when there is no floppy disk (or a bad disk) in the disk drive and the system tries to perform tasks involving this disk.
- File not found
- The file concerned may have been damaged, moved, deleted, or a bug may have caused the error. Alternatively, the file simply might not exist, or the user has mistyped its name. This is most commonly seen on the internet with outdated links to web pages that no longer exist. On a local computer, this is more frequent on command line interfaces than on graphical user interfaces where files are presented iconically and users do not type file names.
- Low Disk Space
- This error occurs when the hard drive is (nearly) full. To fix this, the user should close some programs (to free swap file usage) and delete some files (normally temporary files, or other files after they have been backed up), or get a bigger hard drive.
- Out of memory
- This error occurs when the system has run out of memory or tries to load a file too large to store in RAM. The fix is to close some programs or install more memory.
- [program name] has stopped working.
- This message and similar ones are displayed by several operating systems when program causes a general protection fault or invalid page fault.
Notable error messages[edit]
- Abort, Retry, Fail? — A notoriously confusing error message seen in MS-DOS
An example of an Error message .vbs script
- Bad command or file name — Another notoriously common and confusing error message seen in MS-DOS
- The Blue Screen of Death — On Microsoft Windows and ReactOS operating systems, this screen appears when Windows or ReactOS can no longer run because of a severe error.[2] It is roughly analogous to a kernel panic on Linux, Unix, or macOS.
- Can’t extend — an error message from Acorn DFS. DFS stores files in non-fragmented contiguous disk space, this error is caused when trying to extend an open random-access file into space that is already occupied by another file.
- Guru Meditation — an error message from the Commodore Amiga, roughly analogous to a kernel panic or BSOD, also adopted by more recent products such as VirtualBox.
- HTTP 404 — A file not found error seen on the World Wide Web, usually resulting from a link to a page that has been moved or deleted, or a mistyped URL
- lp0 on fire — A Unix warning that the printer may be «on fire», literally or not
- Not a typewriter — A Unix error message that is confusing due to its now obsolete use of the word «typewriter», and which is sometimes output when the nature of the error is seemingly entirely different
- PC LOAD LETTER — An error on several HP laser printers that simply asked the user to add «Letter» size paper in a confusing way[3]
- SYNTAX ERROR — Seen on many computer systems when the received instructions are in a format they don’t understand
- HTTP 504 — An error found on the World Wide Web stating that a gateway timeout occurred in the internet link.
- Error 1603 — An error that states that a problem during installation of a computer program, this error particularly occurs on Windows computer systems.
- <application name> has stopped — An error message commonly found on Android devices, which states a current running application unexpectedly stops working or crashes.
- Success — one of the error messages (in this instance, POSIX) that occurs when the program has detected an error condition, yet the actual error message printing routine relies on C library to print the error reported by the operating system (in this case, errno.h), while the underlying system calls have succeeded and report no errors (in this case,
errno == 0
). This is a form of sloppy error handling that is particularly confusing for the user. - [Connection Time Out Error Mac] — Error occurs on Mac systems when it takes more time to connect wireless networks.
Fail pets[edit]
Tumbeasts gnawing on servers, used by Tumblr in 2011
With the rise of Web 2.0 services such as Twitter, end-user facing error messages such as HTTP 404 and HTTP 500 started to be displayed with whimsical characters, termed Fail Pets or Error Mascots. The term «Fail Pet» was coined, or at least first used in print, by Mozilla Engineer Fred Wenzel in a post on his blog entitled «Why Wikipedia might need a fail-pet — and why Mozilla does not.»[4] Dr. Sean Rintel argues that error messages are a critical strategic moment in brand awareness and loyalty. Fail pets are of interest to marketers because they can result in brand recognition (especially through earned media). «However, that same recognition carries the danger of highlighting service failure.»[5] The most famous fail pet is Twitter’s Fail Whale (see Twitter service outages). Other fail pets include:
- Ars Technica: Moon Shark (March 3, 2013)
- FarmVille on Facebook: Sad cow.
- GitHub: Octocat
- Google: Broken robot (March 2, 2011)
- iCloud: Cloud with Apple System 7 emoticon-style face and a magnifying glass
- Macintosh: Sad Mac
- Palliser Furniture: Between the cushions (January 31, 2018)
- Tumblr: Tumbeasts (January 25, 2011)
- Twitter: Fail Whale / Twitter Robot (July 30, 2008)
- YouTube: Televisions (on main site), light static inside video window (embedded video)
- Cartoon Network: BMO [Asia]: Domo
- Google Chrome: T-Rex
- Patreon: Red fox with a helmet floating in space
- VK: Sad Vkontakte dog
- Scratch: Giga scratching his head
Message format[edit]
The form that error messages take varies between operating systems and programs.
Error messages on hardware devices, like computer peripherals, may take the form of dedicated lights indicating an error condition, a brief code that needs to be interpreted using a look-up sheet or a manual, or via a more detailed message on a display.
On computers, error messages may take the form of text printed to a console, or they may be presented as part of a graphical user interface. Error messages are often presented as a dialog box, which makes them cause a following mode error in the user interaction. In many cases the original error can be avoided by error prevention techniques. Instead of raising an error message the system design should have avoided the conditions that caused the error.[6]
While various graphical user interfaces have different conventions for displaying error messages, several techniques have become common:
- A dialog box, or pop-up message, appears in a window on the screen, blocking further interaction with the computer until it is acknowledged. On Mac OS X, sheets are a form of dialog box that are attached to a specific window.
- Notification icons appear to notify a user about a condition without interrupting their work. On Windows, notification icons appear in the System Tray. On Mac OS X, notification icons may appear in the menu bar, or may take the form of an application’s icon «bouncing» in the Dock. The GNOME user interface for Unix systems can display notification icons in a panel.
- Minor errors may be displayed in a status bar, a small portion of an application’s window that can display brief messages to the user.
The three main factors[7] that influence the design of error messages are technical limitations, the amount of information to be presented, and what kind of user input is required.
Some systems have technical limitations that may constrain the amount of information an error message can contain. For example, a printer with a sixteen-character alphanumeric display can only show a very limited amount of information at once, so it may need to display very terse error messages. Even with computer monitors, the programmer must consider the smallest monitor that a user might reasonably use, and ensure that any error messages will fit on that screen.
The nature of the error determines the amount of information required to effectively convey the error message. A complex issue may require a more detailed error message in order to adequately inform the user of the problem.
When designing error messages, software designers should take care to avoid creating security vulnerabilities. The designer should give the user enough information to make an intelligent decision, but not so much information that the user is overwhelmed or confused. Extraneous information may be hidden by default or placed in a separate location. Error message should not expose information that can be exploited by a cracker to obtain information that is otherwise difficult to obtain. Examples are systems which may show either «invalid user» or «invalid password» depending on which is incorrect, and the error page in the web server IIS 5.0 which provides a complete technical description of the error including a source code fragment.
See also[edit]
- Alert dialog box
- Human–computer interaction
- Interaction design
- Usability
- User error
- User interface design
- Exception handling
- ^ Minhas, Saadis (May 30, 2018). «How to Write Good Error Messages». UX Planet. Retrieved Jan 30, 2019.
- ^ Fisher, Tim (2019-01-16). «Blue Screens of Death (BSOD): Everything You Need to Know». Lifewire. Retrieved 2019-01-30.
- ^ McNamara, Paul (2009-04-29). «LaserJet turns 25 … ‘PC LOAD LETTER’ still unfathomable». Network World. Retrieved 2019-01-30.
- ^ Wenzel, Fred. «why wikipedia might need a fail-pet — and why mozilla does not». Retrieved 8 February 2012.
- ^ Rintel, Sean (2 November 2011). «The Evolution of Fail Pets : Strategic Whimsy and Brand Awareness in Error Messages». UX Magazine. Retrieved 8 February 2012.
- ^ Raskin, Jef 2000.The Humane Interface, Addison-Wesley ISBN 0-201-37937-6. See chapter 6-4-2, Messages to the User
- ^ «Non-Fatal Errors: Creating usable, effective error messages». Retrieved 2007-02-16.
External links[edit]
- A more useful 404 (A List Apart)
- Avoid being embarrassed by your error messages (UX Matters)
- Oops! I ruined your life.
(Cooper Journal) Archived 2014-08-25 at the Wayback Machine
Номер ошибки: | Ошибка 0xC0070643 | |
Название ошибки: | Error message: General internal error | |
Описание ошибки: | Error message: General internal error. Additional message: MSI Engine: Failed to install the product. | |
Разработчик: | AVG Technologies | |
Программное обеспечение: | AVG Antivirus | |
Относится к: | Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11 |
Обзор «Error message: General internal error»
«Error message: General internal error» обычно называется формой «ошибки времени выполнения». Разработчики программного обеспечения, такие как SoftwareDeveloper, обычно работают через несколько этапов отладки, чтобы предотвратить и исправить ошибки, обнаруженные в конечном продукте до выпуска программного обеспечения для общественности. Тем не менее, возможно, что иногда ошибки, такие как ошибка 0xC0070643, не устранены, даже на этом этапе.
В выпуске последней версии AVG Antivirus может возникнуть ошибка, которая гласит: «Error message: General internal error. Additional message: MSI Engine: Failed to install the product.». Таким образом, конечные пользователи предупреждают поставщиков о наличии ошибок 0xC0070643 проблем, предоставляя информацию разработчику. Затем AVG Technologies нужно будет исправить эти ошибки в главном исходном коде и предоставить модифицированную версию для загрузки. Если есть запрос на обновление AVG Antivirus, это обычно обходной путь для устранения проблем, таких как ошибка 0xC0070643 и другие ошибки.
Что вызывает ошибку времени выполнения 0xC0070643?
Сбой во время выполнения AVG Antivirus, как правило, когда вы столкнетесь с «Error message: General internal error» в качестве ошибки во время выполнения. Мы можем определить происхождение ошибок ошибки 0xC0070643 во время выполнения следующим образом:
Ошибка 0xC0070643 Crash — программа обнаружила ошибку 0xC0070643 из-за указанной задачи и завершила работу программы. Это происходит много, когда продукт (AVG Antivirus) или компьютер не может обрабатывать уникальные входные данные.
Утечка памяти «Error message: General internal error» — последствия утечки памяти AVG Antivirus связаны с неисправной операционной системой. Возможные причины из-за отказа AVG Technologies девыделения памяти в программе или когда плохой код выполняет «бесконечный цикл».
Ошибка 0xC0070643 Logic Error — Логическая ошибка вызывает неправильный вывод, даже если пользователь дал действительные входные данные. Это видно, когда исходный код AVG Technologies включает дефект в анализе входных данных.
Повреждение, отсутствие или удаление файлов Error message: General internal error может привести к ошибкам AVG Antivirus. Обычно, установка новой версии файла AVG Technologies позволяет устранить проблему, из-за которой возникает ошибка. Кроме того, регулярная очистка и оптимизация реестра Windows предотвратит создание неправильных ссылок на пути к файлам AVG Technologies, поэтому мы настоятельно рекомендуем регулярно выполнять сканирование реестра.
Распространенные проблемы Error message: General internal error
Эти проблемы AVG Antivirus, связанные с Error message: General internal error, включают в себя:
- «Ошибка приложения Error message: General internal error.»
- «Ошибка программного обеспечения Win32: Error message: General internal error»
- «Error message: General internal error должен быть закрыт. «
- «Не удается найти Error message: General internal error»
- «Отсутствует файл Error message: General internal error.»
- «Ошибка запуска программы: Error message: General internal error.»
- «Error message: General internal error не работает. «
- «Ошибка Error message: General internal error. «
- «Ошибка пути программного обеспечения: Error message: General internal error. «
Эти сообщения об ошибках AVG Technologies могут появляться во время установки программы, в то время как программа, связанная с Error message: General internal error (например, AVG Antivirus) работает, во время запуска или завершения работы Windows, или даже во время установки операционной системы Windows. Выделение при возникновении ошибок Error message: General internal error имеет первостепенное значение для поиска причины проблем AVG Antivirus и сообщения о них вAVG Technologies за помощью.
Error message: General internal error Истоки проблем
Заражение вредоносными программами, недопустимые записи реестра AVG Antivirus или отсутствующие или поврежденные файлы Error message: General internal error могут создать эти ошибки Error message: General internal error.
Точнее, ошибки Error message: General internal error, созданные из:
- Поврежденные ключи реестра Windows, связанные с Error message: General internal error / AVG Antivirus.
- Вирус или вредоносное ПО, повреждающее Error message: General internal error.
- Вредоносное удаление (или ошибка) Error message: General internal error другим приложением (не AVG Antivirus).
- Другое программное приложение, конфликтующее с Error message: General internal error.
- AVG Antivirus (Error message: General internal error) поврежден во время загрузки или установки.
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