Geno sans and error sans

Archive of Our Own beta Site Navigation 1 — 20 of 25 Works in Aftertale Geno Sans and Error Sans are the Same Person (Undertale) Navigation and Actions Pages Navigation Listing Works I’m Sorry by Tox_ic Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game) Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings No Archive Warnings Apply Sans/Sans (Undertale) Minor […]


  1. Archive of Our Own beta
  2. Site Navigation
  3. 1 — 20 of 25 Works in Aftertale Geno Sans and Error Sans are the Same Person (Undertale)
  4. Navigation and Actions
  5. Pages Navigation
  6. Listing Works
  7. I’m Sorry by Tox_ic
  8. Major Arcana Number XIII by GetMcDunkedOn for Zwagy26
  9. A Dash of Determination by aceofspades (world_on_fire)
  10. Hope can be so foreign by NavyStars
  11. Inktober Shorts (2022) by TerminusVerso
  12. and i didn’t know i’d find you here by necropathy
  13. What We Do For Family by yastaghr for SilverDragonMS
  14. Error’s manbaby tendencies get in the way of him getting laid by FoolishMortality
  15. Lunacy by TerminusVerso
  16. Forever Mine by TerminusVerso
  17. No Mother Left Behind by TerminusVerso
  18. Another One of Geno’s Amazing Ideas by LlTheLlama
  19. Haunting a reaper in training by NellB0_0
  20. Storm of ideas by NellB0_0
  21. Family Once Again by HenzieZenzie
  22. Bonds are Complicated by Viktori_Wolff
  23. From A Reaper’s Perspective by flurry20
  24. Errors (Spiteful) Holiday by Finally_Free, little_clown, PappyIsTheBest
  25. Take Care by TellTaleKael
  26. Undertale Story Ideas by somnphrenzy
  27. 735q4e87 Wiki
  28. Geno!Sans
  29. Geno!Sans
  30. Character Information
  31. Author
  32. Aliases
  33. Nicknames
  34. Relationships
  35. Alignment
  36. Themes
  37. Weapons
  38. Abilities
  39. Biographical Information
  40. Status
  41. Pronouns
  42. Residence
  43. Dislikes
  44. Physical Description
  45. Species
  46. Gender
  47. Hair color
  48. Eye color
  49. Contents
  50. Profile
  51. Personality
  52. Appearance
  53. Abilities
  54. Relationships
  55. Original Sans
  56. Frisk
  57. Papyrus
  58. Chara
  59. Error!Sans (Future Geno!Sans)
  60. Story
  61. Epilogue (Prologue to AskError)

Archive of Our Own beta

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1 — 20 of 25 Works in Aftertale Geno Sans and Error Sans are the Same Person (Undertale)

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Listing Works

I’m Sorry by Tox_ic

Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)
  • Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
  • No Archive Warnings Apply
  • Sans/Sans (Undertale)
  • Minor Reaper/Life
  • Sans (Undertale)
  • Sans Ensemble (Undertale)
  • Aftertale Geno Sans (Undertale)
  • Aftertale Geno Sans/Reapertale Sans (Undertale)
  • Aftertale Geno Sans and Error Sans are the Same Person (Undertale)
  • Error Sans Used to be Aftertale Geno Sans (Undertale)
  • Alternate Universe — Aftertale (Undertale)
  • Error Sans (Undertale) — Freeform
  • Reapertale Sans (Undertale)
  • Alternate Universe — Reapertale (Undertale)
  • Error Sans/Reapertale Sans (Undertale)
  • DestructiveDeath — Freeform
  • afterdeath
  • Angst
  • No Fluff
  • Hurt No Comfort

There I sat alone in darkness
Till’ you came
Came, bothered me, then left, and repeat
I felt things I had never felt before

Major Arcana Number XIII by GetMcDunkedOn for Zwagy26

Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)

Reaper loved Geno so terribly much, losing him was like losing a part of himself. But finding Error was wonderful, a heartfelt reunion of an old love and a gradual falling in love anew all over again, both tenderly mixed together. That was his point of view on it every moment. Error, on the other hand. His perspective needed some polishing. Accepting change takes time, after all.

A Dash of Determination by aceofspades (world_on_fire)

Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)
  • Part 1 of Dissatisfied

Language: English Words: 1,072 Chapters: 1/3 Kudos: 3 Hits: 36

  • Hope can be so foreign by NavyStars

    Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)
    • Major Character Death
    • Graphic Depictions Of Violence
    • Error Sans (Undertale) — Freeform
    • Dreamtale Nightmare Sans (Undertale)
    • Dreamtale Sans | Dream (Undertale)
    • _____tale Sans | Ink (Undertale)
    • Blood and Injury
    • Morbid Humor
    • Mental Breakdown
    • its a small mental breakdown
    • Reapertale Sans (Undertale)
    • Fights
    • Blood and Gore
    • Decapitation
    • Loss of Limbs
    • Vomiting
    • Aftertale Geno Sans and Error Sans are the Same Person (Undertale)
    • Minor Character Death
    • God.

    Error kills every au he gets his hands on. Only those that protect the balances and those from the original timeline remain.

    This follows Nightmare and Dream as they pick up the broken pieces of their lives

    • Part 2 of Losing Yourself

    Language: English Words: 6,024 Chapters: 6/? Comments: 19 Kudos: 32 Bookmarks: 4 Hits: 477

  • Inktober Shorts (2022) by TerminusVerso

    Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)

    A collection of various Undertale short stories for Inktober, featuring everyone’s favorite little crab-walking paint demon: Ink!

    • Part 160 of Collection of Oddities

    Language: English Words: 8,383 Chapters: 24/31 Comments: 93 Kudos: 97 Bookmarks: 7 Hits: 1975

  • and i didn’t know i’d find you here by necropathy

    Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)

    But despite everything, Reaper would recognize that SOUL anywhere. No matter how many times it had been run through the wringer. No matter how much it had been stained, corrupted, and compressed—if there was one thing Reaper knew, it was SOULs. After all, they were his specialty.

    And he would recognize this one anywhere. He knew it too well, too intimately, to be fooled. There was no mistake.

    Reaper didn’t expect Geno to be alive, nor did he expect to fall in love with him twice.

    What We Do For Family by yastaghr for SilverDragonMS

    Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)

    What if Geno turned into Error after being with Reaper and having Goth?

    Error’s manbaby tendencies get in the way of him getting laid by FoolishMortality

    Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)

    Error goes into heat, and refuses help.
    Blue, the great friend he is, stays by his side the entire time. (Well, mostly)

    • Part 1 of Errorberry thingy

    Language: English Words: 4,640 Chapters: 1/1 Comments: 15 Kudos: 135 Bookmarks: 16 Hits: 1087

  • Lunacy by TerminusVerso

    Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)

    The start of an age-old rivalry.

    • Part 154 of Collection of Oddities
    • Part 2 of Moon Madness

    Language: English Words: 125 Chapters: 1/1 Comments: 2 Kudos: 44 Bookmarks: 3 Hits: 373

  • Forever Mine by TerminusVerso

    Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)

    The multiverse is ̶G̶e̶n̶o̶’̶s̶ Error’s basement, and he’s not letting any of the resident vermin consort with what’s his.

    • Part 151 of Collection of Oddities

    Language: English Words: 393 Chapters: 1/1 Comments: 2 Kudos: 91 Bookmarks: 13 Hits: 857

  • No Mother Left Behind by TerminusVerso

    Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)

    Just admit you love him, Error.

    • Part 147 of Collection of Oddities

    Language: English Words: 786 Chapters: 1/1 Comments: 5 Kudos: 81 Bookmarks: 16 Hits: 534

  • Another One of Geno’s Amazing Ideas by LlTheLlama

    Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)

    He had been messing around with his powers again. He just wanted to know more.

    Aka geno learns the true meaning of «curiosity killed the cat».

    Haunting a reaper in training by NellB0_0

    Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)

    Error goes missing suddenly one day without warning. Nothing major happened. No sudden attacks, no giant battle between Sanses that could lead to this outcome. Nothing. Given the fact that not even his strings are up, people think he’s dead, but the ones aware of the balance are not so sure. Still, they have some doubts.

    Goth just wants to have some peace, and yet, here we are. Some random Sans ranting to his non existent ears about how these abominations need to go, and just after he failed to reap his soul. Huh.

    Aka, Error is a little shit that haunts the spawn of his past abomination self. Nice.

    • Part 3 of If you can’t get rid of the skeletons in your closet, teach them to dance
    • Part 1 of Haunted

    Language: English Words: 80,001 Chapters: 18/39 Comments: 156 Kudos: 422 Bookmarks: 81 Hits: 7683

  • Storm of ideas by NellB0_0

    Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)

    I have a lot of random Undertale ideas I want to write, but i want to finish my main fic ‘Haunting a reaper in training’ first, so I’ll just write some here. I’ll probably expand some of these stories in the future but if you want to use some of them go ahead. Just let me know so I can read them and credit just in case!

    Warning: there’s a lot of random stuff, so there will be ships you may not like. Don’t hate. That’s all.

    Error may have been Geno, but he doesn’t remember that. He doesn’t remember being the bloody skeleton, or any of the things his previous self did. He was Error, not Geno, and he finds solace in Nightmare’s words.

    Nightmare is totally the therapist in the Bad Sanses group. Or the mom friend. Likely both.

    • Part 6 of If you can’t get rid of the skeletons in your closet, teach them to dance

    Language: English Words: 23,624 Chapters: 16/? Comments: 96 Kudos: 422 Bookmarks: 49 Hits: 6660

  • Family Once Again by HenzieZenzie

    Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)

    ‘I can barely remember my mother, it was 970 years ago. I can only remember that red scarf and the feeling of his soul. ‘

    Goth is invited to Beloved Parents Festival. The festival only allows both of adoptive or birth parents to come with their families. Goth tries get his torn apart family back together in this story, does it really work?

    Bonds are Complicated by Viktori_Wolff

    Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)

    Error’s past is coming back to haunt him, but maybe the Grim Reaper is just what he needs to move on.

    From A Reaper’s Perspective by flurry20

    Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)

    Reaper’s POV from Geno, to Geno disappearing, to Error, to Error disappearing.

    (Please don’t steal or repost my work on other sites! This fic is on Ao3 and Ao3 only.)

    • Part 1 of Flurry’s Undertale Fics

    Language: English Words: 4,759 Chapters: 1/1 Comments: 11 Kudos: 116 Bookmarks: 21 Hits: 863

  • Errors (Spiteful) Holiday by Finally_Free, little_clown, PappyIsTheBest

    Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)
    • No Archive Warnings Apply
    • Major Character Death
    • Sans/Sans (Undertale)
    • Reaper sans / Geno (past)
    • Reaper Sans / Error
    • AfterDeath — Relationship
    • reaper & goth
    • geno & goth
    • Error & Goth
    • Reaper sans / Nightmare
    • Nightmare / Error
    • Reaper/Error/Nightmare Poly
    • bad sans found family
    • Star Sans Poly — Relationship
    • star fruit salad
    • blue / dream / ink
    • Blue / Ink
    • Blue / Dream
    • Dream / Ink
    • OuterKiller
    • comet / killer
    • outertale sans / killer sans
    • Ink (____tale)
    • Error Sans (Errortale)
    • Reaper Sans (Reapertale)
    • Geno sans (past) Aftertale
    • Goth (afterdeath kid)
    • Outertale sans (Comet)
    • Dream (Dreamtale)
    • Nightmare (Dreamtale)
    • bad sans’s
    • Underswap Sans (blueberry)
    • Goth (Undertale)
    • horror sans
    • Cross sans
    • Killer Sans — Character
    • outertale sans
    • reapertale gaster (Magic)
    • Reapertale Papyrus (Inpu)
    • Fate (the bitch)
    • Reapertale characters
    • W. D. Gaster
    • Pallet Roller
    • Handplates Sans
    • Handplates Papyrus
    • Error is Geno
    • Error is remembering his past
    • Slowly — but surly
    • Reaper is still looking for him
    • Error goes on holiday
    • no more destroying
    • the multiverse will have a bad time
    • balance goes out of whack
    • Alternate Universe — Outertale (Undertale)
    • FGoD
    • FGOD Error
    • ignorant ink
    • Soft Nightmare
    • Error gets dreams of his past
    • Found Family
    • Slow Burn
    • ish
    • a search for memories
    • Mama Error
    • papa noots
    • Major character death — Freeform
    • — Ish :3c
    • Read and you will see 😀
    • lots of babies / ship kids

    The story is also called; I don’t want too, so I shan’t.

    Error has had enough.
    He didn’t choose this, he does NOT want this responsibility.
    and on top of that, he feels like he is missing something.
    Missing memories — he can’t even remember his past.
    Nothing past arriving in the blank Anti-Void.
    The dreams won’t leave him alone, Thinking about them give him headaches
    And ‘Fate’s Harpies’ aka the voices are still bugging him when he’s in the Anti-void.

    So he decides to go on strike. He’s taking a holiday from destroying AU’s;
    no matter the consequences to the Multiverse.

    Its a Reaper/Error/Nightmare Poly.
    (Chapter 1 & 2 rewritten on: 11/02/2021)

    Take Care by TellTaleKael

    Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)

    Geno had been the one to notice the Problem, but Error had been the one to come up with a Solution.

    It involves lingerie. Go figure.

    Undertale Story Ideas by somnphrenzy

    Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)

    Running on empty and need some new ideas for an Undertale fic? Well look no further! Here are some of finest (and strangest) ideas to come the inner works of my imagination.

    If you plan to use any of these ideas found in this, all I ask is that you please credit me and let me know. I would love to see what you have written!


    735q4e87 Wiki

    This is an old wiki. To view the current one, please visit



    Character Information








    Biographical Information





    Physical Description



    Hair color

    Eye color

    white (when calm)

    Geno!Sans is a Sans from another timeline who injected himself with determination from Alphys’ True Lab in an attempt to hijack the resets. He is now able to retain memories of prior timelines for the other Sans’ to use, though he himself is stuck in the void with Frisk . He is a main supporting role on Aftertale, which is now complete. It also happens after the Genocide Route after you kill Sans.

    Geno is a Sans who was near-death in a Genocide timeline. He lives in the save screen with the original Frisk. Geno wants to completely destroy the timelines, but as he only has a fraction of a soul, he tries to get other Sans’ to do it. If they don’t agree, then he will erase their minds and starts over again. Recently, he stopped doing this so that the current Sans will remember all the resets and Genocide routes in the previous timelines in hopes to get him on his side.

    Geno «survived» the Genocide timeline by injecting himself with determination and saving as he died, sending him to the save screen, held in a state between life and death. Geno lives in the Save Screen with Frisk and, if he leaves it, time would continue for him and he would turn to dust. However, he can travel to the anti-voids without risking death.



    Geno Sans has Papyrus’ scarf around his neck; he is very protective of it as if it is Papyrus itself.

    Geno Sans has a bloody slash on his white shirt from his fight against Chara/Frisk. Geno Sans’ right eye is covered by a glitch he creates to hide the right half of his head, which has melted because of his determination.


    Geno is very manipulative and will continue to manipulate Sans to gain his trust after erasing his mind.

    He blames both Chara and Frisk for the genocide runs and calls them «his murderer». he is desperate to convince the current Sans to follow his plan, even if he has to use force.

    He is also very sensitive about Papyrus and will not let anyone touch his scarf. When Sans brings Papyrus with him on his visit to the SAVE screen, Geno is furious. However, he still has a sense of humor. He is also very emotional.


    Like the original Sans, Geno Sans has an unzipped hoodie jacket with a shirt underneath, along with short pants and fluffy slippers. However, he has some differences to every other Sans. Geno Sans’s jacket and slipper are completely white, and since he’s from a Genocide timeline, he has a huge bloody gash that Sans gets after he’s defeated in the Genocide run. His slippers are white and he wears his timeline’s Papyrus scarf, which he is very protective of.

    Also, because he wasn’t supposed to be able to enter the loading screen, he is seen with white glitchy particles around him, one of which is covering his right eye socket. Due to having injected determination into himself, Geno Sans placed those particles there on purpose to hide the part of his skull that’s melting off. (however he has shown Fell sans his eye in Christmas Party Au — not shown to people) he does this to ensure that «Sans» would not be frightened. He also has blood dripping from his mouth.


    • He has stronger versions of the original Sans’s attacks.
    • He can’t die. He only dies, if he leaves the loading screen (of his own AU).
    • He can bring other people into the SAVE screen
    • He can erase and manipulate people’s memories


    Original Sans

    Geno’s relationship with Sans is complex. As they are technically parts of the same person, Geno does care about Sans’s well being. However, he is not above manipulating Sans to get his way. Sans is an integral part of Geno’s plan to erase the timeline, and as such, Geno is willing to do whatever it takes to win him over.


    His relationship with Frisk is a little bit complicated. When Frisk first entered the SAVE screen, Geno intended to kill them, or to come as close as he could within the SAVE screen. However, he decided that they could be a useful tool to recruit Sans to his side, and spared them. After that, his relationship with Frisk seemed to be relatively good, with him allowing Frisk to play with his Gaster Blasters.

    It is unclear exactly how much of their relationship is faked by Geno to gain Sans’ trust, but it would appear Geno saw his mercy as a second chance for Frisk, and an opportunity to repay them.


    Geno loves Papyrus, almost to the point of mania. He wears Papyrus’ scarf around his neck at all times, and refers to it as Papyrus in some instances. He cares deeply for Papyrus, and his goal to erase the timelines is fueled by the belief that that is the only way to stop Papyrus from suffering.


    Geno hates Chara, holding them and Frisk equally responsible for the Genocide runs and resets. He attempts to kill them when Sans brings them into the SAVE screen, and is furious when Sans protects them.

    Error!Sans (Future Geno!Sans)

    Error!Sans is a version of Geno that was thrown into the Anti-void as a result of messing with his excess Determination. Error has no memory of his past as Geno, and as a result views him as nothing more than another anomaly. In the comic Fatal_Error, Error attempts to kill Geno, but because you cannot die in the SAVE screen, the code glitches transforming him into Fatal_Error.


    Aftertale Sans is a Sans who was near-death in a Genocide timeline. Calling himself «Geno», he lives in the save screen with the original Frisk. Geno wants to completely destroy the timelines, seeing it as the only way to end suffering, but as he only has a fraction of a soul, he tries to get other Sans’ help to do it. If they don’t agree, then he will erase their minds and starts over again. During the events of Aftertale, he stopped doing this so that the current Sans will remember all the resets and Genocide routes in the previous timelines in hopes to get him on his side.

    Geno «survived» the Genocide timeline by injecting himself with determination and saving as he died. Geno lives in the Save Screen with Frisk and, if he leaves it, time would continue for him and he would turn to dust. However, he can travel to the anti-voids without risking death.

    His mission is to save his timeline by stopping Chara and Frisk, and gaining control of the timeline, ensuring everybody will no longer suffer. However, he cannot do it himself because, if he leaves, he dies and Chara will still be in control. So, he tries to convince Sans to bring Chara to the save screen to get them out of the way. He will then attack them until they fall into a coma and then teleport out of the save screen to end the timeline because he will then be the one with the most determination, and therefore have control over the timeline.

    Epilogue (Prologue to AskError)

    After receiving his happy ending by the end of Aftertale, Geno receives glasses from Alphys. Eventually, through experimentation with his own determination, Geno sends himself to the Anti-Void. Through this, he slowly becomes an Error, like all other beings who stay in the anti-void for too long. Once someone fully converts into an Error, they lose a large part of who they are, but their personality as an Error is determined by the nature of their final thoughts before they became an Error. In Geno’s case, those thoughts were of one of regret, remorse, and bitterness for having done this to himself after receiving the happy ending he worked so hard to achieve, only to receive it by trusting in a more naive version of himself. Those thoughts caused him to hate quite literally everyone other than himself, making him miserable and lonely once his transformation was complete and pushing him to hunt down every single AU to destroy them. In the end, he was his own undoing, although there are always other versions of him who got to live a happy life, and those that never got that chance. Likewise, there are versions of him who experienced something different entirely, such as Fatal_Error.


  • Hi my dear users welcome

    Error sans and Geno sans are the same person[Information about this theory]-[I][cb][icu]Hi my dear users welcome


    Hello my dear friends, today I come to present you some things that perhaps you did not know about Error and Geno sans, what you will see here is perhaps your first time knowing this so please read the whole thing.

    While you are going down, you will see the main information along with some creative clarifications so that you do not get confused or that you think badly, please read the whole thing.

    We will start with the main thing of the blog which are the clarifications and some extra things to have no problem or inconvenience.


    Error sans and Geno sans are the same person[Information about this theory]-[I][cb][icu]Hi my dear users welcome


    1. I would like to clarify that the information you see here belongs to someone else, obviously there will be credits to the author of the information.

    2. Also that they cannot steal blog information without permission from the author.

    3. The blog does not have any type of theft, the information was borrowed (It is not theft of information).

    Error sans and Geno sans are the same person[Information about this theory]-[I][cb][icu]Hi my dear users welcome


    Error Sans is the transformation of Geno Sans after he will play with the determination and you erased his AU (AfterTale) and transformed it into an empty world (the anti-void), Geno still with hatred and sadness to have his happy ending I cry, he slept, I scream, went back to sleep … and repeated everything for a long time before transforming into Error Sans.

    Error sans and Geno sans are the same person[Information about this theory]-[I][cb][icu]Hi my dear users welcome

    Why did people invent a second story?

    What I will mention is not 100% guaranteed but this surely was to expand the number of ships within the Undertale community, thus dividing Error Sans and Geno Sans as different people.

    Another theory that I have regarding this is that it was surely the little information that there is about Error Sans, in practically no wiki that I saw contained the original information, if not more than the Fanon story, this concluding that people do not know the true Error history.

    Error sans and Geno sans are the same person[Information about this theory]-[I][cb][icu]Hi my dear users welcome


    What I will deliver are not exactly tests but they are things that connect of both characters to deny the theory

    Why does Error have so much hatred for the other AU’s?

    This is due to the insufficiency with the endings that he strove to achieve, also due to the trauma of being assassinated repeatedly in his AU, remembering every detail and the rancor that I still possess, this giving hatred and envy towards other perfect worlds with an ending. happy that he could never get.

    I am surprised to show this type of information since sometimes the information is not complete and it costs a lot to have to do it over and over again until it works correctly and also 100% functionally

    As many noticed, Error has a specific hatred for Frisk, this due to the events in Aftertale, so much time in solitude and constant memories of what happened while his body was being consumed by the determination he injected, leaving him insane. .

    Why does Error Sans have constant mood swings.

    As mentioned in the previous case, so much time in solitude and bad experiences made him become suspicious and irritable, this taking him a little to the side of madness that makes him do inconsistent things, thus reaching the point of being almost absurd and reaching to do some almost suicidal action without fear of exposing his own life.

    Why does Error Sans destroy AU’s?

    This is due to the great resentment, hatred and envy that he maintains towards those AU’s that are to his vision perfect while he wishes he could have improved his but constant failures gave him a psychological problem, this leading to the same desire to destroy them for the simple fact to fail, the Cross Sans situation is somewhat similar to this so you can take an example, as Geno always try to destroy all timelines.

    Error sans and Geno sans are the same person[Information about this theory]-[I][cb][icu]Hi my dear users welcome


    4 exact hours

    ❛ ━━━━━━・ ❪ ❀ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜

    Word Count:




    ❛ ━━━━━━・ ❪ ❀ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜


    Here I leave the link of the original author of the information

    original Author








    Opinion on information

    My opinion on the information is that this incredible one, has a lot about how the future version of Geno sans is an error and also about how even the creator herself (In case they do not know her is called Crayon Queen) is the one who reported on that, mainly they can Also to see it through the fandom, it would be very interesting for you to know something new about these characters.

    Up to here the blog

    Well dear people that was all about how people tried to create theories without any sense, please do not believe that I spammed the link no !, the link is the original author of the information for the blog, I hope and you liked this collaboration, Please send a greeting to Kazuki for your information, that was all, have a nice day / afternoon or night.


    SansDaSkeleton01 "here's one for you XD

    *Error's POV*
    Ive been thinking of him lately... I'm not sure why, I don't even like being touched but, he's different... right? I shrug trying not to think about it.... no use I'm always thinking about him...

    *Geno's POV*
    I sat in the loading screen alone but I wasn't bored, my mode was racked with thought.....
    Error mostly, he's been visiting me more and more every day.... I'm curious... heh
    I'm blushing just thinking about him "heh... he'd never think of me that way"

    *No Ones POV*
    They both sat in the empty places they called home thinking of each other. error glitched pacing back and forth before making a move to go see Geno, he opened a portal and walked through.... Geno sat to caught up in his thoughts to notice error was there.

    *Geno's POV*
    I sat blushing to myself "I wonder if he thinks of me the same way" "iN whAt waY G?"
    I tensed up immediately and turned around "e-error!?" He nods like it was obvious "wEll yEah... wHo eLSe?" I blushed and shrugged "I umm.. y'know it's nothing...." I gave him a weak smile to try and convince him otherwise... he didn't look amused by my charade so I looked away.

    *Error's POV*
    I sigh and look at him in convinced
    "C'mOn G I know tHeRes sOMthING up"
    He flinched and I knew there was something up but he'll never tell me, heh I'll never tell him my feelings either... I shrug and turn away giving up

    *geno's POV*
    H-he's leaving... "n-no! Don't go!" I grabbed him turning him around and instinctively kissed him I glitched and pulled away scared I would glitch him out "e-error I'm sorry I-I didn't mean to! I-I um I-I"
    H-he... error shushed me then kissed me back the first thing That hit my thoughts was

    * For the character’s more in-depth information, see:

    * But nobody came.

    * This article contains information that is from a cancelled AU, an AU that has been put on an «Indefinite Hiatus», or an AU that has not had a story update in a year. As such, some information here may not be found in any established story, and could be considered non-canon.

    Time of Last Story Update: May 18th, 2016

    Time of Cancellation: November 8th, 2018

    Undertale - Savepoint.gif

    * (Seeing an article of an AU you can freely make content for…)

    * (It fills you with determination.)

    This article is about an AU that has been deemed community-shared, either by the author declaring it, or from long-term abandonment by the author. For elaborated information on community AUs, see the Templates policy page.

    Open-for-use notice: March 13, 2016


    *kid, listen. there are spoilers on this page; be careful when you’re reading.

    *you don’t want a bad time, do ya?

    To access just the story, click here.

    For the prequel, see Aftertale.

    Errortale (or Ask Error!Sans) is an AU created by Tumblr user Loverofpiggies. It was created on December 28th, 2015. The story takes place on the askerrorsans blog, where anonymous users or normal users progress the plot by asking Error questions. It starts off simple enough but then tells the tale of how he kidnapped Swap Sans in a genocide battle against Underswap Papyrus. So Swap Sans is there to answer questions as well as the plot continues to progress.

    On November 8th, 2018, CQ tells certain plot points that would’ve happened or been confirmed in the askerrorsans canon[2]. Some include that Errortale is a Sequel to Aftertale, and that Error is an older version of Geno. Another point that is confirmed was that Blue was going to get corrupted into an error, and would be transformed into Blueberror. Other info is included in the post.


    Error Sans (Post Geno)

    Error is a version of Aftertale Sans (Geno) that messes around with dangerous determination magic, even with warnings from Sans. He eventually accidentally sends himself to the anti-void. To which, in his final moments of sanity, he’s furious that even though he got his happy ending, this had to happen. Geno lost his sanity to hating everyone and anyone except for himself, which is why Error is so hateful and calls everyone ‘glitches’ or ‘abominations’

    In the present, Error is a black glitchy skeleton with a color palette mainly consisting of dark reds/reds, dark blues/blues, yellows, oranges, and blacks. He has two unsymmetrical eyes, one a small yellow pupil and the other is a circle with yellow, blue and black. He usually needs to wear glasses because of his eyes being messed up from when he was Geno but refuses to wear them sometimes. He wears a black hoodie, a red shirt, black shorts with stitches holding it, and black slippers. He has blue wires tied to his fingers.

    He has a selfish and playful personality and thinks he’s helping out the multiverse. He steals things, raids and destroys AUs to name a few things he does. He loves to play jokes, and make snarky teases at his enemies. Canonically, he doesn’t get mad until things don’t go his way, how he expected it to happen, or when others trigger one of his fears.

    Underswap Sans (Blueberry)

    Underswap Sans (or called Blueberry/Blue) is an eccentric personality that only wishes the best for people. He is a pacifist and always tries to go for a route of mercy or kindness. Which completely conflicts with Errors merciless and snarky personality. Blue, however, is not naïve from this and is well aware that Error acts like a selfish prick. Instead of getting angry at him though, he simply sends him the same mercy as he does for everyone else. He even goes as far as to touch him, which triggers his haphephobia and causes Error to crash.

    He is a bright white skeleton with a palette mainly consisting of navy blues/blues, greys, whites and golds. He has blue eyes that usually have stars, and wears shoulder pads, a grey shirt, blue pants tucked into navy blue boots. He also wears a cape that is tied in the front. He has hopes of capturing a human someday, but that dream was interrupted when Error took him into the anti-void and eventually abandoned him there.

    Underswap Papyrus

    Underswap Papyrus is Underswap Sans’ brother (Blue). He is the one that Error fought with to rescue Blue from being kidnapped after Error completely wiped Papyrus’ AU of all the monsters. Having a battle where he tried to get Error to stop using Blue as a puppet, as Error was making Blue fight for him. Eventually losing the battle and losing his brother, and is canonly on a search for him in the Omega Timeline after CORE!Frisk picks him up.

    Underswap is a tall, lazy white skeleton that has a palette consisting of oranges, greys and blacks. Wearing a Orange hoodie, black shorts, and grey sneakers. Although his outward attitude may seem that he’s carefree, he actually cares deeply for his brother and will fight for his life.


    For more information, see CORETale.

    CORE Frisk is a monochromatic version of Frisk that was pushed into the CORE, and was separated and scattered, similar to Gaster’s fate. Due to their powers, instead of being wiped from existence altogether, becomes an omnipresent character who is aware of all timelines. Now, they hold the guardian role of the Omega Timeline and recruit people or monsters with no homes there.

    In this comic, CORE makes an agreement to help Papyrus find their brother and informs him of how powerful Error really is. Giving Papyrus granted access to the Omega Timeline to start his search alongside CORE.


    Error Papyrus is rumored to be Errors brother, though it is never confirmed. He also looks similar to Error with the color palette and physical traits, but nothing much else. This one-time character appearance doesn’t show much about who this character is. They seem to have a softer version of Errors personality, but still selfish.


    Error Undyne is also rumored to be related to Error in some way, but like stated above, it is never confirmed. Just like the same with Error and Error Papyrus, they have the same color palette and the same glitchy traits, but nothing else. Meanwhile, Undyne has more of an aggressive version of Errors personality. She does not play around or tell jokes and seemingly doesn’t hesitate.


    Added Locations


    The main setting of the Ask Blog, and Error’s home. It’s an place where all things goes and therefore get corrupted. It been stated that it exist outside of everything, yet connected to all existence [3]

    Omega Timeline

    Where CORE!Frisk took Swap!Papyrus to help him research a means to rescue his brother. It was slated to be the battle ground between Error!Sans and Error!Undyne at the climax of the series.


    • Even though Error was made in December, his canon birthday is April 4th. Sprouting from the ‘ERROR 404’ Joke.
    • Error has Haphephobia, the fear of being touched.
    • Error is canonly Nearsighted, and he wears glasses to help his sight.
    • During the Underswap fight scene, Error talks about Underswap’s existence being only by 1 divided by 9,109,043,495 probable. This equation equals 0.0000000081%. Only an 81 hundred-billionth chance of being able to exist.
    • Error once tried to destroy UnderSwap, but he «ran into a problem.»
    • He has multiple interests that are shown in the comic, such as crochet, playing with puppets, telling stories and examining codes of different AUs.
    • Error, Fresh, and Geno are not actually brothers. This joke was coined from the fact that CQ made all three sanses, there’s even a comic series based around this premise. But it never will actually be canon.
    • On the November 8th post, It was also stated that Errortale would have a big video describing its plot, and then never be touched again. So the comic is technically canceled.
    • Fatal Error is said to be the only AU not created by CQ that is canon to ErrorTale[4].
    • He is often shipped with Fresh, or Ink. CQ even encourages or teases these ships, but they will never be canon.


    1. December 28, 2015
    2. Blog post concerning the plans and cancelation of ErrorTale.
    3. Crayon Queen clarifies the nature of the Anti-Void in an Ask.
    4. CQ announce the official ties between the two AUs.


    Continuity Change

    Backstory All Good Things • Alone • Amalgam • Darker Yet Darker • EUC • Gaster Bros • GeneticTale • Handplates • Kaard Case • Making A Name • Memories: The Story of Asriel and Chara • Once Upon a Time • Reminiscence • Six Souls • Sole Sufferer • The Flowers Bloom away from Home • The First Human • The Second Son of Gaster • Undertale Green • Undertale Purple • Undertale Yellow • Undertale: Kindred Spirits • WiseTale
    Special Event A Fatal Error has Occurred • AccusionTale • Act to Flirt • AfterGrave • Aftertale • Aftertale: Black • Akintale • All We Left Unsaid • Alliancetale • Alphatale • Altergeno • AlterTale has been Taken • Another Take • Ask Glitch and Squid • Ask Mercy Series • AsylumTale • Auverse Chronicles • Axetale • Beastly Underfell • Blackfell • Blizztale • Bloodmoontale • BlossomTale • Brokentale • Caretaker of the Ruins • Cfrtale • ChocoBlook • Chronotale • CORETale • Coronation • Corrupted File • CreaseTale • Crimson Hunt • Crystaltale • Damned Monarchy • DeathTale • Defragmentation • DemonHunterTale • Despotale • DeTale • DeVoidTale • Dire!Tale • Disbelief • Dragontale • Dread Not • Dreemurr Reborn • Duotale • Dusttale • Echotale • Endless Route • EntropyTale • Epictale • Erasure Inverted • FactionTale • Faithtale (ROADRUNNER) • Fallen Brothers • Fallen Flowers • Fallen Stars • Far Away, Standing Near • FateTale • Felltale • Final Tragedy • Flora Frisk • FlowerPop • Flowey’s World • Foiltale • Freaktale (Preboot) • Frisky Caretaker • Funtale • Fusiontale • Gentale • Ghost Switch • Glitched Reset • Glitchtale • Goopytale • Greattale • Handplates and Dogtags • Hatetale • Heavenfell • HELP_tale • HELP tale: Continue • Hollowtale • Honesty • Horrorrune • Howlingtale • Inktale • INSANITY! Tale • Inverted Fate • Irontale • Island Fall • JudgementTale • Kindred Spirits • Kingdom Come • Lewstale • LifeXtale • Light, resected • LogTale • MagicTale • Mainverse Taken!Altertale • Maniatale • Mayhem Memoirs • Metal and Magic • Metal in the Underground • Monotale • Monster Friends • MonsterTale • Mooktale • Mothertale • Name the Fallen • Night Orchards • New Prophecy • NyxTale • Only Funny • Opposed Demise • Othertale • Our Cracked Broken Star • Paper Trail • Playbacktale • Polveratale • Possession • PrepTale • Primus Underfell • Psychetale • Psychotale • QuantumTale • Redemptale • Ribbit • Rosefell • Rulesrune • Rupturedtale • Salt Route • Scramble Saga • Screentale • Shadowtale • Shattered Realities • SlimeTale • Slumbertale • Something New • Sondertale • Soulblend : An Undertale Story AU • Soulstale • StaticTale • Sudden Changes • Swaptale • SwordsTale • Synthtale • Tales of the Blue Sakura • Terms & Conditions • The Games of Creator • The Merciful SOULS • The Soul of Love • The Thought • Timetale • TrioTale • TwinTale (The Story of the Eight and Ninth Human) • Twitchy Timeloop • Ultimatale • Ultra!Tale • Umriss • Uncertain Reality • UnderAnomaly • Underbinary: The Digiverse • UnderBunker • Underchaser • Undercore • Undercorpse • UnderDecay • UnderDestiny • Underfire • Underfuck • Undergale • Undergamer • Underhope • UnderHunt • Underkeep • Underlie • Underlust • Underplayer • UnderSalem • Undersource • Undertake • Undertake承诺之下 • Undertale Distorted, Distinctive Destiny • Undertale Rho • Undertale Shattered Realities • Undertale2 • Undertale: Chronicle • Undertale: Cloneberry • Undertale: Failed Genocide • Undertale: Fratricide • Undertale: Reshuffled • Undertale: The Creatosphere • Undertale: The Cutting Edge • Undertale: The Otherground • Undertale: True Genocide • Undertαle (Undertale Alpha) • Undervirus • UnderWar • Union of Two Hearts • Urbantale • UT!Reload • Velvet Bones • Versotale • ViralTale • Voxistale • Vĕdomitale • WhyTale • Xénotale • Zanatale • Zombietale
    Post-Pacifist Alterdune • Ask Frisk and Company • Asrieltale • ChiselTale • Choco-Tale • Crazedtale • DeeperDown • Definitely Not Deltarune • DystopicFate • Endertale • Hidden • Jester • MajickTale • Marlette • Megatale • OtherWorld • Overstory • Overtale • PSA Undyne • PTA Sans • Shadows of the Past • Stellartale • Surface Tension • The Daily School Life • The Golden Quiche • Thorns • TutorialTale • Undertale Love Story • UnderVanquish • Unexpected Guests • Unstabletale • Wholehearted Half-Souls • Wholehearted Saga: Origins • Woven Souls • X-Tale
    Post-Neutral Alphys and the Queen • Creatortale • Desperatale • Entity NEO • Glamourtale • God Save The Queen • Hopetale • Horrorswap • Horrortale • Mettatale • Tainted Cloak • The Usurper • Undertale Chordus • Utopiatale
    Post-Genocide Alive • Asundertale • Dreamborne • Nightmaretale • Quite the Mishap • Rectus Resilience • Redemption!Frisk • Transcend Darkness • Undersworn
    Post-AU Apprentice to Error • Dawnbreak • Errortale • Errortale Season 2 • Lost • Undertale Psi • Underverse • YandereChara
    Crossworld Asgore Makes an Among Us AU • Bowser’s Cavern Conquest • Buttontale • Death’s Tale • DeltaTraveler • DragonTale Z • Hungerswap • Interlopers • Majoratale • Mission • OFFtale • Patroltale • Phineas and Ferb fix everything • Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Tales of Undergrounds • Serpent HandTale • Seven-kwaidan Tale • The Legend of Asriel • Total Drama Tale • Trainertale • UnderTheDarkSoul (UTDS) • YellowTale

    First things first– Blueberry being trapped in the antivoid for so long would have made him an error. His official error design is here:


    He’s just missing the errors, bcz I forgot to put them in, oops. Blueberror wouldn’t have been particularly DANGEROUS- not in the way Error is. A lot of an Error’s danger, comes from their final thoughts as non-errors. Blueberror’s final thoughts would not include ill will on others, so he’s less dangerous because of that. But he would definitely be, unhinged. Also, once someone becomes an error, they can’t turn back.

    Error would have returned, to see Blueberry turned into– what we all sorta just called ‘Blueberror’. 

    Error would have actually been horrified by this- even if he didn’t show it outwardly. He wouldn’t have liked this outcome at ALL, promise you.

    The main thing to note, is that Blueberror would have liked to make friends– and would have actually begun to socialize with those in the Omega Timeline (once he was deemed not threatening, but definitely kinda wacky).

    In fact, Blueberror would have recognized he could not go back to his old timeline the way he is now, and would have literally given his world, to the other Blueberry that was in the Omega Timeline. So, the other Blueberry would have had a happy ending there.

    Blueberror would have gone through all the stages– he would have been furious at Error, nearly trying to kill him- remember, errors aren’t rational, and behavior can be sporadic– but eventually, Blueberror would have come to a conclusion, that he would want to help those in the Omega Timeline, per Frisk’s permission.

    Error Undyne would have become a massive issue– actually seeing Error in his glasses by accident sometime, gets her to irrationally believe, that those glasses belonged to Alphys. This would have sent Error Undyne into a murderous rage, becoming a genuine threat to EVERYONE.

    I’ve always called Error a manbaby, because he IS a manbaby, and he’s a lot less threatening then he pretends to be– but Error Undyne is the real deal. SHE is an actual threat.

    Blueberror is trying to hold on to what little sanity he has left, and try to convince Error to help stop Error Undyne.

    Error would help, only because her existence pisses him off.

    Long story short, everyone would have worked together in the Omega Timeline to stop Error Undyne (I can’t recall what I had planned in detail for Error Paps, sorry folks) and even though Blueberror gave up his own timeline to someone else, he actually finds a bit of a home in the Omega Timeline.

    Error– doesn’t change at all. He helps them stop Error Undyne sure, but. Like I said, it’s because he didn’t like her. Shortly after she is stopped, and Blueberror is accepted into the Omega Timeline, Error just. Leaves- disappears.

    This is actually pretty normal for Errors, tbh. They’re antisocial as heck and they just sorta- disappear all the time.

    Also don’t worry! Blueberror is actually very happy helping out in the Omega Timeline. He has lots of friends there. He also got over his rage towards Error, recognizing that Blueberror’s anger was just poisoning him. He chose to forgive, and try and accept his new lot in life. I mean, Blueberror gets cool universe-bendy powers, so that’s neat. What are those powers exactly? Man I do not remember, but errors get cool powers. His power had something to do with stars…. dang. Sorry folks.

    Remember– Blueberror is DEFINITELY messed up. He sorta develops this weird, half-innocent sense of humor– it’s kinda like he just stopped being on the same wavelength as everyone else, and would probably say things and make jokes that make people uncomfortable by accident. This was all planned a long time ago, so details have been forgotten. Lots of details, sorry!

    But. Yeah to keep things short as POSSIBLE, this is essentially what was planned. There was gonna be big character arcs, big confrontations with some of the Omega people- huge timeline shenanigans, but. Truth is, once again a lot of the details have been lost. ;;; If there are contradictions, sorry it’s been a while.


    (He genuinely doesn’t want u to be scared of him. He just looks a little spooky. Maybe don’t make that face, Blueberror.)


    Error is actually Geno, after the events of Aftertale.

    Geno is messing around with his determination powers, after Sans tells him not to mess with that. Geno does– and accidentally sends himself into the antivoid. In his last moments of sanity, he’s furious that he got his happy ending– and yet this happened to him. In that moment, he hated everyone and everything outside himself.

    Good news- you can still enjoy the happy ending of Aftertale! Because Geno deserves that. You can also view it as- hey, there are tons of parallel timelines- so there will always be a happy Geno. Also more good news– Aftertale was concluded, and AskError was unable to be, so. Geno for sure got his happy ending anyway, and his sad ending was never truly written into existence.

    Anyway. Sorry this was rushed. Yall deserved something sooner, and I tried to write up longer conclusions, including every character I was building up to in AskError, but. Frankly, I was just…. physically unable to. So, I hope this suffices somehow. ;;; sorry.

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