Genshin impact sorry this application cannot run under a virtual machine как исправить

Hello, If you plan to run the game Genshin Impact on your UnRAID Gaming VM, you will face to this message. "Sorry, this application cannot run under a Virtual Machine." It can be fixed by adding this parameter inside the XML template at CPU part .....
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If you plan to run the game Genshin Impact on your UnRAID Gaming VM, you will face to this message.

"Sorry, this application cannot run under a Virtual Machine."

It can be fixed by adding this parameter inside the XML template at CPU part

<cpu mode='host-passthrough' check='none'>
    <feature policy='disable' name='hypervisor'/>

It work from my side, but someone know if it can impact the overall performances of the system?

Edited October 2, 2020 by zognic

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I have no experience with this kind of thing.

Could u maybe tell in steps what your supposed to do?

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6 hours ago, Sans69 said:

I have no experience with this kind of thing.

Could u maybe tell in steps what your supposed to do?

this modification inside the xml inside vm settings on webgui



<cpu mode='host-passthrough' check='none'> 

indicate inside which tag to put the code


is closing tag.
so between those you put this code:

<feature policy='disable' name='hypervisor'/>

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Does  it actually work?

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27 minutes ago, BIGCROWN said:

Does  it actually work?

yes, I’ve tested it

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But these settings are not available in Shadow, so where i change this?

Edited October 3, 2020 by davdi1337

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yap shadow user here! how do i do this? 

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How can i fix it in shadow pc?

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On 10/2/2020 at 3:36 PM, Zyzto said:

this modification inside the xml inside vm settings on webgui



<cpu mode='host-passthrough' check='none'> 

indicate inside which tag to put the code


is closing tag.
so between those you put this code:

<feature policy='disable' name='hypervisor'/>

What is your virtual machine? 

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Can this method be added by the GENSHIN IMPACT game dev? Like by using this concept or idea can they change the anti-cheat system or something? is it possible for them to change their anti-cheat anyway?

Btw, i use GeForce Now, so I can’t use this method

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This is a method you can only do on your own machines running KVM. Shadow and GeForce NOW users are unable to edit the parameters, therefore you are out of luck,

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Hello people! I use vms from google cloud and I would like to know how I do this in order to run genshin impact on them! I don’t know how to enter the xml

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This Unraid Forums and unraid is software that utilize KVM Hypervisor, and you can access xml config so this patch can be applied.

if your system is using KVM and you have access to config file ( which unlikely for online services ) then you do this patch.

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no problem everything works perfectly, on the other hand you had latency? my wife who is on a «classic» computer doesn’t have latency and sometimes I do. I have to wait for the pnj/monster to appear.

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Hi! I’m using Parallels for Mac and tried to play Genshin Impact but I got the prompt saying I cant play on a VM. How can I fix this? 

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On 10/2/2020 at 4:06 AM, zognic said:


If you plan to run the game Genshin Impact on your UnRAID Gaming VM, you will face to this message.

"Sorry, this application cannot run under a Virtual Machine."

It can be fixed by adding this parameter inside the XML template at CPU part

<cpu mode='host-passthrough' check='none'>
    <feature policy='disable' name='hypervisor'/>

It work from my side, but someone know if it can impact the overall performances of the system?

I just tried this morning and it locked up my Windows 10 VM and wouldn’t let me boot into Windows for some reason.

Edited October 12, 2020 by Petey

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I can confirm this indeed works. Though now when I edit my VM I get «Invalid CPU feature name» and the system gets pretty sluggish too. For instance I usually use all the extra cores/components for my gaming/editing VM that I can. So I have 16-12 virtual cores 12-10gb of RAM and a GTX 1080. With this modification I usually get barely 40-50fps in Genshin Impact, with CPU, RAM, and DISK usage almost maxing out. Its like I am playing on an amd ryzen 2400G again. But its fine for now. At least I can play with my friends. Really hope they disable that check for VM/shadow anti-cheat. I just wanted to warn people that it can drop your performance a lot. Still testing some adjustments though.

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  • 4 weeks later…



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Could you be banned for use this? Im not very sure….

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Thanks for this hint. With this adjustment in xml I was able to launch Genchin Impact. 

Unfortunately this setting does not allow to launch Forza Horizon 4, Need for Speed Heat and FIFA 21 as all of them crash due to insufficient hardware specs. Went back to the old xml.

Edited November 17, 2020 by Coke84

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This solution works the problem its windows for example its all laggy and the game cant go up 60 fps whit a 1660 super and ryzen 3600 , 

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  • 2 weeks later…



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tested on my unraid setup, its works! 


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  • 2 months later…



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It does not work for me.

After changing the config, it does not show the error message any more. But the game doesn’t launch at all. Looking at the Task Manager, cpu and memory are all idle.

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6 hours ago, Forrest said:

It does not work for me.

After changing the config, it does not show the error message any more. But the game doesn’t launch at all. Looking at the Task Manager, cpu and memory are all idle.

It was worked solution but not more.

As you says, after 1.3 update and can’t lunch genshinimpact.exe.

The application shutdown automatically.

I’m trying to find some new ways…

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14 hours ago, cskim said:

It was worked solution but not more.

As you says, after 1.3 update and can’t lunch genshinimpact.exe.

The application shutdown automatically.

I’m trying to find some new ways…

Hey @cskim!

I just set up unRaid today. My Windows VM is running from a bare metal install on an SSD. I had the «Sorry, this application cannot run under a Virtual Machine.» issue, but after adding 

<feature policy='disable' name='hypervisor'/>

I was able to successfully play Genshin Impact. 

I did face some lag when I moved my view, but that was because my Logitech mouse report rate was too high. 

After lowering the report rate to around 250 I can now play on high settings without any lag. 

My version is 1.3 


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  • 3 weeks later…



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Found the issue. Looking at the game file location, I found a «driverError.log» file, saying cannot install driver. I then updated my nvidia driver manually. Now it’s working.

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Некоторые программы, такие как online-игры и специализированный софт, отказываются запускаться на виртуальной машине. Как я понял, программа проверяет некоторые признаки виртуально машины (имена вендоров, VID/PID оборудования и т.д.) и найдя совпадение пишет что-то типа «Sorry, this application cannot run under a virtual machine». Ниже небольшой мануальчик по обходу детекта виртуальной машины для VMware Workstation. Не ручаюсь что на 100% рабочий, потому что вариантов определения виртуалки вагон и маленькая тележка, но самые распространенные проверки он обходит.

Для обхода детектирования виртуальной машины нам понадобятся:

  • VMware Workstation v 12.1.0 build 3272444
  • Пропатченый файл vmware-vmx.exe с изменными вендорами. Образ BIOS из которого были убраны строки с «VMware» и добавлен серийный номер материнской платы. Скачать можно отсюда.
  • Прямые руки.

1. Устанавливаем VMware Workstation. Правилами хостинга запрешено публиковать ломанный софт, можете зайти на самый большой русскоязычный торрент трекер — там есть. Версия нужна 12.1.0 build 3272444, потому что патченный exe-файлик данной версии. Можете попробовать другую на свой страх и риск.

2. Создаем виртуальную машину и устанавливаем на неё операционную систему. Ваш покорный слуга использовал Windows 7, она работает стабильнее и менее требовательна к ресурсам.

3. Устанавливаем VMware Tools. Запускаем виртуальную машину. Далее идем «Виртуальная машина» —> «Установить пакет VMware Tools… «. В виртуальной машине появляется CD с установщиком. Запускаем программу установки, устанавливаем с настройками по умолчанию.

4. Меняем vmware-vmx.exe на файл из архива. (Путь по умолчанию: C:Program Files (x86)VMwareVMware Workstationx64vmware-vmx.exe)

5. Копируем образ BIOS в папку с виртуальной машиной. Можно скопировать в другую папку, только тогда в файле настроек нужно прописывать полный путь к файлу.

6. Правим файл с настройками виртуальной машины (файл с расширением .vmx) любым текстовым редактором. Добавляем строки:

monitor_control.restrict_backdoor = «true»
bios440.filename = «6006.ROM» = «TRUE» = «TRUE» = «TRUE»

7. Устанавливаем нужную программу и пробуем запустить.

Обратите внимание, что пакет VMware Tools нужно установить ДО замены exe-файла и правки настроек виртуальной машины. В противном случае установщик скажет, что его нужно ставить только на виртуальную машину и отменит установку. А без установленного пакета недоступны некоторые важные функции, например, работа с 3D графикой.

БОльшая часть информации и файлы взяты отсюда. За что автору огромное спасибо!)

As the title says I’m trying to get Genshin Impact to run on a Windows 10 VM on VMware ESXI version 6.7. It’s taken quite a long time but so far I’ve managed to set up a VM with a NVidia Geforce 2070 passed through to the vm. I added the line «`hypervisor.cpuid.v0 = «FALSE»«` to the vmx file and hooked up a dummy monitor to the GPU to allow Parsec to remotely connect to it. I’ve tested several games such as Minecraft Java Edition, Subnautica Below Zero(running on Steam), and Rocket League(running on the Epic Games Launcher) and they all work fine.

After looking for a while on line I’ve come up with several more lines to add to the vmx file that seem to fix a similar problem with a game called Sword of the New World. However, when I run Genshin Impact it still comes up with a gui saying «Sorry, this application cannot run under a Virtual Machine.»

I have also found that if running the vm off of KVM with Linux(which I am not willing to do after spending three weeks teaching myself how to setup ESXI with a VM that can be remotely accessed with parsec) apparently upon adding


<cpu mode=’host-passthrough’ check=’none’>

    <feature policy=’disable’ name=’hypervisor’/>



to the xml file, Genshin Impact works just fine.

I feel that there must be an equivalent string I can add to the vmx file for VMware ESXI that would do the same thing but after quite a bit of research I haven’t found anything that works. I did come across a lot of users and forums that explain that it will not work on Shadow or virtual box, but nothing about VMware. Does anybody know an equivalent command for ESXI?

.vmx file:


.encoding = «UTF-8»

config.version = «8»

virtualHW.version = «14»

vmci0.present = «TRUE»

floppy0.present = «FALSE»

numvcpus = «6»

memSize = «11264»

bios.bootRetry.delay = «10»

powerType.suspend = «soft»

tools.upgrade.policy = «manual»

sched.cpu.units = «mhz»

sched.cpu.affinity = «all»

vm.createDate = «1602110300706076»

scsi0.virtualDev = «lsisas1068»

scsi0.present = «TRUE»

sata0.present = «TRUE»

usb_xhci.present = «TRUE»

scsi0:0.deviceType = «scsi-hardDisk»

scsi0:0.fileName = «Nix_1.vmdk»

sched.scsi0:0.shares = «normal»

sched.scsi0:0.throughputCap = «off»

scsi0:0.present = «TRUE»

ethernet0.virtualDev = «e1000e»

ethernet0.networkName = «VM Network»

ethernet0.addressType = «generated»

ethernet0.wakeOnPcktRcv = «FALSE»

ethernet0.present = «TRUE»

sata0:0.deviceType = «cdrom-image»

sata0:0.fileName = «/vmfs/volumes/5f7df0e5-3420089e-16a9-002655daae9a/os_images/Windows.iso»

sata0:0.present = «TRUE»

displayName = «Nix»

guestOS = «windows9-64»

toolScripts.afterPowerOn = «TRUE»

toolScripts.afterResume = «TRUE»

toolScripts.beforeSuspend = «TRUE»

toolScripts.beforePowerOff = «TRUE»

tools.syncTime = «FALSE»

uuid.bios = «56 4d e9 ca 46 e7 34 5c-b4 66 e3 ce a8 07 1c ac»

uuid.location = «56 4d e9 ca 46 e7 34 5c-b4 66 e3 ce a8 07 1c ac»

vc.uuid = «52 9a c9 a3 02 99 09 28-07 36 8d 25 db 2c be cf»

sched.cpu.min = «0»

sched.cpu.shares = «normal»

sched.mem.min = «11264»

sched.mem.minSize = «11264»

sched.mem.shares = «normal»

ethernet0.generatedAddress = «00:0c:29:07:1c:ac» = «-1475928916»

cleanShutdown = «FALSE»

sata0:0.startConnected = «TRUE»

nvme0.present = «TRUE»

config.readOnly = «FALSE»

extendedConfigFile = «Nix_1.vmxf»

sound.autoDetect = «TRUE»

sound.virtualDev = «hdaudio»

sound.present = «TRUE»

sound.allowGuestConnectionControl = «TRUE»

sound.fileName = «-1»

svga.vramSize = «268435456»

mks.enable3d = «TRUE»

pciPassthru0.present = «TRUE»

pciPassthru1.present = «TRUE» = «00000:010:00.0»

pciPassthru0.deviceId = «0x1e84»

pciPassthru0.vendorId = «0x10de»

pciPassthru0.systemId = «5f74b25d-327c-6a86-6713-002655daae9a» = «00000:010:00.1»

pciPassthru1.deviceId = «0x10f8»

pciPassthru1.vendorId = «0x10de»

pciPassthru1.systemId = «5f74b25d-327c-6a86-6713-002655daae9a»

cpuid.coresPerSocket = «6»

svga.numDisplays = «2»

svga.autodetect = «FALSE»

tools.guest.desktop.autolock = «FALSE»

nvram = «Nix_1.nvram»

pciBridge0.present = «TRUE»

svga.present = «TRUE»

pciBridge4.present = «TRUE»

pciBridge4.virtualDev = «pcieRootPort»

pciBridge4.functions = «8»

pciBridge5.present = «TRUE»

pciBridge5.virtualDev = «pcieRootPort»

pciBridge5.functions = «8»

pciBridge6.present = «TRUE»

pciBridge6.virtualDev = «pcieRootPort»

pciBridge6.functions = «8»

pciBridge7.present = «TRUE»

pciBridge7.virtualDev = «pcieRootPort»

pciBridge7.functions = «8»

hpet0.present = «TRUE»

RemoteDisplay.maxConnections = «1»

sched.cpu.latencySensitivity = «medium»

disk.EnableUUID = «TRUE»

numa.autosize.cookie = «60001»

numa.autosize.vcpu.maxPerVirtualNode = «6»

sched.swap.derivedName = «/vmfs/volumes/5f7df0e5-3420089e-16a9-002655daae9a/Nix_1/Nix_1-0b2ace3b.vswp»

pciBridge0.pciSlotNumber = «17»

pciBridge4.pciSlotNumber = «21»

pciBridge5.pciSlotNumber = «22»

pciBridge6.pciSlotNumber = «23»

pciBridge7.pciSlotNumber = «24»

scsi0.pciSlotNumber = «160»

ethernet0.pciSlotNumber = «192»

usb_xhci.pciSlotNumber = «224»

vmci0.pciSlotNumber = «32»

sata0.pciSlotNumber = «33»

scsi0.sasWWID = «50 05 05 6a 46 e7 34 50»

ethernet0.generatedAddressOffset = «0»

vm.genid = «-1816076186780706416»

vm.genidX = «-8688614713756288280»

monitor.phys_bits_used = «43»

vmotion.checkpointFBSize = «4194304»

vmotion.checkpointSVGAPrimarySize = «268435456»

softPowerOff = «FALSE»

tools.remindInstall = «FALSE»

toolsInstallManager.lastInstallError = «0»

nvme0.pciSlotNumber = «256»

toolsInstallManager.updateCounter = «3» = «TRUE»

sound.pciSlotNumber = «34»

svga.guestBackedPrimaryAware = «TRUE»

hypervisor.cpuid.v0 = «FALSE»

pciPassthru0.pciSlotNumber = «1184»

pciPassthru1.pciSlotNumber = «1216»

migrate.hostLog = «./Nix_1-0b2ace3b.hlog»

scsi0:0.redo = «»

monitor_control.virtual_rdtsc = «false»

monitor_control.restrict_backdoor = «true» = «true» = «true» = «true» = «true»

monitor_control.disable_directexec = «true»

usb_xhci:4.present = «TRUE»

usb_xhci:4.deviceType = «hid»

usb_xhci:4.port = «4»

usb_xhci:4.parent = «-1»


This is what I got for «`systeminfo«` in the vm windows command line:


Hyper-V Requirements:      VM Monitor Mode Extensions: No

                           Virtualization Enabled In Firmware: Yes

                           Second Level Address Translation: No

                           Data Execution Prevention Available: Yes


And yes the virtual machine name is Latin for snow. I themed them.

Also let me know if you need any more info. I’d be happy to comply.

Обновлено: 08.02.2023

В общем, такая проблема. Решил поиграть в 1.6 на фасткапе (не суть), и при запуске приложения (античита), вылезла ошибка «sorry this application cannot run under a virtual machine». То, что выключить «Hyper-V», я уже давно прочитал, НО, его просто НЕТ во вкладке «программы», тупо нет и всё, ошибка выскакивает, а никак этот «невидимый» Hyper-V отключить — не получается. Может кто сталкивался?

Игра на реальной машине. Нужен чёткий ответ, а не «полазь по биосу».

В биосе виртуализация, игра на реальной машине или на виртуальной?

«Нужен чёткий ответ, а не «полазь по биосу» — «Решил. Через биос, всё верно.» Конечно. Считать себя самым знающим по меньшей мере глупо.

Помогите. Когда запускаю игру, то выскакивает ошибка: «Sorry, this application cannot run under a Virtual Machine.».

В переводе означает «К сожалению, это приложение не может работать под виртуальной машиной»
Проблема в том, что я не пытаюсь открыть игру через виртуальную машину или песочницу. Раньше игра работала захотелось Прошу помочь.

На панели управления выберите элемент Программы, а затем — Программы и компоненты.
Выберите Включение или отключение компонентов Windows.
Снимите галочку с пункта Hyper‑V, нажмите кнопку ОК, а затем кнопку Закрыть.
Перезагрузите ваш компьютер.
если Вам необходим Hyper-V и Вы им пользуетесь. то решить проблему не получится.

Больше всего это из-за Blustacks или Nox потому что они используют Виртуальная машина
Исправление зайди в панель управления-Программы и компоненты-там ищи Blustacks или Nox и нажимай правой кнопкой мыши и там будет написано удалить и все: надеюсь помог

Sorry, this application cannot run under a virtual machine

«Sorry, this application cannot run under a virtual machine».

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The same prompt about «Sorry, this application cannot run under a virtual machine» still appears.

Did you managed to find a solution to this?

IF YOU ARE EXPERIENCING “Sorry this application cannot run under a virtual machine” ERROR, FOLLOW THESE STEPS:

While on VirtualBox Windows 10 desktop, click on the windows button, and search “run” to open run window.

Type into the box, “regedit” hit enter


On the bottom on the list, you will see a VGA file named, “VideoBiosVersion”. Double click it.

You will see characters highlighted inside of the box. delete EVERYTHING inside of this box. Close out of everything once this is done.


Genshin Impact and Virtual Machines

I was excited for Genshin Impact so I downloaded and installed the PC preload and just the the heck tried firing it up when I got the message:

«Sorry, this application cannot run under a Virtual Machine.»

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You can try adding this to the <cpu> section of your .xml

Interesting, I will give that a shot. Thanks.

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After installing Hyper-V in the windows, I get the following error for running a game in my windows. Of course I am not running it in the virtual machine. I want to run the game in the PC itself that I installed the Hyper-V.

sorry, this application cannot run under a virtual machine

Even I tried to stop the Hyper-V service inside the Hyper-V management but that doesn’t work for me and I get the same error. Please help me find a solution to this.


Joxon's user avatar

asked Mar 13, 2012 at 12:48

AMCoded's user avatar


I found a good solution. making an entry in the boot loader, so that the hypervisor will not start by choosing that option while restarting the system. here is the steps to this:

1.At the command prompt, type the following:

bcdedit /copy {default} /d "No Hypervisor"

2.The above command should say: The entry was successfully copied to {guid}.
Copy that guid to the clipboard including the curly braces.

3.Now, type the following command:

bcdedit /set {guid} hypervisorlaunchtype off

In the above command, replace {guid} with what you copied in step 2.
I found the solution here : Hyper-V and VMware Workstation on the same computer.
It works for me and I hope it will works for people having the same problem.

answered Mar 17, 2012 at 22:32

AMCoded's user avatar


1,3362 gold badges22 silver badges38 bronze badges

This is the game copy-protection trying to stop you from running the game in a sandbox such as a virtual machine, where you’d be able to automate (bot) the game or hack the game by poking memory from outside of the machine.

The only way to resolve this issue is for you to either

A) Uninstall VirtualPC/Hyper-V completely

B) Ask the game company to change their policy, explaining precisely why you need Hyper-V and would like to play their game on the same machine, and wait for them to push out an update.

answered Mar 13, 2012 at 17:10

SecurityMatt's user avatar


6,4731 gold badge21 silver badges28 bronze badges


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