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We have a newly setup MECM server and planning to update it with the latest july 20h2 update. However, the deployment status keeps UNKNOWN -greyed status and failed to install to all pilot pcs. Wsyncmgr n wuahandler logs shows no issues as the updates are able to be sync successfully.
The software updatese did not delivered to ccmcache as it should but it has advertise in the software compliance .
Boundaries were set directly to primary server.
add info : http://mecmserver: 8530/ 403 — Forbidden: Access is denied.
any suggestion where should I look into to start remediating. Thank you
updatesdeployment.logs error below :
Failed to get targeted update error = 0x87d00215. 0x87d00215, it means «Item not found». Do you have enough disk space on the remote DP? No Maintenance Windows on the device collection?
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Thanks guys. found the issue was due to access previlages
Glad to hear that issue is fixed. Marking this thread as Solved.
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- Getupdateinfo failed to get targeted update error 0x87d00215
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- Getupdateinfo failed to get targeted update error 0x87d00215
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- Getupdateinfo failed to get targeted update error 0x87d00215
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- Updates Deployment 0x87d00215 error
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Getupdateinfo failed to get targeted update error 0x87d00215
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I have just installed SCCM 2012 on VM running Server 2012.
I am trying to deploy it on this local machine and keep getting this error (snippet)
I checked my MP setup and it looks fine:
SMSMP Setup Started.
Parameters: C:Program FilesMicrosoft Configuration Managerbinx64rolesetup.exe /install /siteserver:ARV-VM01 SMSMP 0
Installing Pre Reqs for SMSMP
======== Installing Pre Reqs for Role SMSMP ========
Found 2 Pre Reqs for Role SMSMP
Pre Req MSXML60 found.
No versions of MSXML60 are installed. Would install new MSXML60.
Enabling MSI logging. msxml6_x64.msi will log to C:Program FilesMicrosoft Configuration Managerlogsmsxml6_x64MSI.log
Installing C:Program FilesMicrosoft Configuration Managerbinx640000409msxml6_x64.msi
msxml6_x64.msi exited with return code: 0
msxml6_x64.msi Installation was successful.
Pre Req SqlNativeClient found.
SqlNativeClient already installed (Product Code: <49d665a2-4c2a-476e-9ab8-fcc425f526fc>). Would not install again.
Pre Req SqlNativeClient is already installed. Skipping it.
======== Completed Installation of Pre Reqs for Role SMSMP ========
Installing the SMSMP
Passed OS version check.
IIS Service is installed.
SMSMP already installed (Product Code: ). Upgrading/Reinstalling SMSMP
New SMSMP is the same product code. This is a minor upgrade.
Enabling MSI logging. mp.msi will log to C:Program FilesMicrosoft Configuration ManagerlogsmpMSI.log
mp.msi exited with return code: 0
Installation was successful.
I have tried removing Distribution Point and putting it back, same error.
Getupdateinfo failed to get targeted update error 0x87d00215
This forum has migrated to Microsoft Q&A. Visit Microsoft Q&A to post new questions.
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I have a server that is not getting any patches or antivirus updates. All other servers work fine. Only error I see is the following:
failed to get targeted update, error = 0x87d00215.
I already recreated the software distribution folder and reinstalled the SCCM client. Any ideas on what else to check or try? TIA
Has the Windowsupdate.log scan completed successfully on the machine now ?
Kamala kannan.c| Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” or Vote as Helpful if its helpful for you. |Disclaimer: This posting is provided with no warranties and confers no rights
Actually not that I see. I have the following errors in the windows update log:
WARNING: IsSessionRemote: WinStationQueryInformationW(WTSIsRemoteSession) failed for session 4, GetLastError=2250
WARNING: Failed to get Wu Exemption info from NLM, assuming not exempt, error = 0x80240037
WARNING: Failed to get Network Cost info from NLM, assuming network is NOT metered, error = 0x80240037.
Currently AUX is enabled — so not show any WU Upgrade notifications.
Getupdateinfo failed to get targeted update error 0x87d00215
This forum has migrated to Microsoft Q&A. Visit Microsoft Q&A to post new questions.
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On two distribution points which have been working fine for six months I am getting now an error: 0x87d00215
Failed to get DP locations as the expected version from MP ‘HTTPS://VRPSCCMPR01.ad’. Error 0x87d00215 ccmsetup 1/3/2018 1:54:40 PM 5948 (0x173C)
MP ‘HTTPS://VRPSCCMPR01.ad’ didn’t return DP locations for client package with the expected version. Retrying in 30 minutes. ccmsetup 1/3/2018 1:54:40 PM 5948 (0x173C)
Next retry in 30 minute(s). ccmsetup 1/3/2018 1:54:40 PM 5948 (0x173C)>
Any idea how to correct this error
Security / System Center Operations Manager 2012 / System Center Configuration Manager 2012 / SQL System Center Operations Manager 2007 / System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R2 / Forefront Client Security / Forefront Identity Manager
If you have checked the boundary/boundary groups, Please check your package, make sure the client package is available on your DPs.
I suggest you to follow the below link and check:
I hope this helps you.
Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact tnmff@microsoft.com.
If you have checked the boundary/boundary groups, Please check your package, make sure the client package is available on your DPs.
I suggest you to follow the below link and check:
I hope this helps you.
Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact tnmff@microsoft.com.
Have you distributed the client package to a distribution point, and does the machine fall into a boundary/boundary group associated with the distribution point?
Yes the Client package has already been upgraded automatically on 22,000+ machines.
Yes the machines are Distribution Points Servers used for the past six months they are in the boundaries.
Security / System Center Operations Manager 2012 / System Center Configuration Manager 2012 / SQL System Center Operations Manager 2007 / System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R2 / Forefront Client Security / Forefront Identity Manager
If you have checked the boundary/boundary groups, Please check your package, make sure the client package is available on your DPs.
I suggest you to follow the below link and check:
I hope this helps you.
Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact tnmff@microsoft.com.
Thanks still in progress..
Security / System Center Operations Manager 2012 / System Center Configuration Manager 2012 / SQL System Center Operations Manager 2007 / System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R2 / Forefront Client Security / Forefront Identity Manager
If you have checked the boundary/boundary groups, Please check your package, make sure the client package is available on your DPs.
I suggest you to follow the below link and check:
I hope this helps you.
Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact tnmff@microsoft.com.
Thanks still in progress..
Security / System Center Operations Manager 2012 / System Center Configuration Manager 2012 / SQL System Center Operations Manager 2007 / System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R2 / Forefront Client Security / Forefront Identity Manager
Good Catch the boundary group was missing, adding one it works and the client is properly upgraded now
Security / System Center Operations Manager 2012 / System Center Configuration Manager 2012 / SQL System Center Operations Manager 2007 / System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R2 / Forefront Client Security / Forefront Identity Manager
Updates Deployment 0x87d00215 error
I am trying to install Updates on my machines, but no luck.
I created a new Update for Win 10 machines: created a SW Update Group, created a new package, downloaded this updates to this new package and distribute de package to my Distribution Point.
My DP status show success to package deployment.
Now I deploy the SW Update Group to my desktop Collections with Win 10.
I update my client using actions in SCCM Client.
But, my Software Center is show empty for Updates and my client UpdatesDeployment.log is showing this:
More info from the desktop machine:
- Local WSUS policy in pointing to my SUP, it is right
- My SCCM Client is green and inventory is working fine
More info from my DP:
- Package content is there, I validade that
- Other packages, lipe APP packages are there too
- IIS is working fine
Please, any ideias what is happening?
@Patrick Mor
Thanks for your posting on Q&A.
What is the version of your MECM? How many clients in the collection encountered this issue? What are the KB numbers of the software updates you are tried to deploy? Please make sure the updates are required for the clients before moving on.
Please to try to review the scanagent.log and PolicyEvaluator.log on the client to get more error information.
Best regards,
6 answers
Thanks for the sharing for the logs. I don’t see any obvious errors or issues. There is an error in updatesdeployment log, but more on that later. Do you have maintenance windows configured by any chance? Can you check servicewindow log?
Updates will not download and install unless there is a service window available. You didn’t confirm if a service window is available or not.
Are you sure this is accurate 100% of the time? If the deployment was configured with ‘User Experience’ menu option ‘Deadline Behavior’ with a value of ‘Software updates installation’, would this skip evaluating maintenance windows altogether?
Is the update applicable? Maybe look under wuahandler, scanagent logs as well.
*****WSUSLocationUpdate received for location request guid= <780253aa-2a5c-4666-abeb-ce20e2e56806>ScanAgent 3/17/2022 10:49:19 PM 11720 (0x2DC8)
CScanJobMgr::UpdateSUPLocationList- Original WUA location count is 0, new location count is 1, WUA locations updated. ScanAgent 3/17/2022 10:49:19 PM 11720 (0x2DC8)
Sources are current and valid. TTLs are however, invalid. ScanAgent 3/17/2022 10:49:19 PM 11720 (0x2DC8)
ScanJob(<9761a3d1-f372-4513-9545-1b36b834dbc3>): Performing Full Scan. ScanAgent 3/17/2022 10:49:19 PM 11720 (0x2DC8)
*****ScanByUpdates request received with ForceReScan=0, ScanOptions=0x00000008, WSUSLocationTimeout = 604800 ScanAgent 3/17/2022 10:49:21 PM 5152 (0x1420)
- — -Evaluating Update Status. ScanAgent 3/17/2022 10:49:22 PM 5152 (0x1420)
Found CategoryID of :b3c75dc1-155f-4be4-b015-3f1a91758e52 for Update:5a0aea9e-a1aa-43c7-99a7-e0ee07340d50 ScanAgent 3/17/2022 10:50:59 PM 5152 (0x1420)
CScanAgent::ScanByUpdates — Found UpdateClassification 3689bdc8-b205-4af4-8d4a-a63924c5e9d5 for Update:5a0aea9e-a1aa-43c7-99a7-e0ee07340d50 ScanAgent 3/17/2022 10:50:59 PM 5152 (0x1420)
ScanJob(<9761a3d1-f372-4513-9545-1b36b834dbc3>): Scan Succeeded, Resetting Source to Current and TTLs to Valid ScanAgent 3/17/2022 10:51:00 PM 10948 (0x2AC4)
ScanJob(<9761a3d1-f372-4513-9545-1b36b834dbc3>): CScanJob::OnScanComplete — Scan completed successfully, ScanType=1 ScanAgent 3/17/2022 10:51:00 PM 10948 (0x2AC4)
ScanJob(<9761a3d1-f372-4513-9545-1b36b834dbc3>): CScanJobManager::OnScanComplete -ScanJob is completed. ScanAgent 3/17/2022 10:51:00 PM 10948 (0x2AC4)
ScanJob(<9761a3d1-f372-4513-9545-1b36b834dbc3>): CScanJobManager::OnScanComplete — Reporting Scan request complete to clients. ScanAgent 3/17/2022 10:51:00 PM 10948 (0x2AC4) - — Calling back to client on Scan request complete. ScanAgent 3/17/2022 10:51:00 PM 10948 (0x2AC4)
CScanAgent::ScanComplete- Scan completion received. ScanAgent 3/17/2022 10:51:00 PM 10948 (0x2AC4)
Sources are current and valid. TTLs are also valid. ScanAgent 3/17/2022 10:51:00 PM 5152 (0x1420)
CScanJobManager::Scan — SKIPPING SCAN and using cached results. ScanAgent 3/17/2022 10:51:00 PM 5152 (0x1420)
CScanJobManager::Scan — Reporting Scan request complete to clients. ScanAgent 3/17/2022 10:51:01 PM 5152 (0x1420) - — -Evaluating Update Status. ScanAgent 3/17/2022 10:51:01 PM 10948 (0x2AC4)
- — Calling back to client on Scan request complete. ScanAgent 3/17/2022 10:51:01 PM 10948 (0x2AC4)
*****Policy Change notification received for ToolUniqueID= ScanAgent 3/18/2022 12:34:15 AM 208 (0x00D0)
We are trying to deploy updates via WSUS/SCCM through to some test windows 10 machines. I noticed that we were not patched a high enough level so have gone through and installed the hotfixes that were required to decrypt the files.
I’ve then run through the steps here to remove the files:
https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/3194588/-0xc1800118-error-when-you-push-windows-10-version-… Opens a new window
I’ve then recreated our Windows 10 service plan and can see the new 1709 download come through and deploy to the distribution points but it will not deploy. It just sits installing in software center.
In the event log I can see the folllowing immediately after the install starts:
In the SCCM logs on the client machine… I get these:
Update 1 (debf641f-97e2-49d1-ad82-26d421804f6b) finished installing (0x80070652), Reboot Required? No WUAHandler 25/10/2017 14:53:46 8880 (0x22B0) Async install completed. WUAHandler 25/10/2017 14:53:46 8880 (0x22B0) Upgrade installation result indicates that commit cannot be done. WUAHandler 25/10/2017 14:53:46 15764 (0x3D94) Installation job encountered some failures. Error = 0x80240022. Commit Result = 0x00000001. WUAHandler 25/10/2017 14:53:46 15764 (0x3D94)
And this:
GetUpdate - failed to get targeted update, error = 0x87d00215. UpdatesDeploymentAgent 24/10/2017 09:17:43 9016 (0x2338) GetUpdate failed, error 87d00215 UpdatesDeploymentAgent 24/10/2017 09:17:43 9016 (0x2338) CCCMUpdatesDeployment::GetUpdate failed, error = 0x87d00215 UpdatesDeploymentAgent 24/10/2017 09:17:43 13636 (0x3544) GetUpdate - failed to get targeted update, error = 0x87d00215. UpdatesDeploymentAgent 24/10/2017 09:17:43 780 (0x030C) GetUpdate failed, error 87d00215 UpdatesDeploymentAgent 24/10/2017 09:17:43 780 (0x030C) CCCMUpdatesDeployment::GetUpdate failed, error = 0x87d00215 UpdatesDeploymentAgent 24/10/2017 09:17:43 10056 (0x2748)
Normal windows updates are working, its just Windows 10. Has anyone else run into these problems?
Enterprise Software Thread, SCCM not pushing out software updates from disruption points in Technical; Hello,
We are a MAT and use SCCM . I have attached a copy of our topology. SCCM will only …
10th October 2017, 07:22 PM #1
We are a MAT and use
SCCM. I have attached a copy of our topology. SCCM will only deploy software updates (ie Windows updates) to school 1. Computers at school 2 & 3 schools are suck as «client check passed/active» in the deployment status. Software application deployment and OSD via PXE works fine and the clients are picking up the data from the correct DP (so boundaries are ok). School 1 works ok with software updates.
I have tried deleting the software update group, package and deployment and creating new and it doesn’t make a difference.
Does anyone have any ideas please?
10th October 2017, 07:44 PM #2
Have you looked at the various updates logs on one of the affected clients?
Off the top of my head something like updatedeployment.log and the evaluation log will be useful
10th October 2017, 07:44 PM #3
Are you trying to make 2/3 come back to 1 for updates or download direct from their own sites?
If you want them to download from their own ones, did you set the update group to get deployed to both 2/3 DPs? And those clients have the policy to get Updates from their local one? Are the DPs actually receiving the update groups?
If you wanted them to come back to 1 does it have downloads enabled over slow links etc?
Last edited 10th October 2017 at 07:57 PM.
10th October 2017, 08:44 PM #4
All the DP will use the same package but it will be copied locally onto the local school DP from the package source shared folder. The package is set to go to all DP’s and I can confirm it is on there.
I haven’t looked at the logs. Will have a look.
12th October 2017, 10:30 AM #5
This is the single error in the log
GetUpdateInfo — failed to get targeted update, error = 0x87d00215. UpdatesDeploymentAgent 11/10/2017 08:33:34 3328 (0x0D00)
I have looked this up and the posts on the internet are saying the client is looking at the wrong addresses in the
WSUS settings in the registry (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREPoliciesMicrosoftWi ndowsWindowsUpdate). I have checked this and the settings are correct and match working machines.
12th October 2017, 11:00 AM #6
I’m not really sure how you’re setting this up here. (as in how you want it to work)
The standard way to do it would be deploy SUPs to the two secondary sites, which then replicate the main one, and those clients within the boundaries are set to use the local SUP. If you’re pointing all the clients via Registry back to the PrimarySite (1) they’ll pull info across from the SUP.
Deploying via a DP should work fine, but I’m not sure why you’re talking about copying the files across locally (unless just a phrase you used) as it should automatically distribute the content to the DPs for you.
When the clients try to update, what’s it saying in their location logs about connecting to SUPs/DPs etc?
12th October 2017, 11:26 AM #7
We only have 1 SCCM site, but have 3 physical sites (buildings) in the topology. Isn’t the SUP designed to sync with WSUS? So you would only have 1 per SCCM site.
When I say copying the files, I am talking about when using the distribute content wizard.
It is pickup up the correct DP in the logs. Other stuff like Package deployment and OSD still work ok.
16th October 2017, 05:54 PM #8
This is driving me nuts. I can’t find whats going on. I have reinstalled the DP’s and it hasn’t made a difference.
16th October 2017, 06:37 PM #9
If you want to throw up (or email if it’s easier) a set of logs across happy to have a dig through, but not much to say without finding the details/errors in log I’m afraid
16th October 2017, 06:59 PM #10
I might do that, but I think I am onto something. I have this in a log. The computer is in a Maintenance Window and has one assigned to a collection it is a member of. I also set the software update deployment to install outside of the Window.
No current service window available to run updates assignment with time required = 1 UpdatesDeploymentAgent 16/10/2017 16:30:00 6372 (0x18E4)
I might delete the maintenance window and recreate it.
Last edited 16th October 2017 at 07:00 PM.
18th October 2017, 09:30 AM #11
I recreated the the Maintenance Windows and they are slowly picking themselves backup now. Bit of an odd one!
Config Manager version 2103
The ADR is running and Software Update Group is updating with the latest patches for this month but looking at the compliance for all machines it is showing “unknown” even though they were not compliant.
Nothing showing in the System status node, ISS and BITS are running on the servers ok.
I cannot see any errors in the execmgr or WUAhandler logs. not sure if anyone could help please?
Looking at a few client logs (Updatedeployments.log) it mentions “GetUpdateInfo – failed to get targeted update, error = 0x87d00215.”
Message received: ‘<?xml version=’1.0′ ?><SoftwareUpdatesMessage MessageType=’EvaluateAssignments’><UseCachedResults>True</UseCachedResults></SoftwareUpdatesMessage>’ UpdatesDeploymentAgent 23/08/2021 08:52:17 11684 (0x2DA4)
GetTargetedUpdate( sUpdateId, spManageUpdate ), HRESULT=87d00215 (updatesmanager.cpp,1362) UpdatesDeploymentAgent 23/08/2021 08:52:17 11684 (0x2DA4)
GetUpdateInfo – failed to get targeted update, error = 0x87d00215. UpdatesDeploymentAgent 23/08/2021 08:52:17 11684 (0x2DA4)
spUpdatesManager->GetUpdateInfo((*it).sUpdateId, (*it).sVersion, eUpdateState, eApplicability, eUpdateStatus, bIsSuperseded, hrError), HRESULT=87d00215 (updatesassignment.cpp,1182) UpdatesDeploymentAgent 23/08/2021 08:52:17 11684 (0x2DA4)
Assignment({C9EF0615-685C-465C-AB0D-132FC59F490E}) already in progress state (AssignmentStateDetecting). No need to evaluate UpdatesDeploymentAgent 23/08/2021 08:52:17 11684 (0x2DA4)
Assignment({0853AEFE-CD34-4680-A6D5-DC19FD31617B}) already in progress state (AssignmentStateDetecting). No need to evaluate UpdatesDeploymentAgent 23/08/2021 08:52:17 11684 (0x2DA4)
Assignment({00BFFC8C-D9E9-4950-8D86-E2EFBCAD2C4A}) already in progress state (AssignmentStateDetecting). No need to evaluate UpdatesDeploymentAgent 23/08/2021 08:52:17 11684 (0x2DA4)
Evaluation initiated for (0) assignments. UpdatesDeploymentAgent 23/08/2021 08:52:17 11684 (0x2DA4)
Message received: ‘<?xml version=’1.0′ ?><SoftwareUpdatesMessage MessageType=’EvaluateAssignments’><UseCachedResults>False</UseCachedResults></SoftwareUpdatesMessage>’ UpdatesDeploymentAgent 23/08/2021 08:57:01 804 (0x0324)
Removing scan history to force non cached results UpdatesDeploymentAgent 23/08/2021 08:57:01 804 (0x0324)
Cleanup regKey for post install eval. UpdatesDeploymentAgent 23/08/2021 08:57:01 804 (0x0324)