Ghostscript unrecoverable error exit code 1

Description shilpi.kayal 2015-01-26 22:43:41 UTC



2015-01-26 22:43:41 UTC

I am using Ghostscript to compress some large pdf files on rails.So, to kale it work on rails I am using backtick to make it as a system command. Its showing some error like this:

 GPL Ghostscript 9.15: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1

My code is:
input_file = oldpath(myfile)
gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=#{newpath(myfile)} input_file

Comment 1

Ken Sharp

2015-01-27 00:35:56 UTC

(In reply to shilpi.kayal from comment #0)
> I am using Ghostscript to compress some large pdf files on rails.So, to kale
> it work on rails I am using backtick to make it as a system command. Its
> showing some error like this:
>  GPL Ghostscript 9.15: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1
> My code is:
> input_file = oldpath(myfile)
> gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=#{newpath(myfile)}
> input_file

We're going to need to see the input file as well, there's nothing I can say without it.

Comment 2

Ken Sharp

2015-01-27 00:40:39 UTC

(In reply to Ken Sharp from comment #1)
> (In reply to shilpi.kayal from comment #0)
> > I am using Ghostscript to compress some large pdf files on rails.

No, you aren't. You may be using Ghostscript to produce a *new* PDF file which has different compression to an existing PDF file, buyt you are not compressing the original file.

> > it work on rails I am using backtick to make it as a system command.

I have no idea what 'backtick' is, or how to use it, please supply a command line for Ghostscript, not some arcane programming language usage.

> > My code is:
> > input_file = oldpath(myfile)
> > gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=#{newpath(myfile)}
> > input_file

Actually, this looks like the input and output files are the same, that's not going to work.

Comment 4


2015-01-27 01:00:35 UTC

This same command is working fine with terminal.

Comment 5

Ken Sharp

2015-01-27 01:03:29 UTC

(In reply to shilpi.kayal from comment #4)
> This same command is working fine with terminal.

Well, then I don't see how I can help you. If the command (which you still haven't supplied) works from the terminal then I cannot reproduce your problem.

It seems to me that the problem must lie in your program. Perhaps the command line you are using at the terminal is not the same as the one in your application.

Comment 6

Chris Liddell (chrisl)

2015-01-27 01:10:04 UTC

There is a strong chance that the problem is (or is related to) permissions or other environment settings when Ghostscript is called from the rails environment. I would assume, like PHP, the rails environment runs as its own user, so you probably need to look at the permissions available to the "real" user when Ghostscript runs successfully and the user under which the rails environment runs, and assess the differences.

The first step would be to look at the GS related environment variable, then at things like read/write permissions for the temp directory, the directory into which you want Ghostscript to write it's output, and the directory (and file) from which you want Ghostscript to read its input.

(NOTE: we know about Ghostscript, *not* rails, or php etc etc......)

Comment 7

Ken Sharp

2015-01-27 02:49:19 UTC

Since this apparently works from a command line, this is not a Ghostscript bug. If you can find a way to demonstrate the problem which we can reproduce feel free to reopen the bug, remembering to supply the information required.

I do have a problem in producing a pdf (latex -> dvips -> ps2pdf) with an error saying

Execution stack:
   %interp_exit   .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   2   %stopped_push   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   false   1   %stopped_push
Dictionary stack:
   --dict:1084/1123(ro)(G)--   --dict:0/20(G)--   --dict:69/200(L)--
Current allocation mode is local
Last OS error: 2
GPL Ghostscript 8.57: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1

asked Jun 15, 2013 at 11:18

David H's user avatar

David HDavid H

1331 gold badge1 silver badge6 bronze badges


Your dvips is configured to send the output to lpr (printing) instead of generating a PostScript file. From the output, given in your comment:

This is dvips(k) 5.95a [...] ' TeX output 2013.06.15:1522'
-> |lpr [...]

The output PostScript file can be specified directly:

dvips -o A.dvi

generates a PostScript file that can then be processed by ps2pdf:


dvips can be reconfigured via the configuration file It can be found by kpsewhich:


For example it returns .../texmf-dist/dvips/config/
Then locate the line:

o |lpr

that pipes the output to the printing system. Add a percent before to disable this setting:

%o |lpr

Then the default output is a PostScript file.

answered Jun 15, 2013 at 13:32

Heiko Oberdiek's user avatar

Heiko OberdiekHeiko Oberdiek

266k23 gold badges689 silver badges1053 bronze badges


This one works fine without sending to the printer

dvips -Ppdf A.dvi -o ---> ps2pdf A.pdf---->open A.pdf

Léo Léopold Hertz 준영's user avatar

answered Oct 1, 2013 at 8:13

David H's user avatar

David HDavid H

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  1. GPL Ghostscript 9.26: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1 #409
  3. GPL Ghostscript 9.53.3: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1 #5865
  5. GPL Ghostscript 9.52: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1 #19
  7. Footer
  8. Ghostscript Discussion
  9. The #1 PDL conversion tool available today
  10. Forums
  11. Ghostscript Unrecoverable error, exit code 1

GPL Ghostscript 9.26: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1 #409

Describe the issue
I tried to OCR the PDF provided below (note, that it already contains an OCRed text, but the quality is bad, so I wanted to reOCR it). Even using —force only results in the error message reported below. Weirdly enough, using —redo-ocr works and produces a newly OCRed file (at least it seems so) — but the quality of the OCRed text, does not seem to be that good (there seem to be some weird interactions with the previous OCRed text).

ERROR — (Ghostscript text extraction failed /tmp/com.github.ocrmypdf.w2v4fp01/origin.repaired.pdf **** Error reading a content stream. The page may be incomplete. Output may be incorrect. **** Error: File has an unbalanced >> (close dictionary). Output may be incorrect. **** Error reading a content stream. The page may be incomplete. Output may be incorrect. **** Error reading a content stream. The page may be incomplete. Output may be incorrect. **** Error: Tf refers to an unknown resource name: **** Error reading a content stream. The page may be incomplete. Output may be incorrect. **** Error reading a content stream. The page may be incomplete. Output may be incorrect. **** Error reading a content stream. The page may be incomplete. Output may be incorrect. **** Error: File has an unbalanced >> (close dictionary). Output may be incorrect. **** Error reading a content stream. The page may be incomplete. Output may be incorrect. **** Error reading a content stream. The page may be incomplete. Output may be incorrect. **** Error: File did not complete the page properly and may be damaged. Output may be incorrect. Error: /dictstackunderflow in /—pdfshowpage_finish— Operand stack: —dict:9/17(L)— —nostringval— 1 Execution stack: %interp_exit .runexec2 —nostringval— pdfshowpage_finish —nostringval— 2 %stopped_push —nostringval— pdfshowpage_finish pdfshowpage_finish false 1 %stopped_push 2045 1 3 %oparray_pop 2044 1 3 %oparray_pop 2025 1 3 %oparray_pop 2026 1 3 %oparray_pop pdfshowpage_finish pdfshowpage_finish 2 1 17 pdfshowpage_finish %for_pos_int_continue 2029 1 7 %oparray_pop pdfshowpage_finish pdfshowpage_finish pdfshowpage_finish %loop_continue Dictionary stack: —dict:959/1684(ro)(G)— —dict:1/20(G)— —dict:83/200(L)— Current allocation mode is local GPL Ghostscript 9.26: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1 )

To Reproduce
After cd’ing to the working directory the following command was used.

Please check any or all that apply about the test file:

  • This is the input file

Expected behavior
OCR’ing with and without —force should be possible.

OS: Ubuntu 18.04 (in Windows 10 WSL)
ocrmypdf 8.3.2
tesseract 4.0.0-beta.1
gs 9.26
qpdf 8.0.2

Additional notes:
I don’t know, whether this is a duplicate of #386 or not?

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:


GPL Ghostscript 9.53.3: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1 #5865

I have a particular PDF document that triggers a CUPS Ghostscript error. Since the PDF viewer I use is KDE Okular, I first reported the issue there but I have been told that is not an Okular problem.
Since I cannot publish the PDF here, I will send it by e-mail to any of the Okular developers that need it.
I attach CUPS debuginfos that I got by using «LogLevel debug» in /etc/cups/cupsd.conf


  1. In KDE Okular open the document, press CTRl + P to print
  2. Open Options button, select «Pages» and write 544 (or any other number)
  3. Click Print button

Nothing happens, document stuck in CUPS print queue

Print the page

cups 2.3.3
poppler 0.90.0
Okular 20.08.3
KDE Frameworks 5.76.0
Qt 5.15.1
Fedora 33

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

the error happens in gstoraster filter from cups-filters project, which uses ghostscript . The produced error message is from ghostscript.
You can either report this to cups-filters or to Fedora bugzilla, but in both cases please upload the file you tried to print too.

the error happens in gstoraster filter from cups-filters project

Ok I will open a bugreport there, thank you

but in both cases please upload the file you tried to print too.

I will send it by e-mail to who will required it. I need an e-mail address

but in both cases please upload the file you tried to print too.

I will send it by e-mail to who will required it. I need an e-mail address

I guess the file is confidential — can you reproduce the issue with non-confidential file?
Otherwise you have several options:

  1. send your file to cups-filters maintainer and agree with him sending the modified file to ghostscript upstream
  2. send your file to ghostscript upstream and hope it will trigger the error unfiltered
  3. send your file to ghostscript upstream and hope they will be able to rerun your filter chain, giving them the file which goes to gs and triggers the issue for sure
  4. apply filters on your file by yourself (see man cupsfilter and your cups log), get the file which goes to gstoraster filter, and send this file to ghostscript upstream

All of those options will need more actions from you or you’ll need to agree with the fact the file will be shared with at least 2 people.

I guess the file is confidential

Not confidential. Can you send me your e-mail address at $myname.$ so I can send it to you?

If it is not confidential, please report the issue on and attach the file there. I’m CUPS+cups-filters maintainer for Fedora.
If the file is too big, try to print only part of it and check if it still fails. If it does, take the file from /var/spool/cups (with the highest number) and attach that file to the ticket.

Is there an other reason why it needs to be send via email, but not attached to some ticket?


GPL Ghostscript 9.52: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1 #19

this is result of running following php sample codes in command line

GPL Ghostscript 9.52: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1

error is for running getNumberOfPages method

sample.pdf is near to php file and there is an images folder there

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

pdf file is an standard pdf file and is converted before with other pdf to image php classes like

hmm.. will have to look into, @mablae do you think you can check this issue ?

I modified this library for me.

public function getNumberOfPages() <
if($this->number_of_pages == -1) <
if($this->gs_command == «gswin32c.exe» || $this->gs_command == «gswin64c.exe») <
$this->pdf_path = str_replace(‘’, ‘/’, $this->pdf_path);
$delimiter = «/»;
$exit=preg_split(«/».$delimiter.»([^».$delimiter.»]+)$ /», $this->pdf_path,-1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE | PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
$pages = $this->executeGS(‘-q ‘.$ex.’ -dNODISPLAY -c «(‘.$this->pdf_path.’) (r) file runpdfbegin pdfpagecount = quit»‘,true);
$this->number_of_pages = intval($pages);
return $this->number_of_pages;

I’m running into the same problem. Have you had time to look at this?

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Ghostscript Discussion


Ghostscript Unrecoverable error, exit code 1

I have a new printer I’m having problems with, and in tracking it down, the HPLIP guys believe it’s a GhostScript issue, so thought I’d try here and see if I could get some help.

gs appears to be crashing when processing the file for printing.

Here’s the cups logs of the print session (just a test page generated from localhost:631):

D [24/Feb/2009:15:19:47 -0600] [Job 507] foomatic-gswrapper: gs ‘-sstdout=%stderr’ ‘-dBATCH’ ‘-dPARANOIDSAFER’ ‘-dQUIET’ ‘-dNOPAUSE’ ‘-sDEVICE=ijs’ ‘-sIjsServer=hpijs’ ‘-dIjsUseOutputFD’ ‘-sOutputFile=%stdout’ ‘-‘
D [24/Feb/2009:15:19:47 -0600] Discarding unused job-progress event.
D [24/Feb/2009:15:19:47 -0600] [Job 507] Error: /ioerror in —showpage—
D [24/Feb/2009:15:19:47 -0600] [Job 507] Operand stack:
D [24/Feb/2009:15:19:47 -0600] [Job 507] 1 true
D [24/Feb/2009:15:19:47 -0600] [Job 507] Execution stack:
D [24/Feb/2009:15:19:47 -0600] [Job 507] %interp_exit .runexec2 —nostringval— —nostringval— —nostringval— 2 %stopped_push —nostringval— —nostringval— —nostringval— false 1 %stopped_push 1889 1 3 %oparray_pop 1888 1 3 %oparray_pop 1872 1 3 %oparray_pop 1755 1 3 %oparray_pop —nostringval— %errorexec_pop .runexec2 —nostringval— —nostringval— —nostringval— 2 %stopped_push —nostringval— 1761 0 3 %oparray_pop —nostringval— —nostringval—
D [24/Feb/2009:15:19:47 -0600] [Job 507] Dictionary stack:
D [24/Feb/2009:15:19:47 -0600] [Job 507] —dict:1157/1684(ro)(G)— —dict:1/20(G)— —dict:99/200(L)—
D [24/Feb/2009:15:19:47 -0600] [Job 507] Current allocation mode is local
D [24/Feb/2009:15:19:47 -0600] [Job 507] Last OS error: 32
D [24/Feb/2009:15:19:47 -0600] [Job 507] GPL Ghostscript 8.60: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1
D [24/Feb/2009:15:19:47 -0600] [Job 507] renderer return value: 1
D [24/Feb/2009:15:19:47 -0600] [Job 507] renderer received signal: 1
D [24/Feb/2009:15:19:47 -0600] [Job 507] tail process done writing data to STDOUT
D [24/Feb/2009:15:19:47 -0600] [Job 507] KID4 finished
D [24/Feb/2009:15:19:47 -0600] [Job 507] Process dying with «Possible error on renderer command line or PostScript error. Check options.», exit stat: 3

I took a file out of /var/spool/cups and renamed it as and did some testing with that.

works fine — I see the file displayed on-screen perfectly.

However, trying to print it, gs fails:

:gs -sDEVICE=ijs -sIjsServer=hpijs
GPL Ghostscript 8.63 (2008-08-01)
Copyright (C) 2008 Artifex Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
This software comes with NO WARRANTY: see the file PUBLIC for details.
unable to set key=OutputFile, value=
unable to set Quality=0, ColorMode=2, MediaType=0, err=4
following will be used Quality=0, ColorMode=2, MediaType=0
unable to set paper size=17, err=4
Unrecoverable error: rangecheck in setscreen
Operand stack:
-0.0 0 —nostringval—

Here’s the file itself:

%%BoundingBox: 0 0 612 792
%%Pages: 1
%%LanguageLevel: 1
%%DocumentData: Clean7Bit
%%DocumentSuppliedResources: procset testprint/1.0
%%DocumentNeededResources: font Helvetica Helvetica-Bold Times-Roman
%%Creator: Michael Sweet, Easy Software Products
%%CreationDate: May 11, 1999
%%Title: Test Page
%%BeginResource procset testprint 1.1 0
% PostScript test page for the Common UNIX Printing System («CUPS»).
% Copyright 1993-2001 Easy Software Products
% These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs are the
% property of Easy Software Products and are protected by Federal
% copyright law. Distribution and use rights are outlined in the file
% «LICENSE.txt» which should have been included with this file. If this
% file is missing or damaged please contact Easy Software Products
% at:
% Attn: CUPS Licensing Information
% Easy Software Products
% 44141 Airport View Drive, Suite 204
% Hollywood, Maryland 20636-3111 USA
% Voice: (301) 373-9603
% EMail:
% WWW:
/OCTANT < % Draw a color wheel OCTANT.
% (name) radius r g b OCTANT —
% Loop through 100 shades.
0 0.010101 0.98 <
% Set the color.
3 index 1 eq % R == 1?
3 index 1 eq % G == 1?
3 index 1 eq % B == 1?
and and <
0 index 4 index mul % R * val
1 index 4 index mul % G * val
2 index 4 index mul % B * val
> <
0 index 4 index mul % R * val
1 index neg 1 add add % + (1 — val)
1 index 4 index mul % G * val
2 index neg 1 add add % + (1 — val)
2 index 4 index mul % B * val
3 index neg 1 add add % + (1 — val)
> ifelse

% Draw a polygon.
dup 5 index mul dup 0 % x1, y1
0.707106781 mul dup lineto % x2, y2

0.010101 add 4 index mul dup % x3
0.707106781 mul dup lineto % x3, y3
0 lineto % x4, y4
> for

% Draw a line around the polygons.
pop pop pop dup
0 setgray
0 0 moveto
dup 0 lineto
0.707106781 mul dup lineto

% Draw the label.
0 exch dup -9 div exch % text offset = 0, -radius/9
dup 0.923879532 mul % x = radius * cos(22.5)
exch 0.382683432 mul % y = radius * cos(22.5)
moveto % position label
22.5 rotate % rotate label
rmoveto % offset label
show % show label
> bind def
/CENTER < % Draw centered text
% (name) CENTER —
dup stringwidth pop % Get the width of the string
0.5 mul neg 0 rmoveto % Shift left 1/2 of the distance
show % Show the string
> bind def
/RIGHT < % Draw right-justified text
% (name) RIGHT —
dup stringwidth pop % Get the width of the string
neg 0 rmoveto % Shift left the entire distance
show % Show the string
> bind def
/NUMBER < % Draw a number
% power n NUMBER —
1 index 1 eq < % power == 1?
round cvi exch pop % Convert «n» to integer
> <
1 index mul round exch div % Truncate extra decimal places
> ifelse
100 string cvs show % Convert to a string and show it.
> bind def
/CUPSLOGO < % Draw the CUPS logo
% height CUPSLOGO
% Start with a big C.
/Helvetica findfont 1 index scalefont setfont
0 setgray
0 0 moveto
(C) show

% Then «UNIX Printing System» much smaller.
/Helvetica-Bold findfont 1 index 9 div scalefont setfont
0.25 mul
dup dup 2.0 mul moveto
(UNIX) show
dup dup 1.6 mul moveto
(Printing) show
dup 1.2 mul moveto
(System) show
> bind def
/ESPLOGO < % Draw the ESP logo
% height ESPLOGO
% Compute the size of the logo.
0 0
2 index 1.5 mul 3 index

% Do the «metallic» fill from 10% black to 40% black.
1 -0.001 0 <
dup % loopval
-0.15 mul % loopval * -0.15
0.9 add % 0.9 — loopval * 0.15
setgray % set gray shade

0 % x
1 index neg % loopval
1 add % 1 — loopval
3 index % height
mul % height * (1 — loopval)
moveto % starting point

dup % loopval
3 index % width
mul % loopval * width
2 index % height
lineto % Next point

0 % x
2 index % height
lineto % Next point

dup % loopval
0.15 mul % loopval * 0.15
0.6 add % 0.6 + loopval * 0.15

dup % loopval
neg 1 add % 1 — loopval
3 index % width
mul % (1 — loopval) * width
0 % y
moveto % Starting point

2 index % width
exch % loopval
2 index % height
mul % loopval * height
lineto % Next point

1 index % width
0 % y
lineto % Next point

> for

0 setgray rectstroke

/Helvetica-BoldOblique findfont 1 index 3 div scalefont setfont
dup 40 div

dup 4 mul 1 index 25 mul moveto (E) show
dup 10 mul 1 index 15 mul moveto (S) show
dup 16 mul 1 index 5 mul moveto (P) show

/Helvetica-BoldOblique findfont 2 index 5 div scalefont setfont
dup 14 mul 1 index 29 mul moveto (asy) show
dup 20 mul 1 index 19 mul moveto (oftware) show
dup 26 mul 1 index 9 mul moveto (roducts) show

> bind def
%%Page: 1 1

% Determine the imageable area and device resolution.
initclip newpath clippath pathbbox % Get bounding rectangle
72 div /pageTop exch def % Get top margin in inches
72 div /pageRight exch def % Get right margin in inches
72 div /pageBottom exch def % Get bottom margin in inches
72 div /pageLeft exch def % Get left margin in inches

4 setlinewidth % Draw wide lines
0 setgray closepath stroke % Draw a clipping rectangle
1 setlinewidth % Draw normal lines

/pageWidth pageRight pageLeft sub def % pageWidth = pageRight — pageLeft
/pageHeight pageTop pageBottom sub def% pageHeight = pageTop — pageBottom

72 72 dtransform % Get device resolution per inch
/yResolution exch abs def % yResolution = abs(yres)
/xResolution exch abs def % xResolution = abs(xres)

% Figure out the sizes of things.
/wheelSize % size of wheels
pageWidth pageHeight lt
< pageWidth 9 mul >
< pageHeight 7 mul >
ifelse def

% Create fonts.
/bigFont /Helvetica-Bold findfont % bigFont = Helvetica-Bold
pageHeight 3 mul scalefont def % size = pageHeight * 3 (nominally 33)

/mediumFont /Helvetica findfont % mediumFont = Helvetica
pageHeight 1.5 mul scalefont def % size = pageHeight * 1.5 (nominally 16.5)

/smallFont /Times-Roman findfont % smallFont = Times-Roman
pageHeight scalefont def % size = pageHeight (nominally 11)

% Offset page to account for lower-left margin.
pageLeft 72 mul
pageBottom 72 mul

% Draw the color wheel.
mediumFont setfont % Font
0 setgray % Color

% Position the wheel on the left side.
pageWidth 18 mul % x = pageWidth * 1/4 * 72
pageHeight 54 mul % y = pageHeight * 3/4 * 72

% Size the wheel.

% Draw the colors.
dup (C) exch 0 1 1 OCTANT 45 rotate
dup (M) exch 1 0 1 OCTANT 45 rotate
dup (Y) exch 1 1 0 OCTANT 45 rotate
dup (K) exch 0 0 0 OCTANT 45 rotate
dup (R) exch 1 0 0 OCTANT 45 rotate
dup (G) exch 0 1 0 OCTANT 45 rotate
dup (B) exch 0 0 1 OCTANT 45 rotate
(W) exch 1 1 1 OCTANT 45 rotate

% Label the color wheel.
pageWidth 18 mul % x = pageWidth * 1/4 * 72
pageHeight 44 mul % y = pageHeight * 19/32 * 72
moveto % Position the text
(Color Wheel) CENTER % Show the text centered

% Draw radial lines.
0 setlinewidth % 1 pixel lines

% Position the lines on the left side.
pageWidth 54 mul % x = pageWidth * 3/4 * 72
pageHeight 54 mul % y = pageHeight * 3/4 * 72

% Size the wheel.

% Loop at 1 degree increments
0 1 359 <
pop % Discard angle — not used
0 0 moveto % Start line at the center
dup 0 lineto % Draw to the radius
1 rotate % Rotate 1 degree
> for

pop % Discard radius — not needed anymore
stroke % Draw lines.

% Label the lines.
pageWidth 54 mul % x = pageWidth * 3/4 * 72
pageHeight 44 mul % y = pageHeight * 19/32 * 72
moveto % Position the text
(1 Degree Radial Lines) CENTER % Show the text centered

% Imageable area.
pageHeight 15 mul % Height of imageable area

pageWidth 4.5 mul % x = pageWidth * 1/16 * 72
pageHeight 35.5 mul % y = pageHeight * 1/2 * 72
2 index sub % y -= height
pageWidth 28 mul % width = pageWidth * 1/4 * 72
3 index % height
0.5 setgray rectfill % Draw a shadow

pageWidth 4 mul % x = pageWidth * 1/16 * 72
pageHeight 36 mul % y = pageHeight * 1/2 * 72
2 index sub % y -= height
pageWidth 28 mul % width = pageWidth * 3/8 * 72
3 index % height
4 copy 1 setgray rectfill % Clear the box to white
0 setgray rectstroke % Draw a black box around it.

pop % Discard height

% Label the imageable area.
pageWidth 4 mul % x = pageWidth * 1/16 * 72
pageHeight 37 mul % y = pageHeight * 1/2 * 72
moveto % Position the text
mediumFont setfont % Font
(Imageable Area) show % Show the text

smallFont setfont % Font
pageWidth 14 mul % x = pageWidth * 3/16 * 72
pageHeight 36 mul % y = pageWidth * 1/2 * 72
pageHeight -2 mul add % y -= 2 * smallFont height

% Page Size inches
2 copy moveto % Move to x & y
(Page Size: ) RIGHT % Label
100 pageWidth NUMBER % pageWidth
(x) show % «x»
100 pageHeight NUMBER % pageHeight
(in) show % «in»

% Page Size millimeters
pageHeight sub % Move down.

2 copy moveto % Move to x & y
10 pageWidth 25.4 mul NUMBER % pageWidth
(x) show % «x»
10 pageHeight 25.4 mul NUMBER % pageHeight
(mm) show % «mm»

% Lower-left inches
pageHeight 2 mul sub % Move down.

2 copy moveto % Move to x & y
(Lower-Left: ) RIGHT % Label
100 pageLeft NUMBER % pageLeft
(x) show % «x»
100 pageBottom NUMBER % pageBottom
(in) show % «in»

% Lower-left millimeters
pageHeight sub % Move down.

2 copy moveto % Move to x & y
10 pageLeft 25.4 mul NUMBER % pageLeft
(x) show % «x»
10 pageBottom 25.4 mul NUMBER % pageBottom
(mm) show % «mm»

% Upper-right inches
pageHeight 2 mul sub % Move down.

2 copy moveto % Move to x & y
(Upper-Right: ) RIGHT % Label
100 pageRight NUMBER % pageRight
(x) show % «x»
100 pageTop NUMBER % pageTop
(in) show % «in»

% Upper-right millimeters
pageHeight sub % Move down.

2 copy moveto % Move to x & y
10 pageRight 25.4 mul NUMBER % pageRight
(x) show % «x»
10 pageTop 25.4 mul NUMBER % pageTop
(mm) show % «mm»

% Resolution dots-per-inch
pageHeight 2 mul sub % Move down.

2 copy moveto % Move to x & y
(Resolution: ) RIGHT % Label
1 xResolution NUMBER % xResolution
(x) show % «x»
1 yResolution NUMBER % yResolution
(dpi) show % «dpi»

% Resolution dots-per-meter
pageHeight sub % Move down.

moveto % Move to x & y
1 xResolution 39.27 mul NUMBER % xResolution
(x) show % «x»
1 yResolution 39.27 mul NUMBER % yResolution
(dpm) show % «dpm»

% Interpreter Information.
pageHeight 15 mul % Height of interpreter information

pageWidth 40.5 mul % x = pageWidth * 9/16 * 72
pageHeight 35.5 mul % y = pageHeight * 1/2 * 72
2 index sub % y -= height
pageWidth 28 mul % width = pageWidth * 1/4 * 72
3 index % height
0.5 setgray rectfill % Draw a shadow

pageWidth 40 mul % x = pageWidth * 9/16 * 72
pageHeight 36 mul % y = pageHeight * 1/2 * 72
2 index sub % y -= height
pageWidth 28 mul % width = pageWidth * 3/8 * 72
3 index % height
4 copy 1 setgray rectfill % Clear the box to white
0 setgray rectstroke % Draw a black box around it.

pop % Discard height

% Label the interpreter info.
pageWidth 40 mul % x = pageWidth * 9/16 * 72
pageHeight 37 mul % y = pageHeight * 1/2 * 72
moveto % Position the text
mediumFont setfont % Font
(Interpreter Information) show % Show the text

smallFont setfont % Font
pageWidth 49 mul % x = pageWidth * 11/16 * 72
pageHeight 36 mul % y = pageWidth * 1/2 * 72
pageHeight 2 mul sub % y -= 2 * smallFont height

% Language level
2 copy moveto % Move to x & y
(PostScript: ) RIGHT % Label
(Level ) show % «Level »
1 languagelevel NUMBER % Language level

% Version
pageHeight 2 mul sub % Move down.
2 copy moveto % Move to x & y
(Version: ) RIGHT % Label
version show % Version
( () show % » (»
1 revision NUMBER % Revision
()) show % «)»

% Product
pageHeight 2 mul sub % Move down.
2 copy moveto % Move to x & y
(Product: ) RIGHT % Label
product show % Product name

% Serial Number
pageHeight 2 mul sub % Move down.
2 copy moveto % Move to x & y
(Serial #: ) RIGHT % Label
1 serialnumber NUMBER % S/N

% Draw the label at the top.
pageWidth 36 mul % Center of page
pageHeight 68 mul % Top of page (15/16ths)
2 copy moveto % Position text
bigFont setfont % Font
(Printer Test Page) CENTER % Show text centered

% Draw the copyright notice at the bottom.
pageWidth 36 mul % Center of page
pageHeight 10 mul % Bottom of page
2 copy moveto % Position text
(Printed Using CUPS v1.1.x) CENTER % Show text centered

pageHeight 2 mul sub % Move down.
2 copy moveto % Position text
smallFont setfont % Font
(Copyright 1993-2001 Easy Software Products, All Rights Reserved.) CENTER
pageHeight sub % Move down.
2 copy moveto % Position text
(CUPS, and the CUPS logo are the trademark property of) CENTER
pageHeight sub % Move down.
2 copy moveto % Position text
(Easy Software Products, 44141 Airport View Drive, Suite 204,) CENTER
pageHeight sub % Move down.
2 copy moveto % Position text
(Hollywood, Maryland, 20636-3111, USA.) CENTER

% Then the CUPS logo.
pageWidth 4 mul
pageHeight 4 mul
pageWidth 9 mul CUPSLOGO


Describe the issue
I tried to OCR the PDF provided below (note, that it already contains an OCRed text, but the quality is bad, so I wanted to reOCR it). Even using --force only results in the error message reported below. Weirdly enough, using --redo-ocr works and produces a newly OCRed file (at least it seems so) — but the quality of the OCRed text, does not seem to be that good (there seem to be some weird interactions with the previous OCRed text).

Error message:

ERROR - (Ghostscript text extraction failed /tmp/com.github.ocrmypdf.w2v4fp01/origin.repaired.pdf **** Error reading a content stream. The page may be incomplete. Output may be incorrect. **** Error: File has an unbalanced >> (close dictionary). Output may be incorrect. **** Error reading a content stream. The page may be incomplete. Output may be incorrect. **** Error reading a content stream. The page may be incomplete. Output may be incorrect. **** Error: Tf refers to an unknown resource name: **** Error reading a content stream. The page may be incomplete. Output may be incorrect. **** Error reading a content stream. The page may be incomplete. Output may be incorrect. **** Error reading a content stream. The page may be incomplete. Output may be incorrect. **** Error: File has an unbalanced >> (close dictionary). Output may be incorrect. **** Error reading a content stream. The page may be incomplete. Output may be incorrect. **** Error reading a content stream. The page may be incomplete. Output may be incorrect. **** Error: File did not complete the page properly and may be damaged. Output may be incorrect. Error: /dictstackunderflow in /--pdfshowpage_finish-- Operand stack: --dict:9/17(L)-- --nostringval-- 1 Execution stack: %interp_exit .runexec2 --nostringval-- pdfshowpage_finish --nostringval-- 2 %stopped_push --nostringval-- pdfshowpage_finish pdfshowpage_finish false 1 %stopped_push 2045 1 3 %oparray_pop 2044 1 3 %oparray_pop 2025 1 3 %oparray_pop 2026 1 3 %oparray_pop pdfshowpage_finish pdfshowpage_finish 2 1 17 pdfshowpage_finish %for_pos_int_continue 2029 1 7 %oparray_pop pdfshowpage_finish pdfshowpage_finish pdfshowpage_finish %loop_continue Dictionary stack: --dict:959/1684(ro)(G)-- --dict:1/20(G)-- --dict:83/200(L)-- Current allocation mode is local GPL Ghostscript 9.26: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1 )

To Reproduce
After cd’ing to the working directory the following command was used.

for f in *.pdf; do ocrmypdf -v -l spa --force ./"$f" ./"${f%.pdf}_ocr.pdf"; done  

Input file

Please check any or all that apply about the test file:

  • This is the input file

Expected behavior
OCR’ing with and without --force should be possible.

OS: Ubuntu 18.04 (in Windows 10 WSL)
ocrmypdf 8.3.2
tesseract 4.0.0-beta.1
gs 9.26
qpdf 8.0.2

Additional notes:
I don’t know, whether this is a duplicate of #386 or not?

I have a new printer I’m having problems with, and in tracking it down, the HPLIP guys believe it’s a GhostScript issue, so thought I’d try here and see if I could get some help.

gs appears to be crashing when processing the file for printing.

Here’s the cups logs of the print session (just a test page generated from localhost:631):

D [24/Feb/2009:15:19:47 -0600] [Job 507] foomatic-gswrapper: gs ‘-sstdout=%stderr’ ‘-dBATCH’ ‘-dPARANOIDSAFER’ ‘-dQUIET’ ‘-dNOPAUSE’ ‘-sDEVICE=ijs’ ‘-sIjsServer=hpijs’ ‘-dIjsUseOutputFD’ ‘-sOutputFile=%stdout’ ‘-‘
D [24/Feb/2009:15:19:47 -0600] Discarding unused job-progress event…
D [24/Feb/2009:15:19:47 -0600] [Job 507] Error: /ioerror in —showpage—
D [24/Feb/2009:15:19:47 -0600] [Job 507] Operand stack:
D [24/Feb/2009:15:19:47 -0600] [Job 507] 1 true
D [24/Feb/2009:15:19:47 -0600] [Job 507] Execution stack:
D [24/Feb/2009:15:19:47 -0600] [Job 507] %interp_exit .runexec2 —nostringval— —nostringval— —nostringval— 2 %stopped_push —nostringval— —nostringval— —nostringval— false 1 %stopped_push 1889 1 3 %oparray_pop 1888 1 3 %oparray_pop 1872 1 3 %oparray_pop 1755 1 3 %oparray_pop —nostringval— %errorexec_pop .runexec2 —nostringval— —nostringval— —nostringval— 2 %stopped_push —nostringval— 1761 0 3 %oparray_pop —nostringval— —nostringval—
D [24/Feb/2009:15:19:47 -0600] [Job 507] Dictionary stack:
D [24/Feb/2009:15:19:47 -0600] [Job 507] —dict:1157/1684(ro)(G)— —dict:1/20(G)— —dict:99/200(L)—
D [24/Feb/2009:15:19:47 -0600] [Job 507] Current allocation mode is local
D [24/Feb/2009:15:19:47 -0600] [Job 507] Last OS error: 32
D [24/Feb/2009:15:19:47 -0600] [Job 507] GPL Ghostscript 8.60: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1
D [24/Feb/2009:15:19:47 -0600] [Job 507] renderer return value: 1
D [24/Feb/2009:15:19:47 -0600] [Job 507] renderer received signal: 1
D [24/Feb/2009:15:19:47 -0600] [Job 507] tail process done writing data to STDOUT
D [24/Feb/2009:15:19:47 -0600] [Job 507] KID4 finished
D [24/Feb/2009:15:19:47 -0600] [Job 507] Process dying with «Possible error on renderer command line or PostScript error. Check options.», exit stat: 3

I took a file out of /var/spool/cups and renamed it as and did some testing with that.


works fine — I see the file displayed on-screen perfectly.

However, trying to print it, gs fails:

:gs -sDEVICE=ijs -sIjsServer=hpijs
GPL Ghostscript 8.63 (2008-08-01)
Copyright (C) 2008 Artifex Software, Inc.  All rights reserved.
This software comes with NO WARRANTY: see the file PUBLIC for details.
unable to set key=OutputFile, value=
unable to set Quality=0, ColorMode=2, MediaType=0, err=4
following will be used Quality=0, ColorMode=2, MediaType=0
unable to set paper size=17, err=4
Unrecoverable error: rangecheck in setscreen
Operand stack:
    -0.0  0  —nostringval—

Here’s the file itself:

%%BoundingBox: 0 0 612 792
%%Pages: 1
%%LanguageLevel: 1
%%DocumentData: Clean7Bit
%%DocumentSuppliedResources: procset testprint/1.0
%%DocumentNeededResources: font Helvetica Helvetica-Bold Times-Roman
%%Creator: Michael Sweet, Easy Software Products
%%CreationDate: May 11, 1999
%%Title: Test Page
%%BeginResource procset testprint 1.1 0
%   PostScript test page for the Common UNIX Printing System («CUPS»).
%   Copyright 1993-2001 Easy Software Products
%   These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs are the
%   property of Easy Software Products and are protected by Federal
%   copyright law.  Distribution and use rights are outlined in the file
%   «LICENSE.txt» which should have been included with this file.  If this
%   file is missing or damaged please contact Easy Software Products
%   at:
%       Attn: CUPS Licensing Information
%       Easy Software Products
%       44141 Airport View Drive, Suite 204
%       Hollywood, Maryland 20636-3111 USA
%       Voice: (301) 373-9603
%       EMail:
%         WWW:
/OCTANT {                       % Draw a color wheel OCTANT…
                                % (name) radius r g b OCTANT —
  % Loop through 100 shades…
  0 0.010101 0.98 {
    % Set the color…
    3 index 1 eq                % R == 1?
    3 index 1 eq                % G == 1?
    3 index 1 eq                % B == 1?
    and and {
      0 index 4 index mul       % R * val
      1 index 4 index mul       % G * val
      2 index 4 index mul       % B * val
    } {
      0 index 4 index mul       % R * val
      1 index neg 1 add add     % + (1 — val)
      1 index 4 index mul       % G * val
      2 index neg 1 add add     % + (1 — val)
      2 index 4 index mul       % B * val
      3 index neg 1 add add     % + (1 — val)
    } ifelse

    % Draw a polygon…
    dup 5 index mul dup 0       % x1, y1
    0.707106781 mul dup lineto  % x2, y2

    0.010101 add 4 index mul dup % x3
    0.707106781 mul dup lineto  % x3, y3
    0 lineto                    % x4, y4
  } for

  % Draw a line around the polygons…
  pop pop pop dup
  0 setgray
  0 0 moveto
  dup 0 lineto
  0.707106781 mul dup lineto

  % Draw the label…
  0 exch dup -9 div exch        % text offset = 0, -radius/9
  dup 0.923879532 mul           % x = radius * cos(22.5)
  exch 0.382683432 mul          % y = radius * cos(22.5)
  moveto                        % position label
    22.5 rotate                 % rotate label
    rmoveto                     % offset label
    show                        % show label
} bind def
/CENTER {                       % Draw centered text
                                % (name) CENTER —
  dup stringwidth pop           % Get the width of the string
  0.5 mul neg 0 rmoveto         % Shift left 1/2 of the distance
  show                          % Show the string
} bind def
/RIGHT {                        % Draw right-justified text
                                % (name) RIGHT —
  dup stringwidth pop           % Get the width of the string
  neg 0 rmoveto                 % Shift left the entire distance
  show                          % Show the string
} bind def
/NUMBER {                       % Draw a number
                                % power n NUMBER —
  1 index 1 eq {                % power == 1?
    round cvi exch pop          % Convert «n» to integer
  } {
    1 index mul round exch div  % Truncate extra decimal places
  } ifelse
  100 string cvs show           % Convert to a string and show it…
} bind def
/CUPSLOGO {                     % Draw the CUPS logo
                                % height CUPSLOGO
  % Start with a big C…
  /Helvetica findfont 1 index scalefont setfont
  0 setgray
  0 0 moveto
  (C) show

  % Then «UNIX Printing System» much smaller…
  /Helvetica-Bold findfont 1 index 9 div scalefont setfont
  0.25 mul
  dup dup 2.0 mul moveto
  (UNIX) show
  dup dup 1.6 mul moveto
  (Printing) show
  dup 1.2 mul moveto
  (System) show
} bind def
/ESPLOGO {                      % Draw the ESP logo
                                % height ESPLOGO
  % Compute the size of the logo…
  0 0
  2 index 1.5 mul 3 index

  % Do the «metallic» fill from 10% black to 40% black…
  1 -0.001 0 {
    dup                 % loopval
    -0.15 mul           % loopval * -0.15
    0.9 add             % 0.9 — loopval * 0.15
    setgray             % set gray shade

    0                   % x
    1 index neg         % loopval
    1 add               % 1 — loopval
    3 index             % height
    mul                 % height * (1 — loopval)
    moveto              % starting point

    dup                 % loopval
    3 index             % width
    mul                 % loopval * width
    2 index             % height
    lineto              % Next point

    0                   % x
    2 index             % height
    lineto              % Next point


    dup                 % loopval
    0.15 mul            % loopval * 0.15
    0.6 add             % 0.6 + loopval * 0.15

    dup                 % loopval
    neg 1 add           % 1 — loopval
    3 index             % width
    mul                 % (1 — loopval) * width
    0                   % y
    moveto              % Starting point

    2 index             % width
    exch                % loopval
    2 index             % height
    mul                 % loopval * height
    lineto              % Next point

    1 index             % width
    0                   % y
    lineto              % Next point

  } for

  0 setgray rectstroke

  /Helvetica-BoldOblique findfont 1 index 3 div scalefont setfont
  dup 40 div

  dup 4 mul 1 index 25 mul moveto (E) show
  dup 10 mul 1 index 15 mul moveto (S) show
  dup 16 mul 1 index 5 mul moveto (P) show

  /Helvetica-BoldOblique findfont 2 index 5 div scalefont setfont
  dup 14 mul 1 index 29 mul moveto (asy) show
  dup 20 mul 1 index 19 mul moveto (oftware) show
  dup 26 mul 1 index 9 mul moveto (roducts) show

} bind def
%%Page: 1 1

  % Determine the imageable area and device resolution…
  initclip newpath clippath pathbbox    % Get bounding rectangle
  72 div /pageTop exch def              % Get top margin in inches
  72 div /pageRight exch def            % Get right margin in inches
  72 div /pageBottom exch def           % Get bottom margin in inches
  72 div /pageLeft exch def             % Get left margin in inches

  4 setlinewidth                        % Draw wide lines
  0 setgray closepath stroke            % Draw a clipping rectangle
  1 setlinewidth                        % Draw normal lines

  /pageWidth pageRight pageLeft sub def % pageWidth = pageRight — pageLeft
  /pageHeight pageTop pageBottom sub def% pageHeight = pageTop — pageBottom

  72 72 dtransform                      % Get device resolution per inch
  /yResolution exch abs def             % yResolution = abs(yres)
  /xResolution exch abs def             % xResolution = abs(xres)

  % Figure out the sizes of things…
  /wheelSize                            % size of wheels
  pageWidth pageHeight lt
  { pageWidth 9 mul }
  { pageHeight 7 mul }
  ifelse def

  % Create fonts…
  /bigFont /Helvetica-Bold findfont     % bigFont = Helvetica-Bold
  pageHeight 3 mul scalefont def        % size = pageHeight * 3 (nominally 33)

  /mediumFont /Helvetica findfont       % mediumFont = Helvetica
  pageHeight 1.5 mul scalefont def      % size = pageHeight * 1.5 (nominally 16.5)

  /smallFont /Times-Roman findfont      % smallFont = Times-Roman
  pageHeight scalefont def              % size = pageHeight (nominally 11)

  % Offset page to account for lower-left margin…
  pageLeft 72 mul
  pageBottom 72 mul

  % Draw the color wheel…
  mediumFont setfont                    % Font
  0 setgray                             % Color

    % Position the wheel on the left side…
    pageWidth 18 mul                    % x = pageWidth * 1/4 * 72
    pageHeight 54 mul                   % y = pageHeight * 3/4 * 72

    % Size the wheel…

    % Draw the colors…
    dup (C) exch 0 1 1 OCTANT 45 rotate
    dup (M) exch 1 0 1 OCTANT 45 rotate
    dup (Y) exch 1 1 0 OCTANT 45 rotate
    dup (K) exch 0 0 0 OCTANT 45 rotate
    dup (R) exch 1 0 0 OCTANT 45 rotate
    dup (G) exch 0 1 0 OCTANT 45 rotate
    dup (B) exch 0 0 1 OCTANT 45 rotate
    (W) exch 1 1 1 OCTANT 45 rotate

  % Label the color wheel…
  pageWidth 18 mul                      % x = pageWidth * 1/4 * 72
  pageHeight 44 mul                     % y = pageHeight * 19/32 * 72
  moveto                                % Position the text
  (Color Wheel) CENTER                  % Show the text centered

  % Draw radial lines…
    0 setlinewidth                      % 1 pixel lines

    % Position the lines on the left side…
    pageWidth 54 mul                    % x = pageWidth * 3/4 * 72
    pageHeight 54 mul                   % y = pageHeight * 3/4 * 72

    % Size the wheel…

    % Loop at 1 degree increments
    0 1 359 {
      pop                               % Discard angle — not used
      0 0 moveto                        % Start line at the center
      dup 0 lineto                      % Draw to the radius
      1 rotate                          % Rotate 1 degree
    } for

    pop                                 % Discard radius — not needed anymore
    stroke                              % Draw lines…


  % Label the lines…
  pageWidth 54 mul                      % x = pageWidth * 3/4 * 72
  pageHeight 44 mul                     % y = pageHeight * 19/32 * 72
  moveto                                % Position the text
  (1 Degree Radial Lines) CENTER        % Show the text centered

  % Imageable area…
  pageHeight 15 mul                     % Height of imageable area

  pageWidth 4.5 mul                     % x = pageWidth * 1/16 * 72
  pageHeight 35.5 mul                   % y = pageHeight * 1/2 * 72
  2 index sub                           % y -= height
  pageWidth 28 mul                      % width = pageWidth * 1/4 * 72
  3 index                               % height
  0.5 setgray rectfill                  % Draw a shadow

  pageWidth 4 mul                       % x = pageWidth * 1/16 * 72
  pageHeight 36 mul                     % y = pageHeight * 1/2 * 72
  2 index sub                           % y -= height
  pageWidth 28 mul                      % width = pageWidth * 3/8 * 72
  3 index                               % height
  4 copy 1 setgray rectfill             % Clear the box to white
  0 setgray rectstroke                  % Draw a black box around it…

  pop                                   % Discard height

  % Label the imageable area…
  pageWidth 4 mul                       % x = pageWidth * 1/16 * 72
  pageHeight 37 mul                     % y = pageHeight * 1/2 * 72
  moveto                                % Position the text
  mediumFont setfont                    % Font
  (Imageable Area) show                 % Show the text

  smallFont setfont                     % Font
  pageWidth 14 mul                      % x = pageWidth * 3/16 * 72
  pageHeight 36 mul                     % y = pageWidth * 1/2 * 72
  pageHeight -2 mul add                 % y -= 2 * smallFont height

  % Page Size inches
  2 copy moveto                         % Move to x & y
  (Page Size: ) RIGHT                   % Label
  100 pageWidth NUMBER                  % pageWidth
  (x) show                              % «x»
  100 pageHeight NUMBER                 % pageHeight
  (in) show                             % «in»

  % Page Size millimeters
  pageHeight sub                        % Move down…

  2 copy moveto                         % Move to x & y
  10 pageWidth 25.4 mul NUMBER          % pageWidth
  (x) show                              % «x»
  10 pageHeight 25.4 mul NUMBER         % pageHeight
  (mm) show                             % «mm»

  % Lower-left inches
  pageHeight 2 mul sub                  % Move down…

  2 copy moveto                         % Move to x & y
  (Lower-Left: ) RIGHT                  % Label
  100 pageLeft NUMBER                   % pageLeft
  (x) show                              % «x»
  100 pageBottom NUMBER                 % pageBottom
  (in) show                             % «in»

  % Lower-left millimeters
  pageHeight sub                        % Move down…

  2 copy moveto                         % Move to x & y
  10 pageLeft 25.4 mul NUMBER           % pageLeft
  (x) show                              % «x»
  10 pageBottom 25.4 mul NUMBER         % pageBottom
  (mm) show                             % «mm»

  % Upper-right inches
  pageHeight 2 mul sub                  % Move down…

  2 copy moveto                         % Move to x & y
  (Upper-Right: ) RIGHT                 % Label
  100 pageRight NUMBER                  % pageRight
  (x) show                              % «x»
  100 pageTop NUMBER                    % pageTop
  (in) show                             % «in»

  % Upper-right millimeters
  pageHeight sub                        % Move down…

  2 copy moveto                         % Move to x & y
  10 pageRight 25.4 mul NUMBER          % pageRight
  (x) show                              % «x»
  10 pageTop 25.4 mul NUMBER            % pageTop
  (mm) show                             % «mm»

  % Resolution dots-per-inch
  pageHeight 2 mul sub                  % Move down…

  2 copy moveto                         % Move to x & y
  (Resolution: ) RIGHT                  % Label
  1 xResolution NUMBER                  % xResolution
  (x) show                              % «x»
  1 yResolution NUMBER                  % yResolution
  (dpi) show                            % «dpi»

  % Resolution dots-per-meter
  pageHeight sub                        % Move down…

  moveto                                % Move to x & y
  1 xResolution 39.27 mul NUMBER        % xResolution
  (x) show                              % «x»
  1 yResolution 39.27 mul NUMBER        % yResolution
  (dpm) show                            % «dpm»

  % Interpreter Information…
  pageHeight 15 mul                     % Height of interpreter information

  pageWidth 40.5 mul                    % x = pageWidth * 9/16 * 72
  pageHeight 35.5 mul                   % y = pageHeight * 1/2 * 72
  2 index sub                           % y -= height
  pageWidth 28 mul                      % width = pageWidth * 1/4 * 72
  3 index                               % height
  0.5 setgray rectfill                  % Draw a shadow

  pageWidth 40 mul                      % x = pageWidth * 9/16 * 72
  pageHeight 36 mul                     % y = pageHeight * 1/2 * 72
  2 index sub                           % y -= height
  pageWidth 28 mul                      % width = pageWidth * 3/8 * 72
  3 index                               % height
  4 copy 1 setgray rectfill             % Clear the box to white
  0 setgray rectstroke                  % Draw a black box around it…

  pop                                   % Discard height

  % Label the interpreter info…
  pageWidth 40 mul                      % x = pageWidth * 9/16 * 72
  pageHeight 37 mul                     % y = pageHeight * 1/2 * 72
  moveto                                % Position the text
  mediumFont setfont                    % Font
  (Interpreter Information) show        % Show the text

  smallFont setfont                     % Font
  pageWidth 49 mul                      % x = pageWidth * 11/16 * 72
  pageHeight 36 mul                     % y = pageWidth * 1/2 * 72
  pageHeight 2 mul sub                  % y -= 2 * smallFont height

  % Language level
  2 copy moveto                         % Move to x & y
  (PostScript: ) RIGHT                  % Label
  (Level ) show                         % «Level «
  1 languagelevel NUMBER                % Language level

  % Version
  pageHeight 2 mul sub                  % Move down…
  2 copy moveto                         % Move to x & y
  (Version: ) RIGHT                     % Label
  version show                          % Version
  ( () show                            % » («
  1 revision NUMBER                     % Revision
  ()) show                             % «)»

  % Product
  pageHeight 2 mul sub                  % Move down…
  2 copy moveto                         % Move to x & y
  (Product: ) RIGHT                     % Label
  product show                          % Product name

  % Serial Number
  pageHeight 2 mul sub                  % Move down…
  2 copy moveto                         % Move to x & y
  (Serial #: ) RIGHT                    % Label
  1 serialnumber NUMBER                 % S/N

  % Draw the label at the top…
  pageWidth 36 mul                      % Center of page
  pageHeight 68 mul                     % Top of page (15/16ths)
  2 copy moveto                         % Position text
  bigFont setfont                       % Font
  (Printer Test Page) CENTER            % Show text centered

  % Draw the copyright notice at the bottom…
  pageWidth 36 mul                      % Center of page
  pageHeight 10 mul                     % Bottom of page
  2 copy moveto                         % Position text
  (Printed Using CUPS v1.1.x) CENTER    % Show text centered

  pageHeight 2 mul sub                  % Move down…
  2 copy moveto                         % Position text
  smallFont setfont                     % Font
  (Copyright 1993-2001 Easy Software Products, All Rights Reserved.) CENTER
  pageHeight sub                        % Move down…
  2 copy moveto                         % Position text
  (CUPS, and the CUPS logo are the trademark property of) CENTER
  pageHeight sub                        % Move down…
  2 copy moveto                         % Position text
  (Easy Software Products, 44141 Airport View Drive, Suite 204,) CENTER
  pageHeight sub                        % Move down…
  2 copy moveto                         % Position text
  (Hollywood, Maryland, 20636-3111, USA.) CENTER

  % Then the CUPS logo….
    pageWidth 4 mul
    pageHeight 4 mul
    pageWidth 9 mul CUPSLOGO

  % And the ESP logo….
    pageWidth 59 mul
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I am experiencing lots of issues with postscript files since I upgraded to Ubuntu 18.04. I cannot visualize them with gv, evince, or other similar programs. I cannot parse them into ImageMagick. Here are some examples of the error messages I get:

$ convert test1.png
Error: /nocurrentpoint in --currentpoint--
Operand stack:

Execution stack:
   %interp_exit   .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval--  --nostringval--   2   %stopped_push   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   false   1   %stopped_push   2015   1   3   %oparray_pop   2014   1   3   %oparray_pop   --nostringval--   1998   1   3   %oparray_pop   1884   1   3   %oparray_pop   --nostringval--   %errorexec_pop   .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   2   %stopped_push   --nostringval--   --nostringval--
Dictionary stack:
   --dict:972/1684(ro)(G)--   --dict:0/20(G)--   --dict:83/200(L)--   --dict:12/20(L)--
Current allocation mode is local
Current file position is 774
GPL Ghostscript 9.25: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1
Error: /nocurrentpoint in --currentpoint--
Operand stack:

Execution stack:
   %interp_exit   .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   2   %stopped_push   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   false   1   %stopped_push   2015   1   3   %oparray_pop   2014   1   3   %oparray_pop   --nostringval--   1998   1   3   %oparray_pop   1884   1   3   %oparray_pop   --nostringval--   %errorexec_pop   .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   2   %stopped_push   --nostringval--   --nostringval--
Dictionary stack:
   --dict:972/1684(ro)(G)--   --dict:0/20(G)--   --dict:83/200(L)--   --dict:12/20(L)--
Current allocation mode is local
Current file position is 774
GPL Ghostscript 9.25: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1
convert-im6.q16: no images defined `test1.png' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3258.

This is the error message I get with gv:

Error: /nocurrentpoint in --currentpoint--
Operand stack:

Execution stack:
   %interp_exit   .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   2   %stopped_push   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   false   1   %stopped_push   2015   1   3   %oparray_pop   2014   1   3   %oparray_pop   --nostringval--   1998   1   3   %oparray_pop   1884   1   3   %oparray_pop   --nostringval--   %errorexec_pop   .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   2   %stoppeGPL Ghostscript 9.25: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1
d_push   --nostringval--   --nostringval--
Dictionary stack:
   --dict:969/1684(ro)(G)--   --dict:0/20(G)--   --dict:82/200(L)--   --dict:12/20(L)--
Current allocation mode is local
Current file position is 774

The problem is not in the file, I tested it with many files where it used to work with Ubuntu 16.04. I believe that this is in line with the various security measures adopted with ghostscript 9.25 in Ubuntu 18.04, and I suspect that it’s the same root cause of other problems recently discussed in this site.

Is there a workaround?

Bug 1027534
Ghostscript gives unrecoverable errors on some PDF files


Ghostscript gives unrecoverable errors on some PDF files

Status: CLOSED




Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6


Red Hat



Sub Component:










Target Milestone:


Target Release:


Tim Waugh

QA Contact:

QE Internationalization Bugs

Docs Contact:



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Reported: 2013-11-07 03:24 UTC by James Robertson
Modified: 2015-07-22 06:50 UTC

CC List:



Fixed In Version:


Doc Type:

Bug Fix

Doc Text:

Cause: Some PDF files containing embedded objects were erroneously treated as portable collections.

Consequence: A «/syntaxerror» error when processing these files.

Fix: Only PDF files with /Collection attributes are treated as portable collections.

Result: Such files are processed correctly.

Clone Of:


Last Closed:

2015-07-22 06:50:29 UTC

Target Upstream Version:

Attachments (Terms of Use)

This is a catalog for a local electronics chain.

(2.33 MB,

2013-11-07 03:24 UTC,

James Robertson

no flags Details


(1.26 KB,

2013-12-04 15:53 UTC,

Tim Waugh

no flags Details
| Diff

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(proposed patch, testcase, etc.)

System ID Private Priority Status Summary Last Updated
Ghostscript 690709 0

Red Hat Product Errata RHBA-2015:1343 0
ghostscript bug fix update
2015-07-20 17:59:58 UTC

Hello everyone,

I get the following error when I try to run Single variant analysis using EPACTS tool. the output files seems to be alright (not 100% sure though as I am very new to this tool) but the plotting isn’t working. It is generating plots but they are empty. I was just wondering if anyone here have encountered such an error and can assist me in fixing it. the following is the running process with errors. as th space was quite limited here so I had to remove most parts of the run. the trace back was quite similar to the error here (!topic/epacts/OiiaJmU1qwQ )

*Command used: perl epacts-single —vcf /home/ijlal/Burden_test_EPACTS/Test/filtered.vcf.gz —ped /home/ijlal/Burden_test_EPACTS/Test/phenotype.ped —min-maf 0.001 —pheno PHENO —test b.glrt —anno —out /home/ijlal/Burden_test_EPACTS/With_filter_b.glrt/Single_SNP_Analysis_COmplete —run 2*

Running Process:

Detected phenotypes with 2 unique values — 1 and 2 — considering them as binary phenotypes… re-encoding them into 1 and 2
Successfully written phenotypes and 0 covariates across 18125 individuals
Processing chromosome 1…
Processing chromosome 2…
Processing chromosome 3…
Processing chromosome 4…
Processing chromosome 5…
Processing chromosome 6…
Processing chromosome 7…
Processing chromosome 8…
Processing chromosome 9…
Processing chromosome 10…
Processing chromosome 11…
Processing chromosome 12…
Processing chromosome 13…
Processing chromosome 14…
Processing chromosome 15…
Processing chromosome 16…
Processing chromosome 17…
Processing chromosome 18…
Processing chromosome 19…
Processing chromosome 20…
Processing chromosome 21…
Processing chromosome 22…
Processing chromosome X…
Processing chromosome Y…
Processing chromosome MT…
Finished generating EPACTS Makefile
Running 2 parallel jobs of EPACTS
forkExecWait(): make -f /home/ijlal/Burden_test_EPACTS/With_filter_b.glrt/Single_SNP_Analysis_COmplete.Makefile -j 2
/opt/epacts-20170222/bin/pEmmax GLRT —vcf /home/ijlal/Burden_test_EPACTS/Test/filtered.vcf.gz —phenof /home/ijlal/Burden_test_EPACTS/With_filter_b.glrt/Single_SNP_Analysis_COmplete.phe —indf /home/ijlal/Burden_test_EPACTS/With_filter_b.glrt/Single_SNP_Analysis_COmplete.ind —region 1:1-10000000 —out /home/ijlal/Burden_test_EPACTS/With_filter_b.glrt/Single_SNP_Analysis_COmplete.1.1.10000000.epacts —field PL —minMAF 0.001 —maxMAF 1 —maxMAC 1000000000 —ignoreFilter
/opt/epacts-20170222/bin/pEmmax GLRT —vcf /home/ijlal/Burden_test_EPACTS/Test/filtered.vcf.gz —phenof /home/ijlal/Burden_test_EPACTS/With_filter_b.glrt/Single_SNP_Analysis_COmplete.phe —indf /home/ijlal/Burden_test_EPACTS/With_filter_b.glrt/Single_SNP_Analysis_COmplete.ind —region 1:10000001-20000000 —out /home/ijlal/Burden_test_EPACTS/With_filter_b.glrt/Single_SNP_Analysis_COmplete.1.10000001.20000000.epacts —field PL —minMAF 0.001 —maxMAF 1 —maxMAC 1000000000 —ignoreFilter

The following parameters are available. Ones with «[]» are in effect:

The following parameters are available. Ones with «[]» are in effect:

Available Options
VCF Input Options :
Available Options
VCF Input Options : —vcf [/home/ijlal/Burden_test_EPACTS/Test/filtered.vcf.gz],
—vcf [/home/ijlal/Burden_test_EPACTS/Test/filtered.vcf.gz] —region [1:1-10000000],
—region [1:10000001-20000000], —unit [10000], —unit [10000],
—indf [/home/ijlal/Burden_test_EPACTS/With_filter_b.glrt/Single_SNP_Analysis_COmplete.ind] —indf [/home/ijlal/Burden_test_EPACTS/With_filter_b.glrt/Single_SNP_Analysis_COmplete.ind],
—field [PL] —field [PL], —rule [], —rule [], —minMAF [1.0e-03], —minMAF [1.0e-03],
—maxMAF [1.00] —maxMAF [1.00], —minMAC [1], —minMAC [1], —maxMAC [1000000000], —maxMAC [1000000000],
—minCallRate [1.0e-06] —minCallRate [1.0e-06], —ignoreFilter [ON], —ignoreFilter [ON]
Other Input Options :
Other Input Options : —phenof [/home/ijlal/Burden_test_EPACTS/With_filter_b.glrt/Single_SNP_Analysis_COmplete.phe] —phenof [/home/ijlal/Burden_test_EPACTS/With_filter_b.glrt/Single_SNP_Analysis_COmplete.phe],
—indf [/home/ijlal/Burden_test_EPACTS/With_filter_b.glrt/Single_SNP_Analysis_COmplete.ind] —indf [/home/ijlal/Burden_test_EPACTS/With_filter_b.glrt/Single_SNP_Analysis_COmplete.ind]
Output Options :
Output Options : —out [/home/ijlal/Burden_test_EPACTS/With_filter_b.glrt/Single_SNP_Analysis_COmplete.1.1.10000000.epacts] —out [/home/ijlal/Burden_test_EPACTS/With_filter_b.glrt/Single_SNP_Analysis_COmplete.1.10000001.20000000.epacts],
—verbose —verbose

NOTICE — Finished loading phenotypes across 18125 individuals with 1 covariates (including interception)
NOTICE — Finished loading phenotypes across 18125 individuals with 1 covariates (including interception)

Available Options
Required Parameters :
-i [/home/ijlal/Burden_test_EPACTS/With_filter_b.glrt/Single_SNP_Analysis_COmplete.1.1.10000000.epacts]
-o [/home/ijlal/Burden_test_EPACTS/With_filter_b.glrt/Single_SNP_Analysis_COmplete.1.1.10000000.epacts.tmp]
Gene Annotation
Parameters : -g [/opt/epacts-20170222/share/EPACTS/hg19_gencodeV14.txt.gz]
-r [/opt/epacts-20170222/share/EPACTS/human_g1k_v37.fasta]
—inputFormat [epacts], —checkReference, -f [refGene]
-p [/opt/epacts-20170222/share/EPACTS/priority.txt]
-c [/opt/epacts-20170222/share/EPACTS/codon.txt]
-u [], -d [], —se [], —si [], —outputFormat []
Other Annotation Tools : —genomeScore [], —bed [], —tabix []
Load reference genome /opt/epacts-20170222/share/EPACTS/human_g1k_v37.fasta…
DONE: 84 chromosomes and 3101804739 bases are loaded.
Load codon file /opt/epacts-20170222/share/EPACTS/codon.txt…
DONE: codon file loaded.
Load priority file /opt/epacts-20170222/share/EPACTS/priority.txt…
DONE: 24 priority annotation types loaded.
Load gene file /opt/epacts-20170222/share/EPACTS/hg19_gencodeV14.txt.gz…
Processing 51 markers across 18125 individuals…4 markers included
/opt/epacts-20170222/bin/epacts-anno —in /home/ijlal/Burden_test_EPACTS/With_filter_b.glrt/Single_SNP_Analysis_COmplete.1.10000001.20000000.epacts —ref /opt/epacts-20170222/share/EPACTS/human_g1k_v37.fasta
/opt/epacts-20170222/bin/anno -i /home/ijlal/Burden_test_EPACTS/With_filter_b.glrt/Single_SNP_Analysis_COmplete.1.10000001.20000000.epacts -r /opt/epacts-20170222/share/EPACTS/human_g1k_v37.fasta -f refGene -g /opt/epacts-20170222/share/EPACTS/hg19_gencodeV14.txt.gz -c /opt/epacts-20170222/share/EPACTS/codon.txt -o /home/ijlal/Burden_test_EPACTS/With_filter_b.glrt/Single_SNP_Analysis_COmplete.1.10000001.20000000.epacts.tmp —inputFormat epacts -p /opt/epacts-20170222/share/EPACTS/priority.txt

Cannot parse region Y:30000001-40000000.. Returning empty
/opt/epacts-20170222/bin/epacts-anno —in /home/ijlal/Burden_test_EPACTS/With_filter_b.glrt/Single_SNP_Analysis_COmplete.Y.30000001.40000000.epacts —ref /opt/epacts-20170222/share/EPACTS/human_g1k_v37.fasta
/opt/epacts-20170222/bin/anno -i /home/ijlal/Burden_test_EPACTS/With_filter_b.glrt/Single_SNP_Analysis_COmplete.Y.30000001.40000000.epacts -r /opt/epacts-20170222/share/EPACTS/human_g1k_v37.fasta -f refGene -g /opt/epacts-20170222/share/EPACTS/hg19_gencodeV14.txt.gz -c /opt/epacts-20170222/share/EPACTS/codon.txt -o /home/ijlal/Burden_test_EPACTS/With_filter_b.glrt/Single_SNP_Analysis_COmplete.Y.30000001.40000000.epacts.tmp —inputFormat epacts -p /opt/epacts-20170222/share/EPACTS/priority.txt
The following parameters are available. Ones with «[]» are in effect:

export GDFONTPATH=/opt/epacts-20170222/share/EPACTS; export GNUPLOT_FONTPATH=/opt/epacts-20170222/share/EPACTS; export GNUPLOT_PS_DIR=/opt/epacts-20170222/share/EPACTS; export PATH=$PATH:/opt/epacts-20170222/bin/; export GNUPLOT_PFBTOPFA=»pfbtops %s»; gnuplot /home/ijlal/Burden_test_EPACTS/With_filter_b.glrt/Single_SNP_Analysis_COmplete.epacts.cmd
export GDFONTPATH=/opt/epacts-20170222/share/EPACTS; export GNUPLOT_FONTPATH=/opt/epacts-20170222/share/EPACTS; export GNUPLOT_PS_DIR=/opt/epacts-20170222/share/EPACTS; export PATH=$PATH:/opt/epacts-20170222/bin/; export GNUPLOT_PFBTOPFA=»pfbtops %s»; /opt/epacts-20170222/bin/epstopdf /home/ijlal/Burden_test_EPACTS/With_filter_b.glrt/Single_SNP_Analysis_COmplete.epacts.qq.eps
GPL Ghostscript 9.26: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1
Error: /undefined in LTB

Operand stack:

Execution stack:
%interp_exit .runexec2 —nostringval— —nostringval— —nostringval— 2 %stopped_push —nostringval— —nostringval— —nostringval— false 1 %stopped_push 2045 1 3 %oparray_pop 2044 1 3 %oparray_pop —nostringval— 2025 1 3 %oparray_pop 1884 1 3 %oparray_pop —nostringval— %errorexec_pop .runexec2 —nostringval— —nostringval— —nostringval— 2 %stopped_push —nostringval—
Dictionary stack:
—dict:974/1684(ro)(G)— —dict:0/20(G)— —dict:87/200(L)— —dict:205/256(L)—
Current allocation mode is local
export GDFONTPATH=/opt/epacts-20170222/share/EPACTS; export GNUPLOT_FONTPATH=/opt/epacts-20170222/share/EPACTS; export GNUPLOT_PS_DIR=/opt/epacts-20170222/share/EPACTS; export PATH=$PATH:/opt/epacts-20170222/bin/; export GNUPLOT_PFBTOPFA=»pfbtops %s»; gnuplot /home/ijlal/Burden_test_EPACTS/With_filter_b.glrt/Single_SNP_Analysis_COmplete.epacts.cmd
export GDFONTPATH=/opt/epacts-20170222/share/EPACTS; export GNUPLOT_FONTPATH=/opt/epacts-20170222/share/EPACTS; export GNUPLOT_PS_DIR=/opt/epacts-20170222/share/EPACTS; export PATH=$PATH:/opt/epacts-20170222/bin/; export GNUPLOT_PFBTOPFA=»pfbtops %s»; /opt/epacts-20170222/bin/epstopdf /home/ijlal/Burden_test_EPACTS/With_filter_b.glrt/
GPL Ghostscript 9.26: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1
Error: /undefined in LTB

Operand stack:

Execution stack:
%interp_exit .runexec2 —nostringval— —nostringval— —nostringval— 2 %stopped_push —nostringval— —nostringval— —nostringval— false 1 %stopped_push 2045 1 3 %oparray_pop 2044 1 3 %oparray_pop —nostringval— 2025 1 3 %oparray_pop 1884 1 3 %oparray_pop —nostringval— %errorexec_pop .runexec2 —nostringval— —nostringval— —nostringval— 2 %stopped_push —nostringval—
Dictionary stack:
—dict:974/1684(ro)(G)— —dict:0/20(G)— —dict:87/200(L)— —dict:205/256(L)—
Current allocation mode is local
rm /home/ijlal/Burden_test_EPACTS/With_filter_b.glrt/Single_SNP_Analysis_COmplete.epacts.cmd /home/ijlal/Burden_test_EPACTS/With_filter_b.glrt/Single_SNP_Analysis_COmplete.epacts.qq.eps /home/ijlal/Burden_test_EPACTS/With_filter_b.glrt/ /home/ijlal/Burden_test_EPACTS/With_filter_b.glrt/Single_SNP_Analysis_COmplete.epacts.*.dat
zcat /home/ijlal/Burden_test_EPACTS/With_filter_b.glrt/Single_SNP_Analysis_COmplete.epacts.gz | awk ‘$8 != «NA» { print $0 }’ | sort -g -k 8 | head -n 5000 > /home/ijlal/Burden_test_EPACTS/With_filter_b.glrt/Single_SNP_Analysis_COmplete.epacts.top5000
touch /home/ijlal/Burden_test_EPACTS/With_filter_b.glrt/Single_SNP_Analysis_COmplete.epacts.OK

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