Gimbal roll error

How to fix DJI drone gimbal tilt and roll error?

How to fix DJI drone gimbal tilt and roll error?

  • Method 1: Calibrating the IMU One of the main problems with the stability of the universal joint is related to the calibration of the IMU. …
  • Method 2: Automatic gimbal calibration If the IMU calibration procedure has not resolved the stability problems, a gimbal calibration must be performed. …
  • Method 3: Restore the Roll of the gimbal …

Method 1: Calibrating the IMU

  1. Step 1: place the drone on a flat surface in a bubble.
  2. Step 2: open the DJI GO application.
  3. Step 3: select Main Controller Setting.
  4. Step 4: select the Advanced Settings item.
  5. Step 5: enter the Sensor section.
  6. Step 6: Select IMU.
  7. Step 7: Press the Calibrate IMU key.


How to fix gimbal error on DJI Osmo Mobile 3?

“Gimbal error” on DJI Osmo mobile 3 is usually caused by a software issue, to fix it you should factory reset the gimbal, to do that, hold the zoom in/out slider upward and press the power button at the same time for 3 seconds then release both simultaneously.

How to fix gimbal issues in the DJI Go apps?

It’s very likely that you are just a few taps away from resolving your gimbal issue in the DJI GO apps. For instance, by performing an IMU and gimbal calibration in the DJI GO apps you can fix a tilted horizon. By inspecting your take-off site, you can check if the gimbal motor overload is caused by obstructions stopping the gimbal from rotating.

What does a gimbal error warning mean?

When a gimbal error warning message pops up in the DJI GO or GO 4 app, it can really get your pulse going. Tilted horizon, gimbal motor overload, and abnormal gimbal vibrations are some errors you might experience. For some pilots, especially newbies, the first reaction is usually to fix the gimbal by twisting it…

Why does the gimbal roll have to be corrected after calibration?

If there are still stability problems as a result of the calibration procedures, the gimbal roll must be corrected. In this way the horizon will remain fixed while the camera is free to move

If you have received a «Gimbal Motor Overload» error message for your DJI drone, the simplest solution is to follow these three steps:Recalibrate the gimbal before flying. … Look around your gimbal to check for any dust or particles. … You need to ensure that you take-off on a flat surface and use a landing pad.

Why is my DJI gimbal not working?

Please check whether there’s anything blocking the gimbal such as dirt, dust, or sand debris as it could affect the gimbal movements. To check the functionality of the gimbal dial, we recommend performing an RC calibration.

How do I reset my gimbal?

0:001:09How to Reset DJI Osmo Pocket 2 Gimbal | Featured Tech (2021)YouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clip2 all you have to do is take your finger. And scroll from the top. Down until the settings iconMore2 all you have to do is take your finger. And scroll from the top. Down until the settings icon comes up once it does you’re going to tap on that.

How do you fix a gimbal on a drone?

2:537:28How to FIX Your DJI Mavic Drone Gimbal for FREE!! — YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipThis that i found if you have the drone upside down so basically the gimbal is on the bottom. Here.MoreThis that i found if you have the drone upside down so basically the gimbal is on the bottom. Here. Just very gently maneuver two of these pieces. To the top side of this black.

How much does it cost to repair drone gimbal?

The price for repair service is standard across Mavic Pro models, at a flat rate of $149 (not including parts). One of the most common types of repairs is a Mavic Pro gimbal replacement.

Why does my gimbal keeps turning off?

Q3 Why does my gimbal motor automatically shut down? Protected mode is designed to protect the gimbal if the user employs the wrong operations. If the gimbal went into protected mode, the gimbal motor will shut down while the gimbal is still powered on. Remember to check whether the roll arm is unlocked before using.

How do I reset my gimbal DJI?

Osmo Mobile 3: Press the M Button, Shutter Button, and Trigger simultaneously to reset the Bluetooth connection.

How do I calibrate DJI gimbal?

0:000:38How to Calibrate DJI OM 5? — YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipWelcome to my channel in today’s video i’m gonna show you how to calibrate your dji on file tap onMoreWelcome to my channel in today’s video i’m gonna show you how to calibrate your dji on file tap on the three dots menu at the lower left corner go to gimbal auto collaboration tap on calibrate.

Why is my DJI Osmo not working?

If the gimbal function does not work at all, check the bluetooth connection. If connected, the electronic aspect of the gimbal may need to be replaced. If the gimbal works but does not move as quickly as it should, thoroughly clean the device and make sure no obstructions are impeding motion.

Why is my DJI Osmo not working?

If the gimbal function does not work at all, check the bluetooth connection. If connected, the electronic aspect of the gimbal may need to be replaced. If the gimbal works but does not move as quickly as it should, thoroughly clean the device and make sure no obstructions are impeding motion.

How do I reset my Osmo gimbal?

Resetting Osmo bluetoothOsmo Mobile 3: Press the M Button, Shutter Button, and Trigger simultaneously to reset the Bluetooth connection. … In the Bluetooth Devices screen in the Pro Camera settings, tap Search for devices. … Select the Osmo you would like to connect to.

Why is my drone camera not working?

The drone camera is not working for several reasons, including firmware update, poor calibration, corrupt SD card, scratches on the lens, and drone crash.

How do I reset my DJI om5?

Press the switch button, shutter/record button, and trigger simultaneously to reset the Bluetooth connection. The Bluetooth connection is reset successfully when the system status indicator turns from green to yellow. Search DJI OM 5 and reconnect.

What does it mean when a gimbal is not working?

Tilted horizon, gimbal motor overload, and abnormal gimbal vibrations are some errors you might experience. For some pilots, especially newbies, the first reaction is usually to fix the gimbal by twisting it manually, DO NOT do this as it doesn’t work and can damage your gimbal.

Why is my gimbal motor overloading?

By inspecting your take-off site, you can check if the gimbal motor overload is caused by obstructions stopping the gimbal from rotating. If the gimbal vibrates abnormally, you definitely need to check if any anti-vibration parts such as the vibration absorbing board, dampers, and rubber balls are malfunctioning.

What is DJI support?

DJI Support is your go-to source for answers to any questions you may have about DJI products. Whether you are just a beginner or an experienced pilot, our tips and tutorials are here to help.

Why is my gimbal wet?

Furthermore, gimbal errors can be caused by environmental factors. For example, flying in heavy fog or clouds may make the gimbal wet, leading to temporary failure. The good news is that you don’t need to worry as the gimbal will recover full functionality once it dries.

How to make sure gimbal is working?

Make sure it’s working by moving the aircraft around, if it can move freely on every axis which means if the gimbal will move up-down, left-right, counterclockwise, and clockwise), if it does those movements freely you are good to go.

What to do if gimbal is shoved back to drone?

If the gimbal is shoved back to the drone you can either do 2 things, the first is removing the frame of the drone which you will see in the video below or you can also push the gimbal out with a piece of wood or metal.

How to get gimbal unstuck?

Help the gimbal unstuck by moving it with your finger slowly and lightly in every direction, while doing that you can blow air on it by your mouth to help tiny particles to get unclogged.

Why is my gimbal dislocated?

This happens Usually because something sticky or tiny have gotten inside the rotation areas of the gimbal, it can be liquids, solids, or in some cases, the gimbal may be dislocated.

Can remote detect stuck gimble?

Note: The remote won’t detect a stuck gimble unless it is still stuck.

Can you get a gimbal cover for a drone crash?

To avoid permanent damage in a drone crash, you can also get a gimbal cover it is also sold in online stores and it can help a little

Do I need DJI factory level software?

So far from what I gather you will need DJI factory level software to run the pairing and clear the error. Some service center will have it. You can send it in. Otherwise you will have to let us know if your semi successful replacement actually completely works or not. I suggest some panoramas as it exercises the gimbal to max tilt and pitch. Or high speed flying in all directions.

What happens if you drop in a new gimbal?

If you just drop in a new gimbal, there will be pairing issue and you might get errors and a black screen.

What to do if playback doesn’t begin?

If playback doesn’t begin shortly, try restarting your device.

Is there compatibility issue when replacing a defective gimbal with a new one?

There appears to be compatibility issues when replacing a defective gimbal with a new one. What should be done to resolve this case?

Can DJI service Malaysia?

In Malaysia, even the «only» authorised service center (3rd party, not DJI) can do it. I believe some independent service center will also have this. You can ask your dealer that sold you the drone, how to get authorised service, even if you choose to pay out of pocket.

Can you add videos to your watch history?

Videos you watch may be added to the TV’s watch history and influence TV recommendations. To avoid this, cancel and sign in to YouTube on your computer.

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    • Город:Челябинск
    • Коптер:Dji Phantom 3 Standart

    Отправлено 31 Декабрь 2017 — 12:17

    Доброго времени суток! Упал Dji phantom 3 standart. Загнуло и отломало Gimbal крепление, и оторвало шлейф подвеса, все заменил. Теперь при включении коптера подвес не реагирует и не стабилизируется, Лампа-кнопка прошивки на дроне горит зеленным, а на пульте почему то красным,но при этом я могу запустить двигатели. В приложении DJI Go кнопка «камера» не активная при нажатии выдается ошибка «Remote Signal Controller». Самое интересное, что если дать постоять дрону пол дня ,а потом включить можно на 10 секунд поймать связь на пульте и зайти нормально в приложение,но вылезают 3 ошибки: Gimbal Gyroscope Error, Gimbal Tilt Eror, Gimbal Roll Eror, так же горит желтая ошибка «Aircraft Warming up. При наклоне коптера двигателе реагируют и пытаются его выровнять,соответственно гироскоп работает?

    Пытался перепрошить коптер всеми возможными способами, и вернуть стандартную прошивку,но вылезают ошибки, и дрон монотонно пищит.

    ========== 2014.01.01 00:00:14 remo-con disconnect======

    Packet: P3C_FW_V01.09.0200.bin

    Upgrading …

    Result: Failed.

    Reboot the aircraft and try to upgrade the firmware again.

    В логах не может найти одно устройство,что это может быть?Так же не может обновить одно устройство firmware v1.8.0.0 not support. 

    Вот логи:

    [00130544]Waiting for user confirm…

     [00140612]Timeout, start upgrade automatically.

     [00140743]Firmware upgrading[1]…

     [00140836][09 00] Firmware upgrade start…

     [00167469][09 00] Firmware upgrade finish without reboot.

     [00197539][09 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.


     [00197674]Version checking[2]…

     [00197759][04 00][00] v1.51.0.0 -> v1.51.0.0

     [00197889][11 00][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0

     [00198071][11 01][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v2.0.0.33, firmware v1.8.0.0 not support.

     [00198135][11 01][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v2.0.0.33

     [00198205][01 00][00] v1.14.4920 -> v1.14.4920

     [00198274][01 01][00] v1.14.4920 -> v1.14.4920

     [00198395][03 05][00] v34.2.0.9 -> v34.2.0.9

     [00198513][03 06][00] v2.4.20.50 -> v2.4.20.50

     [00211082][07 00][00] device not detected.

     [00211178][09 00][05] v0.1.1.1 -> v0.1.1.1

     [00211297][12 00][00] v5.9.0.0 -> v5.9.0.0

     [00211448][12 01][00] v5.9.0.0 -> v5.9.0.0

     [00211574][12 02][00] v5.9.0.0 -> v5.9.0.0

     [00211710][12 03][00] v5.9.0.0 -> v5.9.0.0

     [00211778]Packet upgrade failed at version checking.

    Как я понял у меня просто нет связи с wi-fi модулем,который находиться в подвесе? Может это дело в шлейфе, но почему тогда карту памяти он читает? Есть ли смысл пробовать дальше перепрошивать дрон? Или разбирать и добираться до главной платы?

    Если кто то что то знает. или сталкивался с подобными ошибками, напишите пожалуйста, буду рад любой информации. Есть один сервис в Моем городе Челябинске, но по отзывам он не очень хороший, боюсь отдавать.

    Всех с наступающим Новым Годом!

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    Отправлено 31 Декабрь 2017 — 05:52

    Похоже на китайский шлейф, точно так же писало Gimbal Gyroscope Error, поставил ориг с донора — всё ок.

    Картинка при этом была и даже прошивался.

    Сообщение отредактировал PriEgor: 31 Декабрь 2017 — 05:53

    • 0


    1. Gimbal Gyroscope Error Phantom 3 Standard
    2. Standard — Gimbal Gyroscope Error DJI Phantom Drone Forum
    3. DJI Phantom 3 standard gimbal error — YouTube
    4. Pahntom 3 standard gimbal gyroscope error DJI FORUM
    5. Cara Memperbaiki Gimbal DJI Phantom 3 Standard Error Full .
    6. DJI Phantom 3 Gimbal Motor Overload camera fix — YouTube
    7. DJI Phantom 3 standard Gimbal not working — YouTube
    8. PHANTOM 3 DRONE Gimbal Error — YouTube
    9. Phantom 3 IMU Calibration Reset Fixes Flight Errors And .
    10. Kamera und Gimbal beim DJI Phantom 3 entfernen/abmontieren .
    11. Gimbal Gyroscope Error Phantom 3 Standard Fixes & Solutions
    12. Dji Phantom 3 Standart, не реагирует подвес и пульт.
    13. #1 OFFLINE NikoBor

    Gimbal Gyroscope Error Phantom 3 Standard

    We have collected for you the most relevant information on Gimbal Gyroscope Error Phantom 3 Standard, as well as possible solutions to this problem. Take a look at the links provided and find the solution that works. Other people have encountered Gimbal Gyroscope Error Phantom 3 Standard before you, so use the ready-made solutions.

    Standard — Gimbal Gyroscope Error DJI Phantom Drone Forum
      Oct 20, 2020 · PhantomPilots is the leading online community for DJI Phantom drone enthusiasts and a member of the Drone Pilots Media Network. With over 6 million unique drone enthusiasts each year, we offer an incredible opportunity to promote your drone-related products or services.

    DJI Phantom 3 standard gimbal error — YouTube
      Sep 05, 2016 · DJI Phantom 3 standard gimbal error Call: 01666666.466Author: Trung Kieng

    Pahntom 3 standard gimbal gyroscope error DJI FORUM
      Jul 23, 2019 · My phantom 3 standard is showing a gimbal gyroscope error which is caused by a hardware malfunction. Im in the middle of the pacific ocean and there is no dhi repaur .

    Cara Memperbaiki Gimbal DJI Phantom 3 Standard Error Full .
      Apr 01, 2018 · Cara memperbaiki sendiri gimbal phantom 3 standard yg error, gk bergerak hanya ada bunyi, untuk mengurangi biaya pengeluaran jasa service yg cukup mahal, sem. Author: Channel Daffa

    DJI Phantom 3 Gimbal Motor Overload camera fix — YouTube
      May 08, 2017 · We use Amazon Affiliate links where possible. My screwdriver kit: your camera starts up crooked or not level, here is how to fix it.Author: Clint Decker

    DJI Phantom 3 standard Gimbal not working — YouTube
      Call Joshua Terry at 6622883005 for a free estimate——Email me at [email protected] me on Facebook at North MS Drone Service—— L.

    PHANTOM 3 DRONE Gimbal Error — YouTube—o_VoD5Ao
      Please watch: «SYMBOLS OF FREEDOM» —

      —Support this journey Patreon — Monthly donations Pa.

    Phantom 3 IMU Calibration Reset Fixes Flight Errors And .
      Jul 14, 2020 · The Phantom 3 IMU calibration procedure is simple and takes between 5 and 10 minutes. The IMU calibration will fix most of the Phantom 3 issues including erratic flying, …

    Kamera und Gimbal beim DJI Phantom 3 entfernen/abmontieren .
      In diesem Video zeige ich euch, wie ihr das Gimbal und die Kamera vom DJI Phantom abmontiert. Ich nutze hier den DJI Phantom 3 Standart mit den anderen Model.

    Gimbal Gyroscope Error Phantom 3 Standard Fixes & Solutions

    We are confident that the above descriptions of Gimbal Gyroscope Error Phantom 3 Standard and how to fix it will be useful to you. If you have another solution to Gimbal Gyroscope Error Phantom 3 Standard or some notes on the existing ways to solve it, then please drop us an email.


    Dji Phantom 3 Standart, не реагирует подвес и пульт.

    #1 OFFLINE NikoBor

  • Пользователи
  • 1 сообщений
    • Город: Челябинск
    • Коптер: Dji Phantom 3 Standart

    Доброго времени суток! Упал Dji phantom 3 standart. Загнуло и отломало Gimbal крепление, и оторвало шлейф подвеса, все заменил. Теперь при включении коптера подвес не реагирует и не стабилизируется, Лампа-кнопка прошивки на дроне горит зеленным, а на пульте почему то красным,но при этом я могу запустить двигатели. В приложении DJI Go кнопка «камера» не активная при нажатии выдается ошибка «Remote Signal Controller». Самое интересное, что если дать постоять дрону пол дня ,а потом включить можно на 10 секунд поймать связь на пульте и зайти нормально в приложение,но вылезают 3 ошибки: Gimbal Gyroscope Error, Gimbal Tilt Eror, Gimbal Roll Eror, так же горит желтая ошибка «Aircraft Warming up. При наклоне коптера двигателе реагируют и пытаются его выровнять,соответственно гироскоп работает?

    Пытался перепрошить коптер всеми возможными способами, и вернуть стандартную прошивку,но вылезают ошибки, и дрон монотонно пищит.

    ========== 2014.01.01 00:00:14 remo-con disconnect======


    matt odle

    matt odle

    7 месяцев назад

    I know it’s a five-year-old video but I was having the same problem with one I just purchased super cheap. I removed the screws on the left and right side. Let one of the cables loops free then bolted up the rest of it. It doesn’t go up and down anymore and the cable is covered. But now I have a gimbal roll error and pan. Have to figure out what that’s about now

    electric master

    electric master

    11 месяцев назад


    Archer Cureton

    Archer Cureton

    1 год назад

    I’m having an issue where the gimbal continuously goes limp and recenters along the roll axis. Same motion as shown in this video but on the roll motor. Any suggestions?

    Drew Hastings

    Drew Hastings

    1 год назад

    Suggest pushing the hard wire into the body of the Phantom (that leads for the camera). A simple slight but form push and it fixed the exact issue for me.



    1 год назад

    Thank you



    2 года назад

    To add my little experience because I’ve found no answers to it. I have a P4 (I call it N1) that once crashed from 60 yds high. I repaired it (it works but still some issues about gimbal off-center) and I’m still on it but I’ve found another one in good shape with few hours of flight (N2). This one (N2) at the first test had the up and down problem which was caused by the camera hitting the ribbon cable behind. I fixed it and it worked. But there comes the best part. When powering up, it has still done the up and down freely without stop. I simply held it with my hand to stop the movement, then it stops to power the motors, does again the cycle and then the camera is in its place. Fully operational. And I’ve to do this each time. Looks like the first initialization doesn’t work, it needs to do a second one… I’ve finaly tryed a motor swap with N1 that had the crash (but I know this one has no problem with this part). And it was that. The motor seems to be broken. With the other motor from N1, the second P4 N2 works perfectly and the first P4 (N1) with the motor of the second one (N2) has issues too. So problem is the motor or the sensor on it maybe, but no wear mark at all on it… Another thing to note, the N2 has a newer controller board inside the camera shell, the number written on it is 1 higher. The electrical wiring is also different. On the N1, the back board that you take off with the back cover has a kind of slot system. By simply removing the cover you take off the contacts. On N2 there is a ribbon that connects the two boards, no slot.

    Khieu Sovannara

    Khieu Sovannara

    2 года назад

    Thank you any way, but I clean it and put it back and just work fine again.

    Meysam UAV

    Meysam UAV

    2 года назад

    It works

    Meysam UAV

    Meysam UAV

    2 года назад

    Very good.



    2 года назад

    THANK YOU! I’ve been spending the past few months fixing my drone with various errors, and today I finally got a new camera assembly which didn’t work — it had the exact same issues as you had. Your fix worked perfectly, and with some adjustment I even got it to work perfectly with the cover back on. This saved me a long trip back to the store, thanks a ton! :D



    3 года назад

    Good video. I’m glad you brought this up. I believe the startup sequence checks for binding. If anything prevents it from moving freely, it will not work. I have had the ribbon cable bind, keeping it from working. The U-shape guard is not needed.

    Brian D. Beck

    Brian D. Beck

    3 года назад

    There is a much easier way for a temporary fix and you don’t have to take anything apart. Would you like to hear it?



    3 года назад

    Not working for me , anybody can help?

    Brendon Cameron

    Brendon Cameron

    4 года назад

    Exactly the problem I was having and your solution fixed it perfectly.

    Captain Dove

    Captain Dove

    4 года назад

    Thanks for posting the video. I found it to be very helpful. I had the same problem of the gimbal moving up and down, so I decided to take out the screws and take off the cover as you suggested. I didn’t like the idea of having the cover off so I clipped it back in and to my surprise the gimbal worked as it should after reassembly. You have the two initial screws in the first cover, three in the plate as shown in your video and two more holding the cover that goes over the black cable. They sure are small screws so be careful when handling them as if you drop them they can be difficult to find. Good luck to anyone who tries it and I hope it works for you.

    Dvasinio Augimo aktualijos

    Dvasinio Augimo aktualijos

    4 года назад

    Thank bro, helped me!

    Mauro Regis

    Mauro Regis

    4 года назад

    my yaw motor not centered

    Jay Acosta

    Jay Acosta

    4 года назад

    Thank you so much for the video. I replaced the ribbon cable and I encounter this problem once I finish. Problem solved!

    Paweł Pawelo

    Paweł Pawelo

    5 лет назад

    Have you had a look at this vulnerability?

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