Git checkout error your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by checkout

Git Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by checkout Solution You cannot modify a file on two branches and switch between those branches without committing or stashing the file. This is because Git is unsure what changes should be saved and what changes should be overwritten. This guide discusses the […]


  1. Git Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by checkout Solution
  2. Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by checkout
  3. Find Your Bootcamp Match
  4. An Example Scenario
  5. The Solution
  6. Conclusion
  7. How to fix Git Error ‘Your local changes to the following files will be overwritten by merge’
  8. What are repositories? What are push and pull in Git?
  9. How to fix ‘Your local changes to the following files will be overwritten by merge’?
  10. Method 1: Forcing a pull to overwrite local changes
  11. Method 2: Keeping both changes (local and from the repo)
  12. Method 3: Keeping both changes BUT not committing
  13. Method 4: Make changes to ‘specific’ parts of your code
  14. Как правильно сделать слияние чужих и своих изменений?
  15. Changes lost during switch to branch #8012
  17. Bit of OS info:

Git Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by checkout Solution

You cannot modify a file on two branches and switch between those branches without committing or stashing the file. This is because Git is unsure what changes should be saved and what changes should be overwritten.

This guide discusses the “Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by checkout” error and what it means. We’ll walk through an example so you can figure out how to fix this error.

Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by checkout

The Git version control lets you maintain separate lines of development, called branches . The changes on one branch are not reflected on another branch unless you merge the two branches.

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When you navigate to a branch, you can view the repository at a particular time in its history and make the changes you need. You should commit the changes made when you are ready so Git keeps track of the evolution of your project.

You cannot switch between two branches if both branches contain an uncommitted file change. Git needs to know whether a file should be saved or part of a commit. This protects you from accidentally overwriting code you may want to refer back to later.

An Example Scenario

We’re going to clone a repository that contains one file called

The contents of the file are as follows:

Our repository has two branches: development and master. In our local working directory, we are going to change the file on the origin master branch:

Our master branch is now different from our remote repository. We’re going to switch to our development branch and change the contents of its README to say:

We can change this file on the development branch by executing these commands:

Next, switch back to the master branch, commit the changes made to the branch, and push them to our remote repository:

The git checkout command lets us switch to the master branch. In review, our remote repository now contains:

  • A modified on the development branch
  • A master branch that is ahead one commit

Now, let’s modify our again on the master branch:

This means both branches contain differences between the remote master branch. Let’s try to switch over to our development branch with these changes in place:

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This command returns an error message:

The Solution

Because our development and master branches contain uncommitted changes, Git cannot proceed with the checkout. If Git proceeded, the uncommitted changes we have made to our on the master branch would not be saved.

We can fix this error in two ways. First, we can commit our changes on the master branch:

In these commands, we add the file to the staging area, add all files from the staging area into a commit, and we push our change to the remote repository.

Git now has a record of how our file appears with the changes that we made.

Alternatively, we could stash our changes for later . This is a good solution if you want to make your changes accessible later on when you are not yet ready to add the changes to a commit. To stash your changes, you can run the git stash command:

This will save our file in a stash. Whenever we are ready to revisit this file, we can access the stash using the stash pop command:

This command will restore the file in our repository. “Stashing” is another way of saying “saving for later.” Stashes do not create commits of your changes.

After we run one of the above solutions, we can navigate to the development branch successfully:

This command switches our branch to “development” and informs us of this change in our terminal:

We have solved the issue.


The Git “Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by checkout” error occurs when you make changes on two branches without committing or stashing those changes and try to navigate between the branches.

You can fix this issue by either stashing your changes for later or adding them to a commit.

Now you have the knowledge you need to fix this error like a pro!

About us: Career Karma is a platform designed to help job seekers find, research, and connect with job training programs to advance their careers. Learn about the CK publication.


How to fix Git Error ‘Your local changes to the following files will be overwritten by merge’

The error message “Your local changes to the following files will be overwritten by merge” occurs in Git version control mechanism. This error occurs if you have modified a file which also has modifications in the remote repository.

Git Error: Your local changes to the following files will be overwritten by merge

This error message is avoided IF there are no uncommitted files that also have modifications in the remote repository. When experiencing this message, it is best to consult your other team members and ask for their opinion. Whether you want to merge your local changes or keep the version present in the repository, it is best to keep everyone on board.

What are repositories? What are push and pull in Git?

A repository is a kind of storage for code which is constantly modified and obtained by team members through the GitHub version control mechanism. A ‘Pull’ means that you are pulling the latest version of the repository onto your local storage/IDE (Integrated Development Environment) such as Pycharm etc.

After a Pull, you make changes to the code or add more features. Once you are done, you ‘Push’ the code onto the repository so changes are saved and additions are made. The code gets accessible to other people as well.

If you are new to Github version control, it is recommended that you go through all the basics first. In this article, we assume that you already have basic knowledge and know all the ins and outs.

How to fix ‘Your local changes to the following files will be overwritten by merge’?

The resolution of this error message depends on what you want to do. You can discard your local changes and pull the ones in the repository or you can save your local changes into a stash and pull the version from the repository. It all depends on your preference.

Hence, we recommend that you consult with your team members and make sure that you all are on the same page before moving forward. If you commit wrongly or push the wrong version, it could affect the entire team.

Method 1: Forcing a pull to overwrite local changes

If you don’t care about the changes done locally and want to obtain the code from the repository, you can force a pull. This will overwrite all the local changes done on your computer a duplicate copy of the version in the repository will appear.

Execute the following commands in your IDE:

This will instantly destroy all your local changes so make sure that you know what you are doing and don’t need your local changes.

Method 2: Keeping both changes (local and from the repo)

If you want to keep both changes (changes done locally and changes present in the repository), you can add and commit your changes. When you pull, there will obviously be a merge conflict. Here you can use the tools in your IDE (such as Difftool and mergetool) to compare the two pieces of code and determine which changes to keep and which to remove. This is the middle way; no changes will be lost until you manually remove them.

When you get a merge conflict, pop those conflict resolving tools and check line by line.

Method 3: Keeping both changes BUT not committing

This situation happens from time to time where developers are not ready to commit because there is some partly broken code which you are debugging. Here we can stash the changes safely, pull the version from the repository, and then unstash your code.

If there are some conflicts after you pop the stash, you should resolve them in the usual way. You can also use the command:

instead of pop if you are not ready to lose the stashed code due to conflicts.

If merge doesn’t seem like a viable option for you, consider doing a rebase. Rebasing is the process of moving or combining a sequence of commits to a new base commit. In the case of rebasing, change the code to:

Method 4: Make changes to ‘specific’ parts of your code

If you want to make changes to specific parts of the code and don’t want to replace everything, you can commit everything that you don’t want to overwrite and then follow method 3. You can use the following command for the changes which you want to overwrite from the version present in the repository:

Also, you need to make sure that the file is not staged via:

Then proceed with the pull command:

This will then attempt at fetching the version from the repository.


Как правильно сделать слияние чужих и своих изменений?

Please, commit your changes or stash them before you can merge.

Что в этой фразе не понятного?

Вариант 1. — Делаете коммит, а котом git pull и оно вам предложит смержить.
Вариант 2. — Делаете git stash (прячет все незакомиченые локальные изменения); затем git pull; затем git stash pop, а дальше мержите.

Вообще есть третий вариант (на будущее) — создаете локально еще одну ветку, в ней работаете, а потом делаете git pull в основной ветке (точнее в той, от которой вы отпочковались) и мержите с ней свою ветку. (опять же, можете сделать stash, затем «отпочковаться», затем слить изменения с репозитория и потом stash pop в свою ветку, а затем мержитесь, когда надо, с той веткой, откуда отпочковались).

хочу закоммитить изменения в репозиторий, перед этим делаю git pull

Тут у вас есть несколько проблем:
1. команда git pull это на самом деле алиас для git fetch + git merge
работает она так, сначала через git fetch получает новое состояние ветки из origin, а потом передает управление git merge , он в свою очередь если ваша ветка разошлась делает merge, если нет то делает fast forward как следствие могут появиться не нужные комиты вида «Merge branch «test» to «test»»

По этому советую вместо git pull делать всегда git fetch , а потом смотреть git status а там уже либо git rebase origin/test либо git pull

2. так же как вам уже сказали выше у вас есть изменения в локальных файлах, в целом в этом нет ничего плохого, их можно либо спрятать через git stash либо сделать комит


Changes lost during switch to branch #8012

My changes lost while switching to new branch from origin (with moving changes there).

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

Just happened to me too. This is very strange.

Thanks for the report @ogamespec.

Are you able to reproduce this consistently? If so, can you share the exact steps you are taking? I just tried to reproduce this and was unsuccessful.

It would also be helpful if you could share the operating system, version of GitHub Desktop, and a log file from today. To access the log files go to the file menu in GitHub Desktop and select Help > Show Logs in Finder (macOS) or Explorer (Windows) . The log files are created daily — please upload a log file as an attachment from a day where you experienced the issue.

Here are my logs. I’m not sure what is pertinent:

I too was trying to change branch to the master branch. I tried to get it to ‘bring the changes with me’, and it didn’t work very well.

It stashed the changes, and showed a warning about LF — didn’t catch all of it but I think it was a standard Windows / Linux issue (I use WSL as my terminal and edit on VS Code. The line formatting should be sorted, but that might be a clue).

Some of the changed files (I think the new and uncommitted ones?) got stashed successfully, but a few of my files got deleted — all the lines were red. Most importantly the changes had completely disappeared. I only have the last time I committed the file which is very annoying!

Bit of OS info:

Windows 10
Github Desktop version 2.1.0
Git version 2.17.1

One thing that might help — I was messing around with the $PATH in WSL, and in doing so screwed up the gpg2 signing. This meant I couldn’t commit anything. I have fixed this now, but might be what was causing exit with error code 1 .

@MarcelloTheArcane Based on the logs, it looks like the same bug as #7827.

Were your changes found in the stash?

@tierninho Yep, must be what happened. I got some Big Red Warning messages too, and when I saw this issue was created about ten minutes before the same thing happened to me I hopped on the bandwagon!

I think the repo is safe and sound now, after resolving a conflict where apparently a whole file was deleted then copied back again 🤷‍♂

@tierninho I think we can move this into #7827 as it looks like the same related issue.

Looking at the first steps that @MarcelloTheArcane attached to the earlier issue:

This step comes from #7474 where we want to try the quickest path to switching branches, but it’s not a clean checkout so Git reports an error because there’s conflicting changes on the destination branch for this file.

The app then falls back to creating a stash for the current working directory changes, which appears to complete without error:

I assume at this point that the working directory is clean, but then the second attempt to checkout reports the same error:

Maybe something is not working as expected with the stash itself? It’s hard to say without more context.


Harshvardhan Karn

Harshvardhan Karn

If you have been using Git for the past few months/years and you’re still struggling with it daily, you landed at the correct place. I expect a little exposure as a prerequisite. Honestly admitting, I ain’t saint & neither a certified expert in Git, but I’ve learned a lot during my quest in resolving issues. I’ll try to make this post from beginners’ to an advanced level. Consider this as a Git FAQ. For the sake of convenience, I’ll be breaking the blog in multiple parts. So, stop panicking!

Git panic
Git Panic


This blog isn’t a walkthrough or TL;DR for some best practice that we follow around in MayaData, that will be covered probably in some other blog. This blog consists of the workaround or the fixes of some gitty situation where people start panicking and screws-up the working directory.

  • Switching your branch when your workspace is dirty or there are some uncommitted changes. Example:

$ git checkout master
error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by checkout:
Please commit your changes or stash them before you switch branches.


Method 1:

If you need these changes later, stash them and check out the branch. You can pop changes anytime on any branch you want.

$ git stash
Saved working directory and index state WIP on eslint--fix: b6579b1 [eslint] Run eslint app/ --fix
$ git checkout master
Switched to branch 'master'

To get the changes back again

$ git stash pop

Method 2:

If you don’t want any of those changes and want to discard them.

$ git checkout -- .

ProTip: If you want to discard some file and stash some, use both in the combination of git checkout — path/to/filename followed by git stash.

  • Left few files during committing and don’t want to create a new for the same
    Let’s assume you did changes in 5 files and forgot to 1 file during committing and now you have an incomplete commit & don’t want to commit again.

Add the files and commit again with —amend flag.

$ git add app/index.js # index.js is missing from commit
$ git commit --amend

ProTip: git commit —amend can be used for removing unwanted files from the commit as well as rewriting the commit message.

  • Moving a single commit
    If you want to move commit from branch to branch
$ git cherry-pick commit-hash
  • Committed on the wrong branch or committed before switching branch
    This happened with me most of the time when I was working on multiple projects simultaneously. To fix this soft reset, you branch with the latest commit(the one you committed), checkout to the desired branch & then commit again
$ git reset HEAD --soft
$ git checkout my-feature-branch
# Now stage files and commit again

ProTip: To reuse your previous commit message do git commit —reuse-message=HEAD@{1} or for a shorter version of this git commit -C HEAD@{1}

  • fatal: bad revision while cherry-picking a commit!
    This happens when your local git remains oblivious of the existence of the commit. To fix this, fetch all the branches, and then cherry-pick again.
$ git fetch -a
$ git cherry-pick 1acb2e
  • Too many untracked files
    The scenario when you have so many untracked files in git and you want to get rid of it, git checkout — . won’t work, not even git stash will work. rm -rf will work, but that may involve too many steps. Then how to get rid of all the untracked files in one shot.

$ git clean -fd

Bonus: Git lifehacks

# The elegant git log
$ git log --all --graph --decorate --oneline --simplify-by-decoration
# Unstage and remove paths only from the index
$ git rm --cached
# View diff on staged file
$ git diff --staged

I hope you find this blog useful during your quest. In the next follow-up blog, I’ll write about Rebase: went wrong, multiple scenarios, and their fixes. Till then, GodSpeed!

  • MayaData
  • GitHub
  • GitLab
  • Git

Harshvardhan Karn

Harshvardhan Karn works at MayaData Inc. He initially started with ReactJS and gradually moved to started contributing to projects based on GoLang, JavaScript, and Python per se. He was an active contributor to LitmusChaos before he moved full time working in DirectorOnline. He is fascinated by small ARM computers like Raspberry Pi. He is a public speaker, has talked in few local meetups and at two major conferences, ContainerDays 2019 — Hamburg & Rejekts 2019, San Diego. In his free time, he likes to play Guitar, Netflix and trying to learn Español, Dutch & Hebrew.

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  • Fix Git Error — Your Local Changes Would Be Overwritten by Merge

By Daisy | Follow |
Last Updated August 31, 2022

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If you have modified files that also have modifications in the remote repository, you may receive the “your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge” error message. This post from MiniTool offers fixes.

What Is a Repository? What Is Push and Pull in Git?

What is a repository? A repository is a store of code that team members are constantly modifying and fetching through the GitHub version control mechanism.

«Pull» means that you pull the latest version of the repository to your local storage/IDE (Integrated Development Environment) such as Pycharm etc. After pulling, you can change the code or add more functionality. When you’re done, you «push» your code to the repository so your changes can be saved and added. Others can also access the code.

How to Fix “Your Local Changes to the Following Files Would Be Overwritten by Merge”

Fix 1: Force a Pull to Overwrite Local Changes

The first method for you is to force a pull to overwrite local changes. This will overwrite any local changes done on your computer and a copy of the version in the repository will appear. You need to run the following commands in IDE.

  • git reset — hard
  • git pull

Then, you can check if the “error: your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge:” message has gone.

Fix 2: Keep Both Changes

If you want to keep both of these changes (the one done locally and the one in the repository), you can add and commit your changes. You need to execute the following codes in IDE:

  • git add $the_file_under_error
  • git commit
  • git pull

Fix 3: Keep Both Changes but Not Commit

It happens from time to time that the developer is not ready to commit because you are debugging some partially broken code. Here we can safely stash the changes, pull the version from the repository, and unstore your code.

  • git stash save —keep-index


  • git stash
  • git pull
  • git stash pop

If there are some conflicts after popping into the store, you should resolve them in the usual way. You can also use the following codes:

  • git stash apply

If merging is not a viable option for you, consider rebasing In the case of rebasing, change the code to

  • git stash
  • git pull —rebase origin master
  • git stash pop

Fix 4: Make Changes to Parts of Your Code

If you want to make changes to a specific part of the code and don’t want to replace everything, you can commit everything you don’t want to override and follow fix 3. You can use the following codes to make changes you want to override from the version that exists in the repository:

  • git checkout path/to/file/to/revert


  • git checkout HEAD^ path/to/file/to/revert

Also, you need to make sure that the file is not staged via:

  • git reset HEAD path/to/file/to/revert
  • git pull

Also see: Fix Git Error: You Need to Resolve Your Current Index First Now!

Final Words

These are common solutions to fix “your local changes would be overwritten by merge” in Git. If you have any other useful methods to remove this error, leave a comment below to let us know.

About The Author


Position: Columnist

She was graduated from the major in English. She has been the MiniTool editor since she was graduated from university. She specializes in writing articles about backing up data & systems, cloning disks, and syncing files, etc. She is also good at writing articles about computer knowledge and computer issues. In daily life, she likes running and going to the amusement park with friends to play some exciting items.

Common everyday scenario: you are working on your feature branch fixing a bug and your boss asks you for a build. You need to switch back to your main dev branch. Before that happens, you have to take care of all your current changes. You can either commit if you are ready for it, or maybe you have only modified a few lines and can simply revert your changes.

Well there is a better solution: git stash.

Setting up the stage

We have 2 files: file1.txt and file2.txt and 2 branches, master and new-branch.

If you want to follow along here is the script

mkdir testgitstash 
cd testgitstash
git init
echo test1 > file1.txt
echo test2 > file2.txt
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git checkout -b new-branch

On top of that you have some pending changes on new-branch

echo change > file1.txt 
git commit -am "update"
echo change2 > file1.txt

The problem

If you want to switch back to master, you will get an error message:

$ git checkout master
error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by checkout:
Please, commit your changes or stash them before you can switch branches.


Git does not allow you to switch back to master because you have changes on new-branch.

One solution: git stash

Stash the changes

Instead of committing your changes or reverting, you can stash them with:

$ git stash save "changes on new-branch"

Switch branch

You can now switch back to master

$ git checkout master

Do whatever changes you want on master, and when ready, go back to new-branch.

$ git checkout new-branch

Unstash the changes

$ git stash pop

Your changes will be put back and you can continue what you were doing initially.


— Your changes are stashed on a stack

You can stack several changes and check the current stash stack using:

$ git stash list

You can also unstash a specific stash by using

$ git stash pop "stash@{1}"

— Git stash pop can be split in two

Git stash pop is the combination of two other commands:

$ git stash apply

which applies the last stash and:

git stash drop

which destroys the last stash

Hope this helped, there would be much more to say on this suject but I hope this will give you a place to start :)

How to do a git stash? | InMotion Hosting

As you may already know, Git is a powerful program. One wrong command can wipe out important work. In this article, you’ll learn how to “stash” changes so you can cleanly and easily checkout different branches without destroying your work.

Git is a popular version control system for anyone managing files on private servers or local file structure.

  • Put your changes aside using the Git stash
  • How do I list my git stashes?
  • What’s in the stash?
  • How do I restore a stash?
  • Find out more about Git stashing options

Have you ever seen this error when trying to checkout a branch in Git?

error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by checkout:

Git checkout warning: your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by checkout

You’re seeing this error because you’re attempting to switch (or “checkout”) a branch with uncommitted changes in your working directory. This means if you go through with the checkout it will overwrite the contents of your working directory.

To avoid overwriting your work you have two options:

  • Commit changes
  • “Stash” your changes

Commit changes. If you decide to commit changes, you are committing your code as is. This means if any features are broken or incomplete, they will be committed in a broken state. This is not a best practice, so git provides an alternative via stashing.

“Stash” your changes. Stashing your changes basically sets them aside in a separate blob that can be opened up later. This way, you don’t have to rush any changes to make a decent commit, and you can create as many stashes as you need.

Using The Git Stash

To do a clean checkout of a different branch, you can “stash” your changes with the git stash command.

git stash

Just running that simple command is all you need to do to stash your changes.

Once your changes are stashed, you could run git status to make sure.

You should see a notification that your working directory is clean (clean meaning identical to the commit referenced by HEAD):

“On branch <branch-name>
nothing to commit, working tree clean”

List Your Stashes

As you return to the branch you were working in, you can first check to see if you have one stash or multiple.

Do this with the git stash list command:

git stash list

This command outputs a list of all your stashes.

Check To See What’s In Your Git Stash

As you’re stashing items here and there, you will want to know what’s inside of those stashed items. You can accomplish this with the git stash show command.

git stash show

By itself, git stash show will show you a summary of changes made in the most recent stash.

If you have multiple stashes, add the stash number.

git stash show <number>

[email protected]{0} will always be the latest entry into the stash. Subsequent entries ([email protected]{1}, [email protected]{2}, and so forth) will be numbered as such. The higher the number the older the stashed content.

Restore The Content of a Stash

Now you know how to stash, how to list and view your stashes, so now you only need to learn how to restore stashed content.

In order to restore content from a stash, just pop it, followed by the stash number:

git stash pop <number>

Remember, you can get the stash numbers with git stash list.

Going Deeper Into Git Stashing

All of the commands demonstrated in this article can be expanded with various options.

To see the most detailed and comprehensive listing of options you can use in construction of advanced Git commands, check out the full Git stash documentation.

Christopher Maiorana Content Writer II

Christopher Maiorana joined the InMotion community team in 2015 and regularly dispenses tips and tricks in the Support Center, Community Q&A, and the InMotion Hosting Blog.

More Articles by Christopher

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