Glquake как изменить разрешение

данное руководство обновлено на момент 2019 года месяц – май.убрана вся ненужная информация , и хочу составить более детальный разбор для модов и движка.


данное руководство обновлено на момент 2019 года месяц – май.убрана вся ненужная информация , и хочу составить более детальный разбор для модов и движка.

Общие вопросы.

как убить зомби?- используем взрывное вооружение , квад демедж , либо расчеленяем.

как победить ласт босса – ждите пока летающий портал окажеться в нем и прыгайте в дверь-портал.

-как победить лавого босса. – нажми две кнопки и затем третью.

что бы не было проблем с графикой и прочим. используем порты для квейка пример – Darkplaces(имеется детальная установка) , Glquake(входит в состав steam версии , но крайне плох) , quakespazm(хуже чем Darkplaces , но потянет некоторые моды)

как изменить разрешение Glquake

В командной строке, или в свойствах ярлыка на exe’шник напиши, например,
D:gamesquakeglquake.exe -width 1024 -bpp 32
Укажи там ту папку, где у тебя лежит Glquake.exe, вместо 1024 поставь нужное тебе разрешение (по горизонтали), а вместо 32 – нужное число бит на пиксел.

НЕ РЕКОМЕНДУЮ!!!! данный движок , так как он очень ограничен во всех смыслах и Arcane Demensions попросту на нем не пойдет , так как имеет свои лимиты.

Darkplaces – движок для quake поддерживает все новомодные моды.карты и тд.

darkplaces проще всего качнуть с офф сайта движка – [link]

находим строку – Latest stable/official release
и скачиваем самый первый релиз DarkPlaces engine Windows/Linux/Mac OpenGL build 20140513 darkplaces executables for Windows (32bit, compatible with Windows XP/Vista x64/7 x64), Linux 686, Linux amd64, and Mac OS X 10.4 or above (Intel/PowerPC), and source code compatible with Windows/MacOSX/Linux/Solaris/FreeBSD/NetBSD/OpenBSD

в нем так же есть всякие новомодные BLOOM , HDR и прочие приятные световые эффекты которые делают квейк современнее!

после этого все содержимое просто закидываем в папку квейка

переименовываем Darkplaces.exe в Winquake.exe и теперь можем запускать игру и выбирать первую из списка.

если хотите поставить Quakespazm [link] , то делаем тоже самое (закидываем все в папку квейка) но переименовываем не winquake , а Glquake.exe – тогда вы будете иметь возможность использовать сразу два движка при выборе запуска.

-quake и Glquake соответственно

Имейте ввиду что ПРИ НАЛИЧИИ ДВУХ ДВИЖКОВ – разрешение монитора будет сбрасываться при запуске разных движков каждый запуск ( то есть , если вы поиграли на Darkplaces , но потом решили запустить Quakespazm , то все будет в окне)

моды ставятся так же как и раньше – закидываем в папку квейка папку с модом, и потом в стиме выбираем квейк правой кнопкой мыши , прописываем например “-game marine” (без скобок)

то есть -game название папки(!!!) где лежит мод.

Визуал(для Darkplaces) и справка по Quakespazm моддингу

рекомендуется сразу поставить Quake 1.5 weapon pack при установленном Darkplaces , тогда эффект от игры будет в разы лучше ссылка – [link] – ниче не листаем нажимаем на красную кнопку Download Now! скачиваем архив.

в ахиве есть несколько папок , но нам нужна одна! – Drop in (recommended)

открываем её – далее – Classic Ports – и там будет три папки – hIPNOTIC , ID 1 , Rogue – просто закидываем их в корневую папку Quake и всё!.

но этот метод сработает только при условии что у вас стоит – Darkplaces и нету оружия из модов (!!!) – пример в Arcane Dimensions есть трехствольный дробовик и он не заменится , но например стартовый дробовик поменяется.

при Quakespazm придется попотеть , там нужно в ручную в каждый мод закидывать мод на оружие и менять название так что бы архив шел по числам например – Pak0 , Pak1 и тд , то есть если в моде 4 пака то придется закидывать туда мод и переименовывать в Pak5 – это неудобно и не рекомендуется. (мод может развалится)

Страница 7 из 16

  1. GLQuake не запоминает разрешение, делай ярлык с параметрами.

  2. Alix Vans
    как напиток, только пишется по-другому

    Alix Vans

    29 дек 2007

    Установил еще раз GLQ097, появился opengl32.dll. Игра не запустилась, потребовала исчезнувший куда-то Glide2x.dll — скопировал его. Теперь игра не запускается — пишет это.


    • 0557.jpg

      Размер файла:
      13 КБ

  3. Alix Vans
    как напиток, только пишется по-другому

    Alix Vans

    29 дек 2007

    Если не ошибаюсь 65535 — это 16 битный цвет. Установка на рабочем столе 16 бит ничего не изменила.

  4. Alix Vans
    как напиток, только пишется по-другому

    Alix Vans

    29 дек 2007

    Удалил ИЗ ПАПКИ opengl32.dll и все вернулось на круги своя — запуск только в 640х480х16.

    Кстати вот он, GLQ097.


    Последнее редактирование: 31 авг 2008

  5. Попробуй GLQuake 1.10 от Keith Harrison:

    kreol и Alix Vans нравится это.

  6. Говорю же руки у тебя кривые и система. Не так что то у тебя с OpenGL ВООБЩЕ!!!.

    Покажи скрин с инфо при старте про видеокарту или информацию об OpenGL драйвере любой программой вроде эвереста, OGL Extensions Viewer итд.

    добавлено через 1 минуту
    P.S. И если уж не левак — то последняя правленная версия glquake неофициальная — 1.13.

    Последнее редактирование: 31 авг 2008

  7. Alix Vans
    как напиток, только пишется по-другому

    Alix Vans

    29 дек 2007

    MisterGrim, а как изменить разрешение? glquakeПРОБЕЛ-bppПРОБЕЛ32ПРОБЕЛ-widthПРОБЕЛ1024ПРОБЕЛ-heightПРОБЕЛ768.exe?

    Опять 25 — с такой строкой разрешение не меняется.

    Последнее редактирование: 31 авг 2008

  8. Alix Vans
    как напиток, только пишется по-другому

    Alix Vans

    29 дек 2007

    Непонятно. Писать нужно glquake -bpp 32…exe или qlquake.exe -bpp 32…? Второй меняет РАСШИРЕНИЕ .:)

    John Freeman, есть только Сандра, вот.


  9. Как угодно. Хоть «glquake -bpp 32», хоть «glquake.exe -bpp 32».Но вот здесь зачем «.exe» в конце?

  10. Alix Vans
    как напиток, только пишется по-другому

    Alix Vans

    29 дек 2007

    Werecat13, файл-то glquake.exe. У меня ПОКАЗАНЫ (не скрыты) расширения файлов.

  11. SMArt
    Страшила мудрый



    19 фев 2006

    Alix Vans, в ярлыке должно быть (если WinXP):

    «C:GamesQuakeglquake.exe» -width 1024 -height 768 -bpp 32

    путь к игре я естесственно воспроизвел наугад :) кавычки принципиальны

    kreol и Alix Vans нравится это.

  12. Alix Vans
    как напиток, только пишется по-другому

    Alix Vans

    29 дек 2007

    УРРЯ. Вот так и только так. Именно в ярлыке, в поле «Объект» это и пишется (дурья башка — пытался изменить сам glquake.exe). Только с 32 битным не запускается, но это пустяк. Всем спасибо.

  13. А должен запускаться. У тебя либо нету видеорежима(переставь драйвера тупо — обычно восстанавливает таблицу режимов), либо проблемы с настройками монитора или твиков видеокарты/монитора.

  14. Alix Vans
    как напиток, только пишется по-другому

    Alix Vans

    29 дек 2007

    В 32 битном только до 640х480х32 включительно запускается. Если прописывать более высокое с 32, например 1024х768х32, то вылетает с такой ошибкой. По скрину видно, что выше 640х480х32 режимов нет.


    • glquake 2008-09-02 15-58-36-58.jpg

  15. На деле это значит что слишком много мусора в таблицах видеорежимов. Те же 720p и прочее на 4:3 или 16:10 мониторе…

  16. Сокол


    11 окт 2008

    У меня проблема с мышью в Кваке,ходит вперёд-назад при движении миши.Брал Кваку у друга на флэшке,такого не было,мышь работала чётко как и на всех FPS.Подскажите как исправить этот дефект

  17. Alix Vans
    как напиток, только пишется по-другому

    Alix Vans

    29 дек 2007

    Сокол, на какой системе играешь, DOS, Windows? Отсюда и узнаем что у тебя за версия Quake.

  18. В консоли надо написать:

    Для постоянного эффекта добавить эту строку в файл (Папка с игрой)ID1autoexec.cfg. Если файла нет – создать.

    Мицунэ и kreol нравится это.

Страница 7 из 16

Форум Old-Games.RU. Всё о старых играх

Обновлено: 08.02.2023

призрак на форуме

Захотел я вспомнить былые времена, порезаться в Квак-1 с дополнениями, установил его со своего диска, купленного в 1999 году. Из директории с установленной игрой удалил opengl32.dll, поскольку карта у меня уже давно не 3dfx (вернее сменил разрешение на .bak) — стал требовать glide2x.dll. Раздобыл и его, благо это не проблема. Конечно, времена нынче не те, игра летает как ошпаренная, но. Почему-то в настройках игры невозможно переустановить разрешение — только 640х480 и не больше. А эта здоровенная доска с иероглифами просто выводит из себя, ну и разрешение просто кажется маловатым, хотя бы потому, что ресурсов железа выше крыши. Если интересуют ключевые моменты в описании железа и прочего — то: видеокарта GeForce FX 5600 XT, драйвер ForceWare версии 77.77, операционная система WinXP SP2. Про остальное не беспокойтесь: P4 Northwood 2 GHz, памяти 1024 метра. Пошарился по всем возможным конфигурационным файлам в надежде изменить настройки вручную, менял соответствующие позиции — эффекта нет.


Просмотр профиля

Какой клиент используешь? Fuhquake? Если да — то можно выставить нужное разрешение при старте. В командной строке пишешь что-то вроде (сейчас кваки под рукой нет, точно сказать не могу):

fuhquake-gl.exe -width 640 -height 480

Поиграл бы в ку1 с удовольствием.


Просмотр профиля

QUOTE (Пользователь №840 @ Nov 30 2005, 03:06)
порезаться в Квак-1 с дополнениями, установил его со своего диска, купленного в 1999 году

Вобщем если просто в Q1 single player захотелось поиграть (безо всяких аддонов) — то советую скачать Fuhquake QW client. Можно скачать вот тут:

Если у тебя диск со всякими дополнительными наборами уровней типа Rogue Quake, Scourge of Armagon, или вообще, не дай бог, nehahra — то Fuhquake на них глючит (а с нехахрой вообще не заработает, она только со своим клиентом идёт), поэтому придётся мучиться со стандартным glquake.exe, а он, надо сказать, по сравнению с fuhquake всё равно что Windows 3.11 супротив Windows XP.

Вобщем если простой сингл ку1 — качай fuhquake. Имхо самый лучший QW клиент на сегодняшний день.

Если аддоны — придётся мучиться с glquake, или вообще играть в софте (я их все в софте проходил — отлично играется ). Кстати с fuhquake аддоны запускаются, но глючат. Половина монстров некорректно отображается (или вообще ни одного монстра на уровне), то ещё чего-нибудь в этом духе.


22 окт. 2016 в 18:07

Right click on Quake in steam client and choose «Properties»

then selsct «Set Launch Options»

Then add «-width 1920 -height 1080 -bpp 32» (Without the quotes). for 1080p

If you want 4k resolution

Add «-width 3840 -height 2160 -bpp32» (Without the quotes).

I hope this helps.

22 окт. 2016 в 18:10
22 окт. 2016 в 18:13

It allows 32bit color rendering.

«-16bpp» does 16bit rendering which is ugly as sin on modern video cards that don’t support dithering, transforming the game into an eye-bleeding posterized mess.

(Anything above the old 3DFX Voodoo cards and the Riva TNT cards do not support dithering in 16bit color)

22 окт. 2016 в 20:21
22 окт. 2016 в 20:42

32bit is the highest color depth as 16.7 million colors.

16 bit has 2 color modes 32 thousand and 64 thousand, respectively.

There is no such thing as 64bit color depth.

64bit is more like 64bit OS, 64bit executable or 64bit compatible CPU.

As color depth goes there is no need for a 64bit color as the human eye can not possibly distinguish more than the 16.7 million colors of 32bit color and no monitor in existence can display more than 16.7 million colors too.

Есть ноутбук с одной встроенной и одной внешней («дискретной») видеокартой:

У этого ноутбука есть один встроенный (1920×1080) и один внешний монитор (3840×2160).

Так вот проблема в том, что ни один из движков quake ( quakespasm , darkplaces ) я не могу включить в разрешении, отличном от «родного» разрешения монитора (4k для внешнего либо 1080p для встроенного).

Причём независимо от того, добавляю ли я ключи командной строки ( -width 640 -height 480 ) либо предварительно переключаю монитор в более низкое разрешение (через lxrandr или arandr ) – я вижу либо искажённую картинку, либо серый экран. Поведение не зависит от используемого движка quake.

Попробуй в начале сменить разрешение на нужное на самом мониторе посреством screen -s разрешение , а потом запускать движок quake, после выхода из quake вернёшь назрешение назад.

Не знаю, как в портах первого Quake, но в актуальных source-портах Quake II, например, Yamagi Quake II, для вывода изображения используется библиотека SDL2, которая позволяет запускать Quake II в различных разрешениях не меняя сам видеорежим. Достигается это, если я ничего не путаю, с помощью флага SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP :

В самом Quake II это видно как «Fullscreen: Keep resolution».

EXL ★★★★★ ( 02.01.20 22:33:02 )
Последнее исправление: EXL 02.01.20 22:56:32 (всего исправлений: 1)

Quakespasm в помощь

Порт выше. На SDL2. Ромеро одобряет.

В quakespasm есть настройка r_scale, которая позволяет понизить качество картинки не меняя разрешение.

А, написано в шапке.

Там спец квар есть для эксклюзивного полного разрешения.

Или хочется игру растянуть на все мониторы.

Нет, хочется таки на одном.

Но неужели мой сценарий настолько редок, что стандартными настройками это решить невозможно? Зачем специальные переменные?

В общем, всем спасибо, но проблема разрешилась совсем по-другому.

Во-первых, для quakespasm , поддерживающего оконный режим, нашёлся свой специфичный обходной путь: предварительно переключившись в видеорежим с пониженным разрешением, запустить его с пониженным разрешением, выключив при этом window decorations. При этом окно, естественно, рисуется, начиная с левого верхнего угла, т. е. с геометрией WxH+0+0 , что меня вполне устраивает:

Что касается darkplaces , то здесь такой трюк не прокатывает. Но выяснилось, что у WindowMaker есть свои сильные и слабые стороны. Похоже, что переключения видеорежима в 1080p с помощью обычного lxrandr / arandr было недостаточно, т. к. (моя гипотеза) размер корневого окна оставался прежним. А вот после перезапуска WindowMaker последующий запуск любого из движков quake в полноэкранном режиме в текущем (пониженном) разрешении проходил успешно.

Такая проблема, одинаковая и в quake 3 и в quake 4, при запуске эти игры выставляют очень большое для моей LCD панели разрешение, моник пишет Out of range, какими параметрами можно указать нужное разрешение?

Или хотя бы как в окне запустить?

нет, так тоже не получается

Такая проблема, ты не умеешь пользоваться поисковиками, и по моему болен.

Как выставить разрешения в кваке на маке в макдаке?

а там в игре должен быть файлик настройки, типо *****.cfg , если такой есть то вручную выставить?

макдак это утко с утиных историй? незнаете чем всё закончилось, а то я рано вырос и не досмотрел этот диснеевский сериальчик, он обнокротился?

С мультом хз, вроде хеппиэндом затянуло. Но если я дожру этот БигТести, я сблюю. А выкинуть сука жалко.

надо set <параметр> (или seta)?
Ну я попробовал добавить в конфиг с set, потом seta — оно даже в ОГЛ режиме не принимает. Может, попробую Jake2 — перенесённый на Java движок игры, вдруг там это пофикшено. Если, конечно, там есть софтваре.

задается из предустановленных через set sw_mode (0-9).
Кстати, рендер у Ку2 какой-то продвинутый, что софтварь, что желе — даже разрешение выше, чем у основного монитора ставится :D С ХЛ/ХЛ2 такой трюк не проканает, выше разрешение — ни по ширине, ни по высоте — поставить нельзя. Правда, не влазящий на первый монитор кусок залит серым цветом, но думаю, это только лишь из-за настройки «одномониторная производительность» в панели Nvidia (в этом режиме фпс наибольший, хотя в 7ке он почти не падает при переходе на мультимониторную производительность).

Не играл в ку2 ещё на новом «плоском» мониторе, широкоформатнике, разумеется.
Проблему решил поставив такой небольшой мод (вернее клиент):

Мод не содержит ресурсов, только обновлённый движок. Поддержка любых разрешений мониторов присутствует. Всё ещё разрабатывается и обновляется.

Есть ещё quake2pro и прочие клиенты, но их я, откровенно говоря, не пробовал.

Читайте также:


  • Как запустить сталкер в оконном режиме не заходя в игру

  • Как установить данганронпа на андроид

  • Unreal tournament 2004 системные требования

  • Как поменять жетон в battlefield 4

  • Mount and blade великие битвы вылетает

This article appeared in Quake  

Console Commands are a alternative form of altering options of the game such as respective input keys and commands by using the Console, some settings can only be altered from there. Using the console is a requisite in order to use cheats.

In order to make use of these commands it’s necessary to bring up the console first, most of the commands can only be used when the game is already started. Bringing up the console is simple and there are two ways for making use of it, the most simple although recommended way being going into the options menu and selecting the «goto console» option. The quicker way is by pressing the respective key located below the ESC key, if such key is not present or not working, its possible to workaround this by going over to the console from the options menu and inputing the following command: bind <your desired key here> toggleconsole. This way you can activate the console from the desired input key.

NOTE: All commands are case-insensitive and without quotations. Some codes are exclusive to one Source port, such as the gl codes (controlling OpenGL) existing for only GLQuake.

Basic Movement:

These are used for basic movement, most of these can be changed from the menu. The use of +mlook from the console is considered a glitch and a workaround to having to press the middle mouse button in order to freelook, this is due to the fact that when Quake was originally released, mouse and similiar devices were difficult to afford. By the time that QuakeWorld was released however, the use of mouse devices began to increase. And players in turn discovered the use of the +mlook key.

  • +attack and -attack — When attack is active the player is firing their current weapon.
  • +back and -back — When back is active the player is moving backwards.
  • +forward and -forward — When forward is active the player is moving forward.
  • +jump and -jump — When jump is active the player jumps.
  • +klook and -klook — When klook is active forward and back become lookup and lookdown.
  • +left and -left — When left is active the player is turning left.
  • +lookdown and -lookdown — When lookdown is active the player’s view is moving down.
  • +lookup and -lookup — When lookup is active the player’s view is moving up.
  • +mlook and -mlook — When mlook is active moving the mouse forwards and backwards performs a lookup and lookdown respectively.
  • +movedown and -movedown — When movedown is active the player is swimming down in a liquid.
  • +moveleft and -moveleft — When moveleft is active the player is strafing left.
  • +moveright and -moveright — When moveright is active the player is strafing right.
  • +moveup and -moveup — When moveup is active the player is swimming up in a liquid.
  • +right and -right — When right is active the player is turning right.
  • +showscores and -showscores — When showscores is active in Single Player mode the current level stats are shown on the status bar. In Multiplayer mode the current frags are shown on the full screen.
  • +speed and -speed — +speed and -speed — When speed is active the player is running. this has no effects when always run is turned on, however due to a a glitch on the original always run movement code, strafing speed, turning and acceleration are not affected by the always run option, though not very noticeable. Using +speed from the console or by a custom config file is rather recommended.
  • +strafe and -strafe — When strafe is active left and right function as +moveleft and +moveright strafing in that direction.
  • +use and -use — Completely useless in the vanilla game, deprecated use function from the days of Doom. 


  • developer — setting this value to 1 will start a constant output of data about the level as it is rendered. Useful for finding bugs that exist in the game.
  • entities — displays a list of entities in the current level, showing specific coordinates and the .MDL files used.
  • fly — the player can fly instead of walk, the method is quite complicated as pressing the swimup and swimdown keys are required in order to go up and down respectively.
  • give # — give weapon number #; doesn’t give corresponding ammo. For example, give 3 will give you the Double-Barrelled Shotgun
  • give X ### — give ### of X; X can be S (Shells), N (Nails), R (Rockets), C (Cells), or H (Health).  The ammo counter can only go as high as 255, meaning players with more ammo will appear to have less ammo than they honestly have (it overlaps, meaning after firing at an ammo count of 0 it will go back to 255). If the player picks up any type of ammo dropped by an enemy, all ammo amounts will revert back to the maximum obtainable without console commands (for example, if the player has 255 nails and picks up a drop, they will have 200 nails). The player can have up to 294911 health, afterwards their view will turn sideways and they will appear to be dead. It is still possible for the player to move around and finish the level in this angle, though if the player is injured enough to go below 294912 their view will be immediately corrected. Note also that Health over 100 will only last for the duration of the level, similar to the effects of the 100 Health powerup.
  • give health — «kills» the player (the player can still jump and shoot, but cannot move and is lying on their side). This happens because the game reads the first letter on the setence first which is h, and then reads ealth for the value.
  • god — the player becomes invincible
  • kill — restarts the current level by killing the player.
  • noclip — similar to fly, but the player can also move through solid objects, such as walls
  • notarget — Monsters cannot target the player


  • impulse -1 or impulse 255 — the player receives Quad Damage
  • impulse 1 to impulse 8 — selects the corresponding weapon.
  • impulse 9 or impulse 265 — the player receives all weapons at full ammo, as well as both keys
  • impulse 10 — selects the next weapon
  • impulse 11 — One Rune; repeat 4 times to get all 4 runes
    • Note: If you use this code more than once, you need to exit and re-enter the console after every usage, otherwise you will always receive only 1 rune.
    • There is a glitch regarding the runes. A player can find that runes that she or he has completed an episode can disappear which means that she or he would have to redo an Episode. To avoid such a distressing replay, this code is perfect to get back those runes.
  • impulse 12 — selects the previous weapon

Client-side Commands:

  • _cl_color — Cvar (console variable) used by server when signing into a multiplayer game. Players should use the color function as using this variable directly can result in the new colors not being recognized by the server until a refresh (such as a map change or a reconnection). This means that only the player will see the new colors if they use this command.
  • _cl_name — Cvar (console variable) used by server when signing into a multiplayer game. Players should use the name function as using this variable directly can result in the new name not being recognized by the server until a refresh (such as a map change or a reconnection). This means that only the player will see the new name if they use this command.
  • cl_backspeed — has a default of 200 when always run is turned off 400 when turned on, lowering this value slows the player’s speed of movement when moving forwards. The +speed command is directly affected by this.
  • cl_bob — having a default of 0.02, setting this to a lower or higher value causes the weapon bob as the player walks to become less or more noticeable respectively
  • cl_bobcycle — having a default of 0.6, this value controls the time it takes for a weapon to bob. A lower value will bob more rapidly, while a higher value will bob less frequently. While both this and cl_bobup control the frequency of the bob, this controls the time and therefore works exponentially (meaning values are more extreme).
  • cl_bobup — having a default of 0.5, this value controls the frequency that the weapon bobs. A lower value will bob more rapidly, while a higher value will bob less frequently.
  • cl_forwardspeed — has a default of 200 when always run is turned off 400 when turned on, lowering this value slows the player’s speed of movement when moving forwards. The +speed command is directly affected by this.
  • cl_movespeedkey — having a default of 2, lowering this value slows the speed that the player runs when holding down the run key. Does not control the speed of autorun.
  • cl_rollangle — having a default of 2 (meaning it is somewhat marginal), the angle that the camera tilts to when the player moves to a side. With a lower value the tilt is less extreme, with a higher value the tilt is more extreme.
  • cl_rollspeed — having a default of 200, lowering this value will cause the roll to appear at a lower value (0 meaning the roll is always on unless the player switches to the opposite side), whilst raising will cause the roll to appear at a higher value and might make it so that the roll might not appear with a large enough value.
  • cl_sidespeed — having a default of 350, lowering this value slows the player’s speed of movement when strafing
  • cl_upspeed — having a default of 200, lowering this value slows the player’s speed when using the up and down movement keys.
  • alias # "X; Y; Z" — Shortens a string of commands into a single alias command. # represents the name of the command that the player will use, simply typing this command in the future will cause the string of commands to be performed. "X; Y; Z" represents the string of commands, which must be written in quotations. Each command is separated from each other by a semicolon. To clear the command, simply type the alias and command name without adding a string of commands. For example: alias weapons «impulse 9». Refer to this page for advanced usage of this command.
  • begin — Part of the Quake client/server protocol. When the client is ready to begin updating messages this command is sent. This command will state «Not valid from Console» if trying to run it manually.
  • bind — used in conjunction with a button to specify the function of the button (any previous function set for the button in the configuration menu will be eliminated to make room for the new function). You can for example, quickly swap to the Rocket Launcher by using the following command: bind q «impulse 7». Refer to this page for advanced usage of this command.
  • clear — clears all console messages
  • cmdline — displays the values of the target property line
  • color — used with a number between 1 and 13 for various presets of the color of the player’s shirt and pants.
  • crosshair — setting this value to 1 displays a crosshair
  • fov # — changes the field of view, or how much the player can see to their sides, using fov 97 or fov 110 is recommended for widescreen displays.
  • messagemode2 — makes a prompt for the player to send a message to their team members.
  • name — changes the player’s name to the variables typed after the command, «name Ranger».
  • pause — pauses/unpauses the game.
  • ping — sends request packets to the server to test the connection. A bug fixed by unofficial modern engines involved the client’s connection being accepted but no packets being sent to the server due to problems with NAT. In WinQuake, GLQuake, and vanilla Quake if the client encounters this they can use this command to start sending packets (which allows them to enter the server).
  • say # — sends a message to other players.
  • skill — sets the current Difficulty, 0 being the easiest and 3 being the hardest.

Demo Playback and Recording:

  • demos — cycles through the game Demos, which by default are the three .dem files of E1M3: the Necropolis, E1M4: the Grisly Grotto, and E1M6: The Door to Chthon loaded at startup.
  • playdemo # — plays the specified demo file, like the three loaded upon startup. All demos are saved in the game folder as .dem files.
  • record # # — records a demo which is saved as a .dem file (like the three that play on startup). The first variable after the command specifies the name of the file. The second variable specifies the map, which loads the map and is required as the game cannot demo levels already in progress.
  • stop — stops the recording of a demo.
  • stopdemo — stops the playback of a demo.
  • timedemo # — plays a demo as a test to determine the frames per second, which is shown at the end of the demo to show how fast the game is able to display images on the screen.

Graphic Commands:

  • d_mipscale — has a default of 1, only exists in the original DOS executable. To save on drawing distance, objects in the distance are more blurred by default, setting this to 0 will result in more RAM being used. 
  • r_drawflat — Default 0, setting this to 1 will replace all textures with flat, unshaded, solid colors on every surface. Useful for analyzing geometry.
  • r_drawentities — setting this to 0 hides any models such as weapons, enemies, or doors. 
  • r_draworder — setting this to 1 allows the player to see through solid brushes, somewhat like x-ray vision.
  • r_drawviewmodel — setting this to 0 hides the Weapon.
  • r_fullbright — setting this to 1 causes all surfaces of a level to be completely lit up
  • r_maxedges — Only exists in the original DOS executable. The maximum number of brush edges that can be shown. Set to a default of 2400. Can be increased to reduce graphical issues in large open areas on custom levels.
  • r_maxsurfs — Only exists in the original DOS executable. The maximum number of brush surfaces that can be shown. Set to a default of 800. Can be increased to reduce graphical issues in large open areas on custom levels.
  • r_numedges — Only exists in the original DOS executable. Set by default to 0, changing this to 1 will continually report the number of edges being used and how close it is to the maximum. Useful to determine if r_maxedges needs to be increased.
  • r_numsurfs — Only exists in the original DOS executable. Set by default to 0, changing this to 1 will continually report the number of surfaces being used and how close it is to the maximum. Useful to determine if r_maxsurfs needs to be increased.
  • gamma # — Changes the brightness to this value from the default of 0. Smaller numbers are brighter, larger numbers are darker. It is advisable to go down by small increments, a large change can make it difficult to see the screen. Note that brightness is broken in GLQuake and thus the gamma will not change appearance regardless of the value set.

Menu Commands:

  • menu_keys — displays the customize controls menu
  • menu_load — displays the load menu
  • menu_main — displays the main menu
  • menu_multiplayer — displays the Multiplayer menu
  • menu_options — displays the options menu
  • menu_save — displays the save menu
  • menu_setup — displays the Multiplayer setup menu
  • menu_singleplayer — displays the Single Player menu
  • menu_quit — displays the quit menu
  • menu_video — displays the video options menu

Mouse Commands:

  • lookspring # — setting this to 0 turns lookspring off. Lookspring causes the player to move forward or backwards with the mouse.
  • lookstrafe # — setting this to 0 turns lookstrafe off. Lookstrafe causes the player to move side to side with the mouse.
  • m_filter — default is 0, setting this to 1 activates mouse smoothing.
  • m_forward — default is 1, lowering this makes the player move slower when moving forwards and backwards with the mouse (Lookspring). 
  • m_pitch — default is 0.022. Raising this value makes the player look up and down faster, while lowering this value makes the player look up and down slower (Mouselook). A negative value is used to invert mouselook.
  • m_side — default is 0.8, lowering this makes the player move slower when strafing with the mouse (Lookstrafe).
  • m_yaw — default is 0.022. Lowering this value makes the mouse slower when turning from side to side, while raising this value makes mouse turning from side to side faster. 
  • sensitivity — having a default value of 11, setting this to a lower number results in a slower turning speed of the mouse. Setting this to a higher number allows for faster turning speeds, but setting it too high can cause the player to lose their bearings. This speeds up or slows both the m_pitch and m_yaw instead of being an individual command. 

Screen Commands:

  • scr_conspeed — default is 300, increasing will make the console lower and rise at a faster rate, while lowering will slow the console’s movement.
  • scr_ofsx # — default is 0, can be increased or decreased to offset the screen x-axis by this variable. Note that this value cannot be changed in Multiplayer.
  • scr_ofsy # — default is 0, can be increased or decreased to offset the screen y-axis by this variable. Note that this value cannot be changed in Multiplayer.
  • scr_ofsz # — default is 0, can be increased or decreased to offset the screen z-axis by this variable. Note that this value cannot be changed in Multiplayer.
  • scr_printspeed — default is 8, increasing will make text load at a faster rate, while decreasing causes the text (such as those at the end of an episode) to be displayed slower.

Server Commands:

Used for server configuration.

  • sv_aim — the default value of 0.93 gives the player a small amount of autoaim. Setting the value to 1 eliminates the autoaim, while lowering the value allows for more autoaim.
  • sv_gravity — the default is 800, setting this lower causes the player to have less gravity. 100 is similar to what is found in E1M8: Ziggurat Vertigo
  • sv_maxspeed — having a default value of 320, lowering this value causes the player to have a slower movement speed. Increasing this value causes the player to move at a faster rate.
  • sv_maxvelocity — having a default value of 2000, lowering this value causes the player to have a slower movement speed like sv_maxspeed. Unlike the aforementioned command, lowering this value will also decrease the speed of all projectiles.
  • sv_nostep — setting this to 1 causes the player to not be able to climb stairs
  • sv_stopspeed — default is 100, lowering causes the player to slide more whilst increasing allows the player to stop moving immediately.
  • changelevel — changes the level to the specified map, similar to the map command. Unlike the latter, the player preserves their state (such as health and weapons).
  • deathmatch — setting this value to 1 and restarting or changing the level will result in the game switching to deathmatch mode.
  • edgefriction — having a default of 2, lowering this value will cause less friction to exist on edges (meaning it is easier to walk off a surface to a lower level) while raising this value will make it harder to walk off edges.
  • fraglimit # — determines the amount of kills necessary to win a deathmatch game.
  • map — the current level can be changed to the map typed, but unlike the changelevel command the player is reverted to the default state of 100 health and only an Axe and Shotgun.
  • noexit — default is 0, setting this to 1 will cause any player that tries to step into a Level Exit to get killed with the death message — «Player» tried to leave. Setting this to 2 will cause similar results to 1, with the main difference being the ability to leave Introduction.
  • pausable — default is 1, setting this to 0 forbids players from pausing the game
  • samelevel — setting this to 1 causes the level to restart upon attempting to leave the level.
  • skill — sets the current Difficulty, 0 being the easiest and 3 being the hardest.
  • teamplay # — default is 0, setting this variable to 1 will allow players on the same team to not injure each other. Teams are decided by the color of the pants, meaning both players must have the same color pants to be considered to be part of the same team.
  • timelimit # — default is 0, setting this variable higher will specify the amount of time the players have until the level is completed.

Sound options:

  • ambient_level — Default value is 0.3. Lowering this decreases the volume of ambient sounds.
  • bgmvolume — default is 1.0, setting this lower causes the volume of the music to decrease. 0 is muted.
  • cd on — Turns on music system after using cd off command. Note that music will not start playing again until a track is requested.
  • cd off — Shuts off music system.
  • cd info — States the currently playing track, the number of tracks on the CD, and the volume.
  • cd loop — Similar to cd play, this loops the specified track so that it will continue playing until stopped or changed.
  • cd play — Plays a specified track (by track number).
  • cd reset — Restarts music
  • cd stop — Stops a track.
  • nosound — setting this to 1 eliminates all sounds besides ambient noises.
  • snd_show — setting this to 1 causes the number of sounds being played to be displayed and updated constantly.
  • soundinfo — Various information about sound is displayed including if a stereo output is being used, information about the samples, the playback speed, and the address for the DMA buffer which is used to bypass the CPU for real-time applications.
  • volume — raising this value to 1 will put the game at maximum volume, lowering this value to be between 0 and 1 will lower the volume, whilst 0 will mute the game.

Video Commands:

  • vid_describecurrentmode — displays the current resolution and color depth.
  • vid_describemodes — gives a list of the different display resolutions in the console.
  • vid_mode — changes the resolution to a defined preset. Note that GLQuake requires the resolution specified via the target line, meaning this will do nothing in said source port.
  • vid_nummodes — displays the number of different display resolutions that exist.
  • viewsize # — default is 100. Allows the player to set the exact size of the screen they wish, larger increases (hides the HUD) while smaller decreases.


  • bf — causes a background flash, the effect used when an item is picked up.
  • centerview — realigns the view of the player to the center of the screen. Does not work with mouselook, instead force_centerview must be used.
  • echo — when used a text value, will say said value in the Console. This can be useful with bound keys or aliases that might otherwise lack a visible change to say said action had occurred.
  • entities — displays a list of entities in the current level, showing specific coordinates and the .MDL files used.
  • exec — when used with the name of a script file, the file will be run by Quake. This causes an effect similar to the autoexec.cfg file, which can be created to preload commands instead of needing to use the exec command each time the game is started.
  • force_centerview — realigns the player’s viewing angle to the default, unlike centerview this can be used even with mouselook present.
  • help — displays the help menu
  • load — loads a .sav file based on the value after the command
  • path — displays in the console the folder paths being used by the game, ID1 is always loaded whilst extra pak0 files might be loaded if playing a mod.
  • quit — exits the game.
  • registered — setting this to 1 causes the shareware version of Quake to behave like registered. This will allow the doors to Episodes 2, 3 and 4 to open as they do in the full version of the game, yet stepping onto the Slipgates will cause the game to crash because the level data for these Episodes are missing.
  • restart — similar to"kill but without a suicide message.
  • save — saves an .sav file based on the value given after the command.
  • screenshot — Takes a screenshot of the current screen, it’s recommended to bind a key to this action, otherwise the console will be also taken along with the screen.
  • showpause — having a default value of 1, setting this to 0 will hide the pause box from being displayed when the game is paused.
  • showturtle — having a default value of 0, setting this to 1 will display a turtle icon when the game drops below 10 FPS. 
  • sizedown — Decreases the size of the screen.
  • sizeup — Increases the size of the screen.
  • slist — displays a list of currently accessible servers.
  • status — displays server information such as players, map, hostname, and frags.
  • tell # # — sends a whisper to a specific player, the name is specified by the first variable. The second variable is simply the message itself. For example, Tell Player Hi would send a whisper to Player saying «Player Hi»
  • toggleconsole — Toggles the console on or off.
  • togglemenu — Toggles the main menu on or off. Note this will not work if the user is in the console, meaning it needs to be bound to a key.
  • unbind — used in conjunction with a button to get rid of key bindings.
  • unbindall — used to immediately get rid of any key bindings besides the escape key.
  • v_kickpitch — default is 0.6. The lower the number the less the player’s view moves vertically after shot, while the higher the number the more displaced the player will be upon injury.
  • v_kickroll — default is 0.6. The lower the number the less the player’s view moves horizontally after shot, while the higher the number the more displaced the player will be upon injury.
  • v_kicktime — default is 0.5. The lower the number the less time the player’s view is moved by v_kickpitch and v_kickroll. The higher the number the greater the time.
  • version — gives the date and version number of the .exe file.

Target Properties

Note that it is possible to use any console command as a target property by adding a + before the console command. This section shall therefore focus on the values specific to the target property line, these can often be determined by the necessary usage of - before the target command.

  • dinput — Allows the player to use direct input for their mouse. Note that this tends to cause problems with the mousewheel.
  • game — Used in combination with a folder name to load the files within the folder, used with Add-ons.
  • nocdaudio # — Setting this to 1 will deactivate the music
  • nomouse # — Setting this to 1 will deactivate the mouse
  • nosound # — Setting this to 1 will deactivate all sounds
  • port# — Specifies the specific port that the game should be run on instead of the default *26000#
  • winmem # — Allows a specific amount of memory to be allowed for general gameplay.
  • zone # — Allows a specific amount of memory to be allowed to console scripts.

GLQuake Additions


  • gl_affinemodels — By default set to 0, setting this to 1 deactivates the textures autocorrecting on models (which is done to fix persective) and increases performance.
  • gl_doubleeys — By default set to 1, setting to 0 makes this setting like the software mode. GLQuake had difficulty rendering eyes in comparison to the software engine and tried to fix the problem by doubling the size of the eyes.
  • gl_finish — By default set to 0. Setting it to 1 causes a gl_finish to be added after each frame, which basically requires the cpu to wait for the gpu to prevent lag.
  • gl_flashblend — By default set to 1 for performance, altering this changes how dynamic lights are rendered. Setting this to 0 sets it to be similar to the software mode, which many individuals believe is better. The new mode creates a bright sphere around the environment based on the color of the light instead of trying to light the world around it. Setting this to 2 makes it so the light only appears when the center of the light is visible.
  • gl_keeptjunctions — By default set to 0 for better performance, setting to 1 increases the number of vertices that can exist on the same plane and gets rid of a few blinking pixels that might be seen on the screen.
  • gl_picmip — By default set to 0 for best quality. This controls the rendering quality of the maps, with 1 to 3 getting progressively more blurry but also giving better performance.
  • gl_playermip — By default set to 0 for best quality. This controls the rendering quality of the player models, with 1 to 3 getting progressively more blurry but also giving better performance.
  • gl_texturemode — The default texture mode is GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST. GL_NEAREST is used to optimize performance, while GL_LINEAR uses interlopation to improve textures. Each has two different types of _MIPMAPs, _NEAREST and _LINEAR, that try to increase the look of faraway objects. _NEAREST attempts to do this by washing out textures to eliminate pixels, while _LINEAR tries to keep the quality of the pixels and render them from far distances.
  • gl_triplebuffer — By default set to 1. Set to 0 to deactivate triple buffering, which might not be compatible with older graphics cards.
  • gl_ztrick — By default set to 1. The Z buffer, used to determine spacial relativity, is prevented from being refreshed by being buffered. By setting it to 0 it turns off this buffer, which can be useful for hardware that causes the status bar and console to flash every other second.
  • r_dynamic — setting this to 0 deactivates dynamic lights such as flickering lights.
  • r_mirroralpha — default is 1, lowering this value allows glass to reflect the image of the player. This also tends to cause sound problems in various maps, most notably E1M5.
  • r_novis — default is 0, setting this to 1 allows the world to be pre-rendered instead of being rendered in real time. In the base game this is rarely noticeable, with the greatest change being that it is required to see through liquids. If r_wateralpha is activated the Water becomes transparent but until r_novis is set to 1 the player will not be able to see what is beyond the water (such as brushes or objects).
  • r_shadows — setting this to 1 renders shadows underneath actors
  • r_wateralpha — having a default value of 1, lowering this value to a decimal allows Water and other liquids to appear transparent.


  • conheight # — Height of the console, status bar, text, weapon display, and HUD.
  • conwidth # — Width of the console, status bar, text, weapon display, and HUD.
  • heapsize # — Allows a specific amount of memory to be allowed for general gameplay.
  • height # — Height of the display resolution.
  • width # — Width of the display resolution.

This article appeared in Quake  

Console Commands are a alternative form of altering options of the game such as respective input keys and commands by using the Console, some settings can only be altered from there. Using the console is a requisite in order to use cheats.

In order to make use of these commands it’s necessary to bring up the console first, most of the commands can only be used when the game is already started. Bringing up the console is simple and there are two ways for making use of it, the most simple although recommended way being going into the options menu and selecting the «goto console» option. The quicker way is by pressing the respective key located below the ESC key, if such key is not present or not working, its possible to workaround this by going over to the console from the options menu and inputing the following command: bind <your desired key here> toggleconsole. This way you can activate the console from the desired input key.

NOTE: All commands are case-insensitive and without quotations. Some codes are exclusive to one Source port, such as the gl codes (controlling OpenGL) existing for only GLQuake.

Basic Movement:

These are used for basic movement, most of these can be changed from the menu. The use of +mlook from the console is considered a glitch and a workaround to having to press the middle mouse button in order to freelook, this is due to the fact that when Quake was originally released, mouse and similiar devices were difficult to afford. By the time that QuakeWorld was released however, the use of mouse devices began to increase. And players in turn discovered the use of the +mlook key.

  • +attack and -attack — When attack is active the player is firing their current weapon.
  • +back and -back — When back is active the player is moving backwards.
  • +forward and -forward — When forward is active the player is moving forward.
  • +jump and -jump — When jump is active the player jumps.
  • +klook and -klook — When klook is active forward and back become lookup and lookdown.
  • +left and -left — When left is active the player is turning left.
  • +lookdown and -lookdown — When lookdown is active the player’s view is moving down.
  • +lookup and -lookup — When lookup is active the player’s view is moving up.
  • +mlook and -mlook — When mlook is active moving the mouse forwards and backwards performs a lookup and lookdown respectively.
  • +movedown and -movedown — When movedown is active the player is swimming down in a liquid.
  • +moveleft and -moveleft — When moveleft is active the player is strafing left.
  • +moveright and -moveright — When moveright is active the player is strafing right.
  • +moveup and -moveup — When moveup is active the player is swimming up in a liquid.
  • +right and -right — When right is active the player is turning right.
  • +showscores and -showscores — When showscores is active in Single Player mode the current level stats are shown on the status bar. In Multiplayer mode the current frags are shown on the full screen.
  • +speed and -speed — +speed and -speed — When speed is active the player is running. this has no effects when always run is turned on, however due to a a glitch on the original always run movement code, strafing speed, turning and acceleration are not affected by the always run option, though not very noticeable. Using +speed from the console or by a custom config file is rather recommended.
  • +strafe and -strafe — When strafe is active left and right function as +moveleft and +moveright strafing in that direction.
  • +use and -use — Completely useless in the vanilla game, deprecated use function from the days of Doom. 


  • developer — setting this value to 1 will start a constant output of data about the level as it is rendered. Useful for finding bugs that exist in the game.
  • entities — displays a list of entities in the current level, showing specific coordinates and the .MDL files used.
  • fly — the player can fly instead of walk, the method is quite complicated as pressing the swimup and swimdown keys are required in order to go up and down respectively.
  • give # — give weapon number #; doesn’t give corresponding ammo. For example, give 3 will give you the Double-Barrelled Shotgun
  • give X ### — give ### of X; X can be S (Shells), N (Nails), R (Rockets), C (Cells), or H (Health).  The ammo counter can only go as high as 255, meaning players with more ammo will appear to have less ammo than they honestly have (it overlaps, meaning after firing at an ammo count of 0 it will go back to 255). If the player picks up any type of ammo dropped by an enemy, all ammo amounts will revert back to the maximum obtainable without console commands (for example, if the player has 255 nails and picks up a drop, they will have 200 nails). The player can have up to 294911 health, afterwards their view will turn sideways and they will appear to be dead. It is still possible for the player to move around and finish the level in this angle, though if the player is injured enough to go below 294912 their view will be immediately corrected. Note also that Health over 100 will only last for the duration of the level, similar to the effects of the 100 Health powerup.
  • give health — «kills» the player (the player can still jump and shoot, but cannot move and is lying on their side). This happens because the game reads the first letter on the setence first which is h, and then reads ealth for the value.
  • god — the player becomes invincible
  • kill — restarts the current level by killing the player.
  • noclip — similar to fly, but the player can also move through solid objects, such as walls
  • notarget — Monsters cannot target the player


  • impulse -1 or impulse 255 — the player receives Quad Damage
  • impulse 1 to impulse 8 — selects the corresponding weapon.
  • impulse 9 or impulse 265 — the player receives all weapons at full ammo, as well as both keys
  • impulse 10 — selects the next weapon
  • impulse 11 — One Rune; repeat 4 times to get all 4 runes
    • Note: If you use this code more than once, you need to exit and re-enter the console after every usage, otherwise you will always receive only 1 rune.
    • There is a glitch regarding the runes. A player can find that runes that she or he has completed an episode can disappear which means that she or he would have to redo an Episode. To avoid such a distressing replay, this code is perfect to get back those runes.
  • impulse 12 — selects the previous weapon

Client-side Commands:

  • _cl_color — Cvar (console variable) used by server when signing into a multiplayer game. Players should use the color function as using this variable directly can result in the new colors not being recognized by the server until a refresh (such as a map change or a reconnection). This means that only the player will see the new colors if they use this command.
  • _cl_name — Cvar (console variable) used by server when signing into a multiplayer game. Players should use the name function as using this variable directly can result in the new name not being recognized by the server until a refresh (such as a map change or a reconnection). This means that only the player will see the new name if they use this command.
  • cl_backspeed — has a default of 200 when always run is turned off 400 when turned on, lowering this value slows the player’s speed of movement when moving forwards. The +speed command is directly affected by this.
  • cl_bob — having a default of 0.02, setting this to a lower or higher value causes the weapon bob as the player walks to become less or more noticeable respectively
  • cl_bobcycle — having a default of 0.6, this value controls the time it takes for a weapon to bob. A lower value will bob more rapidly, while a higher value will bob less frequently. While both this and cl_bobup control the frequency of the bob, this controls the time and therefore works exponentially (meaning values are more extreme).
  • cl_bobup — having a default of 0.5, this value controls the frequency that the weapon bobs. A lower value will bob more rapidly, while a higher value will bob less frequently.
  • cl_forwardspeed — has a default of 200 when always run is turned off 400 when turned on, lowering this value slows the player’s speed of movement when moving forwards. The +speed command is directly affected by this.
  • cl_movespeedkey — having a default of 2, lowering this value slows the speed that the player runs when holding down the run key. Does not control the speed of autorun.
  • cl_rollangle — having a default of 2 (meaning it is somewhat marginal), the angle that the camera tilts to when the player moves to a side. With a lower value the tilt is less extreme, with a higher value the tilt is more extreme.
  • cl_rollspeed — having a default of 200, lowering this value will cause the roll to appear at a lower value (0 meaning the roll is always on unless the player switches to the opposite side), whilst raising will cause the roll to appear at a higher value and might make it so that the roll might not appear with a large enough value.
  • cl_sidespeed — having a default of 350, lowering this value slows the player’s speed of movement when strafing
  • cl_upspeed — having a default of 200, lowering this value slows the player’s speed when using the up and down movement keys.
  • alias # "X; Y; Z" — Shortens a string of commands into a single alias command. # represents the name of the command that the player will use, simply typing this command in the future will cause the string of commands to be performed. "X; Y; Z" represents the string of commands, which must be written in quotations. Each command is separated from each other by a semicolon. To clear the command, simply type the alias and command name without adding a string of commands. For example: alias weapons «impulse 9». Refer to this page for advanced usage of this command.
  • begin — Part of the Quake client/server protocol. When the client is ready to begin updating messages this command is sent. This command will state «Not valid from Console» if trying to run it manually.
  • bind — used in conjunction with a button to specify the function of the button (any previous function set for the button in the configuration menu will be eliminated to make room for the new function). You can for example, quickly swap to the Rocket Launcher by using the following command: bind q «impulse 7». Refer to this page for advanced usage of this command.
  • clear — clears all console messages
  • cmdline — displays the values of the target property line
  • color — used with a number between 1 and 13 for various presets of the color of the player’s shirt and pants.
  • crosshair — setting this value to 1 displays a crosshair
  • fov # — changes the field of view, or how much the player can see to their sides, using fov 97 or fov 110 is recommended for widescreen displays.
  • messagemode2 — makes a prompt for the player to send a message to their team members.
  • name — changes the player’s name to the variables typed after the command, «name Ranger».
  • pause — pauses/unpauses the game.
  • ping — sends request packets to the server to test the connection. A bug fixed by unofficial modern engines involved the client’s connection being accepted but no packets being sent to the server due to problems with NAT. In WinQuake, GLQuake, and vanilla Quake if the client encounters this they can use this command to start sending packets (which allows them to enter the server).
  • say # — sends a message to other players.
  • skill — sets the current Difficulty, 0 being the easiest and 3 being the hardest.

Demo Playback and Recording:

  • demos — cycles through the game Demos, which by default are the three .dem files of E1M3: the Necropolis, E1M4: the Grisly Grotto, and E1M6: The Door to Chthon loaded at startup.
  • playdemo # — plays the specified demo file, like the three loaded upon startup. All demos are saved in the game folder as .dem files.
  • record # # — records a demo which is saved as a .dem file (like the three that play on startup). The first variable after the command specifies the name of the file. The second variable specifies the map, which loads the map and is required as the game cannot demo levels already in progress.
  • stop — stops the recording of a demo.
  • stopdemo — stops the playback of a demo.
  • timedemo # — plays a demo as a test to determine the frames per second, which is shown at the end of the demo to show how fast the game is able to display images on the screen.

Graphic Commands:

  • d_mipscale — has a default of 1, only exists in the original DOS executable. To save on drawing distance, objects in the distance are more blurred by default, setting this to 0 will result in more RAM being used. 
  • r_drawflat — Default 0, setting this to 1 will replace all textures with flat, unshaded, solid colors on every surface. Useful for analyzing geometry.
  • r_drawentities — setting this to 0 hides any models such as weapons, enemies, or doors. 
  • r_draworder — setting this to 1 allows the player to see through solid brushes, somewhat like x-ray vision.
  • r_drawviewmodel — setting this to 0 hides the Weapon.
  • r_fullbright — setting this to 1 causes all surfaces of a level to be completely lit up
  • r_maxedges — Only exists in the original DOS executable. The maximum number of brush edges that can be shown. Set to a default of 2400. Can be increased to reduce graphical issues in large open areas on custom levels.
  • r_maxsurfs — Only exists in the original DOS executable. The maximum number of brush surfaces that can be shown. Set to a default of 800. Can be increased to reduce graphical issues in large open areas on custom levels.
  • r_numedges — Only exists in the original DOS executable. Set by default to 0, changing this to 1 will continually report the number of edges being used and how close it is to the maximum. Useful to determine if r_maxedges needs to be increased.
  • r_numsurfs — Only exists in the original DOS executable. Set by default to 0, changing this to 1 will continually report the number of surfaces being used and how close it is to the maximum. Useful to determine if r_maxsurfs needs to be increased.
  • gamma # — Changes the brightness to this value from the default of 0. Smaller numbers are brighter, larger numbers are darker. It is advisable to go down by small increments, a large change can make it difficult to see the screen. Note that brightness is broken in GLQuake and thus the gamma will not change appearance regardless of the value set.

Menu Commands:

  • menu_keys — displays the customize controls menu
  • menu_load — displays the load menu
  • menu_main — displays the main menu
  • menu_multiplayer — displays the Multiplayer menu
  • menu_options — displays the options menu
  • menu_save — displays the save menu
  • menu_setup — displays the Multiplayer setup menu
  • menu_singleplayer — displays the Single Player menu
  • menu_quit — displays the quit menu
  • menu_video — displays the video options menu

Mouse Commands:

  • lookspring # — setting this to 0 turns lookspring off. Lookspring causes the player to move forward or backwards with the mouse.
  • lookstrafe # — setting this to 0 turns lookstrafe off. Lookstrafe causes the player to move side to side with the mouse.
  • m_filter — default is 0, setting this to 1 activates mouse smoothing.
  • m_forward — default is 1, lowering this makes the player move slower when moving forwards and backwards with the mouse (Lookspring). 
  • m_pitch — default is 0.022. Raising this value makes the player look up and down faster, while lowering this value makes the player look up and down slower (Mouselook). A negative value is used to invert mouselook.
  • m_side — default is 0.8, lowering this makes the player move slower when strafing with the mouse (Lookstrafe).
  • m_yaw — default is 0.022. Lowering this value makes the mouse slower when turning from side to side, while raising this value makes mouse turning from side to side faster. 
  • sensitivity — having a default value of 11, setting this to a lower number results in a slower turning speed of the mouse. Setting this to a higher number allows for faster turning speeds, but setting it too high can cause the player to lose their bearings. This speeds up or slows both the m_pitch and m_yaw instead of being an individual command. 

Screen Commands:

  • scr_conspeed — default is 300, increasing will make the console lower and rise at a faster rate, while lowering will slow the console’s movement.
  • scr_ofsx # — default is 0, can be increased or decreased to offset the screen x-axis by this variable. Note that this value cannot be changed in Multiplayer.
  • scr_ofsy # — default is 0, can be increased or decreased to offset the screen y-axis by this variable. Note that this value cannot be changed in Multiplayer.
  • scr_ofsz # — default is 0, can be increased or decreased to offset the screen z-axis by this variable. Note that this value cannot be changed in Multiplayer.
  • scr_printspeed — default is 8, increasing will make text load at a faster rate, while decreasing causes the text (such as those at the end of an episode) to be displayed slower.

Server Commands:

Used for server configuration.

  • sv_aim — the default value of 0.93 gives the player a small amount of autoaim. Setting the value to 1 eliminates the autoaim, while lowering the value allows for more autoaim.
  • sv_gravity — the default is 800, setting this lower causes the player to have less gravity. 100 is similar to what is found in E1M8: Ziggurat Vertigo
  • sv_maxspeed — having a default value of 320, lowering this value causes the player to have a slower movement speed. Increasing this value causes the player to move at a faster rate.
  • sv_maxvelocity — having a default value of 2000, lowering this value causes the player to have a slower movement speed like sv_maxspeed. Unlike the aforementioned command, lowering this value will also decrease the speed of all projectiles.
  • sv_nostep — setting this to 1 causes the player to not be able to climb stairs
  • sv_stopspeed — default is 100, lowering causes the player to slide more whilst increasing allows the player to stop moving immediately.
  • changelevel — changes the level to the specified map, similar to the map command. Unlike the latter, the player preserves their state (such as health and weapons).
  • deathmatch — setting this value to 1 and restarting or changing the level will result in the game switching to deathmatch mode.
  • edgefriction — having a default of 2, lowering this value will cause less friction to exist on edges (meaning it is easier to walk off a surface to a lower level) while raising this value will make it harder to walk off edges.
  • fraglimit # — determines the amount of kills necessary to win a deathmatch game.
  • map — the current level can be changed to the map typed, but unlike the changelevel command the player is reverted to the default state of 100 health and only an Axe and Shotgun.
  • noexit — default is 0, setting this to 1 will cause any player that tries to step into a Level Exit to get killed with the death message — «Player» tried to leave. Setting this to 2 will cause similar results to 1, with the main difference being the ability to leave Introduction.
  • pausable — default is 1, setting this to 0 forbids players from pausing the game
  • samelevel — setting this to 1 causes the level to restart upon attempting to leave the level.
  • skill — sets the current Difficulty, 0 being the easiest and 3 being the hardest.
  • teamplay # — default is 0, setting this variable to 1 will allow players on the same team to not injure each other. Teams are decided by the color of the pants, meaning both players must have the same color pants to be considered to be part of the same team.
  • timelimit # — default is 0, setting this variable higher will specify the amount of time the players have until the level is completed.

Sound options:

  • ambient_level — Default value is 0.3. Lowering this decreases the volume of ambient sounds.
  • bgmvolume — default is 1.0, setting this lower causes the volume of the music to decrease. 0 is muted.
  • cd on — Turns on music system after using cd off command. Note that music will not start playing again until a track is requested.
  • cd off — Shuts off music system.
  • cd info — States the currently playing track, the number of tracks on the CD, and the volume.
  • cd loop — Similar to cd play, this loops the specified track so that it will continue playing until stopped or changed.
  • cd play — Plays a specified track (by track number).
  • cd reset — Restarts music
  • cd stop — Stops a track.
  • nosound — setting this to 1 eliminates all sounds besides ambient noises.
  • snd_show — setting this to 1 causes the number of sounds being played to be displayed and updated constantly.
  • soundinfo — Various information about sound is displayed including if a stereo output is being used, information about the samples, the playback speed, and the address for the DMA buffer which is used to bypass the CPU for real-time applications.
  • volume — raising this value to 1 will put the game at maximum volume, lowering this value to be between 0 and 1 will lower the volume, whilst 0 will mute the game.

Video Commands:

  • vid_describecurrentmode — displays the current resolution and color depth.
  • vid_describemodes — gives a list of the different display resolutions in the console.
  • vid_mode — changes the resolution to a defined preset. Note that GLQuake requires the resolution specified via the target line, meaning this will do nothing in said source port.
  • vid_nummodes — displays the number of different display resolutions that exist.
  • viewsize # — default is 100. Allows the player to set the exact size of the screen they wish, larger increases (hides the HUD) while smaller decreases.


  • bf — causes a background flash, the effect used when an item is picked up.
  • centerview — realigns the view of the player to the center of the screen. Does not work with mouselook, instead force_centerview must be used.
  • echo — when used a text value, will say said value in the Console. This can be useful with bound keys or aliases that might otherwise lack a visible change to say said action had occurred.
  • entities — displays a list of entities in the current level, showing specific coordinates and the .MDL files used.
  • exec — when used with the name of a script file, the file will be run by Quake. This causes an effect similar to the autoexec.cfg file, which can be created to preload commands instead of needing to use the exec command each time the game is started.
  • force_centerview — realigns the player’s viewing angle to the default, unlike centerview this can be used even with mouselook present.
  • help — displays the help menu
  • load — loads a .sav file based on the value after the command
  • path — displays in the console the folder paths being used by the game, ID1 is always loaded whilst extra pak0 files might be loaded if playing a mod.
  • quit — exits the game.
  • registered — setting this to 1 causes the shareware version of Quake to behave like registered. This will allow the doors to Episodes 2, 3 and 4 to open as they do in the full version of the game, yet stepping onto the Slipgates will cause the game to crash because the level data for these Episodes are missing.
  • restart — similar to"kill but without a suicide message.
  • save — saves an .sav file based on the value given after the command.
  • screenshot — Takes a screenshot of the current screen, it’s recommended to bind a key to this action, otherwise the console will be also taken along with the screen.
  • showpause — having a default value of 1, setting this to 0 will hide the pause box from being displayed when the game is paused.
  • showturtle — having a default value of 0, setting this to 1 will display a turtle icon when the game drops below 10 FPS. 
  • sizedown — Decreases the size of the screen.
  • sizeup — Increases the size of the screen.
  • slist — displays a list of currently accessible servers.
  • status — displays server information such as players, map, hostname, and frags.
  • tell # # — sends a whisper to a specific player, the name is specified by the first variable. The second variable is simply the message itself. For example, Tell Player Hi would send a whisper to Player saying «Player Hi»
  • toggleconsole — Toggles the console on or off.
  • togglemenu — Toggles the main menu on or off. Note this will not work if the user is in the console, meaning it needs to be bound to a key.
  • unbind — used in conjunction with a button to get rid of key bindings.
  • unbindall — used to immediately get rid of any key bindings besides the escape key.
  • v_kickpitch — default is 0.6. The lower the number the less the player’s view moves vertically after shot, while the higher the number the more displaced the player will be upon injury.
  • v_kickroll — default is 0.6. The lower the number the less the player’s view moves horizontally after shot, while the higher the number the more displaced the player will be upon injury.
  • v_kicktime — default is 0.5. The lower the number the less time the player’s view is moved by v_kickpitch and v_kickroll. The higher the number the greater the time.
  • version — gives the date and version number of the .exe file.

Target Properties

Note that it is possible to use any console command as a target property by adding a + before the console command. This section shall therefore focus on the values specific to the target property line, these can often be determined by the necessary usage of - before the target command.

  • dinput — Allows the player to use direct input for their mouse. Note that this tends to cause problems with the mousewheel.
  • game — Used in combination with a folder name to load the files within the folder, used with Add-ons.
  • nocdaudio # — Setting this to 1 will deactivate the music
  • nomouse # — Setting this to 1 will deactivate the mouse
  • nosound # — Setting this to 1 will deactivate all sounds
  • port# — Specifies the specific port that the game should be run on instead of the default *26000#
  • winmem # — Allows a specific amount of memory to be allowed for general gameplay.
  • zone # — Allows a specific amount of memory to be allowed to console scripts.

GLQuake Additions


  • gl_affinemodels — By default set to 0, setting this to 1 deactivates the textures autocorrecting on models (which is done to fix persective) and increases performance.
  • gl_doubleeys — By default set to 1, setting to 0 makes this setting like the software mode. GLQuake had difficulty rendering eyes in comparison to the software engine and tried to fix the problem by doubling the size of the eyes.
  • gl_finish — By default set to 0. Setting it to 1 causes a gl_finish to be added after each frame, which basically requires the cpu to wait for the gpu to prevent lag.
  • gl_flashblend — By default set to 1 for performance, altering this changes how dynamic lights are rendered. Setting this to 0 sets it to be similar to the software mode, which many individuals believe is better. The new mode creates a bright sphere around the environment based on the color of the light instead of trying to light the world around it. Setting this to 2 makes it so the light only appears when the center of the light is visible.
  • gl_keeptjunctions — By default set to 0 for better performance, setting to 1 increases the number of vertices that can exist on the same plane and gets rid of a few blinking pixels that might be seen on the screen.
  • gl_picmip — By default set to 0 for best quality. This controls the rendering quality of the maps, with 1 to 3 getting progressively more blurry but also giving better performance.
  • gl_playermip — By default set to 0 for best quality. This controls the rendering quality of the player models, with 1 to 3 getting progressively more blurry but also giving better performance.
  • gl_texturemode — The default texture mode is GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST. GL_NEAREST is used to optimize performance, while GL_LINEAR uses interlopation to improve textures. Each has two different types of _MIPMAPs, _NEAREST and _LINEAR, that try to increase the look of faraway objects. _NEAREST attempts to do this by washing out textures to eliminate pixels, while _LINEAR tries to keep the quality of the pixels and render them from far distances.
  • gl_triplebuffer — By default set to 1. Set to 0 to deactivate triple buffering, which might not be compatible with older graphics cards.
  • gl_ztrick — By default set to 1. The Z buffer, used to determine spacial relativity, is prevented from being refreshed by being buffered. By setting it to 0 it turns off this buffer, which can be useful for hardware that causes the status bar and console to flash every other second.
  • r_dynamic — setting this to 0 deactivates dynamic lights such as flickering lights.
  • r_mirroralpha — default is 1, lowering this value allows glass to reflect the image of the player. This also tends to cause sound problems in various maps, most notably E1M5.
  • r_novis — default is 0, setting this to 1 allows the world to be pre-rendered instead of being rendered in real time. In the base game this is rarely noticeable, with the greatest change being that it is required to see through liquids. If r_wateralpha is activated the Water becomes transparent but until r_novis is set to 1 the player will not be able to see what is beyond the water (such as brushes or objects).
  • r_shadows — setting this to 1 renders shadows underneath actors
  • r_wateralpha — having a default value of 1, lowering this value to a decimal allows Water and other liquids to appear transparent.


  • conheight # — Height of the console, status bar, text, weapon display, and HUD.
  • conwidth # — Width of the console, status bar, text, weapon display, and HUD.
  • heapsize # — Allows a specific amount of memory to be allowed for general gameplay.
  • height # — Height of the display resolution.
  • width # — Width of the display resolution.

  • #1

how do I set 1280×960 in GlQuake?

also, how do I run a timedemo?

thanks :)

  • #2

glquake.exe -width 1280 -height 960 in the command line (create shortcut to desktop, add it in)

timedemo demo1 (in console ) will run demo1


1280×960 isn’t available… :(


Platinum Member

  • #3

c:quake>glquake.exe -width 960 -height 1280

It could be the other way around for the numbers, I always forget.


  • #4

width is always the bigger number

  • #5

Speaking of GL Quake… Has anyone taken the source and cleaned it up or improved it since iD dropped it all those years ago :)
Where might I find new version(s)?

I’m feeling nostalgic (sp?) :)


  • #6

Ahh, Quake. The best computer game ever made.

Yes people have taken the source code and made it MUCH, MUCH MUCH better!!


adjustable fog, smoother animations and more!!!

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Модераторы: Letun, GothMan, KuzMich


Сообщения: 4
Зарегистрирован: 04.04.2003 12:36
Откуда: Ессентуки
Контактная информация:


Народ помощь нужна!
Где взять GKQuake I для карт от nVIDIA???
Для Voodoo везде завались а нужной я что-то найти не могу!


Сообщения: 3189
Зарегистрирован: 01.01.1970 3:00
Контактная информация:


andser » 12.04.2003 23:58

Бери ту, что ты называешь «для voodoo», и после ее установки, удали файл opengl32.dll из каталога с игрой.


Сообщения: 490
Зарегистрирован: 01.01.1970 3:00
Откуда: Из края вечной зимы
Контактная информация:


Xentrix » 14.04.2003 11:11

Нихрена там не надо удалять — просто во время установки в инсталляхе не отмечай галочкой опцию «Установить мини-порт для 3Dfx» (ясен пень, там эта надпись на английском) :) — этот opengl32.dll и есть тот самый мини-порт — по сути — враппер glide-to-openGL.


Сообщения: 4
Зарегистрирован: 04.04.2003 12:36
Откуда: Ессентуки
Контактная информация:


defuz0r » 14.04.2003 15:08

И всё таки andser был прав !
Спасибо всем за помощь!

Brutal Punk

Сообщения: 865
Зарегистрирован: 01.01.1970 3:00
Откуда: ОТТУДА
Контактная информация:


Brutal Punk » 20.04.2003 16:33

defuz0rКачай с нета и ставь себе версию 1,13, у тебя явно что-то кривое стоит, те времена, когда нужно было opengl32.dll удалять давно пора забыть как жуткий сон :yes:
Объясните мне кто-нибудь, люди добрыя, почему у меня в вышеозначенной кваке нет режимов для 32 бит выше 640*400, а для 16 бит все режимы? Явно ж глюк какой-то :?


Сообщения: 490
Зарегистрирован: 01.01.1970 3:00
Откуда: Из края вечной зимы
Контактная информация:


Xentrix » 21.04.2003 13:39

А это надо ручками в запускаемом ярлыке прописывать (-height 1024 -width 768 -bpp 32)

Brutal Punk

Сообщения: 865
Зарегистрирован: 01.01.1970 3:00
Откуда: ОТТУДА
Контактная информация:


Brutal Punk » 21.04.2003 14:07

Xentrix Че, правда?! А я то ж ведь никак не мог о таком подумать! :D Пишет: specified video mode not available. И в списке режимов в гаме тоже выше 640*400*32 не показывает


Сообщения: 490
Зарегистрирован: 01.01.1970 3:00
Откуда: Из края вечной зимы
Контактная информация:


Xentrix » 22.04.2003 14:39

Brutal Punk
Чё, правда? Ну уж извини, что у тебя оно криво работает… А я то ж ведь никак не мог о таком подумать…
Я вот на GLQuake 0.97 (в том самом, в котором при установке надо убрать галочку напротив «3dfx GL miniport») сижу, зато с разрешением 1280х1024 и 32бпп рублюсь… :)
А кое-кто — чересчур много знает, потому и пролетает, как стая рашпилей.

Ну да ладно — я не злой. Вот тебе решение твоей проблемы. Я могу сказать точно — ты под WinXP играешь, так? Признавайся уж :). Так вот — ставь в свойствах quake.exe совместимость с Win98/Me и все будет тип-топ — появятся у тебя 32бпп во всех разрешениях. Заранее принимаю благодарности :)

Brutal Punk

Сообщения: 865
Зарегистрирован: 01.01.1970 3:00
Откуда: ОТТУДА
Контактная информация:


Brutal Punk » 23.04.2003 0:59


Ну уж извини, что у тебя оно криво работает…

Ничеся, у мя криво работает, эта ано под виндосХР слегонца кривовато оказлыца работат, так шта запуск в совместимом с 98м режимле помогло, чиста сердечная спасиба :D

А кое-кто — чересчур много знает, потому и пролетает, как стая рашпилей.

Нифигася (скал я ся), я проста пошутковати хотел, по-прикольному, а меня так в жестокой форме втоптали кирзачами и подошвы вытерли :D, приговаривая:

Ну да ладно — я не злой




Стёпка » 28.05.2003 11:34

Ребята, попробуйте Tenebrae (или Tenebrau), на файлпланете есть. Это, насколько я понял, дальнейшее развитие GLQuake, создаваемое независимыми разработчиками.
Выглядит действительно круто. На Celeron1200/TUSL2-c/ASUS8170SE 64Mb/256 PC133 выдаёт чё-то около 11-30 fps


Сообщения: 160
Зарегистрирован: 03.06.2003 18:05
Контактная информация:


bloodyMary » 09.06.2003 16:53

А скажите на милость, нафига вам в первой кваке 32 битный цвет? Это не дает ни черта, кроме падения ФПС на видеокартах с 64бит шиной памяти. Красивше от 32ббп не станет. Только моральное удовлетворение…

ЗЫ. Первая квака — лучший шутер и нет и не будет игры ,которая его сделает!
халф-лайф1-2 etc клевые, но чего-то в них не хватает..такого..погружения, наверное…

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