Gmake error 2

I have a simulink model with a matlab function component using codegen. I am getting a syntax error call and a gmak Error 2 error (full error below). I have setup my compiler and the code builds. I...


I have a simulink model with a matlab function component using codegen. I am getting a syntax error call and a gmak Error 2 error (full error below). I have setup my compiler and the code builds. I can also run other matlab functions fine. I have also run the code gen checker and it tells me my code is ready to be generated.

I am running OSX10.9.1 and matlab 2013b. I have already done the 10.8 mex work around.

The errors don’t make any sense to me and I can’t find any examples of folks getting the same errors. Maybe it is something silly. I have no ideas. I have made sure that I can compile other matlab function blocks. I have also run the code as a stand alone m file and it works fine (with some minor modification to obviously). I have also taken the matlab function and isolated in it’s own simulink file to make sure it is the problem. It is.

Here is the error: Making simulation target «untitled_sfun», …

/Applications/ -c -O -DMATLAB_MEX_FILE -I/Applications/ -I/Applications/ -I/Applications/ -I/Applications/ -I/Applications/ -I/Applications/ untitled_sfun.c /Applications/ -c -O -DMATLAB_MEX_FILE -I/Applications/ -I/Applications/ -I/Applications/ -I/Applications/ -I/Applications/ -I/Applications/ untitled_sfun_registry.c

/Applications/ -silent LDFLAGS=»$LDFLAGS » -output untitled_sfun.mexmaci64 untitled_sfun.o untitled_sfun_registry.o /Users/russellmuren/Google Drive/(02) SunChill/Technical SunChill/SunChill CTM/slprj/_sfprj/untitled/ReboundLib/sfun/src/ReboundLib_sfun.a /Applications/ /Applications/ -L/Applications/ -lfixedpoint -L/Applications/ -lut -L/Applications/ -lemlrt -L/Applications/ -lmwmathutil -L/Applications/ -lmwblas -L/Applications/ -lippmwipt /bin/sh: -c: line 0: syntax error near unexpected token `(‘ /bin/sh: -c: line 0: `/Applications/ -silent LDFLAGS=»$LDFLAGS » -output untitled_sfun.mexmaci64 untitled_sfun.o untitled_sfun_registry.o /Users/russellmuren/Google Drive/(02) SunChill/Technical SunChill/SunChill CTM/slprj/_sfprj/untitled/ReboundLib/sfun/src/ReboundLib_sfun.a /Applications/ /Applications/ -L/Applications/ -lfixedpoint -L/Applications/ -lut -L/Applications/ -lemlrt -L/Applications/ -lmwmathutil -L/Applications/ -lmwblas -L/Applications/ -lippmwipt ‘ gmake: * [untitled_sfun.mexmaci64] Error 2

Any advise would be really helpful.

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Тема: ошибка Make — Error 2  (Прочитано 16888 раз)

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Добро всем!
Люди добрые случаем никто не знает что за ошыбка make Error 2?

я столкнулся с ней при использовании PAR  архиватора(Perl)

make catalyst_par
cp lib/BookStore/Model/ blib/lib/BookStore/Model/
cp lib/BookStore/Schema/Result/ blib/lib/BookStore/Schema/Result/
cp lib/BookStore/Schema/Result/ blib/lib/BookStore/Schema/Result/
cp lib/BookStore/Controller/ blib/lib/BookStore/Controller/
cp lib/BookStore/View/ blib/lib/BookStore/View/
cp lib/BookStore/Schema/Result/ blib/lib/BookStore/Schema/Result/
cp lib/BookStore/Schema/Result/ blib/lib/BookStore/Schema/Result/
cp lib/ blib/lib/
cp lib/BookStore/Schema/Result/ blib/lib/BookStore/Schema/Result/
cp lib/BookStore/Controller/ blib/lib/BookStore/Controller/
cp lib/BookStore/Controller/ blib/lib/BookStore/Controller/
cp lib/BookStore/ blib/lib/BookStore/
cp lib/BookStore/Schema/Result/ blib/lib/BookStore/Schema/Result/
cp lib/BookStore/Controller/ blib/lib/BookStore/Controller/
cp script/ blib/script/
/usr/bin/perl «-Iinc» -MExtUtils::MY -e ‘MY->fixin(shift)’ — blib/script/
cp script/ blib/script/
/usr/bin/perl «-Iinc» -MExtUtils::MY -e ‘MY->fixin(shift)’ — blib/script/
cp script/ blib/script/
/usr/bin/perl «-Iinc» -MExtUtils::MY -e ‘MY->fixin(shift)’ — blib/script/
cp script/ blib/script/
/usr/bin/perl «-Iinc» -MExtUtils::MY -e ‘MY->fixin(shift)’ — blib/script/
cp script/ blib/script/
/usr/bin/perl «-Iinc» -MExtUtils::MY -e ‘MY->fixin(shift)’ — blib/script/
Manifying blib/man1/
Manifying blib/man1/
Manifying blib/man1/
Manifying blib/man1/
Manifying blib/man1/
Manifying blib/man3/BookStore::Model::DB.3pm
Manifying blib/man3/BookStore::Schema::Result::BookAuthor.3pm
Manifying blib/man3/BookStore::Schema::Result::UserRole.3pm
Manifying blib/man3/BookStore::Controller::Root.3pm
Manifying blib/man3/BookStore::Schema::Result::Author.3pm
Manifying blib/man3/BookStore::Schema::Result::User.3pm
Manifying blib/man3/BookStore::Schema::Result::Role.3pm
Manifying blib/man3/BookStore.3pm
Manifying blib/man3/BookStore::Controller::Logout.3pm
Manifying blib/man3/BookStore::Schema::Result::Book.3pm
Manifying blib/man3/BookStore::Controller::Login.3pm
Manifying blib/man3/BookStore::Controller::Books.3pm
include /home/tigran/Documents/Development/perl/BookStore/inc/Module/
Writing PAR «bookstore.par»
make: *** [catalyst_par] Error 2

« Последнее редактирование: 18 Июня 2012, 14:36:35 от tiko.svyazist » -> о perl на русском



:idiot2: Ну раз обратился сюда значит google не помог -> о perl на русском


Извиняюсь, а при чем тут архиватор?

Моя мечта поставить на комп Linux, Unix, *BSD, Mac OS X, OpenSolaris, OS/2, Windows.
Не спрашивайте зачем. Сам не знаю ???


ну собственно выдается make: *** [catalyst_par] Error 2
вот я и подумал может make притом, али нет?, может PAR или PAR::Packer? может знает кто? -> о perl на русском


ну собственно выдается make: *** [catalyst_par] Error 2
вот я и подумал может make притом, али нет?, может PAR или PAR::Packer? может знает кто?


#define ENOENT           2      /* No such file or directory */


Что то я не понял, по подробней можно, а то я в Ubuntu новичок -> о perl на русском


по подробней можно

не можно ;)

коды ошибок в Linux фиксированы, их определения находятся в файле, который я показал (и ещё парочка рядом для более экзотических ошибок), ваш код: «нет такого файла или каталога».

а почему нет и какого фала в сценарии Makefile — это вам разбираться.
потому и «не можно» ;)

perlito -> о perl на русском


tiko.svyazist, ты бы отрыл что-нибудь еще более экзотическое и просил чтобы за тебя разобрались
Естественно всем влом что-то искать качать ставить разбираться
А жи-ши это так просто

задавай более конкретные вопросы. или просто найди человека который тебе это установит


Удалил сообщения не касающиеся темы, помните что не для всех пользователей форума русский язык является родным! Проявите уважения!

Тестовый репозиторий kdeNeur ppa:devcode/kdeneur

perlito -> о perl на русском

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The build fails at make step with the error:

[ 87%] Linking CXX static library libmicrosim_devices.a
[ 87%] Built target microsim_devices
[ 87%] Linking CXX static library libmicrosim.a
[ 87%] Built target microsim
make: *** [Makefile:141: all] Error 2

More information below.

cmake ../.. output:

-- CMAKE_BINARY_DIR: /home/parthj/sumo-1.6.0
-- CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR: /home/parthj/sumo-1.6.0
-- Platform: 
--     Host: Linux-3.10.0-1062.12.1.el7.x86_64 x86_64
--     Target: Linux-3.10.0-1062.12.1.el7.x86_64 x86_64
--     CMake: 3.8.2
--     CMake generator: Unix Makefiles
--     CMake build tool: /usr/bin/gmake
--     Compiler: GNU 5.4.0
-- Found Python: /cvmfs/
-- Found GTest: /cvmfs/  
-- Found Proj: /project/6019546/parthj/repos/sumo-gui-deps/proj-7.1.1/build/lib/
-- Found Fox: -L/home/parthj/projects/def-ssanner/parthj/repos/fox-1.6.57/build/lib -lFOX-1.6 -lX11 -lXext -lfreetype -lfontconfig -lXft -lXcursor -lXrender -lXrandr -lXfixes -lXi -lGL -lGLU -ldl -lpthread -lrt -ljpeg -lpng -ltiff -lz -lbz2 -lGLU -lGL
-- Warning, could not run java -version
-- Found Java: /usr/bin/java  found components:  Development 
-- Warning, could not run java -version
-- Found Java: /usr/bin/java  
-- Enabled features: Linux-3.10.0-1062.12.1.el7.x86_64 x86_64 GNU 5.4.0 Release Proj GUI SWIG GDAL FFmpeg OSG GL2PS Eigen
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/parthj/sumo-1.6.0

Below error that shows in the middle of the make process, but make process continues to progress:

<path>/sumo-1.6.0/unittest/src/utils/common/StringTokenizerTest.cpp:22:25: fatal error: gtest/gtest.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
make[2]: *** [unittest/src/utils/common/CMakeFiles/testcommon.dir/build.make:63: unittest/src/utils/common/CMakeFiles/testcommon.dir/StringTokenizerTest.cpp.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:5893: unittest/src/utils/common/CMakeFiles/testcommon.dir/all] Error 2
make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....

The make error points to line 141 of MakeFile. Clipped code from that file with line numbers as comments:

# The main all target  # 138
all: cmake_check_build_system  # 139
	$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_progress_start /home/parthj/sumo-1.6.0/CMakeFiles /home/parthj/sumo-1.6.0/CMakeFiles/progress.marks  # 140
	$(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 all  # 141
	$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_progress_start /home/parthj/sumo-1.6.0/CMakeFiles 0  # 142
.PHONY : all  # 143

Not sure where to proceed from here. Thanks.

Ran again with make -d -j$(nproc). Got the error:

[ 98%] Linking CXX executable ../../bin/testlibsumo
Reaping winning child 0x9fa370 PID 22778 
Live child 0x9fa370 (bin/testlibsumo) PID 22786 
/cvmfs/ warning:, needed by ../../tools/libsumo/, not found (try using -rpath or -rpath-link)
../../tools/libsumo/ undefined reference to `FX::FXCondition::signal()'
../../tools/libsumo/ undefined reference to `FX::FXThread::join()'
../../tools/libsumo/ undefined reference to `FX::FXCondition::FXCondition()'
../../tools/libsumo/ undefined reference to `FX::FXThread::FXThread()'
../../tools/libsumo/ undefined reference to `FX::FXMutex::unlock()'
../../tools/libsumo/ undefined reference to `FX::FXCondition::~FXCondition()'
../../tools/libsumo/ undefined reference to `FX::FXCondition::wait(FX::FXMutex&)'
../../tools/libsumo/ undefined reference to `FX::FXThread::start(unsigned long)'
../../tools/libsumo/ undefined reference to `FX::FXMutex::~FXMutex()'
../../tools/libsumo/ undefined reference to `FX::FXMutex::lock()'
../../tools/libsumo/ undefined reference to `typeinfo for FX::FXThread'
../../tools/libsumo/ undefined reference to `FX::FXThread::~FXThread()'
../../tools/libsumo/ undefined reference to `FX::FXMutex::FXMutex(unsigned char)'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Reaping losing child 0x9fa370 PID 22786 
make[2]: *** [src/traci_testclient/CMakeFiles/testlibsumo.dir/build.make:96: bin/testlibsumo] Error 1
Removing child 0x9fa370 PID 22786 from chain.
Reaping losing child 0x1492fe0 PID 22773 
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:3294: src/traci_testclient/CMakeFiles/testlibsumo.dir/all] Error 2
Removing child 0x1492fe0 PID 22773 from chain.
Released token for child 0x1492fe0 (src/traci_testclient/CMakeFiles/testlibsumo.dir/all).
make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
Live child 0x159a6f0 (src/libsumo/CMakeFiles/libsumojni.dir/all) PID 22526 
Live child 0x15916d0 (src/libsumo/CMakeFiles/_libsumo.dir/all) PID 22527 
Reaping winning child 0x17f3de0 PID 22614 
Live child 0x17f3de0 (bin/ PID 23338 
Error occurred during initialization of VM
Could not allocate metaspace: 1073741824 bytes
Reaping losing child 0x17f3de0 PID 23338 
make[2]: *** [src/libsumo/CMakeFiles/libsumojni.dir/build.make:165: bin/] Error 1
make[2]: *** Deleting file 'bin/'

Above seems error due to the fox library so adding below lines from CMakeCache.txt that represent fox paths:

//Path to a program.

//Path to a file.

//Path to a library.


0 / 0 / 0

Регистрация: 06.07.2015

Сообщений: 96


02.10.2015, 12:40. Показов 8179. Ответов 4

Метки нет (Все метки)

Работаю под Linux
При компиляции возникает ошибка:

[Makefile] Error 2

Хотя другие проекты без проблем компилируются. Помогите, пожалуйста, разобраться, в чем проблема?
Компилятора подключено 2:
GCC (x86 32bit в /usr/bin)
Правда MinGW не знаю какой файл именно подключать — их очень много в /usr/bin/.

Помощь в написании контрольных, курсовых и дипломных работ, диссертаций здесь




94731 / 64177 / 26122

Регистрация: 12.04.2006

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02.10.2015, 12:40

Ответы с готовыми решениями:

Ошибка: [Makefile] Error 3
Привет. Установил Qt, собрал профиль, но пустой проект не запускается. Помогите разобраться! см…

А что такое Makefile(ну тот который делает qmake.exe)? Что он из себя представляет? Из чего…

Makefile error2
Друзья, у меня вылезла ошибка makefile error2, не смог с ней разобраться и переустановил весь Qt….

makefile qmake
здраствуйте! столкнулся с такой вот проблемой:…


0 / 0 / 0

Регистрация: 06.07.2015

Сообщений: 96

02.10.2015, 12:47



Прилагаю архив с проектом:




02.10.2015, 13:09


Удали вручную папку билда и собирай. Если и так не соберётся, смотри консоль сборки, возможно у тебя есть ресурс, которого нет


59 / 55 / 21

Регистрация: 31.03.2014

Сообщений: 234

02.10.2015, 13:21


В этом проекте черт ногу сломит. Вы точно С++ знаете?


0 / 0 / 0

Регистрация: 06.07.2015

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02.10.2015, 13:25



Сообщение от ldir82
Посмотреть сообщение

В этом проекте черт ногу сломит. Вы точно С++ знаете?

Можно сказать, что не знаю. Это готовый пример из книги. Я только учусь



  • 1 Problems in the model
    • 1.1 The project contains ‘Unresolved Link’ blocks
  • 2 Problems during the build procedure
    • 2.1 Gmake: ***[model.obj] Error 1
    • 2.2 Gmake: *** [<modelname>.obj] Error 1
    • 2.3 Gmake: *** [clean] Error 2
  • 3 Problems with flashing
    • 3.1 Error during flash procedure with Microboot: ‘Could not clear memory..’
    • 3.2 Microboot is not started automatically after a build
  • 4 Problems with MATLAB® in general
    • 4.1 Error building model: dialog out of screen boundaries
  • 5 Problems with driver installation
    • 5.1 USB driver installation with Zadig.exe fails

Problems in the model

The project contains ‘Unresolved Link’ blocks

TroubleshootingSTM32 UnresolvedLink.png
This probably means the paths haven’t been set correctly. Make sure the current folder of MATLAB® is the same folder as where the model file (.slx) is located. Close and reopen the model file once you have set the correct directory in MATLAB®, you should see the directory ‘blockset’.
TroubleshootingSTM32 CurrentFolder.png

Alternatively to reopening the model you can run the m-script librarySetup.m after redirecting MATLAB® to the correct directory.

Problems during the build procedure

“### Real-Time Workshop build procedure for model: ‘controller_Olimexino_STM32’ aborted due to an error.”

There are a few possible errors with multiple causes during the build procedure.

Gmake: ***[model.obj] Error 1

After pressing the ‘Build model’ button or Ctrl+b the following error appears:
TroubleshootingSTM32 BuildError1.png

Possible problem:
There is a space in the folder where the model resides. Because of this the compiler cannot find the specified folder. See above: the compiler is directed to ‘targettrunkTargetcontroller_Olimexino_STM32_rtw’, this path is missing the ‘C:…” The full path was: ‘C:STM32TargettrunkTargetcontroller_Olimexino_STM32_rtw’.

Gmake: *** [<modelname>.obj] Error 1

After pressing the ‘Build model’ button (Ctrl+b) the following error appears:
TroubleshootingSTM32 BuildError2.png
Possible problem:
The ‘Simulation cache folder’ and ‘Code generation folder’ in the Simulink Preferences are not empty and not directing to the target folder.
Empty the fields ‘Simulation cache folder’ and ‘Code generation folder’ in Simulink Preferences.

Gmake: *** [clean] Error 2

After pressing the ‘Build model’ button (Ctrl+b) the following error appears:
TroubleshootingSTM32 BuildCleanError2.png

Possible problem 1:
The PATH to the GNU ARM embedded toolchain is not set correctly in the environment variables.

Go to Environment Variables by right clicking ‘My Computer’ and selecting properties -> Click ‘Advanced system settings’ -> click ‘Environment Variables …’ Select the PATH variable and click edit to check/correct the folder location to:
‘C:Program FilesGNU Tools ARM Embedded5.4 2016q2bin’.

Possible problem 2:
MATLAB® has not been run as administrator.

Run MATLAB® as administrator. See the MATLAB® installation section

Problems with flashing

Error during flash procedure with Microboot: ‘Could not clear memory..’

When trying to flash the STM32 Olimexino via CAN or USB the following error appears:
TroubleshootingSTM32 MicroBootError31.png

The model was not set up for use with the boot loader
Set ‘HANcoder_BOOTLOADER=1’ at the make command in the configuration parameters of the model. See below..
TroubleshootingSTM32 ConfigParametersButton.png

TroubleshootingSTM32 ConfigParameters.png

Microboot is not started automatically after a build

After the build procedure Microboot is not started automatically to begin the flash procedure.

Possible problem 1:
Microboot is not located in the correct directory. MATLAB® takes it’s current directory and then tries to find Microboot from there. It first goes up one level and then searches from there for /Host/MicroBoot/MicroBoot.exe. If MicroBoot.exe is not found, it cannot be started.
Place MicroBoot back in ../Host/MicroBoot relative to the current folder (directory that holds the model) or start MicroBoot manually.

Possible problem 2:
The AutoFlash function is turned off.
AutoFlash can be turned on by adding the Build settings block to the model and turning the function on in that block.

Problems with MATLAB® in general

Error building model: dialog out of screen boundaries

When starting the build procedure a dialog from HANcoder appears in the task bar but is not visible on the screen.
This is an Error that is in MATLAB® self. There has to be a ‘startup m-file’ in the beginning file of MATLAB® to prevent this from happening.
Startup MATLAB®, in the left section of the program, the current folder section, the file is shown which MATLAB® starts with. Make a new script ( in the upper left corner ).Copy the following script into the m-file and call this file startup.m

figure(‘units’,’pixels’,’position’,[680 678 560 420]);

close all;
set(0,’defaultfigureposition’,[680 678 560 420]);

From now on, MATLAB® will execute this script first when it is started. The dialog will appear in the screen from now on.

Problems with driver installation

USB driver installation with Zadig.exe fails

When the openblt.cfg file is in a path with a long name the installation can fail. Switch to Advanced mode in the Options menu of the program to check if the Openblt.cfg file can be opened.

Another recurring problem is that the target board doesn’t stay in the boot loader long enough to install the driver. The solution here is to keep the boot loader active, this procedure is different for the different targets: In the Olimexino pin D2 should be held low by placing a resistor (250 to 820 Ohm) between GND and pin D2. The boot loader in the E407 can be kept active by keeping the button (BUT) pressed while pressing and letting go the reset button. The same trick applies to the P405 but there the name of the extra button is WAKE UP.

If the above didn’t help then try going to the device manager and uninstall the current driver. Open Zadig.exe again and set it in Advanced mode. Now load the preset device by selecting the OpenBlt.cfg file. Click the ‘Install Driver’ button and check the console output for errors.

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