У вас когда-нибудь бывало такое: вы нашли интересное приложение и пытаетесь скачать его из Google Play Store, а вместо этого видите непонятное сообщение об ошибке с каким-то непонятным набором чисел? Довольно неприятная ситуация, верно? Ниже мы публикуем подборку одних из самых распространённых ошибок Google Play Store, с расшифровкой их значения и способами их решения.
Мы хотим сказать о том, что решения для ошибок, описанные ниже, основываются на опыте сотрудников одного из зарубежных интернет-сайтов, а также читателей и модераторов форума этого сайта. Некоторые их таких решений были взяты с форума популярного сайта XDA Developers.
- Google Play Store Error Processing Purchase
- Google Play Store Error Code 194
- Google Play Store Error Code 495
- Google Play Store Error Code 941
- Google Play Store Error Code rh01
- Google Play Store Error Code rpc:s-5:aec-0
- Google Play Store Error Code 504
- Google Play Store Error Code 505
- Google Play Store Error Code 491
- Google Play Store Error Code 498
- Google Play Store Error Code 919
- Google Play Store Error Code 413
- Google Play Store Error Code 921
- Google Play Package File Invalid
- Google Play Store Error Code 403
- Google Play Store Error Code 923
- Google Play Store Error Code 492
- Google Play Store Error Code 101
- Google Play Store Error Code 481
- Google Play Store Error Code 927
- Google Play Store install error Code 961
- Google Play Store Error Code 911
- Google Play Store Error Code 920
- Google Play Store Error Code -24
- Google Play Store Error Code rpc:aec:0]
- Google Play Store Error Code RPC:S-3
Google Play Store Error Processing Purchase
Ошибка Google Play Error Processing Purchase DF-BPA-09 возникает довольно часто при попытке скачать приложение. Эта проблема не исчезнет, если вы снова попытаетесь скачать приложение, поэтому вам придётся пройти в настройки.
Рассматриваемая проблема возникает, как правило, не из-за действий пользователей, а из-за особенностей работы Google Play, и мы надеемся, что в ближайшем будущем всё будет исправлено.
А сейчас вам нужно сделать следующее:
- В настройках вашего устройства нажмите на «Приложения» или «Менеджер приложений» (название зависит от конкретного девайса);
- Свайпом вызовите вкладку «Все»;
- Сделайте прокрутку вниз, пока не увидите надпись Google Services Framework;
- Далее выберите пункт «Очистка данных» и нажмите «ОК».
Если это не работает, пройдите на сайт Google Play, используя ваш ПК, и установите приложение, которое является источником проблем на вашем смартфоне или планшете. Когда вы вернётесь к девайсу, установка должна проходить, как полагается.
Google Play Store Error Code 194
Ошибка возникает при попытке скачать игры или приложения из Google Play Store.
Одним из способов решить подобную проблему будет очистка данных кэша для Google Play Services и Google Play Store.
Ваши действия:
- В настройках откройте «Приложения («Менеджер приложений»)»;
- Откройте вкладку «Все» и затем сделайте прокрутку вниз до Google Play Store;
- Откройте информацию о приложении и нажмите на иконку «Принудительная остановка»;
- Теперь вам следует нажать на иконку «Очистка данных».
После этого повторите вышеуказанные действия, с заменой Google Play Store на Google Play Services в шаге 2, далее снова попытайтесь произвести скачку игры/приложения.
Если этот способ не помог, то вам не стоит беспокоиться – в настоящее время проблема уже решена и исправление будет доступно в следующей версии приложения Play Store. Так что вам есть смысл проверить, имеете ли вы самую последнюю версию Google Play Store APK, чтобы больше у вас не возникало вышеописанной проблемы.
Google Play Store Error Code 495
Неполадки с загрузкой или обновлением приложений из Play Store.
- Удалите ваши данные Google Play Store, пройдя по схеме «Настройки>Приложения>Все> Google Play Store>Очистка данных»;
- Удалите данные из Google Services Framework (примечание: будет назначен новый Google ID для вашего устройства – как в случае проведения сброса до заводских настроек, что не исключает временных проблем с вашими Google приложениями);
- Удалите ваш Google аккаунт на ваше девайсе, затем перезагрузите его и повторно добавьте ваш Google аккаунт, используя схему «Настройки>Аккаунты>Добавить аккаунт>Google аккаунт».
Google Play Store Error Code 941
Неожиданное прерывание процесса обновления.
- В настройках откройте «Приложения», далее откройте вкладку «Все», затем откройте пункт Google Play Store и нажмите на иконку «Очистка кэша», потом нажмите на «Очистка данных». В том же самом месте сделайте прокрутку вниз до «Менеджер загрузок», после чего также нажмите на «Очистка кэша» и «Очистка данных».
- Вновь попробуйте начать процесс обновления.
Google Play Store Error Code rh01
Ошибка при получении данных с сервера.
Решение 1
В настройках найдите пункт Google Play Store и выберите оба значения «Очистка данных» и «Очистка кэша». Это же сделайте и для Google Services Framework.
Решение 2
Удалите и повторно добавьте ваш Gmail аккаунт, перезагрузите ваше устройство, и затем снова добавьте ваш Gmail аккаунт.
Google Play Store Error Code rpc:s-5:aec-0
Ошибка при получении данных с сервера.
В настройках найдите пункт Google Play Store и выберите оба значения «Очистка данных» и «Очистка кэша». Это же сделайте для «Менеджера загрузок» и Google Services Framework.
Google Play Store Error Code 504
Приложение нельзя скачать вследствие ошибки
Решение 1
Нужные действия уже были рассмотрены выше: в настройках найдите пункт Google Play Store и выберите оба значения «Очистка данных» и «Очистка кэша». Это же сделайте и для Google Services Framework.
Решение 2
Попробуйте удалить ваш Gmail аккаунт.
Google Play Store Error Code 505
Два или более приложений с дубликатами разрешений
Вам следует выяснить, какое приложение имеет такие же разрешения, как и то, которое вы пытаетесь установить, и удалить проблемное приложение. Для этого найдите файл APK для приложения, которое вы пытаетесь установить и попытайтесь восстановить приложение с помощью резервной копии Lucky Patcher. Эта программа в процессе восстановления покажет вам окошко, где будет отображено название приложения, вызывающее конфликт. Такое приложение вам следует удалить.
Google Play Store Error Code 491
Невозможно выполнить загрузки и обновления
Удалите ваш Google аккаунт, перейдя по схеме «Настройки>Аккаунты> Google». Нажмите на иконку «Удалить аккаунт». Перезагрузите ваш девайс и затем снова добавьте аккаунт. После этого откройте «Настройки», потом пройдите в «Приложения» и откройте пункт «Все». Сделайте прокрутку вниз до Google Services, затем выберите значения «Удалить данные» и «Принудительная остановка».
Google Play Store Error Code 498
Прерывание загрузок из Google Play Store.
Причина этой проблемы заключается в переполненном кэше устройства. Перезагрузите ваш девайс в режиме восстановления. Этот режим имеет несколько вариантов действий. Выберите пункт «Очистка раздела кэша» среди других вариантов с помощью клавиши громкости. Затем подтвердите ваш выбор, используя клавишу «Вкл.».
Google Play Store Error Code 919
Загрузка приложения работает, но оно не открывается после загрузки
В этом случае причина проблемы проста – нехватка свободного пространства на вашем девайсе. Удалите все ненужные данные, например, музыку, видео или большие приложения.
Google Play Store Error Code 413
Невозможно сделать загрузку или обновление приложений. Если вы используете прокси-сервер, помните о том, что это может явиться причиной проблем в отношении Google Play Store.
В настройках найдите «Приложения» (или «Менеджер приложений»), затем найдите вкладку «Все». Сделайте прокрутку вниз до Google Services, после чего нажмите на иконки «Очистка данных» и «Принудительная остановка». Проделайте такую же операцию с приложением Google Play Store и осуществите чистку кэша вашего интернет-браузера.
Google Play Store Error Code 921
Невозможно загрузить приложение
Попробуйте удалить информацию из кэша приложения Google Play Store. Если это не сработает, то удалите все данные о приложении Google Play Store, но при этом помните, что эти действия уберут все настройки, которые вы делали ранее. Как самый крайний вариант – удалите ваш Google аккаунт, перезагрузите устройство и снова введите ваш аккаунт.
Google Play Package File Invalid
Ошибка Play Store (надпись «Недопустимый файл пакета»).
Решение 1
В настройках откройте «Приложения», далее «Все», после этого выберите приложение, вызывающее проблему и нажмите на иконки «Очистка кэша» и «Очистка данных». Теперь снова повторите ваши действия в Google Play Store.
Решение 2
Установите приложение через сайт Google Play Store.
Решение 3
Отключите Wi-Fi и скачайте (обновите) приложение с помощью канала передачи/приёма мобильных данных.
Решение 4
В настройках в разделе «Приложения» найдите и откройте пункт Google Play Store, затем нажмите на иконки «Очистка данных» и «Очистка кэша». Проделайте такую же операцию с Google Services Framework.
Решение 5
Удалите ваш Google, перезагрузите девайс, повторно введите ваш Google аккаунт и повторите попытку.
Google Play Store Error Code 403
Скачивание – невозможно, запрос – «запрещён». Это обычно происходит, когда используются сразу два Google аккаунта для покупки приложений с одного устройства.
Решение 1
Войдите в Google Play Store через правильный Google аккаунт. Удалите подозрительное приложение. Попытайтесь вновь скачать приложение из Google Play и нажмите на иконку «Купить».
Решение 2
Удалите параметры вашего прокси-сервера, затем перейдите в настройки и выберите «Беспроводные сети», после чего откройте «Мобильная сеть». Выберите «Имя точки доступа» и нажмите на «Вариант очистки прокси». Отметим, что вы всегда можете потом восстановить прежние значения прокси-сервера.
Решение 3
Удалите всю историю поиска – это вы можете сделать в Play Store самостоятельно, нажав на иконку «Настройки». Далее, выберите пункт «Очистка истории поиска».
Решение 4
Попробуйте создать новый аккаунт Google и использовать его для Play Store. Зайдите в Google Play и снова выберите иконку меню. Далее выберите «Аккаунты» и откройте пункт «Новый Gmail аккаунт». После этого повторно попробуйте установить приложение.
Google Play Store Error Code 923
Скачивание невозможно: ошибка при синхронизации вашего Google аккаунта или недостаточный объем памяти кэша.
Удалите ваш Google аккаунт и любые ненужные приложения, которые занимают память. Далее, перезагрузите устройство в режиме восстановления, потом выберите «Очистка раздела кэша» и запустите устройство, как обычно. Вам не следует беспокоиться – ваши личные данные не будут уничтожены. И напоследок вновь настройте ваш Google аккаунт.
Google Play Store Error Code 492
Невозможно установить приложение из-за Dalvik кэша.
В настройках откройте подраздел «Приложения», затем сделайте прокрутку до вкладки «Все» и таким же образом найдите Google Services. Здесь выберите пункты «Очистка данных» и «Принудительная остановка». Эти же действия проведите и в отношении приложения Google Play Store.
Примечание: если проблема не будет решена, то тогда попробуйте удалить Dalvik кэш. Для этого войдите в пользовательский режим восстановления (при наличии root-прав). Ещё одним решением будет сделать полный сброс до заводских настроек. Такой вариант доступен всем пользователям и может быть выполнен через режим восстановления. Будьте осторожны – это удалит все ваши данные, поэтому есть смысл сделать резервную копию ценной информации.
Google Play Store Error Code 101
Невозможно загрузить приложение ввиду большого количества уже установленных приложений.
Удалите старые и неиспользуемые приложения.
Google Play Store Error Code 481
Ошибка, связанная с вашим аккаунтом Google Play Store.
Удалите ваш аккаунт и войдите с помощью альтернативного аккаунта.
Google Play Store Error Code 927
Загрузка невозможна – идёт процесс обновления Play Store.
Подождите несколько минут, пока не завершится полностью обновление Google Play Store. Если проблема не исчезла, то тогда в настройках найдите пункт Google Services. Нажмите на иконки «Очистка данных» и «Принудительная остановка». Проделайте эту же операцию с приложением Google Play Store.
Google Play Store install error Code 961
Неполадки при установке приложений из Play Store.
Прежде всего, получите возврат ваших денег из Play Store (это вы можете сделать в течение 15 минут после покупки). Для этого выберите опцию погашения в Play Store. Затем в настройках вам нужно найти пункт Google Play (в разделе «Приложения»). Далее, нажмите на иконку «Очистка кэша». Если проблема не решена, то тогда задействуйте иконку «Очистка данных».
Google Play Store Error Code 911
Невозможно загрузить приложение
Решение 1
По уже описанной выше схеме вам нужно найти пункт Google Services и нажать на «Очистка данных».
Решение 2
Если вы подключены к Wi-Fi, и при этом требуется ввести логин для веб-страницы, убедитесь, что вы по-прежнему находитесь в системе.
Решение 3
Попробуйте подключиться к другой сети Wi-Fi.
Решение 4
Попробуйте переключиться из режима Wi-Fi в режим передачи/приёма мобильных данных. Вам стоит это делать, если вам позволяет ваш интернет-план.
Google Play Store Error Code 920
Невозможно скачать приложение
Решение 1
Отключите Wi-Fi и затем снова его включите, после чего снова попытайтесь скачать или обновить нужное вам приложение.
Решение 2
Удалите ваш Google аккаунт, перезагрузите ваш девайс и снова добавьте такой аккаунт, зайдя в настройки приложений. Кроме того, есть смысл воспользоваться альтернативным аккаунтом.
Решение 3
Вам следует сделать очистку данных и кэша в пункте Google Play Store, а также провести удаление последних обновлений. Перезагрузите ваше устройство, откройте Google Play Store и снова попытайтесь скачать нужно приложение.
Google Play Store Error Code -24
Нет точного описания
Для решения подобной проблемы вам понадобится root-менеджер. Если у вас есть такой менеджер, то тогда откройте раздел «Данные» и затем также откройте папку с таким же названием. Здесь найдите пакетное имя приложения, вызывающее проблему (его можно найти, узнав URL приложения на веб-сайте Play Store). Далее удалите всю папку. Затем попробуйте переустановить приложение.
Google Play Store Error Code rpc:aec:0]
Невозможно скачать приложение
Прежде всего, удалите ваш аккаунт Google. Также удалите все синхронизированные аккаунты. Сделайте очистку данных пункта Google Play Store. Перезагрузите ваш девайс и повторите попытку.
Google Play Store Error Code RPC:S-3
Не получается скачать приложение.
Удалите Google аккаунт и повторно добавьте его, или воспользуйтесь альтернативным аккаунтом.
А вы когда-нибудь сталкивались с какими-либо проблемами, связанными с Play Store? Расскажите об этом в комментариях.
Try the steps below if:
- Your downloads and app updates get stuck and won’t finish.
- You can’t download or install apps or games from the Google Play Store.
- You can’t download books or other content from Google Play.
If you can’t open the Play Store app at all, follow the steps to troubleshoot when you can’t open the Play Store app on your phone.
Basic troubleshooting steps
Check that you have a strong Wi-Fi or mobile data connection
- Make sure you have a strong internet connection.
- It’s best if you can connect to a Wi-Fi network.
- If you don’t have access to Wi-Fi, make sure you have a strong mobile data connection.
After you check your internet connection, try your download again. To get more help with connection problems, go to Fix internet connection problems on Android devices.
Check your storage space
- If your device is low on space, it can stop apps from downloading and installing.
- Your device may be low on space if:
- You get a notification about storage space.
- There’s less than 1 GB available on your device.
- To get help with storage space on Android, go to Free up space.
Check for Android system updates
Troubleshoot problems with only one app
Try these steps if you have problems when you try to download a specific app.
Check if the app is available for your device
- Open the Google Play Store app
- Find and tap the app you want to download.
- On the app’s page, it says whether the app is available for your device.
- If it’s not available, you can’t download it.
Uninstall & reinstall the app
More troubleshooting steps
If you tried all the steps above but still can’t download apps, try the steps below. After each step, try to download an app again to check if it fixed the problem.
Close & reopen the Play Store
- On your Android device, swipe up from the bottom, hold, then let go.
- To close the Play Store app, swipe up on it.
- Open the Play Store again.
Uninstall & reinstall Play Store updates
Restart your device
- Press and hold the Power button.
- Tap Power off or Restart.
- If needed, press and hold the Power button until your device turns on again.
Clear cache & data from Google Play Services
Remove & re-add your Google Account
Clear the cache & data of the Play Store
Clear cache & data from Download Manager
Get more help
Related resources
- Troubleshoot when you can’t open the Play Store app on your phone
- Problems with in-app purchases
Was this helpful?
How can we improve it?
The solutions for the errors described below are based on the experiences of the NextPit editors, as well as readers and moderators from the forum. If you encounter any other problems with the Google Play Store, feel free to share your experiences in the comments and forum.
Note: you’ll see that many of these solutions have steps in common, e.g. clearing cache and data of Google services. If you don’t see your code in this list, it may still be worth troubleshooting using one of these solutions anyway.
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Error DF-BPA-09 | DF-BPA-30 error | DF-DLA-15 error | Rpc error: AEC: 0 |
Error rpc: s-5: AEC-0 | Error RH-01 | Error-06 BM-GVHD | Error rpc: s-3 |
Error: «Authentication required» | Error «Package file invalid» | Recovery error | Error 8 |
Error 18 | Error 20 | Error 24 | Error 100 |
Error 101 | Error 103 | Error 110 | Error 194 |
Error 403 | Error 406 | Error 413 | Error 481 |
Error 491 | Error 492 | Error 495 | Error 497 |
Error 498 | Error 501 | Error 504 | Error 505 |
Error 506 | Error 905 | Error 906 | Error 907 |
Error 910 | Error 911 | Error 919 | Error 920 |
Error 921 | Error 923 | Error 924 | Error 927 |
Error 940 | Error 941 | Error 944 | Error 961 |
Error 963 | Error 971 | Error 975 |
- Read also: Check other solutions for common Google Play Store problems
Google Play — Error DF-BPA-09 ‘Error Processing Purchase’
Google Play Error Processing Purchase DF-BPA-09 happens quite often when trying to download an app. This problem won’t go away if you simply try downloading again, so you’ll need to go into the settings.
The problem is not due to individual users but comes from Google Play itself, so we’re hoping it will be fixed in the near future. In the meantime, here is what you can do:
- Go into the Settings app on your device.
- Tap on Apps or Apps & notifications (the name varies depending on your device).
- Select the All or See all apps option.
- Scroll down until you see Google Services Framework.
- Tap Storage & cache.
- Finally, choose Clear storage and then OK.
If this doesn’t work, go on to the Google Play site on your PC and install the app that is giving you issues on your smartphone or tablet from there. When you go back to your device, the installation should work.
- How to disable auto-install of Google Play apps
- How to buy a paid app in the Google Play Store
- How to install apps without using the Google Play Store
Google Play – Error DF-BPA-30
The cause of this error comes from Google servers themselves. First, we should tell you that waiting is a good idea, but other solutions work for some users.
- Open the Google Play Store on the web (use a PC, for example).
- Then choose an application to install on your Android, which should logically send you the infamous error [DF-BPA-30].
- Get back on your smartphone and try the download, which should now be operational again.
Otherwise, you can try to delete the data or clear the cache of Google Play Services.
- Download and install the latest Google Play Services
- Google Play services: what is it and what is it for?
Google Play – Error DF-DLA-15
Downloading an update or an application may fail with this error.
The first thing to do is to clear the cache and data of the Play Store app. To do this:
- Open the Settings app on your phone.
- Tap on Apps or Apps & notifications.
- Select the All or See all apps option.
- Scroll down until you see Google Play Store.
- Tap Storage & cache.
- Finally, choose Clear storage and then OK.
- Repeat the steps with the Clear data option.
This should fix the problem, but if it persists, you have to go to your account settings and delete your phone’s Google account. Once you’ve done that you just need to re-add it.
Google Play — Error rh01
Error retrieving information from the server.
First solution
Go to Settings > Apps > All > Google Play Store and select both Clear data and Clear cache. Do the same for Google Play Services .
Second solution
Remove and re-add your Google account, restart your device and then re-add your account.
Google Play — Error rpc:s-5:aec-0
Error retrieving information from the server.
Go to Settings > Apps > All > Google Play Store > Storage & cache and select Clear cache and Uninstall updates. Do the same for Download Manager and Google Play Services.
Google Play – Error retrieving information from server
This error message often appears when updating or downloading an app. Google’s servers are unable to retrieve information from your Google account. You can delete and re-register, but wait a few hours to see if the problem persists first. Sometimes it’ll just take care of itself.
- Go to the Settings > Accounts > [your account] > Remove account.
- Once this is done, you must reboot your device, then re-synchronize the account, adding it back to the phone.
- Finally, open Settings > Applications > All > Google Play Store > Storage & cache. Inside, you must click on the options Clear Data and Force Stop.
Google Play – Error BM-GVHD-06
This error appears when you want to use a Google Play card. The problem seems to exist in several countries.
First, try restarting your device and try using the card again. If the problem persists, go to Settings > Applications > All > Google Play Store > Force Stop > Uninstall updates. The Play Store will then return to its original version and the problem should be gone.
Google Play — Error rpc:aec:0]
You can’t download an app.
Remove your Google account. Remove all synced accounts. Go to Settings > Apps > All > Google Play Store > Storage & cache and select Clear data. Restart your device and try again.
Google Play — Error RPC:S-3
Can’t download an app.
Remove Google account and re-add it, or try an alternate account.
Google Play – Error authentication required
Strangely, this problem is quite common on Android devices. But rest assured, we have three possible solutions to deal with it. One of these tips should hopefully resolve your problem.
- Enter the Accounts options in the Settings app of your phone. Then remove your Google account and add it again. If everything works fine after, then it was a simple error that’s sometimes displayed after an update.
- Settings > Apps > All > Google Play Store > Storage & cache and select Clear data and then Clear storage. Restart your device and try again.
- Maybe the problem is not really in your authentication, but the Play Store itself. In this case, you only have to go to application settings (Settings > Applications), search for the Google Play Store and click Uninstall updates. You might need to disable the Play Store to get this started. That way you get the initial Play Store version that you had when you first purchased the phone. After that, you just have to update it and then re-register your account.
Google Play — Package File Invalid
Play Store error.
First solution
Go to Settings > Apps > All and select the app that’s causing the problem, then select Storage & cache > Clear cache and Clear storage. Try again with the Google Play Store.
Second solution
Install the app through Google Play Store website.
Third solution
Disable Wi-Fi and download or update the app using mobile network data.
Fourth solution
Go to Settings > Apps > All > Google Play Store > Storage & cache and select Clear data and then Clear storage. Do the same for Google Services Framework.
Fifth solution
Remove your Google account, restart your device, re-add your Google account and try again.
Google Play – Error 8
This error occurs when you want to download an application and the download stops.
Make sure you have Google Play Services installed. If the problem persists, go to the application list, and enter Google Play Services and disable the application. It will then ask if you want to restore the factory settings and you just have to confirm. If this does not solve the problem, you should contact Google support.
Google Play – Error 18
Error 18 has been around since late 2015 and happens when you want to reinstall an application that you already had in the past. There is no quick fix to this problem, but some tricks can help.
After going on several forums, it seems that some users were able to resolve error 18 by disconnecting and reconnecting the SD or microSD memory card. However, it does not appear that it’s working for all users. If the problem persists, you can try to contact Google’s online support. The final and drastic solution is a factory reset.
Google Play – Error 20
This problem occurs when installing or updating an Android app.
To resolve this error, you must have a rooted device, since you will need to access a file named ‘smd2tmp1’ found in / mnt / secure / asec /. If your phone is rooted, you can delete this folder, which should permanently resolve the problem.
If you don’t want to root your device, there is another solution. Delete the file / data / data of the application that’s causing you problems. Use file explorer to access the folder. To do this, I suggest you check out our best file managers for Android article.
- Also check out How to root Android: the complete guide
Google Play — Error -24
You need a root manager to solve this one. If you have one, navigate to Data/data. In that folder, locate the package name of the app causing trouble (this can be found by looking at the URL of the app on the Play Store website). Delete the entire folder. Try reinstalling the app.
Google Play — Error 100
When you try to install or update an app from the Play Store, it sends an error message stating, «App can’t be installed due to an Error 100 – No Connection.»
- First, navigate to Settings > Date and Time. Check if the date and time are correct. If not, then turn off the Automatic Date and Time feature and set the correct date and time. Also, check if you have set the correct Time Zone too. If not, switch to Manual Mode and look for the time zone of your region. Restart your device. If this doesn’t work, proceed to the next step.
- Head to Settings > Apps > All > Google Play Store > Storage & cache > Clear cache. If the problem persists, try downloading the app from the Play Store website.
- Delete your Google Play Store data in Settings > Apps > All > Google Play Store > Storage & cache > Clear data. Delete data from Google Services Framework as well (note: this will assign a new Google ID to your device, as if you had factory reset it, meaning your Google apps may temporarily act up afterward).
- Delete your Google account on the device, reboot your phone and re-add your Google account in Settings > Accounts > Add Account > Google Account.
Google Play — Error 101
Can’t download the app as there are too many currently installed.
Uninstall old and unused apps.
Google Play – Error 103
This is a mysterious problem, which occurs when Google Play thinks an application is compatible with a device, but it actually isn’t. It can then cause the 103 error to occur and recur on all your other devices, including those that are compatible.
Generally, there isn’t anything you need to do on your side, since this error will solve itself after a few hours. The cause of the problem? An application signature concern. If you have developer knowledge, you can try to resolve it by signing the application again with the JDK tool 1.6+ release. If the error persists for more than 48 hours, contact Google Support.
Google Play — Error 110
The application cannot be installed.
Head to Settings > Applications > All > Google Play Store> Storage & cache > Clear cache. If the problem persists, try downloading the app from the Play Store website.
Google Play — Error 194
This error happens when you try to download games or apps from the Google Play Store.
One fix for this issue is to clear the cache data for Google Play Services and the Google Play Store.
- Open the Settings app on your phone.
- Tap on Apps or Apps & notifications.
- Select the All or See all apps option.
- Scroll down until you see Google Play Store.
- Tap Force stop.
- Choose Storage & cache.
- Finally, choose Clear storage and then OK.
- Repeat the steps with the Clear data option.
Now repeat the process above, but replace Google Play Store with Google Play Services at step four and then attempt your download again.
If that doesn’t work, don’t worry — the issue has now been resolved and a fix is being rolled out in the next version of the Play Store app. Just make sure you have the latest Google Play Store APK and you shouldn’t experience this error again.
Google Play Error — 403
The download is impossible and the request is ‘forbidden’. This usually happens when two Google accounts are used to buy applications on one device.
First solution
Go to the Google Play Store with the correct Google account. Uninstall the application in question. Try to get the app from Google Play again and tap the purchase button.
Second solution
Clear the proxy you have possibly set up, by going to Settings, then choose Wireless and Networks (or More networks/Network & internet/Connections) and then Mobile Network. Select APN, which stands for Access Point Name, and hit the Clear Proxy option. You can always reinstate the proxy afterward.
Third solution
Another solution would be to erase your entire search history, which you can do in the Play Store itself:
- Tap on your account profile.
- Select Settings.
- Expand the General menu and tap on Account and device preferences.
- Scroll down the list and tap on Clear device search history.
Fourth solution
Try creating a new Google account and using it for the Play Store instead. Go to the Google Play Store, tap on your profile picture, expand the accounts list by tapping on the V arrow button, then select Add another account. Type your new account credentials then reinstall the app.
Google Play Error — 406
Apps cannot be downloaded. This particular error can occur if you’ve reset the Google account you used to register on your phone, if you’ve restored your device to its factory settings, or if you’ve registered a new account on your phone.
A classic clearing of the cache will hopefully do the trick. Go to Settings > Applications > All > Google Play Store> Storage & cache > Clear cache.
Otherwise, try again on a different network connection.
Google Play — Error 413
Downloading applications or updates is impossible. If you use a proxy, remember that it may cause problems with the operation of the Google Play Store.
In Settings > Applications > All > Google Play Services > Force stop > Storage & cache > Clear storage. Do the same with the Google Play Store app and clear the cache from your internet browser.
Google Play — Error 481
There is an error with your Google Play Store account.
Remove your account and log in with an alternate one.
Google Play — Error 491
Downloads and updates are impossible.
Remove your Google account by going to the Settings for your device, then Accounts and Google. Hit Remove account. Reboot your Android and add the account once again. Next, in the Settings > Applications > All > Google Play Services > Force stop > Storage & cache > Clear cache.
Google Play — Error 492
It’s impossible to install an application because of the Dalvik cache.
Under Settings, find Apps, choose to See all apps, scroll down to Google Play Services. Here, tap on Force stop, select Storage & cache, then tap on Clear data and confirm the procedure. Do the same on the Google Play Store app.
Note: If the problem is not solved, try deleting the Dalvik cache. To do this, enter the custom recovery mode (only if you have root). Another solution is to complete a data wipe/factory reset. This option applies to all users and can be done in recovery mode. Beware, it will wipe your data so make sure you have backed up everything you wish to keep.
Google Play — Error 495
Problem downloading or updating apps from Play Store.
Delete your Google Play Store data in Settings > Applications > All > Google Play Services > Force stop > Storage & cache > Clear data. Delete data from Google Play Services as well (note: this will assign a new Google ID to your device, as if you had factory reset it, meaning your Google apps may temporarily act up afterward).
Delete your Google account on the device, reboot your phone and re-add your Google account in Settings > Accounts > Add Account > Google Account.
Google Play Store — Error 497
Difficulty updating installed apps
First solution
Clear out your Play Store data. Go to Settings > Applications > All > Google Play Services > Force stop > Storage & cache > Clear cache, and then Clear data.
Second solution
Disable your SD card, if you have one. Go to Settings > Storage > Unmount SD card.
Third solution
If your phone is rooted, you can delete the app’s APK and reinstall it. To do so, open up Root Explorer, or a similar application, and navigate to System / app > Mount R / W > Delete application. Or you can play it safe and rename the offending APK to do something like [application_name].apk.backup, so you can revert it if anything goes wrong.
Google Play — Error 498
Interruption of downloads from the Google Play Store.
The problem is that the cache of your device is full. Delete unneeded applications and files. Restart your smartphone in recovery mode by pressing the volume down, power, and home buttons (for Samsung devices), or volume down and power (for most other devices).
This mode provides a few more options. Select Wipe cache partition by navigating between options with the volume rocker. Confirm using the power button.
Google Play – Error 501
If you can’t open the Google Play Store or perform downloads, then surely you have the 501 error.
To fix it, you must go to Settings > Applications > All, then open these two applications: Google Play Services and Google Play Store – then you have to tap on Storage & cache and then Clear cache. Once you have done this, go into Accounts and delete your Google Account. Then restart your phone, input and synchronize your Google account again, then let your phone sit for five minutes without touching it. After these five minutes are over, the 501 error should not bother you anymore.
Google Play — Error 504
App could not be downloaded due to an error.
First solution
The usual, please: go to Settings > Applications > All > Google Play Store > Force stop > Storage & cache > Clear cache and Clear data. Also Clear cache and Clear data for Google Play Services.
Second solution
Try removing your Google account, rebooting the phone, and synchronizing the account back.
Google Play — Error 505
Two or more apps with duplicate permissions.
You need to find out what app has the same permissions as the one you’re trying to install and uninstall the problem app.
Google Play — Error 506
The code seems to be related to problems allocating space in the phone’s storage.
- Remove unnecessary files and apps from the device.
- Check in the Settings app, inside the Storage menu if there are problems with the internal or external storage (microSD card).
- Clear the Google Play data and cache: Settings > Applications > All > Google Play Store > Force stop > Storage & cache > Clear cache and Clear data.
Google Play – Error 905
You have problems downloading apps or installing new updates correctly.
- Open the Settings app on your phone.
- Tap on Apps or Apps & notifications.
- Select the All or See all apps option.
- Scroll down until you see Google Play Store.
- Tap Force stop.
- Choose Storage & cache.
- Finally, choose Clear storage and then OK.
- Repeat the steps with the Clear data option.
Google Play – Error 906
This problem mainly occurs on the HTC One M8 and M9. This often occurs when downloading or updating an app. Errors 907 and 963 are similar and resolved in the same way.
With problems downloading and installing the application, you must clear the cache and data of the Play Store app. If that does not work, uninstall the updates. If it still does not work, turn off your SD card by going to Settings > Memory / Storage). Return to the Play Store and try to install the app. If the problem persists, you probably have your app on an external card to transfer it to the internal memory. Then you can send it to the SD card once the application is installed.
Google Play – Error 907
This problem is identical to Error 906.
Google Play — Error 910
The Google Play Store «Can’t install app».
Possible solutions
- Go to Settings > Applications > All > Google Play Services > Force stop > Storage & cache > Clear cache and Clear data.
- Remove the Google Account, then restart the phone and synchronize the account back.
- Check in the Storage option on the Settings app if there is a problem with the external storage (microSD card).
Google Play — Error 911
You can’t download an app.
First solution
Go to Settings > Applications > All > Google Play Services > Force stop > Storage & cache > Clear cache and Clear data.
Second solution
If you’re on a Wi-Fi connection requiring a web page login, ensure you are still logged in.
Third solution
Try another Wi-Fi network.
Fourth solution
Switch from Wi-Fi to mobile network data services. Only do this if you are comfortable using up data on your mobile plan.
Google Play — Error 919
Downloading the app works but it does not open once downloaded.
There is simply no more space on your Android. Eliminate all unnecessary data, such as music, videos, or large applications.
Google Play — Error 920
You can’t download an app.
First solution
Turn your Wi-Fi off and back on again, and then try to download or update the app in question.
Second solution
Delete your Google account, restart your device and add your account back again in the app Settings. You could also try using an alternative account.
Third solution
Go to Settings > Applications > All > Google Play Store > Force stop > Storage & cache > Clear cache and Clear data. Restart your device, open Google Play Store, and try to download the app again.
Google Play — Error 921
You can’t download an app.
Try deleting the cache of the Google Play Store application. If this doesn’t work, delete all the Play Store application data, but please be advised that this will consequently delete all the settings that you’ve already made. As a last resort, remove your Google account, restart the device and enter it again.
Google Play Error — 923
The download is impossible: error while syncing your Google account or insufficient cache memory.
Remove your Google account and delete any useless applications that are taking up space. Next, reboot your device in recovery mode. Select Wipe cache partition and start your device as usual. Don’t worry, your personal data won’t be deleted. Set up your Google account once again.
Google Play — Error 924
Usually occurs when trying to download larger applications. The app downloads, but the error message is displayed, saying the installation was unsuccessful due to an error.
Head to Settings > Applications > All > Google Play Store > Force stop > Storage & cache > Clear cache and Clear data.. Once you’ve done this, try downloading the problem app again.
Google Play — Error 927
The download is impossible because an update of the Play Store is in progress.
Wait a few minutes until the Google Play Store is completely upgraded. If the problem persists, go to Settings, then Apps, choose to See all apps, and locate the Google Play Services. Tap on Storage & cache, and then Clear data and then Force stop. Do the same with the Google Play Store application.
You have probably guessed by now that there is a standard way to alleviate some of these errors, so if you’re experiencing a different problem to those mentioned above, you could try following the same steps. Always be careful when wiping your data or doing a factory/data reset, because this will get rid of your saved pics, files, contacts, and so on, so make sure you back up all your data beforehand.
Google Play — Error 940
The application cannot be downloaded.
It could be as simple as restarting your device. If this doesn’t work follow these steps:
- Go to Settings > Applications > All > Google Play Store > Force stop > Storage & cache > Clear cache and Clear data.
- Go to Settings > Applications > All > Downloads / Download manager > Force stop > Storage & cache > Clear cache and Clear data.
- Do the same for Google Play services. Some users report needing to clear the data also for the Chrome browser.
Google Play — Error 941
Interruption during an update.
Go to Settings > Applications > All > Google Play Store > Force stop > Storage & cache > Clear cache and Clear data. Try the update again.
Google Play Error — 944
This error pops up when you’re trying to update apps and seems to occur when the Google Play Store is down, or there is some sort of server error.
Try updating the app later. It appears to be a temporary problem on Google’s end, so will just have to wait it out.
Google Play — Error 961
Problems when installing Android apps from the Play Store.
First, get a refund from the Play Store, which you can do within 15 minutes of purchasing. To do this, select the repayment option in the Play Store. Next, go into the Settings > Applications > All > Google Play Store > Force stop > Storage & cache > Clear cache and Clear data.
Google Play — 963
Occurs predominantly on HTC One M8 and M9 devices when trying to download or update an app through the Play Store.
First solution
Head to Settings > Applications > All > Google Play Store > Force stop > Storage & cache > Clear cache and Clear data.
Second solution
Settings > Applications > All > Google Play Store > Uninstall updates; go back to the previous screen, then Google Play Services > Force stop > Storage & cache > Clear data..
Third solution
Disable your SD memory card. Go to Settings > Storage > Unmount SD card > OK. Head back to the Play Store and try downloading or updating the app again. If it works, head back to Settings > Storage > Mount SD card.
Fourth solution
Move the app to your device’s internal memory. Go to Settings > Applications > All > (app causing the problem) > Move to internal memory. Head back to the Play Store, try downloading or updating the app again, and if it works, move it back to the SD card.
Google Play – Error 971
Error 971 commonly appears on Wiko phones running Android 5.0.2. It prevents you from installing an app after downloading it.
Wiko recently fixed this problem with its V30 update. If you’re seeing this error on your Wiko phone, try to manually update using the instructions on the official Wiko site.
Google Play – Error 975
The good news is that this error is rare. The bad news is that there are no solutions at the moment. In the meantime, you should contact Google support.
Google Play – Error RH-01
Error RH-01 is a server error that can prevent you from updating or downloading apps from the Play Store.
First Solution
- Go to Settings > Date & Time. If the automatic date and time + Time Zone are incorrect, you will need to manually set it.
- Uncheck Automatic Date & Time and set the correct date/time+time zone.
- Now try downloading an app or game in the Google Play Store.
Second Solution
- Open the Settings app on your phone.
- Tap on Apps or Apps & notifications.
- Select the All or See all apps option.
- Scroll down until you see Google Play Store.
- Tap Force stop.
- Choose Storage & cache.
- Finally, choose Clear storage and then OK.
- Repeat the steps with the Clear data option.
Follow the same steps for Google Play services and try again to download an app in the Play Store.
Third Solution
This is a common method to temporarily fix buggy Google Play updates by reverting the Play Store app to its factory/original version.
- Go to Settings > Apps > All.
- Scroll down and select Google Play Store.
- Tap Force stop > Uninstall updates.
Have you ever come across any other Play Store problems? Let us know in the comments below.
- How to download and install the Google Play Store
- What to do when Google Play isn’t working
Guide updated in January 2022 with more error codes and updated instructions. Existing comments on this page were not removed and may refer to previous versions of this article.
In this blog we are going to discuss about common Google Play Store error codes and their solutions. This will help those users who have problems while installing apps from Play Store on Android. We have gathered almost all popular and common play store error codes and their solutions that you definitely going to find in this helpful post. However, if you ever come across any other Play store errors or problems then do let us know in comment section at the bottom.
What is Google Play Store?
Google Play Store is one of the most popular and widely used secure mobile app store that is designed by Google for only Android users. It contains millions of apps and day by day the counting is increasing. Every Android user downloads the apps from Play Store because it offers apps that are useful, helpful and entertaining for the users. It contains almost all categories of apps such as games, technology, sports, entertainment, knowledge, education, movies, music, business and much more.
You might have Android smartphone or tablet, which might have lots of apps. However, while installing any apps if you have come across any problems and error without any solutions. Then don’t get worried, you have come to the right webpage. Here, I bring the list of total 45 Google Play Store error codes and their solution on how to fix them on Android.
Google Play Store Error – Error DF-BPA-30
This error is not from the users, but it is from the Google server itself. Below find out the solution on how to fix Error DF-BPA-30:
On your PC, open the Play Store on your browsers. Then download the app that you want and install it on your Android. It is obvious that you will get the same error message.
Now go to your smartphone and attempt to download, which should now be working fine. If not then try to clear cache or delete the data of “Google Play Service”.
Google Play Store Error – Error DF-BPA-09 ‘Error Processing Purchase’
This error is popular and it often occurs when user try to download an app. Note that downloading the app again will not help you in fixing the problem. In order to fix this Error DF-BPA-09 ‘Error Processing Purchase’ you have to follow some steps mentioned below.
Again the problem is not from user end, but it is from Play Store itself. In the meantime you can follow the below steps:
- Go to Settings>Apps
- Go to “All” section
- Go down and there you will find Google Services Framework
- Tap on it and Clear Data and then click OK to confirm
Now you will not have any problem, if you still have any problem, then install the same app on your PC from there. Now on your Android Smartphone try the download, the install should work now.
Google Play Store Error – Error DF-DLA-15
You may get this error message when you try to download or update an app. Below is the solution on how to fix Error DF-DLA-15.
You have to clear the cache or data of the Play Store
- Go to Settings>Apps
- Look for Play Store tap on it and Clear Cache and Data
In some of the smartphone, you can go to storage section to perform this process.
Another alternative, if above solution fails. You have to delete your Google Account from the phone Account Settings. Once you delete the account, you have to go back and register your account from the beginning, it will fix the problem.
Google Play Store Error – Error rpc:s-5:aec-0
This error occurs when Play store server fails in retrieving information. Find below what you can do to fix error rpc:s-5:aec-0.
- Go to Settings>Apps
- Go to “All” section. Find Google Play Store and Clear Cache & Data and Uninstall Updates
Follow the same process for Google Services Framework and Download Manager.
Google Play Store Error – Error rpc:aec:0
This is the error message you get when you can’t download an app. In order to fix Error rpc:aec:0, follow the below steps.
Sign out from your Gmail account from Play Store and also remove all your synced accounts.
- Now go to Settings > Apps
- Go to “All” section. Find Google Play Store and Clear Data
- Restart your Android phone/table and sign in with your Gmail account to Play Store
Google Play Store Error – Error RPC:S-3
This error will not allow you to download an app. But you can fix error RPC:S-3 by following the below solution.
You can remove Google account. Reboot your phone and re-add it. Or you can try different Google account.
Google Play Store Error – Error rh01
This error mostly occurs while installing or updating the existing apps. To fix error rh01 follow the below steps.
- Go to Settings > Apps
- Go to “All” section. Find Google Play Store and Clear Cache & Clear Data
If it fails, then delete your Gmail account and reboot your phone and re-add your account. This will fix your problem.
Google Play Store Error – Error retrieving information from server
Google’s server is not able to retrieve information from your account and thus, you get this error quite often when you download or update the existing app.
You can wait for few hours as “error retrieving information from server” gets sort out from Google itself. But if it still persists, then you can delete your Google Account and re-add it.
- Got to Settings> Accounts> Google and delete your account
- Now reboot your device and then re-register your account
- At last go to Settings> Go to “All” section, look for Google Services Framework. Tap on it and Clear Data and Force Stop
Google Play Store Error – Error BM-GVHD-06
This problem exists in several different countries and this error occurs when users try to use Google Play card. So, to fix error BM-GVHD-06, follow the below solution.
The first solution is that you can Switch OFF and Switch ON and check problem still exist or not. If problem still appear, then follow below steps:
- Go to Settings> App
- Go to “All” section, look for Play Store and tap on it
- Now click the option Force Stop and Uninstall updates
By doing this the Play Store will restore back to its original version and you will not get this error anymore.
Google Play Store Error – Error authentication required
This is one of the most common and frequent occurring error that most of the users face on their Android devices. Below find out the solutions to fix error authentication required.
First Solution – Go to Settings>Accounts. Remove your Google Account and re-register. Now check your problem is solved or not, if not then follow second solution.
Second Solution – Go to Settings> App. Go to “All” section, look for Play Store and tap on it and then Clear both Cache and Data
Third Solution – Sometimes the problem is not in your authentication, but it could be from the Play Store itself. In such case, you have to open the Play Store, go to its Settings and select Uninstall Updates. You might have to disable the app Play Store to get started. Once done, now you have to just update the app and then re-register your Google Account.
Google Play Store Error – Error 8
This error appears when you download an app and in between the download stops and finally it display the error 8 message. In order to fix error 8 follow the below solution.
First of all you have to make sure that Google Play Service is installed on your device. If your problem is not solved then go to Settings>Apps>All> Google Play Services and disable the application. After this, it will ask you to restore the factory settings, you need to just confirm it. If still your problem is not solved then you have to contact Google support.
Google Play Store Error – Error 18
This error has been around from 2015 and this error occurs when you want to re-install application that you have already installed on your Android phone. Though there is no 100% guaranteed solution to fix this error, but you can try the following solution below to fix error 18.
What you can do, you can remove the SD card from the Android phone/tablet and re-insert the memory card. It works for some users but not for all. You can also Contact Google Support, if problem still exist. The last alternative is that you can reset your Android phone.
Google Play Store Error – Error 20
Error 20 appears when users install app or update the existing app. However, there is two solution is available to fix error 20 on Android.
You can root your device as you have to access a file name as ‘smd2tmp1’ found in / mnt / secure / asec / to fix this error. On your rooted Android device you have to just delete this folder and you will never ever get this error again.
But, if you don’t want to root your device there is still one solution that you can follow to fix the problem. You have to delete the data/file of the particular app that is creating problem. You can use file explorer to access the folder and delete them.
Also Read : How to Factory Reset Your Android Phone or Tablet When It Won’t Boot
Google Play Store Error – Error -24
The reason of the appearance of this error is unknown. But you can fix error -24 with given solution.
To solve this error you will require root manager. If you already have one, then you can go to Data/data folder and within that folder you have to find the package name of the application that is throwing error message (you can find it by looking the URL of the app that you get on the Play Store website) and delete the entire folder. Now try to re-install the app.
Google Play Store Error – Package File Invalid
This error occurs due to problem is from the Play Store and not from the user side.
Below you can find several solutions to fix “Package File Invalid” error:
- Go to Settings > Apps > All
- Now look for the application that is creating problem and select Clear Cache and Clear Data
- Go to Settings > Apps > All > Google Play Store
- Tap on it and select Clear Data and Clear Cache
Follow the same process for Google Services Framework.
Alternatively, you can install app through Google Play Store website or you can Turn OFF Wi-Fi and download or update the app by using mobile network data. You may also remove Google Account and reboot your device and re-register your Google account and try again.
Also Read – 45 Google Play Store Error Codes: How To Fix Them on Android [Part II]
Henry Morgan is a professional blogger who loves to write blogs about Android & iOS related topics. He lives in Northern California and has almost 15 years of experience in the field of technology, tackling all kind of issues, errors or other problems. Currently he is a great contributor on Android Data Recovery Blogs and his blogs are loved by people where he guides to solve several Android related issues or any other problems. During his busy schedule, Henri finds some moments to spend time with his family and loves to play cricket.
In this guide, we’ll solve the Google Play Store Error problems. In today’s world, having an Android phone is the most necessary thing as it can perform every task within a fraction of seconds.
Thus it can help you complete the work more efficiently and of course with less amount of time. Android Operating System has progressed quite rapidly due to its multitasking features and accessibility.
It has an officially sanctioned app store called Google Play, which comes as standard on nearly every Android smartphone and tablet to provide users with new applications, games, books, and movies, etc.
How to Solve any Google Play Store Error
A few days back while downloading the Temple Run game on my smartphone I got an error in Google Play Store. I tried again but the same error repeated every time I clicked on download.
Thankfully after a few tweaks, I was able to download and install the game on my phone. After I faced this error in Google Play Store, I thought there might be many users facing the same problem.
That’s when I decided to share this guide on How to Fix Google Play Store Errors. If you do face such errors then here we have some simple tips to clear the error with easy steps.
Fix Google Play Store Error 495
Sometimes you may face a Google Play Store Error 495 while downloading and installing any application on your device. Note that this error is specific only to downloads that are being done on the Wifi network.
These are not when trying the same through a data network connection. Only the apps downloaded via the Wifi network causes Error 495 and makes it impossible to download and install any application.
Usually, such kind of error is not observed on all Android devices as it is an issue related to proxy network. Below are some steps which will help you get rid of this problem:
- From the menu, go to Settings of your device.
- Then navigate to the Applications option and tap on it.
- On the next screen, select the Manage applications option.
- Then swipe to the ‘All’ column.
- Scroll down and search for the option called ‘Google Play Store’. Click on it.
- You’ll see a ‘Clear data’ option there. Tap on it.
- Tap on OK if any warning appears.
- Similarly, clear the data from the ‘Google Services Framework’ app.
- This will assign a new Google ID to your device as if you factory reset it.
- Restart the phone and try downloading any app via Wi-fi network. It will definitely work this time.
Fix Google Play Store Error DF-BPA-09 Error Processing Purchase
This kind of error generally occurs when you are downloading any app from Play Store. The error usually doesn’t allow users to download anything and the problem will reoccur with every attempt.
This issue can be caused by a problem not due to individual users, but due to Google Play itself. We’ve seen that this error can occur to massive amounts of Google Play users about once a month.
So there is nothing you can do about this stuff. Google will be fixing this error soon while in the meantime, here is what you can do:
- From the menu, go to Settings of your device.
- Then navigate to the Applications option and tap on it.
- On the next screen, select the Manage applications option.
- Then swipe to the ‘All’ column.
- Scroll down and search for the option called ‘Google Services Framework’. Click on it.
- You’ll see a Clear data option there. Tap on it.
- Tap on OK if any warning appears.
- Restart your phone and then try to download any app from Google Play Store. You’ll have no error now.
If you still get the same error, then download the app that is giving you issues from the Google Play site on your PC. Then install it on your device. This will definitely work.
Fix Google Play Store Error 941
This Error usually occurs while downloading or updating any application or game from Google Play Store. Thankfully though, there is a way to get rid of this error. Go through the steps given below and solve the issue by yourself.
Method 1: Deleting and re-adding your Google Account
- Go to the Settings option on your device.
- On the next screen tap on Accounts and sync option.
- Then click on the account you are currently using (account that is synced with Google Play Store).
- Click on the Remove Account option.
For those who cannot delete Google account from the settings, follow these steps to manually delete your account without factory reset:
- Download and install the Root Explorer app on your Android phone.
- Launch the app and navigate to the /data/system/ folder. Search for a file named accounts.db there.
- Long press on this file and select the delete option.
- If you are on Android 4.1 or above, navigate to the /data/system/users/0/ and delete the accounts.db file present there.
- This will completely delete your account.
- Restart your phone after doing everything as mentioned above.
- After restarting, go to Settings > Accounts and sync option.
- Then tap on the Add Account option.
- On the next screen click on Google account to sync a new account with Google Play Store.
- It is safe to delete your account and re-add it. This will not delete any of your data or apps.
Method 2: Wiping Dalvik cache from the phone
For this method to work, your phone must be rooted as well as a custom recovery like CWM must be installed.
- Switch off your phone and boot into custom recovery like CWM.
- For that press and hold the Volume up + Home + Power button simultaneously until you enter custom recovery.
- In recovery, use the Volume keys to navigate and the Power button to select.
- Now select wipe cache partition option. On the next screen select the Yes option to clear the cache present.
- Return to the main menu and select the Advanced option.
- Then navigate to the Wipe Dalvik cache option and clear the cache present.
Following any of the methods given above will solve the Google Play Store error 941.
Fix Google Play Store Error 504
Error 504 is a gateway timeout error and is generally associated with slower internet connections. It may occur when the server acting as a gateway does not receive a timely response from the upstream server.
This means that there is no problem in your device or Google Play store but it lies somewhere between. So I recommend to follow the steps mentioned below to solve this issue:
- From the Menu, go to Settings->Wireless and networks option.
- Disable all the wireless connections by turning the Flight mode ON.
- Wait a minute and again turn the Flight mode OFF.
This will get you a connection into a different segment of your provider’s network and thus a different gateway on that end.
If this doesn’t help you out, then just clear data/cache options from Google Play Store and Google Services Framework apps or remove and re-add the Google account (as mentioned before).
Fix Google Play Store Error 491
This Error is similar to the Google Play Store error 941 i.e issue with downloading or updating any application.
So the only solution for this problem is to delete and re-add your Google account or wiping Dalvik cache from custom recovery.
Fix Google Play Store Error 498
This Error 498 is associated with the size of your device cache partition. You’ll face the Google Play Store error 498 if you try to download and install any app that is larger than your device cache partition.
Another reason for this error might be some issue with the server. Some solutions for clearing this error are: clearing cache, deleting and re-adding accounts, and clearing data cache from the Play store app (as mentioned above).
Fix Google Play Store Error 921
Error 921 occurs while updating or downloading any app or game from the play store.
To fix this, go to Settings->Applications->Manage Applications->All apps->Google Play Store and clear data/cache and force stop.
Fix Google Play Store Error 413
Error 413 usually occurs while downloading any new app from the Play store. Using a proxy may cause problems with the operation of the Google Play Store. To fix this issue follow the steps given below:
- Go to Settings of your device.
- On the next screen select the Applications option.
- Then select the Manage applications option.
- Just swipe to the ‘All’ column.
- Scroll down and search for the app named ‘Google Play Services’. Click on it.
- You’ll see a ‘Clear data’ option there. Tap on it.
- Tap on OK if any warning appears.
- Similarly, clear the cache and press Force stop option.
- Do the same with the Google Play Store, Google Services Framework, Google talk apps and clear the cache from your internet browser.
If this doesn’t solve the issue then make sure your internet connection is stable. For that go to Settings->Mobile networks->APN, delete the proxy field, and save it.
This will surely fix the Play Store Error 413.
Fix Google Play Store Error 919
This error 919 may occur if your phone memory is full and there is absolutely no more space to download and install any new application. So before proceeding further check that you have enough space on your phone.
If not then clear enough space which would be almost double the size of the app you are installing. You can even clear your phone memory by deleting a few apps, images, or videos.
If this doesn’t work for you then follow the steps given below:
- From the menu, go to the Settings option of your device.
- Then select the Applications option.
- On the next screen select the Manage applications option.
- Just swipe to the ‘All’ column.
- Scroll down and search for the app named ‘Download manager’. Click on it.
- Once you open it, clear the data/cache by tap on those options.
- Tap on OK if any warning appears.
- Reboot once and re-launch the Google Play Store app. This time the app will get easily download without any error.
Fix Google Play Store Error 923
This error occurs while syncing your Google account or when there is insufficient cache memory. When you try to download any app from Play Store all it does is show the Progress bar and do nothing and then you get the error 923. This is somewhat similar to the Play Store error 491 and the solutions as well are somewhat identical.
If you face Error 923 while updating or downloading any app or game from Google Play Store then try clearing data and cache from Google Play Store, Google Services Framework, Download manager, and Google talk apps. You can even try wiping Dalvik cache from custom recovery.
Fix Google Play Store Error 403
Generally, Error 403 means your request was forbidden. This has no problem with your device but just means that the Play Store servers were programmed to deny the request you sent.
Wrong configurations of proxy settings will cause error 403 in Play Store on your Android smartphone. So you can fix this Error 403 by clearing Proxy Settings on your Android device.
Method 1: Clearing Proxy Settings
- Navigate to the Settings->Wireless and Networks->Mobile Networks option.
- Select Access Point Names (APN) option.
- Once you open it, press the menu button and select the edit option.
- Then select the Clear Proxy option and save it.
This will hopefully fix the Play Store Error 403.
Method 2: Turning ON/OFF the Flight mode
Sometimes error 403 may occur due to a slow internet connection. To overcome this try these steps mentioned below:
- Go to Settings->Wireless and network option.
- Disable all the wireless connections by turning the Flight mode ON.
- Wait a minute and again turn the Flight mode OFF.
This might fix the error 403.
Method 3: Deleting Search history
- Launch Play Store and press the menu button.
- Then select the Settings option.
- Tap on the Clear search history option.
This method is not so effective but hey there is no harm to try it out.
Method 4: Adding a new Gmail Account
Sometimes there might be an issue with your current Google account, so the only solution for this is to create a new account.
- Create a new Gmail account.
- Launch Google Play Store and press the menu button.
- Select the Accounts option and then select the Alternative Gmail account option.
Now restart Play Store and try downloading any new app.
Fix Google Play Store Error 927
This is one of the most common error faced by users. Error 927 makes it impossible to download any new app as the update of the Play Store is in progress. So you need to wait for a few minutes to complete the updating. If the problem persists, follow the steps mentioned below:
- Go to the Settings option of your device.
- Then navigate to the Applications option and on the next screen select the Manage applications option.
- Swipe to the ‘All’ column.
- Scroll down and search for the app called ‘Google Play Store’. Click on it.
- Then Select the Uninstall updates option.
- Tap on OK if any warning appears.
- Restart the Play Store and try to download any app.
If this won’t work for you then clear data/cache of Play Store app and force stop it. You must even clear some phone memory by deleting a few apps, photos, and videos.
Fix Google Play Store Error 961
While downloading any new app from Play Store whether it is paid or free, you might face an unknown error 961. If you were downloading any paid app and have faced such an error then just be calm and don’t panic.
Immediately get a refund from the Play Store, which you can do within 15 minutes of purchasing. To do so follow the steps below:
- Launch Play Store.
- Press the Menu button and select the Repayment option.
- Then go to Settings->Applications->Manage Applications->All->Google Play Store.
- Tap on the Clear cache option to wipe out the cache present in the app.
Fix Google Play Store Error 492
The main reasons for this error may include insufficient cache memory, Problem with App itself, or Account problem. To fix this you can simply delete the current Play Store app and re-install a new or old version of it. You can also clear data/cache from the app or delete and re-add a new Google account.
Wrapping Up
After doing everything just head on to the Play store app and check whether it works or not. With Play Store we can easily download apps, games, and widgets which makes Android phones a complete smartphone.
Obviously, anyone will get frustrated when we can’t download or update our favorite apps. Hopefully though, if you followed this tutorial you will no longer have such problems.
If you have any issue with this stuff then just drop me a comment below and I will help you figure it out. Also if you know any other way to fix these Google Play Store errors then do share with us as it’ll be much helpful to many Android users out there.
Using Android smartphones is trendy nowadays, and people use new and latest smartphones daily. You might have faced an issue while downloading your favorite Android app on your device; it would say some crappy error message with an error code that you don’t want to see.
Sometimes that error codes come again and again in front of your screen and annoy you; you might be looking for Google Play Store error codes and how to fix Google Play Store error codes. In this article, we are going to discuss the most common Google Play Store errors and how to fix all Google Play Store errors.
There are solutions for the errors described below with error codes that are based on the experiences of the Android portal editors and errors that are suggested by theandroidportal readers.
If you see any error codes that are sometimes on this page, feel free to let us know in the comment below, we will find the solution for your mentioned error code and update this page with a solution for that Google play error code.
Google Play store error code 18
Problem – Whenever you try to download something from the Google play store it will show an error code 18 popup on your play store.
Solution – You can set the correct date and time on your smartphone, as this issue arise mainly because of the incorrect date and time. Check more details about fixing error code 18 from here.
Google Play Store Error 24
Problem – Error during the new application installation
Solution – Try clearing cache from Settings -> Applications -> Manage Apps -> Click on App -> Clear Cache. If you are still getting the same issue, you need to factory data reset your device.
Google Play Store Error 101
Problem – You can not download any apps from Google Play Store
Solution – Uninstall any useless apps or clear play store data and remove your existing Google account, and re-login to your Google account. Check out below video tutorial on how you can delete unwanted apps on your device.
Play store error 403
Problem – When you see error 403, it means that the download is impossible. You might get this error when you have configured two Google accounts on a single device, and you are trying to purchase an Android app from Google Play Store.
Solution – You should log in to the Google Play store with the correct account; if possible, disable another Google account or remove it temporarily and try to purchase your favorite Android app; the Google Play Error Processing Purchase will now be resolved.
Play store error 413
Problem – This usually happens when you try to download or update any apps from your device, it will not allow you to do this task. If you use a proxy, that might be a possible cause for this problem.
Solution – As discussed above, the actual source of this issue may be due to your internet connection or proxy server. Sometimes when you try to download individual apps using a 3G/mobile connection may trigger this error.
To resolve error 413, you should first remove and clear temporary cache data from your device.
- Go to Settings > Applications > All > Google Play Store
- Clear the cache and delete the data.
- Repeat the operation for “Google Services Framework,” “Google Play Services,” “Google Apps,” and “Google Talk,” and clear the cache of your browser.
- Restart your phone if this setting has not fixed your problem. Make sure your internet connection is stable.
- Go to “Settings > Mobile Networks > APN.”
- Delete the Proxy field and tap on Save.
Play Store Error 491
Problem – Facing issues with downloading apps from Google Play Store
Solution – Remove and configure a new email account on your smartphone. Sometimes wiping the cache partition would also work.
Play Store Error 498
Problem – You may get this error, usually saying that ‘ error 498 has occurred while communicating with the server, reload.” This usually stops downloading apps or games from the Google play store automatically.
Solution – This error is caused when a cache of your device is full; you will need to uninstall unwanted apps and files from your device to make free space on it. Xda-developers forum provides a better solution to this error.
To overcome this error, you will need to restart your smartphone in recovery mode by pressing the volume down + power +home buttons (for Samsung devices) or volume down + power (for most other devices).
From there, you will need to choose wipe cache partition by navigating between options with the volume rocker. Confirm using the power button, and you have done.
Play Store Error 481
Problem – Error in your google account
Solution – Remove your existing Google accounts and use another Google account on your device.
Google Play Store Error 403
Problem – Android apps could not be downloaded due to an error.
Solution – You will need to Clear Proxy from Go to Settings -> Wireless and Networks -> Mobile Network then APN (Access Point Name) -> then Select Clear Proxy Option – After all these steps, you can re-try downloading your material.
Google Play Store Error 500
Problem – You can not download anything from Google Play Store
Solution – Go to recovery > wipe cache > Go to Advanced > Wipe Dalvik cache > Fix permission > Reboot. A few of users have reported that They can successfully resolve Error 500 in Google Play Store.
Google Play Store Error 905
Problem – This error occurs and doesn’t allow users to download big games and apps from the Google play store.
Solution – Clear the play store cache and uninstall google play store updates.
Playstore Error 927
Problem – When you are trying to download any apps from the Google Play store, you can’t.
Solution – This issue occurs when your Google Play store update is in process and you are still trying to download something.
You can either try to uninstall the Google play store updated version by going to the Application Settings > All > Google Play Store > uninstall updates or wait for some time to let the play store update automatically. Check out a detailed solution on how to fix Google Play Store error 927 from here.
Google Play Store Error 961
Problem – This error 961 means that the Google server has forbidden requests to download or update apps from a device. The main reason behind this error is there is a misconfiguration of your device system files on the google play store.
That is preventing you from updating or downloading any apps from your Google play store.
Solution – Force stop Google Services Framework and reboots your device. Check more details about how to fix the 961 error on the play store.
Google Play store error 963
Problem – Users are not able to download apps from the Play store.
Solution – Usual processes like clearing cached data, uninstalling play store updates, remounting microSD cards, and moving apps to internal storage will work. Check full details on fixing the 963 error here.
Error 919
Problem – You can download apps successfully but are not able to open them.
Solution – There is no more space on your device; you can Eliminate all unnecessary data: music, videos, or large applications. You can also use the Apps2SD Android app to move apps to your SD card. It will Fix Google Play Error 919 that you are facing.
Package file invalid
Problem – Unable to install an app from Google Play Store and you might get this Google Play Error Messages while installing apps.
Solution – Use the clean master android app to clear cache and data
- Go to Apps >> All >> Google Play Store >> Clear cache and data
- Go to Apps >> All >> Google Service Framework (Google Play Services) >> Clear cache and data
- Now try installing or updating the app. If this doesn’t work, follow the step below
Go to Settings >> Accounts >> Google >> Click on your Gmail account >> Menu and Remove account. - Restart the device and add your Google account back.
Check out a detailed guide on fixing package file invalid errors.
Insufficient Storage Available
Problem – This is because when your device’s internal memory is full.
Solution – Try to uninstall unwanted apps from your device. You can try to delete dumpstate/logcat to fix Fix Google Play Services error.
Connection Timed Out Error
Problem – You are not able to download apps from the play store
Solution – It can be fixed by modifying the correct date and time, clearing the Google play store cache, re-adding the Google account, resetting app preferences and factory data reset. Further details on setting connection timed out error from here.
Google Play purchase error
Problem – You see a processing Purchase DF-BPA-09 error on your phone
Solution – You can remove and reconfigure your Google account with your device. You can also try clearing cache files from your device to fix this error on your smartphone.
Here we have tried to list a few of the most common Google Play Store errors with a solution to Fix All Errors for Free. If you encounter any other errors out of here mentioned, feel free to comment below with your error code or problem. We would love to solve your problem and help you.
- Fix Unfortunately the Process Android ACORE has stopped
- Fix MTP app error on Samsung Galaxy smartphones
- Fixing, unfortunately, Google Play Store has stopped error
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Миллионы людей ежедневно пользуются магазином приложений Google Play, который многие по старинке называют Плей Маркетом, чтобы обновить уже установленные программы или, например, скачать новую игру. Но порой при запуске апстора, а также во время установки софта возникают проблемы. Их настолько много, что выработать универсальное решение становится практически невозможно. Сегодня мы разберем самые популярные коды ошибок Плей Маркета и попытаемся отыскать способ исправления каждой из них.
Подскажем, как исправить несколько самых распространенных ошибок Play Маркета, которые не дают покоя миллионам пользователей
- 1 Ошибка сервисов Гугл Плей
- 2 Приложение недоступно в вашей стране
- 3 Ошибка проверки обновлений в Play Market
- 4 Ошибка DF-DFERH-01 в Плей Маркете
- 5 Ошибка 192 в Плей Маркете
- 6 Ошибка 907 — не удалось обновить приложение
Ошибка сервисов Гугл Плей
Замечу, что в 2015 году нашем сайте уже выходил текст про популярные ошибки Google Play. С тех пор прошло много времени, но многие проблемы остались актуальны, поэтому рекомендую вернуться к старому тексту, так как здесь мы будем анализировать неполадки, давшие о себе знать только в последние годы.
Подобные ошибки появляются во многих приложениях, и Google Play не является исключением
Самая частая проблема, на которую жалуются пользователи, сопровождается сообщением «В работе приложения сервисы Google Play произошла ошибка». Как правило, она появляется при попытке запуска магазина, а также случайно выскакивает при перемещении между пунктами меню. Чтобы ее решить, нужно:
- проверить правильность даты и времени на смартфоне;
- очистить кэш сервисов Google;
- удалить обновления приложения Google Play;
- выйти и снова зайти в аккаунт Гугл.
Здесь и далее я буду оставлять ссылки на тематические материалы, помогающие выполнить то или иное действие. Смело кликайте по ним, если не знаете, как очистить кэш или удалить обновление Гугл Плей.
Приложение недоступно в вашей стране
В последнее время такую ошибку приходится видеть все чаще
Эта ошибка Плей Маркета появляется на страницах некоторых приложений. Как следует из текста, программа заблокирована на территории вашей страны. В подобной ситуации можно сделать следующее:
- изменить настройки учетной записи, выбрав другую страну, или создать новый Гугл аккаунт;
- воспользоваться одним из проверенных VPN-сервисов;
- установить приложение через APK, скачав файл из другого источника.
Если на другом смартфоне, где используется та же учетная запись, программа продолжает оставаться доступной, попробуйте очистить кэш Google Play. Как ни странно, иногда это помогает исправить ошибку.
Ошибка проверки обновлений в Play Market
Интересно, что помешало магазину проверить наличие обновлений?
Эта проблема настолько частая, что пару лет назад мы решили подробно рассказать, почему происходит ошибка проверки обновлений. За подробностями отправляю вас к тому материалу, а сейчас вкратце о возможных решениях:
- очистка кэша магазина приложений;
- удаление данных Google Play;
- очистка обновлений Плей Маркета.
Если избавиться от ошибки не удастся, установите приложение через сторонний магазин (например, APKPure). Но не забывайте, что предварительно понадобится выдать разрешение на установку из неизвестных источников.
Ошибка DF-DFERH-01 в Плей Маркете
Данная проблема дает о себе знать на протяжении нескольких лет
Этот код возникает внутри самого магазина приложений, когда мы перемещаемся между пунктами его меню, и сопровождается текстом «Ошибка при получении данных сервера». Очевидно, что в первую очередь нужно проверить подключение к интернету. Но проблема может появиться даже при идеальном соединении.
Как показывает практика, ошибку DF-DFERH-01 удается исправить путем очистки данных Google Play или удаления обновлений магазина. Но порой единственным методом решения проблемы становится сброс настроек телефона. Если вы прибегните к этой рекомендации, то не забудьте создать резервную копию.
Ошибка 192 в Плей Маркете
При появлении такой ошибки можно нажать на гиперссылку в сообщении, чтобы переместиться на страницу помощи Google
Следующая ошибка может иметь номер 506 или 907. Она всегда дает о себе знать, если вам не удалось скачать приложение. Наиболее распространенная причина подобной проблемы — недостаточное количество места на внутреннем накопителе. Для устранения неисправности нужно освободить по меньше мере 5-10 ГБ памяти.
Если исправить ошибку не получится, обратитесь к советам, которые я давал при описании других неполадок: очистка данных Google Play, удаление апдейтов апстора, а также выход и повторный вход в аккаунт Гугл. И, конечно же, не забывайте об альтернативных магазинах приложений наподобие RuMarket и NashStore.
Ошибка 907 — не удалось обновить приложение
Обновления приложений в Google Play тоже не всегда устанавливаются гладко
В отличие от предыдущей ошибки, эта появляется не при установке приложения, а в момент, когда вы пытаетесь обновить одну из уже имеющихся на смартфоне программ. Однако в данном случае помогают те же рекомендации:
- освободите место на телефоне;
- выполните очистку кэша и данных Google Play;
- покиньте учетную запись и снова войдите в Гугл аккаунт на смартфоне.
Если ошибка 907 появляется на устройстве, где настроена установка приложений на карту памяти, переподключите внешний накопитель. Это единственный момент, который отличает эту проблему от кода ошибки 506 или 192.
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If you are seeing the “Unfortunately, Google Play Store has stopped” error message on your Android phone or tablet, it could be caused by any number of things. Some potential issues are a lack of internet connection, not enough storage space, or corrupt data. This wikiHow teaches you how to fix the error message in the Google Play Store.
Restart your phone or tablet. If you are having problems with the Google Play Store, the first thing you should try is restarting your phone or tablet. Use the following steps to restart your phone or tablet:
- Press and hold the Power button until the Options menu appears. The Power button is generally on the right side of your phone or tablet.
- Tap Restart.
- Wait for your phone to finish rebooting.
Check your Wi-Fi or mobile data connection. If you are continually having problems with the Google Play Store or app downloads, check your internet connection. If you are connected to Wi-Fi, check the Wi-Fi symbol at the top and make you are getting mostly solid arches. If you are using mobile data, check to make sure have full bars or near full bars and that your phone displays «4G LTE» or «5G» at the top.
- If you are having problems with your Wi-Fi connection, try moving closer to your modem or router. If you are still not getting a good Wi-Fi connection, unplug your modem or router for about 20 seconds and plug it back in. Allow a few minutes for it to fully boot up. If you are still having problems, contact your service provider.
- If you are having problems with your mobile data connection, try moving to a different location to see if you get a better signal. You can usually get a better mobile data connection outdoors. If you are not able to get any mobile data, contact your mobile service provider.
Check how much storage you have available. You can check how much storage you have available under the «Storage» menu in the Settings app. This is on the main Settings menu of stock Android devices. If you are using a Samsung Galaxy device, it is under «Device Care» in the Settings app. Make sure you have at least 1 GB of storage available. If you have less than 1 GB of storage available, uninstall some apps or delete some files to create more space.
Make sure your Android system is up-to-date. If your Android system is not up-to-date, it may cause problems with the Google Play Store. Use the following steps to make sure your system is running the latest version:
- Open the Settings app.
- Tap System (If you are using a Samsung Galaxy, tap Software Update instead.
- Tap Advanced.
- Tap System.
- Tap Download and Install if it is available.
Open the Settings app
. To open the Settings app, swipe down from the top of the screen to display the Quick Access menu. Then tap the icon that resembles a gear in the upper-right corner.
- Alternatively, you can access the Settings app in your Apps menu by tapping the icon that resembles a gear.
Scroll down and tap Apps & notifications. This displays your apps and options for your apps.
- If you are using a Samsung Galaxy, tap Apps instead. This will display a list of apps.[1]
- On some Android devices, you may need to tap Storage, followed by Other apps.[2]
- If you are using a Samsung Galaxy, tap Apps instead. This will display a list of apps.[1]
Tap See all apps. This displays a list of all apps installed on your phone or tablet.
Tap Google Play Store. Apps are listed alphabetically. Scroll down until you find Google Play Store and tap it.
- Alternatively, you can tap the magnifying glass icon at the top and type «Google Play Store» in the search bar.
Tap Storage. This displays options for managing the storage on your device.
Tap Clear cache. It’s listed at the bottom of the screen. This instantly clears the app cache.
Tap Clear data followed by Ok. This clears the app data.
- Warning: This will erase all your Google Play Store settings and your account data.
Open the Google Play Store
. Try to launch the Google Play Store again to see if the problem is fixed.
- If you are still having problems with the Google Play Store, use these same steps to clear the cache and data for Google Play Services and Download Manager.[3]
- If you are still having problems with the Google Play Store, use these same steps to clear the cache and data for Google Play Services and Download Manager.[3]
Open the Settings app
. To open the Settings app, swipe down from the top of the screen to display the Quick Access menu. Then tap the icon that resembles a gear in the upper-right corner.
- Alternatively, you can access the Settings app in your Apps menu by tapping the icon that resembles a gear.
Scroll down and tap Apps & notifications. This displays your apps and options for your apps.
- If you are using a Samsung Galaxy, tap Apps instead. This will display a list of apps.[4]
- On some Android devices, you may need to tap Storage, followed by Other apps.[5]
- If you are using a Samsung Galaxy, tap Apps instead. This will display a list of apps.[4]
Tap See all apps. This displays a list of all apps installed on your phone or tablet.
Tap Google Play Store. Apps are listed alphabetically. Scroll down until you find Google Play Store and tap it.
- Alternatively, you can tap the magnifying glass icon at the top and type «Google Play Store» in the search bar.
Tap the More button ⋮. It’s the button with three vertical dots in the upper-right corner. Tap this button to display the «More» menu.
Tap Uninstall updates. A pop-up box will appear asking you, “Replace this app with the factory version? All data will be removed.”
Tap Ok. This will uninstall all updates to the Google Play Store.
Open the Google Play Store
. After uninstall Google Play Store updates, try launching it again.
Tap your profile image. It’s the circular image in the upper-right corner. This displays the menu.
- If you have not set a profile image for your Google account, this will appear as a colored circle with an initial in the middle.
Tap Settings. It’s near the bottom of the menu. It’s next to an icon that resembles a gear.
Tap About. This expands the «About» menu.
Tap Play Store version. It’s near the bottom of the «About» menu. This checks for the latest version of the Google Play Store.
Tap OK. This starts downloading the latest version of Google Play Store. Wait for your download to finish.
- You will then notice on the notification bar that the Download Manager has started downloading the latest version of Google Play.
- Due to fresh installation, the error message “Unfortunately, Google Play Store has stopped” should be gone too.
Open the Settings app
. To open the Settings app, swipe down from the top of the screen to display the Quick Access menu. Then tap the icon that resembles a gear in the upper-right corner.
- Alternatively, you can access the Settings app in your Apps menu by tapping the icon that resembles a gear.
Scroll down and tap Accounts. You will see a list of all the accounts added to your device.
- If you are using a Samsung Galaxy, you will first need to tap Accounts & backup before tapping Accounts.
Tap the email address associated with your Google account. Make sure this is the account you use to download and make purchases on the Google Play Store.
- Before deleting, make sure all of your data including contacts, calendar, docs, Gmail are synchronized with your Google account.
Tap Remove account. It’s below the listed email address and Google logo. This removes your account from your device.
- Remember, deleting your primary Google account from your Android device will delete your contacts, calendar, and other account-associated data from your device.
Enter your PIN or password if needed. If asked to do so, enter the PIN, Password, or use your fingerprint to confirm that you want to remove the Google account.
Go back to the «Accounts» page and tap + Add account. It’s at the bottom of the «Accounts» page in the Settings app.
Tap Google. It’s next to the Google «G» icon. This indicates that you want to add a new Google account.
Enter your password or PIN if needed. If asked to do so, enter the password, PIN, or use your fingerprint to confirm that you want to add a new account.
Enter your Google account email and tap Next. Make sure you enter the email address associated with your primary Google account.
Enter your Google password and tap Next. This signs you back into your Google account.
Try using the Google Play Store again. Now that you have logged out and logged back into the Google account you are using with the Google Play Store, try relaunching the Google Play Store and see if the problem is fixed.
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I can’t open my Playstore and its keeps going back to my home screen.
Rudy Toth
Community Answer
Go to your phone settings and see if you can clear out the cache that builds up during the daily/nightly usages. Clean the cache in Google Play Store on your phone and then reboot your phone and see if that works for you.
Unsuccessful in solving problems. Everytime I tap on a given instruction the screen shrinks and nothing seems to happen. Why is this?
Rudy Toth
Community Answer
Go to settings and see if you can delete the «Cache» in your phone. Open the Google Play Store app and clear the cache that way you solve the problem. You also can install a cache cleaner app that removes all the cache your phone builds up over the days of usages. Things tend to slip and not work with the cache is over filled in some apps.
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If nothing works, then you can try resetting your phone. This will remove everything on your phone but the problem will be solved.
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About This Article
Article SummaryX
1. Restart your Android device.
2. Check your internet connection.
3. Check how much storage you have available.
4. Make sure your Android system is up-to-date.
5. Locate Google Play Store in the Apps menu in the Settings app.
6. Clear the Google Play Store cache and data and try again.
8. Uninstall all Google Play Store updates in the Apps menu in the Settings app.
9. Remove your Gooogle account from your phone and sign back into it.
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In this tutorial, we’ll describe in detail the ways to fix a range of Google Play Store errors. Whether it’s ‘unfortunately google play services has stopped’ error, Error 495, Error 403, Error 505, Error 921, Error 927, Error 504, Error code -103, Error 941, Error 491 and so on.
Since you’re reading this post, I assume that you’ve been experiencing troubles while installing apps from Google Play Store from your Android device. Google Play Store is the largest app store for Android apps and games which acts as a giant hotspot for all Android users. A few minutes of browsing apps in the Google Play Store would leave you craving to search for more and more apps.
On the dark side, many Android users frequently complain about receiving different weird errors while trying to install apps from the Google Play Store. The reasons for these errors are numerous and Google mapped unique codes to these errors for easy reporting and solving these issues.
Today, we have taken some time to list some of the most reported Google Play Store errors and the simple workarounds to solve them. The listed fixes are universal and should work on any Android device irrespective of the Android version. So, without any further ado, let’s see how to fix Unfortunately Google Play services has stopped and other Google Play Store errors on Android devices.
The Google Play store errors can either be identified using the unique error code or the error message. We have listed both the error message and the error code which will help you find the solution for your issue quickly. Below is a list of 11 Google Play store error codes along with the solution to fix them easily.
Here’re some quick fixes that you should try if you get any Google Play Store related error.
- Restart your phone.
- Check your phone’s date and time settings
- Make sure you have a good data connection.
- Clear the Google Play Store app’s data and cache.
- Uninstall previous updates by going to Settings> Apps and tapping Disable button. Re-enable it and then install the latest version of Google Play Services
- Reset your Google account on your device and set it up again..
- Check your disabled apps to find out if you have mistakenly disabled any wrong system app that might have caused the issue.
- Disable and Enable Download Manager from Settings> Apps.
Delete the file “hosts.txt”. The action requires root access. Go to root/system directory using a root file manager, search for “hosts.txt” and delete the file. Reboot the phone
- If none of the fixes mentioned above work, perform a factory data reset.
Must read: Add, Remove and Manage Accounts on Android Devices
1. Unfortunately Google Play services has stopped
“Unfortunately Google Play services has stopped” is one of the most commonly encountered errors on Android devices. The issue might pop up for various reasons and therefore, you might need to try a number of solutions until the error is fixed.
Possible Causes of the Error
- Part-installed apps: something went wrong part-way through installing an app
- /mnt/sdcard is full
- Corrupted app data
- Corrupted binaries
Fix 1: Remove apps & Free Space
If you have installed too many apps on your device, your device memory might be full and it might cause the Play Store app stop functioning or result in unsuccessful app downloads. To fix the issue try removing some apps and data for free some space.
Fix 2: Disable Play Store, Clear Data and Cache
Now here are the most commonly practiced fixes for the “Unfortunately, Google play store has stopped” error.
- Open your device Settings.
- Now look for Apps/Applications in the Settings menu and tap it.
- Swipe the app page from right to left to see the list of All apps present on your device.
- Now scroll down to Google Play Store app and tap it.
- On the App info page, tap Storage and then Clear cache, option.
- Then back to the app page and tap Force stop and Disable buttons. If you see Uninstall updates option, let it uninstall and then restart the app. Reboot your device and check if the error has gone.
- If the issue still persists, open Settings> Apps> All> Google Play Store> Storage again and tap Clear data option. Reboot the phone and try again.
Fix Google Play Store Errors
Fix 3: Reset Your Google Account
Do you still see “Unfortunately Google Play services has stopped” issue? There’s one more thing to try.
- Open Settings> Accounts> Google.
- Tap your Google account ID that you use to sign into your Android device.
- Select Remove account option.
- Now go back and launch the Google Play Store app.
- Sign in with your Google account when prompted.
- Done!
Fix 4: Reinstall Google Play Services
Sometimes, “Unfortunately Google Play services has stopped” error is caused by corrupted Google Play Services binaries. You can easily fix that by clearing app data from Settings> Apps> Google Play Services or by reinstalling the app.
Fix 5: Flash Google Apps
If you are using a CM, AOSP, AOKP, Omni, Slim or some other custom ROM on your phone or tablet and are having the “Unfortunately, Google play store has stopped” issue, you should look for the latest Gapps (Google apps) flashable zip based on the Android version of your ROM.
We suggest installing a Gapps package recommended or provided by the ROM developer. Having downloaded the correct Google apps zip package, flash/install it using CWM/TWRP/PhilZ recovery and reboot your device.
Read next: Remove or Sign Out of Google Account on Android Devices
- Устраняем ошибку в приложении Сервисы Google Play
- Способ 1: Установка актуальной даты и времени на устройстве
- Способ 2: Очистка кэша Сервисов Google Play
- Способ 3: Удаление обновлений Сервисов Google Play
- Способ 4: Удаление и восстановление аккаунта
- Вопросы и ответы
При пользовании устройствами с операционной системой Android изредка может появляться информационное окно, в котором сообщается о том, что в приложении Сервисы Google Play произошла ошибка. Не стоит впадать в панику, это не критичная ошибка и исправить ее можно за несколько минут.
Чтобы избавиться от ошибки, необходимо выявить причину ее происхождения, которая может скрываться в простейшем действии. Далее будут рассмотрены возможные причины возникновения сбоя в работе Сервисов Google Play и способы решения проблемы.
Способ 1: Установка актуальной даты и времени на устройстве
Выглядит банально, но неправильная дата и время могут быть одной из возможных причин сбоя в Сервисах Гугл Плей. Чтобы проверить, правильно ли были введены данные, зайдите в «Настройки» и перейдите в пункт «Дата и время».
В открывшемся окне удостоверьтесь в правильности указанного часового пояса и других показателей. Если они неправильны и изменение пользователем запрещено, то отключите «Дата и время сети», переместив ползунок влево, и укажите верные данные.
Если эти действия не помогли, то переходите к следующим вариантам.
Способ 2: Очистка кэша Сервисов Google Play
Чтобы стереть временные данные приложения, в «Настройках» устройства зайдите в «Приложения».
В списке найдите и тапните по «Сервисы Google Play», чтобы перейти к управлению приложением.
На версиях Андроид ОС ниже 6.0 опция «Очистить кэш» будет доступна сразу в первом окне. На 6 версии и выше сначала зайдите в пункт «Память» (или «Хранилище») и только после этого увидите нужную кнопку.
Перезагрузите ваше устройство — после этого ошибка должна пропасть. В противном случае пробуйте следующий метод.
Способ 3: Удаление обновлений Сервисов Google Play
Помимо очистки кэша, можно попробовать удалить обновления приложения, вернув его к исходному состоянию.
- Для начала в пункте «Настройки» перейдите в раздел «Безопасность».
- Далее откройте пункт «Администраторы устройств».
- Следом нажмите на строку Найти устройство».
- В отобразившемся окне нажмите на кнопку «Отключить».
- Теперь через «Настройки» зайдите в Сервисы. Как и в предыдущем способе, нажмите «Меню» внизу экрана и выберите «Удалить обновления». Также на других устройствах меню может быть в правом верхнем углу (три точки).
- После этого в строке уведомлений появится сообщение о том, что для корректной работы нужно обновить Сервисы Гугл Плей.
- Для восстановления данных зайдите в оповещение и на странице Play Market нажмите «Обновить».
Если этот способ не подошел, то можно попробовать еще один.
Способ 4: Удаление и восстановление аккаунта
Не стирайте учетную запись, если не уверены, что помните ее актуальные логин и пароль. В этом случае вы рискуете потерять много важных данных, привязанных к аккаунту, поэтому убедитесь, что почту и пароль к ней вы точно помните.
- Перейдите в «Настройках» в раздел «Аккаунты».
- Следом выберите «Google».
- Зайдите в почту вашей учетной записи.
- Тапните по «Удалить аккаунт» и подтвердите действие, нажав в отобразившемся окне на соответствующую кнопку. На некоторых устройствах удаление будет спрятано в меню, находящемся в правом верхнем углу, обозначенном тремя точками.
- Для восстановления учетной записи вновь зайдите во вкладку «Аккаунты» и внизу списка нажмите «Добавить аккаунт».
- Теперь выберите «Google».
- Введите в указанном месте номер телефона или почту от вашей учетной записи и тапните «Далее».
- Следом укажите пароль и нажмите «Далее».
- И напоследок подтвердите ознакомление с «Политикой конфиденциальности» и «Условиями пользования», нажав на кнопку «Принять».
Читайте также: Как зарегистрироваться в Плей Маркете
Подробнее: Как восстановить пароль в своем аккаунте Google
После этого ваш аккаунт вновь добавится в Плей Маркет. Если и этот способ не помог, то здесь без сброса к заводским настройкам, со стиранием всей информации с устройства, не обойтись.
Подробнее: Сбрасываем настройки на Android
Таким образом, победить ошибку Сервисов Гугл не так и сложно, главное — выбрать нужный способ.
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