Grammar error correction passive positives negatives and questions ответы

GRAMMAR ERROR cORRECTION PAST SIMPLEPositives, Negatives and QuestionsFind and correct the mistokes below.ate1. They eat dinner at six o’clock yesterday.They ate2. Did Maria drove to work this morning?3. I not finished my homework last night.4. Did you busy last Monday?5. Was she buy a new car yesterday?6. I wanted to went to Montreal two […]


  1. GRAMMAR ERROR cORRECTION PAST SIMPLE Positives, Negatives and Questions Find and correct the mistokes below. ate 1. They eat dinner at six o’clock yesterday. They ate 2. Did Maria drove to work this morning? 3. I not finished my homework last night. 4. Did you busy last Monday? 5. Was she buy a new car yesterday? 6. I wanted to went to Montreal two years ago. 7. Was you late for the meeting? 8. Who did you talked to? 9. Where was you stay in Washington? 10. I was read that book last year. 11. John flied to Argentina last week. 12. He weren’t at home last night. 13. I not see the movie last weekend ? 14. What do you did last night? 15. Did they has a good time at the party? 16. Did you in class yesterday? ​
  2. GRAMMAR ERROR CORRECTION PRESENT SIMPLE Positives, Negatives and Questions Find and correct the mistakes below. goes 1. He go to bed very early. 2. Does they live in Canada? 3. I am usually cook dinner for my family. 4. Are they have a meeting every week? 5. She don’t like tennis. 6. Does John has enough money? 7. He know the answer. 8. Robert playes baseball on the weekend. 9. They has lots of free time. 10. Do they usually driving to work? 11. Jenny is not work at a restaurant. 12. She worys too much about the exams. 13. My father wants to travels to Spain. 14. Why you study English? 15. He doesn’t drinks tea 16. They are start class in the moming.​
  3. Ответы

Positives, Negatives and Questions
Find and correct the mistokes below.
1. They eat dinner at six o’clock yesterday.
They ate
2. Did Maria drove to work this morning?
3. I not finished my homework last night.
4. Did you busy last Monday?
5. Was she buy a new car yesterday?
6. I wanted to went to Montreal two years ago.
7. Was you late for the meeting?
8. Who did you talked to?
9. Where was you stay in Washington?
10. I was read that book last year.
11. John flied to Argentina last week.
12. He weren’t at home last night.
13. I not see the movie last weekend ?
14. What do you did last night?
15. Did they has a good time at the party?
16. Did you in class yesterday?


  1. ate
  2. drive
  3. did not
  4. were you busy
  5. did she
  6. I wanted to go
  7. were you
  8. talk
  9. where did
  10. I read that book last year (read bentuj keduanya sama read juga)
  11. flew (bukan flied)
  12. he wasn’t
  13. ? did i not see the movue last weekend?
  14. what did you do last night?
  15. did they have
  16. were you


GRAMMAR ERROR CORRECTION PRESENT SIMPLE Positives, Negatives and Questions Find and correct the mistakes below. goes 1. He go to bed very early. 2. Does they live in Canada? 3. I am usually cook dinner for my family. 4. Are they have a meeting every week? 5. She don’t like tennis. 6. Does John has enough money? 7. He know the answer. 8. Robert playes baseball on the weekend. 9. They has lots of free time. 10. Do they usually driving to work? 11. Jenny is not work at a restaurant. 12. She worys too much about the exams. 13. My father wants to travels to Spain. 14. Why you study English? 15. He doesn’t drinks tea 16. They are start class in the moming.​


different people like doing different things because their tastes differ. so people have different hobbies. “a hobby” is something that people usually do to get pleasure or to relax and to spend free time.

usually people choose as a hobby something that they really like doing. something for their character and their taste. you will never do something as a hobby if you don’t like it. if you have an interesting hobby your life becomes more interesting, of course.

most people chose something “to do” as a hobby — doing means something active from traveling to taking pictures, from table tennis to football. others choose something “to make”. making things includes knitting, sewing, handicrafts, painting, drawing.

“collecting things” is another popular pastime. people collect different things like books, toys, car models, plane models, coins, cd’s. there are more serious collectors of expensive paintings, rare things or art objects. such hobbies are for rich people. we can often see such private collections in museums, art galleries or libraries.

how are the things going on? did something new happen in your life? having received your letter, i wanted to answer it immediately. but i was working a lot during the last two weeks. so i was pressed for time and did not manage to carry out my intentions.

i spend 1: 00 watching tv each day.i watch it for entertainment because in my spare time i’m bored.i do not like to watch a program house 2.

and what programs do you watch? why do you watch them? when you watch them?

your very sincere friend,neumann

1) i never object to being invited by someone. я никогда не возражаю против того, когда кто-нибудь приглашает меня.

2) i like to participate in different kinds of fun. мне нравиться принимать участия в разных видах развлечений.

3) i am never guilty of doing something wrong. я никогда не бываю виноватой, когда сделаю что-то не так.

4) my family are not used to getting up early. я не привыкла рано вставать.

5) i am not capable of offending a child. я не способна обидеть ребенка.

6) i usually get tired of doing my homework. я обычно устаю от выполнения работы.

7) i and my younger brother would like to participate in olympic games. я и мой младший брат хотели бы принять участия в олимпийских играх.

8) we are really interested in learning foreign languages. я действительно заинтересованы в изучение иностранных языков.

9) all of my raletives are looking forward to new year’s day. все мои родственники с нетерпением ждут дня нового года.

1) london wasn’t the capital till the eleventh century. — london didn’t used to be the capital till the 11th century.




NAME: ________________________ DATE: ________________________


PASSIVE Positives, Negatives and Questions Find and correct the mistakes below.

1. He surprised by the loud noise.

2. They were ate dinner at six oclock.

3. Was your car fix?

4. This photo was take by my uncle.

5. Who was cooked dinner?

6. When did the airplane invented?

7. He was watched his favorite TV show.

8. Robert was bite by a dog.

9. They were interview by a reporter.

10. Im sorry. You are not allow to go inside.

11. Pluto discovered in 1930.

12. Why did the party cancelled?

13. I was really enjoyed my holiday last summer.

14. My friend wasnt careful. She was fell off her bicycle.

15. The room cleaned this morning.

16. When was the story write?

Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.


Grammar Error Correction: Passive

1. He was surprised by the loud noise.

2. They ate dinner at six oclock.

3. Was you car fixed?

4. This photo was taken by my uncle.

5. Who cooked dinner?

6. When was the airplane invented?

7. He watched his favorite TV show.

8. Robert was bitten by a dog.

9. They were interviewed by a reporter.

10. You are not allowed to go inside.

11. Pluto was discovered in 1930.

12. Why was the party cancelled?

13. I really enjoyed my holiday last summer.


Positives, Negatives and Questions
Find and correct the mistokes below.
1. They eat dinner at six o’clock yesterday.
They ate
2. Did Maria drove to work this morning?
3. I not finished my homework last night.
4. Did you busy last Monday?
5. Was she buy a new car yesterday?
6. I wanted to went to Montreal two years ago.
7. Was you late for the meeting?
8. Who did you talked to?
9. Where was you stay in Washington?
10. I was read that book last year.
11. John flied to Argentina last week.
12. He weren’t at home last night.
13. I not see the movie last weekend ?
14. What do you did last night?
15. Did they has a good time at the party?
16. Did you in class yesterday?


  1. ate
  2. drive
  3. did not
  4. were you busy
  5. did she
  6. I wanted to go
  7. were you
  8. talk
  9. where did
  10. I read that book last year (read bentuj keduanya sama read juga)
  11. flew (bukan flied)
  12. he wasn’t
  13. ? did i not see the movue last weekend?
  14. what did you do last night?
  15. did they have
  16. were you


GRAMMAR ERROR CORRECTION PRESENT SIMPLE Positives, Negatives and Questions Find and correct the mistakes below. goes 1. He go to bed very early. 2. Does they live in Canada? 3. I am usually cook dinner for my family. 4. Are they have a meeting every week? 5. She don’t like tennis. 6. Does John has enough money? 7. He know the answer. 8. Robert playes baseball on the weekend. 9. They has lots of free time. 10. Do they usually driving to work? 11. Jenny is not work at a restaurant. 12. She worys too much about the exams. 13. My father wants to travels to Spain. 14. Why you study English? 15. He doesn’t drinks tea 16. They are start class in the moming.​


my best this city of st. peterburg.v it has a cafe and cinema all that i lyublyu.esche i’ll be in moscow, too, there all parties can reach the stars in the tv beauty! i love the and i advise you to go дальше сам

5.can(сомневаюсь,не вижу перехода времени)

1. when she looked for her keys, she found her pen.

2. mary asked a women, «have you ever looked after a child? «

3. look at this woman. she looks nice doesn’t she?

4. you won’t be able to translate this text until you would not look all the words in a dictionary.

5. i ‘am waiting impatiently meeting this man.


TEST 9 Questions, negatives and answers (Units 34-43)

Read the conversation. Then look at the answers below and write the correct answer in each space.

( ►) Shall we go to the party tonight?

Susan. You know her, (2) .

sure. Has she got long dark hair?

Yes, she (4)……………….. And she’s quite tall. (5)…………….. you spoken to her?

No, I don’t think (6)……………… . But I know who you mean. There are two sisters, Susan and

Janet. They’re twins, aren’t (7) .

Yes, that’s right.

Oh, I (9)…………….. know. They both look the same. I can’t always tell them apart.

No, (10)………………can I. In any case, I haven’t been invited to the party.

OK. (12)…………….. go to it then, shall we?

What would you say? Use the word in brackets, and use a question form in each sentence.

► You want to suggest a game of cards, (have)

Shall we have a game of cards ?

1 You are asking Tessa where her house is. (live)

2 You want Janet to tell you what she is thinking, (about)

3 You are inviting a friend to come to your room, (like)

4 You are surprised that your friend missed the football match on television, (watch)

5 You are asking permission to take a photo, (may)

6 You are looking for Polly. You are asking her friend for information, (seen)

7 You are asking Nigel about the number of letters he has written, (how)

8 You are asking Nancy about the people coming to her party, (who)

9 You are asking Martin’s wife if he cooks every day or once a week, (often)

10 You are asking about the weather tomorrow, (will)

Each of these replies is wrong. Write the correct reply.

► Is it going to snow?

I’m not thinking it.

I don’t think so.

Has the computer arrived?

Don’t you like curry?

Will you be in tonight?

It isn’t very nice isn’t it?

Would you like a sweet?

I’m quite tired now.

You might catch my cold.

The first train didn’t stop.

Rupert is at a job interview. Someone is asking him questions. Write the questions.

► Interviewer: Where do you live ?

Oh, I live in Longtown.

Yes, I went to college.

My interests? I don’t have any, really.

Which company? Oh, I work for BX Electric.

Nothing. There’s nothing I don’t like about my job.

Put in the missing word.

► How does this phone work?

You press this button.

1 The new building looks awful.

I agree. It…………….. . look very nice.

2 Could you give me a receipt, please?

3 This chair isn’t very comfortable.

And………………. is this bed.

4 Didn’t you watch ‘Frankenstein’ last night?

…………………., I hate horror films.

5 What’s this wood……………….. ?

I’m going to make a table.

6 I didn’t say the wrong thing,………………… I?

Well, you weren’t very polite.

7 Will there be any free gifts?

8 Have they sent you some money?

9 Don’t drop those plates,…………….. . you?

OK, I’ll be careful.

10 How……….. . is it to the station?

About half a mile.

11 Do those shoes fit you?

12 Why…………………..we have a picnic?

Yes, good idea. 13…………………foot is hurting?

14 I feel a bit cold actually. -Yes,…………. . do I.

15 Who…………………eaten their ice-cream?

Oh, it’s mine. I’m just going to eat it. 16…………………of these magazines would you like?

This one, please.

44 Ability: can, could and be able to

Vicky: How many instruments can you play, Natasha? Natasha: Three — the violin, the clarinet and the piano. Vicky: That’s terrific. You haven’t got a piano here, though.

Natasha: No, but I can go to the music room in college and play the one in there. Vicky: I’m not musical at all. I can’t even sing.

We use can to say that something is possible: that someone has an ability ( Natasha can play the piano) or an opportunity (She can go to the music room). Can is usually pronounced but sometimes we say . The negative is cannot or can’t .

B Can and be able to

In the present tense, be able to is a little more formal and less usual than can.

Emma is good with computers. She can write/is able to write programs.

But in some structures we always use be able to, not can.

To-infinitive: It’s nice to be able to go to the opera, ( NOT to-can-go )

After a modal verb: Melanie might be able to help us.

Present perfect: It’s been quiet today. I’ve been able to get some work done.

For the future we use can or will be able to but NOT will-can.

If we earn some money, we can go/we’ll be able to go on holiday next summer.

I’m afraid I can’t come/I won’t be able to come to the disco on Friday.

But to suggest a possible future action, we normally use can.

Let’s have lunch together. We can go to that new restaurant.

C Could and was/were able to

For ability or opportunity in the past, we use could or was/were able to.

Natasha could play ( OR was able to play) the piano when she was four.

In those days we had a car, so we could travel ( OR were able to travel) very easily.

To say that the ability or opportunity resulted in a particular action, something that really happened,we use was/were able to but not could.

The plane was able to take off at eleven o’clock, after the fog had lifted. Luckily Mark was able to get ( OR succeeded in getting) the work done in time.

The drivers were able to stop ( OR managed to stop) before they crashed into each other.

Compare these two sentences.

The children could swim when they were quite

The children were able to swim across the river.

young, (a past ability)

In negative sentences and questions, we can use either form. It was foggy, so the plane couldn’t/wasn’t able to take off. The pool was closed, so they couldn’t/weren’t able to have a swim. Could you/Were you able to describe the man to the police?

We normally use could (not was/were able to) with verbs of seeing etc, and with verbs of thinking. We could see the village in the distance. As soon as Harriet opened the door, she could smell gas. I couldn’t understand what was happening.

► He can walk on his hands.

1 Can and can’t (A)

Look at the pictures and say what they can or can’t do. Use these words: climb trees, juggle, lift the weights, play the violin, walk on his hands

2 Can and be able to (B)

Harriet is visiting David, who hurt himself when he fell off a ladder. Complete the conversation using can or a form of be able to. Sometimes there is more than one possible answer.

Harriet: Hello, David. I’m sorry I haven’t (►) been able to come (come) and see you before. I’ve been really busy lately. How are you?

David: I’m OK, thanks. (1)………………………………………. (I / walk) around now. The doctor says (2) . (I / go) back to work soon.

It’ll be nice (3). ….. (get) out again. I hate being stuck here like this. I haven’t (4)……………………. . (do) anything interesting.

3 Could and was/were able to (C)

► Which is closer to the meaning of the sentence ‘Years ago I could run a marathon’?

a) I ran a marathon at one particular time in the past.

b) I was once fit enough to run a very long way.

1 Which of these sentences is correct? I was ill, so I couldn’t go to the party.

I was ill, so I wasn’t able to go to the party.

a) Only the first one. b) Only the second one. c) Both of them.

2 Which is closer to the meaning of the sentence ‘Sarah was able to leave work early yesterday’?

a) Sarah left work early yesterday.

b) Sarah had the opportunity to leave work early yesterday, but we don’t know if she took it.

4 Could and was/were able to (C)

Put in could or was/were able to. Sometimes either is possible. Use a negative if necessary. ► Suddenly all the lights went out. We couldn’t see a thing.

1 The computer went wrong, but luckily Emma………………………… put it right again.

2 There was a big party last night. You………………………… hear the music half a mile away.

I learnt to read music as a child. I

read it when I was five.

People heard warnings about the flood, and they.


Present Simple Passive. Exercises. Упражнения на страдательный залог

Упражнения на тему Present Simple Passive предлагаются с ответами (with answers) и идут от простых к более сложным. На сайте планируется большое количество упражнений на тему Passive Voice с ответами. Смотрите полезные ссылки внизу страницы.

Easy exercises on Present Simple Passive.

Упражнение 1 . Fill in the verb is or are.

  1. Grammar rules . always learnt by heart.
  2. Rare animals . protected in many countries.
  3. This scarf . made by my granny.
  4. Animals in the reserve . fed two times a day.
  5. The same shirts . worn by all the members of our team.
  6. New Belarussian books . shown in our library
  7. Many Belarussian towns . described in this book.
  8. Dinner . always cooked by my mother.
  9. This place . crowded on Sunday.
  10. Our village . surrounded with a forest.

Упражнение 2. Write true sentences in Passive Voice. Use the words in table.

sent via satellite.

played in England.

sold in music shops.

made in Germany.

used to access the Internet.

invited to the concert

brought in the morning

cooked by my mother

painted by my friend

cleaned every day

given text-books at school

written in English

not allowed to ride a motor-bike.

grown in many countries.

Упражнение 3 . Choose the correct form of the verb in brackets to complete the sentences.

  1. I . (like / am liked) this place.
  2. What books by Charles Dickens . (translated / are translated) into Belarussian?
  3. Who . (protects / is protected) animals?
  4. This city . (is visited / visited) by many people.
  5. Who . (gives / is given) bad marks in your class?
  6. Our house . (made /is made) of wood.
  7. Our holiday . (is begun / begins) next week.
  8. Pupils . (are given / give) textbooks by the teacher.
  9. The holiday . (celebrated / is celebrated) every year.

Exercises on Present Simple Passive.

Level : Pre-Intermediate.

Упражнение 4 . Fill in the gaps using the Present Simple Passive Voice form of the verb in brackets.

Mushroom and Ham Salad

First, 5 mushrooms … (1 – cut) into small pieces and …(2 — mix) with two cut spring onions. Then, 100 g cooked ham …(3— cut) into fine cubes. Now, mushrooms, onions and ham … (4 — mix) in a bowl. Finally, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice … (5 — mix) with 1 tablespoon of soy sauce and the mixture… (6 — add) to the salad mixture. Enjoy your salad!

The news reporter and a camera operator _______ (1 – send) to investigate a news story. People_____ (2 – interview) by a reporter and the interviews ______ (3 – film) by a camera operator. The film ____ (4 – take) back to the TV studio, and the best parts of the film _______ (5 – choose) by the news editor. Finally, the news report ______ (6 – send) to televisions in people’s homes and the news _____ (7 – watch) by people all over the country.

My motherland is the Republic of Belarus. My country (1 – situate) in the centre of Europe. It (2 – make up) of six regions: Brest, Vitebsk, Gomel, Grodno, Minsk and Mogilev. Belarus (3 – not wash) by any seas or oceans, so it (4 – not separate) from other countries by seas and oceans. Belarus (5 – border) by five countries.

Belarus is mostly flat (плоская). Some uplands can (6 – find) near Minsk and in some districts of Mogilev and Grodno regions. Most of Belarus (7 – cover) by forests. It is a beautiful country with a lot of lakes.

Упражнение 5. Put the passive sentences in order.

  1. in a lot of schools / are / used / Computers
  2. of plastic / made / are / CDs
  3. seen / The information / on a screen/can be
  4. are / very quickly / The answers / calculated
  5. played / The game / is / on a computer
  6. with a modem / are / sent / E-mails
  7. is / on a disk / Information / stored
  8. sent / Text messages / are / using mobile phones
  9. to get information / used / is / The Internet

Упражнение 6. Respond to the situations with a negative sentence using the words and word combinations in brackets.

Cars are made at this factory, (bicycles)

— But bicycles are not made at this factory.

  1. Bread is sold in this shop, (milk)
  2. Our house is built of wood, (their house)
  3. My books are kept on the shelf. exercise-books )
  4. My younger sister is usually given fruit and milk for supper, (my elder brother)
  5. Apples are grown in Belarus, (oranges)
  6. Glass is made of sand, (paper)
  7. My dresses are made by my mother, (jackets)
  8. Films are watched by many people, (sports programmes)
  9. This apple-tree is planted by me. (that cherry-tree)
  10. All the words are always learnt by the pupils. (rules)

Упражнение 7. Answer the questions in Simple Present Passive.

Is football played in the yard?

— Yes, it is. It’s sometimes played in the yard.

— No, it isn’t. It’s usually played in the field.

Is it played by boys or by girls?

— It’s played by boys as a rule.

  1. Are you always given good marks?
  2. Is your friend also given good marks?
  3. Is your homework always done in time?
  4. Are you often given money by your parents?
  5. Is chess played by two or three people?
  6. Are you often punished at home?
  7. Are trees planted in summer or in autumn?
  8. Are you shown pictures at your English lessons?
  9. Are your exercise-books collected at the beginning or at the end of the lesson?

Упражнение 8. Ask for more information about the sentences using the words in brackets.

The children are left after the lessons.(why,how often)

— Why are the children left after the lessons?

—How often are the children left after the lessons?

  1. The game is won by our school team, (what game)
  2. The map is brought from England, (when)
  3. My books are not kept on the shelf, (why)
  4. School meetings are held every month, (where)
  5. The glass is filled with something, (what)
  6. Hockey is usually played by boys, (when)
  7. Oranges are not grown in Belarus, (why)
  8. The dinner is not yet served, (why)
  9. New rules are explained at the lesson, (by whom)

Exercises on Present Simple Passive. Level – Intermediate.

Упражнение 9. Answer the questions using the words in brackets.

  1. Do many tourists come to Britain? (is visited )
  2. Where is the ‘garden of England? (is situated)
  3. Does it snow in the mountains of Wales? (are covered with)
  4. What language do people in Scotland speak? (is spoken)
  5. Are there many seas around the country? (is surrounded by / is washed by)
  6. Do they make world-famous crafts and clothes in Scotland? (are made)
  7. Do many people know about the beautiful mountains and lakes of Wales? (are known all over the world)
  8. Why is the green colour a symbol of Northern Ireland? (is covered)

Упражнение 10. Make up questions in Simple Present Passive.



GRAMMAR ERROR CORRECTION PRESENT SIMPLE Positives, Negatives and Questions Find and correct the mistakes below. goes 1. He go to bed very early. 2. Does they live in Canada? 3. I am usually cook dinner for my family. 4. Are they have a meeting every week? 5. She don’t like tennis. 6. Does John has enough money? 7. He know the answer. 8. Robert playes baseball on the weekend. 9. They has lots of free time. 10. Do they usually driving to work? 11. Jenny is not work at a restaurant. 12. She worys too much about the exams. 13. My father wants to travels to Spain. 14. Why you study English? 15. He doesn’t drinks tea 16. They are start class in the moming.​


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Английский язык, 07.03.2019 14:00

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GRAMMAR ERROR CORRECTION PRESENT SIMPLE Positives, Negatives and Questions Find and correct the mist…

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Биология, 17.06.2019 18:50


Математика, 17.06.2019 18:50


Литература, 17.06.2019 18:50


История, 17.06.2019 18:50


Математика, 17.06.2019 18:50


Математика, 17.06.2019 18:50


История, 17.06.2019 18:50



Математика, 17.06.2019 18:50


Математика, 17.06.2019 18:50


История, 17.06.2019 18:50


Биология, 17.06.2019 18:50


Математика, 17.06.2019 18:50


Обществознание, 17.06.2019 18:50


Экономика, 17.06.2019 18:50


Русский язык, 17.06.2019 18:50


Математика, 17.06.2019 18:50

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