Обновлено: 08.02.2023
FOV — это поле зрения. Угловое пространство, которое видит человеческий глаз при неподвижной голове и зафиксированном взгляде. Поле зрения среднестатистического человека составляет 55° вверх, 60° вниз, 90° наружу (суммарное поле зрения двумя глазами — 180°) и 60° — внутрь. Из-за особенностей строения человеческий глаз распознает объекты трехмерными в пределах 110°, а полноцветными — в еще меньшем диапазоне. Для сравнения, после зрения некоторых птиц достигает почти 360°.
А в мониторах?
Про-геймеры уже давно игрались со значением FOV, тогда как казуальные игроки обратили внимание на поле зрения с появлением Ultrawide LG мониторов. Точнее, когда LG выпустила доступные массовому потребителю модели.
Все преимущества FOV раскрываются на широкоформатных мониторах с соотношением сторон 21:9. Линейка Ultrawide LG 2017 года целиком состоит из таких моделей, тогда как в линейке Gaming их четыре. Остальные — привычные экраны 16:9. Но всех их объединяют хорошая контрастность, углы обзора и время отклика. Разрешение тоже не отстает: от FullHD на 24 и 27-дюймовых моделях до 2560×1080 на 29/34 дюймах. А у на 38 дюймах — до 3840×1600.
Зачем это?
Мудрые геймеры предпочитают ставить угол обзора больше, чтобы на экране сразу помещалось больше информации. Обратите внимание на отзывы к играм в Steam: игроки, привыкшие к увеличенному значению FOV, часто выделяют как недостаток отсутствие ручной регулировки угла обзора — даже там, где это совершенно не нужно. Такие отзывы копятся и совершенно необоснованно занижают рейтинг игр в Steam. Это особенно фатально для инди — ведь низкий рейтинг напрямую влияет на покупки.
На Ultrawide LG мониторе поле зрения по умолчанию значительно выше. Но, к сожалению, разработчики не всех игр озадачиваются поддержкой мониторов 21:9. Владельцы таких экранов уже добавили в закладки FOV-калькулятор и в курсе значений Vert-/Hor+. Первое — обрезка изображения сверху и снизу (те самые «кинематографичные» полосы), второе — увеличение FOV, которое влечет за собой больше доступного глазу контента по ширине.
Решить проблему поддержки широкоформатных мониторов в играх может адаптивное поле обзора Vert+/Hor+. Почитать об этом методе на примере Quake можно здесь.
Ультраширокие экраны по-новому раскрывают компьютеры в работе (мультитаскеры в восторге!) и в играх. Все больше мультимедиа контента выходит под экраны такой формы, и мониторы Ultrawide LG — доступный способ приобщиться.
Где может пригодиться повышенный FOV?
В шутерах вроде Titanfall 2, Overwatch, Call of Duty и сессионных играх типа World of Tanks и PUBG. Поиск оптимального значения FOV в последней — популярная тема на фан-сайтах. С увеличенным полем зрения ощутимо легче заметить врага на периферии, ориентироваться в замкнутых пространствах, заглядывать за угол. Кроме того, не придется так активно елозить мышью, за что в напряженной схватке вы неоднократно поблагодарите новенький монитор с повышенным FOV.
Понял, а минусы есть?
Как и у всего в этом мире, дружище. С увеличенным FOV сложнее различать и попадать во врагов на дистанции, поскольку на экране все выглядит мельче. Также повышенное поле зрения сильнее грузит компьютер, поэтому на бюджетных ПК придется повозиться с настройками в поисках «золотой середины».
Во-вторых, упомянутая выше поддержка. Пока не все игры корректно отображаются в 21:9 и дают регулировать FOV вручную. К экранам 21:9 приходят производители мониторов и даже смартфонов — это значит, что и игровая индустрия тоже скоро подтянется.
В итоге-то что?
Ручная регулировка FOV — однозначный мастхэв для игр, претендующих на звание киберспорта. Да и в остальных, кроме однопользовательских со ставкой на режиссуру, можно оставить! С одной стороны, игроки имеют полное право настаивать на регулировке FOV — к хорошему быстро привыкаешь, и отказываться от этого нет ни одной объективной причины. С другой — игры, даже мультиплеерные, не становятся хуже от фиксированного угла обзора. Поэтому и массовая истерия в виде негативных отзывов на Steam — не закономерная реакция, а обыкновенный каприз.
Как изменить fov в half life 1
Эта публикация удалена, так как она нарушает рекомендации по поведению и контенту в Steam. Её можете видеть только вы. Если вы уверены, что публикацию удалили по ошибке, свяжитесь со службой поддержки Steam.
Этот предмет несовместим с Half-Life. Пожалуйста, прочитайте справочную статью, почему этот предмет может не работать в Half-Life.
Этот предмет виден только вам, администраторам и тем, кто будет отмечен как создатель.
В результатах поиска этот предмет сможете видеть только вы, ваши друзья и администраторы.
How to make Half-Life and other GoldSrc games Hor+ in widescreen.
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Half-Life is Vert- by default, that is the game doesn’t dynamically increase your field of view (FOV) when you choose a wide aspect ratio, it just cuts off the top and bottom parts of the camera view port.
Right-click on the game in your Steam library, choose Properties, then Set launch options. , type +default_fov 106.
106 is good for 16:9, but you can use any value you want. The default value is 90 for 4:3, you can use an online FOV calculator to calculate the new value for your aspect ratio. I recommend 100 for 16:10 and 122 for 21:9.
Как изменить fov в half life 1
Постигаю новые границы экрана в Half-Life 1 Музыка из аутро: Hearse Percy — Unwind (feat. ThatMusicBrony) [PegasYs .
Данный гайд рассчитан на недавно пришедших игроков в Half-Life/AG. Если вы ими не являетесь, видео можно смело .
Команда для рук — viewmodel_fov 90 Команда для Fov — fov_desired 120 Бинд на Reload — bind [клавиша] reload Поддержка .
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How to unlock the frame rate and adjust the Field of View to the desired amount.
Get your console
First off, you need the game console to do that.
– Open your Steam Library, right click on Half-Life: C.A.G.E.D. and click on “Properties”;
– On the “General” tab, click on the “Set launch options” button located at the bottom;
– Type “-console” (without quotes) in the field;
– Click “Ok”, then “Close” and start the game.
Unlock the framerate
Now that you’re in game, you should see this green window in the main menu:
To unlock the framerate, just type these two commands into the console and press Enter:
fps_override 1
fps_max XXX
Replace “XXX” with the desired amount (example: fps_max 120, fps_max 144, fps_max 165, etc…).
Don’t forget to disable the vsync in the game’s settings if you want more fps than your monitor’s refresh rate! Just untick the option that says “Wait for vertical sync”.
Change your Field of View
To change your Field of View (FOV) just type this other command into the console and press Enter:
default_fov XXX
Replace “XXX” with the desired amount (example: default_fov 100, default_fov 110, default_fov 120, etc…).
Common issues
Keep in mind that changing these two values manually leads to some gameplay and visual issues, so be careful.
Upon changing the fps’s value, keep in mind that the more fps you’re getting, the slower the characters’ turning animation will be. This happens because the Goldsource engine (the graphics engine of Half-Life C.A.G.E.D.) calculates the animation’s speed basing itself on the amount of fps you’re getting. So I highly recommend to set its value to not more than 100/110 for an optimal gameplay experience.
On the other hand, using a high FOV value (for example: 120 FOV on a 16:9 1080p monitor) would create some bad visuals on the weapon’s model and arms, making you see the ending piece of the model, which you’re not supposed to.
Here’s an example screenshot of the issue using a value of 120 on a 16:10 monitor:
So here’s my recommended values based on monitor types:
4:3 / 5:4 = default_fov 90 (default value)
16:10 = default_fov 105
16:9 = default_fov 102
21:9 = default_fov 122
AMD Eyefinity / Nvidia Surround with three 16:9 monitors = default_fov 150 (?)
Then if you have some other monitor configuration, play a bit with the value to get the appropriate amount.
Thanks and credits
Thanks everyone for viewing this guide. I hope it helped you to play the game with the best experience. If you need help with something, just post in the comments section and I’ll help you out.
I would also like to thank Cayle for this amazing mod and for crediting TWHL in the mod’s credits! I wish him the best for his future endeavours.
Don’t forget to hit the Rate button if it helped you! If it didn’t, please don’t hit me with a plunger! 😀
Cianez out.
I got Half Life2 as a gift when it first came out. The problem is that
unlike every other FPS I’ve played I get VERY bad motion sickness from
it. Apparently I’m not alone in that problem, and I heard a theory
that it was caused by the FOV of the game.
I know how to get at the console, but the FOV command doesn’t tell me
what the current setting is and giving it a number doesn’t seem to
change it. eg: FOV 120
Anyone here know what the syntax for the command is and what setting I
should use to reduce the motion sickness?
Remove nospam_ to reply by email
Jeff H……..
Lies, All lies. Don’t believe a word Difool/sayNO/steamKiller says.
He fears the truth!
- Apr 28, 2004
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Thus spake Jeff Holinski <nospam_Holinski@shaw.ca>, Wed, 29 Jun 2005
04:58:29 GMT, Anno Domini:
>I got Half Life2 as a gift when it first came out. The problem is that
>unlike every other FPS I’ve played I get VERY bad motion sickness from
>it. Apparently I’m not alone in that problem, and I heard a theory
>that it was caused by the FOV of the game.
>I know how to get at the console, but the FOV command doesn’t tell me
>what the current setting is and giving it a number doesn’t seem to
>change it. eg: FOV 120
>Anyone here know what the syntax for the command is and what setting I
>should use to reduce the motion sickness?
>Remove nospam_ to reply by email
>Jeff H……..
>Lies, All lies. Don’t believe a word Difool/sayNO/steamKiller says.
>He fears the truth!
I think the default_fov nn command is the one. I use 90.
A killfile is a friend for life.
Replace ‘spamfree’ with the other word for ‘maze’ to reply via email.
«Jeff Holinski» <nospam_Holinski@shaw.ca> schreef in bericht
>I got Half Life2 as a gift when it first came out. The problem is that
> unlike every other FPS I’ve played I get VERY bad motion sickness from
> it. Apparently I’m not alone in that problem, and I heard a theory
> that it was caused by the FOV of the game.
> I know how to get at the console, but the FOV command doesn’t tell me
> what the current setting is and giving it a number doesn’t seem to
> change it. eg: FOV 120
> Anyone here know what the syntax for the command is and what setting I
> should use to reduce the motion sickness?
> Remove nospam_ to reply by email
> Jeff H……..
> Lies, All lies. Don’t believe a word Difool/sayNO/steamKiller says.
> He fears the truth!
I have the same problem only with HL2, and I play FPS games competitively
as well =/ v. annoying!
On Wed, 29 Jun 2005 19:28:46 +1000, Nostromo
<nostromo@spamfree.net.au> wrote:
>Thus spake Jeff Holinski <nospam_Holinski@shaw.ca>, Wed, 29 Jun 2005
>04:58:29 GMT, Anno Domini:
>>I got Half Life2 as a gift when it first came out. The problem is that
>>unlike every other FPS I’ve played I get VERY bad motion sickness from
>>it. Apparently I’m not alone in that problem, and I heard a theory
>>that it was caused by the FOV of the game.
>>I know how to get at the console, but the FOV command doesn’t tell me
>>what the current setting is and giving it a number doesn’t seem to
>>change it. eg: FOV 120
>>Anyone here know what the syntax for the command is and what setting I
>>should use to reduce the motion sickness?
>>Remove nospam_ to reply by email
>>Jeff H……..
>>Lies, All lies. Don’t believe a word Difool/sayNO/steamKiller says.
>>He fears the truth!
>I think the default_fov nn command is the one. I use 90.
I tried the default_fov command. I can see the background change when
I type in the command, but as soon as I close the console it snaps
back to 75 degrees.
What’s the trick for making commands stick when you close the console?
Remove nospam_ to reply by email
Jeff H……..
Lies, All lies. Don’t believe a word Difool/sayNO/steamKiller says.
He fears the truth!
- Oct 12, 2002
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- 0
On Thu, 30 Jun 2005 02:08:56 GMT, Jeff Holinski <nospam_Holinski@shaw.ca> wrote:
>|>I think the default_fov nn command is the one. I use 90.
>|I tried the default_fov command. I can see the background change when
>|I type in the command, but as soon as I close the console it snaps
>|back to 75 degrees.
>|What’s the trick for making commands stick when you close the console?
>|Jeff H……..
I had that happen too until I used the command:
fov 90
- Apr 28, 2004
- 681
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- 18,980
- 0
Thus spake Pluvious <Pluvious@knowhere.com>, Thu, 30 Jun 2005 10:51:11
-0700, Anno Domini:
>On Thu, 30 Jun 2005 02:08:56 GMT, Jeff Holinski <nospam_Holinski@shaw.ca> wrote:
>>|>I think the default_fov nn command is the one. I use 90.
>>|I tried the default_fov command. I can see the background change when
>>|I type in the command, but as soon as I close the console it snaps
>>|back to 75 degrees.
>>|What’s the trick for making commands stick when you close the console?
>>|Jeff H……..
>I had that happen too until I used the command:
>fov 90
Is there a config file one can change to include these commands permanently?
I’ve just added these 2 lines to the end of ..half-life
default_fov 90
fov 90
Let’s see what happens…
A killfile is a friend for life.
Replace ‘spamfree’ with the other word for ‘maze’ to reply via email.
- Oct 12, 2002
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On Fri, 01 Jul 2005 19:42:17 +1000, Nostromo <nostromo@spamfree.net.au> wrote:
>|Thus spake Pluvious <Pluvious@knowhere.com>, Thu, 30 Jun 2005 10:51:11
>|-0700, Anno Domini:
>|>On Thu, 30 Jun 2005 02:08:56 GMT, Jeff Holinski <nospam_Holinski@shaw.ca> wrote:
>|>>|>I think the default_fov nn command is the one. I use 90.
>|>>|I tried the default_fov command. I can see the background change when
>|>>|I type in the command, but as soon as I close the console it snaps
>|>>|back to 75 degrees.
>|>>|What’s the trick for making commands stick when you close the console?
>|>>|Jeff H……..
>|>I had that happen too until I used the command:
>|>fov 90
>|Is there a config file one can change to include these commands permanently?
>|I’ve just added these 2 lines to the end of ..half-life
>|default_fov 90
>|fov 90
>|Let’s see what happens…
Hmm… I had a chance to test my answer and it didn’t work. Fov xx doesn’t
work either. I think you have to enable cheats first (sv_cheats 1). Sorry I
can’t be more help..
- Apr 28, 2004
- 681
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Thus spake Pluvious <Pluvious@knowhere.com>, Fri, 01 Jul 2005 10:07:02
-0700, Anno Domini:
>>|Is there a config file one can change to include these commands permanently?
>>|I’ve just added these 2 lines to the end of ..half-life
>>|default_fov 90
>>|fov 90
>>|Let’s see what happens…
>Hmm… I had a chance to test my answer and it didn’t work. Fov xx doesn’t
>work either. I think you have to enable cheats first (sv_cheats 1). Sorry I
>can’t be more help..
No worries mate — I’ll have another sniff around. I’m just back to the game
since April at AntiCitizen 1 — just wanna complete the damn thing now!
A killfile is a friend for life.
Replace ‘spamfree’ with the other word for ‘maze’ to reply via email.
On Fri, 01 Jul 2005 10:07:02 -0700, Pluvious <Pluvious@knowhere.com>
>Hmm… I had a chance to test my answer and it didn’t work. Fov xx doesn’t
>work either. I think you have to enable cheats first (sv_cheats 1). Sorry I
>can’t be more help..
Turns out that if you enable cheats, (sv_cheats 1) the FOV 90 command
works. Better yet, it solved my motion sickness problem. I can finally
play the game without getting dizzy.
Remove nospam_ to reply by email
Jeff H……..
Lies, All lies. Don’t believe a word Difool/sayNO/steamKiller says.
He fears the truth!
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I got Half Life2 as a gift when it first came out. The problem is that
unlike every other FPS I’ve played I get VERY bad motion sickness from
it. Apparently I’m not alone in that problem, and I heard a theory
that it was caused by the FOV of the game.
I know how to get at the console, but the FOV command doesn’t tell me
what the current setting is and giving it a number doesn’t seem to
change it. eg: FOV 120
Anyone here know what the syntax for the command is and what setting I
should use to reduce the motion sickness?
Remove nospam_ to reply by email
Jeff H……..
Lies, All lies. Don’t believe a word Difool/sayNO/steamKiller says.
He fears the truth!
- Apr 28, 2004
- 681
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- 18,980
- 0
Thus spake Jeff Holinski <nospam_Holinski@shaw.ca>, Wed, 29 Jun 2005
04:58:29 GMT, Anno Domini:
>I got Half Life2 as a gift when it first came out. The problem is that
>unlike every other FPS I’ve played I get VERY bad motion sickness from
>it. Apparently I’m not alone in that problem, and I heard a theory
>that it was caused by the FOV of the game.
>I know how to get at the console, but the FOV command doesn’t tell me
>what the current setting is and giving it a number doesn’t seem to
>change it. eg: FOV 120
>Anyone here know what the syntax for the command is and what setting I
>should use to reduce the motion sickness?
>Remove nospam_ to reply by email
>Jeff H……..
>Lies, All lies. Don’t believe a word Difool/sayNO/steamKiller says.
>He fears the truth!
I think the default_fov nn command is the one. I use 90.
A killfile is a friend for life.
Replace ‘spamfree’ with the other word for ‘maze’ to reply via email.
«Jeff Holinski» <nospam_Holinski@shaw.ca> schreef in bericht
>I got Half Life2 as a gift when it first came out. The problem is that
> unlike every other FPS I’ve played I get VERY bad motion sickness from
> it. Apparently I’m not alone in that problem, and I heard a theory
> that it was caused by the FOV of the game.
> I know how to get at the console, but the FOV command doesn’t tell me
> what the current setting is and giving it a number doesn’t seem to
> change it. eg: FOV 120
> Anyone here know what the syntax for the command is and what setting I
> should use to reduce the motion sickness?
> Remove nospam_ to reply by email
> Jeff H……..
> Lies, All lies. Don’t believe a word Difool/sayNO/steamKiller says.
> He fears the truth!
I have the same problem only with HL2, and I play FPS games competitively
as well =/ v. annoying!
On Wed, 29 Jun 2005 19:28:46 +1000, Nostromo
<nostromo@spamfree.net.au> wrote:
>Thus spake Jeff Holinski <nospam_Holinski@shaw.ca>, Wed, 29 Jun 2005
>04:58:29 GMT, Anno Domini:
>>I got Half Life2 as a gift when it first came out. The problem is that
>>unlike every other FPS I’ve played I get VERY bad motion sickness from
>>it. Apparently I’m not alone in that problem, and I heard a theory
>>that it was caused by the FOV of the game.
>>I know how to get at the console, but the FOV command doesn’t tell me
>>what the current setting is and giving it a number doesn’t seem to
>>change it. eg: FOV 120
>>Anyone here know what the syntax for the command is and what setting I
>>should use to reduce the motion sickness?
>>Remove nospam_ to reply by email
>>Jeff H……..
>>Lies, All lies. Don’t believe a word Difool/sayNO/steamKiller says.
>>He fears the truth!
>I think the default_fov nn command is the one. I use 90.
I tried the default_fov command. I can see the background change when
I type in the command, but as soon as I close the console it snaps
back to 75 degrees.
What’s the trick for making commands stick when you close the console?
Remove nospam_ to reply by email
Jeff H……..
Lies, All lies. Don’t believe a word Difool/sayNO/steamKiller says.
He fears the truth!
- Oct 12, 2002
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- 0
On Thu, 30 Jun 2005 02:08:56 GMT, Jeff Holinski <nospam_Holinski@shaw.ca> wrote:
>|>I think the default_fov nn command is the one. I use 90.
>|I tried the default_fov command. I can see the background change when
>|I type in the command, but as soon as I close the console it snaps
>|back to 75 degrees.
>|What’s the trick for making commands stick when you close the console?
>|Jeff H……..
I had that happen too until I used the command:
fov 90
- Apr 28, 2004
- 681
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- 18,980
- 0
Thus spake Pluvious <Pluvious@knowhere.com>, Thu, 30 Jun 2005 10:51:11
-0700, Anno Domini:
>On Thu, 30 Jun 2005 02:08:56 GMT, Jeff Holinski <nospam_Holinski@shaw.ca> wrote:
>>|>I think the default_fov nn command is the one. I use 90.
>>|I tried the default_fov command. I can see the background change when
>>|I type in the command, but as soon as I close the console it snaps
>>|back to 75 degrees.
>>|What’s the trick for making commands stick when you close the console?
>>|Jeff H……..
>I had that happen too until I used the command:
>fov 90
Is there a config file one can change to include these commands permanently?
I’ve just added these 2 lines to the end of ..half-life
default_fov 90
fov 90
Let’s see what happens…
A killfile is a friend for life.
Replace ‘spamfree’ with the other word for ‘maze’ to reply via email.
- Oct 12, 2002
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On Fri, 01 Jul 2005 19:42:17 +1000, Nostromo <nostromo@spamfree.net.au> wrote:
>|Thus spake Pluvious <Pluvious@knowhere.com>, Thu, 30 Jun 2005 10:51:11
>|-0700, Anno Domini:
>|>On Thu, 30 Jun 2005 02:08:56 GMT, Jeff Holinski <nospam_Holinski@shaw.ca> wrote:
>|>>|>I think the default_fov nn command is the one. I use 90.
>|>>|I tried the default_fov command. I can see the background change when
>|>>|I type in the command, but as soon as I close the console it snaps
>|>>|back to 75 degrees.
>|>>|What’s the trick for making commands stick when you close the console?
>|>>|Jeff H……..
>|>I had that happen too until I used the command:
>|>fov 90
>|Is there a config file one can change to include these commands permanently?
>|I’ve just added these 2 lines to the end of ..half-life
>|default_fov 90
>|fov 90
>|Let’s see what happens…
Hmm… I had a chance to test my answer and it didn’t work. Fov xx doesn’t
work either. I think you have to enable cheats first (sv_cheats 1). Sorry I
can’t be more help..
- Apr 28, 2004
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Thus spake Pluvious <Pluvious@knowhere.com>, Fri, 01 Jul 2005 10:07:02
-0700, Anno Domini:
>>|Is there a config file one can change to include these commands permanently?
>>|I’ve just added these 2 lines to the end of ..half-life
>>|default_fov 90
>>|fov 90
>>|Let’s see what happens…
>Hmm… I had a chance to test my answer and it didn’t work. Fov xx doesn’t
>work either. I think you have to enable cheats first (sv_cheats 1). Sorry I
>can’t be more help..
No worries mate — I’ll have another sniff around. I’m just back to the game
since April at AntiCitizen 1 — just wanna complete the damn thing now!
A killfile is a friend for life.
Replace ‘spamfree’ with the other word for ‘maze’ to reply via email.
On Fri, 01 Jul 2005 10:07:02 -0700, Pluvious <Pluvious@knowhere.com>
>Hmm… I had a chance to test my answer and it didn’t work. Fov xx doesn’t
>work either. I think you have to enable cheats first (sv_cheats 1). Sorry I
>can’t be more help..
Turns out that if you enable cheats, (sv_cheats 1) the FOV 90 command
works. Better yet, it solved my motion sickness problem. I can finally
play the game without getting dizzy.
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Jeff H……..
Lies, All lies. Don’t believe a word Difool/sayNO/steamKiller says.
He fears the truth!
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Field of View
A Field of View (abbreviated FOV) is the maximum angle between the peripherals of a person’s or camera’s vision.
There are two types of fields of view—one for players and one for NPCs:
- The player’s FOV represents the Horizontal Angular Field of View, determining the angle of a geometrical viewwedge called a Frustum, whose rectangular cross-section corresponds to the player’s rectangular screen.
- The NPC FOV instead represents the Angular Field of View, determining the angle of its viewcone. (You can display NPC fields of view in-game with the console command
- 1 The Player’s FOV
- 1.1 Optimization
- 1.2 FOV Calculations
- 2 See Also
The Player’s FOV
In Half-Life 2, the player’s vertical Field of View is set to 75 degrees by default. Screen settings aspect ratios are achieved by expanding the horizontal field of vision, not by cropping top and bottom portions of the image. Thus, the player will see more of the picture when using a widescreen aspect ratio than when using standard 4:3.
You can change this value in two ways:
- By changing the console variable
. (This is flagged as a cheat.) - By using the
map entity.
- Motion sickness : Smaller FOVs tend to exaggerate camera movement, whilst larger FOVs tend to minimize its effect on the image. Thus setting a wider FOV can sometimes help to reduce motion sickness during gameplay. If you are experiencing such problems in Half-Life 2, try changing the FOV to 90 using the command «
sv_cheats 1;fov 90
» in the console.
- Perspective distortion : Wider FOVs introduce more perspective distortion into a image, whereas small FOVs tend to flatten perspective. The distortion is caused by projecting (spherical) optical geometry onto a flat screen — that’s why IMAX Dome screens are curved. Like all optical artifacts, perspective distortion is much more noticeable in still images than in the moving images of FPS gameplay. For making more cinematic screenshots, use a smaller FOV and a larger camera-object distance.
- Theoretically, an optically correct perspective can be obtained by matching the camera’s angle of view to the angle between the player’s eye and the edges of the image on his screen. Obviously, this angle varies according to the actual size of the player’s screen and how far away from the screen he is actually sitting. Most players will be sitting close to a fairly small screen and unconsciously move their head position to obtain the most comfortable perspective. However, if using an unusually large screen (e.g., overhead projection), a suitable seat position can be calculated with :
viewer distance = (screenwidth)/(2*tan(FOV/2))
so where the horizontal FOV is 75 degrees:
viewer distance = (screenwidth * 0.652)
FOV Calculations
- A useful rule of thumb: an object will appear twice as tall and twice as wide if the camera-to-object distance is halved. This is true for any FOV. This may be helpful when working with LOD distances such as making LOD Models, MIP Mapping textures, and setting Fade Distances.
- To calculate actual screen pixels is usually unnecessary, but quite straight forward:
- The trick is to bisect the «FOV» and use simple trigonometry to convert the Angle to a ratio of : FrameWidth / Distance = 2 (tan (FOV/2). So for the Player’s 75° FOV, the FrameWidth = Distance * 1.535.
- This represents how much the Frame’s dimension increases with distance — which is very useful in itself. But we want to know how an object «shrinks» (relative to the frame) over distance, so our ObjectScale is the inverse of the FrameScale, ie : 1/ (2(tan (FOV/2))). For the Player’s 75° Angle of View, the ObjectScale is 1/1.535 == 0.652.
- An object which is 8 units wide and 512 units away from the Player covers ObjectScale * ObjectWidth / Distance == 0.652 * 8 / 512 = 1% of the horizontal FOV, which is 1% of the horizontal screen resolution.
- Now, if you half the distance or double the size of the object, it will cover 2% of the width of your screen.
- If your horizontal screen resolution is 1600 pixels, 1% of 1600 = 16 pixels, 2% = 32 pixels, etc.
- If the ObjectWidth is the same as the Distance, then (for Player’s 75°) 0.652 * 1/1 = 65%, which is close enough to remember : 64 unit wide object viewed at 64 units distance covers 64% of the screenwidth.
- For 90° Angle of View the ObjectScale = 0.5.
- If you want it all in one formula (which is much less handy) : ObjectScreenWidth = ScreenResolution * ObjectWidth / (ObjectDistance * (2 tan (FOV/2)))
See Also
- Angle of view — a Wikipedia article on view angles.
- Parallax Motion — The Wikipedia article on parallax motion.