«This book is now on my list of required reading for all engineering students.» IEEE Spectrum
«…draws on examples from the 4th century BC onwards to identify common features in engineering failures, and offers guidance on how to avoid failure while encouraging innovation…extremely well documented and illustrated…can be read by all those interested in engineering, not just structural engineers.» New Scientist
«…nicely done and the case for using engineering history to comprehend the nature of design is well made…the general reader will be well served, especially because the case histories are so interesting and well presented in themselves…» Nature
«…Petroski makes the case for investigating classic and historical case studies rather than recent design failures, the analysis of which is often complicated by ongoing litigation and distortions or, even more critically, by court-imposed secrecy…provides a cogent argument for reintroducing engineering history…» Robert Mark, School of Architecture, Princeton University, Science
«…should be required reading for all engineering students and all practicing design professionals…» Journal of the Performance of Constructed Facilities
«…discusses several models to explain how errors are introduced in design and how designers can prevent similar mistakes from occurring. Case studies present historic and recent examples of engineering failures…» Civil Engineering
«…the anecdotal nature of the paradigms presented is intended to evoke associations with the real situations in which designers find themselves every day.» Mechanical Engineering
«…students of all branches of engineering can learn from the case studies presented. Not only engineering students but also practicing engineers will learn from the book.» Choice
«The intention of Petroski’s book is to present an incontrovertible paradigmatic argument for the value of case histories, ranging from the ancient to the modern, in illuminating and elucidating the causes and results of human error in the design process, mostly of structures. The further stories, including those about many well-known bridge failures, will prove fascinating and intelligible to the non-technical reader.» Times Higher Education Supplement
«Highly recommended.» ASME International
Book Description
Case histories of engineering success and failure are presented to enrich understanding of the design process.
From classical temples to twentieth century towers, engineers have learned more about design from failure than from success. The concept of error, according to the author of Design Paradigms, is central to the design process. As a way of explaining the enduring aspects of engineering design, Henry Petroski relates stories of some of the greatest engineering successes and failures of all time. These case studies, drawn from a wide range of times and places, from Ancient Greece and Rome to modern America, serve as paradigms of error and judgment in engineering design. By showing how errors were introduced in the design process and how they might be avoided, the book suggests how better quality and reliability might be achieved in designed devices, structures, and systems of all kinds. Clearly written, with striking illustrations, the book will appeal to engineering students, practicing engineers, historians of science and technology, and all those interested in learning about the process of design.
«This book is now on my list of required reading for all engineering students.» IEEE Spectrum
«…draws on examples from the 4th century BC onwards to identify common features in engineering failures, and offers guidance on how to avoid failure while encouraging innovation…extremely well documented and illustrated…can be read by all those interested in engineering, not just structural engineers.» New Scientist
«…nicely done and the case for using engineering history to comprehend the nature of design is well made…the general reader will be well served, especially because the case histories are so interesting and well presented in themselves…» Nature
«…Petroski makes the case for investigating classic and historical case studies rather than recent design failures, the analysis of which is often complicated by ongoing litigation and distortions or, even more critically, by court-imposed secrecy…provides a cogent argument for reintroducing engineering history…» Robert Mark, School of Architecture, Princeton University, Science
«…should be required reading for all engineering students and all practicing design professionals…» Journal of the Performance of Constructed Facilities
«…discusses several models to explain how errors are introduced in design and how designers can prevent similar mistakes from occurring. Case studies present historic and recent examples of engineering failures…» Civil Engineering
«…the anecdotal nature of the paradigms presented is intended to evoke associations with the real situations in which designers find themselves every day.» Mechanical Engineering
«…students of all branches of engineering can learn from the case studies presented. Not only engineering students but also practicing engineers will learn from the book.» Choice
«The intention of Petroski’s book is to present an incontrovertible paradigmatic argument for the value of case histories, ranging from the ancient to the modern, in illuminating and elucidating the causes and results of human error in the design process, mostly of structures. The further stories, including those about many well-known bridge failures, will prove fascinating and intelligible to the non-technical reader.» Times Higher Education Supplement
«Highly recommended.» ASME International
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From ancient Greek temples to twentieth-century towers, engineers have learned more about design from failure than success. The concept of error, according to the author, is central to the design process. As a way of explaining the enduring aspects of engineering design, he relates stories of some of the greatest engineering successes and failures of all time. These case studies, drawn from a wide range of times and places, serve as paradigms of error and judgment in engineering design. By showing how errors were introduced in the design process and how they might be avoided, the book suggests how better quality and reliability might be achieved in designed devices, structures, and systems of all kinds. Clearly written, with striking illustrations, the book will appeal to engineering students, practising engineers, historians of science and technology, and all those interested in learning about the process of design.
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