I encountered an error loading track the playlist does not exist

Everything is set up properly, but I keep getting either "Could not find that track" (for songs and artists name copied directly from Spotify) or "Playlist doesn't exist" (p...

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vexalist opened this issue

Jul 8, 2015




Everything is set up properly, but I keep getting either «Could not find that track» (for songs and artists name copied directly from Spotify) or «Playlist doesn’t exist» (playlist definitely exists).

Any idea where I should be looking?


«Could not find that track» — problem identified. Command seems to use em dash (—), I was using normal dash (-). «Playlist doesn’t exist» still happening, though.


Same. Only getting the «playlist doesn’t exist error. Could use some clarification.


Check that your SPOTIFY_PLAYLIST_ID variable is set, valid and corresponds to a playlist that is owned by the authenticated Spotify user. On the example below, the ID would be the last portion of the URL — 48910w3L1DNiqvMHbUfZyY:



screen shot 2015-07-09 at 13 36 32
screen shot 2015-07-09 at 13 36 55

Yes, I have checked that. Screenshot for evidence. Have tried creating other playlists as well, and generating new client secret and slack token. Still nothing. Could it be something else?


That worked for me! Thank you!


@niqueeta Rather than posting a screenshot could you post a link to your playlist?



And since updating this you have gone back through the installation process?


Yes, I’ve started from scratch, created a new Spotify app, etc. Still getting «this playlist doesn’t exist»


I think it’s something to do with your username — what are you using for SPOTIFY_USERNAME at the moment? You don’t seem to have one, just a number. Go into your Spotify account settings and see if you can give yourself a username or contact their support, then try again.


Ok, yes, that was it. I changed the username to that number and it worked fine. I was using my facebook username. I did think that it might not work out the same, but since the authorisation worked I assumed it was fine. Anyway, thank you!


@niqueeta No problem — for anyone arriving from Google, your Facebook username isn’t always the same as your Spotify username (at least mine isn’t the same) so that’s why it asks for the Spotify username, otherwise it won’t be able to find a playlist for that user.

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  1. I keep getting an error message when loading tracks from the playlists above the browser «…. could NOT be played due to a missing or corrupt file, unsupported format or DRM-protection»
    This isn’t happening all the time, because yesterday I loaded the tracks and adjusted the beat grids then locked them with the padlock, but today they won’t load. All my tracks are mp3 and all imported from iTunes library on my MBP. Some will load directly from the iTunes library folder but most will not.
    Anyone have any idea what’s happening here?

  2. right click on track collection and click on consitency check.. then relocate the missing tracks to there new location…!.. you must of moved the tracks since you imported them or changed the title/artist..!

  3. I have the same issue. Let me break it down:

    note: These issues all relate to ITUNES playlists

    1. there are some playlists in which all songs work 100%
    2. other playlists all give the same ‘missing / corrupt’ error for every track in that playlist
    3. if you take a track in an iTunes playlist which Traktor thinks is missing, and put that track into another playlist which works in Traktor, then sometimes all of a sudden Traktor can load it.
    4. ANY new playlists or tracks added directly to the music library in iTunes give the error in Traktor
    5. if a broken playlist is imported to Traktor’s playlist collection, it is also broken there. HOWEVER, locating the ‘missing’ tracks using the relocate function will fix this.
    6. ANY track in a broken playlist is also broken if searching for it directly in the entire iTunes library using Traktor.
    7. Traktor does not offer the ‘relocate’ function on iTunes playlists and tracks.
    8. I have not moved any tracks on my HDD. They are all in the same top directly on my local drive. Even recreating the playlists from scratch still gives the error
    9. even if I don’t use ANY playlists at all, any new track added to the library gives the error

    CONCLUSION: I cannot play any tracks from iTunes which were added up to about a week ago :(

    This really baffles me. There is no clear way for me to replicate the bug! It seems to only be repeatable if you have the issue in the first place.

    NOTE: it would be ok to copy all the playlists into Traktor’s collection, but seeing as I use iTunes frequently for casual listening and iPhone sync, consolidating two sets of playlists continuously will be a daunting task.

    This issue has occurred in TP2 and TPS4, identically.

    Setup: Macbook Pro 15″, Sandybridge i7
    OSX 10.6.6
    TP2 2.0.1, TPS4 (latest)

    Any help appreciated!

  4. I had this and had to re build my 2Tb collection in itunes :(
    Make sure that you havent accidentally changed any of the path names…

    Mac Hd isnt now MAC HD
    or your ext drive was 2TB WD and is now 2 Tb WD

    any changes like this can make it go belly up.
    I had this and all my Itunes played in itunes, but got thr redstripe and»missing files or DRM» in traktor.

    Ask Karlos, he recalls my greif…..

    Do you have a time machine backup you can refer to?

    PS always good to make a backup of your documents/native / traktor xxx folders, and also itunes library xml files

    For times like this to check.

  5. I am a one week old Traktor»user» coming from Serato(not selling it yet) and have the same problem.

    Opening tracks in the iTunes folder no problem opening in the Track Collection error.

    Even this forum is buggy on my Mac.

    Not a happy «switcher» yet

  6. Hi Lovesick, Welcome to the forum.

    Have you run a consistency check on your collection? Does it report missing files. If so hit relocate files and see if that helps.

  7. Hey Count Zero,

    Thank you for the reply. I think I found the problem.

    All my music is on a external disk. And for some reason Traktor located files on my System disk. And does tracks he could not find.

    I think it has something to do with the two iTunes folders( I know I a messy guy)

    So I guess so far so good. Allthought I bought a falty S4(1 fx knob doesn’t respond) a week ago, and apperently there is no exchance program at NI. I’ll have to send it in repair, not a very nice service I think.

    Anyway back to learning Traktor

  8. There IS an exchange program. have had mine replaced by my local dealer. NI were very helpful when I posted a support ticket.

    As for this problem, I think I’ll have to rebuild my iTunes :(

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15.01.2015, 21:05. Показов 6903. Ответов 3

Собственно, сделал программу, но на строчку ругается, типа «File does not exist». Сам файл с таблицей нормально открывается, можно посмотреть данные и прочее.


SET DEFAULT TO "e:baziuch"
USE customer.dbf IN 1  ALIAS cus
USE order.dbf    IN 2  ALIAS ord
USE salesman.dbf IN 3  ALIAS smn
USE sale.dbf     IN 4  ALIAS sal
USE account.dbf  IN 5  ALIAS acnt
USE catalog.dbf  IN 6  ALIAS ctl INDEX catalog ORDER tag fam
USE autor.dbf    IN 7  ALIAS atr
USE town.dbf     IN 8  ALIAS twn
USE street.dbf   IN 9  ALIAS str
USE fam.dbf      IN 10 ALIAS fam INDEX fam     ORDER tag TAG(2)
USE im.dbf       IN 11 ALIAS im  INDEX im      ORDER tag im
USE ot.dbf       IN 12 ALIAS ot  INDEX ot      ORDER tag ot
SET RELATION TO key_fam INTO fam, key_im INTO im, key_ot INTO ot
@ 10,10 say 'çàäàéòå ðåæèì ïðîñìîòðà'
 @ 12,10 prompt 'ñ íà÷àëà'
 @ 14,10 prompt 'ñ êîíöà'
 @ 16,10 prompt 'ñ çàäàííîãî íîìåðà'
 @ 18,10 prompt 'êîíåö ïðîñìîòðà'
  menu to otv
DO case
 CASE otv=1
  GO top
 CASE otv=2
 CASE otv=3
  input 'ââåäèòå íîìåð àâòîðà' to c_nomn
  LOCATE FOR key_book = c_nomn
  IF BOF()
   WAIT 'òàêîé çàïèñè íåò'
 CASE otv=4
@ 20,1 say 'ôàìèëèÿ àâòîðà: '+' íàæìèòå enter'
@ 21,1 say 'äëÿ ïðîñìîòðà ïðåäûäóùåé çàïèñè '+' íàæìèòå PgUp'
@ 22,1 say 'äëÿ âûõîäà íàæìèòå esc'
 @ 8,5  say 'ôàìèëèÿ àâòîðà: ' + fam.name_fam
 @ 9,5  say 'Èìÿ àâòîðà: ' +     im.name_im
 @ 10,5 say 'Îò÷åñòâî àâòîðà: '+ ot.name_ot
 @ 11,5 say 'Íàçâàíèå êíèãè: ' + ctl.name_book
 @ 13,5 say RECNO()
DO case
 CASE k=27
 CASE k=18
 CASE k=13

ругается конкретно на


USE catalog.dbf  IN 6  ALIAS ctl INDEX catalog ORDER tag fam

имена совпадают.

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15.01.2015, 22:07


простите, а файлы catalog.dbf и catalog.cdx в каталоге e:baziuch точно существуют? И имена не содержат кирилицу (c а o — русские выглят так же, как английские, но, разумеется, это совершенно другие буквы!!)
Выполните команду в командной строке:


DIR e:baziuch*.* > e:AllFiles.txt

и полученный файл e:AllFiles.txt запакуйте в архив и выложите сюда.

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P.S. Не обращайте внимания на кракозябры)

ПЕРЕД тем, как копировать текст в буфер обмена, включите РУССКУЮ раскладку клавиатуры, поможет!



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включите РУССКУЮ раскладку клавиатуры, поможет!

Если использовать тег CODE, а не QUOTE — раскладка не важна…


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17.01.2015, 17:42



Sergio Leone, команду, которую вы сказали ввести не принимается, причина «command contains unrecognized phrase/keyword»


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