Каждую весну и осень… возникают вопросы относительно датчиков давления в колесах.
Постараюсь рассказать о личном опыте и надеюсь, сниму много вопросов по этому поводу, т.к. одинаковых «Тем» на форуме появляется очень много!
Владею GS300 2007г. европеец. Соответственно и рассказывать буду о нем.Так как каждый раз перекидывать резину с лета на зиму у нас в Бундесе обходится в 60 евросов и это умножить на 2, то логическим выходом из сложившейся ситуации явилась покупка второго комплекта датчиков давления. Сказано сделано.
Все это было летом .Так как особого опыта общения с GS300 у меня не было то в один прекрасный солнечный день я взял свой нотбук, шнурок и пошел к машине. Технология прописки жована много раз в различных форумах, так что описывать ее смысла нет. Я прописал 2ed комплект и был таков.
И вот пришла зима и я решил переобуться. Так как на зимних колесах я уже одну зиму отъездил при этом разглядывая весленькую надпись Check System и не желая отдавать денег за полный шинпмонтаж всех колес, я начитавшись форумов решил засунуть все датчики в запаску, что я и сделал в ближайшем сервисе.
Приехав домой и перекинув катки я увидел до боли в скулах знкомое Check System и мигающее колесико приборке. Подключаю сного Течстрим и не плучаю естественно никаких данных в разделе Tire Pressure .
Одним из моих последующих решений, было повторно прописать датчики давления которые уже после прописки в комп машины были установлены и активированы повышенным давлением. Так вот, попытка прописки закончилась сообщением :id registration failed due to a communication error with the ecu while in initialization mode и terminate initialization by connecting tc and cg of the dlc3 for 30… вообщем try again .
Ну замкнул я проводком на OBD контакты 4 и 13 досчитал до 30 и повторил попытку прописать датчики. И естественно все прошло на Ура и о чудо Check System погас .от сердца отлегло…рука потянулас к chivas regal 12
…к чему весь этот бред? к тому что если бы я смог найти инфу когда
стоит прописывать датчики, а имменно что новые датчики должны быть сначала установленны и активизированны, а потом прописаны, то это с экономило бы мне кучу времени и нервов…и chivas regal 12 …ну и может мой пост кому-то сделать это поможет
Если же датчики б/у и уже активны то стоит сначала прописать и почитать данные в разделе Tire Pressure…и если все ок, особенно с напряжением батареек можно закатывать их в колеса
Пробег: 125 000 км
While using TIS Techstream V10.30.029 I encountered the error below when trying to add new sensor IDs associated with my Winter tire wheels. I was following the Registration procedure under the Utility menu of the Tire Pressure Monitor ECU
«ID registration failed due to a communication error with the ECU while in initialization mode.«
This error seems to be persistent, as I retried the registration several times with the same results. The vehicle is on the «ON» state.
The message goes on to say «Terminate initialization by connecting TC and CG of the DLC3 for 30 seconds«
I was not clear on what this step was suggesting, but I think is referring to shorting pins on the OBDII connector (seem rather «old school» to me).
Any recommendations or suggestions?
Are they Toyota sensors ?
If not, it could be that Techstream doesn’t recognise them. -
Well when the failure occurred in the «ON» state I switched to the READY mode with the same results.
The sensors were supplied and installed by Tire Rack. They are Pacific S122 315 MHz Sensors and are suppose to be Prius compatible.
Can you register your old (summer) tires? If that works (they just have to be near the car), then I’d suspect the new sensors.
I suppose I could drag the summer tires out of storage to try this, although it is not clear to me the that registration process and the detection of the registered sensor IDs are one in the same. Right now the registered sensors are in fact from the summer tires, but I could see if I can re-register the sensor IDs for these summer wheels.
Do you think the communication error (above) is between the sensors and the ECU? I was reading this as a communication error between Techstream and the ECU, but it is not clear.
p.s.: I have sent a note to Tire Rack asking them to confirm the TPMS sensors installed are 2016 Prius compatible.
How much were the sensors? I’m thinking, and this is pretty Kafkaesque:
If there’s no way in the States to purchase mounted snow tires sans tpms, just do it, and if there’s any choices, opt for the cheapest. Then ignore them from there on in, just treat them like regular tire valves.
Is it still possible to dodge tpms, with loose rims?
The old TPMS sensors were working fine. The problem starts with the new ones.
I’ve registered a sensor that wasn’t even near the car at the time, and it went ok. So it seems strange that you’re getting an error so soon. I would expect that you could enter any old sensor number into Techstream. Then if a sensor didn’t work, it would complain about something like sensor not found. But the fact remains that the new condition is these different sensors. Sometimes when you introduce an incompatible piece of hardware, the error messages get all wonky. Maybe you’ve got 2006-2015 design sensors, and they changed something for 2016. I saw a 2016 (2017?) Lexus with «location specific TPMS». Maybe the latest Toyota sensors have changed.
You can recognize the pioneers by the arrows in their backs. Welcome to the latest technology…
RobH — My thoughts as well. This is the first time I have tried using Techstream, but they fact that the error message occurs moments after completing the registration process (i.e., entering the 4th sensor ID) led me to think this was a Techstream issue, not a sensor issue. As previously indicated I have asked Tire Rack to confirm that provided the proper sensor for the 2016 Prius, I could also that the vehicle to the dealer to see if they can register the IDs (but I expect that will cost me some money).
Worst case I will just live with the dash board indicator light until April with the Summer wheels go back on.
Techstream 10.30.029? You might try going to a newer version of Techstream, as any Gen 4 Prius support in that version would be very early indeed. (Licensing on the newer versions is pretty annoying, though, in my experience — Windows 10 major upgrades (the ones that happen every 6 months or so) require getting another shady license key.)
Thanks for that suggestion. I may give that a try. The retailer I purchased Techstream from did point me to a new version (v11.20.019)
I upgraded Techstream to v11.20.19, but there is no change in the behavior (same error message after the last sensor ID is entered). When you begin the registration there is a warning (below) that the registration will fail if «the system is still in the process of initializing«.
I think the fact that the system (tire pressure monitoring ECU/system) is stuck in the initializing process is causing the registration failure. The error message (top of this thread) seems to be saying to connect the Timing Check (TC) pin to the Chassis Ground (CG) for 30 seconds to terminate this initialization.
As a Techstream newbie I am hesitant on shorting anything to ground. I am guessing this means disconnect the Techstream laptop from the OBD-II connector (Toyota calls this the DLC3) and connect pins #4 (chassis ground) and #13 (timing check) together for at least 30 seconds while the vehicle ignition is in the «On» state.
UPDATE: I found this Toyota TSB that addresses this specific issue (although it is not 2016 Prius specific, so my assumption is the 16′ Prius will behavior in a similar manner). I guess I will give it a try. T-SB-0084-09
I know I’m the TPMS «troll», but doesn’t it seem: the problem now is less to do with tire pressures, more a battle with technology?
Too bad the industry can’t standardize the sensors, and allow more than one set of sensors to be registered to the car. Easily, by owners, without resorting to laptops, pirated software. Or some complete paradigm shift, this get’s crazy complicated for what it set out to accomplish.
Yes, I know this phenomena. You’ll say, «Ok, I’m not going to get into this too deep, just gonna deal with this little bit.». And a week later, you’ve completely abandoned restraint, have a bunch of new tools, can’t sleep, lol.
kithmo and RCO like this.
That, plus the fact that if you’ve paid for something you want to use it
FYI, I followed the procedure specified in the TSB (T-SB-0084-09) to terminate the Initialization process. While connecting the Timing Check (TC) pin to the Chassis Ground (CG) for 30 seconds did cause the Multi-function display to indicate «DSS Diag» (driver support system diagnostics) it did not allow the subsequent registering of the new TPMS sensor IDs. At this point I will live with the Tire Pressure Warning indicator on the dashboard (until the summer wheels go back on the vehicle).
Tire Rack confirmed they shipped the correct TPMS sensors for the 2016 Prius. (claiming they are in fact the Toyota OEM TPMS sensors)
That’s a pain. I have not seen that problem on my vehicle even though 2006 Prius is listed.
One other possible thing is sometimes the miniVCI cables are not quality made and could have solder connection problems. You might want to inspect for defects including the area where it plugs in. -
Thanks, I noticed that pins #4 and #5 on the mini VCI (OBDII) connector are pulled forward relative to all the other pins in the connector (i.e, the stick out slightly farther). Is this part of the connector design?
Here’s the working solution if you get an error when using Techstream to write new Toyota TPMS sensor IDs
“ID registration failed due to a communication error with the ECU while in initialization mode.”
Model example:
2015 Land Cruiser, US Model
Possible reason that cause the error:
The issue is the TIS cable. It is not with the Techstream version, 32 bit or 64 bit operating system on your laptop.
It is with the Mini VCI clone cable. Both firmware versions 1.4.x and 2.0.x will have the same issue. To troubleshoot this I tried Win 7 64 Bit, Win XP, three versions of Techstream, V10, V13, and V14. All had the ID Registration error using four different mini VCI cables, two of each firmware version with at least three different hardware configurations. I think the two 1.4.x cables I had were identical.
The solution to write TPMS IDs using Techstream is to get a VXDiag VCX Nano cable. I got the Toyota specific one from vxdiagshop.com.
VXDIAG VCX NANO for TOYOTA TIS Techstream V14.00.018 WIFI Version
This cable reads and writes to the ECU much faster than the Mini VCI cables and writes the TPMS IDs quickly and easily.
Once I got the cable situation sorted, my TPMS sensors were not showing up in Techstream, only my spare which I had moved from position 2 to position 5 in the data list was showing up. So I knew the data was written correctly but the sensors were not reading.
I had ordered the 550-0105 sensors based on Denso’s website listing for a 2015 Land Cruiser.
Pacific PN PMV-C010 came in the Denso box labelled 550-0105
I did some more reading and it turned out there was a VIN split for 2015 but I was having a hard time finding exactly which sensor I needed. I split one of my stock wheels and took out the TPMS. That TPMS had Pacific PN PMV-107J.
I was able to cross Pacific PMV-107J to Denso 550-0103 which is listed for a 2014 Land Cruiser.
Ordered up a set of the 550-0103 sensors. The sensors in the 550-0103 box were labelled PMV-C11A
I dismounted the tires on my Rock Warriors and pulled out the TPMS sensors, swapped the new 550-0103 sensors, wrote the sensor IDs to the ECU using the VCX Nano cable, and immediately saw all 5 TPMS values reported. Life is good again.
Short version:
Mini VCI cables will not write TPMS IDs using Techstream – No matter which firmware. Don’t waste time trying.
2015 Land Cruiser TPMS are affected by a VIN split – easiest way to get the right part number is to pull one tire off the bead and confirm what model of TPMS you have. Otherwise you can order by VIN from Partsouq or similar but I got a LOT of conflicting information which is why I just dismounted one of my stock take-offs to confirm.
see also:
Related posts:
13.06.2019 20:18
Как снять ошибку датчика давления шин рав4 2016 xle usa
Летом проехал 70км после сброса всех ошибок сканером и засветился индикатор датчика давления шин, датчиков на шинах и запаске нет. В сервисе сбросили опять сканером, манипуляции с открыванием дверей и кнопкой под торпедой как описано в инете, ничего не дают, как сбросить ошибку, причину догадываюсь, наверное диагональные шины не равномерно стерты, доезжу сезон и поменяю. Ездить к мастерам т сбрасывать ошибки не выход из ситуации. Может кто предложит варианты сброса ошибки, неизвестные мне?
17.09.2019 09:51
Может стоит датчики поставить
10.11.2019 16:37
15.11.2019 06:42
Сообщение от plasma62
датчиков на шинах и запаске нет.
Сообщение от Николай 25rus
Может стоит датчики поставить
Сообщение от plasma62
Датчики стоят.
чет как то не понятно
Все что не делается все к лучшему !!!
24.11.2019 09:50
Нет одного датчика ( оказывается снесли при переобувке шин). Мои предположения о диагональном контроле
не верны. Придется доставить новый датчик. Но вопрос остается открытым — при рабочих 4 датчиках шин, при проколе одной из шин, как снять самостоятельно ошибку датчика после восстановлении рабочего давления во всех 4 шинах?
25.11.2019 19:25
у меня нет контроля давления , но по моему там ни чего скидывать не надо , просто накачать, а запаска без датчика?
а то может запаска спустила и ошибка горит
Все что не делается все к лучшему !!!
05.01.2020 22:26
Давление всех шин в том числе запаски, в норме.
11.01.2020 06:52
Уже б за это время давно прикупил бы Mini-VCI J2534, и скидывал ошибки хоть каждые 5 минут, прописывал датчики. ))
Если быть, то быть первым !
12.01.2020 10:14
Спасибо. Обязательно, куплю. Прочитал характеристики, не понял,
сможет ли прописать этот прибор новый датчик давления шин, а так по описанию хорош, если бы еще на русском языке был интерфейс.
12.01.2020 11:20
Всё может. Работает на дилерском уровне. Справку переводил. Не доделал. Отпала нужда. Можно добавить в установленную программу, согласившись на замену techstream_en.chm на выложенный. Будет вызываться из меню самой программы.
Если быть, то быть первым !
06.02.2020 18:54
Спасибо, заказал на али, жду прибытия посылки
07.02.2020 09:06
Отпишись потом, как встали.
24.03.2020 21:03
Прибор получил, прописать датчики не смог, в конце регистрации появляется окно, что инициализировать датчики не удалось. Ошибки стирает, годится скорее для контроля параметров, чем для корректировки и изменения. Продавец из Китая ответил, что функция прописания датчиков на рав4 не поддерживается и нужен другой прибор.
25.03.2020 02:18
На каком чипе шнурок пришёл ? FT232RL ? Что то чешет твой кит.
Последний раз редактировалось Check Control; 25.03.2020 в 02:21.
Если быть, то быть первым !
25.03.2020 09:09
v14.30.23 для Toyota MINI VCI J2534 с FTDI FT232RL OBD
25.03.2020 09:18
ID Registration failed due to a communication error with the ECU while in Initialization mode.
Terminate Initialization by connecting
TC and CG of the DLC3 for 30 seconds.
25.03.2020 09:24
Контакты замыкал, но прописать не удалось.
25.03.2020 09:32
Пробовал так. 1. Запускаем программу и подключаемся к автомобилю, в главном меню выбираем систему «Tire Pressure Monitor». 2. Входим с систему «UTILITY», в ней выбираем «ID Registration”. 3. Попадаем в диалоговое окно! Вводим ID код первого установленного датчика, жмем Input. Процедуру проделываем на все датчики. На все отводится 300 секунд (5 минут), требуется уложиться в это время. 4. После того, как все датчики будут запрограммированы, появится сообщение “ID Registration is complete». Жмем «Exit» для того что бы завершить процесс. 5. Далее заходим в «DATA LIST» и проверяем что все новые датчики у нас в нем прописаны.
26.03.2020 18:03
Как вообще отключить их чтобы лампочка не горела на приборке? На летних колёсах стоят датчики, на зимних нет. Да и не нужны они мне.
-=Toyota RAV4 (5G) 2021 2.0 4WD Style=-
09.04.2020 07:22
Удалось прописать новый датчик давления шины с помощью Skanmatik2, программой тестскрин 14 версии, прописался сразу, китайский Mini-VCI J2534 для этой цели не годится, скорее для чтения предназначен, но не для измения настроек. Может изменять настройки только света, дверей и отключения звука сигнализации иммобилайзер, это только то, с чем я разобрался.
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Registration new tire pressure sensors
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Thread starterwewek
Start dateFeb 14, 2017
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I need help with registration new (winter) tire pressure sensors on LC200 2015.
Dealer has changed ID but without techstream.
I want to register winter tires as 2nd tire but I am always getting an error.
«ID registration failed due to a communication error with the ECU while in initialization mode.»
I have Techstream v10.10.018, new Mini VCI cable which support driver 2.0.1.
I have tried to terminate initialization mode by connecting TC and CG (4 and 13) for 30 seconds.
However, I am pretty sure it’s not an initialization problem.
I can see actual pressures on data sheet in Techstream/on information display but these are summer tire pressures.
Could it be a problem that summer and winter tire pressure sensors are on the same place when I am trying to register 2nd sensors?
Thanks for help!
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At one time I had a second set in the garage and it would confuse the system on startup.
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It seems to be a problem with the registration.
I should be able to overwrite any ID with techstream, for example set ID to 00000, 000001 etc.
Dealer can’t set ID with Techstream. They use another tool to register ID. But I refuse pay twice a yaer for this. In addition I have to go there becouse of this.
Did anyone manage to register ID with mini VCI cable on LC200 >2012?
Can be a cable issue?
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Where are you?? I’m just north of NYC. Come use mine
Thank you. You are very kind. But I live in Sweden…
What kind of cable do you have?
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The info on that item is a little vague.
Is the the Techstream software itself included there?
If so…that’s pretty reasonable and I’ll order.
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Wow! So that’s the full software and all you need? And Lexus IS identical to the Toyota version?
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Wow! So that’s the full software and all you need? And Lexus IS identical to the Toyota version?
Haven’t had a chance to use it yet (may try on weekend) but it’s the same for both. Sticker on the cable is identical, and software is either included with the cable or downloadable in the link above.
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I swapped out new tire pressure sensors, disabled the seatbelt alarm for the driver poked around at other settings.
I was disappointed that I couldn’t enable auto mirror fold.
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So far I have used it twice on the Colorado and twice on my Cruiser. Works great. Kind of pricey, but I hate having to go to a dealer or tire shop and pay them 40-80 bucks for 10 min procedure every time I rotate the tires or change over to different tires and rims.
Amazon.com: Autel AULTS501K Premium Kit with MX-Sensor (TS501 s): Automotive
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However you go about getting the software and cables follow the instructions to the word.
I swapped out new tire pressure sensors, disabled the seatbelt alarm for the driver poked around at other settings.
I was disappointed that I couldn’t enable auto mirror fold.
Can you tell me how to program the tpms? I keep getting the error from the first post in the thread in techstream. Tx.
Mini Vci J2534 Cable Firmware V1.4.0 will never work if you want to programming (write to ECU-s) something, because the cable cannot write to ecu, that’s why the TPMS ID registration is fail always. I got the same message, as the first two pictures at the beginning of the topic, that was «the ID registration is failed because the ECU is in initialization mode bla bla bla… I tried with a jumper cable to connect TC and CG in the DLC3 but it was not a success. Nothing happened, I received, the same error message: Ecu is still in initialization mode.
So is there anybody who can register TPMS ID-s with any version of Techsream? It would be very kind from him, if he share how he made successful registration, which windows operation system is he used, which release of Techstream is he used,(i tried the version of TIS 8, the 10 and the 12), what type of cable was which led to the success, with which firmware number of the cable (mine is 1.4.1)
Looking forward hearing any good news in this topic. Sorry for my English, but I learned in the secondary school 40 years ago, but I hope I explained my problems clearly.
Best regards Viktor from Hungary
TIS Techstream can be easily downloaded from the web if seller doesn’t already include a copy.
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rowsdower [OP]
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I’m trying to code a 5th TPMS sensor for a 5-wheel rotation. I’ve got Techstream and each time I try to code in the 4 sensors that are currently on the truck, I get an error stating:
«ID Registration failed due to a communication error with the ECU while in Initialization mode. Terminate Initialization by connecting TC and CG of the DLC3 for 30 seconds.»
This message says to basically jump 2 pins in the OBD port for 30 seconds. I’ve tried jumping the pins for 30 seconds and then removing the jumper, and then connecting Techstream but I get the same error. Does anyone have clear info on how to get the truck out of initialization mode?I’ve read this may be associated with the garbage OBD cable that you get on eBay. In another thread, @MCDavis mentioned being able to easily add sensors with the cable that was supplied with OVTune. Has anyone else been able to do this with the Mini VCI cable from eBay?
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Correct, in my case the cable with TS lite from eBay would not write to the truck. The cable supplied with OVTune provided quick success.
I had the same error pop up and tried the clear initializaion mode via hr two pin jumper. I was able to jump he pins and clear the mode but the eBay cable would not write.
Also, I’ve not been able to get a 5th TPMS into the truck as TS Lite only provides registration slots for 4. I can’t confirm if 5 can be written to the truck as my experience with the dealer and with TS Lite only provides 4 registration slots.
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Earlier 2nd Gens had a sensor in the spare. You can only program 4 Max to a Tacoma now.
rowsdower [OP]
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Thanks. I’m looking to just do the 4 wheel TPMS by swapping the 5th ID each time I rotate, similar to what you’re doing, but can’t get any of my cables to write to the truck. I’ve got this shitty Mini VCI one from eBay, another shitty one from Amazon that works with my BMW, and I’ve tried to use a Dimsport MyGenius that I used to tune my BMW but I can’t seem to get it to function as just a cable. If anyone knows of a decent cable for a not outlandish price let me know…
Once I figure this out I’ll put together another DIY since there are others interested in this too.
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Definitely spend a few extra bucks on a better line in. OVTune is linking to the Taxtric (spelling?) cable for his tune. The TPMS writes in 15 seconds with that cable.
rowsdower [OP]
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The Tactrix is $169 for the cable (ouch) and it isn’t clear that it can be used with other vehicles. Some of these cables seem to be brand-specific. I am very on the fence about OVTune though, so if I buy this cable I’ll be that much closer… Thanks for your input!
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Did you find a fix. I’m having the same issue.
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3rd Gen Tacoma PCM/ECU does not have the ability to have/thread/store/program a 5th TPMS sensor.
There are 3rd Gen owners here that have a 5th and the TPMS system crashes. -
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Oh I was just trying to write new ids for my winter sets but it keeps giving me the same error.
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All I use are clone Autel sensors which allow me to copy my OEM sensor ID numbers to the Autel sensors with my Autel Maxi TPMS OBDII hand tool. No programming the PCM/ECU.
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which autel are you using?
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