If a process fails most operating system write the error information to a

This set of Operating System Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Basics”. 1. What is an operating system? a) collection of programs that manages hardware resources b) system service provider to the application programs c) interface between the hardware and application programs d) all of the mentioned 2. To access the services of ... Read more

This set of Operating System Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Basics”.

1. What is an operating system?
a) collection of programs that manages hardware resources
b) system service provider to the application programs
c) interface between the hardware and application programs
d) all of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: An Operating System acts as an intermediary between user/user applications/application programs and hardware. It is a program that manages hardware resources. It provides services to application programs.

2. To access the services of operating system, the interface is provided by the ___________
a) System calls
b) API
c) Library
d) Assembly instructions
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Answer: a
Explanation: To access services of the Operating System an interface is provided by the System Calls. Generally, these are functions written in C and C++. Open, Close, Read, Write are some of most prominently used system calls.

3. Which one of the following is not true?
a) kernel is the program that constitutes the central core of the operating system
b) kernel is the first part of operating system to load into memory during booting
c) kernel is made of various modules which can not be loaded in running operating system
d) kernel remains in the memory during the entire computer session
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Answer: c
Explanation: Kernel is the first program which is loaded in memory when OS is loading as well as it remains in memory till OS is running. Kernel is the core part of the OS which is responsible for managing resources, allowing multiple processes to use the resources and provide services to various processes. Kernel modules can be loaded and unloaded in run-time i.e. in running OS.

4. Which one of the following error will be handle by the operating system?
a) power failure
b) lack of paper in printer
c) connection failure in the network
d) all of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: All the mentioned errors are handled by OS. The OS is continuously monitoring all of its resources. Also, the OS is constantly detecting and correcting errors.

5. What is the main function of the command interpreter?
a) to get and execute the next user-specified command
b) to provide the interface between the API and application program
c) to handle the files in operating system
d) none of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: The main function of command interpreter is to get and execute the next user-specified command. Command Interpreter checks for valid command and then runs that command else it will throw an error.

6. In Operating Systems, which of the following is/are CPU scheduling algorithms?
a) Round Robin
b) Shortest Job First
c) Priority
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: In Operating Systems, CPU scheduling algorithms are:
i) First Come First Served scheduling
ii) Shortest Job First scheduling
iii) Priority scheduling
iv) Round Robin scheduling
v) Multilevel Queue scheduling
vi) Multilevel Feedback Queue scheduling
All of these scheduling algorithms have their own advantages and disadvantages.

7. If a process fails, most operating system write the error information to a ______
a) log file
b) another running process
c) new file
d) none of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: If a process fails, most operating systems write the error information to a log file. Log file is examined by the debugger, to find out what is the actual cause of that particular problem. Log file is useful for system programmers for correcting errors.

8. Which facility dynamically adds probes to a running system, both in user processes and in the kernel?
a) DTrace
b) DLocate
c) DMap
d) DAdd
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Answer: a
Explanation: A facility that dynamically adds probes to a running system, both in user process and in the kernel is called DTrace. This is very much useful in troubleshooting kernels in real-time.

9. Which one of the following is not a real time operating system?
a) VxWorks
b) QNX
c) RTLinux
d) Palm OS
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Answer: d
Explanation: VxWorks, QNX & RTLinux are real-time operating systems. Palm OS is a mobile operating system. Palm OS is developed for Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs).

10. The OS X has ____________
a) monolithic kernel
b) hybrid kernel
c) microkernel
d) monolithic kernel with modules
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Answer: b
Explanation: OS X has a hybrid kernel. Hybrid kernel is a combination of two different kernels. OS X is developed by Apple and originally it is known as Mac OS X.

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Let’s see some important most asked Operating System Multiple Choice Questions Answers.

1. Algorithm of splitting m frames into n processes for giving equal share the m/n frames is known as :
A. split allocation algorithm
B. equal allocation algorithm
C. proportional allocation algorithm
D. none of these
E. All of the above

2. The layer between the hardware and the user program is
A. Operating environment
B. System environment
C. Operating system
D. None
E. All of the above

3. Which of the following is the main function of the command interpreter?
A. to handle the files in the operating system
B. to provide the interface between the API and application program
C. to get and execute the next user-specified command
D. none of the above
E. All of the above

4. Allocation of memory to each process according to its size is known as :
A. proportional allocation algorithm
B. split allocation algorithm
C. equal allocation algorithm
D. none of the above
E. All of the above

5. ___________________ is built directly on the hardware.
A. Computer Environment
B. Application Software
C. Database System
D. Operating System
E. None

6. The resource management can be done in an operating system via
A. space division multiplexing
B. both time and space division multiplexing
C. time division multiplexing
D. none
E. All of the above

7. A high priority process is treated ___________ a low priority process, With either equal or proportional algorithm.
A. lesser than
B. greater than
C. same as
D. none
E. All of the above

8. _________________ Operating System does not implement multitasking.
A. Windows XP
B. Windows NT
C. Windows 98
E. None

9. When a process fails, most OS write the error information to a ______
a) new file
b) another running process
c) log file
d) none
E. All of the above

10. Which replacement allows a process to select a replacement frame from the set of all frames, even if the frame is currently allocated to some other process?
a) Local
b) Global
c) Universal
d) Localx

11. A platform for other software to run on is called ______________
A. Operating System
B. System Software
C. Application Software
D. All
E. None

12. ____________________ facility, both in user processes and in the kernel, dynamically adds probes to a running system.
A. DLocate
B. DAdd
C. DMap
D. DTrace
E. None

Set 2

operating system is______?
A. link that is to interface the hardware and application programs
B. Both A & B
C. collection of programs that manages hardware resources
D. all of the mentioned
E. system service provider to the application programs

The interface to access the services of the operating system is provided by_______
A. Assembly instructions
C. Library
D. System calls
E. Both A & C
F. None of these

Which one is not true from the following?
A. kernel is made of various modules which can not be loaded in running operating system
B. During booting, the kernel is the first part of the operating system to load into memory
C. kernel is the program that constitutes the central core of the operating system

D. During the entire computer session kernel remains in the memory
E. Both A & B
F. None of these

By the operating system which one error will be handled from the following?

A. connection failure in the network
B. power failure
C. all of the mentioned
D. lack of paper in the printer
E. Both A & B
F. None of these

The command interpreter in The main function is ______
A. to handle the files in the operating system
B. to get and execute the next user-specified command
C. to provide the interface between the API and application program
D. none of the mentioned
E. both A & B

The resource management can be done by operating system via_______
A. both time and space division multiplexing
B. space division multiplexing
C. time-division multiplexing
D. none of the mentioned
E. Both A & B

In the most operating system if a process fails it write the error information to a?
A. new file
B. another running process
C. log file
B. none of the mentioned
E. Both C & A

In both user processes and in the kernel which facility dynamically adds probes to a running system?
A. DMap
B. DLocate
C. Both A & B
D. DTrace
E. DAdd
F. None of these

Which one is not a real-time operating system from the following?
A. Palm OS
B. Windows CE
C. VxWorks
D. RTLinux
E. Both A & C
F. None of these

10.________ OS X has?
A. monolithic kernel with modules
B. microkernel
C. hybrid kernel
D. monolithic kernel
E. Both B & D
F. None of these

The systems that allow only one process execution at a time is_______
A. unitasking systems
B. uniprogramming systems
C. uniprocessing systems
D. Both A & C
E. none of the mentioned

Each process has its own______ In the operating system
A. open files
B. pending alarms, signals and signal handlers
C. Both A & B
D. address space and global variables
E. all of the mentioned
F. None of these

The new process In Unix created by which system call?
A. create
B. new
C. fork
D. none of the mentioned
E. Both B & C

Termination of a process can be due to?
A. fatal error
B. killed by another process

C. normal exit
D. Both B & C
E. all of the mentioned above
F. None of these

The ready state of a process is _________?
A. when a process is using the CPU
B. when a process is scheduled to run after some execution
C., when a process is unable to run until some task, has been completed
D. Both A & C
E. none of the mentioned

Interprocess communication is____?
A. communication between two process
B. communication between two threads of the same process
C. communication within the process
D. none of the mentioned
E. Both A & C

Processes is deadlock if _______
A. all processes are trying to kill each other
B. each process is terminated
C. each process is blocked and will remain so forever

D. Both A & B
E. none of the mentioned

Which of the following a process stack does not contain
A. Local variables
B. Function parameters
C.Both A & B
D. Return addresses
E. PID of a child process
F. None of these

Of a terminated child which system call returns the process identifier?
A. exit
B. Both B & D
C. fork
D. wait
E. get
F. None of these

______ will provide the address of the next instruction that is to be executed by the current process
A. Program counter
B. CPU registers
C. Both A & B
D. Process stack
E. Pipe
F. None of these

______ of the following a Process Control Block(PCB) does not contain:
A. Stack
B. Code
C. Both B & D
D. Bootstrap program
E. Data
F. None of these

15. The number of processes completed per unit time is called _______
A. Capacity
B. Output
c. Both A & B
D. Throughput
e. Efficiency
F. None of these

Answer: d

The state of a process is¬¬¬_______:
A. the current activity of the process
B. the final activity of the process
C. the activity just executed by the process
D. Both A & D
E. the activity to next be executed by the process
F. None of these

Which is not the state of a process of the following?
A. New
C. Both A & B
D. Old
E. Running
F. None of these

______ is the Process Control Block :
A. Data Structure
B. Process type variable
C. Both A & B
D. A secondary storage section
E. A Block in memory
F. None of these

In the current processes the entry of all the PCBs are in______
A. Program Counter
B. Process Register
C. Both A & D
D. Process Unit
E. Process Table
F. None of these

_____is the degree of multiprogramming?

A. the number of processes in memory
B. the number of processes in the I/O queue
C. the number of processes executed per unit time
D. Both A & D
E. the number of processes in the ready queue
F. None of these

Allows _______ process to perform a single thread of control
A. multiple tasks at a time
B. only two tasks at a time
C. Both A & B

D. only one task at a time
E. all of the mentioned
F. None of these

____ is the objective of multiprogramming?
A. Have multiple programs waiting in a queue ready to run
B. Have some process running at all times
C. Both A & D
D. To minimize CPU utilization
E. None of the mentioned

_______ do not belong to queues for processes of the following?
A. Job Queue
B. Device Queue
C. Both D & E
D. PCB queue
E. Ready Queue
F. None of these

_______ I/O request when the process issues?
A. It is placed in the Job queue
B. It is placed in a waiting queue
C. Both A & D
D. It is placed in an I/O queue
E. It is placed in the ready queue
F. None of these

A process terminates when_____:
A. It is removed from all, but the job queue
B. Its process control block is never de-allocated
C. Both B & E
D. Its process control block is de-allocated
E. It is removed from all queues
F. None of these

Long-term scheduler is____ ?
A. It selects which process has to be executed next and allocates CPU
B. It selects which process has to be brought into the ready queue
C. Both A & B
D. It selects which process to remove from memory by swapping
E. None of the mentioned

Medium-term scheduler is ______ ?
A. It selects which process has to be executed next and allocates CPU
B. It selects which process has to be brought into the ready queue
C. Both B & D
D. It selects which process to remove from memory by swapping
E. None of the mentioned

short-term scheduler is_____ ?
A. It selects which process to remove from memory by swapping
B. It selects which process has to be brought into the ready queue
C. Both A & D
D. It selects which process has to be executed next and allocates CPU
E. None of the mentioned

In the short term and the long term scheduler the primary distinction between is_____ :
A. The frequency of their execution
B. The length of their queues
C. The type of processes they schedule
D. Both A & B
F. None of the mentioned

_______ is initiated by the user process itself in the only state transition:
A. wakeup
B. dispatch
C. block
D. Both A & C
E. none of the mentioned

In multiprogramming environment ______ :
A. a single user can execute many programs at the same time
B. the processor executes more than one process at a time
C. Both B & D
D. the programs are developed by more than one person
E. more than one process resides in the memory

In the PCB the context of a process does not contain :
A. memory-management information
B. the value of the CPU registers
C. the process state
D. Both B & D
E. context switch time

______ does not interrupt a running process from the following?
A. Timer
B. A device
C. Both A & E
D. Scheduler process
E. Power failure

in the system _______ process can be affected by other processes executing?
A. child process
B. cooperating process
C. Both A & B
D. parent process
E. init process

Which one is a synchronization tool of the following?
A. pipe
B. thread
C. socket
D. Both B & D
E. semaphore

Compressing and Archiving Files in UNIX MCQs

 We provide the original filenames without .gz extension while checking the compression ratio using gzip – l?

(A).  True

(B).  False

(C). Partially True

Multiple Choice Question Answer:  a

The better agent than gzip is_______

(A).  bzip2

(B). allzip

(C).  bunzip2

(D).   bzip2 and bunzip2

(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer:  d

To compress files, what do we use?

(A).  gzip

(B).  cmp

(C).  gunzip

(D).   comm

(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer:  a

Which extension is provided by gzip to the compressed filename?

(A).  .cm

(B).  .zp

(C).  .zip

(D).   .gz

(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer:  d

For decompressing files, what is used?

(A). gunzip

(B).   GZIP

(C).  uncmp

(D).   cmp

(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer:  a

For recursive compression, what option do we use with gzip command?

(A).  -c

(B).   -r

(C).  -d

(D).   -l

(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer:  b

Multiple filenames can be provided by us as the arguments to gunzip.

(A).  True

(B).  False

(C). Partially True

Multiple Choice Question Answer:  a

By using gzip, files can’t be uncompressed.

(A).  True

(B).  False

(C). Partially True

Multiple Choice Question Answer:  b

Which option do we use with gzip command for checking the compression ratio for files?

(A).   -c

(B).  -l

(C).  -e

(D).   -x

(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer:  b

An archival program is______

(A).  tar

(B).  archive

(C).  ar

(D).   arch

(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer:  a

Next Operating System MCQs

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Some famous books and Chapter are “Microsoft Windows Operating System Essentials” by Tom Carpenter,
“Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles” by William Stallings,
“Operating System Concepts” by Abraham Silberschatz and Peter B Galvin.

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Advanced Operating System Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is operating system?
a. collection of programs that manages hardware resources

b. system service provider to the application programs

c. link to interface the hardware and application programs

d. all of the mentioned

d. all of the mentioned

2. To access the services of operating system, the interface is provided by the
a. system calls

b. api

c. library

d. assembly instructions

a. system calls

3. Which one of the following is not true?
a. kernel is the program that constitutes the central core of the operating system

b. kernel is the first part of operating system to load into memory during booting

c. kernel is made of various modules which can not be loaded in running operating system

d. kernel remains in the memory during the entire computer session

c. kernel is made of various modules which can not be loaded in running operating system

4. Which one of the following error will be handle by the operating system?
a. power failure

b. lack of paper in printer

c. connection failure in the network

d. all of the mentioned

d. all of the mentioned

5. The scheme used in the above question is known as _______ or ________.
a. sector sparing

b. forwarding

c. backwarding

d. sector utilization

b. forwarding

6. By operating system, the resource management can be done via
a. time division multiplexing

b. space division multiplexing

c. both (a) and (b)

d. none of the mentioned

c. both (a) and (b)

7. If a process fails, most operating system write the error information to a
a. log file

b. another running process

c. new file

d. none of the mentioned

a. log file

8. Which facility dynamically adds probes to a running system, both in user processes and in the kernel?
a. dtrace

b. dlocate

c. dmap

d. dadd

a. dtrace

9. Which one of the following is not a real time operating system?
a. vxworks

b. windows ce

c. rtlinux

d. palm os

d. palm os

10. The OS X has
a. monolithic kernel

b. hybrid kernel

c. microkernel

d. monolithic kernel with modules

b. hybrid kernel

11. The systems which allows only one process execution at a time, are called
a. uniprogramming systems

b. uniprocessing systems

c. unitasking systems

d. none of the mentioned

a. uniprogramming systems

12. In operating system, each process has its own
a. address space and global variables

b. open files

c. pending alarms, signals and signal handlers

d. all of the mentioned

d. all of the mentioned

13. In Unix, Which system call creates the new process?
a. fork

b. create

c. new

d. none of the mentioned

a. fork

14. A process can be terminated due to
a. normal exit

b. fatal error

c. killed by another process

d. all of the mentioned

d. all of the mentioned

15. What is the ready state of a process?
a. when process is scheduled to run after some execution

b. when process is unable to run until some task has been completed

c. when process is using the cpu

d. none of the mentioned

a. when process is scheduled to run after some execution

16. What is interprocess communication?
a. communication within the process

b. communication between two process

c. communication between two threads of same process

d. none of the mentioned

b. communication between two process

17. A set of processes is deadlock if
a. each process is blocked and will remain so forever

b. each process is terminated

c. all processes are trying to kill each other

d. none of the mentioned

a. each process is blocked and will remain so forever

18. A process stack does not contain
a. function parameters

b. local variables

c. return addresses

d. pid of child process

d. pid of child process

19. Which system call returns the process identifier of a terminated child?
a. wait

b. exit

c. fork

d. get

a. wait

20. The address of the next instruction to be executed by the current process is provided by the
a. cpu registers

b. program counter

c. process stack

d. pipe

b. program counter

21. The number of processes completed per unit time is known as __________.
a. output

b. throughput

c. efficiency

d. capacity

b. throughput

22. The state of a process is defined by :
a. the final activity of the process

b. the activity just executed by the process

c. the activity to next be executed by the process

d. the current activity of the process

d. the current activity of the process

23. The Process Control Block is :
a. process type variable

b. data structure

c. a secondary storage section

d. a block in memory

b. data structure

24. The entry of all the PCBs of the current processes is in :
a. process register

b. program counter

c. process table

d. process unit

c. process table

25. The degree of multi-programming is :
a. the number of processes executed per unit time

b. the number of processes in the ready queue

c. the number of processes in the i/o queue

d. the number of processes in memory

d. the number of processes in memory

26. The objective of multi-programming is to
a. have some process running at all times

b. have multiple programs waiting in a queue ready to run

c. to minimize cpu utilization

d. to maximize cpu utilization

d. to maximize cpu utilization

27. Which of the following do not belong to queues for processes ?
a. job queue

b. pcb queue

c. device queue

d. ready queue

b. pcb queue

28. When the process issues an I/O request :
a. it is placed in an i/o queue

b. it is placed in a waiting queue

c. it is placed in the ready queue

d. it is placed in the job queue

a. it is placed in an i/o queue

29. When a process terminates : (Choose Two)
a. it is removed from all queues

b. it is removed from all, but the job queue

c. its process control block is de-allocated

d. its process control block is never de-allocated

c. its process control block is de-allocated

30. What is a long-term scheduler ?
a. it selects which process has to be brought into the ready queue

b. it selects which process has to be executed next and allocates cpu

c. it selects which process to remove from memory by swapping

d. none of these

a. it selects which process has to be brought into the ready queue

31. If all processes I/O bound, the ready queue will almost always be ______, and the Short term Scheduler will have a ______ to do.
a. full,little

b. full,lot

c. empty,little

d. empty,lot

c. empty,little

32. What is a medium-term scheduler ?
a. it selects which process has to be brought into the ready queue

b. it selects which process has to be executed next and allocates cpu

c. it selects which process to remove from memory by swapping

d. none of these

c. it selects which process to remove from memory by swapping

33. What is a short-term scheduler ?
a. it selects which process has to be brought into the ready queue

b. it selects which process has to be executed next and allocates cpu

c. it selects which process to remove from memory by swapping

d. none of these

b. it selects which process has to be executed next and allocates cpu

34. The primary distinction between the short term scheduler and the long term scheduler is :
a. the length of their queues

b. the type of processes they schedule

c. the frequency of their execution

d. none of these

c. the frequency of their execution

35. The only state transition that is initiated by the user process itself is :
a. block

b. wakeup

c. dispatch

d. none of these

a. block

36. In a time-sharing operating system, when the time slot given to a process is completed, the process goes from the running state to the :
a. blocked state

b. ready state

c. suspended state

d. terminated state

b. ready state

37. In a multi-programming environment :
a. the processor executes more than one process at a time

b. the programs are developed by more than one person

c. more than one process resides in the memory

d. a single user can execute many programs at the same time

c. more than one process resides in the memory

38. Suppose that a process is in “Blocked” state waiting for some I/O service. When the service is completed, it goes to the :
a. running state

b. ready state

c. suspended state

d. terminated state

b. ready state

39. An unrecoverable error is known as _________.
a. hard error

b. tough error

c. soft error

d. none of these

a. hard error

40. Which of the following need not necessarily be saved on a context switch between processes ? (GATE CS 2000)
a. general purpose registers

b. translation look-aside buffer

c. program counter

d. all of these

b. translation look-aside buffer

41. Which of the following does not interrupt a running process ? (GATE CS 2001)
a. a device

b. timer

c. scheduler process

d. power failure

c. scheduler process

42. the access takes place, is called a(n) ____.
a. shared memory segments

b. entry section

c. race condition

d. process synchronization

c. race condition

43. Which of the following state transitions is not possible ?
a. blocked to running

b. ready to running

c. blocked to ready

d. running to blocked

a. blocked to running

44. Which module gives control of the CPU to the process selected by the short-term scheduler?
a. dispatcher

b. interrupt

c. scheduler

d. none of the mentioned

a. dispatcher

45. The processes that are residing in main memory and are ready and waiting to execute are kept on a list called
a. job queue

b. ready queue

c. execution queue

d. process queue

b. ready queue

46. The interval from the time of submission of a process to the time of completion is termed as
a. waiting time

b. turnaround time

c. response time

d. throughput

b. turnaround time

47. Which scheduling algorithm allocates the CPU first to the process that requests the CPU first?
a. first-come, first-served scheduling

b. shortest job scheduling

c. priority scheduling

d. none of the mentioned

a. first-come, first-served scheduling

48. In priority scheduling algorithm
a. cpu is allocated to the process with highest priority

b. cpu is allocated to the process with lowest priority

c. equal priority processes can not be scheduled

d. none of the mentioned

a. cpu is allocated to the process with highest priority

49. In priority scheduling algorithm, when a process arrives at the ready queue, its priority is compared with the priority of
a. all process

b. currently running process

c. parent process

d. init process

b. currently running process

50. Time quantum is defined in
a. shortest job scheduling algorithm

b. round robin scheduling algorithm

c. priority scheduling algorithm

d. multilevel queue scheduling algorithm

b. round robin scheduling algorithm

51. Process are classified into different groups in
a. shortest job scheduling algorithm

b. round robin scheduling algorithm

c. priority scheduling algorithm

d. multilevel queue scheduling algorithm

d. multilevel queue scheduling algorithm

52. In multilevel feedback scheduling algorithm
a. a process can move to a different classified ready queue

b. classification of ready queue is permanent

c. processes are not classified into groups

d. none of the mentioned

a. a process can move to a different classified ready queue

53. Which one of the following can not be scheduled by the kernel?
a. kernel level thread

b. user level thread

c. process

d. none of the mentioned

b. user level thread

54. What is the reusable resource?
a. that can be used by one process at a time and is not depleted by that use

b. that can be used by more than one process at a time

c. that can be shared between various threads

d. none of the mentioned

a. that can be used by one process at a time and is not depleted by that use

55. Which of the following condition is required for deadlock to be possible?
a. mutual exclusion

b. a process may hold allocated resources while awaiting assignment of other resources

c. no resource can be forcibly removed from a process holding it

d. all of the mentioned

d. all of the mentioned

56. A system is in the safe state if
a. the system can allocate resources to each process in some order and still avoid a deadlock

b. there exist a safe sequence

c. both (a) and (b)

d. none of the mentioned

c. both (a) and (b)

57. The circular wait condition can be prevented by
a. defining a linear ordering of resource types

b. using thread

c. using pipes

d. all of the mentioned

a. defining a linear ordering of resource types

58. Which one of the following is the deadlock avoidance algorithm?
a. banker’s algorithm

b. round-robin algorithm

c. elevator algorithm

d. karn’s algorithm

a. banker’s algorithm

59. What is the drawback of banker’s algorithm?
a. in advance processes rarely know that how much resource they will need

b. the number of processes changes as time progresses

c. resource once available can disappear

d. all of the mentioned

d. all of the mentioned

60. For effective operating system, when to check for deadlock?
a. every time a resource request is made

b. at fixed time intervals

c. both (a) and (b)

d. none of the mentioned

c. both (a) and (b)

61. A problem encountered in multitasking when a process is perpetually denied necessary resources is called
a. deadlock

b. starvation

c. inversion

d. aging

b. starvation

62. Which one of the following is a visual ( mathematical ) way to determine the deadlock occurrence?
a. resource allocation graph

b. starvation graph

c. inversion graph

d. none of the mentioned

a. resource allocation graph

63. To avoid deadlock
a. there must be a fixed number of resources to allocate

b. resource allocation must be done only once

c. all deadlocked processes must be aborted

d. inversion technique can be used

a. there must be a fixed number of resources to allocate

64. CPU fetches the instruction from memory according to the value of
a. program counter

b. status register

c. instruction register

d. program status word

a. program counter

65. A memory buffer used to accommodate a speed differential is called
a. stack pointer

b. cache

c. accumulator

d. disk buffer

b. cache

66. Which one of the following is the address generated by CPU?
a. physical address

b. absolute address

c. logical address

d. none of the mentioned

c. logical address

67. Run time mapping from virtual to physical address is done by
a. memory management unit

b. cpu

c. pci

d. none of the mentioned

a. memory management unit

68. Memory management technique in which system stores and retrieves data from secondary storage for use in main memory is called
a. fragmentation

b. paging

c. mapping

d. none of the mentioned

b. paging

69. The address of a page table in memory is pointed by
a. stack pointer

b. page table base register

c. page register

d. program counter

b. page table base register

70. Program always deals with
a. logical address

b. absolute address

c. physical address

d. relative address

a. logical address

71. The page table contains
a. base address of each page in physical memory

b. page offset

c. page size

d. none of the mentioned

a. base address of each page in physical memory

72. What is compaction?
a. a technique for overcoming internal fragmentation

b. a paging technique

c. a technique for overcoming external fragmentation

d. a technique for overcoming fatal error

c. a technique for overcoming external fragmentation

73. Operating System maintains the page table for
a. each process

b. each thread

c. each instruction

d. each address

a. each process

74. In segmentation, each address is specified by :
a. a segment number

b. an offset

c. a value

d. a key

b. an offset

75. In paging the user provides only ________, which is partitioned by the hardware into ________ and ______.
a. one address, page number, offset

b. one offset, page number, address

c. page number, offset, address

d. none of these

a. one address, page number, offset

76. Each entry in a segment table has a :
a. segment base

b. segment peak

c. segment limit

d. segment value

c. segment limit

77. The segment base contains the :
a. starting logical address of the process

b. starting physical address of the segment in memory

c. segment length

d. none of these

b. starting physical address of the segment in memory

78. The segment limit contains the :
a. starting logical address of the process

b. starting physical address of the segment in memory

c. segment length

d. none of these

c. segment length

79. The offset ‘d’ of the logical address must be :
a. greater than segment limit

b. between 0 and segment limit

c. between 0 and the segment number

d. greater than the segment number

b. between 0 and segment limit

80. If the offset is legal :
a. it is used as a physical memory address itself

b. it is subtracted from the segment base to produce the physical memory address

c. it is added to the segment base to produce the physical memory address

d. none of these

a. it is used as a physical memory address itself

81. When the entries in the segment tables of two different processes point to the same physical location :
a. the segments are invalid

b. the processes get blocked

c. segments are shared

d. all of these

c. segments are shared

82. The protection bit is 0/1 based on : (choose all that apply)
a. write only

b. read only

c. read – write

d. none of these

c. read – write

83. If there are 32 segments, each of size 1Kb, then the logical address should have :
a. 13 bits

b. 14 bits

c. 15 bits

d. 16 bits

a. 13 bits

84. It uses a direct mapping scheme for cache management. How many different main memory blocks can map onto a given physical cache block ?
a. 2048

b. 256

c. 64

d. 8

c. 64

85. A multilevel page table is preferred in comparison to a single level page table for translating virtual address to physical address because :
a. it reduces the memory access time to read or write a memory location

b. it helps to reduce the size of page table needed to implement the virtual address space of a process

c. it is required by the translation look aside buffer

d. it helps to reduce the number of page faults in page replacement algorithms

b. it helps to reduce the size of page table needed to implement the virtual address space of a process

86. The three general methods for delivering content from a server to a client across a network are :
a. unicasting

b. duplex-casting

c. broadcasting

d. multicasting

d. multicasting

87. Unicasting delivers the content to :
a. a single client

b. all clients, regardless whether they want the content or not

c. a group of receivers who indicate they wish to receive the content

d. none of these

a. a single client

88. Broadcasting delivers the content to :
a. a single client

b. all clients, regardless whether they want the content or not

c. a group of receivers who indicate they wish to receive the content

d. none of these

b. all clients, regardless whether they want the content or not

89. Multicasting delivers the content to :
a. a single client

b. all clients, regardless whether they want the content or not

c. a group of receivers who indicate they wish to receive the content

d. none of these

c. a group of receivers who indicate they wish to receive the content

90. RTSP stands for :
a. real time streaming policy

b. real time streaming protocol

c. real time systems protocol

d. read time streaming policy

b. real time streaming protocol

91. HTTP is __________. (choose two)
a. a stateful protocol

b. a stateless protocol

c. a protocol that maintains the status of its connection with the client

d. a protocol that does not maintain the status of its connection with the client

d. a protocol that does not maintain the status of its connection with the client

92. In the SETUP state :
a. the server is setup

b. the client is setup

c. the server allocates resources for the client session

d. the client sends requests to the server

c. the server allocates resources for the client session

93. In the TEARDOWN state :
a. the server breaks down the connection and releases the resources allocated for the session

b. the client breaks down the connection and releases the resources allocated for the session

c. the system crashes

d. none of these

a. the server breaks down the connection and releases the resources allocated for the session

94. RTP stands for :
a. real time protocol

b. real time transmission control protocol

c. real time transmission protocol

d. real time transport protocol

d. real time transport protocol

95. The problem with unicast delivery is that the :
a. memory allocation is difficult

b. server must establish a seperate unicast session for each client

c. the routers must support unicasting

d. the clients must be close to the server

b. server must establish a seperate unicast session for each client

96. The difficulty with multicasting from a practical point of view is : (choose all that apply)
a. memory allocation is difficult

b. server must establish a seperate unicast session for each client

c. the routers must support multicasting

d. the clients must be close to the server

d. the clients must be close to the server

97. To let a client have random access to a media stream :
a. the protocol used must not be stateless

b. the server must support download

c. the stream should give access rights to the client

d. all of these

a. the protocol used must not be stateless

98. The model in which one kernel thread is mapped to many user-level threads is called :
a. many to one model

b. one to many model

c. many to many model

d. one to one model

a. many to one model

99. The model in which one user-level thread is mapped to many kernel level threads is called :
a. many to one model

b. one to many model

c. many to many model

d. one to one model

b. one to many model

100. In the Many to One model, if a thread makes a blocking system call :
a. the entire process will be blocked

b. a part of the process will stay blocked, with the rest running

c. the entire process will run

d. none of these

a. the entire process will be blocked

101. In the Many to One model, multiple threads are unable to run in parallel on multiprocessors because :
a. only one thread can access the kernel at a time

b. many user threads have access to just one kernel thread

c. there is only one kernel thread

d. none of these

a. only one thread can access the kernel at a time

102. The One to One model allows :
a. increased concurrency

b. decreased concurrency

c. increased or decreased concurrency

d. concurrency equivalent to other models

a. increased concurrency

103. In the One to One model when a thread makes a blocking system call :
a. other threads are strictly prohibited from running

b. other threads are allowed to run

c. other threads only from other processes are allowed to run

d. none of these

b. other threads are allowed to run

104. Which of the following is the drawback of the One to One Model ?
a. increased concurrency provided by this model

b. decreased concurrency provided by this model

c. creating so many threads at once can crash the system

d. creating a user thread requires creating the corresponding kernel thread

d. creating a user thread requires creating the corresponding kernel thread

105. When is the Many to One model at an advantage ?
a. when the program does not need multi-threading

b. when the program has to be multi-threaded

c. when there is a single processor

d. none of these

a. when the program does not need multi-threading

106. In the Many to Many model true concurrency cannot be gained because :
a. the kernel can schedule only one thread at a time

b. there are too many threads to handle

c. it is hard to map threads with each other

d. none of these

a. the kernel can schedule only one thread at a time

107. In the Many to Many model when a thread performs a blocking system call :
a. other threads are strictly prohibited from running

b. other threads are allowed to run

c. other threads only from other processes are allowed to run

d. none of these

b. other threads are allowed to run

108. before a disk can store data is known as : (choose all that apply)
a. partitioning

b. swap space creation

c. low-level formatting

d. physical formatting

d. physical formatting

109. The data structue for a sector typically contains : (choose all that apply)
a. header

b. data area

c. trailer

d. main section

c. trailer

110. The header and trailer of a sector contain information used by the disk controller such as _________ and _________.
a. main section

b. error correcting codes (ecc)

c. sector number

d. disk identifier

c. sector number

111. The two steps the operating system takes to use a disk to hold its files are _______ and ________.
a. partitioning

b. swap space creation

c. caching

d. logical formatting

d. logical formatting

112. and then starts the operating system.
a. main

b. bootloader

c. bootstrap

d. rom

c. bootstrap

113. For most computers, the bootstrap is stored in ____.
a. ram

b. rom

c. cache

d. tertiary storage

b. rom

114. A disk that has a boot partition is called a _________. (choose all that apply)
a. start disk

b. system disk

c. boot disk

d. all of these

c. boot disk

115. Defective sectors on disks are often known as __________.
a. good blocks

b. destroyed blocks

c. bad blocks

d. none of these

c. bad blocks

Advanced Operating System Objective Questions with Answers Pdf Download

Computer Basics MCQ PDF — Topics

Learn Operating System Errors Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ), Operating System Errors quiz answers PDF to study computer basics online course for computer basics classes. Operating Systems Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Operating System Errors quiz questions for online bachelor’s degree computer science. «Operating System Errors MCQ» PDF Book: operating system structure, dos history, windows xp test prep for computer majors.

«If a process fails, most operating system write the error information to a» MCQ PDF: operating system errors with choices log file, another running process, new file, and recently used file for online bachelor’s degree computer science. Study operating system errors quiz questions for merit scholarship test and certificate programs for master’s degree in computer science.

MCQs on Operating System Errors Quiz

MCQ: If a process fails, most operating system write the error information to a

log file

another running process

new file

recently used file

MCQ: In computer, fork is

the dispatching of a task

the creation of a new job

the creation of a new process

increasing the priority of a task

MCQ: In computer, thrashing is

natural consequence of virtual memory system

always be avoided by swapping

always occurs on large systems

caused by poor paging algorithms

MCQ: Error which can be handle by operating system is

power failure

lack of paper in printer

connection failure in a network

all of these

MCQ: Facility which dynamically adds probes to a running system, both in user processes and in the kernel is

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