Implicit conversion from number to string как исправить

В старой версии компилятора во избежание критического завершения программ многие ошибки обрабатывались средой исполнения. Например, деление на ноль или выход за пределы массива являются критическими ошибками и обычно приводят к аварийному завершению работы программ. Новый компилятор позволяет обнаружить реальные или потенциальные источники ошибок и повысить качество кода. В этой статье мы рассмотрим возможные ошибки, возникающие при компиляции старых программ и методы их устранения.


При использовании новой версии компилятора языка MQL4 некоторые старые программы могут выдавать ошибки.

В старой версии компилятора во избежание критического завершения программ многие ошибки обрабатывались средой исполнения и не приводили к остановке работы. Например, деление на ноль или выход за пределы массива являются критическими ошибками и обычно приводят к аварийному завершению. Проявляются такие ошибки лишь в некоторых состояниях при определенных значениях переменных, однако о таких ситуациях следует знать и корректно их обрабатывать.

Новый компилятор позволяет обнаружить реальные или потенциальные источники ошибок и повысить качество кода.

В этой статье мы рассмотрим возможные ошибки, возникающие при компиляции старых программ, и методы их устранения.

  1. Ошибки компиляции
    • 1.1. Идентификатор совпадает с зарезервированным словом
    • 1.2. Специальные символы в наименованиях переменных и функций
    • 1.3. Ошибки использования оператора switch
    • 1.4. Возвращаемые значения у функций
    • 1.5. Массивы в аргументах функций
  2. Ошибки времени выполнения
    • 2.1. Выход за пределы массива (Array out of range)
    • 2.2. Деление на ноль (Zero divide)
    • 2.3. Использование 0 вместо NULL для текущего символа
    • 2.4. Строки в формате Unicodе и их использование в DLL
    • 2.5. Совместное использование файлов
    • 2.6. Особенность преобразования datetime
  3. Предупреждения компилятора
    • 3.1. Пересечения имен глобальных и локальных переменных
    • 3.2. Несоответствие типов
    • 3.3. Неиспользуемые переменные

1. Ошибки компиляции

При наличии ошибок в коде программа не может быть скомпилирована.

Для полного контроля всех ошибок рекомендуется использовать строгий режим компиляции, который устанавливается директивой:

#property strict

Этот режим значительно упрощает поиск ошибок.

1.1. Идентификатор совпадает с зарезервированным словом

Если наименование переменной или функции совпадает с одним из зарезервированных слов:

int char[];  
int char1[]; 
int char()   

то компилятор выводит сообщения об ошибках:

Рис.1. Ошибки "unexpected token" и "name expected"

Рис.1. Ошибки «unexpected token» и «name expected»

Для исправления данной ошибки нужно исправить имя переменной или функции.

1.2. Специальные символы в наименованиях переменных и функций

Если наименования переменных или функций содержат специальные символы ($, @, точка):

int $var1; 
int @var2; 
int var.3; 
void f@()  

то компилятор выводит сообщения об ошибках:

Рис.2. Ошибки "unknown symbol" и "semicolon expected"

Рис.2. Ошибки «unknown symbol» и «semicolon expected»

Для исправления данной ошибки нужно скорректировать имена переменных или функций.

1.3. Ошибки использования оператора switch

Старая версия компилятора позволяла использовать любые значения в выражениях и константах оператора switch:

void start()
   double n=3.14;
      case 3.14: Print("Pi");break;
      case 2.7: Print("E");break;

В новом компиляторе выражения и константы оператора switch должны быть целыми числами, поэтому при использовании подобных конструкций возникают ошибки:

Рис.3. Ошибки "illegal switch expression type" и "constant expression is not integral"

Рис.3. Ошибки «illegal switch expression type» и «constant expression is not integral»

В таких случаях можно использовать явные сравнения численных значений, например:

void start()
   double n=3.14;
   if(n==3.14) Print("Pi");
      if(n==2.7) Print("E");

1.4. Возвращаемые значений функций

Все функции, кроме void, должны возвращать значение объявленного типа. Например:

int function()

При строгом режиме компиляции (strict) возникает ошибка:

Рис.4. Ошибка "not all control paths return a value"

Рис.4. Ошибка «not all control paths return a value»

В режиме компиляции по умолчанию компилятор выводит предупреждение:

Рис.5. Предупреждение "not all control paths return a value"

Рис.5. Предупреждение «not all control paths return a value»

Если возвращаемое значение функции не соответствует объявлению:

int init()                         

то при строгом режиме компиляции возникает ошибка:

Рис.6. Ошибка "function must return a value"

Рис.6. Ошибка «function must return a value»

В режиме компиляции по умолчанию компилятор выводит предупреждение:

Рис.7. Предупреждение 'return - function must return a value"

Рис.7. Предупреждение ‘return — function must return a value»

Для исправления таких ошибок в код функции нужно добавить оператор возврата return c возвращаемым значением соответствующего типа.

1.5. Массивы в аргументах функций

Массивы в аргументах функций теперь передаются только по ссылке.

double ArrayAverage(double a[])

Данный код при строгом режиме компиляции (strict) приведет к ошибке:

Рис.8. Ошибка компилятора "arrays passed by reference only"

Рис.8. Ошибка компилятора «arrays passed by reference only»

В режиме компиляции по умолчанию компилятор выводит предупреждение:

Рис.9. Предупреждение компилятора "arrays passed by reference only"

Рис.9. Предупреждение компилятора «arrays passed by reference only»

Для исправления таких ошибок нужно явно указать передачу массива по ссылке, добавив префикс & перед именем массива:

double ArrayAverage(double &a[])

Следует отметить, что теперь константные массивы (Time[], Open[], High[], Low[], Close[], Volume[]) не могут быть переданы по ссылке. Например, вызов:


вне зависимости от режима компиляции приводит к ошибке:

Рис.10. Ошибка 'Open' - constant variable cannot be passed as reference

Рис.10. Ошибка ‘Open’ — constant variable cannot be passed as reference

Для устранения подобных ошибок нужно скопировать необходимые данные из константного массива:

   double OpenPrices[];

2. Ошибки времени выполнения

Ошибки, возникающие в процессе исполнения кода программы принято называть ошибками времени выполнения (runtime errors). Такие ошибки обычно зависят от состояния программы и связаны с некорректными значениями переменных.

Например, если переменная используется в качестве индекса элементов массива, то ее отрицательные значения неизбежно приведут к выходу за пределы массива.

2.1. Выход за пределы массива (Array out of range)

Эта ошибка часто возникает в индикаторах при обращении к индикаторным буферам. Функция IndicatorCounted() возвращает количество баров, неизменившихся после последнего вызова индикатора. Значения индикаторов на уже рассчитанных ранее
барах не нуждаются в пересчете, поэтому для ускорения расчетов
достаточно обрабатывать только несколько последних баров.

Большинство индикаторов, в которых используется данный способ оптимизации вычислений, имеют вид:

int start()
   if (Bars<100) 

   int counted_bars=IndicatorCounted();
   if(counted_bars<0) return(-1);
   int limit=Bars-counted_bars;

   for (int i=limit; i>0; i--)

Часто встречается некорректная обработка случая counted_bars==0 (начальную позицию limit нужно уменьшить на значение, равное 1 + максимальный индекс относительно переменной цикла).

Также следует помнить о том, что в момент исполнения функции start() мы можем обращаться к элементам массивов индикаторных буферов от 0 до Bars()-1. Если есть необходимость работы с массивами, которые не являются индикаторными буферами, то их размер следует увеличить при помощи функции ArrayResize() в соответствии с текущим размером индикаторных буферов. Максимальный индекс элемента для адресации также можно получить вызовом ArraySize() с одним из индикаторных буферов в качестве аргумента.

2.2. Деление на ноль (Zero divide)

Ошибка «Zero divide» возникает в случае, если при выполнении операции деления делитель оказывается равен нулю:

void OnStart()

   int a=0, b=0,c;

При выполнении данного скрипта во вкладке «Эксперты» возникает сообщение об ошибке и завершении работы программы:

Рис.11. Сообщение об ошибке "zero divide"

Рис.11. Сообщение об ошибке «zero divide»

Обычно такая ошибка возникает в случаях, когда значение делителя определяется значениями каких-либо внешних данных. Например, если анализируются параметры торговли, то величина задействованной маржи оказывается равна 0 если нет открытых ордеров. Другой пример: если анализируемые данные считываются из файла, то в случае его отсутствия нельзя гарантировать корректную работу. По этой причине желательно стараться учитывать подобные случаи и корректно их обрабатывать.

Самый простой способ — проверять делитель перед операцией деления и выводить сообщение об некорректном значении параметра:

void OnStart()

   int a=0, b=0,c;
   if(b!=0) {c=a/b; Print(c);}
   else {Print("Error: b=0"); return; };

В результате критической ошибки не возникает, но выводится сообщение о некорректном значении параметра и работа завершается:

Рис. 12. Сообщение о некорректном значении делителя

Рис. 12. Сообщение о некорректном значении делителя

2.3. Использование 0 вместо NULL для текущего символа

В старой версии компилятора допускалось использование 0 (нуля) в качестве аргумента в функциях, требующих указания финансового инструмента.

Например, значение технического индикатора Moving Average для текущего символа можно было запрашивать следующим образом:


В новом компиляторе для указания текущего символа нужно явно указывать NULL:


Кроме того, текущий символ и период графика можно указать при помощи функций Symbol() и Period().


2.4. Строки в формате Unicodе и их использование в DLL

Строки теперь представляют собой последовательность символов Unicode.

Следует учитывать этот факт и использовать соответствующие функции Windows. Например, при использовании функций библиотеки wininet.dll вместо InternetOpenA() и InternetOpenUrlA() следует вызывать InternetOpenW() и InternetOpenUrlW().

В MQL4 изменилась внутренняя структура строк (теперь она занимает 12 байт), поэтому при передаче строк в DLL следует использовать структуру MqlString:

#pragma pack(push,1)
struct MqlString
   int      size;       
   LPWSTR   buffer;     
   int      reserved;   
#pragma pack(pop,1)

2.5. Совместное использование файлов

В новом MQL4 при открытии файлов необходимо явно указывать флаги FILE_SHARE_WRITE и FILE_SHARE_READ для совместного использования.

В случае их отсутствия файл будет открыт в монопольном режиме, что не позволит больше никому его открывать, пока он не будет закрыт монополистом.

Например, при работе с оффлайновыми графиками требуется явно указывать флаги совместного доступа:


Подробности можно найти в статье в статье «Оффлайновые графики и новый MQL4«.

2.6. Особенность преобразования datetime

Следует иметь ввиду, что преобразование типа datetime в строку теперь зависит от режима компиляции:

  datetime date=D'2014.03.05 15:46:58';
  string str="mydate="+date;

Например, попытка работы с файлами, имя которых содержит двоеточие, приведет к ошибке.

3. Предупреждения компилятора

Предупреждения компилятора носят информационный характер и не являются сообщениями об ошибках, однако они указывают на возможные источники ошибок и лучше их скорректировать.

Чистый код не должен содержать предупреждений.

3.1. Пересечения имен глобальных и локальных переменных

Если на глобальном и локальном уровнях присутствуют переменные с одинаковыми именами:

int i; 
void OnStart()

   int i=0,j=0; 
   for (i=0; i<5; i++) {j+=i;}
   PrintFormat("i=%d, j=%d",i,j);

то компилятор выводит предупреждение и укажет номер строки, на которой объявлена глобальная переменная:

Рис.13. Предупреждение "declaration of '%' hides global declaration at line %"

Рис.13. Предупреждение «declaration of ‘%’ hides global declaration at line %»

Для исправления таких предупреждений нужно скорректировать имена глобальных переменных.

3.2. Несоответствие типов

В новой версии компилятора введена операция приведения типов.

#property strict
void OnStart()
   double a=7;
   float b=a;
   int c=b;
   string str=c;

В строгом режиме компиляции при несоответствии типов компилятор выводит предупреждения:

Рис.14. Предупреждения "possible loss of data due to type conversion" и "implicit conversion from 'number' to 'string'

Рис.14. Предупреждения «possible loss of data due to type conversion» и «implicit conversion from ‘number’ to ‘string’

В данном примере компилятор предупреждает о возможной потере точности при присвоении различных типов данных и неявном преобразовании типа int в string.

Для исправления нужно использовать явное приведение типов:

#property strict
void OnStart()
   double a=7;
   float b=(float)a;
   int c=(int)b;
   string str=(string)c;

3.3. Неиспользуемые переменные

Наличие переменных, которые не используются в коде программы (лишние сущности) не является хорошим тоном.

void OnStart()
   int i,j=10,k,l,m,n2=1;
   for(i=0; i<5; i++) {j+=i;}

Сообщения о таких переменных выводятся вне зависимости от режима компиляции:

Рис.15. Предупреждения "variable '%' not used'

Рис.15. Предупреждения «variable ‘%’ not used’

Для исправления нужно убрать неиспользуемые переменные из кода программы.


В статье рассмотрены типичные проблемы, с которыми могут столкнуться программисты при компиляции старых программ, содержащих ошибки.

Во всех случаях при отладке программ рекомендуется использовать строгий режим компиляции.

Предупреждение: все права на данные материалы принадлежат MetaQuotes Ltd. Полная или частичная перепечатка запрещена.

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Steviey opened this issue

Jan 13, 2019



[RESOLVED] Implicit Conversion Warnings


Steviey opened this issue

Jan 13, 2019







I get a bunch of warnings…actually can’t been overseen…

implicit conversion from ‘number’ to ‘string’ (multiple lines)
declaration of ‘data’ hides global declaration in file […] Z85.mqh (multiple lines)
expression not boolean GlobalVariable.mqh (multiple lines)

By the way, is this server version for Python only?
I can’t find any information, on how to handle the versions in regard to R.
And is it OK to use the old version because of its simple, easy to extend structur?

Thank you.


Hello Steviey,
The «implicit conversion from ‘number’ to ‘string'» is brought about in mql4 when you convert a number variable to a string variable in your code without explicitly coding it to do that. For example:

int number = 10;

The above code will throw that warning. Instead, you should convert the the variable ‘number’ of type integer to type string. Like this:

int number = 10;

Use the function string(); to remove those errors.



Hi @Steviey ,

Thank you for raising this — could you please do the following:

  1. paste a text log of the warnings generated? need to ascertain which files are generating them, the MQL4 script for the EA itself, the dependencies, and/or both.

  2. confirm which version / which file you are referencing here in this issue?

The latest MQL4 EA in v2.0.1_RC8 is language-neutral in the sense that you can implement the sequence of commands and send to the EA via any programming language of choice.

As long as the message is structured as the EA is expecting it in, the sending application could be any ZeroMQ supported language capable of digesting JSON responses.

We have not yet released a version for v2.0.1_RC8 in R, only Python.



[UPDATE] Implicit conversion warnings resolved in an updated DWX_ZeroMQ_Server_v2.0.1_RC8.mq4.

Changes will be committed shortly.


changed the title
Bunch of Warnings

[RESOLVED] Bunch of Warnings

Jan 15, 2019



changed the title
[RESOLVED] Bunch of Warnings

[RESOLVED] Implicit Conversion Warnings

Jan 15, 2019

На чтение 5 мин. Просмотров 103 Опубликовано 15.12.2019

Я делаю эту простую операцию со строкой в VB.NET

У меня есть строка информации, называемая segmentInfo выглядит так:

Поэтому я просто пытаюсь получить номер из него:

И я получаю на самом деле 2 предупреждения. Оба предупреждения указаны в одной строке кода.

Может быть, я мог понять первый, о string integer . но второй? Я не понимаю.

В любом случае, может кто-нибудь сказать мне, что я делаю неправильно и как это исправить?

string warnings implicit-conversion


  1. 4 ответа
  2. 4 Answers 4
  3. Описание
  4. 1. Названия переменных с вспомогательными символами например . (точка)
  5. 2. Задекларированных переменных теперь больше, и переменные, которые были названы именами новых функций — требует изменения имени.
  6. 3. Каждая функция теперь должна иметь оператор возврата RETURN
  7. 4. Функция switсh в качестве выражения может принимать только Целые числа
  8. 5. Все переменные объявленные внутри функции, должны отличаться от названий глобальных переменных (Необязательно)
  9. 6. Все переменные, должны соответствовать по типу в используемых функциях
  10. 7. Сторонние библиотеки и функции , которые включают в себя передачу строк в DLL
  11. 8. Жесткий поиск ошибок #property strict
  12. 9. Все остальные ошибки и предупреждения решаются в индивидуальном порядке.
  13. 10. Еще один нюанс в 625 билде терминала мт4 should be checked
  14. 11. check operator precedence for possible error; use parentheses to clarify precedence

4 ответа

2 Решение Nico Schertler [2015-07-01 09:44:00]

Метод Split принимает Char (массив) как параметр, а не строку. Следовательно:

Во-вторых, вам нужно проанализировать полученную строку на целое число:

Сделайте это только тогда, когда вы знаете, что строка — это число. В противном случае используйте TryParse .

I currently have a generic class which allows the use of an expression as the value.

What I would like to be able to do is to set properties using implicit conversions from both T and from string. However if the expression is of type string, the compiler cannot decide which conversion to use.

Is there a clever way around this?

4 Answers 4

You won’t be able to keep both implicit operators and expect to work with an Expression because of the better conversion rule

Given an implicit conversion C1 that converts from a type S to a type T1, and an implicit conversion C2 that converts from a type S to a type T2, the better conversion of the two conversions is determined as follows:

  • If T1 and T2 are the same type, neither conversion is better.
  • If S is T1, C1 is the better conversion.
  • If S is T2, C2 is the better conversion.
  • If an implicit conversion from T1 to T2 exists, and no implicit conversion from T2 to T1 exists, C1 is the better conversion.
  • If an implicit conversion from T2 to T1 exists, and no implicit conversion from T1 to T2 exists, C2 is the better conversion.
  • If T1 is sbyte and T2 is byte, ushort, uint, or ulong, C1 is the better conversion.
  • If T2 is sbyte and T1 is byte, ushort, uint, or ulong, C2 is the better conversion.
  • If T1 is short and T2 is ushort, uint, or ulong, C1 is the better conversion.
  • If T2 is short and T1 is ushort, uint, or ulong, C2 is the better conversion.
  • If T1 is int and T2 is uint, or ulong, C1 is the better conversion.
  • If T2 is int and T1 is uint, or ulong, C2 is the better conversion.
  • If T1 is long and T2 is ulong, C1 is the better conversion.
  • If T2 is long and T1 is ulong, C2 is the better conversion.
  • Otherwise, neither conversion is better.

If an implicit conversion C1 is defined by these rules to be a better conversion than an implicit conversion C2, then it is also the case that C2 is a worse conversion than C1.

With an Expression you are clearly in the first case, the compiler won’t choose for you and will just stop there.

If there is not exactly one function member that is better than all other function members, then the function member invocation is ambiguous and a compile-time error occurs.

So you won’t be able to handle with with conversion operators only; either create additional methods to deal with string explicitly, convert the string to T outside of the operator or create a wrapping abstraction that would be able to tranport T, a string representation of T or the ExpressionText value and convert from it.


Новый язык программирования терминала МТ4 стал очень богатым. Он существенно расширил свои границы, здесь появились классы, ООП, графические элементы, новые операции с счетом, новые функции. Но и проблем с старым кодом здесь также присутствует.

1. Названия переменных с вспомогательными символами например . (точка)

2. Задекларированных переменных теперь больше, и переменные, которые были названы именами новых функций — требует изменения имени.

3. Каждая функция теперь должна иметь оператор возврата RETURN

4. Функция switсh в качестве выражения может принимать только Целые числа

5. Все переменные объявленные внутри функции, должны отличаться от названий глобальных переменных (Необязательно)

6. Все переменные, должны соответствовать по типу в используемых функциях

7. Сторонние библиотеки и функции , которые включают в себя передачу строк в DLL

8. Жесткий поиск ошибок #property strict

9. Все остальные ошибки и предупреждения решаются в индивидуальном порядке.

10. Еще один нюанс в 625 билде терминала мт4 should be checked

  • return value of ‘OrderSelect’ should be checked
  • return value of ‘OrderDelete’ should be checked
  • return value of ‘OrderSend’ should be checked
  • return value of ‘OrderClose’ should be checked
  • return value of ‘OrderModify’ should be checked

для того, чтобы не было таких предупреждений нужно явно указать возврат в переменную
например так:

  • bool select1=OrderSelect.
  • bool delete1= OrderDelete .
  • bool close1= OrderClose .
  • bool modify1= OrderModify .
  • int send1= OrderSend .

11. check operator precedence for possible error; use parentheses to clarify precedence

предупреждения касаются очередности операторов иили

например у Вас написано:

то предупреждение пропадет.

Т.е. если у Вас в условии написано и и и или или или , без скобок,

не хватает скобок, их нужно расставить правильно.

в декомпилированном коде это не совсем удобно, потому что от скобки зависит торговля всего эксперта.

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  • VS 2012 [RESOLVED]implicit conversion from integer to string

  1. May 17th, 2013, 11:04 PM


    jokerfool is offline

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    Resolved [RESOLVED]implicit conversion from integer to string

    Reviewing some code that says


    TextBox14.Text = GetSettingInt("TMaxUPSpeed")

    Being new to programming, can someone explain to me in the most basic format what exactly this means, what does implicit conversion mean and implicit conversion from integer to string mean, what is it trying to tell me here?

    The code is some sample code I am using to be part of a larger app and the code is also from 2009 which shouldnt really make a difference.

    Thank you

    ** Going to Resolve this post, seems to be an open ended debate on the question, I have already sorted the question out, I paid someone to fix the issue instead, I was a tad frustrated by some of the posts, but thanks to all that replied, moving onto other issues.

    Last edited by jokerfool; May 24th, 2013 at 12:59 AM.

    Reason: Too many people complaining

  2. May 17th, 2013, 11:15 PM


    Re: implicit conversion from integer to string

    Quote Originally Posted by jokerfool
    View Post

    Reviewing some code that says


    TextBox14.Text = GetSettingInt("TMaxUPSpeed")

    Being new to programming, can someone explain to me in the most basic format what exactly this means, what does implicit conversion mean and implicit conversion from integer to string mean, what is it trying to tell me here?

    The code is some sample code I am using to be part of a larger app and the code is also from 2009 which shouldnt really make a difference.

    Thank you

    We cant help with the above code as we do not know what GetSettingInt is. None the less its asking for an integer value. Your parsing a string value.

    String «The Quick Brown Fox…»
    Integer 8 etc..

  3. May 17th, 2013, 11:48 PM


    Re: implicit conversion from integer to string

    An implicit conversion occurs when you assign a value of one data type to a variable of a different, incompatible data type. For instance, this code implicitly converts a String to an Integer:


    Dim int As Integer = "100"

    The value «100» is a String and the ‘int’ variable can only hold and Integer, so the system has to implicitly convert the String to an Integer and then assign the result to the variable. This code performs an explicitly conversion:


    Dim int As Integer = CInt("100")

    CInt explicitly converts the String to an Integer and then assign the result to the variable. In that case the code tells the system exactly what to do rather than assuming that the system will work it out for itself.

    In your case, presumably the GetSettingInt method returns an Integer while the Text property of a TextBox (in fact, of any control) is type String. You need to explicitly convert the Integer to a String before assigning it to a String property:


    TextBox14.Text = GetSettingInt("TMaxUPSpeed").ToString()

  4. May 18th, 2013, 12:05 AM


    jokerfool is offline

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    Re: implicit conversion from integer to string

    Looking for the GetSettingInt here is the function I think for that


    Function GetSettingInt(ByVal name As String) As Integer
            If FileIO.FileSystem.FileExists(subdirName & "s." & name & ".n") = True Then
                Return CInt(File.ReadAllText(subdirName & "s." & name & ".n"))
                Return Nothing
            End If
        End Function

  5. May 18th, 2013, 06:12 AM


    Re: implicit conversion from integer to string

    Quote Originally Posted by jokerfool
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    Looking for the GetSettingInt here is the function I think for that


    Function GetSettingInt(ByVal name As String) As Integer
            If FileIO.FileSystem.FileExists(subdirName & "s." & name & ".n") = True Then
                Return CInt(File.ReadAllText(subdirName & "s." & name & ".n"))
                Return Nothing
            End If
        End Function

    ReadAllText returns a string value. Why are you casting this as an integer?

    vb Code:

    1. Public Class Form1

    2.     Function GetSettingInt(ByVal name As String) As String

    3.         Dim path As String = String.Format("{0}s.{1}.n", subdirname, name)

    4.         If IO.File.Exists(path) Then

    5.             Return IO.File.ReadAllText(path)

    6.         Else

    7.             Return Nothing

    8.         End If

    9.     End Function

    10. End Class

  6. May 18th, 2013, 07:47 AM


    annaharris is offline

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    Re: implicit conversion from integer to string

    Which one is better and more preferred, implicit or explicit conversion.?

  7. May 18th, 2013, 09:10 AM


    Re: implicit conversion from integer to string

    Explicit conversions… that’s why the general recomendation is to set Option Explicit On by default.


  8. May 18th, 2013, 09:46 AM


    Re: implicit conversion from integer to string

    Quote Originally Posted by techgnome
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    Explicit conversions… that’s why the general recomendation is to set Option Explicit On by default.


    You mean Option Strict. Option Explicit has nothing to do with type conversions. Option Explicit determines whether explicit declaration of variables is required while Option Strict determines whether strict typing is enforced. Strict typing means no late binding and no implicit conversions.

  9. May 18th, 2013, 09:48 AM


    Re: implicit conversion from integer to string

    Quote Originally Posted by ident
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    ReadAllText returns a string value. Why are you casting this as an integer?

    Presumably because the file is a text file but it contains a setting value that represents a number. When you add an Integer to My.Settings it gets stored in the config file. The config file is XML, which is structured text. As such, the value has to be read as text and converted to an Integer at some point. This is no different.

  10. May 18th, 2013, 03:29 PM


    jokerfool is offline

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    Re: implicit conversion from integer to string

    The code I am using is from 2008 to 2009 so the code back then may of served its purpose. The code shown is part of the settings, the main app itself works fine and I have no issues with loading etc, I just got a warning on the code for implicit conversion from integer to string. Here is the settings functions, this is where I am getting the warning.


    Imports System.IO
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Because My.Setting namespace loose it's data after renaming the assembly file, or moving it, i made this.
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <remarks></remarks>
    Public Module SettingsManager
        ' Dim subdirName As String = "opt"
        Dim subdirName As String = MYDIR & "opt"
        'Sub Check()
        '    If FileIO.FileSystem.DirectoryExists("opt") = False Then
        '        FileIO.FileSystem.CreateDirectory("opt")
        '    End If
        'End Sub
        Sub Check()
            If FileIO.FileSystem.DirectoryExists(subdirName) = False Then
            End If
        End Sub
        Function GetSettingInt(ByVal name As String) As Integer
            If FileIO.FileSystem.FileExists(subdirName & "s." & name & ".n") = True Then
                Return CInt(File.ReadAllText(subdirName & "s." & name & ".n"))
                Return Nothing
            End If
        End Function
        Function GetSettingStr(ByVal name As String) As String
            If FileIO.FileSystem.FileExists(subdirName & "s." & name & ".n") = True Then
                Return File.ReadAllText(subdirName & "s." & name & ".n")
                Return Nothing
            End If
        End Function
        ''' <summary>
        ''' Return an empty list if invalid name supplied.
        ''' </summary>
        ''' <param name="name"></param>
        ''' <returns></returns>
        ''' <remarks></remarks>
        Function GetSettingStrList(ByVal name As String) As List(Of String)
            If FileIO.FileSystem.FileExists(subdirName & "s." & name & ".n") = True Then
                Return File.ReadAllLines(subdirName & "s." & name & ".n").ToList()
                Return New List(Of String)(0)
            End If
        End Function
        Function GetSettingBool(ByVal name As String) As Boolean
            If FileIO.FileSystem.FileExists(subdirName & "s." & name & ".n") = True Then
                If File.ReadAllText(subdirName & "s." & name & ".n") = "True" Then
                    Return True
                    Return False
                End If
                Return Nothing
            End If
        End Function
        Sub SetSettingInt(ByVal name As String, ByVal data As Integer)
            File.WriteAllText(subdirName & "s." & name & ".n", data)
        End Sub
        Sub SetSettingStr(ByVal name As String, ByVal str As String)
            File.WriteAllText(subdirName & "s." & name & ".n", str)
        End Sub
        Sub SetSettingStrList(ByVal name As String, ByVal list As List(Of String))
            File.WriteAllLines(subdirName & "s." & name & ".n", list.ToArray)
        End Sub
        Sub SetSettingBool(ByVal name As String, ByVal bool As Boolean)
            File.WriteAllText(subdirName & "s." & name & ".n", bool.ToString)
        End Sub
        Sub SetSettingFont(ByVal name As String, ByVal font As Font)
            'Dim d As New Font("font family", Size, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, font.GdiCharSet)
                Dim fontfamilyStr As String = font.FontFamily.Name
                Dim sizeStr As String = font.Size
                Dim styleStr As String = font.Style.ToString
                Dim gdiChatSet As String = CInt(font.GdiCharSet)
                Dim text As String = fontfamilyStr & "|" & sizeStr & "|" & styleStr & "|" & gdiChatSet
                File.WriteAllText(subdirName & "s." & name & ".n", text)
            Catch ex As Exception
            End Try
        End Sub
        Function getSettingFont(ByVal name As String) As Font
            If FileIO.FileSystem.FileExists(subdirName & "s." & name & ".n") = True Then
                Dim t As String() = File.ReadAllText(subdirName & "s." & name & ".n").Split(CChar("|"))
                Dim fontfamilyStr As String = t.ElementAt(0)
                Dim sizeStr As Single = CSng(t.ElementAt(1))
                Dim styleStr As FontStyle = getFontStyle(t.ElementAt(2))
                Dim gdiChatSet As Byte = CByte(t.ElementAt(3))
                Return New Font(fontfamilyStr, sizeStr, styleStr, GraphicsUnit.Point, gdiChatSet)
                Return Nothing
            End If
        End Function
        Private Function getFontStyle(ByVal s As String) As FontStyle
            Select Case s
                Case "Bold"
                    Return FontStyle.Bold
                Case "Italic"
                    Return FontStyle.Italic
                Case "Regular"
                    Return FontStyle.Regular
                Case "Strikeout"
                    Return FontStyle.Strikeout
                Case "Underline"
                    Return FontStyle.Underline
                Case Else
                    Return FontStyle.Regular
            End Select
        End Function
    End Module

  11. May 18th, 2013, 04:10 PM


    Re: implicit conversion from integer to string

    You’re getting the warning since GetSettingInt returns an integer and you’re assigning that to the Text property of a TextBox which is a String property. If you want to get rid of the warning use either of these two code lines:


    TextBox14.Text = GetSettingInt("TMaxUPSpeed").ToString()
    TextBox14.Text = CStr(GetSettingInt("TMaxUPSpeed"))

    It’s always better to explicitly convert data types because you are in that case in control and the compiler doesn’t have to make assumptions of what you’re really trying to do. I would recommend to turn Option Strict on.

    Last edited by Joacim Andersson; May 18th, 2013 at 04:13 PM.

  12. May 18th, 2013, 06:53 PM


    Re: implicit conversion from integer to string

    File.ReadAllText() returns a string though, so I’m assuming that the text you want to read is supposed to be cast to an integer. I might suggest Integer.TryParse() in that case, and return either a null string, or string.Empty on false. (Check that accordingly, and do whatever you need to do based on the returned value.) Or make this function take on the paradigm of the TryParse() method using a ByRef param, and returning a boolean based on TryParse() success or failure…

    Since the value is being used for text though, why cast to an integer in the first place only to convert back to a string? Seems inefficient, and especially if you aren’t going to be using this Integer value for anything else. If you want validation Integer.TryParse() is the way to go…

    As mentioned above, unless you’ve changed your settings, Option Explicit is already on by default anyways, but Option Strict is the one that you want to have turned on. Implicit conversions are bad, and they also don’t teach you to recognize what types you are dealing with if you always rely in implicit conversions being done for you. I once read an article that had this as a defense somehow for why is better than C#… Not sure how that works, but that’s another story.


    Last edited by AceInfinity; May 18th, 2013 at 06:57 PM.


    .NET Programming (2012 — 2018)
    �Crestron — DMC-T Certified Programmer | Software Developer


  13. May 18th, 2013, 08:10 PM


    Re: implicit conversion from integer to string

    Quote Originally Posted by Joacim Andersson
    View Post

    You’re getting the warning since GetSettingInt returns an integer and you’re assigning that to the Text property of a TextBox which is a String property. If you want to get rid of the warning use either of these two code lines:


    TextBox14.Text = GetSettingInt("TMaxUPSpeed").ToString()
    TextBox14.Text = CStr(GetSettingInt("TMaxUPSpeed"))

    It’s always better to explicitly convert data types because you are in that case in control and the compiler doesn’t have to make assumptions of what you’re really trying to do. I would recommend to turn Option Strict on.

    Which is exactly what I said in post #3, so one wonders why the OP is still asking the same question and hasn’t acted on the advice provided there.

  14. May 18th, 2013, 08:16 PM


    Re: implicit conversion from integer to string

    Quote Originally Posted by AceInfinity
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    Since the value is being used for text though, why cast to an integer in the first place only to convert back to a string? Seems inefficient, and especially if you aren’t going to be using this Integer value for anything else.

    You seem to be missing the point that I made in post #9. It’s clear from the method name that this data represents part of the application’s preferences/options/settings. The data obviously represents a number so it is completely appropriate that it be returned as a number. When the data gets used it will be used as a number. This is presumably not the only place that this setting value will be used. This particular instance is for display purposes so, as with all data, it must be in String form for that purpose. Elsewhere though, it is likely that the data will be used in a comparison with another number, so it is essential that it be a number. Would you say that My.Settings should return everything as Strings? If not then why should these home-grown settings be returned as Strings?

    The possibility that the file doesn’t contain a valid number has to be taken into account somewhere. If your suggestion to use TryParse is not taken up then any code that calls this method really should have it within an exception handler.

  15. May 18th, 2013, 08:38 PM


    Re: implicit conversion from integer to string

    Quote Originally Posted by jmcilhinney
    View Post

    You seem to be missing the point that I made in post #9. It’s clear from the method name that this data represents part of the application’s preferences/options/settings. The data obviously represents a number so it is completely appropriate that it be returned as a number. When the data gets used it will be used as a number. This is presumably not the only place that this setting value will be used. This particular instance is for display purposes so, as with all data, it must be in String form for that purpose. Elsewhere though, it is likely that the data will be used in a comparison with another number, so it is essential that it be a number. Would you say that My.Settings should return everything as Strings? If not then why should these home-grown settings be returned as Strings?

    The possibility that the file doesn’t contain a valid number has to be taken into account somewhere. If your suggestion to use TryParse is not taken up then any code that calls this method really should have it within an exception handler.

    Quote Originally Posted by jmcilhinney
    View Post

    Presumably because the file is a text file but it contains a setting value that represents a number. When you add an Integer to My.Settings it gets stored in the config file. The config file is XML, which is structured text. As such, the value has to be read as text and converted to an Integer at some point. This is no different.

    You are probably right. And if he uses this value lots of times as an Integer, I suppose a simple redundant cast back to a string wouldn’t matter too much. He wouldn’t have to cast the value to an Integer a whole bunch of times though when he wants to use it if the return value stays as is. I didn’t consider the bigger picture and was only looking at the smaller inefficiency here, because I have a habit of only reading the thread and judging based on the given information.


    Last edited by AceInfinity; May 18th, 2013 at 09:03 PM.


    .NET Programming (2012 — 2018)
    �Crestron — DMC-T Certified Programmer | Software Developer


  16. May 18th, 2013, 10:38 PM


    Re: implicit conversion from integer to string

    why is everyone talking about conversions, the question was what does the line of code do

    TextBox14.Text = GetSettingInt(«TMaxUPSpeed»)


    Function GetSettingInt(ByVal name As String) As Integer
    If FileIO.FileSystem.FileExists(subdirName & «s.» & name & «.n») = True Then
    Return CInt(File.ReadAllText(subdirName & «s.» & name & «.n»))
    Return Nothing
    End If
    End Function

    simply checks if a file named «TMaxUpSpeed» exists
    if it does it puts the contents of the file ( an intergeter probably) in a textbox, its wrongly coded and conversions dont need to be applied
    if it does not then the textbox is left empty

    it seems a little pointless(with the way its done) but thats what its doing

    its that simple.

    why are all u guys confusing jokerfool by following up with the conversions stuff?

    Last edited by GBeats; May 18th, 2013 at 10:42 PM.

    Working from home is so much better than working in an office…
    Nothing can beat the combined stress of getting your work done on time whilst
    1. one toddler keeps pressing your AVR’s power button
    2. one baby keeps crying for milk
    3. one child keeps running in and out of the house screaming and shouting
    4. one wife keeps nagging you to stop playing on the pc and do some real work.. house chores
    5. working at 1 O’clock in the morning because nobody is awake at that time
    6. being grossly underpaid for all your hard work

  17. May 18th, 2013, 10:45 PM


    Re: implicit conversion from integer to string

    Function GetSettingInt(ByVal name As String) As Integer
    If FileIO.FileSystem.FileExists(subdirName & «s.» & name & «.n») = True Then
    Return CInt(File.ReadAllText(subdirName & «s.» & name & «.n»))
    Return Nothing
    End If
    End Function

    should be

    Function GetSettingInt(ByVal name As String)

    As string
    If FileIO.FileSystem.FileExists(subdirName & «s.» & name & «.n») = True Then
    Return File.ReadAllText(subdirName & «s.» & name & «.n»)
    Return Nothing
    End If
    End Function

    Working from home is so much better than working in an office…
    Nothing can beat the combined stress of getting your work done on time whilst
    1. one toddler keeps pressing your AVR’s power button
    2. one baby keeps crying for milk
    3. one child keeps running in and out of the house screaming and shouting
    4. one wife keeps nagging you to stop playing on the pc and do some real work.. house chores
    5. working at 1 O’clock in the morning because nobody is awake at that time
    6. being grossly underpaid for all your hard work

  18. May 18th, 2013, 11:30 PM


    Re: implicit conversion from integer to string

    Why? If the text in the file is an integer why shouldn’t the function return an integer? It would be safer to use Integer.TryParse than CInt but the function is still returning an integer, and (unless the function causes an exception) the textbox will never be empty since the function is always returning an integer. Nothing for an integer is equal to 0.

    The warning is because the integer that is returned is added to a textbox and should first be converted as posted earlier.

  19. May 19th, 2013, 12:21 AM


    jokerfool is offline

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    Re: implicit conversion from integer to string

    So I just want to clarify that the code I am using is from 2008, please understand this, I didn’t write the code, I am just asking for assistance. So thank you to the posts, I will take everything on board and make the changes. Thank you.

  20. May 19th, 2013, 12:31 AM


    Re: implicit conversion from integer to string

    Quote Originally Posted by GBeats
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    should be

    Function GetSettingInt(ByVal name As String)

    As string
    If FileIO.FileSystem.FileExists(subdirName & «s.» & name & «.n») = True Then
    Return File.ReadAllText(subdirName & «s.» & name & «.n»)
    Return Nothing
    End If
    End Function

    If the return value was a string, then GetSettingInt wouldn’t make sense would it? And this was part of the discussion if you look through the thread.

    The setting is intended to be an Integer from the very beginning, so why should it be a string? You’re going to be using it perhaps more as an Integer than a String, so for this one place where you would use it as a string, why would you make the function fit this type? Then all the other places where you use it as an Integer, you have to manually cast it each time, instead of returning that value directly from the function.

    And no… He was asking what the implicit conversion bit meant on that line, not what the code itself does.

    Being new to programming, can someone explain to me in the most basic format what exactly this means, what does implicit conversion mean and implicit conversion from integer to string mean, what is it trying to tell me here?

    When he said «can someone explain to me in the most basic format what exactly this means,» he was referencing the implicit conversion notice.

    My suggestion was Integer.TryParse(), so if you didn’t have the return value as an Integer, then imagine implementing TryParse() everywhere you use this string, just to have a usable integer representation of the text in the file? Rethinking this over, it makes much more sense to stay an Integer.


    Last edited by AceInfinity; May 19th, 2013 at 12:36 AM.


    .NET Programming (2012 — 2018)
    �Crestron — DMC-T Certified Programmer | Software Developer


  21. May 19th, 2013, 12:36 AM


    jokerfool is offline

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    Re: implicit conversion from integer to string

    OMG Integer or String, its all too much for me now, im so confused and it doesnt matter who explains it except for post #2, I think I understand.

    This post was never intended to be a debate, I had the warning when I go to build, it didnt stop the function of the app, I just wanted to know how to remove the warning, it seems I will have to edit the code in the settings file as explained above and in doing so it has removed the error from certain lines and now refers to other lines in the settings file e.g. SetSettingInt, but there are hundreds of lines related to that error, would this mean going in and changing all those lines from int to str? I am sorry if I am not the expert here I am only the beginner and trying to learn as much as I can before the end of the line arrives for me, but thank you too all.

  22. May 19th, 2013, 12:41 AM


    Re: implicit conversion from integer to string

    Why is it too much? What are you confused about? Let us know and we can help.

    Post #3, is where the implicit conversion phenomena is best explained in my opinion:…=1#post4417245

    The return value from the function is an Integer, the Text property when set, expects a type of string, so when you assign that Integer to the placeholder of the Text property, a magical conversion is done for you (an implicit conversion from the original Integer, to the String value). To avoid the «magician» doing this magic for you so to speak, you need to cast that Integer value to a string first before you assign it to the Text property. That’s how you would fix it.

    So as mentioned above, either CStr(), or the ToString() extension method.

    it seems I will have to edit the code in the settings file as explained above

    No, that function is fine… The only modification you might consider making to it, is adding Integer.TryParse() in there instead of CInt(). Everything else is fine, you shouldn’t need to do anything with the function…


    .NET Programming (2012 — 2018)
    �Crestron — DMC-T Certified Programmer | Software Developer


  23. May 19th, 2013, 12:44 AM


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    Re: implicit conversion from integer to string

    Ahhhh lightbulb to head

    The textbox with the error is a text box that requires the user to enter a number

    Which I believe is the Integer.

    What is the meaning of implicit conversion, I dont get.

    So it wants to change from a number to a letter is that what this error is referring too?

  24. May 19th, 2013, 12:45 AM


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    Re: implicit conversion from integer to string

    AceInfinity I was referring too

    String «The Quick Brown Fox…»
    Integer 8 etc..

  25. May 19th, 2013, 12:48 AM


    Re: implicit conversion from integer to string

    So it wants to change from a number to a letter is that what this error is referring too?

    By «letter», the proper term is String, but yes.

    The Text property is a type of String. Thus it doesn’t accept an Integer. Some kind of conversion needs to happen to get the value to a type of String, before the Text property can hold that value. So if you don’t have Option Strict On, and you don’t do this conversion yourself (explicitly), an implicit conversion happens and this conversion is dealt with for you automatically (when a conversion can be made). This is bad practice though and should be avoided, so that’s why you are getting the notification about it.


    .NET Programming (2012 — 2018)
    �Crestron — DMC-T Certified Programmer | Software Developer


  26. May 19th, 2013, 12:48 AM


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    Re: implicit conversion from integer to string

    When I change to .ToString() it says:

    Expression does not produce a value

    Hence why I didnt change anything further

    Should I turn on Option Strict On and if so how?

  27. May 19th, 2013, 12:51 AM


    Re: implicit conversion from integer to string

    Quote Originally Posted by jokerfool
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    When I change to .ToString() it says:

    Expression does not produce a value

    Hence why I didnt change anything further

    Did you do:


    TextBox14.Text = GetSettingInt("TMaxUPSpeed").ToString()


    And to imagine this implicit conversion stuff. Lets say that the GetSettingInt() function returns a value of 9 in this case.

    If you write this in your code:

    You will get the same warning. But the implicit conversion takes that 9 and makes it «9» (a string). This would fix that warning:


    TextBox14.Text = "9"

    Or in this case 9 is a placeholder for our function (we can’t just put quotes around the function, otherwise it makes the function name our string, and not its return value), so the ToString() function is used:


    TextBox14.Text = (9).ToString()


    .NET Programming (2012 — 2018)
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  28. May 19th, 2013, 01:12 AM


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    Re: implicit conversion from integer to string

    I did add the .tostring but I got that error above. Instead I added this code as mentioned and the error went away


    Function GetSettingInt(ByVal name As String) As String
            If FileIO.FileSystem.FileExists(subdirName & "s." & name & ".n") = True Then
                Return File.ReadAllText(subdirName & "s." & name & ".n")
                Return Nothing
            End If
        End Function

  29. May 19th, 2013, 01:27 AM


    Re: implicit conversion from integer to string


    ok yes i read it again, i missed your post.

    and since it looks like its getting some sort of setting that’s numerical then it makes sense to have the function like that.
    i wasnt thinking but practically its a good way to get «0» in the string if there is nothing there, since naturally integers start of as 0.

    point taken sry
    the function still is has potential problems with the way it is, and is relying of outside information being correct to prevent a crash.

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  30. May 19th, 2013, 01:31 AM


    Re: implicit conversion from integer to string

    jokerfool please NOTE

    if the function is used somewhere else while code like my suggestion, you will need to do more conversions, but if its not then you will be fine.

    the error you have might also be caused by the file itself, you should check the data inside the file.

    obviously you cant use Cint(«with this») because there are no numbers there, i dont know what it would return but it wouldnt be what you wanted that is sure.

    Working from home is so much better than working in an office…
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  31. May 19th, 2013, 01:32 AM


    Re: implicit conversion from integer to string

    Quote Originally Posted by jokerfool
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    I did add the .tostring but I got that error above. Instead I added this code as mentioned and the error went away


    Function GetSettingInt(ByVal name As String) As String
            If FileIO.FileSystem.FileExists(subdirName & "s." & name & ".n") = True Then
                Return File.ReadAllText(subdirName & "s." & name & ".n")
                Return Nothing
            End If
        End Function

    No… Please read through the posts again, it was suggested not to do this as a final consensus.

    Does this make sense?

    1. GetSettingInt
    2. Return value: String

    What was the error you were getting with ToString()?


    .NET Programming (2012 — 2018)
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  32. May 19th, 2013, 01:42 AM


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    Re: implicit conversion from integer to string

    When I change to .ToString() it says:

    Expression does not produce a value

  33. May 19th, 2013, 01:43 AM


    Re: implicit conversion from integer to string

    I have a hard time believing that you’re using the function correctly.. Can you show us your exact code when it gives you that error and are you sure it is with that line?


    .NET Programming (2012 — 2018)
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  34. May 19th, 2013, 01:45 AM


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    Re: implicit conversion from integer to string

    Already did that, its posted above.

  35. May 19th, 2013, 01:46 AM


    Re: implicit conversion from integer to string

    Quote Originally Posted by jokerfool
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    When I change to .ToString() it says:

    Expression does not produce a value

    Then you did it wrong. How about you show us what you did and then we can tell you what’s wrong with it?

  36. May 19th, 2013, 01:59 AM


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    Re: implicit conversion from integer to string

    Okay I guess I must of made a mistake somewhere, so is this correct? Cos the line is no longer highlighted saying that message, but will adding that .ToString() to the end of the line chance the functionality of the application?

    TextBox14.Text = GetSettingInt(«TMaxUPSpeed»).ToString()

  37. May 19th, 2013, 02:00 AM


    Re: implicit conversion from integer to string

    you should double check the file that you getting the info for, your applying a text extraction, maybe the file contains an object, or nothing at all.

    you said you already changed the function to return string, what did the textbox show when you did that?

    Working from home is so much better than working in an office…
    Nothing can beat the combined stress of getting your work done on time whilst
    1. one toddler keeps pressing your AVR’s power button
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  38. May 19th, 2013, 02:08 AM


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    Re: implicit conversion from integer to string

    When I made that change you mentioned the error for that section disappeared, the error moved onto another section within the settings that I mentioned above

  39. May 19th, 2013, 02:15 AM


    Re: implicit conversion from integer to string

    Quote Originally Posted by jokerfool
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    Okay I guess I must of made a mistake somewhere, so is this correct? Cos the line is no longer highlighted saying that message, but will adding that .ToString() to the end of the line chance the functionality of the application?

    TextBox14.Text = GetSettingInt(«TMaxUPSpeed»).ToString()

    No it won’t. Either way, the number is being retrieved from the file and displayed in the TextBox. The difference is that the ToString means that the Integer is converted to a String explicitly while previously it was being converted implicitly. It’s being converted either way though. Do you actually know what implicit and explicit mean? That would probably be a good place to start.

  40. May 19th, 2013, 02:24 AM


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    Re: implicit conversion from integer to string

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File reading error


Error of opening an *. EX4 for writing


Not enough free memory to complete compilation


Empty syntactic unit unrecognized by compiler


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Error accessing a file in #include (probably the file does not exist)


Inappropriate name for #define


Unknown command of preprocessor (valid #include, #define, #property, #import)


Symbol unknown to compiler


Function not implemented (description is present, but no body)


Double quote («) omitted


Opening angle bracket (<) or double quote («) omitted


Single quote (‘) omitted


Closing angle bracket «>» omitted


Type not specified in declaration


No return operator or return is found not in all branches of the implementation


Opening bracket of call parameters was expected


Error writing EX4


Invalid access to an array


The function is not of void type and the return operator must return a value


Incorrect declaration of the destructor


Colon «:» is missing


Variable is already declared


Variable with such identifier already declared


Variable name is too long (> 250 characters)


Structure with such identifier already defined


Structure is not defined


Structure member with the same name already defined


No such structure member


Breached pairing of brackets


Opening parenthesis «(» expected


Unbalanced braces (no «}»)


Difficult to compile (too much branching, internal stack levels are overfilled)


Error of file opening for reading


Not enough memory to download the source file into memory


Variable is expected


Reference cannot be initialized


Assignment expected (appears at declaration)


Opening brace «{» expected


Parameter can be a dynamic array only


Use of «void» type is unacceptable


No pair for «)» or «]», i.e. «(or» [ » is absent


No pair for «(or» [ «, i.e. «) «or»] » is absent


Incorrect array size


Too many parameters (> 64)


This token is not expected here


Invalid use of operation (invalid operands)


Expression of void type not allowed


Operator is expected


Misuse of break


Semicolon «;» expected


Comma «,» expected


Must be a class type, not struct


Expression is expected


«non HEX character» found in HEX or too long number (number of digits> 511)


String-constant has more than 65534 characters


Function definition is unacceptable here


Unexpected end of program


Forward declaration is prohibited for structures


Function with this name is already defined and has another return type


Function with this name is already defined and has a different set of parameters


Function with this name is already defined and implemented


Function overload for this call was not found


Function with a return value of void type cannot return a value


Function is not defined


Value is expected


In case expression only integer constants are valid


The value of case in this switch is already used


Integer is expected


In #import expression file name is expected


Expressions are not allowed on global level


Omitted parenthesis «)» before «;»


To the left of equality sign a variable is expected


The result of expression is not used


Declaring of variables is not allowed in case


Implicit conversion from a string to a number


Implicit conversion of a number to a string


Ambiguous call of an overloaded function (several overloads fit)


Illegal else without proper if


Invalid case or default without a switch


Inappropriate use of ellipsis


The initializing sequence has more elements than the initialized variable


A constant for case expected


A constant expression required


A constant variable cannot be changed


Closing bracket or a comma is expected (declaring array member)


Enumerator identifier already defined


Enumeration cannot have access modifiers (const, extern, static)


Enumeration member already declared with a different value


There is a variable defined with the same name


There is a structure defined with the same name


Name of enumeration member expected


Integer expression expected


Division by zero in constant expression


Wrong number of parameters in the function


Parameter by reference must be a variable


Variable of the same type to pass by reference expected


A constant variable cannot be passed by a non-constant reference


Requires a positive integer constant


Failed to access protected class member


Import already defined in another way


Executable file not created


‘OnCalculate’ entry point not found for the indicator


The continue operation can be used only inside a loop


Error accessing private (closed) class member


Method of structure or class is not declared


Error accessing private (closed) class method


Copying of structures with objects is not allowed


Index out of array range


Array initialization in structure or class declaration not allowed


Class constructor cannot have parameters


Class destructor can not have parameters


Class method or structure with the same name and parameters have already been declared


Operand expected


Class method or structure with the same name exists, but with different parameters (declaration!=implementation)


Imported function is not described


ZeroMemory() is not allowed for objects with protected members or inheritance


Ambiguous call of the overloaded function (exact match of parameters for several overloads)


Variable name expected


A reference cannot be declared in this place


Already used as the enumeration name


Class or structure expected


Cannot call ‘delete’ operator to delete the array


Operator ‘ while’ expected


Operator ‘delete’ must have a pointer


There is ‘default’ for this ‘switch’ already


Syntax error


Escape-sequence can occur only in strings (starts with »)


Array required — square bracket ‘[‘ does not apply to an array, or non arrays are passed as array parameters


Can not be initialized through the initialization sequence


Import is not defined


Optimizer error on the syntactic tree


Declared too many structures (try to simplify the program)


Conversion of the parameter is not allowed


Incorrect use of the ‘delete’ operator


It’s not allowed to declare a pointer to a reference


It’s not allowed to declare a reference to a reference


It’s not allowed to declare a pointer to a pointer


Structure declaration in the list of parameter is not allowed


Invalid operation of typecasting


A pointer can be declared only for a class or structure


Undeclared identifier


Executable code optimizer error


Executable code generation error


Invalid expression for the ‘switch’ operator


Pool of string constants overfilled, simplify program


Cannot convert to enumeration


Do not use ‘virtual’ for data (members of a class or structure)


Cannot call protected method of class


Overridden virtual functions return a different type


Class cannot be inherited from a structure


Structure cannot be inherited from a class


Constructor cannot be virtual (virtual specifier is not allowed)


Method of structure cannot be virtual


Function must have a body


Overloading of system functions (terminal functions) is prohibited


Const specifier is invalid for functions that are not members of a class or structure


Not allowed to change class members in constant method


Inappropriate initialization sequence


Missed default value for the parameter (specific declaration of default parameters)


Overriding the default parameter (different values in declaration and implementation)


Not allowed to call non-constant method for a constant object


An object is necessary for accessing members (a dot for a non class/structure is set)


The name of an already declared structure cannot be used in declaration


Unauthorized conversion (at closed inheritance)


Structures and arrays cannot be used as input variables


Const specifier is not valid for constructor/destructor


Incorrect string expression for a datetime


Unknown property (#property)


Incorrect value of a property


Invalid index for a property in #property


Call parameter omitted — <func (x,)>


Object must be passed by reference


Array must be passed by reference


Function was declared as exportable


Function was not declared as exportable


It is prohibited to export imported function


Imported function cannot have this parameter (prohibited to pass a pointer, class or structure containing a dynamic array, pointer, class, etc.)


Must be a class


#import was not closed


Type mismatch


Extern variable is already initialized


No exported function or entry point found


Explicit constructor call is not allowed


Method was declared as constant


Method was not declared as constant


Incorrect size of the resource file


Incorrect resource name


Resource file opening error


Resource file reading error


Unknown resource type


Incorrect path to the resource file


The specified resource name is already used


Argument expected for the function-like macro


Unexpected symbol in macro definition


Error in formal parameters of the macro


Invalid number of parameters for a macro


Too many parameters for a macro


Too complex, simplify the macro


Parameter for EnumToString() can be only an enumeration


The resource name is too long


Unsupported image format (only BMP with 24 or 32 bit color depth is supported)


An array cannot be declared in operator


The function can be declared only in the global scope


The declaration is not allowed for the current scope


Initialization of static variables with the values of local variables is not allowed


Illegal declaration of an array of objects that do not have a default constructor


Initialization list allowed only for constructors


No function definition after initialization list


Initialization list is empty


Array initialization in a constructor is not allowed


Initializing members of a parent class in the initialization list is not allowed


Expression of the integer type expected


Memory required for the array exceeds the maximum value


Memory required for the structure exceeds the maximum value


Memory required for the variables declared on the global level exceeds the maximum value


Memory required for local variables exceeds the maximum value


Constructor not defined


Invalid name of the icon file


Could not open the icon file at the specified path


The icon file is incorrect and is not of the ICO format


Reinitialization of a member in a class/structure constructor using the initialization list


Initialization of static members in the constructor initialization list is not allowed


Initialization of a non-static member of a class/structure on a global level is not allowed


The name of the class/structure method matches the name of an earlier declared member


The name of the class/structure member matches the name of an earlier declared method


Virtual function cannot be declared as static


The const modifier is not allowed for static functions


Constructor or destructor cannot be static


Non-static member/method of a class or a structure cannot be accessed from a static function


An overload operation (+,-,[],++,— etc.) is expected after the operator keyword


Not all operations can be overloaded in MQL4


Definition does not match declaration


An invalid number of parameters is specified for the operator


Event handling function not found


Method cannot be exported


A pointer to the constant object cannot be normalized by a non-constant object


Class templates are not supported yet


Function template overload is not supported yet


Function template cannot be applied


Ambiguous parameter in function template (several parameter types can be applied)


Unable to determine the parameter type, by which the function template argument should be normalized


Incorrect number of parameters in the function template


Function template cannot be virtual


Function templates cannot be exported


Function templates cannot be imported


Structures containing the objects are not allowed


String arrays and structures containing the objects are not allowed


A static class/structure member must be explicitly initialized


Compiler limitation: the string cannot contain more than 65 535 characters


Inconsistent #ifdef/#endif


Object of class cannot be returned, copy constructor not found


Non-static members and methods cannot be used


OnTesterInit() impossible to use without OnTesterDeinit()


Redefinition of formal parameter ‘%s’


Macro __FUNCSIG__ and __FUNCTION__ cannot appear outside of a function body


Invalid returned type. For example, this error will be produced for functions imported from DLL that return structure or pointer.


Template usage error


Not used


Illegal syntax when declaring pure virtual function, only «=NULL» or «=0» are allowed


Only virtual functions can be declared with the pure-specifier («=NULL» or «=0»)


Abstract class cannot be instantiated


A pointer to a user-defined type should be applied as a target type for dynamic casting using the dynamic_cast operator


«Pointer to function» type is expected


Pointers to methods are not supported


Error — cannot define the type of a pointer to function


Type cast is not available due to private inheritance


A variable with const modifier should be initialized during declaration

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