Import pycurl error

The first step of troubleshooting issues in programs using PycURL is identifying which piece of software is responsible for the misbehavior. PycURL is a thin wrapper around libcurl; libcurl performs most of the network operations and transfer-related issues are generally the domain of libcurl.

The first step of troubleshooting issues in programs using PycURL is
identifying which piece of software is responsible for the misbehavior.
PycURL is a thin wrapper around libcurl; libcurl performs most of the
network operations and transfer-related issues are generally the domain
of libcurl.

setopt-Related Issues¶

setopt is one method that is used for setting most
of the libcurl options, as such calls to it can fail in a wide variety
of ways.

TypeError: invalid arguments to setopt

This usually means the type of argument passed to setopt does not
match what the option expects. Recent versions of PycURL have improved
error reporting when this happens and they also accept more data types
(for example tuples in addition to lists). If you are using an old version of
PycURL, upgrading to the last version may help troubleshoot the situation.

The next step is carefully reading libcurl documentation for the option
in question and verifying that the type, structure and format of data
you are passing matches what the option expects.

pycurl.error: (1, '')

An exception like this means PycURL accepted the structure and values
in the option parameter and sent them on to libcurl, and
libcurl rejected the attempt to set the option.

Until PycURL implements an error code to symbol mapping,
you have to perform this mapping by hand. Error codes are
found in the file curl.h in libcurl source; look for CURLE_OK.
For example, error code 1 means CURLE_UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL.

libcurl can reject a setopt call for a variety of reasons of its own,
including but not limited to the requested functionality
not being compiled in or being not supported with the SSL backend
being used.

Transfer-Related Issues¶

If your issue is transfer-related (timeout, connection failure, transfer
failure, perform hangs, etc.) the first step in troubleshooting is
setting the VERBOSE flag for the operation. libcurl will then output
debugging information as the transfer executes:

>>> import pycurl
>>> curl = pycurl.Curl()
>>> curl.setopt(curl.VERBOSE, True)
>>> curl.setopt(curl.URL, '')
>>> curl.setopt(curl.WRITEDATA, open('/dev/null', 'w'))
>>> curl.perform()
* Hostname was found in DNS cache
*   Trying
* Connected to ( port 443 (#1)
* found 173 certificates in /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
* found 696 certificates in /etc/ssl/certs
* ALPN, offering http/1.1
* SSL re-using session ID
* SSL connection using TLS1.2 / ECDHE_RSA_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
*      server certificate verification OK
*      server certificate status verification SKIPPED
*      common name: (matched)
*      server certificate expiration date OK
*      server certificate activation date OK
*      certificate public key: RSA
*      certificate version: #3
*      subject:
*      start date: Sat, 17 Jun 2017 00:00:00 GMT
*      expire date: Thu, 27 Sep 2018 12:00:00 GMT
*      issuer: C=US,O=DigiCert Inc,,CN=DigiCert SHA2 Extended Validation Server CA
*      compression: NULL
* ALPN, server accepted to use http/1.1
> GET / HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: PycURL/ libcurl/7.52.1 GnuTLS/3.5.8 zlib/1.2.8 libidn2/0.16 libpsl/0.17.0 (+libidn2/0.16) libssh2/1.7.0 nghttp2/1.18.1 librtmp/2.3
Accept: */*

< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Server: nginx
< Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
< X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
< x-xss-protection: 1; mode=block
< X-Clacks-Overhead: GNU Terry Pratchett
< Via: 1.1 varnish
< Fastly-Debug-Digest: a63ab819df3b185a89db37a59e39f0dd85cf8ee71f54bbb42fae41670ae56fd2
< Content-Length: 48893
< Accept-Ranges: bytes
< Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2017 07:28:32 GMT
< Via: 1.1 varnish
< Age: 2497
< Connection: keep-alive
< X-Served-By: cache-iad2146-IAD, cache-ewr18146-EWR
< X-Cache: HIT, HIT
< X-Cache-Hits: 2, 2
< X-Timer: S1512631712.274059,VS0,VE0
< Vary: Cookie
< Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains
* Curl_http_done: called premature == 0
* Connection #1 to host left intact

The verbose output in the above example includes:

  • DNS resolution

  • SSL connection

  • SSL certificate verification

  • Headers sent to the server

  • Headers received from the server

If the verbose output indicates something you believe is incorrect,
the next step is to perform an identical transfer using curl command-line
utility and verify that the behavior is PycURL-specific, as in most cases
it is not. This is also a good time to check the behavior of the latest
version of libcurl.


when I keep trying to launch with python 3 it tells me:
Error importing: pycurl lib.

To install it on Debian based systems:

$ ‘sudo apt-get install python3-pycurl’

I already installed python3 pycurl and uninstalled python 2 even and it still wont work


It is not a code failure. It is a mistake of your environment. Thanks to port Python3, I am sure that these failures will be triggered.

Try the following:

ventiska% python --version
Python 3.7.2
ventiska% python3.7 -m pip search pycurl
pycurl (            - PycURL -- A Python Interface To The cURL library

If isn’t installed, then:
python3.7 -m pip install pycurl —user


it is installed, however it still says its not installed

reinstall python?


Wait… What about python3-pycurl?. Do you have it?.
How many Python3 versions are installed/working on your box?.


I am using kali subsystem for windows. I have uninstalled python all versions completely and deleted all files of it, then reinstalled just python 3. then cloned your script, install python3-pycurl, then installed your script. all done from root and using sudo command. still tells me it not installed


then reinstalled just python 3.

There are many versions for Python3… and they have different libraries. So firstly, try to be concrete… When you try: python —version, What is the result?.

Also, try to provide me shell outputs…not your words…

On the other hand.. Did you tried setup.pu (auto-install) script?. You can run it, just like:
sudo python3 install


I have tried using the script. and it installs everything needed. I personally am a python coder in python 3 but your script is too massive to try and fix lol. its python 3.7.5


Probably yes.. you are too much for this ~13.000 lines of code…»script»… We will try to fix it without you, then…


Also, try to provide me shell outputs…not your words…

blablabla… your script is too massive ..blablabla… its python 3.7.5



I too use the Kali Linux subsystem, and got the same error. During the installation, I saw a warning from pycurl. It said its not in PATH, and I couldn´t use it. I Ignored the waring, but now I think it caused this error. Sadly, I forgot the path, so I cant add it



Same issue here. Followed all the above plus everything I could google on the subject.

root@kali:~/pentest/ufonet# python3 ./ufonet

Error importing: pycurl lib.

To install it on Debian based systems:

$ ‘sudo apt-get install python3-pycurl’

$ ‘sudo apt-get install python3-pycurl’ Doesn’t work either. ufonet was working fine last time I used it.


@ipaidthebills try it using pip -> sudo pip3 install pycurl (or python3 -m pip install pycurl —user)


root@lolo:/home/lolo/Desktop/ufonet# python3 ./ufonet

Error importing: pycurl lib.

To install it on Debian based systems:

$ ‘sudo apt-get install python3-pycurl’


Форум —

 curl, python



Python 3 ругается об отсутствии модуля, а pip3 говорит, что он установлен

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/check/", line 1, in <module>
    import pycurl
ImportError: No module named 'pycurl'
pip3 install pycurl
Requirement already satisfied: pycurl in /usr/local/lib/python3.5/site-packages

WTF? Что делать?

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import sys
print(*sys.path, sep='n')


(22.08.17 21:59:15 MSK)

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от anonymous 22.08.17 21:59:15 MSK


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(22.08.17 23:18:51 MSK)

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от Qwentor 22.08.17 23:18:51 MSK

pycurl in /usr/local/lib/python3.5/site-packages

Ну вот тебе и ответ.

beresk_let ★★★★★

(22.08.17 23:31:29 MSK)

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  1. Can’t install pycurl on Python 3.9, window 10, Pycharm but with Python 3.6 . #710
  3. What did you try to do?
  4. What happened?
  5. What did you expect to happen?
  6. What is the PycURL version?
  7. What is your Python version?
  8. What is your operating system and its version?
  9. Other versions
  10. Is this the most recent PycURL release?
  11. Install pycurl on windows #657
  13. What happened?
  14. What is the PycURL version?
  15. What is your Python version?
  16. What is your operating system and its version?
  17. PycURL Installation¶
  18. Distutils¶
  19. easy_install / pip¶
  20. pip and cached pycurl package¶
  21. Windows¶
  22. Building From Source¶
  24. Using PycURL With Custom Python Builds¶
  25. Git Checkout¶
  26. A Note Regarding SSL Backends¶
  27. SSL Certificate Bundle¶

Can’t install pycurl on Python 3.9, window 10, Pycharm but with Python 3.6 . #710

Prior to creating an issue, please review the troubleshooting documentation:
I did research for some time.

What did you try to do?

I try to find what the problem is. I try to install several Python version to check if it work with pycurl.

What happened?

And the Python 3.6 is working well currently. It install pycurl when I use «pip install» command. When I try to install the lastest pycurl version, it give me the ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 10:

Another error when I try to install this with Python 3.9:

pycurl: libcurl link-time ssl backends (schannel) do not include compile-time ssl backend (openssl)

What did you expect to happen?

I would like to install pycurl on Python 3.9 smoothly.

What is the PycURL version?

What is your Python version?

What is your operating system and its version?

Windows 10 ( Lastest version )

Other versions

If your report references any software besides PycURL, for example pip,
what are the versions of this software? ( pip —version , etc.)

Is this the most recent PycURL release?

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

Hey thanks alot @animax1991, I have the exact same issue on python 3.9.7 with windows 10 and I was about to write this issue ticket. I was trying to fix it the same way as you are and have gotten the same open-ssl error and now I’m also stuck. Hope @pycurl, @p, @swt2c fixes this soon


Install pycurl on windows #657

What happened?

Recently I want to install pycurl, but i met a problem when I use pip install pycurl and it infomationed that ‘Please specify —curl-dir’. But when I read I find out what you have written in this file that ‘Windows users have to pass —curl-dir parameter’, how I should do to pass that parameter? By using ‘#’ where this parameter appear?

What is the PycURL version? most recent version of pycurl unless using whl to install

What is your Python version?

What is your operating system and its version?

Microsoft Windows 10 profrssional

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

I have not built windows binaries for the most recent release, you need to install from source or someone can contribute the binaries.

Yeah, tried everything myself, cant get this installed, not with pip nor easy_install.

@p Your documentation states that As of version 7.43.0, PycURL provides binary wheels for Windows . Is this no longer the case? Is there a reason why these are not longer being provided?

Are there instructions for how to build a whl file for pycurl?

If you’d like to submit a PR removing that language I’ll merge it.

The reason I haven’t done windows builds is they require a significant time to produce for each release.

Per #678 the winbuild code seems to have gotten broken at some point.

Would it be fine to build wheels of Github Actions and publish it to PyPI rather than generating manually? I would like to help :).

@naveen521kk This was attempted at some point however the CI dependencies were used which were fixed (i.e. outdated) versions. To build releases all of the dependencies need to be current.

If you or anyone wishes to tackle this project, I suggest starting with getting the builds working locally on windows because that is a whole endeavor in itself and without understanding that I don’t think you’ll be successful in producing release-level builds.

Thanks for the reply. When posting that comment I was successful in getting the wheel built working locally and on Github Actions, I just wanted to know if the contribution would be accepted. At that time this project didn’t compile with Python 3.9, but it does now, so I’ll need to add that also.

I would rebase that branch and will make a PR for review.

Rebasing made the wheel built fail or rather pycurl doesn’t build with MSVC

@naveen521kk The easy.c code is wrong for Python 3.0 — 3.7. But easy to fix though:

@p Please fix this.

I am happy to merge a PR with that fix if it passes CI.

Git Installed
Curl Installed
Path Added
When i try to install pycurl this is what i get (I am installing pycurl via git)

× python egg_info did not run successfully. │ exit code: 10 ╰─> [1 lines of output] Please specify —curl-dir=/path/to/built/libcurl [end of output]
This seems like a path problem but I have already added paths in the env variable as follows


Git Installed Curl Installed Path Added When i try to install pycurl this is what i get (I am installing pycurl via git)

× python egg_info did not run successfully. │ exit code: 10 ╰─> [1 lines of output] Please specify —curl-dir=/path/to/built/libcurl [end of output] This seems like a path problem but I have already added paths in the env variable as follows

C:WindowsSystem32curl.exe C:curlbincurl.exe C:WindowsSysWOW64curl.exe

As noted in the error message, you need to use the —curl-dir argument to specify the path to libcurl not curl.exe.

I used that argument as well, doesn’t work my curl folder has does not have this folder built/libcurl


PycURL Installation¶

NOTE: You need Python and libcurl installed on your system to use or build pycurl. Some RPM distributions of curl/libcurl do not include everything necessary to build pycurl, in which case you need to install the developer specific RPM which is usually called curl-dev.


Build and install pycurl with the following commands:

$VER should be substituted with the pycurl version number, e.g. 7.10.5.

Note that the installation script assumes that ‘curl-config’ can be located in your path setting. If curl-config is installed outside your path or you want to force installation to use a particular version of curl-config, use the ‘–curl-config’ command line option to specify the location of curl-config. Example:

If libcurl is linked dynamically with pycurl, you may have to alter the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable accordingly. This normally applies only if there is more than one version of libcurl installed, e.g. one in /usr/lib and one in /usr/local/lib.

PycURL requires that the SSL library that it is built against is the same one libcurl, and therefore PycURL, uses at runtime. PycURL’s uses curl-config to attempt to figure out which SSL library libcurl was compiled against, however this does not always work. If PycURL is unable to determine the SSL library in use it will print a warning similar to the following:

It will then fail at runtime as follows:

To fix this, you need to tell what SSL backend is used:

Note: as of PycURL 7.21.5, accepts —with-openssl option to indicate that libcurl is built against OpenSSL/LibreSSL/BoringSSL. —with-ssl is an alias for —with-openssl and continues to be accepted for backwards compatibility.

You can also ask to obtain SSL backend information from installed libcurl shared library, as follows:

python –

An unqualified would use the system libcurl, or you can specify a full path.

easy_install / pip¶

If you need to specify an alternate curl-config, it can be done via an environment variable:

The same applies to the SSL backend, if you need to specify it (see the SSL note above):

pip and cached pycurl package¶

If you have already installed pycurl and are trying to reinstall it via pip with different SSL options for example, pip may reinstall the package it has previously compiled instead of recompiling pycurl with newly specified options. More details are given in this Stack Overflow post.

To force pip to recompile pycurl, run:


There are currently no official binary Windows packages. You can build PycURL from source or use third-party binary packages.

Building From Source¶

Building PycURL from source is not for the faint of heart due to the multitude of possible dependencies and each of these dependencies having its own directory structure, configuration style, parameters and quirks. Additionally different dependencies have different settings for MSVCRT usage, and an application must have all of its parts agreeing on a single setting. If you decide to build PycURL from source it is advisable to look through the script — it is used to build the official binaries and contains a wealth of information for compiling PycURL’s dependencies on Windows.

If you are compiling PycURL from source it is recommended to compile all of its dependencies from source as well. Using precompiled libraries may lead to multiple MSVCRT versions mixed in the resulting PycURL binary, which will not be good.

If PycURL is to be linked statically against its dependencies, OpenSSL must be patched to link to the DLL version of MSVCRT. There is a patch for this in winbuild directory of PycURL source.

For a minimum build you will just need libcurl source. Follow its Windows build instructions to build either a static or a DLL version of the library, then configure PycURL as follows to use it:

Note that —curl-dir must point not to libcurl source but rather to headers and compiled libraries.

If libcurl and Python are not linked against the same exact C runtime (version number, static/dll, single-threaded/multi-threaded) you must use —avoid-stdio option (see below).

Additional Windows options:

—use-libcurl-dll : build against libcurl DLL, if not given PycURL will be built against libcurl statically.

—libcurl-lib-name=libcurl_imp.lib : specify a different name for libcurl import library. The default is libcurl.lib which is appropriate for static linking and is sometimes the correct choice for dynamic linking as well. The other possibility for dynamic linking is libcurl_imp.lib .

—with-openssl : use OpenSSL/LibreSSL/BoringSSL crypto locks when libcurl was built against these SSL backends.

—with-ssl : legacy alias for —with-openssl .

—openssl-lib-name=»» : specify a different name for OpenSSL import library containing CRYPTO_num_locks. For OpenSSL 1.1.0+ this should be set to an empty string as given here.

—avoid-stdio : on Windows, a process and each library it is using may be linked to its own version of the C runtime (MSVCRT). FILE pointers from one C runtime may not be passed to another C runtime. This option prevents direct passing of FILE pointers from Python to libcurl, thus permitting Python and libcurl to be linked against different C runtimes. This option may carry a performance penalty when Python file objects are given directly to PycURL in CURLOPT_READDATA, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA or CURLOPT_WRITEHEADER options. This option applies only on Python 2; on Python 3, file objects no longer expose C library FILE pointers and the C runtime issue does not exist. On Python 3, this option is recognized but does nothing. You can also give —avoid-stdio option in PYCURL_SETUP_OPTIONS environment variable as follows:

A good target to use is bdist_wininst which produces an executable installer that you can run to install PycURL.

You may find the following mailing list posts helpful:¶

This script is used to build official PycURL Windows packages. You can use it to build a full complement of packages with your own options or modify it to build a single package you need.

MS Visual C++ 9/2008 for Python assumes all programs are installed in their default locations, if this is not the case edit it as needed. itself can be run with any Python it supports.

Using PycURL With Custom Python Builds¶

As of version 7.21.5, the official binary packages of PycURL are linked statically against all of its dependencies except MSVCRT. This means that as long as your custom Python build uses the same version of MSVC as the corresponding official Python build as well as the same MSVCRT linking setting (/MD et. al.), an official PycURL package should work.

If your Python build uses different MSVCRT settings or a different MSVC version from the official Python builds, you will need to compile PycURL from source.

If the C runtime library (MSVCRT.DLL) versions used by PycURL and Python do not match, you will receive a message like the following one when trying to import pycurl module:

To identify which MSVCRT version your Python uses use the application profiling feature of Dependency Walker and look for msvcrt.dll variants being loaded. You may find the entire thread starting here helpful.

Git Checkout¶

In order to build PycURL from a Git checkout, some files need to be generated. On Unix systems it is easiest to build PycURL with make :

To specify which curl or SSL backend to compile against, use the same environment variables as easy_install/pip, namely PYCURL_CURL_CONFIG and PYCURL_SSL_LIBRARY .

To generate generated files only you may run:

This might be handy if you are on Windows. Remember to run make gen whenever you change sources.

To generate documentation, run:

Generating documentation requires Sphinx to be installed.

A Note Regarding SSL Backends¶

libcurl’s functionality varies depending on which SSL backend it is compiled against. For example, users have reported problems with GnuTLS backend. As of this writing, generally speaking, OpenSSL backend has the most functionality as well as the best compatibility with other software.

If you experience SSL issues, especially if you are not using OpenSSL backend, you can try rebuilding libcurl and PycURL against another SSL backend.

SSL Certificate Bundle¶

libcurl, and PycURL, by default verify validity of HTTPS servers’ SSL certificates. Doing so requires a CA certificate bundle, which libcurl and most SSL libraries do not provide.



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Push Notifications — pycurl

Hi guys,

I’m a newbie. I’m following this guide — … ry-pi.html

I’ve installed pycurl using sudo apt-get install python-pycurl but when i run the code it simply shows:

Code: Select all

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/pi/desktop/", line 1, in <module> import pycurl, json importError: No module named pycurl

Can anyone help?

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Re: Push Notifications — pycurl

Sat Mar 07, 2015 11:16 pm

how are you running the code (terminal, IDLE)?
are you running in python2?
did you get any errors when installing pycurl?

what do you get if you type
$ python
>>> import pycurl

$ python3
>>> import pycurl


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Re: Push Notifications — pycurl

Sun Mar 08, 2015 8:33 am

you probably need to
$ sudo apt-get install python3-pycurl
However this may not be the answer as you don’t say explicitly what the results were from the experiment I suggested. I would have expected two results; one for

$ python
>>> import pycurl

and one for

$ python3
>>> import pycurl

but you don’t say which one of these you did — or if it was both.

PS python2 v. python3 is the major Achilles heel in an otherwise good language!



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Re: Push Notifications — pycurl

Mon Mar 09, 2015 8:16 pm

Okay. So when i put in python3 — import pycurl it shows the following

Code: Select all

Traceback (most recent call last): 
File "<stdin>", line1, in <module>
Import Error: No module named pycurl

When i run sudo apt-get install python3-pycurl it says

Code: Select all

Unable to locate package python3-pycurl

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Re: Push Notifications — pycurl

Mon Mar 09, 2015 8:33 pm

You should be able to install it with
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
sudo pip-3.2 install pycurl

Languages using left-hand whitespace for syntax are ridiculous

DMs sent on or LinkedIn will be answered next month.
Fake doctors — are all on my foes list.

The use of crystal balls and mind reading is prohibited.


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Re: Push Notifications — pycurl

Mon Mar 09, 2015 8:40 pm

Did both of those things and when i’ve run python 3 — import pycurl it’s still coming back with

Code: Select all

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: No module named pycurl

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Re: Push Notifications — pycurl

Mon Mar 09, 2015 10:32 pm

eventually — what a particularly useless set of installation documents!!!

Code: Select all

sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev
sudo pip-3.2 install pycurl



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Re: Push Notifications — pycurl

Tue Mar 07, 2017 10:54 pm

Hi, i used the same tutorial but i’m getting a different error

>>>import pycurl, json Syntax Error: Invalid syntax

i’m new with raspberry pi, this is my first project and i’m stuck here :( can someone help me
Thak you

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