In each sentence find one spelling error if you have

Puzzles CHANGE THE FIRST LETTER Make one word into another by changing the first letter. EXAMPLE: Change a possessive pronoun to not sweet. ANSWER: your, sour 1- Change a past tense of BE to an adverb of place. 2- Change an adjective meaning not high to an adverb meaning at the present time. 3- […]


  1. Puzzles
  2. Find and correct one error in each sentence?
  3. Помогите с английским пожалуйста?
  4. Put the verbs in the correst and you will know more about Funny?
  5. Are you curious?
  6. Помогите с английским пожалуйста?
  7. Put the verbs in the correct form and you will know more about Funny?
  8. Put the verbs in the correct form and you will know more about Funny?
  9. Look around you — what do you see?
  10. Find and correct the mistakes in each sentence?
  11. People will build wind farms with lots of windmills?
  12. People will build wind farms with lots of windmills?
  13. 3_Macmillan_-_Advanced_Language_Practise



Make one word into another by changing the first letter.

EXAMPLE: Change a possessive pronoun to not sweet. ANSWER: your, sour

1- Change a past tense of BE to an adverb of place.

2- Change an adjective meaning not high to an adverb meaning at the present time.

3- Change a period of time to a term of affection.

4- Change was seated to have a meal.

5- Change a part of the head to international strike.

6- Change a respectful title to atmosphere. 7- Change to learn thoroughly to not as slow. 8- Change very warm to a negative adverb. 9- Change a motor vehicle to not near.

10Change a man’s title to a female relative.


Change one letter of each word to produce the name of an animal. Example: ax-ox


Make one word into another by changing the last letter.

EXAMPLE: Change a color to a welcome. ANSWER: green, greet

Put T before a word to form a new word. EXAMPLE: Add a T to a firearm and get a thing of little value. ANSWER: rifle, trifle

1- Add T to at this place, and get at that place.

2- Add T to a covering for the head, and get a demonstrative adjective.

3- Add T to tear, and get a journey.

4- Add T to a possessive pronoun, and get a demonstrative adjective.

5- Add T to a part of the head, and get to pull apart.

6- Add T to of great age, and get narrated. 7- Add T to a mistake, and get great fear. 8- Add T to the entire amount, and get of

9- Add T to a shower from the sky, and get to teach.

10Add T to a kind of vase, and get to rotate.

1- Change a monarch to an adjective describing a good quality.

2- Change a negative to the present time. 3- Change a female horse to a stain or blem-

4- Change alarm or worry to a notable achievement.

5- Change a reading process to a short dramatic act.

6- Change a person who lacks good judgment to something to eat.

7- Change a unit of weight to a color.

8- Change a part of a plant to a hole or a crack.

9- Change the top or summit of a mountain to a fruit.

10Change a woman servant to what is delivered by the postal service.


Find the animals hiding in the following sentences.

EXAMPLE: Close the door at once! (rat)

1- That will be a real help.

2- She came late every day.

3- He came to America today.

4- Eric owes me ten cents.

5- We made errors in each one.

6- Do good workers succeed?

7- If I shout, he’ll hear me.

8- If Roger comes, we’ll begin.

9- We will go at two o’clock.

10Is he the sixth or seventh?

11In April I only came once.

12- I’ll sing; you hum on key.

13- I made a Xerox copy of it.

14She clothes naked babies.

15At last, I, Gerald, had won.

16Was Pilar mad, ill, or glad?

17That man ate eleven cookies.

18Your comb is on the table.

19We’re sending only one book.

20He regrets having said that.

21If Al concentrates, he’ll win.

22When I withdrew, Al rushed in.

23He called Mikko a lazy boy.

24It’s only a kilometer away.

Find the name of a color hidden in each sentence:

1- Some parts of the face are the eye, eyebrow, nose, and mouth.

2- I’m not really dumb; lack of sleep made me forget the answers.

3- If I tell you what she said, will you agree never to tell anyone?

4- In the box we found a pencil, a pin, keys, and a few coins.

5- Are three zeros enough to write the number one thousand?

6- The wheelbarrow hit eleven rocks as it rolled down the hill.

7- When the nurse gives you the injection, just yell «Ow» if it hurts.

8- Elsa and Otto ran gently down the path to the river.

9- Before arriving at Kuala Lumpur, please fill out these forms.

10- I play nearly all the stringed instruments: violin, cello, bass viol, etc.

11When I opened the window, shining rays of sunlight flooded the room.

12We’ll go in Jim’s car. Let’s leave at six o’clock.


Each of the sentences below contains a hidden number. Try to find them. EXAMPLE: If I’ve said something to hurt you, I’m sorry, (five)

1- Listen carefully to the dialogue on the tape recording.

2- It would be better to learn the language thoroughly.

3- When the plane took off, I very much wanted to cry.

4- We thought that was the best year of our lives.

5- Now their team is even with ours.

6- «Honesty is the best policy» is a wellknown maxim.

7- The papers I xeroxed didn’t turn out very well.

8- The words were spoken in each of the languages native to those present.

9- Paul is going to leave today; Robert went yesterday.

10You replaced the thous and thees of English several centuries ago.

11- I hope that our efforts to rectify the error will comfort you a little.

12Her remarks about the silent way made Caleb ill; I on the other hand, thought the points were well taken.

13- I wish I could have been present at this event you are telling us about.


The numbers hidden in the following sentences may be heard but not seen. That is, the sound or pronunciation of the number is present, but not the spelling. EXAMPLE: We found Janet well versed on the subject. (twelve)

1- John is now working as a tutor of English. 2- He answered before I could even finish

3- Mary ate the whole pizza all by herself! 4- We all breathed a sigh of relief when our

team finally won the game. 5- Even I know better than that!

6- Turn the radio off if teenagers come into the house.

7- We both respect your judgment very much.

8- Robert ended his speech on a strong note. 9- The zookeeper moved the sick seals to a

10The baker added leaven and some water to the bread dough.


Find and correct one error in each sentence?

Английский язык | 5 — 9 классы

Find and correct one error in each sentence.

1 Are you going study more next year?

2 In the future people will to use more solar power.

3 If used wind power, will we electricity be cheaper?

4 My brother wants being a lawyer.

5 The Sydney Harbour Bridge were built in 1932.

6 Australian wine sold around the World.

7 rll send you a postcard if I’ll go to Melbourne.

They 8 If they hadn’t won the lottery, wouldn’t go to Australia.

1) Are you going to study more next year?

2) In the future people will use more solar power.

3) If we use wind power, will electricity be cheaper?

4) My brother wants to be a lawyer.

5) The Sydney Harbour Bridge was built in 1932.

6) Australian wine is sold around the World.

7) I’ll send you a postcard if I go to Melbourne.

8) If they hadn’t won the lottery, they wouldn’t have gone to Australia.

Помогите с английским пожалуйста?

Помогите с английским пожалуйста.

Put the verbs in the correct from and you will know more about Funny.

Put the verbs in the correst and you will know more about Funny?

Put the verbs in the correst and you will know more about Funny.

Are you curious?

Are you curious?

Ask your classmates what they will do tomorrow, in the evening, next week, next month, next year.

Use the words in the box.

Помогите с английским пожалуйста?

Помогите с английским пожалуйста!

! Put the verbs in the correct from and you will know more about Funny.

Put the verbs in the correct form and you will know more about Funny?

Put the verbs in the correct form and you will know more about Funny.

Put the verbs in the correct form and you will know more about Funny?

Put the verbs in the correct form and you will know more about Funny.

Look around you — what do you see?

Look around you — what do you see?

What do you hear?

What do you smell?

If you live in a city, you probably see many people.

You hear the noise of traffic and you smell the pollution from cars and factories.

We are entering a new time in the history of the world.

Before this, most people were farmers.

They lived in the country.

Now many people are leaving the farms and moving into the cities.

They are looking for jobs.

The cities are growing very quickly.

Most cities are very crowed.

People are driving more cars, burning more fuel, using more water, eating more food, making more rubish.

Life is becoming difficult.

Find and correct the mistakes in each sentence?

Find and correct the mistakes in each sentence.

1)What you will be doing when you‘re away?

2) By the time l‘m 30 l will have travel around the world

3)ln a hundred years’time, people will living in more environmentally friendly homes

4)lf we don‘t do somerhing about it now things going to get worse

5)Who do you think will winning the race?

People will build wind farms with lots of windmills?

People will build wind farms with lots of windmills.

They will use the wind to make electricity.

Scientists will find rare plants These plants will help them to make new medicines.

People won’t throw all their rubbish away.

They will find ways to use things again.

People will look after the oceans.

Animals like dolphins will be safe and healthy.

Зделайте пж краткий пересказ.

People will build wind farms with lots of windmills?

People will build wind farms with lots of windmills.

They will use the wind to make electricity.

Scientists will find rare plants These plants will help them to make new medicines.

People won’t throw all their rubbish away.

They will find ways to use things again.

People will look after the oceans.

Animals like dolphins will be safe and healthy.

Напишите подалуйста пересказ на английском.

На этой странице находится вопрос Find and correct one error in each sentence?. Здесь же – ответы на него, и похожие вопросы в категории Английский язык, которые можно найти с помощью простой в использовании поисковой системы. Уровень сложности вопроса соответствует уровню подготовки учащихся 5 — 9 классов. В комментариях, оставленных ниже, ознакомьтесь с вариантами ответов посетителей страницы. С ними можно обсудить тему вопроса в режиме on-line. Если ни один из предложенных ответов не устраивает, сформулируйте новый вопрос в поисковой строке, расположенной вверху, и нажмите кнопку.

1) we were waiting for the train on the platform. 2)we ussuslly have a breakfast at 9 o’clock. 7) lf they ho to Kyiv, they will visit many musseums. 8) l will dance if they played my favourite song 9)Go to the kitchen.

Ex 2 1. D 2. E 3. B 4. A 5. F 6. C Ex 3 2. Shorter 3. Bigger 4. Older / Elder 5. Younger 6. More comfortable.

1. Kazakhstan, Astana. 2. very big country 3. Many 4. Kazakh.

1) Great Britain / London 2) busy city 3)8 million 4) english.

1 1) If it (is not) too cold, I (not put) on my coat. 2) I (will write) the composition if you (do not disturb) me. 3) His vocabulary (will increase) greatly if he ( reads) fifty pages. 4) You (will go) to the Philarmonic much more often if you re..

The famouswriter — потому что определённый предмет (писатель) артикль а ставится тогда, когда существительное начинается на согласную. Артикль an ставится, когда существительное начинается на гласную.

1) used to go swimming 2) was dancing 3) were you laughing 4) used to drink 5) rode 6) was writing 7) was raining 8) used to play 9) Sang 10) was cleaning.

Are is are aren’t are isn’t is aren’t are isn’t is is.

1)I spend the time of my life right 2)The wall is very dense 3)The mouth of the river is its end 4)We make our way through the storm 5)We will win and get the main winning.



The CAE exam includes proof-reading activities. Those relating to extra words

have been dealt with in earlier units. Those relating to punctuation and spelling

are looked at in this unit.

Learners can benefit by making lists of the words they most frequently misspell.

The words listed here are spelled correctly.

accommodation, address, advertisement, beginning, committee, conscience, curiosity,

disappear, disappointed, embarrassed, faithfully, favourite, forbidden, government,

guarantee, immediately, independent, jealous, journey, manufacture, marriage,

medicine, necessary, pollution, prefer, preferred, pronunciation, quiet, quite, receive,

recommend, responsibility, separate, sincerely, successful, truly, unconscious,

Words with similar spelling but different meanings.

This means ‘completely’.

This describes a group of things or people in one place.

verb: bring about, make; noun: result

have an effect on

verb: fail to have or find

adjective: not tight

for a special purpose

paper, envelopes, etc (collective noun)

not moving (used formally of vehicles)

general truth or standard

head of college or school

Words with the same pronunciation but different spelling and meaning. This is a selection, as there are many of these:

allowed — aloud bear — bare

fair — fare hair — hare pear — pair piece — peace

practice (n) — practise (v) stair — stare

their — there weather — whether


Commas are used to separate items in lists, before question tags, to separate

clauses, after and around certain linking words. See Grammar 27.

I’ve been to Dallas, New Orleans, Kansas and Tampa Bay.

Sue is a lovely girl, isn’t she?

If you see Kevin, tell him his photocopies are ready. Broadly speaking, I agree with what you are saying. I do not, however, agree with your lastpoint.

Note that commas are not used between a subject and its verb, or in defining relative clauses.

The lady standing over there at the bus stop is my next-door neighbour.

Will the pupil who threw that paper dart please stand up now.

Apostrophes are used to indicate letters omitted, possession and plurals of letters and figures.

Letters omitted: It’s warm today.

Possession: Jack’s car, the player’s entrance, the people’s decision

Possessive its does not have an apostrophe.

Plurals: There are two I’s in ‘specially’. Are these 7’s or 3’s?

H Colons and semi-colons

Colons introduce examples, lists, and statements which give in detail what

has been stated in general.

There were two possible courses of action: borrowing from the bank, or asking for more time to find the money elsewhere.

Semi-colons divide parts of long sentences or long phrases in a list; it is usually possible to divide one sentence into shorter ones, so that semi-colons are unnecessary.


1 Add the necessary commas, (semi) colons and apostrophes to these texts.

I’ve been to the following Italian cities Rome Florence Genoa and Pisa. I thought Rome was incredible the food was great the views were fantastic and I will never forget the vivacious people. The Italians’ legendary hospitality was nowhere more evident than in the capital city. But my all-time favourite is probably Genoa with its fabulous hill-top houses and its dusty mountains reverberating to the sound of grasshoppers. I spent many a happy hour looking down on the seething city below and the sea beyond. Best of all the city’s location at the heart of the Italian Riviera meant that fabulous resorts like Portofino and Camogli were only a train ride away.

Water is becoming a more and more precious commodity so save as much as you can. Flushing the toilet accounts for a third of all household water use so don’t flush wastefully. If you are only getting rid of a tissue for example resist the habit of reaching for the handle or chain. Take a shower rather than a bath it uses about a third of the water. And don’t keep the water running all the time when you wash or clean your teeth. If you have a garden try to find ways of saving water outside such as using a water butt to collect rain water rather than using a hosepipe to water your flowers. A simple pipe connecting external gutters to a water butt can save an awful lot of water.

2 For each pair of sentences, find two words with the same sound but different spelling.

to see any animal suffering.

The giant pulled the roof off the house with his . bare.

b) As soon as the policeman was out of

, one of the men broke a

This spot you are standing on was once the

of a great battle.

c) The dress showed off Maria’s beautiful slender

Quite frankly, this whole scheme has been a

of time and money.

In the novel, Cruz is a clever servant who always

Armed police were sent to the house to

the gang’s weapons.

Mix the apples and almonds into a fine

and pour it into a jug.

up and down the room, considering his next


In most lines of this text, there is either a spelling or punctuation error. For each line, write the correctly spelled word, or show the correct punctuation. Indicate correct lines with a tick. Three examples are given.

It is an accepted part of everyday nostalgia to assume

that in the past food was somehow better, than it is today.

The fruit and vegetables were more naturaly grown and this

was not seen as an extra bonus which added ten per sent on to

the price. Most food was fresh, not frozen, and you had the

chance to examine it to see weather you wanted it. When you

went shopping you could ask for exactly what peace of meat you

wanted and see the butcher cutting, it instead of finding it

readywrapped in plastic. And your local tradesman soon got to

know what you wanted, and provided it for you, otherwise he

would have gone out of businness. Of course, unless we invent

time-travel we shall never know, whether this is all true.

Survivors from those distant days naturally tend to dislike

todays convenience foods, and to prefer the Good Old Days

when a joint of beef filled the oven, produced thick red juce

instead of water when cooked, and cost the same as a can of

Coke. What is always forgoten is that then as now the quality

of your food depended very much, upon who you were,

how well-off you happened to be, and where you lived.

Shopping then demanded considerable skill, and shopper’s had

to be able to tell the fresh from the not so fresh. Their was

no sell-buy date to act as a guide. If you were hard up then

frozen meat and canned foods’ would have been on the menu,

just as they are today.

4 Correct any spelling mistakes in the following sentences. Some are correct.

a) The sunlight shining on my desk is really effecting my concentration.

b) It’s not necessary to do anything at this stage .

c) The doctor reccommended gargling with diluted aspirin

d) I’m doing the stationery order now, if anyone’s short of anything

e) Mum and Dad went to see a marriage counciller .

f) The boxer was knocked unconscious. .. .

g) My watch has a six-year gaurantee .

h) As far as I’m concerned, the marketing is a seperate issue

i) As if by magic, the strange man dissappeared .

j) Too much sun can cause premature ageing of the skin


In most lines of this text, there is either a spelling or punctuation error. For each line, write the correctly spelled word, or show the correct punctuation. Indicate correct lines with a tick. Three examples are given.

A river in the west of England, made famous by the best-seller

‘Tarka the Otter’ has, once again become safe for otters after ten years of what had been thought a loosing battle against pollution from chemicals. The River Torridge in North Devon was the setting for Henry Williamsons book, the success of which has led to the area calling itself Tarka Country, and becoming a popular tourist spot. Since 1927 when the book was written,

the human population of the area has however increased three-fold, and increased use of pestisides and fertilizers lead to the river being declared ‘dead’ in the early nineteen eighty’s. Otters are shy creatures and the river provides them with numerous places to hide along the river vallies, and the

fear was that they had been elliminated because of the clearing away of undergrowth and trees, and the affects of chemicals on their breeding capabilities, not to mention otter hunting, though this has now ceased. However, a number of projects desined to cleanse the river area seem to have borne fruit, despite a pesimistic announcement earlier this year. The Tarka Project, which includes local councils and environmental groups, now says that the otter poppulation is healthy and thriving in North Devon. Signs of otter habitation have been found in a number of places, and more and more sitings of otters have been recorded. But the otter is by no means widespred in other parts of the country.


In most lines of this text, there is either a spelling or punctuation error. For each line, write the correctly spelled word, or show the correct punctuation. Indicate correct lines with a tick. Three examples are given.

The common cold, as it is technicaly known, still resists the efforts of science to control and cure it, and has given rise to a rich popular mythology. As the name suggests the assumption is that you catch a cold because you go out in the cold or get we As we now that a cold is a virus, and that we actually catch it from being in contact with others’, this is not strictly true. Shakeing hands with people, kissing them or just being in the same room, can pass on the virus. It is now generally beleived that cold viruses; and there is more than one type, are always present in the throat, but only become active when the bodys resistence to infection is lowered. The activated cold virus then attacks the membranes in the nose and throat, who’s tissues become weakened and thus suseptible to infection by types of bacteria which are generally also present in the body.

Sudden chilling, or getting soked to the skin, promote conditions in nose and throat membranes that permitt the cold virus to invade the body, although some individuals seem to be resistant to this. Just being out in the cold is not enough, and studys conducted in wartime among troops living in the open found that the incidence of colds’ was no greater. As far as prevention and cure are concerned, nearly everyone has there own favourite remedy. Doctors have been unable to produse an affective vaccine against colds, although strong claims have beer put forward for vitamin C.

Put one suitable word in each space.

Last summer my husband and I had two Italian students to stay at our house in London. It was a kind of exchange, with our two children off to Rome this

summer, giving me, incidentally, an interlude of peace in (1) ..which to

write this newspaper column, among other things. But back to the two Italians,

two charming girls (2)

English was a revelation to everyone in

our family. I am not going to say that it was perfect or anything

that, simply that (4)

used expressions that

have either long ago died out in these islands, (5)

when used with blank incomprehension. (6)

day or two after their arrival Lucia made some coffee and handed it to my

neighbour (who had come round to see (7) her husband kept

popping over to brush up his Italian), she unmistakably said ‘Here you are’. The

great that we both nearly fell off our chairs.

the benefit of foreign readers, or for anyone who has just

returned from a monastery or a few years on Mars, I should explain that this

now quaint English expression has long (10) been replaced by

the transatlantic ‘There you go’, an utterance which threw me into considerable

first used by hairdressers, waitresses and barmen.

The two girls also surprised us by asking intelligible questions .

of making vague statements which were supposed to be

taken as questions. And they had retained that ancient habit of addressing

strangers by (13)

surnames, preceded by a Mr or Mrs, as in ‘Good

morning, Mrs Scott’, rather than greeting me at the door on arrival with a

‘Hello, Gloria, and have a nice day’. All in (14)

delight, although I am sorry to report that by the time they left, they had

passes as the English language hereabouts, and had

plunged downhill towards unintelligibility. Oh well,

there you go, I suppose.


2 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given.

a) I had only just arrived home when the phone rang.

No ..sooner had I arrived home than.

b) Don’t under any circumstances press this red button. do

press this red button.

c) You can stay with us for a few days.

d) Apparently her ex-husband was a terrible gambler.

Her ex-husband is

a terrible gambler.

e) Tony knew what the answer was after reading the book. read


Английский язык,

вопрос задал okstop124,

5 месяцев назад


правильно, спасибо



Ответы на вопрос

Ответил KathyGFD


1 Pneumonia

2 throAt

Жалею, что я — автор ответа, честно.

Админы, плиз, закройте обсуждение в этом чате!

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а) 3
б) 13
в) 5…

Қазақ тiлi,
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Найди неизвестное делимое ответ…

  • Предмет: Английский язык
  • Автор: milisskim
  • Вопрос задан 4 года назад




1 hunger

2 sickness


Ответ дал: tattev



1 hunger

2 sickness


pay attention to the missing letters. i’ve written them in bold

Thank you

My pleasure!

Thank you

Thank you

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A Оновлений весною, шумує рідний край (В. Сосюра).
БХата була третя од кінця й стояла край вишневого
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