Initialization error please ensure the game files have not been corrupted or moved borderlands

Borderlands enhanced initialization error Go to your Steam folder where the game files are located and run the BorderlandsGOTY.exe directly. Reinstalling

Borderlands enhanced initialization error

Go to your Steam folder where the game files are located and run the BorderlandsGOTY.exe directly. Reinstalling and verifying game files did not work for me, but this did.

Located at C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonBorderlandsGOTYEnhancedBinariesWin64

You can also create a shortcut of the .exe and send it to your desktop for easier launching in the future.

Go to your Steam folder where the game files are located and run the BorderlandsGOTY.exe directly. Reinstalling and verifying game files did not work for me, but this did.

Located at C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonBorderlandsGOTYEnhancedBinariesWin64

You can also create a shortcut of the .exe and send it to your desktop for easier launching in the future.

Go to your Steam folder where the game files are located and run the BorderlandsGOTY.exe directly. Reinstalling and verifying game files did not work for me, but this did.

Located at C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonBorderlandsGOTYEnhancedBinariesWin64

You can also create a shortcut of the .exe and send it to your desktop for easier launching in the future.

when you do that you will not be able to save the game though i played for an hour and am now trying to get it fixed and still havent found a solution.

Have the same problem with BL2 launcher, seems to be related to the new patch. I don’t know about BL1 (still downloading *zzz* ) but it’s the same message. But at least my game (BL2) saves when loading through BL2.exe.

Win 10 Pro, Ryzen 3, Nvidia GTX 1050Ti, 8 GB RAM.


Borderlands enhanced initialization error

Go to your Steam folder where the game files are located and run the BorderlandsGOTY.exe directly. Reinstalling and verifying game files did not work for me, but this did.

Located at C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonBorderlandsGOTYEnhancedBinariesWin64

You can also create a shortcut of the .exe and send it to your desktop for easier launching in the future.

Go to your Steam folder where the game files are located and run the BorderlandsGOTY.exe directly. Reinstalling and verifying game files did not work for me, but this did.

Located at C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonBorderlandsGOTYEnhancedBinariesWin64

You can also create a shortcut of the .exe and send it to your desktop for easier launching in the future.

Go to your Steam folder where the game files are located and run the BorderlandsGOTY.exe directly. Reinstalling and verifying game files did not work for me, but this did.

Located at C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonBorderlandsGOTYEnhancedBinariesWin64

You can also create a shortcut of the .exe and send it to your desktop for easier launching in the future.

when you do that you will not be able to save the game though i played for an hour and am now trying to get it fixed and still havent found a solution.

Have the same problem with BL2 launcher, seems to be related to the new patch. I don’t know about BL1 (still downloading *zzz* ) but it’s the same message. But at least my game (BL2) saves when loading through BL2.exe.

Win 10 Pro, Ryzen 3, Nvidia GTX 1050Ti, 8 GB RAM.


4 Ways To Fix Borderlands GOTY Enhanced Initialization Error

Borderlands is a very popular first person shooter franchise that most gamers are familiar with, even those that haven’t actually played the game themselves. One unique thing in particular about Borderlands compared to most of the other famous first person shooter franchises out there is that this one doesn’t have that many entries in it.

There are only a few mainline Borderlands games, and each of them are great in their own way. Despite being well over a decade old by now, the first game itself holds up quite well.

To make things even better though, a Borderlands GOTY Enhanced edition came out around the original’s 10 th year anniversary. This featured the same game at its core with only some polishing changes made to the graphics and gameplay so that they’d be better suited to today’s standards.

While the game itself is quite fun for any fan of the franchise to visit, there are some problems with it which are encountered every now and then. The Borderlands GOTY Enhanced initialization error is one of them. Here’s how to solve this error in the easiest as well as most effective ways.

How to Fix Borderlands GOTY Enhanced Initialization Error?

  1. Run Borderlands Directly

This issue can sometimes be directly related to the launcher players are using to start Borderlands GOTY enhanced edition. It is a commonly encountered problem which can easily be fixed in the simplest of ways. All that players have to do is launch the game directly rather than using other applications to do so.

To do this, the only thing you’ll be needing is the exact location of where the Borderlands.exe file is stored on your computer.

If players use Steam, then this location will obviously be in the Steam folder. Within this folder, go to Steamapps and click on the folder that says common. Now just find the Borderlands GOTY enhanced edition folder here. The .exe file for the game should be here somewhere, so just locate it within the folder and run it as administrator. The error message won’t appear any longer.

  1. Verify Integrity of Game Files

Another reason why an issue such as this one might occur is related to corrupted files. It doesn’t take a computer expert to know that anything remotely wrong with the documents of a program will cause said program to falter while launching, resulting in errors such as the one currently being discussed. This could be happening in this specific case with users, hence why the initialization error is occurring. There is an easy way to fix this if you play the game through Steam.

The platform has a handy feature available to all which allows them to scan individual games on the system bought through Steam to check if there are any issues with their files. Use this to check the integrity of Borderland GOTY’s game files and see if they’ve been damaged or not. Steam will take care of the issue for players if there are any problems with the documents by replacing them with suitable ones.

  1. Reinstall Borderlands

This solution is one that really explains itself, so there’s not much more to be said about it. Just reinstall Borderlands as it is one of the most efficient ways of fixing any issues with the game. Don’t worry about losing any save data either as that will remain as it is as long as users have got the game synced with the cloud.

  1. Remove Display Adapters

Newer display adapters tend to cause issues with Borderlands GOTY Enhanced edition for some reason, and this leads to initialization errors like this one. While this fix isn’t recommended since display adapters are important, you could try removing them from the system and trying to launch the game after doing so.

Once users are done playing, just to be safe, there’s always the option to add them back. While doing so does not take too much time at all, it can be a little annoying to do so again and again whenever players want to launch Borderlands. Consider trying this solution if all the other ones listed above fail.


Borderlands enhanced initialization error

Go to your Steam folder where the game files are located and run the BorderlandsGOTY.exe directly. Reinstalling and verifying game files did not work for me, but this did.

Located at C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonBorderlandsGOTYEnhancedBinariesWin64

You can also create a shortcut of the .exe and send it to your desktop for easier launching in the future.

Go to your Steam folder where the game files are located and run the BorderlandsGOTY.exe directly. Reinstalling and verifying game files did not work for me, but this did.

Located at C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonBorderlandsGOTYEnhancedBinariesWin64

You can also create a shortcut of the .exe and send it to your desktop for easier launching in the future.

Go to your Steam folder where the game files are located and run the BorderlandsGOTY.exe directly. Reinstalling and verifying game files did not work for me, but this did.

Located at C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonBorderlandsGOTYEnhancedBinariesWin64

You can also create a shortcut of the .exe and send it to your desktop for easier launching in the future.

when you do that you will not be able to save the game though i played for an hour and am now trying to get it fixed and still havent found a solution.

Have the same problem with BL2 launcher, seems to be related to the new patch. I don’t know about BL1 (still downloading *zzz* ) but it’s the same message. But at least my game (BL2) saves when loading through BL2.exe.

Win 10 Pro, Ryzen 3, Nvidia GTX 1050Ti, 8 GB RAM.


Borderlands enhanced initialization error

It says «initialization error: please ensure the files have not been moved or corrupt»

my system specs:
OS Name Microsoft Windows 10 Home
Version 10.0.19044 Build 19044
Other OS Description Not Available
OS Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation
System Manufacturer HP
System Model HP Slim Desktop S01-pF1xxx
System Type x64-based PC
System SKU 9EE37AA#ABA
Processor Intel(R) Celeron(R) G5905 CPU @ 3.50GHz, 3504 Mhz, 2 Core(s), 2 Logical Processor(s)
BIOS Version/Date AMI F.21, 3/10/2021
SMBIOS Version 3.2
Embedded Controller Version 89.18
BaseBoard Manufacturer HP
BaseBoard Product 8768
BaseBoard Version A (SMVB)
Platform Role Desktop
Secure Boot State Off
PCR7 Configuration Elevation Required to View
Windows Directory C:Windows
System Directory C:Windowssystem32
Boot Device DeviceHarddiskVolume1
Locale United States
Hardware Abstraction Layer Version = «10.0.19041.1806»
Time Zone Eastern Daylight Time
Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 8.00 GB
Total Physical Memory 7.89 GB
Available Physical Memory 1.35 GB
Total Virtual Memory 15.6 GB
Available Virtual Memory 5.53 GB
Page File Space 7.75 GB
Page File C:pagefile.sys

Make a desktop shortcut of BorderlandsGOTY.exe from installation folder. Try to launch using this shortcut.

So, this worked in getting the game to boot up, but now I have a general protection fault error with a bunch of files listed.


Borderlands 2 Cast

Borderlands 2 Cast

After the update Borderlands 2 patch for Gaige the Mechromancer became available, an error has been occurring.

«Corrupt File — Some of your downloadable content is corrupt and can not be loaded.»

So if you preordered the game or just got the DLC, then don’t worry — we can help you fix this error. I will post a couple of methods on how to fix this. Keep in mind that some are for the Steam copy of the game and some are for the CD / DVD copy (which can work on the Steam or Origin copy as well).

How to Fix Borderlands 2 Corrupt File Steam

This is another Steam method.
1) Right Click Borderlands 2 -> Properties
2) Click on the Local Files tab
3) Verify Integrity Of Game Cache

This will look for problems with your files and will download replacement files if necessary.

Solve Borderlands 2 Corrupt File Steam #2

Here’s another method, which is straight forward and also for people using Steam. Only do it if the above method did not work for you.
1) Simple delete the entire DLC folder.
2) Then verify your Borderlands 2 game cache.

How to Fix Borderlands 2 Corrupt File

Here’s one for both Steam AND normal copies of the game.

If you tried unlocking preorder bonuses in the game (possibly without having even preordered) then navigate to the following folder
Steam: C:Program Files (x86)SteamSteamAppscommonBorderlands 2DLCPOPremierClubLic
Non-Steam: C:Program Files (x86)2K GamesBorderlands 2DLCPOPremierClubLic

Remove the PreorderBonus.txt file and see if the game works now. Try launching the game now.

Help Fix Borderlands 2 Corrupt File Error

Finally, we have our last method. If you have modified your WillowDLC.ini then that may be the cause for your errors.

Remove any modifications you have done to this file and then try to play the game. If you have a Steam copy, then DELETE the file, revalidate your game cache, and allow Steam to create a brand new INI file for you.

Hopefully we helped you to troubleshoot this problem. If not, comment below and we’ll see what we can do for you!

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Borderlands 2 is one of the most famous online games with quite a large player base that loves its gameplay. However, it has recently been in hot waters due to the Borderlands 2 initialization error. This error is mostly seen during launching the game with some instances of it also occur mid-game. In this article, we have compiled some of the most comprehensive and detailed solutions, workarounds, and fixes to rectify it completely.

borderlands 2 initialization error

Borderlands 2 Initialization Error

What Causes the Borderlands 2 Initialization Error?

After going through some basic troubleshooting guides, we concluded that the following are some of the most prominent reasons behind this error.

  • File Integrity: It is in some cases possible that the Borderlands 2 files might have been corrupted or that they might be missing due to which the initialization error is being triggered. It is very important for you to verify the file integrity before moving on.
  • Admin Permissions: In some cases, it is also possible that the admin permissions might be missing for files due to which the Borderlands 2 Initialization error steam is being triggered. Grant the game admin permissions as indicated in the method below to eliminate this reason.
  • Firewall Restrictions: If your Firewall has been configured to block Borderlands 2 from being able to make contact with its servers, the Initialization error might be triggered. Therefore, it is important for you to allow the game through the Firewall to ensure that it is not the case.
  • Game Installation: In some situations, it is also possible that the game installation might be corrupted due to which this initialization error is being shown. Therefore, it is recommended that you try to reinstall the game as shown in the manner below to fix the Borderlands 2 Initialization error steam.

Now that you are familiar with most of the reasons behind this error, we can finally move on towards implementing the fixes.

Before you start:

  1. Click on the “^” icon located on the right side of the taskbar.
  2. Hover over the “Steam” icon or the “Game” icon, right-click on it and select “Exit” to terminate the application.
    Close Steam from the system tray to fix borderlands 2 initialization error
    Closing Steam
  3. Press “Ctrl + Shift + Esc” keys simultaneously on the keyboard to open the “Task Manager” and navigate to the “Processes” tab.
  4. Now locate and select all the processes related to “Steam” one by one and click on the “End Task” button.
    Ending Steam tasks to get rid of borderlands 2 initialization error
    Ending Steam tasks
  5. After completing the above task, launch Steam and then proceed to run your game through Steam to check if the initialization error has been terminated.
  6. It is to make sure that the Steam is running before you launch Borderlands 2 in order to minimize the chance of encountering the initialization error.

Solution 1: Verify Integrity of Game Files

  1. First of all, delete all the files that you have moved away from the game folder and copied somewhere else on another location.
  2. Double-click on the Steam shortcut located at your desktop to open it and navigate to “Library”.
  3. Now right-click on Borderlands 2 and select “Properties” from the pop-up menu.
  4. Navigate to the “Local files” tab and select “Verify Integrity of the Game Files”.
    Verify Integrity of the Game Files
    Verify Integrity of the Game Files
  5. When the verification process is completed, hopefully, the error would be rectified but if the issue still persists proceed to the next potential fix indexed below.

Solution 2: Run the game as an administrator

  1. Press “Ctrl + E” keys on the keyboard to open the “File Explorer” and navigate to the following location.
    C:Program Files (x86)SteamSteamAppscommonBorderlands 2BinariesWin32
  2. Now right-click on “BorderlandsGOTY.exe” and select “Run as administrator” from the pop-up menu to launch the game and most probably the issue would’ve been resolved.

Solution 3: Rename your Launcher

  1. First of all, delete all the files that you have moved away from the game folder and copied somewhere else on another location.
  2. Double-click on the Steam’s shortcut located on your desktop to open it and navigate to “Library”.
  3. Now right-click on Borderlands 2 and select “Properties” from the pop-up menu.
  4. Navigate to the “Local files” tab and select “Browse local files”.
  5. Now locate a file named “Launcher.exe” and rename it to “Launcherold.exe”.
  6. Now, press “Ctrl + E” keys on the keyboard to open the “File Explorer” and navigate to the following location.
    C:Program Files (x86)SteamSteamAppscommonBorderlands 2BinariesWin32
  7. Rename the main “Broadlander 2” executable file to “Launcher” and proceed to launch the game again from Steam to verify if the initialization error borderlands 2 has been rectified.

Solution 4: Pass the game through Firewall

  1. Press the “Win + R” keys on the keyboard to open the Run box and search for “Control Panel”.
    Open Control panel to fix borderlands 2 initialization error
    Open Control panel
  2. From the top-right corner of the screen, set the “View by:” option to “Large icons” and click on “Windows Defender Firewall”.
    Windows Defender Firewall
    Windows Defender Firewall
  3. From the left pane, click on “Allow app or feature through Windows Defender Firewall”.
    Allow app or feature through Windows Defender Firewall
    Allow an app through Windows Defender Firewall
  4. Now click on “Change settings” and check both the “Private” and “Public” boxes parallel to Borderlands 2 entries.
    Let the app pass through Firewall to fix borderlands 2 initialization error
    Let the app through Firewall
  5. Now apply the settings and hopefully, the initialization error borderlands 2 steam would be resolved.

Solution 5: Verify Download cache

  1. From the Steam home screen, click on the “Steam” icon at the top-right corner of the client’s window and select “Settings”.
    Click on Settings to fix borderlands 2 initialization error
    Steam Settings
  2. Navigate to the “Downloads” tab and click on the button labeled as “Clear Download cache”.
    Clear Download cache
    Clear Download cache
  3. After verifying the download cache check if you encounter the same error again while launching Borderlands 2.

Solution 6: Whitelist Borderlands 2 in your antivirus software

  1. From the home screen of your anti-virus software, navigate to the “Settings”.
    Opening Avast Settings to fix borderlands 2 initialization error
    Opening Antivirus Settings
  2. Now navigate to the “General” tab and click on the “Exceptions” section.
    Adding borderlands as an exception to get rid of borderlands 2 initialization error
    Adding Borderlands 2
  3. Now add the path of the “Borderlands 2” to add it as an exception in the anti-virus.
  4. After adding the game in exception to the antivirus software, launch the game again.

Solution 7: Reinstall the game

  1. Press “Windows key + I” from the keyboard to open the run box and search for “appwiz.cpl”.
    Typing "appwiz.cpl" to eliminate borderlands 2 initialization error
    Typing “appwiz.cpl”
  2. Now right-click on the “Borderlands 2” and the “Steam” application one by one and select “Uninstall” to uninstall them completely from your PC.
    Uninstall Borderlands 2
    Uninstalling Borderlands 2
  3. Navigate to the following location in your directory and delete the “Config” folder.
    My Documents > My Games > Borderlands 2
  4. Now launch your favorite browser and download Steam from its official website.
  5. Double-click on the downloaded executable file and install it by following the on-screen instructions.
  6. When Steam client is installed on your computer, log-in to your account and go to the “Store” to download “Borderlands 2“.
  7. When the game is installed, launch the game and check if you still encounter the borderlands 2 initialization error steam while launching the game.


  1. Press “Windows key + I” from the keyboard to open the run box and search for “appwiz.cpl”.
    Typing "appwiz.cpl"
    Typing “appwiz.cpl”
  2. Now right-click on the “SpaceDesk” and select “Uninstall” to uninstall it completely from your PC.
    Uninstall SpaceDesk to fix borderlands 2 initialization error
    Uninstall SpaceDesk

Hopefully, the error might have gone by now but if you need further assistance, contact here.

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