Ink sans kill error

This article is an old canon of Error!Sans. You may be looking for Hobo!Error of Lucidia.Error!Sans is an AU destroyer created by Tumblr user Lover of Piggies(also known as Crayon Queen or CQ for short) on Tumblr. In this AU, he is bent on destroying all AUs and things he considers 'glitches' or 'mistakes' in the multiverse. He uses blue strings to tie up and shatter souls. If the strings go inside a victim, he will be able to transfer his soul into the victim, controlling them to do whatever he

This article is an old canon of Error!Sans. You may be looking for Hobo!Error of Lucidia.

Error!Sans is an AU destroyer created by Tumblr user Lover of Piggies(also known as Crayon Queen or CQ for short) on Tumblr. In this AU, he is bent on destroying all AUs and things he considers ‘glitches’ or ‘mistakes’ in the multiverse.

He uses blue strings to tie up and shatter souls. If the strings go inside a victim, he will be able to transfer his soul into the victim, controlling them to do whatever he likes, leaving the victim helpless. He can jump from one universe to another, as well as having several other glitch powers/quirks.

This AU connects to many other AUs, so it’s best to get to know some other AUs before you jump into this one.


Geno did it. He was finally free from the Save-Screen, and he finally had gotten the ending he deserved. Yet during his time in the surface, he had began to play around with his DETERMINATION, despite Sans telling him to stop doing so. Finally, Geno had accidentally sent himself to an empty and endless place where time was non-existent. He quickly began to grow insane, the emptiness and the loneliness eating up at his sanity and his anger towards everything (and everyone he had helped) shaped him into who he is now, his memory was erased during the process as well.

Now, he considers his life’s mission to destroy anomalies, «Glitches» and AUs, seeing them as «mistakes».

Ironically, he does not view himself as an «anomaly». He likes to seek and destroy AU’s left and right, except for the ones he likes such as OuterTale and UnderNovela. How he does it is that he first keeps Frisk and Flowey under guard, so they are unable to reset (he imprisons them). Then, he proceeds to go on a killing spree.

Error was a glitched skeleton that was created in the Anti-Void. He is the result of an alternate Genocide Sans playing with his DETERMINATION and sending himself to the Anti-Void, where he turned into Error.

Error is somewhat demented and psychotic. He is determined to find all anomalies and «glitches» within various timelines and destroy them. His character is the one of confusion and somewhat hypocritical behavior since he himself is an anomaly, but sees himself as the cleanser of timelines instead. He has been stated to be a complete mystery due to his erratic and unpredictable behaviors he has. He keeps «puppets» of his other alternate versions of selves that he talks to calling the standard Sans, called «Sans Classic» and naming the others by numbers. Despite admitting he is an anomaly/glitch, he says he is different and that he is the only one doing something about it. He wants to hunt down CORE! Frisk and the Omega Timeline.

His real motives and behaviors are still a mystery.



Error is a Black skeleton who wears black slippers and wears a black coat with a blue hood. His legs are red and has red/yellow fingers. He wears Black sweatpants that has a vertical blue stripe on each leg. His teeth are a light yellowish color. The inside of his eyes are red as well as his nose. His right eye is a white pupil, while his left eye is blue with a thick yellow ring around it with a black pupil in the middle. there are blue markings on his face that assemble «tears». If Error blushes for any reason, like embarrassment, it is blue. (For Appearance for Lucida, See Error.)


In his AU, he is bent on destroying AUs which he considers ‘glitches’ or ‘mistakes’ in the multiverse. He is all black with a black hoodie, black pants with one blue stripe on each side, a red shirt, blue tear streaks down both his eye sockets, yellow teeth, black hands with red fingers and yellow tips. (he is sometimes portrayed to wear round red eyeglasses)


Error Blaster: He uses a type of Gaster Blaster called an Error Blaster, which are simply Gaster Blasters that are black in color and have blue tear-marks falling from their red eye sockets. Error’s Gaster blaster is bigger, faster, and stronger than Classic Sans’.

Blue Strings: He uses blue strings to tie up and shatter SOULS, if his strings go inside a victim, he can transfer his soul into the victim’s body, making his body vanish and the victim’s soul to vanish turning the victim into him. This makes him able to control the victim, while the victim is helpless. This is Error’s «main weapon» because Error feels more comfortable with the strings, as Error doesn’t have very good eyesight.

AU Jump: He can also jump into one universe to another along with other glitchy powers and quirks.


Physical Contact: Error has haphephobia (the fear of being touched) and is therefore very hesitant to get physically close to anyone.

His love for chocolate: He also likes chocolate [like Chara], which can be a down side. (If you think about it)

Glitching (Error.Exe has crashed): At random intervals, he can glitch up, filling his eye sockets with errors, giving him a major disadvantage if he’s in battle. If Error had no strings, he would be a very easy problem to fix.

Near-sighted: Error also cannot see things far away clearly, as he uses round, red glasses a few times in the comic to show this. The glasses are kept in the pockets of his hoodie. He also knows how to knit, sort of.

Water: He is also supposedly weak to water, but this isn’t canon.

Afraid of Fresh: He is always freaked out by Fresh. He can sometimes get distracted by «it».

His love for cute things: As shown in Underfail, he has love for cuteness, like Undercute. He wants to cuddle soft and fluffy creatures, despite his haphephobia. He refuses to destroy and erase cute things that shouldn’t deserve it.

Menger sponge: If two Error Sanses get too close to each other, they both merge each other, crumble, splitting into Menger sponges before obliteration, and causing an explosive reaction that may harm those close by.


(Keep in mind that not all of this information is considered canon.)

Classic Sans (Frenemies)

Classic Sans is just as bad as everyone else. However, Classic sans and Error CAN get along sometimes. Along with how Classic Sans one time did watch Undernovela from behind Error, and Error couldn’t have cared less. It’s pretty odd, but it’s chill. However, they sometimes do fight.

UnderSwap Sans (friend)

They get along, somehow. It’s unclear why Error gets along with Swap! Sans so well, but it’s probably because he’s the first «friend» Error has had in a long time. He sometimes gives him chocolate. After Error returned to the Anti!Void, he found out that Swap had turned into an Error.

CORE!Frisk (Enemies?)

Error! Sans saw CORE!Frisk one time rescuing a survivor of a genocide run in an AU, bringing the survivor to the Omega Timeline. He’s been hunting them and the Omega Timeline down ever since.

Fresh!Sans (one of Error’s fears)

Error! SansError is disgusted and scared by Fresh Sans. When they first met, Error blasted Fresh. Error is even more horrified by Fresh because Fresh often gets too close to him due to having Haphephobia (not yet even considering the fact that Fresh is a universe-wide-infecting parasite). Fresh is a very hard opponent because his soul lays in his left eye socket. He looks like a normal kid that wears lots of colors and the one who seems all happy but really Fresh can’t actually feel happy, sad, angry, jealous, fear, etc…

Geno!Sans (Past Error!Sans)

Error Sans doesn’t remember anything about his past life as Geno.

Fatal_Error (Creation)

Fatal_Error was created when error sans tried to kill Geno Sans. Error didn’t believe Geno that he couldn’t be killed in the SAVE screen but no this was not the case. Fatal!Error was extremely powerful. He can defeat any sans. He goes around looking for his lost papyrus because he will do anything to get back his papyrus. He was confirmed to be canonical to loverofpiggies’ original ask Error Sans series right here. Error sans would easily be defeated and only but only Ink!Sans or X Gaster (maybe).

Ink!Sans (frenemies)

Ink and Error are portrayed by the fandom to be enemies as Ink Sans is the protector of the AU’s while Error is the destroyer of the AU’s. However, some people consider them to be friends, arch-enemies or even lovers. (some people «ship» them.) They are sometimes even portrayed as brothers.

In some AUs, Ink and Error actually came to an agreement; as long as Error won’t destroy any AUs, Ink won‘t help the creators create any AUs. In the video UnderVerse 2.0, Error tried to stop Ink’s blank side (which was kind of evil), but Error couldn’t stop him.

PaperJam (Accidental child)

PaperJam is considered Error and Ink’s accidental child. Once PaperJam first formed from the remains of Error’s scattered strings and Ink’s leftover piles of ink that were scattered about the multiverse, which took a process of about three years, PaperJam started to walk around to see where they ended up at. Eventually, he found the two at the end of a battle- where Ink’s body was scattered all over the place and Error was about to do one more strike… PaperJam screamed.

What else was he supposed to do? Error noticed him and felt an odd connection (which Ink did as well) and he really didn’t like how that felt within him. Error panicked and shouted at PaperJam, calling him a «mistake» and «an abomination that shouldn’t have existed» before disappearing. PaperJam was very hurt. When Ink was healed, he took care of PJ.

Error!Frisk (his student)

Before C.Q. revealed Error’s origins, people assumed he had come from a broken timeline. They assumed that after the first timeline was destroyed, Frisk had turned into Error!Frisk and had become Error’s student. Error!Sans is unaware that the human is «Frisk».

Error!Papyrus (Brother)

Error believes he is the only Error in the multiverse, but there is his brother who also turned out to be one that he does NOT know of. He refuses to discuss Papyrus. At all. However, it may say that he was hidden among the ‘in-between files’ of the multiverses.

Error!Papyrus is not exactly Error’s brother, since Error!Papyrus is from a different timeline.

Rumor has it that Error!Sans may NOT be alone, as there are many Error characters that live inside the Anti-Void, such as Error!Undyne.

Pandora (Enemy)

With Undercute is being destroyed by Pandora along with others, Error is now seeking vengeance for his favorite AU’s destruction.

Happytale (An AU he mostly destroyed)

Error mostly created a dark version of Undertale from the reset files called Happytale, which isn’t really happy at all. Error destroyed most of Happytale until Core!Frisk used a file traveler to travel the files only able to be used once, and he completely forgot about Happytale until he remembered from another game reset. Now, Happytale is an unknown universe no one has heard of.

Error404 (Mentor)

404 sees Error as an apprentice and maybe a worthy successor to himself. 404 and Error’s relationship can vary from student and teacher to child and guardian and even to cruel and distrusting. The 2 have had almost spent enough time with each-other to fill a tub. 404s expectations for Error are unimaginably High, going as far as giving him Impossible task so that one day Error can finally live and complete his goal of getting rid of Ink. These unimaginably high bars 404 sets for Error often lead to lots of arguing and fighting amoungst the two. They have nearly left each other on multiple occasions and only have ever come back together due to the fact they both have equal and goals and on the grounds of them in some sick way needing each other.


  • Error!Sans is near-sighted.
  • Error!Sans likes to crochet.
  • CrayonQueen/Loverofpiggies has gone on record stating that while Error has no canonical romantic relationships, she as a creator doesn’t object to any given ship.
  • Error!Sans has haphephobia (the fear of being touched).
  • Error!Sans also has pixlexia (A term coined by gamers, where the coding is messed up so all the controls are inverted. For example: Left is right, up is down, Etc.)
  • Error!Sans and Ink!Sans combined makes an accidental child named PaperJam or PJ.
  • Ink and Error have a rivalry going on to «defend/destroy all AU’s».
  • Error’s birthday is on April 4th as an «Error 404» joke.
  • The AskFriskAndCompany AU has a magic fence and an attack cat to protect itself from Error! Sans.
  • The Error characters do not come from the same Timeline as their timelines are (and still is) separated from Error Sans’ powers.
  • Error is an «anti-social man-baby,» as described by the creator themself.
  • There is an interpretation of Error called FGoD!Error (Forced God of Destruction) belonging to Wattpad user harrish6. If you want to know more about this interpretation of Error, read ‘Healing What Has Been Broken’ or ‘Falling Into A Different Destiny’.
  • Error’s origin was revealed on November 4th, 2018, since CrayonQueen didn’t want to continue to «Ask Error».
  • Error was originally AfterTale Sans which was confirmed by CrayonQueen on November 8th, 2018 that tells a certain plot points that would’ve happened or been confirmed in the AskErrorSans canon.
  • Error!Sans doesn’t get along with his mentor Error!404, but tolerates him.
  • He also appeared in the «Christmas Party AU» comic.
  • He has five blue tongues.



Error Sans

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Error Sans Canon Design

Images (7)

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Images (8)

Images (9)


  1. a Fatal_Error has Occurred — Story Archive
  2. Для этого и создано приложение.
  3. a Fatal_Error has Occurred
  4. Story Archive
  5. a Fatal_Error has Occurred — About Fatal_Error
  6. Для этого и создано приложение.
  7. a Fatal_Error has Occurred
  8. About Fatal_Error
  9. Fatal_Error
  10. Fatal_Error
  11. Информация о персонаже
  12. Известный как
  13. Отношения
  14. Автор(ы)
  15. Биографическая информация
  16. Статус
  17. Мировоззрение
  18. Физическое описание
  19. Содержание
  20. Биография
  21. Части
  22. Предыстория
  23. Глава 1
  24. Глава 2
  25. Глава 3
  26. Глава 4
  27. Глава 5 ( В разработке )
  28. Внешность
  29. Способности
  30. Кости
  31. Бластеры
  32. Телепортация.
  33. Бессмертие
  34. Копирование и вставка
  35. Порталы
  36. Двоичное зрение
  37. a Fatal_Error has Occurred — Dithering — PART 2 (END) > a Fatal_Error has.
  38. Для этого и создано приложение.
  39. a Fatal_Error has Occurred
  40. Dithering — PART 2 (END)
  41. New Undertale Fanon AU Wiki
  42. Error Sans
  43. Error!Sans
  44. Aliases
  45. Relatives
  46. Affiliation
  47. Occupation
  48. Biographical information
  49. Marital status
  50. Date of birth
  51. Place of birth
  52. Date of death
  53. Physical description
  54. Species
  55. Gender
  56. Height
  57. Eye color
  58. Appearances
  59. Appears in
  60. Debut
  61. Contents
  62. Origin
  63. Profile
  64. Appearance
  65. Personality
  66. Abilities
  67. Weaknesses
  68. Relationships
  69. Classic Sans (Frenemies)
  70. UnderSwap Sans (friend)
  71. CORE!Frisk (Enemies?)
  72. Fresh!Sans (one of Error’s fears)
  73. Geno!Sans (Past Error!Sans)
  74. Fatal_Error (Creation)
  75. Ink!Sans (frenemies)
  76. PaperJam (Accidental child)
  77. Error!Frisk (his student)
  78. Error!Papyrus (Brother)
  79. Pandora (Enemy)
  80. Happytale (An AU he mostly destroyed)
  81. Error404 (Mentor)

a Fatal_Error has Occurred — Story Archive

Для этого и создано приложение.

a Fatal_Error has Occurred

Story Archive

Here, you’ll find links to each and every comic, image, and other various story elements that directly pertains to the development of the Fatal_Error AU storyline (snazzy accompanying images to come — this page is still a work in progress!)

// MAIN COMIC — a Fatal_Error has Occurred //

The main storyline that explores the aftermath of ErrorSans confronting GenoSans in Aftertale. All side comics and additional story elements tie back to this storyline in one way or another. This comic will be updated as frequently as possible.

// THE BEGINNING (Prologue)Complete!

// CHAPTER ONEComplete!

// CHAPTER TWO — Complete!

// CHAPTER THREE — Complete!

// CHAPTER FOUR — Complete!

// CHAPTER FIVE — In progress!


The events that occur in these side comics are meant to provide some extra story to supplement the main story. They are listed in no particular order of when they actually occur in the story — feel free to figure that out for yourself 🙂

// FILE NOT FOUND — Complete!

// YOLO.exe — In Progress

// Hello World — In Progress

// Five Nights at Fatal’s — Complete!

// Dithering — Complete!

> Comic Cover


a Fatal_Error has Occurred — About Fatal_Error

Для этого и создано приложение.

a Fatal_Error has Occurred

About Fatal_Error

First and foremost: Fatal_Error’s design is based off of two pre-existing Sans/AUs: Error!Sans from Errortale, and GenoSans from Aftertale, both of which completely belong to loverofpiggies, aka the Crayon Queen, aka CQ.

I do not, nor ever will, claim to own them.

Fatal_Error’s redesign and all of the non-cannon (to those AUs) things I have/will/plan on developing, however, are mine. I feel comfortable in saying that. If my wording still isn’t quite right, or if CQ ever reads this (if she does, HI CQ! *waves*) and my wording should be adjusted, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me. I don’t want to offend or hurt anyone. As a fellow artist, storyteller, and decent human being, that is literally the last thing I want to do.

Secondly, I would suggest checking out/reading/enjoying both Errortale and Aftertale, not only because they are both phenomenal and amazeballs, but also because things that happen within this AU will make more sense if you know what I’m referencing:

Lastly, about the blue raspberry himself!

Fatal_Error originally began as a design idea that I had, as a mashup between CQ’s Error!Sans and GenoSans. I love the design of both of those characters, and had the thought hey, what if there was some sort of amalgamate of the two of them? What if the red lines on Geno’s mouth worked like the blue lines under Error’s eyes? What if Geno was completely nuts?. And like all horrifying superb thoughts, it demanded a drawing.

And I INSTANTLY fell in love with the character.

From there, I expanded on the character. Instead of being simply a crossover between the two designs, what if he was his own character? What if he had depth and a backstory?

And then BOOM! he became, in my little alternate universe, what happened when Error found Geno, they fought, and Geno lost…everything. Including his damn mind.



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Физическое описание

Fatal_Error (рус. Фатальная ошибка/Критическая ошибка) — результат попытки Эррора уничтожить Гено.





Его история начинается с того, что после долгой битвы Эррор всё-таки побеждает и схватывает Гено. Эррор заявляет, что он не впечатлён Гено, он считает его таким же глюком как и все остальные АУ, а ведь найти Гено было крайне не просто. В ходе немного скучного разговора Гено пытается спросить у Эррора, нет ли у того брата Папируса, как нет и у него самого. Этим он намекает, что сущности Гено и Эррора чем-то похожи (возможно это намёк на то, что Эррор — бывший Гено из другой концовки, где тот телепортировал себя в Анти-пустоту). Эррор злится на прерывание разговора а также ответные каламбуры, хотя и сам употребляет такие как «всё ТЯГОТЕНИЕ его положения». Внезапно в Гено просыпается нечто вроде ненавистной сущности, которая заявляет, что ждала чего-то нового, хорошего, а дождалась Эррора. Это действительно пугает уничтожителя вселенных, но не достаточно. После 5 минут взаимных выслушиваний друг друга Эррор объявляет Гено самым помоешным глюком в коде и открыто намеревается его ликвидировать. Тот пытается объяснить, что на загрузочном экране его нельзя убить, и что ему стоило застать его в концовке получше, однако Эррор не верит, всё равно стирая/пытаясь стереть его. Перед этим ненавистная сущность Гено приказывает Эррору немедленно уйти, но после отрицательного ответа лишь говорит : «Я убил всех, и ты (Эррор) — следующий».

Глава 1

При попытке стирания, Гено вместо смерти попадает в Анти-пустоту, параллельно начиная разваливаться на код из-за взаимодействия его души с кодом Эррора. Там, ещё будучи без сознания, он впервые слышит голос Гастер-цветка, задающий Фаталу вопрос о том, как он попал сюда. Очнувшись, он обнаруживает на себе множество нитей Эррора, из-за касаний которых у Фатала начинается паническая атака. В процессе неё, Фатал решает во что бы-то ни стало найти Эррора, а также случайно телепортировался/создал свою копию в Outertale. (Неизвестно точно, поскольку судя по комиксу подходят оба варианта). Там, Фатал встречает Outer!Санса, Outer!Папируса и Outer!Фриск.

Глава 2

После короткого разговора с ними, Фатал вновь впадает в паническую атаку (Либо от того, что увидел живого Папируса, либо от того, что его реальная сущность в Анти-пустоте посмотрела на нити Эррора, что висели наверху). Во время неё он опять слышит голос Гастер-цветка, спрашивающий, когда Фатал последний раз чувствовал себя наполненным надеждой. Прямо поперёк этой галлюцинации, Фатала ненароком будит Underswap!Санс (Далее Свап). Судя по тому, что он говорит, Фатал был здесь до того, как очнулся от панической атаки. Свап говорит, чтобы Фатал не снимал с себя подобие пледа, которым он его укрыл, иначе он опять посмотрит на нити наверху. Спустя некоторое время, Свап ненароком убеждает Фатала пойти на «поиски» его Папируса, а затем умоляет остаться, ссылаясь на то, что в одиночестве он сойдет с ума. Однако Фатал неверно воспринимает это и ломает Свапу кисть правой руки, сжимая её в своей. Он начинает в очередной раз бредить, называя Свапа «слабым идиотом, пытающимся манипулировать другими». Когда Свап пытается исправить ситуацию, говоря, что всё будет хорошо, Фатал только больше бредит, заявляя что он «помнит абсолютно всё». Он говорит, что видит код своего Папируса в каждом существующем Сансе и Папирусе, Затем, отшвырнув Свапа, он говорит, что разговаривал не с ним, а со своим Папирусом. В приступе ярости он смотрит наверх, из-за чего вновь видит нити Эррора.

Глава 3

По непонятной причине, нити меняют цвет на цвет нитей Фатала — красный, а он сам окончательно сходит с ума. Пока голос Гастер-цветка спрашивает, почему он больше ничего не чувствует, две копии Фатала/Фатал в разное время убивает Свапа, Оутера и Underfell!Санса, чтобы забрать из них код своего Папируса. Далее, под аккомпанемент монолога Гастер-цветка, Фатал ломает одну из своих костей и начинает при помощи обломка и своих нитей сшивать из фрагментов кода Папируса. Поняв, что ничего не выходит, Фатал сжигает свое творение выстрелом из бластера. Между Гастер-цветком и Фаталом завязывается жаркий спор о том, как нужно воскресить Папируса. Фатал утверждает что способ цветка (уничтожение всех, кто владеет кодом Папируса) является ужасным.. Но когда он слышит, что он, видимо, не любит Папируса, Фатал срывается на истерику, крича о том что вернет Папируса, даже если это его убьет. и получает 999999999999999999 урона. По неизвестной причине он не погибает, а вместо этого телепортируется в заглючивший таймлайн оригинального Санса, где встречает Эррора и Инка. Между Эрорром и Фаталом завязывается бой, в ходе которого Эррор даже не узнаёт его и не понимает причины его сражения. В результате битвы Фатал почти ломает Эррору руку и вновь впадает в паническую атаку. А затем, когда Эррор сбегает, он телепортируется в Анти-пустоту, где решает начать поиски всех кусков кода Папируса. И поиски Эррора.

Глава 4

Фатал находится у Лавендер!Санса, который рассказывает ему о цветах. Паралельно их диалогу идут картинки Fell!Sans-а и Cross!Sans-а в пустоте, а также диалоги Underswap!Санса. Вдруг Лавендер!Санс пытается положить венок на Фатала, но их неожиданно атакует другой Лавендер!Санс, который пытается заставить оригинального Лавендера отойти от Фатала, говоря что Лавендер обещал верить ему. Фатал собирается атаковать Лавендера, в то время как его пытается отговорить оригинальный Лавендер. Однако, появляется Лавендер!Папирус, который бежит за Фаталом, позже исчезая. В итоге, Лавендер оказывается в Анти-Пустоте, где Фатал его убивает, и начинает скреплять из кусочков кода Санса своего Папируса, убивая других Сансов(Cross!Sans-а, Underfell!Sans-а) и забирая у них код. Из этого получается Patch — глючащий Папирус, который сохранил все черты характера Папируса.

Глава 5 ( В разработке )

Фатал занимается своими делами, и в тоже время приходит Patch, который просит Фатала послушать его новый рецепт. Фатал слушает, и указывает на ошибку: Patch забыл корицу. После этого, Patch спрашивает, нужна ли Фаталу помощь. Фатал глючит, и отказывается от помощи. Папирус уходит.


Fatal_Error одет в белую куртку, черные шорты, черную футболку и носит красный шарф. Он весь покрыт полупрозрачными глюками, а прежние белые глюки исчезли. Один глаз Фатала стал красным со строчками кода, а второй — синим экраном смерти (В спокойном состоянии оба глаза синие, что проводит аналогию со светящимся глазом оригинального Санса, а в момент наибольшей агрессии-оба красные, аналогия с пустыми глазницами у оригинала). К тому же, его правый глаз все еще течет, хоть это теперь и красная жидкость с кодом, и Фатал не может его закрывать. То, что раньше было кровью изо рта Гено, ныне превратилось в красные нити, которые Фатал может использовать как оружие.



Его кости имеют красный и синий цвет, на подобие разных вариаций ошибок Windows.

Его красные нити могут захватывать любое существо, которое имеет код.


Фатал умеет призывать немного изуродованные, покрытые полупрозрачными глюками Гастер-бластеры, чьи пасти и глаза содержат строчки кода.


Фатал обладает способностью телепортироваться, как и все Сансы. Иногда, он начинает видеть коды отдельных предметов или существ — особенно это выражается, когда Фатал смотрит на нити Эррора, поскольку это вгоняет его в паническую атаку. Возможно, может существовать сразу в одной АУ и в Анти-Пустоте.


Судя по тому, что даже он сам не смог себя убить, он является бессмертным или по крайней мере очень прочным.

Копирование и вставка

Фатал способен копировать код того кого он коснулся. Также он может вставлять его, создавая копию персонажа, у которого тот скопировал код.


Способен создавать порталы.

Двоичное зрение

Фатал несознательно видит код во всём окружении себя, в том числе на своих нитях и одежде. Это может вызвать у него паническую атаку или бред, а также прилично мешает его зрению, которое и так перекрывается голубыми и красными помехами и белым шумом.


a Fatal_Error has Occurred — Dithering — PART 2 (END) > a Fatal_Error has.

Для этого и создано приложение.

a Fatal_Error has Occurred

Dithering — PART 2 (END)

> a Fatal_Error has Occurred Side Comic

Did you know? Dithering is a process that can be applied to both digital images and audio files. For digital images, dithering adds graphical noise, or graininess to the image to smooth out the transitions between colors. With digital audio, dithering adds digital noise to audio tracks, which smooths out the waveform and therefore the sound. The process of dithering is typically used to improve the appearance or sound of low quality digital files.

It might be a fun experiment to save a file with and without dithering and see if you can notice the difference.

So fun fact, 85% of why the scenario with Error’s arm happened in the first place was to give Error a reason to change his outfit XD Back when CQ announced his new design I knew I was gonna switch him over, I just wanted to wait so that there was a smooth, logical transition in-comic as to why he got some new duds, haha. So to the dozens of questions I’ve gotten about this over the years, sorry to stress ya’ll out, haha XD I promise I always had it covered 🙂

I actually had this side comic scheduled as being released a little later after some others BUT when Ink got his new redesign I thought it’d be a perfect opportunity to kill two birds with one stone and have them both transition smoothly into their new looks ^_^ And double fun fact, I had a slight outfit change planned for Ink in a later side comic that now got bumped up to this one instead. So it all works out!

Error Sans belongs to @loverofpiggies, Ink Sans belongs to @comyet!


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Error Sans






Biographical information

Marital status

Date of birth

Place of birth

Date of death

Physical description




Eye color

Right: a red sclera with a white pupil.


Appears in


This article is an old canon of Error!Sans. You may be looking for Hobo!Error of Lucidia .

Error!Sans is an AU destroyer created by Tumblr user Lover of Piggies(also known as Crayon Queen or CQ for short) on Tumblr. In this AU, he is bent on destroying all AUs and things he considers ‘glitches’ or ‘mistakes’ in the multiverse.

He uses blue strings to tie up and shatter souls. If the strings go inside a victim, he will be able to transfer his soul into the victim, controlling them to do whatever he likes, leaving the victim helpless. He can jump from one universe to another, as well as having several other glitch powers/quirks.

This AU connects to many other AUs, so it’s best to get to know some other AUs before you jump into this one.



Geno did it. He was finally free from the Save-Screen, and he finally had gotten the ending he deserved. Yet during his time in the surface, he had began to play around with his DETERMINATION, despite Sans telling him to stop doing so. Finally, Geno had accidentally sent himself to an empty and endless place where time was non-existent. He quickly began to grow insane, the emptiness and the loneliness eating up at his sanity and his anger towards everything (and everyone he had helped) shaped him into who he is now, his memory was erased during the process as well.

Now, he considers his life’s mission to destroy anomalies, «Glitches» and AUs, seeing them as «mistakes».

Ironically, he does not view himself as an «anomaly». He likes to seek and destroy AU’s left and right, except for the ones he likes such as OuterTale and UnderNovela . How he does it is that he first keeps Frisk and Flowey under guard, so they are unable to reset (he imprisons them). Then, he proceeds to go on a killing spree.

Error was a glitched skeleton that was created in the Anti-Void. He is the result of an alternate Genocide Sans playing with his DETERMINATION and sending himself to the Anti-Void, where he turned into Error.

Error is somewhat demented and psychotic. He is determined to find all anomalies and «glitches» within various timelines and destroy them. His character is the one of confusion and somewhat hypocritical behavior since he himself is an anomaly, but sees himself as the cleanser of timelines instead. He has been stated to be a complete mystery due to his erratic and unpredictable behaviors he has. He keeps «puppets» of his other alternate versions of selves that he talks to calling the standard Sans, called «Sans Classic» and naming the others by numbers. Despite admitting he is an anomaly/glitch, he says he is different and that he is the only one doing something about it. He wants to hunt down CORE! Frisk and the Omega Timeline.

His real motives and behaviors are still a mystery.



Error is a Black skeleton who wears black slippers and wears a black coat with a blue hood. His legs are red and has red/yellow fingers. He wears Black sweatpants that has a vertical blue stripe on each leg. His teeth are a light yellowish color. The inside of his eyes are red as well as his nose. His right eye is a white pupil, while his left eye is blue with a thick yellow ring around it with a black pupil in the middle. there are blue markings on his face that assemble «tears». If Error blushes for any reason, like embarrassment, it is blue. (For Appearance for Lucida, See Error.)


In his AU, he is bent on destroying AUs which he considers ‘glitches’ or ‘mistakes’ in the multiverse. He is all black with a black hoodie, black pants with one blue stripe on each side, a red shirt, blue tear streaks down both his eye sockets, yellow teeth, black hands with red fingers and yellow tips. (he is sometimes portrayed to wear round red eyeglasses)


Error Blaster: He uses a type of Gaster Blaster called an Error Blaster, which are simply Gaster Blasters that are black in color and have blue tear-marks falling from their red eye sockets. Error’s Gaster blaster is bigger, faster, and stronger than Classic Sans’.

Blue Strings: He uses blue strings to tie up and shatter SOULS, if his strings go inside a victim, he can transfer his soul into the victim’s body, making his body vanish and the victim’s soul to vanish turning the victim into him. This makes him able to control the victim, while the victim is helpless. This is Error’s «main weapon» because Error feels more comfortable with the strings, as Error doesn’t have very good eyesight.

AU Jump: He can also jump into one universe to another along with other glitchy powers and quirks.


Physical Contact: Error has haphephobia (the fear of being touched) and is therefore very hesitant to get physically close to anyone.

His love for chocolate: He also likes chocolate [like Chara], which can be a down side. (If you think about it)

Glitching (Error.Exe has crashed): At random intervals, he can glitch up, filling his eye sockets with errors, giving him a major disadvantage if he’s in battle. If Error had no strings, he would be a very easy problem to fix.

Near-sighted: Error also cannot see things far away clearly, as he uses round, red glasses a few times in the comic to show this. The glasses are kept in the pockets of his hoodie. He also knows how to knit, sort of.

Water: He is also supposedly weak to water, but this isn’t canon.

Afraid of Fresh : He is always freaked out by Fresh. He can sometimes get distracted by «it».

His love for cute things: As shown in Underfail , he has love for cuteness, like Undercute . He wants to cuddle soft and fluffy creatures, despite his haphephobia. He refuses to destroy and erase cute things that shouldn’t deserve it.

Menger sponge: If two Error Sanses get too close to each other, they both merge each other, crumble, splitting into Menger sponges before obliteration, and causing an explosive reaction that may harm those close by.


(Keep in mind that not all of this information is considered canon.)

Classic Sans (Frenemies)

Classic Sans is just as bad as everyone else. However, Classic sans and Error CAN get along sometimes. Along with how Classic Sans one time did watch Undernovela from behind Error, and Error couldn’t have cared less. It’s pretty odd, but it’s chill. However, they sometimes do fight.

UnderSwap Sans (friend)

They get along, somehow. It’s unclear why Error gets along with Swap! Sans so well, but it’s probably because he’s the first «friend» Error has had in a long time. He sometimes gives him chocolate. After Error returned to the Anti!Void, he found out that Swap had turned into an Error.

CORE!Frisk (Enemies?)

Error! Sans saw CORE!Frisk one time rescuing a survivor of a genocide run in an AU, bringing the survivor to the Omega Timeline. He’s been hunting them and the Omega Timeline down ever since.

Fresh!Sans (one of Error’s fears)

Error! SansError is disgusted and scared by Fresh Sans . When they first met, Error blasted Fresh. Error is even more horrified by Fresh because Fresh often gets too close to him due to having Haphephobia (not yet even considering the fact that Fresh is a universe-wide-infecting parasite). Fresh is a very hard opponent because his soul lays in his left eye socket. He looks like a normal kid that wears lots of colors and the one who seems all happy but really Fresh can’t actually feel happy, sad, angry, jealous, fear, etc.

Geno!Sans (Past Error!Sans)

Error Sans doesn’t remember anything about his past life as Geno.

Fatal_Error (Creation)

Fatal_Error was created when error sans tried to kill Geno Sans. Error didn’t believe Geno that he couldn’t be killed in the SAVE screen but no this was not the case. Fatal!Error was extremely powerful. He can defeat any sans. He goes around looking for his lost papyrus because he will do anything to get back his papyrus. He was confirmed to be canonical to loverofpiggies’ original ask Error Sans series right here. Error sans would easily be defeated and only but only Ink!Sans or X Gaster (maybe).

Ink!Sans (frenemies)

Ink and Error are portrayed by the fandom to be enemies as Ink Sans is the protector of the AU’s while Error is the destroyer of the AU’s. However, some people consider them to be friends, arch-enemies or even lovers. (some people «ship» them.) They are sometimes even portrayed as brothers.

In some AUs, Ink and Error actually came to an agreement; as long as Error won’t destroy any AUs, Ink won‘t help the creators create any AUs. In the video UnderVerse 2.0, Error tried to stop Ink’s blank side (which was kind of evil), but Error couldn’t stop him.

PaperJam (Accidental child)

PaperJam is considered Error and Ink’s accidental child. Once PaperJam first formed from the remains of Error’s scattered strings and Ink’s leftover piles of ink that were scattered about the multiverse, which took a process of about three years, PaperJam started to walk around to see where they ended up at. Eventually, he found the two at the end of a battle- where Ink’s body was scattered all over the place and Error was about to do one more strike… PaperJam screamed.

What else was he supposed to do? Error noticed him and felt an odd connection (which Ink did as well) and he really didn’t like how that felt within him. Error panicked and shouted at PaperJam, calling him a «mistake» and «an abomination that shouldn’t have existed» before disappearing. PaperJam was very hurt. When Ink was healed, he took care of PJ.

Error!Frisk (his student)

Before C.Q. revealed Error’s origins, people assumed he had come from a broken timeline. They assumed that after the first timeline was destroyed, Frisk had turned into Error!Frisk and had become Error’s student. Error!Sans is unaware that the human is «Frisk».

Error!Papyrus (Brother)

Error believes he is the only Error in the multiverse, but there is his brother who also turned out to be one that he does NOT know of. He refuses to discuss Papyrus. At all. However, it may say that he was hidden among the ‘in-between files’ of the multiverses.

Error!Papyrus is not exactly Error’s brother, since Error!Papyrus is from a different timeline.

Rumor has it that Error!Sans may NOT be alone, as there are many Error characters that live inside the Anti-Void, such as Error!Undyne.

Pandora (Enemy)

With Undercute is being destroyed by Pandora along with others, Error is now seeking vengeance for his favorite AU’s destruction.

Happytale (An AU he mostly destroyed)

Error mostly created a dark version of Undertale from the reset files called Happytale , which isn’t really happy at all. Error destroyed most of Happytale until Core!Frisk used a file traveler to travel the files only able to be used once, and he completely forgot about Happytale until he remembered from another game reset. Now, Happytale is an unknown universe no one has heard of.

Error404 (Mentor)

404 sees Error as an apprentice and maybe a worthy successor to himself. 404 and Error’s relationship can vary from student and teacher to child and guardian and even to cruel and distrusting. The 2 have had almost spent enough time with each-other to fill a tub. 404s expectations for Error are unimaginably High, going as far as giving him Impossible task so that one day Error can finally live and complete his goal of getting rid of Ink. These unimaginably high bars 404 sets for Error often lead to lots of arguing and fighting amoungst the two. They have nearly left each other on multiple occasions and only have ever come back together due to the fact they both have equal and goals and on the grounds of them in some sick way needing each other.



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  3. UTMM Second Universe killing ink sans , error sans , and cross sans

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2 года назад

is the cross knife a gamepass?



2 года назад

and you killed me >:(



2 года назад


Elektro h

Elektro h

2 года назад

this is really old video

Potato Farmer

Potato Farmer

2 года назад

so anyways he’s my friend:)



2 года назад

Everthing is fine

Adam Stepanov

Adam Stepanov

2 года назад

Didnt u said u hate our game?



2 года назад

ee i have true reset and all weapons for now lol



2 года назад

Use dust blaster its more op because you can spam it and while the blaster is working the damage repeats fast so its better it also can kill error and ink faster



2 года назад

good job dude! You beated some of my suggestions! : ink and error
(also new sub UwU)

thuong Pham

thuong Pham

2 года назад

Use the ink Bush ITS the strongest



2 года назад

OMG op video

galactic gl4tch

galactic gl4tch

2 года назад

Wuts the game called?



2 года назад

I like your vids omg

Đặng Minh

Đặng Minh

2 года назад

hey why you dont cut the time that we talk XD

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Ink!Sans was just in the Doodle Sphere. Helping new AUs. Until Error was destroying an AU. Ink had enough of Error destroying the AUs and his friends, that’s when Ink chose to fight Error.

To be his LAST fight.

Fortunately, Ink was winning, he splash a few vials in Errors face, to blind him. It was an accident, Ink didn’t mean to, but it help him. Soon at the end of the battle, Error pleaded for mercy. Ink…denied. Before he strike, he told Error «You now beg for mercy? What about the innocent live ‘s YOU took!! They beg for mercy, yet I tried to tell you that and here we are.» Error then started to cry. Ink then killed Error in cold blood.

Ink paused and realize his mistake. When he tried to heal Error, it was too late. Error is gone, Ink had his LV. Then he was praying to get him back. Nothing happened, until he snapped. He went insane, he killed a some AUs, most Sanses and his brother, Ink!Papyrus. Ink had little control. He then soon escaped the Doodle Sphere, and now he’s in the anti void. Where he waits, until either to wait for Error or another victim.


Ink!Dust is just like Ink!Sans, but there is a difference. He wears the jacket, (Which was originally around his wasit). He could weild a giant size penicl or his paintbrush (which is damaged). His eye can still change, but his left pupil is always purple in red, like Dust!Sans. (Ex: A triangular, inside is red while the outside is purple) His right pupil is normal however, but is sometimes red. His scarf and shorts are a bit torn up from the battle from Error. Some of his vials are either missing or used up.

However, Ink!Dust never uses the vials. The main reason.., well two. One is, he won’t be able to kill any monster or humans if he consumeva vial, but thanks to the LV distancing him, he wouldn’t be able kill, but would still hurt someone. And two, because he thinks it’s a waste. He only keep his vails, so wherever he has a chance, he can splash his vials on his opponent. He got the idea from his LAST fight.


When Ink had control, he wanted the LV to go away, but now he wants the opposite. He kills, needing more and more LV. He still draws, but mostly has him killing people. He now has a murderous and dangerous attitude. He’s a Megalomaniac too. But he does remain his artistic personality and he sometimes could be «friendly».

Ink!Dust is driven to think he’s a murderer and loving LV. But the thing is, Ink doesn’t have a soul, and thanks to the LV distancing him, the vials won’t work like they use to. This is why Ink!Dust is easily trick, he doesn’t care about saving or killing anyone. Ink!Dust doesn’t feel like a murderer, but is having fun. Exactly like a game.

Abilities and Powers

He barely can use his paintbrush since it was damaged. He can still use his Gaster Blaster, and bone attacks, but they’re far more powerful. While he was in the anti void, he found a giant pencil, which replaced his paintbrush, it could make things come to life, but Ink!Dust uses it to erase things and create copys of himself. He also took the Real Knife and now use it as a weapon. He still can go to different AUs, but doesn’t want to, unless he gets too lonely or wants LV.


Still being overcome with LV, Ink does has his flaws. Since he has a lot of LV. He can be easily trick, also if he is remembered about his past life, (as a guardian) he can start to glitch. Which lowers his HP. Also his mind is crack, because of having too much LV, causes him to lose most of his memories, but the ones he can never forget is his LAST fight, the people he killed and his «friends». Or at least he tries to.



To him. He calls refers to call him,»Usless», and «Weak» and «Friend». He is his first «real freind», but he only wants the Nightmare apples for him to transform, to be stronger. But he’s unaware of Nightmare!Sans, Dream’s brother and what happened when Nightmare ate too many nightmare apples.


Ink!Dust hated him, for his over hyper like personality, and his AU is worthless as much he is.

«Hmm? Swapy Sans? Ugh, please that idiot is worthless. Probably the worst one yet.»

~Ink!Dust is asked about Swap!Sans.


After Ink killed Error, he only wanted to get him back. But now Ink barley remembers Error, and when he does he can only mock him

«Error!Sans… Why should I care!? He’s the reason of this. Of me!!! Destroyers, hell if I care»


One of the many Sanses to die from Ink!Dust. They first met in Snowdin, not too far from the ruins exit. Ink!Dust immediately was disgusted, he then battled him, and sadly Fell lost and died from a stab in the back.


When he saw Frisk, he battle them. In the end Ink won, but spare them. Because he thinks they could be useful soon, but for what..who knows.


He was actually the first Sans to die to him and his AU too. Outer fought hard, but he couldn’t overcome his LV, and he unfortunately died a long and painful death, of his skull being crushed.


Chara doesn’t know much about Chara, but knows their some how relation to genocide, but he can’t figure out if they’re really are innocents or not. And a little on their past.


Aftertale!Sans or his nickname, Geno. Geno tried to help Ink!Dust, but ended up battling him. No matter what Geno could do, he couldn’t defeat him, or can Ink!Dust. Geno and Ink!Dust were in the save screen, and Geno can’t die if he’s in the save screen. Ink!Dust was forced to retreat and leave Geno, since he couldn’t kill him.

W.D Gaster

He is unaware of him.

Ink!Papyrus/ Ink!Dust Papyrus

He is Ink!Dust brother, and is killed by him. Also he usually «talks with him». But he isn’t real. Ink!Dust is just hallucinating (like Dust!Sans). Ink!Dust talks with Ink!Papyrus or Ink!Dust Papyrus when he feels too lonely.

(I don’t own the art here its made by this talented person and the second one is from This amazing person)

(And if you want please send me some fan art of Ink!Dust, well if you want, it really help this growing AU and thanks)

(Also I know Ink!Papyrus might not be cannon, so if he is he’s cannon, he is. If not, just think he’s a dead victim or something))

This article is an old canon of Error!Sans. You may be looking for Hobo!Error of Lucidia.

Error!Sans is an AU destroyer created by Tumblr user Lover of Piggies(also known as Crayon Queen or CQ for short) on Tumblr. In this AU, he is bent on destroying all AUs and things he considers ‘glitches’ or ‘mistakes’ in the multiverse.

He uses blue strings to tie up and shatter souls. If the strings go inside a victim, he will be able to transfer his soul into the victim, controlling them to do whatever he likes, leaving the victim helpless. He can jump from one universe to another, as well as having several other glitch powers/quirks.

This AU connects to many other AUs, so it’s best to get to know some other AUs before you jump into this one.


Geno did it. He was finally free from the Save-Screen, and he finally had gotten the ending he deserved. Yet during his time in the surface, he had began to play around with his DETERMINATION, despite Sans telling him to stop doing so. Finally, Geno had accidentally sent himself to an empty and endless place where time was non-existent. He quickly began to grow insane, the emptiness and the loneliness eating up at his sanity and his anger towards everything (and everyone he had helped) shaped him into who he is now, his memory was erased during the process as well.

Now, he considers his life’s mission to destroy anomalies, «Glitches» and AUs, seeing them as «mistakes».

Ironically, he does not view himself as an «anomaly». He likes to seek and destroy AU’s left and right, except for the ones he likes such as OuterTale and UnderNovela. How he does it is that he first keeps Frisk and Flowey under guard, so they are unable to reset (he imprisons them). Then, he proceeds to go on a killing spree.

Error was a glitched skeleton that was created in the Anti-Void. He is the result of an alternate Genocide Sans playing with his DETERMINATION and sending himself to the Anti-Void, where he turned into Error.

Error is somewhat demented and psychotic. He is determined to find all anomalies and «glitches» within various timelines and destroy them. His character is the one of confusion and somewhat hypocritical behavior since he himself is an anomaly, but sees himself as the cleanser of timelines instead. He has been stated to be a complete mystery due to his erratic and unpredictable behaviors he has. He keeps «puppets» of his other alternate versions of selves that he talks to calling the standard Sans, called «Sans Classic» and naming the others by numbers. Despite admitting he is an anomaly/glitch, he says he is different and that he is the only one doing something about it. He wants to hunt down CORE! Frisk and the Omega Timeline.

His real motives and behaviors are still a mystery.



Error is a Black skeleton who wears black slippers and wears a black coat with a blue hood. His legs are red and has red/yellow fingers. He wears Black sweatpants that has a vertical blue stripe on each leg. His teeth are a light yellowish color. The inside of his eyes are red as well as his nose. His right eye is a white pupil, while his left eye is blue with a thick yellow ring around it with a black pupil in the middle. there are blue markings on his face that assemble «tears». If Error blushes for any reason, like embarrassment, it is blue. (For Appearance for Lucida, See Error.)


In his AU, he is bent on destroying AUs which he considers ‘glitches’ or ‘mistakes’ in the multiverse. He is all black with a black hoodie, black pants with one blue stripe on each side, a red shirt, blue tear streaks down both his eye sockets, yellow teeth, black hands with red fingers and yellow tips. (he is sometimes portrayed to wear round red eyeglasses)


Error Blaster: He uses a type of Gaster Blaster called an Error Blaster, which are simply Gaster Blasters that are black in color and have blue tear-marks falling from their red eye sockets. Error’s Gaster blaster is bigger, faster, and stronger than Classic Sans’.

Blue Strings: He uses blue strings to tie up and shatter SOULS, if his strings go inside a victim, he can transfer his soul into the victim’s body, making his body vanish and the victim’s soul to vanish turning the victim into him. This makes him able to control the victim, while the victim is helpless. This is Error’s «main weapon» because Error feels more comfortable with the strings, as Error doesn’t have very good eyesight.

AU Jump: He can also jump into one universe to another along with other glitchy powers and quirks.


Physical Contact: Error has haphephobia (the fear of being touched) and is therefore very hesitant to get physically close to anyone.

His love for chocolate: He also likes chocolate [like Chara], which can be a down side. (If you think about it)

Glitching (Error.Exe has crashed): At random intervals, he can glitch up, filling his eye sockets with errors, giving him a major disadvantage if he’s in battle. If Error had no strings, he would be a very easy problem to fix.

Near-sighted: Error also cannot see things far away clearly, as he uses round, red glasses a few times in the comic to show this. The glasses are kept in the pockets of his hoodie. He also knows how to knit, sort of.

Water: He is also supposedly weak to water, but this isn’t canon.

Afraid of Fresh: He is always freaked out by Fresh. He can sometimes get distracted by «it».

His love for cute things: As shown in Underfail, he has love for cuteness, like Undercute. He wants to cuddle soft and fluffy creatures, despite his haphephobia. He refuses to destroy and erase cute things that shouldn’t deserve it.

Menger sponge: If two Error Sanses get too close to each other, they both merge each other, crumble, splitting into Menger sponges before obliteration, and causing an explosive reaction that may harm those close by.


(Keep in mind that not all of this information is considered canon.)

Classic Sans (Frenemies)

Classic Sans is just as bad as everyone else. However, Classic sans and Error CAN get along sometimes. Along with how Classic Sans one time did watch Undernovela from behind Error, and Error couldn’t have cared less. It’s pretty odd, but it’s chill. However, they sometimes do fight.

UnderSwap Sans (friend)

They get along, somehow. It’s unclear why Error gets along with Swap! Sans so well, but it’s probably because he’s the first «friend» Error has had in a long time. He sometimes gives him chocolate. After Error returned to the Anti!Void, he found out that Swap had turned into an Error.

CORE!Frisk (Enemies?)

Error! Sans saw CORE!Frisk one time rescuing a survivor of a genocide run in an AU, bringing the survivor to the Omega Timeline. He’s been hunting them and the Omega Timeline down ever since.

Fresh!Sans (one of Error’s fears)

Error! SansError is disgusted and scared by Fresh Sans. When they first met, Error blasted Fresh. Error is even more horrified by Fresh because Fresh often gets too close to him due to having Haphephobia (not yet even considering the fact that Fresh is a universe-wide-infecting parasite). Fresh is a very hard opponent because his soul lays in his left eye socket. He looks like a normal kid that wears lots of colors and the one who seems all happy but really Fresh can’t actually feel happy, sad, angry, jealous, fear, etc…

Geno!Sans (Past Error!Sans)

Error Sans doesn’t remember anything about his past life as Geno.

Fatal_Error (Creation)

Fatal_Error was created when error sans tried to kill Geno Sans. Error didn’t believe Geno that he couldn’t be killed in the SAVE screen but no this was not the case. Fatal!Error was extremely powerful. He can defeat any sans. He goes around looking for his lost papyrus because he will do anything to get back his papyrus. He was confirmed to be canonical to loverofpiggies’ original ask Error Sans series right here. Error sans would easily be defeated and only but only Sans/Inktale or X Gaster (maybe).

Ink!Sans (frenemies)

Ink and Error are portrayed by the fandom to be enemies as Ink Sans is the protector of the AU’s while Error is the destroyer of the AU’s. However, some people consider them to be friends, arch-enemies or even lovers. (some people «ship» them.) They are sometimes even portrayed as brothers.

In some AUs, Ink and Error actually came to an agreement; as long as Error won’t destroy any AUs, Ink won‘t help the creators create any AUs. In the video UnderVerse 2.0, Error tried to stop Ink’s blank side (which was kind of evil), but Error couldn’t stop him.

PaperJam (Accidental child)

PaperJam is considered Error and Ink’s accidental child. Once PaperJam first formed from the remains of Error’s scattered strings and Ink’s leftover piles of ink that were scattered about the multiverse, which took a process of about three years, PaperJam started to walk around to see where they ended up at. Eventually, he found the two at the end of a battle- where Ink’s body was scattered all over the place and Error was about to do one more strike… PaperJam screamed.

What else was he supposed to do? Error noticed him and felt an odd connection (which Ink did as well) and he really didn’t like how that felt within him. Error panicked and shouted at PaperJam, calling him a «mistake» and «an abomination that shouldn’t have existed» before disappearing. PaperJam was very hurt. When Ink was healed, he took care of PJ.

Error!Frisk (his student)

Before C.Q. revealed Error’s origins, people assumed he had come from a broken timeline. They assumed that after the first timeline was destroyed, Frisk had turned into Error!Frisk and had become Error’s student. Error!Sans is unaware that the human is «Frisk».

Error!Papyrus (Brother)

Error believes he is the only Error in the multiverse, but there is his brother who also turned out to be one that he does NOT know of. He refuses to discuss Papyrus. At all. However, it may say that he was hidden among the ‘in-between files’ of the multiverses.

Error!Papyrus is not exactly Error’s brother, since Error!Papyrus is from a different timeline.

Rumor has it that Error!Sans may NOT be alone, as there are many Error characters that live inside the Anti-Void, such as Error!Undyne.

Pandora (Enemy)

With Undercute is being destroyed by Pandora along with others, Error is now seeking vengeance for his favorite AU’s destruction.

Happytale (An AU he mostly destroyed)

Error mostly created a dark version of Undertale from the reset files called Happytale, which isn’t really happy at all. Error destroyed most of Happytale until Frisk/CORE used a file traveler to travel the files only able to be used once, and he completely forgot about Happytale until he remembered from another game reset. Now, Happytale is an unknown universe no one has heard of.

Error404 (Mentor)

404 sees Error as an apprentice and maybe a worthy successor to himself. 404 and Error’s relationship can vary from student and teacher to child and guardian and even to cruel and distrusting. The 2 have had almost spent enou

gh time with each-other to fill a tub. 404s expectations for Error are unimaginably High, going as far as giving him Impossible task so that one day Error can finally live and complete his goal of getting rid of Ink. These unimaginably high bars 404 sets for Error often lead to lots of arguing and fighting amoungst the two. They have nearly left each other on multiple occasions and only have ever come back together due to the fact they both have equal and goals and on the grounds of them in some sick way needing each other. 

Non-Canon Relationships

File:Annoying Dog.gif

This information is based on alternate scenes or materials, and is not considered canon within the overall plot of the AU.

All of this section here is fanon relationship. Seriously.


While Gaster is all around stronger than Error Sans, Error can beat Gaster in battle when at full power. However, Gaster claims that he is Error’s father.


In M.U.G.E.N, Error had seen another glitch that made him think he was supposed to be him.


After leaving a clone of SANESSS in the anti-void, Error found that the derpy meme had become an error, similar to the origin of Errorswap!Sans. Error got rid of Error!SANESSS as soon as possible, as he thought the same of him as Fresh. Eventually, Error!SANESSS keep coming back and shoot his Error Bone Gun at Error’s eye and blast him with Error!Tom Blaster.

Funny Valentine

Error found the president with the power of a Stand named «Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap» where Error cannot see like other non-Stand Users. He tried to remove the President’s SOUL before he escaped.


During the battle of Funny Valentine, the president summoned Error from another world to battle Error!Sans.

Painis Cupcake

Error stumbled across the AU called Overtime Freakshow, a TF2 Freak version of Overtime. He encounters a Soldier who seems to be called Painis Cupcake.

Mii Gunner dresses as Sans

Error Sans thought the Mii Gunner is Classic Sans. He had no idea what Smash Bros. is.


  • Error!Sans is near-sighted.
  • Error!Sans likes to crochet.
  • CrayonQueen/Loverofpiggies has gone on record stating that while Error has no canonical romantic relationships, she as a creator doesn’t object to any given ship.
  • Error!Sans has haphephobia (the fear of being touched).
  • Error!Sans also has pixlexia (A term coined by gamers, where the coding is messed up so all the controls are inverted. For example: Left is right, up is down, Etc.)
  • Error!Sans and Ink!Sans combined makes an accidental child named PaperJam or PJ.
  • Ink and Error have a rivalry going on to «defend/destroy all AU’s».
  • Error’s birthday is on April 4th as an «Error 404» joke.
  • The AskFriskAndCompany AU has a magic fence and an attack cat to protect itself from Error! Sans.
  • The Error characters do not come from the same Timeline as their timelines are (and still is) separated from Error Sans’ powers.
  • Error is an «anti-social man-baby,» as described by the creator themself.
  • There is an interpretation of Error called FGoD!Error (Forced God of Destruction) belonging to Wattpad user harrish6. If you want to know more about this interpretation of Error, read ‘Healing What Has Been Broken’ or ‘Falling Into A Different Destiny’.
  • Error’s origin was revealed on November 4th, 2018, since CrayonQueen didn’t want to continue to «Ask Error».
  • Error was originally AfterTale Sans which was confirmed by CrayonQueen on November 8th, 2018 that tells a certain plot points that would’ve happened or been confirmed in the AskErrorSans canon.
  • Error!Sans doesn’t get along with his mentor Error!404, but tolerates him.
  • He also appeared in the «Christmas Party AU» comic.
  • He has five blue tongues.


  • Error Sans sprite.png

    Error!Sans’ overworld sprite

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    Error sans battle

  • Tumblr p2tq31U1ac1wfk6w5o1 500.png

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  • Error Sans by Twisted Bones.png

  • Error in xtale.png

    error in xtale

  • X tale.jpg

    error discussing a truce while fresh shows off his cameos

  • Inks evil side.png

    Evil Ink Vs. Error

  • Error Sans eating chocolate by LoverOfPiggies.jpg

    Error Sans eating chocolate while Swap is horrified by Error’s tongue (photo by LoverOfPiggies/CrayonQueen)

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